ton** ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AN ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF NONSYNCHRONOUS TRADING by Andrew W. Lo and A. Craig MacKinlay Latest Revision: April 1989 Working Paper No. 3003-89-EFA MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 AN ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF NONSYNCHRONOUS TRADING by Andrew W. Lo and A. Craig MacKinlay Latest Revision: April 1989 Working Paper No. 3003-89-EFA ;HAfflE5 JUN l uoj AN ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF NONSYNCHRONOUS-TRADING Andrew W. Lo* and A. Craig MacKinlay** First Draft: November 1988 Latest Revision: April 1989 We develop a stochastic model of nonsynchronous asset prices based on sampling with random censoring. work allows the In addition to generalizing existing models of non-trading our frame- explicit calculation of the effects of infrequent trading on the time series properties of asset returns. These are empirically testable implications for the variances, autocorrelations, and cross-autocorrelations of returns to individual stocks as well as to portfolios. We construct estimators to quantify the magnitude of non-trading commonly used stock phenomenon is responsible for fects in * ef- returns data bases, and show the extent to which this the recent rejections of the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and of Finance, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. random walk hypothesis. NBER. •'Department We thank John Campbell, Bruce Lehmann, David Modest and participants of the 1989 NBER Conference on Econometric Methods and Financial Time Series for helpful comments and discussion. Research support from the Geewax-Terker Research Fund (MacKinlay), the John M. Olin Fellowship at the NBER (Lo), and the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. Introduction. 1. It but has long been recognized that the sampling of economic time series plays a subtle critical role in of this is determining their stochastic properties. Perhaps the best example the growing literature on temporal aggregation biases that are created by confusing stock and flow variables. This is the essence of Working's (1960) now classic More generally, econometric problems are bound to arise when we ignore the fact that the statistical which time-averages are mistaken result in behavior of sampled data may point-sampled data. for be quite different from the behavior of the underlying stochastic process from which the sample was obtained. Yet another manifestation of this general principle results is what may be called the "non-synchronicity" problem, from the assumption that multiple time in fact the securities sampling quoted is in the series are which sampled simultaneously when For example the daily prices of financial nonsynchronous. Wall Street Journal are usually "closing" prices, prices at which the last transaction in each of those securities occurred on the previous business day. apparent that closing prices of distinct securities need not be set simultaneously, It is yet few empirical studies employing daily data take this into account. Less apparent is the fact that ignoring this seemingly trivial non-synchronicity can result in substantially biased inferences for the temporal behavior of asset returns. To see how, suppose that the returns to stocks and j are temporally independent but i trades less frequently than j for some i reason. If news market arrives near the close of the market on one day day price news it will reflect this information arrives. Of course, i will than respond to t's, affecting the aggregate stock it is more simply because i likely that j's end-of- may not trade after the this information eventually but the fact that responds with a lag induces spurious cross-autocorrelation between the closing prices of i and j. As a result, a portfolio consisting of securities i and j will exhibit serial dependence even though the underlying data-generating process was assumed to be temporally independent. Spurious own-autocorrelation These effects efficient have obvious implications is created in a similar manner. for the recent tests of the random walk and markets hypotheses. In this paper we propose a simple stochastic model for this phenomenon, known to financial economists as the "nonsynchronous-trading" or "non-trading" problem. Our 5.4 specification captures the essence of non-trading but - 1 - is tractable enough to permit 4.89 time series properties of sampled data. explicit calculation of all the relevant Since most empirical investigations of stock price behavior focus on returns or price changes, take as primitive the [unobservable] return-generating process of a collection of we securities. The non-trading mechanism is modeled as a random censoring of returns where censored observations are cumulated so that observed returns are the sum of prior returns that were consecutively censored. five For example, consider a sequence of consecutive days for which returns are censored only on days 3 and returns on day 2 is assumed to be the true or virtual return is the is sum of virtual returns The By allowing infrequent trading. the observed 4 are zero, from days 3 to 5. by the and the Each period's arrival as well particular censoring [and cumulation] process models the lag with which news and noise we and random and captures movements caused by information as idiosyncratic noise. processes 4; "virtual" returns, determined primitive return-generating process. Observed returns on day 3 observed return on day 5 all we employ incorporated into security prices due to is cross-sectional differences in the random censoring are able to capture the effects of non-trading on portfolio returns when only a subset of securities suffers from infrequent-trading. Although the dynamics of our model stylized is surprisingly rich they yield several important empirical implications. Using these results we estimate the probabilities of non-trading to quantify the of non-synchronicity on returns-based inferences, such as the rejection of the walk hypothesis Perhaps the in random Lo and MacKinlay (1988a). first to recognize the Fisher (1966). Since then more importance of nonsynchronous price quotes was explicit models of non-trading have been developed by Scholes and Williams (1977), Cohen, Maier, Whereas effects et. al. earlier studies considered the effects of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), (1978, 1986), and Dimson (1979). non-trading on estimating betas in more recent attention has been focused on spurious autocorrelations induced by nonsynchronous trading. 3 Our emphasis also lies the autocorrelation and cross-autocorrelation properties of nonsynchronously in sampled data and the model we propose extends and generalizes existing results in several directions. First, previous formulations of non-trading require that each security Day on day l's return obviously depends on how many consecutive days prior to 1 that the security did not trade. If it traded then the day 1 return is simply equal to its virtual return; if it did not trade at but did trade at -1, then day l'» 0, the sum of day and day l's virtual returns; etc. example, Cohen, Hawawini, et. al. (1983a,b), Dimson (1979), and Scholes and Williams (1977). 'See Atchison, Butler, and Simonds (1987), Cohen, Maier, et. al. (1979,1986), Lo and MacKinlay (1988a), and return is 2 See, for Muthuswamy 5.4 (1988). - 2 - 4.89 trades within is stochastic. some fixed time interval whereas in our approach the time between trades Second, our framework allows us to derive closed-form expressions for the means, variances, and covariances of observed returns as functions of the non- trading process. These expressions yield simple estimators for the probabilities of nontrading. For example we show frequently than security j j, t'-th that the relative likelihood of security i trading more given by the ratio of the t,j-th autocovariance with the is autocovariance. With this result, specification tests for nonsynchronous trading may be constructed based on the degree of asymmetry in the autocovariance matrix of the returns process. Third, we present results for portfolios of securities grouped by their probabilities of non-trading; in contrast to the spurious autocorrelation induced in individual security returns we show which is proportional to the square of its that non-trading induced autocorrelation in portfolio returns does not depend on the mean. This implies that the effects of non-trading may not be detectable the returns of individual securities [since the expected daily return small], but will be more pronounced in portfolio returns. impact of time aggregation on non-trading for the expected return, moments effects Fourth, than the finest is usually quite we quantify the by deriving closed-form expressions of time-aggregated observed returns. Allowing for at intervals arbitrarily finer in sampling interval for random censoring which we have data lets us uncover aspects of infrequent trading previously invisible to econometric scrutiny. This also yields testable restrictions on the time series properties of coarser-sampled data once a sampling interval has been selected. Finally, we apply these results to daily, weekly, and monthly stock returns to gauge the empirical relevance of non-trading for recent findings of predictability in asset returns. In Section 2 we present our model of non-trading and derive its implications for the time series properties of observed returns. Section 3 reports corresponding results for time-aggregated returns and and monthly data. We we apply discuss extensions these results in Section 4 to daily, weekly, and generalizations and conclude in Section 5. 4 For example, Scholes and Williams (1977, footnote 4) assume that "All information about returns over days in which no trades occur is ignored." This is equivalent to forcing the security to trade at least once within the day. Muthuswamy (1988) also imposes this requirement. Assumption Al of Cohen, Maier, et. al. (1986, Chapter 6.1) requires that each security trades at least once in the last JV periods, where TV is fixed and exogenous. 5.4 - 3 - 4.89 A Model 2. of Nonsynchronous-Trading. N Consider a collection of compounded returns securities with unobservable at time /2, ( where t, = t 1, . . . "virtual" continuously- N. We assume they , are generated by the following stochastic model: = Ri t where At that is is m + + fiiAt some zero-mean common i=l,...,N tn and e# factor (2.1) zero-mean idiosyncratic noise is temporally and cross-sectionally independent at and leads all we Since lags. wish to focus on non-trading as the sole source of autocorrelation we also assume that common the of t lt factor At _ic for all In and i, t, each period probability Pj. If it independently and identically distributed, and is k. there t some chance that is does not trade true or "virtual" return R± t its i is t +1 at t +1 t is + 1 the of simply the sum not trade. That t, t sum of its its is, if and has traded to the of period in i t security t i we assume all trades at time — k — 1, virtual returns lag. In + 1 there is We assume t p^. first If i. that its security t mechanism does trade observed return R9. an d virtual returns , - for all past then from t its past consecutive periods in which t + has not traded from time 1, observed time — ktot + 1. and t + 1 return is t did it — k to simply equal This captures the essential feature of non-trading as a source of spurious autocorrelation: trade more frequently although has not traded. In fact, the observed return in any period virtual returns for at time 0, does not influence the likelihood of virtual returns Rit+i, Riti its consecutive periods in which is simply or any other future period, hence our non-trading and did not trade sum t is does not trade, also with probability independent and identically distributed for each security in period does not trade, say with i given by (2.1). In the next period that whether or not the security traded in period trading in period security observed return for period its is still again some chance that security its independent is news affects those stocks that influences the returns of thinly traded securities with a our framework the impact of news on returns These strong assumptions are made primarily is captured by the virtual returns for expositional convenience; they may be relaxed considerably. See Section 5 for further discussion. This assumption may be relaxed to allow for state-dependent probabilities, i.e., autocorrelated non-trading; see the discussion in Section 5 5-4 - 4 - 4.89 process (2.1), and the lag induced by thin or nonsynchronous trading the observed returns process To R° . t derive an explicit expression for the observed returns process time series properties we its = (k) random variables: (2.2) 1 — it _k with probability it deduce to with probabihty pt {1 X and introduce two related stochastic processes: Let 6lt and X^ t (k) be the following Bernoulli Definition 2.1. modeled by is {l-6it)6it _ 1 6it _ 2 1 ---6 with probability (1 with probability 1 pt k , > — Pi)p^t (2.3) X it where it random sequence indicator variable otherwise. X{ t (k) trades at time Since pt is is 6^ t also is (1 — Pi)p l-6it (2.4) has been implicitly assumed that {6^} distributed The = (0) — for i unity = 1, 2, when . . . , is an independently and identically N. security i does not trade at time an indicator variable and takes on the value 1 t when but has not traded in any of the k previous periods, and and zero security i is otherwise. within the unit interval, for large k the variable X{ t (k) will be with high t probability. This today but never is not surprising since it is highly unlikely that security i should trade in the past. Having defined the X^ (kys t it is now a simple matter to derive an expression for observed returns: 5.4 - 5 - 4.89 The observed returns process R° Definition 2.2. is given by the following stochastic t process: K T, X^ k )^t-k = » = 1,...,JV. (2-5) A:=0 If security thus R°. it, does not trade at time t =0. If t does trade at time of today's virtual return iEtt kt is number the then t and its t, 6± t = then which implies that X^ t (k) 1 its observed return past k t virtual returns, where the of past consecutive periods that duration of non-trading and may be it is expressed i has not traded. = for all sum equal to the random We variable the call this as: (2.6) Although Definition 2.2 may be used kt will to give a Definition 2.3. prove to be more convenient for subsequent calculations, more intuitive definition of the observed returns process: The observed returns process R°t is given by the following stochastic process: kt K = E^t-* * = !,•••. N. (2.7) k=o Whereas expression process that is R° may This is shows that a [stochastic] function of t 7 (2.5) also in the all presence of non-trading the observed returns past returns, the equivalent relation (2.7) reveals be viewed as a random sum with a random number of terms. similar in spirit to Scholes we do not To and Williams (1977) subordinated stochastic process representation of observed With suitable normalizations be shown that our non-trading model converges weakly to the continuous-time Poisson process of Scholes and Williams (1976). From (2.5) the observed returns process may also be considered an infinite-order moving average of virtual returns where the coefficients are stochastic. This is in contrast to Cohen, Maier, et. al. (1986, Chapter 6) in which observed returns are assumed to be a finite-order process with non-stochastic coefficients. Although our non-trading process is more general, their observed returns process includes a bid-ask spread component; ours does not. returns, although it restrict the trading times to take values in a fixed finite interval. may MA MA 5.4 -6- 4.89 how see the probability pt and variance of is kf. -Pi i Var If = pt A then security average; if pt = As expected, 3. mean related to the duration of non-trading consider the M /t (i _, 2 - p*Y' • ( 2 9) - goes without trading for one period at a time on average; t | then the average if = number of consecutive periods of non-trading the security trades every period so that pt = 0, is both the mean and variance of kt are identically zero. In Section 2.1, we derive the implications of our simple non-trading model for the time series properties of individual security returns and consider corresponding results for portfolio returns in Section 2.2. Implications for Individual Returns. 2.1. To see require the how non-trading moments of affects the R° which in time series properties of individual returns we turn depend on the moments t we summarize space Proposition 1, . . . , N) 2.1. X^ t {k). To conserve the results here and relegate their derivation to the Appendix: Under Definition 2.2 the observed returns processes {R°t } are covariance-stationary with the following ] = m Var[^] = of E[R°t first (i = and second moments: (2.10) + -^- Mt 2 1 5.4 of - (2.11) Pi - 7 - 4.89 ,2„n n - Cov[l&J$ +il Corr[J$,2$+n = ] ^ = ] (1 _p 2 where at2 From = (2.10) Varf-R^] and and o yl = Var[A (2.11) it returns but does increase ( )(1 i = j,n>0 (2.12) _ pj) 2„n r%pTWj<>W fori*j,n> ^^ff »>0 , + *? for iif p t r , r^x ] clear that non-trading does not affect is variance its (2.13) 2 if mean of observed the security has a non-zero expected return. Moreover, (2.13) shows that having a non-zero expected return induces negative correlation in individual security returns at cally. That the autocorrelation vanishes if all leads and the security's lags serial which decays geometri- mean return /J t zero is an is implication of nonsynchronous-trading that does not extend to the observed returns of portfolios. Proposition 2.1 also allows us to calculate the maximal negative autocorrelation for individual security returns that of observed returns (2.13) is is attributable to non-trading. Since the autocorrelation a non-positive continuous function of pr and approaches zero as pt approaches unity, [0,1). Determining calculate it bound this lower it , is must attain a minimum zero at p^ for some = p, in a straightforward exercise in calculus hence is 0, we only for the first-order autocorrelation and leave the higher-order cases to the reader. Corollary 2.1. Under Definition 2.2 the minimum observed returns process {R° t } first-order autocorrelation of the with respect to non-trading probabilities p, exists, is given by: Min Corr[J&,i£ lt tt+l +1 ] = - iPi) 5-4 - 8 - (V l ^ll, + ) (2.14) v^lfcl / 4.89 and is attained at: (2.15) l where £, = A*t'/°t- Over values of p^ all is finite fr the h'iziit of (2.14) as securities with small |f t-| . f, G ( — oo, +oo), we have: = ] -i (2.16) increases without bound, but autocorrelation induced by non-trading mean is never attained by is small for individual returns and large return variances. For securities with small Corollary 2.1 also implies that non-trading induced autocorrelation is mag- by taking longer sampling intervals since under the hypothesized virtual returns process doubling the holding period doubles \[2~ and returns the non-trading probability required to attain (2.14) must be very close to unity. nified [0, 1) | . The maximal negative mean \/2~|£t Corr[/$,J$ +1 Inf which G + jz t but only multiplies ox by a factor of Therefore more extreme negative autocorrelations are feasible for longer-horizon individual returns. However, this is not of direct empirical relevance since the effects of time aggregation have been ignored. To see how, observe that the non-trading process of Definition 2.1 fashion. not independent of the sampling interval but changes in a nonlinear For example, non-trading and must allow all its if a "period" concomitant is taken to be one week, the possibility of daily effects on weekly observed returns is eliminated by A proper comparison of observed returns across distinct sampling intervals for non-trading at the finest time increment, after which the implications assumption. for is coarser-sampled returns until Section 3 may where we address be developed. this and other We shall postpone further discussion issues of time aggregation explicitly. Other important empirical implications of our non-trading model are captured by (2.12) of Proposition 2.1. determined by the sign of 5.4 For example, the sign of the cross-autocovariances /?,•/?,-. Also, the expression - 9 - is is not symmetric with respect 4.89 to and i j: if security always trades so that t autocovariance between R+ t and = p. = 0, there spurious cross- still is +n whereas this cross-autocovariance vanishes if p,. The intuition for this result is simple: when i2,t irrespective of the value of p, , security j exhibits non-trading the returns to a constantly trading security j due to the common factor A( present in both returns. implies that future observed returns returns R]t+n _^ RJt correlated (due to the is not true. If X. t+n (kys [with the current virtual return security the covariance between . will That j exhibits non-trading be a weighted average of random as weights], of which one R^ t can forecast R°t+n factor), all R° and R^t+n past virtual returns R^t-k which term The . is clearly zero since R° returns of the ./V is is securities = R]t are = 0], a weighted average of independent of Rjt+n by assumption. on the cross- of (2.12) yields an empirically testable restriction Specifically, Tn be the t non-trading, information regarding these probabilities sample moments. will reverse however autocovariances of returns. Since the only source of asymmetry in (2.12) bility of past virtual exhibits non-trading but security j does not [so that py t The asymmetry can forecast Since the contemporaneous virtual returns i?^ and common t R° t+n i may be denote by R% the vector [R\ t R%t • • • and define the autocovariance matrix T n E\{R° -n){R?+ n -n)'\ t , is the proba- extracted from R% \' t of observed as: M e E[R?] (2.17) Denoting the t,j-th element of T n by 7t y(n) we have by definition: ,..(„, = ('-")'' L If -^' ViVj ft^^. the non-trading probabilities p % differ across securities T n it is is (2.18) asymmetric. From (2.18) evident that: "An asymmetry may be found in the causality literature, in which Rf is said to t the return to i predicts the return to j. In the above example, security "causes" security j when ;' is subject to non-trading but t is not. Since our non-trading process may be viewed as a form of measurement error, the fact that the returns to one security may be "exogenous" with respect to the returns of another has been proposed under a different guise in Sims (197<, 1977). "cause" 5.4 alternative interpretation of this R° if •' t - 10 - 4.89 (*V 1ji[n) may Therefore relative non-trading probabilities autocovariances f n . (2,9) . \Px To derive estimates be estimated directly using sample of the probabilities p t themselves only estimate one such probability, say pi, and the remaining probabilities obtained from the ratios (2.19). A consistent estimator of p\ is we need may be readily constructed with sample means and autocovariances via (2.12). 2.2. Implications for Portfolio Returns. Suppose we group securities by their non-trading probabilities and form equally- weighted portfolios based on this grouping so that portfolio .4 contains A*a securities with identical non-trading probability p a and similarly for portfolio B. Denote by R° t , and R%t the observed time-i returns on these two £K Kt = =Nk fefc where IK assumed is portfolios respectively, thus: « > = «,». (2-20) the set of indices of securities in portfolio k. Since individual returns are to be continuously-compounded RK t is the return to a portfolio whose value calculated as an unweighted geometric average of the included securities' prices. time series properties of (2.20) and are given in: Proposition 2.2. and iVj As the may be is The derived from a simple asymptotic approximation number of securities respectively) increases without in portfolios bound the following A and B (denoted by Na equalities obtain almost surely: 'The expected return of such a portfolio will be lower than that of an equally-weighted portfolio whose returns are means of the simple returns of the included securities. This issue is examined in greater calculated as the arithmetic detail by recently 5.4 Modest and Sundaresan (1983) and Eytan and Harpar (1986) was an unweighted geometric average. - 11 - in the context of the Value Line Index which until 4.89 oo R°K a s = - K fM + - p«)/5« $>« A*-* (1 (2-21) A:=0 where: s ** for /c = a, The 6. first ]J-5> s '« • and second moments of the F^ A " portfolios' returns are given by: \ = Mic .0 Var[i&] S ! Vk 2 a2 ft^-ZLjoi ] £ /^(^-^p^ ] ^ pK ] S iL^KL_wL^ a E\R°Kt 1 Cov[J&,J& +n Corr[i&,J& +n Cov[J&,Jfc +n = (2<22) £(*«*] (2-23) ~~ I \ n , 1 - (2.24) n>0 , (2.25) n>0 (2.26) 2 p n (2 27) . PaPfc where the symbol "=" indicates that the equah'ty obtains only asymptotically. From we see that observed portfolio returns have the virtual returns. In contrast to observed individual returns, (2.23) asymptotically than that of 5-4 its virtual counterpart - 12 - Ra t same mean as that of its R° has a lower variance t since: 4.89 a v- = where Thus (2.29) follows Var[iZ a (] Ma + a v- r r 0a*t (2.29) from the law of large numbers applied to the = /J^, which is last term in (2.28). greater than or equal to Var[i?° t ]. Since the non-trading induced autocorrelation (2.26) declines geometrically ob- served portfolio returns follow a first-order autoregressive process with autoregressive coefficient equal to the non-trading probability. In contrast to expression (2.12) for individual securities the autocorrelations of observed portfolio returns do not depend explicitly for pK : on the expected return of the portfolio, yielding a much simpler estimator the n-th root of the n-th order autocorrelation coefficient. Therefore easily estimate all non-trading probabilities we may by using only the sample first-order own- autocorrelation coefficients for the portfolio returns. Comparing (2.27) to (2.12) shows that the cross-autocovariance between observed portfolio returns takes the as that of observed individual returns. If same form there are differences across portfolios in the non-trading probabilities the autocovariance matrix for observed portfolio returns will be asymmetric. This may give rise to the types of lead-lag relations empirically documented by Lo and MacKinlay (1988b) cross-autocovariances may Ratios of the in size-sorted portfolios. be formed to estimate relative non-trading probabilities for portfolios since: Cov[R°at R°bt+n , Coy[Rbv R°at+n ] ± f ph ^ \ Pa } Moreover, for purposes of specification testing these ratios give rise to many "over- identifying" restrictions since: laKi{n)l KlK2 {n) lK2K3 {n)--- lKr _ lKr {n) lKrb {n) 7/c 1 a(n)7 K2 /c 1 5.4 {n)lK 3 K 2 (»)•• T/c r /c r _ - 13 - t {n)l bKr (n) n ( b \ V Pa 4.89 for any arbitrary sequence of distinct indices Np is the number although there are of distinct portfolios N% 3. Np (Np + k-2, and i KiKj {n) distinct covariances in trading process allow only /ci, T n the ..., = ic r , <* # b, r < Np , where Cov[R%. t ,R%. t+n ]. Therefore, restrictions implied by the non- l)/2 free parameters. Time Aggregation. The discrete-time framework we have so fication of the calendar length of a "period." real since far adopted does not require the speci- This generality any empirical implementation of Propositions 2.1 is more apparent than and 2.2 must either im- period to be a particular fixed calendar time interval. plicitly or explicitly define a Furthermore, once the calendar time interval has been chosen the stochastic behavior of coarser-sampled data cess. For example, of observed if restricted by the parameters of the is the length of a period we finely sampled pro- taken to be one day then the moments monthly returns may be expressed as functions of the parameters of the daily observed returns process. this goal is most We derive such restrictions in this section. Towards require the following definition: Definition 3.1. Denote by R°T {q) the observed return of security one unit of r -time is i at time r where equivalent to q units oft-time, thus: *?M = E R °f (3-1) t=(r-l)q+l The change of time-scale implicit in (3.1) captures the essence of time aggregation. We then have the following result: Proposition 3.1. processes {R° (q)} T Under the assumptions of Definitions 2.1-2.3, the observed returns (i = 1, . . . , N) are co variance-stationary with the following first and second moments: 5.4 - 14 - 4.89 E[R°T {q)\ = qm (3.2) 2pAl-v q , 9 )] = -£p? # .(.)] = - Cov[^r g ),^T+n ( c-«(f).* ( oori^w^^w] g(1 (1 = ^ :; ) 73T- ,; 2ft ( fc = less -^ ^ 7 ^y^r ^ J , ( »>° - 3 4) - m 2 i)?+1 (^g) P n > (3.6) . Mt/^f Although expected returns time-aggregate Due 1 n>0 • j) *' wnere , ) sum shows that variances do not. R°t the variance to the negative serial correlation in than the linearly, (3.3) of a Time aggregation does not of the variances. sum of these will be affect the sign of the autocorrelations in (3.5) although their magnitudes do decline with the aggregation value q. As in Proposition 2.1 the autocorrelation of positive continuous function of pt on zero as pt approaches unity, hence it the first-order autocorrelation of values of q and f . we to consider that the ratio of the sample which attains a plot As a guide [0,1) it is time-aggregated returns zero at pt = is a non- and approaches minimum. To capture the behavior of as a function of p t in Figure 1 for a variety an empirically plausible range of values mean to the sample standard deviation for £ for daily, weekly, and monthly equally-weighted stock returns indexes are 0.09, 0.16, and 0.21 5.4 - 15 - 4.89 10 respectively for the sample period from 1962 to 1987. be 5, 22, 66, since q — 1 values of q are chosen to to correspond to weekly, monthly, quarterly, and 244 Figure la plots the taken to be one day. is The p\{p) for the four values of q with £ = first order autocorrelation The curve marked 0.09. and annual returns a q = 5" shows that the weekly first-order autocorrelation induced by non-trading never exceeds -5 percent and only attains that value with a daily non-trading probability in excess of 90 percent. Although the autocorrelation of coarser-sampled returns such as monthly or quarterly have more extreme minima, they are attained only at higher non-trading probabilities. Also, time-aggregation need not always yield a apparent from the portion of the graphs to the more negative autocorrelation left of, say, p = as is that region, an .80; in increase in the aggregation value q leads to an autocorrelation closer to zero. Indeed as q increases without non-trading has bound the autocorrelation (3.5) approaches zero impact on longer-horizon returns. The little for fixed pt hence , effects of increasing £ are £ = 0.21 for daily data, a extreme value, the non-trading induced autocorrelation in weekly returns traced out in Figures lb and c. Even if we assume percent and requires a daily non-trading probability of over 90 percent. see that listed it when p = t on the .90 the average duration of non-trading New York has been de-listed), or American Stock Exchanges we may infer from Figure individual short-horizon stock returns To is 1 is is is at From most most -8 (2.8) we 9 days! Since no security inactive for two weeks (unless that the impact of non-trading for negligible. see the effects of time aggregation on observed portfolio returns, we define the following: Definition 3.2. Denote by R% T (q) the observed return of portfolio one unit of t -time is A at time r where equivalent to q units oft-time, thus: rq R°aT (q) £ = R°at (3.7) t=(r-l) 9 +l where R£ t is given by (2.20). ""These are obtained from Lo and MacKinlay (1988b, Tables 5.4 la,b,c). - 16 - 4.89 Applying the asymptotic approximation of Proposition 2.2 then Proposition 3.2. lio Under the assumptions of Definitions yields: 2.1-2.3, the observed portfo- returns processes {R° T (q)} and {R%T {q)} are covariance-stationary with the following first and second moments as E[R°KT {q)\ = Var[J£ r ( 9 )] = Na and qn K Q (3.8) ~ 2Pk 1-P% 1 Cov[R°KT (q),RKT+n (q)] ± CoTT[R°KT (q),R°KT+n ( q )} ± increase without bound: iVj ~ (3.9) Pk pK q(l - pi) - 2p K (l H K o- x ' - n > , n > (3.11) p%) 2 Pa(lVa)(l-pt) +P t (l-p^)(l-Pa) (1-Pa)(l-P 4 ) q C v[R°aT ( q ),R°bT+n (q)} = k = a, b, q Equation (3.11) > 1, 2 — -* i 1-PaPh for n = (3.12) < (1-Pa)(l-Pt) l-PaP6 for (3.10) and arbitrary 1-P6 portfolios a, b, shows that time aggregation also nq-q+1 p?-^0 a and time b *i for n > r. affects the autocorrelation of observed portfolio returns in a highly nonlinear fashion. In contrast to the autocorrelation for time-aggregated individual securities, (3.11) approaches unity as p K approaches unity hence the maximal autocorrelation u Muthuswamy 5.4 is 1.0. To investigate the behavior of the portfolio (1988) reports a maximal portfolio autocorrelation of only 50 percent because of his assumption that - 17 - 4.89 autocorrelation we Figure Id for q = plot it as a function of the portfolio non-trading probability the latter for a given non-trading probability. be most evident will in 5,22,66, and 55. Besides differing in sign, portfolio and individual autocorrelations also differ in absolute magnitude, the former being it p If larger than phenomenon is extant autocorrelations are mono- the non-trading in portfolio returns. Also, portfolio much tonically decreasing in q so that time aggregation always decreases non-trading induced serial dependence in portfolio returns. This implies that we are most idence of non-trading in short-horizon returns. Section 4. An We likely to find ev- exploit both these implications in 4. Empirical Analysis of Non-Trading. Before considering the empirical evidence for non-trading effects qualitative implications of the previous sections propositions virtually all of these implications are consistent with earlier and we summarize the corollaries. Although models of nonsynchronous- trading, the sharp comparative static results are unique to our general framework. The presence of nonsynchronous-trading: mean 1. Does not 2. Increases the variance of individual security returns [with non-zero mean]. affect the of either individual or portfolio returns. smaller the mean, the smaller 3. the increase in the variance of observed returns. Decreases the variance of observed portfolio returns curities 4. is with common The when portfolios consist of se- non-trading probability. Induces geometrically declining negative serial correlation in individual security returns [with non-zero mean]. the autocorrelation is The smaller the mean [in absolute value], the closer to zero. each stock trades at least once each day. 5.4 - 18 - 4.89 5. Induces geometrically declining positive serial correlation in observed portfolio turns when yielding an 6. common portfolios consist of securities with a AR(l) for the non-trading probability, observed returns process. Induces geometrically declining cross-autocorrelation between observed returns of securities :' and j which is of the same sign as t 0j. This cross-autocorrelation asymmetric: the covariance of current observed returns to returns to j is generally not the same assumption that different securities i. This asymmetry is due solely to the have different probabilities of non-trading. A and B when portfolios consist of securities with non-trading probabilities. This cross-autocorrelation assumption that securities solely to the bilities of Induces positive serial dependence And is also re- common asymmetric and is due have different proba- in different portfolios non-trading. securities are generally of the 9. with future observed Induces geometrically declining positive cross-autocorrelation between observed turns of portfolios 8. i is as the covariance of current observed re- turns to j with future observed returns to 7. re- same in an equally- weighted index sign, and if if the betas of the individual returns have small means. time aggregation increases the maximal non-trading induced negative auto- correlation in observed individual security returns, but this tocorrelation is maximal negative au- attained at non-trading probabilities increasingly closer to unity as the degree of aggregation increases. 10. And time aggregation decreases the non-trading induced autocorrelation in ob- served portfolio returns for all non-trading probabilities. Since the effects of nonsynchronous-trading are by non-trading more apparent in securities grouped probabilities than in individual stocks, our empirical applications uses the returns of twenty size-sorted portfolios for daily, weekly, and monthly data from 1962 to 1987. market 5.4 for We use size to group securities because the relative thinness of the any given stock has long been known to be highly correlated with the stock's - 19 - 4.89 market value, hence stocks with similar market values are total non-trading probabilities. 12 We likely to have similar choose to form twenty portfolios to maximize the homogeneity of non-trading probabilities within each portfolio while still maintaining reasonable diversification so that the asymptotic approximations of Proposition 2.2 might still obtain. 13 In Section 4.1 we derive estimates of daily non-trading probabilities using daily, weekly, and monthly autocorrelations, and in Section 4.2 we consider the impact of non-trading on the autocorrelation of the equally-weighted market index. 4.1. Daily Non-Trading Probabilities Implicit In Autocorrelations. Table 1 reports first-order autocorrelation matrices Ti for the vector of five of the twenty size-sorted portfolio returns using daily, weekly, and monthly data taken from the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) database. tains stocks with the smallest largest. 14 From not symmetric. above it. it is The second column and it is con- apparent that these autocorrelation matrices are of matrices are the autocorrelation matrices minus evident that elements below the diagonal dominate those This confirms the lead-lag pattern reported That the returns 1 market values and portfolio 20 contains those with the casual inspection their transposes Portfolio in Lo and MacKinlay (1988b). of large stocks tend to lead those of smaller stocks does support the hypothesis that nonsynchronous-trading is a source of correlation. However, the mag- nitudes of the autocorrelations for weekly and monthly returns imply an implausible level of non-trading. This is most evident in Table 2 which reports estimates of daily non-trading probabilities implicit in the weekly and monthly own-autocorrelations of Table 1. For example, using (3.11) of Proposition 3.2 the implied daily non-trading probability of a weekly autocorrelation of 46 percent for portfolio 77.9 percent. 15 Using (2.8) 12 This 13 The returns we estimate 1 is estimated to be the average time between trades to be 3.5 days! confirmed by the entries of Table 3's second column and by Foerster and Keim (1989). to these portfolios are continuously-compounded returns of individual simple returns arithmetically averaged We have repeated the correlation analysis for continuously-compounded returns of portfolios whose values are calculated as unweighted geometric averages of included securities' prices. The results for these portfolio returns are practically identical to those for the continuously-compounded returns of equally-weighted portfolios. 14 We report only a subset of five portfolios for the sake of brevity; the complete set of autocorrelations may be obtained from the authors on request. I& Standard errors for autocorrelation-based probability and non-trading duration estimates are obtained by applying the "delta" method to (2.8) and (3.11) using heteroscedasticity- and autocorrelation-consistent standard errors for daily, weekly, and monthly first-order autocorrelation coefficients. These latter standard errors are computed by regressing returns on a constant and lagged returns, and using Newey and West's (1987) procedure to calculate heteroscedasticityand autocorrelation consistent standard errors for the slope coefficient [which is simply the first-order autocorrelation 5.4 is - 20 - 4.89 The corresponding daily non-trading probability is 86.2 percent using monthly returns implying an average non-trading duration of 6.2 days. For comparison Table 2 also reports estimates of the non-trading probabilities using daily data and using trade information from the CRSP files. In the absence of time aggregation own-autocorrelations of portfolio returns are consistent estimators of non-trading probabilities, hence the "Daily" entries in Table 2 are simply taken from the diagonal of the autocovariance matrix Table in 1. For the smaller securities, the point estimates yield plausible non-trading durations, but the estimated durations decline only marginally for larger-size portfolios. day is is much too provided in A duration of even only a third of a large for securities in the second largest portfolio. in the column labelled p K , More direct evidence which reports the average fraction of securities a given portfolio that do not trade during the last trading day of the month. This average 1987. computed over is all month-end trading days The period between 1963 and 1973 errors uncovered by Foerster in 1963 and from 1973 to omitted due to trading-status reporting is and Keim (1989). Comparing the entries in this column with those in the others shows the limitations of non-trading as an explanation for the autocorrelations in the data. Non-trading series properties of stock returns 4.2. be responsible for some of the time but cannot be the only source of autocorrelation. Non-Trading and Index Autocorrelations. Denote by all may R^ N securities. t Its the observed return in period t to an equally-weighted portfolio of autocovariance and autocorrelation are readily shown to be: = -^- (4.1) Corrfi^iC+J = -^ (4.2) Cov\R°mt ,R°mt+n } coefficient of returns]. 16 This information is provided in the CRSP daily files in which the closing price of a security is reported to be the negative of the average of the bid and ask prices on days when that security did not trade. See Foerster and Keim (1989) for a more detailed account. Standard errors for probability estimates based on the fraction of no-trades reported by CRSP are derived under the assumption of a temporally i.i.d. non-trading process {£,(}; the usual binomial approximation yields VP«(1 — Pk)/Nk T as the standard error for the number of daily observations with which N«T 5.4 N the estimate p K where K is the number of securities in portfolio k and T is the non-trading probability p K is estimated. For our sample and portfolios, fluctuates about 20,000 (192 daily observations, 105 securities per portfolio on average). - 21 - 4.89 where r o ones. is R° and the contemporaneous covariance matrix of the betas of the securities are generally of the If returns to each security Alternatively, if is R^ small, then is likely to t same i an TVxl-vector of is sign and if the mean be positively autocorrelated. the cross-autocovariances are positive and dominate the negative own- autocovariances the equal-weighted index will exhibit positive serial dependence. This may explain Lo and MacKinlay's (1988a) strong rejection of the the esis for CRSP random walk hypoth- weekly equal-weighted index which exhibits a first-order autocorre- lation of 30 percent. With little loss in Using all securities. is we let N= 20 and consider the equally-weighted port- the twenty size-sorted portfolios, an approximately equal-weighted portfolio of folio of tion of generality R^ done and two t in (3.6) of Proposition 3.1 calculate the weekly autocorrela- induced by particular non-trading probabilities and beta coefficients. This Table 3 using four different estimators of daily non-trading probabilities different sets of betas. computed with the non-trading share prices reported by The CRSP. The and the second entry .018 from /?i = is 1.5 to /?2o first row corresponds probabilities obtained first entry .014 assuming that relation of the equal-weighted index linearly we may is all from the fractions of negative the implied first-order autocor- twenty portfolio betas are computed under the assumption that the betas = 0-5. The next The from daily, weekly, is 7.5 percent. for in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 provide little nonsynchronous-trading as an important source of spurious correlation the returns of 5-4 These magnitudes considerably smaller than the 30 percent autocorrelation reported by Lo and MacKinlay (1988a). Taken together, the evidence support and monthly Using direct estimates of non- trading yields an implied autocorrelation of less than 2 percent! still decline largest implied first-order autocorrelation for the weekly equal-weighted returns index are 1.0, three rows report similar implied auto- correlations with non-trading probabilities estimated autocorrelations using (3.11). to index autocorrelations common in stock. - 22 - 4.89 5. Extensions and Generalizations. Despite the simplicity of our model of nonsynchronous-trading shown the richness of application measurement many We implications for observed time series. Although to the behavior of asset returns, the stochastic is may be soring its of more general relevance errors. directions with little difficulty, of the present study, but we hope may be extended and and we conclude by discussing some of these is here. beyond the scope to encourage further research along these lines. independently and identically distributed by allowing the and the disturbances that A( generalized in a simple matter to relax the assumption that individual virtual returns are It is related immediate randomly cumulative passing since a more complete analysis in its to have model of random cen- to situations involving Moreover, this framework mention them only we hope is to be autocor- to be cross-sectionally correlated. For example, a stationary AR(l) tions of the common factor is assuming conceptually straightforward although the computa- Appendix become somewhat more involved. This specification will yield a decomposition of observed autocorrelations into two components: one due to the common in the factor and another due to non-trading. Allowing cross-sectional dependence moment calculations but does not create any disturbances also complicates the intractabilities. Indeed, generalizations to multiple factors, time series dependence of the disturbances, and correlation between factors and disturbances are only limited by the patience and perseverance of the reader; the necessary moment calculations are not intractable, merely tedious. We may the 6tt 's are also build Markov dependence into the non-trading process itself chains, so that the conditional probability of trading depends on whether or not a trade occurs today. Although compact and elegant expressions for the moments this specification may be admits However, a brief summary of implications for the time series properties of observed returns Individual security returns tomorrow of the observed returns process space limitations will not permit a complete exposition here. its by assuming that may suffice: positively autocorrelated, portfolio returns (l) may be negatively autocorrelated [But these possibilities are unlikely given empirically relevant parameter values.]; (2) It is possible [but unlikely] for autocorrelation matrices to be 17 However, some form of cross-sectional weak dependence must be imposed so that the asymptotic arguments of the still obtain. Such assumptions have been used by Chamberlain (1983), Chamberlain and Rothschild (1983), and Wang (1988) in generalizing the Arbitrage Pricing Model. portfolio results 5.4 - 23 - 4.89 symmetric; and [lower] when (3) there is Spurious index autocorrelation induced by non-trading positive [negative] persistence in non-trading. Our initial is higher hope was that property (3) might be sufficient to explain the magnitude of index autocorrelations However, several calibration experiments indicate the stock market data. in recent degree of persistence in non-trading required to yield weekly autocorrelations of 30 percent is may empirically implausible. Interested readers refer to Lo and MacKinlay (1988c) for details. One final direction for further investigation and virtual returns processes. If is dependence between the non-trading virtual returns are taken to be new information then the extent to which traders exploit this information in determining trade will show itself as correlation between jR, £ and 6]t that autocorrelation in returns sense is is it is exciting. this autocorrelation spurious? if non-synchronicity serial of and our empirical dependence is results However, Our premise show that this is is may 5.4 yield if it is of such indeed the case that non-trading is a symptom and non-synchronously reported of little practical relevance. But purposeful and informationally motivated then the subsequent in asset returns may well be considered genuine, since economic forces rather than mismeasurement. Although of the current strategic considerations induced by information-based non-trading, in what of institutional features such as lagged adjustments prices, Many [and what] to and an empirical analysis are involved in models of information-based trading, issues promises to be as challenging as . when framework an explanation it is this is it is the result beyond the purview nevertheless a fascinating avenue for future research and for the recent empirical findings. - 24 - 4.89 Appendix Proof of Proposition To 2.1: we derive (2.10)-(2.13), of the Bernoulli variables X^ t (k). From Definition 2.1 i, t, Xit{k)Xtt+n If / > n product then and k. = {l) = (A1.2) (l-p t )p* To compute E[X{ t (k)X^ t+n (l)}, (1 - ta)4t-i hence the product is • • Sit-k • E[Xtt (k)Xlt+n (l)} • I 1 - and we from Definition 1 — zero with probability one. = (l f I — pz ) p (1 -p 2 , p^ " * ' 2.1 that: (^1-3) ^tt+n-/ 6t( are included in the If / < n, it may readily hence we have: +l 2 t ) if/<n. (A1.4) if { Definition 2.2, recall Sit+n) 5it+n-l since both 6lt be shown that the expectation reduces to From follows that: (Al.l) E[Xlt (k) X^ t+n (l)\ = (.41.3), it E[Xtt (k)} = (l- ft )P* E[Xl{k)\ for arbitrary moments and co-moments require the corresponding / > n. have: oo E[R° t ] = Y, E l XM^t-k} = k=0 J^E&itWWRit-k] (A1.5a) k=0 OO = m^Tii - p^ = nt [ k=0 5.4 - 25 - 4.89 where the second equality and Rxt-k- This establishes the second uncentered from the mutual independence of in (.41.5a) follows To derive (2.10). moment R°t of (2.11) we first X lt (k) obtain an expression for : oo m-t 2 } = Y X {k)Rit-kY. X^ e it t (,41.6a) 2^^2E\X J2 E X?tW Rl-k] + it l k=0 fa? Rit-l /=0 Jfc=0 = l) k < {k)Xit (l)Rit . k Rit _ l ] (AIM) I +«?)£(*-«)*? + Jfc=0 2 £ E ^[^t(*)^t(0] Jb 2 m, + A + < < 1 2 -p.)p'k + Ml.6e) *-') (A1.6d) I where oo £ [**-**.-*-*] I 2ED Jb • 6(x) v ' = ^ \ I 1 ., if i = oo (A1.6e) Jb=0/=Jfc+l (A1.6/) V jb=o £[#ito 2i „2 ~2 o..2 /=o Pt [Al.&g) J Pt This yields (2.11) since: Var[J$] 5.4 = £[i£ 2 ] E 2 [^ t 26 ] = ^2 o.. 2 Pi (A1.7) 4.89 The autocovariance of R° may be obtained similarly by first calculating the uncentered t moment: £X E R Rit+n\ = E l it {k)Rit °t .k £ X*ht(03&+*-l £ E E[X {k)X it+n {l)Rit _ k it Rit+n. (A1.7a) (A1.76) l] fc=o /=o OO 00 Y, E E[X tt (k)Xtt+n (l)} [ ElRu-kRit+n-!] k=0 1=0 oo n — 1 ED 1 " 2 P.-) + {Al.ld) *? ^tet-Jfc^t+n-j] fc=0 /=0 n— oo 2 E R Rit+n\ \ ^ (i-pD °t (A1.7e) A;=0 /=0 Note that the upper (A1A). /-summation limit of the in (A1.7d) Also, (A1.7e) follows from the fact that {.ft^} only combinations of indices k and / is is finite, an i.i.d. which follows from sequence and the that appear in (A1.7d) are those for which and R± t+n _i are not contemporaneous, hence the expectation of the product summands of (A1.7d) reduces to ^ in {A1.7e). The autocovariance Rn-k in the (2.12) then follows since: Cov[J$,J$ + J = £[«+„] " E[R?t ]E[R?t+n ] = The calculation for the cross-autocovariance between R°. and R°. the common it factor induces virtual returns of securities 5.4 -nitf- (^1-8) differs only J in that . jt+n contemporaneous cross-sectional correlation between the i and j. Using the -27 fact that: 4.89 HHj + ftl/oJ'P -k-n) = EiRit-kRjt+n-t] (Al.9) then yields the following: oo EX E R R jt+n\ = E l it (k)Rit- k °t k=0 • [Al.Ba) E*it+»(0fy+»-/ 1=0 E E E[X it {k)Xjt+n {l)Rit . k Rjt+n- l {Al.Sb) ] k=0 1=0 oo oo E £^[*it(*)] • £[Xy t+n (/)] ^[ R,- _ • J £ A: i2y f+ „_ I [Al.Sc) ] A:=0 i=0 oo oo EB 1 -*^ 1 -^ + PiPjo\0{l • fc=0 /=0 fi^- -k-n) (A1.8d) fc=0 i=0 oo oo E E(! - l W)P*(1 - Pj)p jPi0j°lO{l -k-n) (Al.Be) k=0 1=0 oo k=0 oo W*j + (l-ft)(l-py)/3 -/?ya5 PyE(ftP>)* t C^ 1 -^) Jfc=0 ^Wt^yt+J 5.4 wj + — — (1-Pi)(l-Pj) rzr^-. A VxVj -28- flia 2 n Wi°Wi [AIM) 4.89 of the non-trading processes has been used to where the cross-sectional independence derive (A1.8c). This yields (2.12) since: Cov[/$,l$ +B = ] E[R°t R°t+n ] - EiR? ]E[R°jt+n t (l-p )(l-p; t 1 Proof of Proposition By definition of - ) 2 (Al.9a) ] n (A1.96) PiP 3 2.2: R° t we have , °° i R at 1 Na iel -V, iela a (A2.1a) k=o (A2.16) Jt=0 = V E k=o l ° t'G^a / " iel, (A2.1c) "° The three terms in (A2.1c) may .6/a be simplified by verifying that the summands satisfy the hypotheses of Kolmogorov's strong law of large numbers, hence: £-Va X «**(*) - E ji- is/a 5.4 £ «xft(4) "-$• o (A2.2a) t'e/a -29- 4.89 (A2.2b) E **-***(*) JiVa E (A2.2c) . KE/a From Definition 2.1 j- ^a F" iva we have: E M*(*) = (1 - p a )PaHa = (1 " jA^a **» ^E ft V-a = Tf , Pa = (^2.3o) tG/a E ft*i*(*) Pa)pJ/3a E iVa ( A2 " 36 ) lG/a t'e/ £ E , ^t-fc^-tC*) = (A2.3c) ; e/a Substituting these expressions into (A2.1c) then yields (2.21): CO R°at a S = ' na + (1 - p a )/? a E (A2.4) At-ifcpJ Jfc=0 To compute the cross-autocovariance between the two Cov[R°at ,R°bt+n 5.4 } £ portfolio returns, we use (A2.4): (l-p.)(l-«)W* 30 4.89 oo oo Cov {A2.5a) k=0 1=0 oo OO = (1 - p a )(l - P b )0 a b Y, ^Cov[A jfc=0 /=0 oo oo £ _ ,A £+n _;] P J P ^2.56) fc A:=0 /=0 = (l-p a )(l-p fc )^ a /3 6 a2p^^(pa p jfc=0 Cov[R at , R bt+n \ — 1 PaPb J 6) (A2.5d) i=0 ax pb (A2.5e) where the symbol '=' indicates that the equality obtains only asymptotically. Proofs of Propositions 3.1 and 3.2: Since the proofs consist of computations virtually identical to those of Propositions 2.1 5.4 and 2.2, we leave them to the reader for the sake of brevity. 31- 4.89 References Atchison, M., Butler, K. and R. Simonds, 1987, "Nonsynchronous Security Trading and Market Index Autocorrelation," Journal of Finance 42, 111-118. Chamberlain, G., 1983, "Funds, Factors, and Diversification els," Econometnca 51, 1305-1323. in Arbitrage Pricing Mod- and M. Rothschild, 1983, "Arbitrage, Factor Structure, and Mean- Variance Analysis on Large Asset Markets," Econometrica 51, 1281-1304. , Cohen, K., Hawawini, G., Maier, S., Schwartz, R. and D. Whitcomb, 1983a, "Estimating and Adjusting for the Intervalling-Effect Bias in Beta," Management Science 29, 135-148. 1983b, "Friction in the Trading Process and the Estimation of Systematic Risk," Journal of Financial Economics 29, 135-148. , Cohen, K., Maier, S., Schwartz, R. and D. 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(p), C 0.0 - O.l c o o - 0.2 ai w o u o - 0.3 < 0.4 0.5 = 0.09 Individual p (p), { - 16 Table Sample first-order autocorrelation 1 matrix Fi for the 5xl-subvector \R1 R£ R\ R\ b R^o]' of observed returns and monthly stock returns data from the CRSP files for the period 31 December 1962 to 31 December 1987, where portfolios are rebalanced monthly. Only securities with complete daily return histories within each month were included in the daily and monthly returns calculations. R% is the return to the portfolio containing securities with the smallest market values and iZ^o *s * ne return to the portfolio of securities with the largest. There are approximately equal numbers of securities in each portfolio. The entry in the t-th row and j-th column is the correlation between R°t and R?t+1 To gauge the degree of asymmetry in these autocorrelation matrices, the difference to twenty equally-weighted size-sorted portfolios using daily, weekly, . fj — fj is also reported. Ti Daily fi - fi Table 2. Estimates of daily non-trading probabilities implicit in 20 weekly and monthly size-sorted portfolio return autocorrelations. Entries in the column labelled "p K " are averages of the fraction of securities k that did not trade on the last trading day of the month, where the average is computed over month-end trading days in 1963 and from 1973 to 1987 [the trading-status data from 1964 to 1972 were not used due to errors uncovered by Foerster and Keim (1989)]. Entries in the "Daily" column are the first-order autocorrelation coefficients of daily portfolio returns, which are consistent estimators of daily non-trading probabilities. Entries in the "Weekly" and "Monthly" columns are estimates of daily non-trading probabilities obtained from first-order weekly and monthly portfolio return autocorrelation coefficients, using the time aggregation relations of Section 3 [q = 5 for weekly returns and q = 22 for monthly returns since there are 5 and 22 trading days in a week and a month respectively]. Entries in columns labelled ".£?[&]" are estimates of the expected number of consecutive days without trading implied by the probability estimates in column to the immediate left. Standard errors are reported in parentheses; all are heteroscedasticity- and autocorrelationconsistent except for those in the second column. in portfolio K Table 3. Estimates of the first-order autocorrelation p m of weekly returns of an equally-weighted an equally-weighted port- portfolio of twenty size-sorted portfolios [which approximates folio of all securities], using four different estimators of daily non-trading probabilities: implied daily non-trading probabilities from first-order autocorrelations of daily, weekly, and monthly returns to an equal-weighted index, and the average fraction of negative CRSP. Since the index autocorrelation depends on the betas is computed for two sets of betas, one in which all betas are set share prices reported by the twenty portfolios 1.0, and another in it which the betas decline Estimator of p t linearly from (3\ = 1.5 to /?20 = 0-5. of to Wk] '39 Date Due WAR 4 3 « m 199? Lib II 3 1050 00Sb7281 8