(UBRARIESI O X ^ Of rt^. CENTER FOR COMPUTATIONAL RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Factory Concepts and Practices in S oftwa re Development: An Historical Ove rv ew i Michael A. Cusumano Mitsubishi Career Development Assistant Professor of Management Working Paper #3095-89 BPS Version: December 5, 1989 SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 ALFRED P. Factory Concepts and Practice s in Softwa re Development: An Historical Ove rview Michael A. Cusumano Mitsubishi Career Development Assistant Professor of Management Working Paper #3095-89 BPS Version: December 5, 1989 Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 253-2574 JAN 1 2 /<iC)o ABSTRACT This paper reviews the introduction of factory concepts and practices, based on tools and methods from the evolving major software producers, label to Hitachi, in Corporation in control software in Japan, as well as System Development The other U.S. firm discussed without adopting the factory label, and or approach to software development: facilities NEC, and Fujitsu the U.S. softwaro engineering, at particular those that explicitly adopted the factory describe their software Toshiba, field of development, in detail is IBM, which, introduced numerous measures to organize especially basic software. The paper emphasizes that the difficulty of the technology, shor-tsges of skilled engineers, and large-scale projects have encouraged producers or factory-like in managing a series of and more suitable craft approach to development. to a loosely become more systematic projects, characteristics of the technology and the industry difficult to control to evm though some havp maHe software seem structured project-centered or INTRODUCTION When analyzing the appearance new technology and the birth of a of a historical perspective useful to refine new industry, managers should find an strategies both for competitive positioning and technology management. example, what and when might concepts or practices le?)rned managing a particular technology apply have evolved beyond an remained loosely individuals in a "craft" or job-shop mode, modes of engineering and manufacturing. thus made variety a wide of Many industries settings? by condnrted and expensive, structured, other- one industry for where product design and production phase, initial in in For highly skilled more --ystematically organized to Product and piocess innovations have sophisticated goods consumers by systematically dividing large tasks inlo available to masses of and less-skilled '^inallei operations, establishing standard procedures and controh to help de-skill tasks, among different individuals, apportioning labor equipment mechanize or automate aspects to of building desinn tools and and production, other and creating designs based on reusable or interchangeable components (Woodward 1965; Chandler 1977; Abernathy 1978; Hounshell 19841. Some researchers, however, have argued that sfiuctured engineering or factory processes of this sort have become possible oiii^' rate of product innovations or changes decline to tJT-^ in industries when the where firms can point concentrate on process innovations related to cost reductions (Abernathy and Utterback 1978, 1982). This requirement suggests that not all products or development processes are suitable for factory-oriented design and production systems, even though managers may have strong incentives to pursue more efficient modes of operations compete to effect iN'-^^ly, especially in new industries with complex technologies. The subject of this article is how major producers 1 of software have attempted to push forward the state of new technology and thereby move a software from loosely organized craft or job-shop modes of development to more structured management. The number and 1980s, process of software pioneered introduced explicitly automated enginenring of producers is and production too large to cover firms all This discussion, therefore, focuses on companies that, between the adequately. 1960s and a factory development operations: programming for commercial large-scale concepts in practices (IBM) or software- their into Business Machines International Development Corporation (SDC) and sale and System the U.S., and Hitpchi, Toshiba, NEC, and Fujitsu in Japan. THE SOFTWARE PROBLEM Writing computers, software first -- instructions introduced required commercially to programmable operate during tho 1950s -- has plagued engineers, managers, and customers since the beginning of the computer era. The development process consists detailed requirements analysis, program design, coding, testing, and repairs referred to as maintenance. than of sequential, and often system design, installation, as well as redesign or Yet these phases atp usually more iterative unpredictable in time and because costs, the productivity of individual programmers tends to vary enormously and depend on elements difficult for management to control, such as personal talent and experience with particular applications. Software producers thus encounter budget and schedule overruns as the rule rather than the exception, especially when attempting complex systems with many components for the of software design first time. and programming, exacerbated by a to build Tho sheer demand for large difficulty programs rising faster than the supply of software engineers, the "software crisis" as to as Despite years of advances in ago as 1969 (Hunke 1981, long in tools Ird to a situation referred Frank 1983). (specialized programs and databases that aid the production of other software), design and programming techniques, and software has products themselves, remained most vexing challenge to a concerned, with many problems that plagued pioneers 1980s. In fact, continuing difficulties and practitioners more like alike to an art or a in still all persisting through the software have IpH academic researchers argue that writing software and may forever remain i<^ craft rather than evolve into a technology suited to the precise controls of "true" scientific, engineering, inrinufacturing disciplines oi- (Brooks 1975; Shooman 1983; Hauptman 1986; Mahoney 1988). Indeed, software appears to have characteristic that engineering or factory operations difficult to introduce make conventional -- little product or process standardization to support economies of scale, wide variations contents and work cumbersome tasks flows, difficult What or automate. counterproductive to divide, de-skill, producers have struggled contend with constant ovolution to process technology as well as in is and in sometimes more, in project software product and customer requirements, often for programs with unique or tailored features. To manage such a complex technology software producers have resorted to remain flexible in structure and a such in n rlynamic industry, simple solution: processes, hiring as They have many tried to many experienced or talented programmers as possible and relying on small, integrated teams -- as job-shop or craft production in other industries. in This approach takes advantage of the greater productivity usually associated with experienced personnel, and reduces coordination or communications problems within the project, as well as the need to divide labor and tasks too rigidly (Borum 1987). Job-shop or craft practices have worked essential in the early days of the industry, well when all in software and proved products seemed new and changing, and when programs remained small, reflecting hardware limitations. But the software market continues to exhibit demand exceeding the supply of programmers and managers, tight budgets and short schedules, customer skilled requirements for unique features as well as low prices and high reliability, long- term maintenance costs surpassing those of new design work, and increases in the length and complexity of programs as hardware improves (U.S. Department of Commerce Schware 1984; 1989). incentives for managers to reduce skill These conditions requirements have created huge anfl systematically recycle key factors of production (methods, tools, procedures, engineers, components) as many projects as possible (Ramamoorthy et al. 19r>.1; Jonns 1986; in Freeman Thus, as the industry has evolved, loosely strurhired processes and craft 1987). organizations have become inadequate to manage softw-ire development, at least for many producers. EARLY FRUSTRATIONS AND FACTORY CONCEPTS The tools, earliest public proposals for the introduction of factory-type methods, and organizations to software development appeared in the late 1960s, as outgrowths of comparisons of programming with established engineering and manufacturing processes. An engineer at General Electric, R W. Bemer, made numerous suggestions develop "software factory" to reduce variability through a standardized that tools, culminated a in a 1968 computer-based paper encouraging GE to in programmer productivity interface, database useful for financial and management controls. computer business in 1970 and an historical GE's exit from the ended the company's cnmmitment to commercial hardware and software production, although Bemer provided for the industry the working definition first what might constitute of [A] software factory should be upon and controlled by a a software factory: a programming etivironment residing Program construction, checkout computer. and usage should be done entirely within environment, and by this environment... A factory ... has measures and controls for productivity and quality. Financial records using the contained tools in the Thus management are kept for costing and scheduling. estimate from previous data... Among the able to is tools to be available the in environment should be: compilers for machine-independent languages; simulators, instrumentation devices, and test cases as accumulated; documentation tools -- automatic flow-charters, text editors, indexers; accounting function devices; linkage and (and many others) (Bemer 1969: filters code interface verifiers; 1626-1627). While Bemer focused on standardized tools and controls. Dr. M.D. Mcllroy of AT&T emphasized another factory-like concept code when constructing new programs. In Conference on Mcllroy software programs into as building blocks computers (Mcllroy 1969). seemed too reliable for difficult all to types argucfl that NATO the Science division of modules offered opportunities for "mass production" producing parameterized families serve systematic reusability of an address at a 1968 He then used the term "factory" methods. to engineering, software -- for the context of facilities dedicated software parts or routines that would tailored programs reusable across different But reception to Mcllroy's ideas was mixed: create of of in program modules that would be systems and which did not efficient constrain the It and user. Software was also heavily dependent on the specific characteristics of hardware. Nor did anyone know how to catalog program modules so they could be easily found and reused (Horowitz and Munson 1984). the term factory had arrived software in Nonetheless, by the late 1960s, and was being associated with computer-aided tools, management control systems, as well as modularization and reusability. The comments managers that had of to Bemer and Mcllroy reflected the growing frustrations of One of oversee the production of large-scale programs. the most comprehensive discussions on software engineering, useful treatment, was a NATO 1968 Science Managers and academics from several countries always began with the first step -- Committee agree'-! and a still conference most report. that Hiffjcuities almost determining system requirements. Because customers often did not know exactly what type of software they would need, designers could not be certain what type of system to build. led to other difficulties as a project progressed: The initial This uncertainty cost and schedule estimates had to be changed, while programming modifications introduced during system development usually led to configuration, testing, documentation, and the NATO committee thought it problematic to manage large projects, given huge variations programming maintenance errors. In addition, communication problems within projects, productivity, measurement standards, rapid growth in demand and lack size of in of inherently tools, lack of programs, lack of standardization, few reusable components, and enormous maintenance costs as systems required repairs or changes over time (Table A comparison of the NATO report to numerous 1). anecdotal accounts and formal surveys during the 1970s and 1980s confirms the persistance of these same problems Ramamoorthy (Boehm 1976; et al. 1984; Thayer 1979; Brooks 1987). Arden 1980; Abdel-Hamid 1984; But perhaps the most famous account of problems published in in 1975 by Frederick P. of mainframes that in the mid-1960s. difficulties Brooks, Jr. impossible to isolate, In system The Myt hical Man-Month recounting his experiences IBM's System/360 family for- development were and thus inherently systemic. Most vexing in to him Brooks was the difficulty of achieving based on "man-months" projection'^ so inaccurate as to be practically "mythical" and concpptn^l "efficiency He content. in also claimed that integrity" many participants could be described by ^n "n-square where n objects had were arguing that poorly developed rstimating techniques and methods to monitor schedule progress made project with nearly interrelated, planning, project control, quality management, and maintenance. particularly eloquent , Brooks concluded, as did others before and software in been has of the main operating managing production after, development software n(_n-l) Brooks possible interactions. left in large a law" effect, readers with frightening imagery, comparing the task of large-scale software development to prehistoric animals struggling futilely to escape an unforgiving tar pit sinking deeper with each movement: No scene from prehistory struggles of great beasts in is quite so vivid the tar pits. In as that of the mortal the mind's eye one sees dinosaurs, mammoths, and sabertoothed tigers struggling against the grip of the tar. tar, and no beast The is fiercer the struggle, the more entangling the so strong or so skillful but that he ultimately sinks. Large-system programming has over the past decade been such tar pit, and in it. goals, many great and powerful beasts have thrashed Most have emerged with schedules, and budgets. running systems -- a violently few have met Large and small, massive or wiry. and team after team has become entangled seems to cause the difficulty in No one thing the tac. any particular paw can be pulled -- away. But the accumulation of simultaneous and interacting factors brings slower and Everyone seems slower motion. surprised by the stickiness of the problem, and the nature of solve it it if we are to (Brooks 1975: 4) WHY SOFTWARE Why But we must try to understand it. have been hard to discern is it to DIFFICULT IS software development remained difficult to manage appeared to result from several interrelated factors, not Many problems seemed to all stem from which were technological of in nature. the inherent complexity of designing, building, and testing computer code, especially the unpredictability of component programs become large interactions as similar functions; interactions of in the different ways of writing size; and the near impossibility of components and operating fully checking conditions. Software all possible producers employed countermeasures, such as high-level languages, structured programming and design procedures. estimates of techniques, It also and a variety proved possible human performance to of support tools and documentation reduce variability or the uncertainty of by standardizing skills through training programs, providing everyone with the same tools and methods, keeping detailed data on the performance of specific individuals well in different types of projects as as data on the average performance of individuals with certain years of experience or training. Reuse of designs and code could further lessen both complexity and variability by cutting the amount of new software developers had to write. 8 These kinds reusability -- appear frequently other industries. will be without systematic in some form control of procedures that might not suit a all still or enforcement of in and standards projects and development personnel. In this particular firm or project might be able to structure depended on the kind and tools of utilization cannot predict what the process process for software development was not simply of and engineering and manufacturing operations But software managers sense, to what degree collection standardized training, tools, and methods; and performance data; individual -- solutions of a its technological problem. It variability of projects as well as the appropriateness market needs, and methods given technological changes, preferences of individual managers, engineers, and customers. and the These factors remained difficult to predict and control since they were both external and internal to the firm. Diversity in user-requirements and applications presented another problem that put practical limits on reusability and repeatability of procedures, tools, or code from project to project, and raised the potential risks of standardizing designs, tools, methods, training. or Variability appeared accommodate different user needs and technological innovation. necessary to But when this reflected a lack of standards, poor planning and control, or insufficient product and market focus, managers probably could do more needed to manage, both external in market tn limit the diversity requirements and they internal organizational practices. At the same time, the still-evolving state of both hardware and software technology, especially the frequency of product and process innovations, made difficult and risky for managers Especially in to focus it and standardize operations too much. segments changing particularly rapidly, such as personal computers or engineering work stations, a prudent strategy might be to avoid investing in standardization of methods, tools, or program libraries of reusable code that might soon become outdated. Software developers themselves might also contribute to managerial and They might organizational constraints. company standards, or tools, despite insist on using their own methods and dislike filling out detailed reports for project control or process and quality analysis. In needed they might addition, prefer to build ever more sophisticated and innovative systems, rather than reusing specifications, designs, and code to make products similar to previous ones. In fact, one of the major difficulties cited proceedings dealt with this item, last i.e., the 1968 in NATO conference software developers often that preferred to write new programs, and thus they constantly immersed themselves (and the firm) in research and reduced their (and the firm's) ability to benefit from previous experience: Instead of trying year's, to write a system which is in like last only better implemented, one invariably tries to write an entirely new and more sophisticated system. are just fact salesmen continually disguise production job.... this embarking on to the Therefore you research, customer yet being as your just a This practice leads to slipped schedules, extensive rewriting, much lost effort, large numbers of bugs, and an inflexible and unwieldy product. such a product can ever be brought reliability or that it It is to a satisfactory state of can be maintained and modified.... [T]his mixing of research, development, and production of the unlikely that software gap'... is a root (Naur and Randell 1969: 123). 10 case Nevertheless, since the 1960s, large software producers have learned much about how and how not to manage software development, even though gains in programming productivity and quality have continued in computer hardware by wide margins (U.S. Department companies attempted to become more systematic in to of trail advances Commerce 1984). software, As they also moved closer to introducing factory-like concepts, tools, and organizational structures This occurred despite the tendency of software firms not to use or processes. the term factory to label their development facilities (except in Japan). THE MARKET LEADER: IBM For example, the in preferring to use labels such as laboratory or programming center to world, described in IBM, the largest producer of hardware and software 1960 Its to many software elevate development) to it until this time software basic a level Nonetheless, top management first began programming more comparable above the status raise facilities. to a not applications hardware engineering, or of a loosely controlled had been (though support activity. relatively simple matter for at least to Programming IBM and customers in terms of personnel requirements and organization, since machines remained small and companies only needed a few people discussions focused on the need to organize to a write tightly programs. But now managed corporate-wide system for producing basic programs to run the new machines IBM planned to introduce and make sure new software did not contain the large number of quality problems reported IBM did not next few years, in IBM's earlier programs.^ fully centralize set up a development operations but rather, over the world-wide organization to produce the System/360 operating system (OS/360), probably the most difficult and expensive commercial 11 The software project undertaken up to that time. basic software included four different but "upward-compatible" versions of the operating system, each for OS/360 stood machines of different sizes. at the top of the Other line. less complex systems, providing basic programming capabilities through management of external and disk tape memory drives, Support), BOS (Basic Operating System) DOS , BPS were Programming (Basic (Disk Operating System) , and TOS (Tape Operating System). IBM completed the smaller operating systems more or they worked relatively well. While however, presented major OS/360, IBM announced the System/360 family shipments mid-1965, for OS/360 was design, including as construction, many and finally delivered a first version of The organization programs consisted IBM used difficulties. and planned the IBM forcing to ship first the After 5,000 man-years expended a period of three years, working on the system simultaneously, IBM OS/360 1966, containing in many more man-years of multiple 1964 documentation over as 1000 employees defects that would require in ready, not hardware with the simpler operating systems. in on schedule, and less to huge numbers to correct (Fisher et al. of 1983). produce System/360 software and later development laboratories, each with hardware- engineering, programming, and marketing divisions or centers. Each laboratory took responsibility for different sizes of computers aimed at different customer markets, although each programming center had development assignment that contributed to responsible centers, for a formal mission or product- a larger effort. A vice-president programming operations oversaw the different programming and corporate IBM provided whatever financial resources managers needed for product development, tool distributed the development work among (sort routines) , and method and training. IBM New York City (languages), Sweden Rochester, Minn, (processor control) 12 R&D, , San Jose (access methods), Raleigh, N.C. (communications), Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (largeoperating system) Endicott, N.Y. (mid-range operating system). Other centers Kingston, N.Y., in structure reflected strategy to create centers of a experienced software developers around the world, specialized both such as sorts or communications software, and as mid-range versus necessary because of the thousands of programmers. logistical IBM, in dispersion this expense and difficulty functions, in machine types or sizes, such in Managers considered machines. large and also aided the effort. Germany, and additional locations This organizational , centralizing of the past, had already distributed hardware design, and management wanted to locate software personnel nearby hardware engineering for specific machines. But dispersion and the independence of each programming to organizational as well software and subsequent products. center, as considerable well as project problems technical as completing managers and Even as late as individual centralized control allowed the release of of defects, management system. to decide what correcting specific IBM had yet 1970, retained tools to establish old as or a and the lack of many important products with including OS/360 as well Simply System/360 engineers, coordinated system for quality assurance and maintenance, numbers contributed For example, directors of each programming autonomy and the authority methods they would use. in site large highly popular database a problems consumed enormous expenses and manpower resources that directly detracted from new-product development. IBM also applied what managers later organizational structure for software maintenance, first patterned maintenance after decided was the wrong a critical hardware divisions, area. The company where mechanics individually went to customer sites and fixed problems as they occurred. software, where thousands of customers might use 13 a In single package such as an operating system or data-base management program, decentralized or individual maintenance proved to be far too labor intensive, costly, and unnecessary. But perhaps the major challenge IBM faced became the growing difficulty large software projects dispersed around the world and then of coordinating expecting groups to complete components on time that would work together according to technical OS/360 but even before also with announced along with the hardware in in in dubbed the only with called for adding virtual memory and this required major technological another huge project to produce in FS Future for System, IBM management decided in added because FS architectures and would not run a successor to System/370, IBM's to costs and man-power 1974 to cancel this effort after spending $5 billion and using approximately half of project, not programming concepts that made new projects even more complex. Poor planning shortages. do this specifications for OS/370, addition, 1970, capabilities to the basic operating system, changes to failed planned new versions of DOS/360, which IBM cancelled public announcement. a IBM specifications. all basic software personnel on the programs written for the 360 and 370 seemed unlikely customers would accept the new system it (DeLamarter 1986). In an attempt to streamline and systematize several practices, at least for basic-software its operations, IBM changed One move, which development. some executives had demanded directly after the OS/360 experience, set up a system of strict individual accountability for new products, committing project manager's to guarantee specific dates when their components would be ready. IBM also established an organization with specialists to customers. though in the in In a for what it called remote maintenance, centralized location fixing software before re-releasing addition, mid-1970s IBM began more centralization there remained 14 as many as of eight it development, sites making interdependent language compilers, database-management systems, and access This situation persisted until IBM management decided to concentrate programs. these programming activities the In IBM meantime, in one location had been California. in accumulating a wealth of knowledge regarding the management of software development that helped IBM and other firms introduce more systematic procedures and some support tools for testing and coding operations and then for design and process management. evolution can be seen begun in an analysis of articles in the IBM Systems Journal , IBM as 1962, which describe both actual practices in in As the and topical chronological research and practice indicate listings This (Tables well as research. 2 and 3), both the 1960s and 1970s centered on testing, simulation and in other forms of product evaluation. Articles on generic tools in the 1980s were the methods area, most articles in the 1960s treated design, coding, and testing, with shifts away from coding in the more varied but now included design. In 1970s and 1980s toward project management and programming environments, but still with considerable attention to design and testing . With an extensive and continually growing basis of software-engineering rising recognition of the importance of software from knowhow, and executives, technological IBM in the late 1970s took integration latest tools, techniques, by creating a a further step new software^ in its highest organizational and facility combining the and concepts regarding programming environments: the Santa Teresa Laboratory. This facility, opened in 1977, brought together 2000 software personnel organized along functional product lines (languages, database systems, access methods) and provided a new physical setting, designed by the head of Harvard University's School of Design, Gerald McCue (McCue 1978). its name implies, Laboratory as a IBM executives did factory. In not practice, 15 view or label however, they the Santa created a As Teresa highly functionally organized facility, centralized, programmer performance, comfort, and layout designed to facilitate physical communication. eliminating This consolidation, duplication many in with a standardized process and saved on overhead costs by moreover, and positions staff gave management more immediate control over product development and testing, of new and existing products. IBM a in the 1980s operated other sites with several hundred and even over thousand software personnel one location, although management did not in appear to duplicate the degree of consolidation applications facility in at Santa Teresa (except for an Tokyo with several thousand personnel on one the one hand, moving over thousand developers and their families from eight a different cities to Santa Teresa became extremely expensive. decided not to invest (as in Japan, in a similar effort unless where IBM's competitors systems engineers because of and programmers the sheer size of operations, it seemed IBM's in it concentrated also integrated large facilities). though numbers In of addition, hardware development and programming management would ever try unlikely even Top executives seemed absolutely necessary development operations completely and risk losing the around the world, On site). dispersed to centralize ability to tap expertise made operations it to difficult coordinate and standardize methods, tools, and controls.'^ Equally integration important, IBM and consolidation encountered of personnel example, Santa Teresa first attempted with large departments handling IBM managers concluded this all a practical in limits functional to large-scale departments. For relatively strict functional organization, coding or structure did all design. not help Ultimately, however, them serve individual customers effectively when products required close coordination between design and product construction. Management thus shifted Santa Teresa toward 16 a mixture of functional and product -centered departments with 1980s, oriented design, specialized -- divisions"* a and testing groups within product- coding, structure the late 1970s and in similar to Japanese software factories described below. addition In to finding efficiency organizational and a IBM flexibility, toward solving another issue: compromise better increasing its provide uniform interface to make a as whole tools as well one time, incompatible meeting (SAA) Architecture Application it 1980s late An example initiative, process or worked also hardware and of this effort, IBM's when completed, would easier to reuse portions of systems and programs across previously incompatible machines. lines At supported an effective marketing strategy aimed market segments with different the ability to standardize software internal architectures and interfaces. Systems in between different and products at dissuading competitors from introducing an equally broad range of computers. IBM in the past also appeared to view applications software as an extension of sales and did subject not But, software. this to same discipline and structuring as basic the by the mid-1980s, Equipment Digital area Corporation, intensified competition which offered from firms such as compatible small and large machines that could use the same software and databases, had forced IBM to reevaluate its THE FIRST One strategy and attempt tighter controls and integration. U.S. SOFTWARE FACTORY: SDC of the U.S. Corporation, formerly division, 1976. leaders a in the custom software field, System Development part of the Rand Corporation and established the first U.S. 17 in 1988 a Unisys in 1975- the 1950s to develop the SAGE software facility called SDC had been separated from Rand in a factory missile control system for the U.S. other real-time programming tasks but went public corporation, software costs and launched five problems (1) Department of Defense. special a later took process-oriented SDC programmers continued R&D on government-sponsored Top management then had 1970. in a as It effort in to control 1972 to tackle to encounter project after project: Lack of discipline and repeatability or standardized approaches to the development process. (2) Lack of an effective way to visualize and control the production process, as well as implemented (3) measure before to a a was completed how well code design. Difficulty in accurately specifying design and coding, performance requirements before detailed and recurrence certain requirements, or changes (4) project of disagreements on the meaning of demanded by the customer. Lack of standardized design, management, and verification tools, making it necessary to reinvent these from project to project. (5) capability Little to reuse components, despite the fact that many application areas used similar logic and managers believed that extensive use of off-the-shelf software modules would significantly shorten the time required for software development (Bratman and Court 1975 and 1977). Ultimately, consisted of the SDC engineers constructed three elements: an integrated 18 set a detailed factory plan that of tools (program library, project databases, on-line interfaces between tools and databases, and automated support systems for verification, documentation, etc.); standardized procedures and management policies for program design and implementation; and a matrix organization, separating high-level system design (at customer sites) for program development system, which facility of final The Software Factory). (at the SDC copyrighted under about 200 programmers in site to first utilize the factory the name "The Software Factory," was a Santa Monica, California. Determining the form of the factory, however, required years of effort as well as trial and error. SDC management and R&D For example, factory more than being as initially the Software Factory as a of tools that they hoped SDC other words, they did not think of in physical, centralized facility, One reason was other industries. set a around the country might use; facilities engineers did not conceive of the similar to factories in that the Department of Defense and other customers frequently required software contractors to locate development teams at the computer impractical, The Other factors also had made sites. incompatibility of had made organize work many computers in it logical for in the jobs for which it SDC and most redundancies in to to keep its employees other software producers to with integrated teams building their own tools and projects, difficult SDC wrote programs, and SDC accepted deciding on practices suitable for each job. made centralized facility although circumstances were changing. the wide variety of applications active, a large, standardize This craft or job-shop approach practices among areas such as tool development, projects design, or eliminate and coding, but it brought customers, systems engineers, and software developers together, and seemed to increase the likelihood that the software requirements. However, a growing shortage of 19 system would meet customer skilled programmers made it harder for managers to find the proper set of experts on components such as operating systems, locations compilers, and telecommunications interfaces, or to locate engineers willing to move frequently. shortage of people had prompted SDC management different in By 1976, to consider an this alternative organization After working with the R&D team for a year on tools and methodologies, the new leader of the project. Jack Munson, single facility -- an actual factory -- R&D, in in Engineers would bring programming jobs to them. and methods developed software for SDC's build This facility would locate specialists Division. tools to recommended that SDC create one in a System management site while the facility would use the remote-terminal and computer as well as technologies that allowed "a single set of personnel to monitor and control a large number of scale of software projects concurrently, taking and providing for cross-utilization advantage of scarce skills" economies of (Baum 1981: 220- 223). As customer in the past, the factory structure required program offices at each site. Program managers maintained responsibility throughout the life- cycle for project management, customer relations, requirements and performance specifications, systems engineering, and quality control and assurance. the actual software and test it, however, program managers had to transfer system specifications to what was essentially an assembly within the factory: separating advantage in line of three groups Computer Program Design, Computer Program Development, and System Test and Verification. The SDC team, that To build system design from program at least in production 1977, recognized offered both an maintain closeness between systems engineering and customers as well as a potential disadvantage in removing the program developers and testers from the customers and systems engineers. 20 But they hoped that informal and communication -- standards methodological "a well-understood normal, interface procedure" -- could overcome any problems (Bratman and Court 1977: 128). SDC gave the name Factory Support System to the "basic structural and control components" designed to facilitate the factory methodology (Bratman and Court 1975: 30-36; Bratman and Court 1977: 128-137). a language to high-level computer and procedures (Figure 1). management a used the keeping for The ease activities, maintained in IBM 370 mainframe an system automate to program development and collecting data of supported top-down tools on operating IBM's of facilities track ran portability, This tool set, written automated development, several requirements through implementation, provided library history for programs, allowed for symbolic system-data control, and automated aspects of program inspection and qualification. It also took a year and a half identify standards and procedures that might be applied to process around activities, a general variety of events, and in product components They based the development covering the major common to projects. all The what SDC called the Softwa r e Deve opment Manual or l called for structured design and program production rules and specific guidelines-- software projects. life-cycle model of software methodology, codified SDM, a -- during 1975-1976 for the R&D team to libraries. and coding, top-down program development, In addition, SDM outlined a management and control process, providing guidelines for planning, project control, review and (Baum 1981: part borrowed from existing U.S. evaluation procedures, and quality assurance The R&D team in 22). military standards (Bratman and Court 1977: 120), but established most of the SDM methodology by examining previous projects SDC had done through written interviewing personnel to determine what had worked well 21 records and and appeared to According represent "best practice" within the company. key factory to the architects, Harvey Bratman and Terry Court, this effort was critical to creating a common language and methodology that would make the factory more than just a building with a large a common number of programmers and projects working from pile of tools: hold the disparate portions of the Factory together: The procedures the standards are the means of making the Factory efficient and easy to use and learn. Without the standards that establish the Software Factory methodology and the procedures that establish the precise way of doing a task, the Factory development of software tools. and faithfully maintained improvement, standards. . solutions of is to more than an agglomeration Standardization, to reflect essential little is established initially changing conditions and continual the success of the .establish a working environment The Factory. ... where the creative design key technical personnel can be implemented quality products, on schedule, and within budget. high- in More specifically they: -- promote repeatability in the software development process; -- allow rapid transfer of expertise from one project to another; -- establish a consistent framework for cost estimating; -- people to make it possible for common understanding -- interact efficiently and with a of goals; provide the capability to measure project progress in a realistic manner; -- enforce technical -- establish a basis and management techniques; for assuring 22 and measuring software quality (Bratman and Court 1977: 121). Approximately 10 projects went through the Four of the largest were TIROS-N, 1976 and 1978. system completed in 1978 for the Range Scoring system for navy (MADS), a SDC Software Factory between a $7 million TIROS-N weather data-processing the Mobile Sea satellite; battle training; the Morocco Air Defense System $12 million contract for systems engineering, software development, and training, with Westinghouse as the prime contractor, based on SAGE and a successor design and described by SDC's company history as "the first airspace system to use implemented a standard commercial computer (the Burroughs B7700) and to be in standard a (ALGOL)...."; language higher-order Emergency Command Control Communication System (ECCS), The project for the Los Angeles Police Department. in the company history as control system ever conceived," every 4 seconds at handled 3 million peak loads, as well as 1.2 year, linking 850 mobile digital terminals in calls the $28. 5-million a police system, and most complex largest "the and police referred to command- per year and one call vehicle dispatches per million patrol cars as well as 5000 portable two-way communication devices (Baum 1981). SDC managers claim that all the projects, system for the L.A. Police Department, came with fewer defects and problems than systems. The company history in SDC the with exception of the on time and within budget, and usually experienced with large also described the factory projects as, for the most part, "accurate, timely, and on budget," and models of "optimum software development" (Baum 1981: 205, 224). SDC's chief executive, methodology as a In fact, George Mueller, corporate standard and the factory worked so well that directed in all divisions adopt the 1978 promoted the head of the factory project. Jack Munson, to oversee this transfer." 23 to Yet Munson's personal advancement contributed to the end of the factory, which gradually into disuse as the number of new projects going through fell the facility declined. why SDC's The general lack of tool portability provided one reason top executives began to lose interest problems with a the factory concept. in But particular project led Mueller to end his support and provided ammunition for program (project) managers who did not want to use the factory structure to build their software.' This was the ECCS system for the L.A. police. According to Court, who headed the software-development effort for this project, ECCS broke down mainly from SDC's lack of experience engineering for this type of application. the job of personnel SDC had built. It terms of writing and testing code, ECCS resembled other systems the software factory, in was In a command and real-time systems in control application, with strict time and space constraints, and numerous communications and data-management requirements. anything in However, SDC had done Court's words, the functionality before: a the of application differed police-department information system. from Thus, "our systems engineering could not dominate the process, because they knew very little about police work and police operations. police tended to dominate the process, on expanding and expanding." and as a So the the requirements kept result, This led to an "endless discussion and analysis of requirements" that consumed nearly two years, throwing off the entire schedule and budget. Not surprisingly, the specifications SDC eventually agreed to turned out to be more complex and took longer to code than managers had anticipated, hardware particularly since they tended to exceed the capabilities of the (4 Digital PDP 11/70 minicomputers), making software to run as efficiently as possible. on this project since it had agreed SDC thus initially to a 24 it necessary to refine the lost a large sum fixed-price contract. of money To complete ECCS, SDC reverted created a to former job-shop structure and its This group dedicated project team of the best people available. Future jobs finished the specifications as well as built and tested the software. also went back to the project system, The factory methodology, embodied for program development." manual, remained, although SDC projects and sites. to use it through the rather than using the factory structure SDC also in the SDM dispersed the factory personnel among different updated the manual every few years and continued while concepts from the factory methodology late 1980s, also spread to other firms after the U.S. SDC in Department of Defense contracted with 1976 to devise guidelines for military-use software procurement.^ Dissolution of the factory had both negative and positive consequences for On the one hand, dispersing programmers SDC. personnel work closely with customers and specialize Some former factory engineers also took on different to in staff sites helped particular applications. roles, helping different projects with proposals, new-business development, customer relations, strategic planning, natural and other tasks. outcome development offer. in to '^ Dissolution some managers, the factory tool of set seemed because of the dynamic nature of a tool software and the incomplete state of what the factory had to SDC had never completed all the tools and expected them to evolve, with old tools falling into disuse. On the other hand, ending the factory did not help problems that had inspired the factory's inception. to exist as a corporate standard, although it SDC solve the five The methodology continued became more difficult to enforce good practices and use common tools across numerous independent also never developed the ability to reuse different projects, and gradually declined from 1970s as a leader in software a position sites. systematically in SDC across the 1960s and early the software industry, eventually merging with Burroughs 25 in 1981. ten years after the end of the factory, addition, In were divisions environment. trying still the 1980s, In build to common a SDC management programming appeared to be moving some also back toward centralization, but without separating systems engineering facilities from program construction so rigidly and letting lines and set tool some SDC least at business. of This seemed a better way facilities to despite the lack of more rationalized structure, gain focus on specialized some scale economies like the original factory had attempted. In retrospect, SDC may have attempted of standardized tools to impose a factory infrastructure and methods, and reusability goals, on range of projects a that were too different and better suited to job-shop production. software made technology it difficult to transport tools matrix-management problems that surfaced and prevented Nonetheless, the facility. even though a differed as Japan's other in leading computer producers some respects, market focus of their remarkably similar as effective in across in reflecting variations software products, steady work flow SDC abandoned factory model influenced similar initiatives already underway as well code state of Furthermore, architects of the factory failed to solve the different machines. into and The in in the effort, Japan (Table 4). company its at Hitachi While each histories and the the Japanese efforts proved to be technical emphases, organization, and management, as well improving levels of project control, productivity, quality, and reusability. 26 JAPANESE FACTORY EFFORTS Hitachi by founding Hitachi, its Software Worl<s company 1969, was the first in the world to apply the term factory (actually, Japanese equivalent, kojo, its translated either as "factory" or "works") to an actual software facility. history executives when independent factories of this in each for became a product major the computer division to create A prompted area separate facility for software a The objectives major activity. in Hitachi managers set for their factory were to transform software from an unstructured "service" to a "product" with guaranteed a level of cost approach to achieve productivity and and quality, and use reliability centralized a improvements through process standardization and control. A particular factory. First, programmers set all administrative in deal a led Hitachi need to offset numerous with establish to a software severe shortage of skilled a customers from complaints the software Hitachi was providing (most of which, along Hitachi was importing from Hitachi factories standards forced development process standards and Japan in with the hardware, that circumstances management saw regarding defects fact of in had adopt until of accounting analyze the to and experiment with The independence Second, the 1970). corporate software managers great detail and controls. to RCA Hitachi a series factories and software of within work the corporation also gave factory managers considerable authority over technology development. Managers concentrated productivity and costs in all initially on determining standards for phases of development, based on standardized data bases for project management and quality control. design factory around structured programming techniques 27 Hitachi then standardized in the early 1970s, and standards with training programs for new employees and reinforced these managers. This reflected an attempt to standardize and improve average skills, rather than specify every procedure to be performed The of development. year of the Software Works' operations machine in the field during 1983-1985. Hitachi concepts "• in fell in as in the first 1970 to approximately 7% subsequent years, while the number from an index of 100 in in full 1974, per of defects 1978 to approximately 13 ^ managers also underestimated how such each project and phase Late projects dropped from 72% results: and remained under 19% in and reusability process difficult implementing factory standardization would be. Two First, their attempt in the early 1970s to introduce a examples illustrate this. "components control system" for reusability failed. As one of the managers responsible for building the factory systems, Kanji Shibata, recalled: "Around 1970 we believed we had and what you find for hardware, committee to take this up as soon realized that "software same as in components control system similar to introduce a a is in the special project." a way to we established a But the committee members not sufficiently standardized to be treated the hardware components control." decided to find Software Works to They changed their priorities and standardize product designs, and then worry about components A survey of the programming field suggested that structured design and programming techniques would help standardize software design and coding. The committee renamed itself the Structured Programming Methods Committee and spent several years studying these techniques (as they were evolving) and analyzing programs Hitachi had already written. move, because it This was truly would be several years before articles in a pioneering industry journals began discussing structured design and programming widely and companies such 28 as IBM adopted these practices for their internal standards.'"' Hitachi also attempted and failed to introduce one standardized process for The need both basic software and custom applications software. methods and tools for different software types led to a to separate separate division for basic software and applications within the Hitachi Software Works, and then to establishment of 1985. second software factory, dedicated to applications only, a At the start of the factory, however, a took on the task of establishing procedures for cycle model available Hitachi, development. of on materials and completed software all activities, almost based on weekly, a life- studying development and examining practices within standards by the end of 1970, referred a first-cut set of These covered product planning, Standards (HSS). to as the Hitachi Software committee for work standards committee met This in design and coding methodology, documentation and manuals, testing, and any necessary to complete other activities a software product. Although Hitachi managers clearly recognized these procedures and standards would have to evolve as personnel and technology changed, and they made provisions to revise some standards annually, drawing up the standards helped managers and engineers identify best practices within the company and within the industry for dissemination to all projects and departments. Struggling with work standards also helped the committee recognize the need to distinguish between basic systems and applications software, rather than continue trying to impose similar controls and expectations on software development. It all started developing separate standards for applications during 1971-1972 and published system-consultation standard times 1975, the Software HI PACE (Hitachi Engineering), to types of Works had completed an Phased Approach standardize formats for for 29 initial High set of procedures Productive proposals, in 1973. By now termed Computer System designs, and program construction, as well as to aid evolution came important juncture relatively easy to *^ when management at the structured design and requiring in to follow structured concepts, to facilitate design standardization as well as maintenance Somewhat longer programs appear and portability. have resulted, but managers considered the benefits this point, the factory that Hitachi it the 1980s. in 1973, in Software Works began training programmers new projects made and tools then establish a separate applications software factory Another The developing tools for design automation. standards different of in was also able to institute the to At to be significant. components-control system had wanted several years earlier, to standardize procedures for Furthermore, this system helped simplify module construction and configuration. design and maintenance, and increased the potential portability of code, though reusability was not yet a major goal By the around Hitachi had succeeded late 1970s, combination a Hitachi in manual of in (Hitachi 1979: organizing engineering and its 117-118). software factory techniques-- factory structured design and coding coordinated with data collection and standard times for each activity, detailed documentation, design reviews independent of project personnel, tools, Hitachi management was ready to invest heavily in relying on engineers mainly from the Software Works and Development Laboratory, part The At after spending years studying and standardizing the development this point, process, rigorous defect analysis, and other elements (Table 5). tools Hitachi covering each software, during the and late its new Systems of the central laboratories structure. adopted for function computer-aided its activity 1970s, software factories were comprehensive, in Hitachi software development. introduced For basic CASD (Computer-Aided Software Development System) to facilitate design, coding, documentation, and testing, and CAPS (Computer-Aided Production Control System for Software) to 30 manage manpower estimation, process flow control, and quality control. CASD and CAPS were in the late 1980s of a continually evolving, as seen new system in for project control, Both Hitachi's gradual adoption PDOC (Project Diagnostic Check System). For custom applications, of tools the late 1970s, Hitachi began developing and methodologies under the Software Engineering System) 1986). in label (Kobayashi The most important ones consisted a set ICAS (Integrated Computer-Aided Kobayashi and Aoyama et al. 1983; of the SEWB (Software-Engineering Workbench), which supported both system design and programming on advanced work stations, Software EAGLE and Productivity), Approach (Effective which ran on to Hitachi mainframes programmers build software from reusable modules as designs and code for reuse (Hagi et al. 1986). HI Achieving as well High and factories of in 1989 (see Table 4), PACE continued operated Hitachi the two helped structure new to serve as the basic methodology used with these and other tools (Miyazoe et As Level al. largest 1980). software Japan. The original Hitachi Software Works, with approximately 5000 personnel (including approximately 3000 assigned from Hitachi subsidiaries and subcontractors), built a range of basic software for Hitachi mainframes, including operating systems, language compilers, and database systems. The System Design Works (formerly called the Omori Software Works), housed 6000 software developers subcontractors) in two (including 4000 personnel 31 -story towers. This from facility, subsidiaries unlike and some other Japanese applications software factories, combined systems engineers (those who designed the systems) with programmers that built the actual software, and concentrated on customized business applications systems such as for banking, inventory, or personnel control. 31 Toshiba Toshiba created what is perhaps the most structured factory, although it also had the most focused product lines, using a centralized software facility to develop control process real-time decision to establish a software for industrial applications. software factory stemmed from rapid increases in The actual and projected demand, beginning around 1975, for industrial control systems relying on a new generation of relatively inexpensive minicomputers. the changing demands Toshiba faced as sales of were orders from Japanese power-utility thermal-power generating stations. of software; the typical hundred thousand lines in control minicomputers rose companies develop to automated These used enormous and growing amounts power-generation of code its Typical of control system rose from a few the mid-1970s to two million by the early 1980s, necessitating years of development and hundreds of new programmers. 1 "i Furthermore, to achieve safe and untended operation, the hardware and software for these and many other at least highly tolerant of control systems had to be nearly free of defects or system faults. An R&D group responsible for software development in Toshiba, led by Dr. Yoshihiro Matsumoto, introduced an organization and process tools, for methods, management and personnel systems, as well as work stations (Table 6). centered around four policies: variations The strategy for utilizing 1977 integrating in a physical layout this infrastructure standardize the development process, to reduce among individuals and individual projects; reuse existing designs and code to build new systems, to reduce redundant work and maximize productivity; introduction of standardized and integrated tools to raise the performance levels of the average programmer; development tracks for and provide programmers, engineers. 32 to extensive relieve training the and shortage of careerskilled Perhaps the most delicate feature of the Toshiba Software Factory was organizational structure, a imposed matrix several operating groups and divisions, all located referred to vertically-linked staff activities as its and the overall arrangement as in the Fuchu Works. from Toshiba "product engineering system," industrial-sector activities as horizontally-linked system," over product departments its "production engineering its "engineering matrix management" (Shimoda 1986: 103-104). Established 1940 and in Tokyo, the Fuchu Works areas: in on set 198 acres in the western outskirts of 1987 had 7500 employees working primarily in four Information Processing and Control Systems, Energy Systems, Industrial Equipment, and Semiconductors (Printed Circuit Board Division) (Toshiba 1987: 5). Operating departments within the divisions corresponded roughly to 19 product lines Each department contained sections for hardware and (Table 7). software design as well as for manufacturing (in the case of software, detailed design, coding, and module test) , testing, quality assurance, and product control. Approximately half the Fuchu Works' employees were software developers, with a third working Factory at any given time, the Software in product departments for particular projects.^" The assigned from recognition that some application areas required specialized systems analysis or engineering and design skills, and that departments could benefit from sharing scarce software all development resources, led to the adoption of this organization. Similarities in the type of software the Fuchu Works built from project to project allowed Toshiba to deliver "semi-customized" programs that combined reusable designs and code with newly written modules, rather than writing software from scratch. Toshiba also relied heavily on methodology Software set, the gradually after 1976. Engineering This utilized a a standardized Workbench (SWB), tool all and developed version of the Unix operating system as 33 well as a complement of tools full identification, were the design reusable module reusable code generation, documentation and maintenance, testing, and Important features of the Toshiba methodology project-management (Table 8). the reusability, design-support, for new program modules (generally of limited requirement that programmers deposit modules library a in each a to 50 number certain and the factoring month, for lines) reuse of in of objectives into project schedules and budgets. Table 9 shows gross software productivity for the Fuchu Works and the Software Toshiba Factory from programming or coding phase as 1972 well as to operating systems, utilities, reuse rates in the new code estimates from 1977 (the year the factory opened). Particularly striking equivalent assembler source lines or and 1985, is the rise in productivity (delivered EASL per person per month, excluding and other basic software) and the obvious impact of Increasing reuse (measured at the code level). Productivity rose from 1390 lines per person per month in 1976 to over 3100 1985 in (the last year for which Toshiba had made data public), while reuse levels (lines of delivered code taken from existing software) increased from 13% lines of 1000 in 1979 to 48% EASL source code per month per employee lines of Fortran, the most common in The 3130 1985. translate into approximately language Toshiba used in 1985''-- considerably more than the 200 to 300 lines of new code per month cited in various sources for U.S. programmers making similar real-time applications. (defined the number of major faults detected after 18 '° final Quality levels testing) also improved dramatically after the opening of the factory, ranging 7 to 20 per 1000 lines of delivered code converted to EASL (the range from depended on the amount as of testing customers contracted for) to .2 to .05 in 1985. Toshiba data indicated that reusability 34 was the major reason for Management pursued reuse productivity and quality improvements. accommodate rising demand and insure despite variations initially to high level of productivity and quality, a by individual skills and diverse customer requirements, in building products from standardized components reassembled or combined with new components (Matsumura and recycling This approach 1987) software parts, reusable of et al. as opposed -- to systematic creation development from scratch or "accidental" reuse -- lay at the heart of Toshiba's concept of factory But how the factory carried out reuse production of software. in the face of long-standing organizational as well as technological problems provides example of integrated management: of product a superb development planning, techniques, computer-aided tools, and controls and incentives. On the generally organizational side, writing and documenting components for reuse required extra time time in to individual unless they see opportunities to save resent this extra time, the future. customers might not want or Project managers, and project members, also have should not want to pay for. good reason that On the technical side, many particular project can recycle existing components. match in factors influence whether a These factors include the application or function of the existing software compared to the new design requirements; the particular language(s) used and the characteristics of the target computers; and the program structure and degree how independent modules are of other of modularity-- modules or subsystems in the original program, based on the construction of the interfaces between various layers a complete packages, system utilities, (the a application software, subsidiary applications the operating system, and the hardware). Toshiba did not solve factory presented new in all problems related to reusability. Rather, the system that simplified or restricted problems to manageable areas, and that provided incentives both for project managers and personnel to 35 write reusable software and reuse frequently. it Table 9 tracks the success of these efforts, indicating that approximately half the software Toshiba's factory delivered in including some with modifications 1985 consisted of reused code, (usually no more than 20% of the contents of an individual module). half of delivered software consisted individual plant or application, new code, of mainly The other written an for some applications packages product as well as departments developed to serve as major components of customized systems. The organization Toshiba created term concerns Software project of Reusing Parts to managers Steering promote reuse and overcome short- and development Committees and personnel Reusing Software a Parts Manufacturing Department and Software Reusing Parts Center (Figure 2). factory formed steering a committee members, depending on the application) set of needs suitable for a package, to areas different for determine if The different (with customers had on relied common a and then allocated funds from the Fuchu Works' budget for these special projects. Some packages were utilities usable 1 in different departments, although most served specific applications.'^ The Reusing Parts Manufacturing Department and Parts Center evaluated new software (and documentation) to make certain after certification, engineers registered the software reuse databases (libraries). it met factory standards; in department or factory Registered items required represent the functionality of the part or correspond to well as a brief "Description for a a keyword phrase to specific object, as Reusers" (DFR) that explained the part's basic characteristics. Management also relied on an integrated set of incentives encourage project managers and personnel software parts and managers agreed to to take the time to write reuse them frequently. productivity targets 36 and controls to that At the start of each they could not reusable project, meet without reusing a certain percentage of specifications, designs, or code. meetings held at the end of each phase how well projects met reuse targets, in programmer At the requirements. in components in the development cycle then checked addition schedules and customer to when building level, management required project members Design review register to new software, certain a number of Personnel also received the reuse databases, for other projects. awards for registering particularly valuable or frequently reused modules, and they received formal evaluations from superiors on whether they met their reuse The SWB system, targets. deviations from targets both meanwhile, at monitored the project and reuse levels individual well as as and sent levels, regular reports to managers (Matsumoto 1981; Matsumoto 1984; Matsumoto 1987). NEC The first step toward a factory structure for software development at consisting of founding the Basic Software Development Division at Works in thereby 1974, separating development from hardware development. NEC subsequently suburbs, for its within the established other Tokyo metropolis or other software needs, as well as dispersed programming work throughout Japan However, all Fuchu operating-systems organizationally organizations at Mita, Tamagawa, and Abiko, its NEC and satellite offices.''^ and separate histories of these facilities gradually through the separation numerous subsidiaries presented greater problems for managers pursuing standardization and common goals such as quality improvement throughout the discussion below summarizes the key initiatives a NEC group. Table 10 NEC managers adopted and the to create more effective multi-product, multi-process factory network. The Software Strategy programming operations on a Project, started in 1976, attempted to integrate group-wide basis (including 37 all in-house divisions and subsidiaries, rather than just the computer division). The objective was introduce standards for tools, procedures, and methodologies for development and and error aspects of management. all Yet to tailor phases of all took several years of trial it projects, and divisions to accomplish this while allowing individuals, sufficient flexibility to standards to the needs of their products and customers. When the Software Strategy effort, for led Project ended, managers who worked on the by Dr. Yukio Mizuno, noticed another weakness managing software development: follow through on NEC's structure in the lack of permanent staff to explore and key issues or technologies. Thus, to insure continuity and proceed beyond the Software Strategy Project, Software Product software engineering Engineering R&D, research laboratories. Laboratory to making this NEC in company's the lead organization The Software Factory Design 1980 established the part of the laboratory, software factories, from higher-level concepts, such as in NEC's central of started Project, under the auspices efforts in 1986 developed guidelines for designing actual tool and methodology standardization, to smaller details, such as how to arrange programmers' work spaces or recreation areas. NEC's Software Quality Control (SWQC) Program dates back a NEC managers handful of Several specific software concluded reflecting that any indicated strong a the manpower revolution correspondingly dramatic improvements NEC projects differences in also supported programmer the skills correlation needed to software in in 38 fix First, between research quality Hence, defects. would productivity in and they require quality-control practices. Surveys of observation and when software quality-control study group. a conclusions came out of their reviews. development productivity, established to 1978, that experience, "human seemed to factors," be the i.e. most and that NEC had to important elements influencing individual performance, address training more seriously if were it to make major advances in productivity or quality (Mizuno 1983). NEC management then set up a quality-control program that focused on teamwork methodologies, motivation, performance. individual Since ' created a NEC imported formal, in groups helped solve quality small the concept of quality circles. company-wide organization covering all Next, Program. brought major improvements time, NEC management in NEC found the SWQC (Software SWQC practices productivity through reductions in debugging defects, and specification changes (Mizuno 1983). The Software Problem Strategy launched and also 1981, in aspects of software production, management, services, sales, and training, under the Quality Control) affecting departments evidence from manufacturing indicated that bringing employees together problems, and other factors training, in 1982, explore practices, various measures, and establish or formally designate serve NEC's different product divisions. in three-year attempted to encourage more standardization quality-control decided to act another Project, three areas. mapping" that consisted First, a development productivity-improvement series of software factories to Under this project, they carried out of constructing a logistical programming operations within in effort NEC by product a NEC executives "software production and organizational layout (basic software, of industrial systems, business applications, transmission systems, switching software, and microcomputer software), to determine which software houses divisions were using to assist in development and whether divisions needed more help, such as new subsidiaries that might serve as additional software factories. Second, they formalized and systematized procedures for managing software subcontractors. And third, they launched another effort 39 to improve and link software and quality-assurance measures productivity by establishing Software a Productivity Committee to study documentation control, quality control, software productivity and quality measurements, cost estimation, support tools, and production environments. ^ project management, The personnel education, R&D centralized laboratory for software-engineering process work quite as well as NEC managers had hoped. had become too "academic" in did not Some laboratory researchers orientation while engineers and SWQC teams in To the product divisions seemed to be doing more useful applied studies. encourage more practical research that better met the needs without eliminating researchers basic all NEC's to research, Central a of divisions, but 1987 reorganization moved the basic Research This Laboratories. no involved organizational change, since the Software Product Engineering Laboratory had been part of the central a labs. However, researchers left methods and Management then tools. removing the more group more concerned with applications academic a physically expanded the number of researchers and divided them into four areas under the umbrella of created of new applied a newly C&C [Computers and Communications] Software Development Group. The Software Planning software quality-control Laboratory conducted "^ Office took charge of running the company-wide effort. research The Software Engineering Development on tools and integrated development environments, as well as software-engineering management, and established a consulting department to help transfer technology or assist operating divisions and subsidiaries. The C&C Common Software Development Laboratory developed basic-software packages for microcomputers, while the CSC Systems Laboratory worked on compatibility and network technology. 40 Interface Fujitsu Fujitsu established a basic software division within its hardware factory the mid-1970s that closely resembled Hitachi's Software Works in in practices and organization except that Fujitsu kept basic hardware development on the same site as An important basic software development. characteristic of Fujitsu's development approach and organization was the gradual integration for product, process, and quality. as at Direction of Fujitsu's efforts NEC, came from the Quality Assurance Department in in of controls these areas, the Numazu Works's Software Division. According to a chronology the department prepared, these efforts three main phases: prior to 1970, managers allowed programmers 1978, when Fujitsu set up Fujitsu into had no set procedures and to test software at their first its when fell own discretion; 1970- product and process standards and formal systems for inspection and quality control; and the period after 1978, when Fujitsu began placing more emphasis on structured design and programming techniques and established the procedures that formed the basis of phase was practices. Distinguishing the Assurance Department's concerns documentation conformance, development process brought major itself. or example, the number of defects In applications, to in not product evaluation, quality in all to 0.19 in 1977 current broadening of the Quality a include simply but testing analysis of and the Toshiba, and NEC, these practices Like Hitachi, improvements by Fujitsu dropping last its as well productivity, as with, for outstanding basic-software code supported and then to 0.01 Fujitsu's decision to create a from the same need Hitachi, Toshiba, and in 1985.24 software factory stemmed NEC encountered: to produce a variety of nominally different programs more efficiently, primarily sold with the company's own hardware and basic software. 41 Management began cautiously. First, experimented with it centralized organization by setting up a Software a Conversion Factory Department 1977, with approximately 100 personnel. in This modified programs customers wanted to run on new machines, which were not compatible with Fujitsu's previous architectures, as well as software originally written other for Managers believed machines companies' conversion operation for work was fairly on hardware. Fujitsu straightforward and that centralization of personnel and equipment would foster standardization and thus dissemination of good methods and tools, resulting since, in higher productivity and quality. in coordination engineers defined as making tasks easier with a set of Development programming project for Engineering in factory establishment, management, Methodology), Fortran, called and team a of Fujitsu called introduced SDEM (Software support tools for SDSS (Software Development Support System), which Fujitsu quickly replaced with tools for al. This seemed feasible especially structured design and programming techniques as well procedures detailed the manage and to COBOL programming (Murakami et 1981). The conversion factory worked include program construction well enough to expand the facility to by adding another 200 personnel and charging them with turning requirements specifications received from systems engineers into code. Prior to this, Fujitsu had construction in The process for like integrated projects, with no separation of these two functions. new development did not work smoothly for SDC had experienced Fujitsu managed systems engineering and program a all projects. Much few years earlier (but without publicizing this), managers found that many projects depended on close interactions with customers and knowledge of very different requirements, or that writing the application program required access to proprietary information which customers, for security reasons, preferred not to give Fujitsu personnel unless they 42 worked own at the customers' programming services at locations around Japan, Fujitsu again needed the factory, less-experienced programmers became better in skilled systems engineers more provide departing from the able to build complete systems on their own, making separation of of the to as Fujitsu improved the tools and reuse In addition, centralized factory model. databases available On other occasions, sites. work and use unnecessary. Rather than abandoning the objective of streamlining software development through that a factory approach, Fujitsu improved different consisted of expanding the scope of work personnel projects where it do detailed design difficult or was system gradually, recognizing processes. had different optimal projects factory its in The major change the factory departments to -- and eventually systems design unnecessary to separate these tasks, let for either for logistical reasons or because factory engineers had the expertise to design and build systems on their own (Figure 3). Fujitsu introduced other changes. outside the factory, design, and a who initially One encouraged systems engineers did surveys and project planning, systems program's structural design, to leverage their expertise more widely not only by letting the factory personnel do more work but by writing software packages to cover the needs of many users -- with effort. Any packages jobs, as is to spread single design or pieces of them that Fujitsu could deploy for custom reduced the need to write new software. or modified, burden the a of programming more widely, Fujitsu In addition, management established or engaged more subsidiaries and subcontractors, as well as leased methods, tools, beginning with and SDEM training in services 1980 (Table 11). to customers of Fujitsu hardware, Fujitsu also continued to refine the factory's methods and tools as the technology and customer needs evolved. As of 1988, the Systems Engineering Group consisted of three main areas 43 with several divisions, institute (Table 12). departments, and subsidiaries, as well as One area, the Common Technology research a Divisions, included the SE [Systems-Engineering] Technical Support Center, the Applications Software The SE Planning Division, and the Office Computer Systems Support Division. Support Center Technical portion of its Development Support housed 1500 programmers, Engineering (product Software the as well for Trade and Industry (MIT!) in in 1985 and SIGMA project (a joint by Japan's Ministry through an attempt to disseminate, the same type of work stations, support tools, software techniques that factories such as Toshiba relied on). about 20% of new applications done as handled about 75% of all a company International of communications network and standardization around UNIX as environment, Information transfer). Systems Engineering Support customers), Services (tools and methods), and the Japanese and government effort started a other departments for Systems planning (technology information as Department and Factory a national programming and reusable- The factory built the Systems Engineering Group as well in program conversion work (modifying software to run on new Fujitsu machines). Most of the remaining jobs, approximately 800 small projects per year in the late 1980s, went to approximately three dozen subsidiaries as well as subcontractors outside the factory. A second area consisted in of departments with systems engineers specializing particular industry applications (finance, insurance, securities, manufacturing, distribution, knowledge NTT, scientific, technical, to specify government), so that they had adequate customer requirements and accurate system designs. The third area, functionally specialized departments of systems engineers, designed management information systems, "value-added networks" services, firms (the for different on-line personal-computer systems, and software for new telecommunication new common carriers or NCCs) 44 EVOLUTION TOWARD FACTORY PRACTICE CONCLUSION: This review of major software and computer producers in Japan demonstrates that, whether or not companies adopted the factory they clearly operations, reusable recycling introducing standardized methods and tools, deskilling as well and thus managing software development systematically across The series of similar projects. effort and label, moved beyond craft practices and toward more systematic engineering and even factory processes or organizations, components as and the U.S. a transition to these practices required years of passage through overlapping phases comparable to what firms in other industries encountered as they grew and formalized operations (Robbins 16-19). 1987: software, In however, the first step demanded an unusual conviction on the part of key engineers, division managers, and top executives This led to the creation of that software was not an unmanageable technology. formal organizations software as facilitate a and systems control rather than continuing to treat loosely organized service provided free to customers primarily to hardware sales. Imposing greater structure on the development process also demanded continual initiatives to introduce and refine elements manufacturing and engineering environments but not 1960s the and "programming," early 1970s: to limit the a product focus in common in other software, at least not narrower than in simply range of problems managers and programmers faced; standards, at least temporary ones and tailored to specific product families, that introduced solutions to recurring problems and tools, as well as in the form of methods, procedures, provided guidelines on expected worker performance to aid budgeting and scheduling; training of employees and managers, to standardize skills though without specifying all tasks for all situations; and development of mechanized or partially automated tools for design, testing, product control, 45 reuse support, personnel and project management, and other functions, as well as continual refinements of these tools and methods as well as products (Table 13). To a large degree, factory programs signaled commitments to long-term, integrated efforts -- above the level of individual projects -- to standardize, and support software development along the structure, software-engineering literature since the early 1970s. to do this more than others, for example, personnel and competed to special offset urgency to suggested by Some firms have needed they were short of experienced markets where other firms might offer comparable or in better software more quickly and cheaply. a if lines In Japan during the 1970s, there was improve levels of productivity, quality, and process control shortages of particularly for complex skilled programmers and rapid rises in demand, customized applications programs and lengthy basic software for their new hardware systems, introduced to compete with the IBM System/370. Every firm encountered attempting to IBM found problems. standardize programming centers manage large location. difficulty specifying managers in Hitachi in general its factory both difficult it and concepts to practices and coordinate dispersed around the world as well as to thousands facilities with SDC disbanded introduce of software personnel centralized in one software factories after systems engineers had requirements for one unfamiliar application and project disliked separating system design from programming. the early 1970s failed to reuse components or introduce one standard methodology for all types of software. methodology development on a NEC relied too heavily for tool and centralized laboratory that became divorced from the needs of operating divisions. Fujitsu gradually modified its applications factory organization to allow factory personnel to do more design work. 46 Even which Toshiba, focused on a located relatively practices and needs process R&D narrow range for software of products, next to its factory and had to tolerate variations in among different departments. But though each Japanese firm had somewhat different products, emphases, and experiences, Hitachi, Toshiba, NEC, and Fujitsu And compared to pursued factory models long after SDC abandoned the IBM, they appeared to place more emphasis on creating specific facilities with thousands of programmers, many without formal software or computer-engineering backgrounds, and relying on among tools, Overall, similar paths effort. a high level of integration techniques, training, product designs, and other elements. IBM and the major Japanese producers followed more or in managing software development. less Their efforts began with decisions to create centralized organizations and management-control systems for specific product families, standardize around methods and tools tailored to these products, and then provide partially automated support for development and project management, before proceeding more automated and "flexible" What constituted tasks. a tools, to various refinements as well as capable of handling different languages or factory was difficult to measure precisely, although factories clearly seemed different from job-shop or project-centered approaches in their degree of focus on relatively routine designs, standardized methods and tools, standardized training, across a and controls and integration series of similar projects. 47 of these elements ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This article is based on research elaborated on Software Factories would like to , in Michael A. Cusumano, Japan's New York and London, Oxford University thank the companies cited in the text study and especially those managers who participated Finnell, a former master's student System Development Corporation. at Sloan, Press, who cooperated in interviews. in I this David provided research assistance on Many other colleagues and students also contributed significantly to the ideas presented here. 48 1990. at M.I.T. Table 1: NATO REPORT ON SOFTWARE-ENGINEERING PROBLEMS Lack of understanding and designers. in (1968) system requirements on the part of customers Large gaps between estimates of costs and time with actual expenditures to poor estimating techniques, failure to allow time for changes in requirements, and division of programming tasks into blocks before the divisions of the system are well-enough understood to do this properly. due Large variations, as productivity levels. much as 26:1 Difficulty of dividing labor between design design-type decisions must still one in be made study, programmers' in and production (coding), since in coding. Difficulty in monitoring progress in a software project, since "program construction is not always a simple progression in which each act of assembly represents a distinct forward step." Rapid growth in the size of software systems. Poor communication among groups working on the same project, exacerbated by too much uncoordinated or unnecessary information, and a lack of automation to handle necessary information. Large expense of developing on-line production control tools. Difficulty of measuring key aspects of A tradition among programmer and system performance. developers of not writing systems "for new and better systems, so that they are always combining research, development, and production in a single project, which then makes it difficult to predict and manage. software practical use," but trying to write Rapid growth in the need for programmers and insufficient numbers of adequately trained and skilled programmers. Difficulty of tolerance) in achieving sufficient reliability large software systems. (reduced errors and error Dependence of software on hardware, which software difficult across different machines. makes standardization Lack of inventories of reusable software components to aid new programs. in of the building of Software maintenance costs often exceeding the cost of the original system development. Source: Naur and Randell. 49 Table 2: IBM SYSTEM JOURNAL TOPICAL ANALYSIS, 1962-1986 The list excludes articles Each year and topic refers to one article. describing individual products and refers to generic tools and methods. Note: SOFTWARE-ENGINEERING TOOLS Design 1967 modeling programs 1981 software simulation as a tool for usable product design 1982 DB/DC data dictionary for businesssystems planning 1983 abstract design and program translator Coding 1968 1975 1979 1985 Fortran subroutine package program generator automatic programming for energy management tools for building advanced user interfaces Testing/ Product Evaluation 1962 general purpose systems simulator 1963 generation of input data 1963 laboratory data-taking system 1964 systems simulation 1965 expanded general purpose simulator 1969 simulating operating systems 1970 automatic generation of test cases 1971 Fortran extended-precision library 1972 management business simulation in APL 1975 performance measurement tools for VM/370 1984 automatic generation of random self-checking tests 1984 design and use of a program execution analyzer Phase/Project Management 1985 automating the software development process Documentation 1985 project automated librarian SOFTWARE-ENGINEERING METHODS: Design 1963 1963 1963 1969 1972 1974 1974 1976 1976 1982 construction of minimal project networks requirements generation programming notation in systems design three-value design verification system techniques for developing analytic models structured design elements of probability for system design top-down development using a program design language HlPO and integrated program design strategies for information requirements determination 50 1982 1983 1983 1984 1985 1985 technique for assessing external design of software 1965 1968 1969 1969 tables, flow charts, and program logic system for implementing interactive applications simple architecture for consistent application program design software reliability analysis architecture prototyping in the software engineering environment a process-integrated approach to defect prevention strategies for problem prevention Coding data management coding for error control 1971 formal description of programming languages Testing/Product Evaluation 1965 testing real-time system programs 1965 reliability of polymorphic systems 1969 synthetic job for measuring system performance 1971 time-sharing performance criteria and 1972 scientific computing service evaluation 1972 1973 1973 1974 1975 1975 1976 1982 1983 1983 1985 measurement perspective on system evaluation user program performance in virtual storage system experimental evaluation of system performance performance analysis of the Skylab terminal system performance analysis of virtual memory time-sharing systems testing in a complex systems environment design and code inspections to reduce errors cost-benefit analysis and the data-managed system a testing of interactive applications performance/availability measurement for IBM information network quality emphasis at IBM's Software Engineering Institute Maintenance 1985 requirements methodology for software system enhancements Phase/Project Management 1963 1972 1973 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1980 1982 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 project evaluation and selection chief programmer team forecasting techniques productivity of computer-dependant workers model of large program development method of programming measurement and estimation measuring programming quality and productivity managing VM/CMS systems for user effectiveness management of software engineering systems management use of data flow to improve application development productivity programming productivity measurement system for system/370 worldwide systems engineering the system planning grid programming process architecture programming process study software engineering 51 Programming Environment 1978 IBM's Santa Teresa Laboratory 1981 Human Factors Center at San Jose 1982 towards an integrated development environment study of indices, tables of contents, and actual My thanks to Wilson Wong, an undergraduate in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at M. .T. for his assistance in reviewing the journal articles for a graduation thesis project under my supervision. Source: This is articles based on in a the IBM Systems Journal . I 52 , Table 3: IBM SYSTEM JOURNAL ARTICLES SUMMARY, Table 4: Key: BS = App = RT = Tel = Notes: MAJOR JAPANESE SOFTWARE FACTORIES Operating Systems, Database Management Systems, Language Utilities, and Related Basic Software General Business Applications Industrial Real-Time Control Applications Telecommunications Software (Switching, Transmission) develop software for mainframes or minicomputers. Employee figures refer to 1988 or 1989 estimates, based on company interviews and site visits. All facilities Est. Company Facility /Organization 1969 Hitachi Hitachi Software 1976 NEC Software Strategy Project Works Fuchu Works Mita Works Mita Works Abiko Works Tamagawa Works 1977 1988-1989 Products Employees BS 5000 BS 2500 2500 1500 1500 1500 RT App Tel Tel Table 5: SOFTWARE PROCESS CONTROL HITACHI, 1967-1976 IN 1967 Completion of a system for computing labor and machine hours for software development (Kanagawa Works). 1969 Establishment of standard times for software development (Software Works). 1971 Establishment of programmer ability coefficients and amendments of standard times. Completion of an estimation and budget system using standard times a simulation system for resource planning. and Completion of a PERT Network System diagramming system for schedule control. Implementation of a manual system processing and quality control. 1972 1973 (PNET), time-series for an automatic analysis of test system for budget-vs. -actual expenditure control for work-hours and machine-hours for each project and department. Completion of a Implementation of a manual system for document schedule control. Implementation of a manual system for job process control. Implementation of a manual system productivity for analysis and project and analysis and control 1974 Completion of department. 1975 Implementation productivity a of a manual analysis system system for each for defect factor quality control. 1976 Development of a time-series statistical program for forecasting defects (FRCST). Establishment of a standard scheduling system. Introduction of structured design methods. Source: Hitachi Ltd., Software Works, "Table 1.2 Background and Conditions Affecting CAPS Development," Undated memorandum. 55 Table ELEMENTS OF THE TOSHIBA SOFTWARE FACTORY 6: Combined Tool, Methodology, and Management Systems management system -- Project progress -- Cost management system -- Productivity management system -- Quality assurance system with standardized quality metrics baseline management inspection and configuration management system design -- A standardized, -- Software tools, user interfaces and -- Existing software library and maintenance support for this -- Technical data library -- Standardized technical methodologies and disciplines -- Documentation support system Personnel Systems -- Quality circle activities -- Education programs -- Career development system Physical Infrastructure Specially designed Source: Matsumoto 1987, p. work spaces 155. 56 tool for maintenance facilities review, Table 7: MAJOR DIVISIONS AND PRODUCTS AT TOSHIBA FUCHU WORKS Information Processing and Control Systems Division: Information Systems for Public Facilities Industrial Automation Systems Industrial-Use Computers Information- Processing and Control Systems Equipment Energy Systems Division: Digital Control Systems for Power Generating Stations Automated Power Supply and Distribution Systems Computer-Aided Business Operations Systems for Electric Power Control Equipment for Power Plants Electronics Equipment for Power Transmission Systems Protection Equipment for Electric Power Systems Advanced Technology-Applied Power Systems Industrial Equipment Division: Switch gear Factory Automation Components Power Electronics Equipment Mechatronics Equipment Elevators/ Escalators Rolling Stock Systems Transportation/Carrying Systems Electronic Modules Printed Wiring Boards Division Printed Wiring Boards High-Density Hybrid Functional Circuits Source: Toshiba Corporation, "Toshiba Fuchu Works," 1987, p. 57 5. Utilities Table 8: TOSHIBA SOFTWARE WORKBENCH EVOLUTION Initial Development Support Tool 1976-1977 SWB-I Improvement/Automation Focus Programming Environment (programming, assembly, compiling, debugging level, project files, program program reusing and link edit) Test Environment 1978-1980 SWB-I 1980-1985 SWB-P Project 1980-1985 SWB-Q Quality Assurance 1981-1983 SWB-III I the source generation, in Design Management Support (requirements specification, software design description, and documentation) 1981-1984 SWB-IV Program Maintenance 1986-1988 Various Document Preparation Expert System [for Design] Reusable Software Integrated Database Source: Matsumoto 1987: 12; "Development of SWB for Toshiba Fuchu Software Factory," transparency copy received from Y. Matsumoto, 9/4/87; Matsumoto interview, 1988. 58 Table 9: Notes: PRODUCTIVITY & REUSE AT TOSHIBA SOFTWARE FACTORY Debugged and Delivered Equivalent Assembler Source Lines Per Programmer Per Month, Averaging All EASL Projects the Factory and Including in All Phases and Manpower (Requirements Analysis through Maintenance) Index = Based on 1972 EASL productivity estimate (1230) Change = Percent increase or decrease over previous year Reuse % = Percent of delivered lines of code taken from existing software with little or no modifications (usually no more than 20% of a given module) New Code = EASL Quality = X [ (100 - Reuse %)/100 ] Defects Per 1000 Lines of Delivered Code Converted to EASL Year Total EASL Delivered Per Person Per Month Index/Change (100) (%) Reuse New Code Defects (EASL) Per 1000 % EASL PRE-FACTORY ESTIMATES: 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1230 1390 1370 1210 1390 100 113 Data Not Available + 13 111 - 2 98 113 -12 + 15 POST-FACTORY ESTIMATES: 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Data Not Available 1684 Employees (All Phases) Table 10: NEC SOFTWARE FACTORY IMPLEMENTATION YEAR INITIATIVE FOCUS/OUTCOMES 1974 Basic Software Development Division Organizational separation of software from hardware development 1976-1979 Software Strategy Project Standardization of data collection, and structured-programming for basic and applications software throughout the NEC group, with the objectives of raising productivity and quality tool methodology 1980 1981 Software Product Engineering Laboratory Centralization of process and tool R&D for dissemination divisions and subsidiaries Software Quality Control Establishment of a group-wide methodology, training program, and control measures for improving software quality, including quality (SWQC) to circle activities 1982-1985 Software Problem Strategy 1) Project 2) 3) "Mapping" of software development activities Subcontracting management Software productivity improvement 1986 Establishment of Hokuriku Software Development Center, based on ergonomic principles and other software-factory concepts Software- Factory Design Project 1987 C&C Software Development Group Reorganization of the Software Product Engineering Laboratory and expansion of applied research Source: Fujino and Azuma interviews, 7/28/86; Mizuno interview 8/25/88. 60 Table 11: APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT AT FUJITSU 1964 Establishment of Systems Department. 1970 Centralization of applications systems development Processing System Laboratory in Kamata, Tokyo. 1976 at Information Establishment of Software Engineering Team within Systems Department SDEM (Software Development Engineering Methodology). to develop 1977 Establishment of Software Conversion Factory and SDEM standards. ERG (Executive Planning Guide) and C-NAP (Customer Needs Analysis Procedure) commercialized for in-house use and sale. 1978 Introduction of 1979 Establishment of Software Factory Department 1980 SDEM standards 1981 YAC 1982 Commercialization of BAGLES (Banking Application Generator's Library for Extensive Support). SDSS ((Software Development Support System). in Kamata. commercialized for sale. (Yet Another Control chart) developed for design notation. Commercialization of PARADIGM (methodology and tool for developing reusable programs). Commercialization of ADAM (Applications Development and Management System) 1983 SIMPLE (Logical tool-set introduced for commercial sales, beginning with LINDA Information Support Tool of Dataset) and DBSP (Database Support Program). YACII and YPS (YAC II Programming System) developed. SDT (SDEM Design Technique) developed. SDEM developed. 1984 On-line 1985 ACS-APG (ACS Application Program Generator) from the SIMPLE series commercialized. 1987 DRAGON (Driver and Stub Generator for On-line and Batch Test) from the SIMPLE series commercialized. SDAS (Systems Development Architecture and Support Facilities) commercialized. EPGII/CNAPII commercialized, adding and data-analysis capabilities Source: Fujitsu internal data. 61 to 1977 version design concept Table 12: FUJITSU SYSTEMS ENGINEERING GROUP ORGANIZATION COMMON TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENTS SB Technical Support Center -- Systems Development Engineering Department -- Software Factory Department -- Information Support Center Department -- Systems Engineering Support Services Department -- SIGMA Project Systems Promotion Office Office Computer Systems Support Service Division Application Software Planning Division -- Application Software Planning Department -- Software Distribution Department INDUSTRY-RELATED DEPARTMENTS Finance Insurance/ Securities Manufacturing/Distribution Scientific/Technical NTT Government/Mass -Communication FUNCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS Management Information Systems VAN (Value-Added Network) Systems Engineering Information Network Systems Engineering Personal Computer Systems Engineering NCC (New Common Carriers) Systems Engineering SYSTEMS ENGINEERING SUBSIDIARIES Industry-Related Functional Regional FUJITSU RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND ECONOMICS Source: Nikkei Computer . 13 October 1986, 62 p. 79, updated to 1989. Table 13: PHASES Phase I: (Mid-1960s to Early 1970s) Phase IN SOFTWARE Formalized Organization and Management Structure Factory Objectives Established Product Focus Determined Process Data Collection and Analysis Begun Initial Control Systems Introduced Technology Tailoring and Standardi z ation Control Systems and Objectives Expanded Standard Methods Adopted for Design, Coding, Testing, Documentation, Maintenance On-Line Development Through Terminals Program Libraries Introduced Integrated Methodology and Tool Development Begun Employee Training Programs to Standardize Skills II: (Early 1970s to Early 1980s) Phase OF FACTORY STRUCTURING III: (Late 1970s) Process Mechanization and Support Introduction of Tools Supporting Project Control Introduction of Tools to Generate Code, Test Cases, and Documentation Integration of Tools with On-line Databases and Engineering Work Benches Begun Phase IV: (Early 1980s) Process Refinement and Extension Revisions of Standards Introduction of New Methods and Tools Establishment of Quality Control and Quality Circle Programs Transfer of Methods and Tools to Subsidiaries, Subcontractors, Hardware Customers Phase V: (Mid-1980s) Phase VI (Late 1980s) : Integrated and Flexible Automation Increase in Capabilities of Existing Tools Introduction of Reuse-Support Tools Introduction of Design-Automation Tools Introduction of Requirements Analysis Tools Further Integration of Tools Through Engineering Work Benches Incremental ProductA^ariety Improvement Process E- Reliability Control, Followed By: Better Functionality £ Ease of Use More Types of Products 63 UJ ec h O UJ H E o > g < LL LU < u 3 O O (A U Q in T3 C TO C to e 4-1 CO Wi <u o 3 o Figure 2: TOSHIBA REUSE PROMOTION SYSTEM PROJECT XXX PARTS MNFG. DEPT. 1_ SOFTWARE PARTS STEERING COMMITTEE REQUIREMENTS DESIGNER PARTS CENTER PARTS ^ETRIEVAU PROGRAMMER* PARTS DESIGNER PROGRMR (^ E L I V TEST. V i V •RSI D.B. E NOTICE L_ SYSTEM Source: J __i •REUSABLE SOFTWARE ITEM DATABASE Matsumoto 1987, p. 173 CATION UTILIZATION STATUS CERTIFI- CATION CERTIFI- E SECTION ..t^I^^^12!L(^Z^^ PARTS r s T I 00 OS REFERENCES "The Dynamics of Software Development Project Abdel-Hamid, Tarek 1984. Management: An Integrative Systems Dynamic Perspective," unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, M.I.T. Sloan School of Management. Abernathy, William J. 1978. The Productivity Dilemma: Roadblock to Innovation Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press. in the Automobile Industrv , and James M. Utterback 1978. "Patters of Technological Technology Review 80, June/July, pp. 40-47. Innovation," . 1982. "Patterns of Industrial Innovation," in Michael L. Tushman and William L. Moore, Readings in the Management of Innovation, New York, Pitman, pp. 97-108. Arden, Bruce W. 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"A Control and Management System for the NEC Research and Development, 81 (April), 19-23. U.S. Department of Commerce 1984. A Competitive Assessment of the U.S. Software Industry Washington, D.C., International Trade Administration , 69 Woodward, Joan 1965. Industrial Organization: Oxford University Press. Theory and Practice , London, Yoshida, Tadashi 1985. "Sofutouea no keiryo-ka" (Quantifying software), Joho shod., 26, 1, 48-51. 70 NOTES 1. Interview with James Frame, 10/13/88, formerly manager of IBM programming centers at Endicott, N.Y., Raleigh, N.C., and at Santa Teresa Laboratory. 2. Frame interview. 3. Frame interview. 4. Interviews with Frederick George, Manager, Network Systems Design, Corporation, Raleigh, Processor Development, 5. Letter from Glenn IBM N.C., 1/6/87; and Mark Harris, Manager, Intermediate I BM Corporation, Endicott, N.Y., 12/12/86 and 12/16/86. Bacon, former director of programming at the Santa Teresa Laboratory, to Cusumano, 4/25/88. 6. Interview with John B. Munson, Vice President and General Manager, Unisys Houston Operations, 10/4/87 and 10/5/1987. Also, Baum 1981: 224. 7. Interviews with Munson and Terry Court, Manager, Resources Development Laboratory, GM-Hughes Aircraft, 8. Court interview. 9. Interviews with Munson and Court. 10. Interview with Ronald 6/22/89. Inc., Atchley, Baum Also, Director, 1981: Software 222, Engineering Group, Unisys/System Development Corporation, 3/27/87 and 4/23/87. 11. Performance data Shibata, Manager, 12. is from Hitachi 1979: 114, updated to 1985 by Kanji Engineering Department, Hitachi Software Works, 7/23/86. Shibata interview. See also Hitachi 1979: 71 5. 114-115; and interview with Shibata. 13. Hitachi 1979: 14. Interview with Kazuyuki Sakata, formerly Deputy General Manager of the Hitachi Software Consultant, 15. Ltd., 9/10/85. Toshiba Corporation, "Trend of Application Software Size," transparency copy, 16. Works and subsequently Managing Director, Nippon Business received 15 March 1988. Interviews Corporation, Yoshihiro with and and 8/24/88, 9/4/87 former Matsumoto, Fellow currently Toshiba Scientist, Professor Information of Systems, Kyoto University. 17. This assumes a 1:3 conversion for the given that 60% of Toshiba code was similar intermediate level another 20% appeared 18. Productivity numbers can be found 88-94; 19. requiring a in assembler or lower conversion rate; and other languages (Matsumoto 1987). in 1986: 92-114; Conte et data, a fair rate for the data Fortran; about 20% was in languages, EASL al. 1986: 251, 270; in Shooman 1983: 438-445; Brooks U.S. Department of Commerce 1984: Interview with Yoshio Ikeda, numerous sources, including Jones 1975: 11. Program Manager, Power-Generation Control Computer Systems Department, Fuchu Works, Toshiba, 7/17/89. 20. Interview with Yozo Hirai, Manager of the Quality Assurance Department the Basic Software Division, and Nakabayashi et al. NEC Corporation, 9/8/87; also, Tsuchiya et 1986. 72 al. in 1986 21 . NEC President, manager discussion next This of Engineering is Corporation, Laboratory, on NEC interviews 7/28/86 and 9/8/87, Engineering Software the based with Fujino, Vice and Motoei Azuma, former Department Corporation, Kiichi 10/1/86, in the Software current a Product Professor of Engineering, Waseda University. 22. Interviews with Azuma and Fujino, 7/28/86. 23. Interview with YukioMizuno, Senior Vice President, 24. This data Manager, is NEC Corporation, 8/25/88. from Yoshida 1985: 49, updated to 1985 by Tadashi Yoshida, Quality Assurance Department, personal interview, 9/7/87. 2697 U5i4 73 Software Division, Fujitsu, in a i6'<^'' 3 TDflO DD57TD53 7