Employee Contracts Overview PPMS User Group May 29, 2009


Employee Contracts


PPMS User Group

May 29, 2009

Rita Lauzon


 Provides integration between SMS and


 Process starts in SMS

 Class information brought over to EC

 Contracts can be updated to EMP

 Assists with MIS reporting


 Produces contracts based on class info

 Calculates salary and percent of full time

 Builds default salary account

 Tracks changes in the course schedule file that may affect contracts

 Allows single or multiple courses per contract

Features (cont)

 Allows single or multiple contracts per employee

 Prints Personnel Action Forms for classes and special assignments

 Allows contract remarks

 Produces contracts for classes and special assignments

Features (cont)

 Automatic update to job screens

 Provides for tracking of contract status

 Provides a correction process

 Builds a skeleton record in employee database for new instructors

SMS Tables

 SM5019 – College Information

 SM5020 – College Quarter Information

 IS1007 – Administrative Unit Codes

 IS2002 – Advisor/Instructor

SM5019 – College Information

 Contains information on specific college

 Employee contracts extracts the following to print on contracts:

 College Code

 College Name

SM5020 – College Quarter


 Contains information on each year/quarter

 YRQ key to EC screens

 YRQ and Title used on EC reports

 Extracts First Day YRQ for begin date

 Extracts Last Day YRQ for end date

 Dates can be overridden in employee contracts

IS1007 – Administrative Unit Codes

 User-Defined Codes

 Administrative Unit and Title required

 Categorizes the courses for extracting and sorting

 Used on the PS9047

 Printed and used as selection criteria on


IS2002 – Advisor/Instructor

 User-Defined Codes

 Used to expedite entry of instructor information on SMS screens

 Can use in place of SSN as key to

Employee Contracts screens

 Prints on employee contract reports

Employee Contracts Tables

 PS9047 – Administrative Unit Budget


 PS9048 – Course Salary Factors Table

 PS9049 – Employment Status Option


PS9047 – Administrative Unit

Budget Table

 Identify default appropriation, program and organization indexes

 Default program and organization indexes can be overridden

 If Institutional Parameter 1259 = Y and entered on IS1001

 On PS4001

PS9048 – Course Salary Factors


 Identify:

 Pay scale and default placement

 Pay rate code of job

 Contract units for hourly job

 Salary and percent full time calculations

PS9049 – Employment Status

Option Table

 Identify:

 Number of classes on contracts

 Default job classification

 Default pay cycle

 Default subobject and sub-subobject

SMS Screens

 IS1001 – Course Schedule

 IS1002 – Class Schedule

 IS1015 – Alternate Room/Instructor

IS1001 – Course Schedule

 Used with IS1002

 Used to add, delete and/or maintain course schedule information

 Contains basic information for the course

IS1002 – Class Schedule

 Used with IS1001

 Used to add, delete and/or maintain class information

 Contains information specific to the YRQ

IS1015 – Alternate Room/Instructor

 Used for:

 Additional locations

 Additional instructors (team taught)

 EC accesses if team taught indicator is Y

 Salary calculated only from:



PS0024 – Faculty Placement


 Used to establish individual employee placement on pay scales

 Only need if placement differs from default on PS9048

Faculty Placement Screen PS0024

Employee XXX-XX-XXXX

Range 01 Step C

Pay Scale Range Table PS9015

Pay Scale MG

Range 01 Step C 586.00

Course Salary Calculation

Hours X Base X Pay

Mult Scale

(Lec) 40 X .1000 X 586.00 = 2344.00

(Lab) 20 X .0750 X 586.00 = 879.00


Course Schedule IS1001

Item Number 3480

QTR Contact Lec 40

QTR Contact Lab 20

Course Salary Factors Table PS9048

Salary Base Ind

QTR Contact Lec

QTR Contact Lab

Base Multiplier



Course Percent Full-Time Calculation

Hours / Base FTE = Decimal X 100 = Percent

(Lec) 40 / 1000.0000 = 0.040 X 100 = 4.0

(Lab) 20 / 1333.3333 = 0.015

X 100 = 1.5

0.055 X 100 = 5.5

Course Schedule IS1001

Item Number 3480

QTR Contact Lec 40

QTR Contact Lab 20

Course Salary Factors Table PS9048

Salary Base Ind

QTR Contact Lec

QTR Contact Lab

Base FTE



Default Account Determination

From PS9047

Administrative Unit

Budget Table

Based on

Course Administrative Unit

From PS9049

Employment Status

Option Table

Based on

Course Employment Status







Subobject Sub-


Course Schedule

Overrides PS9047

(If entered and

Institution Parameter 1259


PS4020J – Class Personnel Action


 Created using information from:

 Course Schedule File


 Can be used to obtain approval

 Can be used for input into employee contracts screens

 Multiple selection fields for batching

Employee Contracts Screens

 PS4001 – Contract Course Screen

 PS4002 – Contract Course Summary


 PS4003 – Contract Special Assignment


Employee Contracts Screens


 PS4004 – Contract Remarks Screen

 PS4005 – Contract Payment Screen

 PS4006 – Contract Summary Screen

 PS4007 – Contract Status Screen

PS4001 – Contract Course Screen

Used to enter contract information in preparation for creating contracts

As classes are added, class schedule is flagged as approved and future changes will be logged

Unprotected fields are calculated, but can be changed

If employee does not exist in PPMS, a skeleton record will be built

PS4002 – Contract Course

Summary Screen

 Inquiry Only

 Displays all classes for an instructor for


 Displays the salary and contract number for each class

PS4003 – Contract Special

Assignment Screen

 Used to enter special assignment information

 Used for:

 Producing Personnel Action Forms

 Entering approvals

 Printing contracts

 If employee does not exist in PPMS, a skeleton record will be built

PS4004 – Contract Remarks


 Used to enter and print remarks on contracts

 Remarks for contracts will print below classes

 Remarks for special assignments will print below associated special assignment and on all reports

PS4005 – Contract Payment


 View only

 Used to review payment information

 Pay period salaries are for information only

 They will be recalculated when updated to job screens

PS4006 – Contract Summary


 Inquiry only

 Displays all contracts for an instructor for


 Provides job data that updates to

Employee Maintenance Screens

PS4007 – Contract Status Screen

 Used to:

 Review and update contract information

 Change contract dates

 Change pay cycle or job class

 Update contract status

 Blank out payroll update date

 Lower portion displays only on inquiry



 Extracts and prints contracts

 Multiple formats for course information

 Two files for legal verbiage merges

 Two additional message blocks

 Optional payment information printing

 Reprint capability

PS4040J – Update Contracts to

Job Screen

 Updates contracts to job screens

 Multiple scheduling options for update

 Shows results on report

 Includes an exception report

 Sets job status to inactive

