JENNIFER K. HUTCHINGS Oregon State University Center for Earth Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, 304 Burt, Corvallis, OR 97330 541 737 4453 (work) Date of Birth: 17th May 1975 Nationality: British U.S. Permanent Resident APPOINTMENTS 2013-present Assistant Professor Oregon State University, CEOAS 2008-2013 Research Assistant Professor University of Alaska - Fairbanks,IARC 2005-2008 Research Associate University of Alaska - Fairbanks, IARC 2001-2005 Postdoctoral Research Fellow: University of Alaska - Fairbanks, IARC 2000-2001 Research Scientist: The Met Office (UK), NWP Division, Satellite Applications, Satellite Radiances Assimilation Group. PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION 2011 ONR Summer Faculty Research Fellowship. 2001-2005 Post Doctoral Advisor: William Hibler III 2001 Ph.D. Remote Sensing, University College London, UK. "On modelling the mass of Arctic sea ice", Supervisor: Seymour Laxon. 1996 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Advisor: Vicky Meadows. Spectra analysis of comet Shoemaker-Levy impact with Jupiter: Model tuning to observations. 1996 B.Sc. Physics 2:1 Honours University College London, UK Examples of FUNDED PROJECTS 06/2014-05/2017 05/2013-05/2016 05/2013-05/2016 2011-2015 12/2010-01/2015 10/2010-09/2014 06/2010-06/2013 2008-2012 08/2006-08/2011 08/2006-08/2010 01/2006-01/2009 Applying high-resolution imagery to understand the role of dynamics in the diminishing Arctic sea ice cover, ONR, Co-I. Development of an accurate model of Beaufort and Chukchi ice drift and dispersion for forecasting spill trajectories and providing decision support for spill response, Coastal Marine Institute, Co-I Sea ice dynamics and its role in understanding the survivability of Arctic sea ice, NASA, Co-I. Understanding the effects of tides and eddies on the ocean dynamics, sea ice cover and decadal/centennial climate prediction using the Regional Arctic Climate Model, DoE, Co-I. Collaborative Research Sea Ice Deformation Observations within AON. NSF OPP, PI. The mass balance of multiyear ice in the southern Beaufort Sea, ONR, Co-I. Collaborative Research: Ocean Mixing Processes Associated with high spatial heterogeneity in sea ice and the implications for climate models. Climate Process Team NSF. Co-I. Sea ice dynamics/thermodynamics observation in the Arctic Ocean, JAMSTEC, $10K/year + salary, PI. Collaborative Research: Detailed investigation of the dynamic component of sea ice mass balance. NSF OPP, $1,423K, PI. Ice covered ocean response to atmospheric systems, DEPSCoR ONR, $1,017K, Co-I. Sea ice tide-inertial interaction: Observations and modeling. NSF, OPP and Alaska EPSCoR, $399,814, PI. 12/2004-12/2005 Sea Ice Mass Budget of the Arctic Workshop, NSF OPP, $50K, PI. SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES • Special Issue editor: Annuals of Glaciology, Polar Science & Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans). Associate Editor: Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans), 2009-2014. Member of search committee for Editor-in-Chief JGR-Oceans, 2014. Associate Editor: Frontiers in Earth Science, Cryosphere, 2015-present. • Participated in NSF OPP Committee of Visitors, 2009. • Reviewer for Nature Geosciences, JGR, GRL, DSR, Anns. Glaciol., The Cryosphere, NSF, NERC, NERSC. Panalist for NSF, DoE. • Participating in polar sea ice field work (6 summer cruises, 2 ice camps) since 1999. • Chief scientist of APLIS, an ice camp in the Beaufort Sea in Spring 2007. • Led a community workshop, Sea Ice Mass Budget of the Arctic, in 2005. The discussions at this workshop have been incorporated into SEARCH, IPY and Arctic Observing Network planning. • Convener for four AGU fall meeting sessions, and various workshops. • Member CliC sea ice working, and coordinates the Ice Watch program to collect and archive ship based visual in-situ sea ice observations in the Arctic. COMPUTATIONAL SKILLS Scientific programming in UNIX environment, including shell scripting. Operating Systems: UNIX and LINUX (various flavors), Mac, Windows Languages: Fortran 77 & 90, C, some C++, python, IDL, Matlab, LaTEX, HTML Software: Microsoft Office, Adobe Illustrator, GMT PUBLICATIONS Journal Articles 1) Kohout, A. L., Williams, M. J. M., Toyota, T., Lieser, J., & Hutchings, J. In situ observations of wave-induced sea ice breakup. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, inpress . [2015] 2) Carmack, E., I. Polyakov, L. Padman, I. Fer, E. Hunke, J. Hutchings, J. Jackson, D. Kelley, R. Kwok, C. Layton, H. Melling, D. Perovich, O. Perrson, B. Ruddick, M-L. Timmermans, J. Toole, T. Ross, S. Ross, P. Winsor. Towards quantifying the increasing role of oceanic heat in sea ice loss in the new Arctic, in press BAMS [2015]. 3) Lukovich J. V., J. K. Hutchings, and D. G. Barber (2015) On sea ice dynamical regimes in the Arctic, Anns. Glaciol, 56(69):323 [2015] 4) Hutchings, J. K., D. K. Perovich. Preconditioning of the 2007 sea ice melt in the eastern Beaufort Sea. Anns. Glaciol. 56(69) 10.3189/2015AoG69A006 [2015] 5) Hutchings, J. K., P. Heil, O. Lecomte, R. Stephens, A. Steer, J. Leiser. Comparing methods of measuring sea ice density in the East Antarctic. Anns. Glaciol. 56(69): 77 [2015]. 6) Polykov, I., L. Padman, K. Hutchings. Understanding Arctic Ocean Processes under Changing Ice Cover. EOS 95(35):316-317 [2014]. 7) Martini, Kim I., Harper L. Simmons, Chase A. Stoudt, Jennifer K. Hutchings. NearInertial Internal Waves and Sea Ice in the Beaufort Sea. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 2212–2234 [2014]. 8) Stanton, TP, Shaw WJ, Hutchings JK. Observational study of relationships between 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) incoming radiation, open water fraction, and ocean-to-ice heat flux in the Transpolar Drift: 2002–2010. Journal of Geophysical Research. 117(C7) [2012] Kawaguchi, Y, Hutchings JK, Kikuchi T, Morison J, Krishfield R. Anomalous seaice reduction in the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean during summer 2010. Polar Science [2012]. Hutchings, JK, Rigor IG. Role of ice dynamics in anomalous ice conditions in the Beaufort Sea during 2006 and 2007. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 117 [2012]. Hutchings, JK, Heil P, Steer A, Hibler WD. Subsynoptic scale spatial variability of sea ice deformation in the western Weddell Sea during early summer. Journal of Geophysical Research. 117(C1) [2012]. Jin, M, Hutchings JK, Kawaguchi Y, Kikuchi T. Ocean mixing with lead-dependent subgrid scale brine rejection parameterization in a climate model. Journal of Ocean University of China. 11(4):473-480 [2012] Hutchings, J.K., A. Roberts, C. Geiger, J. Richter-Menge, Spatial and temporal characterisation of sea ice deformation, Ann. Glaciology [2011]. Itoh, M., J. Inoue, S. Zimmerman, T. Kikuchi, J. Hutchings, F. McLaughlin, E. Carmack, Acceleration of sea ice melting due to transmission of solar radiation through ponded ice area in the Arctic Ocean: results of in situ observation from ice breakers in 2006 and 2007. Ann. Glaciology [2011]. Hutchings, J.K., W. D. Hibler. Small scale sea ice deformation in the Beaufort Sea seasonal ice zone. Journal of Geophysical Research (113) C08032, doi:10.1029/2006JC003971 [2008]. Hutchings, J.K., C. Geiger, A. Roberts, J. Richter-Menge, M. Doble, R. Forsberg, K. Giles, C. Haas, S. Hendricks, C. Khambhamettu, S. Laxon, T. Martin, M. Pruis, M. Thomas, P. Wadhams, J. Zwally. Exploring the role of ice dynamics in the sea ice mass balance, Eos [2008]. Heil, P., J.K. Hutchings, A.P. Worby, M. Johansson, J. Launiainen, C. Haas, W.D. Hibler III. Tidal forcing on sea-ice drift and deformation in the Western Weddell Sea during December 2004, Deep Sea Research II (55):943-962 [2008]. Hibler, W.D., J.K. Hutchings, C.F. Ip. Sea ice arching and multiple states of arctic pack ice, Annals of Glaciology (44):339-344 [2007]. Thomas, M., C. A. Geiger, C. Kambhamettu, J. Hutchings, J. A. Richter-Menge, M. Engram, Near-real time application of SAR-derived sea ice differential motion during APLIS ice camp 2007, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society [2007]. Hutchings, J. K. , P. Heil, W. D. Hibler III. On modelling linear kinematic feature in sea ice. Monthly Weather Review (12):3481-3497 [2005] Hutchings, J. K. , H. Jasak, S. W. Laxon. A Strength Implicit Correction Scheme for the Viscous-Plastic Sea Ice Model. Ocean Modelling (7): 111-133 [2004] Polyakov, I. , D. Walsh, I. Dmitrenko, R. L. Colony, J. K. Hutchings, L. Timokhov, M. A. Johnson, E. Carmack. A Long-term circulation and water mass monitoring program for the Arctic Ocean. EOS 84 (90):1 [2003] Wang, J., R. Kwok, F.J. Saucier, J.K. Hutchings, M. Ikeda, W.D. Hibler III, J. Haapala, M.D. Coon, H.E.M. Meier, H. Eicken, N. Tanaka, D. Prentki, W. Johnson. Working towards improved small-scale sea ice and ocean modellng in the Arctic Seas. EOS 84 (34): 326 [2003] Books and Book Chapters 24) Hutchings, J.K., C. Petrich, R.Lindsay, A. Roberts and J. Zhang, The use of models in the design and interpretation of field measurements, in Field Techniques for Sea Ice Research, ed. Eicken, H., R. Gradinger, M. Salganek, K. Shirasawa, D. Perovich, M. Lapparanta, University of Alaska Press, 566pp, [2009]. 25) Hutchings, J.K. On Modelling the Mass of Arctic Sea Ice. Ph-D Thesis, University of London [2001] Conference Proceedings (peer reviewed) 26) Geiger, C., J. Richter-Menge, T. Deliberty, B. Elder, J. Hutchings, A. Lawson, J.Rodrigues, N. Toberg, and P. Wadhams, A case study testing the impact of scale on Arctic sea ice thickness distribution, accepted in Proceedings of the 20th IAHR International Symposiumon Ice, Lahti Finland, June 2010, [2010]. 27) Hutchings, J. K., C. A. Geiger, A. Roberts, J. Richter-Menge and B. Elder, On the Spatial and Temporal Characterization of Motion Induced Sea Ice Internal Stress, in proceedings from ICETECH10, International Conference and Exhibition on Performance of Ships and Structures in Ice ( by SNAME, 20-23 Sep, Anchorage, AK, 8 pages, [2010]b. 28) Hutchings, J.K., C. Geiger, A. Roberts, J. Richter-Menge, M. Doble, R. Forsberg, K. Giles, C. Haas, S. Hendricks, C. Khambhamettu, S. Laxon, T. Martin, M. Pruis, M. Thomas, P. Wadhams, J. Zwally. Investigating the dynamic component of sea ice mass balance Toku Geophysical Journal [2008] 29) Thomas, M., C. Kambhamettu, C. A. Geiger, J. Hutchings, M. Engram Near-real time motion analysis for APLIS 2007: A systems modeling perspective, proceedings to the 15th Annual ACM GIS conference in Seattle, Washington [2007]. 30) Hibler, W. D. , J. K. Hutchings. Multiple Equilibrium Arctic Ice Cover States Induced By Ice Mechanics. Ice in the Environment: Proceedings of the 16th IAHR International Symposium on Ice (Vol. 3), 114-123 [2003] 31) Hibler, W.D., J.K. Hutchings. Multiple Equilibrium Sea Ice States Induced By Ice Mechanics, Toku Geophysical Journal 36(4) [2003] 32) Hutchings, J. K., W. D. Hibler. Modelling Sea Ice Deformation With A ViscousPlastic Isotropic Rheology. Ice in the Environment: Proceedings of the 16th IAHR International Symposium on Ice (Vol. 2), 358-366 [2002] 33) Heil, P., J. K. Hutchings, W. D. Hibler III. Modes of Variability of Arctic Sea-Ice Motion from 1949 to 2000. Proceedings of the 16th IAHR International Symposium on Ice: Ice in the Environment (Vol. 2), 367-374 [2002] Reports 34) Hutchings, J.K. Comments, in retrospect, on the 2008 Arctic Summer sea ice outlook. Sept. 25th 2008, ed Jim Overland. 2pp [2008]. Hutchings, J.K. June 2008 outlook for Arctic end of summer ice extent in 2008, Contribution to the SEARCH sea ice outlook. June 2nd 2008, ed Jim Overland. 3pp [2008] 35) Hutchings, J.K. (ed) Sea Ice Experiment: Dynamic Nature of the Arctic (SEDNA) Applied Physics Laboratory ice station (APLIS) 2007 Field Report. IARC Techincal report 143pp [2008] 36) Hutchings, J.K. and A. Orlich JWACS-JOIS Cruise Ice Observations. [2007] [2008] [2009], Hutchings, J.K. JWACS-JOIS Cruise Ice Observations. 14pp [2006] 37) Hutchings, J.K., C. Bitz. Sea Ice Mass Budget of the Arctic (SIMBA) Workshop: Bridging Regional to Global Scales. University of Alaska Fairbanks, 80pp [August 2005] PRESENTATIONS Talks (presenter, not listing talks contributed to) 06/2015 The role of sea ice dynamic preconditioning in recent Beaufort Sea change. CMOS / Polar AMS meeting. 12/2014 The expansion of the marginal ice zone in the Pacific Arctic. AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransisco (invited). 11/2014 The expansion of the marginal ice zone in the Pacific Arctic. POA Seminar CEOAS. 09/2014 Mechanical processes controlling sea ice evolution. Arctic sea ice reduction: the evidence, models and global impacts – further discussion, The Royal Society, Chicheley Hall, UK (invited). 06/2014 Observations of Increased Sea Ice Deformation Rates. Related to Reduced Summer Extent since 2007. Or why climate and seasonal modelers should care about Div(s). Sea Ice Mechanics Symposium, Grenoble, France (invited) 03/2014 Lukovich, Hutchings & Barber. On sea ice dynamical regimes in the Arctic. IGS Sea Ice Symposium, (Presented for Lukovich), Hobart, Australia. 03/2014 Sea ice deformation from drifting buoys: divergence and shear. IGS Sea Ice Symposium, Hobart, Australia. 07/2013 Space-borne monitoring of polar sea ice project meeting, ISSI Workshop, Bern. Deformation: Process study to monitoring redistribution. Thoughts and discussion. 07/2013 IABP General Meeting. Status Report: UAF. 03/2013 Workshop commemorating Norbert Untersteiner. Thoughts on upper ocean heat storage / ice melt (and retarded ice growth). 01/2013 IARC Seminar. The role of sea ice dynamics in the recent sea ice change in the Beaufort Gyre. 01/2013 CliC Sea Ice Working Group Meeting. In-situ sea ice observations: standardization and sharing data. 02/2013 ISAR-3, Tokyo. Sea-ice melt onset associated with ice deformation events during early summer. Jennifer Hutchings, Yusuke Kawaguchi and Frederic Vivier. 12/2012 AGU Fall Meeting. Recent sea ice change in the Beaufort Gyre: The role of ice dynamics. Jennifer K. Hutchings and Ignatius Rigor. (invited) 06/2012 Space-borne monitoring of polar sea ice project meeting, ISSI Workshop, Bern. The role of sea ice dynamics in increasing latitudinal expanse of the Seasonal Ice Zone in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. 06/2012 Space-borne monitoring of polar sea ice project meeting, ISSI Workshop, Bern. ASPECT for the Arctic. 06/2012 IABP general meeting. IARC Status Report with JAMSTEC and French 03/2012 2011 12/2010 12/2010 09/2010 06/2010 06/2010 06/2010 06/2010 05/2010 02/2010 01/2009 11/2008 10/2007 11/2007 09/2007 contributions. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City. The role of sea ice dynamics in increasing latitudinal expanse of the Seasonal Ice Zone in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. AGU Fall Meeting. Scaling of sea ice deformation and related feedbacks. (invited) ISAR-2 Conference, Tokyo. Scaling of sea ice deformation and related feedbacks. ICETECH Conference, Anchorage. On the Spatial and Temporal Characterization of Motion Induced Sea Ice Internal Stress Space-borne monitoring of polar sea ice project meeting, ISSI Workshop, Bern. Sea ice deformation: issues of scale (invited) International Arctic Buoy Program Meeting, Oslo. IARC/UAF report. CliC sea ice working group meeting, Tromso. Ice Plan, a community effort. IGS Symposium on sea ice, Tromso. Stress and strain-rate scaling relationships. Complex Systems Workshop, Fairbanks. Temporal and spatial characterization of sea ice deformation. ARSC PI Workshop, Fairbanks. Sea ice tide-inertial interaction: observations and modeling. CliC Sea Ice Workshop, Tromso. Summary of US sea ice field efforts. ISAR-1, Tokyo. Investigating the dynamic component of sea ice mass balance SEDNA Virtual Workshop. Relating sea ice stress and strain-rate. Beaufort Sea fish survey planning workshop. Winter sea ice camp and survey logisitics (invited). ASF Science Day. Sea ice experiment: Dynamic nature of the Arctic (invited). Posters (and talks contributed to) 07/2015 Sea ice response to insolation changes: important differences between two hemispheres. Pepijn Bakker and Jennifer Hutchings. INQUA meeting. Poster. 12/2014 Changes in the Canada Basin: results from Beaufort Gyre Observing Program/Joint Ocean Ice Studies expeditions, 2003-2014. Bill Williams, Andrey Proshutinsky, Rick Krishfield, Mary-Louise Timmermans,Michiyo Yamamoto-Kawai, Bill Li, Sarah Zimmermann, Jenny Hutchings, Fiona McLaughlin, Eddy Carmack. AGU Fall Meeting, oral. 12/2014 Sea ice dynamics and the role of wind forcing over the Beaufort Sea. Alek Petty, Jennifer Hutchings, Sinead Farrell, Jackie Richter-Menge. AGU Fall Meeting 12/2014 Observed sea ice thickness changes in the Beaufort Gyre through synthesis of Eulerian and Lagrangian data, Andy Mahoney, Jennifer Hutchings, Christian Haas & Hajo Eicken. AGU Fall Meeting 12/2014 12/2014 03/2014 03/2014 03/2014 11/2013 03/2012 2011?? 06/2010 03/2010 12/2009 12/2008 08/2008 Siku: A sea ice discrete element method model on a spherical Earth. Anton Kulchitsky, Jennifer Hutchings and Jerry Johnson. AGU Fall Meeting. Changes in Arctic sea ice deformation from 2000-2010, Kim Martini & Jennifer Hutchings. AGU Fall Meeting, oral. Ice Watch and ASSIST (Arctic Shipborne Sea Ice Standardization Tool). Alice Orlich, Scott MacFarlane, Tiffany Green and Jennifer Hutchings. IGS Sea Ice Symposium, Hobart Australia Comparing methods of measuring sea ice density in the East Antarctic. Jennifer Hutchings, Petra Heil, Jan Leiser, Roger Stevens, and Oliver Lecomte. IGS Sea Ice Symposium, Hobart Australia Automated detection of melt pond distribution during 2007-2013 summers in the Arctic Ocean. Yasuhiro Toyota. IGS Sea Ice Symposium, Hobart Australia FAMOS Meeting, Woods Hole. Changes in the Beaufort Gyre between August 2012 and 2013. Bill Williams, Michiyo Yamamoto-Kawai, Jenny Hutchings & Sarah Zimmermann. AON Workshop, Anchorage. Sea ice deformation monitoring with drifting buoys. Jenny Hutchings, Ignatius Rigor, Andrew Roberts, Yusuke Kawaguchi. IPY conference, Oslo. . J.K. Hutchings, A. Roberts, C. Geiger, J. RichterMenge, M. Thomas and C. Kambhamettu, Temporal and spatial characterisation of sea ice deformation. State of the Arctic Meeting, Miami. J.K. Hutchings, A. Roberts, C. Geiger, J. Richter-Menge, M. Thomas and C. Kambhamettu, Temporal and spatial characterisation of sea ice deformation. AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransisco. J.K. Hutchings, P. Heil and A. Roberts, Scaling properties of sea ice deformation during winter and summer. AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransisco. J.K. Hutchings and I. Rigor, Mechanisms explaining anomalous ice conditions in the Beaufort Sea during 2006 and 2007 Complex Systems Workshop, Fairbanks. J.K. Hutchings, R. Wackerbauer and U. Bhatt, Investigating rapid sea ice decline in a GCM. Public Presentations 05/2014 “Sea Ice”. Rotary Club, Corvallis (invited) 11/2013 “Sea Ice Dynamics”. GeoClub, CEOAS …. Elena’s workshop for teachers. 10/2012 Public talk for crew and collegues on the Aurora Australis …. Classroom talk for Elena 08/2011 Lecture for high school students on sea ice rheology, at Naval Research Laboratory. 10/2009 Public talk for the crew of the Louis S. St. Laurant. Guest Lectures 11/2010 Sea ice dynamics, in Hajo Eicken’s Geophysics of Sea Ice class. 11/2010 10/2010 03/2010 11/2009 11/2009 05/2008 Sea ice mechanics, in Hajo Eicken’s Geophysics of Sea Ice class. AOMIP School. Sea ice dynamics overview: What role do ice dynamics play in a changing Arctic? (invited) Introducing sea ice and climate to political science students Sea ice dynamics, in Hajo Eicken’s Geophysics of Sea Ice class. Sea ice rheology, in Hajo Eicken’s Geophysics of Sea Ice class. IARC Summer School. Improving sea ice dynamics models through validation. Lecturing Fall 2013 Introduction to Atmospheric Science. Online Course Fall 2014 Introduction to Atmospheric Science. Online Course Fall 2014 Introduction to Matlab for Engineers and Oceanographers.