HD28 Dewey .M414 (vro'375' $2 FE 6 24 7983 *MmES^ ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT INFLATION, GOVERNMENT DEFICITS AND PRIVATE SAVING Arlie WP 1375-82 G. Sterling December 1982 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Draft. Comments appreciated. INFLATION, GOVERNMENT DEFICITS AND PRIVATE SAVING Arlie WP 1375-82 G. Sterling December 1982 ^V^ ^ B n a Modi would like to thank Professors Franco 9]! nts participants rt the as well as comments, and Julio Rotemberg for their Workshops. of the MIT Money and Applied Economics I ^^ IV]. I. I . L. FEB 2 A RECEIVED MIT Sloan School Working Paper 1375-82 November, 1982 Inflation, Government Deficits and Private Saving ABSTRACT This analyzes paper influence inflation specific issues: by which in saving. private are ability of consumers to measured way the extent to which deficits government the national government The over an and analysis focuses on two called taxes future for by reflected in the decision to save, and the distinguish income their international aggregate saving spanning the period section 1960 that Implications for these accountants. cross from income real issues are derived in the context of the life cycle tested deficits to hypothesis, observations of 1979. The and on results indicate that while consumers are able to correctly distinguish their true from their reported income, they do not appear to recognize the future taxes associated with government deficits. show that the upwards shift in the between private The estimates also savings ratio observed the sixties and the seventies is not completely explained by the model analyzed here. Arlie G. Sterling MIT, E40-370 1 Amherst Street Cambridge, MA. 02144 (617) 253-8049 0745213 INFLATION, GOVERNMENT DEFICITS AND PRIVATE SAVING Arlie G. Sterling I. INTRODUCTION In this I paper analyze the way private influence inflation specific issues: and analysis focuses on two future called taxes for by reflected in the decision to save, and the are distinguish ability of consumers to deficits government The saving. the extent to which deficits government which in their from income real that measured by national income accountants. Government deficits influence saving through the and the time pattern of disposable income received by the constraint individual. cycle In the life cycle wealth, and saving on the simply depends consumption model consumption and the flow of income. deficits budget cycle life difference To the on life between the rate of extent government that transfer income from one period to the next without changing life cycle wealth they should have no affect on consumption, influencing only the pattern of saving. deficits represent pure intertemporal In the limit transfers, government as private saving should increase dollar for dollar with increased deficits. While inflation may have many effects on private saving, I focus upon the bias it introduces in the measurement of income and saving in the national income accounts. inflation may characteristics. affect As shown below, this channel through which saving measured Furthermore, it is has shown specific testable this effect of that -2- inflation interacts influence saving. with the way which in government deficits This is because both current real government debt and future real taxes required to pay off that debt are reduced by inflation. The way in which government deficits and inflation enter in a simple life cycle model of the determination of the private savings ratio is presented section in Estimation strategy and difficulties as II. well as the data used in the study discussed are in section III. Empirical results are given in section IV, and conclusions in section V. Government Deficits and Inflation in the Life Cycle Model II. In this section I show how government influence the private savings ratio. which these function s*( variables ), ) is inflation In order to focus on the way I may in take as given a which describes how variables other than deficits and discussed below. S* = s*( The precise In the absence of deficits, true private saving, (1) and private saving, influence inflation influence private saving. s*( deficits )Y*, S* , is given specification of inflation and government by: 3- where The distinction between true and reported is true income. Y* saving and income influences the has with do to measurement those of way the in which variables; inflation is it defined precisely below. 1. Government Deficits Under the Life Cycle Hypothesis (LCH) people are assumed to utility subject to a lifetime budget constraint. occurs maintain to consumption at wealth rather than current income. LCH that is consumption should maximize Saving or dissaving level reflecting life cycle a An important implication the of be independent of transfers which leave life cycle wealth unchanged. Government deficits appear to By issuing debt, scheme. consumption proceeds of consumption. value repaid. to or of the the such plans debts. Thus, under the LCH, if are initially optimal, recipients of the governments borrowing will not change their Instead, they will increase their saving by the present additional taxes they expect to face when the debt is As long as the government deficit does not from transfer intertemporal the government borrows against the future, and it must generally repay its private one be those alive discount future taxes at the at the rate time of transfer wealth of the deficit, and people interest on the debt, present value of the taxes must equal the amount of the deficit. the 4- The fact that government deficits generate future taxes not may so was recognized by Patinkin [1965, pp. wealth private increase and 288-294]. (1> He assumed that a fraction of was debt the fact in The present value of the requisite treated as wealth by its holders. taxes may be less than the value of the government deficit if future future taxes are shifted to future generations. If, for example, the paid transfer is received solely by retired people and the taxes are solely by income taxes on wages, such a shift may be obtained. Recently, however, Barro [1974] has shown that the current generation may correctly discount future all solely on their descendants. taxes, including those levied His result depends on intergenerational utility of the appropriate form, an unbroken chain of descendants and the absence constraints of Barro's analysis has been [1976], While the relevance of bequests. challenged among by, others, Feldstein Drazen [1978], Buiter [1979], Buiter and Tobin [1979], Tobin Tobin and [1980] on Buiter and [1980], remains it an important proposition. people The above discussion suggests government as intertemporal transfers, deficits that induce offsetting private saving. intertemporal transfers is adding is appropriate, of(l) <5 that a coefficient. a do in fact treat the deficits should Furthermore, the reaction to pure independent of the underlying forces of growth and tastes which determine the suggests if private savings rate. This term of the form 6*D* to the right hand side where D* is the true government deficit, and The LCH without Barro's bequest motive suggests -5- that must lie between zero and one. <S that analysis Barro's suggests should be unity regardless of the government's attempts at 5 Rewriting (1) to take the effect intergenerational tax shifting. of deficits into account, true saving should be given by: S* (2) = (s*( It should be emphasized offsetting saving consumption consumption is not a schemes. programs, substitute perfect induce than simple finance government and government if consumption, private for not may other deficits If transfer that deficits something are they if rather government that transfer intertemporal 6D*/**)Y*. + ) deficits would not influence savings in the manner discussed above. 3. Anticipated Inflation and Measured versus True Income In the presence of assets persistently inflation. by a income lose a households and fraction of in nominal interest rates as holding in to this loss is offset expected While the increased nominal interest payments are counted in the national income accounts, no entry is made for the a reconciliation Though just the same manner loss the in national balance sheets, entry anticipated component is more appropriately considered income, nominal wealth real incorporate to anticipated loss in value of nominal assets. appear their To the extent that it is anticipated, rise inflation. as inflation firms as nominal a does the component of interest. In this -6- measured interpretation, income overstated by the amount of the is equivalently anticipated capital losses or, interest income due solely to anticipated inflation. also may overstated, be of Measured saving no account is made for the capital since holders losses suffered by the component the by , of nominal assets. why (Reasons saving may not be overstated are discussed below.) Several authors have estimated the magnitude of the capital losses. for the United States Their estimates suggest the bias may be large; Siegal [1979] estimates the true private saving rate to have been 200 points basis lower than the reported rate in the postwar period, while Jump [1980] estimates the average difference to ponts for the personal saving rate. and Masera 1000 basis points countries suggest [1980] the in Calculations for Italy by Cotula that the difference could be as much as Results seventies. including Italy) reported by Blades and Sturm [1982] (not how show I OECD several for indicate an average difference of roughly 350 basis points. section basis 150 be mismeasurment the effect this In be explicitly can incorporated into the analysis of saving rates. people assume that I subtracting a fraction reported income, interest losses are the A Y income) T e G, estimate , the reported saving, TT e income true and saving is the full S . amount of nominal Their expected capital anticipated rate of inflation and nominal value of government debt held by the private sector. is the by their expected capital losses from their (which includes and where of their fraction of the loss subtracted from reported income G If and -7- saving, individuals perceive their true income and saving to y* = Y - XifG S* = S - At^G Substituting these expressions for Y* and S* in S - (3) Att«G = (s*( The measured savings rate, S (4) It = D* = D - ) true than = S/Y deficit into - Aff e yields G). is then given by; , e A^ G/Y) " the and (4) A^ e G/Y. + income to Defining terms. substituting Att^G, + 6D*/Y*)(1 + express the is useful to rather (S*( s 8D'/Y*)(Y ) (2) be: ratio true in measured deficit combining to like be terms yields: (5) s It can be seen = S*(l - e A^ G/Y) +6D/Y + A(l - 6)tt s G/Y. from (5) that the private saving ratio will rise or fall with anticipated inflation to the extent that government debt is regarded as net wealth. If debt holders completely disregard future -8- (6= taxes inflation their real wealth can be maintained 0), only by increasing increased nominal interest added If, to saving payments. Since increments equal ( = 6 tax measured the 1), will tend to fall with anticipated inflation. case inflation reduces both the value of the debt and future are the future tax liabilities associated with the government debt are completely capitalized rate of savings and income the measured savings ratio rises. both on the other hand, savings face amount of the full the by the in liabilities; the individual's In value the wealth net this is of thus unaffected, and no increase in to private saving is called for. 4. Other Effects of Inflation Equation (5) describes the impact of neutral, on the private savings rate. What anticipated happens inflation inflation is not if neutral, or if it is unanticipated? Non-neutral inflation has no effect on the savings rate i) its non-neutralities do not affect the function s*( they are permanent. more detail below; income. As of ) is in real inflation many real effects, some of which may influence favor capital formation ii) discussed essentially, however, it reflects growth in growth of income. as and ), pointed out by Fischer and Modigliani [1979], is likely to have rate The nature of the function s*( long as the Among them are factors which tend to both (as an alternative to holding money), inhibit capital formation (due to the taxation of purely nominal gains; see Feldstein [1982], Feldstein and Summers [1978] and Summers [1981] for -9- affect and analysis) supply the labor of taxation of nominal rather than real progressive (through The income). impact net of these factors is unclear. Non-neutral inflation has an added impact when its real to be temporary. perceived If to be maintained in the future, diminish but its real effects are expected dissave can be expected to save or are given rate of inflation is expected a the tax system is indexed), say, (as, effects spread to to life cycle consumers the impact the of temporary nonneutrality over their lifetime. addition In generates a the to is of listed redistribution depends on differences analysis. Thus between redistributions corporations have no effects by assumption. private sector aggregated appears between households and between the Transfers (given government explicity in this expenditures). formulation, unanticipated inflation should be accounted for. remains in and the government should be reflected in changes in the government deficit deficit the in Since the corporate sector the gainers and the losers. owned by the household sector, the two sectors are this inflation unexpected above, redistribution of wealth between creditors and debtors. The impact of this behavior effects this Since the effect of sector The foreign unaccounted for but, since it is relatively small, transfers it and the rest of the economy are unlikely to have influence on private saving. a large -10- Deaton [1977] has suggested that, inflation unexpected effects, the addition to in saving because it is influence may confused by consumers with relative price changes. to according high, unexpectedly this redistribution inflation If is story, consumers mistakenly interpret price changes as relative price increases, and reduce their Deaton concludes that evidence from the consumption. this supports supporting evidence in for that while Viren inflation actual and institutional components unexpected affect may the difficult to estimate knowledge To due to effects effects other of impact beside that due effects to arise inflation of the structure of an economy. other the the may have opposite effects. These considerations suggest knowledge is employed in this study. the that varys both across countries and over which structure time in any single country. quantify find other appears Moreover, it complicate matters further, these additional detailed [1982] reasons other than mismeasurement of income, it does not unambiguously sign their direction. expected and States several OECD countries. This discussion suggests saving Koskela hypothesis. United - mismeasurement disguise the mismeasurement effect. if would be even with In fact no such Yet it is important to inflation of it try to it has a consistent of income, it may ) -11- For this reason a simple linear inflation term is added to to (5) yield: ( where S If consumers, capital ( 1 A^ e G/Y - ) + 6 D/Y + A ( - 6 1 stock and which non-neutralities should 4> unanticipated ) t^g/V + <jm is taken <f> , to be a inflation in fact predominantly reduces income growth, temporary has * the actual rate of inflation and is tt constant. or = S 6 be negative. supply labor reduce with rise of the other hand, the on If, income the inflation, the or component induces gives rise to the Deaton effect, 4> may be positive. 5. The Real Savings Function s*( The precise nature of s*( focus on the ) based unspecified has been left role of government debt and inflation. been accomplished; s*( ) ). in this section I describe on the life cycle hypothesis. the aggregate savings rate under the LCH - a in order to That goal has specification of Two features account for the asset to income ratio and the rate of growth of income. Early work on the LCH by Modiglia'ni and Brumberg emphasized the of income growth in the determination of role equilibrium aggregate saving. <2) Further work by Tobin [1967] and Modigliani and 1975] explored the relationship in more detail. [1966, 1970, The link depends -12- the on observation retire and that individuals generally choose to that the retirement wealth must consume their accumulated wealth, and Growth in income then tends years." be accumulated during the working or increase the proportion of savers, to (but need not neccessarily relative to the wealth, with higher desired retirement those Only if the consumption of dissavers. Aggregate savings thus rise. is high relative to the saving of the young (those below working age) association between growth and those of working age will the positive absence of There should be no net saving in the saving be broken. wealth since the aggregate stock of income growth in any case, 3 in that case demanded by life cycle savers is constant ) ( ) and [1969] Leff [1982], Modigliani [1970], Modigliani and Sterling the two investigated the relative contribution of Ram [1982] have and productivity growth. sources of income growth, namely population issues discussed here, so only This breakdown is not relevant to the total income growth will be considered. security and differences Feldstein has emphasized the role of social determining the desired stock of wealth in retirement behavior in generally true that longer retirement is upon retirement.'- It of saving (for any given rate should be accompanied by higher rates requires This is because longer retirement of growth of income). while working, which greater stock of wealth be accumulated that a tends to magnify the impact of growth. 6 5 . , -13- Social security has two effects in Feldstein's analysis; reduce private saving by replacing private wealth it earlier induces which retirement, While Feldstein and others saving. effect of tends accumulation, to found social security is to reduce private saving, ( > This discussion suggests that the private savings ratio should savings The function should conform to the rate implication s*( measures the income, and the should be = ) length s = positive, g*(ot of qB + (7) + + and retirement a 2 R) benefit security retirement, a's coef f icients. Substituting from (8) g*(a social the is B the that A specification which fits these requirements is: social security. where a zero in the absence of income growth, and that the be response of saving to income growth should depend on (7) be income growth, length of retirement and social security of benefits. net the its impact is theoretically ambiguous and difficult to verify empirically function and increase private generally have it tends to while a ( > income R ratio, the rate of growth of real g According to the LCH, should 1 to lie between and a a and -1 0. into (6) yields the complete equation: a,B + a 2 R) U - ATTe G/y) + 5 D/Y +A(1 - 6 ) ^G/Y 2 + -14- ESTIMATING THE PARAMETERS III. 1. The Approach In the next section the parameters saving -j , $ A , and other data. and , estimated are treated as coefficients to be aggregate pt of equation (8) observations of 6 using Before doing so, however, it must be recognized that coefficients estimated using equations of the form (8) are vulnerable to two important criticisms. The first that is observations on realizations of the relevant variables do not reflect expectations of agents who make the saving decision. the is that the parameters themselves are implicit parameters the and structure criticism implies that, model, their if of a The second functions This model. larger reflecting agents are aware of the structure second of the responses to policy changes will induce changes in the values of the parameters. Finally, the source of the error term must be carefully specified. The second criticism, originating with Lucas [1973] monetary policy, is relevant to the extent with that coefficients differ from the values implied by theory. of anticipated of their the estimated the In budget constraints. that If agents are their predicted values, the budget case completely agents are aware of their budget constraints and the estimated coefficients are different of to capital losses, government deficits, social security and income growth the analysis assumes aware regard it is an from indication that there are components constraint that are not adequately modeled. In that -15- case, since sources policies understood, the failure of which attempt to expoit the coefficients may of have unexpected implications. inflation to alone are In the case of changes in capital the (not model the losses estimated coefficient is likely to unstable. This saving may it well not due imply) the because is any large impact of inflation is likely to be due to nominal institutions which will adjust to continued inflation. The first criticism, that realizations do not is likely to be more of a problem. hand side of expectations, All of the variables on the right cyclic and other temporary fluctuations exhibit (8) reflect which are presumably not relevant for the life cycle planning assumed approach The here. nonoverlapping averages of annual relevant in taken data here to represent to the life cycle planning decisions. terms of information lost in the averages, it likely reveal to to is models take the long, outcomes While this is costly is more certainly the relevant secular trends than using each anual observation. 2. The Error Term There are two sources of error in equation (8). The variables may be measured with error and the specification, particularly the real life cycle component s*( the general explanatory component ) errors variables may be specified incorrectly. in are variables measured associated with s*( ). problems with which error, I ignore will arise except Errors associated with s*( if the for the ) cause -16- particular problems because of the nonlinear nature of the model. The measured LCH savings function, is only s*( approximaton to the true function s**( an the approximation introduces an- error term and the true savings ratio equation (8) (9) where Si n, = + (s* - fii)(l is the residual notation postulated in ) has also *CIh) + 6DEFi e 1f section 1.5, Suppose that ). so that s** = + s* changed i , is given by: + c^-n-i + \(1 -6 )CL, + ry, , arising from measurement error in Sj. been e for simplicity: (The CL refers to the capital loss to income ratio and DEF the government deficit to income ratio.) Combining the errors into a single term d , the sum of the residuals associated with (9) is given by: (10) = C, e, (1 - ACL,) From (10) it can be seen that the correlated with postive sign. capital the n,- . residual loss ^ variable, will be as long as This is likely to produce estimates of negatively biased.* negatively A has a which A are 12) Two stage least squares is the situation. + However, considered exogenous natural technique to use in this not all the other explanatory variables can be - both the government deficit and the rate of 3 -17- are likely to respond to aggregate demand and saving. inflation The length of retirement is also endogenous, but forms a recursive system with the savings ratio equation and so may be (as long as residuals the retirement the of treated equations can be taken to be independent). exogenous as and savings ratio remainng The variables, real income growth and the social security replacement rate are taken to Though exogenous. be they may reflect interaction with income and saving, it is likely to instruments used are: a unit vector, simultaneous some small. be variables demographic reflecting the age compostion of the labor force, and The the rate of change of claims against the government held by the central bank. A further complication is arises from the likely correlation error associated with each country over time. technique contexts. technique in Three stage least squares is the this case, as it exploits the information available in the correlation across residuals as well the endogenous variables by their two-stage projection. IV. An which takes this correlation into account will yield more efficient estimates. appropriate the This corresponds to the problem of autocorrelation arising in time-series estimation of replacing as ( 1 ) THE DATA Data from an international cross-section of 20 OECD countries is used to estimate the parameters of the aggregate savings function. (7) data The is collected within a standardized system of national accounts, which should yield at least broad international comparability. It is -18- generally available for the period 1960 - Income, saving, and price are Private savings (CPI) both include data sum the consumption of from household OECD the corporate and [1982]. savings, Disposable income is defined calculated on an expenditure basis. be 1979. expenditures and private saving. measured private savings ratio is simply the ratio of private to disposable income. than standard way adjusting of saving international on indicates the that depreciation. for basis is the only Work by Blades and Sturm international rank ordering is at least preserved by sensible adjustments for However, Hayashi's [1982] indicate that distinction the data expenditure an feasible approach with the available data. [1982] saving While this is a measure of gross saving rather computing Similarly, The appropriate net of depreciation measure, there is no more the to purchases estimates recent of durable for the United States consumption between goods. flows and expenditures may be an important one. The annual rate of growth of real income natural current logs of the ratio of is calculated by taking to lagged real disposable income. The government deficit data is from the defined to of OECD source, and is be the difference between government expenditures on the current account and its receipts. saving same both central This includes the current account and state and local governments as well as public social security programs. It excludes government expenditures -19- on the capital account, since they are unlikely to represent a future tax burden. Government debt data is from the International Monetary whenever though available, some for gathered from national sources. <9) countries [1982] the debt data was appropriate The Fund measure of the debt for our purposes is general government debt (net of debt public held by the government) held domestically. however, Often, only central government debt was available, and it was often impossible to calculate fraction held by the private sector. the introduce biases which appear to be small and These omissions of f setting. ( 10 ) The actual capital loss is measured by taking the ratio of the product of the rate of inflation and the public debt to nominal income; actual the expected rate is taken to be the average of the actual loss. length of the work of Modigliani and Sterling. The social security benefit data is taken from the ILO's publication The Estimates retirement Cost of the of are Social social based on Security aggregate pension benefits. relative security (various benefits issues) and and the is per To estimate the benefits to income per worker, measure of a recipient the aggregate pension to income ratio is divided by the ratio of nonworking males above 65 to active males. This population ratio is chosen to represent as closely the as possible number of social security recipients relative to those expecting benefits; data based on those concepts is unavailable. [1978] has made replacement rate more detailed estimates for twelve countries. of the Haanes-Olsen social security These estimates suffer from -20- Most importantly several drawbacks. ratio measure they workers in manufacturing only. for an alternative source for comparison. They do, however, provide 00 The retirement variable is the ratio of the participation rates replacement the change in labor those in the 50-54 and 65+ age groups, between relative to the participation rate of those in the 50-54 The participation rates are measure based is , published the by retirement age in the United States by Reimers [1976]; it represents an adjustment to the life expectancy at retirement (which is constant across retire at 65. assumed to reflect the fact that not all people countries) An increase ILO. techniques used in the analysis of the on group. age those for both men and women, and are taken from the Yearbook of Labor Statistics This force in R signifies an increase in the duration of retirement. Summary statistics for the data used in this study are the tables below. Table 1 presented in shows the means and standard deviations, tables 2A, 2B and 2C show various correlations, and in table 3 the correlations between the capital loss variable and its components are examined in detail. -21- Table 1. Means and Standard Deviations of the Data. Variable* -22- Table 2B . Correlations Among the Variables in the Second Period. s g DEF CL B(I) 1 s 0.35 g B(I) -0.34 -0.42 R -0.39 -0.47 0.50 CL 0.04 -0.11 -0.04 1 1 -0.12 1 0.31 77 0.49 DEF Table 2C . 0.40 -0.35 -0.24 0.52 Correlations Among the Variables Between Periods. Variable s Correl. Table 3 0.81 . g 0.49 B( I 0.89 ) R 0.94 CL 0.87 Correlations Among CL and its Components. 77 0.23 DEF 0.91 -23- The summary tables reveal familiar a story. income Real growth declined, on the average, by more than 25 percent between the sixties and seventies; the inflation more than doubled, as did the capital losses (relative to income) suffered by the private sector. social security replacement rate (however fraction income of government retirement and Government deficits on the current account as a considerably. rose measured) Both the deficits fell noticeably. reflects the The fact entry negative that, for on the average, the general government sector was a net saver. The savings ratio increased on the average between the periods, two contrary to popular perception. The summary table conceals one remarkable observation. 22 percent Japan, whose savings ratio matched its 9.5 percent income growth rate in the sixties, experienced a dramatic drop in its rate of growth income is (which of expected to be permanent), yet slightly increased appears, This its savings ratio to 24 percent of disposable income. at least, to be inexplicable according to the theory developed here. V. PARAMETER ESTIMATES Estimates of equation (8) are given coefficients set, are in the left reported for in table 4. <14) Two each restriction tested. side of each column, are estimates for sets of The first the second -24- period. second The set, estimates for the second period. the right the in side of each column, are (Estimates for each period reflect correlation between the residuals of the two periods in the 3SLS When the coefficients are constrained to be equal results.) the in two periods their common value is given in the center of the column. In addition to measures of the coefficients goodness of their and standard fit are presented. The first, labelled "COR", is the correlation between the the reported R2 squares regressions; unlikely to reported here. squared this statistic appropriate in nonlinear the The second measure, ln(WSSR), This is just ordinary least weighted estimation is the weighted sum of used as the basis for the chi-square test derived Jorgenson [1979]. in in using reported here because the conventional R 2 is meaningful be residuals in Gallant and it measure two in the row values fitted coefficients and the dependant variable. the square root of the errors, the The difference between the value of restricted unrestricted and estimates is distributed chi-square with degrees of freedom equal to the number of restrictions. In all cases the social security variable Haanes-Olsen different measures slopes but discussed above. specification because it was The mixture of the ILO and two measures have are constrained to have the same intercept, a specification similar to that employed by The is a not gave somewhat more rejected by reasonable those found using the ILO data alone. Modigliani the and Sterling. data, and was chosen parameter estimates than -25- The residual covariance matrix is estimated using the 2SLS the same matrix is used in all the restricted estimates. from (4.1); In the first column of table 4 over estimated the impressive, averaging a relative the to equation (4.1),) independently, using In (4.2) the analogous 3SLS efficiency The (equation periods two two-stage least squares. reported. residuals 25 gains due percent the to reduction is nonlinear estimates 3SLS in (8) are technique are standard errors This reflects the relatively high 2SLS estimates. correlation between the residuals in the two periods, estimated to be roughly 0.47. The unrestricted coefficient disappointingly insignificant. and .6 estimates Only a themselves, however, in the second period, and are x in the first period are estimated to be more than twice their standard errors. The shift in the coefficient estimates between the 2SLS and the 3SLS estimates is also surprising though, large standard errors, not is significant. The in view of the changes in the coefficient values also markedly reduces the explanatory power of the equation the in second period, as measured by COR. One reason for this weakness is the large number of parameters estimated. little reason to believe that the between the sixties and the seventies. tested by two periods. constraining There is behavioral parameters shifted In (4.3) this restriction is all the coefficients to be equal across the -26- The data do not support the restriction that all the coefficients (8) The chi-square value at the the 99 percent are equal over time. level with degrees of freedom is 22, while the test 8 specification (4.3) nearly is Apparently 25. statistic have there imposing all restrictions equality the yields for been significant shifts in coefficient values between the two periods. fact, of In negative a between the fitted values of the savings ratio generated correlation by (4.3) and the actual values in the second period! This conjecture is supported by (4.4). estimates the reported in column In this case the social security and retirement variables are constrained be to equal in the two periods, while the remaining This specification coefficients are free to vary. rejected percent level, but greatest number of equality estimates in (4.4) the at 95 specification shows the accepted by the data. disappointing, however. The accepted marginally at the 99 restrictions remain somewhat The social security and retirement variables remain quite weak, and the constant term the two periods. is shifts puzzlingly between The explanatory power of the equation in the second period also remains very low. The capital loss, government deficit and pure inflation tell a somewhat stronger story. the period first The coefficient on capital losses in is almost precisely unity, zero and insignificant in the second period. though it remains near The government deficits variable shows a similar pattern, but it is large negative in the first period, coefficients and significantly contrary to the predictions of the -27- The pure inflation coefficient, theory. the periods two and quite is consistent with the reservations weak $ changes , in expressed sign This both. earlier between pattern is concerning the stability of this coefficient. The theoretical and empirical weakness of the pure inflation variable suggests that it should be constrained to zero, is reported in the data. chi-square The zero restriction on (4.5). statistic The test statistic at the degrees of freedom is 11.07. effect is the a only has 95 value a percent This suggests significant channel specification which is not <f> rejected by while 10.62, of confidence that through level with capital the the 5 loss which inflation affects private saving. The impact of these restrictions is most noticeable loss coefficients. and its the capital The first period coefficient falls by 25 percent (as does its standard error), rises, on while the second period coefficient Both the social security and standard error falls. retirement coefficients rise in magnitude, though they fail to become significant. The restriction has little impact on government the deficit coefficients, which continue to have the wrong sign. The fact that the capital loss coefficients are much closer that an equality constraint may be appropriate. imposed in (4.6). suggests This restriction is It is rejected at the 95 percent confidence level, but accepted at the 99 percent level. The capital drops to 0.58 with a standard error of 0.20. loss coefficient -28- Two polar cases are tested in equations (4.7) and the capital capital barely but This restriction is rejected at the 95 restriction, at the 99 percent level. accepted coefficient loss constrained is (4.8) the This zero. be to In percent with the zero restriction on the other combination in (4.7) coefficient is constrained to be unity, the value loss predicted by theory. level, In (4.8). effects of inflation, implies that inflation has no impact on private saving. It is rejected at the 99 percent confidence level. The explanatory power of the equation also falls steeply in both periods. 2. Discussion The results presented in table puzzling 4 reveal consistent, a if somewhat The major puzzle revealed is the inability of the pattern. version of the LCH analyzed here to account for the upwards shift private savings ratios between the sixties and the seventies. in The shift appears as an unexplained but significant shift in the constant This analysis is also term in all the equations reported in table 4. unable to explain as much of the variation in the saving ratio in the seventies as in the sixties. the world economy during This may reflect greater turbulence the seventies, suggesting that short run forces played a greater role in that retirement - period than the standard life cycle variables Furthermore, in have weak coefficients. As shown - the in sixties. social security and in (4.8), however, this is consistent with earlier findings of strong effects in studies in which the impact of capital losses was neglected. is explicitly accounted for, If this channel however, the social security and life 5 29- cycle variables appear to have only a weak influence. Capital losses have the expected saving-inducing effect. however, complete (it is estimated to be 0.58 when the is not effect constrained to be equal in the two periods), and is much stronger is in The effect, the 1960-69 period than the 1970-79 period. This surprising, is the capital losses were a much higher proportion of income in the as The weaker effect observed in the second period. explained by persistent underestimation of inflation. is underestimated capital losses are overestimated; these phenomena coefficient on average actual inflation is seventies underestimated tend capital and reduce to If may inflation income and saving Underestimation losses. be is the of also consistent with the negative ex-post real rates of interest widely observed in the seventies. The saving-inducing affect of inflation consistent with induced capital losses is the estimates of the impact of government deficits. Private saving does not increase with government deficits, indicating that people do not anticipate paying taxes on the debt in the future. In fact, private saving appears deficits in the first bonds must be least paid a off not consistent with the is fraction in with correlated negatively This period. prediction of the LCH that at government be to future of the taxes. value of While the importance of anticipated taxes has been empirically verified by only a few authors, the lack of support for a role taxes found here is startling. with a ( 1 > . of future of future Though this result is consistent negative correlation induced by countercyclical policy, that -30- spurious correlation should have been Once procedure. again this eliminated in the two-stage effect is significantly weaker in the seventies. Finally, the data cannot reject the hypothesis that inflation has consistent effect loss channel. on private saving other than through the capital These other effects are likely to arise largely due to nominal institutions which Apparently no should adjust to continued inflation. there is so much institutional variation across countries and time that the other effects cannot be discerned in this sample. These observations observation. The are not estimates unduly influenced obtained when by Japan the is excluded are similar to those shown in table 4, except that the upwards the constant term is insignificant, retirement terms are much stronger. and shift in the social security and The negative correlation between government deficits and private saving in the first much stronger. Japanese period is also -31- V. CONCLUSIONS The results reported in this paper support the following conclusions: + Anticipated compensating capital losses nominal on assets induce increases in saving, though not by the full amount predicted by the life cycle hypothesis. + Contrary to predictions of the life cycle deficits do saving. There theory, government not appear to be associated with increased private is evidence that government deficits were associated with reduced private saving in the sixties. + Inflation has no consistent affect on private saving other than via the capital losses on nominal outside debt. + The relationship between saving is somewhat cycle life unstable. justification for the magnitude savings rate in the seventies. of variables There the is upward and no private theoretical shift in the However, the significance of the shift is largely due to the Japanese observation. + Estimates of the effect of social security and retirement highly correlated with induced capital losses. security and retirement estimates If of are the impact of inflation these losses are neglected, social appear to be stronger determinants of private saving than if the losses are correctly accounted for. -32- FOOTNOTES 1) Christ [1957], in a review of the first edition of Patinkin's book, attributes the recognition that government deficits imply increased future taxes to discussions with Milton Friedman. 2) 19 The Modigliani-Brumberg piece referred to here was written in but not published until 1979. , See Appendix A results. 3) for a more detailed derivation of these Initially in Feldstein [1974]. Feldstein has estimated the in international cross-section in impact of social security in Feldstein's time-series [1980]. [1977] and most recently analysis for the United States has been more controversial; see Leimer and Lesnoy [1982] and the references cited there, as well as Feldstein's response [1982]. 4) 5) See Modigliani and Sterling [1982] for a demonstration of the empirical difficulties with cross-section estimates, and Leimer and Lesnoy for difficulties with the US time series. 6) The specification (7) is slightly different from that used in Modigliani and Sterling. This is because income growth was decomposed into its productivity growth and labor force growth components in that paper, and the length of retirement entered in the growth of the labor force terms. 7) See Appendix B for the data. for Denmark are an exception. 8) The income and saving date Recent data for Denmark are unavailable from the OECD, and an examination of the Danish statistical yearbook revealed large differences from the OECD's exstimates. Since the Danish debt data are taken from Danish sources, I decided to use the Danish Statistical Yearbook throughout. Denmark, the United 9) Data from national sources was used for: Kingdom, and the United States. For Denmark and the United Kingdom their statistical yearbooks are the source; for the United States the Federal Reserve Flow of Funds Accounts were used. In all cases for which a comparison could be made (Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States) the IMF estimates were quite close to that obtained in more detailed examination of 10) national sources. comprehensive discussion 11) See Modigliani and Sterling for a of the various possible measures of social security benefits. -33- 12) The appearence of CLi in the error term may also introduce heteroskedasticity; this potential source of inefficiency is ignored. 13) See Theil [1971, sec. 10.6] or Kmenta [1971, 13-4], sec. The equations are also weighted by the square root of their population in each period to correct for heteroskedasticity introduced by population size differences. 14) Table 4 appears at the end of the paper. 15) Kochin [1974] and Barro [1978] are the only two studies with which I am familiar that have claimed to test directly the role of government deficits in inducing private saving and found confirming evidence. However, see Buiter and Tobin [1979] and Feldstein respectively for a critical analysis of [1978] articles. " , -34- APPENDIX A determine the implications of the LCH for saving behavior is to sum across individuals to obtain aggregate and subtract to obtain income and consumption, aggregate which can then be related to characteristics aggregate savings, consumption function. of the individual's A simple way to Aggregation proceeds particularly simply in a world in which population and productivity growth (defined to be growth in per Let y(a,t-a) denote per capita income are exponential trends. and income of an individual aged a at time t capita labor describing the probability of function, m(a) the mortality The number of people of age a at surviving until year t The exponential time t n(a,t), is then given by m(a)B(t-a). and n(a,t~a) may be imply that y(a,t-a) growth assumptions written: , . , (Ala) y(a,t-a) = (Alb) n(a,t) = y(a)e 9< t " a) m(a)B(0)e p ( * a > where g and p are the rates of growth of productivity and (Note: represents total real the labor force respectively. g the paper.) In assuming growth in the body of income productivity and population growth of this type, I take the age profile of earnings and mortality to be constant over time, while productivity gains are strictly embodied. Aggregate income at time t of all those employed at time Assuming that wealth at t w and and retire at age r interest and W(t) rate of aggregate income is given t , . , , (A2) Y(t) = Y(t) is the sum of the earnings of t ,plus interest on the stock all individuals begin work at age (fixed) real letting P be the the aggregate stock of wealth at , by: n(a,t)y(t-a)da + pW(t) e <g+P>t m (a)y(a)e- (9+p)a da where B(0) + pW(t), is taken to be unity without loss of generality. W(t) we proceed as above by summing In order to determine An individual's across individual's to obtain aggregate wealth. net w'(a,t-a) wealth at age a is given by the sum of his interest or her net saving at each age, discounted to reflect charges and earnings. Letting c(a,t-a) denote an individual's consumption of age a at time t and assuming people are born and begin consuming at age and do not survive beyond age 1 w'(a,t-a) is given by: , , , , P P : , -35- w'(a,t-a) (A3 [y(x,t-a) - = c (x, t-a) ]e px dx Under the LCH individual's are assumed to solve the utility lifetime budget problem subject their maximization to constraint U(c(x) )m(x)e~ max (A4) s.t. m(x)c(x t-a)e" f x P x dx dx = e 9(t a) m(x)y (x)e" x dx assuming for simplicity that the individual's rate of time Given the additional preference equals the interest rate. each succeeding assumption that tastes are constant over time, generation will choose the same stream of consumption, up to a proportionality factor reflecting per capita income growth at Thus the wealth of an individual of age a of the rate g is given by: cohort t-a . (A5) where w'(a,t-a) c*(x,p) = e 9(t - a > (y(x) - ))eP x dx, c*(x, represents the solution to (a4). Tobin [1967] solved the maximization problem (A4) for a specific utility function and under different assumptions to yield an explicit expression for w'(a,t-a) . The aggregate stock of wealth is individuals at time t given by sum the over all : W(t) = W(t) = n(a,t-a)w' (a,t-a)da, or: (A3) + p,a + [y(x) e (9 p)t m(a)e- (9 - c*(x?) ]e ?x dxda. The double integral in (3) is independant of time, implying that same rate as the the aggregate stock of wealth must grow at ratio is income to wealth so that a constant aggregate income, maintained. absence of capital gains, saving is given by the time Differentiating W(t) with respect to derivative of wealth. s and dividing by income to yield the savings ratio, t In the , , yields: -36- (A7) s = (g+p)W/Y Equation (A7) expresses the basic result reported in the text, that the savings ratio increases with the rate of growth of real However, the wealth to income ratio is also a function income. of the rate of growth of income. 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