Viewing and Correcting ISIR Data in FAM Financial Aid System

Financial Aid System
Viewing and Correcting
ISIR Data in FAM
3101 Northup Way, Suite 100
Bellevue WA 98004-1449
Phone 425.803.9700
Printing History
October 2008
August 9, 2011
September 22, 2011
May 11, 2012
September 2014
Table of Contents
1 Overview..................................................................................... 1
2 Viewing and Comparing ISIR Data in FAM............................... 3
2.1 Viewing ISIR Data in FAM ............................................................................................... 4
2.2 Comparing multiple ISIRs within the same Award Year ............................................. 6
3 Correcting ISIR Data in FAM ..................................................... 8
3.1 Making Corrections to Student ISIRs............................................................................ 9
To make corrections to a student’s ISIR ........................................................................... 9
3.2 Using the ISIR Verification Worksheet ........................................................................ 11
3.3 Generating a Correction File for CPS ......................................................................... 13
To create a new ISIR file for transmission to CPS .......................................................... 14
To Re-create an ISIR file for transmission to CPS.......................................................... 16
4 Updating Financial Aid and Tracking Tab with In-House
Corrections .................................................................................... 19
4.1 Updating Financial Aid and Tracking Tab with In-House Corrections ..................... 20
4.2 Updating Frozen Financial Aid and Tracking Tab Records ..................................... 22
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1 Overview
This document describes the following.
How to view student ISIR data in FAM
How to compare multiple ISIRs within the same award year
How to make corrections to ISIR data
How to verify corrections
How to generate a correction file for transmittal to the Central Processing System
How to update the Financial Aid and Tracking Tabs with in-house corrections
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2 Viewing and Comparing ISIR Data
in FAM
This section describes how to view and compare student ISIR data already uploaded into
Viewing ISIR Data in FAM
Comparing multiple ISIRs within the same Award Year
September 2014
2.1 Viewing ISIR Data in FAM
ISIR Processing Summary (Program: NED001)
Navigation: ISIR tab  Click the Print icon
to view the ISIR data.
Complete the following steps to view a student’s ISIR:
1. Enter the student’s SSN in the Student ID field then click the Find button.
2. Click the ISIR tab to display the ISIR Processing Summary page. On this page you
will see the Student ID, Student Name, and SSN. Also displayed on this page are
ISIRs for different award years with the most current award year listed at the top,
along with any eFAFSA data that was stored in FAM. Within each Award Year
table you will see the Pell ID, EFC, Dependency Status, Reject Codes, Verification
Flag, Date Submitted along with three icons. There is an Edit icon , Verification
Tool icon
, and Print ISIR icon . In the case where there are more than one
ISIR for an Award Year there will also be a Compare ISIRs button at the upper right
corner of the Award Year table.
3. Click the Print ISIR icon
in the applicable Award Year table for the ISIR
transaction you want to view. This will display the ISIR data on the Print ISIR page.
The Print ISIR page provides a display-only view of all values for the selected ISIR
transaction for this student. In addition to the ISIR values, this page also displays the
Student ID and Student Name along with a Cancel button which will return you to the
ISIR Processing Summary page.
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The two columns found on this page are the Field Name and ISIR value.
4. Click the Cancel button to return to the ISIR Processing Summary page.
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2.2 Comparing multiple ISIRs within the same
Award Year
ISIR Processing Summary (Program: NED001)
Navigation: ISIR tab  Check two ISIRs you wish to compare then click the Compare
ISIRs button.
1. Select two
ISIR transactions
2. Click the Compare
1112 ISIRs button
Note: For the Award Year 2011-2012 in the example above you can see two ISIRs listed
for this student. The ISIR listed first has a Date Submitted date but no Edit icon
or Verification Tool icon
The second ISIR does not have a Date Submitted date but does have an Edit icon
and Verification Tool icon
. This is because the first ISIR had corrections
made to it on 08/05/2011 and was marked for transmission to CPS. Once an ISIR
record has been corrected and marked for transmission the Date Submitted field is
populated with the date the data was marked and the Edit icon
and Verification
Tool icon
are not available for that record.
Complete the following steps to compare multiple ISIRs within the same award year:
1. Select two ISIR transactions to compare by selecting the appropriate check boxes
in the far-left column of the Award Year table. (Note: Only two ISIRs can be
compared at a time.)
2. Click the Compare ISIRs button located at the upper-right side of the Award Year
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The ISIR Comparison Display page is displayed. Here you will be able to
compare the values from the two selected ISIR transactions. This page includes
the following information:
• Student ID
• Student Name
• Field Name
• ISIR1 – Field Values for the first (most recent) ISIR
• ISIR2 – Field Values for the second (the previous) ISIR
The word “Yes” is displayed in the Changed? column if the value in the field
changed from the previous ISIR to the most recent ISIR transaction.
3. Click the Cancel button to return to the ISIR Processing Summary page.
Note: You can print the ISIR values using the print function in the web browser you
are using to run the FAM application.
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3 Correcting ISIR Data in FAM
This section describes the following:
Making corrections on student ISIRs
Using the verification worksheet in FAM
Generating a correction file for transmission to CPS
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3.1 Making Corrections to Student ISIRs
ISIR Corrections (Program: NED001)
Navigation: ISIR tab  ISIR Processing Summary page  Edit icon
To make corrections to a student’s ISIR
Complete the following steps to make corrections to a student’s ISIR:
On the ISIR Processing Summary page (see page 4), click the Edit icon
Transaction you want to correct.
for the ISIR
1. The ISIR Corrections page is displayed. This page allows you to make corrections
to ISIR data for this student. The page displays the following information, the
Pell ID, Student ID, Student Name, EFC, Dependency Status, Verification Flag,
Reject Codes and the existing values for all the ISIR fields.
This page also contains data entry fields and drop-down lists that allow you to
make corrections to the data for this student within FAM.
2. Make your corrections by either typing the data directly in the fields or by
selecting a value from a drop-down list.
Note: Fields with alphabetic characters must be entered in ALL CAPS. Otherwise, you
will receive an error message indicating the data is invalid.
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3. After completing the ISIR corrections, click either the Cancel button or the
Continue button:
The Cancel button abandons any changes made to the student’s ISIR data and
returns to the ISIR Processing Summary page.
The Continue button displays an ISIR corrections summary page (shown
below) which lists the changes made to the ISIR.
The ISIR Correction page is a summary page which includes the following buttons: Back,
Save, Save & Mark for Transmission, and Cancel:
The Back button returns you to the ISIR Corrections page.
The Save button saves a copy of the corrections made to the ISIR for this student
and returns to the ISIR Processing Summary page where the following message is
displayed at the top in green text: “Corrections are saved successfully. These
corrections will not be marked for transmission until you click Save & Mark for
• The Save & Mark for Transmission button saves the corrections made to the ISIR
for this student and marks those corrections as ready for transmission to the
Department of Education.
The corrections transmission file can now be created using the Generate
Corrections File (NED031) (see page 13).
• The Cancel button abandons the corrections and returns to the ISIR Processing
Summary page.
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3.2 Using the ISIR Verification Worksheet
ISIR Verification Worksheet (Program: NED001)
Navigation: ISIR tab  ISIR Processing Summary page  Verification Tool icon
on the FAM ISIR Processing Summary page
Clicking the Verification Tool icon
displays the ISIR Verification Worksheet page. This page allows you to verify ISIR data
for this student.
The ISIR Verification Worksheet page includes the following display-only fields:
Pell ID
Dependency Status
Student ID
Verification Flag
Student Name
Reject Codes
There are four columns listed on this page and they are Student Information Field Name,
ISIR, Tax/Worksheet, and Difference. In addition, this page displays the fields on the
ISIR that require verification.
The ISIR Verification Worksheet page displays the value that was included in the selected
ISIR record listed in the ISIR column. This page also includes data entry fields and dropdown pick lists that allow you to verify that the ISIR value is correct.
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You can Calculate or Make Corrections using this page if necessary. The Difference
column flags any verified item that differs from the value included in this ISIR
The ISIR Verification Worksheet page has three buttons at the bottom of the page and
they are Calculate, Make Corrections, and Cancel buttons:
The Calculate button calculates the tolerance based on a comparison of the ISIR
values and the values input on the verification worksheet. A message for this is
listed at the top of the page in Orange.
The Make Corrections button displays the ISIR Correction page with the field
changes you just made already populated. If you want to make these and other
corrections you will click the Continue button at either the top or bottom of the
page when you are finished making corrections.
The Cancel button abandons all changes and returns you to the ISIR Processing
Summary page.
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3.3 Generating a Correction File for CPS
Generate Corrections File (Program: NED031)
Navigation: ISIR Processing menu  Generate Corrections File
This program is used to generate an ISIR correction file to be sent to CPS for processing.
ISIR corrections are created as described in section 3.1 of this document, Making
Corrections to Student ISIRs (see page 9).
The corrections are used by CPS to return a new updated ISIR record for the student.
When changes/corrections are entered, marked for transmission and submitted the Date
Submitted is updated with a date to document when the change was written to the
transmittal file. This allows for recreating previous changes as well as submitting only
new changes.
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To create a new ISIR file for transmission to CPS
Use the Generate Corrections File page to create a new ISIR file to be sent to CPS. In this
case, all ISIR correction records that have not yet been sent are included in the file.
When you first access the Generate Corrections File, your college in most cases is the
only institution listed in the table, with an Institution Code of 01, and the radio button in
the left column of the table is preselected.
Complete the following steps to create a new ISIR file for transmission:
1. From the Transmission Status drop-down list, select Mark for Transmission.
2. If you want to specify a date range for when you marked the student(s) records for
transmission, type dates in the From and Thru fields in MMDDYY format.
Note: If you leave the date fields blank, the program searches for all records that have not
been sent. Otherwise, the search is based on the specified date range.
3. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the screen.
A link appears below the page title in light Brown that says “Please click here to download
the export file”:
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4. Click the link to display the following dialog box:
5. Click the Save button to save a text file to your PC.
6. The program automatically assigns a file name and in this case it is
The 5 digits assigned above seem to be random so you should re-name these files
for easier identification on your system before transmitting then to the central
processor (CPS):
Re-name these files for better
identification on your system
7. You must then export the file through federal software EDConnect or EDExpress,
as you have done in the past.
September 2014
To Re-create an ISIR file for transmission to CPS
You can also use the Generate Corrections File page to recreate a previously submitted
ISIR file. FAM searches the system for files that have already been marked for
transmission to CPS.
When you first access the Generate Corrections File page, your college in most cases is
the only institution listed in the table, with an Institution Code of 01, and the radio button
in the left column of the table is preselected.
Complete the following steps to recreate an ISIR file:
1. From the Transmission Status drop-down list select Already Submitted:
2. If you want to specify a date range for when you marked the student(s) records for
transmission, type dates in the From and Thru fields in MMDDYY format.
Note: If you leave the date fields blank, the program searches for all records that have
previously been sent. Otherwise, the search is based on the specified date range.
3. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the screen.
A link appears below the page title in light Brown that says “Please click here to download
the export file”:
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4. Click the link to display the File Download dialog box:
5. Click the Save button to save a text file to your PC.
6. The program automatically assigns a file name; in this case it is
The 5 digits assigned above seem to be random so you should re-name these files
for easier identification on your system before transmitting then to the central
processor (CPS).
Re-name these files for better
identification on your system
7. You must then export the file through federal software EDConnect or EDExpress,
as you have done in the past.
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4 Updating Financial Aid and Tracking
Tab with In-House Corrections
This section describes the following:
Updating the Financial Aid Tab and Tracking Tab
Updating Frozen Financial Aid Tab and Tracking Tab Records
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4.1 Updating Financial Aid and Tracking Tab with
In-House Corrections
Regardless of which SAVE button you select, once corrections are saved, you have the
ability to apply changes to the Financial Aid and Tracking Tab.
Note: it is not possible to apply changes to the Financial Aid and Tracking
Tabs if the ISIR has rejects.
To do apply changes to the Financial Aid and Tracking Tabt, go to the Financial Aid Tab.
Click on the UPDATE FROM ISIR button.
On the Insert/Update From ISIR page, verify that the Session Start and Session
End values are correct, then click on the GET ISIRs button.
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On the Select ISIR page, click on the SAR Record ID for which corrections were
applied to.
Also check the “Apply Corr” box.
Click the LOAD SELECTED ISIR button.
If the record on the Financial Aid Tab is not frozen, once you click the LOAD
SELECTED ISIR button, you will be redirected back to the Financial Aid Data
page and the following message will appear. See the next section if the record in
the Financial Aid Tab is frozen.
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4.2 Updating Frozen Financial Aid and
Tracking Tab Records
If the record on the Financial Aid Tab is frozen (i.e. Freeze Status = Y), the following
dialogue box will appear.
• Click the LOAD ISIR button if you want to update the values on the Financial Aid
• Click the CREATE TRACKING ONLY button if you only want to update data
(ex: WA SNG eligibility – WA Tracking Code).
• Click the CANCEL button to abort the process.
If the LOAD ISIR button is clicked, you will be redirected to the Financial Aid Data page
with the following message:
If the CREATE TRACKING ONLY button is clicked, you will be redirected to the
Financial Aid Data page with one of the following two messages below:
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Message A:
Or Message B:
[Note: Although Message B is displayed, where applicable, the WA tracking code (SNG
Eligibility) will still be updated as long as the Date Received field is not populated.]
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