ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT A FIELD STUDY EXAMINATION OF BUDGETARY PARTICIPATION AND LOCUS OF CONTROL by Peter Brownell WP 1169-80 November 1?80 (Revised, February 19 82 Forthcoming, Accounting Review, October 1982 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 A FIELD STUDY EXAMINATION OF BUDGETARY PARTICIPATION AND LOCUS OF CONTROL by Peter Brownell WP 1169-80 November 1?80 (Revised, February 19 82) Forthcoming, Accounting Review, October 1982 A Field Study Examination of Budgetary Participation and Locus of Control ABSTRACT The results of this field study are generally consistent with those from a previous laboratory experiment which showed that the relationship between budgetary participation and performance is moderated by the personality variable internal-external locus of control . Internals (individuals who feel that they are in control of their own destinies) appear more job satisfied and perform better under conditions of high externals (individuals who attribute the By contrast, participation. results of their actions to chance, luck, or fate) are more job satisfied The and perform better under conditions of low participation. complimentary findings of the two studies are considered and the implications of the results in the areas of personnel management and control system design are discussed. >^u4i~\^(^^ A Field Study Examination of Budgetary Participation and Locus of Control question The will leEd of conditions the under outcomes desirable organizational to is matter of concern to a researchers in managerial accounting for two reasons; widely believed of provide to organizational literature is motivation for and the (2) evidence which This question conflict. considerable laboratory study reported a elsewhere the role of internal-external locus of control, a participation is (1) managerial approach to improving performance a personnel in participation budgetary which in the provided the exists [Brownell, of 1981] personality variable, as a moderator of the relationship between budgetary participation and present study is to validate the results The purpose of the performance. of the laboratory experiment using a field-study approach. the previous will study participation locus and also of be extended control on job by The results of considering the satisfaction, effects well as of on as performance are based The hypothesized moderating effects of locus of control the notion of chsracteristics Several studies congruence between of situation a in task the an in which the individual indicate literature psychology personality individual's that is and on the placed. "internals" (individuals who generally feel they are in personal control of their own destiny) prefer, and perform better in, task situations characterized by "self-control", while "externals" (individuals who attribute the outcome of their actions to chance, fate, or luck) prefer, control is in the hands of others [Cromwell et al and . , perform better, 1961; when Rotter and Mulry, Baumal and V/atson 19fi5; "source of control derives from in that budgetary participation conditions under between parallelism The 1972]. particular situation" and a view the Houston, 1967; . budgetary high of participation, an individual has substantial control over the budget, which basis the forms often for evaluation, performance budgetary low while participation denies the individual such control. The test results of laboratory experiment a question, this provided [Brownell, confirmation strong designed to 1981], predicted the of interactive effects of participation and locus of control for independent samples of subjects accounting drawn students, organizations. and highest The participation condition, managers middle-level internals performing while the manufacturing in were those in who were "more in assigned enjoyment" finding Brov/nell to their of the suggests that [1981, f tn . congruent experimental job participation task satisfaction because satisfaction job has often high from was It that subjects from both samples 11] employed also may ir, be examined been indicated condition interaction between participation and locus of control. and a highest performing externals were the experimental group experiencing a low participation treatment. further noted — populations different quite two from that This study. affected by the Because of this, as the criterion variable in previous studies of participative budgeting (e.g., see Hofstede [1967], and Cherrington and Cherrington [1973]) this variable was included t in the present study. The major Brownell strength of experimental designs, [1981], is in their ability to generate valid causal However, their most typical weakness involves external validity. such as that employed In other words, a by inferences. lack of general izability or while an experimenter may be confident that the effects of differential experimental treatments have been causally there cannot be absolute assurance tha^ linked to some dependent variable, this treatment •intended contrast, generate a J setting, while statements, Together, can we cannot weaker in terms field and is it absolutely be Brov.-r)ell Ey counterpart. world real effectively address experimental process world of participation used in its far real the context, present embraces effectively field causal issue. the In of the operational definition 849 p. replica faithful a represent. to certain that [1981, is of the ability its to generalizability approaches are mutually reinforcing. HYPOTHESES The hypothesis tested in my previous experimental study was thaz budgetary participation would interact with locus of control in affecting performance. This hypothesis also tested in this study. is In addition, further evidence will be sought concerning the role of this interaction in its effects on job satisfaction, results discussed above. In their a dependent null forms, variable suggested by the the two hypotheses of the present study can be stated as follows: Hj There will be no significant interaction between participation and locus of control affecting performance. H^ There will be no significant interaction between participation and locus of control affecting job satisfaction. METHOD 1 The method used in this study was a survey questionnaire administered to 48 middle level cost-center managers employed by a 'large San Francisco This sample of managers was the same group Bay Area manufacturing company. which formed were managers experimental second the from drav/n sample in The the of divisions functional separate eight study. previous my •organization, each of which was involved in one phase of the production or Preliminary meetings with plant distribution activities of the business. management indicated that technological and environmental characteristics, while critical not resulting in the use of that a characteristic this varied themselves, in var'iety of managerial of would sample the across somewhat approaches. ensure divisions, the It felt of range wide a was responses on the participation measures. The sample involvement since company to The managers in the chosen was project required the in part take questionnaire. responding of a experimental one-half day study and questionnaire was administered the conclusion of the laboratory sessions. complete rather the managers at M8 This procedure eliminated nonand assured response (together with the biases usually associated with it) that- all from the leave to the to management, plant by questionnaires were completed by the individuals in the sample, than by disadvantage assistants, staff of this for approach example. concerns the potential one However, possibility that the treatments in the laboratory sessions sensitized respondents experimental The results of some tests to the purpose of the questionnaire. possibility are reported later. possibility of completing both fatigue the A resulting experimental fui'ther from the session potential the this problem concerns the lengthy somewhat and for process of in one performance, job questionnaire sitting. Three variables satisfaction, and were measured by questionnaire: budgetary participation. Locus of control was measured experimental sessions. at the beginning of the see Brownell For details, [1981, p. 848]. Performance selection the In consideration: the of performance a measure, two source of the performance ratings, ality of the rating measure. the first On issue, the dimension- and was it required issues self- felt that ratings because of evidence ratings would be preferable to superiors' in the literature which suggests that the latter are subject to "halo" error when used Miner, conjunction with multi-dimensional taxonomies [Lawler, in Thornton, 1968; 1968; Nealey and Owen, 1967; With respect to the 1970]. second issue, the need exists to recognize the multi-dimensional nature of performance, but taxonomies involving excessive an number dimensions of should also be avoided.' the On Mahoney, basis of these Jerdee and Carroll [1963; dimensions together Independent Penfield for a considerations, vjith a assessments [1974], rating 1965] self-rating a 1 the global rating, was chosen for the present study. of (low of taxonomy, using eight performance the Mahoney measure, Heneman by support its reliability and validity. from version performance) to (high 9 [197^] and The measure calls on each The eight sub- performance) dimension, as well as for the global, or overall, rating. dimensions of performance are planning, investigating, coordinating, evaluating, supervising, staffing, negotiating, and representing. Job Satisfaction The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire was chosen to measure job satisfaction. questionnaire which calls for a (MSQ) [V/eiss et al . , 1967] The MSQ is a 100-item Likert-type response on a five-point, fully anchored scale (the satisfied") to a "very descriptors of which are polar dissatisfied" "very and The measure provides satisfaction set of job attributes. The scores on each of 20 sub-scales, five items addressing each sub-scale. measure also provides for an overall rating of job satisfaction which is derived as each For follov.'s. item among the representative"'* of the 20 sub-scales, five for each sub-scale the is "most one chosen. The scores on these 20 "most representative" items are then summed giving the overall rating. Independent assessment of the validity of the MSQ is due to Dunham, Smith and Blackburn [1977] who reported that the MSQ outperformed two other satisfaction measures in terms of both convergent validity (the ability of different questionnaire validity discriminant items (the measure to ability of same the different construct) items questionnaire and to measure different constructs). Participation Several direct (as opposed to factor-analytic) attempts at measurement of budgetary participation are found in the Examples include literature. those of Vroom [I960], Likert [1961], Hofstede [1967], Heller [1971], Vroom and Yetton [1973] Milani and [1975]. Of these, measures were selected for the present study. developed for use in a context identical to Hofstede the and Milani Only these two measures were present context, the and the use of either one would permit an integration of the results of the present study into the most relevant body of previous literature. For purposes of cross-validation, both measures were employed in this study, Milani measure, testing because, permitting a a seven-point Likert-type- scale unlike the Hofstede measure, reliability assessment. , although the will be used in hypothesis it is a multi-item measure RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY CHECKS Performance statistical A variations the in rating global explained by ratings on the check, global the separate dimensions dimensions explained This result is ratings in a conducted was check from eight were to the separate regressed assess dimensions. on the 60.8 percent of the variance with Jerdee Mahoney, could in conduct To ratings eight eight sepai-ate global ratings. Carroll's and be this the on The the which to instrument Mahoney single multiple regression. consistent extent the [1963] developmental work where it was found that approximately 55 percent of the functions critical to effective managerial performance were common ^^52 managerial assignments in different companies studied, 13 approximately ^5 percent were job specific [pp. also consistent with Heneman's [197^^] presents simple each the of correlations eight separate betv;een global dimensions for both performance the the while The results are 106-10?]. use of the Mahoney measure. the to Table 1 ratings and sample and present Heneman's study. INSERT TABLE The results of this comparison reveal dimensions 2 (investigating) and similarly important in sample and the present 4 explaining sample. 1 HERE that, with the possible exception of (evaluation), the set of dimensions are overall This performance similarity of results evidence that no difficulties were encountered measure in this study. in in the both Heneman's provides some use of the Mahoney Also provided Table in is 1 matrix of the a the eight sub-dimensions of performance. It intercorrelations among is noted that several of these coefficients are sufficiently large to warrant some caution the results statistics Descriptive tests hypothesis of on sub-dimension. particular any Mahoney measure responses are presented the for based interpreting in in Table 2.' INSERT TABLE HERE 2 Job Satisfaction A reliability assessment of the MSQ was made by reliability coefficients computed a comparison of the each of the 20 sub-scales, for plus the single overall rating, with the coefficients for 27 norm groups reported by et V.'eiss al and [1967] . managers, also variance technique, reported with also Weiss by used et al Weiss by coefficients the et al . coefficients from the present administration. for overall satisfaction was 0.72, which, was , lower than the coefficients reported by V/eiss et al and (0.88) across the for 20 of managers group the sub-scales in present the (0.85). analysis Hoyt used 135 derive to of the reliability coefficient The while sample of a The [1967]. . for satisfactory . per se , is for the 27 norm groups The coefficient average administration was (in 0.71 the range of 0.50 to 0.81), compared with 0.86 (0.67 to 0.95) and 0.84 (0.78 to 0.93) f respectively, for the two comparison groups reported by Weiss et al Inter-item correlations among the from Given that +0.01 to +0.85. sufficiently large to reject a 20 sub-scales averaged +0.38 null this. average correlation of and ranged +0.38 is hypothesis of no relationship at the five percent level of confidence, it will be necessary to exercise caution in interpreting results the involving hypotheses of scales, due to the lack of independence among this concern, last results the this of of any sub-scales. the testing can these sub- Aside from considered be satisfactory, particularly the sub-scale reliabilities, which, while lower generally those than Weiss by reported conclusion that et al quite are [1967], . MSQ administration was adequate to support successful. Descriptive statistics for the job satisfaction responses are presented in Table the the 2. Participation The responses to correlated measures provide An To the statistical measure as a factor. To analyzed. six of load the explained 61 the second conducted rating-scale the measure issue, on a single should the six items in The factor. two eigenvalues greater than unity, Five variance, common does it the on tap one measure. did) Milani (as Milani Milani implies single dimension were responses factor- factor-anal ^liical terms, one would hope to discover that all In items this examine was test summated that each of the six items in or percent 55 the two implies that Although this result were reasonably satisfactory test of convergent validity. additional treat Hofstede participation measures and approximately only share a (p<0.01). +0.74 at Milani the the analysis led to the emergence of two factors therefore being measure loaded on a single extracted. percent of the combined variance across the measure. factor barely qualified which factor, In fact, for consideration with an eigenvalue of 1.037 and an additional explanatory power of only 17 percent.' These results can be viewed additivity assumption implicit results, it was decided to in as fairly satisfactory Milani 's measure. On evidence of the the basis of these construct participation scores additively, the 1C approach by Milani. 'jsed alternative approach of constructing The factc- scores was decided against in order to ensure comparability of the results of this with study those of nilani. further in the study. Hofstede measure The not was usec Table 2 also presents descriptive statistics for the Milani measure. RESULTS Questionnaires responses were omitted were collected due to from improper all 48 managers. completion of sets Two both cf Hahonej the measure and the MSQ, while an additional six sets of responses were omittei due to evidence of response set bias in completion of the MSQ only. Tr.e final sample size for hypothesis testing was reduced to N=UO as a result cT these procedures. Performance: The H , performance hypothesis approach fitting the model presented Y = e, + e,x + B3Z + B. performance, Mahoney measure where Y is tested, was in |(X - Z)j The a regressic- multiple Equation (1). |(x - z)| as (1) by n:easured X is standardized locus of control Z using the global rating score ([X. - X]/o is standardized budgetary participation ([Z. on the ) - Z]/o ) is thie interaction between locus of control and participatior. absolute value of difference between X and Z. rationale for the interaction terms is as follows: scores high , cr. locus of control (external), combined with low scores on participation (Icv participation) , v.-ill produce large absolute difference terms, as will lev locus of control scores (internals) combined with high participation scores (high participation). These two cr-binations are expected, as per Hj, t; 11 be associated performance high with scores. other The combinations two (low participation internals and high participation externals) will produce scores difference lower absolute lower performance. In other expected and are words, for consistent with the expectations, rejection positive a to associated be cf K, in a with fashion is required. 8^ The results of the regression are presented in Table 3. INSERT TABLE e^ the interaction coeeff icient significance only at the was highly significant .10 , 3 HERE is found to be positive, although reaching level. « the q,, however, (p<0.01), participation coefficient, suggesting that while the interaction contributes to an explanation of performance differences across the sample, participation alone exerts performance. In positively associated with performance, among internals than externals. substantial positive influence on participation words, other a Bj, but appears this to generally be asscciation is stronger the coefficient :zt locus of control, is also positive but fails to reach significance at any reasonable level. Job Satisfaction: To test Hj, H , the overall measure of job as the dependent used Table 4 variable in a regression identical to Equation (1). presents the results of this regression. INSERT TABLE Q^, the satisfacticn from the MSQ was coefficient again consistent for the interaction with expectations. ^ HERE term, is Participation significant (5,) (p<0.025), apparently exerts very influence direct little satisfaction, job on depending on locus of control. This is in contrast strictly effects its results the to for performance pi'esented above. Further A nalysis The tests ^ of Hj and reported Hj above were based hypotheses identical were (1) performed sub-dimensions performance eight the for Equation to or Two further sets of overall, ratings for performance and job satisfaction. regressions global, the on explore to the for and the job 20 satisfaction sub-scales. the In staffing positive, area performance, of significant produced expected. as The regression a Together, suggest exists that association is involving planning of coefficients, and both sub-dimension the of significant coefficient for participation. participation between the results interaction (pj<0.10) planning also produced these sub-dimensions the and that a this sub-dimension stronger positive association internals among of generally performance, but externals. The than results also reveal significant positive coefficients for participation in the regressions for three other sub-dimensions - evaluating, negotiating, and representing. Of the regressions involving the job 20 satisfaction sub-scales, 15 produced significant (p£0.10) interaction coefficients, all in the expected direction. The creativity, recognition, responsibl ity , strongest and results variety, security. uere moral and recognition. values, Seven activity, for supervision positively associated with participation.. creativity, found sub-scales - the sub-scales human were of relations, significantly These were ability utilization, responsiblity , supervision-technical, 13 cases where the interaction term, but not the participation term, In is significant, results the imply that satisfaction with particular the job-aspect is higher for internals in high participation conditions and for externals in low participation conditions. The most significant (p£0.05) results of this type were found for the sub-scales of company policies and practice, supervision, security, interaction term In cases where significant, participation term are the and variety. and both the the results imply that satisfaction is positively associated with participation overall, but that these associations are stronger for intet-nals under high participation and externals under low participation. The most significant (p£0.05) results of this type were found for the sub-scales of creativity, recognition, and responsibility. As discussed earlier, sub-dimensions, performance eight suggest the section, due need to the patterns of intercorrelation among both to carefully evidence of and interpret lack results the independence, of sub-scales, satisfaction 20 the the discussed particularly in this in the latter case. DISCUSSION AND LIMITATIONS Generally speaking, the results of the survey phase of the research program can be viewed as consistent with those of the previously reported experimental control research, support phase. affecting although the performance only conclusion that individuals. from is marginally expectation internally-oriented tentative interaction The the between participation significant in the survey participation In the previous in area study is of both and of phases of the The phase. results effective for satisfaction, the most job locus concerning the interactive m effects participntion of and locus satisfaction affecting control of is strongly confirmed in the present study. One important difference in the results of the importance of experimental on performance. experimental participation, phase, taken alone, participation. In insignificant had the effects should be noted that care was taken tc ensure that the It treatments high for ensure that, ceteris pa ribus particular effects of unmoderated direct, the phases concerns the tv/o advantage participation low and to subjects in one experimental condition had no , terms of performance) (in designed v.'ere over those in other. the The results of the experimental phase confirm the success of this endeavor. By contrast, the results of the field study indicate that participation may exert this a direct positive influence on performance, (although the nature of influence strengthening appears it, and be to conditioned externals locus by weakening of result This it). internals control, has some intuitive appeal when considered in the light of the characteristics of the organization from which sample the earlier, respondents were drawn the organization. and, hence, organization participation a Notably, higher studied. can for Previous in from a subjects a literature this areas across high level of interdependence cooperation achieving As mentioned was dravm. variety of functional there existed need play of among has these suggested cooperation areas the across in role the which different functional units (e.g., Waterhouse and Tiessen [1978] and Thompson [196?]). Considering the survey data for performance and job satisfaction together, the results suggest that while participation is not necessarily satisfying, it is viewed independent each. as essential functional to achieve the aoordination of activities across units necessary for effective performance within 15 contrast can be drawn between the results of this study and A useful those of Milani only find evidence weak performance. who, [1975], of v/orthy is It respondents were all drawn Hayes has [1977] organization factors v/hich using of from indicated effects positive note that on of questionnaire area of one organization. production that participation of sample his production the could participation measure, same the area one is the within often enjoys some buffering from external environmental (including factors internal other to functional areas the within organization), especially when its own activities are more or less routine. Hage and Aiken suggested that, participative results planning the for structures could can be Honour and of such have centralized, non- pp. other In the to 25-27] [1975, activities, successful. attributable been have Swieringa and [1959] of nature Milani 's words, the activities engaged in by the organizational sub-unit from which his sample was drawn. Participation might not be expected performance in such circumstances to contribute substantially non-participative where schemes to are equally effective. The above limitations of discussion should study this and, be tempered by research entire the indeed, consideration a of the program. Several deserve elaboration. In study, The connection it should measurement with the measurement instruments used be recognized that these are subject to of performance remains problematic, in the survey some limitations. and, despite the advantages of self-ratings alluded to earlier, it should be noted that any rating of performance, from whatever source, is highly subjective. The possibility of attr ibutional biases in these ratings cannot be ruled out. For example, it is not inconceivable that highly participating managers 16 rationalize will investment thei'- should also That is, in linkage in thi^ The causal High by the organization performance as on th£ prerequisite a tc linkage could be the reverse of thst causal the perceivir.r process by this carefully assessed. be part of managers might be viewed participation. time pcformance higher. and hence ratinsi, their ovm relationship of conventionally proposed. potential A concerns the at earlier, is questionnaire benefits of survey the conclusion the of of phase progran research the administering the questionnaire the experimental sessions. note; As possible that the differential experimental treatments (higr. participation) low and of unknown consequences of immediately it limitation responses achieving gave two percent 100 differences systematic some to these from a rise groups response of rate iz respondents.'" The must off traded be against the potential costs associated with the p'-ocedure used here. role of variables omitted The not also overlooked. be previously [Brov/nell, suggest Reward in the present research design structure which for 1981] importance its from evidence is exists present context. the one mentionec variable [Gregory, Future research 1978] tc would cc well to examine this and other types of variables likely to exert an on the style) relationship. and Variables from organizational levels (e.g., the inte'-personal structu'-e) (e.g., shoulr impac- leadership represent two classes cf influences on the participation/critc-ion relationship which remain largely unstudied, and the inclusion of which would likely have improved the overall explanatory power of the models tested Finally, the focus on a single organizational in sample substantially this study. constitutes further grounds for caution in interpreting the "esults too liberally. 17 these Notwithstanding research this of phases two the limitations, program have provided mutually supportive evidence of the need to recognize the existence of important moderating effects of the personality variable, locus of control, relationship the on participation between and both performance and job satisfaction. The potential implications of these results (and others confirming the role of personality different possibly participation) are selection placement, and organizations that participation traits most important members, its afforded level For budgetary of that conceivable is it managerial of system design. the over discretion of effect the of areas the in control perhaps, and, permitted are moderators as the role specifications could be modified (as far as participation is concerned) suit the personality characteristics of the role Even where this is not feasible, management can need to consider organizational a roles mismatch possible and their as least at between occupants occupant be incumbent. aware of the characteristics the a or cause of to of sub-standard performance and/or job satisfaction. More likely than the scenario above is the possibility that environmental and technological circuastances confronting the organization necessitate example, a particular level of participation in budgetary matters. readily a programmable, effectively controlled via involving procedure Crozier [196^^]). a activity centralized, specification By contrast, routine and often can non-participative rule-setting (see, suggested in task [Burns complexity and Stalker, most process example, other activities in the organization may be poorly specifiable and subject to environmental uncertainty. increase for be For associated 1961; with Thompson these 1967] The resulting activities to be best has been managed lb through a participative highly decentralized, process. In these circumstances, it will often be the case that the best information base to support managerial than with management level of top is decisions will management constrained budgetary be located [Galbraith, by these participation 1977 3. types into at of role the In action point circumstances factors to build descriptions, the a rather where specific burden of achieving the right fit between individuals and roles shifts to personnel selection and placement. Further research is obviously needed to expand our understanding and awareness of other individual characteristics that complement design features of budgetary control systems. Indeed, the more basic question of what control system features are appropriate to manage activities that face differing environmental largely unanswered and technological circumstances still remains 19 FOOTNOTES to space limitations, the discussion of the measures chosen for performance, job satisfaction and participation is kept relatively brief. However, complete copies of these questionnaire items can be obtained, upon request, from the author. 'Due error is the tendency to evaluate "globally," or on a single High intercorrelations among separate performance cognitive dimension. dimensions is evidence of halo error ^Halo 3 Kavanagh, MaciCinney and Wolins [1971] provide a good example of the need The authors of that study employed a 20-dimension to avoid this problem. rating scale and obtained disappointing results on a discriminant validity test. The one "most representative" item among the five for each of the 20 subThe chosen item for each scales i:; prescribed by V/eiss et al [19671. sub-scale is that which was found, in developmental work en the measure, to be most highly correlated with its respective total sub-scale score (the sum of five items). . 5 complete tabulation of data, including descriptive statistics for each of the eight performance sub-dimensions, and the 20 satisfaction sub-scales, can be obtained, upon request, from the author. A more 6 including the Hoyt analysis of for each sub-scale, descriptive statistics for each sub-scale, and the matrix of intercorrelations among the sub-scales, can be obtained, upon request, from the author. A more complete tabulation of data, variance reliability coefficients 7 Complete tabulation of the results of this analysis can be obtained, upon request, from the author. 8 The three independent variables are virtually uncorrelated the strongest association being r=+0. 10 (n.s.) between locus of control and the interaction term. Therefore, the square of the t-statistic i's an accurate approximation of the F-statistic conventionally used to test the significance of the added explanatory power of a model which includes the It is possible to interaction term, over a model which excludes it. conclude, therefore, that, in this case, the added explanatory power of the model which includes the interaction term is also approximately significant at the .10 level. , 9 Complete tabulation of the results suiimarized obtained, upon request, from the author. in this section can be 1 the present context, however, no such differences could be uncovered. test for this possibility, the scores for each of the variables measured in the questionnaire phase (performance, job satisfaction, and participation) were compared across the two experimental treatment conditions. None of the differences between means across the two conditions reached significance at any reasonable level. In To 20 TABLE 1 TABLE OF INTERCORRELATIONS AMONG PERFORMANCE DIMENSIONS 1 2 3 5 '4 6 7 1. Planning 2. Investigating 37 3. Coordinating 28 25 1 4. Evaluating 3i 39 32 5. Supervising 3^ 27 28 23 1 6. Staffing 41 03 29 50 13 7. Negotiating 31 10 20 29 -19 32 1 8. Representing 32 16 02 47 14 35 51 8 , 1 Note: 1 1 1 1 Decimal point suppressed r >_ 39 significant at p r > 30 significant at p < 0.05 _< 0.01 CORRELATIONS BETOEEN OVERALL PERFORMANCE AND THE SEPARATE DIMENSIONS OF MAHONEY MEASURE 21 TABLE 2 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS FOR MEASURED VARIABLES Variable Performance Mean Std . Dev'n Possible Range 6.85 0.97 Job Satisfaction 77-95 7.27 20-100 Participation 25.13 7-36 6-^42 1-9 Actual Range N 5-8 ^46 58-93 ^0 9-39 ^^6 22 23 TABLE 4 REGRESSION RESULTS: Coefficient H 2 2H REFERENCES "Participation in Budgeting, Locus of Control arBrov/nell, P., Organizational Effectiveness," The Accounting Review (October 1981), ?t . "Budgetary Control ar.d Organizatirr Bruns, W.J., Jr. and J,H. 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I HD28-IV1414 no.ll74- 80 Brownell, Pete/Leadership HD28.M414 no.ll65- 80 continuity WlcKersie, Robe/Change and 741433 D»BKS _ 740979 001_3;3Z9 001 "na 630 TOflD _ MBKS TOflO _ _. 00 r.Tt^rn%V|c.ti?e.nW^^^^^^ OUlJ.Wi.!?..,, ,P*BKS 741452 002 0M2 TOflO 3 fi74 MIT LIBRARIES ,1^-7 i TDflO DDM 3 -^O 193 / bm 557 HD28.M414 no.ll68- 80 Pete/Participation Brownell D»BKS 740958 " 002 001 TOflO 3 budget in .B"'"""'" 07fl HD28,M414 no,1169- 80 Brownf Brownell, Pete/Participation D»BKs 740971 m budget qnir.05/ 002 001 TOflO 52 Mil LibRAftJES e^q-?0 3 TOfiO DD3 0^1 T53 HD28.M414 no.ll70- 80 Brownell, Pete/The effects of personal D»BKS 740974 001 TT2 bbS TOflO 3 00.1323"" HD28.M414 no.ll71- 80 accounting OQl.3.2371 Brownell, Pete/Tfie role of D»BKS 740972 HD28.M414 Brownell, _ 1172- 80 Pete/Participation D*BKS 740970 3 no. . 001 TT2 bTT TOflO 3 . TOflO in 001 TT2 715 HD28.IV1414 no.ll73- 80 Brownell, Pete/Improving the 8 740968. 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