Financial Aid System Disbursement of Financial Aid to International Students ©SBCTC-ITD 3101 Northup Way, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98004-1449 Phone 425.803.9700 Printing History September 2002 August 08, 2011 October 25, 2012 Table of Contents 1 Overview ..................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Why International Students Can Use an SID in FAM .................................................. 2 How Disbursement to International Students Works ................................................. 2 Programs Accommodating Aid Disbursement to International Students ................ 3 Set-Up Checklists ........................................................................................................... 4 Set-Up Requirements for FAM ......................................................................................... 4 Set-Up Requirements for SMS ......................................................................................... 4 Set-Up Requirements for FMS ......................................................................................... 4 2 FAM Set Up and Processing ...................................................... 5 2.1 Setting Up FAM ............................................................................................................... 6 Adding Fee Pay Status Codes to FAM CIS/WCC Processing Table ............................... 6 Adding a Race Code to the FAM IDE Race Validation Table……………………………….7 Adding an Award Code on the FAM Award Code Create page…………….………………7 Adding an Award Sub-Code on the FAM Award Sub Code Master Create page………..8 2.2 Processing International Student Aid in FAM ............................................................. 9 Adding a Record with an SID to FAM............................................................................... 9 Completing the International Aid Disbursement Process ............................................... 10 Converting SIDs for International Students Who Already Have SSNsError! Bookmark not defined. 3 SMS Set Up Review .................................................................. 12 3.1 Identifying Fee Pay Status Codes ............................................................................... 12 3.2 Viewing Fee Pay Status Codes ................................................................................... 13 4 FMS Set Up and Processing .................................................... 14 4.1 Setting Up FMS Data .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2 Processing International Student Aid in FMS ........................................................... 15 Entering General Accounting Transactions .................................................................... 15 Generating Manual Financial Aid Checks ...................................................................... 16 Appendix A – Glossary of Terms .................................................. 17 Award Disbursement Indicator ....................................................................................... 17 Award Package Indicator ............................................................................................... 17 Appendix B – Fee Pay Status Codes ............................................ 18 Center for Information Services –i– October 2012 Center for Information Services –ii– October 2012 1 Overview The disbursement of financial aid is processed differently for international students than for other students. This process interfaces with three application systems: • Financial Aid System (FAS) • Student Management System (SMS) • Financial Management System (FMS) There are specific set-up tasks that must be completed or reviewed in FAS, FMS, and SMS. Once all the required set-up tasks have been completed, the disbursement of aid to international students is processed using FAS and FMS. While financial aid staff will usually coordinate the disbursement process, it will typically require the cooperation among financial aid, business office, and student services staff. SBCTC-ITD –1– October 2012 1.1 Why International Students Can Use an SID in FAM Because of the way that aid disbursement to international students is handled, the Financial Aid Systems Technology (FAST) team and SBCTC-ITD staff decided that international students will be allowed to use the Student Identification (SID) number from the Student Management System (SMS) rather than a Social Security number (SSN). This change is restricted to international students only. It allows colleges to disburse aid to those international students who do not have a Social Security number; however, it does not relieve colleges of the requirement to gather SSNs for scholarships and other non-government aid programs. If you have an international student who already has a Social Security number in the system, the process described in this document does not apply. This decision was made because the open use of an SID in FA leaves a college at risk for over-awarding students. Since a student’s record in FAM with an SID will not be matched up if the student applies for financial aid using the FAFSA, it would be highly possible for the college to disburse non-need-based aid to a student. The student could then apply later for and receive need-based aid without the college realizing that it is the same student. This would require a college to manually identify these students in order to properly monitor college resources. 1.2 How Disbursement to International Students Works Disbursing financial aid to international students requires adding or updating information in three application systems: FAS, SMS, and FMS. Staff in each of these areas must update tables and student records with specific information in order for the process to work. To complete the set-up tasks in each application system, refer to the Set-Up Checklists in Section 1.4. Once the application systems are updated with the required data, Financial Aid staff (usually) will run the programs that process the actual disbursements. FMS staff may be involved to enter general accounting transactions, calculate manual checks, and reconcile expenditures. SBCTC-ITD –2– October 2012 1.3 Programs Accommodating Aid Disbursement to International Students Only those programs that directly contribute to disbursing and reconciling aid to international students have been modified by SBCTC-ITD to support this process: • SMS Registration screen (SM700A) • Automatic Check Calculation (AG906R) • Automatic Application of Financial Aid (FG095R) • FMS Cashiering module • Financial Aid Check Request (BM3005) (produces manual checks) • General Accounting Transfers (GA1103) • Award Disbursement Reconciliation/Updates (AG941A and AG942A) • Annual Award Disbursement Report (SM9420J) • Quarterly Award Disbursement Report (SM9421J) • Financial Aid Expenditure Report (SM9425J) SBCTC-ITD –3– October 2012 1.4 Set-Up Checklists Use the following checklists as guides to the data that needs to be updated or checked in FAS, SMS, and FMS for the disbursement of financial aid to international students. Set-Up Requirements for FAM Define fee pay status codes for international students in the CIS/WCC Processing Table. Value: INTLFEEPAY Description: xx xx or xx,xx (Where xx is the Fee Pay status set up for International students on SM5012 the Fee Paying Status Codes Table on the HP-UX) Add race code 7 (international students) to the Validation Table. Doing this will avoid unnecessary edits when you attempt to save a Student Tab record in FAM. Table Name: IDE_RACE Value: 7 Short Description: INTL STD Long Description: INTERNATIONAL STUDENT Define award codes or sub codes: Option 1 – Define an international student award code for each program on the Award Code Create page in FAM. Option 2 – Define an international student award sub code for each program on the Award Sub Code Master Create page in FAM. For each international student receiving aid, you must create a Student Tab keyed by the Student Identification number (SID) assigned to the student in SMS. Set-Up Requirements for SMS Since the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) maintains fee pay status codes, verify that the fee pay status code designated for international students is already in place. Set-Up Requirements for FMS On the Financial Aid Program Code Table (BM1002), add a FAPC (with a leading zero) for each award or a numeric sub code defined in FAM. Ensure each FAPC intended for international student disbursement has an Award Package Indicator (API) of J (international students only) in the Financial Aid Program Code Table (BM1002). SBCTC-ITD –4– October 2012 2 FAM Set Up and Processing This chapter describes the set-up functions that must occur in the Financial Aid System (FAS) software (called FAM) for the disbursement of international student aid; these include: • Adding fee pay status codes to the CIS/WCC Processing Table • Adding a race code to the IDE_RACE Validation Table • Adding an award code for international student aid • Adding an award sub code for international student aid This chapter also describes the processing functions that occur in FAM to complete the actual disbursement of aid to international students. It includes information about adding a student with an SID to FAM and converting SIDs for those international students who already have SSNs. The functions described in this chapter are usually the responsibility of Financial Aid Office staff. SBCTC-ITD –5– October 2012 2.1 Setting Up FAM This section describes the required set-up functions in FAM for processing the disbursement of international student aid. Adding Fee Pay Status Codes to the CIS/WCC Processing Table Fee pay status codes are created by the SBCTC to categorize a student, an enrollment, or a class for tuition and fee paying services. A secondary purpose of fee pay status codes is to include or exclude a student or enrollment from MIS reporting. There is a set of fee pay status codes for credit-based colleges and another for technical colleges. Navigate to the CIS/WCC Processing Table to add the International Students Fee Pay Status. Value: INTLFEEPAY (Fee Pay Statuses must be separated by a space or a comma) Credit Colleges Description: 35 38 Credit Colleges still using the Technical College Fee Pay Status Codes Description: A2 A3 The Description 35 38 or A2 A3 are the two Fee Pay Status Codes used for International Students. These codes are set up on the SM5012 the Fee Pay Status Codes screen. SBCTC-ITD –6– October 2012 Adding a Race Code to the Validation Table Each student with a biographic record in SMS is coded with an ethnic origin. The codes for ethnic origin are defined by the SBCTC and stored in the Table 3 (TBL3) database. The valid values for ethnic origin codes are listed below. Since the majority of financial aid recipients traditionally have not been international students, it is possible that the ethnic origin code 7 (international student) has not been added to the IDE_RACE Validation Table. If not, you will need to add this value to the IDE_RACE Validation Table to prevent an edit message on the Student Tab Ethnic Origin Code 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 Title Other/Unknown Asian/Pacific Islander Black American Indian/Alaskan Native Hispanic White International Student Adding an Award Code You have the option of choosing to award international student aid using an award code or an award sub-code. If you choose to use a specific award code for disbursing aid to international students, you will need to create that award code in the Award Code Create page. The format of an award code can be numeric or alphanumeric. Navigate to Application Setup New Year Awards Click the Insert icon on the Award Code Search page to display the Award Code Create page where you will enter the data needed for the new International award code/s. When an award code is converted to a financial aid program code (FAPC) on the Financial Aid Program Code Table (BM1002), a leading zero is added; for example, I2 becomes 0I2. SBCTC-ITD –7– October 2012 Adding an Award Sub-Code If you choose to use a sub code for disbursing aid to international students, you will need to create that sub code in the Award Sub Code Master Create page. The format for a sub code must be all numeric. When adding a FAPC to the Financial Aid Program Code Table (BM1002), be sure it matches the sub code used in FAM. In order to use an award sub code, a two-digit award code must already exist on the award screen; however, the award code is merely a “place-holder” and does not actually control the disbursement of aid in FMS. The two-digit award code does not require an API of J (international students only) when using an award sub code. Navigate to Application Setup New Year Award Sub Codes 1. Click the Insert icon on the Award Sub Code Search page to display the Award Sub Code Master Create page. 2. In the Award Sub Code field, type the FAPC to be added 3. In the Agency Name field, type a title for the sub code. When setting up a new Award Sub Code there are 4 fields that require data to be entered. Sex Need Based Marital Status Enrollment Code These fields do not actually have any effect on the Award Sub Code and you'll never have to address this again for this Sub Code so your answers don’t really matter as long as data is entered. Some colleges prefer to maintain an electronic record of scholarship donor information in case of future refunds to that donor of unused funds. SBCTC-ITD –8– October 2012 2.2 Processing International Student Aid in FAM Once all the set-up tasks are completed, including those required for SMS (Section 3) and FMS (Section 4) perform the following tasks: • Add records with SIDs to FAM • Complete the international aid disbursement process • Convert SIDs for international students who already have SSNs Adding a Record with an SID in FAM Use the Add New Student function in FAM to create a Student Tab record for international students. Enter the student’s SMS SID into the Student ID field and leave the SSN field blank. When you add records manually in FAM note the following: • It is not uncommon for biographic information for international students to have address information from their countries of origin. Since only United States addresses have state identifiers, type a dummy entry of UN (unknown) or FC (foreign country) in the State field on the Student Tab to meet the requirement that it not be left blank. To do this you must first set up the FC or UN as valid State code values. State codes are set up on the IDE_STATE Validation Table. Click the insert icon to add either FC or UN as valid state codes for use on the Student Tab. Job SM9108J Finaid Biographic Update From SMS was not modified to update students in FAM using an SID. This job requires students to be in the SSN/SID crosswalk. Note: Below is the error message you will received from job SM9108J for International Students. SMITH, JOHN 999-99-9999 1 PO Box 555 NR - Seattle WA 98123 NO UPDATE - STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BIOGRAGHIC DATA DOES NOT EXIST SBCTC-ITD –9– October 2012 Completing the International Aid Disbursement Process To complete the process of disbursing financial aid to international students, use the following steps: 1. Verify fee pay status codes on the SMS Admissions screen (SM2001). 2. Add award codes for international student disbursement to the Award Tab. 3. Pay open charges in Customer Accounts either through Cashiering or by running job group Auto-Application of Financial Aid (FG095R) 4. There are two options for calculating checks. Option 1: Run job group AG906R Finaid Check Calculation Option 2: Manually calculate a check through the Financial Aid Check Request screen (BM3005). For either option to work you must have the Award Package Indicator (API) on BM1002 the Financial Aid Program Code Table set to “ J “ for all FAPC codes used for international students. 5. Reconcile expenditures using one or more of the following jobs and job groups: • Award Disbursement Reconciliation (AG941A) • Annual Award Disbursements Report (SM9420J) • Quarterly Award Disbursements Report (SM9421J) • Financial Aid Expenditures Report SBCTC-ITD (SM9425J) –10– October 2012 Converting SIDs for International Students Who Already Have SSNs Although this process is intended only for disbursing aid to international students who do not have a Social Security number, there are those rare cases in which an international student has immigrated, obtained a Social Security number, and applied for federal aid. In such a circumstance, you will need to convert the international student’s record to a standard aid recipient’s record. You can convert the student’s record in FAM by using the Student Delete/Change Process located under the Student Menu. Select the Student Change option on the Student Delete/Change Process page. This function allows you to converts the student’s record from SID to SSN (the key to student records in FAM). There is one downfall in converting a student record in FAM: All expenditure records in the Financial Aid Expenditure (FAEXP) database will still be keyed by the SID used at the time of the transaction. If the conversion happens mid-year, you will likely want your Business Office to execute general accounting transactions (GAT entries) to back out the expenditures under the SID and re-generate those expenditures under the student’s newly acquired SSN. This will ensure a clean reconciliation and help to track a student’s resources accurately to avoid any possible over-award. Once a student’s record has been converted to use a SSN in FAM, the SSN must be added to the cross-walk data set in SMS in order for the interface to work for that student. SBCTC-ITD –11– October 2012 3 SMS Set Up Review Since the definition for fee pay statuses originates with the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC), this information should already be in place at all colleges. Sample screens are provided in order to show where the data can be viewed in SMS. The information described in this chapter is usually associated with Student Services staff. 3.1 Identifying Fee Pay Status Codes Fee pay status codes are created and maintained by the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC). The main purpose of a fee pay status is to categorize a student, an enrollment, or a class for tuition and fee paying services. A secondary purpose of fee pay statuses is to include or exclude a student or enrollment from MIS reporting. There is a set of fee pay status codes for credit-based colleges and another for technical colleges. Fee pay statuses are defined in the Table 3 (TBL3) database. You can obtain a complete list of all fee pay status codes by creating a simple DataExpress procedure using the data set FEE-PAY-STAT-M in the TBL3 database. For this disbursement process, only those fee pay statuses that relate to international students apply. See Appendix B for a list of all current fee pay statuses. International Student Fee Pay Statuses (Credit-Based Colleges) Fee Pay Stat Fee Pay Residency Status Code Fee Pay Status Title Type Requirement 35 Intrnl Contract Stu B (none) 38 Interntnl Exchange B 2 International Student Fee Pay Statuses (Technical Colleges) Fee Pay Stat Fee Pay Residency Status Code Fee Pay Status Title Type Requirement A2 I20 VISA STDTS - RPT S (none) A3 SBCTC-ITD I20 VISA STDTS - NON S –12– (none) October 2012 3.2 Viewing Fee Pay Status Codes A student’s fee pay status is located in two places – in the biographic record and quarterly record; however, the programs that support international student aid disbursement only use the fee pay status stored in a student’s biographic record. You can view the fee pay status for a student’s biographical record on the SMS Admissions screen (SM2001). Sample Admissions Screen, Biographical Record (SM2001) Fee pay status 35 controls disbursement. The fee pay status on a student’s quarterly record does not impact disbursement for international students. You can view quarterly records on either the Registration screen (SM700A) or the Student Quarterly Data screen (SM5017). Sample Registration Screen, Quarterly Record (SM700A) Fee pay status 35 does not control disbursement Sample Student Quarterly Data Screen (SM5017) Fee pay status 35 does not control disbursement. SBCTC-ITD –13– October 2012 4 FMS Set Up and Processing This chapter describes the set up that must occur in the Financial Management System (FMS) for the disbursement of aid to international students – updating the Financial Aid Program Code Table (BM1002). It also describes the functions related to the actual disbursement of aid to international students that must be completed in FMS. These include entering general accounting transactions and generating manual checks. The functions described in this chapter are usually the responsibility of Business Office staff. 4.1 Setting up FMS Data When creating a Financial Aid Program Code (FAPC) for international student disbursement using the Financial Aid Program Code Table (BM1002), you must set the Award Package Indicator (API) to J (international students only). The API of J applies only to students who have been coded in SMS as international students and who are using an SID in FAM for the disbursement of aid. Students using a Social Security number in the SMS cross-walk data set and as their key identifier in FAM should not have a FAPC with an API of J. Sample Financial Aid Program Code Table Screen (BM1002) BM1002-004 FINANCIAL AID FAPC FAPC ACRONYM [INTWK] APPR INDX [846] AWARD PKG IND [J] FEE CLASS EXCLUSION [ ] PROGRAM [076] COL FAPC TITLE [INTL STU WKSTY] PRG INDX [271] ORG INDX [G112] ] [ ] [ [160] ] [ FYR 11-12 REVISION DATE [110904] REIM SOBJ SSOBJ CD [NZ] [ ] [ ] DEBT TYPE [98] AWARD DISBURSEMENT IND [4] [ CODE TABLE SRC REV SSRC [ ] [ ] CUST ID [ REV IND [ ] FEE CLASSES ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] PRORATE IND [N] ] [ ] [ ] For a complete list of valid values and functions for the API, refer to Appendix A. SBCTC-ITD –14– October 2012 4.2 Processing International Student Aid in FMS To process the disbursement of financial aid to international students, complete the following tasks in the Financial Management System. Entering General Accounting Transactions The General Accounting Transaction (GAT) screens GA1103 and GA1104 now accept an SID (the ID NUM field on GA1104) that does not have a corresponding SSN in the SMS cross-walk data set for international students, so long as the FAPC used has an API of J (international students only). Be aware that if an SSN exists in the cross-walk data set for a student with an API of J, FMS by default performs all FAM edits using the SSN in the cross-walk. As a result FMS will be unable to locate awards for these students. If you have a student who now must legitimately use an SSN, refer to Chapter 2, the section “Converting SIDs for International Students Who Already Have SSNs.” Sample General Accounting Batch Header Screen (GA1103) GA1103-002 GENERAL ACCOUNTING BATCH HEADER SCREEN BATCH IDENTIFIER [05] BATCH DATE [110904] SUB-BATCH [01] BATCH ENTRY DATE [110904] BATCH POSTING PERIOD [1109] BATCH COUNT BATCH AMOUNT [ BATCH RELEASE [N] BANK ACCT CD [ ] FISCAL MONTH ENTERED [ ] ] BATCH POST IND [1] [ ] COMPUTED [ ] ] [ BATCH REVERSE [ ] POOLED CASH STATUS [ ] FYR=11-12 BATCH STATUS [O] NUMBER FATAL ERROR [ ] PRINT STATUS [ ] Sample General Accounting Transactions Screen (GA1104) GA1104-004 GENERAL ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONS SCREEN BATCH ID [05] REC NUM BATCH DATE [110904] TRNS APPR PRG ORG SUB CD RVRS INDX INDX INDX OBJ SSOBJ 004 846 271 TRNS DESC DOC NUM ID NUM MISC DATA SUBBATCH [01] SRC SUB REIM REV SRC CD G112 NZ [JOHN SMITH [7894564111] REF DOC [ [999999999] ID TYP [S] [ [ FYR=11-12 SUBSID ACCT TRANSACTION AMOUNT M112 24.13 ] ] YRQ [B121] BANK ACCT [ ] ] ] For a basic definitions of account structures, see FMS web pages on the SBCTC Web Site, FMS Account Structure at SBCTC-ITD –15– October 2012 Generating Manual Financial Aid Checks Use the Financial Aid Check Request screen (BM3005) to general checks manually. This process now accepts an SID that does not have a corresponding SSN in the SMS cross-walk data set for international students, so long as the FAPC used has an API of J (international students only). Checks generated for international students using BM3005 will have the SID, rather than the SSN, printed on the actual check stub. Be aware that if an SSN exists in the cross-walk for a student with an API of J, FMS by default performs all FAM edits using the SSN in the cross-walk. As a result FMS will be unable to locate awards for these students. If you have a student who now must legitimately use an SSN, refer to Chapter 2, the section “Converting SIDs for International Students Who Already Have SSNs.” Sample Financial Aid Check Request Screen (BM3005) BM3005-005 FINANCIAL AID CHECK REQUEST SCHEDULED PAYMENT DATE [11904] YEAR/QUARTER [B121] BATCH POST PERIOD [1109] COLLEGE [160] INVOICE ID NUMBER NUMBER NAME [ ] [999999999] [JOHN SMITH SBCTC-ITD DOCUMENT SEPR NUMBER FAPC CHK ] [7894561154] [112] [ ] AMOUNT [127.55 ] –16– October 2012 Appendix A – Glossary of Terms Award Disbursement Indicator The Award Disbursement Indicator (ADI) is a one-character code identifying the type of disbursement allowed for the Financial Aid Program Code (FAPC). The ADI is maintained in the Financial Aid Program Code Table (BM1002) in the Financial Management System (FMS). Valid values are: 1 Charge or check 2 Charge only (either in cashiering or auto-app) 3 Check only (either manual using BM3005 or through Check Calculation) 4 Payroll expense only 5 Disbursement is not allowed 6 Bill to third party 7 Transferable waiver (can be used as a method of payment in cashiering, BM1600. Accounting transactions are generated and expenditure is posted to FAEXP with the applicable API) 8 Nontransferable waiver (used by fee calculation process, no accounting generated) Award Package Indicator The Award Package Indicator (API) is a one-character code indicating whether an award is required for the Financial Aid Program Code (FAPC) and whether the expenditure must be posted to the Financial Aid Expenditure (FAEXP) database. The API is maintained in the Financial Aid Program Code Table (BM1002) in the Financial Management System (FMS). Y An award is required in FAM; update FAEXP N An award is not required in FAM; update FAEXP X An award is not required in FAM; does not update FAEXP J For international students only: Student must be coded with an International Student Fee Pay Status; award is required in FAM; update FAEXP SBCTC-ITD –17– October 2012 Appendix B – Fee Pay Status Codes The following table includes a complete list of all current fee pay status codes as defined by the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) as of the publication of this document. The SBCTC can add or change codes at any time. This list is provided for reference only. Fee Pay Status Codes for Credit-Based Colleges Fee Pay Status Code 01 Fee Pay Status Title Resident Fee Pay Type B Residency Status Requirement 1 02 Non-Resident B 2 03 Need Based (3%) B 04 Chld Of Police/Fire B 05 Children Of Pow/Mia B 1 06 Oregon Reciprocity B 2 07 Idaho Reciprocity B 2 08 Seasian Vet B 1 09 MilitaryPersonnel B 2 10 Sen Citizen (Audit) B 1 11 Coll Emp (Spc Avail) B 12 Hi Schl Compl B 13 Concurrent Enrollmnt B 14 Ged Prep B 15 Non-Res Over 18 Cr B 2 16 Resident Over 18 Cr B 1 17 Over 18 Cr Ex;N-Res B 2 18 Over 18 Cr Exemp Res B 19 Wave Recipients B 20 Non-Res Hi Schl Wvr B 2 21 Unemployed Tuit Waiv B 1 22 Undremploy Tuit Waiv B 1 23 Refugee-Res Fee Pay B 2 24 Public Hi Ed Employe B 2 25 Native Amer Nres Wvr B 26 Or/Id Res 6 Cr Or Ls B 27 Excellence In Educ B SBCTC-ITD –18– 2 October 2012 Fee Pay Status Code 28 Fee Pay Status Title Wa Nat’l Grd Sp Avai Fee Pay Type B 29 Nonres Oper Fee Wvr S 30 County Border Proj S 31 Nres Oper Fee Wvr-2 S 33 Undetermined B 34 Not Paid B 35 Intrnl Contract Stu B 36 Wash. Hi Schl Grads B 2 37 Deaf Students B 2 38 Interntnl Exchange B 2 39 B.C. Reciprocity B 2 40 Washington Scholars B 42 I-BEST C 43 Cust Job Training C 44 Evening Non-Resident B 2 45 Evening Resident B 1 46 I-BESTNon-State Fnd C 47 Off Campus Supl Fee C 48 Off-Campus Resident B 49 RS-Fee Wvr B 51 Classified St Emp B 52 Congressnl Dependnts B 53 Wsu Branch Employees B 54 Running Start B 55 Alternative High Sch S 56 Sen Citizen (Credit) C 1 57 Persian Gulf S 1 58 Dislocated Wkrs,Res S 1 59 Dislocated Wkrs,N-Res S 2 60 State Pet Program C 61 Local Pre Emp Cont C 62 College In High Schl B 63 Athletic Waiver-Res S 64 Athletic Wav Nonres B SBCTC-ITD –19– Residency Status Requirement 3 1 2 1 October 2012 Fee Pay Status Code 65 Fee Pay Status Title Res Baccalaureat Fee Pay Type C Residency Status Requirement 1 66 Nonres Baccalaureate B 2 67 Intl Baccalaureate S 2 68 Athlete Wvr/Nr Wvr S 2 70 Elig Vet/Nat Guard B 71 Other Veterans S 72 Fallen Vet Sps/Chld B 79 Summer Self Support C 80 Non-Tuition Class B 85 Disaster Relief S 89 Excess Enrollment C 90 Adv Jrnypers Upgrade B 91 Apprenticeship B 92 Basic Skillsl B 93 EMT B 94 Indistrial First Aid B 95 Parent Ed/Fam Life B 96 Famr/Small Bus. Mgt. B 97 Retirement B 98 Community Service B 99 Non-Tuition Class B Fee Pay Status Codes for Technical Colleges Fee Pay Status Code A0 Fee Pay Status Title Dental Hygiene Fee Pay Type B A1 Voc Prep Hourly B A2 I20 VISA STDTS - RPT S A3 I20 VISA STDTS - NON S A4 VOC Supp/Continuing Education B A5 GED Prep C A6 Adult Basic Education C A7 English as a Second Language C A8 Home & Family Life C SBCTC-ITD –20– Residency Status Requirement (N/A) October 2012 Fee Pay Status Code A9 Fee Pay Status Title First Aid Fee Pay Type C B1 Parent Co-Op C B2 Adult Education B B3 Community Service C B4 Adult High School B B5 High School Completion B B6 T.C. Running Start B B7 C.P. Elective High School B B8 L.W. Otteson High School B B9 Renton SD High School B C1 Senior Citizen - Prep S C2 Senior Citizen - Supp B C3 Senior Citizen - Comm S C4 Enrichment Training C C5 Cross Training WVR-WPP C C6 Cross Training WVR-LIFE C C7 Cross Training WVR-First Aid C C8 Cross Training WVR-Adult C C9 Skill Building WVR-Supp B D1 Skill Building WVR-LIFE B D2 Skill Building WVR-First Aid B D3 Skill Building WVR-Adult B D4 T.C. Employee Waiver S D5 Timber Workers - Prep B D6 Timber Workers- Supp B D7 Apprentice - Annual B D8 Apprentice – Qtr/Hrly B D9 Apprentice - Qtrly B E1 T.C. Wave Recipients S E2 Bates Technical High School B E3 Business Management Training B E4 Other Supp/Continuing Education B E5 CPR (Course) B E6 AIDS (Hourly) B SBCTC-ITD –21– Residency Status Requirement (N/A) October 2012 Fee Pay Status Code E7 Fee Pay Status Title AID (Course) Fee Pay Type B E8 Summer Otteson High School B E9 Bus Contracts (Hourly) B F1 Bus Contracts (Course) B F2 Communication Service (Course) B F3 Computer Appl (Course) B F4 Bates Voc Support B F5 Tech College Nursing B F6 VC Voc Cont Ed C F7 BTC Canadian Stu VC Virtual Campus B WZ Weatherization C ZZ Non Tuition B SBCTC-ITD –22– Residency Status Requirement (N/A) October 2012