Office of Financial Management Washington State Major Project Status Report

Office of Financial Management
Washington State Major Project Status Report
December 31, 2011 (Final)
Agency Number:
Project Number:
Lake Washington Institute of Technology
Project Title:
Allied Health Building
Bill Reference(s):
Contact name, phone number, email:
William F. Thomas
Vice President, Administrative Services
Lake Washington Institute of Technology
(425) 739-8201
Agency: SBCTC
Project Description:
Construct 67,000 gross square feet of new instructional and support space for Allied Health
education. The new facility is to provide classrooms, faculty offices, and laboratories for the
education of nursing, medical assistants, medical transcription, physical therapy assistants,
occupational therapy assistants,and funeral services. It will consolidate like instructional
programs into a centralized location and enhance operational efficiency with improved
circulation and resolution of long standing utility deficiencies. The project will provide a state of
the art learning environment with a new network infrastructure, digital information system, and
the facility will also provide a safe and secure environment with new security enhancements
including a digital security system and a new building access control system. The Allied Health
Building will provide functional, durable and flexible program space that meets the current and
projected need for healthcare training and education in a modern facility supporting a critical
services workforce that is in high demand within the Puget Sound Region.
Square feet: Original: 67,000gsf
Current: 83,500gsf
Scope changes: Washington Network for Innovative Careers (WaNIC) joined with Lake
Washington Technical College resulting in the need for the additional square footage to this
building. This is a program consisting of seven K-12 Districts in the area. All of the additional
square footage will be paid for by WaNIC. As a result, the project grew from 67,000gsf to
83,500gsf. The additional 16,500gsf will be used by WaNIC programs.
Project Total Cost:
Construction (MACC)
$ 197,000
$ 1,689,887
MACC = $ 19,405,000
Pre-design Complete
Start Design
Bid Date
Notice to Proceed
50% Complete
Substantial Completion
Final Acceptance
Budget Schedule
Jun 2006
Jul 2007
April 2009
June 2009
Jun 2010
Feb 2011
May 2011
Jun 2006
Jul 2007
July 2009
Aug 2009
Aug 2010
April 2011
December 2011
Variance (wks)
Project Status and discussion of Critical Path for Construction:
Site: The size of the building site required a three story vertical solution to accommodate
the programs. The site is restrained on all sides by existing construction and will require
careful coordination during construction to maintain campus circulation and safety.
Utilities: The primary electrical feeds to the existing building were relocated as part of
the project which required careful coordination to avoid disruption of power to the
existing buildings. Capacity of the serving utilities is adequate for the building but
relocation of storm and sanitary lines was required. The electrical feeds and the sewer
lines have been relocated successfully and are working as designed.
Partnerships: The impact of partners in the building such as WaNIC has been approved
and will be a part of this project.
Occupancy: In April 2011, the College was issued the Temporary Occupancy Permit; the
College has provided the Contractor the punchlist with an initial completion date of June
2011. Furnishings and program equipment are mostly delivered and setup. Classes
began in the new facility Fall Quarter 2011. The punchlist work is in the final stages with
the anticipated completion December 2011.
Final Acceptance: final acceptance of the project has been delayed due to the longer than
expected completion of the project punch list and the installation of the audio visual and
security systems. It is estimated the project will be finalized and signed off in December
Contract Award History (Pre-Design and Design only)
A/E Agreement
Original Agreement
Pending Changes
Current Design
Construction Contract (excl. sales tax)
Bid Award Amount $ 19,769,500
Change Orders
$ 2,864,896
Pending Changes
Total $ 22,634,396
Current Construction
Potential for Project Cost Overruns/Claims
The Allied Health Building Project faced a number of potential cost overruns and claims
due to several factors. One of the factors impacting the project was the overall reduction
in the project funding of approximately $3.66 million over the 2009-11 biennium. This
was partially offset by $1.1 million from the construction contingency funds from the
supplemental budget. The reductions based on the initial bid did not take into account the
project items not included in the general contractor’s bid. These items included the
necessary upgrades to the network infrastructure and phone system (total cost of $2.0
million) which were required in order to support the new facility. Additionally, not
included in the contractor’s bid were the security systems (digital cameras and building
access; cost $900,000). These items were not included for the contractor’s bid based on
the College’s ability to manage these acquisitions and thereby save funds. In addition,
other costs that are contributing to the total overruns include permit fees exceeding the
budget allocation of $120,000, an unanticipated cost of $165,000 from King County for
sewage treatment; and delay claims in the amount of $495,000 due to the underground
water problems, underground utility relocation, and additional welding costs for the
structure. However, due to prudent project and fiscal management, it is projected that
total final project costs will exceed the current available project funds by approximately
Discussion of Project Quality
Campus Image: The location of the Allied Health Building on the east side of the
existing campus provides an opportunity to create a new image for the campus as it will
be directly adjacent to the campus entry. The building will be more open and transparent
than the existing campus buildings to provide a stronger visual connection to the
activities occurring within the college to visitors entering campus. The exterior forms and
materials will communicate the College’s commitment to technology, sustainability, and
On-grade entrances: The building site and existing topography allows on-grade entrances
for each of the three floors of the structure. We will maximize this opportunity to provide
barrier-free access from the primary parking areas on campus. Multiple entrances also
provide the opportunity to segregate student, public, and service entrances.
Enhanced Community Outreach: The new building with its health care programs
provides an opportunity to alleviate growing needs for health care workers in the
community and to expand partnerships with local providers for enhanced clinical services
and educational opportunities.
Flexibility in Educational Environments: The building will provide a variety of
instructional spaces and specialized labs. These will be as flexible as possible to
accommodate changes in educational delivery and technology necessary to reflect current
practices in the health care delivery.
Sustainability: The building design will reflect current and emerging sustainable design
strategies, not only to meet the state mandated LEED certification goals but more
importantly, to minimize operating costs and environmental impacts throughout the life
of the building.
Project Photographs