WVDE ARTS EDUCATION UPDATE April 8, 2015 *New items are listed in red. CONTENTS: I. NEWS II. TIME SENSITIVE INFORMATION III. TEACHER AND STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES IV. ARTICLES AND PUBLICATIONS V. FOR YOUR INFORMATION VI. RESOURCES I. NEWS Arts Alive 2015 THANK YOU for making Arts Alive 2015 such a success! We continue to receive positive feedback about the art exhibit, performance, and (new!) master classes. We also received great media coverage (radio, tv and newspapers). We are generating quite a buzz about arts education in WV! In addition to all the involved students and teachers, the Clay Center ticketed around 1,000 general admission seats and the livestream has already had almost 1200 views! You can view the performance, in its entirety, at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew77Wi_YR6k Arts Alive Facebook Page If you have not already done so, check out the West Virginia Arts Alive Facebook page – which has pictures from the Arts Alive master classes and tech rehearsals. We will post additional pictures as they become available. https://www.facebook.com/artsalivewv?ref=bookmarks Do you have photos or experiences you would like to share or arts events happening in your school/community? ‘Like’ the West Virginia Arts Alive Facebook page and tell us about them! You can also send information directly to Dr. Christi Camper Moore, Arts Coordinator, and your news, photos and events will be posted ccamper@k12.wv.us. II. TIME SENSITIVE INFORMATION On behalf of Jim Haizlett and the MAD Festival The 2015 West Virginia MAD Festival is this Friday, April 10, 2015. This year marks West Liberty's 15th anniversary of the MAD (Media Arts and Design) Festival. Free admission for all. Please visit http://westliberty.edu/madfest for pertinent information about guest speakers, activities, and the competition. Blennerhassett Middle School Junior Thespian Troupe 88963 to present Aladdin Please see attached flyer or call 304.863.3356 for more information. Performance Dates: April 11th 6:00 dinner theater April 12th 2:00 matinee April 17th 7:00 evening performance April 18th 10:00 am On behalf of the College Board Don't miss the chance to receive up to $7,500 in funding for your school's arts initiatives! The deadline for applications for the College Board Awards for Excellence and Innovation in the Arts is Monday, April 13. Winning schools in three categories will receive $5,000 to continue or expand their exemplary work, and one school will be awarded an additional $2,500 as the national winner. Award categories are: Arts Integration: Recognizes initiatives that use an innovative approach to drawing connections between arts-based learning and other subjects. Equity Through Arts: Recognizes a program that uses the arts as a tool for increasing academic engagement among underrepresented students. Civic Engagement/Professional Partnerships: Recognizes a program that uses arts experiences as vehicles for engagement with local arts professionals and/or nonprofit organizations. Please note that applications must be submitted by the school, not the partnering individual or organization. Please visit our website for full application instructions and profiles of past winners, and contact Amy Charleroy with any questions. Upcoming Educator Evaluation System Dates: By May 1, 2015 – Evaluators complete a 4th Observation for classroom teachers within the Initial Progression, and a 2nd Observation for classroom teachers within the Intermediate Progression level. By May 1, 2015 – Educators submit evidence data for student learning goals. On behalf of Matthew Thompson, Program Director - Lemonade Day, Vision Shared, Inc.: Lemonade Day (May 2, 2015) is a FREE community-wide educational program designed to teach youth how to start, own, and operate their own business through a lemonade stand. Give your students the opportunity to learn crucial life lessons through hands-on experience! The program is designed for elementary and middle grade levels. Please let friends and colleagues know about this exciting upcoming event. If you are interested in participating, please email Matthew Thompson at Matthew@LemonadeDay.org. Free materials are now in! You may want to request materials to send home to parents or utilize later in the school year. Contact Matthew Thompson at Matthew@LemonadeDay.org to request free materials. To view the informational flyer for Lemonade Day, visit the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e8ghjpo4a22w4s0/WV%20Lemonade%20Day%202015.pdf?d l=0. III. TEACHER AND STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES On behalf of the National Dance Organization Registration is now open for the Spring 2015 OPDI Courses. If you are already an accepted OPDI student then login to the NDEO website and proceed to your Profile. Once in your Profile, click on Access OPDI link to find the courses that are open for enrollment. For more info on the courses go to OPDI Spring 2015 Courses. STATE AND NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Be sure to contact your professional associations to register for professional development, conferences, and workshop opportunities. WVAEA - Save the date! WVAEA Regional Conference will be held at WVU in Morgantown October 28th -29th 2015. OTHER TEACHER AND STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES On behalf of the West Virginia Dance Company (WVDC) The WVDC Arts Education Project "Earth's Quilt: Common Threads, A Journey Across the Curriculum" is being offered to schools in West Virginia through May 2016. The performance covers work representing research of the seven continents by seven different choreographers. There is a 60 page intensive study guide that connects content standards so that teachers can pick and choose what they need for their classes. The study guide has offerings for all grades. The performance is followed or preceded by an arts integration workshop of science and movement that directly relates to one of the works that the students see in the company performance. This workshop provides teachers with new tools for lesson creation. For more information about booking and to view the study guide, please visit www.wvdanceco.com. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES IV. ARTICLES OF INTEREST, BLOGS AND NEW PUBLICATIONS Why Kids Need to Move, Touch and Experience to Learn http://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2015/03/26/why-kids-need-to-move-touch-and-experience-tolearn/ Arts Education Matters: We Know, We Measured It http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2014/12/03/13greene.h34.html Major benefits for students who attend live theater, study finds http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/10/141016165953.htm Creating “AHA! Moments” in Dance Classes http://blog.getacclaim.com/creating-aha-moments-in-dance-classes-a-conversation-with-robynkotte-lesson-plan/ The Importance of Art in Child Development http://www.pbs.org/parents/education/music-arts/the-importance-of-art-in-child-development/ Arts Blog (various posts) http://blog.artsusa.org/category/arts-education/ V.FOR YOUR INFORMATION On behalf of Trent Danowski In a continued effort to support all West Virginia educators on the Educator Evaluation System, the Department of Education would like to offer the following information: *Take an Active Role in your own Professional Evaluation With the onset of the new calendar year, many of us establish personal resolutions to improve our lives and the lives of those around us. The commencement of 2015 may also be a good time to review your Self-reflection and Learning Goals, which you established earlier in the school year. Do you have evidence to support some of your Self-reflection ratings? Have you completed one of your Learning Goals? Would you like to request that your principal observe an upcoming lesson or activity in your classroom? In 2015, resolve to take an active role in your own professional evaluation. Show off all the great work you do in your school each day! *Evaluation of Educators on First-class/Full-time Permits Educators who are hired by districts on a First-class/Full-time Permit are required to receive a full annual evaluation through the online Educator Evaluation System. Educators providing instruction while on these permits are compensated as professional educators and therefore should be evaluated as professional educators. *Finalizing 2014 Educator Evaluations After a brief delay, 2014 educator summative evaluations are once again available for educator review and final acceptance. During this process, educators are able to review their 2014 evaluation with the school-wide growth component factored into their rating. Additionally, educators will see their overall summative rating for the 2014 school year. In order to complete the 2014 evaluation cycle, educators should now accept the 2014 evaluation. This process is completed online, at the bottom of their online 2014 summative evaluation screen. In order for the final acceptance of evaluations to take place, the evaluator must have completed and finalized an evaluation for the educator at the conclusion of the 2014 school year. If this event did not occur at the conclusion of the 2014 school year, it must be completed prior to the educator having the ability to perform a final acceptance of his/her evaluation. Further information is provided in the below instructions link. To view instructions on how to accept your 2014 Summative Evaluation, please click HERE. View an Evaluation System Timeline for the 2014-2015 school year. *Roster Verification: E-mail Address, FAQ, & Training Video. Roster Verification is now open! Educators participating in Roster Verification beginning in March must have a valid email address registered within WVEIS on the Web. After logging in to WVEIS WOW, educators may self-register an email address by utilizing the ‘User Self-Administration’ link found within the Menus option. A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document regarding Roster Verification in West Virginia is now available for public viewing. This document incorporates answers to questions submitted by the West Virginia educators who attended one of the four regional training sessions completed in late 2014. A link to the new FAQ document can be found on the Trainings webpage of the Educator Evaluation website. WVDE has now made available a video recording of one of the completed Roster Verification regional trainings. The video is posted to the Trainings webpage (under the “BFK·Link® Videos” heading) on the WV Educator Evaluation website. RESA, district, and school administrators are invited to use this video as a component of your training efforts with educators who require Roster Verification training for the 2014-2015 school year. As always, updated Roster Verification information continues to be available through the WV Educator Evaluation webpage. Educators in West Virginia will complete the Roster Verification process beginning in March, 2015. *West Virginia Educator Evaluation System A cursory review of district completion data shows that the vast majority of educators around the state are on schedule to complete all required components of the online Educator Evaluation System for the current school year. As always, your professionalism and diligence in the completion of the evaluation components are greatly appreciated. If you have not completed a Self-reflection, or do not have two (2) Professional Goals recorded in the online system, please complete these components as soon as possible. View an Evaluation System Timeline for the 2014-2015 school year. Upcoming Educator Evaluation System Dates: By May 1, 2015 – Evaluators complete a 4th Observation for classroom teachers within the Initial Progression, and a 2nd Observation for classroom teachers within the Intermediate Progression level. By May 1, 2015 – Educators submit evidence data for student learning goals. On behalf of Barbara Yurick Smart Moves for Education and the Arts Barbara Yurick and her son Sam Yurick have collaborated to connect children’s literature with ipad technology, math, science, creative movement and dance, visual art, music. The program is standards based. The program is based on an original children’s book written, illustrated, and composed by Sam Yurick on ipad. Drawing and music are explored on ipad. Creative movement and dance classes weave dance into the story. Students are lead through a presentation of the story for the school and guests. Presenters Barbara Yurick and Sam Yurick are available to provide Teacher Training to lead students through the program, or to provide sessions for students. Flexible programming is available for one day workshops or several day intensives. It is designed for 2nd or 3rd grades. Other arts integration programs are available. For more information contact: Barbara Yurick barbyurick@gmail.com. Sample Student Learning Goals for the Arts! The WVDE Educator Evaluation site now has Sample Student Learning Goals for each of the arts disciplines (Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts). As we continue to think about how to articulate baseline data, goals, strategies and measures, we hope the samples will be a useful reference. Please visit http://wvde.state.wv.us/evalwv/goal-setting.html If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Christi Camper Moore, Arts Coordinator, ccamper@k12.wv.us VI. RESOURCES ZoomWV ZoomWV, from the West Virginia Department of Education, is the state's single source for accurate, high-quality education information pertaining to students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12. http://wvde.state.wv.us/zoomwv/ WV Public Broadcasting Builds Interactive STEAM Career Video http://wvpublic.org/post/wvpb-builds-interactive-steam-career-videos Annenberg Learner: Teacher Resources and professional development across the curriculum http://www.learner.org/ Arts Education Partnership http://www.aep-arts.org/ National Arts Standards http://www.nationalartsstandards.org/ Anchor standards for College and Career Readiness http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/CCRA/R/ Arts Education Partnership The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) has created ArtsEdSearch.org—the nation’s first clearinghouse of research examining the mounting body of evidence on the benefits of an arts education. Drawing on the research in ArtsEdSearch, this bulletin offers a snapshot of how the arts support achievement in school, bolster skills demanded of a 21st century workforce, and enrich the lives of young people and communities. Visit: http://www.aep-arts.org/publicationsstore/#id=1&cid=720&wid=401 to download or order this brochure. Website: http://www.artsedsearch.org/ Website: http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/educators/how-to/series/arts-integration-beta/artsintegration-beta.aspx Grant Resources: http://www.neafoundation.org/pages/grants-to-educators/ http://www.donorschoose.org/ http://www.fundforteachers.org/funding-opportunities/grants-art-teachers.php http://www.artseveryday.org/Educators/detail.aspx?id=110 LINKS TO WV ARTS CONTENT STANDARDS AND OBJECTIVES Dance: http://wvde.state.wv.us/policies/p2520.9.pdf Music: http://wvde.state.wv.us/policies/p2520.10.pdf Theatre: http://wvde.state.wv.us/policies/p2520.11.pdf Visual Arts: http://wvde.state.wv.us/policies/p2520.12.pdf STAY INFORMED To receive the arts education listserv email ccamper@k12.wv.us and request membership. If you have an item that you would like to share with the Listserv, please email to ccamper@k12.wv.us. Include the name, brief description of the opportunity/event, and a link or contact information where interested parties can obtain additional information. We cannot include flyers or attachments. The Arts Coordinator for The West Virginia Department of Education makes every effort to provide relevant, timely information to stakeholders collected from numerous state and national sources. The inclusion of items in this update does not imply the endorsement or verification of accuracy by this agency. Christi Camper Moore, Ph.D. Arts Coordinator Dance. Music. Theatre. Visual Arts Office of Secondary Learning 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East Building 6, Room 603 Charleston, WV 25305-0330 304.558.5325 P 304.558.1834 F wvde.state.wv.us