/ 4- >^— "^^ ^i \ HD28 .M414 U). 133br 6Z Center for Information Systems Research Massachusetts Institute of Sloan School of n Technology Management Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 JAN 111983 THE EFFECTS OF STRUCTURED DEVELOPMENT METHODS ON THE JOB SATISFACTION OF PROGRAMMER/ANALYSTS; A THEORETICAL MODEL David K. Goldstein May 1982 Sloan WP // CISR WP D. K. 1330 - 82 // 90 Goldstein 1982 Center for Information Systems Research Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology . ABSTRACT This paper presents the use structured of programmer/analysts. methods structured principle the task - - is development the model, that explains methods on the independent variable variable - the role conflict, role ambiguity, job test the model job use of satisfaction of intervening skill variety, These are variables that will be significantly and satisfaction of programmer/analysts. the theoretical model the - task achievement, affected by the introduction of structured methods the of job satisfaction of This can be best explained through several identity, and autonomy. affect the effects the hypothesized to have an overall positive effect on dependent programmer/analysts. variables In theoretical model a will This paper describes and outlines a quas -exper iment that can i significantly be used to Over the past ten been advocated as a various of of types structured of to structured systems analysis, way of improving productivity Proponents development. use the programming structured from methods, years, structured and methods quality claim that they simplify description and communication of systems requirements and allows phases designs. systems to develop systems more quickly; programmer/analysts it reduces systems errors, and leads to the development of systems that meet user needs (Goldstein, on the job satisfaction of programmer/analysts reduces the skill - received has a level decrease programmer/analysts of in (Kraft, its effect - very little reduces some of 1977). which could However, we could argue that the job satisfaction. use of structured methods reduces conflict between users, better Some researchers have argued that the use of structured methods attention. to also 1982a). One potential consequence of the use of structured methods lead of lifecycle and by providing a language that facilitates the development This systems in systems development by providing guidelines for carrying out the the has programmer/analysts the ambiguity in systems development, and and leads to increased job satisfaction. Level managers. In in (Locke, for MIS I976). Turnover is of special MIS, due to the shortage of programmer/analysts and the high cost of training new programmer/analysts. decreases job benefits. Alternatively, satisfaction, structured methods, i consequences many studies job satisfaction has been shown to be negatively related to absenteeism and turnover importance important of job satisfaction could have if then its If the use of structured methods personnel costs could outweigh its job satisfaction increases with the use of this would provide further evidence for those advocating ts use. Page 2 This paper presents a model that explains the effects structured methods variable - explained the - use structured of the job satisfaction of programmer/analysts. through In the - is methods several intervening variables This can a set of environmental variables best be variables that will be - methods will and significantly affect the job satisfaction of programmer/analysts. includes of have an overall positive effect on the principle dependent to significantly affected by the introduction of structured also use on the job satisfaction of programmer/analysts. model, the independent variable hypothesized the of The model factors that could affect - the validity of the model. This paper is divided into four sections. research relevant the second discusses theoretical the quasi -experimental structured on design that The methods model. first section reviews and job satisfaction. The The outlines third can be used to test the model. a The fourth discusses the significance of the research. REVIEW OF RELEVANT LITERATURE There development is, no research that directly examines the effects is however, structured methods a on of the literature are satisfaction also in a few that discusses the There impacts of systems development process and an even larger body of literature that discusses There structured on the job satisfaction of programmer/analysts. large body methods of the articles that programmer/analysts. Page 3 determinants examine the of job satisfaction. determinants of job Impacts of Structured Methods on Systems Development Many authors have described how structured methods are used Various development. 1976), types structured of methods, such as H PO design (Jackson, programmer/analysts ^^^^) have been used to aid 197'*) (I98O), Canning Jones (1979a), (197^), describe how different structured methods are used (1979) data and , systems analysis, design, and programming. in Goldstein (I98I), Mendes Winters Warnier, 1975; (Jones, I structured design (Stevens, Myers, and Constantine, structure systems in and systems in analysis. Programmer/analysts use these methods to model both the functions performed and data used by solution will do. business, as well as what the proposed systems articles, the In communicate their understanding systems analysis errors problem business solution. caused users the or They better are These two factors lead to a misunderstanding analysts by that able a to the business problem and the proposed of systems solution to systems users. claim systems analysis develop in problem. better understanding of the business authors the structured methods using programmer/analysts a misunderstanding reduction in users' the analysts' proposed the This should lead to the development of systems that meet better the requirements of users. Canning Block (1979b), (1979) discuss In system will and (1978), use of structured methods in Hamilton and the systems design to describe how a They can describe the modules the system will use, function. the interfaces between simplify the Menard systems design, structured methods are used phase. developed. Bernstein (1972), modules, and the data structures that must be The authors claim that the design aids are used to structure and the easier to turn programming into process. programs when The output these aids Page k of are the design process used. This is allows organizations productivity errors is less are programmers experienced experienced more their of programming management use to programmers. maintenance reduced, or easier when structured methods are is increase the to The number of simplified, and project used to support systems des gn. i Canning Baker (197'+a,b), (1972), I nmon (1976), and Rader (1978) describe the impact of structured methods on the programming phase. design and programming methods are used together. cases The benefits of these methods in programming are the same as they are the methods. programming methods are used to structure the programming process. in some related research, Kraft use structured of programming personnel. the programming task. carried be to and Greenbaum out in design. claim (1979) that less by This makes it experienced easier and the effect the of for and less expensive They draw analogies between the effect of structured methods programmer/analysts The such as structured programming and Chief methods, Programmer Teams, de-skill (1977) many The design methods programming structured produce modules that are programmed using In on assembly line and scientific management techniques on factory workers. Determinants of Job Satisfaction There is determinants. great a Locke deal (1976) of research provides determinants of job satisfaction. a on job summary satisfaction of and its the research on the He divides the determinants events into and conditions, and agents. Among events and conditions, he describes the effects on job satisfaction of the job itself, the pay, promotion, recognition, and working conditions. Hackman and Oldham (I98O) Page 5 identify several characteristics of the job itself that positively affect job satisfaction. They are: a job requires a variety of to which var iety - The degree carrying out the work, involving a number of in different activities different skills and talents of the person. Ski 1 1 requires completion of a is, doing a job from that Task identity - The degree to which a job identifiable piece of work, whole and beginning to end with a visible outcome. substantial has a the job Task significance - The degree to which lives of other people, whether those people are in the the impact on immediate organization or in the world at large. freedom, Autonomy - The degree to which the job provides substantial and discretion to the individual in scheduling the work independence, and in determining the procedures to be used in carrying it out. activity the work The degree to which carrying out individual with direct and clear the job provides (Hackman information about the effectiveness of his or her performance and Oldham, I98O, pages 78-79) Job feedback required by - the • Hdckman Oldham found significant positive correlations between each of and these job characteristics and job satisfaction. One aspect of work not considered by Hackman and Oldham is of task achievement found workers in the job. amount the Locke claims that the degree to which overcome the challenges of their jobs positively affects their can He also stresses that job satisfaction. individual differences can moderate the effects of these factors on job satisfaction. Among agents, co-workers, and Locke describes the effects the organization on job satisfaction. of structured methods changes the job performed by can change their sel f -percept on. i The -percept on, i Inasmuch as the use literature on the it impacts of could also the relationship of programmer/analysts to users and managers. Role constructs that ambiguity and role conflict to conflicting et al., (Kahn, measure the degree of ambiguity subject f programmer/analysts, structured methods suggests that the use of structured affect sel of in a demands 196^) are methods two job and the degree to which from Page 6 co-workers and a worker managers. is Both constructs have been shown to be negatively This especially true for boundary spanning jobs is deal of related intra- or i job to satisfaction. jobs requiring - a great nterorgani zat onal contact. i Job Satisfaction of Programmer/Analysts few researchers have attempted to examine A satisfaction a programmer/analysts. in reinforcement needs satisfaction of highest when model to Awad (1977) examine programmer/analysts. Willoughby model programmers to both in significant job (1972) used affecting job satisfaction was factors found high levels of ability utilization, achievement, advancement, supervisor fairness were present. differences of and Willoughby the creativity, recognition, responsibility, company and determinants the in one company. needs between programmers and analysts. correlation social status, Awad applied the needs reinforcement analysts and fairness, found He no He also found that a between needs-reinforcement correspondence and job sat! sf act ion. Bostrom (I98O) examined the effects of role conflict and role ambiguity on job satisfaction of system designers. He considered the effects of these variables on 75 user-designer pairs involved found that role systems in maintenance. He conflict and role ambiguity were significantly negatively correlated with job satisfaction. Couger and Zawacki the effects (I98I) of job programmer/analysts. They programmers and analysts used Hackman and Oldham's characteristics conducted large on job sample model to examine satisfaction survey of with 1000 at many companies and government agencies. They a found that characteristics of the job, as measured by the potential, correlated positively with job satisfaction. Page 7 job's motivating The job satisfaction literature identifies determinants satisfaction of factors several that programmer/analysts in including characteristics of their job and characteristics of their relationship others the in organization. The are with structured methods literature provides insight into how the methods are used and how they might affect the jobs and the interactions of programmer/analysts. areas will drawn be on next In the these section, two develop a model of how the use of structured to methods affects the job satisfaction of programmer/analysts. THEORETICAL MODEL Figures 1 and 2 methods structured variable - overall positive present the theoretical model satisfaction. job to the use of structured effect on methods principal the satisfaction of programmer/analysts. examining variables task the - effects the of - and autonomy satisfaction in other studies. they are programmer/analysts. - performance variables quality of their work. methods will will - It positively 2 is hypothesized dependent 1, of the independent have to variable task achievement, use - an the job explained by intervening variety, skill which have been shown to be related to job This research will significantly Figure Figure independent variable on a set of are significantly affected by the introduction that In This effect can be best role conflict, role ambiguity, identity, that relates the related relates the show that these variables of to methods and satisfaction in structured job independent variable to two the productivity of programmer/analysts and the is hypothesized that the use of structured affect these performance variables, but that this have no significant effect on job satisfaction. Page 8 This section describes ROLE CONFLICT ROLE AMBIGUITY TASK ACHIEVEMENT USE OF STRUCTURED METHODS SKILL VARIETY TASK DENTITY AUTONOMY FIGURE 1: HYPOTHESIZED EFFECTS OF STRUCTURED METHODS ON JOB CHARACTERISTICS AND JOB SATISFACTION the dependent variable, research hypotheses, the and independent the and intervening environmental variables. variables, the The environmental variables measure factors that could affect the validity of the model. Dependent Variables Job satisfaction of programmer/analysts is the main dependent in the model. variable Locke defines job satisfaction as "a pleasurable or positive Page 9 . ns PRODUCTIVITY JOB USE OF SATISFACTION STRUCTURED METHODS ns QUALITY FIGURE 2: HYPOTHESIZED EFFECTS OF STRUCTURED METHODS ON PERFORMANCE AND JOB SATISFACTION (Locke, 1976, page I3OO)." related strongly (positively) In the job satisfaction literature, to turnover and absenteeism and (negatively) also be valuable methods on structured methods claims programmer/analysts. - examine to structured examined it less has been strongly to performance. Although job satisfaction will be the focus of will experience state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job emotional other effects the that their of variables. dependent use investigation, our the The improves the it introduction of literature on performance of There are two main aspects of performance that can be the effects of structured methods on the quality of work done by programmer/analysts effects their and on productivity the of programmer/analysts These dependent variables will not be emphasized in our study reasons. First, there is little dispute improves the quality of systems and that it programmer/analysts. Second, there is a two that using structured methods improves the productivity of great deal of dispute about how to measure program quality and programmer productivity. Page 10 for This will negatively affect the credibility of any results obtained in this area. Independent Variable The use of structured methods We will define structured methods as to application business develop representing how a the independent variable in the model. is They systems. system functions and include to describe how the business functions before the how the how the system itself functions. It introduction of generally is using for The language business will function after the system made is up how language for a set of guidelines a language for systems analysis, design and programming. system, describe set of procedures that a a the used is computer developed, and of set a of diagrams that describe functional and data hierarchies, and data flows. The guidelines describe how to get information about the business the system user, from how to describe to the user what the system will do, and how to describe the modules and data structures that make up the system. some cases, the methods are supported by automated tools generation of diagrams, the check the that aid In the in consistency of the diagrams, and generate code from the lowest level of the diagrams. There are advocated by several various examples of the data needs. methods that been have One example is the data structure approach groups. developed by Michael Jackson (1975)' describe structured Data structure diagrams are used to data being used by the business and to describe the business' The system structure built is around the data structure. Jackson's method as well as three other development methods are described in a recent article by Bergland (I98I). Exxon has enhanced the Jackson approach and added more specific guidelines and automated aids. the analysis method They SSA and the design and programming method PST. Page 11 call Other • examples include the PRIDE/ASDM method described by consists aids, of Softec's SADT (Ross, methods programming the group (e.g., methods. programming), development These methods methods analysis and above the in programming formatters), screen information analysis), would not be included structured structured of (1975) aids structured (e.g., and 1977). developed and marketed by Yourdon Automated which (I98I), development methodology supported by automated phase nine a Canning (e.g., definition of aids do not meet the requirements described above. structured There are several reasons for choosing the use of defined as above, as the independent variable. are currently used by many organizations. a a cause changes it effect large easier detect to could many they the jobs performed by programmer/analysts. They This should make design, and coding phases. changes in job that the use of Third, satisfaction. Based on the research of Kraft argue people. Second, the analysis, in controversial. we on structured methods First, This facilitates the selection of site and also makes the results relevant to have methods, and Greenbaum (1977) (1979). de-skills methods structured programmer/analysts and reduces their job satisfaction. Based on the discussed structured above, we could argue that the use of facilitates systems development, reduces role conflict and are they cases methods ambiguity, and leads to an increase in job satisfaction. intervening Variables The literature on job satisfaction identifies determinants of job satisfaction. affected by the introduction of number of variables as Some of these variables should also be structured Page a 12 methods. We will call them . variables. intervening allow us to better understand how the use of They structured methods leads to changes in job satisfaction. variables The six are described below. Rol e conf 1 i ct Role - "the is degree incongruity of in person I98O, page 92)." in jobs that require worl<ers to deal with many departments within an organization or that require dealing with outside organization, the development requires a conflict role is great deal of contact These team. technical support staff, and operations staff. (I96'*) include users at people levels, all people The task of systems common. with project Kahn et al. or the expectations or requirements communicated to a focal incompatibility (Bostrom, conflict outside d. p. of the management, have identified several components of role conflict. They are: Person-role Conflict incongruent with the person. the extent to which role expectations are orientations, standards, or values of the focal Intrasender Conflict - the extent to which role requirements are incompatible with the resources or capabilities of the focal person. Intersender Conflict expectations from one part es the party extent to which role requirements or oppose those from one or more other i Role Overload - the extent to which the various role expectations communicated to the focal person exceed the amount of time available for their accomplishment (Bostrom, I98O, page 93)- Bostrom examined the effects of different components of role conflict on the job satisfaction of programmer/analysts. relationship between person-role, and job satisfaction. communication between organization, they He found a significant negative intrasender, and intersender role conflict Since structured programmer/analysts and methods should other members facilitate of the should reduce the level of role conflict experienced by the programmer/analysts. Page 13 . 1 - Role ambiguity expectations the requirements found Bostrom 93)." degree "the is which to vague, ambiguous, or unclear, thereby making are for the person to fulfill page ambiguity Role the satisfaction. I98O, perceived ambiguity programmer/analysts was significantly negatively related to their job difficult (Bostrom, role] role of level his [of it desired by level of Since using structured methods should clarify the tasks to be performed by programmer/analysts, should reduce the level it role of ambiguity that they experience. Task achievement Researchers have found - degree the that to which workers can overcome the challenge of their job positively affects their job (Locke, development, programmer/analysts 1976). methods structured Since satisfaction perceive should simplify systems increase an task in ach evement i Three of the variables identified by Hackman and Oldham var iety task , identity structured methods. By , autonomy and reduce task - sk i 1 should be affected by the use of - limiting the tasks performed by programmer/analysts, reduce the use of structured methods should should (I98O) identity and skill variety. Further, it autonomy by encouraging the division of development projects into relatively independent modules. Hypotheses The hypotheses satisfaction use through structured of relate the methods 1) the use structured of methods intervening variables described above and to productivity and quality in to 2) job the systems development. HI the job : The use of structured methods will cause an satisfaction of programmer/analysts Page U . It will overall increase in simplify and structure the tasks performed by programmer/analysts and programmer/analysts between that their job better is and users. improve communication will it Thus, system developers will more manageable and react more favorably to feel We it. can explain the positive effects of the use of structured methods on job satisfaction by examining their effects on some of the intervening variables discussed above. H2 (A) The use of : perceived by structured programmer/analysts methods programmer/analysts and others involved in conflict role improve communication between will It . decrease will systems development. H2 (B) : Role conflict will be negatively related to job satisfaction H3 (A) : The use of structured perceived by programmer/analysts methods It . will will decrease role . ambiguity lead to a better specification of the tasks to be performed by programmer/analysts. (B) : Role ambiguity will be negatively related to job satisfaction Hi* (A) : The task achievement of programmer/analysts will H3 the use of structured methods increase . with The structured methods will make the task of . systems development easier and hence programmer/analysts will feel that they can better do their jobs. Hi* (B) Task : sati sf action achievement will be positively related to . Some of the job characteristics defined by Hackman and Oldham negatively job affected by the introduction of structured methods. moderate the positive effects of structured methods on job will be This will satisfaction. Specifically, three job characteristics will be negatively affected. H5 (A) perceived The use of structured methods will : by programmer/analysts the programmer/analyst in . It will systems development. Page 15 reduce the skill variety limit the options available to • H5 (B) : Skill variety will be positively related to job H6 (a) : The use of structured methods will the perceived programmer/analysts by . reduce satisfaction . identity task The development task will be split into smaller tasks when structured methods are used. H6 (B) : Task identity will be positively related to job satisfaction H7 (A) : The use of structured methods will perceived project programmer/analysts by managers specify better to Using . the limit the level methods tasks be to autonomy of structured . allow will performed by programmer/analysts. H7 (B) : H8 (a) : Autonomy will be positively related to job satisfaction The introduction of structured productivity of programmer/analysts and work This . it methods . improve will the improve the quality of their will based on the previous research on the impact of structured is methods on productivity and quality. H8 (B) Changes : in productivity and quality will not have effect on job satisfaction . a significant The research with other types of jobs has shown little relationship between job satisfaction and performance (Locke, There between current is evidence some performance satisfaction future and and that there satisfaction, current performance individual differences, measurement play a major role satisfaction. in is a but relationship not (Wanous, problems, between 197'«) and • current 1976) job Locke claims that contextual differences moderating the relationship between performance and job Controlling for these study. Page 16 factors is out of the scope of this . Environmental Variables The hypotheses discussed above can be tested with That variables intervening between programmer/analysts not measure to many as of consider validity three of these of types of we This will allow us to . in a characteristics can will call determine the characteristics - of We this section, we will In variables environmental programmer/analysts, individual group a site. which factors, quasi -exper iment the - of However, particular research a environmental variables, as possible. degree group a methods. the in for differences between the treatment and group or for peculiarities of attempt - and a control group - structured using quasi -exper iment we cannot control control group treatment a programmer/analysts using structured methods of i examine differences in the dependent variable and can we is, quas -exper iment a project of and teams, characteristics of the research site. We will assume the quas -exper iment i group That design. is, we is pretest-posttest with with concerned be will a satisfaction between the pretest and posttest and with control changes in job differences in the amount of the changes between the treatment and control groups. The environmental variables can threaten both the internal and external validity of the quasi -exper iment programmer/analysts us to attribute structured a methods the treatment and control in change - example, For . a in job satisfaction differences between the groups could falsely lead to threat to internal validity. the In introduction addition, of there if were significant differences between the programmer/analysts at the research site and programmer/analysts at other organizations, the general zab i the quasi -exper iment would be affected this section we will - a 1 i threat to external validity. rely on Cook and Campbell's Page 17 i (1979) ty of In classification of . . threats to val idi ty Characteristics characteristics programmer/analysts of programmer/analysts of in Differences - the treatment and control could affect both internal and external validity. variables, longevity, such job as experience, tenure structured methods, and level motivation of systems development of amount group, groups background This includes amount age, project the in several in with experience of satisfaction with job and contexts For example, differences validity in job longevity could threaten the quas -exper iment of i . Suppose the treatment group contained after that the job satisfaction of the new hires would decline the novelty new their of wears job months six change This off. a We would expect much larger percentage of new hires than the control group. when internal the job in satisfaction would be independent of the introduction of structured methods. We could, structured however, falsely attribute this methods. Cook change the to introduction of and Campbell would classify this as a threat to internal validity due to the interaction of selection and maturation. Background differences between the treatment and control threaten also external validity. For example, if older or more experienced in systems development or structured methods than the i (1977) containing less the treatment group was more experienced experienced be generalized to programmer/analysts. other treatment Further, Katz has shown that age and job longevity differences moderate the effects of job characteristics on job satisfaction. If most of the members treatment group were working at the company for at least ten years, be with control group, we could not be sure that the results of the quas -exper iment could groups could groups difficult to generalize the of it the would results to organizations containing less Page I8 experienced programmer/analysts. Cook and Campbell would classify this as a threat due to the interaction of selection and treatment. Other individual the Hackman level the control the and Oldham effects of (I98O) job motivation i ty of as job on motivated We would then be uncertain that any differences in group. methods 1 and these identify characteristics the level of job satisfaction between the groups were structured of Suppose the treatment group was significantly more satisfaction. than moderate that as i quasi -exper iment. constructs such contexts, could also affect the general zabi job with satisfaction differences, or to the interaction of due to structured use the of methods with teams could motivation. Project team characteristics affect external validity. - Differences in project One aspect of team differences style of the project leader and of the programmer/analyst's and Seashore (I966) have identified four the leadership is peers. Bowers leadership characteristics: Support - behavior that enhances someone worth and importance. else's feeling of encourages members Interaction Facilitation - behavior that group to develop close, mutually satisfying relationships. personal of the Emphasis - behavior that stimulates an enthusiasm for meeting groups goal or achieving excellent performance. the Goal Work Faci tation - behavior that helps achieve goal attainment by such providing planning, and by activities as scheduling, coordinating, resources such as tools, materials, and technical knowledge (Bowers and Seashore, page 2*47) 1 i . These characteristics can be applied to both the project members of the project team. leaders and other Bowers and Seashore found significant positive correlations between measures of these characteristics and job and performance. to Yunger and Hunt (1976) satisfaction found these characteristics similar the characteristics identified in the Ohio State LBDQ leadership scales. Page 19 In addition, differences in differences longevity found - amount the in background the the time of of project the team has worlced together could affect could affect external validity. longevity group that had significant a leaders Katz and - team (1979) has effect on performance in research and development groups. Project team differences between the treatment and control groups would have the same effect on external validity individual as differences. We would be uncertain whether to attribute changes in the dependent variable to independent variable or, to the interaction of the independent variable the and the project team differences. Research site characteristics affect could site both - internal The characteristics of and external validity. the research For example, the target organization could select only the most satisfied programmer/analysts to be used in the treatment group. satisfaction the and the posttest We this were the case, we would expect this group to regress to the mean between the pretest of - If independent of the introduction structured of methods. could then falsely attribute their change in job satisfaction to the use of structured methods. Cook and Campbell call this threat a to internal validity due to statistical regression. Differences could how structured methods were used at in threaten also programmer/analysts were a using valuable some of in the validity the control tool, they structured the the of the research quas -exper iment. i site If group determined that structured the methods could start imitating the treatment group by techniques. The differences job in satisfaction between the treatment and control group could then be moderated by the imitation of the treatment. A treatment group did not become proficient Page 20 similar problem would occur in the use of structured if the methods between the pretest and the posttest. Organizational characteristics of the research site could validity. external of changes For example, top management in compensation scheme, or if the d. p. organization has had the last year, in if affect number a they have introduced number they have had a large if also new of a new hires or this could affect programmer/analyst's reaction to the introduction layoffs of structured methods. This would limit general zabi the i 1 i of ty the quas -exper iment to other organizations. i QUASI-EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN The model described above can be tested using control group design. Cook and Campbell (1979) pretest-posttest a with diagram this design as: 0X0 The design introduce can implemented be structured programmer/analysts. programmer/analysts introduced to methods We in measure later (the finding to some, then company the variables (the pretest). months can by the but administer right independent, a before not structured The questionnaire can then be posttest). about to of its methods are environmental and readministered six The group of programmer/analysts who do not control posttest. the section all, is questionnaire to all the intervening, use structured methods can serve as a This one company that outlines the pretest and quas -exper imental design. It group at i discusses the requirements of the research site, the experimental procedure, the measures, and the method of analysis. detailed discussion of the design. . Page 21 Goldstein (1982b) provides a more Research Site is about - The research site should be a large introduce to Ideally, the organization should have 100 or more should develop transaction large programmer/analysts. processing and information systems that span boundaries within the organization. the types of systems most suited for development organization The should have not with suffered These are structured recent any methods. organizational overshadow the effects of the introduction of structured methods. able find the organization through It management disruptions, such as the ones discussed in the previous section, that be that methods on some of its project groups. structured mostly organization could We should company involved in marketing a structured methods. Experimental procedure the all The questionnaire should - programmer/analysts the organization and their project in right before the introduction of structured methods introduction. their administered be and six to leaders months after structured methods should be used by at least 30 The prog rammer /anal ysts. Measures - Measures already have variables in al. and modified by Bostrom (1970) conflict and the model. ambiguity. example, For (I98O) JDS also contains can Hackman and Oldham's items motivation, and satisfaction (1966) to with used be (I98O) to many the of job measure and satisfaction, Bowers contexts. et role Job Diagnostic Survey identity, task measure job for the scales developed by Rizzo, contains scales that measure skill variety, The developed been and autonomy. level of Seashore's measure can be used to measure the leadership characteristics of each programmer/analysts' peers and project leader. the questionnaire to measure task achievement, programmer/analysts identified above, Page 22 and Other items can be added to the other characteristics the of programmer/analysts' proficiency with structured methods. Project leaders should be given used obtain to information programmer/analysts, separate questionnaire. productivity on obtain to a quality and should be It their for information on their team and on their own background, and to verify the intervening variable measures obtained from their programmer/analysts. Method of Analysis hypotheses. This differences in assumption is is Simple gain score analysis can be used to test the - an analysis of variance changes in a technique examines the variable from the pretest to the posttest. The that the treatment will lead to more that less) (or change treatment group than in the control group (Cook and Campbell, in the 1979). The characteristics of the treatment and control groups can be examined to determine the validity between our of results. treatment and differences, and team differences validity our results. the of control Any measures could affect characteristics the differences on the background, groups Further, significant population will give us some idea of the general zabi i 1 i the individual internal the entire of ty of our results. DISCUSSION This research will provide some insights into the effects of the use of structured methods on the job satisfaction of programmer/analysts. pretest-posttest of structured explanation a with control group design allows us to isolate the effects methods. as Using to The how the intervening use of sati sfaction. Page 23 variables structured provide methods further affects job There are, however, some potential problems with the study. six month time frame might not be enough long become familiar with structured methods. for First, the programmer/analysts to However, a longer time frame would create problems with experimental mortality. Turnover would cause people to drop out of the experiment between the pretest and the posttest. Second, differences between treatment and control the experimental control for in a 1 i between and and the population of programmer/analysts could ty of the results. groups affect the general izabi groups Although design, quas -exper imental i this is measures of individual and team differences should point out to of multiple presence the hard potential any problems. A larger sample survey could developed instruments in eliminate some of methods in structured methods. If The this quas -exper iment could be used to compare the i programmer/analysts that use structured methods to those structured problems. the several companies that do not use that have partially implemented the results of the pretest-posttest quasi -exper iment were confirmed with this posttest only design, this would provide stronger evidence that the hypotheses were true. Finally, First, this research should lead to further research this research will satisfaction in programmer/analysts. Research two areas. provide some insights into the determinants of job research could explore the Further effects of the factors identified here, as well as satisfaction. in could also explore the other factors, effects on job job enrichment programs or other work redesign efforts on programmer/analysts. This is an important research, because of the relationship between job satisfaction and job outcomes such as productivity and turnover. in d. p. organizations. Page 2U These are critical problems Second, changes on the research provides some insights job satisfaction. computers workers. could research the effects of job The introduction of new office technologies and the more widespread use of Further into technologies on job satisfaction. will examine change the This would give us the effects a better jobs of of these idea of possible costs and benefits of office automation or other technologies. Page 25 many new the REFERENCES Awad, Elias M., "Prediction of Satisfaction of Programmers, Analysts," Management January, 1977. 12-18. Data , Production Programming," Baker, F. T., "Programmer Team Management of Systems Journal Volume 11, Number 1, 1972, pages 56-75' IBM , Bergland, G. D., "A Guided Tour October, I98I, pages 13-37- of Program Methods," Design Computer . Implementation of the Jackson Bernstein, C. 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