^f/ HD28 0i3 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Decompostion Algorithms Transient Phenomena Networks in for Analyzing Multi-class Queuing in Air Transportation Dimitris Bertsimas, Amedeo Odoni and Michael D. Peterson WP# - 3540-93 MSA January, 1993 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 \ M.LT. UBRARIES Decompostion Algorithms Transient Phenomena Networks in for Analyzing in Multi-class Queuing Air Transportation Dimitris Bertsimas, Amedeo Odoni and Michael D. Peterson WP# - 3540-93 MSA January, 1993 ft^AR2.5 1993 Decomposition Algorithms Phenomena for Analyzing Transient Queuing Networks in Multi-class in Air Transportation Dimitris Michael D. Peterson* J. January Bertsimas^ 8, Amedeo R. Odoni^ 1993 Abstract In a previous paper (Peterson, Bertsimas, and Odoni 1992), we studied the phe- nomenon of transient congestion in landings at a approach for computing moments of queue lengths and waiting times. In we extend our approach method used hub airport and developed a recursive for to a network, developing the single hub. We is present computational results for a simple 2-hub Although our motivation applicable to may be modeled approach for all is drawn from in analyzing the interaction be- air transportation, our method multi-class queuing networks where service capacity at a station as a Markov or semi-Markov process. Our method represents a new analyzing transient congestion Airi^ort congestion paper two approximations based on the network and indicate the usefulness of the approach tween hubs. this and delay ground delays at domestic air])orts iiavc grown phenomena in such networks. significantly over the last decade. By 1986 averaged 2000 iiours per day, the equivalent of grounding the entire fleet of Delta Airlines at that time (2oO aircraft) for one day (Donoghue 1986). In 1990, 21 airports in the U.S. exceeded 20,000 hours of delay, with 12 more projected to exceed this total by 1997 (National Transi)orlation Fiesearch Board 1991). This amounts to 'School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Blooniington, Indiana ^.Sloan .School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts and Astronautics. Mas.sachusetls Institute of Technology, Cambridge, '[)epartiiient of Aeronautics Massachusetts multi-class queuing networks. Our model provides important qualitative insight on the interaction between hubs and improves our understanding of hub-and-spoke syste:ns. With our model we can address a number • of interesting questions, such as: To what degree do network effects alter the results obtained from the study of a single hub? • Wliat network effects are produced by delay propagation? • What effect • Wiat are the effects of hub isolation strategies does the degree of connectivity between hubs have on system congestion? reduced tivity to others is The paper is — strategies in which a hub's connec- — on schedule reliability? organized as follows, in Section 1 we review briefly the methodology of the algorithm for a single queue and describe the queuing network context of the present problem. In Sections 2 and 3 we outline two decomposition approaches which exploit this algorithm. Section 2 describes a relatively simple method in are adjusted according to expected upstream waiting times. involved approach which uses second description of downstream moment arrival rates which downstream arrivals Section 3 describes a infonnation about delays to give a stochastic In Section 4 we employ these approximation meth- ods together with a simple simulation jirocedure on a 2-hub network. moderate traffic conditions, Under heavy traffic demand times act to smooth the We the interactions between hubs do not alter significantly, so that the j^redictions of waiting times i^roduced are very close. more find that demand under patterns by the different approaches conditions with closely spaced banks, higher waiting ]>attern significantly over the day. In this latter situation, the two recursive algorithms deviate further from simulation than in the fonner case. also find that isolation of a ]iroi)lein hub ]irolects other We hubs from schedule disruption at the cost of further disruption at the source of the delays. We provide concluding remfirks in Section 5. 1 The Basic Model Incoming and aircraft at an airiiort require service at three stations: a dejjarlure runway. The landing operation in particular is a landing runway, a gate, subject to wide variations . p„{m)= We For Pr{(t,m)^(i,m+1)) = Pr > [T. m+1 | T. > m| (1) next define the following random variables: Qk = Queue length Wk = Waiting time at end of interval Ck = Capacity state at end of interval Ak = Age of current capacity T, = Random mean queue length I, A- qmax(A"i i) is the m, = maXj fc, k, state at end of interval k, lifetime of capacity state =: , 1 , . . . maximum is A', i. (jmaxC^, i = I, . . . m= ,S, i. 1 , . . . , (2) A/, This obeys the recursion = |<?max(''"-l) + andx^ — max(x,0). «) = m] Ai i, attainable queue length at the end of period k, given that 9max(A".0 qmax(A") interval k, = E \Qk \Qi=q,Ci = q) at that time the capacity state where end of we introduce the notation Qk(l, where at >^k - (3) Mt]^ Similarly, for waiting times we employ the notation WkiL We write the second 2, m, moment q) = E\Wk I = Q, C, 9, = z, Ai = m\. (4) analogs of (2) and (4) as Ql{l,i,in,q) and Wl{l,i,m,q), resjieotiveiy. Let (x A y) denote and W^(/, I. m, q) niiii(x,y). The quantities Qk{Li,m,q), Q^(l,i,rn,q), Wk(l,i,m,q), can be calculated recursively, ( Peterson, Bertsimas, and Odoni 1992). We rejjeat here the basic equations: Qk{l.t.m,q) = ^p,,(»»)Q, (/+!, J. !,((?+ A,+ P„{m)Qk (/+l.!,m+l,(q+ Ql{l,i,m,q) = ^P.jt".)Qn'+l,J. l.('7 + A, + , i A;^, + -//,)+) - (i,)'^) -/i,) + ) (5) , + where i^ = mth stop on t"^ = scheduled arrival time at s^ = siaclc time between stops m— Aircraft slack between stops at stop rn - 1 itinerary of aircraft v, and 1 m mth stop for aircraft m 1 the is — and »n for aircraft v. amount of time beyond the minimal time necessary v, available to the aircraft to tuni the aircraft around. In the network schedules are no longer exogenous and deterministic, as delays at one airport the schedules at others. In the terminology of queuing theory, the system a multi-class is queuing network, with the classes being the different aircraft with their individual Service capacity at each airport Markov process or Markov affect itineraries. an autocorrelated stocliastic process described by a semi- is Thus our task chain. to describe the transient behavior of is a multi-class queuing network with autocorrelated service rates at each node. This high degree of complexity suggests that approximation methods are necessary. A 2 A first Simple Decomposition Approach ap]5roximation approach of the day, one based on the following idea. Suppose that at the start is knows the schedules for all aircraft operating in assumption that delays are zero at the outset of the day, the schedule of the day is fixed. Hence the first ])eriod demands waiting times for each airjiort during this jieriod (5) - The (14) to each air]iort. the delay encountered by all may for be determined by applying equations aircraft scheduled to land in this j^eriod. demand in their .sclie<kile,s for the next i>erio(l, the initial period and mean queue lengths and resulting exjiected waiting times for period the slack wliich these aircraft have accordingly, one then fixes are fixed, Under the the network. 1 are estimates of Taking into account and ujidating future arrival calculates the resulting streams new expected waiting times, and so forth. More formally, let d^ aircraft r jjroceeds rei>resent the current through its itinerary, ff is for aircraft v — amount by which it is cumulative delay the current i.e. behind schedule. Further define the terms Ain.k) = set of aircraft scheduletl to land at E |W7'| = mean waitnig time for r? ni period an aircraft arriving at i k, at end of period as A:, , First Decomposition Algorithm for Air Network Congestion Initialize: = For k = For n K to \ N to 1 A(n,k) = **** For itinerary sto])s are deteniiinistic since not affected first 77 = <p = For V earlier delays ***** N to 1 by V to ] A(n,K{t\)) =A{n,K(i\))Uv Set d' =0 Main loop: For k = For \ r? Set V V. K to = = A;J N to 1 \A{n,k)\. Using the recursive method at For V € A(n, m Set n = Set ; E [^k] i •• • i ^ l^k'] k): ***** find the Find eacli airport, calculate the itinerary corresjionding to this stop ***** ])art of (n^^J^^, s'^) € I(v) and K{t^^ rim, ' = 'm + d", S = Sm, ri' + <f) = n^+i, = '' A" = «' tm+l, = Sm+l- a = k(0 -t/{At). ***** calculate propagated delay ***** Set d;„+ d' + aE + (1 -a)£ 1 + M'",,, "(<) ***** detemiine next arrival period and ui>date data structure ***** Set A{n',K{t' + d'')) = A(n\K{l' + d"))Uv. END. Figure 1: Decomposition algorithm for network based on detenninistic updating scheme U where hub recursive algorithm for waiting time moments the complexity of the single is with deterministic input. Proof: Tlie choice of data structure 0{V) dure) requires only calls to a means that time. Hence the bottleneck of the algorithm consists of repeated subroutine for computing expected waiting times. Because for each time period k the algorithm must recalculate plexity is specified with The presence was shown that it 5 EI^Vl . . Markov model at each in new Thus ]>eriod. the second it hub algorithm the end conditions However, even for the l^robabilities for queue length and Odoni 1992), there some other A more where m Under this algorithm the number this is 0(NS^K^Qmi^^). in finds E|IV/| the . . . first global iteration the algorithm E\Wl^] and E\Wj] if it . . . E\nfl and were possible to store within the of iteration k as initial conditions for iteration k+l. mean storing the joint Since comi^uting these probabilities requires cai^acity. and reason. the imiirovement minimum number run for the first is is to have the recursion restart only every of jieriods any aircraft has run 2in jienods. for the first and so on. m new scheme m -^2 4- ...+ :\m -\- Cm /\' Whereas in the original implementation, is - K{K+\)/2, + A" = 11 periods, periods, arrivals are updated, then the it is + 2m + m between scheduled stops. of iterations iierformed witlnn the recursive algorithm 1 under 1 effort as for the exjiectatioii alone (see Peterson, Bertsimas, scheme, the aigorithni is Markov capacity model no benefit to doing so unless the probabilities themselves are desired is jjractical is the simpler Markov cajmcity model, this would 0((5max) times as much for if K arises from the fact that the recursion at each hub so forth. This duplication of effort could be avoided single of capacity, the complexity of the Thus OiS"^ K'^Q^ax) is of the additional factor E\W^^], . hub for a In Peterson, Bertsimas, capacity states, overall complexity for Algorithm restarted from time finds of the preceding expected waiting times, overall com- D recursive algoritlim for a single is all 0{KNII). and Odoni (1992) is inner updating loop (the disaggregation proce- tlie C.(C, + 1 )7n/2 + A" n.k<2 Fig^ure 3; The traffic splitting delay encountered. The numbers In order to comjjlete the tic infoniiation phenomenon: alternative future aircraft paths depend upon {p,;} indicate probabilities. updating scheme, the algorithm must translate the probabilis- on individual aircraft into information on future arrival rates. Define the stochastic arrival quantities A(n,k) The - number of arrivals at airjjort goal of this stejj of the procedure random variables. . . . , random in period k. to specify an api)roximate probability law for these R For some user-sjiecified number values taken by the and A"(l), is n (representing the variables) the algorithm estimates number numbers 7"(1), of possible . . . ,7^(fl) A"(ft) which obey the relationships \>r{Mn.k) = Xl(\)} = -rrO). A'/(2)} = ^."(S). \>r{Mv.k) = y^{R)) = -yr(ff). F'r{A(7,,A-) = (18) where ^7r(o This simplified description of variaijiiiiy in = (19) i the arrival rales is easily incorporated into the 2. Translatio!) of these density functions into probabilistic descriptions of future arrival periods for each aircraft, as given in the parameters p„(0), 3. Translation of the individual aircraft parameters p„(0), random into simple discrete distributions for the 4. The Updating of aircraft itineraries and airport what follows, . . . ,Pv{C) and/c„(0), ,PviC) and . A:„(0), . . . . ., ., /c„(C). kv(C) variables A(n,/c). arrival lists. fourth of these procedures was described in Section further detail in . . 2. The and a sununary of the algorithm first three are described in given in Figure is 8. Obtaining waiting time densities 3.1 Estimation of the densities f{w) cannot be done on the basis of the recursive algorithm alone, since this procedure gives only the first of the third moment would two moments of the distribution. Knowledge enough information to determine a unique 2-point discrete give distribution by solving the nonlinear system P\W]+P2W2 = E\W] p,u-^+p2u>2 = E[W^] p,u,^,+P2wl - E[W^] 1 + P2 = u'l, tti2 > Pi Pi,p2, for the values pi, p2, u'l. and w-j- However, (22) 0. this system is not guaranteed to have any solution because of the ])ositivity requirement. An alternative metiiod Handscomb, 1964).. period by jieriod, Markov process. where W"' is is is suggested liy Monte C'arlo Consider a simjile simulation determined Prom in Monte Carlo for methods (see e.g. Hammersley and a single airport in which capacity, fashion from the Markov chain or semi- the simulation we obtain the matrix of observations the waiting time at the end of jieriod k for the mth simulation. Ordering the observations, we obtain histograms for the waiting times for each period, like the one illustrated in Figure 4 for a constant arrival rate (p 15 % 0.85, A = 60 per hour). Note the 1.0 Exponential Plot for Positive Observations of Wait Time at Period 50 (12.5 Hours) T lOOORealiulioas 0.8 •• 6 •• 0.4 0.2. . J Figure // Test 5: for 450 300 150 60(1 = (ordered) observation number exponential distribution of positive waiting time realizations must be determined by solving the pair of equations (omitting subscripts) /•CXI ^tL'n„n 6 {w^,r,f + + ( {] - 1 - f 6) *^U 111 terms of the mean w wiyc-'^"'-'^'-"Uw = E\W\ t/-2,/f-"(''-"'-") du, = £[iy2] / (!)) and variance (24) mm a-^ we obtain the solution (omitting subscripts) g^ - (»^- Wmin)^ (25) 2{w - Wm,n) (26) Note that 6 is always less than 1 and will be jionnegative provided that > 111 the tj^iicai case where Wm,n ^^ zero, this of variation for waiting times exceeds was 1 1. equivalent to the condition that the coefficient is Only in rare instances of the tests presented shortly this condition found not to hold. In tiiose c.uses, the entire distribution was assumed to be exi)onential. 17 jmrameter 6 was set to and the For practical reasons, it is necessary to choose some upper bound C on the number of periods of delay to allow. Hence v(C-i) Together with the numbers {/.-^(c)}, the probabilities {pv(c)} then constitute a probabilistic description of the next period in which aircraft v will 3.3 demand to land. Characterizing arrivals In order to translate the demand numbers rules A{n.k), define the random if 1 Xn'l.nkiv) = into a probabilistic description of the future {p^.ic)] variable e A{n', r next is 1} delayed such that its be n at period k sto]) will otherwise This random variable denotes the "contribution" of an arrival rate at a future place and time. Note that demand i' £ A(n'J), the arrival rates. jirobability that n, then will it contribute to the landing variables X„'i.nk('^') l>rovide the necessary connection between aircraft and is its next scheduled stop) is Then ^^^A-„.,,„,(r). In words, this says that the arrival rate at random I) is — l). n'= in , pv{k A(rK/.-)= points the next stop of v € A{n' at airjiort n during jieriod k (as,suming that n The random one place and time to the \}=p,(k-l). Pr{A-„.,.„,(r)= In words, for aircraft if arrival at the itineraries (see Figure fi). /<;, I (ri, k) 1 = is (30) 1 the sum Thus the random of all contributions from previous variables {A} are sums of Bernoulli variables. Defining NL{v.k) = next destination Of the expectation is easily obtained E\Mn.k)] aircraft i' after period A- ius = ^^^E|A',..,,„,(")111'= = I (<*. t.= 1 EE E n'=l l<k v:NL(v.l) = n 19 ^^'(^--'^ (31) Histogram ofA 200 (1>22) + (1000 Realizations) 1 50 o o 100 •• E 50 n 10 Arrivals in Period 22 at 7: a^ one may occur still Hub I Histo^aiii of A( 1,22) obtained from simulation. Unusual skewness patterns such Fiffure tills 25 20 15 in the early part of the day when tiie contributing prior arrivals are largely deterministic. considerable degree of insensitivity to the assumption while acknowledging its demand rate distribution. We retain the normality im])erfections. Although Algorithm 2 involves considerably more modeling work than Algorithm comjiutational complexity is not significantly higher, as our next result indicates. 0(RK NU), Theorem 2 The coviplexity of Algontlmt 2 number of values used ni the approximate distributtoit for the arrival rates is where complexity of the single hub recursive algorithm for waiting time input. If tlie Markov 1, its capacity model is specified until S R is the user- specified moments with and U is the deterministic capacity states, overall complexity is Proof: Within the principal time moments in ioo]), the bottleneck ojieration remains that of calculating the waiting the recursion. Because the 21 arrival stream is specified probabilistically rather than deterministically, there is an additional factor specified for each arrival rate distribution. Both Algorithms 1 and 2 are suitable The for R equal to the number of values D result follows. any kind of network. Without the streamlining running times are somewhat high. suggested at the end of Section 2, simple 2-airport network with A' = 80 For example, on a periods at each airport, Algorithm 1 takes about one hour on a DEC-3100 workstation while Algorithm 2 takes about three hours (with With the reduction is network of a large the problem is = 3). the recursion achieved by the streamlining procedure, there in calls to roughly tenfold improvement full-size /? in {400+ nodes) airline Even with these figures. well suited to parallel is improvement, modeling a this a daunting problem. On the other hand, computation, with different processors handling the individual nodes and a central processor controlling the bookkeeping of aggregation and disaggregation In the ])resent context, further siin])lification to understand congestion in delays at its its spokes. hubs have its That hubs as negligible. setting aircraft itineraries now each own hul>and-spoke network. Prom and treat all congestion delays other than those emanating In the resulting network, As im refers to a hub airjiort and each sjjoke. External aircraft add to visits to schedules are considered fixed place between hubs, but have intermediate si^oke fiiglil we incorjiorate spoke information in before, these consist of ordered triples {(irm ^mi «„)}, but between successive reflects the total slack available to mternal time,s vary congestion in the system, but their arrival flights in the collaj>sed network appear to take widely to reflect the fact that in reality, the aircraft stoi)s. size of a large airline's changes reduce the model's realism. Since one of the main goals is network from 400+ nodes to perhaps 5 or Init tiie 6. These reduced model should capture essential behavior. to imjirove our understanding of interactions between hubs the issue of isolating C'hicago), this sim|iliHcalion seenus to be furtiier justified. testing an hubs, including the slack available at an intervening demand and All .s„, ignoring congestion at the sjioke.s of the system and concentrating only on the hubs, we can reduce the (e.g. schedule than delays at keep track only of aircraft belonging to the hub carrier, is, aircraft By this carrier's perspective, This observation suggests a simplification: reduce the hub-and-spoke network treat other arrivals as fixed, tiie possible. Consider a single carrier trying far greater implications for disru])tion of its to a network of hubs. from is and analysis jjresented in tiie next section 23 is The conducted on a simple 2-hub network case # isolation, (p = 0, (p= is by considering an instance two hubs have no in whicli the the disconnected case) and an instance in whicli they have 1, tiie fully connected case). In case 5 we examine four instances all in aircraft in common aircraft in common which aircraft slack varied. Results and Discussion 4.2 Considering cases 1-5 together, we note that model parameters should have a noticeable effect on the mechanics of the network. For example, are of the same order and there is DFW case (#1), waiting times substantial separation between major For these reasons, we expect delay propagation to be relatively low and have traffic ])eaks. a as aircraft slack, in the less disru]itive effect on the schedule. In case closer together, traffic intensity is 2, on the other hand, major peaks are much shar]>ly higher, and delay propagation should be more important. Using a DEC-3100 workstation we ])erfonned computations for test cases 1-5, using both of our recursion-based approximations as well the the simple simulation procedure discussed above. Our investigation is primarily motivated by the desire to develop qualitative insight into the transient ])heiiomena of the network. will Accordingly, the following set of questions guide our discussion of the results: • To what degree do network effects alter the results obtained from the study of a single hub-? • What are the network effects produced by delay i^ropagation and under what circum- stances do they become important? • How closely do they • What • How • What results match tiiose of simulation? Where differ? is is do the network a]>]iroximation the effect of congestion at one hub on this effect altered is demand and by the amount of slack the effect of isolating a congested with the other hub? 27 in aircraft congestion at the other? schedules? hub by not allowing its flights to connect preservation of tlie peaked delay pattern, by delay propagation (the "network botli of effects" which indicate that the are relatively minor. Because there ) induced effects is ample space between major banks and slack values are close to the mean waiting times, the general ])eaked pattern to is preserved. ensure a moderate The result suggests that traffic intensity when space between banks and when mean waiting times are not adequate is substantially greater than aircraft slack, network effects are outweighed by the "deterministic" congestion effects resulting from tlie banked structure of arrivals at hubs. Behavior Under Heavier Traffic and Closer Spacing The weakness of the network relative effect in the preceding example obscures differences between the network approximations and the simulation. vided by case 2a (Figure 12). and there is in the arrival is fit stream become significant. overestimate delay during the middle same pro- between the simulation and the a noticeable disparity in the middle part of the day, certain periods. This is only a 15-minute gap between successive While the early part of the day shows a close algorithms, there revealing picture Here expected waiting times (30-40 minutes) are quite high relative to aircraft slack (5 minutes), banks. A more effect is when alterations Relative to simulation, both algorithms tend to ]iart of the day, with the difference as high as jireseiit in case to a 1 much 30% for lesser degree. For a given hub and algorithm we define a standard error in the predictions relative to simulation. Let A'/^ denote the waiting time value predicted by algorithm Yh denote the corresponding value for the simulation. This ]jrovides a measure of how Algorithm numbers 1. for with worse Case far ajiart the these values are 4.5 and 2 fi Then for period k and the standard error s is given by simulation and algorithm results are. For minutes at the two hubs, while the corresponding Algorithm 2 are 4.o and 2.3 The numbers rei^resent an average error of 10-20%, fits in 3, in the middle ])art of the day. which demand is allowed to he continuous over the day (no banks), also shows a discrepancy between the a])i)roximations and the simulation during the middle part of the day, as Figure 13 indicates. than case 2. The The traffic intensity for this difference between the algorithms part of the day at hub 2, case is higher than case and simulation exceeds 20% 1 but lower for a large and the standard errors are approximately 15% of the delays: 29 2.2 minutes at hub hub 2) at 2. (for 1 Thus both algoritiinis) in all cases, and 2.4 and 2.6 minutes (Algorithm 1 and Algorithm the simulation produces lower waiting time estimates during the middle part of the day than both of the approximation algorithms. We next consider the likely explanation for the discrepancy. The Network Demand Smoothing Effect: Consider the waiting time profiles time much smoother are jjrofiles sejiaration between banks, to tiie for cases in this effect profiles at is is relatively high waiting times Hub #1 see that the to]) half of Figure 14, where The where original schedule sharj) waiting With only a 15-minute traffic intensity is aircraft slack very high and down. Further evidence of we have plotted the aircraft slack is labeled "slack is large original demand = 500", corresponding to the enough to eliminate propagation completely. see by comparison with the situation "slack demand when 12). Evidently, together with those which are produced as a result of delayed arrivals 2a. artificial situation We in and combine with low low, the order of the network's schedule breaks given under scenario 11 the latter than in the former. overwhelm the bank structure. Thus we aircraft slack and 2a (Figures 1 = 5" that propagated delays smooth the The pattern substantially, with large numbers of aircraft shifted to late periods. peak structure of the original demand is considerably altered. This smoothing phenomenon exi>lanis why Algorithms sistently in the given jieriod middle part of the day may 1 and 2 overestimate delays con- In the actual jirocess, an aircraft scheduled at a exjierience a delay ranging from zero ui> to 3 hours or more. In cases of high waiting times, the aircraft's next arrival time will be considerably later than scheduled, and ]>eriods. its contribution to later Thus over a large number is more than is ])ushed back by a significant number ))arl a(le(|uatc of the day. liieii, when there is no scheduled the result of this traffic shift is traffic. to reduce overall waiting times. Ideally, the <()iii|)uiatioiia! algorithms should reflect this shifting smoothing of demand have to However. kee]i track of the ;us w;ls reiiKirke<l earlier, to size, waiting time. both algorithms The result is u])tlatc ainraft srlirduli-s that i)otli To may follow as a result limit the state space to man- according to one number, expected algorithms tend not to 31 and do a thorough job they would thousands of potential ))alhs which aircraft of delay, a seemingly im]>ossii)le coiMimtaiional burden ageable of of simulations with heavy traffic, a noticeable fraction of arrivals are ])ushed back to the later Because cajiacity demand was shift aircraft to the very late part of the day sufficiently but ratlier to concentrate in hiffher The demand more in tlie middle, resulting predicted waits. Effect of Demand Smoothing on Waiting Times The phenomenon of demand seem counter-intuitive at shifting and smoothing explains certain observations which An example first. of such a result is the fact that higher aircraft slack can inc.remte expected queuing tivies at the hubs. Cases 2a have heavy organized into narrowly separated banks. traffic 2b. artificially high slack prevents the allows the demand to network effect of become smoother over time and 2b The illustrate this. difference that in case is demand smoothing, whereas we a closer is means that slack half of Figure 14. peaked pattern also preserves the case 2b there bottom see in the fit case 2a end of as aircraft are pushed back to the the day. in the high slack case, the higher concentration of demand produces higher delays, as Both qnemng Because slack preserves the schedule, it Note that in in that schedule, which produces queues. between the algorithms and the simulation, because the high the schedule becomes essentially deterministic. Assessing the Network Approximations The under which network results of cases 1-3 suggest the circumstances effects become im- portant, and they also indicate that under these circumstances, the network approximations developed day. Case in this 1 suggests that for networks of air])orts jjrobably not high ]>art of paper tend to overestimate waiting times during the busy period of the enough the schedule trate, the situation is (i.e. on. traffic, it waiting times on average are average to create significant network effects: the deterministic changas when may traffic becomes heavier and s])acing and 3 illus- between major banks only describe a few airi>orts at present in this country rejjresents a future scenario which is (e.g. quite possible, hi the cases of heavier lower slack, and less sejmration, the ])erformance of the algorithms worsens as they tend not to capture the true sj^reading of Slack, Connectivity, We DFW, the bank structure) j^redominates. However, as cases 2 decreased. This situation O'Hare), but like demand which is the major network effect. and Hub Isolation consider next the effect of network coiinectimty and aircraft slack on cumulative aircraft delay. We distinguish between tliis latter meiisure 33 and that of tiie waiting times at the hubs. Tlie latter correspond to the waiting times of aircraft at the various stations in the network, while the former We is sum really the measure network connectivity hubs at both fully in of such waiting times with aircraft slack subtracted. tenns of the percentage of in Case 4 the network. having operations two opposing extremes of connectivity: a illustrates disconnected network (case 4a), where each hub has connected network (case 4b), where flights its own set of aircraft; and a fully alternate between the two hubs in between all flights visits to spokes. Case 4a models the idea of hub isolation referred to = 0), com]>letely disconnected (p Because the network earlier. is scheduled bank times at one hub cannot be disrupted by from the other. In contrast, case 4b ensures that aircraft encountering delays at late arrivals maximum one hub have the chance to disrupt the schedule at the second, since that is their next destination after the intervening s))oke. Case 4's scenario thus allows us to explore the network effects of low cajjacity at a single location. we take the initial state of the to be 3 (highest capacity). at the first to the Our first hub to be The phenomenon The aircraft. early banks # 1 whe7i of interest it is delay, while later The further examination, these results But we also see that opijosite direction #1 more closely, the propagation of delays created — banks figure indicates a degradation in make it is # 1 at the exjjense of performance intuitive sense. Clearly c;ise in the connected case by about 2 banks (2 hours) iiours (4 banks), while in the disconnected case produced by the congestion at case, jiroducing the 2-liour lag. hub ^ ! are However, in tlie toj) half felt This seem to is it is only 2. in the does not of Figure \^>. lag behind the no coincidence: visits to the in the same hub Thus the schedule delays 2 hours later at that this lag 35 moves it connected. Examining the situation at hub connected case, the inininium time between any aircraft's successive heights of the two curves we expect hub #2's disconnected from the disrui^tions produced by fully we notice that the delays hub #2. #2. hub # Is schedule i^erfonnance im])roves when from disoomiected to delays ni the disconnected is 4 reflect delay carried isolated, as well as tiie rorres)ionding benefits of isolation at schedule to become more reliable when #1. is hub which plots average cumulative delay per 1.5, Conversely, the fully connected case benefits hub Upon both case 4a and case 4b (lowest capacity) and that of the second 1 show zero over from ])revious points in the itnierary. at hui) in tliis, banks of the second. results are sunnnarized in Figure arnmng To do hub in the connected fully ex]>lain the difference in tlie In the comiected case, late aircraft leaving hub #1 have the opportunity of recovering next stop (uncongested hub #2). This oi)portunity since the next stop is # 1 , is of the delay tlirough slack at their not available in the disconnected case, a fact which explains why the corresponding delay hub isolation. In the case of higher even after we take account of the lag. These a (congested) hub is some results have interesting implications for a strategy of hub which is indeed protect other hubs On the problem hub. in 5a, Hb, be, and bd that higher slack preserves the hubs. On of congestion, such a strategy will the system from the uncertainties and disruptions produced by the other hand, disruption at that hub itself of its later arrivals will have Cases amount believed to be the source of a large had an earlier since jieaking and may We noted earlier on aircraft lateness. actually increase queuing delays at other hand, slack reduces each aircraft's cumulative delay. tlie illustrates that this second effect predominates in this relatively hght traffic. Figure 16 For varying slack values, the figure plots the average cumulative delay per aircraft arriving at each of the day, not including any waiting at the current stop. contain any surprises. models are Finally, We include we note tliat in which Certainly the figure does not order to illustrate the kind of planning for which the ])henomena of witli a situation of major capacity shortfalls, airlines disrujjt the schedule. by canceling and rerouting connection bank well suited. acce])t long delays into the it in many scheduled stop there already. illustrate the effect of slack demand may worsen flights. interest The and do not passively Instead, schedulers respond in "real time" jireceding discussion is intended to provide insight to the strategic issues that airlines must plan for in schedule disrujJtions due to congestion at their hubs. At the tactical and oi>erational level, airline behavior is in actuality more dynamic. Conclusion 5 In tins i)a])er l^robleni of we iiave develojied modeling transient queiiiim behavior summarize our major findings as 1. two related ai)]iroximation a])])roaches to the is network. We would follows: Iviporiance of traffic fpltttivq plininmnimi. countered by aircraft in a liul)-and-s))oke difficult High uncertainty in levels of a iiroiniiieiil feature of the network i^roblem. 37 delay en- Unfortunately, accuracy in keeping track of aircraft amid this uncertainty is limited by high compu- tational complexity. Importance of deterministic 2. The peaked pattern effect. remains a strongly determining factor of demand at hub aiirports waiting times, particularly in predicting when major banks are separated by ample lengths of time. Delay and smoothing. 3. On the other hand, in cases where banks are narrowly spaced, demand and delay propagation exerts a strong smoothing effect on the waiting time profiles. Effects of 4. hub isolation. A policy of isolating a congestion-prone On the effect of improving perfonnance at others. with some remarks about running times. As times for Algorithms one hour for 1 Algorithm and 2 are 1 higii even and three hours for the small clearly does have the other hand, under this policy the isolated hub produces congestion delays which disrupt We conclude hub its own we reported 2-hub future schedule. earlier, test network: the running approximately Algorithm 2 on a DEC-3100 workstation. These for times are particularly poor considering that the running time for the simulation program (5000 sami)les) ments in is significantly shorteT — about 10 minutes. the algorithms, this observation favors simulation. of Algorithms I and 2 used in our tests is In the absence of improve- However, the implementation a rather inefficient one. Incorporating the earlier suggestion that the recursion be restarted every m than at every period would jieriods rather reduce running times by at least a factor of A- + 1 (h/m)+ A m= value 10 (2 1/2 hours), which would have between successive A' = 80 periods). This into the same range vi.sjts is ~ api>roxinialely the to hub.s, minimum time a typical aircraft would reduce running times by a factor of 9 improvement alone would as simulation. in I iiring the The reduction is running times of the algorithms nni^ortant for the general problem because the number of simulations necessary cannot be known least in this test case, the smiulation jirocedures themselves, original Markov and semi-Markov cajwcity models, network effects. 39 (for in advance. However, at based on the same ideas of the offer a third approach to understanding Roth, Emily. 1981. An Investigation of the Transient Behavior of Stationary Queuing Systems. Ph.D. dissertation. Operations Research Center, Massacusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Whitt, W. 1983. MA. The Queuing Network Analyzer. Bell System Technical JoumaZ 62:9, 2779-2815. National Transportation Research Board. 1991. Winds of Change: Domestic Air Transport Since Deregulation. Transportation Research Board National Research Council Special Report 230. Washington, D.C. 41 5939 059 Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES DUPl 3 TD6D DDfi4t.3T3 H