M.I.T. LIBRARIES - DEWEY Dewey HD28 .M414 9y ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT FORMAL AUTHORITY VERSUS POWER IN PROFIT MAXIMIZING ORGANIZATIONS Julio J. by Rotemberg Massachusetts Institute of Technology WP#3652-94-EFA February 1994 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 FORMAL AUTHORITY VERSUS POWER IN PROFIT MAXIMIZING ORGANIZATIONS Julio J. by Rotemberg Massachusetts Institute of Technology WP#3652-94-EFA February 1994 M.I.T. FEB LIBRARIES 2 51994 RECEIVED Formal Authority versus Power in Profit Julio J. Maximizing Organizations Rotemberg Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology January 31, 1994 Abstract I consider a setup in which the firm genercilly wishes to follow the wishes of individuals (or groups) with large amounts of specific human capital even if their willingness to pay for decisions is less than that power over decisions. In a situation where costly communication prevents the owner of the firm from knowing the valuations employees attach to all decisions, the owner will give formal authority to one individual (or group). I show that, as long as individuals have the of others. Thus, these individuals have possibility of protesting against decisions they do not like, it may be profit maximizing to give this formal authority to someone other than the powerful individual. The reason is that the threat of formal protests by powerful individuals is more effective as a check on the discretion of the person endowed vnth EI Toulouse comments formal authority. 'I wish to thank seminar participants at in for helpful In all but the smallest of firms, authority make get to delegated in the sense that employees other than the is decisions that have a lasting impact on the organization. This delegation CEO of costs associated with giving the as a starting point, the all is CEO probably the result the relevant information. Taking information transmission costs team theory approach originated by Marschak and Hadner (1972) allows one predict the allocation of authority in organizations. In effect, decisions are best informed about the consequences of the particular decision. A made by the employee similar conclusion is who to is reached by Jensen and Meckling (1992). As is widely recognized (Radner 1992) the main shortcoming of the team theory approach is that regards each employee as ma.ximizing the welfare of the firm without regard to personal objectives. related defect is that, in practice, decision individuals' preferences (as opposed to only making inside organization appears to who particular decision's outcomes. Rather, employees their wishes tend to this allocation of be reflected who cope with in decisions. In seem highly correlated with information about the are important to the firm either because they control difficulties Rotemberg it single provide a model which rationalizes ability of groups and individuals to get their does not provide a satisfactory model of the delegation of authority. owner (or CEO) who knows theory approach, the what I power. I CEO A more all it considers a possible decisions and satisfactory treatment would recognize that, as in the team has to rely on information provided by his subordinates to reach a decision. That consider in this paper. The gathering and transmitting terprises, In particulcir, the private benefits that employees derive from decides directly whose wishes to follow. is appear to have disproportionate influence: (1993), While that model matches the observations concerning the way, depend rather heavily on has most influence in organizations (see PfefFer 1981). Influence over particular decisions (or power) does not it A on individuals' information). One can conclude that preferences matter from the extensive literature that studies important resources or because they help it of information is intimately related to issues of authority. In actual en- middle managers gather and transmit information. In practice, this gives them authority because they have a monopoly on the information they gathered so that their choice of what information to transmit tends to dictate what their superiors choose. selves with only minimal reporting to In other cases, the middle their superiors. But, in corporate managers make the choice themlife, authority is rarely absolute. Subordinates who to those that lie that their superior's decisions slight their interests generally have the right to protest feel above their superiors. These are able, and often do, countermand those decisions that have been protested against. Thus in this paper, authority will be given a very particular meaning. authority over a decision upwards. However, I if in will also authority. However, as long as those The aim who some power although of this paper regard individuals as having incorporate explicitly the notion that the person potential for protests reduces the effective power authority will confer will they can de facto dictate the decision by manipulating the information they send protests so that he, in effect, has to worry about the wishes of those Thus the I the ability to get power will generally fail to to consider a very stylized situation in is two possible organizational charts. which a particular activity whose protests must incur some of the protest this i.e., What located. is in authority subject to will potentially be heard. what one wants, of those costs associated with protests, be absolute. which a firm must choose between distinguishes the two organizational designs Consider is is the tutelage under concreteness the logistics activity that concerns for itself with warehousing finished products and shipping them to customers. This activity relates directly both to the production and to the sales departments of a firm so that either department. Whether it is better to locate it issue is plausible to place under a particular department part on the technical complementarities involved. In practice, two departments. The it it will also under the aegis of it obviously depend will depend on the relative in power of the then whether, ignoring the technical aspects, the most powerful department is should also be given direct control over this particular logistics activity. While this real world issue motivates my analysis, my model ployees and one decisions that has the potential of affecting human capital so that, as in about the nonpecuniary valuable employee to i.e., utility that the their extremely stylized. them both. The employees power would differ if the for the decision. CEO employees draw from various decisions. the one with the most specific capital, would get his pay the same amount to have full information Rotemberg (1993) is The issue about the available options, I consider in this paper this valuable employee I consider two em- differ in their specific had information In particular, the way when they is full are both willing whether, once the will also receive most CEO ceases formal authority over the decision. I show that, while there are benefits from giving authority to individuals that the firm wants to empower. The there are costs as well. cost even when he thereby gains much result, it is that the powerful Individual will then choose his favorite is less sometimes attractive to than others would gain with alternate choices. employees who are let less that, as a is attractive because it has been shown by (1955) and other subsequent researchers that people without a strong position in the hierarchical structure often have a great deal of power. shows that people with high rank are that show important to the firm have formal authority. This potential separation between formal authority and power Thompson I outcome many That ' is not to say that rank confers no power. Ibarra (1993) be viewed as powerful. But, the main point of her paper likely to is other characteristics of employees are related to their power as well. The paper proceeds (1993). In this portionately In the first section, as follows. model one of the two employees if it following section, had access I to information is I set powerful up a model that in is very similar to Rotemberg that the firm would follow about the employee's valuation wishes dispro- its for the different projects. In the cissume that the firm has to learn the valuations from the individuals themselves and that this transmission of information is costly. Moreover, I assume that there are economies of scale in the sense that an individual employee can credibly transmit the benefits of both employees from a particular project for the same cost as should be interpreted is it would cost to transmit information on just gets. own valuation. particular option, the firm can Because of these economies of only from one employee. As we tell scale, the firm benefits shall see below, this values he transmits largely determine the employee outcome of the how much nonpecuniary I am following Tirole (1986) and LafTont (1990). assume that the person The way this will in effect, decision. at the top is in "' benefits each from requesting the details of a project In have authority because the assuming that economies of scale the gathering and transmission of information determine the existence of a person hierarchy, ^ that there are economies of scale associated with describing any particular option. Once an employee describes any employee his who While they do not derive is at the top of a their hierarchy, they charge of transmitting information. That such a hierarchy 'Thompson (1955) provides an example from the military where the out in great detail. He shows that, nonetheless employees' de facto power in is hard to each employee are spelled extend to areas for which they are not officially official responsibilities of cjvn responsible. whose vziluations are unknown and lets the transmission However, in that literature this cost is not independent of the individual's valuation. Instead, information is transmitted by having the individuals with different values sort themselves in terms of the actions they take. Here, instead, I consider the possibility that the individuals can prepare documents that establish their valuation for different outcomes. They also consider optimal arrangements (or side-contracts) between the person in authority and his subordinates. 1 neglect these here and assume that no payment can take place between the person who transmits the information and the other employee. While there is a clear incentive for such contracts, they are made difficult by their lack of enforceability in the courts. The standard mechanism design literature also considers individuals of this valuation involves a cost (Baron and Myerson 1982). derive without making special assumptions about the costs of information flows is suggested by Baron and Besanko (1992). It seems natural to view the person who as having authority since we is in charge of transmitting the information about one project are used to seeing individuals with authority transmit information upwards. However, authority tends to involve more than just transmission of information. right to collect information and, more also generally involves the specifically, of asking questions of one's subordinates. both of these features of formal authority play a pivotal role. In particular, with authority can costlessly discover the nonpecuniary benefits of Thus It He the employee with authority has several advantages. is my model, assume that only the employee projects for the other employee. gets to scan the private values of alternative projects and transmit upwards the characteristics of a project he described, the right to protest as long as he all I In likes. The other employee The main willing to incur a cost. has, as I already conclusion of the paper The hinges on the fact that the incentive to protest will generally be larger for the more valuable employee. result is The strong that giving authority to the other employee can be attractive. incentive to protest of the valuable employee ensures that the employee with authority does not abuse his authority in the way as A would the more valuable employee. secondary conclusion of the paper attractive because it is that protests will sometimes be observed in equilibrium. This reproduces a fact of organizational protest even though they are not always successful. life. who are not always successful because the employee modified to ensure that it also gives nonpecuniary third section deals with a related, the transmission of information is for giving protests utility to the the process that takes place following a protest so the The Moreover, demonstrate that employees I Protests, like the influence activities of Roberts (1988) take place here because they have the potential They same outcome though somewhat is more much in authority. of the protest Milgrom and is the project can be This is discovered in stochcistic. different definition of authority. In this section, so costly that the employee with authority simply without communicating the employees' valuations will rents to individual employees. not sure how employee is for the decision. makes his decision Since the firm does not learn these valuations, employee wages are unaffected by the decisions that are taken. The aim of this section is to show that the conclusions of section 2 are robust to the introduction of this even larger impediment to information transmission. Putting the employee who is less valuable in charge can be attractive because the other employee has a larger incentive to protest. The other substantive conclusion of this section any is that loss in profits. making wages independent of the decisions that are actually taken need not involve The optimality of wages that are literally constant requires arises only under special circumstances. However, the fact that profit maximization more its general. wages may It may suggests that the barriers to information transmission that prevent the firm from adjusting cause only second order losses. "* The Model 1 As in Rotemberg (1993) needs to be I suppose that there are two made on which each period that employee i risk neutral value of simple, its I also so it The it I i with probability (1 — z\ for and that a decision firm operates for two periods. does not know the value of these outside pays him B and ^ The In outside offers of assume that the firm cannot precommit the consider a very simple stochastic structure for these offers. ^2 A remains at the firm, he generates a value equcJ to vV future wages and that the outside offer of employee pays him employees their desires are potentially different. the employees represent the other determinant of their wages. I involve constant wages suggests something working elsewhere P). Without loss of generality in I I offers. assume To keep that, in the the anaJysis second period, that period with probability P while it let ^i < 4 (1) v' > zi (2) assume that is socially efficient for the employee to remain In the first period, the outside offers of each in the second period. employee guarantee a certain present value of payments working elsewhere. This present value of payments equals y\ with probability Pi, j/j for with probability Pt and (1985) and in Barro and Romer (1987). Mankiw (1985) from the optimum price leads a monopolist to incur only second order losses. Thus, the losses from keeping the price constant in response to a smeill perturbation cire of second order as well. This is similar to my setting in that the firm generally incurs only second order costs when its wage differs slightly from the optinuun. However, my result is stronger because a constant price can actually be optimal in my model. In that respect, the model is more closely related to Barro and Romer (1987). They show that constant prices can be optimal in their model of full-day tickets at ski resorts because the price of the thing people actually care about (namely ski-lift rides) is effectively varying even though the posted price for full-day tickets is constant. Simil^lrly, the constant wage in my model is consistent with variations in total compensation, although these variations are not due to a congestion effect like that in Barro and Romer ^The argument has some similarities to the arguments in Mankiw starts from the observation that charging a price that difTers slightly (1987). This is the wage of any potential replacement plus the difference between the revenues generated by the employee and those generated by the replacement. j/^ with probability (1 - - Pi P2). Once again, I let <yi<y'3 y\ I will also assume that Assuming that the firm does not discount the the employee for two periods. > 2v' so this requires that 2v' of 1/3 and avert From in for all smaller than the present value of the benefits the firm gathers by keeping is j/3 (3) The j/3. result is that would be it future, this present value equals efficient for the firm to pay a present value departures. the point of view of the owner of the firm, there are a great terms of the revenues that they generate and both employees. To simplify the analysis, I potential projects which differ terms of the nonpecuniary in utility that they generate assume below that while the owner does not know the will know characteristics of potential projects, he does many that there exist some projects which have an acceptable pecuniary return. In other words, he knows that there exist projects which raise revenues by To reduce the need investment of N. for transmission of costly information, projects which meet these specifications. that they provide are ex ante random. a particular project _;'. I £ and 0. In this section, I first unknown. What is taken up wages of both employees effectively faces a choice will 'One could exist, the nonpecuniary benefits the nonpecuniary benefit that employee by the projects that are feasible known is that the x'-'s (i.e., i attaches to that satisfy the can take three values, namely h, the values attached by employees to the various projects. the next section. between paying :\ - zi, < P{v^ - and The z\) z'2. The former keeps firm now compute the the employee with probability P while better off paying the lower wage as long as is or [l - assume throughout. justify this I both periods as well as the profits of the firm. In the second period the firm in v' I in the owner entertains only understanding the firm's choice of projects. for the latter keeps him with probability one. which know is for a fixed that the project that has been implemented gives no nonpecuniary benefits to either em- This provides a good baseline ployee. x'- x's provided the owner also let Costly information transmission Suppose denote by I assume that the financial constraints) are initially While projects that meet them ® R by assuming that no superior projects exist. P)(v' - z{) < zi, - z{ (4) I now turn Here the firm essentially has a choice of whether the to the analysis of the first period. present value that employees can expect by staying probability Pi, Pi + P2 and one respectively. employee that remains in the first period. I is y[, y!^ or now compute To do this, the expected present value of earnings of an assume I These lead to employees remaining with j/3. for simplicity that neither the firm nor the workers discount future payments. Since (4) implies that employees receive remain with the firm for both periods, remaining in the first second period z\ in the period in exchange for a first they if period wage of w leads to an expected present value of earnings equal to w+Pz\+il-P)z{ Paying the wage that leads to an expected present value of P,[v\l + P) - (1 _ + P) - y{ + y- < P).'] (5) maximizes expected y\ (Pi + P2)(y' - profits if (6) y{) and - (1 Pi)[v'{l maximized by paying the Profits are first + (1 - P)zi] < (yi - (7) y\) period wage that leads to a present value of 1/2 if (6) does not hold while - (1 holds. Finally, a I will leads to a present value of y\. 1 now - + P) - P2)[i;'(l assume that The purpose utility to individual (6) when similar analysis applies — X. The latter is P)zi] maximizes in (). As in {yi is if i - profits y') if (7) his To wage (8) and (8) both fail equilibrium wage in the to hold. first period to ensure that decisions that give for raising their total a nonpecuniary Rotemberg (1993), such the second period. his outside offer equals Zj < (7) hold so that the consider the effect of decisions that give employee the second period z\ - employees also have the potential probability that the employee remains or j/3 (1 of this assumption the firm (where x can take the value of h or in and + y^ wage that leads to a present value of For purposes of illustration nonpecuniary Pi utility x compensation. if he remains at decisions can change the see this, note that the employee in the firm when his outside offer equals z\, the firm effectively more profitable is more smaller than ;2 ~ now *• leaves Since a has the choice of paying ^2 ~ ^ if {l-P){v'+x-z{)<zi~z[ (9) For large enough x, (9) can be violated even though (4) holds. employee with probability one if z sufficiently large. is will I assume that h does indeed keep with probability one any employee whose x I will occurs be concerned with the case in particular if v^ similar but A's outside in v^ larger than is off'ers will focus , on the case where the ;'s is is sufficiently large that the firm equal to h. has more specific human capital than B. This though a similar analysis applies when the internal values are are lower (which valued outside the firm). In either case, (9) I A which employee This nieans that the firm retains the is (and the also consistent with having capital that is more likely to be violated same y's) are the for A. To keep is relatively less the analysis simple, both employees but where for v'^yv^ Given it (10), it is possible that, is equal to (9) £, is (9) is violated for both employees now turn I when x = when when the firm adopts a project adds One to the analysis of the first period. rents i little new whose nonpecuniary is holds for B. Alternatively, The wages that induce a present discounted value of earnings of while the present value C it When is 2/3 when the nonpecuniary the nonpecuniary payoff that period. Accepting to stay is in h, employee the first i payoflT utility of i and gain even larger rents the employees' taste for projects some must be the case that the firm pays 2/2 is case where both employees gain some perfectly correlated with the nonpecuniary utility that they derive from them. This case thus has offer in is h. In this case, obvious intuitive appeal. For this perfect correlation to obtain, is it insights. interesting case utility while consider both cases below. will 1 them nonpecuniary the firm adopts a project that gives A violated for possible that, in this case, (9) holds for both employees. is where is when x (10) when first the project's nonpecuniary payoff h. stays for sure in period 2 and gets Z2 of total compensation period with a wage of u; thus leads to an expected present value of w+ To ensure :i, that the firm chooses a present value of + 2/3 h in this case, we must have {l-P,)[2{v'+h}-y{]>{y',-y\) (11) and (1 - P, - P,)[2{v' +h)- 2/'] > (y- - J/') (12) These period 1 inequalities are consistent with (7) leads to and because h (8) is large being earned by the firm with higher probability i;' and because paying a high wage in the subsequent period. Since (11) and (12) hold for both employees, both earn a present value of that gives them h in nonpecuniary utility. gives him a nonpecuniary benefit of h expected present value of income is off. The employee gain, however, is .4 and different. D rises at that An analogous of h. It + yi implemented offer in the first also strictly better off first is if period the decision that period outside offer. + P2iyi-yi) same His A The firm's a nonpecuniary utility of h gains the firm + P) - yf + 2h - P,[v^{l (13) to have such a project implemented. Implementing a project that gives - a project if point by are willing to pay the 2v^ is taken before he knows the value of his Pi{yi-y\) Thus employee y'-^ This makes any employee whose outside short of this present value strictly better falls (1 - P)z^] equation applies when the firm implements a project that gives thus follows immediately that, assuming (10) holds, the firm gains (14) B a nonpecuniary benefit more from implementing the project that helps A. In particular, the gain from implementing a project whose nonpecuniary utility for IS h versus that of implementing one which gives this much nonpecuniary utility to B is positive if v"^ employees have power I now turn in exceeds v^ . in the sense that the firm wants to to considering the effect of projects the second period. Thus his is is Thus, the wage that gives a present value of m their wishes. utility of £. I start with the case not sufficient for the firm to keep employee is z\ — i. For any given wage i with probability in the first period, the thus w+e+ + accommodate which give nonpecuniary second period wage present value of the employee's compensation p-,[{v' (15) This the essence of Rotemberg's (1993) conclusion that valuable where the implementation of such a project one ^4 is {v^-v'')i2-il + P)P,) This in Pz\ j/2 's + (i-p)zii optimal + p)-y\ + (i10 p)zi] if > (A + PnM - y\) (16) and {I Because 2/2 — y\ £ when -Pi- + 0(1 + P2)[{v' yU - ^) the firm adopt the project that gives him value of y\. Thus, his ex ante gain from this adoption £ - and < P)-o] Assuming positive, (16) can be consistent with (6). is (1 - {y'3 (17) y'2) and (17) hold, employee (16) equivalent to £ of both employees is which gives period. The + P) once again, bigger is, it ( lo The the same. A \s even higher + - (1 for the if P)z',] + (18) firm's gain nonpecuniary compensation to employee in P2[v'{i So that is (P, + i is from implementing a project that gives the is + P) - P2)(^(i employee whose value the result gains his outside offer turns out to involve a present Piiy'2-y{) Thus the gain i that the firm keeps A Piy{ The higher. is t^' + y'2) (19) gain to choosing a project with probability one in the second firm then gains (P, which exceeds (19) because + Po)(2t;^ v'^ - yf + 2£) - Pi[u^(l + P) - t/f + (1 - P)z^] (20) exceeds 2^. Individual projects potentially provide nonpecuniary benefits to both employees. Let there be / feasible projects indexed by of income that i. Each feasible project A and B would generated by the project. i can be described by a vector {xf,xf} which gives the amounts have to receive to be indifferent with respect to the nonpecuniary A's favorite project among all the feasible ones is utility denoted by a. This project satisfies 2;^>^^Vz<; The first inequality ensures that no project has a higher value for inefficient choices given level of x^ > xf J B xf = x^ and when agents utility, A x^ . To eliminate (21) results due to are indifferent the second inequality ensures that, conditional on receiving a prefers projects that make B better off. Similarly, P, the project that B prefers, is defined by X0 > xf , Vi < / and .11 x^ > xf , ; 9 if = if (22) Table 1 Possible Characteristics of a /? for each a Table 2 Projects whose ranking {h is ambiguous If .4 is A given authority and reports. The result is that B never reports the value of any projects, the firm implements whatever project A would always report the characteristics of q, on the ambiguities surrounding the projects displayed from what the firm would implement Optimality of 2.1 There if it In particular, this occurs full A g{h,0) first is inequality implies that g{i,t) larger than g(i,i) so that a is in fact optimal from the point of view of the firm. and all g{h,0) > g{e,h) also larger than g(0,h). is (25) Moreover, the second implies that the ambiguities in Table 2 are resolved in favor of A's preferences. when A cannot The second project that the firm prefers to a. get more than A and i from any project, there same inequality ensures that the a project. In this case, the firm ought to give authority to is projects. all if Basically, the first inequality implies that, there reported project will sometimes differ 2, this information on choose g{e,0)> g{0,h) The Table Depending authority /I's one case, however, where letting is had in his favorite project. is this authority never any reason for the firm to favor an option that makes B when A true is in is no gets h from some sense absolute, better off than the choice favored by A. However, this is an e.xtreme case. Matters are less favorable to giving inequality in (25) is reversed. This would occur the difTerence between the second inequality in (25) relative to the profits second inequality is v'* and v^ is A when the second small. In that case, reversed because the difference between g{h, 0) and g{0, h), (15), can be small A from having in (25) if authority to get nonpecuniary utility which is worth £ to him. The violation of the captures a very plausible scenario. In this scenario, the firm prefers some projects that the less valuable employee adores to projects that give only a tiny bit of e.xtra utility to A. For purposes of illustration, I concentrate on the case where, in addition to the violation of the second inequality of (25), 9iO,h)>giiJ) It follows immediately that g{Q,h) from (26) that .'/(/!, 0) is Suppose that A gets is also larger than g(C,0). (26) Since g{h,0) is larger than g{0,h), it follows also larger than g{(,C). to choose the project and that he can e.xpect 14 B never to protest. He would then , choose a. If the resulting project gives h to B, Table from giving authority to A. Similarly, nothing exceeds g{Lh) which and from the itself firm's ideal exceeds g{0,h). outcome. The lost is namely when a is when a has nonpecuniary is first is when a The is which a in and there entails {l,i} better off with the latter. payoffs given by {/i,0} while {i,h) is so that nothing when a has nonpecuniciry payoffs of {h,£} The same is since g(h,i) both from p inefficiency arises in available. Finally, the third The available. is differs violation of the second better off with {C,h} in this event. B's Protests issue is then whether D would protest move from a project that gives equivalent to /?, his gain in these tliree instances. him non nonpecuniary utility to If such a protest leads the firm to one that gives him a nonpecuniary given by (13). Thus, in the last two instances, his gain is In the first case, the protest only leads to a gain from protesting change (27) already positive nonpecuniary in his Even vvhen the expression projects. At The reason best, he is in (27) that gets when such a does know is is B positive, project all is worthwhile exist his is B (28) B will protest in utility that which give him nonpecuniary him h is A the third case, when a draws from alternative utility equivalent to h. the best for A, he does not A would have preferred the project from which he gets h gives £ or zero to A. will prefer a. So, and which appears best for A I'll suppose that there gives ^ to ^. if Even know how he protests. if described by {h,h} (since be to no avail since the firm that the project that gives h io not certain that adopted. This, he discovers only that no feasible project latter, the protest will it is the projects that give Thus B's uncertainty concerns whether Q Thus ' does not know the nonpecuniary knows that projects assuming that he knows which of much A utility. is Pi{y3-yi) + P2{y'3-y2)-C2 features (/i,0). utility is Piiy3-y\) + P^.iy3-y2)-C2 B lost is also exists a project described given by {^,0} while a project with {0,/»} inequality in (25) implies that the firm 2.2 a and p coincide indicates that However, there are three cases by {0,/i}. In this case, (26) implies that the firm the second case, 1 B will is this as well). If it does the a probability then find protesting ' , Q[Pi{yz-y\) + P2{y^-y^)]>C2 15 (29) Suppose that the expressions in all three where A What contested cases. and the firm prefer or in (27) B whether have to protest to get many succeed To words, there way outcome that is B an equilibrium proposes projects with {i,i}, {^,0} or he observes that a project exists that gives him h. But, there are also equilibria where equilibria exist if his way. In other offer the will get his A always proposes {0,h} when such a project so B would immediately B when always proposes a. In this equilibrium {/i,0} as long as A whether less clear is is will and (28) are positive and that (29) holds. Then is that A is is protests available I if assume that a protest by given either by {(,£} or {^,0}. is essentially indifferent as to he protests and can be expected to protest avoid this indifference, and a what he does A reports a. B has a cost for A in the cases as well, and I where A The reason B is sure to denote this cost by C3. This can be thought of as the cost of delivering credible information on A's valuation of B's proposed project. feasible In the presence of and a is even a trivial cost of this type, Q with probability A because is one, then the fact that (29) then loses C3, this is available but is a equals {/i,0}. positive implies that B If A is then choose a with probability one. The equilibrium must A proposes {h,0} with probability one if Thus, B's benefit from protesting protests with probability one. {i,h} is B never protests thus involve mixed strategies. not available and with probability t^ In equilibrium, tt^ as to is such that this expression He thus protests with probability what he reports. His gain which must be zero in tt/j. from reporting a (1 is zero so that B is (30) indifferent This probability must in is yi)] equilibrium. Note that a high value for the likely to be B A is 2ind not indifferent is - TB)[P,(y* -y\) + P.ivi - low while the probability that between protesting turn be such that - ttbCs left hand from getting one's way, implies that the probability that the probability that (t^a) if it is ^AQ[Pi{yi-y{) + P2(y'3-y'2)]-C2 protesting. is expected to propose not an equilibrium. Nor can there be an equilibrium where A would In equilibrium is. propose {0,h} when such a project will given either by {i,C} or {^,0}. Matters are more complicated when {£,h] Since A protests a suspicious project efficient. 16 is side of (29), A high. i.e., a large gain proposes the wrong project Thus the outcome is more So firm. far have treated the costs C2 and C3 as incurred by the individuals themselves as opposed to by the I However, the firm probably could pay for some of these costs itself by, for instance, giving individuals time and resources to mount their protests. Suppose that project that gives A replacing him h. D If has proposed {/j,0} and that protests, the firm has a probability at the cost of losing the e.xpression in (15). i) A Thus Q its B knows about a of gaining the expression in (19) (with total gain is Q{r7(^,0)-b(/i,0)-g(0,/i)]} While the violation of the second inequality of (25) implies that D than the private gains to which are given by the , left hand (31) this Of firm would not gain ex post by financing B's protest. commit itself in advance to pay A must pay to defend himself remains bounded away from zero. The reason the expression in (30) to zero, and set n,^ near zero. But, the fact that (31) 2.3 I it is such protests so that the cost faced by that ^'s response to a low value of C2 seems likely that in practice the firm below Ct implies that individuals must pay is (29) is is violated so that sometimes pays to let a B To maintain symmetry, B violated so that has identified a project that gives him it smaller than course, the firms would love to B is is is negligible while the cost that that, as one can see by setting to grant B's wishes right cannot commit itself in this away way so that the cost of their protests themselves. Optimality of B's Authority now suppose that of (25) for could well be smaller it They could thus be side of (29). Ci so that the for positive, is is h. I does not protest a project that implies {h,0} even when he continue to suppose that (26) holds while the second inequality not always optimal for the firm. I assume that the violation of (29) also implies that D Proposition and {£,h} is 1: if A knows respectively. that, under these circumstances, A that a project with {h,h} Q will fail to protest be (he probability that a and P is Thus 1. are associated with nonpecuniary payoffs of {h,0] and {Q,(}. Then giving authority 17 B. under some circumstances. Nonetheless, giving Lei Ao be the probability thai they are associated with {h,i} the probability that they are associated with {£,0} unavailable but knows to the event that this project gives ( to profitable under the conditions of Proposition Let Aj show now have authority. of a project that gives him h, he assigns probability authority to I and {i,h} while A3 to B is more is profitable - [g{h,0)-giO,h)]} Ai (3(^,0) Proof: To go systematically through {x',x^} with {x^,x']. when B reports do better. When /? because would lose his protest .4 outcome If B efficient is It because involves {C,h} and {h,C] if is (0,/i}. him h picks A available, is to A, it p will The same argument Lastly, there in A available, is /? in this 1. a (32) for in Table 1 and replace In the first three rows, A case and neither the firm nor and the firm would prefer the is violated, A latter. gets h A can However, does not protest so the is would protest because he would know that a and that he would thus win available Neither would any inefficiency be present case where expression B only {h,0} were available and (29) in his protest for sure. the case where /? Knowing this, B would gives {^,0}. gives nonpecuniary utility equivalent to {0,/i} also fails to create inefficiencies. On alternatives {£,i} and {^,0} are inferior. gives X3{W,0)-g{QJ)]}>0 inefficient. is project that gives The - the possible outcomes, exchange all were to propose {(,£] when {0,h} propose X2{[g{h,0)-g{0,h)] - [g(e,0) - g{0,i)]} then proceed to consider the rows of Table I The outcome l3. - the other hand, be preferred by the firm so implies that the issue of (18) exceeds C^, B will what A A would protest. propose {/i,0} when P will occur when protests and wins. /? is if is an alternative project were available that Thus, B bows to A's wishes in this case. given by {0,£} while {h,Q} given by {0,£) while {^,0} But, if The this expression is is is available. also available. If the smaller than C2, A does not gain by protesting even though such a protest would lead to a more favorable project being implemented. The result The would then be that outcome B is outcome benefit of giving authority to outcome when a and to this is inefficient. (relative to giving it to A) is thus that the firm gets the efficient have nonpecuniary payoffs of {h,0} and {i,h} respectively. /? potentially inefficient in the events whose probabilities equal Ao more The key B is profitable, when to the proof is and A3. The cost is that the Thus, giving authority (32) holds. that an efficient while a project whose payoffs equal {h,t] is outcome obtains when P available. This gives nonpecuniary payoffs of {0,/i} was not the case when the roles were reversed B because when he protest result could not be sure to win B that is if he protested. Because sees a project that gives makes the right decision. him h while In other fl's A is more powerful, he can be sure proposal gives him no nonpecuniary words, ^'s power prevents to win his utility. The B from imposing a very bad is consistent with the other outcome on A. There still is conditions the question of have written down. I numerical values to satisfied. To which Ai is get a when (32) That there the parameters and all more general intuition likely to is is hold and whether no inconsistency show will it be demonstrated below, when that, for these veJues, (32) on what (32) requires, it is I give and the other conditions are useful to consider the special case in equal to Ao and A3. Then, (32) becomes X:{g{C,0)-2[gih,0)-g{0,h)]}>Q Thus, favorite A it is and derives profitable to give authority to project Z?'s favorite some utility. A a lot A in the ,4 authority while giving a lot of nonpecuniary benefits. take advantage of 3 B the difference in profits between implementing A's not too large relative to the value of implementing a project from which In this case, giving pass over projects that benefit that give is B when Giving is relatively unattractive because him an intermediate B of Decision is too tempted to level of utility in favor of projects authority solves this problem without leading same way because A has a bigger The Delegation A B to incentive to protest. Making <- In the previous section, the employee in authority communicated the valuations of both employees to top management. In the absence of protests, top management used this information only to adjust employee wages. Since employee wages do not appear to be adjusted every time a decision realistic to assume that costs of information transmission prevent the firm valuations. In this section, unless there is a protest. possible projects. If I will is made it might be more from knowing the employee's suppose that, indeed, top management remains ignorant of these valuations Protests, as before, do reveal the benefits that employees derive from various a protesting employee incurs the cost Co and the employee in authority incurs the cost C3, the firm does learn the valuations for both the project that has been originally proposed and for the one favored by the protesting employee. Thus, after a protest, the situation before. 19 is identical to the one considered absence of any protests, however, there In the about projects between the employee looks "as if" Rather than carry out is no communication authority and top management. Thus, the employee in authority It appears that decision making itself has been in authority. this analysis in general, that the firm loses nothing from making wages that the firm's preference regarding I focus on a special case in which the parameters are such insensitive to decisions. who should be put the two employees are transmitted or not. The reason from the transmittal of valuations by the person That such a difference. In particular, there he had discretion over the decision in question. delegated to the employee is in is in authority is is The advantage of this special case the same whether the valuations of that, in this special case, the firm gains nothing in authority. a special case can be constructed at all is of course of independent interest. The reason is that one does not see continuous adjustment of employee wages as decisions are made inside firms. This can of by the sorts of costs of information transmission alluded to above. However, because cour.se be rationalized the cost of transmitting credibly the valuations associated with just one project are probably not great, one to gain would be worried about the lack of wage adjustment from this information. The if is existence of a special case where the firm gains nothing from knowing relatively low so that is relatively costless. The reason keeping wages constant can be optimal utility that one thought the firm had a great deal the employee's valuations suggests that, in general, the gain from such knowledge keeping wages constant all from a decision generally sees ma.xiniizing to cut the employee's his total wage by is that, as compensation his full we saw, an employee who gains nonpecuniary rise as a result. In other words, nonpecuniary gain. Thus, it is it is not profit not surprising that there are parameter configurations that lead to an increase in employee compensation that is exactly equal to the nonpecuniary gain. I conduct the analysis in two steps. In the needed to ensure that a policy of constant wages is 1/3 when the project is worth /j, y'o when it is first, in I show the conditions on the periods 1 and worth £ and 2 implies that total y\ otherwise. ensure that, with this policy of constant wages the employee remains /i. In the needed second step, for this I in assume that these conditions on parameters are ;'s and the y's that are employee compensation Moreover, these conditions also period 2 only satisfied and I when his valuation rewrite the conditions pattern of compensation to be optimal as well as the condition that implies that 20 is B should be given authority. In effect, this section are all these conditions can be satisfied at once. numerical example also shows more generally that the conditions all Proposition fails then show with a numerical example that I wrote down I the previous in compatible with one another. 2: (J,), // for both when x is (6), (7), (1 1), (12), (16), (17) hold ivhile (9) holds for both employees when x is £ but h while z'2 = z\ + h (33) yi = y\+i{l + P) (34) yi = (35) and the firm loses nothing Proof: [y\ I will — P:\ — (1 from its y\ + h{l + P) inability to observe the valuations of the project that is actually implemented. prove that the firm cannot earn more than by paying z[ — implemented. Since these wages are P):'2] independent of the ill the level of first period regardless of what project nonpecuniary is in the firm loses nothing from utility, the second period and paying its ignorance of the employees' valuations. Given that (4) holds, the firm wants to pay the employee with any nonpecuniary utility. z\ in the Thus, z\ is second period when the project does not provide optimal in this case. equals h implies the firm wishes the employee's compensation to equal Zo implemented gives h to the employee when his in this the firm would pay the employee z[ While z\ is wage equals gives the i (6) z\. in this case. —£ Thus, once again, The (rather than z\) and when 7) his outside offer equals imply that the wage of employee no nonpecuniary utility. a present value of compensation equal to [y\ z\ is if it knew that it is z'^ failure of (9) compensation accrues optimal and ensures that the the project gave i case implies that him i of nonpecuniary important to note that the wage of because (33) implies that — Pz\ — (1 — P)zn] is when x project that has been when x equals fact that (9) holds not the wage would pay in this case, the employee to depart Conditions when the to the employee. But, (33) implies that, in this case, this level of employee stays with probability one utility. The z\ + £ is less indeed optimal z\ still leads than when Z2- the project Conditions (11), (12) imply that the firm wishes to give employee j/3 when he 21 gets h of nonpecuniary utility. Given a wage of z[ in the second period, this requires a rA where the first - 2h - first = z{ period wage of + y{ (1 + P)h - - 2/1 z\ = - Pz\ - y{ equality uses (35) while the second equality uses (33). Thus, (1 - P)4 [y\ — Pz\ — (1 — P)z2] is optimal once again. Conditions (16) and (17) imply that the firm wishes to ensure that employee of compensation equal to probability P in when y], where the equality is + P)l- employee Thus, the firm loses nothing paying equalities (33), (34) and is z\ in - Pz\ implied by (34). Thus, offsets the fact that the The nonpecuniary utility the second period and receives a wage of z\ y),-{\ wage his (1 [y\ - period 2 (I much" paid "too when if — in P)i2\ period 2 there are only 8 independent parameters, namely v'^ 9 conditions hold. However, the fact that (9) holds period wage of when in all cases. his Note that nonpecuniary utility when x equals i, A is the condition (2). Since some thus show that there e.xist £ implies that (4) holds as well. In addition, I for the 8 when x equals failure when x equals h - - P)(v' z\) Using primes to denote the transformed conditions, the + P) + > 0. i is assumed all the relevant in Proposition 2 in terms now (9') is {\ ^.[.(l i simultaneously. e-z\)<h (\-P){v' + its all independent parameters such that rewrite the 8 independent conditions of the eight independent parameters. Condition (9) whereas > of these conditions are highly nonlinear, there appears to be numerical values conditions hold. Before, doing so, L Pi and Po- Proposition 2 assumes that no simple method to check whether parameters can be found that satisfy them I is and leaving aside employee B, there are the conditions (1) and (3), although these are implied by (33), (34) and (35) as long as h Finally, there this the employee gets this level of nonpecuniary utility. zf, yf, P, h, , first P)zi^ optimal is imply that, focusing just on employee (3.5) that the employee stays with he stays, this requires a = y\-Pz\-{\- P)z\ — Pz\ — L Given equals gets a present value : z\{l - P) - yi] < (P, 22 > Ph (9") rest of these are + P2)(l + Py - P2(l - P)h (6') - (1 (I- Pi- P,)[v'{l P2){2v' P2[i;'(l (1 assuming that - Pi P, P] y\, :\, , + - P) + P) {I - y\) + conditions are satisfied as long as v' /i is -P)- z\{l P,){2v' > (P - z\{l P2)[t''(l Po and + 1 - y\) > {P + P,)h - 2Pi - 2P2)h + - P) - + P) + y{] To preserve the increase in i that, since is < 2Ph - .1, .5, P2)(l + P)e (12') - P)h (1 .3, + (16') P)£ (17') and .3 £ is 11 respectively, these between 5.7 and The 9. broad range of parameters implies that one can find for parameters that are not. j/o In general, g{i,0) is increasing rnust be increased together with i so that any employee a higher present value of earnings. The £, local result changes is in this affect profits. given a nonpecuniary utility of violated so that are kept constant then it is all i. If P2 is raised to the conditions of Proposition 2 continue to be B is employee actucdly stays when he Using the above parameters with £ equal to 9 and letting Aj better to give authority to A. this case, giving authority to .4 and met but all (32) = At = is A3, the other parameters is satisfied as well. In optimal. Conclusions 4 The - Pi P2(l feasible to increase g{i, 0) by raising Pt, the probability that the It is is - for relatively large values of g(£,0). to pay the (T) (11') + P)£y'] - P)]h wages and the probability that the employee remains are independent of parameter do not (32) Pj(l between 11.2 and 13 and as long as equalities of Proposition 2, however, matched by the need Pi(l (1 are given respectively by 8, parameters that are consistent with (32) as well as in £. > - P) - z{{l fact that the conditions are satisfied for a relatively Condition (32) tends to be satisfied < [2P + y\] setting I have considered is obviously stylized. However, it shows how one can deal formally with organizational design issues in situations where the firm want to allocate power differentially to different employees. One obvious extension involves consideration of a setting where there are more than two employees. This would allow one to deal with situations where people are divided into departments and where some of the power is departmental power as opposed to individual power. Because departments contain different 23 individuals at difTerent points in their life-cycles that sort considered in Rotemberg may require an overlapping generations (1993). For the model to provide a positive theory of organizational charts, In particular, direction. model of the it also must be extended in another the model will have to include not only "strategic" decisions whose effects are long lasting but also operational (or day-to-day) decisions. In practice, hierarchical control over day-to-day linked to formal authority over decisions is makes easier to it know more lasting choices. 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