' I null 3 lofio t IBR ARI£S DUPl oobbbsi? a QOi. $$»; Q& .M414 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT ENTRY AND EXIT: SUBGAME PERFECT EQUILIBRIA IN CONTINUOUS -TIME STOPPING GAMES by Chi-fu Huang Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Lode Li Yale School WP//3269-91-EFA April 1991 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 ENTRY AND EXIT: SUBGAME PERFECT EQUILIBRIA IN CONTINUOUS -TIME STOPPING GAMES by Chi-fu Huang Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Lode Li Yale School WP//3269-91-EFA April 1991 '»S/ Entry and Exit: Subgame Perfect Equilibria in Continuous-Time Stopping Games* Chi-fu Huang* and Lode Li* April 1986 Last Revised. March 1991 Abstract We study a class of continuous time entry-exit games in the extensive form, where the is modelled by a Brownian motion. There may be multiple The equilibrium strategies which represent the bounds of all possible strategies in a subgame perfect equilibrium are explicitly characterized. A necessary and sufficient condition for the uniqueness of a subgame perfect equilibrium is also given. stochastically changuig environment subgame perfect equilibria. "We thank Jean- Francois Mertens for many insightful comments and suggestions and an anonymous referee much shorter proof for a proposition. Barry NaJebuff pointed out an error in an earlier version. 'MIT Sloan Sloan School of Management and Yale School of Organization and Management. providing a Yale School of Organization and Management. for / INTRODUCTION 1 Introduction 1 One of the most important economic decisions faced by industrial firms exit from an industry. This decision mode is of particular interest and the economic of competition life on the entry and exit decisions of a firm, which Wilson (1990) of the authors focus on the strategies firms can for and importance since span of an industry. There for employ to gain example, Fudenberg and Tirole (1986), Fudenberg, Gilbert, Milgrom and Roberts (1982a. b). The others focus on the is it determines the a vast economic literature Some a good recent survey. is or protect Stiglitz, effect of the entry-exit decisions; see, for example, Fine and Li (1989), the decision to enter or to is monopoly power; see, and Tirole (1983), and market environment on the Ghemawat and Nalebuff (1985), and Londregan (1990). Much of the literature in entry-exit decisions of a firm, however, uses discrete-time models. notable exceptions are Fudenberg and Tirole (1986) and Ghemawat and Nalebuff and Tirole considered a model under certainty when there there exists ( 1985). asymmetry The Fudenberg of information between the firms, and Ghemawat and Nalebuff focused on a model under certainty with complete information. As the game theoretical extension of the optimal stopping theory, the literature of continuous time stopping games focuses almost exclusively on the normal form games and Li (1990) and the references therein). There is now an emerging (see. for example. Huang literature on continuous time extensive form games; see for example, Simon (1987) and Simon and Stinchcombe (1988). In these papers, however, continuous time games are analyzed by taking limits of the outcomes of discrete time games and there The purpose exit is no exogenous uncertainty. of our paper games done is twofold. First, we extend some of the existing analyses of enm either in continuous time under certainty or in discrete time under uncertainty to continuous time under uncertainty. Second, in so doing, we also contribute to the continuous time game theory by directly working with continuous time without taking limits of discrete time outcomes. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 formulates the entry-exit problem in continuous time for a single firm facing a stochastically changing demands modelled by a Brownian motion. The unique optimal entry-exit decisions are characterized as barrier policies: enters when the demand level. Our rises above a critical level and exits when the demand decreases to another analysis in this section overlaps firm costly exits, it is somewhat with Dixit (1989). We critical assume that once a prohibitively costly to reenter; while Dixit allows a firm to reenter with a finite cost after a costly exit. In addition, we allow the profit rate of a firm to be any bounded l :\GLE FIRM PROBLEMS assumes that this function increasing function of the Brownian motion, while Dixit game Section 3 analyzes an exit The two of a duopoly. is exponential. firms in the industry, one strong one weak in a sense to be formalized, are seeking the best time to equilibrium is One subgame exit. demand the one in which the strong firm does not exit unless the is and perfect such that it always exits before the strong cannot sustain even as a monopoly and as a result the weak firm We firm does. We call this equilibrium the ^natural equilibrium" for future reference. subgame also identify other candidates for a perfect equilibria by characterizing the exact upper bound and lower bound on each firm's subgame perfect equilibrium phenomena occur esting example, either firm in these equilibria. For strategies. may exit Some inter- when the demand This happens for the strong firm, for example, because the has been on the average increasing. exits until the weak firm plays tough and would not demand The strong falls significantly. firm against the current then trades off the potential of becoming a monopolist after the weak firm exits duopoly An losses. increasing become a monopolist and is demand increases the expected waiting time for the strong firm to Thus a bad news. it when exits demand the reaches a critical level from below. Finally we give a set of necessary and librium. In such case, the unique equilibrium We continue in Section 4 to consider a exhibit a entrant subgame makes the the incumbent unique subgame sufficient conditions for a is the ^natural equilibrium'' discussed above. game of an incumbent versus a potential entrant. life span of the incumbent shorter than that when may indeed remain consequence the incumbent is less no potential entrant and thus In addition, the entrant as a monopoly throughout may it tolerant to the current exits earlier a it is its lifetime. monopoly than a monopoly will as a duopoly. This able to enter after the incumbent exits. And the demand monopoly is low, As profits. a than a monopoly facing even before the entrant enters. so because is monopoly even though When losses not enter the industry even though the both firms can be profitable may be We perfect equilibrium. In this equilibrium, as expected, the existence of a potential the possibility of future duopoly competition limits the potential future re perf- ct equi- demand is above the level by waiting longer, the entrant the benefit from being a monopoly in the future outweighs the losses in the current duopoly profit. Section 5 contains Single 2 We ;• some concluding remarks and all the proofs are in the appendix. Firm Problems consider a single firm's entry and exit decisions in this section. i firm in an industry facing a stochastic element, e.g., erratic random shocks. Forrnallv we model the uncertain To begin, imagine that there demand, that is demand by taking subject to small and the state space fi to : SISGLE FIRM PROBLE 2 be the space of continuo 3 - - - complete des:-.. time the state t if A process r _ . = : is demand the _ _ _" - < I this information < s measurable space = : 5 from observing "infinity" A" ' .': r .. we A" : f ar.: will also us We space P - is ar. i r.d from time to el : . . . _•. we will ~cc: _ r = : r 7 r P) .- . 1 . ribec {f :t € t ~,^. r l : . [0,oc)}, the increasing for , 7 • is -- - -elds - pr . --•'.-_*- is a \se tha: - v. ms x riven :'rom ab: increasing 5 tr - r .. is - pi - - - - : . t -, < ;. - mal time a firm faces :\rr S is the industry, what - respeci in:" li the firm t). - is air- Dterested mei.- 1 t_ pi . Formallv. P - -Tice and that I) the firm indu.-' ry if in 7 1 a fan:. A" : with resp- I variables A* spa -. further assume that ther- of random the c;- pleted prol below. In order to a - - i-::.; :.;:.:-continuous in that When fi - u technical iifncultj even more, VBrownian motion with ai neld on riis information 5 demand . motion . . We .> , r r (/i.<r = - hicr. A" 32, coroL:-. . r ; frcr ingea will also enlarge ith respect to :: • ~ rical realization .. demands ~. to denote the : atei To simplify the with respect to t;- 1 3. and have used represented is _ . " - . a*. :e modelled by a c: can measura index . md contains the historical t - . e-deper _. The informa' -lly. 1 vroblem the firm time to faces er.' rt ndnsti is re sets sets are cieisi.- - the 2 SINGLE FIRM PROBLEM* expected discounted future profits conditional on A'o = x: rl Tt / e- x(Xt )dt Ex sup where T denotes the collection of that, by the strong Markov property X, of e- f Tt x(X t is the riskless interest rate. Note the objective function of the firm can be written as r7 Ex > optional times and r all (1) Jo reT = )dt /(i) - Ex [e~ rl /(At)], Jo where we understand that E x [e- rT f(XT )]= ( eJ{T«x>\ rTMf(X(u,T(u))P x (du>), and where /(*) Ex and f(x) [-] is the expectation under -*lf P x By . rt e- the fact that ir(X t )dt tt is (2) increasing and X is a Brownian motion. continuous and increasing. is Given the discussion above. (1) is equivalent to mf £x [e- rT /(Xr)]. T (3) Putting v(x) = f(x)-M Ex [e- rT f(XT )], (4) £ provided that a solution exists for to enter the industry (3). the knowing that it will second problem the firm faces is to find the optimal time behave optimally afterwards: sup Ex [e r5 v(A's)], (5) seT where we again used the strong Markov property of X. We now show and y e . below that these two problems have unique solutions: There are two barriers y" The unique optimal unique entry time is the exit first The next theorem shows Theorem 2.1 is the first time that the demand time that the demand is higher than y e X is lower than y" and the . the existence of a solution to (3) and this solution is a barrier policy. There exists a y' < y° so that T' = is a time inf{f solution to (3) for all x £ J?. > : v(X t ) = 0} = inf{f > : X t < y'} (6) 2 SINGLE FIRM PROBLEMS 5 next theorem shows that the barrier policy characterized in The Theorem 2.1 the unique is optimal exit time. Theorem 2.2 The T~ defined unique solution to in (6) is the 3 (3J. Using identical arguments, one can show that (5) has a unique solution, which terized by a barrier: enter the industry that y e > if demand the X t is is also charac- c greater than a given level y y° as otherwise the firm will be better off staying outside. We . It is clear leave the proofs to the reader and record this result in the following theorem: Theorem 2.3 There exists a unique solution to r some y e > for y°. = mi{t > : D| .V; (5). = v(X I t )} This unique solution = mi{t > : X >y t is e ). where v(x) = Ex {e~ rT v{Xt)]. sup reT Combining Theorem the firm is Theorem and 2.1 2.2. the optimal entry time and exit time for the firm given that currently outside the industry are recorded below: 2.4 Suppose that the firm entry time for the firm is T e is currently outside the industry. and defined in (7) T tx = inf{r Then the unique optimal the unique optimal exit time for the firm is r X > : t < y'}. Besides the qualitative results reported above, the optimal barriers y c and y' and the associated expected discounted future profits can be calculated explicitly using Harrison (1985, chapter These are recorded Proposition 2.1 3). in the following proposition. y" is the unique number satisfying ' h(y')= l°° e- a 2 w(z)dz = 0, (9) = 0, (10) -V and e t/ is the unique number satisfying h{y e )= - We ^ e a'z *(z)dz used a different argument in an earlier version to prove this theorem. The current proof bv an anonymous referee. is suggested to us 2 SINGLE FIRM PROBLEMS where Moreover, y e > y° > y* . a. = a- 2 [^ 2 + + p], (11) a* = a- 2 [^ 2 + 2a*r - /,]. (12) 2<j2r In addition, -i \ v(x) = Ej?\-rT')f MAY T e)]M = x [e w(i) v ; = J e / v{y )0{x,y v(x) j Ex [e- TT 'f(X T -)}= f(x)- ) ifx<t/e iix>f , (13) . 1 I J l e ' ,, , f(x)- 1 „° I - 2/ ? m ^ ifx>y ,x , fl f(y')d(x,y') (14) ; where ^'^-i Now we exp[-a*(2/-x)] if > y (lb} x; The optimal have completely solved the optimal entry and exit problem of a firm. policies are very simple. The firm should enter the industry should exit afterwards when the demands industry, the firm will not exit the because there is first time falls its below y" . if the rises Note that since y" < instantaneous profit a strictly positive probability that the demand demand above y e and once in the y°, becomes negative. This rat>- will in the future is be strictly higher firm chooses to remain in the industry in anticipation of the rise in demand. Similarly, the firm does not enter the industry the first time its instantaneous profit rate becomes than y°. Thus the positive as there profit negative. The is a strictly positive probability that the So the firm waits until the demand explicit expressions for y' and y e demand is sufficient soon decline to make the will high to enter. also allow us to derive the following comparative statics through direct computation: Proposition 2.2 Let ni > 7r 2 and let these two profit functions, respectively. increasing in r and y e A later. is j/j and Then y\ < However, the optimal entry time it y%. anticipates that it all levels for the firm will in the future corresponding optimal exit barriers for Moreover, y" increasing in o and decreasing in firm with a uniformly higher profit rate for later as be the y^ is decreasing in p. and a and r. of demand than another firm will exit with a uniformly higher profit rate may enter be suffering from losses longer. Also, the higher the expected increase in the demand, the later a firm will exit; while the higher the interest rate, the higher the exit barrier and the earlier the firm will exit. The former is obvious and the latter follows since the firm does not exit immediately after the instantaneous profit in the anticipation of future profits and an increase in the interest rate becomes negative makes future profits less 2 SINGLE FIRM PROBLEMS 7 valuable. In addition, the larger the volatility of the demand, the lower the since the exit option of the firm limits the downside risk of the uncertain added upside potential by an increase The comparative statics for the a makes the firm more willing to in optimal entry time are less intuitive a has two and in the effects: the increase makes meantime firm will be making it more it suffer current losses. because a change of the likely that the firm will suffer loss in the a negative instantaneous profits. the volatility of the demands, may may or not increase the the riskless interest rate also has two effects. First, it increases the exit barrier and thus suffer losses shorter. The makes the firm latter incentive to enter earlier. The combined the optimal exit time also earlier, longer. There one hand, it is is it it increase near future On and because of So an increase An span of the firm. more to enter afford to enter earlier costly for the the other hand, it will and the former gives the firm optimal entry time in the optimal entry in increase in makes the time span over which the firm unclear whether the total is costly. life makes waiting effects are that the no clear direction of change makes waiting more In anticipation of the latter entry barrier and enters the industry later. its Second, An depresses the exit barrier and thus increases the time span over which the the former, the firm increases firm. so is demands and thus the parameters also affects the optimal exit time on which the optimal entry time depends. in This exit barrier. life is earlier. But since span of the firm time when [i increases. will On be the increases the time span over wliich the firm will suffer losses by decreasing the exit barrier and thus creates an incentive for the firm not to enter until the We demand is sufficiently high. 2.1 Lei ,,> T * (y) _ J and d = a/6. Solving equations y' = y°-^ln(l + e = y° Suppose for i = + ify> y°\ ify<y°, «. -\-6, an increasing step function with a,b > y (9) and (10), we have (16) rf), — ln{l + i[l a. (1 + d)— /-*]}. (17) a 1,2. a.- *i(y) where a\ > a? > 0,6o > is effects. conclude the section by looking at the following simple example. Example he These are two opposing &i > 0, = and y® < increasing in y° and decreasing in d. ify>y°- i y®. Then tt\ > n2 e In this example, y higher profit rate enters the market earlier. , d\ is > d 2 ami hence , decreasing in n, y[ i.e., < y% since y e the firm with THE EXIT GAME 3 The 3 Now we 8 Game Exit Denote by n tJ (X investigate the situation in which there are two firms in the industry. the profit rate for firm and j = 1,2. These of Section 2, that n,j(y) > whole at for y time monopoly As the t is if t . and x tJ {y) < The depend on the occurs. In this exit game, strategies. < for y profit for a firm in exit decisions we will focus that the an duopoly situation tt,i(j/) > Xi2(y) for all y. it is made by , where demand is It > then follows that y^ As a the other firm. so that j/°- naturally less than that in a its exit y® 2 - decision a gaming situation result, specification of the game. It We assume that once a will follows that at any time employed by a firm depending on whether just has to specify the strategies 1,2 for the industry as a a monopoly or a duopoly, prohibitively costly to reenter. it is — i our attention on subgame perfect Nash equilibria in pure Thus we need an extensive form firm exits from the industry, Assume yf.. depends on whether profit rate of a firm will certainly t have the same characteristics as that in the single firm context Thus we assume that situation. X is they are bounded, increasing, and nonconstant. And, there exist yf. X demand there are j firms in the market and the profit functions is, > i t ) opponent its t, one in the is industry. Note that since a firm becomes a monopoly once afterwards should simply be unique optimal exit time established in Section 2 in a single firm its game context. Therefore, the will be completely specified state w, the strategy a firm follows given that Formally, time with 1. let T, T,-(u>, t) : > ft t x 9?+ P x i-» -a.s. K+ We opponent exits, its we designate if opponent be the strategy of firm also is still i, at optimal strategy any time t and in any in the industry. where T,(-,r) : ft — > 5? + is an optional impose the regularity conditions: the set A= is 2. its its {(w,s) e x ft ft + : T(u,s) = s, 5 e 3?+} (18) progressively measurable; 4 Ti(u,t) is right-continuous in t. For brevity of notation, we will often use T,(5) to denote T,-(w,5(w)) as a an optional time S. Our interpretation of T, opponent are both in the industry and its is as follows: opponent not exit immediately in the states where T,(S) will > S and random At any optional time 5, if variable for firm i and continue to be in the industry, firm will exit immediately in the states i its will where A process Y is progressively measurable if, as a mapping from Q x 5R + to 5?, its restriction to the time set [0, t] is measurable with respect to the product sigma-field generated by T% and the Borel sigma-field of [0, t}. The progressive sigma-field is the sigma-field on Q x 5? + generated by all the progressively measurable processes. A subset of fi x 9? + is progressively measurable if it is an element of the progressive sigma-field. A good reference for these is Dellacherie and Meyer (1978). 4 THE EXIT GAME 3 = T,(5) 9 of the two regularity conditions will The purpose S. T about how T,(<) changes over time. Denote by become the space of all clear later. Roughly, both are the mappings T : ft x Ji + >— 3?+ that satisfy these above conditions. Given T G T and an optional time 5, we put = ini{t> S f(S) f(S) In words, time of exit its is the time after 5 that the strategy first is That able to is, T = (19) t}. instructs the firm to exit prior to the opponent. To make our interpretation one :T(w, t) each time tell at we need T(S) and T{S) of to show that whether one should continue or exit according to T(S) and T(S). t show T(S) and T(S) are optional times. This to we need precisely correct, however, is among the subjects of the following proposition. Proposition 3.1 Suppose with T(S) > S T(f{S)) = f(S) Note that the is and a.s., This is if T G and S T we define is an optional time. Then T(S) according to (19), T(S) is is an optional time above proposition follows from the hypothesis that last assertion of the In words, t. it says that a firm will indeed exit at T(T(S)) if it still related to the kind of intertemporal consistency discussed by Perry and and Simon and Stinchcombe (1988). To understand the necessity of following example. should remain in Moreover, an optional time. a.s. right-continuous in at S. T that = Let T(t) for all 1 / the industry from time specification implies that T - 1/2, but = His strategy at that time, T(l/2) 1, = G [0.1/2] and T(t) to time 1/2 but exit T(T) = instructs 1 . The after time 1/2 tell him, however, to exit immediately! G T remains Reny (1990) suffices to consider the it for all > / 1/2. That is. one immediately after time 1/2. This / T At time him to remain t this, T 1/2, one is not sure what to do. in the industry while his strategies right-continuity of T(t) in t eliminates this possibility. We will use T_, to denote firm opponent's strategy. Given T_,, firm i's i solves the following program: sup Ex UT where v t: A is e- r '7r t2 (X t )<ft + l { /0 u •J defined as in (14) with Nash equilibrium that given TAT. rTAT_, r / 7r replaced by of the extensive form exit T_,-, Ti solves (20) for i = 1,2, for all f > f_ i} e" r:r -^i(^f_ (20) ) i 7r,j. game i £ S. is a pair of strategies (jTi,T2 ) G T x T so . 3 THE EXIT GAME 10 Note that the action taken by firm filrf^f^ + ^'l^f^f.,}- Tnat an optional time it on the exits at T,; while A r Ex sup £ is tlie set i firm -i exits e-^- s ^ l2 (X + l {ns)> t. l( s)f~ )dt t perfect equilibrium (Ti,T2 ) equilibrium (T{,T2 ), 1 , 1 Px probability. for all optional T (t) lies in t (S)} if i behaves like a monopoly. any optional time S, Ti(S) for ' said to be unique is [)) MX tJS))\Ts (21) any other subgame perfect if for - 7 ,(5')l{7- '(s)<r P1 - a.s. time S it differ on a set of (u>,t) But they can imply the same 5> < j of (20) (S )-\ i in equilibrium. whose projection onto exit times of the = two firms T{(S)l,f, ,§*<,£, in the , Proposition 3.2 For every r £ T, there exists a T £ equivalent to a T so that r =T subgame starting from with probability one. s^ is There can be two of a strictly positive ft is and (21) look formidable as they are looking G T. The following proposition shows that (20) The gives the right sense of uniqueness. the implied exit action taken by firm and T[ which The optimizations ,(S)} | f T T{ , l an optional time S as long as T,(5)lrj. ping firm first, exits first, t" conditional on Ts- This definition of uniqueness seems rather weak. But strategies T, where firm ' is we have 7 i(£ )l{f (S)<t_ significance of T ^ T-i)^ T(S)AT_,(S) A subgame and on a subgame perfect equilibrium where f^H-^s] denotes the expectation under for all x is ' Nash equilibrium {Ti,T2 ) in a i, 3?, J/o TeT > T-,}, where set {f, Nash equilibrium (Ti,T2 ) solves, for all x or the exit time of firm i, for a much a.s. complicated map- simpler optimization. Thus, (20) is equivalent to sup Ex e- / rt ir t2 (X t )dt + note that the optimization of (22) T rather than by indirectly looking for a The question addressed here. time for S £ Before T is What and T is £ important T is in order. Let y" : problem when the an optional time r directly is is a more difficult the fact that one and T(S) is is not an optional as reported in Proposition 3.1. attention to the existence of a some notation for (22) £ T. our purpose, however, for rT -i;t i(X _.) f performed by searching of whether (21) can similarly be simplified we turn our equilibrium, {r> f_ }ei reT We l profit function is 7r, : . are always j firms in the industry during Then Nash equilibrium and a subgame perfect be the unique optimal exit barrier in the single firm y' its life is the optimal exit barrier for firm } span. For example, y 22 is i when there the optimal exit barrier 3 THE EXIT GAME when for firm 2 firm is. is 1 y*,'s. time 5. Also, by 7r tJ . And let < j/'j ^ > ir But . 2j l2 For convenience, /,_, this we is use We . assume further that Note that these 2. not necessary. T *(5) last Figure in (2) and 7r tl y' n < and assumed tt, 2 y 21 ai 'd Vn < J/22- assumptions are insured by depicts one possible relative 1 > S to denote inf{< t and h tJ be the functions defined : X t < J/,*,} (9), respectively, f° r an >' optional with n replaced let 9 IJ (x,y) The y' a stronger firm than firm the hypothesis that positions of Given the ordering on has no chance to be a monopoly. Proposition 2.2 shows that earlier, That it 11 = following proposition shows that a f, J (x)-0(x,y)ftJ (y). subgame (23) perfect equilibrium exists for the exit game by construction. Proposition 3.3 (T\,T2 ) = {T\{t),T2 (t);t £ The expected discounted future J?+) is a subgame perfect Ti(t) = 7\-,(0. r2 (t) = T22 (t). Nash equilibrium, where profits in the equilibrium for the two firms, or equilibrium payoffs, are, respectively. e*( v1 _ x) defined in is +H x ,yh)9u(yh,yu) = (J,) i- 2) behaves like one easily One exit T,(S) - game. We will perfect equilibria. in t is is monopoly throughout is its life time a "stationary equilibrium" in a "copy" of their strategies at time a set of necessary 0. and In this sufficient conditions for Proposition 3.3 to be the unique subgame perfect equilibrium go about accomplishing this by The 24 \ T,(5) with probability one. of the important results of this paper the equilibrium identified / - . time than the "weaker" firm. This equilibrium verifies that 22 a duopoly throughout. Also, the "strong" firm always that the strategies for the two firms at any time case, y' (25) with x replaced by n tJ and the "weaker" firm (firm life ifK 22 (x), In this equilibrium, the '"stronger" firm (firm 1) acts like a has a longer 'f2r>^22- \ vn{x) x v\ {x) where v tJ 9l2(x,V22) J first in the identifying candidates of other subgame Then sufficient readers will find these candidate equilibria rather interesting. conditions for there not to exist candidates other than the one in Proposition 3.3 will then be given. The following proposition records a useful restriction on times of the two firms. The exit time of firm i all subgame cannot be later than its perfect equilibrium exit monopoly exit time and , THE EXIT GAME 3 12 cannot be earlier than time when its exit it is certain to remain a duopology throughout its life span. T Proposition 3.4 Let (T\,T2 ) € time T X subgame perfect equilibrium. be a Then for all optional S T;2 (S) < t,(5)l {ti(5) < t_ i(5)} The +^(5)l {ti(5)>t_ i(S)} < corollary below gives a trivial sufficient condition for {Ti(t) to be the unique subgame Corollary 3.1 Suppose Px - T&(S) a.s.Vx e ». = Txl {t),T2 (t) = T22 (t), t £ 3ft +) perfect equilibrium. < that y'l2 y 21 . Then (Tx (0 = T^(t),T2 (t) = T22 (t),t G 3?+) is the unique subgame perfect equilibrium. When y\ 2 < demand below which tne l eve l of J/21' higher than that at which firm earlier than firm in 1 firm 2 cannot survive as a monopolist is even cannot survive as a duopolist. So naturally, firm 2 exits always 1 any subgame as firm 2 much is too much weaker than firm 1 and thus we have a unique subgame perfect equilibrium. For the rest of the analysis, we therefore assume that 2/21 < I11 this case, 2/i2- when demand is between y 2x and y\ 2 neither firm can survive as a duopolist and both can survive as a monopolist. , Thus there may be more than one equilibrium. The following proposition instrumental for the main theorem of this section. is characterizes the unique optimal exit time of firm 1 when It explicitly firm 2 does not exit until the demand is lower than y 2] in every subgame. Proposition 3.5 Let T2 (t) = T2\(t) Ti(t) Tit) = inf {s M = [»},»}] A°2 = (-oo.i&J, y\ = y'n 1 _ f 1 I m T2 a solution to (21) given is t (x,y) = > t : X s = VI £ r(t)l {x $+ . Then ^ )eAl} + T^t)l {Xr(t)eAoMl) where , e A\ U A%}, U(-oo,yJJ, inf {y > (27) (28) y'21 : ™i(jm6i) ^ °) > y'n- J\ if inf {y > 2/21 : m i(2/' 2/21) < °) > 2/21 < vh\ otherwise, 00, a (26) - z (l-e^ a ' +a -^-y^7r t2 (z)dz + J% a '\l-e-^' +a -^-y^7r tl (z)dz, (29) y 3 THE EXIT GAME and where and a. 13 and are defined in (11) a" Moreover, (12), respectively. T[ G if T another is solution to (21), then pI Ti(S)l{f{(S)<f2 (S)) - ^ ^) 1 {f 1 Firm behavior depicted l's any optional time in the first and firm 2 will exit and firm it - when will exit 1 A'< will will follows its words as follows. At in A' ( enters reaches (-00,3/21]- Otherwise, becomes a monopoly and 1 - above proposition can be described r, if firm 2 is still present, firm from above or from below before a s Vl G R. (S)>T2 (S)} 1 the set [y\, reach the set u ( ] cither — 00,1/21] unique optimal strategy thereafter. When firm 1 finds itself playing a demand that firm 2 will not exit until the demand incur losses as the current become the opportunity to 1 duopoly game is below falls lower than y\ 2 a monopolist if the at r . with a demand A' T G (j^l'^i)' So staying y^ v But, remaining in demand falls means firm for firm 1 as may become it will suffer losses 1 is a bad news. suffer too The proof is if much XT > y\ 2 , firm 1 exits when the demand On On demand 1 turns out to be a the other hand, a rising demand when the demand rises to balance, below y'n . 1 Continuing on, firm balanced out by the prospect of becoming a monopoly loss to be in exits. 1 will the future. proposition below records firm 2*s exit time as the unique best response to (26), whose very similar to that for Proposition 3.5 and Proposition 3.6 Suppose that y\ < { A' r(oe a solution to (21) given T\ of (26), where r{t) = -1 2 _ inf{s ( I > inf{</ t : > ^ A\ } is (30) defined in Proposition 3.5, X, g A\ U,4 2 }. y'n m 2(y, y'n) < if 0}, inf {y > y' 12 : < < ™2(y, y'n) 2 ' e-l a +a 'H x z ))nn(z)d431) 0} y 22 \ otherwise; y\ = inf{y G [y~2X -y\] n,-(a!,y) = - Jy omitted. + T2l (t)l {Xrit) , AiMl) 00, (' is Then oc. W)= ^)l is falls will industry gives firm reach y\, the prospect of the potential future monopoly profit becomes so dismal and firm Similarly, 1 to reach y 2X an ^ firm 2 exits. So firm a monopolist sooner. longer and the industry, firm in the trades off this potential future gains with the current losses. Falling good news knows ' l e-*'*(\- n 2 {y\,y) < 0}, t -l*' +*-**-* ))x l2 ( z )dz+ [* e~ a Jy'„ ' {\ - 3 THE EXIT GAME where m T2 (t) be is 2 14 and defined in (29), and a. a' are defined in (11) and (12), respectively. Moreover, if to (21) given T\ of (26), then another solution T2(S) l {f{{S)>T 2 (S)} - Px - 2n 2(^') 1 {fi(S)>f2(S)} Vi 6 ». a.s. In response to (26), firm 2 plays a stationary two-barrier policy at an optional time r as a duopoly: exits when demand reaches A\ before falls below y 2l demand is The . in the future against the current Note here that the a duopoly, is As a consequence, the best response of firm on its y\ > subgame ?/2i- 3.4, if y\ = in in the industry, the earlier we know T21 (S) that is the upper perfect equilibrium starting at an optional time r. 1 characterized in Proposition 3.5 bound perfect equilibrium exit times. This lower Moreover, the monotone property studied opponent stay From Proposition subgame When in its exit decision. Li (1990a) in the sense that the longer its of firm 2's exit time in any similar to that for (26). are considering satisfies the a firm will exit as the best response. bound is always trades off the potential of being a monopoly it duopoly losses game we exit when the demand reaches A\; otherwise, exits interpretation of this two-barrier policy below y 22 and firm 2 Huang and it oo, tuen firm l's exit time at is is a lower bound always tighter than Ti 2 (S) as any subgame starting from r must be greater than T^(S). This together with Proposition 3.4 implies that firm 2's equilibrium exit time must be T22 (S) and we have a unique subgame perfect equilibrium. Corollary 3.2 Let {T\,T2 Proposition 3.5 € ) T x T be a equal to oo, then (Ti(t) is subgame perfect equilibrium and suppose that — T{ x {fy ,T2 (t) = T22 (t);t £ 9R+) of subgame the unique is y\ perfect equilibrium. To search for the necessary and sufficient conditions for uniqueness, a subgame perfect equilibrium whose equilibrium exit time for firm and that for firm 2 is the least upper bound of all result together with Proposition 3.4 gives a set of which subgame perfect equilibrium singleton sets are given. From Proposition a subgame perfect equilibrium, Our arguments go as follows. bound of firm erty described in it is subgame We must the largest lower exit times for each of the lie. two Finally, conditions for these 3.3, since (T(t) identify bound perfect equilibrium exit times. * = T1 1 (t),T2(t) = T22 \ E t two R+ This between firms, bounds on the subgame perfect equilibrium y\ of Proposition 3.5 is not equal to perfect equilibrium exit times at any Huang and equilibrium exit times. two is first explicitly sets to ) is be always then the unique subgame perfect equilibrium. for deriving the tighter Suppose that l's exit times subgame 1 we Li (1990), (30) infinity. Since (26) exit times is a lower subgame, by the monotone prop- becomes a new upper bound of its subgame perfect repeat this procedure to generate tighter and tighter upper bounds on THE EXIT GAME 3 15 firm 2's and tighter and tighter lower bounds on firm l's If is itself upper bound, respectively, and firm for firm l's 3.1 Suppose that there exist y\, y 2 mi(yi,y2 ) = 0. ri 2 (2/i,2/2) > inf{?/ { = yi ni(y2 ,yi) 0, : m 2 (y, 2/1) < , and where m, and 0, and w(y u y 2 ,y 2 ) < = 0}, profit for firm 1 if replaced by y 2 j/ji = T2 (t) if 2/2 with > inf{j/ and S y^ < fa Xs — y\ replaced by y 2 2/i < 2/i < < y\ 2 2/2 such where 0, \ , and w(yi,y 2 ,y 2 ) respectively, with < y2 m2 (y,yi) < 0} < y22 : 2/1 when it is the expected exits at Tj*j(5) and firm 2 Then . + T^(t)l {Xrit)eAAAl} =T2\(t)l {Xr{t)eAl} + T(t)l {XT(t)eAAAi} Ti(t) Moreover, (31). as a duopoly at an optional time exits at (30) with subgame and perfect equilibrium exit times. an d otherwise are defined in (29) n, subgame 2's Vi 00, is a 3.3, this fixed point a subgame perfect equilibrium and provides the exact largest lower bound and the exact Theorem that perfect equilibrium exit times. procedure has a fixed point other than the equilibrium of Proposition this least subgame r(t)l {XrU)eAi] »+ tex+, t , . € , (32) perfect equilibrium, where (T[,T2 is ) r(t) = mf{s>t:X eAi[JA 2 }. M m = [yuyi}\J(-°o,y"u }, = s y' 22 \ [2/2, U (_00 ' y^- another subgame perfect equilibrium, then < M(0l{Tj'(0<f'(t)} + ^ri(0 1 {f '(()>T '(()} 2 2 Ti(t) ^1*1^) 1 and T22 (t) < ? 2(0 1 {X|(t)<T '(t)} 1 P T -a.s. for all x £ A'o > j/22' Second, if if fi rm A'o We of exits fi [2/2.2/22]- rm is 2 exits and firm rises to reach y 2 , Thus firm 2 3.1 a "stationary equilibrium" in the sense that every when the demand decreases A'o € (2/1,2/2)- firm 2 demand Theorem can thus describe the equilibrium by looking at ^ exits G 1 : ft. The equilibrium "copy" of T,(0). + J 2l(0 1 {f|(t)>f '(t)} ^ ^(O it is and firm 1 a 1 to y\ 2 and firm immediately and firm 1 is 1 a 7',(0). We 7",(r) is a take cases. First, if continues to y'n as a monopoly. monopoly throughout. Third, both stay on with the former making a negative bad news for firm 2 as firm 1 will profit. If the be in the industry for a long time. becomes a monopoly. On the other hand, if the demand drops to reach 3 THE EXIT GAME j/i, which is 16 lower than 3/j 2 , firm knows that firm 1 y 2 from below or reaches y 2l from above, so firm future is until the gloomy and firm 2 becomes a monopoly. Fourth, demand demand the nrm decrease to yjj, The demand 1 plays relative positions of the barriers are depicted in Figure There are two interesting features of demand has been when the demand is between to reach y\ before it decreases to reach when the demand has been j/2 and two firms' optimization p Dblems of and The concludes that the lower bound on firm starting from an optional time As a consequence, there S l's exists a unique from the £2 are subgame between is 3/1 the and y 2 , down to y\\ or demand goes up reaches exit as the when exit is first between and y 2 3/1 . order conditions for the perfect equilibrium in addition to the — 00,3/^) and A? becomes — 00,3/22). Then one ( ( subgame T^(S) and is may it may existence of a solution to these equations with the Otherwise, A\ becomes 3.3. is monopoly strategy henceforth. happens when the demand desired order implies the existence of a stationary one in Proposition monopoly continues as a monopoly. 1 When demand strong firm (firm 1) Vi, 3/2, (21). its when exits 1 Second, the strong firm exits before the weak firm does 3/2- 3/1, h rm (3/2,1/1), up to reach y 2 before drifts y\, the declining. This The equations that determine as firm 2 will continue First, either firm two occasions. in demand the weak firm (firm 2) exits as the e in the 1. this equilibrium. happens increasing. This X reaches y 2 and firm firm 2 exits immediately and firm 2/2, [3/1,3/1], decreases to y 2 as the prospect of being a it gloomy. Otherwise, firm 2 exits when the < Xq G exits immediately. Fifth, if 1 increases to reach y\ before Finally, if A'o if reaches monopoly exits as the prospect of being a 1 demand 2 will not exit until either the the upper subgame subgame perfect equilibrium exit time at any bound time for firm 2's exit perfect equilibrium. This fact is is T22 (S). recorded in the corollary below: Corollary 3.3 if and only if We now (T\(t) = T1*1 (i),T2(2) = T22 (t);t G there do not exist 3/1, 3/1, 3/2, and 3/2 3R+) the unique is subgame perfect equilibrium, that satisfy the conditions of Theorem 3.1. demonstrate the possibility of a unique or multiple subgame perfect equilibria in the following example. Example 3.1 Let *» iy) be increasing step functions with a,i assume We 1. that [i < a l2 ify<4, -b ih > 0, 6, 2 > > 6,1 0, and 3/^ < yf2 for i,j = 1,2. Also 0. choose the parameters, a tJ Choose y"n > -{ y' , 2l y' , u , and , 3/°, 6,_, and 3/°, so that 3/^ through the following steps: < y' 2l < y' 12 , y 2l < 3/^, and y' 12 - 3/^ < y* 2l - y\ x . 3 THE EXIT GAME 2. 17 Let —e a k(x)= ' I + —e- a It can shown be \i < (or a' > € > - and fc(y; 2 V\2 ~ < 2/21 Choose — i/ii > ) — J/11 2/"i 2/2i ~~ ^(j/i2 2/n 2/21 ) > //;a/ 6 12 > &n _ £>y < 2/2i fe(y?2- (33 » 34 > < ~" (2/i2 J/21)) - 20). 3/2*1 k(-(y'u - fc(0) ^'( and )-fc(Q) 2/2-j)) - c < (y[ 2 - J/2i)/2- r/ten, set A-(t/' ^21 ^22 a ' 50 noticing that b, : so that ~ &21 > 36) fc(0)' ' 622 ("55^ ana" 6 2 2 , f^^ anc (^.A ^2/ - ^(0) 2/ll + 2 0) - ^(0)' 2/21 ^(-(yT 2 fc(y* 2 - 2/21 -0 - ^(Q) 2 (35) 1. *(2/21 tn r It <* > *(-(»ia - <) as determined in step b 12 A oie + - 20 - that satisfies (35), (36) e : -0-*( Q) -y2i - fc(y*2 fc(j/"i i*:<o, sufficiently small, the following will hold, *(»5i since . a.). £«*>-«-*)>{ T/ius, /or 1 that "<•>-<- -«-{< and for ' a. a" -^ 1 (37) (38) -2e)-fc(0)' &y 6?<?/ Furthermore, ^-(yr 2 - i/21) - fc (°) nq) [ 621 *(-(vI 2 -v5i))-*(0) ' by (36). 3. Let 1/22 = 2/12 + $> where > f is so chosen that h2 *(yr2 -y2i)-*(Q) um - ^(-(2/2*2-2/2 i))-fc(0)' 621 77ie existence 0} ^. Finally, such a S follows from (39) since we choose a tJ and y®- to satisfy 2/u where d,j = a tJ /b x:i . for i.j = lim^oy^ = 1,2. = 2/" -^ln(l+d i; ) J/*2- GAME OF AN INCUMBENT VERSUS A POTENTIAL ENTRANT 4 Let m 1 = J/2 + 2/21 and e = (y 1 ,y 2 ) 2/i = yh ~ T -hi e a Then £ -^' +a "(l - e ^ -^)dz - 6n z f° Jyu* Jy? = e a,y2 18 " (-MM-Ui 2/2)) - *(0)j - e°'*(l + b n (k(y 2 - y'u ) e -^ +a '^-^)dz fc(0))) = by (31) and = n 2 (yi,2/ 2 ) I"' 622 e- a ' z J y2 = 6y for -4/so, (,?<?,). m 2 e~ > by (40). Therefore, y 2 much It is (b 22 (k( yi e a -y 2 )- = and oc yi = y\ 2 . and y?rm i - fc(0)) mxCyJa, y 21 u»7i k(0))) = (Ti,T2 ) M%?2 " »5i) - *(0))) > + in (32) with above easier to construct the case in which there - doable since k(y 21 > - b n (k( yi -y'21 )- y' )) 2l So, 1, we simply ) y{i) = e fc < hi < 611 mi(j, tfi) fc(0)) '*(-b 22 (k(-(y'22 - 1 is - e -^' +a '^-'))dz Jyii* example, after completion of step This a e~ '*(l y G (jfo, y 22 ], all (y. y'l2 ) a 'y> T {l-e-^ +a ^-^)dz-b 2l B -*«(-6 and y, is an equilibrium. a unique equilibrium. In the above set (y2i - yn) ^(-(2/12 > k(-(y[ 2 - is j/ t 0. y 21 12 (*(-(tfa )). - -fe(Q) 2/21)) - ^(0) Then, for any y £ - &)) - *(0)) + [y 2 i,yl 2 ] &u(*(»5i noi exi7 before firm 2's longest possible exit time T2 \. - y'u ) fc(O))) > The uniqueness of 0, the equilibrium follows from Corollary 3.2. Game 4 In this section, of an we Incumbent Versus a Potential Entrant investigate the situation where firm option to exit, while firm 2 exit. This is thus a game is 1 is initially in the market and has a single not in the market at the beginning and has options to enter and then of an incumbent versus a potential entrant, henceforth abbreviated as simply the entry game. Unlike in the previous section, conditions for the uniqueness of a subgame our focus here not to provide sufficient perfect equilibrium, but to demonstrate that one such equilibrium exists. Using the ideas similar to those of Section for this equilibrium to be the is 3, one can identify sufficient conditions unique subgame perfect equilibrium. This procedure, however, being tedious and highly computational, will not be repeated here and is left for the interested reader. Before we proceed formally, we note the following. First, in any subgame perfect equilibrium, once the two firms are in the industry in the same time, therehence, they must be playing a subgame GAME OF AX INCUMBENT VERSUS A POTENTIAL ENTRANT 4 19 perfect equilibrium in the exit game discussed in Section enters, then afterwards, firm 2 must follow its unique optimal single firm entry characterized in Section Given game with entry By f! : > with T[(t) x subgame a focus on P t not exited, firm be firm all if 1 >— l's for all x € 9?. and only if firm T2 (0 = t. 1 1 Tf and T2 , restrict and exit decisions In words, if at time exits, and only where T2 (0 e Tf(t) if an optional time is firm 2 has not entered and firm t = t. Similarly, let T\ fi : > an optional time with T£{t) is l's exits. 1 strategy before firm 2 enters, where Tf(t) if the one is our attention on firm entry decision before firm 2's x t P has <— 9?+ Jt + x 1 -a.s. for has not exited and firm 2 has not entered, firm 2 enters immediately We assume that Tf and measurability condition stipulated for T, in Section possible we can perfect equilibria, immediately will exit t, exits before firm 2 1 and the two observations noted above, in analyzing the and on firm + be firm 3i -a.s. time If at §?. x strategy before firm 2's x £ R+ firm the analysis of Section 3. this unique equilibrium this hypothesis exit decision before firm 2 enters Let !{" if For simplicity, we assume that there exists a unique subgame perfect 2. equilibrium for the exit game. in Proposition 3.3. Second, 3. T2e are right-continuous in Denote by Ti and 3. T2 and t satisfy the the space of all the respectively. Define f x (S) = inf{* > 5 = t} f2e (S) = inf{f > S :T2e (0 = r} : Tf(t) and for all e Tf e Tj and T2 e A subgame Tf(S) T2 . rf(S)ATf(S) Ex TeT where v\ x sup ET where v\ x The is is js r{t{S) - S e-^- s ^ u (X,)ds + r2 (5) defined in (25) and t'21 is otherwise e - r( it ^ (S) - 5, r defined in (4) with it 21 ) 6 Ti X T2 so that (A>, (S) )l {tiI(S) , f(S)} |7-s replaced by - :i tt subgame of this proposition, being similar to that of exits composed of (r r .T2 solves h^(Xf{S) )l {ns)<fiZ{S)} + firm 2 sets a critical level y\ such that 1 is e-^^- S Kr(X n{S) n {n(S)<ns)} \^S following proposition reports a stationary The proof firm game time 5, defined in (24). and [e- Proposition 3.1, f{(S) and f{(S) are optional times. perfect equilibrium of the entry solves, for all optional sup By enters the market the 3.1, is first 1 exits. game. omitted. In this equilibrium time demand and then plays the unique subgame perfect equilibrium of the behaves optimally as a monopolist after firm , . perfect equilibrium for the entry Theorem ] The exit value y\ is above game is j/ 2 before thereafter; determined so 4 GAME OF AN INCUMBENT VERSUS A POTENTIAL ENTRANT as to balance the marginal benefit of being a duopoly presently a future monopoly. Firm 1 firm 2's entry; otherwise, it sets a critical level yf such that plays the unique subgame it 20 and the marginal benefit of being exits demand if is below yf before perfect equilibrium of the exit game after firm 2 enters. We will use j/ji an(^ IJ22 to denote the entry barrier for firm 2 as a respectively, as described in Theorem Proposition 4.1 (Tf,T2e ) is a - (-00,3/j 7 ] t : X, > y|J. subgame perfect equilibrium for !?(*) = r(t)l {Xr(t)€Al} Ti(t) = It1 (T(t))l {Xrtt)eM} and + the entry game, where T^(T(t))l {XTlt)€A2} + (41) , r(t)l {Xr{t)€A2} , (42) = mf{s > t:Xs G A t U A 2 } r(t) with Ai = inf{s > as a duopoly, put 2.3. In addition, T^{t) monopoly and A 2 = [y^+oc), and where y\ £ (l/iujfo) an ^ V\ £ (2/221 + 00 ) ^e are unique solution to ^2(2/1,2/2) = 0, "1(2/1,2/2) = 0, with e w[ 1 . e -(..4«')(»-»i)] TaW(b _ e (..+.)» = w/iere is p,-j T eAn * 2 7r n (z)[I - e-^+Ote-*)]^ + existence of a potential entrant " e "° VM + 2a 2 r [gii(»a,y5a) may decreases to reach y* before demand This to exit. is it levels in the future, Second, the entrant sets 3/22- force the incumbent to its increases to reach y\- makes firm due to the opportunity of profit in the future. 1 exit earlier its The (44) 1 t/jj. Thus the time. is no This occurs when becoming a duopolist the incurrence of current losses. exits higher becoming a monopolist its life > than when there potential of less tolerant to entry level y 2e before firm Therefore the entrant sacrifices monopoly - Jia(lft,»Sa)], First, in the equilibrium, y^ potential entrant and hence the incumbent has a shorter economic at higher (43) 7r 21 defined in (23). Three interesting observations can be made. demand (z)(fz, e J V21 -2*2 ni(yi,y2 ) -° ,2 / if it than its duopoly entry level waits long enough for firm 1 current duopoly profits in exchange of the potential CONCLUDING REMARKS 5 Finally, there are two possible By "peace", we mean market by different 21 results of the incumbent versus entrant game: "peace" or "war". that the entrant enters after the time segment. If incumbent and both firms share the exits the entrant enters before the incumbent exits, then they battle as a duopoly in the market. Concluding Remarks 5 We have studied a class of entry-exit timing games changing environment is in continuous time where the stochastically modelled by a Brownian motion. In doing so, we work directly in continu- ous time with the extensive forms of the class of continuous-time entry-exit games. Given that the stochastically changing environment libria without too much is / to investigate the existence a subgame Huang and all identified some subgame perfect equi- stationary equilibria in that the strategy a copy of the strategy played at time played by a firm at any time the one of we have These equilibria are difficulty. is stationary, = t 0. It will be interesting perfect equilibrium in a general stochastic environment like Li (1990). There are many other economic applications of the continuous-time stochastic timing games besides the entry and exit decisions of firms analyzed in this paper. These include product and process technology choices, multiproduct and multimarket competition, and multiplant global competition. Indeed, any situation in which all players players' well-beings are affected by time, by choices made by some make dichotomous choices over time, stochastically changing elements, other players can be formulated as a stopping game. technologies developed in the paper may and the and by the Then the methods and apply. References 6 1. 2. C, and P. Meyer, Probabilities and Potential A: General Theory of Process, North-Holland Publishing Company, New York, 1987. Dellacherie, Dixit, A., "Entrv and Exit Decisions under Uncertaintv," Journal of Political Economy 97:620-638, 1989! Games and 3. Fine, C. and L. Li, "Equilibrium Exit in Stochastically Declining Industries", Economic behavior, 1:40-59, 1989. 4. Fudenberg, D., R.J. Gilbert. J.E. Stiglitz and J. 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Appendix A Proofs Proof of Theorem 2.1: 5 Proof. From the hypothesis that w is bounded, / is bounded. Theorem 1 of Huang and Li (1990) shows that there exists a solution to (3) and this solution is characterized by the first time that e~ Tt f(X ) is equal to the largest regular submartingale dominated by it. 6 We claim that this largest submartingale is e~ Tt 4>{X t ) = e~ Tt (f(X t ) - v(X )). t t 6 We gratefully acknowledge that a referee suggested the current proofs for Theorems 2.1 and 2.2 to us. A regular submartingale {Y ;t £ 5R + } is an optional process so that for any bounded optional time T, E[Yf] < t and for all optional times to the sigma-field on fi S > T, .E^V'sI^t] < Yt x [0,oo) generated by all oo where an optional process is a process measurable with respect the processes adapted to F having right-continuous paths. a.s., PROOFS .4 23 _rt /(A<). It is easy we show that e _r '<j!>(A() is a regular submartingale dominated by e rt rt for all x. Thus e~ 4>{X ) < e~ f(Xt) a.s. Note that for any optional times that v{x) > First to see t S>T, Ex [e- Tb ct>(Xs)\TT ) = Ex e-^\niE Xs [e-^-^f(X T )\TT r>S > e~ = e~ rT inj : T £x [e-( T -T } )/(A- T )|^T ] a.s. 4>(Xt), rt where we have used the strong Markov property of X Thus e~ 4>(X t ) is a regular submartingale Tt dominated by e~ f(X t ). rt Second we want to show that e~ 4>(X ) is the largest regular submartingale dominated by Tt Tt e~ f{X ). Suppose otherwise and let Y be a regular supermartingale dominated by e~ f(X ) and Y(u,t) > e~ Tt <f>{X{u,t)) on a set of (u;,r) whose projection on to Q is of a strictly positive . t t t probability. Define Sn = It is *oc} > 0. > : Y(t) > c" r( (/)(A' ( ) n n is > Te i%_ Sn = However, V(5„) > e~ rS "Q(Xs r,) + ^ with a cf)(A's n Finally, ) to Y(Sn ) £:[y(T)\rSn is ) a.s. strictly positive probability. with a strictly positive probability, which we want so that t e-^iXsJ^^i^A^nXr^sJ _r5n e + -}. an optional time and by the hypothesis there exists an n > S Tt Since that e- f(X ) > Y(t), we have easily verified that PT {Sn < inf{/ Thus e~ rS "<p(Xsn ) > a contradiction. show that T* = inf{r > : /(A,) - < <f>{Xt ) 0} a barrier policy, that is, T' is the first time that A' ( is less than a level y*. First we observe that f(x) — 4>(x) = v(x) and it is obvious that v(x) is increasing by the fact that is spatial homogeneous and that ir is increasing and nontrivial. Thus there must exist a y' so that is A T' = inf{f > A, < : y'}. The fact that y' < y° follows from the observation that when industry as strictly positive profits are being generated. I Proof of Theorem Proof. S > T' Assume t > y°, it is better to stay in the 2.2: Proposition 2 of a.s. X Huang and Li (1990) shows PX {S > T") > 0. that if 5 is another optimal exit time, then therefore Put Tn =mf{t>0:X < t y' - -}. well-known that Tn J T" a.s. (Only the case A'o = y' is nontrivial. If T° = limn^ocTn ^ 0, > A'o for < t < T° a.s.. Since Aj-o = y', the zero-one law implies that T° > a.s. and thus t starting again from T° by using the strong Markov property and repeating the above arguments. It is X PROOFS A 24 T° = lim n _oo Tn < T° a.s. if T° = oc. Thus it must be that T° = oo a.s. Xt > y" for all ( £ Sf + For a nontrivial a, this is clearly impossible.) Thus = \J n {S > ^"}- ^ we can show that, for every n, a.s. on {S > Tn } we have we conclude that This implies that {5 > X""} . E x [e- rS 4>{X s )\TTn > ) e- rT "«A(AVJ, then we are done as this will imply E x [e- rS 4>{Xs)\TT '] > e- rT >(X T .), hence Ex [e- rS f(X s > Ex [e- TS 4>(X s > Ex [e~ rT )} and 5 is Now ?' = suboptimal. t = in{{t > let )} Tn Xt = : y") and set So ' ' = Ex [e- rT /(A»] = <f>(XT .)] = Tn , S2 = S \JTn and , S\ = S2 *(*), A 7"- Then for 1,2. e- TS '4>(X s J < Ex [e- rS-^<t>(Xsi+1 )\?Si is strict on {Si > So} is a submartingale. Inequality (45) for i = <f> negative profits are made between So and S\. To see this, we note that since e- = e- TSo 4>(X So ) °f(X So ) rS Ex Ex [e- TSl <j>(XSl )\Fso] - Ex [e-^f(XSl )\TSo Tt ] *(X t )dt\TSa ]-Ex Js = E x [[ since only roo e- [ = {S > Tn } - roc = (45) ), e- [ Tt Tr(X t )dt\fs ) JSi ' e- rt ir(X )dt\fSo }<0, t where the first equality follows since on <j>(Xs,) = f(Xs,) for i = 0,1, and the inequality follows since because 7r(A' ) < for t G [5o,5i). The two inequalities in (45) (i = and i = 1) imply that on {S > Tn ], ( Ex [e- rS 4>(X s )\TTn } Ex [e-^d>(X s,)\TSo Ex [Ex [e- rS^(Xs )\TSl }\Ts s > Ex [e-' ><t>(X Sl )\Fs = = } 2 } } > which was to be proved. Proof of Proposition rT e- »4>{XTn ), I 3.1: Proof. To prove that T(S) is an optional time it suffices to prove that T(S)At is ^-measurable, T(S)At e Tu for all e 9?+; see Dellacherie and Meyer (1978, IV.49.3). First note that S At £ 7 as S is an optional time. By the right-continuity of T{u>,t) in t, we know T(t) is Borel measurable in t. By the composition of two mappings, it follows that T(u,S(u) A t) A t 6 T Next note that or * t t T(u,S(u))At = = [T(w,5(w)A0]l{S(u,)<t}(w) + . [T(«,5(«)A0]l{s< w )>t}(w) [T(u>,S(u)At)]l {S{ul) < t )(u)+tl {S(uj)>t] (L;) a.s. PROOFS A 25 T By the fact that {5(w) > t) G t as S optional time. The assertion that T(S) Next we want to show that T(S) G t T x as T(5) is an an optional time. Observe that is f(S(^)) = an optional time, we know T(S) A a.s. is obvious. is > S inf{/ > : An (u,t) G [S(w)oo)}, where ,4 is defined in (18). By the hypothesis that A is a progressive set, and the fact that the stochastic interval [S, oo) is also a progressive set, then Dellacherie and Meyer (1982, IV. 50) shows that T(S) is an optional time. from the hypotheses that T(t) Finally, the last assertion follows Proof of Proposition Proof. A= known = {(w,t) l [0 T t(;)](w,0 r ( ( , T = S P r -a.s. Proof of Proposition First, we want A= W) + £flx» + :T(w,0 = that the stochastic interval [r(w),oo) also easily verified that Proof. t. Let r G T. Define Then is right-continuous in 3.2: T(u,t) It is is f l(T( W ),oo)(^,0- t, f £+} = G [r(w),oo). Thus progressively measurable. T £ T. It is I for all x. 3.3: show that to {(«,*) : G T. By the definition of T,(t), we T, T,(w,5) = 5 5, G £+} = {(«,«) : know that X(w,«) < y£}. (//,<j)-Brownian motion is a progressively measurable process. Thus A is a progressively measurable subset and T, 6 T. Second, we want show that (T\,T2 ) is a Nash equilibrium. It is obvious that (T\,T2 ) G T x T. The Next, by definition, f, = T~ for i = 1,2. Thus it show that T" suffices to t rAT" ^ tGT sup " e~ Tt ir i2 (Xt )dt I + l {r > Tj'}e solves, for all x G S, TT "v xi (X r;j i ^ i_and i,? = 1,2. - 1 and let r be a solution to the above program. program We Fix x G H. In "n the above program, take j = want to show that r = T"-> obvious that We first claim that r < Txl Suppose It la AL is uuvjuua uiai t > c J 22 ^_ T" 22 a.s. otherwise. Then the expected discounted future profits for firm 2 is whejre 1 Ex . ' ' . / " f Jo e- Tt 7r 22 (X )dt+ t [ . e- k rr;,A7 < ET = Ex = ET e- I r Tn AT t- Tt )dt +£ r [e-' )dt +Ex [e- ir 22 (X t i: 22 (X t ir 22 (Xt )dt Tt j rT^Ar / Jo Tt * 21 (X t)dt Jt.'.^t e- rt r T 'u. TT 21 (A T .)l (:>r .)] 1 »V2i(yu)l { r > T;1 }\ PROOFS A 26 where the strict inequality follows since at T^, Xt- < 2/n < 2/21 aim tne unique optimal exit time x time for firm 2 in the monopoly case calls for exiting immediately. But P {t > T^} > 0. Thus > t < Tj'j a.s. Given that r < T^ a.s., throughout firm 2's life span, it is a duopoly. Thus the unique optimal exit time for it is T22 and r = T22 Similar arguments establish that T{x also solves the above program when j = 2. Since x is arbitrary, (T\,T2 ) is a Nash equilibrium. Third, we want to show that (Ti,T2 ) is subgame perfect. Let S be any optional time. It is easily seen that fi(5) = T^(S) and f2 (S) = T;2 (S). It suffices to show, given fi(S), f2 (S) solves, . for all i£jf, rTAT,(S) Ez sup reT and is vice versa. By ' f e-^- s K t2 (X the strong Ex ' f + l Markov property of independent of the values of sup )dt t X e- {T> fl(5)} ^ r(tl(S) - 5) ^i(A'ti(S) )|^s X Xs, Tj^S) and the fact that, conditional on before 5, the above program is equivalent to rt Tr t2 (X t )dt + l {T>T .i( s )} e- rTn( 5 )t, tl (A' T]. i(S) )|A'(5) T>S £ r [-|^"s] T the expectation conditional on A's under P used in showing that {T\,T2 ) is a Nash equilibrium show that where is . T^S) program. The proof for Given that (T\,T2 ) I computation. is Proof of Proposition Proof. is Then arguments T22 (S) identical to those a solution to the above is identical. Nash equilibrium, the rest of the assertion can be verified by direct 3.4: clear that at S, firm t's strategy from then on must imply that it will stay on at can not sustain as a duopoly when its opponent stays on forever. Similarly, firm z's strategy from 5 on must not stay longer than it can sustain as a monopoly. I It is least until it Proof of Corollary Proof. 3.1: for all x. Proof. , t I Proof of Proposition will < y 2l it follows from Proposi< T{2 {S) < 7\(S) P x -a.s. for all x. So firm x It then follows that T,(S) - T' (S) P -a.s. Let (T\,T2 ) be a subgame perfect equilibrium. Given y*12 tion 3.4 that for any optional time 5, T2 (S) < T^(S) 1 will always stay longer than firm 2 in any subgame. We first 3.5: record in the following lemma the explicit expressions of some functional that be useful. Lemma A.l Suppose z < x < y,x,y,z £ U, and T = N inf{« > : X t G {y,z}}- Define _ 6(x,y)-6(x,z)9(z,y) «'«'*)- l-0(z,y)e(y,z) (46) A PROOFS 27 Then Ex [e~ TT :X T = = y) v(x,y.z). and Ex [e- Tl ;XT = z] = v(x.z.y). Furthermore. a -nx.y.r) (a. -=.y) dy + a')d(y,z) a. + a'6(y.z)9(z,y) ~ —v[i.z.yK u w dz i 1 -6(y,z)0{z,y) (a. + a')6(z,y) v(x.y.z) ij>(x,z,y), \-9(y.z)6(z,y) dz We v(j.y.z). v(x.y.z). V[x.:.y\ Proof. a.6(z,y)6(y.z) l-B{z,y)9(y,z) d_ For the proof of the direct computation. + \-9(z.y)6(y,z) d_ a m part see Harrison (19S5). and the partial derivatives obtain from first I proceed to prove Proposition 3.5. we restrict our attention to finding the solution to First sup reT rrAT2\(S) Ex e- Js r ^- s K (X )dt + i2 t l { r > T: (S) } 1 e- ^ S) - T{T S] v, l (X T . i{S) )\Ts (47 T>S Then arguments similar to those of Theorem 2.2 will show that is a barrier policy. any other solution to (47) will be equal to this barrier policy. This barrier policy is T\(S) in the assertion. Then one easily verifies that (26) is an element of T using similar arguments used in so that t Proposition 3.3. We begin with A' 5 (26) for some y Ui(x,y,y2i) by (21) and = x € ( i/21 - ^12] * Given that firm 2 plays ^(5), firm l's payoff by playing is = Lemma /j 2 (x) m - v(x.y,y 2l )fn (y) - 0(x, y£ x y)fn(y'21) + , v(x, yj v y)t'n(j/3i). (48) A.l. Differentiate u^ with respect to y gives: dui(x,y,y2i) (a' + a.)v(x. y. y'.\ ) (fi2(y) - 0(y.y2i)fu{y2i)) i-*(y,^i)%2i.y) n i2(y) -0 - 0{y-y'2i)8{y2i-y)) y))hi 2 {y) + a Ae- 'y^(x,y.y-21 <<, e (y>y'2i) v n(y'2i)) ) n»i(y,J/2i)> 1 -Oiy-yliWiyli-y) A is strictly positive constant. Observe that the sign of the partial derivative depends the sign of mi. Direct computation yields: upon where drnijy-yh) = dy e-X 12 ( y )(l- C -K +O .)(^,) {>0 >^.>^ ) <y?2i ; where we recall that t/°2 is such that "12(2/12) = 0. Note that mi(i/2i J/21 = r i i( I/21 > and that mi y = 00 is the upper barrier independent of the initial • ' ) is continuous in state. m^yf,. J/21 - 0> tnen Suppose otherwise. mi(y° 2 -J'2i < 0y. If ) ' ) ) A PROOFS 28 By the continuity of mi there exists a unique y = y or y = +00 maximizes u\. Note that 0( 1,3/21) = y £ {y^vVn) sucn tnat + ip(x,y2i,y) m i(2/,2/2i) = 0- Now, either *l>(x,y,y2i)0(y,y2i), or Thus, Ui(l,00,J/2l) = = = - Ul(z»y>02l) V (^,j/,J/2l)/l2(y)-(^(a;,2/2l) -^(^,J/21 J/))/l2(y2l) > 1 + (^( I >I'2l) ~ - *(& y3iW(*i j/, !& )/i2(»5i) + *(y, ySiM*, y, ^(x,2/,t/2i)(/i2(j/) - *(»»»ai)/w(»3i).+ ^(2/,2/2i) u n(2/2i)) v>(x, 2/> V2i)/u(y) V>(«, 2/21. 2/)) Ull(»21 2/21)^11(2/21 the optimal upper barrier if y < y* 2 otherwise, the infinity is. Suppose y < y{ 2 For x 6 (2/1,2/12]' nrm 1 quits j/i, firm 1 exits when 3/1 is reached before firm 2 exits. immediately. To summarize, firm l's exit time is the entry time of A' in [3/1, t/j 2 before 2's exit and I is the entry time of A' in ( — 00,3/^] after the exit of firm 2. Then, y For x < is - , ] Proof of Theorem 3.1: Proof. Using arguments similar to those of Proposition 3.5, firm l's exit time as the unique is a two-barrier policy characterized by y\ and y\. Like in Proposition 3.5, = = if y\ T,*(/);z = 1,2, / 6 !ft + ) is the unique subgame perfect equilibrium. Otherwise, 00, (Xi(<) we have y\ < y\ < t/* 2 firm 1 exits as a duopoly when the demand enters the set [2/1,2/1]- Then firm 2's exit time as the unique best response is also characterized by a two-barrier policy like (30) with y\ and y\ replaced by y\ and y\ with y^ < y\ < y\- Let 3/" and 3/™ be the optimal barriers for firm i in the n-th iteration. Repeat the iteration as long as 3/™ < 00. By the monotonicity of the game, 3/™ and y^ are increasing in n and £™ and y 2 are decreasing in n. Therefore, they have a limit point. By the hypothesis of the theorem, this limit point is a fixed point of the above iterative procedure and is a Nash equilibrium at any optional time r. The equilibrium strategies are stationary strategies and thus thus are subgame perfect. The second assertion follows from the fact that the fixed point has been reached by starting from an upper bound of all of firm 2's subgame perfect equilibrium exit times and the monotonicity of the game. I best response to (30) : Proof Corollary 3.3: Proof. We 1: suppose that there do not exist 3/1 and 3/2 that satisfy mi (3/1,3/2) = with the desired order of the 3/, 's. This implies that a lower bound of firm l's "2(3/1, 3/2) subgame perfect equilibrium exit times is T^t) for all t. Proposition 3.4 then implies that the unique subgame perfect equilibrium must be the one in Proposition 3.3. Case 2: Suppose that there are 3/,'s and j/, 's satisfy the desired conditions except that 1^(3/1,3/2,3/2) > 0. Then again, a lower bound on firm l's perfect equilibrium exit times is T^(t) for all t. So we have a unique subgame perfect equilibrium. and take cases. Case = A PROOFS Case 3: 29 Suppose that there exist j/,'s and y,'s so that 7711(2/1,2/2) = 0, 712(2/1,2/2) = 0, and < 0, with t/21 < 2/2 < 2/1 < j/i2- Then the violation of the hypothesis of Theorem 3.1 Then it is easily seen that 2/1 = 2/12 an ^ the y,'s. Suppose first that j/2 = 00 come from must = the conditions of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied. Therefore, it must be that 0. Hence rai(oc,2/* 2 ) u '(y\-> ?V2»!/2) • There are several 1- "1(2/2,1/1) = possibilities: and y times is T^(t) for equilibrium. 2. n\ (2/2, 2/1) A'5 Xs = j/j, J/i, = ar, al d < x t i/i ^j. Then a lower bound of firm l's subgame perfect equilibrium exit and Proposition 3.4 implies that there exists a unique subgame perfect = Then 2/2- at the subgame starting at the optional time S wit is not a Nash equilibrium. So this both firms fir exit immediately, which clearly tl cannot be the case 3. There do not exist t/i and 1/2 so that "1(2/2,2/1) perfect equilibrium exit times subgame perfect equilibrium. The proof is T^(t) for all for necessity part uses similar = t. Then a lower bound of firm l's subgame Then by Proposition 3.4, there is a unique 0. arguments. Figure 1: Relative Positions of the Barriers Date Due Lib-26-67 i 3 ii hi n in mi mi inn TOfiO ii OObbbSIE a