t!& icmn^ J*« CONDITIONAL PREDICTION AND UNBIASEDNESS IN STRUCTURAL EQUATIONS Gordon M. Kaufman 12 August 1965 138-65 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 CONDITIONAL PREDICTION AND UNBIASEDNESS IN STRUCTURAL EQUATIONS Gordon M. Kaufman 12 August 1965 138-65 "1^ / CONDITIONAL PREDICTION .'UD U!:BIASEi;NESS IN STRUCTURAL EQUATIONS Gordon M. Kaufman 12 August 1. 1965 Introduction Sewall 4 [ estimators of ] a , Waugh [ 6 ], and Srinivasan 5 [ discuss least squares ] very particular set of two structural equations with no exoge- nous variables and the net result of their discussion is that such estimators are unbiased predictors of one dependent variable given the other. pose here is to generalize Sewall 's main result in several Our pur- direction.^, and to provide some ancillary facts about the structural equations defined in Throughout this note we distinguish a random variable from a (2.1) below. value assuned by it with a tilde; e.g. the random matrix ^. denotes the Kroenecker direct product; e.g. A S randon matrix (m X m) - I I 2. c o (H, n)'' if 4 hes density -jCn-m-l) '=' 6. H PDS n where fi And we say that the B. is "Wishart with parameter set ytr H £ ''o^ i £ The symbol > m-1 otherwise is a normalizing constant, Generalization First, Two questions immediately arise: assertion a.out x'^^/x'^x when m > exogenous variables are present?" 2 , B "^^^hat is arbitrary And second, is the analogue of Sewell's (m x m) "UTiat non-singular, and does the answer to the single endogefirst question imply .bout the conditional expectation of any : - 2 - nous variable given the v, lues of all other endogenous variables and the values of the exogenous variables?" To make these questions precise, consider the following system of stochastic equations iX^a) where B and _z -^ is an _rz(J) + u(J^ = are (m x m) and (m x r coefficient matrices, fixed for all j, r) vector of predetermined variables and (r X 1) ^ ^"^ ^ ^^^ .-.(j) We assume that {u random vectors. (m X 1) (2.1) j=l,2,...} is a sequence of mutually independent, identically Normal random vectors with mean One observes 1) , dimension (_^ > and PDS covariance matrix ^^ 3~^>^ ) > • • • 1 _^ p (p ^ m-1, x r) , let ^ = B Z B ^ into = h^ ; t = (y_ -B = n^ and B is non-singular. V nor h is known with t, t y_^) -1 conformably partition f^ £ but neither B, nor If we partition a generic certainty. (p x 0^ F with into ^ of n = dimensi on , Hj, of h and set r" %2 =11 Si2 =11 .-1 fill' %1 =21 £22 Sii '^^^ ^^ ^ ^^ =22 then E(iilx2. ^) = h-~ Sll 221^-^2 h -^ (2.2) and Var(x^|X2 z) ill = fOii hi hi 221^ (2.3) - 3 - Now suppose we observe a sequence {(^/^ , zT^h j , sample observations generated according to (2.2). I = iL^^K V= E . . . ,l}''h Z = , = l,2,...,n} of n r+m _> Let [z(l\...,z(")] z of . rank r, and z^J^ z^J) = Z Z' Then it is well known ([1] p. 183) that given i E i z' V"^ and I E -T, and l, the statistics B, [^^J^ - p -A^^^ P z'-" ELi^J) - P z^J^] ] ) are mutually independent and that P - is an unbiased estimator of = and n-r J r =e II an uni^iased estimator of Partition P and fil. as follows: e Si P dim (p X r) 22 and Sl2 11 e = , = 21 e^^ dim (p x p) ;22 The analogue of the central question of be stated: Is it [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] , and [ 6 ] may now true that Ui[^^'^ \4^^'\^^''''h - E(P,) z^"^^^- E(i^2 122^4"'''^- ECP^) U^""''^ The answer is "yes" and this is proven shortly. considerably more in the next section. ? We go on, however, and do (2-^) Defining |i ~ o i joint likelihood of (P, (1) ~ Sl2 §22 =21 ^^'^ In R, „» o' £-ii Normal with mean P is ='[ given =22^ e^, (p X p) is „ R, ^ „, R, 2> ^^'^ mal with mean H~ 3"*^ £22' ^22' consequently & e „ R, „ given z^^ is Nor- and variance-covariance matrix H and the marginal density of £22 ^^ Wisuart with parameter set (2~2» n+p-r) (4) „> and l^^ ^^^ jointly independent of P and Ij^^^^' while the conditional density of U e Wishart with parameter set (H,,, n-r) and is independent of P, (3) and Q has these properties: n and variance-covariance matrix n H a V, and is independent of R (2) "^ show that the ~ =12 =22' 2 The density of R, j . And £(£22) = (n+p-r)fi22- unconditional as regards P, ^22' ^"*^ ^" S1I.2 ^"ltSi.2-Sn Si2lS22tii.2-aii Si2^ -^ ''-'^ Sill where c" is a normalizing constant equal to r jr 4[n+p-r]) IL'22' 1 ^(r-p) ^2 2:2 and (a) r p P Tpr = .1, 1—1 - 2("-^-) '=11' , r ihn-r]) p^2' r(a4(i-l))- This is the generalized multi- ^ derived by Savage var iate Student density first R K „ 1 ( 3 ]. and variance-covariance matrix mean hTJ has nas mectu ti-^2 ^.-^ H^„ 0-1 Q h"''". n-r-1 =22 ^ "ll" (See Martin [2 ]) Here - 5 - The above properties clearly imply that (2.4) holds and in addition, since ,-(n+l)| (n+1) (n+1. ,, 1 Var(x^ = u-1 ^ z^^^^ is an unbiased estimate ^ 1^2 Sn. imply that . -, , j^^ » ^ (n+1) ,--(n+l)| ,. of •ar(x-,^ 1^2 , ^ (n+1), ^. ., Similrrly, since \aT{^^\z) = ^^2. an unbiased )• estimate of this variance-covariance matrix is ning " , — Setting p=l and run- e list of assertions above answers the second question posed at the dov.n the outset of this section. 3. Proofs It is well known (see [ 1 183) p. ], that the joinl likelihood of (P, t_) given y, and H, is e c where ^S» - ytr H |(n-r-m-l) e e • (3.1) l^l To find the joint density of is a normalizing constant. ^^^'^ ^^^ following =1 2' Sii 2' =22^ "^ Lemma (P, c Jtr H{[P-n]V[P-n]'^} The Jacobian J(P, : to e) Proof ^ P. |n R^ 2' ill. 2' ^22"* (P, ^^ 2' =11 2' =22'' °^ ^^^ transformation from i=£:22'^" We split the Jacobian into the product of four transformations done : successively: P J(e22 ^ 422^ " -^' ill = ill. J(£ £ -> e_ 2 "^ £, £22 ^ =^2' =12 ^°" §1 ^ Si. 2 i22 Si. ) = 1. 2 2- " "* =12 =22' 5l ^^'^ ^^° =11 ^ =11.2" 2 ^ little algebra shows that Consequently J(|^2 " Si. 2^ = '^2!^ |) rewrite ^^ Multiplying all four Jacobians together prcves the lemma. We can now find the joint density of (P, R^_2' ill. (P, ^^^^^> ^^S. * P) = 2' °^ =22^ ^^°^ ^^^^ by substituting in (3.1) and multiplying by the Jacobian I422 • 1 ^'^^^^ - 6 - tr H = tr {H^^ e^^ + H^^ e ^ S21 ^12 + ^22 hi = ^^ Sll S1I.2 ^ ^^ 222 hl^ ^ ^^ SllfSl.2-SnSl2J|22L^.2-S'l^l2^' hi by writing out tr H e, substituting using the definitions of the H.., 2, and of R and e,, „ in terms of tae e.., =i.z =il./ =ij 1 =ij i, —< —< j in terms of fi„ i ~< The joint density (3.1) multiplied by l^l^ then gives that of (P, R i,' , i -J —< e 2. , I22) as ^tr H{[P-n]V[P-n]'^} - - |tr H^. t,, ^(n-r-m-1) „ I411.2I • |tr 222 £22 e i(n+P-r-in-l) ^^-^^ I I422I - i^^ SiifSi.2-Sn Si2]i22fSi.2-Su S12]' ;h> I and the assertions 1, 2, and 3 of the previous section follow directly. To prove assertion 4, rewrite that part of (3.2) involving £^2 ^^ - ¥' i(n+2p-r-m-l) hi ^ I ,-1 „ it „ .„ wh-.ere A = [R^^2- ^11 212^'' SlltSi.2P, £ , and e , 0-1 0-1 „ Su Sl2^ ^ =12' 1 , ^^^^8^^-^'^^ "^^^ '^^^P^^' to is and use the fact that the constant that normalizes (3.3) ^(n+p-r) c*|a| , with c* a function of m, n, r, and p aXone. write the complete Using a -.ell known determinental identity we may now density as - 7 -1 c"| [Ri^2ill - -^ ^U^hl^h.l- where c" is as defined in assertion Sll S12] 4 t ^ ^ Siil of section 2. - 7(n+p-r) APR 6^1