(liBSASZES) «A K ^'*.—-^ J cv 1%^ DEV.'EY HD28 .M414 no. Heavy Traffic Analysis Stochastic Inventory-Routing Martin I. the of Dynamic Problem Reiman, Rodrigo Rubio, and Lawrence M. Wein #3881-96-MSA February, 1996 ^ASs, r^t'^-l^S APR X 1 ^996 Heavy Dynamic Stochastic Inventory-Routing Problem Traffic Analysis of the Martin AT&T I. Reiman Bell Laboratories Murray NJ 07974 Hill, Rodrigo Ruhio Operations Research Center, M.I.T. Cambridge, MA 02139 Lawrence M. Wein Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. Cambridge, MA 02139 ABSTRACT We analyze three queueing control problems that model a dynamic stochastic tribution system, where a single capacitated vehicle serves a finite make-to-stock fashion. The objective is to in of retailers in a each of these vehicle routing and inventory problems minimize the long run average inventory (holding and backordering) and transporta- tion cost. In all three problems, the controller dynamically specifies the warehouse should idle or embark with a travel along a prespecified how many (TSP) tour units to deliver to each retailer. The By assuming whether a vehicle at problem, the vehicle must and the controller dynamically decides In the second problem, the vehicle delivers and the controller decides which third problem allows the additional shipping options. In the first full load. of all retailers, entire load to one retailer (direct shipping) next. number dis- dynamic choice between the an retailer to visit TSP and direct that the system operates under heavy traffic conditions, we approximate these queueing control problems by diffusion control problems, which are explicitly solved in case. the fixed route problems, and numerically solved in the dynamic routing Simulation experiments confirm that the heavy rate over a broad range of problem parameters. about the behavior of this Our traffic approximations are quite accu- results lead to complex system. February 1996 some new observations Introduction 1 A prototypical example of the inventory-routing problem (IRP) large oil company as it distributes gasoline to its is the challenge faced by a various gas stations: several warehouses, which hold inventory of a particular item (gasoline), serve a set of retailers (stations) in a make-to-stock fashion; arriving customers (automobiles) consume the product at these and a sites, fleet of finite capacity vehicles (tanker trucks) from the warehouse to the various The management are many-fold warehouses and and operation of such a system Traditionally, a hierarchical decomposition of the used to allow for a solvable model at each of the levels strategic level, the used to transport the product retailers. decisions involved in the design and complex. is managers of retail Simchi-Levi 1992). is At the system must determine the location and number of this retailers, as well as (e.g., problem the assignment of retailers to warehouses. At a tactical they must decide on the number of vehicles to operate, and possibly on the assignment level, of vehicles to service districts. At the operational send a particular vehicle out or let it idle, which of the how much retailers should each vehicle visit, deliver to each of the retailers on its level the decisions include: whether to of the capacity of the vehicle to use, and how much of load should a vehicle its route. At the tactical and operational levels, the essence of the IRP is the tradeoff between inventory costs and transportation costs: in order to reduce inventory levels at the retail sites without affecting the service level, more frequent replenishment thereby increasing the transportation costs. In to a lesser extent, vehicle travel times) such cases, a stochastic model this is is many applications, customer field of operations research is sometimes in criticized Ackoff 1987). (e.g., terexample to this perception: while heuristics some spectacularly In required to accurately capture the inventory costs, and in have lagged behind theoretical progress led to demand (and subject to considerable stochastic variation. paper we focus on the operational aspects of the IRP The deliveries are required, a dynamic stochastic setting. because The IRP real- world applications is an important coun- for this notoriously difficult problem have successful industrial applications at both the operational (e.g., the 1 Edelman Prize winning work of Bell et 1983, Golden et al. 1988) levels, a concomitant mathematical theory for the IRP al. in 1984) and tactical (Larson a dynamic and stochastic en- vironment has not been forthcoming. Federgruen and Zipkin (1984) analyze a single-period IRP with stochastic demand, and Dror and Ball (1987) develop a heuristic technique to reduce the long run average problem to a single period problem. Recent studies that con- IRP sider the operational aspects of the stochcistic include Trudeau and Dror (1992), who develop heuristics for the case of an external supplier, where retailer inventories are only observable at delivery times; Minkoff (1993), Markov decision itinerary model that dispatches who constructs a decomposition heuristic for a vehicles on a prespecified set of itineraries, where each characterized by an inventory allocation to a subset of customers; and is Schwarz and Ward (1995), who develop myopic static and dynamic strategies Kumar, for allocating the contents of a vehicle to the various retailers on a predetermined tour. Chan, Federgruen and Simchi-Levi's (1994) probabilistic analysis of random instances of the deterministic IRP is useful for addressing tactical aspects of the IRP with and strategic stochastic issues, but has no bearing on the operational demand. Our system model has one warehouse and one capacitated assume that the higher level decisions An ample amount available at the warehouse, and the cost of holding this inventory demand and and the objective may is differ by is to retailer) vehicle travel times are and operating the send the vehicle out with a less than one, then an Two routing, when a We is not included in the model. random, unsatisfied demand if when the full load or One vehicle. vehicle let is is backordered, of the crucial decisions in our problem at the warehouse, the controller can either the vehicle sit idle; because we employ a long run the vehicle does not idle and the "traffic intensity" of the system infinite amount is of retailer inventory will build up over the long run. types of IRP's are analyzed: the dynamic routing. is of inventory minimize costs due to holding and backordering inventory (cost rates the vehicle idling policy: average cost criterion, we effectively have been made to assign a single warehouse and a single vehicle to serve all retailers in a particular region. Retailer vehicle; hence, first assumes fixed routing and the second allows consider two variants of the fixed routing IRP: in the vehicle leaves the warehouse it IRP with TSP uses a pre-optimized tour of the m retailers, which we TSP refer to as the idling policy, the controller decision is (travelling salesman must decide how many units based on the current inventory The second of units in the vehicle. problem) tour. In addition to the vehicle levels at all retailers variant time the vehicle leaves the warehouse it is the IRP with TSP and this and on the remaining number direct shipping] in this case, each delivers all of its contents to a single retailer, the controller dynamically specifies which retailer to routing, the controller decides, based to deliver to each retailer, In the visit next. upon the current inventory and IRP with dynamic levels, whether to use a tour or direct shipping. By TSP only allowing we avoid an tours or direct shipping, assault on the combi- embedded routing problem, and model these problems natorial aspects of the as queueing control problems. Since these control problems appear to be analytically intractable, heavy traffic analysis is employed in order to nontrivial limiting control problem, of the time to is make further progress. we assume that the To obtain an server (vehicle) meet average demand, the vehicle capacity is conditions are stated theorems in sition in the more precisely later in the paper. is and must be busy most large, the tour long and nearly deterministic, and the vehicle operating cost interesting completion time large; these heavy Guided by the heavy traffic traffic limit Coffman, Puhalskii and Reiman (1995a,b), we uncover a time scale decompo- heavy traffic limit; however, no weak convergence proofs are provided because they would be very demanding and would distract us from our primary objectives: gain insights into the nature of the optimal policies for the IRP, and (ii) (i) to to develop effective pohcies for the operation- of these systems. Under the traditional heavy traffic normalization, where time and inventory are compressed by a factor going to infinity), of n and y/n, respectively (and the (embedded or averaged) total retailer inventory process proximated by a one-dimensional reflected Brownian motion on the interval the control parameter idling policy. The w drift — 00, tf], where represents an aggregate base stock level that dictates the vehicle is TSP being used, and in the dynamic routing problem the controller dynamically switches between two Brownian motions (one its is well ap- and variance of the Brownian motion depend on whether the or direct shipping policy ping), each possessing ( is n own drift, for TSP and variance and cost structure. If one for direct ship- we take the heavy traffic normalization and slow time fcister scale. A down time by a factor of ^/n, then a fluid limit is obtained on this deterministic analysis at this time scale allows us to optimize over the other operational decisions. Our results are quite explicit; the derived controls for the fixed routing given in closed form or in that of the optimal policy for the diffusion control IRP with dynamic routing, we analyze a cleiss problem of triple threshold policies conjectured to contain the optimal policy, and numerically compute the optimal is policy to the diffusion control problem. the accuracy of the heavy A traffic analysis computational study and allows us importance of the various operational decisions dynamic allocation, In §2 and §3, The performance routing is TSP vs. direct of these analyzed in §5. two routing schemes is dynamic compared Our computational study summary carried out that confirms the vehicle idling policy, static vs. (e.g., shipping, fixed vs. is to obtain insights into the relative we analyze the IRP with TSP routing and concluding remarks, including a routing). direct shipping, respectively. in §4 and the IRP with dynamic §7 contains described in §6. is some of our key findings. The IRP with TSP Routing 2 2.1 Problem Formulation Consider a system where a single vehicle with capacity product to m at the central geographically dispersed retailers. warehouse at no a make-to-stock fashion, and When the vehicle is cost. demand full is inlinitc used to distribute a standard supply of the product is is kept retailer inventories in that cannot be served immediately load and then visits retailers are visited could V Customers arc served from the before returning empty. Alternatively, the vehicle which An operating the following policy (indexed as station 0) with a in either terms of parameters that are solutions to certain equations. Because we cannot characterize the form associated with the IRPs are is backordered. used: the vehicle leaves the warehouse all may the retailers in a predefined sequence idle at the depot. be arbitrary, we assume that it is Though the order the solution to the TSP implied TSP, and refer henceforth to this service scheme as the we assume generality, in the = i that retailers are indexed from through 1 TSP tour. Two sources of variability are considered: customer l,...,m, customer demand at retailer process {Di{t)^t > 0} with rate Without m according to their position demand and denoted by D{t) = ^, = ^, and A Di{t), coefficient of variation c^- (variance of the demand the total A, is of this paper the index runs over the set of retailers {1,2,..., Our otherwise.) cesses; see §6 of i and j is rate. (In all m}, unless given by samples of the random variable iid coefficient of variation demand streams and The sequence (1984) for details. cf^ {i,j run from of each other. to m). [0, i] summations explicitly indicated of travel times between which has mean Tij, in compound renewal results easily generalize to cases with correlated Reiman For travel times. interdemand time divided by the square of the mean). The cumulative total demand is loss of occurs according to an independent renewal i and squared A,- policy. Oij pro- facilities and squared These travel times are independent of the Keeping with the convention in the literature, we assume that pickup and delivery of units occur instantaneously; in practice, load/unload times tend to be dwarfed by the travel times. (Although non-zero load/unload times can be incorpo- rated in a straightforward manner, the analysis becomes cloud the basic issues). Hence, the the TSP tour are given by 0t spectively, = E.To' where the subscript "T" coefficient of variation of the tour denote the counting process for continuously active in is ^.,.+i is + ^mo and mnemonic for idle; (ii) The busy/idle while the vehicle control be interrupted, and so the sequence ini {t I TSP. For later use, = we s^/^j, and t re- define the squared let {^^(i),^ > assuming the vehicle two operating control decisions remain: is 0} is STiBxit)) > k}. The r^., is busy, how much (i) whether of the load to leave expressed in terms of the cumulative process Bj{t), which represents the amount of time the vehicle = would 4 = ZfJ^' Ol^+Aj+i + ^moC^o, tour completions up to time fixed, only the vehicle should be busy or Tfc inclusion variance of the total time required to complete completion time as Cj TSP its [0,t]. Because the route at each retailer. mean and more tedious and k = is 1,2, .. busy . in [0,<]. We do not allow tours to of tour completion epochs delivery allocations are is given by modeled by the m-dimensional amount control process L,{t), which represents the cumulative time nominal delivery We let developments, In anticipation of future t. = Vi size for retailer A,V/A for all V among allocation process defined by and a dynamic allocation process V^, = L,{t) - V,ST{BT{t)) for > t amount dehvered during the current deliveries to retailer up i we need only to time cycle for retailer ef (0) = {^^) > ^i ej{t) > ef(rjt_i) = eriTk) "-" where the superscripts The number XI, Qi(0- at time If t = (1) size over past tours, Because the tour completion (.J{t) to determine the total we assume J2i ^Ji^) represents the total amount that the vehicle leaves the warehouse (^~) i, only for (2) if retailer <G is visited at time is andall (r;t_i,rfc) is (3) /, i, (4) and (5) 0, (6) and "+" denote the times just before and after an epoch. if this quantity denoted by Qi{t), and the total inventory we assume that Q,{0) = (J (wliich is without is negative) at at the retailers is Q{t) loss of generality, since a long = run being used) then the current inventory Q,{t) equals the cumulative minus the cumulative demand, which by Q,it) i of units in inventory (or backordered average cost criterion deliveries for all = V iT{T^) i load load and returns empty, the dynamic load allocation process must satisfy ^i retailer The Notice that deviations from the nominal allocation t. delivered during the current cycle. Because full i. specify the value of cancel out across the retailers and the process er(i) with a tf{t). 0, which represents the cumulative deviations from the nominal delivery history can be observed, up to us express this control in terms of a the retailers according to their relative demands. eJit) plus the i so that the nominal delivery size corresponds to allocating i, the vehicle capacity is denoted by i, let delivered to retailer = V,STiBT{t))-D,{t) + eJ{t) (1) for given by is / = l,...,m, t > 0. (7) Define the cumulative vehicle idle time process I{t) by I{t) =t- so that the control policy Bj{t),tJ{t) BT^ Our must > t 0, satisfy are nonanticipating with respect to Q, e, in (9) Bt is nondecreasing and continuous with -Sj(O) / is nondecreasing with 7(0) ==0. The = (10) 0, (11) cost, travel cost rate per unit time, which includes vehicle depreciation, fuel is r. Note that these costs can be combined because we are ignoring the load/unload times (only the driver, but not the vehicle, ing). (8) objective function includes transportation costs and inventory holding and back- ordering costs. and driver Brit) for is busy while loading and unload- Inventory costs are assumed to be piecewise-linear, with the holding cost rate (per unit inventory per unit time) at retailer i denoted by and the backorder cost rate by h^ Because travel costs are incurred whenever the vehicle 6,-. busy, the travel cost rate r can be is equivalently treated as a reward for exerting idleness. Hence the problem reduces to finding a control poHcy fB7'(i), ef (i)j to minimize limsup —E T— CO T subject to (2) - (11), The dynamic [ where the Y.ih^{Q^{t)]'' "-|-" "-" h,{Q,[t)]-)dt for the - rI{T) (12) denote the positive and negative parts. stochastic IRP, as formulated in (2) Even under Markovian assumptions is and -f underlying - (12), does not random seem to be tractable. processes, the control space enormous and the state space has m-\-2 dimensions: the inventory/backorder retailer and the location and the problem, 2.2 We we analyze Heavy it Traffic begin our heavy traffic total contents of the vehicle. when To gain level at each further understanding of the system operates in the heavy traffic regime. Normalizations development by centering the service completion and demand processes; define the centered processes «Sr(i) = Sxit) — Oj^t and T)[t) = D[t) — Xt. It is convenient to define the process " '^^^^ we refer to this quantity as the (^ " ^J V^5T(5r(/)) - netput process, although it ' to the netput processes constructed in the networks retailers (e.g., Peterson 1991). Summing and substituting the relevant "^ heavy V(t)- (13) does not correspond precisely traffic analysis of conventional queueing the inventory evolution equations (7) over definitions yields Q{t}=x{t)-^m + eT{t). The heavy (14) may be found approximation for the IRP traffic as the of a sequence of systems indexed by the heavy traffic parameter n. will are non-traditional, we index off This indexing (as will quantities with is n (in Even though no weak an appropriate place) to make the scalings be confined to this subsection; the index, with the understanding that associated value of n. Hmit (as n -^ oo) be undertaken here, because some of the scalings that we introduce convergence proofs clear. all we analysis are independent of n. according to standard heavy of as a large integer (e.g., 100) but recommendations that emerge from our heavy The parameter n traffic paper we leave are considering a single system that has an The parameter n can be thought typically the case) the policy for the rest of the is traffic used to normalize the various processes Bj undergoes 9^, y^ (15) conventions (notice that only the process a "fluid" scaling): W}-Ht) = 9i:^ W^-\t) for alii, ' ^/^ \/n processes ly'"' and V'*"' Y,w!'^\t) = y 5n<) = ' ' (16) yjn yjn mi) = V^, The ™ = and 4"'(')=^£^. (17) represent the normalized inventory and idleness, respectively; to reduce the amount of notation, the normalized versions of the remaining processes contain 8 a "hat". Employing these and scalings in (13) (14) yields expressions for the uormalized netput process 'T and the normalized inventory process y(n) = H/(")(0 To obtain a parameters - -^Y(-\t) + x^-\t) problem nontrivial control in F^"' (19) we normalize the system traffic, The demand and inventory in a particular fashion. and the other parameters are normalized scaled, heavy e?)(0. cost parameters are not as follows: = ^^, (20) n{n) op = %. (21) /T/(n) (n) \ ^\^J^B /'r ^*"' (n) > (22) 0' T 4(n) = ^f^c\[n), (23) r'"' = — (24) n We assume that all and positive hmits the quantities on the as specify, in a unified n ^ oo. manner traffic conditions and they via the heavy traffic parameter n, the relative magnitudes of These conditions are more extensive than those enforced queueing systems, and therefore warrant some discussion. Since the natural definition of the traffic intensity traffic condition, Now we side of definitions (20)-(24) converge to finite Equations (20)-(24) are the iieavy the various system parameters. in traditional left is pj = X9j-/V, condition (22) which requires that pj be close to, but less is the "traditional" heavy than, unity. turn to conditions (20)-(21). Because the state space is compressed by a factor of y/n in the heavy traffic normalization, the vehicle capacity in terms of scaled inventory units is V*"'/\/"'- Hence, would reduce to a variant if V*"' was 0(1) it would vanish of the multiclass make-to-stock Although such a model would be tractable, a 9 limit that in the limit, queue analyzed and our system in Wein (1992). employs infinitesimal vehicle sizes to capture the essence of the behavior of the original system. fails condition (20), so that in Therefore, we enforce 0[yjn) and the bulkiness of the retailer deliveries V'*"' is the limit. However, since the demand rate A^"' lengths according to (21) to ensure that the ratio is unsealed, we need K^"V^r converges retained is to also scale the tour to a finite and positive limit. Turning to note that since the vehicle capacity (2.3), is 0(\/n), if the Cj(n) is not scaled then a standard calculation shows that the variance term for the normalized netput process x^"' is 0{n) and hence approaches c^{n)6j{n), by (21 ) and (23) we obtain enforcing condition (23), in contrast, this way we assume Sj'{n) is to on a two-dimensional y/n. Finally, relative travel times = = Thus, by 9j'C^{n). is 0{y/n); were simply multiplied by y/n. One travel time of the tour is the and we need is map sum with a fine grid, in such a likely of y/n iid finite way that the tour is problematic be independent and the necessary data would not pursued here; see Rubio (1995) for further details. to normalize the cost parameters to account for distortions in the magnitudes of the transportation and inventory costs that traffic scaling. n times ^/nsj[n), where Sj-{n) grid points. However, this modeling artifice (because adjacent travel times would not collect) if assume that the passes through approximately be tedious to Since 5j(n) traffic limit. This construction could arise by superimposing the warehouse and variance travel times. retailer locations = heavy that the variance of the tour completion time quantity would be 0{n} to achieve (23) infinity in the The appropriate scaling is result from the heavy to allow the travel cost rate r^"' to be approximately larger than the inventory cost rates, as in condition (24); see Rubio for a detailed explanation. In summary, the heavy traffic conditions assume that the vehicle must be busy the great majority of the time to meet average demand, the vehicle capacity must be large, the tour completion time must be large and nearly deterministic, and the travel cost rate must be very large relative to the inventory cost rates. The computational study that our results are rather insensitive to these conditions. 10 in §6 reveals System Behavior 2.3 Heavy in Traffic This subsection considers the limiting behavior of equations (18)-(19). Following Harrison (1988), we replace Bjit), which for this substitution is is the fluid scaled busy time process, by pjt; the justification that any pohcy that does not utilize the vehicle for a fraction pj of the time over a sufficiently long time interval will generate extremely large inventory costs. In addition, we consider the normalized netput Without some embedding because exist it X{t) With is at tour completion epochs. would not by 0(1) on a time of length 0(l/>/n). The thus defined as = ^{-0--^) + y^TipTTk-i) - ^^-^ 'DiT,_,) for t € [n-uTk) . standard tools of weak convergence (the functional central hmit this definition the theorem embedded or averaging the limit of the normalized netput process varies (after normalization) we consider process process for renewal processes, the random time change theorem and the continuous mapping theorem; see Billingsley 1968) can be used to show that the normahzed netput process embedded drift at tour completion epochs pt and variance Now we = cry A(c^ is well time units under the heavy of size 0(1) whenever a delivery occurs and traffic m— dimensional normalized However, if we start with the then a fluid scaling \/n. At this faster ual inventory levels is time scale, the move at delivery epochs. value, and equals zero is with at the end of the 0{\/n) by (21), a tour takes only 0(l/\/n) heavy traffic is compressed by the factor hmit. Consequently, neither tj{t) inventory process converge to a limit in the usual sense. traffic normalization and expand time by a factor of y/n, obtained, where both time and space are compressed by the factor jumps This heavy is normahzation (where time n); hence, tours occur instantaneously in the nor the X Vc^-). In addition, because the tour length cycle. approximated by a Brownian motion turn our attention to the process ey. This process equals zero at tour com- and has jumps pletion epochs + x Brownian motion X remains constant, and the individ- in a deterministic fashion, decreasing at a finite rate The process tj traverses through many between the tours before X changes at each tour completion epoch. similar to the state of affairs in the heavy traffic results of CofFman, Puhalskii 11 and Reiriiaii. In their exhaustive polHng system, the total queue length process behaves as a one-dimensional diffusion under the slow time scale associated with the heavy and the individual queues move as a fluid limit. (HTAP) traffic scaling, under the faster time scale associated with the fluid This time scale decomposition gives rise to a heavy traffic averaging principle that implies the following: for purposes of calculating performance measures for the individual queues, one can analyze the deterministic fluid cycle for each fixed value of the diffusion process. and in in the polling system the IRP. First, the fluid trajectories are different. In the polling problem, the fluid paths look down There are four key differences between the IITAP like those for the economic production quantity at a finite rate. In the IRP, the paths look like those (EOQ) model: they go down at finite rate but go up (EPQ) model: they go up and from the economic order quantity in jumps at delivery epochs. The second key difference relates to the issue of "control". In the polling system the exhaustive discipline guarantees that whenever the server switches from a queue, that queue is empty. This exerts a type of control that keeps the multidimensional process well behaved. There is no such natural mechanism in the IRP; we must introduce a dynamic allocation scheme to keep the multidimensional process well behaved. emerged scale decomposition in the polling system traffic normalization, whereas in the This gives rise to IRP it the fourth key difference (This is done below.) Third, the time as a consequence of the standard heavy from the scaling assumptions (20)-(23). follows — the proof of the HTAP. In the polling context a difficult proof involving a threshold queue was needed. For the IRP the proof follows from assumptions (20)-(23) and the properties of the dynamic control (we do not, however, provide the proof). 2.4 The Limiting Control Problem As described above, the scales. On analysis of our limiting control problem decomposes onto two time the slow time scale associated with the diffusion limit, effects of the controlled allocation process er is and choose the vehicle generated by the normalized cumulative idleness 12 ) . we can average out the idling policy. which we as.sume is This policy nondecreasing and right continuous. = Let Z{t) — X{t) g-Y{t); this is the process that would be obtained one were to observe the total inventory only at tour completion epochs. process as the total At the embedded inventory faster time scale process, to differentiate where the embedded inventory total the individual inventories behave as a fluid, it we must from is We if refer to this W. fixed at Z{t) find the optimal allocation = x and pohcy that minimizes inventory costs per unit time. The limit cycle associated with an allocation policy can be viewed as a closed to the m— dimensional problem of optimally placing a deterministic cycle inventory cost per unit time that We routing: Z{t) = X, R™. in placement find the optimal cycle (i) and its Z{t) = x. IRP with TSP level choose the nondecreasing (ii) to minimize limsup T—oo —E subject to cycle placement problem control problem for for the when embedded inventory for a given total corresponding inventory cost rate g{x); and Y Let g{x) represent the achieved by optimally locating a cycle is can now state the limiting stochastic control problem right continuous process The path, and the optimal allocation policy reduces / 9iZit))dt-rY(T) (25) Jo J Z{t) = X{t) - —V y'(0- (26) a nonhnear program and problem (25)- (26) is Brownian motion; these two problems are solved a singular is in the next two sub- sections. 2.5 Optimal Cycle Placement and Dynamic Allocation To optimally place the Wein (1995) limit cycle, for the stochastic and denote the individual we follow the approach used in Markowitz, economic lot fluid inventory levels used to denote quantities introduced for the in many ways and we scheduling problem (ELSP). Let us choose to specify it by the vector fix Z{t) = x, = Qi{y/nt)l s/n (a "bar" will be The cycle placement can be defined by Wi{t) fluid limit). Reiman and (xi, X2, . , . . x^), where x^ represents the lowest point during the cycle of Wi[t). The choose (xj, choice of optimal . , . . (.Tj, . . , . Xm) is a constrained optimization problem: Xm) to minimize the inventory cost rate subject 13 we want to to consistency with the total WAt) -^^^, A Figure 1: Fluid inventory evolution at retailer embedded inventory level. be described below. We To inventory cost rate will come from the averaging TSP of the inter-site and i mean we need to introduce path between any two travel times = Of-^^ some new sites i,j G 0, 1, is model by Ofj^^ time over a cycle so that the vehicle leaves the warehouse at to its corresponding cycle placement value x, = 1, . . , . . . ,m by compressed by a factor of ^yn define the corresponding travel times for the fluid z . m. Summing these inventory i by (see Figure 9j]^^; in levels over all retailers, = Oj^^^ /y/n. = 0, If we measure then VV,(0) = VV',(0) x, + is ventory cost rate. solution. to retailer size is The Long term i V, = . ,Xm) satisfying . bcisic intuition of ^(dof^ Vi = Vi/y/n. for we obtain (27) (27), we want to determine the associated in- the time scale decomposition appears to provide the stability requires that, in the long run, the average per cycle be given by . related i t (xi, terms YliZi ^k.k+i ^x. = x-X:A.^T/^ Given a vector total in the fluid limit, = 1) and the Denote the mean notation. these quantities are defined by Of^^^ 6,j, Since time 0. principle to deal with the consistency issue. first level x, travel time aiong' the > during a nominal allocation cycle. establish the relationship between the cycle placement variables i, embedded inventory for j The i A,K/A; under the diffusion and Viewing the fluid 14 amount deUvered fluid scalings, this delivery inventory of retailer i in isolation with a we delivery of Vi on each tour cycle, delivery, decreasing at a constant rate until Figure The inventory 1). considering the normalized inventory process Although [xi, Xi-\-Vi]. this Simply delivering VF, to retailer be uniformly distributed on the interval Vi to retailer i on every is simple allocation scheme, the drift of VJOf the inventory "arrival" rate rate, visit will result in an infinite long this, finite. run average cost note that under this Wi{t) does not depend on Wi{t) and equals zero, since equals the demand rate A^ when pj = with I] < /^j generated with the effective arrival rate being prVilOj. With a zero is grow central limit theorem arguments indicate that the inventory or backlog will fact, similar turns out that it needed to keep the long run average cost because this allocation leads to a null recurrent process. To see similar result can then be calculated by i approach provides the correct inventory cost a dynamic (state-dependent) delivery size immediately after V^ reached just prior to the next delivery (see is a-, component associated with cost + see a fluid starting out at Xi arguments can be used to explain some numerical results in 1 a drift, as \/t. In Federgruen and Katalan (1994) and Wein, where a state-independent policy performs poorly a stochastic in setting. A at the simple dynamic allocation policy escapes this warehouse as follows. Given a We determine delivery sizes difficulty. fluid inventory level [w\^ . . . ,to„) when the at the warehouse, the fluid limit of the inventory immediately before delivery If possible, we would like to deliver (/, = Xi + Vi — Wi -f A,^^"^^ to retailer the fluid inventory level immediately after dehvery to x, then this delivery allocation have d^ Yl > V. This is is feasible. If d^ < for some + i, li d, V,. i, > in — is —TSP XiOQ^ . order to bring for then, since Yli di Wi is vehicle = ?' = 1, . . . ,m V, we must a transient state for the fluid limit; within a finite number of {i:d,>0} cycles we will have d, > for all i. This transient interval has no average inventory cost, and an averaging principle will when between Xi and Xi + The average Z{t) = x, W{{t) on the long run hold under this dynamic allocation scheme. In summary, the essence of the averaging principle here allocation scheme, effect can be treated as is if it that, is under this dynamic uniformly distributed Vi. inventory cost per unit time divided by the corresponding cycle length. The 15 is equal to the cost incurred over a cycle cost at retailer i may be obtained by simple geometric arguments for any cycle placement When i^. the cycle placement is sufficiently high (low) so that the inventory remains positive (negative) for the duration of the cycle, the cost simply the holding (backordering) rate multiplied by the absolute value of is which is When the average inventory level over a cycle. i, + K72, the inventory changes sign during the cycle the total holding (backordering) cost over a cycle equals the area of one of the triangles above (below) the time axis multiplied by when there length. is a sign change we In the heavy sum traffic limit, amount demanded per which cycle, /t, To obtain the time average inventory (6,). cost the areas of these two triangles and divide by the cycle amount the of fluid delivered per cycle, V, equals the X6t] hence, is we set the cycle length in the fluid model equal to V/X, rather than Oj. In summary, we have the following expression for retailer + ^) hi{xi 9i{xi) = !^x] + 2V, < Notice that problem is S',(x,) is a convex function of to minimize Let us make conventions he = h H, iixi>0 h,x, + f^ \i-V,<x,<0 + ^) 6.(.r. With equation x,. hi and bp = b = form solution to the cycle placement problem b, min, is in h, for all where x. Not i, = £ — rn 1 1. The solution Region 1: surprisingly, g{x) x<ar = j: X^'' - Oi + i Vi for hi 16 I ^p, is L ^K, + 0, = - A closed- The solution cost as a function of the quadratic with linear edges in the is placement problem i X, allowed. for further details. and g{x), the inventory to the cycle \s variables; readers are referred to inventory level x. Proposition p and define the labeling found by using constraint (27) to turn the Markowitz, Reiman and Wcin yields the vector of optimal placements x' embedded inventory > 6;, problem into one of unconstrained optimization over total (28) in hand, the cycle placement ^,(x,) subject to (27). min, an analogous optimization (28) . <-V; ifx, the innocuous assumption that = i: hi ^v g{x) = -bx + ai, nTSP Region , aT<x<h = Y. 2: l^{b + h,Y Iv-.tV >^^~^l''^ E r^^' + ' i X: = «2 = 7,\1^ 2 V + h^ , i h. 0, /?, %r 03 bih,Vj 04 bi Region x 3: x] > -\- hi /Sj, = -r^nr^ Oj + Z^'' ^^ ^' ft, g[x) a^ = /ix + a,5, = -hTx.'eir + Oi Z^ ^ -y.hM 2 ^ ^ In the region where the cycle holds (backorders) so, is much most of the inventory ' -E 2 ^ ^!' 6, ~ + f^' site (6), depends upon two and its factors: nominal delivery particular retailer represents). greater (smaller) than zero, the optimal at retailer i (p), the difference between size (or equivalently, the In the region where the cycle placement at each retailer varies linearly with the It is worth noting that, for the where its cheapest to do is it The exact demand proportion of is when hi that the close to zero, the embedded inventory (i.e., level for holding (backordering) cost total inventory symmetric cost case 17 ^- /i, while the cycle for the rest of the retailers remains close to zero. each h total inventory ' = in the system. h and b, — b for all = 2 1, ... , m), the more natural solution of {x-ZkhO^r) also optimal. is Optimal Base Stock Level 2.6 Now that g{x) known, we can proceed with the solution to the one-dimensional Brownian is The control problem. Proposition some following proposition The optimal solution 2. is proved Appendix A in to (25)-(26) is Y'^t) = of Rubio. suPq^^^^{X{s) — z^}'^ for base stock level Zj. Hence, the optimal solution rier 2j, ( &T<x<^T if is the local time of the Brownian motion at the bar- and the optimally controlled process — oo,2j] Z a reflected Brownian motion is The remainder (see §2.2 of Harrison 1985 for a definition). (RBM) on of this subsection is devoted to the derivation of Zj, which can be found by using two well known facts regarding an RBM df^j/V on (— oo,z]. > for fij First, for which 0, Y independent of the base stock is portation cost does not affect the selection of limsup-r^^ ^E [Jq The steady if X > 2, where z, Hence, the trans- level z. and the problem = simplifies to minimizing g{Z{t))dt] subject to (26). state density for {/j we have \\mt^oot~^Ex[Y{t)] defined in Proposition 2 — 2p.'r/crj > 0. Z is given by pz{x) = j/je"^'^"^' \{ x < z and pz{x) = Therefore, the optimal base stock level can be found by minimizing = n{-bx^a,)vTe^''^'=-'Ux+j\a2X^ + Ft{z) r [hx + a5)C'Te^''^'~'^dx + a^x^a^)uTe^-'^''"^dx z > /Sj, {a2X^ + a:iX for and (29) Jpr Ft{z) = n{-bx + ai)C'Te^^^'-'Ux +r J—oo for Or < z < fir- The constants in (29) is linear a4)he^''^'~'^dx and (30) have the same definitions as that while the optimal base stock level Zj always satisfies zj fact that g{x) + (30) Jaf and has a negative slope 18 for x < qj), > aj it (this is in §2.5. easily seen Note by the need not be larger than 0t- The following proposition and then taking the Proposition first The value that minimizes Ft{z) 3. \b vj is derived by using integration by parts on (29) and (30), two derivatives of Fxi^) with respect to h otherwise, z^ is + \ ( yri^T ^3-^f + is a unique (31) that satisfies zf 2.7 4>/5t; if + as-'^ = ^ 2a2ZT is Ft{zx) In this subsection the fact that Ft{z) optimum base > /?x or The Proposed = We is hzj + 0. (32) 05 if Zj is, a solution Zy to (32) that we map the satisfies IRP with TSP idle, routing. The zf is is size of the proposed policy /?y, is is but not both. control concerns two decisions: best delayed until the vehicle arrives at the how much site. full load, Let to is correspond to and consider the epoch i. The mapping from heavy At time t~ the , . . ,Qm{l-7))i traffic solution to straightforward: the proposed pohcy attempts to track the heavy traffic solution (in particular, the optimal cycle placement) as closely as possible. to be addressed of the load to given by the inventory levels at the retailers, iQi{t~),. remaining load, L{t7). retailers first. the point in time just before the vehicle arrives at retailer state of the system and the < and how to assign the load among the the epoch at which the vehicle leaves the warehouse with a which = solution of the approximating heavy traffic control problem address the load allocations leave at each retailer to, ^j, and Fr{zj) either there exists a solution Zj to Since the system evolves dynamically in time, the decision of > > convex and continuously difFerentiable) stock level; that whether the vehicle should be busy or t~ (31) Policy into a policy for the original during a tour. + aT I ^4 otherwise. One can show (from that there — the solution to Furthermore, the predicted optimal cost + is Q^r) h J ye^TWr-oiT) 2a2^_0rizT-&T) ^2{^t)^ — z. that the heavy traffic solution 19 is The key issue expressed in terms of normalized space and time and terms of the total embedded inventory process, whereas the proposed policy in must be expressed terms oi {Qi{t~), in ,Qm{t~),L{t'~)). ... Recall that equation (27) relates the scaled cycle placement vector x, and the normalized total each retailer = '^'"^ embedded inventory < = q If time <~, where i. taken when Because level. y/nx and the unsealed cycle placement vector Summing over by the heavy under a deterministic evolution this relation i, = <o + + qj we all retailers, <0) then over the arrives at retailer it Therefore, the retailer inventories relate to the cycle ^oi'^^- = averaging principle, traffic for the retailer inventories the vehicle leaves the warehouse at time placement parameters by Qj{t~) j corresponding embedded inventory l-''^' \/nxi. In keeping with the behavior predicted course of a cycle. at is to reverse the scalings in the solution to the heavy traffic control problem, let us we develop i Since the load allocation decision x. establish a relationship between the current total system first = ^jQji^T) define the unsealed 9i we reached, is inventory Q(ti') we need = embedded inventory Z{t) ^j&Jf^ for j > i and Qj{t~) = + qj V^ — ^j^Ji^^ for get Qit-) = V.+E<l:^ (33) J where T]i = 12j<i{Vj ~ ^j^Jf^) + J2j>i Making the substitutions qi/y/n = x,, '^ ^j^If^ q/y/n = ^ri epoch locator constant x and Ojf^ I \/n = for retailer i. Ojf^ into (27) yields the unsealed version of constraint (27), E9. = 9-L^.<— (34) t t Using equations (33) and (34), we can express the total inventory at time vehicle was ^o (i-c, when the at the warehouse) as a translation of the inventory vector at time t~: Q{to) = q = EQAt7) - V. + J2^Mr f«^ ^ = 0,...,m. (35) This equation maps the current inventory levels Qj{t~) into the one-dimensional quantity q that is required to interpret the heavy traffic results. In particular, for a given value of q can find q' = we y/nx', the corresponding optimal (unsealed) cycle placeincnl parameters by reversing the normalizations in Proposition 1. As 20 before, this is done by letting q,/\/n = a:,-, x, Vif \pn = terms of the state q: = ql y/n and Off^/ \/n Vi, Region 1: Region Region g = < ar = Off^ to obtain the following expressioiTs E -^>C " E rVT:^' ^^^^ «.- = -^Kfor.^,, (37) € = 9-E^.C + E^V;; (38) 2: 3: oj < 9 < q, /^r 0,- ,; = + < fr = E ^.C " E f^'^' /ij- ,-EvS- + E^^'.. (44) n. can now use these results to determine the delivery size at retailer deterministic inventory evolution for the optimal cycle placement, Qi{tf) level at retailer i just after the delivery is made) Q,{tt) If we deliver Qi{t~) + di; (fj (39) (42) which are independent of the scaling parameter We for q* in units to retailer i = q* (i.e. i. Under the the inventory satisfies + (45) K-. then the actual inventory after the delivery equating this quantity to (45) yields the desired delivery is made is size, d,=q^ + V,-Q,{t-). (46) Because we cannot allocate more than the available load and do not want to make negative deliveries, the proposed delivery 0?* = max[c?„0] size + is given by min[0,L(<,") -(/,] for 21 z = 1,2, . . . ,m - 1. (47) Finally, to guarantee that the vehicle returns to the warehouse empty, we set = d'm We could at retailer under its ill (48) principle allow negative deliveries, as long as there and the i L{t-J- total total capacity. amount of load the vehicle carries as it is inventory available leaves this retailer is kept However, because the vehicle returns empty, the items accrued from negative deliveries would most likely be shifted to the last few retailers of the tour, which will not necessarily bring the state of the system closer to the optimal cycle; hence, we disallow negative deliveries. To dynamic delivery allocations are derived by the following recapitulate, the proposed procedure: (i) observe the current inventory levels {Q\{t~) unsealed embedded inventory q via (35), placement parameters q', and (iii) . . . and compute the ^Q,ri{iT)) use (36)-(44) to derive the optimal unsealed cycle (ii) observe the current remaining load L{t~) and compute the proposed delivery size via (46)-(48). We now the vehicle turn our attention to the busy/idle policy, which has decision epochs at the warehouse. is total inventory level IZjQjit) otherwise, it is base stock level solely = is in ^ hi + aT 1 Ii j \e''T(PT-o:T) qj = the \/n^f) - if qT>0T; (49) 1 the solution to Furthermore, the predicted optimal cost — level if Proposition 3 yields the optimal unsealed ^e-.r(,r-r) + 2a2qT + ^V('7f) new tour terms of the original problem parameters: in J>+ otherwise, q^ a in time, the vehicle starts below the unsealed aggregate base stock Reversing the normalizations idles. qr At these points when <^2(?f)^ + ^^^r + '^'1 otherwise. counterparts of the ones defined is 03 - given by Friqj-) The constants in earlier: Ut = —= 2(1 -ptW xerici 22 + vc^y = 0. h(jj (50) + 05 if q^ > (3t, and by these expressions are the unsealed «. = 4E^-i:A,<'H^iE^ Z^ We oz t I 2 ^ 2 ' ' ^ 6, + and /li have completely characterized a dynamic control policy that depends exclusively on the original system parameters. The policy two controllable aspects of the specifies the the aggregate base stock level defined in (49)-(50) determines the vehicle idhng system: pohcy, and the delivery sizes d* defined in (47)- (48) characterize the allocation of units to retailers. The IRP with Direct Shipping 3 The only difference between the direct shipping (DS) case scheme used when the vehicle is operating. We retain all TSP and the case is the routing notation from §2, occasionally using the subscript "D" (for direct shipping) in place of the subscript "T" (for TSP). Moreover, since the procedure is very similar in both cases, we omit nearly case, describing only the distinctive aspects of the analysis. between DS and TSP is that the consequences, one of which is DS all of the details for the The most DS significant difference case does not have a cyclic structure. This has several that the results are not as theoretically solid as in the TSP case. 3.1 In the Heavy DS Traffic Analysis case, the vehicle always leaves the and returns empty, so that every time a V units. nominal As before, policy. it is retail site is full load, visits a single retailer visited its inventory level increases by convenient to express the dynamic allocation as deviations from a The nominal policy the nominal policy an amount Vi denote the number of warehouse with a DS is deliveries we consider is not achievable: delivered to retailer made by a 23 i in we assume that under every delivery. We continuously active vehicle during let Soit) [0,i]. We then be defined by the analog of equation let cf^{t) Then = c/j(0 is i.i.d., structure or amount DS TSP and each tour results in the delivery of as a Markov same reason that would be The DS case would have a cychc Neither of these can be used chain). fixed delivery sizes could not infinite over the long run. A dynamic be used A,/A for retailer i. The traffic intensity for use the same heavy traffic demand the is thus pp normalizations as in §2.2. < < m, and 2 the does not must be = 2^^ KOoi/V. The heavy conditions traffic are given by (20)-(24), with (21) and (23) understood to hold, respectively, for 1 i at all retailers, this fraction DS system in in policy, described used. For this policy the fraction of total shipments that go to retailer vary over times of order n. To satisfy average We units. V TSP the sequence of retailers visited followed a cyclic pattern (such as a polling table), if case: inventory costs is Z)'s. once 7"s are replaced by D's. The problem case lacks the natural cyclic structure of the TSP. Tour times in the case, for exactly the in §3.2, obtained by replacing 7"s by delivered during the current trip. These processes (7) still holds as well, had a regenerative structure (such the 1 thus nearly identical to (2)-(12). The DS are the total is Equation satisfy (2)-(6). formulation ef (0 IC, (i % and Cq,-, (22) replaced by ^(^-')>»- '- = As mentioned above, the DS case does not have the ''" TSP cyclic structure of the case. Thus we cannot use functional central limit theorems based on renewal processes to prove convergence to a Brownian motion. 5£j, is given by were chosen in sj) an = A~^ i.i.d. times that a retailer In the is DS case the parameter corresponding to ^ his expression would clearly J^i ^i^oi^oi- manner. It can be shown to hold for Sj- in arise if the TSP case, the next retailer any policy where the fraction of visited does not vary over times of order n using the Random Time Change Theorem. The lack of a cyclic structure netput process. Indeed, we will if makes we embed at impossible to consider an embedded normalized epochs during which the vehicle not obtain a meaningful process. process to obtain a meaningful limit. it is at the warehouse, VVc must thus average the normalized netput By arguments 24 similar to those in §2.3, this averaged normalized netput process is well approximated by a Brownian motion X with drift /i^ and variance The averaged total inventory process m Now we face the slow down time by = is defined by - X{t) problem of optimally placing the facilitate this optimization. We = 60, \\ 3, = A2 2 (52) . Again we limit cycles for the deterministic evolution of the In contrast to the V = Y{t) a factor of ^/n and turn to the fluid model. retailer inventories in R"*. that ^\ TSP case, we introduce an approximation motivate this approximation by use of an example. Suppose and each was exactly retailer six time units away from the warehouse. Then a continually busy vehicle using the polling table (12121) could average, retailer 1 to visit, on every 20 time units and retailer 2 every 30 time units, thereby satisfying average demand. Although optimally placing a limit cycle for a small polling table such as this one is manageable, the optimization problem gets unwieldy very quickly as the the table grows. make a Our approximation assumes the delivery to retailer example, we assume that i size of existence of an idealized policy that would every Vj \i time units in the fluid model; in the context of our retailer 1 (2) receives a dehvery exactly every 20 (30) time units, even though the (12121) polling table cannot achieve such perfect regularity in the fluid model. Hence, our approach scale, and then track is to optimally place an idealized fluid cycle at the fast time this cycle as closely as possible with our proposed policy. deliveries are perfectly regular in the idealized cycle, the use of this Because approximation causes us to underestimate the inventory cost incurred over a cycle; however, simulation results in §6.1 show that the heavy traffic analysis incorporating this approximation appears to be very accurate, at least for the five-retailer cases considered there. Moreover, the use of an idealized cycle allows us to avoid the task of determining the actual behavior of the individual inventory levels on the fluid time scale. This task of a cyclic structure it appears to be extremely 25 is more than difficult. just tedious: due to the lack Now we placement by the vector (xi,X2.,. . . are similar to the we paths pictured deliver a full load of V /X, which equals The next T, TSP and the averaged in retailer Z{t) = i sum Under the i. Figure units is idealized policy, the fluid inventories the only differences are the delivery size (in 1; on each a retailer) and the visit frequency, visit to to establish the relationship = total inventory level Z{t) between individual and total inventory equals the between the cycle placement variables x. The levels takes the constraint related to consistency form that the averaged total inventory of the average individual inventory levels. over an idealized cycle X, the cycle define the cycle order to maintain a balanced flow. in step V still ,Xm), where x, represents the lowest point during the cycle of the fluid inventory level at retailer this case We turn to the optimal placement of the idealized cycle. is x, + V /2. The average fluid inventory at Hence, when the averaged total inventory placement parameter must satisfy E-.=--'fBecause the gi{xi) and TSP is (53), it is V under the is replaced by V. fluid delivery size equals given as in (28), except that V, clear that the optimal cycle case, except that we The computation replace K by V (53) placement and J2i DS is case, the inventory cost function Comparing constraints precisely the solution given in the ^i^of^ by mV/2. of the optimal vehicle idling policy is identical to that in §2, except that the parameter of the exponential stationary density of the Hence, Proposition 3 characterizes the optimal base stock replacing i>t, and with the substitutions described above the constants 3.2 a, and the thresholds a and RBM level for the in the is i>d DS = 'Ifio/f^o- case, with i>D corresponding definitions of $. The Proposed Policy The mapping from heavy the (27) TSP case. We traffic solution to proposed policy uses the same philosophy as begin by establishing a relationship between the total inventory in in the system at the current decision epoch and the cycle placement parameters. Although there are several possible ways to do this, we keep track of the vector process (rj(0,. 26 . . ,rm(0)i which time of the most recent specifies the current time by retailer The i. parameter qi = then <, — t ri{t) each retailer. Hence, visit to inventory at retailer at time i relates to the unsealed cycle t — ri{t)) < = V- Ut - r,{t)). + q, (54) expect that Qt{t) in > = thereby contradicting the definition of level, + Qi Aj^oi, we modify equation this modification leads to considerable Summing the simulation study. u{t) J2i T^SuX [V — it which would make the cycle placement of the 0, the current inventory ri{t)), XiOoi]; placement \/n Xi via Since stochastic effects can lead to unusually long intervisit periods, Xi{t we denote the represents the elapsed time since the vehicle last visited Qi{t) V— if \i{t — over all retailers Combining r,(i)), Aj^Oi] (54) to Qi{t) improvements we obtain YliQi than Because one would qi in possible to have retailer higher g,. = is + max[V — A,(i — system performance = Q{i) ~~ u{t), where equation with the unsealed version this of (53) yields 1 = T.Qdt)-u{t) + '^. which relates the unsealed averaged inventory total inventory in the normalizations, vector q* = DS r, q (this quantity represents the unsealed average Reversing the heavy case) to the current inventory level. we obtain the y/nx* given (55) following formulas for the unsealed optimal cycle placement q: . Region 1: < Qp = g jrK-^ -V }^ = - + h, V 6, + b + b , + , 0, i q, hi , + mV "1^' 2 h, . tor I ^p, tit 2 Region ^d < 2: 9 b, ,^p < /?D = + h,' + ^T' ^E mT k+ 2 h, i hi 1 Region 3: mV 2a7V ( . «7 traffic = + bt f^ W E (3d < 2 \ ysr^h,-hk\ h bk + ^A; ^ fc 1 q, 27 \-^ OA: -t- , which are independent of the scaling factor We and u{t), n. use this cycle placement as an "ideal" m-dimensional inventory state for a given q and choose the next retailer so as to bring the current inventory vector as close as possible to this ideal state. Let be the time epoch at which the vehicle ^o is ready to depart from the warehouse, and consider the inventory evolution over the next delivery a deterministic inventory evolution, the vehicle next) at time i, = ^o + reach retailer will q: +V Q'^itf) (if it is made optimal cycle to retailer i is given by and = max + [q* V- X^ito + - 0o. r,{to)), q] where the maximization makes the adjustment + A,(^o, + for long intervisit for ; ^o,)] under the deterministic evolution the actual inventory vector to retailer is given by Qx[it) = Qi[i-o) + V— and Qj{tt) X^Oq, ^ i, times as discussed above. In contrast, i Under chooses to go there In the deterministic tour corresponding to the ^oi- placement, the retailer inventory levels right after a delivery Qntf) = i trip. = Qj{to) — after a delivery X-jOq, for j ^ i. Therefore, the resulting Euclidean distance between the ideal and actual inventory vectors after a delivery to retailer the vehicle to retailer k, Finally, as in the i is A{i) = where k TSP = y Hj argmin, ~ Q'ji^t)] is The proposed control sends A(?'). case, the busy/idle control The only added complexity traffic results. [Qjiif) that for the is DS a direct unsealing of the heavy case the vehicle visits the ware- house after every delivery and so has many possible idling decision epochs. By equation our proposed policy idles a vehicle at the warehouse whenever Q{t) where tions, Wq = y/n we have z'^ is (55), - u{t) + — > the unsealed idling threshold. w'o, Making the suitable scaling substitu- that \ ( ^d{0d - cud) b-V h) \e''D(PD-aD) - 1 f' = Wn 'D In I'D 28 + Qo if w]) > i3d; (56) otherwise, w^ is the solution to 1 -e -.n(wn-an) -i'c(tu£)-a£i) vd + . 1 __ r. * . X and Fj:){w^) = = ^^ , '^ aj{w*p) . + a^Wp + ug otherwise. The constants m — — k + k h, 2Var (y: ,^ where (ciDi/^D^Oy) are defined 4 in in these equations are + \ and 2 h, y,-^ ) ' kh. 2^b, + h,' the unsealed cycle placement formulas above. Comparison of TSP and DS Routing In this section we compare the relative performance of the two fixed routing schemes (TSP and DS). The predicted cost functions Ft, Fq derived tory . w},>f3o, 2 mV\ h, b, , if = '1-Pd)XV vd / (57) given by is v^(hi-h)^ ,^y y ^, + -^h,--Y:^-^-^ hwh-h^ , o. hi i Furthermore, the predicted optimal cost FD{w},) "^'^ T.V+ ^Er^ = -^-T:-^ ud k + component of the system cost. and by C(3?) the total cost for the in §2 and §3 represent only the inven- Denote a generic fixed routing scheme by system under this 3J G {TSP, DS}, scheme. The total system cost is ob- tained by adding the transportation cost (or equivalently, subtract the idleness reward) to the inventory cost; that cost is is, we set C(9?) = F^{w^) — r{l — p^n). independent of the stochastic nature of the system. A crucial observation is that po < pr] this fact (see consequence of the triangle inequality. Although important implications. TSP Notice that the transportation policy. This is First, the DS Rubio for a proof) trivial to prove, this inequality is a simple has several policy achieves lower transportation costs than the quite interesting since, at first glance, one might expect the converse to hold. However, minimization of the steady state transportation cost in the 29 IRP context is amount equivalent to maximizing the full of items delivered per unit time traveled; hence, load direct shipping provides the highest transportation efficiency of any fixed routing scheme. More importantly, until pt = 1 and po < I; TSP be stable while the for that any given problem instance, the demand rate can be increased is, there exist some demand We policy would not. < 1 it is DS form of stable dynamic allocation is The remainder in will used dominate TSP DS case. in the I is a. necessary not sufficient. In particular, is the absence of adequate dynamic mind that while the r and b. /Sj — > as long as 1 performance of the some DS and However, readers should keep qualitative statements below are true, these results are not exact, because our calculation of F£){wq) is the true heavy traffic cost under the TSP routing as of this section investigates the relative schemes as a function of the cost parameters preferred to the in it < possible to accumulate inventory at one retail site while backorders grow without bound at another. Hence TSP but keep the total inventory stable but, will load allocation, 3J DS poHcy would where the should note that p^ condition for stability of any fixed routing scheme having p^ levels policy if approximate and represents a DS policy. the transportation cost may be found pp < pj implies that DS inequality is underestimate of is DS high enough. In particular, the > {Ft{wj) — Fd{w}j))/{pt — policy achieves a lower overall cost for any r value of this threshold cost The slight po)- While the numerically for any particular problem instance, a more precise characterization requires a better understanding of the relationship between the inventory costs in both systems. Unfortunately, performance comparisons levels, and it is hard to make simple inventory cost for the different routing schemes, primarily and hence the predicted inventory costs, are not in closed because the base stock form (see equations (50) (57)). To study the relative inventory cost performance of the TSP and DS consider the case where the inventory costs at the retailers are symmetric hi = b for all i) and incretising in b/h, increased above These b becomes large. Because the value of one expects that there them critical values exist some ii^j and xr'p in critical values br-ibo (while leaving h fixed) the optimal base stock is schemes, (i.e., (49) /), = and such that let h us and (56) is 6 is if given in closed form. indeed exist and, for the case of symmetric costs, have the following 30 closed form expressions: lyxVe e^TV > For b will In ^ 6 _ and bo = 'i/Dmye"^'"^ ^I'om V h 1 — Fd{wq) ma.x{bx,bD}, the inventory cost difference Ft(wj) n As i/j'V GO the value of (58) is ^i/omV o^T^ — + + 1 In utV — 2 + UDmV l^D dominated by the term be the same as the sign of uq _ — [uq-^ can be expressed as [m-\)V^ (58) i^£,^)ln(l + whose sign b/h)^ vx- Define the critical value l/rp e""^^ K = exp[.T] cost and only e^. if distribution of the (Tq > aj times both is Then ud — fiD for b > > (.^OmV -l\ vprnV ^D-'T '2{yT J max{67',6£),6c}, the where v^ 0, is = TSP DS dominates more frequent in counterintuitive: deliveries to each retailer, terms of inventory cost. However, it 5 5.1 in achieves the lower inventory Because pn < pT, the condition we high backorder case. Moreover, for large if distance travelled must be 0{n~^'^)] actually have cr^ since the TSP policy = Uj. makes smaller and might be expected to outperform the backorder penalties, the efficiency over the long run via its smaller drift, much time 3J. in the mean then the difference in somewhat -h, i^d) policy to be preferred. For the case of deterministic travel aj, and so finite is DS pohcy - — \)V the exponential parameter for the steady state see equation (62). Hence, in the heavy traffic limit, This result i/£)UT{m associated with routing scheme required for the and ht are / \ J i't RBM follows that a\) it l\ "T-'D vjV where if — and causes the TSP DS scheme policy sacrifices total inventory to spend too the expensive backorder regions. The IRP with Dynamic Routing Formulation of the Limiting Control Problem Consider now a situation where, once the vehicle on either a full load TSP is loaded at the warehouse, it can embark tour or a direct shipment to some retailer. All other aspects of the 31 problem Ccises. Because the formulation of the dynamic problem problems described fixed routing Rubio U earlier, = Qi{0) Qi{t) is as in the fixed routing a natural extension of the two we only sketch the argument and much a detailed treatment; furthermore, for same sources of uncertainty, cost structure) remain the (e.g. refer readers to of the earlier notation will be reused. then the system state equations are given by = V,ST{BT{t)) and the cumulative idle + V,SD{BD{t)) lime process is = I{t) D,{i) t — + ef (0 Brit) — + ej{t) Boit) for for > t > t sents the cumulative deviation from the nominal allocation over past plus the amount The first delivered over the current cycle/trip at retailer step in the development of a heavy traffic approximation denote the cumulative fraction of busy time that the netput for the dynamic routing IRP system = (^^^ ~ '^^^^^ + 2T^\Af ^^^ - DS + cf (f) repre- cycles/DS trips i. the influence of the routing control on the total netput. Let 6{t) ^^^^ TSP Notice that, 0. according to the previous definitions of the delivery allocation controls, cj{t) (59) 0, = is to characterize + Bu{i)l{Bj[t) service has been used. Boit)) Then the is aJ i Notice that this equation reduces to (13) when + V [Sr{BT{t)) + TSP routing is Su[Bo{i))] always used. - V{t). Summing (60) the equations in (59) over the retailers and substituting the relevant definitions into (60), we obtain the following expression for the total inventory in terms of the netput and controls: Q{t) where t[t) = er(i) The heavy problems. DS + = X{i) - (^(1 - + 2^^I.go/ ^^)) <^(0) + (^^^ '^^)' (.o{t)- traffic conditions are a union of the conditions for the two fixed routing Conditions (22) and (51) require the policies to ^(^^ approach one because the condition /^d > in traffic intensity the limit; however, now we do not ensures that a stable control is under both the TSP and require i)ossible. {.ij to be positive, Hence, in terms of the problem data, the retailers are required to be located fairly close together relative to their distance to the warehouse. ^7-2^0. More precisely, the average travel times ^^/1\ 32 (.^^^.^^1, ,^i^...^,„. must satisfy (62) One consequence appearing are equal only in (61) and the of the control of equation (62) by 0(n~^/^); hence, differ V/Ox and AV'/(?^j that the quantities is in the term coefficient in front of the idleness pohcy employed. Nonetheless, we will heavy traffic in (61) is Aj^oj) hmit, these two terms a constant and independent maintain equation (61) as is, and view the time-dependent coefficient as a refinement of the heavy traffic Hmit. Let 3?(i) G {TSP,DS} denote the routing mode that control problem. We want used at time is to consider intervals of time during in the limiting t which one of the two controls is used exclusively, and approximate the resulting normalized netput process by a diffusion with control-dependent and variance. drift definitions of the netput process that are TSP netput process in the of embedding in the TSP netput process from the DS case was TSP approximated we need in to reconcile the different the two cases: made for convenience. DS an averaged netput process x[t). This translation = x{t) -f 77 constant will be used to translate the normalized total inventory process for the well, and can be calculated Xj developed in §2.5. inventory level we are seeking. Then, since the average of the sum of the averages, with (27) yields x = x - E. we have x = ^i{xi + VJ2) = A,^^^"^ + V . The same TSP case as between total embedded in that context using the relationship inventory x and cycle placement variables equal to the The case. Thus we translate the embedded which needs to be determined: \(<) ?7, in the embedded the case forced us to use averaging there, while the choice case, x{t)-> to consists of adding a constant, this and the averaged netput process case, lack of a cyclic structure in the do In order to Let x denote the average sum of the inventory levels Ylt + V fi- Combining -^i is this V/2, so that = ^-E^^^or" (63) i The role of this translation constant in the implementation of the proposed policy is described in the next subsection. By the arguments used in the averaged total netput process x control-dependent ^(^(^^) drift = [,r is TSP and DS well cases, we can deduce that the normalized approximated by a diffusion process X{t,^{t)) with and variance given by If m = TSP ^"^ 33 "^^(^^^ = 14 if m = TSP ' respectively. In other words, the routing control switches the netput of the system from one Brownian motion to another. Furthermore, these two Brownian motions have the same parameters as the diffusion limits of the corresponding fixed routing (Tq and o-j. By equation ccises. only differ by 0{n~^^'^); once again, we retain this refinement of the heavy (62), traffic limit. Because the normalized idleness process Y{t) we zero, e{t) = traffic are free to choose ^{t) for e{nt)/y/n, let 6{t) = times all t, will only be exerted on a set of measure not just the nonidling times. 6{nt) be the fraction of busy time devoted to we let the heavy in system, and define the averaged total inventory level for the system as then we obtain the same time scale decomposition as before: under the fixed DS If and the individual The exact fluid levels {Wi{t), evolution of {Wi{t), . , . . cycle placement and the routing dynamic routing IRP into: Wm{t)) scheme . , . is Wm{t)) move deterministically at a finite rate. determined by the averaged inventory in use at given Z{t) (i) . fluid scaling, Z{t) is = time t. We may x and routing mode level, the therefore decompose the ^{t) G {TSP,DS}, use the results in §2 and §3 to determine the optimal cycle placement and the corresponding inventory cost function Y is ^3e(j)(a;); (ii) choose the nonanticipating control (y'(f),3?(i)) (where nondecreasing and right continuous) to minimize limsup T— CO —E i rg^(,){Z{t,^{t)))dt-rY{T) (65) •/O subject to (64). 5.2 The Optimization of a Triple Threshold Policy diffusion control problem (64)-(65) appears to be coefficient in front of the control Y(t) in (64) the control-dependent cost function .g»(x) section to niimrrically compute the is difficult to tackle for depends upon the routing control ^{t), and very complex. An solution to (64)-(65). Here, the following triple threshold policy that is two reasons: the algorithm we is used the next specialize our analysis to characterized by the parameters ^i 31 in < ^2 ^ ^3^ the vehicle is busy whenever the total averaged inventory Z{t) while busy, the vehicle uses the DS mode whenever Z{t) < Zi TSP Our diffusion control the ELSP, the is in goal in this subsection ELSP of the triple threshold policy corresponds to using large lot sizes to using small lot sizes: large lot sizes vehicle here) in a more Z{t) > Zs; to find the is with setup times Markowitz, in that the most general form of the optimal policy to the problem (64)-(65) DS when idles {zi,Z2.,Zs). Motivated by our analysis of the stochastic Reiman and Wein, we conjecture and 23, routing scheme whenever Z{t) € [^1,22)? and uses the or Z{t) G [22,23). optimal values for the parameters < form described above. In terms of and the TSP scheme corresponds and the DS policy both use the server (which efficient fashion. The most general form of the Markowitz, Reiman and Wein corresponds to the ELSP is the solution derived Figure 5 of triple threshold policy (see that paper), and in some cases (see Figure 6 of that paper) the solution could be described with fewer thresholds. We conjecture that a double threshold policy with 22 the we TSP poficy {zi = —00, 22 = = -^3, the IRP solution either a triple threshold policy, is or a single threshold policy, which could 23) or the DS policy (21 = 22 = 23 or 21 = = 22 be either —00). In §7 describe the rationale behind our conjecture. Our analysis of the triple threshold policy requires knowledge of the stationary distri- bution of the controlled reflected diffusion process and the long run expected average idleness rate. The stationary distribution 7r(x) must satisfy the following system of differential equa- tions (see Karlin and Taylor 1981): ^^^(a:)-/x(x)— a'^{x) d -j-T^[x) z - 7r(.T) = x<23, ii{x)w{x) = x = ax (66) (67) 23, where the dilFusion parameters are given by K-) = l'^ fiD [ if-e[2„22) it X < zi OT x e ^^^ [22,23) a^x) = \i [ 35 afj if-^[-i'-^) \t x < zi ov X e [22,23) The only continuous density that satisfies (66) and (67) 7r(a;) = i . is k^he^''^^-'''' if x G (21,22] k-^C'DC^'^^^-''^ if a; G (68) , (22,23] w here Ux k,= ^ ^ i>x(l + e^T{'2-zi)gUD(z3-:2) - e'^r{z2-2i)) 4- j)£,(e'^r(z2-zi) _ and 1) j>^e''7-(22-Zl)gi>D(23-22) A;.-,= i>T{l this is + e''^(^2-2i)e^D(23-22) — -E lim (-.00 t and taking the first _ 1)' - < — > 00 we have that Y{t) lim -E[Z{t,^{t))]. (69) term on the RIIS of (69) corresponds to the asymptotic growth rate of the netput process under the proposed policy. time that the vehicle uses the DS If we let S = = = r K[x)dx J — CO (1 - 6)fiT + SuD. is (70) t the definition of the triple threshold policy, 6 //m(_oo6(i) denote the long run fraction of routing policy, then the long run growth rate lim -E[X{t,^{t))] i—'OO left limit as !^^-^<+^(^^TO t lim -E[X{t,^{t))] The i>p(e''r(22-2i) turn to the expected idleness rate. Taking expectations on both sides of (64), rearranging terms, dividing through by By _(- the stationary density for the total inventory process. Now we The e''T(22-2i)) + /'' K{x)dx it follows that = k^ + ^-,(1 - e''^^''^-''')). J Z2 side of (69) can be expressed as )'-<''^S£)^'^^ 36 (71) Finally, according to the steady state distribution for Z{t) in (68), z = limt_oo E[Z{t)] exists Hence, the second term on the right side of (69) vanishes in the and is this term and substituting (70) and (71) into finite. y = We may now Canceling (69) gives V^[i- ;un-^Elnt)] = limit. ,i_„2j;_,,,„,^,,,^ write an expression for the steady state cost of the ) (72) IRP under threshold dynamic routing policy as a function of the control parameters. the triple The problem is hence reduced to finding {zl,Z2,zl) that minimize /•'2 /'I F{zi,Z2,Z3)= gD{x)Tr{x)dx J — (X> + /"ZS gT{x)-K{x)dx + J Zl Unfortunately, F(zi, 22,23) is gD{x)Tr{x)dx I - ry. (73) J Z1 rather complicated and a closed form solution for the optimal control parameters does not seem possible. Furthermore, an explicit expression for F(2i, 22,23) not available in general because is between [aT^f^r) and (cidiI^d), its exact form depends on the relationship which are the parameters that define the three characteristic regions for the cycle placement and inventory cost solutions. parameters, one 5.3 The = get either 13d The Proposed first step in dynamic IRP Wi may y/n Zi is > ^t or f^o < By considering different problem Pt- Policy mapping the solution of the diffusion control problem into a policy for the to obtain unsealed threshold levels. If we and make the parameter scaling substitutions define the unsealed thresholds as as in the fixed routing cases, then the scaling factor n cancels out of the expression for F{wi,W2,uJ3) and what remains is = \/nF(^=., --=,—=), \/n Wn Jn (74) a function only of the original system parameters. In §6.2, the thresholds minimizing (74) are determined numerically, and we refer to these cost-minimizing thresholds as {wl,wl,wX). We now describe mode, the DS mode or how these thresholds dictate whether the vehicle employs the idles; this decision is 37 made at the epochs when the vehicle TSP is at the warehouse. Because of the translation of the embedded total inventory process into the averaged total inventory process shipping option. If DS was most inventory q in (55) and compare the TSP/DS/idle policy. and in (63), it TSP If we must keep recently used then track of the most recently employed we calculate the unsealed averaged to the unsealed threshold levels {wl,W2,w'^) to determine was most recently used then we define q by combining (35) (63): 9 = E^.(^r)-'/. + EvJ''' + (75) '7, w here rj is = ^f,= ^-~'£X,el''' (76) . the unsealed translation constant. In this case the TSP/DS/idling decision by comparing q in (75) to the unsealed threshold levels {w'[,W2.,w^). allocation decisions (which retailer to visit next in the to each retailer in the we now use the value TSP DS case and TSP determined Finally, the detailed how many case) are determined exactly as in Sections 2 of q in (75) in the is and units to deliver 3, except that case. Computational Results 6 This section contains a series of computational experiments aimed at assessing the accuracy of the heavy traffic analysis and determining what aspects of the control policy are most important for good system performance. The computational study the fixed routing 6.1 have IRP simulation experiments performed five retailers r equal to zero We and Poisson demand processes. and concentrate on the inventory in this cost. fixed so that Aj = A/5, A2 = A/10, A3 = A/10,A4 38 = subsection consider systems that also set the transportation cost rate The obtain different utilization rates; however, the fraction of is described in two parts: IRP and the dynamic routing IRP. Fixed Routing The Monte Carlo is total arrival rate A demand A/5 and A5 is varied to represented by retailer = 2A/5. The i travel time random 109t The mean variables T,j are iid second order Erlang. = V travel times are adjusted so that always holds; this allows us to consider several vehicle sizes while maintaining the traffic intensity at We = pT O.IA. perform four simulation experiments aimed at various aspects of system perfor- mance. Experiment The 1: obtained under the TSP first set of simulation runs quantifies the cost policy by recalculating the cycle placement at each retailer, as opposed to determining these values only once per cycle We warehouse). times ^01 = ^so let bi = = b = ^r/lO, ^12 5, hi = = h = ^34 ^23 with a pentagon structure, where the and the warehouse is located = l = for ^45 midway between of three vehicle sizes (100,10,5) i = = 1, ... (i.e., ,5 first more with is at the and consider the mean stations 1 and travel 5. which are generated by the different combinations and three traffic intensities (0.5,0.7,0.9); For all notice that cases with px three replications of 36,000 time units (starting with an discarding the vehicle placed at the vertices of a pentagon, of these scenarios grossly violate the heavy traffic conditions. three when the ^t/5- These travel times are consistent five retailers are We consider nine different scenarios, we simulated improvement = < 0.7, empty system and 2000 time units) with cycle placement recalculation at the calculation only at the warehouse; for the px some retailers and 0.9 instances, the length of each replication was increased to 240,000 time units (discarding the first 20,000 time units). This simulation design was used throughout our study and allowed us to keep the standard deviation of the cost estirhate under Table 1 summarizes the 1% of its mean. results of the experiment. when the increase in the average inventory cost The entries in the table represent delivery sizes are calculated only at the warehouse, and not adjusted over the course of the tour. As predicted by heavy the advantage obtained by recalculation at the retailers becomes quite small intensity is high (about 1% when pr = with small vehicle sizes at lower 0.9). when the traffic However, the recalculation advantage increases traffic intensities. Kumar, Schwarz and Ward, who traffic theory, These observations complement those in focus on this issue (calculating delivery allocations once per cycle or at each retailer) using a much different model. All subsequent 39 TSP simulations ,'Pd=0.63 / yPD=0.45 1/ rpD=0-8I 10% Figure 2: Sensitivity of inventory cost to base stock level. 44 A = 9.0 to (64)-(65). In three of the 36 cases the tion algoritlim poHcy generated by the Markov chain approxima- of the triple threshold form; in the remaining 33 cases, the solution is is a degenerate form of the triple threshold policy that can be described by one or two thresholds. Table 5 specifies the proposed triple threshold policies for the three cases, scheme is used terms of the unsealed inventory) (in DS along with the proportion of time that is used. As expected, the TSP an interval containing zero. in The Analytical Double Threshold Because the numerical results Policy. in 33 of the 36 cases can be described by one or two thresholds, and because the Markov chain procedure only offers an approximate solution to problem (64)-(65) independent of the heavy traffic parameter [^i, 23) and idles when equal to Z3 in the results Z{t) > we turn n), The parameters 23. in §5.2; in particular, < Z{t) Zj the solution is not an analytical derivation of the to DS when double threshold policy, whore the vehicle uses ^(0 ^ (in particular, Zi, and the function F uses TSP routing by setting Zj are derived in (74) when 22 must be minimized. For the symmetric cost, wedge topology cases, this function can take eight different possible functional forms, and a steepest descent this function; see Appendix B riie results for policy is optimal of 6' is degenerate in 6 cases. in of Rubio method was used for complete the 36 cases are presented 22 of the 36 cases, with the In the remaining 14 cases minimum of details. Table in to find the global TSP 6. The derived double threshold and DS policy optimal in 16 cases where two thresholds are required, the value often very close to zero, suggesting that the TSP policy is close to optimal. \\ liilc results are not reported here, similar findings continued to hold for different values of the backordering-to-holding cost ratio b/h, as well as for wider or narrower wedges (i.e., for other values of 601 /0 12)- For the 33 cases where the Markov chain procedure generated a single or double threshold solution, these solutions matched the analytical solutions hence, the Markov chain solutions are not included hrrr. Markov chain procedure generated a the Markov chain triple threshold policy, in Table 6 very closely; For the three cases where the we used simulation to compare policy in Table 5 to the analytically derived policy in Table 6. Table 7 shows that the double threshold solution out pci forms the policy generated 46 i)y the Markov chain — V= \ = r to deliver full loads to either a single retailer (direct shipping or (TSP) tour, we avoid the combinatorial complexities DS) or along a prespecified inherent in the problem and maintain a sharp focus on the crucial tradeoff between inventory costs and transportation costs that at the heart of the IK P. problem offers Our modeling dynamic stochastic IRP of the lies as a queueing control a new perspective on the problem: rather than view the IRP as a variant of the vehicle routing problem, we see it as a variant of a production/inventory control problem (where the capacitated vehicle plays the role of the production system); a^ such, this paper is a natural descendant of Wein and Markowitz, Rciman and Wein, which consider more conventional production/inventory control problems. By assuming that the system we approximate the queueing TSP is operating in the (suitably defined) heavy traffic control problem by a diffusion control problem. regime, When only tours are allowed, this modeling approach, together with the application of a heavy time scale decomposition, allows us to traffic fully characterize the solution to the diffusion By assuming control problem, thereby generating an operating policy for the original system. the existence of a fixed sequence of retailer visits than can achieve constant inter- deli very times to each retailer in the fluid limit, we perform a similar analysis for the control policy in both cases is which which specifies how many retailer to visit next in the sit idle or set out with a full load, is diffusion control analyzed. The problem is and a dynamic allocation units to leave off at each retailer under a DS TSP scheme, and scheme. We also consider the case where dynamic route selection The case. characterized by a vehicle idling policy, which dictates whether a vehicle at the warehouse should policy, DS (either TSP or DS) is allowed. solved numerically and a class of triple threshold policies Finally, a series of simulation studies is performed to complement the heavy traffic analysis. Our key • findings can be The inventory component summarized as follows: of the total long run average cost characteristics of the system, while the transportation scheme is determined solely from first moment 50 depends on the stochastic component information. for a fixed routing • The vehicle idhng idles at the poHcy is characterized by an aggregate base stock level: the vehicle warehouse whenever the total retailer inventory exceeds a certain threshold The value of the optimal base stock level. level is independent of the transportation cost Although the existing IRP literature does not typically address the vehicle rate. issue, our simulation results show that system performance value of the base stock level, deteriorating rapidly is idling quite sensitive to the when the base stock level differs from the optimal value by more than the vehicle capacity. Moreover, simulation results also confirm that the system cost under our derived base stock levels are typically within several percent of the cost achieved by the best (found by exhaustive search using simulation) base stock level, unless the heavy equals 0.5 and vehicle capacity (e.g., traffic intensity • The traffic allocation of load among the retailers is conditions are grossly violated is less than or equal to 10 units). dictated by the desire to concentrate most of the total inventory (backorders) at the site with the smallest holding (backorder) cost rate. • Dynamic (i.e., state-dependent or closed-loop) delivery allocations greatly outperform their static (state-independent or open-loop) counterparts in a stochastic environment. In fact, central limit theorem arguments indicate that static delivery allocations cause the absolute value of the inventory levels to grow as the square root of time, thereby leading to unbounded costs over the long run. • The TSP relative tour, as advantage of recalculating the load allocation at each opposed to setting utilization increases, • The once at the beginning of each tour, decreases as in the heavy traffic limit. policy that achieves the lowest transportation cost largest amount per fore, direct fact and vanishes it is shipping is the one that delivers the unit time travelled (subject to meeting average is retailer within a demand). There- the most transportation-efficient routing scheme; although this a trivial consequence of the triangle inequality, it is perhaps our most important observation. This fact helps highlight the basic cost tradeoff in the IRP: 51 DS leads to TSP smaller transportation costs, hut may deliveries, routing, by demand for is, where the rates to a level TSP routing scheme has a traffic DS scheme Moreover, our analysis highlights the danger in minimizes current inventory costs (for has an intensity less in- than one. employing a myopic policy that always example, have each outgoing vehicle satisfy backorders as possible, regardless of location); such a policy, which in spirit has any given problem instance, one can tensity greater than or equal to one and the many DS lead to smaller inventory costs. This result also implies that a larger stability region than TSP; that increase the making smaller and more frequent is «is similar (and consequence) to a production lot-sizing policy that frequently breaks a setup in order to satisfy backordered demand, can easily become unstable. • Heavy traffic analysis backorder costs, • DS shows that will costs policies. cost-symmetric systems with sufficiently high be preferred to Simulation results show that there DS and TSP for is Although the TSP routing. often a large difference in performance between the traffic intensity, backorder costs and transportation play a significant role, the topology probably plays the largest role in the all relative attractiveness of each policy. For systems with relatively high loads, that TSP could only be a desirable alternative when the tour is it appears wedge-shaped, as is often the case in practice. • The heavy traffic analysis TSP or fixed schemes. accurately predicts the relative cost of using the fixed DS Hence, our procedure can be used as an aid in higher level decisions, as discussed at the end of this paper. • If one can dynamically choose between the the most general form of the solution Wi it < is W2 in < Wj-. if the interval where W3 is is DS and TSP then TSP the idling threshold, then is is is than wi then preferred. the absolute value of the total retailer inventory 52 less preferred and DS we conjecture that a triple threshold policy characterized by the total retailer inventory [101,102) options, is if it is Our in DS is preferred, the interval rationale is large then the routing if [102,^^3)1 as follows: if scheme may have little effect DS may on the rate at which inventory costs are incurred. be preferable because DS -efficiency of incurs smaller transportation costs. In addition, the it has a tendency to increase the total inventory, level relative to the diffusion control problem the and DS so zero, as in is it will help to TSP option has a larger drift than the decrease future backorders. However, is much when the TSP (in option), less than total inventory the interval [iui,W2), which should contain zero in the nondegenerate case, the TSP lead to less backorders and smaller inventory costs, making the more attractive alternative. Finally, because the effective penalty for using the inefficient TSP when the policy decreases most cases the optimal solution pohcy, where W2 ELSP We = This state of W3. correspond to DS is large, we believe that in be no more complex than a double threshold affairs is somewhat analogous to the stochastic (TSP). computed the numerical to the will total inventory with setup times analyzed in Markowitz, Reiman and Wein, where large (small) lot sizes • DS be even more attractive when the total inventory will frequent deliveries of it In tlicse cases, dynamic IRP for a solution to the diffusion control problem corresponding number of instances, and the results were consistent with our conjectures: the most general optimal policy was of the triple threshold form, and in most cases a degenerate form of the pohcy was optimal: either the {wi = i«2 = —00 or lOi double threshold policy we = W2 (102 = = did not find a numerically W3), the fixed TSP case {ivi = fixed = —00, W2 DS case w^) or the ^3)- Moreover, in our limited simulation experiments, computed triple threshold policy that outperformed the analytically derived double threshold policy (although we did not search beyond the computed triple threshold values). simulation, of the we By performing many exhaustive also found that the best double threshold policy differed two fixed routing this range, the best policies in only a TSP and DS searches using from the better narrow range of system parameter space; policies achieve fairly similar in performance. Hence, coupling this observation with a previous one suggests that finding the best fixed route policy is very important while allowing for dynamic routing provides a 53 much less substantial benefit; this is particularly true in light of the increased complexity of implementing a dynamic routing scheme. In summary, the important operational level, levers for the IRP iiulude the aggregate base stock the dynamic allocation policy and the choice of fixed routing scheme, but not the dy- namic routing policy. Moreover, these key decisions are interrelated and a unified stochastic control model, such as the one considered here, required for achieving reliable system is performance. Two topics for future research naturally dynamic routing scheme so as to allow K come TSP Although tour through xetailers in 2 1, and The different types of routes to consider cyclic routes that use a combination of of a to mind. 3, DS and TSP first (where (e.g., is to extend the K > 2) and/or a cycle could consist followed by a direct shipment to retailer 2). theory these extensions could be incorporated and system improvements could be achieved, the analysis would be tedious and is it doubtful that any additional insights would be found. Perhaps the most fruitful area for future research would be to develop the necessary steps for a hierarchical approach to the general (multi-vehicle, multi-warehouse) IRP; such an approach would be similar Levi, but the vehicle routing analysis performed by Simchi- in spirit to would also incorporate the inventory cost component. Our any system given a particular assignment policies provide estimates for the operating cost for of retailers to vehicles and vehicles results for fixed route to warehouses. Motivated by our observation that the best fixed route policy performs nearly as well as the best dynamic policy over a broad range of parameters, the optimization algorithm first level (e.g. up in the hierarchy could implrmont a k-opt algorithm as used in some interexchange the detenninistic vehicle routing literature) to find the best such route. Higher levels in the hierarchy could then be used to select the best possible assignment of vehicles and to have in the system. At an even higher number and level, location of warehouses. 54 retailers, and the total number of vehicles these results could be used to decide on the Acknowledgment This research was supported by a grant from the Leaders for Manufacturing Program at MIT, NSF grant DDM-9057297 and EPSRC grant GR/J71786. 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