HD28 DBWEf .M414 f3 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT The Imperfect Legitimation of Inequality in Internal Labor Markets Maureen Scully Assistant Professor of Management MTT Sloan School, E52-568 Cambridge, MA 02139 617-253-5070 Working Paper 3520-93-BPS January. 1993 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 i The Imperfect Legitimation of Inequality in Internal Labor Markets Maureen Scully Assistant Professor of Management MTT Sloan School. E52-568 Cambridge. MA 02139 617-253-5070 Working Paper 3520-93-BPS January. 1993 1 C (r ! f >. M.I.T. LIBRARIES The Imperfect Legitimation of Inequality in Internal This study addresses whether employees believe Labor Markets advancement that is based on merit in two non-unioni/.ed, high technology companies that have formal merit-based performance evaluation and One promotion procedures. reason companies use the language and logic of meritocracy encourage employees to work harder in the expectation of greater rewards. based procedures -indeed their very intent according to That that inequality is legitimated. that inequality is based fairly is, in merit. to implication of merit- Edwards, 1979) - critical theorists (e.g., employees may believe on differences An is that merit counts for Employees' shared belief is advancement and in the rationality of "impersonal," merit-based governance procedures been invoked by institutional economists to explain reduced turnover in internal labor markets (e.g., Doeringer & Piore, explain employee cooptation and the general lack of employee dissent 1971) and by sociologists to (e.g., Edwards, 1979). paper theoretically challenges and empirically investigates this often-invoked notion. that beliefs about merit vary by how employees fare in 1 This argue, instead, an organization's advancement contest. Those in lower positions, or those with lower mobility rates, or both are less likely to believe that merit counts in their firm, whether from a savvy born of personal experience or from a need to make enhancing attributions. In some fashion, they cope with the judgment implicitly pertbrmers in a putative meritocracy and deny the claims that merit counts. argument that the less successful doubt the role of merit is Upon hardly surprising self- upon lower cast brief reflection, an However, this simple alternative view has been theoretically overshadowed by overdetermined accounts of socialization and cooptation. This view has not been empirically investigated, specifically in a workplace setting where questions can be addressed about whether dimensions of stratification, that correlates it is position or upward mobility, quite different with the extent of belief in merit. Finally, this view has not been incorporated into new kinds of economic and sociological theories about the employment relationship,, which might look different they if employees do not believe the legitimating claims employment relationship. took seriously the possibility that a that are fair number of supposed to be the ideological glue of the The term "meritCKracy" was a satirical invention of negative consequences of a rigidly ment-based society. soberly, to late capitalist systems of status from class-based or aristocratic systems, and reward in this study, human capital variables that argue that it is has since been applied, somewhat more allocation, usually to distinguish There is them favorably a long sociological tradition, of examining whether variance in occupations and incomes merits or to class background. of the hidden in his fable which family origin and unearned advantages determine occupations and incomes (Bell, 1972, 1976). backdrop to It Young (1958) Merit variables usually include education, economists would use in wage equations. difficult to find "pure" merit variables, since test scores, is which is the attnbutable to and the kinds of Jencks and colleagues (1972) most of the measurable ones are already influenced by privileged family backgrounds and variables like marginal productivity are too hard to measure. In the sociological equations, the merit variables are contrasted to class variables, like parents' occupations liberal and family income, and also agenda of demonstrating policies are needed. Alongside that class, race, show. like hard & sex), often with the conducted surveys to see to be important in determining occupation Beliefs are of interest, in addition to, and even irrespective of, In general, national studies of beliefs (e.g., Schlozman and and sex continue to count too much and correctives this descriptive research, sociologists also what variables individuals believed United States. to ascriptive variables (race Huber & and income in the what the equations Form, 973; Kluegel & Smith, 1986; Verba, 1978) found strong endorsement (about two-thirds of respondents) that merits work and ability determine individual outcomes. Theoretical attention was directed to the formidable effectiveness of meritocratic ideology as a legitimating ideology. Researchers studying status and reward allocation have turned their attention to the features of an organization that may help explain why individuals with similar traits realize different returns to For example, the structure of job openings affects whether individuals are promoted those traits. (e.g., Mittman, 1986; Stewman & Konda, 1984; White, 1970). The study of what individuals believe to be the causes of inequality should similarly shift from the national level to the organizational level. National level studies of beliefs about inequality, despite giving the overall impression of consensus, do find variance in beliefs about the role of merit, as Mann (1970) suggests. Moreover, they find variance within the upper-class, within the middle class, and within the working class. variance may arise because individuals have dilTercnt local experiences in the their organizations. to technician, but Some of this advancement contest in For example, some members of the working class are promoted from assembler some are not; the former may be stronger believers in the role of merit. Including information about the individual's experience of being promoted or not, by conducting a study of beliefs within an organizational context, might help explain variance be unaccounted for in national surveys. This study begins this in beliefs that important would otherwise move from the national to the organizational level in the area of beliefs about meritocracy. Certainly there have been numerous studies of individual attitudes that have been conducted Studies of satisfaction and within organizations. satisfaction with promotions and willingness to work commitment often include questions about hard. However, these studies treat individuals views about hard work and rewards as neutral, atomistic calculations, relevant within the firm as a motivation problem. They do not connect with the broader stream of research on meritocracy. The broader social and political implications of employees' beliefs about whether merits are rewarded must be taken into account and give a much greater significance to findings about employees' These findings reveal not just the likelihood of employees' exerting about meritocratic claims. but beliefs more fundamentally, they reveal the extent to which a firm derives some normative legitimacy from practices rooted in the widespread cultural appeals to meritocracy in the society at large. how This As such, findings that they are doing in the firm suggest not only that new procedures may study examines employees' beliefs about merit from this standpoint. employees' beliefs vary by effort, have to be explored by the firm to bring people normatively on board, as argued from the procedural justice perspective. They also suggest that the sense-making schemes that individuals employ in committing to a firm and coping with inequality either leave the firm vulnerable to legitimacy challenges or must be understood as involving more complexity and ambivalence than binary accounts of legitimation One / delegitimation have tended to allow. possible finding is that there will be very little variance in employees' beliefs about merit. People in the higher positions in organizations should believe that merit counts, since they may interpret their own experience as one of meritocratic ascent and since bolsters their position; that it the people in the highest positions should promulgate self-reflective and even self-serving ideologies has been argued for The some time sociological literature of class" (Sennett & in social theory (e.g., Mar.x on the legitimation of Cobb, 1972) is & Engels, 1978: 64; Weber, 1971:956). inequality^ suggests that As Mann those whose energies and The literature argues, inequality abilities injuries the tendency of people in lower positions to go along with this dominant view, accept meritocratic ideology, and blame themselves and lower position. one of the "hidden deserve on organizational it, is legitimated failures when people their inferior merits for their believe that "success have only themselves to blame" comes to (1970:427). and commitment suggests that employees may be culture socialized to believe the frequent articulations of the meritocratic ideal in organizations that use Organizational culture research documents corporate versions of the rags- merit-based procedures. to-riches story (e.g., Martin, Sitkin, for the choice of who is Feldman & Hatch, 1983). promoted or not emphasize individual structural constraints identified by researchers mentioned above, the rationality of the promotion system, sustain its o, , Mt^YPr ^ Rowan, 1978) Alternatively, work on in turn. little al., is by management and merits, rather than the in order to 1982). Taken maintain the "myth" of Theories of institutionalization who would take for granted together, organizational theories can variance in beliefs about merit should be found. recent sociological writing on the experience of attributions point to the likeliness of finding variance. There traits also add to a portrait of employees practices like merit-based performance evaluations. easily build a case that rationales given motivational potential, and bolster the authority of those chosen by this system (Salancik, 1977; Pondy et (f The work and These two social psychological literatures are considered a growing body of research that describes a working class whose members are aware iDella Fave (1980:955) defines legitimation as follows, drawing on definitions employed in previous inequality (Alves Rossi, 1978; Jasso Rossi, 1980; Rainwater, 1974): "Legitimation refers to a belief on the part of a large majority of the populace that institutionalized inequality in the distribution of primary resources (Rawls, 1971) - such as power, wealth, and prestige - is essentially right and reasonable." The claim that inequality is meritocratic, and particularly that hard work and ability lead to success, is one specific contemporary form of the legitimation of inequality (e.g., Althusser, 1969; Giddens, 1973; Huber Engels, 1846; Miliband, Form, 1973; Mann, 1971; Marx 1969; Mills, 1969; Schlozman Verba. 1978). work on & & & & & of their own own interests and not easily coopted by a dominant ideology Some examples experiences. on experience-based differences in Mann include that is not corroborated by their (1970) on dissensus, Larkwood and others (1975) working class images of society, Willis (1981) on the dissident values of British working class youths, Scully (1982) on the intact self-esteem of high schoolers how sorted into the lowest tracks, Sabel (1982) on working class the struggles over the division of labor in the workplace, is well aware of role in its MacLeod (1984) on how Boston power area youths do not necessarily believe claims that hard work leads to success, Scott (1985) on everyday forms of ideological struggles by the peasantry against the powerful, upward progressions does not apply careers as orderly Thomas (1989) on how research on to the lived experience of blue collar workers, and Gamson (forthcoming) on the complexity and nuance, which should not be surprising, belief systems of The members of social psychological literature make self-enhancing successful people successful people (e.g., the working class Seligman make et al., on issues such attributions 1972). al., common as ability or hard pattern work) and whereby individuals 1991). & traits), The "fundamental own attribution error" (Jones (Murphy & successes to internal factors (such their failures to external causes (such as structural constraints or luck) & Sims, 1985; Mitchell, Green & this long-accepted social Wood, 1981, & Cleveland, psychological style of sense-making understanding the legitimation of inequality have not been drawn by social psychologists. implication is that meritocratic ideology successful inasmuch as cognitions. it & Cleveland, 1991), Ross, 1975) can be applied to the performance evaluation process (Murphy The implication of while less appeal to external constraints and biases) attribute their Research on self-serving biases in attribution (Gioia Miller action. failure predicts that appeal to internal (e.g., Nisbett, 1971), though no longer regarded as universal or fundamental describes a and affirmative on attributions about success and self- protecting attributions (e.g., 1979; Weiner et as inequality in the depends upon is their likely to fail for The in legitimating inequality to the less blaming themselves and not employing self-protecting Hypotheses Sociologists have pointed to multiple and competing systems of stratification within and outside organizations (Granovetter & Organizations have a distribution of positions, of Tilly, 1986) performance evaluations, of degree of return on human considers whether how an relates to their beliefs Beliefs about much individual about is how much how much doing in any or all rates. This study of these various local mobility contests merit counts. how merit counts are operational i zed by by having employees rate (on a 7-point scale) they believe each of five items counts for advancement: hard work, ability, performance, privilege, and luck. These items what individuals believe does and ought to Coleman & and of mobility capital, & Rainwater, 1978; Huber & An employee who Verba, 1978). are considered in & believes that the firm work, and performance as very important determinants of coming from a privileged background and luck relationships is the same work may be United States of (e.g., Smith, 1986; Mann, 1970; Schlozman is would meritocratic who rate ability, hard gets ahead in the firm, Though as not important. The items are different a variable input, and performance form a conceptually nor empirically sound makes sense not in the level studies and rate the expected pattern of for the five variables in the hypotheses below, they are treated as five separate dependent variables in this study. fixed input, hard and income affect occupation Form, 1973; Kluegel numerous national scale. is enough (e.g., ability may be a an output) that they might not In addition, as a first study of these variables, more "open" look to aggregate variables, but to take a at the it data and uncover unexpected differences (Bailyn, 1977). Hypotheses human capital, 1 to 4 relate success in and mobility to terms of position, performance evaluation, return on beliefs about merit. Hypotheses 5 to 8 address other aspects of employee's experience in the advancement contest: their recent lateral mobility, whether they have crossed a "class boundary" from hourly to salaried, whether they are a manager, and their tenure. Hypotheses 9 and 10 consider employees perceptions of a possible sex difference. their advancement, and Hypothesis 1 1 posits Success in the firm's advancement contests 1. Position in tlie organizational hierarchy. Position of success in the firm, even if may represent the ultimate attamment The best to the highest positions A individuals socially construct alternative and local indicators. rewards and the largest allocation of scarce societal resources attach person exports the rewards of organizational position - from a paycheck to social esteem - into the Locally constructed indicators of success larger society. (e.g., best assembler) do not export as well.- Job ladders and bureaucratic hierarchies have long implied a ranking of employees by merit, such that the most meritorious employees are connotation, it is at the top self-enhancing for people in role of merit luck). and Similarly, cite the role it is In a world where rank has this higher positions to believe in meritocracy and to attribute their position to their merit (and also, to background or (Weber, 1946a). deny the role of non-merit factors, such as class self-enhancing for people in lower positions to downplay the of non-merit factors. Hypothesis 1. The higher the employee's position in the firm, the more strongly he or she believes: o that hard work counts for getting ahead, o that abihty counts for getting ahead, o that performance counts for getting ahead. o that coming from a privileged background does not count for getting ahead, o that luck does not count for getting ahead. If beliefs about meritocracy do the organization and a map demand from people onto position, one might expect a crisis of legitimacy in in lower positions that people in higher positions turn over some of their "unearned" rewards. Variance in beliefs by position looks like a class-stratified belief system. ladders, may mobility, and However, internal labor markets, particularly narrowly defined jobs arranged in constrain people's social comparisons, focus people's aspirations on local upward mask vast differences in position and attendant rewards, thus preventing (intentionally or incidentally) a class -stratified belief system and the discontent it might engender. ^Discussions of inequality take many forms, but at their basis, the interesting issue is the gap between those in the highest and lowest positions. It is good not to lose sight of the fact that the highest position is the highest reward, even in the process of discussing how participants in the social system may be satisfied by other, compensatory successes, like climbing lower rungs of the ladder or receivina good performance evaluation within their job grade. 8 2. Upward Absolute position may not matter as mobility. much to individuals as their success or failure in improving their position in the hierarchy via upward mobility. organizations, their mobility rate their absolute position. and may The words of one employee are but where you're going The data success in the competition for increased rewards an internal labor market where insiders compete to levels. Methods First, there is and controls for differences higher rate than a slow, steady incumbent). employee has advanced. Rates of company and may depend in part a comparison referents Hypothesis 2. o that o that o that o that o that 3. in their to be more is higher ways rate which in (number of fast-moving newcomer has a it meanings may of the in different areas be worth looking at the absolute be more attuned to their mobility rate immediate occupational mean and three simply the absolute number of levels the so may show which captures the speed with which different arise, Third, people (to correct for the normed measure proves Second, there movement may have rate. section, in tenure (so that a on when openings ascent without the correction for can be standardized at not where you "It's an employee's mobility levels of the hierarchy transcended divided by years of tenure), rate openings that counts." upward mobility might be operationalized. relative to social fill interviewed for this study typify this view: I for this study, discussed below in the the person advances in be the more salient reward in the status attainment contest than Movement upward connotes status, particularly in For individuals area. Each person's mobility standard deviation of their group) to see if such useful for understanding variance in beliefs about merit. The greater an employee's upward mobility, the more strongly he or she believes: hard work counts for getting ahead, ability counts for getting ahead, performance counts for getting ahead. coming from a privileged background does not count for getting ahead, luck does not count for getting ahead. Relative return on education and tenure. This variable failure in terms of specific social education, their starting human comparison referents. capital, to the firm.^ is another indicator of success or Individuals bring different amounts of Individuals may not expect to do as well as those ^Other studies have addressed whether education itself is distributed meritocratically or not. The firm inherits already educated individuals, and personnel managers sometimes take pains to argue that they and the firm are not in a position to correct for past inequalities of opportunity. who but more bring do expect to capital, in the do as well as similar others, become Vice not expect to form of education or years of experience, President (despite popular Horatio Alger stories about such he or she should expect to become Lead Technician have done so. on education and tenure believe less strongly that Hypothesis advancement contest, may lor example, a person with a high school diploma rises), but a return to the if meteoric others with a high school degree that is relatively too low should make an individual ment guides advancement. The greater an employee's return on education and tenure, the more strongly he or she 3. believes: o o a o o hard work counts for getting ahead. that that ability counts for getting ahead. performance counts for getting ahead. coming from a privileged background does not count for getting ahead. luck does not count for getting ahead. that that tliat how This measure comes closest to capturing individual's "actual" merits, but also reveals just difficult it for lack of 4. is to answer the question of whether the companies good measures of in this study "really are" meritocracies, merit. Performance evaluation. The performance evaluation process individuals in the same job area like privilege in a may and way they may latter relate to luck. not two variables whether they attribute success Employees know know what most directly pits against one another and assigns relative winners and losers. Employees' sense of how well they are doing might be tightly tied evaluation and is their in the to their recent performance firm to merit or to non-merit factors performance evaluation (often a number from their exact mobility rate or their relative return are constructed by researchers), so it may prove on human to be the best 1 to 5) capital (these measure for understanding beliefs about merit. Hypothesis 4. she believes: a that o that o that o that o that The higher an employee's last performance evaluation rating, the more strongly he or hard work counts for getting ahead. ability counts for getting ahead. performance counts for getting ahead. coming from a privileged background does not count for getting ahead. luck does not count for getting ahead. 10 other advancement experiences in the firm Lateral moves (recent). Lateral moves can create a sense of movement, perhaps whether 5. or not the individual is making real headway up the vertical ladder of the organization. (1987) found that job ladders represent idealized routes of movement, but in practice, between ladders are as frequent and can improve career prospects. the mobility variables discussed so scale. Recent lateral moves far, moves Lateral still lateral moves are not captured in which chart only movement up hierarchical (within the past three years) are the ones that DiPrete levels of the pay hold the promise of converting into upward mobility opportunities (whereas this promise for lateral moves of several may have years ago expired). 5. The greater the number of lateral moves an employee has made(in more strongly he or she should believe: o that hard work counts for getting ahead. Hypothesis the past three years), the o tfiat ability counts for getting ahead. o that performance counts for getting ahead. o that coming from a privileged background does not count for getting ahead. o that luck does not count for getting ahead. Crossing a class boundary. 6. Internal labor markets often have multiple ports of entry. Hourly workers and salaried workers enter bottom of the engineering start at the for hourly production to salaried worker. at different starting ladder, and technical workers. which It is is pay grades. For example, engineers already higher than the top rung of the ladder difficult for hourly Essentially, they face a ceiling on their mobility prospects. DiPrete (1988) found that crossing a boundary from the lower to upper moment significant who have in a career history tiers For those crossed this particularly salient boundary, this single event, irrespective of other indicators may condition strongly their sense of success. Hypothesis 6. If an individual has crossed the boundary from hourly more strongly: o that hard work counts for o o o o and Soule of the civil service was a and the greatest source of disadvantage for women. of mobility, believe workers to cross the boundary to salaried, he or she should getting ahead. that ability counts for getting ahead. that performance counts for getting ahead. that coming from a privileged background does not count for getting ahead. that luck does not count for getting ahead. 11 definitive aspect of being a make manager a person defend the practice, Following Pfeffer's (1981) organizational symbols, more Whether the employee Being a manager. 7. likely a manager might inlTuence having to conduct performance evaluations, which might mostly for the authority it confers (Dornbusch argument, people in managerial positions some of which symbolize & Scott, 19' manage in the organization that the firm is meritocratic; the managers become abilitv counts for getting ahead. performance counts for getting ahead. coming from a privileged background does not count for getting ahead, luck does not count for getting ahead. Predictions about the role of tenure in understanding beliefs in the firm. tinged by researchers' prior on whether firms tend to be meritocratic. If basically meritocratic, despite occasional, local deviations, then one would predict to see this pattern tenure and belief that the firm emerge is after longer tenure meritocratic. meritocratic, predictions about tenure Conversely, would stem from one believes if one believes a chronicle of how becomes disillusioned of such deviations. relationship between tenure and belief that the firm is that the firm is that that the firm when seeing deviations from merit at the repetition may be employees and predict a positive relationship between gives the firm the benefit of the doubt this A Managers should believe more strongly: hard work counts for getting ahead, Tenure would begin beliefs themselves to be persuaded by these symbols. Hypothesis 7. o that o that a that o that o that 8. if is is The latter second view, since reviews of performance evaluation practices suggest Of basically not employee criteria, but initially eventually account suggests a negative Hypothesis 8 meritocratic emerges. firms to find and consistently use unbiased measures of merit. the is it is is based on extremely difficult for course, a third possibility is that individual employees have different experiences of gradual confirmation or disconfirmation that merit applies as they remain with a firm, and thus no significant effect in one direction or the other emerges for tenure. Hypothesis 8. The longer an employee's tenure in the firm, the weaker his or her belief: o that hard work counts for getting ahead. a that ability counts for getting ahead, o that performance counts for getting ahead. o that coming from a privileged background does not count for getting ahead, o that luck does not count for getting ahead. 12 Perceptions of advancement 9. Perceived relative mobility. mentioned, they may not know Individuals' actual mobility their mobility rate or believe it is measured above. However, as something to be Their different. perceived advancement may, therefore, relate more strongly to their beliefs about merit. Hypothesis 9. The better an employee perceived his or her mobility to be, the more strongly he or she believes: o that hard work counts for getting ahead. o that ability counts for getting ahead. o that performance counts for getting ahead. o that coming from a privileged background does not count for getting ahead. o that luck does not count for getting ahead. 10. Disappointment aiM>ut performance evaluation. Some employees who receive performance evaluation a meritocracy, even may if it accept that their is one in it reflects their lesser merits which they are doing less well. and believe a low that the firm is Other employees may be disappointed that their performance evaluation should have been higher. This discrepancy may relate negatively to the belief that merit counts. Hypothesis 10. The greater the discrepancy between the performance evaluation an employee felt he or she deserved and the actual performance evaluation received {i.e., the greater the disappointment), the weaker his or her belief: o that hard work counts for getting ahead. o that ability counts for getting ahead. o that performance counts for getting ahead. o that coming from a privileged background does not count for getting ahead. o that luck does not count for getting ahead. Demographics and controls 11. Sex. The tendency the socialization of girls and to make women self-enhancing attributions suggests that evaluations of them and to accept blame Nelson, & Enna, 1978; Dweck & when they Goetz, 1978). women are may more differ by women, Research on likely to internalize others' receive poor ratings (e.g., Therefore, sex. Dweck, Davidson, irrespective of position, may more likely to believe in meritocratic ideology, an exploratory prediction that this study examines. Hypothesis 11. Female employees will believe more strongly: o that hard work counts for getting ahead. o that ability counts for getting ahead. o that performance counts for getting ahead. o that coming from a privileged background does not count for getting ahead. o that luck does not count for getting ahead. be 13 Occupational and firm controls. individual le% el Table 1 This study examines mechanisms that work and makes no a priori predictions about firm or occupation (all at the effects. working paper) summarizes the hypotheses. tables appear at the end of this Method Survey design I developed and administered a questionnaire to measure the preceding variables. The survey includes attitudinal variables measured using 7-point Likert-type scales.'^ For the five dependent variables, respondents answered questions about how much the thought each item (hard work, performance, privilege, and luck) counted for advancement A not count, 7=counts very much. pretest, involving eight four from one of the companies, indicated that wording some of the variance, since "does not count at all" advancement was also measured using a 7-point very much). 1 in the firm. ability, (The scale used was: l=does respondents not from the companies and as "does not count very was perceived much" truncated to be the other endpoint.) scale (l=have not advanced at all, Perceived 7=have advanced For the other "perception" variable, employees were asked what performance evaluation they thought they deserved. The other employment at the variables were calculated from information each history, including their company, the current year. from to 4). most recent performance evaluation (l=low, 5=high), starting position in the mobility can be calculated. They The number of From their start date company, and current position, from which tenure and also supplied the job recent lateral their starting employee provided about titles they had for the three years preceding moves was constructed from and current positions, I this information (it ranges could calculated whether they had "crossed '^Caution is certainly warranted in using ordinal variables as dependent variables, even though this usage has a long history in the social sciences. I was concerned that coefficients might understate the relationship, particularly of issue in interpreting whether position is not significant. Subsequent to the analyses reported herein, I recoded the dependent variables (0= 1,23,4 and 1 = 5,6,7) and performed logistic regressions. The pattern of results was the same, and position was not significant (nor was it significant when position itself was recoded into fewer categories). 14 a class boundary" from hourly (non-exempt) to salaned (exempt); passage was particularly prized at these Though employees supplied etc.) are my interviews revealed that this companies the input data, the actual measures (of mobility, lateral moves, calculated by the researcher, and as such, these can be considered "quasi-objective" measures. The inclusion of such measures coefficients likely mitigates concern about when independent and dependent variance (i.e., inflated variables are both attitudinal measures obtained Common from the same instrument) (Spector, 1987) common method method variance must be kept in mind, however, for the relationship between perceived advancement and beliefs about merit (even though these questions were asked several pages apart on the survey). Selection of two companies The study of employees' beliefs about merit is most relevant for companies that have two features of internal labor markets: merit-based promotion systems that are part of the governance structure and promotion from within. Promotion contests most organizations" (Baker, Jensen markets can use different will move up criteria & "are used as the primary incentive device in Murphy, 1988:600) - such as the organizational ladder^ for a number of merit, need, or seniority - reasons. Internal labor for the determination of who Lawler (1971:158) documents "many companies' very frequent claims that their pay systems are based on merit," despite, he continues, evidence from several studies of a low correlation between pay and performance. Cleveland (1991) suggest that evaluation. 90% of private organizations use & recently. Murphy and some form of formal performance Promotions are ideally supposed to allow firms to match individuals with jobs for which they are well-suited, although this matching Jensen More Murphy, 1988; Sorenson The two firms that & may involve occasional or even systematic errors (Baker, Kalleberg, 1981). were selected for this study (of twelve firms approached) matched on a in the periphery of the economy may make no pretense of offering merit-based or other criteria; they simply offer work and pay, particularly to unskilled workers who may have no other choices. ^Of course, sweatshops and establishments 15 number of important charactenstics, including: both are in the 500 employees and at least (which makes it more same industry (high technology), have are at least 15 years old (so the job paths are stable), are not unionized likely that merit rather than seniority the formally is promotion (Freeman (1982)), conduct regular performance evaluations for espoused basis for in part to identify candidates promotion from within, and have multiple levels of blue- and white-collar job grades. As I learned more about the two firms, of potential interest for this study. Because of ratings. this practice, I found that they did not match on one characteristic I Company A uses a forced normal distribution of performance expect a steeper relationship evaluation and belief that merit counts Where at Company A between performance a forced normal distribution value high ratings more strongly (because they have more value where there is is used, people might no rating inflation and high ratings are scarce), but not take seriously lower ratings (because they are artifactual of the constraint on managers more reason attribute to to attribute them fill the bottom categories). Thus, those them to lack of merit. equations (Firm A to merit, and those dynamic If this who is at who get the best ratings have the more reason get the lowest ratings have work, the interaction term that all I will add to to the x performance evaluation received) should be positively related to beliefs about merit. Survey administration and response issues The survey was (called distributed to Company A and Company mailed survey, but still low enough 845 employees The response B). in two firms rate to the that have internal labor markets survey was 51.8%, not unusual for a that sources of response bias warranted examination. a logistic regression to predict non-response, following the method in 1 performed Berk (1983), and found that none of the available variables significantly differentiated between respondents and non-respondents. 1 was limited to variables for which I had information on non-respondents: detailed work group, location code, and sex (the companies were not able to provide employment history, and of course, data on beliefs is me with additional information about always missing for non-respondents). had information on the distribution of performance evaluations for the entire population. 1 A also Chi- 16 squared showed test purpose of that this study, it my is sample was not significantly different from the population. particularly good that neither For the winners nor losers in the performance evaluation contest are over- or under-represented. Results This section: 1) presents the descriptive findings about beliefs and compares respondents' beliefs about merit in the firm versus in the U.S., the preliminary concern that 2) addresses respondents think merit ought to count, 3) creates the mobility rates normed for occupational group, 4) computes the relative return on education and tenure by regressing them on position, 5) presents the results of the examination of Hypotheses which proves to be an important variable 1 to 11, 6) examines whether perceived advancement, for understanding beliefs in merit, is correlated with actual advancement, and 7) considers whether ambivalence about merit better characterizes some respondents. Pattern of t)eliefs about merit Tables 2 and 3 show the means, standard deviations, and correlations for variables study. Responses to the questions about merit show there variables, although the mean and luck (on the same meritocratic. variation in beliefs about the five merit level of belief in the merit factors (about not count" to "counts very much") compared to the privilege is scale), suggests mean in this 5 on a 7-point scale from "does level of belief in the "non-merit" items, an overall tendency toward belief that the firm is Table 4 shows the frequency distribution of responses to the merit questions. This study was motivated by national level studies of beliefs about inequality. studies, the links between beliefs about national This study has some preliminary data on this issue. In future and organizational mobility can be tied together. Individuals meritocratic and that their workplace, about which they have may more believe that the U.S. sjjecific information, is generally is less so. I expected this pattern, particularly since questions about opportunity worded more specifically 17 generate lower levels of belief (eg perceive there is . Schlozman & Verba, 1978) inequality in the U.S. ("out there"), but my own Alternatively, situation in which would be consistent with Lemer's (1980) theory of people's views of a latter pattern is It firm is what 1 "just world." is fair, In fact, this find for this sample. meritocratic than that the United States in the be that people my own company appears, looking at the means in Table 5, that employees believe and privilege may it is meritocratic more strongly Statements about ability, that the hard work, United States generate a lower mean and about the same variance as statements about ability, hard work, and pnvilege in the more specific context of the workplace. In addition, the beliefs about the national and the organizational opportunity structure appear to be only moderately correlated. Particularly since both questions one might e.xpect a higher correlation simply as an artifact were asked in the same survey, of the method. It appears instead that employees' beliefs about merit in one context do not strongly relate to or inform their beliefs about merit in the other context. Whether respondents think merit ought Before proceeding, it is to count necessary to check that the merit items (hard work, ability, performance) are what individuals generally think ought to count for advancement and that the nonmerit items (privilege, luck) ought not to count. This difference results, for example, count in the What I first if is important for interpreting the employees do not think hard work counts, but they do not think place, then the interpretation should not suggest some kind of it ought to crisis of legitimacy. have called "non-merit" items should be undesirable deviations from meritocracy, not normatively desirable bases for deciding advancement. item ought to count, on a 7-point scale. distinction. I asked respondents to rate how much each Their responses confirm the posited merit / non-merit Merit items are rated high in the normative questions, and non-merit items are related low. Table 6 shows the means and standard deviations. 18 Construction of the measure of upward mobility relative to job category This variable a is used as one of the three measures of mobility for Hypothesis measure of each individual's mobility 7. Because this variable relative to others in the same job category, specifications of mobility should be used However, future work using this data if not is it the made a human used in testing Hypothesis regressed position on education and tenure. on education and tenure A shown 8. in Table Table The simpler value. might give more emphasis to organizational social groupings Construction of the measure of relative return on Harder (1992)). in more nuanced ones do not add explanatory by Baron and Pfeffer (1989) return constructed shown focus of this study that give rise to local social comparisons, as urged is as I proves to be only marginally significant in the equations in this study, and other measures of mobility are stronger, This variable 2. 3. To capital calculate relative return on human capital I saved the residual to measure each individual's relative I (similar to the procedure used in Pfeffer higher residual represents relative "over-attainment." Separate regression equations for and Lawler (1980) and Results of this procedure are Company A and Company B are shown (and the second of the two equations for each company just shows other exploratory measures of human capital that were not retained for conceptual or empirical reasons). Theoretically, it makes sense to run separate equations for the two companies, because individuals have within-firm information about how their position compares with relatively high or low. for Company A is that of others of similar education Therefore, their return much higher than the education and tenure explain much more is R^ calculated relative to others in the for Company B is the log of of the variance in position in Because of the better to fit not great in this study (studies where highly skewed income income to improve linear fit for same (.669 versus .175). education and tenure on the log of position does not improve the position and tenure and whether for is firm. it is The R^ Differences in Company A. Company B; the skew in Regressing the dependent variable use fit). Company A, relative return on education and tenure have a stronger relationship to perceived advancement for employees in Company A. may That prove is, in 19 Company A, an employee whose return on education and tenure too low relative to his or her is colleagues might be more aware of this under-altainment in a context where education and tenure align more closely with contrast, in in the Company company, so position, differently in the it may diminish his or her perceived advancement In B, other unmeasured variables appear to contribute to the variance in ptisition relative return To examine advancement and and on education and tenure may be of I include an interaction term - Firm the equations that estimate perceived advancement. This term importance for perceived on education and tenure operates the possibility that relative return two companies, less A x the attainment residual - in not significant and is is not shown in the final results in Table 9. Examination of Hypotheses to 11 1 Results for Hypotheses performance 1 to 7 are shown This study finds not only that perceived in the firm's mobility contest is significant for also that absolute position in the hierarchy equation for in Table 9. how much privilege counts, suggests that the organization is is generally not significant which significant relationships Position in tlie is (it is only significant in the discussed further below). Again, this pattern not vertically divided between believers in meritocracy nearer the top and disbelievers nearer the bottom. Rather, there In general, the equations understanding beliefs about merit, but are relative believers do not explain much of must be viewed against is in every level. the variance (less than ten percent) in beliefs, so this finding. organizational hierarcliy. Hypothesis positively to believing that advancement and disbelievers meritocratic. to variance in beliefs about the three merit items The 1 results - hard work, argues that position should relate show ability, that position does not relate and performance - nor about the role of luck. However, position does matter is for beliefs about how much privilege counts. The relationship in the predicted negative direction. This finding says that people in higher positions believe less strongly that privilege contributes to success, while people in lower positions believe that privilege counts. The belief that privilege does count is a potentially more strongly more radicalizing belief 20 than the belief that hard work, abihty, or privilege does not count, so found but not the Because privilege latter. is interesting that the former counts, either people might be neutral about it it because it is is ment the counter-normative alternative to the idea that is language, or they have strong opinions about it unfamiliar and not part of corporate (strongly positive or negative, depending upon their position). Performance evaluation. Performance evaluation relates only to luck The better the performance evaluation someone receives, the do worse in the contest to get the limited the attribution that luck determines less strongly they believe that luck counts. Those who good performance evaluations may find some comfort who does In interviews, best. in some of those who received excellent performance evaluations graciously acknowledged that there was certainly an element of luck, particularly since performance (on the shop floor or at a desk) anonymity of a survey, they appear is difficult to measure. In the to have been less likely to attribute importance to luck. Perceived mobility. As predicted in Hypothesis 9, perceived mobility has a significant positive relationship to hard work, ability, and performance and a significant negative relationship to luck and privilege. five equations. One It is the only variable that shows significant effects in the predicted direction in all of the main findings of this study is that perceived mobility is significant for understanding beliefs about merit. Performance evaluation discrepancy. Higher discrepancies (deserved minus actual performance evaluation) indicate greater disappointment with the performance evaluation received. This variable is significant in the predicted direction in two equations (hard work and luck) and marginally significant in two equations (performance and privilege). Employees who are more disappointed feel less strongly that hard work and performance count, and feel more strongly that privilege and luck count. Upward mobility, relative return on tenure boundary, being a manager. and education, lateral Contrary to the predictions in Hypotheses these variables have a significant relationship to beliefs about merit. moves, crossing a class 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7, none of All these variables have the advantage, discussed above, of being "quasi-objective" measures of individuals' employment 21 experience and history. While this is a mcthcxlological advantage, it may also mean inasmuch that, as these variables are constructed by the researcher and not reported by employees, these variables do An employee may not not reflect some understanding the respondent has of his or her experience. need to "make sense of" these experiences by believing to a greater or lesser extent merit if these experiences are not salient in the An alternative interpretation perhaps with some noise. may is first place. that these experiences This possibility is in the role ol do contribute advancement, to perceived The perceived advancement explored below. already capture the role of these variables. Tenure. Tenure has a significant negative relationship both to the belief employees may work that hard counts and to the belief that ability counts, in the direction predicted in Hypothesis just variable Newer 8. with a belief that hard work and ability are rewarded, perhaps because they have start come from school or start with new priors that their new company is a meritocratic place. longer tenure, employees believe less strongly that hard work and ability count. Their beliefs decrease with tenure, perhaps because as options close and careers settle to a certain pace, they feel that their own hard work and ability is not, is Sex. Sex not simply true for people is This result performance who when mobility is controlled for. The are frustrated about not being mobile. not related to beliefs about merit, contrary to Hypothesis 11. Occupation. counts. may on the margin, delivering better advancement. Tenure per se must be driving negative relationship, which remains even effect of tenure With is Employees who are in Production are less likely to believe that surprising, since the stereotypical view of Production measures on which to base evaluations and is that performance has more usable it advancement do than the business/administrative or engineering occupations, which are thought to include more projects that are ambiguous, long-term, or accessible only by similarly skilled members of what Williamson and Ouchi (1981) call a "clan." In fact, what precisely because performance arbiter of who is may be going on is that Production employees can measurable and not socially constructed, that performance is see, not the gets ahead. Firm. Only one main effect of firm is found. Employees in Company A are less likely to 22 believe that hard work counts. The may structure of the performance evaluation system contribute to this belief. Interaction of is steeper for Firm A and performance evaluation. The Company A (the interaction term for Perhaps many employees evaluations limits the number who can evaluations to some. Those significant). strongly that hard in determining who gets A and performance evaluation is and positive they work hard, but the forced normal distribution of feel get the highest evaluation and forces managers to give low Company A who do work counts than those who get stuck with the poor ratings in Firm slope for performance evaluation Company A Company get the top evaluations in B. are even less likely to believe that hard (Dummy which evaluations. performance evaluation can be included well in this competition believe even in future work variables for to estimate And those more who work counts for four of the five levels of more precisely the return to performance evaluation.) Overall, perceived advancement explained in these five equations. advancement relates to actual important for the small amount of variance in beliefs is The next section considers the extent to advancement, particularly in which perceived light of the surprising finding that none of the "quasi-objective" measures of employees' experiences in the advancement contests in the firm is significant. The relationship of actual advancement experiences to perceived advancement This study proposes that individuals might cope with meritocracy by embracing the belief in Another way in which they might cope merit to differing degrees. While true success in advancement contests is limited, individuals is to believe they are successful. may perceive themselves to be successful, whether because of inflated impressions or because other kinds of success are possible in a variety of local contests. person who may assist the individual. For example, a has not experienced any upward mobility in an organization might nonetheless feel successful if he or she has done. Local constructions of success made Indeed, the current frequent lateral move toward moves flatter that add interesting change to the work to be organizations and more job rotation requires 23 corporations to encourage employees to regard such moves as real, not illusory or consolatory, representations of success, while a critical sociological approach might regard these "satisfying" lateral moves as mere (eg, Baron illusions of mobility & Bielby, 1986); these normative views are not adjudicated herein. It worse to the extent better or answer (e.g.. seems very straightforward is not as trivial as Kinder & it that their may to predict that individuals perceive their advancement has actually been at first appear. Sears, 1985), as is The the relationship links advancement to be relatively better or worse. This between experiences and beliefs is complex between behaviors and attitudes (eg., Ajzen & Fishbein, 1977). Psychologists have identified factors that might attenuate the relationship between experiences and perceptions. Motivations and nurture "positive may might naturally want to deny intervene: people illusions" (Taylor, 1988) about their success. These mechanisms notwithstanding, I expect that, at the workplace, people's perceptions of their mobility will be fairly well in line with their actual mobility may be hard to sustain. The evidence of how well one is doing At the workplace, positive illusions is constantly present, whether in the form of a weekly paycheck, of promotion announcements of peers, or of having a superior vested with the greater authority of a higher position. to take orders one to adduce to predict simply the appropriate is that actual relative mobility experience relates to perceived relative mobility experience, this view of the particularities of the workplace suggests a significant Perceived advancement relative return is on human capital, performance evaluation, The results are moves, crossing a shown in Table Advancement experiences other than upward mobility, experiences be considered ancillary to upward mobility, are included alone the second equation, the addition of for lateral and 1 1 Overall, actual experiences explain about twenty percent of the variance in perceived advancement. method link. regressed on the variables from the preceding analysis - position, boundary, being a manager, tenure, sex, occupation, and firm. discussed below. from These reminders may make denial or positive illusions a tenuous coping strategy. While no particular body of theory upward mobility, failure upward mobility comparing nested models in in the first rate significantly that may of the three equations. improves R^ In (following the Wonnacott and Wonnacott (1977:434-436). The other 24 factors alone do not explain perceived advancement as well as the equation including the most direct measure of actual advancement, although they can explain about sixteen percent of the variance in In the third equation, demographics and controls are included, but none perceived advancement. contribute significantly. Position in tlie organizational hierarchy. The findings show that position does not relate to As above, perceived advancement. the lack of a significant role for position suggests that perceptions of success are not vertically stratified and clustered at the top. It is possible that the nature of the dependent variable prompts respondents to think in terms of how they have advanced, rather than where they have arrived. A broader question about satisfaction with one's status in the firm might have produced a significant relationship with position. In terms of the mobility contest specifically, a higher position does not apjsear to relate to a greater sense of success in the mobility contest. Performance evaluation. Performance evaluation has a significant positive relationship to Those who get higher evaluations perceive that their perceived advancement, in all three equations. Many advancement overall has been good. performance evaluations, and in my interviews, I studies found find that that employees process (e.g., Ilgen & to this & Feldman, 1983; Murphy and perceived procedural fairness of what is cynical about employees who had gotten high and low ratings insisted they did not take performance evaluations very seriously. improving performance evaluations responds are Much of the literature on cynicism and focuses on how to improve the Cleveland, 1991) in order to increase the credibility taken to be an unfortunate aspect of the organizational governance structure. The strong positive relationship between performance evaluation and perceived advancement in this study suggests that people entirely cynical about the signal so entirely mollified by fair it who sends and people receive high performance evaluations who may not be receive low performance evaluations are not procedures that they perceive themselves to be doing just as well. Relative return on education and tenure. Relative return on education and tenure (also labeled "attainment residual") had only a marginally significant positive relationship to perceived advancement and was not significant with all the controls added. As discussed above, the advantage of being a quasi-objective measure constructed by the researcher. At this variable has the same time. 25 because survey, it constructed by the researcher rather than obtained as an attitudinal measure from the is it has the disadvantage that measure from which it may be, however, that employees college or who in are commonly used in social science who if survey research. these courses were pitched as ways may compare to their attainment to improve one's research can pursue multiple and more detailed measures of this variable, which significantly related both to perceived Upward movement variables, advancement and to beliefs Future career. may prove to be about merit. Actual upward mobility rate had a significant positive relationship to mobility. perceived advancement. It get a degree in a particular subject at a nearby take a particular on-site course to upgrade their skills one another, particularly for the an organization make more detailed comparisons about more For example, people specific types of training. The education was derived asked only about terminal degrees (except this variable "some college" category); these categories may not tap the social reality of the res[X)ndent (The equations were also run including, which was significant others in one's job category," which is in the equations, in separate turns, the absolute and the variable "mobility relative only marginally significant.) This seemingly simple result to is a contribution of this study, because this relationship has been assumed or overlooked, but not empirically demonstrated. While appealingly simple, Lateral moves (recent). That advancement. lateral moves can for example, was not a foregone conclusion. this result This variable has a significant, positive relationship to perceived this variable is significant in addition to actual upward mobility suggests that contribute independently of actual mobility to the perception of advancement. two employees both have zero overall mobility rates, but one has made two lateral If, moves recently, that person should perceive slightly better advancement, despite the fact that the stark zero mobility rate is true for both. (49.7%) report no recent 4 moves. That This lateral is, move In this sample, of the 177 lateral employees who have zero mobility moves,, while 66 (37.3%) report half the people with zero upward movement 1 rates, 88 move, and 23 (13.0%) report 2 to report at least contributes positively to their perceived advancement and them the lower perceived advancement they would have on the Crossing a class boundary. 1 may recent lateral move. partly ameliorate for basis of their zero mobility rate alone. The experience of crossing a class boundary contributes 26 positively to the perception of advancement This result is consistent with interviewees' reports that number of positive experience, even controlling for actual this is a particularly salient levels advanced. Tenure. included. First, Two Tenure is not significantly related to perceived mobility once may increase an employee's sense of general satisfaction, including feelings about advancement. Chinoy (1956) found workers and attributed it this positive relationship of tenure to satisfaction for automobile to longer tenured employees' efforts to reduce their cognitive dissonance over staying in a boring job with low mobility for a long time. tenure, employees who have not And Second, in contrast, I favor arguments have a negative relationship specifically to perceived advancement. had a spurt of mobility may yet particularly since significant mobility appears to 1979). the controls are explanations pose competing predictions about the direction of the effect of tenure. longer tenure that tenure will all with longer tenure, employees happen who have been mobile and may chances diminishing, earlier in a career in a firm & Konda, 1984; White, experience their mobility as too slow. effects are in operation for different people, they (Rosenbaum, are near the top of their ladder (Stewman or the top of the firm face fewer available openings above them 1970), and, despite their position, they feel their With longer would cancel any straightforward If both these significant effect of tenure. It is unexplained. worth bearing A in simpler look mind at the that much of the variance in perceived advancement mobility helps to explain left data shows an asymmetric tendency for people to "over-perceive" themselves to be advancing well, relative to their actual mobility lateral is why rate. The there might be a general tendency for they are doing somewhat better than they actually are. The two role of a variable like employees variables, perceived to perceive advancement and mobility rate, are cross-tabulated in Table 12, demonstrating this asymmetry. Ambivalence about meritocracy The discussion of asymmetry above suggests sense-making about workplace experiences. that people have some cognitive agility This cognitive agility is downplayed in the in their explanations 27 for why sound may people believe that hard work counts and like who people believe in hard work do why people believe that luck counts, which not believe in luck and vice versa. not have such internally consistent perspectives. However, what may characterize people's ambivalence may be crucial for understanding does not seem to result work counts; indeed, "ambivalent," but do not this difficult On may This ambivalence the margin, at least, hard ambivalence to resolve background. is that ability counts other in national level status attainment studies answers to the questions about ability (e.g., am I fact, calling these people two items I "ambivalents," and "agnostics" (who believe in neither). that label if label people's assessment of coming from too. how A more a privileged have been pitted against each et al., 1979). and privilege to see who But luck can count but so does Jencks representing four overall ideological views, which is In also believe that hard reflect a reasonable work does count. Ability and privileged background are the possible groups may term pejoratively, as have some social scientists beliefs inconsistent or incoherent. things work. that luck counts balanced view would be quite a sensible one mean some a particular items counts ambivalence across items is is the dissensus sprinkled throughout the system The people who believe in dissent. this why beliefs how much it In tact, people This study has iu^gucd that there dissensus about meritocratic ideology, looking at dissensus over make 1 cross-tabulated people's there were people in all four cells, "true believers," "true disbelievers," Table 13 shows that each of the conceptually empirically represented in this sample. Future research on ambivalence is warranted. Conclusions and Implications One implication of these findings legitimating ideology precisely because is their own fault, as a legitimating it is that meritocratic ideology invites those that disbelief is inherently flawed as a doing poorly, not to believe that their position ideology would do, but to protect their esteem and question the ideology, as psychological theories suggest people would do. is is What 1 call the "irony generated precisely by the nature of meritocratic claims. The and differentially rewarding employees necessarily designates some employees as of meritocracy" practice of ranking relative "losers" in 28 the meritocratic contest and places them employees may accept meritocratic ideology and blame themselves and failures in the merit contest (only a small variables in this study). This argument employees who do is amount of the variance in beliefs in this study is explained by the is consistent with advance the alternative possibility that less well reject meritocratic claims. This argument appeals to a different view of They are not too easily fooled, they are cognitively employees emerging in the sociological literature: agile in their search for self-enhancing attributions about their position particular experiences in may of these their inferior merits for their based on one view of employees and The hypotheses theories of perfect legitimation Some into lower positions or slower mobility paths. an ILM inform their particular beliefs. By and mobility rate, and their touting meritocratic claims, firms inadvertently but systematically demoralize a segment of their workers, precisely in the attempt to build their The commitment. findings in this study suggest that firms are not characterized by perfect legitimation. Since there are some disbelievers in meritocracy in the firm, the interesting question that follows whether there is a crisis of legitimacy for the firm. retain a stable status and mobility disbelievers will be dispersed. the mobility contest. This study suggests two ways in which firms might quo despite some degree of de-legitimation. beliefs about meritocracy is of). mobility rates relate to who won and some is, after all, - may reduce Second, employees' dependence on the firm for their willingness to dissent, despite dissatisfaction preserve a stable status quo. The many I things - from affiliation, and relationship of beliefs about merit, versus other forms of attachment from this survey. idea of "imperfect legitimation" prompts a different view of legitimation and a different view of ILMs. At However, lost with inequality, and to the firm, to dissent is a subject that will be treated in another analysis of the data The who what theories of legitimation were income, job security, deferred compensation, and benefits to friendships, emotional familiarity people another form of the balkanization of the workforce and would probably tend to prevent collective dissent (which invented to explain the lack First, if rates are distributed through all levels of the firm, then the Every level will have some people This pattern is first, "imperfect legitimation" may appear to be less stable than perfect legitimation. suggest that the coexistence of belief and disbelief in an ILM may be easier to sustain than 29 complete belief collapse If A in legitimating claims. when employees such questioning is state of perfect legitimation may be precarious, it see disconfirming evidence that causes questioning of meritocratic claims. already going on, however, then employees to moral outrage and a push for changes. it is harder to see what ILMs may it would take to spur provide stability to firms that use them, but not simply or largely because they include governance structures that promise advancement and more complicated infer that thereby gain the normative Some employees may from the seeming may stability commitment of employees. endorse the firm's meritocratic claims. and success of any given firm that uses ILM The picture fair may be But we should not practices that achieved legitimation, "false consciousness," bureaucratic control, or normative commitment. it has 30 WORKING BIBLIOGRAPHY Abercrombie, N., Unwin. 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Luck + p < .10, 1.000 1.000 1.000 -0.316*** 0.057 -0.081 -0.001 0.080 0.119** -0.002 -0.087 0.039 0.056 -0.144*** 0.061 0.107** 0.024 -0.122** 0.015 0.014 -0.026 -0.235*** 0.038 21. 1.000 0.103** 0.040 * 20. 19. 0.011 -0.037 -0.012 p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001 • * 0.095* 1.000*** -0.133** 1.000 -0.016 0.561*** -0.032 0.467*** 0.109** -0.002 -0.194*** -0.154** 44 TaE^TTTorre^^on Matrix (cont^iuS) 22. 23. 22. Ability 1.000 23. Perform 0.488*** 24. Privilege 25. Luck + p < .10, * p < 24. 1.000 -0.261*** -0.121*** 1.000 -0.229*** -0.273*** 0.230*** .05, 25. ** p < .01, *** p < .001 1.000 45 Table 4. ) . 46 Table 5 Comparison of respondents rating of the importance of merit items in the United States and in their company. . ' Ability counts Hard work counts Privilege counts *** p < Table In the U.S. In the company Mean Mean ( s.d. 4.17 (1.45) 4.54 (1.31) 3.68 (1.40) ( 3 .d. ) 5.01 (1.33) 5.15 (1.23) 3.08 (1.99) Correlation .2828 *** .2371 *** .3320 *** .001 6. Employees' normative ratings of how much hard work, ability, performance, privilege, and luck ought to count Item Mean s.d. Items that ought to count very much according to meritocratic ideology 7-point scale in this study) a Hard work (7 on 47 Table 7. Relative mobility, by company, by job category. Job category representative titles) ( n ( % of CO. ) Percent female Mean levels advanced Range s.d. ( ) Skew Kurtosis Company A (n=147) Production assembler, material handler, technician) 1 ( 2. Administration (office support, programmer, scheduler, other non-exempt) Business (financial analyst, marketer, supervisor, manager, other exempt) 3. 4 Engineering (R&D engineer, 47 48.9 0.341 (1.160) 0-7 4.899 26.552 71.4 1.618 (1.792) 0-8 1.825 3.935 0-10 0.116 -1.602 (32.0) 35 (24.5) 34 50.0 4.382 (3.210] (25.8) 26 (17.7) 11.5 1.348 (2.124) 0-8 1.900 3.490 53 (19.1) 26.4 3.176 (2.840) 0-11 0.517 -0.607 45.9 1.787 (2.332) 0-12 1.718 4.648 26.8 1.976 (2.128) 0-9 0.806 -0.285 manufacturing engineer, quality analyst) Company B (n=278) Production: (assembler, material purchaser, technician, inspector) 1. Business/Admin (administrator, systems analyst, accountant, technical writer, trainer, other exempt 2. 61 (21.9) Engineering 164 (software engineer, (59.0) hardware engineer, manufacturing engineer, scientist) 3. . 48 Table 8. Estimates of the return on education, tenure, and other measures of human capital for Companies A and B Dependent variable: Position b value (t statistic shown in parentheses) Company B Company A (1) Education (15.227) Tenure in firm 2.195*** (16.747) 0.216*** (4.057) (2) (1) 2 .080*** (6.463) (6.124) 0.232*** (5.146) 0.714*** 0.231*** (4.564) 4.517*** (8.032) Mobility rate (2) 0.682*** 0.254*** (4.883) 0.192 (0.468) Performance evaluation Firm- specific skills (self rating) -0.174 (-0.879) -0.075 (-0.463) 0.358*** (1.469) 0.357 Productivity relative to similar others (self rating) -0.427* (-2.107) 0.059 (0.387) Constant -4.763 (-6.448] Adjusted R^ .669 -2.382 (-1.681) .776 (2.854) 7.351 (10.292) 4.817 (3.352) .175 Descriptive statistics for the saved residual (referred to as "Relative return on education and tenure") mean 0.002 2.614 -6.517 8.120 .205 4') Table 9. OLS e3timate3 of 50 Tiible 10. Suitmary of significant Table 11. OLS regression estimates of : 52 Table 12. Examination of the incidence of "mismatch" between perceived and actual mobility. Shown for each cell: Frequency % of column % of total Perceived mobility Not advanced 1,2 Mobility rate 44 ,01 to .50 .50 Column total Notes (7 point scale) Advanced somewhat 3,4,5 Advanced very much 6,7 53 Table 13. Ccmbinat 9 C 0':^'^ -J O ^j c: t; i '-^ J u MIT LIBRARIES DUPl 3 TOaO D0a5b317 M fl V ' ', .iJate Due