.^mr.<^i. '5^' t «^ m^^Bm LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Dewey ALFRED P. SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT A CONVERGENCE THEOREM FOR EXTREME VALUES FROM GAUSSIAN SEQUENCES* -by Roy E. Weisch Working Paper 550-71 June 1971 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Imass. wst. tech. AUG 2 1371] OEWEYLlSRARt A CONVERGENCE THEOREM FOR EXTREME VALUES FROM GAUSSIAN SEQUENCES* Roy E. Welsch Working Paper 550-71 June 1971 *This research was supported in part by the U. S. Army Research Office (Durham) under Contract No. DA-31-124-AR0-D-209. no. ^50-7 RECEIVED AUG 13 M. I. T. 1971 LlbRAHitS MOS Classification Numbers (1970): Primary 62G30 Secondary 60G15, 62E20 Key Words: order statistics, Gaussian processes, extreme-value theory, weak convergence. 537:09 Abstract Let {X , n=0, ±1, ±2,...} be a stationary Gaussian stochastic process with means zero, variances one, and covariance sequence {r max {X, ,...,X } = and S second largest {X, ,...,X^}. obtained for the joint law of M and S limit law which is a a function of of dependence provided either a Let M = Limit oroperties are as n approaches infinity. A joint double exponential law is known to hold if the random variables X. are mutually independent. sidered Berman has shown that }. When M alone is con- double exponential law holds in the case r log n or ^- r I < «. In the present work it is shown that the above conditions are also sufficient for the convergence of the joint law of M stochastic processes Mr ^i and Sr and ^-, S with . Weak converaence nronerties of the < a <^ t < « are also discussed. 1. Introduction This paper extends and simplifies a theorem obtained by . the author in section 4 of [6]. The reader is assumed to have some acquaintance with those results. Let {X n=0, ±1, ±2...} be a discrete parameter stationary Gaussian , stochastic orocess, characterized by expectation, and covariance function, respectively: E(X^) ^ 0, (1.1) E(^ h.n^'=\''Q--^ This paper treats some of the limit properties of the random variables M^ = max {X^ ,.. S . ,X^}, second largest {X, ,...,X = A double exponential variables X. }. limit law is knov/n to hold for M are mutually independent, that is r if the random i 0, n / 0. Berman [2] has shown that the same law holds in the case of dependence provided either (1.2) (1.3) loq n r I r^ < -+ 0, or «.. n=l The author [8] has shown that the processes {Mr . -i , Sr .-,} , prooerly < a <_ t < «, converge weakly withO<a<_t<«>, wee in the Skorohod snace D normalized, and with when the Gaussian sequence is strong-mixing and 2 [a,°°] r^ log n = 0(1), (1.4) The limit law is the same as that which occurs in the independent case. Condition (1.4) is weaker than (1.2) but we imposed the strong-mixing condition. natural In many cases strong-mixing is difficult to verify and it is in view of Berman's work to see if the weak convergence results mentioned above hold when the strong-mixing assumotion is dropped and just (1.2) or (1.3) is assumed. this is, in fact, true. The purpose of this oaper is to show that The reader is referred to [7] for some examples of why it is of interest to consider the joint distribution of M n and S„. n A more extensive discussion of the maxima of stationary Gaussian processes is contained in [4]. Some Properties of Gaussian Distributions 2. Let (r..) be a k x . k symmetric positive definite matrix with 1's along the diagonal, and let ()), (x, ,. . . ,x. r.., ; <^i 1 < j £ k) be the k-dimensional Gaussian density and covariance matrix (r. .); function with mean vector 1 of the x's and the k(k-l)/2 parameters r. .. J i>. K is a function Define: Q^(c,d,a,{r.j}) (2.1) ••• / dx^ / dx^_i dx^ / Q —CO -00 / ••. dx^^^ / from d to « will always be on the a The integral assume that < dx^ • *^(x^ . . . ,x^;{r }) '-' dummy variable and we The oartial derivative with respect to < d. c — , — oo —00 r, „ is ob- hi!, tained by the method of Slepian [5]: 3Q. (2.2) h^ ~ c = / ... c ••• / / <t)|^(x^ ,. . ,Xp^_i ,c,x^^1 ,. . ,x^_pC,Xj^^1 ,. . ,X|^) d when (2.3) h ^ a, a If dXj 3^h ^ a, h ^ I, and J *^(x^ " aSi / -oo . . . — oo ,. . . .x^_^ .d,x^^^ ,. . . ,x^.^ ,c,x^^^ .... ,x^)TT dx . with a corresponding exoression when / a h of integration in (2.2) are reolaced by integral is increased. and a («',..,«') = a. If the UDoer limits then the value of the Now integrate k-3 variables from -« to +« to obtain !^(c,d,a,{r..}) (2.4) ^ I (J)-(c,C,X : z(h,£,a))dx where ha h£ E(h,il,a) ^ la ih al ah (2.3) are reolaced by We note that if the limits of integration in (<»,. . . then ,0°) 9Ql (2.5) <_ 9r <|,2(c, c; r^^) = (2^)"'' (l-r^^)-W[-c2/(Ur^^)] ail Since {X j - i, i stationary process, } is a < j; we write r. . = r. .. r. . is a function of the difference The function P. is defined as P,^(c,d,a,r^ ,...,r,^_^) = Q|^(c,d,a,{r.j}): the partial derivatives are given by the chain rale as {a„} and {b„} be defined as Let the sequences ^ n a^ = (2 log n) n h (2.6) " p ^^ ^°^ "^^ " ^^^ ^°^ n)'''^(log log n + log 4tt), '^n It is known lim P{M n^^o [3]) that when r^ = 0, n (cf. n —< X + b a n } M exp (-e"^) k G(x) = n for all x. Both (1.2) and (1.3) imply that r positive number 6 such that = 6 < sup |r 1 + 0; therefore, there exists a 1. n Define: 6(n) = sup k>n |r. ], = q " " ^ lim 6(n) log n = 0, = 0. n-x" (2.8) lim 6^ log n^^ n " . Clearly (1.2) implies that (2.7) n^, 6^ = 6(q„/2) where and < B < (1-6)^/2(1+6), Convergence Theorems 3. and S the joint laws of M Theorem 1 Let {X . section we extend Berman's results to In this . . n=0, ±1, ±2,...} be a stationary Gaussian sequence , If either satisfying (1.1). lim r log n = n or r^ y < 00 n=l then lim P{M n—< a X + b n nn— < S , a y + b n-^ } n G(y){l + log [G(x)/G(y)]} y < x G(x) V >_ X. The following three lemmas will be needed in the oroof. let c = < e n n assume that Lemma + b V a n 1 <_ and d = x + b n is so large that c n n > , and to avoid technical details we will 0. Assume that the conditions of Theorem . 1 Y 1 Then • _ (3.1) a n 1 - <i>(b Y ) = 0(n 2 ") For convenience 1 are satisfied and 10 where $(•) is the standardized Gaussian distribution function. Proof use the following approximation for the tail of the We shall . standard normal distribution ([1], page 933): -1- (3.2) - 1 by n n Since $(x) -»- 1 (2TT)"^;^exp < x > 2.2 /2) « we can ignore the constraint x ^ > 2.2. (3.1) we note that To prove b^ = 2 loa n (3.3) {-y. X - log log n + 0(1) and then use (3.2) to obtain for large n 1 - o(b^Yj ± K'n The conditions on y 'n Lemma 2. Y^ = " "/Yn((1og n) now imoly J that (3.1)I holds for all \ If the conditions of Theorem (1 - o(l)). - 26^ 3(5^/(1 + 1 hold and then n-1 (3.4) lim n <}, (c ,c ,6 ) \r.\ I i=q +1 n->«> = ^ and (3.5) lim n-oo P n'^Cl n-1 - $(b y )]<|)o(c n^n'-"^2^ ,c ,6 ) n' n' n' T Ir.l j' i ^^^ ^^ = 0. n, 11 Proof The oroof of (3.4) is contained in Theorem 3.1 of the paper by . We consider (3.5) first when Berman [2]. (1.2) is assumed. Lemma 1 implies that 1-y' n[l - Hb^y^n iKn ". Now 1 - Y^ =6 {(10 'n 56 - n n )/(l + )^} = 2<S 6 n n 0(1) ' and using (2.8) we have n ^-n" = 0(1) which, when combined with (3.4), yields (3.5). When (1.3) holds, the Schwarz inequality implies that (3.5) is less than (3.6) 2rn n^[l - ./u Ni2,2, .(b^vjn^(c^,c^,5jn^ . Finally we use Lemma 1 3 , ";^ 2 J and substitute for r^ *2^^n'^n''^n^ (3.6) is dominated by -4/(1+6 3+6 0(1) „ r(log2 n)n " • n ) n-1 "" I 2 r j=q +1 which tends to 0, completing the proof of Lemma 2, ^° ^^^^ ^"*^ '*'n 12 Lemma If the conditions of Theorem 3. (3.7) lP^(c^,d^,a,r^,...,r^_^) I - 1 hold then P^(c^,d^,a,rp. . . ,0,...,0)1 ^ ,r a=l Proof i = q . ^n n By the law of the mean, there exist numbers r! +1 ,. . . ,n-l J and r. such that , Pn(S'^n'°''^l"--''n-l) - between ,1 ' Pfi^^n'^n'^'^^l " " ' ' V^" % ' ' '°^ ^j(^V^^j)^'^n'^'^l'---\'^VT"--'^;-l^ n and therefore the sum in (3.7) is less than "n'Vr JljJ^/j'.ij'"'"'"^'"^"-'"-"'"^ 'n We now consider three cases: (i) £ a or h = a (both cannot occur). (ii) |£ - a] > q^/2 and (iii) ]£ - a| 1 Pp/2 or h In = j< - |h |h - a and i ^ a. the first case (2.5) applies and a| a| > q^/2. ^ ^J^ (both cannot occur) "-^ 0, 13 ah +1 j=^ J ni r\ s,-fi=j ^ n n n ^^^ j ^.^ or 2,=a h=a which goes to with n by Lemma 2. For the second case we use (2.4) so that 9Q. <_ dr. hi ,c ,x jJ 4.-(c U O II II ; z'(h,^,oi))dx^ Qt where i'(h,Ji,a) contains some primed elements. tional distribution of x by c„. -^ n Now we comnute the condi- given the first two variates, represented here Thus oo / ^(h,.,a))dx^ *3(^n'^n'\' = *2(^n'S'^h.^(^ " with (suppressing the primes on the elements of z') ^n^^ha ' ^a)/(l ' ^h£) ^^ - 'L - 'L - 4 ' 2rh,r^^/,J/(l By assumption (3.8) max (|r^J, \rj. \r^,\)<_^^ and using this fact we obtain 4^ *(^^n " %^^%^^ 14 '<'n-''n'/°ni\(l provided is n - 36„)/(l + 26„) taken so large that 1 - 36 Summarizing we have > 0. n-1 n ^n h«,' >%/2 h-a n^[l < Mn J where Yp C = 36^)/(1 + 26^). " Applying Lemma 2 comoletes the oroof. The third case is similar to the second one exceot (3.8) is no longer satisfied. lrl<6 orir.|<6 a£' n 'ah' n But either and, of course, ' kj^ < 6 Conditioning as before we obtain . I n-1 n I k.| I 1 ^V^^h. ^-h=j >i=q„+i ct=i <qn/2 h-ct n-1 .1+3 in-«[l-.(b„v„)]»2(c„.c„.6^W^^|rj where y^ = (i - 26^ 6)/(l + 26 - fi). Lemma 2 shows that n-1 ,c n<|)„(c ^ that n n n'^Cl ,6 - n ) I .^^^^^ |r.| ^ and since 2 B < (1-6) /2(l+6), Lemma J $(b^Yp)] ^ 0. This completes the proof of Lemma 3. 1 imolies 15 Proof of Theorem y < X. P{M 1 When y . ^ Berman's result applies so we consider x, Then <ay+b} nn-n-^ n—<ax+b,S n n £C^} P{M^ = (3.9) n + c^' (P{Xq, > I a=l P{X^ - ^i ic d^; X. > . ic^, li in, 1 1 1 i ^ a} ^ in, / i a}), The first term in (3.9) converges to G(y) by Berman's resiult. in the sum of (3.9) is of the form treated in Lemma 3. Each term Hence we need only find the limit of n (3.10) P I ,a,r,,...,r ,c (c " a=l " " ' ,0,...,0) ^n - P n (c ,a,r, ,d n n ,. . . ,0,...,0) ,r I This can be accomplished by using the proof developed in [6] for q^ a strong- mixing sequence. For each n we are essentially considering a Gaussian sequence which is q n^"^ - n -dependent. 1-26 , Pn = -nrzF (a)' k (b) n/k^p^^l, ^ ' If = " then -> n «>, ' p «> ->• n n = k^(p^.aj 16 and we may apply the block techniques of Theorem interpret a(.) as is function with a(n) a used in place of strong-mixing. 1 of [6] provided we if n >_q = The q -deoendence . The only work that remains is to verify that Pn-T (3.11) limk^ (P, - J)P{X^ _I^ >S'Xj.i >c,> = 0. When (1.2) holds the proof is exactly the same as the one used for Theorem 3 of [6]. If (1.3) holds then the proof of Theorem 3 of [6] again applies except that a new argument is needed to show that Pn (3.12) n log n -2/(l + |r.|) |r.| I n ^ ^ 0. By the Cauchv-Schwarz inequality, the square of (3.12) is dominated by 2, 3-4/(U6([p*])) Pn . (log n)^(p^/n)n " I 2 r^ J=[o^]^l which clearly tends to 0. This completes the proof of Theorem 1. 17 4. Concluding Remarks are also valid. of (Mr 4.T Lntj - )/a b n that given above. . The weak convergence results of Theorem 2 of [6] The convergence of the finite dimensional distributions n and (Sr^.n L^tJ - b_^)/a can be n n proved in a manner -similar to • Even if just the one-dimensional process Mr .-. is con- sidered, it is necessary to verify the convergence of the second maximum since this is an essential part of the tightness proof given in Theorem of [6]. We are able to use that tightness proof in this case because it depends on the form of the limit law for property. S and not on the strong-mixing 2 18 References [1] Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. Handbook of Mathematical (1964). Functions National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series No. 55. . [2] Limit theorems for the maximum term in Berman, S. M. (1964). 502-516. stationary sequences. Ann. Math. Statist 35 . Mathematical Methods of Statistics [3] Cramer, H. (1946). Univ. Press. [4] Pickands, J. Maxima of stationary Gaussian processes. (1967). Verw. Qe biete Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie — —<7 190-223. — —— ^—^^—^-^^— — [5] [6] —^—— Slepian, noise. D. . Princeton — ^— — ——— —— The one-sided barrier problem for Gaussian System Tech. J 463-501. 41^ (1962). Bell . A weak convergence theorem for order Welsch, R. E. (1970). statistics from strong-mixing processes. Technical Report No. 57, Operations Research Center, M.I.T., December, 1970. To appear in the Ann. Math. Statist , October, 1971. . [7] Welsch, R. E. Limit laws for extreme order statistics (1971). from strong-mixing processes. Sloan School of Management Working Paper 533-71, M.I.T. May, 1971 To appear in the Ann. Math Statist. , . . 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