DataExpress Level II DataExpress Workshop Training Guide SBCTC-ITD 3101 Northup Way, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98004-1449 Phone 425.803.9700 Contents Introduction ......................................................................................................................1 How do I link FMS to SMS? .............................................................................................2 How do I link SMS to FAID? ............................................................................................3 How do I link between SM and SMIS? .............................................................................4 Can I upload data from a non HP Image database source and use it in DataExpress? ..................................................................................................................9 Where does the data come from and how can I find it without a lot of research? .......... 21 What are the different data types in our databases and what do they mean? ............... 25 What is a date subtype and how do I use it? ................................................................. 26 How do I use pre-generated MPE and KSAM files to create a DataExpress procedure? ..................................................................................................................... 48 What is a multi-pass procedure and when should I use it? ............................................ 56 When is it appropriate to group, summarize, or create computations in a DataExpress procedure? ............................................................................................... 79 What tips and rules should I remember when linking? ................................................... 84 How do I decide which output file format to use? ........................................................... 86 If I have created a multi-pass procedure, how can I change the names of the procedure and the saved files that it accesses without recreating everything? .............. 87 What are some important tips to remember when creating procedures specifically for downloading?............................................................................................................ 90 What report formatting options are available in DataExpress? ...................................... 91 How can I change printer settings while in DataExpress? ............................................. 96 SBCTC-ITD –i– November 2009 This page inserted for back-to-back printing. SBCTC-ITD – ii – November 2009 Introduction The purpose of this training guide is to provide instruction on advanced DataExpress topics. This guide addresses such issues as: • Writing multi-pass procedures. • Linking across applications. • Accessing KSAM and MPE files. • Creating computations • Uploading data. • Report formatting. SBCTC-ITD –1– November 2009 How do I link FMS to SMS? The primary link between SMS and FMS is the ID number. In SMS, this field is called the Student Identification Number (SID). In FMS, this field is called the Customer Identification Number (CUST-ID). The “match” or “link” between the two fields is typically made when a student first registers and pays for a class. A record is then created in the STU-D and STU-CLASS-D tables of SMS and in the CUST-ACTV-D table in FMS. The CUST-ID field is comprised of two child elements, Customer Number (CUSTNUM) and Customer Type (CUST-TYP). However, only the CUST-NUM element is needed to link to the SID field. The CUST-ID field and its two child elements appear in IMAGE as follows: CUST-ID .CP-CUST-NUM .CP-CUST-TYP To create a link between the SID field and the CUST-ID field: 1 Select the child element CUST-NUM. 2 Create a computed field that consists of the 9-character CUST-NUM field plus a space. 3 To link to SMS using the computed field, enter the linkage as: 1,:2 (where 1 is CA.CUST-ACTV-D and 2 is SM.STU-D) Note: The link between the SID field and the CUST-ID field can also be made by simply editing the storage length of CUST-ID to add the tenth empty byte. In this case, the computation noted above is not necessary. For further information about SMS, see Illustration 1. SBCTC-ITD –2– November 2009 How do I link SMS to FAID? The primary link between SMS (Student Management System) and FAID (Financial Aid System) is the Social Security number. In SMS, this field is called the Social Security Number (SSN). In FAID, the field is called the Student Identification Number (STD-IDNO). This is a direct link and no computations are required. The SSN in SMS resides only in the SID-SSN-XREF-D dataset. In the linkage order, this dataset is inserted between FAID datasets and SMS datasets. Note: When linking multiple-year sessions in FAID to multiple-year quarters in SMS, link as shown above and then match the year quarters in one of the following ways: • Create a comparison computation where YR-SES is equal to YRQ, or • Compare the two fields of YR-SES and YRQ by entering one with predefined selection at the SELECT BY prompt and, when prompted for selection values for this field, type $ followed by the second field. Operators such as GT, LT and others may also be used. For further information about SMS, see Illustration 1. SBCTC-ITD –3– November 2009 How do I link between SM and SMIS? There are a number of ways to link between the SM (Student Management) and SMIS (Student Course MIS) databases. Because the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) utilized the SMIS database, the key fields are concatenated and contain COL (college) and YRQ (year/quarter) identifiers. SID (Student Identification Number) or ITM (Class Item Number) may also be child elements of the key fields in the SMIS database. The following table lists the key fields and child elements found in the SMIS database: COL-YRQ-KEY COL-YRQ-SID-KEY COL-YRQ-ITM-KEY .CY-COL .YS-COL .YI-COL .CY-YRQ .YS-YRQ .YI-YRQ .YS-SID .YI-ITM Linking from SMIS to SM When linking from SMIS to SM, you must use the child elements in the table above to link to SM key fields (YRQ, SID, and ITM). In the case of SID from the SMIS database, you will need to either create a computed field that adds the tenth empty byte to the end of the field, or edit the field to alter the storage length to 10. When linking to ITM, you will need to create a computed field that adds YRQ and ITM (from SMIS) to link to the CLASS-ID key field in SM. Linking from SM to SMIS Linking from SM to SMIS is more complicated. A computed field must be created to match one of the three key fields in the table above. You must first obtain the individual components and then add them together to match the key field in SMIS for linking. To obtain the COL field, create a computed field using the string function $ACCOUNT, which returns an 8-character field containing the logon account name (your college number) and blank spaces. The blank spaces must be stripped before creating the key match. Using a simplified working set, the following example shows the steps for linking from SM to the key field COL-YRQ-SID-KEY in the SMIS database. 1. SID 2. YRQ NEW FIELD NAME [ACCOUNT ] COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION [$ACCOUNT ] DATA TYPE (X) [press return ] FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (8) [press return OCCURRENCE COUNT (1) [press return SBCTC-ITD –4– ] ] November 2009 1 Create a computed field that will return the logon account name. By default, this string function creates an 8-character field. WORKING SET (fields selected from the SM database) 1. SID 2. YRQ NEW FIELD NAME [ACCOUNT ] COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION [$ACCOUNT ] DATA TYPE (X) [press return ] FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (8) [press return OCCURRENCE COUNT (1) [press return 2 ] ] Create a computed field that extracts the three-digit college number from the ACCOUNT computation. If left as is, the college number would appear as Pnnnbbbb (where n is the college number and b is an empty byte). NEW WORKING SET (fields selected from the SM database and ACCOUNT) 1. SID 2. YRQ 3. ACCOUNT NEW FIELD NAME [COL ] COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION [3[2:3] ] DATA TYPE (X) [press return ] FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (3) [press return 3 ] Create a computed field that adds the COL, YRQ, and SID fields together to create a link to the COL-YRQ-SID-KEY in the SMIS database. This computation will also strip the empty byte from the end of the SID field. NEW WORKING SET (fields selected from the SM database plus ACCOUNT and COL) 1. SID 2. YRQ 3. ACCOUNT 4. COL NEW FIELD NAME [COL-YRQ-SID-LINK ] COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION [4 + 2 + 1[1:9] DATA TYPE (X) [press return ] FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (16) [press return OCCURRENCE COUNT (1) [press return ] ] ] The final computed field COL-YRQ-SID-LINK will now provide a link between SM and the COL-YRQ-SID-KEY field in SMIS. For further information about SMS, see Illustration 1. SBCTC-ITD –5– November 2009 Illustration 1 Illustration 1: Student Management System SBCTC-ITD –6– November 2009 Illustration 1 SBCTC-ITD –7– November 2009 Illustration 1 SBCTC-ITD –8– November 2009 Can I upload data from a non HP Image database source and use it in DataExpress? While it is possible to upload a data file from your PC to the HP3000, this is generally done by an administrator with system access at the colon (:) prompt. There are some upload processes available (for example, ZX4010) but, again, they require the assistance of a system administrator. This is not a difficult process but there are audit, security, and disc space issues to be considered. Once the file has been uploaded, you can create a file definition so that the data can be accessed using DataExpress. For example, assume you have been given an Excel file by Washington Employees Security Department containing only Social Security numbers. WASD wants to know if any of the numbers match any of the ID numbers in your employee database. Follow these steps to create a file definition: 1 Have your system administrator upload the file for you. 2 At the DataExpress main menu, type 3 (Create). 3 At the Create menu, type 4 (Use File Definitions). 4 At the File Definitions menu, type 1 (Enter Your Own File Definitions). 5 At the Filename prompt, type the Remote Filename of the file that has been uploaded. 6 At the File in Local Group (Y/n)? prompt, type Y (yes). 7 At the KSAM file (N/y)? prompt, type N (no). 8 At the Field Name prompt, type the name of the first field in your file. For this example, that field is a Social Security number that you wish to match with your Employee IDs, so you would call the field EMP-ID-MATCH. 9 At the Data Type prompt, type the appropriate data type, in this case X. 10 At the Field Storage Prompt, type the exact number of data bytes for the field you are defining. In this case, EMP-ID-MATCH is 9 characters in length so you would normally type 9. But, because there is only one field in this file, it is acceptable to add the tenth empty byte at the end of the field at this point. If there were multiple fields in the file, this step would have to be accomplished with a computed field later in the procedure creation process. 11 If you are prompted for Occurrence Count, press Return to accept the default of 1. SBCTC-ITD –9– November 2009 12 When prompted for a Field Name again, you would normally repeat the process above. In this case, however, there is only one field, so press Return. 13 At the Save Definitions in an FD file (N/y) prompt, type Y (yes) so that you can access the file at a later date. If you type N (no), the file definition will not be saved. 14 At the FD File name prompt, name the file. Note: This can be the same name as the remote file name or a new file name. 15 At the File in local group (Y/n) prompt, you would most likely type Y (yes). For more information about uploading files to the HP3000 and creating file definitions from uploaded files, see Illustrations 2-A and 2-B. SBCTC-ITD – 10 – November 2009 Illustration 2-A Illustration 2-A: System Administrator’s Procedures for Uploading a File to the HP3000 This information pertains to uploading an Excel file to the HP3000. File types may differ when uploading other application files. To upload using Minisoft: 1 In Excel, remove the field headers (titles) from the procedure. 2 Save the file as a CSV (comma delimited) file. 3 Close the file. 4 In MiniSoft, at the colon (:) prompt: a Click on File. b Click on Upload File to Host. c Change directory/drive to the location of the Excel file. d Click on the name of theExcel file you are going to upload. e If the file already exists on the HP3000, click the Overwrite box. f Under Type, click ASCII. g Click on the checkbox next to Save File Info so the checkbox has a checkmark in it. h In the Remote Filename box, type the name that you would like to give the file on the HP3000. i Click Start Transfer. To upload using Reflections: 1 In Excel, remove the field headers (titles) from the procedure. 2 Save the file as a CSV (comma delimited) file. 3 Close the file. 4 In Reflections: a Click on File. b Change the drive and directory to the location of the Excel file. SBCTC-ITD – 11 – November 2009 Illustration 2-A c Click on the name of theExcel file you are going to upload. Click on the filename. d If the file already exists on the HP3000, be sure to specify overwrite box. e Define the file type as ASCII. f In the Remote Filename box, type the name that you would like to give the file on the HP3000. g Start the file transfer by clicking where you see the >> symbol for upload. SBCTC-ITD – 12 – November 2009 Illustration 2-B Illustration 2-B: Example of Creating a File Definition from an Uploaded File DataExpressCenter C.01.90-5 (C) MB Foster Software Labs 1985-99 MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISPLAY procedure catalog 2: RUN an existing procedure 3: CREATE a new procedure 4: MAINTAIN an existing procedure 8: EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection W1 (7.00) ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 3 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter CREATE a new procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Use HP DICTIONARY definitions 2: Use HP IMAGE root file definitions 3: Use HP Allbase SQL definitions 4: Use FILE definitions 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Use FILE definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: ENTER your own file definitions 2: Use File-Definition (FD) file 3: Use Self-Describing (SD) file 5: Use DataExpress subfile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 13 – November 2009 Illustration 2-B DataExpressCenter ENTER your own file definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------FILE name EMPIDS File in local file group (Y/n)? Y KSAM FILE (N/y)? N FIELD name DATA TYPE FIELD STORAGE LENGTH OCCURRENCE COUNT (1) EMP-ID-MATCH X 10 FIELD name press return press return SAVE DEFINITIONS IN AN FD FILE (N/y)? Y fmlEMPIDS FD file name press return File in local file group (Y/n)? ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Data fields in MPE file EMPIDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: EMP-ID-MATCH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA FIELD SELECTION 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: EMP-ID-MATCH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADD ANY MORE FIELDS OR FILES (N/y)? Y ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Existing files in procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: EMPIDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- press return Press <Enter> key to select a new file SELECT AN EXISTING FILE ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 14 – November 2009 Illustration 2-B DataExpressCenter Existing definition files in procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: fmlEMPIDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press <Enter> key to select a new definition source press return SELECT AN EXISTING DEFINITION FILE ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter CREATE a new procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Use HP DICTIONARY definitions 2: Use HP IMAGE root file definitions 4: Use FILE definitions 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Use HP DICTIONARY definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2: Use HP IMAGE data base definitions 3: Use KSAM/MPE file definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 2 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Use HP IMAGE data base definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Display IMAGE data base names 2: Select a specific IMAGE data base 3: Select a specific IMAGE data set ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 2 ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 15 – November 2009 Illustration 2-B DataExpressCenter Select a specific IMAGE data base ------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMAGE data base name EMP ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Data sets in data base EMP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DED-BAL-D 11: EMP-LEAVE-M 21: JOB-ACCT-D 2: EMP-A 12: EMP-NAME-A 22: LEAVE-DAY-D 3: EMP-ADDR-D 13: EMP-NAME-D 23: LEAVE-MO-D 4: EMP-BENE-D 14: EMP-M 24: LEAVE-XREF-D 5: EMP-BOND-D 15: EMP-YRQ-D 25: POS-A 6: EMP-DED-D 16: EMPLR-COST-D 26: FAC-PLACE-D 7: EMP-EDUC-D 17: EMPLR-COST-M 27: EMP-PIN-D 8: EMP-HIST-D 18: EMPLR-XREF-D 28: EMP-MISC-D 9: EMP-JOB-A 19: IN-KIND-D 10: EMP-JOB-D 20: IN-KIND-M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA SET SELECTION 14 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Data fields in MASTER data set EMP-M 1 of 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1:*EMP-ID 17: .EMP-BIRTH-DAY 33: .ED-OT-YTD 2: .EMP-ID-1 18: EMP-DOLLAR-BAL 34: .ED-OT-FTD 3: .EMP-ID-2 19: .ED-TOT-YTD 35: .ED-TAX-BENE-YTD 4: .EMP-ID-3 20: .ED-TOT-QTD 36: .ED-ST-YTD 5: ADDR-LN-1 21: .ED-FED-YTD 37: .ED-ST-QTD 6: ADDR-LN-2 22: .ED-FED-QTD 38: .ED-MEDICARE-YTD 7: CONF-PHONE-ADDR 23: .ED-OASI-YTD 39: .ED-MEDICARE-QTD 8: EIC-IND 24: .ED-OASI-QTD 40: .ED-TAX-RED-YTD 9: EMERG-CONTACT 25: .ED-EXCLUDE-YTD 41: .ED-TAX-RED-QTD 10: EMERG-PHONE 26: .ED-REG-YTD 42: .ED-OASI-RED-YTD 11: .EP-AREA-CD 27: .ED-SUPP-YTD 43: .ED-OASI-RED-QTD 12: .EP-PREFIX 28: .ED-STIPEND-YTD 44: .ED-ST-RED-YTD 13: .EP-SUFFIX 29: .ED-STIPEND-FTD 45: .ED-ST-RED-QTD 14: EMP-BIRTH-DATE 30: .ED-WS-FTD 46: .ED-MEDICARE-Y 15: .EMP-BIRTH-YR 31: .ED-WS-MTD 47: .ED-MEDICARE-Q 16: .EMP-BIRTH-MO 32: .ED-LWOP-MTD 48: EMP-HNDCP-STAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA FIELD SELECTION 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 16 – November 2009 Illustration 2-B DataExpressCenter Data fields in MASTER data set EMP-M 2 of 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: EMP-HR-BAL 17: .EH-LWOP-BAL 33: FULL-PART-IND 2: .EH-REG-YTD 18: .EH-INSTRN-HR 34: HI-EDUC-LVL 3: .EH-OT-YTD 19: EMP-MIN-IND 35: HI-EDUC-YR 4: .EH-OT-FTD 20: EMP-NAME 36: HOME-CAMPUS 5: .EH-MEDAID-QTD 21: EMP-PERSL-ACTN 37: HOME-DEPT 6: .EH-MEDAID-MTD 22: EMP-RACE-ETH 38: HOME-PHONE 7: .EH-LWOP-ETD 23: EMP-SEX 39: .HP-AREA-CD 8: .EH-WS-FTD 24: EMP-STAT 40: .HP-PREFIX 9: .EH-WS-MTD 25: EMP-TYP 41: .HP-SUFFIX 10: .EH-RETIRE-MTD 26: EMPL-DATE 42: INSUR-ELIG-IND 11: .EH-VOL-FTD 27: .EMPL-YR 43: LAST-PAY-DATE 12: .EH-VOL-QTD 28: .EMPL-MO 44: .LAST-PAY-YR 13: .EH-VOL-MTD 29: .EMPL-DAY 45: .LAST-PAY-MO 14: .EH-TOT-QTD 30: FED-ADDTNL-IND 46: .LAST-PAY-DAY 15: .EH-SICK-QTD 31: FED-MARITL-STAT 47: MAIL-STOP 16: .EH-COMP-HRS-QTD 32: FED-TAX-EXEMPT 48: MAIN-CYCLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA FIELD SELECTION 20,24,25 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Data fields in MASTER data set EMP-M 3 of 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: MEDAID-ELIG 17: .DB-FED-YTD 33: .DB-ST-QTD 2: MILITARY-STAT 18: .DB-FED-QTD 34: .DB-MEDICARE-YTD 3: OASI-TAX-ELIG 19: .DB-OASI-YTD 35: .DB-MEDICARE-QTD 4: PAYR-PYMT-LOC 20: .DB-OASI-QTD 36: .DB-TAX-RED-YTD 5: PAYR-PYMT-METH 21: .DB-EXCLUDE-YTD 37: .DB-TAX-RED-QTD 6: PERM-ADDR-LN-1 22: .DB-REG-YTD 38: .DB-OASI-RED-YTD 7: PERM-ADDR-LN-2 23: .DB-SUPP-YTD 39: .DB-OASI-RED-QTD 8: PERM-TEMP-IND 24: .DB-STIPEND-YTD 40: .DB-ST-RED-YTD 9: PERM-ZIP 25: .DB-STIPEND-FTD 41: .DB-ST-RED-QTD 10: PERSL-ACTN-DATE 26: .DB-WS-FTD 42: .DB-MEDICARE-Y 11: .PERSL-ACTN-YR 27: .DB-WS-MTD 43: .DB-MEDICARE-Q 12: .PERSL-ACTN-MO 28: .DB-LWOP-MTD 44: PREV-HR-BAL 13: .PERSL-ACTN-DAY 29: .DB-OT-YTD 45: .HB-REG-YTD 14: PREV-DOLLAR-BAL 30: .DB-OT-FTD 46: .HB-OT-YTD 15: .DB-TOT-YTD 31: .DB-TAX-BENE-YTD 47: .HB-OT-FTD 16: .DB-TOT-QTD 32: .DB-ST-YTD 48: .HB-MEDAID-QTD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA FIELD SELECTION press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Data fields in MASTER data set EMP-M 4 of 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: .HB-MEDAID-MTD 17: RPT-EXCLUSN-IND 33: .VET-PREF-MO 2: .HB-LWOP-ETD 18: SEPR-DATE 34: .VET-PREF-DAYS 3: .HB-WS-FTD 19: .SEPR-YR 35: W4-EXEMPT-YR 4: .HB-WS-MTD 20: .SEPR-MO 36: WORK-COUNTY 5: .HB-RETIRE-MTD 21: .SEPR-DAY 37: WORK-EXTEN 6: .HB-VOL-FTD 22: SEPR-REASON 38: WORK-OFFC 7: .HB-VOL-QTD 23: SID 39: WORK-PHONE 8: .HB-VOL-MTD 24: .SID-1 40: .WP-AREA-CD 9: .HB-TOT-QTD 25: .SID-2 41: .WP-PREFIX 10: .HB-SICK-QTD 26: .SID-3 42: .WP-SUFFIX 11: .HB-COMP-HRS-QTD 27: ST-ADDTNL-IND 43: ZIP 12: .HB-LWOP-BAL 28: ST-MARITL-STAT 44: .ZIP-5 13: .HB-INSTRN-HR 29: ST-TAX-EXEMPT 45: .ZIP-4 14: PRIOR-EMP-NAME 30: SUPP-ADDTNL-IND 46: CENSUS-RACE-CD 15: PYMT-DISTR-LOC 31: VET-PREF-TIME 47: CENSUS-HISP-CD 16: DEL-REF-SRC 32: .VET-PREF-YR 48: APP-REF-SRC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA FIELD SELECTION SBCTC-ITD press return – 17 – November 2009 Illustration 2-B ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: EMP-ID-MATCH 3: EMP-NAME 5: EMP-TYP 2: EMP-ID 4: EMP-STAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADD ANY MORE FIELDS OR FILES (N/y)? press return EDIT FIELD DEFINITIONS (N/y)? press return ADD ANY COMPUTATIONAL FIELDS (N/y)? press return INCLUDE IN OUTPUT SORT BY SUMMARIZE BY 1,2,3,5,4 4,3 press return SUPPRESS DETAIL RECORDS (N/y)? SELECT BY press return 4,5 ARE THE SPECIFICATIONS CORRECT (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Multi-file access order ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: EMPIDS 2: EMP-M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------FILE ACCESS AND LINKAGE ORDER 1,2 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter PROCEDURE PREPARATION PHASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------EDIT NAMES/LOCATIONS OF DATA BASES AND FILES (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter PROCEDURE PREPARATION PHASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------INCLUDE DATA BASE PASSWORD(S) IN PROCEDURE (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 18 – November 2009 Illustration 2-B DataExpressCenter Output file format options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Report Listing 11: [PH subfile 7] 21: SD ASCII file 2: DataExpress subfile 12: [PH keyed subfile 7] 22: BINARY file (MPE) 3: HPListKeeper 13: dBase PRN format 23: ASCII file (MPE) 4: HPWord 14: R:Base 24: EBCDIC file (IBM) 5: [Mail System] 15: WordPerfect 4.2 25: KSAM file 6: HPEasyChart 16: WordPerfect 5.0 26: KSAM SD file 7: HPDraw 17: [PH subfile 0] 27: Excel SYLK format 8: HP DSG 18: SPSS-X file 28: Lotus WK1 format 9: Lotus PRN format 19: DIF file 29: dBase DBF format 10: Lotus WKS format 20: SD BINARY file 30: [Graphics] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter '0' to specify a special format [ ]= not installed/available Press <Enter> key to allow run-time decision on format ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter PROCEDURE PREPARATION PHASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------RUN THE PROCEDURE (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN procedure newly defined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------PASSWORD for EMP type valid database password (all in uppercase) here ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN procedure newly defined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter values for the following data fields: EMP-STAT press return and EMP-TYP press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 19 – November 2009 Illustration 2-B 21 READ (13 ON PRIMARY FILE), 13 PREPARED, 13 WRITTEN LIST REPORT ON PRINTER (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ Report Listing page 1 of 1 EMP-ID-MATCH EMP-ID EMP-NAME EMP-TYP EMP-STAT -----------------------------------------------------------------------999396698 - 999897223 - 999126789 - 999789674 - 999828891 - 999932262 999-93-2262 CASTILLO, MERCEDES P A 999828800 999-82-8800 CULPS, ISABEL S A 999561067 999-56-1067 LUNDBLAD, STEVEN PAUL P A 999389012 999-38-9012 MORFIN, DELIA Z. S A 999464123 999-46-4123 PATTERSON, ELIZABETH P A 999663806 999-66-3806 PIES, NATHAN J. S A 999771404 999-77-1404 ROSS, BETH A. P A 999981424 999-98-1424 SANDERS, TABITHA S. S A -------------------------------------------------------------------------EXIT (E)? exit here ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN procedure newly defined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------REUSE EXTRACT FILE (N/y)? press return REPEAT PROCEDURE RUN (N/y)? press return SAVE CURRENT PROCEDURE (Y/n)? N ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter C.01.90-5 (C) MB Foster Software Labs 1985-99 MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISPLAY procedure catalog 2: RUN an existing procedure 3: CREATE a new procedure 4: MAINTAIN an existing procedure 8: EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection W1 (7.00) ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER SBCTC-ITD 8 – 20 – November 2009 Where does the data come from and how can I find it without a lot of research? Choose the HP IMAGE database dictionary when you want to create a DataExpress procedure that extracts the data entered through online screen processing. This is the most frequently accessed data for creating DataExpress reports. Learning which IMAGE databases and data sets contain the fields you wish to extract can be difficult. The names of the databases and the data sets (or tables) are key to understanding what kind of data resides in the table. For example, the CLASS-D data set contains “class details,” information about classes. Note that when searching down to the field level, you may find that many of the same fields reside in several different databases and data sets. For instance, the field COURSE-ID can be found in approximately five databases and over 15 data sets. When considering where to start your search for data, you must consider what the data is about. Again, using the example of the field COURSE-ID, assume you want to create a report that gives you a list of available classes for a particular quarter, by COURSE-ID. First think about which database might contain this kind of information. Logically, you know it would be a database related to the Student Management System (as opposed to the Financial Management or Payroll/Personnel Management Systems). The primary database in the SMS system used for reporting is the SM database. As you search the data sets in the SM database, you will encounter the COURSE-ID field numerous times. Again consider the name of the data set. For example, the COURSE-DESC-D table houses data about course descriptions. The COURSE-REQR-D data set contains information about course requirements. CLASS-D, as noted above, contains all of the class details like when the class is scheduled to run, where it will be held, and who will be teaching the class. Therefore, CLASS-D is the logical data set to use for obtaining information about available classes in a particular quarter. To assist you in locating data, the SBCTC-ITD has made available a series of DataExpress procedures that run against the HP Database Dictionary. One procedure in particular (ZX0008R) allows you to type the name of a field as a selection value and obtain a DataExpress report that lists every database and data set in which the named field resides. You can then apply the logic noted above to assist you in selecting the appropriate data location. Following are tables delineating the dictionary DataExpress procedures. These procedures are located in the INFORM group, the PLIB account catalog. SBCTC-ITD – 21 – November 2009 Database Information Procedures Procedure Name ZX0000R Selection Criteria No selection criteria Description Example of Output Creates a DX subfle, BASES, used by other procedures. This report returns a list of all Databases and their respective Long file names. (file or database) AP (filename or long database name) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATA BASE ZX0001R No selection criteria Creates an alphabetical report listing all database names (short and long). Creates an alphabetical report listing all database names (short and long). ZX0002R database name (short) Lists Database name, Application responsibility, Long Name, and a brief description of the database. (database) EMP application area (responsibility) (responsibility) PPM (long name) EMPLOYEE DATABASE (description) THIS DATA-BASE CONTAINS INFORMATION PERTINENT TO EMPLOYEES. ZX0003R database name data set name data set type Lists all Datasets and their type (auto, mast, detl) in a particular database. Note: Both abbreviated and long data set names are displayed. (database) SM (long name) STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DATABASE (data set) ADMIN-UNIT-D (long name) ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT DETAIL ((dataset) file type) DETL Data Sets Information Procedures DX Procedure Name ZX0004R Selection Criteria database name data set name Description Lists data sets with short and long names. It also gives a data set description and lists the database that the data set is contained in. Example of Output (data set) CLASS-D (data set long name) CLASS DETAIL (description) CONTAINS AN ENTRY FOR EACH CLASS OFFERED BY THE COLLEGE (database) SM ZX0005R data set key element path data set Lists data sets, their key field or fields (elements), the data set that they are linked from and the database that where they reside. (data set) STU-D (key element) ABBR-LAST-NAME, SID (file linked from) STU-NAME-A, STU-M (database) SM SBCTC-ITD – 22 – November 2009 DX Procedure Name Selection Criteria Description DD0011J via job scheduling Go to: obdoc/DD0011J.H TM This job prints a list of all data elements contained in a specific file or database from the dictionary. Example of Output Select by database name Data Element Information Procedures DX Procedure Name ZX0006R Selection Criteria element (field) short name element (field) long name ZX0007R element (field) parent element (field) child ZX0008R element (field) name data set (file) name database name DD0002J via job scheduling Go to: obdoc/DD0002J.H TM No selection criteria SBCTC-ITD Description Lists specified fields or elements, their long name and definition. Example of Output (element) SID (element name) STUDENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (description line) DEFINITION: A NINE CHARACTER ELEMENT UNIQUELY IDENTIFYING A STUDENT Lists of specified concatenated fields and delineates the child elements they are comprised of. It also details the starting position and length of each child element. This report returns details on a specific field or data element. It lists the long name, the data sets that the element is located in, the file type of those data sets and the tying database name. (element parent) CUST-REF (element child) CU-REF-NUM and CU-REF-TYP (element position) 1 and 10 (element length) 9 and 1 EXAMPLE: Too extensive to provide an example; however, this procedure is very useful for locating all places that a field is stored. This job prints the data elements from the dictionary with all their attributes and definitions. This is a long report, over 700 pages. – 23 – November 2009 Procedures Identifying Files Not in Databases DX Procedure Name ZX0009R Selection Criteria data file name long file name file responsibility Description This report lists files and their long names and file type. It also list the application responsibility and a description of the specified file. Example of Output (file name) BM2204D (long name) AR PURGE DETAIL (file type) KSAM (responsibility) FMS (description) WORK FILE USED IN THE AR PURGE SBCTC-ITD – 24 – November 2009 What are the different data types in our databases and what do they mean? Data types available are essentially those used by DICTIONARY/3000 and are as follows: Data Type Definition X Any ASCII character string U Upper case ASCII string 9 Numeric ASCII unsigned numeric Z Zoned decimal numeric P Packed decimal numeric I Integer binary numeric J Integer binary (for COBOL) numeric K Logical binary unsigned numeric R Floating point numeric format (HP format) F Floating point scientific format (IEEE format) If a numeric data type is followed by a plus sign, that indicates that the number can contain only positive values. Note, however, that the plus sign is optional. Also note that the most commonly seen data types in our IMAGE databases are X, Z, J, I, 9, and P. When creating computational fields, a data type will be assumed based on the type of expression used. The default data type is usually appropriate so a change is seldom necessary. SBCTC-ITD – 25 – November 2009 What is a date subtype and how do I use it? In the IMAGE databases, the numbers in the date fields are not defined as dates but, instead, are generally stored as: • Data type J (integer binary (for COBOL) numeric) or • Data type X (any ASCII character string) with no date subtype. For DataExpress to correctly interpret the date fields, you must define a date subtype for the field. A date subtype identifies the number in a field as a date and applies a date format. Without a date subtype, date fields will improperly sort, select, and calculate. For example, the following columns display a series of YY/MM/DD dates sorted without and with date subtypes defined: Without Date Subtype With Date Subtype 00/01/20 96/03/05 00/04/17 97/08/16 01/07/12 99/10/31 03/12/22 00/01/20 96/03/05 00/04/17 97/08/16 01/07/12 99/10/31 03/12/22 Just as the above dates will sort improperly without date subtypes, a selection of a range of dates from 96/03/05 TO 03/12/22 will also fail without date subtypes. Without the date subtypes, the date is treated as a number so 96 to 03 is treated as an invalid range. Calculations using dates without date subtypes will fail or calculate inaccurately for the same reason. When you initially add a date subtype to a field, you are only identifying how the data is stored in the database; you are not controlling how the data will be displayed. Once a date subtype has been defined for a specific field, you can then alter the display (to MM/DD/YY, for example) by editing the field or by using the features available in ReportDesigner. SBCTC-ITD – 26 – November 2009 Valid date subtype formats are: Description Format 1 Format 2 Format 3 Format 4 year-month-day YYMMDD YYMMMDD YYYYMMDD YYYYMMMDD month-day-year MMDDYY MMMDDYY MMDDYYYY MMMDDYYYY day-month-year DDMMYY DDMMMYY DDMMYYYY DDMMMYYYY year-month YYMM YYMMM YYYYMM YYYYMMM month-year MMYY MMMYY MMYYYY MMMYYYY month-day MMDD MMMDD day-month DDMM DDMMM year-day YYDDD YYYYDDD day-year DDDYY DDDYYYY For more information about data subtypes, see Illustration 3. SBCTC-ITD – 27 – November 2009 Illustration 3 Illustration 3: Date Subtypes MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISPLAY procedure catalog 2: RUN an existing procedure 3: CREATE a new procedure 4: MAINTAIN an existing procedure 8: EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection W1 (7.00) ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 3 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter CREATE a new procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Use HP DICTIONARY definitions 2: Use HP IMAGE root file definitions 3: Use HP Allbase SQL definitions 4: Use FILE definitions 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Use HP DICTIONARY definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2: Use HP IMAGE data base definitions 3: Use KSAM/MPE file definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 2 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Use HP IMAGE data base definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Display IMAGE data base names 2: Select a specific IMAGE data base 3: Select a specific IMAGE data set ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER SBCTC-ITD 2 – 28 – November 2009 Illustration 3 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Select a specific IMAGE data base ------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMAGE data base name SM ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Data sets in data base SM 1 of 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1: ADMIN-UNIT-M 17: COURSE-ASSGN-D 33: STU-D 2: ADMIN-UNIT-D 18: COURSE-CLASS-D 34: STU-M 3: ADV-A 19: COURSE-CONSTR-D 35: STU-NAME-A 4: ADV-D 20: COURSE-D 36: STU-OPT-D 5: ALT-ADDR-M 21: COURSE-DESC-D 37: STU-YRQ-M 6: APPROVE-PRG-M 22: DEPT-DIV-M 38: STU-TYP-M 7: APPT-A 23: EDUC-PRG-M 39: STU-YRQ-XREF-D 8: APPT-D 24: FOOTNOTE-M 40: TEST-SCORE-D 9: CLASS-A 25: HIST-ARCHV-M 41: UNUSUAL-ACTN-D 10: CLASS-CLUSTER-M 26: INSTR-A 42: UNUSUAL-CD-M 11: CLASS-D 27: INSTR-ROOM-D 43: WLIST-D 12: CONSTR-A 28: MISC-STU-A 44: YRQ-A 13: CONSTR-CLUSTER-M 29: PREV-NAME-D 45: PRG-ALT-AYR-M 14: CONSTR-D 30: YRQ-M 46: COURSE-DESC2-D 15: CONSTR-ROOM-D 31: ROOM-LOC-A 47: COURSE-TITLE2-D 16: COURSE-A 32: STU-CLASS-D 48: STU-PROFILE-D -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA SET SELECTION 30 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Data sets in data base SM 2 of 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1: STU-INTRV-D 17: COURSE-ENTR-D 33: CONSTR-RM-FEAT-D 2: STU-MINOR-D 18: STU-EMERG-D 34: CLASS-FEAT-D 3: ALLOC-GRP-A 19: EDUC-PRG-SECT-M 35: INSTR-RM-FEAT-D 4: ALLOC-GRP-D 20: EDUC-PRG-XREF-D 36: COURSE-PARTN-D 5: STU-COURSE-A 21: STU-PRG-SECT-A 37: CONSTR-PARTN-D 6: STU-COURSE-D 22: STU-PRG-ENR-D 38: CLASS-PARTN-D 7: ENR-TRNS-DATE-A 23: STU-PRG-WLIST-D 39: INSTR-RM-PARTN-D 8: STU-ENR-TRNS-D 24: STU-PRG-XREF-D 40: CONST-RM-PARTN-D 9: TTONE-CONFIG-M 25: EDUC-PRG-SECT-D 41: STU-COMMENT-D 10: STU-PIN-D 26: STU-PRG-TRNS-D 42: STU-GR-TRNS-D 11: TTONE-OPT-FEE-D 27: STU-PRG-OPT-D 43: RQSIT-SET-A 12: TTONE-STU-OPT-M 28: COURSE-REQR-D 44: RQSIT-GRP-A 13: CLASS-RPT-GRP-A 29: PRIOR-ATTND-D 45: CRS-SET-M 14: CLASS-RPT-GRP-D 30: ATTND-D 46: RQSIT-SET-D 15: COURSE-ENTR-M 31: COURSE-FEAT-D 47: RQSIT-GRP-D 16: ENTR-CD-A 32: CONSTR-FEAT-D 48: RQSIT-D -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA SET SELECTION press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 29 – November 2009 Illustration 3 DataExpressCenter Data sets in data base SM 3 of 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1: CRS-SET-D 5: OLD-SID-D 9: SID-RESRV-D 2: WAOL-A 6: SID-SSN-XREF-D 10: SID-CNTRL-D 3: OLD-SID-A 7: SID-ASSGN-A 11: STU-COL-SID-D 4: SSN-A 8: SID-ASSGN-D -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA SET SELECTION press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Data fields in MASTER data set YRQ-M -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1:*YRQ 5: HDCNT 9: FREEZE-REG 2: ABBR-TITLE 6: LAST-DAY-YRQ 10: REG-MAX-CR 3: FIFTH-DAY-YRQ 7: LAST-TEN-UPD 4: FIRST-DAY-YRQ 8: TEN-DAY-YRQ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA FIELD SELECTION 1,3,4,6,7,8 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1: YRQ 3: FIRST-DAY-YRQ 5: LAST-TEN-UPD 2: FIFTH-DAY-YRQ 4: LAST-DAY-YRQ 6: TEN-DAY-YRQ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ADD ANY MORE FIELDS OR FILES (N/y)? press return EDIT FIELD DEFINITIONS (N/y)? Y ♦ ♦ ♦ ENTER A FIELD NUMBER DATA TYPE(J+) DATE SUBTYPE 3 & YYMMDD ♦ ♦ ♦ ENTER A FIELD NUMBER DATA TYPE(J+) DATE SUBTYPE 4 & YYMMDD ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 30 – November 2009 Illustration 3 ENTER A FIELD NUMBER DATA TYPE(J+) DATE SUBTYPE 5 & YYMMDD ♦ ♦ ♦ ENTER A FIELD NUMBER DATA TYPE(J+) DATE SUBTYPE 6 & YYMMDD ♦ ♦ ♦ ENTER A FIELD NUMBER press return ♦ ♦ ♦ ADD ANY COMPUTATIONAL FIELDS (N/y)? NEW FIELD NAME COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION DATA TYPE(J) DATE SUBTYPE FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (2) OCCURRENCE COUNT (1) Y FIFTH-DAY-YY 2 & YY press return press return ♦ ♦ ♦ NEW FIELD NAME COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION DATA TYPE(J&) DATE SUBTYPE(YYMMDD) FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (2) OCCURRENCE COUNT (1) LAST-TEN-YY 5 press return YY press return press return ♦ ♦ ♦ NEW FIELD NAME COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION DATA TYPE(J&) DATE SUBTYPE(YYMMDD) FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (4) OCCURRENCE COUNT (1) TEN-DAY-YYYYMMDD 6 press return YYYYMMDD press return press return ♦ ♦ ♦ NEW FIELD NAME COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION DATA TYPE(I) DECIMAL PLACES (0) FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (4) SBCTC-ITD YRQ-DAYS 4 - 3 press return press return press return – 31 – November 2009 Illustration 3 ♦ ♦ ♦ NEW FIELD NAME press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1: YRQ 5: LAST-TEN-UPD 9: TEN-DAY-YYYYMMDD 2: FIFTH-DAY-YRQ 6: TEN-DAY-YRQ 10: YRQ-DAYS 3: FIRST-DAY-YRQ 7: FIFTH-DAY-YY 4: LAST-DAY-YRQ 8: LAST-TEN-YY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ADD ANY MORE FIELDS OR FILES (N/y)? press return EDIT FIELD DEFINITIONS (N/y)? press return ADD ANY COMPUTATIONAL FIELDS (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ INCLUDE IN OUTPUT SORT BY SUMMARIZE BY 1,3,4,10,2,7,6,9,5,8 2 press return SUPPRESS DETAIL RECORDS (N/y)? SELECT BY press return 2 ARE THE SPECIFICATIONS CORRECT (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter PROCEDURE PREPARATION PHASE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ALTERNATE NAMES FOR SELECTION FIELDS (N/y)? ! ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 32 – November 2009 Illustration 3 DataExpressCenter Set configuration options -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Menu characteristics 2: Procedure execution parameters 3: Display format parameters 4: Output file characteristics 5: PC interchange parameters 7: RETURN -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER A CONFIGURATION OPTION NUMBER 2 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Procedure execution parameters -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Record count interval 2: List computational errors 3: Remove duplicate records 4: Summarize by unique sort field value 5: Terminal printer device number 6: Terminal printer reset code 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 2 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter List computational errors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------LIST COMPUTATIONAL ERRORS (NO) Y ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 33 – November 2009 Illustration 3 DataExpressCenter Procedure execution parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Record count interval 2: List computational errors 3: Remove duplicate records 4: Summarize by unique sort field value 5: Terminal printer device number 6: Terminal printer reset code 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 7 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Set configuration options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Menu characteristics 2: Procedure execution parameters 3: Display format parameters 4: Output file characteristics 5: PC interchange parameters 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER A CONFIGURATION OPTION NUMBER 7 ♦ ♦ ♦ ALTERNATE NAMES FOR SELECTION FIELDS (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter PROCEDURE PREPARATION PHASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------EDIT NAMES/LOCATIONS OF DATA BASES AND FILES (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 34 – November 2009 Illustration 3 DataExpressCenter PROCEDURE PREPARATION PHASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------INCLUDE DATA BASE PASSWORD(S) IN PROCEDURE (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Output file format options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Report Listing 11: [PH subfile 7] 21: SD ASCII file 2: DataExpress subfile 12: [PH keyed subfile 7] 22: BINARY file (MPE) 3: HPListKeeper 13: dBase PRN format 23: ASCII file (MPE) 4: HPWord 14: R:Base 24: EBCDIC file (IBM) 5: [Mail System] 15: WordPerfect 4.2 25: KSAM file 6: HPEasyChart 16: WordPerfect 5.0 26: KSAM SD file 7: HPDraw 17: [PH subfile 0] 27: Excel SYLK format 8: HP DSG 18: SPSS-X file 28: Lotus WK1 format 9: Lotus PRN format 19: DIF file 29: dBase DBF format 10: Lotus WKS format 20: SD BINARY file 30: [Graphics] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter '0' to specify a special format [ ]= not installed/available Press <Enter> key to allow run-time decision on format ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter PROCEDURE PREPARATION PHASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------RUN THE PROCEDURE (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Output file format options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Report Listing 11: [PH subfile 7] 21: SD ASCII file 2: DataExpress subfile 12: [PH keyed subfile 7] 22: BINARY file (MPE) 3: HPListKeeper 13: dBase PRN format 23: ASCII file (MPE) 4: HPWord 14: R:Base 24: EBCDIC file (IBM) 5: [Mail System] 15: WordPerfect 4.2 25: KSAM file 6: HPEasyChart 16: WordPerfect 5.0 26: KSAM SD file 7: HPDraw 17: [PH subfile 0] 27: Excel SYLK format 8: HP DSG 18: SPSS-X file 28: Lotus WK1 format 9: Lotus PRN format 19: DIF file 29: dBase DBF format 10: Lotus WKS format 20: SD BINARY file 30: [Graphics] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter '0' to specify a special format [ ]= not installed/available Press <Enter> key to use default format of REPORT ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 35 – November 2009 Illustration 3 DataExpressCenter RUN procedure newly defined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------PASSWORD for SM TRAIN ENTER SELECTION VALUES FOR THE FOLLOWING DATA FIELDS: FIFTH-DAY-YRQ 980101 TO 021231 ERROR: DATE FORMAT OVERFLOW FOR FIELD: FIFTH-DAY-YY (USER 75) ERROR: DATE FORMAT OVERFLOW FOR FIELD: FIFTH-DAY-YY (USER 75) ERROR: DATE FORMAT OVERFLOW FOR FIELD: FIFTH-DAY-YY (USER 75) ERROR: DATE FORMAT OVERFLOW FOR FIELD: FIFTH-DAY-YY (USER 75) ERROR: DATE FORMAT OVERFLOW FOR FIELD: FIFTH-DAY-YY (USER 75) 81 READ, 61 PREPARED, 61 WRITTEN LIST REPORT ON PRINTER (N/y)? press return PAGE PARTS, MULTI-LINE OR TRUNCATE (P/m/t)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ Report Listing page 1A of 4 YRQ FIRST DAY LAST DAY YRQ-DAYS FIFTH DAY FIFTH-DAY-YY TNE DAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------A233 030106 030314 67 03/01/10 82 030117 A234 030331 030606 67 03/04/04 83 030411 A341 030623 030815 53 03/06/27 83 030707 A342 030922 031212 81 03/09/26 84 031003 A343 040105 040320 75 04/01/09 09 040116 A344 040330 040613 75 04/04/04 10 040411 8453 850102 850322 79 85/01/08 ##0 850115 8454 850325 850607 74 85/03/29 ##0 850405 8561 850617 850809 53 85/06/20 ##0 850626 8562 850923 851213 81 85/09/27 ##0 851004 8563 860106 860321 74 86/01/10 ##0 860117 8564 860331 860613 74 86/04/04 ##0 860411 8671 860623 860815 53 86/06/26 ##0 860702 8672 860922 861212 81 86/09/26 ##0 861003 8673 870105 870320 74 87/01/09 ##0 870116 8674 870330 870612 74 87/04/03 ##0 870410 8781 870622 870810 49 87/06/25 ##0 870701 8782 870921 871211 81 87/09/25 ##0 871002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------> PAGE-FORWARD/EXIT (F/e)? PRESS FUNCTION KEY F5 (PART>) ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 36 – November 2009 Illustration 3 Report Listing page 1B of 4 YRQ TEN-DAY-YYYYMMDD LAST TEN LAST-TEN-YY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------A233 20030117 000000 00 A234 20030411 000000 00 A341 20030707 000000 00 A342 20031003 000000 00 A343 20040116 000000 00 A344 20040411 000000 00 8453 19850115 000000 00 8454 19850405 000000 00 8561 19850626 000000 00 8562 19851004 860113 86 8563 19860117 860404 86 8564 19860411 860630 86 8671 19860702 860912 86 8672 19861003 861223 86 8673 19870116 870404 87 8674 19870410 870626 87 8781 19870701 870828 87 8782 19871002 880105 88 <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------PAGE-FORWARD/EXIT/PAGE-BACK (F/e/b)? PRESS FUNCTION KEY F4 (<PART) ♦ ♦ ♦ Report Listing page 1A of 4 YRQ FIRST DAY LAST DAY YRQ-DAYS FIFTH DAY FIFTH-DAY-YY TNE DAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------A233 030106 030314 67 03/01/10 82 030117 A234 030331 030606 67 03/04/04 83 030411 A341 030623 030815 53 03/06/27 83 030707 A342 030922 031212 81 03/09/26 84 031003 A343 040105 040320 75 04/01/09 09 040116 A344 040330 040613 75 04/04/04 10 040411 8453 850102 850322 79 85/01/08 ##0 850115 8454 850325 850607 74 85/03/29 ##0 850405 8561 850617 850809 53 85/06/20 ##0 850626 8562 850923 851213 81 85/09/27 ##0 851004 8563 860106 860321 74 86/01/10 ##0 860117 8564 860331 860613 74 86/04/04 ##0 860411 8671 860623 860815 53 86/06/26 ##0 860702 8672 860922 861212 81 86/09/26 ##0 861003 8673 870105 870320 74 87/01/09 ##0 870116 8674 870330 870612 74 87/04/03 ##0 870410 8781 870622 870810 49 87/06/25 ##0 870701 8782 870921 871211 81 87/09/25 ##0 871002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------> PAGE-FORWARD/EXIT (F/e)? PRESS FUNCTION KEY F8 (EXIT) ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN procedure newly defined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------REUSE EXTRACT FILE (N/y)? press return REPEAT PROCEDURE RUN (N/y)? press return SAVE CURRENT PROCEDURE (Y/n)? Y ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 37 – November 2009 Illustration 3 DataExpressCenter SAVE the procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SAVE name DESCRIPTION TRAINDSfml DATE SUBTYPE TRAINING PRACTICE ENTRY ACCESS BY USER ENTRY PASSWORD SAVE entry into local catalog (Y/n)? @ press return Y ENTRY SAVED IN CATALOG press <Enter> key to continue press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter C.01.90-5 (C) MB Foster Software Labs 1985-99 MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISPLAY procedure catalog 2: RUN an existing procedure 3: CREATE a new procedure 4: MAINTAIN an existing procedure 8: EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection W1 (7.00) ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter MAINTAIN an existing procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: REVIEW procedure definitions 2: MODIFY procedure definitions 3: SAVE the procedure 4: DELETE an existing procedure 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 2 ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 38 – November 2009 Illustration 3 DataExpressCenter MODIFY procedure definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press <Enter> key to MODIFY entry TRAINDSfml MODIFY name press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter MODIFY procedure TRAINDSfml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: EDIT names and attributes 2: DELETE computational fields 3: CHANGE procedure specifications 4: CHANGE output file format 8: END procedure modification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter EDIT names and attributes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: BASE names, locations and passwords 2: TABLE/SET names 4: FIELD names and definitions 5: DICTIONARY names and locations 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter FIELD names and definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: YRQ 5: LAST-TEN-UPD 9: TEN-DAY-YYYYMMDD 2: FIFTH-DAY-YRQ 6: TEN-DAY-YRQ 10: YRQ-DAYS 3: FIRST-DAY-YRQ 7: FIFTH-DAY-YY 4: LAST-DAY-YRQ 8: LAST-TEN-YY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA FIELD SELECTION 2,3 ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 39 – November 2009 Illustration 3 DataExpressCenter FIELD names and definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: YRQ 5: LAST-TEN-UPD 9: TEN-DAY-YYYYMMDD 2: FIFTH-DAY-YRQ 6: TEN-DAY-YRQ 10: YRQ-DAYS 3: FIRST-DAY-YRQ 7: FIFTH-DAY-YY 4: LAST-DAY-YRQ 8: LAST-TEN-YY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2: FIFTH-DAY-YRQ (FIFTH-DAY-YRQ) MENU name ACTUAL name DATA TYPE(J+) DATE SUBTYPE FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (4) FIELD DISPLAY LENGTH (6) OCCURRENCE COUNT (1) press return press return & YYMMDD press return press return press return [ ] FIELD ENTRY PROMPT press return [FIFTH DAY] FIELD HEADING press return [ ] DATE DISPLAY FORMAT press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter FIELD names and definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: YRQ 5: LAST-TEN-UPD 9: TEN-DAY-YYYYMMDD 2: FIFTH-DAY-YRQ 6: TEN-DAY-YRQ 10: YRQ-DAYS 3: FIRST-DAY-YRQ 7: FIFTH-DAY-YY 4: LAST-DAY-YRQ 8: LAST-TEN-YY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------3: FIRST-DAY-YRQ (FIRST-DAY-YRQ) MENU name ACTUAL name DATA TYPE(J+&) DATE SUBTYPE(YYMMDD) FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (4) FIELD DISPLAY LENGTH (6) OCCURRENCE COUNT (1) press return press return press press press press press return return return return return [ ] FIELD ENTRY PROMPT press return [FIRST DAY] FIELD HEADING press return [ ] DATE DISPLAY FORMAT MMDDYY DATE SEPARATOR () - ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 40 – November 2009 Illustration 3 DataExpressCenter EDIT names and attributes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: BASE names, locations and passwords 2: TABLE/SET names 4: FIELD names and definitions 5: DICTIONARY names and locations 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 7 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter MODIFY procedure TRAINDSfml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: EDIT names and attributes 2: DELETE computational fields 3: CHANGE procedure specifications 4: CHANGE output file format 8: END procedure modification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 8 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter MODIFY procedure TRAINDSfml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SAVE MODIFIED ENTRY (Y/n)? Y ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter SAVE the procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press <Enter> key to SAVE entry TRAINDSfml SAVE name press return Press <Enter> key to keep existing information [DATE SUBTYPE TRAINING PRACTICE] DESCRIPTION press return [@] ENTRY ACCESS BY USER press return [] ENTRY PASSWORD press return CATALOG ENTRY ALREADY EXISTS, PURGE OLD ENTRY (N/y)? SBCTC-ITD – 41 – Y November 2009 Illustration 3 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter MAINTAIN an existing procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: REVIEW procedure definitions 2: MODIFY procedure definitions 3: SAVE the procedure 4: DELETE an existing procedure 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 7 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter C.01.90-5 (C) MB Foster Software Labs 1985-99 MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISPLAY procedure catalog 2: RUN an existing procedure 3: CREATE a new procedure 4: MAINTAIN an existing procedure 8: EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection W1 (7.00) ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 2 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN an existing procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press <Enter> key to RUN procedure TRAINDSfml RUN procedure name press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 42 – November 2009 Illustration 3 DataExpressCenter Output file format options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Report Listing 11: [PH subfile 7] 21: SD ASCII file 2: DataExpress subfile 12: [PH keyed subfile 7] 22: BINARY file (MPE) 3: HPListKeeper 13: dBase PRN format 23: ASCII file (MPE) 4: HPWord 14: R:Base 24: EBCDIC file (IBM) 5: [Mail System] 15: WordPerfect 4.2 25: KSAM file 6: HPEasyChart 16: WordPerfect 5.0 26: KSAM SD file 7: HPDraw 17: [PH subfile 0] 27: Excel SYLK format 8: HP DSG 18: SPSS-X file 28: Lotus WK1 format 9: Lotus PRN format 19: DIF file 29: dBase DBF format 10: Lotus WKS format 20: SD BINARY file 30: [Graphics] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter '0' to specify a special format [ ]= not installed/available Press <Enter> key to use default format of REPORT ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN procedure TRAINDSfml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------PASSWORD for SM TRAIN ENTER SELECTION VALUES FOR THE FOLLOWING DATA FIELDS: FIFTH-DAY-YRQ 980101 TO 021231 81 READ, 20 PREPARED, 20 WRITTEN LIST REPORT ON PRINTER (N/y)? press return PAGE PARTS, MULTI-LINE OR TRUNCATE (P/m/t)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DATE SUBTYPE TRAINING PRACTICE page 1A of 2 YRQ FIRST DAY LAST DAY YRQ-DAYS FIFTH DAY FIFTH-DAY-YY TNE DAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------9783 01-05-98 980402 87 980109 98 980116 9784 03-30-98 980626 88 980406 98 980410 9891 06-22-98 980904 74 980625 98 980701 9892 09-21-98 981224 94 980925 98 981002 9893 01-04-99 990330 85 990108 99 990115 9894 03-29-99 990615 78 990402 99 990409 9901 06-21-99 990825 65 990624 99 990630 9902 09-20-99 991222 93 990924 99 991001 9903 01-03-00 000322 79 000107 00 000114 9904 03-27-00 000614 79 000331 00 000407 A011 06-19-00 000816 58 000622 00 000628 A012 09-18-00 001215 88 000922 00 000929 A013 01-02-01 010327 84 010108 01 010116 A014 03-26-01 010622 88 010330 01 010406 A121 06-18-01 010824 67 010621 01 010627 A122 09-24-01 011212 79 010928 01 011005 A123 01-07-02 020320 72 020111 02 020118 A124 04-01-02 020612 72 020405 02 020412 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------> PAGE-FORWARD/EXIT (F/e)? PRESS FUNCTION KEY F5 (PART>) ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 43 – November 2009 Illustration 3 DATE SUBTYPE TRAINING PRACTICE page 1B of 2 YRQ TEN-DAY-YYYYMMDD LAST TEN LAST-TEN-YY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------9783 19980116 980611 98 9784 19980410 990129 99 9891 19980701 981110 98 9892 19981002 990219 99 9893 19990115 990511 99 9894 19990409 990721 99 9901 19990630 000425 00 9902 19991001 011101 01 9903 20000114 000516 00 9904 20000407 000726 00 A011 20000628 000905 00 A012 20000929 001219 00 A013 20010116 010409 01 A014 20010406 010710 01 A121 20010627 010904 01 A122 20011005 020201 02 A123 20020118 020610 02 A124 20020412 020523 02 <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------PAGE-FORWARD/EXIT/PAGE-BACK (F/e/b)? PRESS FUNCTION KEY F4 (<PART) ♦ ♦ ♦ DATE SUBTYPE TRAINING PRACTICE page 1A of 2 YRQ FIRST DAY LAST DAY YRQ-DAYS FIFTH DAY FIFTH-DAY-YY TNE DAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------9783 01-05-98 980402 87 980109 98 980116 9784 03-30-98 980626 88 980406 98 980410 9891 06-22-98 980904 74 980625 98 980701 9892 09-21-98 981224 94 980925 98 981002 9893 01-04-99 990330 85 990108 99 990115 9894 03-29-99 990615 78 990402 99 990409 9901 06-21-99 990825 65 990624 99 990630 9902 09-20-99 991222 93 990924 99 991001 9903 01-03-00 000322 79 000107 00 000114 9904 03-27-00 000614 79 000331 00 000407 A011 06-19-00 000816 58 000622 00 000628 A012 09-18-00 001215 88 000922 00 000929 A013 01-02-01 010327 84 010108 01 010116 A014 03-26-01 010622 88 010330 01 010406 A121 06-18-01 010824 67 010621 01 010627 A122 09-24-01 011212 79 010928 01 011005 A123 01-07-02 020320 72 020111 02 020118 A124 04-01-02 020612 72 020405 02 020412 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------> PAGE-FORWARD/EXIT (F/e)? PRESS FUNCTION KEY F7 (DESIGN REPORT) ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 44 – November 2009 Illustration 3 DATE SUBTYPE TRAINING PRACTICE page 1A of 4 YRQ FIRST DAY LAST DAY YRQ-DAYS FIFTH DAY FIFTH-DAY-YY TNE DAY [1]-+----[2]--+----[3]--+----+-[4]+----+---[5]---+----+[6]-+----+--[7]----+---9783 01-05-98 980402 87 980109 98 980116 9784 03-30-98 980626 88 980406 98 980410 9891 06-22-98 980904 74 980625 98 980701 9892 09-21-98 981224 94 980925 98 981002 9893 01-04-99 990330 85 990108 99 990115 ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+---> PAGE-FORWARD/EXIT (F/e)? PRESS FUNCTION KEY F7 (FIELD EDIT) EDIT FIELD NUMBER EDIT FIELD NUMBER DISPLAY REPEATING SORT FIELD (NO) FIELD COLUMN WIDTH (9) FIELD START POSITION (41) FIELD COLUMN SPACING (2) FIELD LINE SPACING (0) HEADING JUSTIFICATION FIELD JUSTIFICATION 5 PRESS FUNCTION KEY F6 (PROMPT MODE) press return press return press return press return press return press return press return [FIFTH DAY] FIELD HEADING press return [] DATE DISPLAY FORMAT MMDDYY DATE SEPARATOR() / [] FIELD TEXT press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DATE SUBTYPE TRAINING PRACTICE page 1A of 4 YRQ FIRST DAY LAST DAY YRQ-DAYS FIFTH DAY FIFTH-DAY-YY TNE DAY [1]-+----[2]--+----[3]--+----+-[4]+----+---[5]---+----+[6]-+----+--[7]----+---9783 01-05-98 980402 87 01/09/98 98 980116 9784 03-30-98 980626 88 04/06/98 98 980410 9891 06-22-98 980904 74 06/25/98 98 980701 9892 09-21-98 981224 94 09/25/98 98 981002 9893 01-04-99 990330 85 01/08/99 99 990115 ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+---> EDIT FIELD NUMBER EDIT FIELD NUMBER FIELD COLUMN WIDTH (8) FIELD START POSITION (18) FIELD COLUMN SPACING (2) FIELD LINE SPACING (0) HEADING JUSTIFICATION FIELD JUSTIFICATION 3 PRESS FUNCTION KEY F6 (PROMPT MODE) press press press press press press return return return return return return [LAST DAY] FIELD HEADING press return [] DATE DISPLAY FORMAT MMMDDYYYY DATE SEPARATOR() press space bar once [] FIELD TEXT press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 45 – November 2009 Illustration 3 DATE SUBTYPE TRAINING PRACTICE page 1A of 4 YRQ FIRST DAY LAST DAY YRQ-DAYS FIFTH DAY FIFTH-DAY-YY TNE DAY [1]-+----[2]--+----+-[3]+----+----[4]--+----+-[5]+----+---[6]---+----+[7]-+---9783 01-05-98 APR 02 1998 87 01/09/98 98 980116 9784 03-30-98 JUN 26 1998 88 04/06/98 98 980410 9891 06-22-98 SEP 04 1998 74 06/25/98 98 980701 9892 09-21-98 DEC 24 1998 94 09/25/98 98 981002 9893 01-04-99 MAR 30 1999 85 01/08/99 99 990115 ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+---> EDIT FIELD NUMBER PRESS FUNCTION KEY F8 (EXIT) ♦ ♦ ♦ DATE SUBTYPE TRAINING PRACTICE page 1A of 4 YRQ FIRST DAY LAST DAY YRQ-DAYS FIFTH DAY FIFTH-DAY-YY TNE DAY [1]-+----[2]--+----+-[3]+----+----[4]--+----+-[5]+----+---[6]---+----+[7]-+---9783 01-05-98 APR 02 1998 87 01/09/98 98 980116 9784 03-30-98 JUN 26 1998 88 04/06/98 98 980410 9891 06-22-98 SEP 04 1998 74 06/25/98 98 980701 9892 09-21-98 DEC 24 1998 94 09/25/98 98 981002 9893 01-04-99 MAR 30 1999 85 01/08/99 99 990115 ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+---> PAGE-FORWARD/EXIT (F/e)? PRESS FUNCTION KEY F8 (EXIT) LIST REPORT ON PRINTER (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DATE SUBTYPE TRAINING PRACTICE page 1A of 2 YRQ FIRST DAY LAST DAY YRQ-DAYS FIFTH DAY FIFTH-DAY-YY TNE DAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------9783 01-05-98 APR 02 1998 87 01/09/98 98 980116 9784 03-30-98 JUN 26 1998 88 04/06/98 98 980410 9891 06-22-98 SEP 04 1998 74 06/25/98 98 980701 9892 09-21-98 DEC 24 1998 94 09/25/98 98 981002 9893 01-04-99 MAR 30 1999 85 01/08/99 99 990115 9894 03-29-99 JUN 15 1999 78 04/02/99 99 990409 9901 06-21-99 AUG 25 1999 65 06/24/99 99 990630 9902 09-20-99 DEC 22 1999 93 09/24/99 99 991001 9903 01-03-00 MAR 22 2000 79 01/07/00 00 000114 9904 03-27-00 JUN 14 2000 79 03/31/00 00 000407 A011 06-19-00 AUG 16 2000 58 06/22/00 00 000628 A012 09-18-00 DEC 15 2000 88 09/22/00 00 000929 A013 01-02-01 MAR 27 2001 84 01/08/01 01 010116 A014 03-26-01 JUN 22 2001 88 03/30/01 01 010406 A121 06-18-01 AUG 24 2001 67 06/21/01 01 010627 A122 09-24-01 DEC 12 2001 79 09/28/01 01 011005 A123 01-07-02 MAR 20 2002 72 01/11/02 02 020118 A124 04-01-02 JUN 12 2002 72 04/05/02 02 020412 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------> PAGE-FORWARD/EXIT (F/e)? PRESS FUNCTION KEY F8 (EXIT) ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 46 – November 2009 Illustration 3 DataExpressCenter RUN procedure TRAINDSfml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------REUSE EXTRACT FILE (N/y)? press return SAVE REPORT FORMAT (Y/n)? Y ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter SAVE the procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press <Enter> key to SAVE entry TRAINDSfml SAVE name press return Press <Enter> key to keep existing information [DATE SUBTYPE TRAINING PRACTICE] DESCRIPTION press return [@] ENTRY ACCESS BY USER press return [] ENTRY PASSWORD press return CATALOG ENTRY ALREADY EXISTS, PURGE OLD ENTRY (N/y)? Y ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN procedure TRAINDSfml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPEAT PROCEDURE RUN (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter C.01.90-5 (C) MB Foster Software Labs 1985-99 MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISPLAY procedure catalog 2: RUN an existing procedure 3: CREATE a new procedure 4: MAINTAIN an existing procedure 8: EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection W1 (7.00) ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER SBCTC-ITD 8 – 47 – November 2009 How do I use pre-generated MPE and KSAM files to create a DataExpress procedure? Using KSAM Files to Create Procedures Dictionary-defined, pre-generated KSAM files are either populated with data by online screen processes or during batch processing (running jobs). An example of a commonly used KSAM file would be the quarterly staff file (CR6210D), which is used for researching the MIS 6/2 match. Using MPE Files to Create Procedures Dictionary-defined, pre-generated MPE files are typically generated by batch processing (running jobs). A suffix of W (working) on an MPE filename indicates a working file that is temporary and is usually purged during the job process. These files cannot be used in DataExpress. (The exception is the annual financial statement file GA1409W, which used to be a working file but is now a saved file.) A suffix of S (saved) on an MPE file generally indicates an extract which creates a saved or sorted file. It is best to review the associated job documentation to determine whether or not there is going to be an extract. Many S (saved) files can be accessed using DataExpress. However, remember that the data will be reflective of the parameters defined by the job scheduling process. Examples of commonly used FMS-related MPE files are: • BA1290S – Budget status extract • GA1300S – Accounting summary report extract • GA1301S – GL detail report extract Examples of commonly used SMS-related MPE files are: • SM4002S – Log of deleted biographic records with STU-ENR-TRNS-D records • SM4300S – Excess Enrollment file • SR2201S – MIS2 file • BM1741W – Unofficial Enrollment file For an example of Creating a DataExpress Procedure from an MPE File, see Illustration 4. SBCTC-ITD – 48 – November 2009 Illustration 4 Illustration 4: Example of creating a DataExpress procedure from an MPE file DataExpressCenter C.01.90-5 (C) MB Foster Software Labs 1985-99 MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISPLAY procedure catalog 2: RUN an existing procedure 3: CREATE a new procedure 4: MAINTAIN an existing procedure 8: EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection W1 (7.00) ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 3 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter CREATE a new procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Use HP DICTIONARY definitions 2: Use HP IMAGE root file definitions 3: Use HP Allbase SQL definitions 4: Use FILE definitions 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Use HP DICTIONARY definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2: Use HP IMAGE data base definitions 3: Use KSAM/MPE file definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 3 ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 49 – November 2009 Illustration 4 DataExpressCenter Use KSAM/MPE file definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Display KSAM file names 2: Select a specific KSAM file 3: Display MPE file names 4: Select a specific MPE file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Select a specific MPE file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------MPE file name GA1300S ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Data fields in MPE file GA1300S 1 of 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DST-CD 17: .AS-SSOBJ 33: SPROJ 2: YR-MO 18: .AS-SRC-REV 34: PROJ-PHASE 3: .MY-YR 19: .AS-SSRC 35: GC-NUM 4: .MY-MO 20: .AS-BANK-ACCT-CD 36: COUNTY-CD 5: FMO 21: .AS-DUE-TO-FROM 37: CITY-CD 6: FYR 22: .AS-FYR 38: GL 7: .FYR1 23: FND 39: MTD-TRNS-AMT 8: .FYR2 24: APPR 40: .FMO1-TRNS-AMT 9: DATE 25: PRG 41: .FMO2-TRNS-AMT 10: RPT-TYP 26: SPRG 42: .FMO3-TRNS-AMT 11: ACCT-STRUCTURE 27: ACTV 43: .FMO4-TRNS-AMT 12: .AS-TRNS-CD 28: CAMPUS 44: .FMO5-TRNS-AMT 13: .AS-APPR-INDX 29: DIV 45: .FMO6-TRNS-AMT 14: .AS-PRG-INDX 30: DEPT 46: .FMO7-TRNS-AMT 15: .AS-ORG-INDX 31: COST-CNTR 47: .FMO8-TRNS-AMT 16: .AS-SOBJ 32: PROJ-NUM 48: .FMO9-TRNS-AMT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA FIELD SELECTION 2,23,38 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Data fields in MPE file GA1300S 2 of 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: .FMO10-TRNS-AMT 3: .FMO12-TRNS-AMT 5: FTD-TRNS-AMT 2: .FMO11-TRNS-AMT 4: .FMO13-TRNS-AMT 6: BTD-TRNS-AMT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA FIELD SELECTION 5 ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 50 – November 2009 Illustration 4 DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: YR-MO 3: GL 2: FND 4: FTD-TRNS-AMT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADD ANY MORE FIELDS OR FILES (N/y)? press return EDIT FIELD DEFINITIONS (N/y)? Y ENTER A FIELD NUMBER 1 DATA TYPE(Z+) DATE SUBTYPE & YYMM ENTER A FIELD NUMBER press return ADD ANY COMPUTATIONAL FIELDS (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: YR-MO 3: GL 2: FND 4: FTD-TRNS-AMT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------INCLUDE IN OUTPUT SORT BY SUMMARIZE BY 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 press return SUPPRESS DETAIL RECORDS (N/y)? Y WARNING: AUTOMATIC SUMMARIZATION WILL OCCUR ON ALL NUMERIC FIELDS SELECT BY 1,2,3 ARE THE SPECIFICATIONS CORRECT (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter PROCEDURE PREPARATION PHASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALTERNATE NAMES FOR SELECTION FIELDS (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter PROCEDURE PREPARATION PHASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------EDIT NAMES/LOCATIONS OF DATA BASES AND FILES (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 51 – November 2009 Illustration 4 DataExpressCenter Output file format options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Report Listing 11: [PH subfile 7] 21: SD ASCII file 2: DataExpress subfile 12: [PH keyed subfile 7] 22: BINARY file (MPE) 3: HPListKeeper 13: dBase PRN format 23: ASCII file (MPE) 4: HPWord 14: R:Base 24: EBCDIC file (IBM) 5: [Mail System] 15: WordPerfect 4.2 25: KSAM file 6: HPEasyChart 16: WordPerfect 5.0 26: KSAM SD file 7: HPDraw 17: [PH subfile 0] 27: Excel SYLK format 8: HP DSG 18: SPSS-X file 28: Lotus WK1 format 9: Lotus PRN format 19: DIF file 29: dBase DBF format 10: Lotus WKS format 20: SD BINARY file 30: [Graphics] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter '0' to specify a special format [ ]= not installed/available Press <Enter> key to allow run-time decision on format ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter PROCEDURE PREPARATION PHASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------RUN THE PROCEDURE (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Output file format options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Report Listing 11: [PH subfile 7] 21: SD ASCII file 2: DataExpress subfile 12: [PH keyed subfile 7] 22: BINARY file (MPE) 3: HPListKeeper 13: dBase PRN format 23: ASCII file (MPE) 4: HPWord 14: R:Base 24: EBCDIC file (IBM) 5: [Mail System] 15: WordPerfect 4.2 25: KSAM file 6: HPEasyChart 16: WordPerfect 5.0 26: KSAM SD file 7: HPDraw 17: [PH subfile 0] 27: Excel SYLK format 8: HP DSG 18: SPSS-X file 28: Lotus WK1 format 9: Lotus PRN format 19: DIF file 29: dBase DBF format 10: Lotus WKS format 20: SD BINARY file 30: [Graphics] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter '0' to specify a special format [ ]= not installed/available Press <Enter> key to use default format of REPORT ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 52 – November 2009 Illustration 4 DataExpressCenter RUN procedure newly defined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER SELECTION VALUES FOR THE FOLLOWING DATA FIELDS: YR-MO and FND and GL Press return to get all records as flagged on the ZX0080 screen 522 Press return to extract all GLs in FND 522 ♦ ♦ ♦ 48842 READ, 2156 PREPARED, 28 WRITTEN LIST REPORT ON PRINTER (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ Report Listing page 1 of 2 YR MO FND GL FTD-TRNS-AMT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------0101 522 0120 14.92 0998 14.921110 00 1130 500.00 1206 2,222.63 1354 .00 1355 704,174.72 1910 10,000.00 2310 19,554.65 2320 9,552.002410 116,798.74 2420 64,284.002510 150,000.00 3205 375,000.00 3210 728,584.185111 .00 5124 .00 5153 375,000.00------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAGE-FORWARD/EXIT (F/e)? exit here ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 53 – November 2009 Illustration 4 Report Listing page 1 of 2 YR MO FND GL FTD-TRNS-AMT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------0101 522 0120 14.92 0998 14.921110 .00 1130 500.00 1206 2,222.63 1354 .00 1355 704,174.72 1910 10,000.00 2310 19,554.65 2320 9,552.002410 116,798.74 2420 64,284.002510 150,000.00 3205 375,000.00 3210 728,584.185111 .00 5124 .00 5153 375,000.00------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAGE-FORWARD/EXIT (F/e)? exit here ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN procedure newly defined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------REUSE EXTRACT FILE (N/y)? press return REPEAT PROCEDURE RUN (N/y)? press return SAVE CURRENT PROCEDURE (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter SAVE the procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SAVE name DESCRIPTION fmlPROC2 GL ACCOUNT DETAIL SUMMARIZED - by YR-MO,FND,GL ENTRY ACCESS BY USER @ ENTRY PASSWORD press return SAVE entry into local catalog (Y/n)? press return ENTRY SAVED IN CATALOG press <Enter> key to continue press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 54 – November 2009 Illustration 4 DataExpressCenter C.01.90-5 (C) MB Foster Software Labs 1985-99 MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISPLAY procedure catalog 2: RUN an existing procedure 3: CREATE a new procedure 4: MAINTAIN an existing procedure 8: EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection W1 (7.00) ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER SBCTC-ITD 8 – 55 – November 2009 What is a multi-pass procedure and when should I use it? A multi-pass procedure is one in which several DataExpress procedures are written and the output of each procedure is saved as a file. Then, a final DataExpress procedure is written that accesses those saved files. A multi-pass procedure can also be a single DataExpress procedure that is run several times and creates a different saved extract with each pass (based on differing selection criteria values). There are many reasons for creating a multi-pass procedure, for example: • Use a multi-pass procedure when comparing similar data for different time periods, like a year-to-year comparison of general ledger transactions. • Use a multi-pass procedure to “un-duplicate” data. Let’s say you want to create a report that returns a list of students who took any one of a number of select classes and then show whether or not those same students have met their English 101 requirement. This would involve a two-pass procedure. • If you want to create a procedure in which you extract records and create a summary line output, use a multi-pass procedure to select or filter data based on the summary total. • Use a multi-pass procedure to link records in a reversed order. Normally you would link “from” any field “to” a key field. If you need to reverse the linkage order, you must create a first pass of the usual “to” file, and save the output. Then, create the second pass of the “from” file and, when you save the output, define a key. The third pass would then access the two newly created files and allow you to reverse the order linking to the newly defined key field. Again, there are many reasons to create multi-pass procedures. As a general rule, if you are struggling to get the records to extract or appear the way you want, consider a multipass procedure. For an example of how to create a multi-pass procedure, see Illustration 5. SBCTC-ITD – 56 – November 2009 Illustration 5 Illustration 5: Creating a multi-pass procedure First pass: This pass extracts the GL codes and their corresponding titles from TBL1. DataExpressCenter C.01.90-5 (C) MB Foster Software Labs 1985-99 MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISPLAY procedure catalog 2: RUN an existing procedure 3: CREATE a new procedure 4: MAINTAIN an existing procedure 8: EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection W1 (7.00) ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 3 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter CREATE a new procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Use HP DICTIONARY definitions 2: Use HP IMAGE root file definitions 3: Use HP Allbase SQL definitions 4: Use FILE definitions 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Use HP DICTIONARY definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2: Use HP IMAGE data base definitions 3: Use KSAM/MPE file definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 2 ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 57 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter Use HP IMAGE data base definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Display IMAGE data base names 2: Select a specific IMAGE data base 3: Select a specific IMAGE data set ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 2 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Select a specific IMAGE data base ------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMAGE data base name TBL1 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Data sets in data base TBL1 1 of 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: ACTV-TBL-M 17: FND-APPR-INFO-M 33: PRGOBJ-BDGT-M 2: APPR-CHAR-TBL-M 18: FND-GRP-TBL-M 34: PRGORG-GRP-TBL-M 3: APPR-PRG-TBL-M 19: FND-SGRP-TBL-M 35: PRGORG-OPN-TBL-M 4: APPR-TBL-M 20: FND-TBL-M 36: PRGORG-TBL-M 5: APPR-TYP-TBL-M 21: GAAFR-GRP-TBL-M 37: PROJ-NUM-TBL-M 6: BANK-ACCT-TBL-M 22: GL-CLASS-TBL-M 38: PROJ-PHASE-TBL-M 7: BTCH-ID-TBL-M 23: GL-GRP-TBL-M 39: PROJ-TYP-TBL-M 8: CAMPUS-TBL-M 24: GL-RPT-GRP-TBL-M 40: REIM-CD-TBL-M 9: CAT-EXP-REV-M 25: GL-SCLASS-TBL-M 41: SLEDG-TBL-M 10: COST-CNTR-TBL-M 26: GL-TBL-M 42: SOBJ-TBL-M 11: DEPT-TBL-M 27: MAJGRP-TBL-M 43: SPRG-TBL-M 12: DIV-TBL-M 28: MAJSRC-TBL-M 44: SPROJ-TBL-M 13: DST-INFO-M 29: OBJ-TBL-M 45: SSOBJ-TBL-M 14: FA-CD-TBL-M 30: ORG-INFO-TBL-M 46: SSRC-TBL-M 15: FEE-CD-TBL-M 31: PRG-INFO-TBL-M 47: SYS-CAL-TBL-M 16: FILE-POST-TBL-D 32: PRG-TBL-M 48: TRNS-CD-GL-TBL-D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA SET SELECTION 26 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Data sets in data base TBL1 2 of 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: TRNS-CD-TBL-M 7: DST-COL-D 13: DEBT-TRNS-TBL-D 2: TRNS-GRP-TBL-M 8: FND-OPN-TBL-D 14: CHK-STK-TBL-M 3: TUIT-DISTR-TBL-D 9: TUIT-CALC-TBL-M 15: CHK-STK-TBL-D 4: TUIT-DISTR-TBL-M 10: YRS-FYR-A 16: FEE-CD-TBL-D 5: GL-FND-OPN-D 11: YRS-FYR-D 17: BDGT-TRNSLT-M 6: DST-COL-A 12: DEBT-TRNS-TBL-M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA SET SELECTION SBCTC-ITD press return – 58 – November 2009 Illustration 5 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Data fields in MASTER data set GL-TBL-M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1:*GL-KEY 8: GL-BIEN-OPN-CD 15: .RVSN-MO 2: .GK-GL 9: GL-GRP 16: .RVSN-DAY 3: .GK-FYR 10: GL-CLASS 17: SLEDG-CD 4: TITLE 11: GL-SCLASS 18: SLEDG-UPD-IND 5: EDIT-STAT 12: GL-BDGT-UPD-IND 19: AFRS-GL-RPT-IND 6: GL-DR-CR-IND 13: RVSN-DATE 20: GL-OPN-IND 7: GL-CLOSE-IND 14: .RVSN-YR 21: GL-FYR-OPN-CD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA FIELD SELECTION 2,4 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 2: TITLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADD ANY MORE FIELDS OR FILES (N/y)? press return EDIT FIELD DEFINITIONS (N/y)? press return ADD ANY COMPUTATIONAL FIELDS (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 2: TITLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------INCLUDE IN OUTPUT SORT BY SUMMARIZE BY 1,2 1 press return SUPPRESS DETAIL RECORDS (N/y)? Y WARNING: AUTOMATIC SUMMARIZATION WILL OCCUR ON ALL NUMERIC FIELDS SELECT BY press return ARE THE SPECIFICATIONS CORRECT (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter PROCEDURE PREPARATION PHASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------EDIT NAMES/LOCATIONS OF DATA BASES AND FILES (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 59 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter PROCEDURE PREPARATION PHASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------INCLUDE DATA BASE PASSWORD(S) IN PROCEDURE (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Output file format options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Report Listing 11: [PH subfile 7] 21: SD ASCII file 2: DataExpress subfile 12: [PH keyed subfile 7] 22: BINARY file (MPE) 3: HPListKeeper 13: dBase PRN format 23: ASCII file (MPE) 4: HPWord 14: R:Base 24: EBCDIC file (IBM) 5: [Mail System] 15: WordPerfect 4.2 25: KSAM file 6: HPEasyChart 16: WordPerfect 5.0 26: KSAM SD file 7: HPDraw 17: [PH subfile 0] 27: Excel SYLK format 8: HP DSG 18: SPSS-X file 28: Lotus WK1 format 9: Lotus PRN format 19: DIF file 29: dBase DBF format 10: Lotus WKS format 20: SD BINARY file 30: [Graphics] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter '0' to specify a special format [ ]= not installed/available Press <Enter> key to allow run-time decision on format ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 26 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter PROCEDURE PREPARATION PHASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------RUN THE PROCEDURE (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN procedure newly defined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------PASSWORD for TBL1 TRAIN 648 READ, 648 PREPARED, 162 WRITTEN DOWNLOAD/SAVE/APPEND file (D/s/a)? S ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Select KSAM key fields ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 2: TITLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER KSAM KEY SELECTION 1 SBCTC-ITD – 60 – November 2009 Illustration 5 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME FOR GENERATED FILE fmlFILE1 File in local file group (Y/n)? press return REUSE EXTRACT FILE (N/y)? press return REPEAT PROCEDURE RUN (N/y)? press return SAVE CURRENT PROCEDURE (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter SAVE the procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SAVE name DESCRIPTION fmlPROC1 GL & TITLES FROM TBL1 - KSAM fmlFILE1 OF fmlPROC3 ENTRY ACCESS BY USER @ ENTRY PASSWORD press return SAVE entry into local catalog (Y/n)? press return ENTRY SAVED IN CATALOG press <Enter> key to continue press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter C.01.90-5 (C) MB Foster Software Labs 1985-99 MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISPLAY procedure catalog 2: RUN an existing procedure 3: CREATE a new procedure 4: MAINTAIN an existing procedure 8: EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection W1 (7.00) ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER SBCTC-ITD 8 – 61 – November 2009 Illustration 5 Second pass: The second pass of this process has actually already been created earlier (fmlPROC2). Therefore, this exercise will show you how to modify the output file format of the DataExpress procedure to a KSAM file. You can then run the procedure and save the output as a your second file. Note: This procedure accesses the GA1300S MPE file – a job extract file. Remember to check the ZX0080 screen to see which extract (YR-MO) is being accessed. You want last year’s data. DataExpressCenter C.01.90-5 (C) MB Foster Software Labs 1985-99 MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISPLAY procedure catalog 2: RUN an existing procedure 3: CREATE a new procedure 4: MAINTAIN an existing procedure 8: EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection W1 (7.00) ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter MAINTAIN an existing procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: REVIEW procedure definitions 2: MODIFY procedure definitions 3: SAVE the procedure 4: DELETE an existing procedure 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 2 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter MODIFY procedure definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------MODIFY name MODIFY entry from local catalog (Y/n)? fmlPROC2 press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 62 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter MODIFY procedure fmlPROC2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: EDIT names and attributes 3: CHANGE procedure specifications 4: CHANGE output file format 8: END procedure modification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Output file format options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Report Listing 11: [PH subfile 7] 21: SD ASCII file 2: DataExpress subfile 12: [PH keyed subfile 7] 22: BINARY file (MPE) 3: HPListKeeper 13: dBase PRN format 23: ASCII file (MPE) 4: HPWord 14: R:Base 24: EBCDIC file (IBM) 5: [Mail System] 15: WordPerfect 4.2 25: KSAM file 6: HPEasyChart 16: WordPerfect 5.0 26: KSAM SD file 7: HPDraw 17: [PH subfile 0] 27: Excel SYLK format 8: HP DSG 18: SPSS-X file 28: Lotus WK1 format 9: Lotus PRN format 19: DIF file 29: dBase DBF format 10: Lotus WKS format 20: SD BINARY file 30: [Graphics] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter '0' to specify a special format [ ]= not installed/available Press <Enter> key to allow run-time decision on format ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 26 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter MODIFY procedure fmlPROC2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: EDIT names and attributes 3: CHANGE procedure specifications 4: CHANGE output file format 8: END procedure modification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 8 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter MODIFY procedure fmlPROC2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SAVE MODIFIED ENTRY (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 63 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter SAVE the procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press <Enter> key to SAVE entry fmlPROC2 SAVE name press return Press <Enter> key to keep existing information DESCRIPTION [GL ACCOUNT DETAIL SUMMARIZED - by YR-MO,FND,GL] GL ACCT DET SUMMARIZED-KSAM fmlFILE2/3 FOR fmlPROC3 [@] ENTRY ACCESS BY USER press return [] ENTRY PASSWORD press return CATALOG ENTRY ALREADY EXISTS, PURGE OLD ENTRY (N/y)? Y ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter MAINTAIN an existing procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: REVIEW procedure definitions 2: MODIFY procedure definitions 3: SAVE the procedure 4: DELETE an existing procedure 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 7 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter C.01.90-5 (C) MB Foster Software Labs 1985-99 MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISPLAY procedure catalog 2: RUN an existing procedure 3: CREATE a new procedure 4: MAINTAIN an existing procedure 8: EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection W1 (7.00) ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 2 ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 64 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter RUN an existing procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press <Enter> key to RUN procedure fmlPROC2 RUN procedure name press return to run fmlPROC2 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN procedure fmlPROC2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER SELECTION VALUES FOR THE FOLLOWING DATA FIELDS: YR-MO You can enter something here, but pressing Return will give you everything in the extract specified on the ZX0080 screen (ex 00-01). An entry at this prompt primarily serves as a check and balance against the appropriately marked file on the ZX0080. and FND and GL 522 press return for all. 25844 READ, 1082 PREPARED, 17 WRITTEN DOWNLOAD/SAVE/APPEND file (D/s/a)? S ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Select KSAM key fields ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: YR-MO 3: GL 2: FND 4: FTD-TRNS-AMT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER KSAM KEY SELECTION 3 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME FOR GENERATED FILE fmlFILE2 File in local file group (Y/n)? press return REUSE EXTRACT FILE (N/y)? press return REPEAT PROCEDURE RUN (N/y)? press return SBCTC-ITD – 65 – November 2009 Illustration 5 Third pass: The third pass of this process will be exactly like the second except you want a different time period of data in the file in order to do a year-to-year comparison. Therefore, you must exit DataExpress and go back to screen ZX0080 and flag this year’s GA1300S file. Then, rerun procedure fmlPROC2 and save the output as your third file. DataExpressCenter C.01.90-5 (C) MB Foster Software Labs 1985-99 MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISPLAY procedure catalog 2: RUN an existing procedure 3: CREATE a new procedure 4: MAINTAIN an existing procedure 8: EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection W1 (7.00) ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 2 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN an existing procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------RUN procedure name fmlPROC2 RUN procedure from local catalog (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN procedure TESTPROC2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER SELECTION VALUES FOR THE FOLLOWING DATA FIELDS: YR-MO Again, you can press return here to get all data in the flagged GA1300S file or you can enter the appropriate YR-MO to ensure you are getting what is checked on ZX0080 screen. and FND and GL 522 press return for all 25844 READ, 1082 PREPARED, 17 WRITTEN DOWNLOAD/SAVE/APPEND file (D/s/a)? S ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 66 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter Select KSAM key fields ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: YR-MO 3: GL 2: FND 4: FTD-TRNS-AMT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER KSAM KEY SELECTION 3 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME FOR GENERATED FILE fmlFILE3 File in local file group (Y/n)? press return REUSE EXTRACT FILE (N/y)? press return REPEAT PROCEDURE RUN (N/y)? press return Fourth pass: The fourth and final pass brings the first three files together, linking the first file to the second and the first file to the third to obtain all GL titles. A calculation is created to eliminate those records where a zero balance resides in both the last year and current year. This pass also calculates the difference in dollar amounts from year to year and reflects a percentage of change. DataExpressCenter C.01.90-5 (C) MB Foster Software Labs 1985-99 MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISPLAY procedure catalog 2: RUN an existing procedure 3: CREATE a new procedure 4: MAINTAIN an existing procedure 8: EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection W1 (7.00) ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 3 ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 67 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter CREATE a new procedure -----------------------------------------------------------------------1: Use HP DICTIONARY definitions 2: Use HP IMAGE root file definitions 3: Use HP Allbase SQL definitions 4: Use FILE definitions 7: RETURN -----------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Use FILE definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: ENTER your own file definitions 2: Use File-Definition (FD) file 3: Use Self-Describing (SD) file 5: Use DataExpress subfile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 3 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Use Self-Describing (SD) file -----------------------------------------------------------------------------SD file name fmlFILE1 File in local file group (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Data fields in KSAM SD file fmlFILE1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------1:*GK-GL 2: TITLE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA FIELD SELECTION ALL ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 68 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 2: TITLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADD ANY MORE FIELDS OR FILES (N/y)? Y ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Existing files in procedure ----------------------------------------------------------------------------1: fmlFILE1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Press <Enter> key to select a new file SELECT AN EXISTING FILE press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Existing definition files in procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: fmlFILE1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press <Enter> key to select a new definition source SELECT AN EXISTING DEFINITION FILE press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter CREATE a new procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Use HP DICTIONARY definitions 2: Use HP IMAGE root file definitions 4: Use FILE definitions 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 69 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter Use FILE definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: ENTER your own file definitions 2: Use File-Definition (FD) file 3: Use Self-Describing (SD) file 5: Use DataExpress subfile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 3 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Use Self-Describing (SD) file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SD file name File in local file group (Y/n)? fmlFILE2 press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Data fields in KSAM SD file fmlFILE2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: YR-MO 3:*GL 2: FND 4: FTD-TRNS-AMT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA FIELD SELECTION ALL ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 3: YR-MO 5: GL 2: TITLE 4: FND 6: FTD-TRNS-AMT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADD ANY MORE FIELDS OR FILES (N/y)? Y ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Existing files in procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: fmlFILE1 2: fmlFILE2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press <Enter> key to select a new file SELECT AN EXISTING FILE SBCTC-ITD press return – 70 – November 2009 Illustration 5 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Existing definition files in procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: fmlFILE1 2: fmlFILE2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press <Enter> key to select a new definition source SELECT AN EXISTING DEFINITION FILE press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter CREATE a new procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Use HP DICTIONARY definitions 2: Use HP IMAGE root file definitions 4: Use FILE definitions 7: RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Use FILE definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: ENTER your own file definitions 2: Use File-Definition (FD) file 3: Use Self-Describing (SD) file 5: Use DataExpress subfile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 3 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Use Self-Describing (SD) file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SD file name fmlFILE3 File in local file group (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 71 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter Data fields in KSAM SD file fmlFILE3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: YR-MO 3:*GL 2: FND 4: FTD-TRNS-AMT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER DATA FIELD SELECTION ALL ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 5: GL 9: GL 2: TITLE 6: FTD-TRNS-AMT 10: FTD-TRNS-AMT 3: YR-MO 7: YR-MO 4: FND 8: FND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADD ANY MORE FIELDS OR FILES (N/y)? press return EDIT FIELD DEFINITIONS (N/y)? Y ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ----------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 5: GL 9: GL 2: TITLE 6: FTD-TRNS-AMT 10: FTD-TRNS-AMT 3: YR-MO 7: YR-MO 4: FND 8: FND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER A FIELD NUMBER DATA TYPE(Z) DATE SUBTYPE 3 & YYMM ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications -------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 5: GL 9: GL 2: TITLE 6: FTD-TRNS-AMT 10: FTD-TRNS-AMT 3: YR-MO 7: YR-MO 4: FND 8: FND -------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER A FIELD NUMBER DATA TYPE(Z) DATE SUBTYPE 7 & YYMM ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 72 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter Define output specifications -------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 5: GL 9: GL 2: TITLE 6: FTD-TRNS-AMT 10: FTD-TRNS-AMT 3: YR-MO 7: YR-MO 4: FND 8: FND -------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER A FIELD NUMBER 6 DATA TYPE(P) press return DECIMAL PLACES (0) 2 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications -------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 5: GL 9: GL 2: TITLE 6: FTD-TRNS-AMT 10: FTD-TRNS-AMT 3: YR-MO 7: YR-MO 4: FND 8: FND -------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER A FIELD NUMBER 10 DATA TYPE(P) press return DECIMAL PLACES (0) 2 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ----------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 5: GL 9: GL 2: TITLE 6: FTD-TRNS-AMT 10: FTD-TRNS-AMT 3: YR-MO 7: YR-MO 4: FND 8: FND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTER A FIELD NUMBER press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 5: GL 9: GL 2: TITLE 6: FTD-TRNS-AMT 10: FTD-TRNS-AMT 3: YR-MO 7: YR-MO 4: FND 8: FND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADD ANY MORE FIELDS OR FILES (N/y)? press return EDIT FIELD DEFINITIONS (N/y)? ADD ANY COMPUTATIONAL FIELDS (N/y)? press return Y ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 73 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 5: GL 9: GL 2: TITLE 6: FTD-TRNS-AMT 10: FTD-TRNS-AMT 3: YR-MO 7: YR-MO 4: FND 8: FND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW FIELD NAME COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION DATA TYPE(P) DECIMAL PLACES (2) FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (8) CHANGE-AMT 10 - 6 press return press return press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 5: GL 9: GL 2: TITLE 6: FTD-TRNS-AMT 10: FTD-TRNS-AMT 3: YR-MO 7: YR-MO 11: CHANGE-AMT 4: FND 8: FND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW FIELD NAME CHANGE-PERCENT COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION (11/6)*100.00 IF 6 FTD-TRNS-AMT NE 0. COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION (2) 11*100.00 DATA TYPE(P) press return DECIMAL PLACES (2) press return FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (10) press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 5: GL 9: GL 2: TITLE 6: FTD-TRNS-AMT 10: FTD-TRNS-AMT 3: YR-MO 7: YR-MO 11: CHANGE-AMT 4: FND 8: FND 12: CHANGE-PERCENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW FIELD NAME ZERO-CHECK COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION 0.0 IF 6,10 FTD-TRNS-AMT 0 FTD-TRNS-AMT 0 COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION(2) 1.0 DATA TYPE(I) press return DECIMAL PLACES (1) press return FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (4) press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 74 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 6: FTD-TRNS-AMT 11: CHANGE-AMT 2: TITLE 7: YR-MO 12: CHANGE-PERCENT 3: YR-MO 8: FND 13: ZERO-CHECK 4: FND 9: GL 5: GL 10: FTD-TRNS-AMT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW FIELD NAME press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 6: FTD-TRNS-AMT 11: CHANGE-AMT 2: TITLE 7: YR-MO 12: CHANGE-PERCENT 3: YR-MO 8: FND 13: ZERO-CHECK 4: FND 9: GL 5: GL 10: FTD-TRNS-AMT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADD ANY MORE FIELDS OR FILES (N/y)? press return EDIT FIELD DEFINITIONS (N/y)? press return ADD ANY COMPUTATIONAL FIELDS (N/y)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Define output specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: GK-GL 6: FTD-TRNS-AMT 11: CHANGE-AMT 2: TITLE 7: YR-MO 12: CHANGE-PERCENT 3: YR-MO 8: FND 13: ZERO-CHECK 4: FND 9: GL 5: GL 10: FTD-TRNS-AMT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------INCLUDE IN OUTPUT SORT BY SUMMARIZE BY 4,1,2,3,6,7,10,11,12 4,1 0 ENTER SUMMARY FIELD SELECTION FOR: report 6,10,11 SUPPRESS DETAIL RECORDS (N/y)? SELECT BY press return 13P ENTER SELECTION VALUES FOR THE FOLLOWING DATA FIELDS: [ ] ZERO-CHECK NE 0.0 ARE THE SPECIFICATIONS CORRECT (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 75 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter Multi-file access order ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: fmlFILE1 3: fmlFILE3 2: fmlFILE2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------FILE ACCESS AND LINKAGE ORDER 1,2,1:3 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Linking from file fmlFILE1 to file fmlFILE2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1:*GK-GL 2: TITLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SELECT THE LINK FIELD from FILE1 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Linking from file fmlFILE1 to file fmlFILE3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1:*GK-GL 2: TITLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SELECT THE LINK FIELD from FILE1 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter Output file format options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Report Listing 11: [PH subfile 7] 21: SD ASCII file 2: DataExpress subfile 12: [PH keyed subfile 7] 22: BINARY file (MPE) 3: HPListKeeper 13: dBase PRN format 23: ASCII file (MPE) 4: HPWord 14: R:Base 24: EBCDIC file (IBM) 5: [Mail System] 15: WordPerfect 4.2 25: KSAM file 6: HPEasyChart 16: WordPerfect 5.0 26: KSAM SD file 7: HPDraw 17: [PH subfile 0] 27: Excel SYLK format 8: HP DSG 18: SPSS-X file 28: Lotus WK1 format 9: Lotus PRN format 19: DIF file 29: dBase DBF format 10: Lotus WKS format 20: SD BINARY file 30: [Graphics] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter '0' to specify a special format [ ]= not installed/available Press <Enter> key to allow run-time decision on format ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter PROCEDURE PREPARATION PHASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------RUN THE PROCEDURE (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 76 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter Output file format options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: Report Listing 11: [PH subfile 7] 21: SD ASCII file 2: DataExpress subfile 12: [PH keyed subfile 7] 22: BINARY file (MPE) 3: HPListKeeper 13: dBase PRN format 23: ASCII file (MPE) 4: HPWord 14: R:Base 24: EBCDIC file (IBM) 5: [Mail System] 15: WordPerfect 4.2 25: KSAM file 6: HPEasyChart 16: WordPerfect 5.0 26: KSAM SD file 7: HPDraw 17: [PH subfile 0] 27: Excel SYLK format 8: HP DSG 18: SPSS-X file 28: Lotus WK1 format 9: Lotus PRN format 19: DIF file 29: dBase DBF format 10: Lotus WKS format 20: SD BINARY file 30: [Graphics] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter '0' to specify a special format [ ]= not installed/available Press <Enter> key to use default format of REPORT ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter RUN procedure newly defined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------212 READ (162 ON PRIMARY FILE), 162 PREPARED, 163 WRITTEN LIST REPORT ON PRINTER (N/y)? press return PAGE PARTS, MULTI-LINE OR TRUNCATE (P/m/t)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ Report Listing page 1A of 1 FND GK-GL TITLE YR-MO 522 0120 0998 1110 1355 2310 2320 2410 2420 3210 5191 5192 6410 6510 9400 9510 ACTUAL FTE'S CONTRA FTE'S LOCAL CASH IN BANK DUE FR OTHR FND-CASH OTHR THAN BLDGS DEPR ALLOW - OTHR FURN & EQUIP DEPRALLOW-FURN&EQUIP CASH REV CUSTOMER DEPOSITS DEFERRED REV ENC PD 25MO-APPR CASH EXP/EXPENSES RETAINED EARNINGS RESERVE FOR GL 6410 9901 9901 9901 9901 9901 9901 9901 9901 9901 9901 9901 9901 9901 9901 9901 FTD-TRNS-AMT 24.75 -24.75 -6020.19 427402.55 19554.65 -8307.00 93169.63 -52771.00 -339370.60 -892.00 .00 53765.97 966855.80 -289037.63 -53765.97 810584.21* YR-MO 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 FTD-TRNS-AMT 20.54 -20.54 151160.72 357061.38 19554.65 -9552.00 116798.74 -64284.00 -333582.12 -1885.00 2260.00 25622.75 155870.69 -393403.06 -25622.75 .00* CHANGE-AMT -4.21 4.21 157180.91 -70341.17 .00 -1245.00 23629.11 -11513.00 5788.48 -993.00 2260.00 -28143.22 -810985.11 -104365.43 28143.22 -810584.21* CHANGEPERCENT -17.01 -17.01 -2610.90 -16.46 .00 14.99 25.36 21.82 -1.71 111.32 .00 -52.34 -83.88 36.11 -52.34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------> PAGE-FORWARD/EXIT (F/e)? E ♦ ♦ ♦ SBCTC-ITD – 77 – November 2009 Illustration 5 DataExpressCenter RUN procedure newly defined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------REUSE EXTRACT FILE (N/y)? press return REPEAT PROCEDURE RUN (N/y)? press return SAVE CURRENT PROCEDURE (Y/n)? press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter SAVE the procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SAVE name DESCRIPTION fmlPROC3 GL ACCT DET YR-TO-YR 4 pass fmlFILE1,2,3 ENTRY ACCESS BY USER @ ENTRY PASSWORD press return SAVE entry into local catalog (Y/n)? press return ENTRY SAVED IN CATALOG press <Enter> key to continue press return ♦ ♦ ♦ DataExpressCenter C.01.90-5 (C) MB Foster Software Labs 1985-99 MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISPLAY procedure catalog 2: RUN an existing procedure 3: CREATE a new procedure 4: MAINTAIN an existing procedure 8: EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection W1 (7.00) ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER SBCTC-ITD 8 – 78 – November 2009 When is it appropriate to group, summarize, or create computations in a DataExpress procedure? To obtain totals for categories or records, obtain summary line totals, or create values based on specified criteria, use grouping, summarizing, and computational expressions. Grouping Data Grouping simplifies the viewing of duplicate data by first displaying a complete line of data for the first record containing the duplicate field. Then the remaining duplicate records are displayed with blanks in place of the duplicate data. When a change in value for the field occurs (called a control break), again, a complete line of data for the first duplicate record is displayed, followed by the remaining records with blanks in place of the duplicate data. Below is an example of an unsorted, ungrouped report output. Note the duplicate entries in the EMP-TYPE, EMP-NAME and EMP-ID fields. Example 1: Unsorted – no grouping effect EMP-TYPE EMP-NAME EMP-ID LEAVE-TYP LEAVE-BAL E JONES, FRED 111-22-3333 VAC 148.2 E ADAMS, JOHN 222-33-4444 VAC 122.5 E JONES, FRED 111-22-3333 CSL 277.5 P CARSON, MARY 333-44-5555 VAC 101.1 P CARSON, MARY 333-44-5555 P/H 8.0 E JONES, FRED 111-22-3333 P/H 3.5 C TYSON, TISH 555-66-7777 CSL 82.0 The example below shows the same data sorted and grouped. Note how the duplicate data (for example, the employee type E, the name Fred Jones, and the ID number 111-22333) is displayed only once. Example 2: Primary sort on EMP-TYP, EMP-NAME, EMP-ID with grouping EMP-TYPE EMP-NAME EMP-ID LEAVE-TYP LEAVE-BAL C TYSON, TISH 555-66-7777 CSL 82.0 E ADAMS, JOHN 222-33-4444 VAC 122.5 JONES, FRED 111-22-3333 VAC 148.2 P/H 3.5 CSL 277.5 VAC 101.1 P/H 8.0 P CARSON, MARY 333-44-5555 In order to group data in a DataExpress report, you must select a primary sort field to group by. If you want to use the summary functions at control breaks, the control break SBCTC-ITD – 79 – November 2009 field must also be a sort field. See “Summarizing” below for more information about summarizing data. Summarizing Data When you specify sort fields, you can also request that summary records (for example, sub-totals, averages, or values) be calculated and displayed for the non-sort fields. A summary record is written each time the value in a specified sort field changes. Valid summary functions to enter following the number of the summary fields are: Entry Result A Average * (or nothing) Sub-Total (the default) C Count L Low (minimum) value H High (maximum) value E End (last) value The example below uses the same data as Examples 1 and 2 but, in this case, the output includes summary records containing sub-totals for every change in the EMP-TYPE field. Example 3: Summary totals based on EMP-TYPE and LEAVE-BAL EMP-TYPE C <*> E <*> P EMP-NAME TYSON, TISH EMP-ID 555-66-7777 LEAVE-TYP CSL ADAMS, JOHN JONES, FRED 222-33-4444 111-22-3333 VAC VAC P/H CSL CARSON, MARY 333-44-5555 VAC P/H <*> LEAVE-BAL 82.0 82.0* 122.5 148.2 3.5 277.5 551.7* 101.1 8.0 109.1* To get the results shown above, at the SUMMARIZE BY prompt, you would specify EMP-TYP. Then, when prompted for the field or fields to summarize for each value of EMP-TYPE, you would specify LEAVE-BAL. (In this case, the report is also grouped by EMP-NAME so leave balances could also be totaled by employee name.) To obtain totals for the entire report, at the SUMMARIZE BY prompt, enter a 0 (zero). To obtain a percentage column of a subtotal, first create a computed field called, for example, PERCENTAGE. If the LEAVE-BAL field above is menu item number 5 of your working set, the computation will look like the example below. The percentage shown will be of the field value shown at the control break. SBCTC-ITD – 80 – November 2009 NEW FIELD NAME [PERCENTAGE COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION DATA TYPE (J) [press return DECIMAL PLACES (2) ] [5P ] ] [press return FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (4) OCCURRENCE COUNT (1) ] [press return ] [press return ] Computational Expressions A computational field is a data item defined in a procedure rather than in the IMAGE database. It may be: • Any data type • Used to define other computational fields • Written to a report or output file • Used as the link field when linking files There are essentially two kinds of computational expressions, simple and conditional. The value of a simple computational expression is a combination of other fields in the menu. This type of computation is performed using arithmetic operations on numeric fields and “string” operations on alphanumeric fields. Based on a very basic working set, the following is an example of a simple computational expression that will create a column showing outstanding fees based on the amount charged minus the payment amount: 1: CUST-ID 2: CHRG-DATE NEW FIELD NAME 3: AMT-CHRG [OUTSTANDING [press return ] ] DECIMAL PLACES (2) [press return ] FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (8) [press return SBCTC-ITD 5: PYMT-DATE ] COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION [3 – 4 DATA TYPE(P) 4: AMT-PYMT – 81 – ] November 2009 Valid arithmetic and string functions are: Operators Arithmetic String + Addition Concatenation (combining fields) - Subtraction Concatenation with removal of blanks * Multiplication Extraction / Division giving quotient // Division giving remainder ** Exponentiation P Percent (the percentage of a field value to its total value at a control break) R Ratio (the ratio of the field value to its total value at a control break) The value of a conditional computational expression is a combination of other fields in the menu; however, the value of the computation may be different based on the contents of one or more of the fields in the menu. A conditional computational expression starts with an IF statement which specifies when the calculation or conditions should be used. The IF statement can contain multiple values joined by a “connector.” The connector between the values in the IF statement can be: • A comma (,) indicating an AND condition between the fields (meaning all the conditions must be met for the calculation or condition to be used). • A colon (:) indicating an OR conditions between the fields (meaning only one of the conditions must be met for the calculation or the condition to be used) The IF statement is followed by WHEN TO USE statements whose value sets will be used to determine if the computational field should be assigned the value calculated by the expression on the left-hand side of the IF statement. Once you finish entering one IF and WHEN TO USE combination, you can enter another. As many additional expressions as are required may be added. Entry stops when an expression with no IF statement is entered. As an example of an if-then-else computation, using the SM database, assume you want to determine whether or not a student is seeking a degree or certificate in accordance with SBCTC specifications. The criteria are as follows: • SBCTC-ITD Student intent must be coded B, F, or G and student planned length of attendance must be coded 13, 14, or 15, or – 82 – November 2009 • Student intent must be coded A and students planned length of attendance must be coded 15. In order to count the number of students meeting the criteria, you want the calculation to return the value of 1.0 when the conditions are met and 0.0 when the conditions are not met. Using a very simplified working set (you would probably have more fields added to your report), the calculated field (in this case, DEGREE-CERT-SEEKING) would be written as follows: 1. SID 2. YRQ 3. STU-INT 4. STU-PLAN-ATTEND NEW FIELD NAME [DEGREE-CERT-SEEKING ] COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION [1.0 IF 3,4 ] STU-INT And STU-PLAN-ATTND [B,F,G ] [13,14,15 ] COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION(2) [1.0 IF 3,4 STU-INT And STU-PLAN-ATTND [A ] ] [15 ] COMPUTATIONAL EXPRESSION(3) DATA TYPE (I) [ [ 0.0 ] ] FIELD STORAGE LENGTH (6) [ ] To compare two fields, enter one field in the WHEN TO USE field and, when prompted for the comparison value, enter a $ followed by the second field number. SBCTC-ITD – 83 – November 2009 What tips and rules should I remember when linking? General Considerations When creating a DataExpress procedure that accesses multiple files, you must create a path between those files. It is important to do this properly since the linking order of your files will affect the efficiency of the report process. When preparing to link files, there are both philosophical and practical rules to follow. On the philosophical side, consider the purpose of your report. Determine which file contains your primary set of records. This is typically the data set or file that will be at the beginning of your linkage order. This first file will generally contain most of the fields designated as selection criteria. Ideally, the next file would be the one that most quickly eliminates or filters out your data based on selection values or else the data set with the least number of records from those files remaining in the linkage. On the practical side, any field in the “from” file must point to the same field in the “to” file. However, the field must be a key field identified with an asterisk (*) in the “to” file. You can link “to” any field in an MPE file (but use caution). Linking or matching fields do not have to have the same field name, but they must contain the same data and data structure. For example, you can link SID (Student Identification Number) to EMP-ID (Employee Identification Number) since they both contain 9 digit Social Security numbers with a tenth empty data byte at the end of the field. Using a standard link, only those records whose SID and EMP-ID match will be extracted. The fastest data extraction occurs when there is a key-to-key match. File Access and Linkage Order When prompted in DataExpress for the file access order, type the file menu numbers in access order separated by commas. After a record is read from each input file, if all selection criteria are satisfied, a record will be written to the output file. A record will be written even if there are no records for one of the secondary files unless there is selection criteria for fields in that file and there are no records that meet the criteria. If the file linkage order differs from the file access order, type the number of the file containing the link field, followed by a : (colon) and then the number of the secondary file. For example, 1,2,1:3 specifies that the access order is 1,2,3 but the link field to provide a key to file 3 comes from file 1 (rather than file 2). If the link field is a computed field, omit the “from” file in the expression. For example, 1,2,:3 specifies that there is a computed file link to file 3. If there is more than one computed field defined in the procedure you will be asked to select one as the link. SBCTC-ITD – 84 – November 2009 If a secondary access file is either a detail data set or a KSAM file, you may specify special reads with the following suffixes: F - select only the first record that meets all criteria L - select only the last record that meets all criteria R - read chain in reverse order (only for detail sets) For example, 1,2F will cause only one record to be selected for each record in file 1 and it will be the first one that meets all selection criteria. If records from a file are to be selected based on the absence of associated records in a secondary file, enter a minus sign before the associated file. For example, 1,-2 specifies that records from file 1 should be extracted only if no associated (keyed) records exist in file 2. This can be read as “ONLY select if MISSING.” If selection criteria are set up for one or more fields in a secondary file, you can force a selection to occur on a null (missing) record by putting a + (plus) before the file. For example, 1,+2 will write an output record even if file 2 contains no records that meet the selection criteria or file 2 contains no records at all. This can be read as “FORCE select if MISSING.” SBCTC-ITD – 85 – November 2009 How do I decide which output file format to use? When saving your DataExpress report output to a file, there are several file type options. Which one you use depends on what you are going to do with the file. The output file type may be specified either explicitly when the procedure is created, or each time the procedure is run. Specifying the file type at run time allows the same procedure to produce output files for a variety of target applications as well as produce a report. Below is a list of the most common formats used for downloading files to the PC. The option numbers refer to the choices on the Output File Format selection menu in DataExpress. Option Format Comments 16 Word Perfect 5.0 Compatible with current versions of MSWord 27 SYLK A spreadsheet format used by PC-based programs such as Excel 29 dBase DBF A dBase database format commonly used for importing tables into Access Below is a list of the most common file formats used to save the file on the HP3000. Again, the option numbers refer to the choices on the Output File Format selection menu in DataExpress. Option 2 Format DataExpress subfile Comments This is a self-describing file format that can be generated and used in DataExpress in multi-pass procedures. Field definitions contain all attributes used by DataExpress, including decimal precision, edit masks, and so on. Use this type of file when extracting only small amounts of data or summary information. Do not use this type of file to link to other subfiles (MPE files). While this is possible, keep in mind that these files are not indexed. If you link two non-indexed files together, the procedure will run extremely slowly while randomly searching for matches. It is appropriate to link a DX subfile to an IMAGE data set. It will have the same result as a non-key to key link. 20, 21 (SD) Self-describing files This format is for MPE files, both Binary and ASCII formats, which contain a computer-generated label describing the fields contained in the file. This file format does not contain edit mask information (decimals, dashes, slashes, and so on) for fields. This file type can be used as input to other DataExpress procedures. The same usage information as noted above for option 2 applies. This file type is also used for exporting to programs other than DataExpress. 26 KSAM SD files This file type creates an indexed output file with a self-defining key field. This file does not contain edit mask information (decimals, dashes, slashes, and so on) for fields. Use this file type when creating multi-pass procedures and linking either multiple KSAM files to each other or to IMAGE data sets. KSAM files are indexed based on the key that you define. This makes for better linking and a faster file read. SBCTC-ITD – 86 – November 2009 If I have created a multi-pass procedure, how can I change the names of the procedure and the saved files that it accesses without recreating everything? To answer this question, consider the scenario suggested below. You have created a four-pass procedure consisting of: • A first procedure named TESTPROC1 which has output saved as a file called FILE1. • A second procedure named TESTPROC2 which runs twice, with different selection values each run. The output results in two saved files called FILE2 and FILE3. • A third procedure named TESTPROC3 that accesses FILE1, FILE2, and FILE3 to compare the data. Follow the steps below to change the three procedure names to CHGPROC1, CHGPROC2, and CHGPROC3 and the associated file names to CHGFL1, CHGFL2, and CHGFL3. For this example, we will assume all files and procedures are located in the local file group. To change the procedure names: 1 At the DataExpress main menu, type 4 (Maintain). 2 At the Maintain menu, type 2 (Modify). 3 At the Modify Name prompt, type TESTPROC1. 4 At the Modify Entry from Local Catalog (Y/n) prompt, type Y (yes). 5 At the Modify menu, type 8 (End). 6 At the Save Modified Entry (Y/n), type Y (yes). 7 At the Save Name prompt, type the new name of your procedure. For this example, the name would be CHGPROC1. 8 Press Return through the next three prompts to keep the current description, access, and password information. 9 At the Save Entry in Local Catalog (Y/n) prompt, type Y (yes). 10 Repeat steps 1 through 9 for procedures TESTPROC2 and TESTPROC3. SBCTC-ITD – 87 – November 2009 You have now successfully changed the procedure names, but the CHGPROC3 procedure is still associated with the FILE1, FILE2, and FILE3 files. To change the filenames: 1 Run the new procedure CHGPROC1. 2 When prompted for the file name, type CHGFL1. 3 Run procedure CHGPROC2. 4 When prompted for the file name, type CHGFL2. 5 Run procedure CHGPROC2 again, with new criteria. 6 When prompted for the filename, type CHGFL3. 7 You now have three new files but CHGPROC3 still points to FILE1, FILE2, FILE3. This is remedied in the next section. To point CHGPROC3 to the new files: 1 At the DataExpress main menu, type 4 (Maintain). 2 At the Maintain menu, type 2 (Modify). 3 At the Modify Name prompt, type CHGPROC3. 4 At the Modify Entry from Local Catalog (Y/n) prompt, type Y (yes). 5 At the Modify menu, type 1 (Edit Names and Attributes). 6 At the Edit menu, type 3 (File Names and Locations.) 7 At the Enter File Selection prompt, type 1,2,3 (to select all files). 8 For FILE1, at the Menu Name prompt, type the new file name CHGFL1. 9 At the Actual Name prompt, type the new file name CHGFL1. 10 At the Group Name prompt, press Return to maintain the local group information. 11 For FILE2, at the Menu Name prompt, type the new file name CHGFL2. 12 At the Actual Name prompt, type the new file name CHGFL2. SBCTC-ITD – 88 – November 2009 13 At the Group Name prompt, press Return to maintain the local group information. 14 For FILE3, at the Menu Name prompt, type the new file name CHGFL3. 15 At the Actual Name prompt, type the new file name CHGFL3. 16 At the Group Name prompt, press Return to keep the local group information. 17 At the Edit menu, type 7 to return to the Modify menu. 18 At the Modify menu, type 8 to End. 19 Save the procedure and purge the previous version of CHGPROC3. SBCTC-ITD – 89 – November 2009 What are some important tips to remember when creating procedures specifically for downloading? When you are determining whether or not it is appropriate to download the output of your DataExpress procedure, consider the following DO’s and DON’Ts: DO download snapshots of data that would otherwise not be captured in the transactional databases, for example, a snapshot of daily enrollment counts for the first two weeks of a quarter. DO download data that you wish to format or design in ways that DataExpress cannot, for example, sizing, bolding, underlining, font styles, grid lines, shading, text boxes, graphs and charts. DO download to create mailing labels. This can be done in DataExpress, but it is far more difficult to get the appropriate alignment. DON’T download data to sort, resort and then filter out specific records. This can generally be accomplished in DataExpress and can be far more time consuming in PC applications like Excel or Access. DON’T download data to create columns of computations based on the data in your file, for example, downloading financial records and then subtracting column B from column A to make column C. This can be done in DataExpress. DON’T download data on a regular basis and then spend long periods of time doing data manipulation and clean-up. For example, don’t download a file on a weekly basis and then spend time eliminating duplicate records. In terms of choosing the appropriate file type for downloading, see page 86 for more information about the various file types available. Remember that when you download the file using option 27 for Excel, open the file in Excel by specifying the file type of SYLK. When you download the file using option 29 for use in Access, open the file in Access by specifying the file type of dbase III, IV, or V. Also remember that there is currently no mechanism for retaining edit masks (slashes in dates, dashes in ID numbers, and so on) when downloading a file to your PC. An edit mask is not a part of the value in a field. It is an edit to that field. Future releases of DataExpress may contain the functionality to capture edit mask information. SBCTC-ITD – 90 – November 2009 What report formatting options are available in DataExpress? DataExpress Center provides an on-line output formatting program called ReportDesigner. ReportDesigner allows the user to customize a report listing and see the results of the changes as they are made. The customization includes a variety of field-specific and global report formatting options. To access ReportDesigner, you need to run a procedure and have the report listing displayed on your screen. To activate ReportDesigner, press F7 (Design Report). You can use ReportDesigner in two modes as follows: • Global Edit (F6) - When you make a change in global edit mode, it is applied to the entire report. • Field Edit (F7) - When you make a change in field edit mode, it is applied to the specified field. You can also view the ReportDesigner prompts in two ways: • Prompt mode (F6) - The prompts are displayed one at a time on the screen. • Function key choices - Abbreviated prompts or choices are available through the function keys. Understanding Global Edit Prompts To view the global edit prompts, press Global Edit (F6) and then Prompt Mode (F6). The following series of prompts will be displayed: • Reorder/Remove Field Columns (N/y)? If you type Y (yes) at this prompt, a new prompt sequence is displayed that allows you to specify which columns to move or delete from the report. • Layout for Terminal/Printer (T/p)? Type T (for terminal report layout) or P (printer report layout). If you type P, you are prompted further for printer specifications. • Page Line Format (Parts) To break reports which are wider than the terminal display width into page parts (for example, 1a, 1b and 1c of 15), type P (parts). To wrap the report records within the display width (that is, create multiple lines per record), type M (multiple lines). To cut off the report records at the end of the terminal display so they do not print, type T (truncate). • Number of Repeating Field Columns (1) This prompt appears only when you type P (parts) at the Page Line Format prompt. Type the number of field columns that should be repeated from one SBCTC-ITD – 91 – November 2009 page part to the next page part. The default is determined by the number of sort fields you have specified. • Number of Images (0) Change the value for this prompt when working with mailing labels or any other listing that requires more than one record across the width of the page. • Column Format (NO) This prompt appears only when the value for the Number of Images prompt is greater than zero. To order the images down the page like the names in a phone book, type Y (yes). To order the images across the page, type N (no). • Default Column Spacing (2) Specify the number of spaces between each column on your report. (This default can be overridden for individual fields in the field edit mode.) • Suppress Page Headers (NO) When you do not want the report title to be printed (for example, when you are printing mailing labels), type Y (yes) at this prompt. • Suppress Field Headings (NO) When you do not want the field headings to be printed, type Y (yes) at this prompt. • Default Heading Justification (Center) Type L (left) if you want to place the heading on the left; type R (right) if you want to place the heading on the right. • Page Heading Type the heading or title as you want it to appear on every page of the report. • Page Footing Type the footer as you want it to appear on every page of the report. At the end of the global edit prompts, you can: • Switch to field edit mode. • Exit the global edit mode and ReportDesigner. Understanding Field Edit Prompts To view the field edits prompts, press Field Edit (F7). The following series of prompts will be displayed: • SBCTC-ITD Display Repeating Sort Field (N) This prompt is displayed only if the field is a sort field. By default, the value in a sort field is displayed only when the value in that field changes. Type Y (yes) to display and print the value of the sort field on each report line. – 92 – November 2009 • Field Column Width (nn) Respond to this prompt only if you need to change the column width of the field. The column width is determined by the longer of: (1) the field length as determined by the edit mask or (2) the field heading length. If the column width of an alphanumeric field (data type X) is made smaller, DataExpress truncates the values in the field. If the column width of a numeric field (for example, data types Z, P, J, or I) is made too small to contain its values, the field is filled with pound sign (#) characters. Type a new value for the width of this column up to the maximum width allowed. • Field Start Position (nn) Respond to this prompt only if you need to change the starting position for the field. A ruler is shown at the bottom of the report to assist in spacing. • Field Column Spacing (n) Type the number of blank spaces that should separate the field from the one that precedes it. The default value is 2 spaces. • Field Line Spacing (n) Respond to this prompt if you want to force the field to a new line or page part. The default of 0 (zero) results in the current field being positioned on the same line as the previous field. Type 1 to position the current field immediately after the previous line, 2 to skip a line between the current field and the previous field, and so forth. • Heading Justification Respond to this prompt if you want to change the justification for the field heading. The default for the field heading is C (center). Type R to right justify or L to left justify the field heading. • Field Justification Respond to this prompt if you want to change the justification for the data in this field. Type any of the following values: C (center); L (left justify – default for alphanumeric items); or R (right justify - default for numeric items). • Field Heading The current field heading is displayed above a data entry field. Type the new field heading in the data entry field. Place ^ wherever you want to split the heading into more than one line (for example, YEAR^QUARTER would place YEAR over QUARTER and shorten the field width). Press Return to retain the default heading as shown. Type a blank space to erase the heading. • Field Edit Mask Respond to this prompt only if you want to change the edit mask for this field. For all procedures created using the HP Dictionary, DataExpress uses the predefined Dictionary edit mask. To change the edit mask or to define an edit mask for fields created through Image root files, type the appropriate substitution or insertion characters showing how the field should be formatted SBCTC-ITD – 93 – November 2009 in the report. One substitution character is assigned for each position of the display length of the data field. Use the following substitution characters: Character Interpretation ^ Insert actual data character in this position. Z Suppress leading zeros (must be uppercase). $ Suppress leading zeros and place a dollar sign before the left-most digit. * Replace all leading zeros with asterisks. ! Align the decimal point with decimal positions defined in the field. ! Place a decimal point in this position, regardless of the number of defined decimals for this field. Any other character is considered an insertion character and is displayed or printed at that position in the field. Examples of insertion characters are quotation marks (“), hyphens (-), and parentheses. When you specify an edit mask, be sure to allow room for the negative indicator (the minus sign). If your field edit mask is not large enough to contain the field values, the field is filled with pound sign (#) characters. • Field Text Use this data entry field to type a string of characters to be displayed on the report line in front of the field. At the end of the field edit prompts, you can: • Select another field for editing. • Switch to global edit mode. • Exit field edit mode and ReportDesigner. Understanding Line and Page Breaks ReportDesigner allows you to add blank lines before subtotal and total lines and to generate page breaks on specific sort fields. Use field edit mode and be sure to select a field that has been identified as a control break, that is, a field that is indicated as a Summarize By field. If you do not, the following prompts will not be displayed. To generate line and page breaks: 1 In field edit mode, select the field number of a summary field after which you want a page break to occur. 2 Press Next Keys (F7) two times until F2 displays the Group Edit label. If F2 does not display the Group Edit label, then you have not identified the current field as a summary field, or you are working with the wrong field number. SBCTC-ITD – 94 – November 2009 3 Choose one of the following: • Page Skip (F1) - Generates a page break before printing the first value of the next sort item. • Double Skip (F2) - Inserts two blank lines after the subtotal line for this group. • Line Skip (F3) - Inserts one blank line after the subtotal line for this group. Saving and Removing ReportDesigner Formatting Once you have customized your DataExpress procedure report format using ReportDesigner, the Save (Y/n) prompt is displayed. Type Y to save the report format. Note that you can later remove the saved format changes by following these steps: 1 On the DataExpress Main Menu, type 4 (Maintain an Existing Procedure). 2 On the Maintain an Existing Procedure menu, type 2 (Modify Procedure Definitions). 3 At the Modify Name Prompt, type the name of the procedure from which you wish to remove the ReportDesigner formatting, followed by a comma and the number 2, for example, PROCNAME,2 4 Note: It is all right for the comma and number 2 to extend beyond the prompt’s allowable spaces 5 At the Modify Entry From Local Catalog prompt, press Return to accept the default response Yes. 6 On the Modify Procedure name menu, type 8 (End Procedure Modification). 7 Save the Modified entry. SBCTC-ITD – 95 – November 2009 How can I change printer settings while in DataExpress? You can change the printer page width and depth by altering the existing configuration settings in DataExpress. To get to the Set Configuration Options menu, type an exclamation point (!) at any prompt or, from the Main Menu, press Config Options (F7). Note that any changes you make while in this set of menus are only in effect for your current session. DataExpress will resume using the default printer settings when you exit the session. To change the printer page width and/or printer page depth, type an exclamation point (!) and press Return. The following menu will appear: DataExpressCenter Set configuration options -------------------------------------------------------------------1: Menu characteristics 2: Procedure execution parameters 3: Display format parameters 4: Output file characteristics 5: PC interchange parameters 7: RETURN ENTER A CONFIGURATION OPTION NUMBER 3 Selection option 3 (Display format parameters). The following sub-menu will appear: DataExpressCenter Display format parameters ---------------------------------------------------1: Terminal display width 2: Terminal display depth 3: Print page width 4: Print page depth 5: Printed report summary page 7: RETURN ---------------------------------------------------ENTER AN OPTION NUMBER 3 or 4 Use option 3 (Print page width) to change the maximum width of displays sent to a printer. The following prompt will appear: DataExpressCenter Print page width --------------------------------------------------------------PRINT PAGE WIDTH (132) Note: The number in parentheses indicates the current default setting of a print page width of 132 characters. SBCTC-ITD – 96 – November 2009 Use option 4 (Print page depth) of the Display format parameters menu to change the number of lines that a printed listing will occupy on a page. Note: You can specify a print page depth of 0 lines to eliminate page skips on output (when printing mailing labels, for example). If page heading, page footing, or both are specified, then only one heading or footing will be printed on the report. When you select option 4, the following prompt appears: DataExpressCenter Print page depth -------------------------------------------------------PRINT PAGE DEPTH (59) Note: The number in parentheses indicates the current default setting of a print page depth (59 lines per page) To exit the Set Configuration Options menus, select the RETURN option on each menu. You will be returned to the menu or prompt where you typed the exclamation point and may now continue with your process. SBCTC-ITD – 97 – November 2009