HD28 DO AIRLINES IN CHAPTER 11 HARM THEIR RIVALS?: BANKRUPTCY AND PRICING BEHAVIOR IN U.S. AIRLINE MARKETS Severin Borenstein Nancy L. Rose Massachusetts Institute of Technology WP#3798 February 1995 Do Airlines in Chapter 11 Harm Bankruptcy and Pricing Behavior Their Rivals?: in U.S. Airline Markets by Severin Borenstein* axid Nancy L. Rose** Februajy 1995 Abstract: The behavior of firms emd policy much of the distress, in financial distress interest in recent years. The turmoil public poUcy discussion, as has attracted considerable academic in the U.S. airline industry has triggered some observers have argued paxticulaxly those operating under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, reduce prices to the point of harming themselves and their competitors. This study investigates the pricing strategies of bankrupt airlines and their airUne's prices typically decHne remain that airlines in financial somewhat before slightly depressed over the it rivals. files suggest that an The data for baxikruptcy protection subsequent two or three quarters. We find and no evidence that competitors of the bankrupt adrline lower their prices, however, nor that they lose passengers to their bankrupt harm rival. These restilts indicate that bankrupt carriers do not the financial health of their competitors. OP TECHNOLOGY M4y 3 1995 l-IBRARIES We thank Robert Gertner for helpful comments, and the National Science Foundation, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, auad Center for .\dvanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences for financicd support. A shortened version of this paper is forthcoming in American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 1995. * University of California Energy Institute, 2539 Channing Way, Berkeley, 510-642-5145, U.C. Davis, and NBER. email: sjborenstein@ucdavis.edu. CA 94720-5180, ** Sloan School of Management and Department of Economics, M.I.T., Cambridge, 02139, 617-253-8956, and NBER. email:nrose@mit.edu. MA Modern economics has generated many condition that a may affect its conduct company constrained by aggressively, a common in the theories of the ways product market. which a firm's financial in Though some of these imply capital structure or financial distress will view among business people is compete less that a firm in financial trouble has 'nothing to lose" and will slash prices to "generate cash." Perhaps nowhere has this view been repeated more often than in the as a blue-ribbon financially weak government task airlines, and airline industry. force Managers major at carriers, as well on the industry's financial woes, have argued that especially those under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, have cut prices and harmed the financial health of the industry.^ There are a variety of channels through which financiaJ particular, might affect pricing decisions of bankruptcy protection may distress, such firms and their directly alter costs or demand and bankruptcy First, fihng for rivals. for the in bankrupt carrier. If bankrupt carriers are able to lower their marginal costs through abrogation of existing labor and equipment lease contracts, then filing for bankruptcy preferred price on a route. Similarly, if and consequently reduce want to lower its price. their airlines demand may for its flights, a tacmg other more airlines. heavily. Second, bajikruptcy may bankrupt carrier may choose to match these price decreases or depending on how lower prices of the bankrupt carrier not, lower a carrier's paissengers perceive a bajikrupt carrier to offer lower quality service Competing may affect the residual demand lead an airline to discount future revenues This could imply either higher current prices (ais in models with consumer switching costs, where lower current prices can be viewed as an investment in meirket share that generates higher profits in the future) or lower current prices (as in collusion models, where increases in discount rates behavior). it to Third, bankruptcy may more aggressive competition may lead to deviations from cooperative pricing alter the strategic position of the firm, (e.g., by inducing a preference committing for greater risk) or less aggressive competition {e.g., by increasing liquidity constraints or otherwise constraining managerial actions). Finally, bankruptcy may invite predatory behavior by financicdly The Report of the National Commission to Ensure a Strong Competitive Airline Industry states that "The Commission recognizes that the financial problems facing the airline industry have been caused by a number of factors and that bankrupt carriers have been one of those factors." (p. 15). healthy rivals because may Umit it the ability of the bankrupt firm to finance a costly price war. Despite considerable theoretical work, there have been few empirical tests of financial This study contributes to the or capital structure effects on product maxket behavior.^ empirical evidence by reporting the effect of bankruptcy announcements on pricing behavior in the U.S. airhne industry. by large U.S. air carriers We use data from the seven Chapter 11 bankruptcy fihngs between 1989 and 1992: Eastern (March 1989), Braniff (Septem- ber 1989), Continental (December 1990), America West (June 1991), and largest of these, as nental, TWA Pan Am TWA. We We (January 1992). measured by the number of America West, and (January 1991), Midway (March 1991), focus primarily on the four affected domestic routes: Eastern, Conti- find Uttle evidence that bankruptcy per se affects an airUne's pricing behavior, although financial distress that culminates in a bankruptcy filing appears to be associated with somewhat lower prices by the distressed carrier. Among the four major bankruptcies, only one airhne - Eastern - appears to have significantly reduced its prices subsequent to filing for effects of a contemporaneous competing with bankrupt bankruptcy The 10% We first 11, and this change strike against the airline. airlines cut their prices We may be confounded find with the no evidence that earners on overlapping routes subsequent to a even for the Eastern bankruptcy. analysis in this portation's 1993:2.'' filing, Chapter paper is based on fares recorded in the Department of Trans- sample (Databank lA) ticket detail the pricing behavior of for the 26 quarters from 1987:1 through bankrupt airiines and their rivals for each of the four major bajikruptcy events. Regression ajialysis of price changes for the full set of bankruptcies follows. I. Pricing Behavior Around Major Bankruptcy Events Figures l(a-d) present price trends around the four major airhne bemkruptcies. For ^ See Chevalier, 1994, Chevalier and Scharfstein, 1995, and Kovenock and Phillips, 1995, for examples. * Details of the dataset construction are available from the authors, and are virtually the same as those described in Severm Borenstem and Nancy Rose (1994). A routes was included only if there were at least 90 passengers recorded in each of the quarters analyzed. each quarter, we compare the airhne's sampled ticket prices to the average price domestic tickets on routes "normalized price" reflects faxes price for that quarter. bankrupt same 100-mile distance in the The quarter in which the bankruptcy ior, we note to its filing normalized prices averaged across marked change filing. Prior to and apparently permanent, although 5% Hne indicates the own pricing behav- in pricing patterns less subsequent than industry averages. The decline in to 25% below effects with those of This stands in contrast to the three other ma- Continental, TWA and America West all appear to have reduced fares relative to previous trends about 6 months before their bankruptcy these returned to trend within 6 Continental fcires months for TWA, and filings; within a year for America West. continued to decline relative to industry average fares through the end of our sample period. With the exception of Eastern, these figures provide permanent price changes induced by the bankruptcy tress rather its industry average fares) may confoimd bankruptcy this a labor strike during the same period.'* we analyze. non- March 1989 bankruptcy amnouncement, Eastern's its bankruptcy was large (dropping to 15% jor bankruptcies vertical the effect of a bainkruptcy filing on an airline's normalized prices were stable at about prices after The bold all occurred. that only Eastern exhibits a bankruptcy value of zero for this solid lines in each figure trace the normalized prices for the bamkrupt competitors present on the same routes. first at A equal to the (distance-adjusted) overall domestic average carriers; the da.shed lines trace the Looking block. for all than bankruptcy per ae may be fiHng, little and suggest that evidence of financial dis- responsible for observed changes in an airline's price preferences. The is pricing behavior of non-bankrupt carriers on routes served by each bankrupt firm represented by the dashed lines in figures l(a-d).' These do not support the contention that bankrupt airlines have forced down For the prices of their competitors. major bankruptcy events, competitors raised normalized all four prices in the quarter their rival The Eastern strike in the second quarter of 1989 virtually shut dovm the airline and created significant negative press coverage. We cannot distinguish Eastern's change in pricing strategy around the bankruptcy from the effects of this strike. All tickets of non-bankrupt carriers on a route are included in these calculations 10% share of traffic on the route during the quarter. carrier has at least a if the bankrupt declared bankruptcy; in 3 of the 4 following the bankruptcy While these ceises, competitors' prices increcised further in the quarter filing. figures provide a convenient summary of relative price trends, they do not control for changes in the mix of routes over time. Route changes could pose a particular problem for this analysis, since the financially distressed airlines tend to exit routes 5% completely or drop below the a caxrier is We "active". route share threshold fore the airlines. The bankruptcy to denote routes on which therefore next calculate average changes in distance-adjusted normalized prices for the a matched bankrupt we use first filing; set of routes.^ row indicates the Table level of 1 reports these results for the normalized prices two quarters be- the subsequent rows report changes in prices relative to this benchmark over the following four quarters.' The number of routes used in each price caiculation axe bracketed. The Eastern column, for example, shows that on the 744 Eastern routes in the third quarter of 1988 (1988:3, two quarters before Eastern filed for bankruptcy), Eastern's prices were 0.9% below industry average, controlling for 1989:1, the quarter routes on which bankruptcy it filed for it was filing axe still distcuice. Eastern's normalized prices in bankruptcy protection, had increased by 1.7% active. Data on for the prices in the quarter immediately following the not very informative, since Eastern virtually shut down in 1989:2 (it remained active on only 22 routes). By 1989:3, however. Eastern had returned to operations (with 564 active routes), and had been a year bankruptcy ^ filing, this The normalization is its is now its prices subsequent to its not true of the three other major bankruptcies. relative to prices of significant normalized prices were 16.9% lower than they While Eastern substantially lowered earlier. 593 non-bankrupt carriers on routes in the Continental, same 100-mile distance category that have no bankrupt (or soon to be bankrupt) carrier present. This approach still does not adjust for changes in "traffic mix," such as decreases in average yield for bankrupt carriers due to a decline in the proportion of higher fare business travelers. For a carrier in bankruptcy, this effect will lower the average price reported if, as is often suggested, business travelers are the first to abandon financially distressed airlines. Similarly, this effect could generate increased average prices for competitors of a bankrupt airline as a result of a "richer" traffic mix. '' assure that the bankrupt carrier has been a significant competitor in a route, a route is included bankrupt carrier has at least a 10% route share two quarters before the quarter in which it declares bankruptcy. We calculate price changes on the route whenever the bankrupt carrier has at least a 5% route share. To in the analysis if the -0.009 Table 2 Price Changes of Competitors of Chapter 11 Airlines Airline +0.021 Relative Price at t-2 -0.009 -0.363 -0.067 [645] [261] [403] [739] Change Change Change Change t-2 to t-2 to t-2 to (0.003) (0.003) (0.015) (0.004) [658] [633] [251] [399] -0.009 -0.018 (0.004) (0.005) (0.009) (0.008) [586] [608] [228] [392] +0.027 t t+1 (0.023) (0.007) [21] [608] [222] TWA) to the or higher (for Eastern bankruptcy filing. As [387] (0.007) (0.010) (0.009) [602] [207] [359] [561] Number (0.007) +0.005 +0.020 +0.006 (0.005) and +0.007 (0.010) +0.071 Standa.rd error of average in parentheses. +0.043 +0.057 +0.024 -0.020 t+2 +0.015 -0.129 +0.010 +0.001 t-2 to t-1 TWA America West Continentai Eastern of markets included in brackets. and America West) than they were two quarters prior in the figures presented eaxUer, the evidence does not support the claim that bankrupt airhnes have forced competitors to lower their prices. These ancdyses average the prices across some popular accounts suggest that all rivals, although theoretical models and price responses might differ. Models of predatory behavior, for example, suggest that financially healthy ("deep pocket") carriers are more Ukely to undertake aggressive pricing against weaker airlines ties have been more outspoken thaji others on the behavior of financially weak in carriers. rivals. Similarly, executives at blaming the some indxistry's financial difficul- Table 3 reproduces the last row of Table 2 individually for each of the six largest U.S. airlines that have not entered Chapter 11 since deregulation. American Airlines, probably the Chapter 11 protection, has raised its critic of airiines operating under post-bankruptcy prices relative to industry norms in 3 of the 4 bankruptcies, the 3 cases in US Air, most vocal which American overlapped on the most routes. the financially weakest of the major airlines that have not sought Chapter 11 pro- tection, raised its prices in response to all 4 bankruptcies, although the average increase is Table 3 Average Price Changes of Individual Competitors over Window [-2, +2] Bankrupt Airline Ecistern Continental America West TWA Competitor American +0.090 Delta (0.014) [205] [421] [119] [294] +0.046 (0.021) (0.012) [452] [327] [98] [181] in parentheses. significant in only 2 of these cases. more than one +0.368 -0.018 +0.007 (0.023) (0.021) (0.035) (0.025) [71] [114] [30] [123] +0.012 -0.028 +0.045 (0.019) (0.011) (0.026) [68] [44] [32] -0.014 -0.082 -0.039 (0.019) (0.009) (0.013) (0.014) [48] [252] [120] [184] +0.112 Standard error of average +0.011 (0.009) [if USAiir +0.063 (0.005) -0.438 United +0.027 (0.012) +0.105 Southwest -0.051 (0.009) +0.068 Northwest +0.037 (0.015) +0.072 +0.019 +0.020 +0.035 (0.012) (0.014) (0.041) (0.022) [89] [134] [19] [88] Number of markets included in brackets. Only United shows a of the four bankruptcies, and Delta, one significant price cut in response to of the financially strongest czirriers during this period, exhibits consistently positive price responses. Overall, there appears to be no relationship between financial health and price responses to A final possibility we investigate is whether bankrupt ctirlines rivals' harm bankruptcies. competitors by mcreasing market share through lower prices, service improvements, or special non-price promotions. We first use matched-route analysis similar to the approach used to analyze fares in the previous tables.^ Table 4 presents these route average market shares from 2 In this case, however, we use a consistent market share cutoff of 10% for inclusion of a route in order to avoid a selection bias that would result if the inclusion criterion in period t-2 were different from the inclusion criterion in later periods. Table 4 Average Market Share Changes of Chapter 11 Airlines Airline Average Share at Change Change t-2 t-2 to 0.352 0.409 0.432 0.329 [744] [679] [284] [4191 t (0.003) (0.002) (0.005) (0.004) [599] [626] [272] [388] -0.116 -0.009 -0.011 (0.003) (0.006) (0.006) [438] [572] [256] [381] -0.289 -0.012 -0.046 -0.017 (0.032) (0.004) (0.008) (0.007) [12] [560] [240] [339] (0.004) Change Change t-2 to t-2 to t+1 t+2 in parentheses. 10% minimum route share threshold used -0.003 -0.052 -0.029 (0.004) (0.008) (0.007) [453] [586] [231] [319] Number of markets included in brackets. in all periods. quarters before through 2 quarters after the carrier averages are weighted by market +0.016 (0.008) -0.120 Standard error of average +0.028 -0.016 +0.019 -0.026 t-2 to t-1 TWA America West Continental Eastern size, files for Chapter 11 protection. These but the results are very similar if the markets are equzdly weighted. In routes all it four of the major bankruptcies, the filing carrier's average market share on continues to serve with a (minimum 10% in the case of Continental, or decHnes over the quarters before its share) either remains about constant, bankruptcy period. For example, two bankruptcy declaration, Continental was active on 679 routes, carrying an average of 40.9% of the passengers. Continental had dropped below a 10% Two quarters after its bankruptcy declaration, share on 93 of those routes, and its market share on the remaining 586 decUned by an average of 0.3%. Eastern, America West, and all TWA a higher proportion of their original routes than did Continental and experienced more substantial declines in market share on routes they continued to serve subsequent to their bankruptcy To new filings. investigate whether airUnes declaring bamkruptcy routes, we excimine the bankrupt harm competitors by carrier's share of trciffic on all entering "relevant" routes. 0.158 fixed time effects, movements over to control for general airline price The model of bankruptcy measures described below. implicitly time; and a set assumes that exogenous changes in the remaining variables typically included in cross-sectioned models of airline price levels - such as airport congestion, market density, network interconnectedness, airport dominance - are We sufficiently small that they can be excluded from the specification. include two sets of indicator variables designed to capture the effects of impending The or recently declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy. bzmkrupt in price for a airline; first set measures the average change the second measures the average change in price for non- bankrupt airhnes on routes with a near-bankrupt or bemkrupt competitor. We scale these variables so that their coefficients reflect price changes over 4 three-month periods: and 90 to 90 days to days before a bankruptcy days after a bankruptcy filing. ^^ The sum months after the date of Chapter 11 filing, to 90 days and and 90 180 to 180 of the price changes over these four periods window beginning indicates the net change in price dxiring the 6 and fihng. None 6 months before and ending of the airUnes in our sample exit Chapter 11 during our observation period, although bankrupt airlines do exit routes or drop below the 10% share threshold used in the regression analysis. This model is estimated by unweighted ordinary least squares using the 1777 routes which we observed for The standard at leaist 300 passengers during each quarter from 88:1 through 92:4. errors are adjusted for heteroskedasticity of residuals across carriers on the same observations axe not weighted by the be likely to The ^^ route. number and contemporaneous correlation Unhke the figtires and previous tables, of passengers in this regression as this would induce heteroskedasticity. results in table 6 suggest that airlines that file for bankruptcy protection cut their bankruptcy status for the observed carrier. We define BANKas the mean within a quarter of a dummy variable that is zero until 180 days before the observed carrier declares bankruptcy and one thereafter. Thus, if an airline declared bankruptcy would on July 31, one-third of the way through the third quarter of the year, Similar quarters. subsequent all 1 for take on the value 2/3 in the first quarter of that year and variables are defined for the periods 90 days before, 90 days following, and 180 days following the The first set of variables indicate RUPT-2 BANKRUPT-2 bankruptcy filing. Changes in these four variables from the previous quarter, ABANKRUPTi, i = -2, -1,1,2, are included m the regression. The second set of variables indicate the bankruptcy status of other carriers on the observed route. For airlines not in or within two quarters of entering Chapter 11, RTBANKRUPTi measures the presence on a route of another carrier with non-zero values of BANKRUPTi. The ARTBAN KRUPT,, = -2, -1,1,2, are included in the regression. i 10 Table 6 Estimated Price Changes of Bankrupt Airlines and Competitors Dependent Variable: Number DLPRICE PRICEt - (=ln of Observations: 63671 In PRICEt^i) i?^=0.36 DLPRICE,_i HERFINDAHLt HERFINDAHL,-! Estimated Price Change: 90-180 days before 0-90 days before 0-90 days after Chap Chap 90-180 days after Change over Chap Bankr 11 11 11 Chap 11 [-180,-1-180] days Huber-adjusted standard errors in parentheses. Fixed effects for each quarter not reported. prices 90 to 180 days before filing for this lower price level over the little 11, by an average of 5.6%, and maintain subsequent nine months. As in the earlier tables, there no indication of substantial changes Competitors exhibit Chapter in pricing behavior following the price response to this behavior. The (2%) price decUnes by competitors when the to-be-bemkrupt this appears to be more than offset from zero.^'^ ccirrier and results suggest catrrier cuts fUing. modest its prices, but by price increases over the subsequent months. The net change in prices over the year-long -5.5% for the bankrupt bankruptcy is window around the bankruptcy announcement is -1-1.1% for its competitors, each statistically different Bankruptcy endogenous, an issue that we have not addressed in this This raises questions about the causality of the bankruptcy-pricing correlation analysis. we filing is itself observe. The low prices that appear to precede a have induced that fihng, or may be bankruptcy filing may themselves a profit-mzLximizing response to some exogenous shock, omitted from the model, that contributes to financial decline. The possible endogeneity of bajikruptcy to a is bankrupt unlikely, however, to chcinge the conclusion that competitors airline by lowering price. Faihng to model the bzmkruptcy decision seems most Ukely to bias downward the estimates of competitors' price changes since low competitors' prices are more do not respond likely to in our model, induce financiad distress than axe high competitors' prices. III. Conclusion The behavior of firms in financial distress public policy makers. In the adrUne industry, is of growing interest to both academics and many participants and observers have firms under Chapter 11 bankruptcy of pricing in a as well as to themselves. bankrupt Chapter airlines 11, Our manner accused destructive to their competitors analysis indicates that, with the notable exception of Eastern, have changed their prices only modestly axound the time of entering with an average decline of about 5.5% overall. Such a price cut may be neither destructive nor myopic, but rather a rational business response to the reduced reputation that may surround an airhne in financial distress. This interpretation is supported by the evidence that competitors do not lower their average prices in response to price cutting by bankrupt airUnes, and that bankrupt airlines do not gain market share despite their price cuts. estimated to be +5.8% and the net price change of competitors is -0.6%, each statistically different from zero. We also estimated these effects including carrier fixed effects and fixed effects for each 100-mile haul length within each quarter. Inclusion of these variables had almost no effect on the parameters of interest. is 12 REFERENCES Borenstein, Severin and Nancy L. Rose, "Competition and Price Dispersion Airiine Industry." Journal of Political in the U.S. Economy, August 1994 102(4), pp. 653-683. Chevalier, Judith, "Capital Structure and Product Market Competition: An Empirical Study of Supermarket Pricing," mimeo, University of Chicago, September, 1994. Chevalier, Judith cal and David Scharfstein, "Capital Market Imperfections and CountercycU- Markups: Theory and Evidence," mimeo, University of Chicago, January 1995. Kovenock, Daniel and Gordon An Examination sity, Phillips, "Capital Structtire and Product Market Rivalry: of Plant Expemsion and Closing Decisions," mimeo, Purdue Univer- January 1995. The National Commission to Ensxire a Strong Competitive Airhne Industry, "Change, Challenge and Competition: D.C.: U.S A Government Printing Report to the President and Congress," Washington Office, August 1993. 13 90:1 89:1 Figure la: Eastern and Competitor Prices (Relative to Industry Average) 10% -10% -15%"^ 87:1 1 1 1 1 1 88:1 Figure lb: T r 91:1 1 1 1 92:1 Continental and Competitor Prices (Relative to Industry Average) 1 1 i T 93:1 Figure Ic: America West and Competitor Prices (Relative to Industry Average) 15% 10% -10% Figure Id: TWA and Competitor Prices (Relative to Industry Average) JO Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 00927 9362