Office of Financial Management Washington State Major Project Status Report Agency Number

Office of Financial Management
Washington State Major Project Status Report
December 31, 2008
Agency Number: 699
Agency: SBCTC
Project Number: 06-1-309 & 08-2-130
School/Campus Big Bend Community College
Project Title: Fine Arts Addition & Site Improvement/Turn-Around for GTA Bus Stop
Bill Reference(s): 488-05-855
Contact Name, phone number, email:
Gail Hamburg, Vice President for Financial & Administrative Services
Project Description:
In order to solve ADA access issues, the Fine Arts Program at Big Bend
Community College (BBCC) was moved to a converted, metal-skinned, grounds shop
located on “Vocational Row” remote to the campus core and other transfer programs.
This project will create new space for the Fine Arts Department specifically designed for
a Fine Arts Program. Additionally, this project will move the Fine Arts Department back
to the Academic Core of the campus adjacent to other programs for the arts.
Square feet: 11,000
Scope Changes:
In April 2008, the contractor was awarded project 08-2-130 as a change order
totaling $313,397 because it was related and adjacent to the Fine Arts Building. The budget
was able to provide for site work, curbing and sidewalks, but there was not enough funding
to pave the Turn-Around Road. Big Bend Community College did fundraising for paving.
The change order was substantially completed by the end of June, 2008. The paving by the
donor was complete by the end of September, 2008.
Background from Previous Reports
The original proposed solution was to remodel Building 1100 (Wallenstien
Theater) and build an addition onto the Theater for the Fine Arts Department. Upon
closer examination, it was determined that it would make more sense for long-term,
campus development not to attach the Fine Arts Building to the Theater. The Theater,
because of design, age and condition make the changes required for the creation of a
Performing Arts Center inefficient and ineffective for both project cost and program
The project scope has changed to the following:
1. construct a 11,000 GSF Fine Arts Building adjacent to the Theater but not
attached to the Theater
2. Remodel of only critical systems and areas in the existing Theater
(Interior and entrance area of the lobby, HVAC system, light, and sound
3. Demolish Building 4400, a 2,575 GSF, Air Force gasoline station and
garage constructed in 1956. Building 4400 was planned for removal as
part of the new campus entry project. The new Fine Arts Building will be
constructed on the site of the existing 4400 Building.
Project Total Cost:
Construction *
Other (Approp/NonApprop)
Schedule: Background Information – The Theater Remodel was completed January
Theater Remodeling Portion
Theater Remodeling Portion
Predesign Complete
Jan – 05
Jun – 05
Start Design
Oct – 05
May - 06
Bid Date
May – 06
May – 06
Notice to Proceed
Jun – 06
May – 06
50% Complete
Aug – 06
June – 06
Substantial Completion
Oct – 06
Sep – 06
Final Acceptance
Nov – 06
Jan – 07
Current Schedule as of 6-19-08
Fine Arts Portion
Predesign Complete
Start Design
Bid Date
Notice to Proceed
50% Complete
Substantial Completion
Final Acceptance
Jan – 05
Oct – 05
May – 06
Jun – 06
Nov – 06
Jan – 07
Mar – 07
Fine Arts Portion
Jun – 05
June - 06
July – 07
Aug – 07
Jan – 08
June – 08
June – 08
Project Status and discussion of Critical Path for Construction:
Current Project Status as of 12-31-08
This project was substantially complete by June 30, 2008 with the exception of
landscaping, classroom flooring, furniture and road paving. BBCC did fundraising to
cover some of the budget shortfall. The landscaping and part of the paving were
complete by September 30, 2008. The Fine Arts Building was occupied for Fall Quarter,
2008. Exterior and interior pictures are attached (5).
Background from Previous Reports
As of June 11, 2008 this project is substantially complete. The project will be
complete by the end of June, 2008 with the exception of landscaping, classroom flooring,
furniture and road paving. BBCC is fundraising to cover the budget shortfall.
Previous - The project is 50% complete. Structural masonry is complete.
Structural steel erection is 70% complete and roof dry-in is started and scheduled to be
completed by mid-February. Membrane roofing is scheduled to be complete by the end
of February. Metal roofing will follow steel work and can occur independent of
membrane roofing. Substantial Completion may occur ahead of schedule – target date
June 30, 2008
Building permits were issued by Grant County Planning Department on June 18,
2007 for the fine arts portion this project. Bid documents are complete and the bid
opening is scheduled for July 25, 2007. The estimated base bid cost range is $1,750,000
to $2,250,000 and the contract time is 300 days.
Correctional Industries completed the demolition of Building 4400 March 15,
2006. The theater remodeling portion of this project was bid on May 10, 2006 and the
notice to proceed was issued May 22, 2006 for a base bid of $199,000. As of June 30,
2006 the theater remodel was 60% complete and scheduled to complete September 1,
The fine arts portion of this project is in design development phase and more
alternates will be added to the bid package to accommodate inflation and the current high
cost of materials and labor. It is anticipated that the project budget will require three
lecture rooms in this building to be framed but left unfinished until further funding is
found. Even with three classrooms left unfinished, the building may have to be reduced
in size by as much as 2,000 square feet.
The Theater Remodeling portion of this project was substantially complete onschedule and ready for instruction by fall quarter 2006 with the following major
exception: Grant County Public Utility District (GCPUD) was not able to install the
larger transformer required to power the new electric boiler (the existing fuel oil burning
boiler was replaced). GCPUD’s transformer installation delay required the college to rent
a diesel powered generator for the month of October to supply heat to the building.
Rental cost was $6,000 per month plus transportation from Tacoma, Washington which
was supplied by the College Commercial Truck Driving School to cut costs. The
GCPUD transformer was installed and the new electric boiler was brought on-line
November 6, 2006.
A punchlist inspection of the Theater Remodeling project was conducted on
October 17, 2006 revealing compatibility problems between the dimming system and the
ballasts for the newly installed house lights. Problems were also discovered with the
plumbing from the new electric boilers to the heating coils. Temporary measures were
designed and implemented to keep the building heated and lit. New ballasts for the lights
were ordered but unavailable and plumbing corrections are in progress. Back ordered
ballasts are projected to set back final project completion as much as two months.
Contract Award History
Theater Remodeling Portion
Theater Remodeling Portion
A/E Agreement
Construction Contract (excl. sales tax)
Original Agreement $
Bid Award Amount $199,999
Change Orders
$ 2,246
Pending Changes*
Pending Changes*
$ 25,500
Total $
Total $227,745
Current Design
Current Construction
$ 25,000
* Tax
*Tax & Electrical Service
Fine Arts Portion
A/E Agreement
Original Agreement
Pending Changes*
Current Design
* Tax
Fine Arts Portion
Construction Contract (excl. sales tax)
Bid Award Amount $2,513,800
Change Orders
$ 498,355
Pending Changes
Total $3,012,155
Current Construction
$ 243,985
Potential for Project Cost Overruns/Claims
The contractor was awarded project 08-2-130 as a change order totaling $313,397
because it was related and adjacent to the Fine Arts Building. The budget was able to
provide for site work, curbing and sidewalks, but there was not enough funding to pave the
Turn-Around Road. Big Bend Community College is fundraising for paving. The change
order will be substantially completed by the end of June, 2008.
The budget for the Fine Arts Building was not adequate to fund landscaping,
furniture and some flooring. The BBCC Maintenance & Operations Department will
complete landscaping for the building, floors to the three classrooms will be unfinished (raw
concrete) and BBCC is fundraising for furniture.
Discussion of Project Quality
Both the design consultant, Bernardo Wills Architects, and the general contractor,
T.W. Clark, provided extraordinary service through excellent collaboration with each other
and the college. This is the smoothest running capital project ever experienced by BBCC.
The building is affordable, sustainable and soundly built. Aesthetically, this building is
compatible with rest of the campus and it has been completed on schedule.
Background from Previous Reports
The building will be designed for flexibility and long-term effectiveness for Big
Bend Community College. The bid documents will specify 2 multipurpose classrooms with
a third lecture/lab style classroom. The design will accommodate adding graphic arts and
computer assisted drawing classes/programs to the Art Department while providing room
for growth of the Fine Arts Program.
Project Photographs
Photographs of site preparation are attached (8).