'J^::^'. xP \ HD28 .M414 DfcVVEV no. EQUILIBRIUM EXIT IN STOCHASTICALLY DECLINING INDUSTRIES by Charles H. Fine Lode Li WP 1804-86 June 1986 Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 Preliminary draft. Comments are welcome. The authors gratefully acknowledge comments of John Cox, Chi-fu Huang, and Jean Tirole. The paper is a revised version of an earlier Sloan School Working Paper (//1755-86) entitled "A Stochastic Theory of Exit and Stopping Time Equilibria. EQUILIBRIUM EXIT IN STOCHASTICALLY DECLINING INDUSTRIES Charles H. Fine Lode Li ABSTRACT We study a complete information model of exit in which the stage payoffs are governed by a nonstationary Markov process that reflects the stochastic decline of the Industry. problem. For a monopolist, our model is an optimal stopping For duopolists, we analyze the (perfect) stopping time equilibria of the exit game. There are multiple perfect equilibria of our exit game, in contrast to several papers in the literature. We explain how relaxing an arguably unrealistic assumption in those models will give multiple equilibria in those models also. Finally, we show an equivalence between stopping time equilibria, and perfect equilibria of complete-information, stochastic exit games. m^ 1. INTRODUCTION The decline of products and industries is a natural by-product of the growth and evolution of industrial economies. Economic decline puts pressure on firms' profits and on their ability to remain in the business. eventually depart if the decline is severe. Most firms However, those who manage to stay in after a shakeout can often earn significant profits. In this paper, we analyze firms' decisions to exit an Industry that is suffering from economic decline. In contrast to the literature on entry, the study of exit decisions by firms in oligopolistic industries is not extensive. Ghemawat and Nalebuff (1985) analyze a continuous time, perfect information model for an asymmetric duopoly in a deterministically declining industry, where the firms differ by their capacities and related fixed costs per period. Unless the high-fixed-cost firm has significantly lower operating costs than the low-fixed-cost firm, the unique perfect Nash equilibrium in their model is for the firm with the larger capacity and fixed costs to exit at the first time that its duopoly profits are nonpositive. The smaller firm then remains until its monopoly profits become negative. Fudenberg and Tirole (1986) also analyze an asymmetric duopoly exit game in a continuous time model with deterministic demand paths. However, they assume that each firm does not know the fixed operating cost per period of its rival. Thus their model is a war of attrition where each firm continually revises downward its estimate of the other's costs, as long as the contest for the market lasts. With an assumption that each firm assesses positive probability that its rival will never find it optimal to exit, the model -2- yields a unique perfect Nash equilibrium where the higher cost firm exits the market before the firm with lower costs. We also model an industry that begins as a duopoly. Nalebuff and Section 5 Like Ghemawat- of Fudenberg-Tlrole, we assume that the Industry declines over time so that the profits of the two firms shrink until one of them exits, leaving a monopoly for the other. In contrast to the results of Ghemawat and Nalebuff, and Fudenberg and Tirole (each of whom obtains a unique perfect equilibrium in a continuous time, deterministic model), there are multiple exit-time equilibria in our stochastic, discrete time framework. As a consequence of the multiplicity of the equilibria, the stronger firm, which has a stage-payoff advantage, may not always exit last. The multiplicity of equilibria in our model is a consequence of the fact that the industry demand process can jump from a point where both firms are viable as duopolists to a point where neither firm is viable but each is viable as a monopolist. a.s a duopolist At such a point in time, exit by either could constitute an equilibrium in stopping times. Both Ghemawat and Nalebuff and Fudenberg and Tirole avoid this problem by assuming that demand falls continuously (and detenninistically) over time. However, their models would also exhibit multiple equilibria as ours does if their demand process were allowed to have jumps. Thus, an assumption in the direction of more realism (a demand process with discrete jumps) destroys the equilibrium uniqueness in each of their models. We characterize the generic form of any equilibrium in our model. These equilibria are obtained by solving a time-indexed sequence of fixed point -3- problems. Among the equilibria, two are particularly Interesting because they provide the upper and lower bounds for any equilibrium exit times and because each player prefers one of the two equilibria to all other equilibria. In particular, each firm favors the equilibrium which makes his active period the longest. We provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the "natural" equilibrium (in which the stronger firm always outlasts its rival) to be the unique perfect equilibrium. To model the exit game, we adopt a natural multiperson extension of the optimal stopping time concept (see, e.g., Breiman (1964), Shiryayev (1978), Dynkln (1969), and references in Monahan (1980)) which is the concept of stopping time equilibrium, a Nash equilibrium in stopping time strategies. (Our concept of stopping time equilibrium is not unlike that of Ghemawat and Nalebuff or Fudenberg and Tirole, except that in their models the single-firm optimal stopping problem is of little intrinsic interest because their models have deterministic demand paths.) In general, any stochastic dynamic game in which each player's strategy is a single dichotomous decision at each stage can be formulated as a stopping time problem. Further, in such games, the notion of equilibrium stopping time can be applied. For this type of game, we show that the stopping time equilibria correspond to the subgame perfect equilibria in the natural extensive form game. One characteristic of the firms' optimal policies in our model is that one or both firms may earn negative profits in some period(s), but remain in the market. This can occur for either of two reasons. First, industry demand can suffer a stochastic negative shock, such that, demand will increase in the next period, in expectation. In such cases, fiirms will absorb the loss in -4- that period, knowing that demand is likely to recover. with observed practice. This result accords Most industries experience stochastic downturns that do not lead to mass exit from the industry. A firm may also choose to absorb losses and remain in the market in the expectation that its rival will exit the industry first, leaving a more profitable, monopolistic industry for the remaining firm. Although the former effect is unique to our model, the latter effect is also present in the Fudenberg-Tirole formulation. For both the single-firm and two-firm cases, we solve examples with linear demand and linear costs. For the single-firm example, the optimal exit time is decreasing in the firm's unit costs, the slope of the demand curve, and the per unit fixed cost of being in the market. in the firm's discount factor. The optimal exit time increases In the two-firm example with Cournot competition, these results also hold for each firm. In addition, the high cost firm's optimal exit time increases in the low cost firm's unit costs. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, the single-firm exit problem is formulated as a stopping time problem and several basic results are established. In Section 3 the notion of stopping time equilibrium is presented, and the main results regarding equilibrium exit behavior in a duopoly are proved and discussed. possible extensions follow in Section 4. Concluding remarks and ^° this aecti,. "-Lace the sloxle-f-f ^^°PP^ng .,,, • ' °^''^ ^°- comparative ^ statl ^- assu^ne that at ti ' profitable. It „. may exit » the m ^^« market. costly. '''^^ "nalnia. i. ° ^ ' °° '^^ optlmal .. '^^s market . '"' ^« °o longer Reentry I3 ^ assumed to h*. ''^ prohibitively , '^ dynamf^ ^ ^- ^-^ustry demand be 1,^ ^''' '^ ^-^ period t ^ «-rW se.ue "=• the.demand t^e «e<J"ence .(a }. a p take, ''^^"^ i° *' Probabliitv Z c fi ' ^L-i-cy m . g. and measure p / ha<j ^^^ ^ conditional t^*'Vl>onZ. late . F„ ^^^er °" ^°°venlence, discussion, i, , ;,e a, -^n order tn assuoe 7 « d =, 1 / <; "- •" -..;.:;;;- ir- -• - .....:r --^astlcali, doml dominates ^ '' ^^^^ ^i- t. the ^-"^ ^hat an ,>,/ ''' ^^ P^^^HW arm .or / « < — "cn, ,.„,„^^^ ' '^^ ;^ t) 7T(a We . ^^^"»e that ^ pre present profi^<, '^' ) " , ^ "^^o^ > , , ' --« ° flra's «^ "rategy '°^ ^"^ 1= '''° Period . ^""^ ^n'-'^)foraa ''''« . "^-tMe> "^^^ t or ^ ^ ^eclsio ecision '"'' ^°^ ^^^ for earh », .. ,, '' t >o. J3 ^ "^O be stopping ^, — '=— 2- • "'^ '°"^"-ce . '"'"'^ -^out Whether ^^^ ''^^ t^° «^ay la the market a^°^ ^ero profit set ^t th. thereafter. "^ z '•••-- Formally, -6- let F^ " a(a P 8<t), the o-field generated by (a ;s£t}. ; as the information available at time random time T: available at time In other words, information F teM. obtained by observing t N is said to be a stopping time of (P -^ i^ We may think of t if ) {a ; s {T£t}eP <^ t}. A for every is sufficient to tell whether the event {T<t} has occurred. Let t be the first time that demand has declined to the point where the That is, industry is no longer profitable. assume that t* t " Inf {t:fi(a to avoid a trivial case and that t* < > °° ) < 0, a.s.}. We to guarantee that the firm will exit in finite time. Let firm's discount factor. 6 be the The firm's problem is to choose stopping time T so as to maximize the expected discounted profit T-1 E [ I 7i(a.) e'^ Proposition problem. 1 a.] I ^ t=0 ^ (1) . below characterizes the optimal stopping times for this It defines time Indexed sets B policy is to exit at the first time t such that the firm's optimal such that a e B . The sets B^ are defined by the recursively defined profit-to-go functions u (a ) and take the form B the u (•) functions. = {a £ h } where the h 's are defined in terms of Proposition 1 is preceded by a technical lemma that orders the expectations of the positive parts of monotone ordered functions of random variables that are ordered by stochastic dominance. -7- Lenuna 1 . for zeZ. \i , y„, Suppose f,(*), f2(*) are increasing functions and fJ,z), > And suppose z,, z~ are random variables with probability measures Moreover, respectively. E(f ^(Zj^)l(Q oo)(fi(zi)] IE holds if E[1(Q „jfj^(z^)] Proof ; (z) f Since f.^(z) > \i. stochastically dominates M„. Then inequality [f 2(22^^(0, <=)^^2^^2^^^' ^°*^ strict > 0. £2(2) implies {f^(z) > 0} _ {f2(z) ^t^l^^l^\0,«)(^l^h>)^- ^{f^(z)>0}^^^^^V^^ ^ ^{f2(z)>0}^/^^%^^^ ^^{f2(z)>0}^(^^^^l^^^ > 0} and y > y , ^ ^{f2(z)>0}^2^^^<^V^^ = E[f2(z2) l^Q „)(f2(z2))]. Q.E.D. Proposition 1; (1) A unique minimal optimal stopping time for the problem described in (1) can be characterized by T = inf{t:a u^(a^) = TT(a^) + '^Wj.^j^Ca^), e B ) = where B {u (a ) £0}, and ^t+l^^t^ ° ^f"t+l^^t+l^ ^(0.<»)^"t+l^^t+l^^'^t^' with w (•) = (ii) For h B t = sup{z B for 1 t*. and zeZ, w (z) >^ : t u (z) for t < >_ 0}. 0. >_ Then h w ,,(2) and u (z) >^ u is increasing in t, B (z). = (a Let £h } and -8- Part (1) follows from the optlmality principle of dynamic progranmiing Proof cf. Shlryayev (1978, Chapter 2). To prove (11), note that ° E[n(a^^_^)l(Q^„j(TT(aj.^_^))lz] > Wt*-l<^^^ Suppose w - w . £ t Lemma 1 implies w^(z) ^v^_^_^iz) since w^( Finally, we need to show that u that w (•) are monotone for increasing, then u (•) " tt E[u (a )1.Q aj-)^"t^^t^^ as {a^ 1 with hj.} Note that Note that u (•) is Increasing since t*-2. Furthermore, u (z) - u is increasing. 7t(») £ for ^ 2 h^. Uj-Csj.) = ' ^ t ( •) •) (z) = S(w are monotone for ^(•) sup{z:u^(z) for < 0} Hence, , TT(a ) > (TT(a ) or equivalently is •) ( B can be written Therefore, the optimal policy is ) £ For (0). < 0). t ^ {a }, 0. This cutoff values that dictate optimal and the set of a and the optimal stopping time T. it * Q.E.D. falls so low that u (a illustrates a sample path of z " *^ >.0. t exit, that is, the set of points less than or equal to h profit line ' ^0. is just the expected discounted profit from time t is denoted by h 1 .,(z)) is increasing and w (•) ^^ increasing by Lemma 1. to stop the first time that a Figure ^ t Again, by induction, if w 0. (•) + 6w *^ ,,(z) - w = E[u (a )1^q oo^^^t^^t^^ until exit under the optimal stopping policy. point for a = Wj.^(2). h are denoted by B , . as a function of t, The dashed horizontal line represents the zero 0, if a falls above (below) this line, then The cutoff points h always lie below this line. Thus, the firm is sometimes willing to sustain a certain level of current loss in the hope of receiving future profits. E[Ti(a .)la ] < 0, TT(a ) and < the firm's optimal policy may be to remain in the market. To see this, suppose TT(aj.) In fact, even if TT(a ) = -e < and E[TT(a + e Et^^^t+i^lfo ")*'^^^t+l^^ '^t^ ^ ^' )la ] < 0, but ^^^° ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^° period -9- for the option of staying in the market in the hope that demand will be higher t Because the firm can choose to exit at no cost after than expected next period. ^ seeing a the option of being able to observe , positive value. The variable tolerate in period t and profit from it has aj^^, represents how heavy a loss the firm will h-^ in the hope of future profits. The next proposition provides general comparative static results for the It says that the optimal stopping time is increasing in the model. one-stage payoffs and in the discount factor. Proposition 2 ; If ti'(z) ± ti"(z) and T' ± T" almost surely. for 1 or S' e Z z Q" then w , < w TT"(a ) 1 u , u £ 0, a.s.}, , I ^ h for h Proof ^ t Let t' = inf{t ; Assume t" < TT'(a^) : Obviously °°. £ t' w h^. ^ w = £ =0. w O Ti"(z) B Assume that This follows from the fact . 11 (z) = u (z) and an application + Q w is obvious by noticing that h h implies B h^. , " ^ Then h t" I. .(z) ' of Lemma 1. t w t that u (z) = TT'(z) + Sw In turn, £ We want to show w . t ^ t : • I w <^ For t". •• f a.s.} and t" = inf{t 0, <_ and B B S. , for t ^ = u -1 (0). Thus, 0. {T* t} = > t (n B'} 3=0 ^ Q (Ob"}- The results for Proposition 2 (T" > t} for every t > 0. So T' < T" almost surely. ^ 8-0 Q' ± S" Q.E.D. follow from a similar argument. provides a very convenient tool for dealing with the comparative statics analysis of the optimal stopping time. It says that looking at the stage payoff is sufficient. For example, consider a monopolist who faces a stochastic linear demand function and produces a homogeneous good at constant cost c. The random -10- variable a^ is the intercept of the inverse demand and the constant The opportunity cost of staying in the market is k. slope. b is the (Alternately, the firm has to pay a fixed fee, k, each period in order to participate in the Then, at each period t, the maximum profit that the production activity.) monopolist can obtain is (a -c)^ ^^V 'I -^ ^ if a^ > c - k V otherwise. Clearly n(») is an increasing function. or k increases. Also TT(a ) = TT(a ,b,c,k) decreases as This fact, together with an application of Proposition c, b, 2, implies that the optimal exit time T decreases almost surely as c,b,k increases or 6 decreases. That is, the monopolist optimally exits earlier when the marginal cost of production is higher, a better alternative opportunity exits (a higher k) , the price is less sensitive to the quantity change (a higher b), or the firm is less patient (a smaller S). 3. THE DUOPOLY MODEL - EXIT AS EQUILIBRIUM STOPPING TIME We next analyze optimal exit in a duopoly. characterize the optimal stopping equilibria. the payoff to firm demand is a . i We formulate the exit game and For l,j = 1,2, denote by in period t, given there are j ''^^/a firms in the market and the We assume that either firm will prefer high demand to low demand and will prefer having the market to itself to sharing the market. is, "^/a and zeZ. ) ) are increasing in a for i,j = 1,2, and ''^^o^^^ — That ^11^^^ ^°^ i~l>2 At each time t, the active firms observe (a :s<t) — and then simultaneously 3 decide whether to stay in the market and earn ff. ,(a ) (depending on the number of firms who stay in) or to exit and get zero profit thereafter. Firm i's -11- strategy is a stopping time T,: ^ i, i completely determined by observing the history j, at time t is ^^ The payoff (as a function of T.) to firm N. -^ (a ;s<t), i.e., — s .[ (a^.Tj) Let ^2^a^)l(x^>,} ^ . £ (0 < e. e. V^^^djlt} be the discount factor for firm i. 1) Then firm i's problem is an optimal stopping problem if its opponent's exit time, T is also a stopping time. Given T i , , ¥ i, a stopping time, let T-1 ^u vj: for i (aJ - sup E{ T t'O-' I ej TT^ (a.,T.) I a.}, " 1,2, where the supremum is over all possible stopping times T. Definition 1 ; (T, , T-) is a stopping time equilibrium if T,, T- are stopping times and for i=l,2, and 2; Firm 1 i, ' t=0 Definition ?• j is stronger than Firm 2 if ^-.Az) > ^21^^^ for j=l,2 and every z. To aid the game-theoretic analysis that follows, we first solve four single-firm problems, two for each firm. That is, by applying the results in the previous section, we derive the optimal exit time for each firm there were j firms in the market throughout i's stay in the market. single-firm problem is indexed by payoff. i and j i _a3 J^ Each and takes ^jA*) as the stage We emphasize that the functions calculated below and used in Facts 1-4 _do not represent equilibrium behavior. Rather, they provide useful manipulations of the two-firm profit function data, ^/j(*)» that will -12- Following the notation In be used In the equilibrium analysis to follow. Section with w ii -^ 2, define recursively for i"l,2, j=l,2, * - for Propositions Fact 1 ; T, . 1 t It, and * where r = inf {t:TT t (a ) 0, _< a.s. By }. we have the following results: 2 inf {t i ± a h j^} is the optimal stopping time where h^J - sup{z:u^J(z) < 0}. Fact 2 ; w Fact 3 ; For i=l,2, and for all t Fact 4 are decreasing in ^ 0, and T ^^ . and h t a^., are increasing in w^^^Ca^) Iw^^j^Ca^.), for all i,j. t < h^""" h^^ for almost surely. If Firm 1 is stronger than Firm 2, then for j=l,2 and for all ; ^ii^s^ ^ ^ii^s^' ^t^ ^ ^t^ '''' ' ^ ^^^ °' ^j '- a^^, hi almost surely. Figure 2 illustrates h stopping times, T. For i=l,2, and , * 1 j , t.., a realization of the {a process, and } for the case when Firm 1 is stronger than Firm 2. j;*i, we use the following notation to denote the equilibrium functions analogous to the single-firm functions described above. is a stopping-time equilibrium. For 1=1,2, and for each subset of Z that represents the exit set for firm and let B denote the complement of this set. 1 t, let B Suppose (T ^,T ^^ denote a in the equilibrium (T^,T-) That is, T = inf{t:a £ B } -13- and B. - Z\B. = is always an laterval of the form B Whereas B . the single-firm problem, B. {a <_ h } in in general, not an interval in the multiperson is, exit game. * For t ^ t .., * 1 define w (•) Then define recursively for 0. =• t <_ t -1 and \ (Vi^ ^\^\^ ^(o,-)"t^S^'Vi^- - ^ " sup {z: 11.2(2) + S.w Finally, define h ,(z) The h < O}. variable plays a somewhat different role in the multiperson game from the role of h = single-firm model where we had B £ {a describe the equilibrium strategy of firm for the exit set does not completely H^^^* ^ ^t^* in the Rather, it provides an upper bound i. of firm i. B, Our first result is that the optimal single-firm stopping times, T.- and T impose upper and lower bounds for Firm i's equilibrium stopping time. for any equilibrium, (T ,T ), T 1 - intuitive argument goes as follows: to exit as long as a is above h 12 . < T almost surely, for i"l,2. T . That is, The At any time t, it is not i's best response This follows because w 12 . is the expected profit from t+1 on obtained by acting optimally in the situation when other firm 12 is the minimum can guarantee for itself. If w ^, is the will be in the market throughout the game. possible future gain that firm i Therefore, w i expected equilibrium profit from t+1 on, then w ,,(a TT^ (a^) + B^wJ+3^(a^) t "* "i2^^t^ will stay active at time a falls below h ^ ^w 12,,(a^) ° ^°^ j=1.2. By a similar argument. Firm t. since w ^i^t+l^^t^ ) , i and Hence, Firm i will exit whenever is the highest possible expected future gain -14- from t+1 on in the most optimistic situation, i.e., when he will be in the market This completes the arguments required to prove alone from t+1 on. Proposition 3. T^ -inf{t a : 1 T „£T <T Suppose tit e , B, (T-, ,12) is an exit time equilibrium and Then }. il B t— <1 CB t12 it— B, for > t — and almost surely, for i=l,2. We now turn to an asymmetric situation in which Firm Fi rm 2, that is, ^ ^^ .(*) 11 situation has B,^ " Bj^ and is stronger than The natural equilibrium for this (•). tt 1 " B 22 ; the weak firm exits the Bjj. first time that its expected present-plus-future duopoly profits are negative, and the strong firm then remains as a monopolist until its expected monopoly profits turn negative. Although this is the unique euqilibrium that obtains in the models of Fudenberg-Tirole and Ghemawat-Nalebuf f , it is only one of many equilibria here. To built intuition for understanding the complete characterization of the equilibria in our model, consider the situation where a £(h 21 ,h 12 ]. In this case, either firm will find it profitable to stay in the market if his opponent exits, but both firms have negative expected profits if neither exits. Exit by either the strong firm or the weak firm could constitute an equilibrium. In fact, any equilibrium in this game can be characterized by h a set A C and a eB, t It 21 1 (h ,h = 21 ] C.(h (- °o,h ] t both firms are in at 12 ,h U A , 1 , h 2 , If both firms are in the market at time ]: then Firm 1 exits at t and Firm 2 stays. If t t and a eB 2 = (-°°, h - 2 ] f) A , then only Firm Proposition 4 formally states and proves this result. 2 exits. and t -15- Suppose Firm Proposltlon 4 stronger than Firm 1 is equilibrium (T ,T.) can be characterized as T The exit sets B B , i=l,2, (•- "' ^t _ . , " ^~ ^t' ^2t ^ inf{t:a _ °°' , "t+l^^t^ for " 0, <^ t < t > t for i=-l,2. 2, 21 h , 1 ], A = Z\A , t^^, and w^^^(a^) = E[uJ^^(a^^^) l(o.=o)("t+l^^+i)) for } ^t^ "^^t* is a Borel set contained in the interval (h A efl are defined recursively as follows: t _^ 11, It " =* Any exit time 2. ^^ I , where uj(a^) > (.^^(a^) + 3^w^^^^(a^)l5^^(a^) + (TT^l(a^) + e/^J:^(a^))l3_^^(a^). Proof ; For ^ i, Backward induction. t > t*j^. FiHj^j^Caj.) > 0} - = w = (a j ) P^^i/^t^ > 0} = 0, and Pfa^. e for 1=1,2. B^^.} i.j = 1,2. = 1 for 1=1,2. So P{a^ £ B^^} < Also w^^Ca^.) = wjca^.) The proposition is trivially true. Now assume that it is true for s ^ \^\^' vi^%^ ^ vi^^) i \li^\^ t+1. Then by the definitions of h 12 ^""p^^- "^ '- ^i - < and -16- Suppose both firms are in the market at time for i-1,2. ^^2t' ^2t^ adopted by Firm Given any strategy t. Firm 1 will be a monopolist from 2, and he will be involved in a game which gives expected payoff w and equilibrium strategies follow from t+1 on. on if a^ t , B^^, e e B„ ,if a Remaining active at t, Firm 1 expects to get u'^(a^) - (TT^^^a^) + S^wJ^^ (a^)) 1-^^ (a^) + (n^^Ca^) + S^wJ^^ (a^) Firm I's best response then is to exit if u (a t Let B. and a = It < {uVa^) ~ t t < h and B. = {u^(a ) It t t 0} or if Firm ^It " ^^2t ^ stays and a 2 ^~ "' ^t^^^ '-' > < h ^^2t 0}. - ' Firm t ^^^^(^^ > 0. ) t will exit if Firm 1 2 That is, . ^ and stay if u (a < ) t ) ^" "' ^^^^ ''t^^- Similarly, ®lt " iB2^ri (hj\ »)} U (B2^r\(hJ, Given the strategy of Firm 1, if Firm -. (^a^) -H 2 (3b) ")}. does not exit at t, he will expect S^w^^^ (a^)) l^^^Ca^). and 2's best response should satisfy ^2t" ^^it^^-" ^2t ' h^^]} ^^It*^ ^''t^'"^^ U U (4a) {B^^flC-", h^]} {B^t^(h^, »)} (4b) . But, using (3a) and (3b) to expand the sets in (4b), we get Bitn(hf. ») = = {{B2,n B2^n (-», hj^]} (h^^, hj] u {B2t since h^^ n(-», hj]}}n(h^\ «> £ h^^^. exits -17- Simllarly, = .(hj, \ 00) (B^j. n since h^^ (hj, h[]} h^^ < < h^. Using (4) and the above characterizations, ^2t' ^B2^n(h^\ ' Thus B- n {B2t hj]} U((h^. ")\{B2^n(h2, U since hj^ (h^^, h^]} (hj, ") is part of the equilibrium if and only if ^2t " ^^2t'^ ^^V'' ^t^^ ^ ^^t' B^j^ < hj ]}} h^ . satisfies "^^ The only possible solution is of the form — ®2t " ^t Furthermore, B„ ^2t ' 2 ^ ^^t' °°^ ^*^^^^ ' Borel subset of (h ^t ^^ ^ is just the complement of B„ ^t*^ ^^' 21 _ If f2t^^^ = is r> (hj. Borel set in Z, then B„ "^^" ^t^' 1 , h^]} Aj. = Z \ , 1 , h ]. i.e. A^. 2 (J (h ,"), a mapping from a Borel set in Z to a is an equilibrium strategy if and only if B fixed point of f2t^*^' ^'^•' ^ ^2t''^2t^ ^2t* By (3), our characterizations of B- ^It ° ^^' ^\^^^ ^It " ^^t^' 21 \' "^'^^ • ^""^ and B„ give is a -18- Finally, note that since £ (a ), which implies w u - ^^^^.^^t^ (a ) *'t+l^^t^ £w (a ) - ' ^'t+l^^t^ £ w (a ) "^t *"^t^ - "t^^t^ by Lemma 1. We conclude the induction. Q.E.D, The importance of Proposition 4 lies in the fact that it characterizes all In particular, it points out that we can obtain all possible equilibria. equilibria by varying A 21 1 (h , h ], for every t. Borel subset contained in the interval a , Among these are two extreme equilibria which give upper and lower bounds on any equilibrium exit times (T of these, (T = (- B' (T , T h °°, T , ) 11 is obtained by letting A = (- B* ], °°, h 22 ], = , T„ for all t; ) . The first then almost surely for every t. In fact, = ^-^ii* ^29^' 3°3logO"3 to the equilibrium of Fudenberg-Tirole and ) Ghemawat-Nalebuff . This equilibrium is the one most preferred by Finn 1, the stronger firm, because, as will be shown in Proposition 5, it gives Firm 1 the latest possible exit time. The second extreme equilibrium, (T^^,T^) gives Firm 2, the weaker firm, the and then defining ^' recursively ^ for ^t+l^^t^' -t^^t^' "t'-^t^ and B" = gives Firm (h 2 ,h ] (J (h ^^ ,'") * 1 12 It is obtained by setting h^_i = h ^^ for latest possible exit time. ^°- . t < — * t, il oil = -1, A ,h (h t Proposition 4, where t —t B^^. = ], - t , l—OI w ,,Ca^), and h ,h (- », t —t h^"'" , t ] (J — 1+1 t (h^^.hj] The next proposition shows that this equilibrium the longest possible time in the market. -19- Let (T^, T2) be an equilibrium. Proposltloa 5; 1 and T2 Proof; Let B, w (a , 1 T- Then T^ 1 T^ T2, almost surely. ^°*^ u^^^t^' "t^^t^' ^t' ^t' ), f^ < ^t ^^t ' ^t^ correspond to the equilibrium (T,, T-) in the usual way. * Note that for 11 Assume w^^^ Note that and Bj^^ Also, C t^^, w ^1 (-», (^, h^l] h^"^ C 82^^ (hj\ 11 (a (-», h^"^ C ^ A^ <VS> C 11 u (a -^ = w 1 w^^^ A^. U ) ^ u 22 - -,, , Then, h w^^^. i - B^^. 11 ^ < j. a h^ ^ < ^,1 h^. , (h^^ hj] - b^ . (hj, ") - 82^, and (h^l, h^] ^ u^(^^) ^^^ ) -2 2 22 = 0. and w = w = w " 2 i > U ] h^] (J(h^, ") ) 1 (->, h^l] (j C (hj, «) We just show Uj^(a * " w ^ and w^^^ (h^^, h^] B^^ = (h^^, «) It follows that u C ] 11 -2 1 ^ > w^.^^ > w^.^^ B^j. - for every a^. ^ t (3 ) U (hj, ») = B^^. -2 "^ (^r^ 2 i ",.(^^) as an example. Vtti's" h:2t ^\^ -4 <S> • — 21 " ^ ^*^^ -20- Since w^^j^Caj.) we have > — w^'^'Ca^) t t 1^1 1 t and 12 Tj_ ~> —w^(a^) t t w^(a^) t 1 T^ T^ 1 and Applying Lemma ^2f^ ^"if w (a tt 2 ^ir- ^W As a result, B" la completed. ll w^+i^^j.), ^21^^ ^2t ^^'^ i ) ^ — ^°*^ tt~t w (a^) ^2t > w again, The Induction (a.). t — ^2t— 1 ^"P^^ ^^^' ^2t Q.E.D. . Since Firm 1 is assumed to be stronger than Firm 2, the first extreme case (T,,, T22) iSj in some sense, the more appealing equilibrium. This equilibrium is also simple in structure, i.e., a cut-off equilibrium. Ghemawat and Nalebuff (1985) show that this is the unique subgame-perfect equilibrium in their deterministic, continuous time model. Their result depends on their An analogous assumption that industry demand declines continuously over time. assumption, for our model, would be that, with probability one, a 1-2 into the interval (J}^>h 21 before falling into (h ] equilibrium has the weaker firm exiting first. 1 >J},.)« falls In this case, the unique (This is stated and proved Conversely, if Ghemawat and Nalebuff (or formally in Proposition 6.) Fudenberg and Tirole) were to allow jumps of sufficient magnitude into their declining demand paths, they would lose uniqueness as our model does. Proposition 6 ; Suppose Firm 1 is stronger than Firm 2. Then (T.., T22) is the unique equilibrium if and only if P {a t (n\ h^]}'' t for Proof: For t = 1 < ~ t — t2-l, P{a^ This implies that B' = B" t- -1 where t„ = inf {t: P{ < I e 82^.} I = 0, or P{a^ e A {a (h^-"", a.s. and consequently B' h^] = B" e s ^_, 3=0 U . B" }} = O}. ^t (h^, ")} = 0. Assume -21- B* , = B" , It then follows that a. 8. , condition ?{a^ e h^]} = (h^""-, = h^. imply that h^. = B^^. which together with the a.s. for i'l.Z. B'^^. The sufficiency follows. To prove the necessary conditions, let t = sup 1 < s (s: t„-l, P{a < — — Z (h^^, e 3 S 0}. > h"*"]} — Then, '"^ P(T2 > 12) i (a^ c B'-g} n P{ 21 {a^ e 1 (h^\ hj]}} s"0 = P{a^ e (h^^^, t since t h^] —t t-1 t-1 _ n 3=0 B' C 28 a I _ B" 2s r\ e . t-1 B" J 2T and • 2t-l (h^"", t P{ (a 1 h;^] -t e B': 23 s 3=0rt = B" fl B' 2t 2t }} > Q.E.D, . The following example illustrates some comparative static results that can A Coumot duopoly faces a be obtained with linear cost and demand functions. stochastic linear inverse demand, p^ = a and decreasing in = 1,2. t, - bQ, where a are independent and produces a homogeneous good at constant costs Assume that c, ^ c~ so that Firm 1 is stronger than Firm Firm i's opportunity cost of staying in the market is k, . c. , 2. If both firms are in the market, the equilibrium stage payoffs are (a - 2c 9b 5B - k, + c )2 — - k '^1 - h - c > 2c a ^^2 ^1 ^t if ^ " =1 i - ^t otherwise. ^=2 " =1 -22- (a^ - 2C2 + c,)' - k« 9b if a 2 t 2c„ - > - c. 1 2 TT22(aj.) otherwise. ^ If one finn is in the market alone, the monopoly stage profits are as derived in Example 1, for i " 1,2, (a - c ),2 -4b '' ^i \'- ^1 ^1^^^ - otherwise. k. It is easy to see that ^ji^a^^ k, " kj or c, = c-. k, j " 1,2 and every a £ — ^I2^*t^ ^°^ ^ " ^'^ ^^'^ every a k-, then Firm 1 is stronger, i.e., ""iJ-^J^ t. £ ^21^^t^ c-, ^°^ . From the general results obtained earlier, we know that exit equilibrium. and if c, The functions h 11 22 , h^ (T^ -i . ^22) is an can be calculated as follows: b/^1^ ^1 ^ -/^bCk^ - Q^.[l^) if k^ > c. otherwise. ^t 2C2 - c^ + /9b(k2 - B^w^^^) if k^ i 32V1' ^t 2c„ 2 And h 11 b, 1 increases as c,, b, k^ increases or S. decreases, while h as c-j b, k_ increases or Ci, otherwise. c, k, c , I3„ decreases. Thus T 22 increases increases almost surely as decreases or S, increases and T22 increases almost surely as C2, b, kj decreases or c,, B~ increases. -23- We conclude this section by pointing out that the stopping time equilibria and the subgame perfect equilibria of the exit game are equivalent. By way of constructing a stopping time equilibrium in Proposition 4, it is clear that the stopping time T. = inf {s: s ^ t, a e B. constitute an equilibrium for the } remaining subgame, given the firms surviving until t. Conversely, if we analyze the exit problem in an extensive form game assuming players have perfect recall of the historic information but not the future, etc., then any subgame perfect equilibrium is a stopping time equilibrium. Proposition 4. 7 . The stopping time equilibria are subgame perfect. CONCLUSION This paper illustrates how a stochastic dynamic game like exit can be formulated as a stopping time problem, how a stopping time equilibrium can be found by solving a sequence of fixed point problems, and how to derive the properties that the stopping time equilibria possess. Furthermore it shows how demand processes that are not continuous can give rise to multiple exit time equilibria. There are several interesting extensions or variations that might be A straightforward, but explored in the continuation of this work. notationally burdensome, generalization is the exit game for an n-firm oligopoly. The equilibrium in which the stronger firms exit later always exists if the firms are ordered by strength. generalizing the model is to incorporate A second direction for entry decisions into the model to study the firm's behavior over the life cycle of an Industry. Though we only -24- discuas the exit problem for oligopoly here, the approach employed can be applied to entry problems as well. Finally, other interesting extensions may include stopping time equilibria in stochastic exit games with incomplete information (as in Fudenberg and Tirole) and stochastic exit games in contlnous time. -25- Figure 1. Single-firm stopping problem in the monopoly model 22 t 12 t 11 Figure 2. Four single-firm stopping problems in the duopoly model. -26- REFERENCES Brelman, L. , "Stopping-Rule Problems," Applied Combinatorial Mathematics Wiley and Sons, 1964, pp. 284-319. , John Dynkln, E.G., "Game Variant of a Problem of Optimal Stopping," Soviet Math Dokl. , Vol. 10, 1969, pp. 270-274. Fudenberg, D. and J. Tirole, "A Theory of Exit In Duopoly," Econometrlca , To appear in 1986. Ghemawat, P. and B. Nalebuff, "Exit," Rand Journal of Economics 2, 1985, pp. 184-194, , Vol. 16, No. Hadar, J. and W.R. 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