2013 BEST PRACTICES EXCHANGE October 29, 2013 Clover Park Technical College, Lakewood

October 29, 2013
McGavick Student & Conference Center (Bldg. 23)
Clover Park Technical College, Lakewood
9:00 am
Welcome & Outline of the Day
9:15 am
Key Note Session
“Start with the End in Mind: Building Guided Pathways to Student Success”
Davis Jenkins, Senior Research Associate, Community College Research Center; Columbia
In many community colleges, students are left to navigate a complex and often confusing
array of programs, courses and support services mostly on their own. Many students do not
see a clear path to their goals, become frustrated, and drop out. This presentation describes
the efforts by a growing number of colleges and universities to redesign academic programs
and support services in order to create more clearly structured and educationally coherent
program pathways to student end goals, with integrated progress monitoring, feedback and
support. These efforts are being implemented on a large scale—in some cases benefiting
thousands of students—and ideally involve strengthened pathways between community
college and four-year programs as well as with employment.
10:15 am
10:30 am
Concurrent Session 1
Breakout room A
“Student Retention Efforts at Big Bend”
Big Bend Community College- Terry Kinzel, Director of Title V Grants
An array of services offered through BBCC Student Success Center has improved retention
significantly, both from fall to spring and from fall to fall. These services include peer
mentoring, peer advocate coaching in conjunction with student success courses,
supplemental instruction and tutoring, book and laptop loans, and other services.
Breakout room B
“STATWAY: Our First 2 Years”
Seattle Central Community College- Jerry Wright, Mathematics Instructor
STATWAY is a different approach to teaching developmental math, focusing on statistics.
Seattle Central Community College, along with other community colleges around the nation,
has joined with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in developing this
curriculum. Come listen to our experience and insight from our first two years.
Breakout room C
“Your Goals are Within Reach: Lower Attrition and Higher Job Success in ProfessionalTechnical Programs”
Highline Community College- Nicki S. Bly, Director of Clinical Education Respiratory Care
Program/Program Coordinator Polysomnographic Technology Program
Assessment data analysis based on national credentialing exams has significantly improved
student outcomes. In the five year analysis project two professional technical programs
have shown reduced attrition and improved employment. Come learn how we used the
data analysis to change the culture of these two programs!
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11:30 am
Lunch & Networking
Plenary Session- Davis Jenkins, CCRC
“Open Discussion on Engaging Faculty and Staff in Systematic Institutional Reforms”
1:15 pm
Concurrent Session 2
Breakout room A
“Emporium Model: Accelerated Student Success in Pre-College Math Courses”
Big Bend Community College- Tyler Wallace, Math Instructional Specialist
This session will discuss emporium model and course redesign strategies used at Big Bend to
increase student success and acceleration through pre-college math courses. The college has
seen a significant (p<.01 on a chi-d analysis of a 2x2 contingency table) increase in students
success rates in precollege math courses and also continued success in college level lecture
courses equal to that of students who took lecture courses (p=0.11 on a chi-squared analysis
of a 2x2 contingency table).
Breakout room B
“Scaffolds to Success: TRIO Learning Communities for Underprepared Students”
Yakima Valley CollegeWilma Dulin, Faculty Director for the Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Marc Coomer, Student Support Assistant Dean
Gordon Koestler, English Instructor
Kerrie Abb, Arts and Sciences Dean
Sheila Delquadri, Office of Institutional Effectiveness Director
Fall 2013 is the fourth year in which YVCC’s TRiO program has offered 8 credit learning
communities pairing developmental English with a student development course for entering
students. A matched-cohort analysis demonstrates that students who participate in these
learning communities are significantly more successful as measured by retention,
completion of college English and enrolling in math.
Breakout room C
“Broadening the Pipeline: Comprehensive Math Reform that Increased Completion
Without Sacrificing Quality”
Highline Community College- Erik Scott, Mathematics Instructor
Emporium Model? Quantway? The Highline way? Learn about the gains in student
achievement in precollege math at Highline, and the changes in curriculum, pedagogy, and
departmental culture that made it possible.
2:15 pm
College Team Time
3:15 pm