O&WEY HD28 .M414 ~7 IV OCT T 1990 -* ALFRED P. ^s WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT The Interaction between Time-nonseparable Preferences and Time Aggregation John Heaton Dept. of Economics and Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology WP #3181-90-EFA June 1990 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 The Interaction between Time-nonseparable Preferences and Time Aggregation John Heaton Dept. of Economics and Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology WP #3181-90-EFA June 1990 V \ *2 v^ & ,, The Interaction Between Time-Nonseparable Preferences and Time Aggregation John Heaton Department of Economics and Sloan School of Management M.I.T. June 1990 ABSTRACT develop and empirically analyze a continuous - time In this paper I linear-quadratic, representative consumer model in which the consumer has time-nonseparable preferences of several forms. Within this framework I show how time aggregation and time nonseparabilities in preferences over show that the behavior of both consumption streams can interact. I seasonally adjusted and unadjusted consumption data is consistent with a model of time-nonseparable preferences in which the consumption goods are durable and in which individuals develop habit over the flow of services The presence of time nonseparabilities in preferences is from the good. important because the data does not support a version of the model that focuses solely upon time aggregation and ignores time nonseparabilities in preferences by making preferences time additive. Many helpful comments and suggestions were made by Edward Allen, Toni Braun, John Cochrane, George Constantinides Martin Eichenbaum, Ayman Hindy, Chi-fu Huang, Narayana Kocherlakota, Robert Lucas, Robin Lumsdaine, Masao Ogaki Chris Phelan, Paul Romer, Karl Snow, Grace Tsiang, Kei-Mu^Yi and and participants of workshops at Chicago, Carnegie-Mellon, Duke, Harvard, M.I.T. Minnesota, Northwestern, Princeton, Queen's, Rochester, Stanford, Toronto, Western Ontario, Wharton and Yale. I would especially like to thank Lars Peter Hansen for his many suggestions and his constant encouragment. I gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Greentree Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Sloan Foundation and the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. This paper is a revised version of my University of Chicago Ph.D. dissertation. Any errors are of course my own. , , I. Introduction In paper this linear-quadratic, develop I show how time consumption streams can several of aggregation and analyze consumer model representative time-nonseparable preferences empirically and time in which show I that durable and in which individuals The presence from the good. important because the of in which consumer has framework preferences in behavior the seasonally adjusted and unadjusted consumption data is model of time-nonseparable preferences the Within this forms. nonseparabilities interact. continuous- time, a of over both consistent with a consumption goods are the develop habit over the flow of services time nonseparabilities in preferences not support a version of the model data does I is that focuses solely upon time aggregation and ignores time nonseparabilities in preferences by making preferences time additive. There has been an extensive consumption aggregate by implied the the data expenditures permanent asset-pricing models. amount of work examining whether or not consistent are income hypothesis with the and consumption-based restrictions Often these studies find that the theory does not fit . Because of these poor empirical results, many other studies relax some of the auxiliary assumptions made in previous studies. A closer examination of the assumption that the decision interval of economic agents matches the interval of data collection caused some authors to replace assumption that the interval between data observations actual decision interval. can often Christiano, with larger the than the The result is a temporal aggregation problem that allowed for in Eichenbaum and Marshall be is it estimation (1987) and inference. find that For rejections example, of the - permanent income hypothesis could be due to temporal aggregation problems. has there Concurrently, been much work examining the impact 2 of time-nonseparable preference specifications upon the consumption-based CAPM and the permanent income hypothesis. and Hansen (1990) discrete -time models and Ogaki for (1988), for allow that Dunn and Singleton (1985), Eichenbaum empirically example, durability in examine consumption the data. Although allowing for durability seems to help the fit of the model, the results do not provide a complete rationalization of consumption and asset price data. The purpose of this paper is to show how time-nonseparable preference to understand much specifications along with time aggregation can help us about the behavior of aggregate consumption. motivation for One such a study is the fact that all studies, which examine the empirical relevance of the temporal aggregation problem, Within a continuous- time or fine discrete-time time separable preferences. this model, assumption conduct the analysis within a framework of far is from appealing since implies it that an individual's preferences over consumption at one instant are unaffected by consumption the instant before. Hindy and within a Huang (1989) argue In this vein, that the Huang and Kreps assumption should be and time-separability, These authors also argue continuous -time model, should be dropped. that preferences of (1987) specified such that consumption at dates near time t should be relatively substitutable for consumption at time t. The argument against using a separable preference specification can also be made on the grounds consumption that of a for measurement most problem: National classifications have a very durable nature. clothing are defined as being nondurable. we Income have and For example, observations Produce on Account expenditures on In conducting this study, permanent income nonseparabilities technology with develop a continuous- time linear-quadratic with augmented model The preferences. in a I general a form assumes model of very a time simple Although this is a fixed rate of return to investment. very severe restriction, my goal is to use this model as a laboratory for aggregation and nonseparabilities understanding how temporal and interact for determining what type of preference specifications should or should not be ruled out before moving on to more complicated environments. I apply examples several unadjusted nondurable of time-additive version of the model seasonally to consumption services plus model the is data. adjusted show I not consistent with the However, adjusted consumption data at monthly frequencies. and that the seasonally the model is consistent with the data if the consumption goods are allowed to be durable. Further the I form show that there is some weak evidence for habit persistence (of studied Ryder by Constantinides (1990) , and Heal Sundaresan (1973), and (1989) for example) only if the habit is developed over the flow of services from the durable nature of the goods. Using quarterly seasonally unadjusted data present evidence that the I durable nature of the goods may be understated in seasonally adjusted data and that indicates time- separable that there is perform very poorly significant role for models a . habit Also data this persistence in understanding the seasonal behavior of consumption. Along with these general empirical points temporal aggregation and make relatively consistent with the data? negative also address the following Can the presence of time-nonseparabilities mitigate the effects questions: of I autocorrelation in a discrete-time, time-separable model Can temporal aggregation overturn the consumption that is usually introduced with and make goods, durable a story durability consistent with positive the correlation in quarterly consumption? rest The of the paper structured as is In follows. Section 2, I examine a time-additive model that allows me to focus upon the effects of aggregation. temporal I data adjusted seasonally quarterly show that although the model model the inconsistent very is consistent with is with monthly seasonally adjusted data and quarterly seasonally unadjusted data. In Section I 3, develop a with model nonseparabilities in preferences. general very forms of time show that with proper restrictions on I preferences, a law of motion for consumption can be derived that can be used to estimate the preference parameters. also discuss why it is necessary I to focus upon specific parametric forms of the preferences. Section 4 examines the capital stock and consumption dynamics implied by model the certainty. I in the discuss case habit of persistence, in a world of perfect further restrictions that are necessary so that the model produces reasonable economic results. In Section time-nonseparable adjusted 5, I empirically structure preference consumption examine First, data. of I several Section examine 3, the examples using effect of the seasonally of making preferences time-nonseparable by assuming that consumption goods are durable with exponential allow for habit depreciation. persistence I also effects. examine Section some specifications empirically 6 that examines a version of the model that allows for seasonality in consumption and takes this model to seasonally unadjusted data. Section 7 concludes the paper. II. A Time-Separable Model In this section, income model. I examine a continuous- time linear-quadratic permanent The preferences of the representative consumer in the model time- separable so that of this section are assumed to be upon the time aggregation problem. that time I show, aggregation seasonally-adjusted did Christian, as can explain Within the context Eichenbaum and Marshall much aggregate (s.a.) can first focus The model is a continuous -time version of a model studied by Hansen (1987) and Sargent (1987). of this model, I of behavior the consumption. quarterly of However, (1989), I present evidence using monthly s.a. consumption and quarterly seasonally unadjusted (s.u.) that data consumption data time 3 . that inconsistent with is aggregation does not provide the complete a model and suggests rationalization of the This motivates the need to look at time-nonseparable specifications. II. A. A Continuous -Time Permanent Income Model Assume first that there is a representative consumer with preferences * • over consumption streams, c (2.2) U(c*) - -(1/2) - [c (t): £(/%xp(Vt) < (c*(t) where b(t) is assumed to grow at the rate (2.3) b (t) - exp(/it)b, m > t <« } , of the form: 2 - b*(t)) dt] /*: 0. The geometric trend in b (t) will induce growth in the consumption process : , Consider detrended consumption, c - (c(t): 0<t<«) chosen by the consumer. which is given by: c(t) - exp(-/it)c*(t), (2.4) Then the preferences of the t>0. consumption given in trending over consumer (2.1) can be rewritten as preferences over detrended consumption: U(c) - -(1/2) £(/%xp(-pt) (2.5) where p as p In what follows, + 2p. As consumption. I show will 2 (c(t) I b) dt), - will refer to detrended consumption subsequently, this remove all of the nonstationarity in consumption. consumption process, with the model of will have a unit root. c, Eichenbaum Christiano, and detrending does In fact, This is to Marshall the be (1987) not detrended contrasted in which detrended consumption is stationary. There is a technology for transferring consumption over time that has a constant rate of return of (2.6) Dfc(t) p - pk(t) + e(t) < t <«) where (e(t): - c(t), t>0 , k(0) given, is stochastic process that describes the behavior of endowments in the economy and k(t) gives the level of the capital stock in the economy at time t. uncertainty in the economy. The endowment random Note that I provides the source of have equated the risk free rate of return to the discount factor after detrending the consumption process. This corresponds to the assumption made by Flavin (1981), for example. . Christiano, Marshall and Eichenbaum follow (1987) different a route and equate the discount factor to the rate of return, before detrending. The consumer maximizes constraint (2.6) . objective the In Section 3, function consider solutions I subject (2.3), to to the general model a that nests this model, however it is easy to see that the optimal consumption process will be a martingale just as in Hall's (1978) model . because a unit of the consumption good given up at period yields exp(pr) units period t+r at , via As (2.6). a result, the t This occurs consumer equates the marginal utility of the consumption good (muc) today to discounted expected marginal utility of consumption tomorrow, times exp(pr): (2.7) muc(t) - exp(pr)E{exp(-pr)muc(t+l)|?(t)), r>0 - £{muc(t+r) |^(t)) where !F(t) gives the information set at time of consumption at time (2.8) t is -(c(t) c(t) - E{c(t+r)|3F(t)}, r - > b) , (2.7) Since the marginal utility t. implies that: 0. The time derivative of consumption then satisfies: (2.9) Dc(t) - D£(t) where D£(t) is the (instantaneous) innovation in the processes the permanent value of the endowment shock process at time the (random) measure induced by D£(t) satisfies £{D£(t) 2 t. I 2 } - a dt. describing assume that Time Series Implications for Time -Ave raged Consumption II. B. The data are observations of time -averaged consumption expenditure over a unit differences discrete Jf* t-i consumption time -averaged in time, c(r)dr. (2.10) Although consumption is a martingale in continuous time, of time. when sampled the at will integers. not To be see a martingale this, let c(t) in • Then consider: c(t+l) - c(t) - J^ - J^ +1 c(r)dr +1 -C [c(0 - - J^cCOdr c(r-l)]dr [j><r-l +r)dr]dr. By changing the order of integration in the last term of (2.10), c(t+l) - c(t) can be expressed as: (2.11) c(t+l) - c(t) - u(t+l), where (u(t): t-0,1,2,...) has the first-order moving-average representation: (2.12) u(t) - J^_ (t-r)Df (r) + £*(r-t+2)D|(r) i , t-0,1,2 The first-order autocorrelation for u is: ( 2.13) g<»Ct)u(t-l)) R(l) 2 £{u(t) } £&-! (2/3) a - 0.25 2 This result was originally derived by Working (1960) 7 In version of matched with the discrete- time a consumption data is this where model, consumption the process in observed the model, consumption differences are predicted to be uncorrelated over time [see e.g. Hall The (1978)]. fact first the that consumption is correlated at the first lag, difference time-averaged could help to explain some of of the discrete-time permanent the rejections in income hypothesis. This is what Christiano, Eichenbaum and Marshall (1987) find when they use quarterly data. II. C Data To test the implications of the models in this paper, I focused solely Q upon consumption data expenditures . The consumption measure on nondurables services and where expenditures are those measured by the U.S. seasonally adjusted (s.a.) was used. The quarter of 1952 from the first seasonally to the quarter used was per capita real aggregate the adjusted quarterly 1959 The the to consumption Department of Commerce. and seasonally unadjusted (s.u.) end of 1986. of I data runs Both quarterly data from the first seasonally unadjusted data runs end of 1986 g . Monthly seasonally adjusted data from January 1959 to the end of 1986 was also used. II .D Tests of the Model Using Quarterly and Monthly, S.A. Consumption Data The model predicts order 1. that c(t) - c(t-l) is Parameterize this moving average as: a moving average process of c(t) (2.14) 8 is is e(t) + ^t(t-l) 9 Q where £(«(t) R(l) c(t-l) - - 2 - ) and £{e(t)e(r)) - 1 we can estimate 0.25, implied by then for * r Under the assumption that t. and the trend parameter ^. 8 autocorrelation restriction. the The parameter Table 2.1 gives estimates of the parameters of the model with R(l) restricted to 0.25 using seasonally-adjusted Estimates consumption. of given with are (2.14) 8 2 unrestricted are given in Table 2.2. reported for the period 1952,1 are estimated parameters In both tables 1986,4 to 1959,1 and 1986,4. to The latter subsample was used since this matches the period of the monthly data. Log- likelihood values also are reported each in log- likelihood for each sample marginally improves Likelihood 2.2. tests ratio of that the from Table 2.1 to Table restriction 0.25 the Notice table. for yield R(l) probability values of 0.73 for that data set from 1952,1 to 1986,4 and 0.78 from data for 1959,1 This 1986,4. to because occurs autocorrelation of differences in detrended consumption 0.276 data (0.067) 11 for Hence set. longer data set and 0.260 the the restriction on R(l) first-order was estimated to be (0.081) implied the by the for the model shorter is very consistent with the data. The model also implies be useful in predicting likelihood ratio against higher and tests For moving- average models significance level. consumption change today. P-values of moving- average order differences. the that information lagged two periods should not the of longer orders of models data 2, tests set, 3 and time the the tests of 4 not do set and the moving average model of orders 4 and 5 5 2.3 reports additive detrended for The moving average model of order 10 Table consumption model reject model at against the 5% for the longer data for the shorter data set against evidence provide more the However, model. could be this due to spurious correlation induced through seasonal adjustment or to the presence cases, tests the 12 that are not completely removed. of seasonal patterns Table in that indicate 2.3 Other than these time-additive the reasonably consistent with the data as noted by Christiano, model is Eichenbaum and Marshall (1987). Now consider consumption is Since measures monthly martingale a robust seasonally of continuous in different adjusted the time, consumption. nature of the results should However, the first-order autocorrelation in first-differences of detrended monthly consumption be significantly negative to estimated is The . intervals -0.188 be to of time aggregation. which (0.052), is trend was estimated using maximum likelihood just as was done for the quarterly data. Table 2.4 reports estimates of the trend and the moving average parameters for with and without restriction using monthly 0.25 seasonally adjusted A likelihood ratio test of the restriction yields a probability value data. of the difference in consumption the essentially zero. As result, a the model does not seem to be very consistent with monthly seasonally adjusted data. Why is this happening? Why is the frequencies but not at monthly frequencies? model successful at In the next section I quarterly relax the time-separability assumption imposed upon preferences by (2.3) and show that the negative Before moving autocorrelation examined. correlation first-order on to this values, in monthly preference -based another explanation data explanation for this is not for surprising. the finding changing must be Consider a discrete-time version of this time separable model in which the model is assumed to be correct at monthly frequencies. In this the model implies that monthly consumption is a martingale. Suppose case, 11 equal now that observed consumption is to consumption plus model the an Then i.i.d. measurement error that is also independent of the model shocks. observed consumption differences are given by: c(t) (2.15) c(t-l) - u (t) + u (t) - where is u model the u (t-l) - z 2 x and error measurement error. i.i.d. the is u 2 1 Let E[u (t) 2 ) - a 2 and £(u (t) 2 - a ) 2 Note . that that implies (2.15) consumption differences have a first-order moving average representation and 2 that the first-order autocorrelation value is R(l) - -a /(a let a 2 - then 1, the autocorrelation first-order for 2 + a _ 2 ) detrended . If we monthly l consumption differences gives us an estimate of a 2 of 0.232. Given the behavior of consumption at monthly frequencies in (2.15), it is easy to show that quarterly consumption also follows a first-order moving average R - (1) where process (19a q 12 12 2 2 + estimated value of a R (1) of 0.162. )/(4a 6ff 2 autocorrelation value first-order the 2 + 6a 2 - ) (19 + 2 6a )/(4 + 6a 2 from the monthly data, this 2 ). given by: is Using the 2 implies an estimate of Although this is not equal to the value of 0.276 found with i quarterly data from 1959 to 1986, is equal to 0.162, level. As a aggregation, likelihood ratio test of whether R (1) does not reject this restriction at the 10% significance result, is a this capable measurement of error explaining model, the autocorrelation values in quarterly and monthly data. along with changing temporal first-order However, is an i.i.d. measurement error model for consumption levels reasonable? As Wilcox (1988) has argued, a component of the measurement error in consumption is due to the misallocation of retail sales into the different categories of consumption by the Commerce Department. 12 Since the allocation . correlation in measurement the measurement error due is the to error. any If based upon periodic substantial positive is introduces this establishments, retail of surveys classifications consumption into sales retail of other component this will also introduce positive autocorrelation in the measurement error. autocorrelation error measurement error will reduce the role Any positive of measurement explaining the behavior of consumption at monthly and quarterly in frequencies . in the collection practices of the Department of and if these practices do not change very often, Commerce, of and will leave a large role for the economic model that I ,14 , consider in the next sections . II. E , Tests of the Model Using Quarterly S.U. Consumption Data In this subsection I examine the has for seasonally unadjusted data. implications that simple model this To account for seasonality in the data, the model must be modified in some manner. One way to induce seasonality in consumption is to add a seasonal deterministic bliss point process that will induce a deterministic pattern seasonal in consumption. Seasonal point movements have been used in a similar way by Miron (1982). 6 I show that the time additive with model a deterministic bliss In Section bliss point process implies that consumption differences follow the process: (2.16) where 3(t) - again autocorrelation c(t-l) - u(t) + B(t) u(t) equal has an to 0.25, representation MA(1) and B(t) seasonal dummies 13 is a sequence with of first-order deterministic consider the autocorrelation structure of the first As a first pass, consumption with s.u. in differences trend and seasonal Table 2.5 gives the autocorrelation values for residuals. dummies removed. The trend value and seasonal dummies were removed using a likelihood function in which the residuals were assumed white be to misspecified likelihood function, Although noise. this may be a it will yield consistent estimates of the autocorrelation values. First, unlike the seasonally There are two important things to notice. adjusted quarterly data, first-order the autocorrelation is not close Hence with this different manner of accounting for seasonality, 0.25. with data even the time -additive model frequencies. Second, note that the autocorrelation value at the fourth lag is significantly is consistent to not positive and large. the indicates This Quarterly at that the use of seasonal dummies does not remove all of the seasonality in the data and some addition must be made to the model to account for this behavior. III. A Model with Time-Nonseparable Preferences In this section, dependencies modify the model of section I preferences in over consumption. 2 and introduce temporal Nonseparabilities are introduced by specifying a mapping from current and past consumption goods into a process called services. The representative consumer is assumed to have time- separable preferences over services. into services is type a of The mapping from consumption Gorman- Lancaster technology in which the consumption goods are viewed as bundled claims to characteristics that the consumer durable cares goods about and . habit The as form of special 14 nonseparabilities parametric nests examples. models I of provide . sufficient conditions on the mapping from consumption to services such that the preferences consumer's the and accumulation problem are capital well defined. An important result that is exploited in Sections assumptions, these under marginal the univariate a utility 4, process and 5 martingale. a is that is 6 representation for observed consumption Using this fact, derived. also show that to give this model interesting empirical content, I a priori restrictions must be is placed upon the form of the nonseparabilities This provides motivation for looking at specific forms of nonseparabilities in sections 4, 5 and 6. A Commodity Space for Services III. A. preferences The processes that of consumer the call services I . model will this in defined over be In the construction of the commodity space the first piece that is needed is an information structure for for services, the economy. Let (Q,?,Pr) be the underlying probability space. economy represented is filtration): F-(?(t): events at period is not lost t. over I by a sequence Let the ?(t)£?(s) for assume that time. sigma-algebras sub gives ?(t) te[0,«)). of then "ft xfl, Information in the t set of x:Q -*R, where x(t) is the value of the (a distinguishable process + function, ? < s, so that information stochastic a of process at time t. is a Two spaces of stochastic processes will be important. Let ? be the product sigma-algebra given by ?x£ Borel sets of R l . Let * A be a measure on R l where B denotes the * that has density exp(-p t) with * respect to Lebesgue measure, where p 15 > 0. I denote the product measure * • PrxX given by as Pr , The first space of processes that is needed is the . space of square- integrable processes: L 2 4" ar + * ,y ,Pr ). (ft The second space of processes is used to limit the choice space of the Let P be representative consumer and is the commodity space for services. of subsets of the predictable sigma- algebra ft Services are required to . be measurable with respect to T and square integrable, £ (ft ,T,Pr Since ). consumer will the be making requiring them to be predictable implies that, only information generated by (f III.B. s choices at t, an element of over services, the consumer can use < t). Preferences over Services preferences The : i.e., time-nonseparable of over representative the consumer However consumption. it is are assumed convenient to to be first assume that the consumer's preferences are time-separable over a stochastic process, s to lie within the space £ The service process is assumed called services. *{s (t):0<t<»), ,r ,Pr ). (ft representative consumer evaluates s Given a member of this space, s , the via the utility function: 2 (3.1) t/(s*) - -(l/2)£{j^exp('-p*t)(s*(t)-b*(t)) dt} * where {b (t):0<t<«) is a deterministic process describing the bliss point * movement. (3.2) To model growth, I b*(t) - exp(/it)b(t), assume that b (t) grows at the rate p: /i > 0. * When b(t) is a constant, the geometric trend in b (t) 16 induces growth in the chosen by process service consumption process. consumer the Consider now and, as detrended growth result, a services, - s in the (s(t) :0<t<«) given by: s(t) - exp(-/it)s*(t), (3.3) t>0. Then the preferences of the consumer over trending services given in (3.1) can be rewritten as preferences over detrended services: 2 U(s) - -(l/2)E(J^exp(-pt)[s(t)-b(t)] dt) (3.4) where p — p services + 2fi. Also, . I In what follows, I will refer to detrended services as will refer to detrended consumption as consumption, where consumption is detrended in the same manner as in (3.3). on Let A be a measure that has density exp(-pt) with respect to Lebesgue measure and let Pr IR 2 + + Note that detrended services lie within 1 (0 ,? ,Pr - Pr x A. III. C. ). Time Nonseparabilities Time nonseparability in the consumer's preferences over consumption is introduced by making s(t) a linear function current and past consumption. The dependence of services on current and past consumption will be modeled by making services at time on R , g, and consumption, 1 (3.5) s t a convolution between a nonrandom distribution c: - g*c 17 The distribution g will where * denotes convolution of two distributions. often put weight on all of R to be zero for < r in which case, , defined by setting c is (3.5) One way to think of this convolutions is to let s (t) 0. be given by: (3.6) s\t) - JJg(r)c(t-r)dr. However, the integral in will, (3.6) be given by not in general the contribution standard notions of integration. s is a that process gives consumption purchases from time conditions + £ (n ,? ,Pr for the + ) s (t) . service s(t) - Although s 2 let 2 be s (t) services from allow for initial nonrandom member a of gives the contribution to services at time t from the initial stock of services. (3.7) In order to onwards. process, to s\t) + The service process at time t is then given by: 2 s (t), t>0. could be collapsed into the bliss point process, b, it will be useful to carry along a separate process for initial conditions. For a particular g, preferences over consumption. (3.5) (3.4), Below I and (3.7) give the consumer's show how to restrict g and the space of consumption processes so that the result in (3.7) is in £ (fl ," ,Pr ). Examples of g 1. service Exponential process Depreciation generated by a of a Durable durable 18 Good. that Let undergoes s(t) be the exponential . In this case, g is given by: depreciation. 1 9 if t < g(t) - (3.8) exp(6t) that Suppose where , \ / c(r)dr c (t) < p/2. 5 > t is a diffusion Then process. the first service process is given simply by: s\t) (3.9) - J [o exp(fir)DC (t-r)d7(o) 4 where the integral in (3.9) is defined as a stochastic integral in the usual Suppose way. services further in the that the amount ^(0) at initial t-0 condition is given by a stock of Then the second service process . is given by: 2 (3.10) s (t) - exp(St)?(0) In this initial fact, condition could be process by adding to it a mass at can given be succinctly as a collapsed into in the amount ?(0). solution to the the consumption The service process stochastic differential equation: (3.11) Ds(t) - 5s(t) + Dc (t), with s(0) - ?(0) a 2. Habit Persistence. Suppose that the consumer cares about the level of consumption today relative to an average of past consumption so that the consumer develops an acceptable level of Persistence of this form has been studied, 19 consumption for example, over time. Habit by Constantinides Following Constantinides (1990) and Sundaresan (1989). and Heal (1973), model habit persistence by assuming that l - c(t) s (t) (3.12) that Note Pollack (1970), Ryder Detemple and Zapatero (1989), Novales (1990), (1990), term the - ( a(-7)J s (t) is of the form: exp(70c(t-r)dr, 7<0 exp(7r)c(t-r)dr -y)j I is a , 0<o<l weighted average of past consumption, and a gives the proportion of this average that is compared to current consumption to arrive at the level of services today. x(t) ( -7)Jexp(7r)c(t-r)dr is The process referred to as the habit stock. In this example, g is then given by: (3.13) g - A - at) where A is the dirac delta function and rj is given by: if t < ' (3.14) ij(t) - exp(yt) t > The initial condition for services are given by: (3.15) 2 s (t) - -oexp(7t)x(0) where x(0) is the initial value of the habit stock. Many other examples of time-nonseparable preferences can be mapped into this notation. 20 : ResCrictions on g and c III. D. Since the preferences of the representative consumer are defined over ), some restriction needs to be placed upon the space of consumption processes and the distribution g such that the convolution elements of £ given by ,"P (fi ,Pr results (3.5) in member a of £ + (71 ,? ,?r ) desirable that the mapping be from all of £ (n*,P,Pr Often will be into £ (tf ,?,Pr*) as . + it 2 ) in the time-additive and habit persistence models. The first restriction that member of £ version of (3.16) (fl g, g' (Dc)' ch, c' define a discounted : - gh g' for t >0 and zero otherwise and where h(t) - exp(-et) let impose insures that the mapping yields a To describe this restriction, ,? ,Pr ). denoted I - Dch and so on. - p/2. t Similarly The first restriction is in the form of a restriction upon g and the space of admissible consumption processes: Assumption 1: The space of admissible consumption processes is restricted to be l C (3.17) where t > L 2 - [u c € £ (tf ,?,Pr*)) and I is the smallest integer such that 2 (e +w - 2 ) L g' (cj)g' (w) is A essentially bounded and where To see that Assumption 1 g' is the fourier transform of g' implies that 21 (3.5) maps the . space of admissible : consumption processes into £ (Q ,2 ,Pr ] ] dt) Q E{f~ g' (w)g' (w)* c' (w) c' (w)*du>) the fourier transform of is c' (w) 2 dt) - E[f° [g' *c(t) Q - where 2 g*c(t) E[f exp(- P t)[ (3.18) consider: ), c' . The second equality in (3.18) Note that follows from the Parseval formula. . + D)(D J c)'(t) (e - (D J+1 c)' . Hence we have 2 E(f°o exp(-pt)[ g*c(t) (3.19) ] dt) /\ Z - £{/** (e +» " —00 Assumption 1 /\ £ (i)(D c)' g' (w)g' (w)(DcV (u)*du. and the Holder inequality imply that (3.19) is finite. process consumption The 2 )' 1 information process the in assumed is economy. to does not destroy the distribution g so that the mapping (3.5) the further restrict will need to I with compatible be the information structure in the economy: The Laplace Assumption 2: (f:Re(0 > p/2) plane: where a > a' compact sets Kc[a' ,«) 1^ (f)| where g, g(f). for each real Further, . ^ |g(DI , transform of f° r some Z £ (tf,?,Pr + 19 ¥ p. 51), putting weight only on R 2 ) > p/2 and which in J" the half - a + iw depends on <?eK. imply that g is one-sided, a subset of) a' polynomial Using Theorem 2.5 of Beltrami and Wohlers (1966, 2, analytic is + into 2 (0 ,7\Pr 22 + ) . 1 Assumptions 1 and and maps (possibly Capital Accumulation III. E. The model is completed by assuming that there is a capital accumulation that technology constant rate allows for of consumption over time at the p: Dk(t) - pk(t) + e(t) (3.20) transfer the - c(t), k(0) given, where k(t) is the level of the capital stock at period t, k(0) is an initial condition and e(t) is an endowment process of the consumption good. an element of £ (0 ,T ,Pr ) and if c satisfies Assumption 1, If e is then k(t) is an + element of f*(Q*,P,Pr ). The problem facing the consumer is to maximize the objective function subject (3.1) choice I Because ZJc(t). of mapping the to (3.5) the necessarily consumption itself but and control is a the technology capital variable of derivative of c, the (3.20) problem is by not it is convenient to rewrite the mapping (3.5) as: a 1 (3.21) s - g *Dc, t The distribution g. integration by parts The can always be found using a result that is analogous to . representative consumer solves problem: 23 the following resource allocation 2 (-l/2)E{rexpC-pt)[s(t)-b(t)] dt) Max (MP) t 2 s(t) - g.*D c + s (t) and subject to: Dk(t) - pk(t) + e(t) by choice of a D c process in C c(t), k(0) given - Letting y (t)-D J c for j-0,2, . ... I, the Lagrangian for this problem is given by: t - -(1/2) Elf* exp(-pt)\ [g Q X (t)[k(t) k - t *y (t) + fc(0) - -z^v^h 00 where A To and A j-0,1, characterize problem let g. , g« 2 s (t) b(t)] - 2 t " - p/Jk(r)dr 7/ 0) - J - J%(r)dr + /^(Odr] > « (odr ]} J l-l are lagrange multipliers. ..., first-order the conditions for optimization this be a distribution constructed in the following manner. assigns weight gi(t) be a distribution that, weight only to the nonpositive real numbers. to -t Let h be so that the g. Let assigns function given by: n - (3.22) exp(-pt) if t < • otherwise The n g^ is given by g^n. The first-order conditions for the choice of k(t) for each t>0, are then given by: 24 and y , j-0,1, ... I (3.23) EJ-gJ*[ gi 2 *y (t) + s (t) E|j^exp(-pt)A - (3.24) A E|j^exp(-pr)A j (3.25) b(t)]|?(t)j - o ji ii (t+r)dr|?(t)| - (t+r)dr|3f(t)| - 0, - 1,2, j 0, ... M, + £|j^exp(-pr)A (t+r)dr|y(t)l - A k q and A (t) (3.26) p£|j^exp(-pr)A (t+r)dr|?(t)| - - k Although this it 0. k problem possible not is general for characterize to forms of a g, complete the simple implication solution for to services can be derived Notice that the solution for £{A (t+r)|£(t)} - - -A (t)/p J+ (3.27) for j-0,1,2, 2 consumption good at of to Hall's (3.27) time consumption (1978) b(t)]|?(t)j - - result. gives is a then imply that hence A (t) yt)//. marginal utility of a unit of the the Hence we have t. a martingale, is As a result we have: 4-1. + s (t) (t) utility ... o The left side of (3.26) Relations (3.24) and (3.25) A (t). £J-gJ*[g£*7 to A (t), martingale. the result This that result the is marginal analogous Because the marginal utility of consumption is a martingale we have: gj*[s(t+r) (3.28) where I £{u(t+r) have |SF(t)) - b(t+r)] - g|*[s(t) substituted - 0. To in the allow - fact for the 25 b(t)] + u(t+r) that , r>0 g f *y (t)+s (t)-s(t) inversion of the and where convolution in (3.28), impose the following condition on g: I Assumption 3: real l/g(f) and > p/2 a' polynomial P Assumption 3 J" is analytic for ( f Re(D > : - a + iu where a > a' p/2) . |l/g(f)| , which depends on compact sets Kc[a' ,«>) Further, for each \? (f)| for some < where a€K. implies that there is a one-sided forward looking distribution, e such that 6 i g^ t (3.29) . t - A where A is the dirac delta function. s(t+r) (3.30) Since g £ is - b(t) + g *u(t+r) | - to (3.28) yields: f - forward looking, and £(u(t+r ) ? (t) E(s(t+r) (3.31) b(t+r) - s(t) Applying g b(t+r)|?(t)} - s(t) - - 0, ) b(t), or that s-b is a continuous -time martingale. (3.30) implies that: r>0, This result can be summarized in the following Lemma: Lemma: then If the the mapping g given in (3.5) process (s-b) chosen by the satisfies Assumption consumer is a 1, 2 and 3, continuous- time martingale. I will denote the time derivative of (s-b)[t] 26 as: D(s-b)[t] - D£(t). I will assume that £{D£(t) - a dt. } Implications for Time -Averaged Consumption III.F. Assumption 3 implies that there is a distribution g such that: s g *g - A. (3.32) In fact the Laplace transform of the distribution g will be useful in the following sections. is Using (3.32), This fact l/g(f)- the convolution in can be inverted to yield a mapping from services to consumption: (3.5) g'+s (3.33) 1 - c. Differencing (3.33) between l g'*[s (t+l) (3.34) Since s is - and t+1 yields: s\t)] - c(t+l) martingale a t and s - c(t) - s - s , (3.34) implies the following representation for the first difference of consumption: (3.35) c(t+l) S - c(t) - g*Sl_VZ(r) + g *[b(t+l) 8 - Although (3.5) completely useful conditions. 2 g *[s (t+l) characterizes for However empirical if the - the 27 b(t)] s*(t)]. dynamics work because initial - of of conditions consumption, the presence die quickly it of is not initial enough then asymptotically their effect on the consumption law of motion will be small. »,_ I 2. will impose the following condition upon the behavior of g *s (t) Assumption Assumption 4 such that lim There exists an v > 4: implies that Note geometrically. the that conditions initial Assumption imposes 4 : exp(ut)g *s (t) - 0. filtered through conditions both g" die on the 2 initial conditions s (t) and the distribution g. Given that the initial conditions and g are such that Assumption 4 is satisfied, large for first-differences in t, the consumption process are given approximately given by: (3.36) The c(t+l) error term - g'^^Cr) c(t) - in the S + g *[b(t+l) approximation due conditions is of smaller order than to the - b(t)] omission of the initial t. In the special case of a time-separable model in which c(t) - s(t) and where b(t) is a constant, (3.36) gives the familiar result that consumption follows a (continuous- time) random walk. observed consumption as being averages As of in Section 2, I interpret the consumption expenditure over a unit of time so that observed consumption is given by: (3.37) c(t) - /^(r), t-0,1,2, .. By averaging (3.36) over a unit of time, we have the following theorem: 28 2 If the mapping g given in (3.5) and s Theorem: satisfy Assumptions 1, and the consumer chooses consumption according to problem (MP) and 4 the observed consumption process (c(t): 8(t) (3.38) c(t-l) - g'*v(t) + g - , - 1,2,3, t *(/^ i [b(r) - 2, 3 then satisfies: ...) b(r-l)]dr) + o(t) J^/^D^Odr where v(t) - - /^(t-r)D^(r) + /^<r-t+2)D£(r). Since term the o(t) in throughout ignored rest the asymptotically is (3.38) of time-averaged martingale and that the obtained by "filtering" v(t) + [b(t) constant, be b(t) then average representation for c(t) where g c 3 the function g that (c(t) -c(t-l) - (3.38) implies a consumption is in g". : continuous- time a moving c(t-l) of the form: , h(t) - t for te[0,l], h(t) - If a continuous record of c(t) otherwise. With b(t-l)] through is c(t-l) - g *D£(t). - - h*g given difference w(t) be c c(t) (3.39) first that will it More Restrictions on g are Needed III.G. Let - Notice paper. the negligible, (and as a result g only we t-0, 1 , . . . ) discrete-time ) t for €[1,2] and h(t) - 2 - - c(t-l) were available, t could be exactly identified. have discrete -time the the best 29 we can do is However, observations: what can we learn about the form of g data, then a to ? identify the representation discrete-time moving average time-averaged consumption for differences: c(t) (3.40) where £{f(t) to - ) from map c(t-l) - X . G°(j)£(t-j) J - and £{e(t)e(r)} - 1 sequence the time-nonseparabilities be possible * We would like to be able t. c function the to ) r describes that g the Of course without further restriction it will not . identify to {G for completely function g the c However, . note that (3.40) is exactly the relationship that arises in a discrete-time version of the model in which the decision interval of the consumer is set equal to the interval In data. the of discrete- time the model, reflects the discrete- time time-nonseparabilities now we use economic the discrete-time interpretation given setting of representation function the in preferences. Would (3.40). Suppose from preferences the G(j) this the economic interpretation be far wrong? To answer this question, we can use the analysis of Marcet (1986) which shows how construct finite sequence (G (j)} this mapping, let linear g (t-3), ... operator. values of c the combinations Let a - g . Note r. that constructed as is A be of the functions the (3.41) G (j) a(t) is in general /Tg (t+j)a(t)dt ^ 2 a(t) dt c (3.42) of L) tdR of 2 - -a*g (j)/Pa(t) dt 30 ( j a ) the of set C 1 : ?roj'(g |A) where Proj denotes Marcet (1986) shows that G r (in c - C c closure function a g (t-1), the L . of To all C g (t-2), projection convolution of g (r) is given by: c g at many m - -a*h*g (J)- (3.43) where a(t) - a(-t). If G°(j) were an average of the function g (t) for values of t near j, then we would expect the discrete- time interpretation to be reasonably good. However for implies (3.43) of all values that the G°(j) and G°(j) t an average of the is will, general, in lead function g"(t) poor to inferences about the structure of preferences. example, For consider model the consumption good, as given by (3.8). l-St if c (3.44) g (t) - St exponential of In this example, depreciation of the function g the c is: €[0,1] t (1+25) if t e (1,2] - otherwise Further 0(1+6 -St) if te(l,2] c (3.45) Proj(g |A)(t) - otherwise where g . - 2 - l)/(l-5+5 /3) Further in this case the Notice that if 6--VZ then . c function G (j) is zero for j not and a equal to Hence consumption differences have the representation: zero. (3.46) The 2 (S /6 c(t) c - c(t-l) - G (0)e(t). discrete-time interpretation of this is that preferences are time- separable which they are not. Since the function G will not in general allow us to obtain a correct 31 ] economic interpretation of preferences, to is the plan for the that summarize g* focus upon several simple forms of for the estimation of the continuous- time form of g study the dynamics intuitive types These restricted forms of of time-nonseparability in preferences. I rest of the paper g* allow In the next sections, . introduced by these preferences and examine how they perform empirically. IV. Habit Persistence An Illustration: The about assumptions mapping the from consumption services to introduced so far imply that the process [s-b) is a martingale supported by stock processes consumption and capital In this section, Assumptions the 1 I that are 2 + of L (0 ,? ,Pr + ) . examine the example of habit and show what restrictions through 4 place upon the habit model. economic violates potentially solution members I also examine whether restrictions (such as nonnegativity of the capital stock and consumption) that are not imposed in the solution method. The first assumption to be verified is Assumption Fourier transform of 1. Notice that the for the habit persistence model of (3.12) g' is given by: iw a(-7) (4.1) g'(w) - - 7 + - e a(-7) 1 iu j + - iw-7+€ e and w (4.2) 2 + w A g' a(-7) - 7 - / + (e - 7) 2 - g'(w)g'(«) In this case [e 2 \ 2 A (w)g' (w) is uniformly bounded and the space of consumption 32 consists processes of processes those such that c e + 2 t (Q ,P,Pr + ). The Laplace transform of g is given by: (4.3) . g( T - (1 r - a) 7 - 7 and the Laplace transform of g is given by: i'(f) - l/i(f) - (4.4) r - (l-a) 7 Notice that g(f) satisfies Assumption 2 if 7 < p/2 and that Assumption * 3 requires 7 -(l-a)7 < p/2. These restrictions allow 7 to be larger than zero so that the habit effects Also if 7 < are 0, a can be larger that Although important. quite of past consumption could grow over time. so that the effects of the habit stock 1 extreme these consistent with the model of Section it 3, is parameter important to settings are check whether they lead to a violation of economic restrictions that are not imposed in the solution. To examine this issue, suppose that there is perfect certainty the service process is a constant, s. s (t)-0, consumption at time t 22 so that Under the simplifying assumption that is given by: s c(t) - g *s. (4.5) If Assumption plane a' [l/g(0)]s. > 0, 3 were strengthened such that l/g(f) then as Hence the t approaches «, restriction 33 c(t) that is analytic in the half would approach c(t) be the nonnegative constant is the restriction that l/i(0) > Assumption However for many examples, a strengthening of 0. is not necessary. 3 In the habit persistence model under perfect certainty, at time (4.6) is given by: t c(t) - jexp( 7 *t) - ( 7 /7*)[exp( 7 *t) then c(t) 0, If 7 positive only if 7<0. > then c(t) , then, exp(7*t) (I-7/7 )s - exp(7 t) [a/(a-l)]s large that one 23 1]U. tends to (7/7 )s which is positive only if (by setting a - 1) If 7* - - * * Notice that if 7 < 7<0. consumption for large t, 7O - c(t) which is again is approximately For this to be positive, a must be . * and 7 >0 implies that 7 < Hence the economic restriction 0. which Is a strengthening of that consumption is positive requires that 7 < Assumption - s(l 2. * Notice however that Assumption allows a > 1. When a — 1, 3 is satisfied as long as y<p/2. consumption grows This linearly and when a > 1, * consumption grows geometrically at the rate 7 . Although the nonnegativity restriction on consumption is satisfied in this case, the restriction that the capital stock remains positive needs to be checked. The capital stock at time t is given by: (4.7) k(t) - J"%xp(-pr)c(t+r)dr - J^exp( -pr )e(t+r )dr . Suppose that the endowment is constant over time at the level (4.8) k(t) - J"%xp(-pr)c(t+r)dr - 'e/p 34 . e, then: ) Notice that if 7 >0 (with 7<0) then the capital stock also is positive and * grows at the rate 7 * - 0, If 7 . then the capital stock grows linearly over * If time. then < 7 stock capital the is constant over time. As a result, once the restriction 7<0 is imposed, no further restrictions besides those in Assumptions 1, and 2 are necessary to ensure that consumption and 3 the capital stock have reasonable dynamics. The last assumption of Section die conditions geometrically as persistence example 2 8 g *s (t) 2 s (t) is 3 restriction that the initial required by Assumption 4. In habit the - -aexp(7t)x(0) and - -crx(0)(D-7)J%xp(7%)exp(7(t-r))dr - -ox(0)(D-7){exp( 7 *t) (4.9) the (7 - exp(- 7 t)} -7) * - ax ( exp (7 ) t * Assumption 4 requires to 7 be that less zero or x(0)-0. This additional restriction needed for the empirical work of Sections 5 is an and 6, but it is not a restriction that is implied by the economics of the model. V. Empirical Results with Seasonally Adjusted Data In this described in section, I Section 3, discussed in Section b(t) is a 2. empirically using the examine t. examples seasonally-adjusted In this section constant for all some I of the consumption model data will maintain the assumption that Under this assumption, I show that if the durable nature of consumption goods is modeled then the model performs much better than the time -additive model of Section 35 2. I also show that there is . form of habit persistence dramatic evidence (3.12). The habit persistence model performs somewhat better if the durable against the pure However, nature of the goods is modeled first. as given the model provides in little improvement in the fit of the data over the simple exponential depreciation model Exponential Depreciation V. A. The nondurables plus services consumption series examined in Section 2 contains several components that should be thought of as being durable. For clothing and shoes are components of nondurable consumption. For example, this reason, Section 2 it is of interest to relax the time-separability assumption of and model the durable nature of consumption. One simple model of durables is given by the nonseparabilities induced by the mapping (3.8) of Section applied, A g' A : - l/[« g'( w )g'( w ) that 2 (e 2 2 + (e-5) 2 ] * +w )g' (w)g' (w) As a result, the solution to essentially is boundedness requirement of Assumption I. can be * (w)g' (w) # Notice 3 the assumed regularity conditions on the mapping g must be checked. Consider first (5.1) Before the analysis of Section 3. the 1 is bounded. Hence the satisfied for a negative value of problem will involve a law of motion for consumption that is not necessarily a well defined stochastic processes. This can be seen by considering the Laplace transform of the mapping from services Laplace to consumption which is transform of the operator given by (D-S). 36 l/g(f) - f - S, which the is Hence consumption at time t is given by: c(t) - Ds(t) (5.2) - D£(t) - 5s(t) fis(t). - Note that the goods process has a component that is the time derivative of a martingale and, as a result, consumption the process is stochastic process but is a generalized stochastic process. can tolerate very erratic consumption in this model, not a real The consumer because the consumer "consumes" a weighted average of past consumption that is relatively smooth. As it stands, this model does not directly fit within the framework of Section 3. However, a simple modification allows us to use the analysis of Section 3. Suppose instead of choosing consumption at time chooses accumulated consumption at time t, t, the consumer where accumulated consumption, c is given by: t (5.3) c (t) a Notice that if - J c(r)dr Q c(t) satisfies (5.2), The mapping from consumption to then c*(t) lies services can be modified from accumulated consumption to services: s - g *c (t). a by: (5.4) g^ within £ - A + q where q is the distribution given by: 37 a to 2 (tf ,P ,Pr*) be a Here g mapping is a . given <0 [0 if t q(t) - (5.5) [5exp(5t)t>0 Replacing consumption by accumulated consumption and the mapping g by g shown that this can be (5.6) issue In this case, problem. Let remaining only The - fc(t) is how the of section 2. assumptions interpret to capital the accumulation integrate (3.21) over time to yield: k(0) - pj>(r)dr + J%(r)dr pk(r)dr - k*(t) satisfies structure it and - e*(t) - t J e(r)dr c (t). + /c(0) , then (5.6) can b« rewritten as: Dk (t) - pk (t) + e (t) (5.7) c (t) - a This is the new capital accumulation constraint that corresponds to letting c (t) be With variable. control the this modification 25 the exponential a depreciation model embedded in the model of Section is 3 resulting in the law of motion for consumption given in (5.2). Using the results of Section c(t) (5.8) - 3, we have: c(t-l) - (D-S)w(t) - /Jd-fir)DC(t-r) As in consumption the time-separable follow a case, first-order - J"J[l+5(l-r)]D£(t-l-r) first differences moving- average process. autocorrelations beyond the first order are zero. However, 38 in time-averaged Hence all the first-order autocorrelation value need not be 0.25 nor even positive. The first-order autocorrelation first differences of consumption is: 2/6 * R(l) - (5.9) 2 ' 1 + (2/3)5 2 R(l) is plotted in Figure 1. goes to since, 0.25 as Note that as is S driven to S goes to consumption good becomes the -®, the value of R(l) -<*>, instantly perishable and preferences are time separable. Notice that if good) 5 - then R(l) - -/6 (a half life of 0.28 periods for the consumption and consumption data as noted in Section idenfication problem. distinguish were time- separable model. we If in Chrisitiano equal fit able tried to would not be we -VZ to examined be model would here and reject to estimate the a able continuous -time between interval the to discrete- time using a time -separable specification, (1985)) we would spuriously find that the decision interval is one period when, fact, the Of course, this brings up a serious 3. model however would We (as S continous-time the counterpart. decisions If martingale discrete-time a in the true model is a countinuous-time one. Notice also that if \8\ < /6, R(l) is negative. This could explain the fact that monthly first-differences of consumption are negatively correlated even in the presence of time aggregation. Just moving the 8 e(t-l). where S (5.10). average process This MA(1) ties down Table 5.1 the can given then be parameter gives in 8 (5.8) in as as c(t) reparameterized through its - in 5 is -1.36, - c(t-l) terms of affect on R(l) maximum- likelihood estimates using the seasonally adjusted monthly consumption data. of parameterize (2.14), of the 8 e(t) and 8 given MA(1) + 6, in model The estimated value implying that the consumption goods have a half- life of 0.51 39 If a quarter months. the basic used as is time interval, the value of S implied by the monthly estimation is 3*(-1.358) - -4.07. now Suppose we that quarterly data by setting likelihood Note model. can that at Hence restriction. values ratio test the the against neither level, 10% monthly and quarterly with reconciled be model this of of this for constrained Also given in Table 5.2 are the results estimation are given in Table 5.2. of a representation average results The -4.07. to S moving the restrict a model data an set unrestricted MA(1) would reject this first-order autocorrelation that adds simple a exponential depreciation story. Habit Persistence 5.B. Pure Habit Persistence Following Constantinides , services at t are given by (3.12). way of deriving the mapping from services to consumption that assume first that 2 s (t) - that so 0, - s(t) 1 s (t). I A useful need, Taking is to the time derivative of (3.12) yields: (5.10) 2 Ds(t) - Dc(t) + a-y Dc(t) - D£(t) a-rc(t) f°exp(-iT)c(t-T)dT - Q7c(t) or (5.11) since Ds(t) - D£(t). (1990) . - - a7 2 rexp(70c(t-r)dr, This is the same expression derived by Constantinides The fact that the change in consumption is linked to an average of past consumption induces a type of smoothness in the consumption process Using the results of Section 3 40 the spectral density of observed consumption differences can be Figure derived. plots 2 the first-order autocorrelation value for the first difference in time -averaged consumption implied by this spectral density. R(l) plotted as a fuction of 7 for is values of 7 from -0.1 to -3, where the parameter a was set such that a(-y) equals 0.5. that Note time-additive one. 0.2, the model approaches a This was done so that as 7 goes to -«, the autocorrelation value starts out below moves above 0.25 and then approaches 0.25 as the habit persistence is driven out of the model and consumption approaches great Habit persistence induces a process sense that the in correlated 26 Figure 3 gives differences in consumption. all values of 7 and can be smoothness of deal consumption in differences second-order the martingale process. a the consumption are positively autocorrelation value for The second-order autocorrelation is small for negative small values for of 7. As 7 goes towards -», this value goes to zero since the consumption process approaches a time-averaged white noise process. Maximum likelihood estimation 27 of habit-persistence model using this the quarterly consumption series yielded parameter estimates of a that were not significantly different first-order autocorrelation time-additive model (see from zero. in This quarterly because occurs data can be easily For the monthly data, Section 2). the fit positive by the the model did not fit well relative to the exponential depreciation model, because of the observed negative first-order autocorrelation. Habit Persistence with Exponential Depreciation The nonseparability induced by (3.12) may develop a level of acceptable captures the notion that people consumption 41 over time and introduces complementarity defined? observe, consumption is Given the degree of durability in the consumption goods that we it is of interest to first define an intermediate service process, which will be denoted from flowing how However, time. over consumption in s* where , stock of the gives s (t) the consumption goods at of durable services level time Habit t. is then * developed over the intermediate service process by feeding s instead of , c, into the model of habit persistence given in (3.12). The intermediate service process is generated according to: s*(t) - J^exp(5r)c(t-r)dr, (5.15) Again, habit persistence modeled using except (3.12), that habit is for the instead of consumption directly: developed over s s\t) - s*(t) (5.16) is < 5 - a(-7)J^exp( 7 r)s"(t-r)dr, 7 < < a < 0, 1 The initial conditions are modified in a similar manner. Figure 4 plots the implied first-order autocorrelation value first-difference in time-averaged consumption as a function of and -1, was a -2. set were found characteristics as depreciation close to zero) (5 possible and as value. to However, tends to 5 1.6. -1, This the in Figure 1, display plots namely slow with same the rates of negative autocorrelation in consumption is , the autocorrelation asymptotes to a positive adding habit persistence allows the autocorrelation value be negative or zero gamma - -<*> These 0.5(-7). to and for 7 - 6 for more substantial amounts autocorrelation value allows durability with a 42 is negative half life if of of durability. 1 5 | 0.44 is With smaller than periods for an autocorrelation of zero, which much larger than the value of 0.13 found is without the presence of habit persistence. Maximum durability likelihood for model depreciation model. the quarterly two habit the of data function likelihood the in improvement estimates As a result, persistence local yielded very marginal sets over with pure the exponential do not report the results here. I Table 5.3 reports results of the estimation of the habit persistence with exponential depreciation model using monthly data. reports the depreciation values model of nested depreciation model. This reported in Table 5.1. parameter 7 is not likelihood a within was This the where situation is and likelihood statistic ratio test at supremum of the resulting values. in Table 5.3 is a the (1977) statistic is possible However, also the exponential with exponential when a - conditions 0, the for the suggested a test in has found values 5.3 log-likelihood values regularity the Davies all of persistence test of a-0. a identified the habit test calculated using likelihood ratio test break down. this ratio Table by of 7 evaluating the and the taking The value of the test statistic reported lower bound for Davies 's statistic and has a chi-square distribution with one degree of freedom (assuming that 7 is known and set to the estimated value of Table 5.3). The P-Value using this distribution is 0.067, hence at the 5% level the addition of habit persistence does not help the fit of the model. Table 5.4 reports half- life values for the exponential depreciation and habit-persistence effects. 0.656 months. The half -life of the durability of the good is Notice that this half -life value is higher than the value of 0.51 months found with exponential depreciation alone. The half- life of the habit stock is estimated to be relatively large, it 43 but is not precisely . measured. It seems that the degree of habit persistence difficult to aggregation is is measure with this data set. The results accounted for, Although first-order adding very weak evidence is autocorrelation requires in persistence habit to prices VI. unimportant should be differences durability durability in model found the does at data. not this does not imply that habit understanding behavior of asset the Empirical Results with Seasonally Unadjusted Data fit the 2, the continuous- time time -additive model seasonally unadjusted consumption data. examine whether the addition of temporal dependencies the the in 28 As we saw in Section not in persistence Certainly to allow for the of the time habit for modeling the once consumption significantly improve the fit of the model, persistence that services consumption series. frequencies monthly indicate section this there nondurables plus negative of fit of the model. The model of preferences In this does section, I in preferences helps implies that consumption differences display seasonality that can be captured by seasonal dummies and a seasonal autoregression. The first piece of the model for seasonals the bliss point formed by assuming that Seasonal bliss follows a deterministic seasonal pattern. point movement has been used in Before adding this faced. is a similar way by Miron (1986). feature to the model, an aliasing problem must be Suppose that the discrete- time data follows an exact deterministic seasonal pattern that could be fit with seasonal dummies. To model this in continuous time would require a function that also has this exact seasonal 44 . pattern observed the at However, frequencies. for continuous -time this model there are an infinite number of unobserved frequencies. The class of observationally equivalent continuous- time functions have seasonal patterns with least at determined by frequencies the discrete-time data. As a result, I period the of the observed will assume that the bliss point follows a seasonal pattern in continuous time with frequencies corresponding exactly to the seasonal frequencies of the observed discrete -time data. Assume that data the is observed at quarterly intervals. The bliss point is then assumed to be governed by: ^{^cos(t rj/2)+^sin(t rj/2)} b(t) - X (6.1) 7 J j where <f> $ , and , the integers, (b(t): are constants. t - 0,1,2, ...), Note that the observations of b at could be exactly fit by four seasonal dummies To how determine this consumption differences, (3.38) (6.2) model difference affects behavior the and average (6.1) over of observed time, and use to yield: s c(t-l) - g"*w(t) + g *B(t) c(t) - B(t) - £ where (6.3) * {a [sin(tjrj/2) + sin( (t-2)irj/2) ] A -0[cos( twj/2 + cos((t-2)irj/2)]. and where a - 2a /n and £ - 2B/n. 45 Note that B(t) observed at the integers can be represented using seasonal dummies and that the sum of these dummies over the period of one year consumption differences have Also note zero. Relation characteristics. same these is that g *B(t) that implies (6.2) has observed component that has an exact seasonal pattern a and a random component with properties that are influenced by the form of the nonseparabilities. 6. A. In capture Seasonal Habit Persistence and Exponential Depreciation order the to capture first the durable nature autocorrelation noted first-order the of Table in goods 2.5, and to consider an * intermediate service process (6.4) As s just as in Section s*(t) - f°exp(Sr)c(t-r)dr , 6 in the habit persistence model, current level of s to 5: < 0. the consumer is assumed to compare an average of past intermediate services. the In this case instead of letting the habit stock be a weighted average of all past consumption, assume that the habit stock is given by intermediate service process of exactly one year ago. 29 " the level of the In other words s(t) is given by: (6.5) s(t) - s*(t) - as*(t-4) where, again, the basic time period is assumed to be a quarter. transform of the distribution g for this case is given by: 46 The Laplace ) i(f) - [1 (6.6) Since - transform of Laplace the aexp(-4f)]/(f 5). - g* is differences l/g(f), of time-averaged consumption can be represented as: c(t) (6.7) c(t-l) - (V-6)p - (D-5)B(t) D£(r) + (1 - ll") (1 - yL") or c(t) (6.8) c(t-l) - /Vl-5r)D|(t-r) - (1 /J [1+5 (1-r - ) ]D^(t-l-r ll") - (D-5)B(t) + (1 The representation given - lL") in time-averaged consumption have implies (6.8) two pieces. that The differences first first a is of random piece which has a first-order moving- average structure with a seasonal first order autoregression. dummies. second The Notice that piece the if is model set of (6.8) is a of deterministic seasonal correct, seasonal then adjustment removes some of the dynamics of consumption that are due to the preferences of adjusted data will c preferences Table consumer. the lead to applying Hence misleading inferences model about seasonally to the structure of 30 gives 6.1 estimates the of parameters quarterly nondurables plus services data. exponential depreciation of habit restriction a - is with no persistence seasonal in as 31 of (6.8) For comparison Table estimates of the same model with a set to zero. inclusion the This is effects (6.5). a 6.2 U.S. gives model of pure modeled First for note through that the the rejected by the data at the 0.1% level (values for the 47 likelihood ratio test are given in Table 6.1). in Table inclusion the that 2.5 seasonal dummies random piece of consumption differences the does (after dummies removed) yields a likelihood value of 150.02. that indicates This 0.184. completely trend and seasonal A likelihood ratio against this alternative yields a P-value test of the model given in (6.7) of not Estimation of an unrestricted ARMA(4,1) model remove all seasonal effects. for of This confirms the findings the model given in (6.8) doing is a reasonable job in representing the n.s.a. consumption data. Notice that the estimated value of zero than the value for found with value in Table 5 6.2 is seasonally adjusted data. using monthly data seasonally adjusted data S much closer to The (see estimated Table 7) is -1.358, which converts to 3x(-1.358) - -5.074 on a quarterly basis, whereas the value corresponding using unadjusted data is -1.802. implied The half- life using unadjusted data is 0.38 quarters versus 0.17 quarters using adjusted data. Estimation of a model with just seasonal habit persistence results (5--00) in a log-likelihood restriction against the model with 0.0002 for important likelihood the role for ratio durability S value 140.61. of unrestricted, test. Hence the unadjusted in Testing this results in a P-value of there data evidence is even at of an quarterly frequencies that does not exist in seasonally adjusted data. In sum, the unadjusted seasonally indicates that durability in the goods for seasonal habit persistence 32 is data at quarterly important and there is evidence The model with time-separable preferences does a very poor job in fitting this Quarterly data set. evidence against the time-additive model first-order autocorrelation in monthly data. of Commerce does not publish frequencies monthly, 48 came in the In Section 2, form Unfortunately, of the negative the Department seasonally-unadjusted data, which makes the corresponding exercise difficult to perform here. Concluding Remarks VII. In this paper quadratic model have developed and empirically investigated a linear I which in dependent preferences. representative the The model demonstrates in preferences interact with time aggregation First, in the consumer has temporally that time nonseparabilities important several in ways. the interaction between these two effects produces rich dynamics consumption presense The series. of time nonseparabilities in preferences is important because they help to explain some of the observed behavior of aggregate consumption of nondurables plus services that cannot be by explained temporal aggregation consumption series is consistent with a alone. The seasonally adjusted model in which the consumption good There is some weak evidence for habit persistence effects, but is durable. only if the durable nature of the consumption goods is modeled first. Second, the presence of nonseparabilities and continuous -time a decision framework may make models which ignore the time aggregation problem perform reasonably identification well on making problem, dimensions. some difficult it decision interval to use in modeling. severe, those since time implied by a The produces This to determine serious the correct identification problem is very nonseparabilities may yield implications time-separable a specification. This that occurs resemble due to the simultaneous presence of time aggregation and time-nonseparable preferences. Third, the presence of time nonseparabilities seasonal behavior. As a result, if some account can produce is to be endogenous taken of time aggregation, it should probably be done with seasonally unadjusted data. 49 In as fact, quite I shown, between different particular, of have inferences about the structure unadjusted seasonally of preferences adjusted and the use of seasonally adjusted data understates durability in consumption and goods hides the the presence data. are In importance of habit persistence at seasonal frequencies. The features: the model I examined in this paper has two linearity and a constant interest rate. behavior of consumption from the model could important simplifying This was done so that be easily developed. Further work also needs to be done in examining nonlinear environments and asset pricing environments that account preferences and the time aggregation problem. 50 for time nonseparability in . Footnotes Deaton (1986), Flavin (1981), See for example: (1987) and Hansen and Singleton (1982, See (1990), also and Melino Litzenberger and Ronn (1986), examples for Grossman, of 1983). Shiller (1985), Hansen and Singleton Naik and Ronn (1987) temporal taking account of Campbell and Deaton and Hall (1988) aggregation in asset pricing contexts The fact that the continuous- time time-additive model does not fit the monthly data was also noted by Ermini (1989) . Several other constraints need to be imposed upon the problem to make it well-posed economically. First, the consumer must allowed not be to choose the solution c(t) - b which would result in perverse behavior of the capital stock. For instance, in the case of a sufficiently small endowment process and small initial capital stock, this would require that the capital stock go to negative infinity at a geometric rate. To make the model interesting, some other constraint needs to be imposed to rule this out as a possibility. Also, in consumption choosing at constrained by the information available at time time t. t, the Formal consumer is imposition of these constraints is discussed in the next section. See Hansen (1987) and Sargent martingale implication arises in a (1986) for an examples of how the discrete- time social planning environment similar to the one here. 51 . 5 We actually observe averages of trending consumption. results averages observe assuming that we of I will present detrended consumption. The difference can be accounted for in all of the calculations presented in this However the difference is very small and would needlessly complicate paper. the presentation. Here, and throughout the paper, g If a law define all processes before period (2.10) is well defined even for t-0 and t-1 As a result, to be zero. I of motion for endowment process was the posited then the model would potentially imply a restriction across the law of motion for the A problem with this approach is that the model endowment and consumption. is this paper is of a single aggregate labor income) consumption goods. consumption good and observations of e (such as should be thought of as being split between many Modeling preferences over many consumption goods is well beyond the scope of this paper. See Hansen, Roberds and Sargent (1989) for further discussion of these issues. Q Seasonally unadjusted data available is from 1946. The longer data set was not used because the simple trend model used in this paper could not account for what appears to be a dampening of the variance of the seasonal component of the series over the longer time period. Modeling the change in the seasonal behavior of the series is beyond the scope of this paper. The shorter time period was chosen since this problem does not occur over this period. The trend removed misspecified likelihood in this function case was in assumed to be uncorrelated over time. 52 estimated using a which consumption (potentially) differences were Standard errors of the estimates of R(l) are given in brackets. errors standard were R(l) for calculated using the Newey-West The (1987) procedure with one year of lags. In Section 6, I further examine seasonally unadjusted data to try to account for these effects. I here I will continue to use c to denote observed consumption even though am not considering the effects of time aggregation over the month. From here on Unlike will ignore the role of measurement error. I most analyses of Gorman- Lancaster technologies, I ignore nonnegativity constraints. Discrete-time versions of this specification of preferences have been considered by many authors. See for example Eichenbaum and Hansen Eichenbaum, Hansen and Richard (1987) and Hansen (1987), (1990), and the references therein. f is continuous (1983) or generated by from the Elliot left (1982) the stochastic and have for a right complete processes limits. adapted See description ? to that are Chung and Williams of predictable the sigma-algebra and predictable processes. The restriction 19 < p/2 will be explained below. - Beltrami and Wohlers (1966) show that if g(£) is analytic in the half plane (£:Re(£) > 0) the 6 requirement on then g is a one-sided distribution. the analyticity of g(£) since Here I distributions that induce growth. 20 See, for example, Beltrami and Wohlers (1966, p. 28). 53 can I can weaken allow for . 21 In Section 4 I examine the behavior of the capital stock for the habit persistence example. 22 Under perfect certainty, the habit model is a linear quadratic version of the model considered by Ryder and Heal (1973). 23 that Assuming a > so we that are considering a model of habit persistence See, for Gel'fand and Vilenkin example, (1964) for a discussion of generalized stochastic processes. 25 Hansen, Heaton and Sargent (1990) show that the optimization problem with this modification is well defined. 2fi Sundaresan (1989) and Detemple and Zapatero (1989) investigate whether habit persistence results in consumption in the sense that habit "smooth" persistence may lower the volatility of consumption for a given volatility in the endowment process. 27 Throughout this section, the models were fit using the frequency domain approximation to the likelihood function suggested by Hannan (1970). 28 For empirical Ferson (1989) investigations and Heaton (1990) for of this example. type See see Constantinides also Abel discussion of a slightly different form of habit persistence pricing context. 54 (1990) in an and for a asset 29 general more A [a(l-y)/(l-yL )]s (t-4) would model so that the be habit set to stock services one year ago, two years ago and so on. 7-0 yields a test value of 0.26 unrestricted estimation). 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FIRST-ORDER AUTOCORRELATION RESTRICTED TO 0.25 Parameter Estimates Parameter 52,1 to 86,4 fi (xlO 2 ) Log-Likelihood 59,1 to 86,4 0.475 (0.052) 0.485 (0.060) 0.224 (0.016) 0.253 (0.019) 67.046 92.491 'Standard errors are in parentheses. 60 TABLE 2.2 ESTIMATES OF MA(1) MODEL FOR FIRST -DIFFERENCES OF PER CAPITA, SEASONALLY-ADJUSTED QUARTERLY CONSUMPTION UNRESTRICTED ESTIMATION OF NONDURABLES PLUS SERVICES. Parameter Estimates* Parameter 52,1 to 86,4 2 59,1 to 86,4 0.474 (0.053) 0.487 (0.059) d 0.224 (0.016) 0.252 (0.019) 8 0.062 (0.019) 0.060 (0.023) H (xlO ) Log-Likelihood 92.494 67.092 Standard errors are in parentheses. 61 TABLE 2.3 LIKELIHOOD RATIO TESTS OF TIME- SEPARABLE MODEL AGAINST HIGHER ORDER MOVING AVERAGE MODELS. SEASONALLY-ADJUSTED QUARTERLY CONSUMPTION OF NONDURABLES PLUS SERVICES Likelihood Ratio Value (P-Value) Order of Nesting Moving Average Model 52,1 to 86,4 59,1 to 86,4 2 0.091 (0.956) 0.293 (0.864) 3 5.579 (0.134) 7.326 (0.062) 4 8.711 (0.069) 11.882 (0.018) 5 13.703 (0.018) 16.928 (0.005) 62 TABLE 2.4 ESTIMATES OF MA(1) MODEL FOR FIRST-DIFFERENCES OF PER CAPITA, SEASONALLY- ADJUSTED MONTHLY CONSUMPTION OF NONDURABLES PLUS SERVICES, 59,1 TO 86 12 Parameter Estimation with 0.25 Restriction Unrestricted* on R(l)* I* (xlO ) 9 Log- Likelihood 0.156 (0.027) 0.164 (0.017) 0.248 (0.015) 0.216 (0.010) 0.047 (0.011) 211.33 Standard Errors are in parentheses. 63 254.54 TABLE 2.5 AUTOCORRELATION VALUES FOR FIRST -DIFFERENCES OF PER CAPITA, NOT SEASONALLY -ADJUSTED QUARTERLY CONSUMPTION OF NONDURABLES PLUS SERVICES, 59,1 TO 86,4 TREND AND SEASONAL DUMMIES REMOVED Order of Autocorelation Autocorrelation* 1 -0.059 (0.087) 2 -0.027 (0.083) 3 0.167 (0.107) 4 0.327 (0.080) 5 -0.073 (0.086) These were "Standard errors are in parentheses. one year of lags in the Newey-West (1987) procedure. 64 calculated using TABLE 5.1 ESTIMATES OF EXPONENTIAL DEPRECIATION MODEL FOR FIRST -DIFFERENCES OF PER CAPITA, SEASONALLY -ADJUSTED MONTHLY CONSUMPTION OF NONDURABLES PLUS SERVICES, 59,1 TO 86,12 Parameter ft (x 10 Estimated Value* 2 ) S 0.164 (0.017) 0.215 (0.010) -1.358 (0.161) Q S Log-Likelihood 254.54 Standard errors are in parentheses 65 . TABLE 5.2 ESTIMATES OF EXPONENTIAL DEPRECIATION MODEL WITH 5 - 3x(-1.36), QUARTERLY DATA. ALSO LIKELIHOOD RATIO TESTS AGAINST UNRESTRICTED MA(1) Parameter Estimates Parameter 52,1 to 86,4 I* (x 10') 0.478 (0.048) 0.492 (0.055) 9 0.225 (0.015) 0.253 (0.019) Log- Likelihood against unrestricted MA(1) L.R. 59,1 to 86,4 91.14 2.69 (0.101) "Standard errors are in parentheses Probability values are in parentheses 66 66.48 1.16 (0.281) TABLE 5.3 MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATES OF PARAMETERS FOR HABIT PERSISTENCE WITH LOCAL DURABILITY MODEL, USING FIRST- DIFFERENCES OF PER CAPITA, SEASONALLY -ADJUSTED MONTHLY CONSUMPTION OF NONDURABLES PLUS SERVICES Parameter Estimates Parameter li (x 10 2 0.156 (0.024) ) a 0.132 (0.010) S -1.558 (0.743) 7 -0.211 (0.414) a 0.438 (0.308) Log-Likelihood 256.22 Improvement in log-likelihood over pure exponential depreciation model 3.36 (0.067) (Table 4.1) b Standard errors are in parentheses Probability value using Chi-square distribution with one degree of freedom in parentheses. 67 TABLE 5.4 ESTIMATES OF HALF-LIVES IN MONTHS FOR DURABILITY AND HABIT PERSISTENCE EFFECTS WITH MONTHLY DATA Estimates Depreciation Parameter 5 0.656 (0.104) 7 3.293 (6.473) "Standard errors in parentheses 68 TABLE 6.1 ESTIMATES OF EXPONENTIAL DEPRECIATION MODEL WITH SEASONAL HABIT FORMATION FOR FIRST-DIFFERENCES OF PER CAPITA, SEASONALLY-UNADJUSTED QUARTERLY CONSUMPTION OF NONDURABLES PLUS SERVICES, 59,1 TO 86,4. ESTIMATES OF SEASONAL DUMMIES OMITTED Estimated Value* Parameter H 2 0.408 (0.074) 8 0.127 (0.010) 6 -1.802 (0.414) 0.349 (0.087) (x 10 ) Log -Likelihood 147.60 Likelihood Ratio test of pure exponential depreciation model b (see Table 13) 14.57 (0.0001) "Standard errors are in parentheses Probability values are in parentheses 69 TABLE 6.2 ESTIMATES OF EXPONENTIAL DEPRECIATION MODEL FOR FIRST -DIFFERENCES OF PER CAPITA, SEASONALLY-UNADJUSTED QUARTERLY CONSUMPTION OF NONDURABLES PLUS SERVICES, 59,1 TO 86,4 ESTIMATES OF SEASONAL DUMMIES OMITTED Estimated Value Parameter p. (x 10 2 ) 8 0.371 (0.060) 0.139 (0.011) -2.449 (0.927) o S Log-Likelihood 140.32 Standard errors are in parentheses 70 1 cn CD Z5 00' I 09*0 03'0 03"0- (Da 09*0- 00*1- •-* (D Z5 » \ Ll. \ N \ \ v \ \ \ \ \ 00" I 09*0 \ CM t Date Due Stfl i199t Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 DUPL TOAD DDbTflflS? D