tNST. HD20 .M414 felAUG ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Investigating Smooth Multiple Regression by the Method of Average Derivatives Wolfgang Hardle Thomas M. Stoker WP# -^064-88 February 1987, revised April 1988 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 18 ^fc. 1988 A %:• Investigating Smooth Multiple Regression by the Method of Average Derivatives Wolfgang HSrdle Thomas M. Stoker WP# -^ee^-SS February 1987, revised April 19i , INVESTIGATING SMOOTH MULTIPLE REGRESSION BY THE METHOD OF AVERAGE DERIVATIVES'" and Thomas M. Stoker by Wolfgang Bardie February 1987, revised April 1988 It *) Institut fur Wirtschaf tstheorle II Adenauerallee 24-26 Universitat Bonn D-5300 Bonn 1 . West Germany **) MIT School of Management. E52-455 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA +) This research was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemelnschaf t Sonderf orschungsbereich 303. and a grant from the National Science Foundation. The authors wish to thank R. Carroll, D. Scott, J. Powell, several seminar audiences for helpful comments. R. Plantiko and . ABSTRACT Let (X tie '<i,V^ K 1 a random variable where y denotes a response on the vector X of predictor variables. In this paper we propose a technique (termed ADE) for studying the mean response m(x)=E(y|x) through the estimation of the k-vector of average derivatives 5=E(m'). The ADE procedure stages: involves two first estimate 5 using an estimator 6. and then estimate m(x) as m(x)=g(x 8). where g is an estimator of the univariate regression of y on x 5 We argue that the ADE procedure exhibits several attractive characteristics: data summarization through interpretable coefficients, graphical depiction of T' the possible nonlinearlty between y and x 5 , and theoretical properties consistent with dimension reduction. We motivate the ADE procedure using T examples of models that take the form m(x)=g(x $). In this framework, shown to be proportional to p, is 5 and m(x) infers m(x) exactly. The focus of the procedure is on the estimator 5, which Is based on a simple average of kernel smoothers, and is shown to be a ^ consistent asymptotically normal estimator of S. The estimator is a standard kernel g( . ) and regression estimator, and is shown to have the same properties as the kernel regression of y on x T 5 . In sum. the estimator S converges to .5 at the rate typically available in parametric estimation problems, and m(x) converges at the optimal one-dimensional nonparametric rate. We study the ADE estimators using Monte Carlo analysis, using sample designs with k=4 predictor variables. The ADE estimators perform well in samples of size N=50 generated from generated by a a linear models, and samples of size N=100 highly nonlinear model. For the latter samples, the ADE procedure is seen to have desirable goodness-of-f it and data summarization features relative to a multivariate regression smoother. ) INVESTIGATING SMOOTH MULTIPLE REGRESSION BY THE METHOD OF AVERAGE DERIVATIVES by Wolfgaiie Hardle and Thomas M. 1 . Stoker Introduction The popularity of linear modeling in empirical analysis is based, in large part, on the ease with which the results can be interpreted. This tradition influenced the modeling of various parametric nonlinear regression relationships, where the mean response variable is assumed to be a nonlinear function of a weighted sum of the predictor variables. As in linear modeling, this feature is attractive because the coefficients, or weights of the sum. give a simple picture of the relative impacts of the individual predictor variables on the response variable. of studying generaj In this paper we propose a flexible method mujtivariate regression relationships in line with this approach. Our method is to first estimate a specific set of coefficients. termed average derivatives, ana then compute a (univariate) nonparametric regression of the response on the weighted sum of predictor variables. The central focus of this paper is analysis of the average derivative. which is defined as follows. Let (x,y)=(x ^^-y) denote a random variable, i where y is the response studied. If K the mean response of y given x is denoted as (1.1) m(x) = E(y|x) then the vector of "average derivatives" is given as (1.2) 5 = E(m' where m'= am/ax is the vector of partial derivatives, and expectation is taken with respect to the marginal distribution of x. We argue in the next section ) that 8 represents sensible "coefficients" of changes in x on y. We construct a nonparametric estimator 5 of S random sample (x,,y.), i=l , based on an observed Our procedure for modeling m(x) is to first N. ~ T" N (where x compute S. form the weighted sum z.=x. 5 for i=l T is the transpose of x), and then compute the (Nadaraya-Watson) kernel estimator g( of the regression of y. m(x) (1.3) = . The regression function m(x) is then modeled as on z.. g{x^5) The output of the procedure is three-fold: a summary of the relative impacts of changes in x on y (via 3). a graphical depiction of the possible nonlinearity between y and the weighted sum x T 5 (a for computing estimates of the mean response m(x) graph of g), and a formula (from equation (1.3)). We refer to this as the ADE method, for "average derivative estimation." The exposition is designed to show that the ADE method has three attractive features: data summarization through interpretable coefficients, computational simplicity and theoretical properties consistent with dimension reduction. The statistic S is based on a simple average of nonparametric kernel smoothers, and its properties depend only on regularity properties on the joint density of (x,y), or in particular, on no functional form assumptions on the regression function m(x). The limiting distribution of >rN(5-5) The nonparametric regression estimator is multivariate normal. T" m(x)=g(x 5) is constructed from achieves the optimal rate N 2/5 k-dimensional predictor variable, but it a that is typical for one-dimensional smoothing problems (see Stone 1980). While S and g( . ) each involve choice of a smoothing parameter, they are computed directly from the data in two steps, and thus require no computer intensive iterative techniques for finding optimal objective function values. Section 2 motivates the ADE method through several applied examples. Section introduces the estimators 3 statistical properties. Section 4 5 and g and establishes their large sample discusses the results, including the relationship of the ADE method to projection pursuit regression (PPR) of Friedman and Stuetzle( 1981 and other flexible methods. The Monte Carlo study ) of Section 5 shows the ADE method to be well behaved in finite samples. Section 2. follows with some concluding remarks. 6 Motivation of the ADE Procedure The average derivative S is most naturally interpreted in situations where the influence of x on y is modeled via a weighted sum x T where p. ~ T vector of coefficients: where the regression function is m(x)=g(x a T E[dg/d(x B)]p T = In particular, where Yp. m' is a scalar Y = [di/d(x p)J p. so that . In such S = (assumed nonzero). Consequently, when T the mean response is a function of a weighted sum x p, is a ) is a there is an intimate relationship between the coefficients p and the model, average derivative 5. <5 fs p constant multiple of coefficient vector the average derivative p. An obvious example is the classical linear regression model: T y=a+x6^e. where e uncorrelated with is a random variable x. which gives 5=&. Another class of models is those that are linear up to transformations: (2.1) where <p(y) >+'(.) =>+'(x'^|3) +e is a non-constant transformation, random disturbance that is independent of — m(x)=Ei<p IT x. <t>( . ) is invertible, and e is a Here we have that T (^(x S )+e ) Cox(1964). where *( y I ) includes the model of Box- xj=g( X p). The form (2.1) = ( y^-^-l) /Xt and 4'( x^p ) =cx- [ (x^p )^^-l J/X^ • Other models exhibiting this structure are discrete regression models, where y is 1 or according to (2.2) y = ife<+(x'^P) l = if e > H'lx^p) Here the regression function m(x) is the probability that y=l. which is given T T as in(x)=Prob{e<4'( X p)|x}=g(x ^). References to specific examples of binary response models can be found in Manski and McFadden(1981 ) Standard probit . T T models are included by assuming that ^Ix p)=a+x p and e is a normal random variable (with distribution function ^) T giving m(x)=4>(a+x p). Logistic , T T regression models are likewise included; here m(x)=exp(a+x p)/[l+exp(a+x p)J. Censored regression, where 2 3) y = +(x^P) = is likewise included, + e > if +(x^p) + e if "i-lx^p) + e < T T and setting ^Kx p)=a+x p gives the familiar censored linear regression model (see Powell(1986) among others). For further examples from econometric modeling, see Stoker 1986) ( . A parametric approach to the estimation of any of these models, for instance based on maximum iikejihood. requires the (parametric) specification of the distribution of the random variable e and of the transformations and for (2.1). the transformation <p( . ) . >*'(.). Substantial bias can result if any of these features is incorrectly specified. Nonparametric estimation of 5=Yfs avoids such restrictive specifications. In fact, - T the form m(x)=g(x p) generalizes the "generalized linear models (GLIM)": see McCullagh and Nelder( 1983) . These models have g invertible with g referred to as the "link" function. Other approaches that generalize GLIM models can be found In Breiman and Friedman( 1985) and Hastie and Tibshirani (1986). Turning our attention to ADE regression modeling, we show in the next T T section that m(x) of (1.3) will estimate g(x 5)=E(y|x S). in general. Consequently, the ADE method will completely infer m(x) when m X (2.4) But ( it g X ^5 = ) ( ) (2.4) will always be valid when m(x) is easy to see that ~ T m(x)=g(x p). as in the above examples. Suppose that such takes the form model were a * reparameterized to have coefficients ^* T * we can write m(x)=e (x 6 ~ ), p =r:p. where is a nonzero scalar, c then ~* ~* ~ with g defined as g (.)=g(./c). Thus when T m(x)=g(x p), we can equivalently reparameterize m(x) to have coefficients 5=y6. giving (2.4) with g(.)=g(./Y). This corresponds to a normalization exhibited by the function g( . ) of (2.4). namely E[dg/d(x 5)1=1. To understand * this normalization, consider a reparameterization of p to 5=Y6=Y B . where Y/c = Y = El.dg /d(x p )J, * T . and we conclude that E[dg/d(x 5)J = Another way of interpreting the scale of S and note that =cp. defined as above. Setting with g * c=Y gives p =Yp=5 p Y = Y/Y = 1. is to consider the change in the mean of y when x is translated to x+^x in the transformation model (2.1). T The average change is proportional to (^x) 8. as it is in the linear model. Other scalings of the coefficients + 3 ( . . ) p make this change dependent on 4>( . ) and . Kernel Estimation of Avera g e Derivatives Our approach to estimation of S utilizes nonparametric estimation of the marginal density of x. Let f(x) denote this marginal density, vector of partial derivatives, and density derivative. If ft = -aln f/ax = - f'saf/ax the f'/f the negative log- f(x)=0 on the boundary of x values, then integration by parts gives (3.1) 5 = E(m' Our estimator of 5 ) = E(Ay) is a sample analogue of the last term in this formula. . using a nonparametric estimator of SHx) evaluated at each observed vaJue x. i = N. l . the density function f(x) In particular, is estimated at x. using the (Rosenblatt-Parzen) kernel density estimator: f^(x) (3.2) — = N rx - X k .I k[-^^ [—] \-r] I j= l where K( N-*«>. ) a.ix) - = f, h f, h h=h„ is the bandwidth parameter, and is a kernel function, The vector function (3.3) where . '=af, /ax n h is then estimated at x. ft(x) '(x)/ f, h using . ) (X) under general conditions . consistent estimators of f(x), f'(x) and Because of division by behavior when the value of f f, (x), . h =1 [f ( x . )>b] (x). f, h '(x) and ft, h For a (x) are respectively. the function is very small. I f, ft(x), we only include terms for which the value of this end, define the indicator as as fu('^) is an estimator of the partial density derivative. suitable kernel K( h-»0 N ftj^(x) may exhibit erratic Consequently, for estimation of 5 f, h , (x.) is above a bound. Toward 1 where I[.J is the indicator function, and where b=b^. is a trimming bound such that b-*0 as N-»«. The "average derivative estimator" 6 is defined as: N (3.4) 6 --^ I ^,(x.)y.I. . i=l We derive the large sample statistical properties of S on the basis of smoothness conditions on m(x) and f(x). The required assumptions (given formally in the Appendix) are described as follows. As above, the k-vector x is continuously distributed with density f(x), and f(x)=0 on the boundary of x values. The regression function m(x)=E(y|x) is (a.e.) continuously dif f erentiable . and the second moments of m' and fty exist. The density f(x) is assumed to be smooth, having partial derivatives of order p>k+2. The kernel function K( . has compact support and is assumed to be of order p. Finally, we ) assume some technical conditions on the behavior of m(x) and f(x) in the tails of the distribution; in m(x) as | for instance ruling out thick tails, and rapid increases x|-»<». Under these conditions. 5 is an asymptotically normal estimator of 5, stated formally as Theorem 3.1 (i) Given Assumptions 1.-9. stated in the Appendix, if : N-»». (11) b-0. h-»0. For some £>0. b" h-»0. b -". h .\ (iii) Nh^^ ^-0. then where >IN(<5 1. - 5) has a limiting normal distribution with mean is the covariance matrix of r(y.x). r(y.x) (3.5) = m'(x) ^ [v - and variance S. with m(x)]ii(x) The proof of Theorem 3.1. as well as those of the other results of the paper, are contained in the Appendix. For the purpose of carrying^ out inference on the value of 5 covariance matrix 51 . the could be consistently estimated as the sample variance of uniformly consistent estimators of r(y.,x.). i=l N. and the latter could be constructed using any uniformly consistent estimators of A(x). m{x) and m'(x). The proof of Theorem 3.1 suggests a more direct estimator of r(y..x.). defined as ) (3.6) X -X N r, . hi = 1 hill (X. A. y . I .^, N Z = x.-x . h'^'K _i I V.I . 1 ft. h J= l Define the estimator X of (3.7) . h~^"^K' _! Y —rr .+ . (X.) J J f^(x.) as 5] . N . . . -TT N y I .^, r, .r, .1. hi hi 55 1 We then have Theorem 3.2: If N-**. h-»0 . b-*0 and b h-»0 . then Z is a consistent estimator of Theorem 3.2 facilitates inference on hypotheses about 5. For instance, consider testing restrictions that certain components of 5 are zero, or equality restrictions across components of 5. Such restrictions are captured by the null hypothesis that Q5=5o- where Q is a k xk matrix of full rank k <k. Tests of this hypothesis can be based on the Wald statistic W=N(Q5-5o) (QI.Q )" (Q5-5o), which has a limiting X distribution with k degrees of freedom. T T We now turn our attention to the estimation of g(x 5)=E(y|x 5). and add the assumption that g( . is ) twice dif f erentiable T" . Set z.=x. 5, J let T f denote the density of z=x S. Define g(z) as the (Nadaraya-Watson kernel estimator of the regression of y on z=x 5: z (3.8) - h' J where i=l J f,, Ih , =l is the density estimator: z V^ Ih ,(z) N, and N - z z . 1 h' J =l with bandwidth h'=h'. and where N is a symmetric K, (positive univariate) kernel 1 T function. Suppose, for a moment, that z.=x. 8 instead of z. were used in the J J J then it is weli known (Schuster( 1972) (3.8) and (3.9), ) that the resulting regression estimator is asymptotically normal and converges (pointwise) at the (univariate) rate N optimal 2/5 . Theorem 3.3 states that there is no cost to using the estimated values z. as above: Theorem 3.3 N : Suppose is such that z (z)>b >0. f If N-*«. h'~N -1/5 . then " 2/5 Ig. , (z)~g(z ) J has a limiting normal distribution with mean B(z) and variance V(z), where B(z) = -J- (3.10) V(z) = [g"(z) + 2 g'(z)f^'(z)/f^(z)] u^K^(u) du I lVar(yix'5=z)/f ^(x)] | K^(u)^ du The bias and variance given in (3.10) can be estimated consistently for " each z using y, and g z f. , and their derivatives, using standard methods. Therefore, asymptotic confidence intervals can be constructed for g T" is clear that the same confidence intervals apply to m(x)=g. ,(x 5). (z). It T" for z=x 5 Remarks and Discussion 4. 4 . 1 On The Average Derivative Estimator As indicated in the Introduction, 3.1 is that 8 converges to S at rate in parametric estimation proDiems. the values ii(x.), 1 = 1 il^ the most interesting feature of Theorem . This is the rate typically available and is the rate that would be attained if N were known and used in the average (3.4). The . estimator ft, n converges pointwlse to (x) Jl(x) at a slower rate, so Theorem 3.1 gives a situation where the average of nonparametric estimators converges more quickly than any of its individual components. This occurs because of the overlap between kernel densities at different evaluation points; for instance, if X. 1 and x. are sufficiently close, the data used in the local average (x.) hi f, J will overlap with that used in f, These overlaps lead to the (x.). h' J approximation of S by U-statistics with kernels depending on N. The asymptotic normality of 8 follows from results on the equivalence of such U-statistics to (ordinary) sample averages. Powell. Stock and In a similar spirit. Stoker (1987) obtain /n convergence rates for the estimation of "density weighted" average derivatives, and Robinson( 1987 ) and Hardle and Marron(1987) show how kernel densities can be used to obtain 4N convergence rates for certain parameters in specific semiparametric models. We also note that our method of trimming follows Bickel (1982 For any given sample size, be set to any (positive) values, the small sample behavior of 6. ) , Manski(1984) and Robinson(1986 ) the bandwidth h and the trimming bound b can so that their choice can be based entirely on The conditions (i)-(iii) of Theorem 3.1 indicate how the initial bandwidth and trimming bound must be decreased as the sampJe size is increased. These conditions are certainly feasible: suppose h=hoN and b=boN > K Tt 1 2p-2 Since p > k+2 and . then (i)-(iii) are equivalent to > ^ l-4ti -g ^ 2k+2 i is arbitrarily small, r\ can be chosen small enough to fulfil the last condition. The bandwidth conditions arise as follows. Condition (ii) assures that the estimator S can be "linearized" to one without an estimated denominator, and is a sufficient condition for asymptotic normality. Condition (iii) 10 assures that the bias of vanishes at rate Jn. Conditions (i)-(iii) are one- <5 sided in implying that the trimming bound b cannot converge too quickly to as N-«<». but rather must converge slowly. The behavior of the bandwidth h as is bounded both below and above by conditions N-»<» and {ill). (11) Condition (ill) does imply that the polntwise convergence of f{x) must be suboptimal. fi^(x) to Stone! 1980) shows that the optimal polntwise rate of convergence under our conditions is N . and Collomb and Hardle(1986) show that this rate is achievable with kernel density estimators such as (3.2): Nh for instance, 2p-2 by taking h more quickly than h condition: as N-*" , . opt x* the (ooinlwise) bias of . 2 A. n N-»<», f. n (x) h must must vanish at for the bias of S to be o(N N consistent estimation of 8. nonoarametric component 4 But we have that converge The reason for this is that (ill) is a bias than its (polntwise) variance, words, for . which violates condition (Hi), so that as -»». opt to ^=hoN a -1/2 faster rate In other ). one must "undersmooth" the (x). On Modeling Multiple Regression The main implication of Theorem 3.3 is that the optimal one-dimensional T T convergence rate is achievable in the estimation of g(x 5)=E(y!x 5), using S instead of T 5 . dlf f erentiable 2/5 We have assumed that mix), and hence g(x 6), , is twice but this plays no role except to affix the optimal rate at T If g(x S) is assumed to be dlf f erentiable of order q and K kernel of order q. then the result is valid, where the optimal rate of N . convergence is then N . () is a The attainment of optimal one-dimensional rates of convergence is possible for the ADE method because the additive structure T of g(x S) is sufficient to follow the "dimension reduction principle" of Stone(1986). Alternative uses of additive structure can be found In Breiman and Friedman (1985) and Hastie and Tibshirani 11 (1986). . Finally, we turn to the connection between the ADE method and projection pursuit regression (PPR) of Friedman and Stuetzle( 1981 is to choose p - s(g.p)=JI [y. ) . The first step of PPR (normalized as a direction) and g to minimize TO g(x. p)] inferred by m(x)=g T . (x S) Because any model of the form m(x)=g(x p) is fully at the optimal one dimensional rate of convergence, one can correctly regard the ADE method as a version of projection pursuit regression. However, for a general regression function m(x), g and S will not necessarily minimize the sum of squares s(g.p). The first order conditions of ~ ~ T that minimization implies that given g. p is chosen such that {y.-g(x. B)} is ~ T orthogonal to {x.g'(x. p)), which does not necessarily yield $^5/(5|. Given 8. the ADE method utilizes a local least squares estimator T" Zz K [(Z"X. 5)/h'l(y.-t) 2 is minimized by t=g (z). g. moment the sample ^ -1 =N S ft S ' Eft, T' I., hiihjii . (x . )ft, . (x . ) " ; in Moreover, S can be seen to be a type of least squares estimator, as follows. Let S ~ , denote -1" ifthiii and set L. = (S„) ft. .(x.)I.. Then can easily be seen to be the value of d that minimizes the sum-of-squares " E[y. - L. T . j- ' " 2 d] Thus S is chosen such that |y. subspace spanned by (L), or equivalently , (S of {y,} projected onto the subspace spanned by - L. ) S {ft §\ is orthogonal to the represents the coordinates (x.)I.}. Consequently, when the true regression function is of the form ~ T m(x)=g(x p), ADE and PPR represent different methods of inferring m(x). The possible advantages of the ADE method arise from reduced computational effort, since (given h, b and h') m(x)=g(x §) is computable directly from the data. The first step of PPR will in principle estimate m(x) , but minimizing s(g,p) by an iterative numerical process (of checking all potential directions p and determining the optimal g for each p) typically involves considerable computational effort (although the results of Ichimura (1987) may provide some improvement) 12 5 . The Average Derivative Method In Practice In this section we present the results of a simulation study designed to study three issues of the ADE approach: 1. The performance of the estimators when the data is generated by a simple parametric model. 2. The ability of the ADE approach to nonparametrical ly capture structures in high dimensions. 3. The value of dimension reduction, as expressed through the one- dimensional rate of convergence of m(x). The first issue is studied by generating data from a true linear regression model and estimating the coefficients by the ADE method. The second issue is studied using data generated by a highly nonlinear regression model (a sine wave). The third issue is addressed by comparing the final ADE regression estimator with a multivariate nonparametric regression smoother. The simulations utilize k=4 predictor variables and sample sizes of N=50 and N=100. Our Monte Carlo experience Inaicated that for relatively small sample sizes, better performance of 8 was obtained using a standard positive kernel instead of the higher order kernel prescribed by Theorem 3.1 (for k=4 kernel of order p=6 is indicated). In particular, . a the order of the kernel affects the tradeoff between bias and variance, with the higher order kernel required for the bias to vanish at rate >rN. However, for sample sizes in the range of N=100. we found the small sample bias-variance tradeoff quite pronounced: using a standard positive kernel instead of a higher order kernel implied a slightly higher bias in 8 but a substantially smaller variance in most cases. 13 For the estimator S. the kernel function K was constructed as the product of one dimensional kernels namely K(u, , u, k 1 )=n [^ ,K (u j=l 1 J . . ) , where K, is taken 1 to be the univariate "biweight" kernel; K^{u) = (15/16) - (1 u^)^ I{|ui < 1) For estimating g, we also utilized the biweight kernel. Our theoretical results do not constrain the choice of bandwidth h or trimming bound b for a given sample size, and we study the behavior of 5 for different bandwidth values. We did find that somewhat better estimator behavior resulted when slightly higher bandwidth value was used to estimate a density derivatives than the density value, and so results on 8 for bandwidth have used density derivative estimates computed using h =1.25h (so that h fii-=fi-* ' h* h Section /fi. ) • h 3. This does not affect the asymptotic approximation theory of and is suggested by the slower pointwise convergence rates applicable to the estimation of derivatives (relative to estimation of density levels). Finally, because the value of the trimming bound b is not easily interpreted, we adopted a trimming rule suggested by Ray Carroll, to set b so that a given percentape a of the data was dropped in each sample (we utilize the values <x=5% and a^ 1% below, although the results were not particularly sensitive to the value of a). 5 . 1 Average Derivative Estimation with It is natural a Simple Parametric Model to ask how a method that accounts for nonlinearity behaves when the sample is generated by a simple parametric model. In order to study this question we generated samples of size N=50 from the linear model (5.1) = ( .05)e. so that the coefficient of x.. is j, V. I j X. . + where x 14 x,., and e. are independent 1 1 standard normal variables. Here the true average derivative is 5=(1,2.3.4). Table gives the means and standard deviations of 1 samples. The best behavior for include results using 8 over 100 Monte Carlo was found using the bandwidth h=1.5, and we S low bandwidth h-1.0 and a high bandwidth h=2.0 for a comparison. We also include the means of the trimming bound b over the samples. While there is not a large amount of "noise" in this design (the standard deviation of the additive disturbance is .05), we find the performance of using 50 observations to estimate k=4 to be good, 8 coefficients. 5 2 . Ave rage Derivative Estimation with Nonlinear Structure In order to study the behavior of the ADE estimators in a reasonably challenging setting, we first generated samples of size N=100 according to the model 4 (5.2) V . = s i n ( E X . . ) - e . '' J = l where x x. ana e. are standard normal variables as before. For this . 4i li 1 model we have m'=c()s(E.x..). so that 5^E(m J 5 ' ) takes the form 5^5„ 2 ) with ' =.135 (using formulae given in Bronstein-Semand ja jew( 1974 Table i ( J , p.350)). gives the means and standard deviations of the components of 5 over 100 Monte Carlo samples. Here we found the coefficients to be well- estimated using bandwidth h^.9. and again we include low and high bandwidth results for comparison. Finally, we present the means and standard deviations + of the "estimator" 8 of the estimator A. (x) that uses the true log-density derivative (namely distributed normally with mean It -1 + S =N i;y.ii(x.). Jl{x) instead where A(x.)=x. for x and identity variance-covariance matrix). is clear that for the bandwidth h=.9 the estimator 8 performs quite well, exhibiting comparable behavior to the "known density" statistic S 15 + . The . . substantial variation of S is indicative of the high level of noise in the basic design (the standard error of 1 for e). At any rate, we find the behavior of 8 to be encouraging, given k=4 predictor variables and N=100 data points Although not reported, we also performed simulations for sample size N=400. We found good behavior of S for somewhat smaller bandwidth values (in the range of h=.6). as well as diminished standard errors consistent with the quadrupling of the sample size. 5.3 Dimension Reduction of Average Derivative Estimation The main consequence of Theorem 3.3 is that the ADE regression estimator exhibits one-dimensional rates of convergence. We study this effect by comparing the ADE regression estimator m(x)=g (x 5 ) to a high dimensional smoother, namely the Nadaraya-Watson kernel regression estimator m (x). We utilize the data sets of size N=100 from the sine model (5.2). We utilize the bandwidths h=.9 for computing smoother m, h „ . For computing (and a=5%), and h"=1.3 for the multivariate 5 g, h , . we utilize normalized coefficients S =5/151, and bandwidth h'=.3. The values of h" and h' were determined by cross validation applied to the first few Monte Carlo samples (c.f. Hardle and Marron (1985)) We begin by studying the overall fit of the ADE estimator versus the multivariate smoother. For this, we compute the difference in the average squared error defined as DIF = ASE~ - m, „ n ASE' m where 16 ASE~ = n""^ \" Figure - y [ni(x,) ^ iti m,„{x.)J^ h : ASE* ^ = N "» ^ Y (in(x.) ' x^t ^ shows the variable DIF over 50 Monte Carlo samples. 1 g^,(xj5)J^ - ' is apparent It that ADE estimator displays smaller average squared error in the majority of cases, with DIF exceeding .1 for 25% of the samples, and less than -.1 for only 10% of the samples. addition to the gains in statistical fit from dimension reduction, we In have argued that the ADE method is attractive because it permits depiction 2 through graph of (a g, ) , graphical a of the nonlinearity exhibited by the data. illustrate this feature of the approach, as applied to 5 Figures single a Monte Carlo sample from model (5.2). Figure sum z.=x. 8 estimator -* 5 =( . 54 . where . g, .47 shows the basic data, by plotting y. against the true weighted 2 h , . 59 , .5(1.1,1,1), as well as a plot of the ADE regression ^ J-* the regression of v. on the z.=x. 5 "1 11 of , 5 . 35 ) . , where for this example, While the data shows considerable noise, the basic sine wave pattern is evidenced by both the data and the ADE regression estimator. Figure 3 displays the plot of the ADE regression estimator as the plot of the true regression m(x.) against z.. well as the plot of the kernel smoother g true z. , Figure 4 g, as well . , displays g of the regression of y . as on the values (using h'=.3). These two figures point out that the ADE regression estimator tracks the true regression reasonably well, and tracks the smoother based on knowledge of the true 8 quite well. Finally, Figure 5 contains a plot of the multivariate smoother m^„(x.) h 1 against z., and the true regression m(x.) against z.. While one can discern a sine pattern from the multivariate smoother, it yields considerably less a smooth graphical depiction of the relationship. Moreover, the jagged feature of the plot is an artifact of plotting the estimated function m. , m. n „(x.) against is quite smooth. 17 1 z =x 11 . . T * 8 , as in fact. We experimented with several values of h", with larger values of h" moving the jagged plot toward the horizontal, and smaller values of h" increasing the heights of the peaks, each obliterating the visual tendency to a sinusoidal shape. regard Figure 5 as In this sense, we giving the best showing for the multivariate smoother technique. 6. Concluding Remarks In this paper we have argued that the ADE method represents a useful yet flexible tool for studying general regression relationships. At its center is the estimation of average derivatives, which we propose as sensible coefficients for measuring the relative impacts of separate predictor variables on the mean response. As such, we propose the ADE method as a natural outgrowth of linear modeling, or "running (OLS) regressions." as a useful method of data summarization. As a procedure for inferring regression, the ADE method displays one- dimensional rates of convergence, and as such achieves theoretical dimension reduction. But of greater practical importance is the economy achieved with respect to data summarization. Instead of facing the nontrivial task of interpreting a fully flexible nonparametric regression, the ADE method permits the "significance" of individual predictor variables to be judged via simple hypothesis tests on the value of the average derivatives. Moreover, remaining nonlinearity can be assessed by looking at a graphical picture of the function While our simulations of the ADE approach are encouraging, there are many future research topics suggested by our results. For instance, there are numerous practical questions concerning choice of bandwidth for the average derivative estimator, such as how to set the bandwidth optimally. While we have seen some basic tendencies in the Monte Carlo simulations, practical 18 problems are, of course, never so styJized. The same remarks apply to the rules for trimming, although in our Monte Carlo experience we found no substantia] effect of varying the trimming rule. The ADE estimators are implimented as part of the exploratory data software package XploRe of Hardle( 1987 University has written a ) . In addition, very efficient code (for the David Scott of Rice S package) for computing the ADE coefficients, which is available from the authors. 19 ' Appendix: Assumptions and Proofs of Theorems Assumptions for Theorem 3.1 1. The support of fi . possibly unbounded subset of R is a convex, f with nonempty Interior. The underlying measure of (y,x) can be written as v xv y X , is Lebesgue measure. where v is the boundary of Q. 2. f(x)=0 for all x€dO. where 3. m(x)=E(y|x) is continuously differentiable on by a set of measure dfi fi where Q differs from c n. 0. T 2 and E[(m') T 4. The moments E(A 5. All derivatives of f(x) of order p exist, where p>k+2. 6. The kernel function K(u) has bounded support S={ul fty K(u)du = Ik u, . . .u, u • Co' K(u)du • . . .u 1 = +... C + £ K(u)du * K +. e \ , < p ^ p p 1 Cp e, r " |u|<i}, is symmetric, 1 i^ I (m')] exist. (u|^l>, and is of order p: K(u)=0 for u€dS=|u! J ) . . + C , p (Such kernels are easily constructed by multiplication of one dimensional kernels - see Gasser. Muller and Mammitzsch( 1985) for examples of such one dimensional kernel functions). 7. The functions f(x) and m(x) obey the following Lipschitz conditions: for v in an open neighborhood of 0. there exists functions w.. u,,. w f that lf(x+v) - f(x) I < w^(x)|v| 20 f , m' and u. such Am f ' (X-tv) |m' (x+i/) I (X)l < (Uj, m'(x)| < oj f - ' fi(x+v)m(x+v) - m , (x)|vl ,(x)lvl Jl(x)m(x)| < a)„ (x)|vl Jim with E[(ftyb.^)^]<». EL(yu)^, continuous in E(u)^,^]«» and E[u.^^^]«». M2(x)=E(y^ x) )^]<-». | is x. Let A, ={xlf (x)>b) and B,=n\A„. N N 8. As N-«. m(x)f' (x)dx r 9. N If = denotes any p f * o(n""'^^) order partial derivative of f, then is f „ I- locally Holder continuous: there exists c(x) and Y>0 such that If (x)l<c{x)lvi (x+v)-f r \ . ) exist. Moreover m(x)f'''Nx)dx<M<« ' ~ Y h The p+Y moments of K( . c(x)m(x)dx<M<"» J ^^ hf m(x)Jl(x)f ''^'(x)dx < M < « h"'"''' c(x)m{x)fi(x)dx < M ; Assumptions 8 < and 9 are conditions on the behavior of m(x) and f(x) in the tails of the distribution. For Assumption 8, some sufficient conditions for the univariate case k=l are as follows, with multivariate analogues easy to derive. The supp ort fi is the real line R. Let L.,=inf{lxl I N Consider the situation where |m(x)f'(x)i< Then 21 C G(x) , f(x)<b}. so that where G(x) is a L^,-»<». N density. / mfx)f' (x)dx < C < C G(x)dx J Prob^{ xi>L„} G N < C E^nxl'^J/L^ Therefore, if G(x) has absolute moments of order d, where d is such that iNL~ /nL„ -» N 0. then Assumption 8 obtains. A sufficient condition is that G(x) is i a normal density. The support fl is bounded . The density f(x) must be smooth and flat near the boundary. Suppose that Q=lO.Xol, f(0)=0, f{L.,)=b.,, f(x) is increasing over is bounded over [O.L.J, and m(x) about 0. and assume that f'(0)=f J f'(x)dx = 0(L [0,L,,]. (2) (0)= N N If we expand f'(x) (-11 ... -f"^ (0)=0, in a Taylor series then ''l [O.L^] Consequently, if q is large enough such that xTnL -0, then Assumption 8 is valid. Assumption 9 is written in a weak form required for Theorem 3.1. For instance. Assumption 9 is clearly valid if the support Q is bounded and m(x) is bounded. To prove Theorem 3.3. we also require that m(x)=E(y|x) for all X in the interior of Q. 22 is twice dif f erentiable : : Proofs of the Main Results We beein with two preliminary remarks. First, equation (3.1) follows from integration by parts as m'(x)f{x)dx 5 - j -- m(x)f'(x)dx - I | m(x)ft (x)f (x )dx = E(fiy) - where the boundary terms vanish by Assumption Stoker( 1986) and f^ f, N-*<». the pointwise mean square _ since the set {x|f(x)>b) is compact and b 4.1). Therefore, Collomb and Hardlel 1986) (c.f. Beran(1977). are dominated by their variances (as discussed in Section ' h h (c.f. and the last equality is by iterated expectation. ) Second, because of condition (iii). as errors of 2 (A. la) sup (A. lb) sup |f^'(x) - . we can assert Silverman( 1979) , Itf(x)>b] f(x)l - (x) If h-»0 = I[f(x)>b] f'(x)| ( = (N^'' ^^^ ^h'^)"'^'^^] [(N^^^^^^'h*^*^)'^^^] for any £>0. Now define two (unobservable define the estimator ) "estimators" which are related to 5. First, based on trimming with respect to the true density S value 5 (A. 2) where i =1 i = N ~- I N f (x , )>b j ft. .'- h . i = l = i , (x.)y.I. 111 N l Next . , define a linearization 8 N 1 ^ (A. 3) = -F" K I .'-, =l )v.I. 111 >^v,(x- h i wnere f (A. 4) X, h =ft -^ f - Proof of Theorem 3.1 f —^fi ' - f The proof consists of four distinct steps, summarized : as: Step 1. Linearization : 474(5 - 5) = o (1) p 23 step 2. Asymptotic Normality distribution with mean Step 3. Bias: Step 4. T rimming - as >fN(5 - [E{§) '^N(5 : S) 5] - E(5)] has a limiting normal - -[nIS : and variance Y.. o(N~''^^). = 3) has the same limiting distribution . The combination of Steps 1-4 yields Theorem 3.1 Step 1. Linearization : Some arithmetic gives f^(X.) f(x.) i - N ) *- rmS ~Sl f,(x.) f(x.) there is a constant c„ such that with high probability '' < Ax.111 V.I. :: 1 so that by (A. la), -f,(x.)j^ tnx.) — -Pllf-fh'^-' suplif'-f u/2).k,-l/2 b -be,. (N n If-f. il]" supf "-^''^ ' ,,,l-(£/2)^k,^l/2 ^2. b -DC (N h 'I'li and N "11 Tj ft (x . )v . h X ) The terms N 1 jl]-^ x X ) 1 . ^ ^ are bounded in probability by Chebyshev's inequality. Consequently, from ( we have that rrr ^ 2^,^ ^ 5, >lN|5-5|=0(bN , . ,2A-(t/2).k -" since b N Step 2: n , ( 1 /2 + 4 and b N Asymptotic N o rmality ) ( € /2 ) l-£,2k+2 h : . - n ( -»» 2k + 2 /2 ) ,,. )-o(J) ^ ,.., ^.^. by condition (ii). ^ Write the linearization 5 as 3=5 +5 +5 2 1 where 24 ^ N ) 5„ ' N = y h V 111 il( X V ) h —htr-(x ) . . I . f.'(x.) .,-1 N 1 — a . . 1 1 We show that /n(5 E(5)l has a limiting normal distribution, by showing - are 4n equivalent to (ordinary) sample averages, and and 5 5 I (X.) 1 . . 3 1 f that 5 ^ y ) appealing to standard central limit theory. Throughout this section, we denote 'ill (y..x,)=v.. For 5„, we have that ^\%^ (A. 5) - E(5q)] N = -1/2 L where since Var()ly) exists and To analyze 5 and = (v) r 5 . N-*". we approximate them by U-statistics . Op(l) l ft(x)y. and b-»0 i= E[rQ(v)]) - I {Fpiv.) . The U- statistic related to 5, ran be written as 1 NJ 2 I- ^ 1 >i N j4.1 ^^ J ^ with X P , .. ( V IN . , V 1 ^ . . - x y.i. V 11 . I i where K'=dK/au. Note that by symmetry of K( Vk\%^ - E(5^)] = >|'N[U^ - E(U^)J - . ) , . f(x.) Lf(x.) 1 .1 J we have N~"'{>rN[U^ - E(U^)]} The second term in this expansion will converge in probability to zero provided >Il4fU >rNfU -E(U ) J1 has a limiting distribution, which we show later. Consequently, we have 25 . 11 >[n[5, (A. 6) E(5J] - = >rNrL' lip E(U,)] - The U-statistic related to S N-1 N 1=1 J=l+1 o + (1) is where X D ( V , V - . X K _J i- [-h] rfi(x. . &{x.) y.I )y.I. 1 f(x.) f(x^) i U is related to 8 via ^N[U2 >rN|52 - Eia^) E{U2)] - JN i As above, =l LNn ^{m\^^ N ElU^)]} - rMx.)y^I.l 1 r - rMx.)y.l.i - K(0) f(x. E f (x. ) 1 J ) 1 the second term of the expansion will converge in probability to zero provided >1N(U -E(U )1 has a iimitint^ distribution, as shown later. The third term converges in probability to zero, because its variance is bounded by K(0 )^( l/Nh*^ )^(h/b)^Enfi(x . )y . )^I . )=o( 1 ) since , Nh*^-*» and h/b-*0. Therefore, we have >fN[52 - EtSg)] (A. 7) The analysis of U details for U . = - >rNfU2 £(0^)] + 0^(1) so we only present the is quite similar, and U is a U-statistic with varying kernel We note that U instance, see Nolan and Pollard (1987)), since p (for depends on N through the 1P« bandwidth h. Asymptotic normality of U Powell, Stock and Stoker 1987 ( ) . can be shown using Lemma 3.1 of which states that if E[!p (v.,v.)| 2 J=o(N). then (A. 8) >fN[U - E(U N -1/2 I {rjj^(v.) )1 i where r..,(vl IN 2E[p This condition is impJJed bv (ii): - E[r^j^(v)J} =] (v,v .) ivl 11111 let M (x 26 . )=E(y . I . I x . ) and . Op(l) ) I.lx.). '111 M^(x.)HE(v. 2 1 ) . then Ellp^^.(v..v., X X - . _i . 1 K' (u) I uk + 2 4b^h = Olb^^h''"'^') 2 since b Nh IM I J k+2 -<«> J (X. )+M (x.+hu)-2M ^J.b.i 0[N(b^Nh'''^)'^] = ^ 1 ij 4b h iilj (x.)+M (X )-2M (x.)M (X.)] (M (x.+hu) (X. )M A A A. Now let b =sup X u {f (x+hu) If f (x. )f (x J (x)=b and |u|<l} and is such that u . and that b )--=!, -•0 h/b . IN IN 1 1 . ) I V. X - . then iui<l. as -•0 and b-»0 y,i X 1 IN i I. is valid. (A. 8) =I[f(x.)>b 1 J. , 1 Now write h-»0. f f(x) (x)dx 1 y.i. p 77-^ f x ( . -r- K'(u) f(x.+hu)du h J ) 1 1 — K'(u) ni(x.+hu)du -; h - 1 I . 1 4- ) K'(u) m(x.+hu){I(f (x.+hu)>b]-l h 1 1 . }du 1 1 y.i. \ ^](x. f + ) p K(u) f'(x.+hu)du 1 J K(u) m'(x.+hu)du I + 1 where a ( X , : h . b 4- ) h 1 Now, if r (v.) is r, (v. 1 1 ) ft(x. )y 1 . : + - 11 I. a(x.:h.b) ) K'(u) m(x.+hu){lff (x.+hu)>bl-I 1 defined as = (1 m' (x. 1 27 1 ' . 1 Note jj, +hu )>bl-l If f (x m(x)I[f (x)>bj 1 Lf (X. 1 . A as: 1 1' J )dx dx +hu)dx .du 1 r,.,(v. )=E[2p,^,(v. ,v . S 1 when (1-1. JiJ o(N) = 1 if )f (x A. . that bv construction, . J A. impiied by condition (ii). Therefore, is f (x }du rf only . . then the difference between i_.,(v.) and r^(v.) is IN 1 1 1 1 I.* + + K(u)[m' (x.+hu) ij I 11 - (1 I. )m' (x. The second moment E[t,„{v.) IN Assumption bounded by (h/b)^{ of J"K(u) [m' I. J 2 ^ 4 u | , I . a(x. ;h.b) ) . By the Lipschitz conditions of N-»<»: ) ] . /f (x . ) (x )^]=0[ K(u )du)^E[y^w ] J"K(u) [f ' (x +hu)-f (h/b)^]=o(i ' . ) (x . ) ]du is , The second moment . is bounded by ]du (x)^J=0(h^)=o(l) The second moments of . ( l-I 4 since )ft (x ^ )y ^ and . ^ and b -0. Finally, the second b-»0 )a(x.:h,b) vanishes if the second moment of a(x;h,b) exists, ^ th since b -0. Now consider the component a (x;h,b) of a(x;h,b), and define e =jK(u)du the "marginal kernel" K and the "conditional kernel" K =K/K integrating a (x;h,b) by parts absorbs h x, 111 I.)a(x.)y. - ^ ^ For a given (1 11 vanishes as ] )m'(x.) vanish by Assumption * (x;h,b) is the sum of two terms: a - (1 III moment of (l-I. * m ) + 1 {x.+hu)-m' (x. h^(;|u|K(u)du)^E(w (l-I. | in'(x.)]du 1 the second moment of [y 7 - 1 . and shows that . first the expectation (w.r.t. K(u)) of * ' (x+hu) { I Lf {x+hu)>b) ]-I [ f (x)>b ]}, and second the expectation (w.r.t. K Because the variances of of K m(x+hu) over u values such that f(x+hu)=b. and y exist, the second moment (over x) of each of these terms exists, E[a (x;h,b) 2 ] exists. Consequently, ) m' so that since the second moment of each component ^ * we have that the second moment of (l-I. of a(x;h,b) exists, )a(x;h,b) ^ vanishes, so that Eit^.Jv.) iN 2 |=o(l). 1 This fact is sufficient to show asymptotic normality of U ^ -1/2 (A. 9) N '^' ^r^j,(v.)-E[r^j^(v.)]} )_ i = because , 1/? = N ' {r^ v. )-Elr^ v ( )_ i i '^ ( . ) ] > 1 1 = 1 and the last term converges in probability to zero, since its variance is bounded by Ett (v) 2 1 = o(l). Consequently, combining (A. 9), we conclude that 28 (A. 8) and (A. 6), ) ^[S^ (A. 10) -1/2 E(5j)] - = N I {r (V L where r(vl + m'(xl The U-statistic representation U of 5 In particular. (ii). 2 (v..v.)| Eilp fi(x)y = ] = By an analogous argument, the average of [r (v.) 0^(1) if b Nh o(N) [U is anaJyzed in a similar fashion. 2 E{U - k which is implied by condition -•«>. is shown to be )] E(r (v))], where - E[r (v)J) - ) 1= 1 (v)= r >fN equivalent to [ft(x)y + ll(x)m(x)l. Combining this with (A. 6) permits us to conclude that (A. 11 ^(S^)] fii[a. = N ,-1/2 I (r^iv.) N i where Combining E(5)] - N = = Step 3: Bia s EiS) - : S I {r(v.) 1 T^^ - T^j^ . E[r(v)]} - ^ r (v) + (v) r 5 as T3^ wiiere T,,, = IN eTn" L y ^2N = -^SN ^ LN A,.. B,. 'fh'-i' - 5 iJ - f''^'J?f^. - f(x.)] =1 N „ I .^, [f. 1 Let 11 =1 4^"\^, 1 = Jl(x. )v.I .1 .^, 1 = 1 ft(x. hi (x.) 2, as . Op(l) =1 Expand the bias of - P = m'(x) in the statement of Theorem 3.1 r(y,x) 0(1 N with r(v) H ^o'v' B. + -[ft(x)y + )l(x)m(x)] •1/2 L with r(v) E[r2(v)]) - l and (A. 11) then yields Step (A. 10) (A. 5), >|N(5 (v) r = be defined as before. 1 — )y.I. fTT(x 7-i . 1 Then 29 + [y - m(x)]A(x) , " "^IN <^'x)'"<x)f''«^°'« - 1 I )l(x)ni(x)f {x)dx = m(x)f' (x)dx I = o(N ^^^) by Assumption 8. We only show that t similar. Let u=(u IK -1/2 ), with the proof of t denote an index set (c i ",)• define u =u derivative of f =o(N f ...u u ^ 1 e -1/2 ) quite where rc.=p. For a k-vector ), and let . K =o(N denote the p f partial t with respect to the u components indicated by i, namely =a f/iau)*". By partial integration we have T = J I m(x) j K(u) \' m(x) I \ [f'(x-hu) K(u) - f'(x)] du dx h'^'-^f *'''(^)u'' du dx where the summation is over all index sets i with 18. =p, and where t lies on J the line segment between x and x-hu. Thus ^2N = h"^"-"! m(x) Y hP-^ m(x) Y f^^Nx) K(u)u'' du dx [f^P\^) f'P'(x) K(u) u' du dx I 0(hP = by Assumption 9. Therefore, by condition (iii). we have ~ -1/2 -1/2 -1/2 1/2 D-1 h )]-o(N T -0[N (N ). as required. Thus E(a)-5=o(N Step 4: T rimming : Steps distribution with mean same result for S. Let 13 show that ^) I I >iN(<5 - ). S) has a limiting normal and variance-covariance matrix 5. We now show the 4>(Z) denote the cummulative distribution function of the normal distribution with mean and variance T. l-(€/2) k -1/2 where c. is an upper bound consistent with Let c =c„(N h ) (A. la). , Define two new trimming bounds as b =b+c„ and b^=b-c^,. and the u associated trimmed kernel estimators: 30 N e N ) 1 5 = -TT "^ - I A, = 1 (x.)y.l[f(x. )>b 1 1 N ^ I .^. -f = Since b so fN(5 u by condition -»0 c ^(S * -8) and -S) and variance ^h'^'i'^i^'f'^'^N =l i each obey the tenets of steps 1-3, and 5 (ii), 5 each have a limiting normal distribution with mean (whose cumulative distribution function is denoted 4). 1. Moreover, by construction, we have that Prohi^iS -S)<Z. hi )-f (X. If. (x. u ) |<c^,. < Prob{>rN(5-5 )<Z. | hi f^ (x < Prob<NfN(5 -5 )<Z. . i C By (A. la), as ) -f (x . 1 ) =l i<c„. N f^ (x )-f (x h 1 1 . Prob{supl N-»<». i N 1 f, n (x ) . . )-f (x . N} i =l 1 = 1 |<c„. N ) | >c.,> N} Consequently, as 0. •* N 1 1 N} we N-»<». have < lim Prob{>rN(5 <i>(Z) 5)<Z» < $( - so that lim Prob{>rN(5-5 )<Z}=<I( Z ) Z . Pro of of Th eorem 3.2: The estimator r, constructed by direct estimation of is . hi the U-statistic component structure of S. First, set r^„(v ON 1 . I. by f J . . ( hi 1 x . ) 2N J A. . Ax.), hi 1 1 .(x.), nj J i., 1 1 J f, 1 .(x.), hj J ft, . hi 11 define p,,,(v..v.) and p„,,(v.,v.) by replacing f(x.), ft(x.). IN )=ft, (x. )y 1 . 1 I . . Next 1 f(x.), ft(x.), I., J J respectively, in the formulae I. J defining p,.,(v..v.) and p„^.(v.,v.). Finally, define IN r..,(v.)=2N IN 1 2N J Z .p,.,( V 1 J IN . . V 1 . 1 J and r„.,(v.)=2N 2N 1 ) J E .p„.,( v J 2N to Collomb and Hardle(1986) and Silverman( 1979 supl [r^^,(v ON iust - r, hi . ) +r 1 ,,^,( IN v . )+r^,^.( 2N 1 V . ) . 1 ) , , v . ) . By techniques similar J by construction we have that lip r(v.)]I,l=o (1). The estimator - 1 r, . hi of (3.5) is +r =r ON (v)^r IN*(v) (v). 2N* i' i' i By an argument similar to that of Step 4 above, consistencv of 7: = -I N L ' r. ~ r. 1 ""T ninii . . I . - 5<5 31 . it suffices to prove 111 Set,x.), then ) . T - [E(rr = N~"^j:(r, .-r. - ) 55 hi - = o N 1 T J )(r^ .-r. hi 1 -IT 11 Zr.r. )'^I n'^l -* r (l-I.) + N . (r^ -r )^I hi 1 . -ITT . 1 1 £r 1 . E(rr - r 11 . . . - ) + 1 .'^ N""^E(r^ -r )r hi 1 1 . . **T T + 55 55 (1) P since supl .-r r, hi . I I 1 . E(rr =o (1), 1 exists, Prob{f (x)<b}=o( ) 1 and 5 is ) p consistent for 5 Proof of Theore m 3.3: With =x. . J = z .-z J T . . (N ). 1 J so that sup.{d.}=0 (N J J P function estimator using z. ( 1/2 ). instead of g, h where f,, Ih , z . ' 1 J J Define the kernel regression as 1 1 N " Since f,(z)>b >0. d.=x. (5-5) - P J a J J -1/2 T define z.--=x.'5, , fz - z .1 , ,(z) / J =l 1 ^h''^^ is the density estimator: j=i When N -1/5 h'^'N [g, , . 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I I I I I 'I "I -3.5 Figure -2.5 2: -1.5 -0.5 Basic Data and ADE Regression : gh' 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 -1 -2 ———— —— — — —————————— —— —————————————— — —— ————— —— — — — I I I 3.5 I I 1 3: I I r I r I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r i i i i i i i r i i t i r- I I -2.5 Figure I I I -0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 ADE Regression and the True Regression Curve • Sh' 2.5 3 -3.5 -2.5 Figure 4: -1.5 ADE Regression and Regression Based on Known A ' : gh' Sh' 5 r -1 -2 -3 -3 . , I 1 I I I 1 I . 1 I , "T , I -2 Figure 1 -1 o ii I I I I I r 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I Multivariate Nonparametric Regression and the True Regression Curve 5: i I 1 m 5 7 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —— — — — 1 -J I r I 2 I t I ! I I x^ w k\ 9^ Date Due ^ Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 TDflD CDS 37b ES3