PPMS user group training DEPARTMENT OF RETIREMENT SYSTEMS Agenda Error Prevention (Getting it right from the beginning) The #1 Rule Charts to use Transmittal Reporting Edit Messages Reconciliation New Service – RFEI (Request For Employer Information) The #1 Rule • What is the #1 most important thing to do when you’ve hired a new employee? Member Reporting Verification Member Reporting Verification Tumwater City of Scenarios • New to Higher Ed eligible employment (no DRS history) • New to Higher Ed eligible employment (with DRS history) • Has made Higher Ed/Plan 3 choice (July 1, 2011 and after) • Had previous Higher Ed eligible employment (before July 1, 2011) • Not eligible for Higher Ed plan, but eligible for PERS So you know where they’ve been…now what? • For employees eligible for HERP and a DRS plan, select and use the appropriate chart below • Faculty Reporting Chart • Non-Faculty Reporting Chart • Other Helpful Links • Membership options for Higher Education Q & A • Higher Education Plan 3 choice form Higher Education Plan Choice • Employees who become eligible for the higher education program who have elected to participate in: – TRS Plan 3 with faculty status – PERS Plan 3 without faculty status • Member signs and returns form to employer • Employer sends original to DRS Transmittal Reporting Information Flow Human Resources Dept Payroll Dept P A Y R O L L S Y S T E M Member Profile Employment Info One Record Plan Choice MIS DRS EIS Defined Contribution A/R Defined Benefit Edit Messages Statement of Account Reporting File Transfer For 2 year colleges directly sent from State Board For 4 years file is uploaded to DRS via Secure File Transfer site Web-based Employer Transmittal Built-in edits for greater accuracy Calculates contribution amounts Limited space Reporting Reporting Period (Billing Period) Identifies the year and month of the transmittal report. The same reporting period should be used for all entries in the reporting month even if more than one earning period is reported Report Type Used to indicate whether the report is a regular transmittal report or a correction report Reporting Report Version Number Identifies which report this is in the month’s sequence of reports. Example: 01 or 02 if sending two files First File paid on the 25th of each month. Version 01 of 02 Second File paid on the 10th of the following month. Version 02 or 02 Expected Monthly Reports Identifies the expected number of regular reports for a specific month. If sending two files for the report period, the expected would be 02 Reporting Compensation must be identified by the month and year in which it is earned Report compensation as earned, not as paid Edit Messages Edit Messages Information submitted on the transmittal is edited for accuracy A Transmittal Edit Report is mailed or available online which identifies the errors found and the actions taken If a problem is discovered the transaction may be: Rejected Corrected Left as is Edit Messages “Snapshot” in time Messages do not stay on report from month to month Notifies you if information has not been reported “Missing Earnings” Report Edit Messages - Rejection The transaction creates an error or the system cannot determine the desired outcome so the transaction is not posted to the account 533-58-0888 JONES, MARCUS T Defined Benefit: Earn Per: 200707 Compen: 351.18- Mbr contr: 3.09- Employr Contr: 6.21- Status: A Type Code: 32 Days: 0 Rejected: 01 Hours: 22.4- The sum of the transactions on this report would create a negative balance of hours or days for the earning period being reported. Resubmit with the correct information. Edit Messages – Information Changed The transaction was incorrect but the system can determine the problem and adjusts accordingly. The adjusted transaction is posted. 123 45 6789 Thomas, Rob Defined Benefit: Earn: 201309 Compen: 72.69 MBR Contr: Status: A Type Code : 03 Hours: .0 Days: 2.44 .0 Employer Contr: 4.46 Info Changed: Member Contributions are invalid based on reported Compensation rate (4.26%). DRS Member Contributions from $2.44 to $3.10. Net change was $.66 changed Info Changed: Employer Contributions are invalid based on reported Compensation rate (8.46%). DRS Employer Contributions from $4.46 to $6.15. Net change was $1.69. changed Edit Messages - Warning The transaction appears questionable, but is within allowable limits and is accepted and posted. 123 45 6789 Leary, Dennis Defined Benefit: Earn: 201307 Compen: 15035.62 MBR Contr: 602.14 Status: A Type Code : 03 Hours: 200 Days: Employer Contr: 616.19 Warning: Reported Compensation is greater than $15,000 (or less than -$15,000). Please verify and correct if necessary. Cashouts require a Status Code other than “A”. Reconciliation Edit Messages HIGHLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 555 12 0011 CLARKSTON, KELLY 557 30 2222 AKIN, DREW 564 44 3300 HUDSON, MIRANDA 580 11 4545 SWIFT, TIMOTHY Edit Messages Account Reconciliation PERS 2 PERS 3 Edit Messages Account Reconciliation A/R Statement Some Examples A/R statement • Debits/credits stay in the month they happened until moved or corrected • This correction will be fixing 5 individual transmittals report version billing period 10/2014 R01 Oct-14 $490.72 10/2014 RO2 Oct-14 $490.72 11/2014 RO1 Nov-14 $610.91 11/2014 R02 Nov-14 $490.72 $1,101.63 12/2014 R01 Dec-14 $490.72 $490.72 Total amount monthly balance $981.44 $2,573.79 Correction • A credit redistribution will be needed to move the $$ from November and October report version 10/2014 R01 10/2014 RO2 billing period Oct-14 Oct-14 11/2014 RO1 11/2014 R02 12/2014 R01 amount monthly balance $490.72 $490.72 $981.44 Nov-14 Nov-14 $610.91 $490.72 $1,101.63 Dec-14 $490.72 $490.72 $2,573.79 RFEI – Request for Employer Information RFEI – Request for Employer Information • New System implemented to handle requests from DRS to employers • Tied to eServices • Creates a standard • Enhances ability to track requests • Decreased response time • RFEI instructions RFEI – Request for Employer Information Contacting DRS E-mail – drsemployer@drs.wa.gov – drsforms@drs.wa.gov Telephone – Local 360-664-7200 – Toll free 1-800-547-6657(option 6) • Option 1 for Accounts Receivable • Option 2 for Employer Support DRS Web Site – http://www.drs.wa.gov Thank You