Installing Employee Earnings History 1.5 Contents

Installing Employee Earnings History 1.5
Special Considerations
Gather Required Information
Files Included with this Release
Installing Employee Earnings History for the First Time
o Install Files on the Web Server
o Configure the HP3000
o Test the Installation
o Put Employee Earnings History into Production
Updating Employee Earnings History from a Previous Release
o Install Files on the Web Server
Additional Documentation
Contacting SBCTC-ITD for Assistance
Employee Earnings History allows your employees to view information about their earnings
history and leave balances using the World Wide Web. This document describes how to install
Employee Earnings History, release 1.5.
Special Considerations
Employee Earnings History is dependent on the following the SBCTC-ITD Web Transaction
Server being installed.
Gather Required Information
Before you begin this procedure, you must gather some information about your Web server.
During the installation, you may be asked to provide the following information:
Server Installation Type
The type of Web server that you are installing Employee Earnings History on.
Options include:
o An NT server located on your campus
o A Unix server located on your campus
o The aurora Web server located at SBCTC-ITD (
HTML File Extension
The type of HTML file extension you are using, either .htm or .html.
College Code
The college code for your institution, for example, 011.
Domain Name Server
The domain name of your Web server, for example,
Application URL
The URL to the directory where the Employee Earnings History HTML files are located,
for example,
Secure Server
Whether Employee Earnings History is being installed on a secure server (SSL). Options
include either Yes or No.
Rqserver Location
The URL and name of the Web Transaction Server CGI program. This program resides
in the CGI directory on your Web server, for example,
o For most Unix systems,
OR –
For NT most systems,
OR –
For most multi-district colleges and colleges using the aurora Web server (where nnn is
your college code),
Files Included with this Release
The following files are included with this release (files noted in bold have been changed since
Employee Earnings History, release 1.4):
File Name
Blank Screen
Open Employee Earnings History
These Installation Instructions
Installation Configuration Template
Employee Earnings History Login
List of Checks
Earnings, Deductions, and Contributions
Employee Name
Current Year-to-Date Balances
Previous Year-to-Date Balances
Leave Balances
Employee PIN Change
Installing Employee Earnings History for the First Time
If you are installing Employee Earnings History for the first time, you must:
Install the files on the Web server.
Configure the HP3000 to run Employee Earnings History.
Test the installation.
Put Employee Earnings History into production.
Install Files on the Web Server
This section walks you through the process of installing Employee Earnings History on your
campus's Web server for the first time. If you have already installed Employee Earnings History
release 1.4, skip this section and perform only the steps under Updating Employee Earnings
History from a Previous Release.
1. Download the InstallShield program for Employee Earnings History by clicking
EarningsHistory-1-5.exe; save the file on your PC.
2. On your PC using Windows Explorer, locate and open the downloaded file
When the InstallShield program starts, answer the questions about your college's Web
server. The InstallShield program expands the Employee Earnings History HTML and
CFG files and customizes them for your college.
3. On your Web server, build a new directory to store the Employee Earnings History files.
SBCTC-ITD recommends you name the directory /earnhist/. If you currently have the
Student Web Access application installed, the best position for the /earnhist/ directory is
at the same level as the directory containing that application.
Verify that the permissions on the directory are correct. At a minimum, it should allow
Read access for all viewers of the Employee Earnings History pages.
4. On your PC, locate the Employee Earnings History installation directory. The default
installation directory is C:/Program Files/CIS/Earnings History
5. Copy the files included with this release (except earnhist.cfg, install.html, and uninst.isu)
from the Employee Earnings History installation directory on your PC to the /earnhist/
directory on your Web server. You can use any software that allows you to copy files (for
example, Windows Explorer or FTP).
Copy the HTML files to the /earnhist/ directory as ASCII.
Verify that the permissions on the files are correct. At a minimum, they should allow
Read access for all viewers of the Employee Earnings History pages.
Configure the HP3000
This section walks you through the process of configuring the HP3000 for use with Employee
Earnings History.
1. Log on to your HP3000 using a login to the Pnnn account (where nnn is your college
code). To log on, you can use any terminal emulator, for example, Minisoft or Reflection.
2. Modify the Web Transaction Server Configuration file ZX0710S.DATA.
In the file ZX0710S.DATA, add or change the following configuration settings for
Employee Earnings History. You can use any text editor to modify this file, for example,
Edit/3000. To easily find these new settings later, you may want to group them with
similar configuration settings.
Add or change the following lines:
EnablePayHist 1
This parameter enables Employee Earnings History.
EnableEmpPinChg 1
This parameter enables the Employee PIN Change function.
This parameter identifies the URL for Employee Earnings History. Replace the
sample URL with the URL for your site.
TicketList I1,900;S1,900;E1,300
This parameter identifies the valid Ticket Types and time-out interval for each
If not already included in the TicketList, add Ticket Type E1,300 to this parameter
line. Do not delete or change any other Ticket Types.
3. On your HP3000, start the Web Transaction Server Job (ZX0700J). This will put into
effect your changes to the configuration file ZX0710S.DATA.
If the ZX0700J job is currently running, first stop it by scheduling the Web Transaction
Server Halt (ZX0730J) job. Then schedule ZX0700J to start again. You can schedule
both of these jobs with an Execution Time of I (immediate).
Test the Installation
This section provides information about testing the Employee Earnings History installation.
1. Check with your college's Business Office to see if they have set up the necessary
information for Employee Earning History. Setup Information can be found on the
SBCTC-ITD Web site, PPMS Employee Earnings History.
2. Using a Web browser, display the Employee Earnings History Login page;
for example, go to the URL
Put Employee Earnings History into Production
This section provides information about putting Employee Earnings History into production by
making it available to your employees.
Put the application into production by either distributing the URL to Employee Earnings to your
college employees
- OR by adding a link from one of your college's Web pages to the Employee Earnings History Login
page, waci400.html.
Updating Employee Earnings History from a Previous Release
To update the application to this release, you must install the files on the Web server.
Install Files on the Web Server
This section walks you through the process of updating Employee Earnings History for this
release. If you are installing Employee Earnings History for the first time, perform only the
steps under Installing Employee Earnings History for the First Time.
1. Download the InstallShield program for Employee Earnings History by clicking
EarningsHistory-1-5.exe; save the file on your PC.
2. On your PC using Windows Explorer, locate and open the downloaded file
When the InstallShield program starts, answer the questions about your college's Web
server. The InstallShield program expands the Employee Earnings History HTML and
CFG files and customizes them for your college.
3. On your PC, locate the Employee Earnings History installation directory. The default
installation directory is C:/Program Files/CIS/Earnings History
4. Copy the file waci404.html from the Employee Earnings History installation directory on
your PC to the /earnhist/ directory on your Web server. You can use any software that
allows you to copy files (for example, Windows Explorer or FTP).
Copy the HTML file to the /earnhist/ directory as ASCII.
Verify that the permissions on the file are correct. At a minimum, they should allow Read
access for all viewers of the Employee Earnings History pages.
Additional Documentation
For complete information about this application, see PPMS Employee Earnings History
For information about other SBCTC-ITD Web-enabled applications, see Web-Enabled
Contacting SBCTC-ITD for Assistance
If you have any questions or comments about Employee Earnings History, please contact
SBCTC-ITD Customer Support:
by phone at (425) 803-9721
by e-mail at