Office of Financial Management Washington State Major Project Status Report June, 2015 Agency Number: 699 Project Number: 30000130 Agency: SBCTC School/Campus: Green River Community College Project Title: Science Math & Technology Bill Reference(s): 2011-13 Capital Budget 2020 Contact name, phone number, email: Sam Ball, (253) 288-3316 Project Description: The Science, Mathematics, and Technology (SMT) building is one of the core classroom buildings at Green River Community College. Built in 1974, the facility has a myriad of problems stemming from: Program Fragmentation In the building’s 33 year history, programs have expanded, contracted, relocated or have been replaced. This has caused program fragmentation and resultant inefficiencies. Absence of Life Safety System The Washington Administrative Code (WAC) mandates that educational buildings larger than 5,000 SF contain fire suppression sprinkler systems. This threestory building has fire suppression sprinklers installed on 30% of the first floor only. Restricted ADA Site Access The SMT Building was built before ADA became law and does not provide code-compliant access for non-ambulatory persons. Energy Inefficiency Problems There is no thermal insulation in the exterior walls. Most of the exterior windows are single-pane and the window frames have no thermal break. The HVAC systems are grossly inefficient so there is tremendous waste of energy. The Age and Condition of Utility Support Systems The heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC), plumbing, and power systems installed during original construction are over thirty years old and beyond life cycle. The problems associated with the age of the facility are referenced in the 2007 Facility Condition Survey (FCS), which scored the building at 532. The SMT renovation addresses all of the problems listed above: The project consists of a complete remodel of the three story SMT classroom building. The remodel will house general classrooms as well as Math, Engineering, Early Childhood Education, Drafting, Natural Resources, and various other programs at the college. The interior of the existing building will be completely demolished with the exception of a few structural elements. New systems will be constructed that meet and/or exceed today’s standards and code requirements. The interior will be fully renovated, including ‘right sized’ classrooms and offices, open study areas, better circulation, and ADA compliant. The exterior improvements include window and selective siding replacement, including new entrances providing accessible paths and site improvements. The project is designed and constructed to achieve a LEED Silver rating. 1 A New Maintenance Facility Right-sizing instructional spaces required relocating the Maintenance Department formerly housed in SMT to a 3,500 GSF office and staging facility. With the addition of $527,420 in local funds, the project was expanded to include 3,400 GSF of storage area. Street Improvements As part of this project, city mandated safety improvements on SE 320th will include storm detention, curbs, sidewalks, gutters and illumination. Square feet: SMT Renovation 55,000 Scope changes: In the 2010 Supplemental Session, the legislature removed $385,000 in Construction Administration funds from the design budget. The SBCTC request to the 2011 Legislature for $21,838,000 in construction funds included: Replace the $385,000 in Construction Administration removed during the 2010 Supplemental Session, $1,776,000 to construct a new office and staging facility for the Maintenance Department, $1,548,162 to construct storm and street improvements on SE 320th.Street. In response to the budget crisis, the legislature reduced the $21,838,000 request by $3,276,000 for an appropriation of $18,562,000. To replace the reduction, the GRCC Board of Trustees and the SBCTC Board of Trustees approved the use of $3,276,000 in local funds to maintain the original scope for each of the three components The budget and fund sources are outlined below: Phase Design Construction: SMT Renovation Construction: Maintenance Facility Construction: 320th Street Imp. Total Original Project Biennium 2009-11 2011-13 2011-13 2011-13 Appropriation J31 K04 Local Funds Local Funds Amount $1,315,000 $18,562,000 $1,776,000 $1,500,000 $23,153,000 Maintenance Facility Expanded Total Expanded Project 2011-2013 Local Funds $527,420 $23,680,420 MACC for SMT Renovation only: $10,145,500 (was $13,304,359 in 2011-13 request) 2 Schedule: Actual/Forecast Variance (wks) Bid Date: Maintenance Notice to proceed 50% Complete Substantial Completion Final Acceptance Budget Schedule 6/8/2011 7/6/2011 10/15/2011 2/2/2012 3/2/2012 6/8/2011 7/6/2011 9/15/2011 12/30/2011 1/30/2012 0 0 4 Ahead 4 Ahead 4 Ahead Bid Date: SMT Renovation Notice to Proceed 50% Complete Substantial Completion Final Acceptance 2/28/2012 4/1/2012 10/1/2012 4/1/2013 5/1/2013 11/17/2011 12/7/2011 10/12/2012 6/7/2013 TBD See SMT Project Status 14 Ahead 16 Ahead 2 Behind 10 Behind 64 Behind Bid Date: 320th Street Notice to Proceed 50% Complete Substantial Completion 5/1/2013 6/1/2013 7/15/2013 9/1/2013 0 3 Ahead 0 18 Behind Final Acceptance 9/30/2013 5/1/2013 5/13/2013 7/15/2013 1/6/2014 See 320th street Project Status TBD: See 320th street Project Status Project Status and discussion of Critical Path for Construction: Maintenance Facility The Maintenance Facility opened bids on June 8th with a low bid of $1,645,300. Construction started in July with completion originally scheduled in March 2012. The contractor significantly improved on the schedule so that Substantial Completion occurred December 30, 2011 and Final Acceptance on January 30, 2012. This allowed the maintenance operation to move out of SMT in early January allowing the renovation of SMT to begin ahead of schedule. SMT Renovation Mitigation of an unanticipated moisture problem on the ground floor slab created a delay of approximately 10 weeks behind the Budget Schedule. However, obtaining Substantial Completion on June 7, 2013 provided the college ample time to install furnishings and equipment and be fully operational as originally planned at the start of fall quarter, 2013. Several college requested change orders to mitigate unanticipated issues has pushed final acceptance into November 17, 2014. The process to close out all contracts is currently underway. 320th Street Improvements Design for the 320th Street improvement component began in winter 2012 with construction scheduled for summer, 2013. The base bid for the SMT Renovation component included an 3 320th Street Improvements (continued) allowance for the 320th Street Improvement Project. The A & E Services contract administrator recommended that the allowance be removed from the SMT contractor’s base bid through a change order to supplement the $1,500,000 in local funds earmarked for the street project. Total budget available for street improvements is $2,350,000. The base bid came in at $1,321,234. The project consists of street widening with new turn lanes, a pedestrian crosswalk, sidewalks, a Metro bus stop, and converting overhead utilities to underground. Construction of all the components except the power conversion to underground was completed on schedule. The college frontage on the south side is on property leased from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Puget Sound Energy (PSE) required a signed easement from DNR before they would schedule the power conversion from overhead to underground. The negotiations between DNR and PSE took nearly 4 months resulting in an additional delay. The cutover took place on December 20th. Various punch list items delayed substantial completion to January 6, 2014 and final acceptance to July, 2014. The process to close out all contracts is currently underway. Contract Award History (Maintenance Facility) A/E Agreement Original Agreement Amendments Pending Changes Total Current Design Contingency Construction Contract (excl. sales tax) Bid Award Amount $1,658,800 Change Orders $192,753 Pending Changes $0 ________ Total $1,851,553 Current Construction Contingency $0 $75,526 $246,517 $0 $322,043 $0 (SMT Renovation) A/E Agreement Original Agreement Amendments Pending Changes Total Current Design Contingency Construction Contract (excl. sales tax) Bid Award Amount $9,295,500 Change Orders $1,282,083 Pending Changes $0 ________ Total $10,577,583 Current Construction Contingency $0 $192,559 $1,489,356 $0 $1,681,915 $0 (320th Street Improvements) A/E Agreement Original Agreement $161,202 Amendments $ 183,820 Pending Changes $0 Total $345,022 Current Design Contingency $0 Construction Contract (excl. sales tax) Bid Award Amount $1,321,234 Change Orders $553,780 Pending Changes $0 ________ Total $1,875,014 Current Construction Contingency $0 4 Potential for Project Cost Overruns/Claims No cost overruns or claims are anticipated at this time Discussion of Project Quality The SMT renovation project is a product of the campus master planning process. It was designed using campus building standards, city codes and regulatory requirements, along with current sustainable design and energy standards. The renovation also allowed for improved ADA pathways and landscaping. Project Photographs: SMT Main Entrance 5 320th Eastbound 6