ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT THE EFFECTS OF PERSONALITY-SITUATION CONGRUENCE IN A MANAGERIAL CONTEXT: LOCUS OF CONTROL AND BUDGETARY PARTICIPATION by Peter Browne 11 WP 1170-80 November 1980 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 THE EFFECTS OF PERSONALITY-SITUATION CONGRUENCE IN A MANAGERIAL CONTEXT: LOCUS OF CONTROL AND BUDGETARY PARTICIPATION by Peter Browne 11 WP 1170-80 November 1980 : The Effects of Personality-Situation Congruence in a Managerial Context Locus of Control and Budgetary Participation ABSTRACT Forty-six undergraduate business middle-level management personnel from school a students forty-eight and large manufacturing company took part in a laboratory experiment designed to examine the impact of internal- external locus of control on the relationship between budgetary participation and performance. oriented subjects Results indicated that, as hypothesized, internally- conditions of situational control) and performed best (corresponding to substantial subjects performed best to limited situational in in high participation externally-oriented conditions of low participation (corresponding control). In addition, the subjects in these two highest performing groups indicated more enjoyment in the experimental task than did their counterparts in less-preferred, or incongruent conditions. These results are consistent with previous literature which has shown task performance to be subject to the interaction between generalized expectancies in terms of I-E locus of control, and the source of control in a particular situation. The implications of these results for personnel selection and placement in organizations is discussed. nHO°i^4 -1- The Effects of Personality-Situation Congruence in a Managerial Context: Locus of Control and Budgetary Participation Personality powerful accounting in generally variables have Foran and DeCoster, 1974, their disappointing explanatory power is due It to was the seminal work in the a very be Birnberg, 1978; neglect on the part of situation within which to a An example of an exception observe the effects of personality differences. this to likely that one reason for is researchers to exercise care in the choice of to not Shields and research (see Mc Ghee, for example). found been managerial area of Vroom (1960) who studied the effects of authoritarianism on the relationship between participation While in decision making, performance and and job satisfaction. observing no particular direct effect of authoritarianism on performance matter) and job satisfaction (nor any participation for for that very powerful interaction effects was found. a This paper reports the results of a laboratory study of the effects of internal-external locus of between participation and control performance in on 1966) (Rotter, a the relationship budgetary context. The motivation for this study stems from two differing sets of considerations. Firstly, academicians in the management accounting area are plagued by the inability to participation conclusively claim an understanding of the effects of in budgeting, or, rather, differing effects can be expected. with conflicting results. Secondly, the conditions under The literature in the area which in the area is replete of psychology, several studies have formed a line of research showing that internal-external locus of control is likely to interact with certain situational characteristics, specifically source the control of task over performance inherent Varying degress of budgetary participation, given situation. in a was felt, it would tend to elicit a range of attributions on this dimension. paper The literature, organized is elaborating above will be on follows: as the two in motivations Sections dealing summarized. next the with study this for the previous section, discussed hypothesis, method, results and finally, discussion, will follow in turn. PREVIOUS LITERATURE Budgetary participation refers to the extent which to an individual perceives involvement in and influence on the decisions which result in the formulation of sales. This a is generally felt plan an that or areas as to gain the to a certain level of organizational the viewpoints members to ideas of and the While positive effects of participation have been observed in attitudes of (Kenis, 1973), motivation Cherrington, 1979), job (Hofstede, satisfaction 1967) and were (1960) unable to replicate the Coch and (Cherrington performance French, 1948), conflicting evidence can also be found. As or accounting issued because it is commitment incorporate profits of spite of the intuitive appeal of this notion, research results In are mixed. the such important management budgets, management needs former. target, French, ( Coch and Israel and results French and in a different cultural setting, and Bryan and Locke (1967) actually found that performance may Charnes Stedry evidence and ... even be (1963) higher under concluded that participation ... conditions that is so "it is of not low participation. clear from recent advantageous as to preclude the inclusion of non-participatively set goals", Hopwood (1976) reiterated this viewpoint and exhorted researchers to try to "identify which conditional -3- factors determine impact cf wider the management programme". particular type of participative a This is the aim of this paper. Turning to relevant literature in psychology, several studies confirm the importance consideration giving cf the to between "congruence" individual personality in terms of internal-external locus of control, and the characteristics control situation. internals performed experimental better conditions experimenter-controlled additionally indicated In a in a et al. reaction-time a conditions. it under test was found that sslf-controlled high Both under better performed performing groups preference for their congruent condition. verbal a 1961), externals while task-related particular in early study (Cromwell, an In inherent slightly different, but related vein, Rotter and Mulry (1965) found a significant interaction between locus of control and the use of "skill" or instructions affecting "chance" desirable outcome. time) Internals when they were instructed subjects' exerted more or similar "chance", recall error substantially in higher conclusions are due also to the in under their own control. "other" or pursuit a experimental task Externals displayed controlled conditions, by Pursuing the same basic question, Watson and Baumal (1967) found contrast. that the in the in (measured by decision effort that performance was a function of skill, behavior perserverance Baron and paired-associate a for subjects in Houston (1972) to Ganz (1972) who nonsense incongruent who used employed an a syllables task Similar conditions. digit-reversal "acorns and was test, pea" and type of task. The relevance of locus of control in the context cf budgetary participation stems from the connection between participation and source of situational control. Under high participation conditions, an individual -4- will likely perceive substantial control over the selection of goal a and hence performance, v/here performance is defined as extent of departure from goal (budget). By contrast, low participation is likely to induce feelings of very little situational control. HYPOTHESIS Following the reasoning presented above, high participation, characterized as substantial situational control, is expected to represent a congruent condition only for reflect this congruence. internals Conversely, and performance is expected low participation is expected to to be congruent only for externals and, again, performance is expected to reflect Presented in null form, the hypothesis can be stated as follows: this. There vail be no interaction between locus and participation affecting performance. of control METHOD Subjects Two separate samples were recruited take to part in the study. 46 undergraduate accounting students, typically sophomores or juniors, formed the first sample, level managers while for purposes of systematic replication, 48 middle- from a large formed the second sample. By San Francisco Bay replicating with Area manufacturing a Company sample of the population of ultimate interest, it was hoped that the generalizability of the results could be enhanced. Metho d An experimental instructions to experiment. a session began with the subjects reading a set of computerized business game which formed the task in the Following any necessary clarification of these instructions, -5- subjects were computer terminal alone left via in which sound-proof snail, or of indicating which of the two alternative forced-choice items in "B" Unlike the pencil-and- each of the 29 pairs they more strongly endorsed. versions paper The administration the a Subjects were required to type Rotter's 29-item locus of control measure. "A" by business game would be conducted. the interaction with the computer began with subjects' serviced cubicies, of this test, made method this considerably it more difficult for subjects to refer back to previous responses when addressing a particular pair of items. To do subjects would have to retrieve the so, hard-copy computer output conveyed into a tray behind the terminal. Upon completion of the 29-item measure, the business game started. In the game, in an subjects assumed the role of one of four senior managers organization make two decisions; sales charged units in for the one regarding for the product a perishable single a the subjects were required to recommendation for the budgeted level and quarter, during sells and For each of twenty fiscal quarters, product. of manufactures which the one quarter. regarding The the game price procedure to for be a sample quarter will now be detailed. First, the subjects were asked to make their first decision, submission of their recommendation for the sales budget in units. a To guide subjects in the first few quarters of the game, the results of the previous four quarters were provided on a sheet of paper in the laboratory cubicle. These were the only data subjects had of the twenty quarters. As the game available to work with in the first proceeded, however, the results of each completed quarter became available in hard copy, and the subject could refer back to these data as desired. Following the subject's submission of the each of recommendations of after and, delay, short a that consideration to the four managers' It was at make would the budget the in the giving differed in each participation condition, the subject's recommendation and to attached average of the other three recommendations. condition, randomly were the weights assigned to were, of one a respectively, these two of two weight of a weight of C.l was 0.9 was attached the The average of the four was a weighted weights In the high participation conditions. Subjects instruction decision, final top recommendations. top management however, recommendations; participation by this point that the participation induction took place. final determination of to presented were the of informed Subjects had been management top three managers determination final the management was presented. sheet other the budget volume recommendation, a In 0.05 and conditions low the 0.95. the for duration of the game. After being informed of top management's determination of the budget, the subjects were presented with a statement of the percentage deviation of each of the four recommendations from the final decision of top management. subjects in the high participation Due to the nature of the manipulation, condition would their own deviation recommendation of percentage deviation of typically observe a much smaller any of the from other the final three budget managers. than the The percentage purpose of this statement of percentage deviations was to highlight the extent to which the subject's recommendation was reflected in the final budget, thereby strengthening the participation induction. In the the present context, participation is therefore operational ized as which is amount of influence an individual has on a final budget „7- jointly set. to check the level In order important items (numbers 4 2, seme of perceived participation, and 6) were included in the post-experimental check questionnaire, presented in Appendix 1. Subjects were next informed of the level of advertising expenditure to be for the subjects was alone, price 1 second decision, the price to be charged. responsible combined which, actual In This was followed by undertaken in the forthcoming quarter. with the instruction the sheet expenditure, advertising sales volume exactly equal the to mentioned Each subject, The objective was this decision. for final b udget subjects earlier, request a to select a produce would of top management. were told product charge which too short of budget (due to too high a price) was litle dumped due to its perishable nature. result in the sale would would also generate unfilled orders. minimize the departure, in of all led view to departures from budget in either direction as equally undesirable. levels which fell an to Sales unsold Conversely, available product to but The game objective was, therefore, to either direction, of actual sales from budget and performance was measured in this way. The underlying functional relationship between sales volume and price and advertising was as follows: Q = 40,000 - 20p + A/2 where is quantity sold (including unfilled orders) p is the price charged in cents, and A is the advertising expenditure Pilot testing of several relationships indicated that an functional appropriate level of complexity was captured by this function. In This the final report phase of summarized the a quarter, a performance report was presented. decisions made and the budget variance which . performance being measured by the resulted, variance. Appendix sample output for a high participation subject is presented in 2. important point to note An fact A absolute value of the budget sales level no budgeted that any other. in connection with the game design is the was any more difficult possible budget levels, For all to achieve than there existed one price which Therefore, would "clear the market" and produce the desired zero variance. irrespective of whether the final budget of top management was arrived at conditions under of high or low participation one , price single (in combination with the given advertising expenditure) would produce an actual identical level sales to budget. No difference systematic task in difficulty therefore existed between the high and low participation groups. RESULTS Descriptive statistics from the I-E locus of control presented are external than in Table managers 1. Note (t=2.84, students that p<0.01). INSERT TABLE 1 For 4 and 6 of the post-experimental significantly more subject both responses groups, the HERE participation manipulation appeared successful. 2, are scale The responses to questions questionnaire indicated significant differences between subjects in the two treatment groups both for students (t=9.15, p<0.01; t=8.87, p<0.01 and trll.34, p<0.01, for questions 6 respectively) p<0.01) and managers (t=9.27, p<0.01; t=8.44, p<0.01 and 2, 4 and t=6.I8, -9- Following the exhortation of Rotter (1975, to categorize locus of control a p. 62) it was decided not Instead, scores into interned and external. multiple regression approach was used, and the model set out in equation (1) was tested. Y = where 6, + b 2 X + yZ -<- 6XZ performance, Y is (1) twenty trials of the game variance budget average the each subject. for the over Note that control and larger values of Y denote inferior performance. X is locus of control score Z is a 0/1 binary variable for participation 1 and for low participation for high participation interaction the XZ is between locus of participation. Student Sample The results of 2 2. for The null the regression in equation (1) the term (1) In order in further to was decomposed For Z = 1, equation (1). It was 6, found in Table the coefficient that 6 departed permitting rejection of the null hypothesis of no from zero significantly, equation presented hypothesis is tested via examination of interaction interaction. are explore the nature of the interaction, into two separate equations. i.e. high participation, Y = (B, + Y For Z = 0, i.e. ) + (B 2 + «)X + (2) e low participation, Y=Bi+6 X+e (3) 2 INSERT TABLES 2 AND 3 HERE . -10- Table presents 3 derived errors use the variance/covariance the from with computed of equation these results is provided in Figure matrix coefficients the of of representation Diagrammatic (1). Examination of the coefficients and 1. INSERT FIGURE their together with their standard composite coefficients the 1 HERE standard errors permits the conclusion of a interaction disordinal between locus of control and particiption technique Johnson-Neyman The Pedhazur, 1973, ordinality. was 256) p. employed as further a Kerlinger example, for (see, test and interaction of difference between performance of the high participation The group and the low participation group is significant outside the range of I-E scores, to 8.46 mean the 13. CO to score or, respectively, -0.02a and +1.20o in relation result is techniques was employed to of 8.52. This consistent also with a disordinal interaction. Manager Sample The same set of forty-eight managers who formed the sample for (Carlsmith, Table et and 4, presented in interaction, Outside the al . 1976). , The Table Again, 5. and the range of formed the for equations evidence data the of the "systematic replication" results of the analysis coefficients the a analyze points are presented (2) and to a (3) in are disordinal Johnson-Neyman technique confirms this result. I-E scores 2.56 (-0.74°) to 6.35 (+0.54°), the performance differences between high and low participation conditions reach significance. . -11- were interest Further Of questionnaire check (1) for both groups, students variable dependent the as (t=-1.71, in regression a managers (t=-1.95, and p<0.05) (budget This negative. are variance) scaled is surrogate a identical p<0.01). for equation to 2 Notice, that and 4, these performance that fact the to fashion reverse in of the post- 1 reported in Tables due is post- was significant for both the interaction term, and 6, as the The response to this question was unlike the interaction coefficients (o) coefficients employed were "preferred conditions of participation". employed from The responses to question experimental check questionnaire. experimental obtained results other "preferred conditions" to (game enjoyment) One final regressions manager test conducted regression (the subjects). assess to (Chow, test homogeneity the subjects student for Chow The was 1960) the and based is of the two regression for the on sums of squared residuals in each regression and the sum of squared residuals from a single, regression pooled that examination the the of is a regression with N=94; The derived test statistic was and 48 managers). indicating (that regressions two means for are consistent with significantly different each sample. V the for student >, variable students 10.42 (p<0.01) = different. significantly dependent the „, F.-, 46 in each sample An is regression coefficient values for subjects W3S 2535 and for the managers, Y=3B99, a difference which is statistically significant (p<0.01). DISCUSSION Internal subjects situational control) condition (limited in and the high external situational participation condition (substantial subjects in the low participation control) were the two best performing . -12- groups, and each reported significantly more enjoyment of the experimental task than did the subjects in incongruent conditions. has been suggested It Mulry and Rotter that impact of incongruence is on anxiety. the indicated (1965) anxiety such that occur will when an individual's expectations and preferences concerning means to ends are not Mandler and Watson (1966) offer met. a similar interpretation, suggesting that anxiety occurs when an organized response sequence is interrupted and no alternative is offer no new evidence of precise the experiment this data of the Unfortunatley, available. nature of the processes responsible for the result In bear the managerial personnel on the realm, selection implications of these placement and description role the for an individual in degree The issues. participation in the budgeting process may be regarded as in probably results an a of major element organization. Increasingly, personnel theorists and empiricists are pursuing the question of types what roles? of individuals appropriate are for various organizational Figler (1977) has described this task as one of creating the right "chemistry" between characteristics the characteristics organizational of interactions between elements of uncovered, selection supported personnel with a knowledge of roles. the two of indiviudals Importantly, sets and placement the right of occupations, both between and within organizations. the significant characteristics can be activities "fit" if and between can be better individuals and -13- TAPLE SUMMARY STATISTICS Sample - 1 LOCUS OF CONTROL MEASURES -14- TABLE 2 RESULTS OF REGRESSION - HYPOTHESIS TEST Coeffi -15- TABLE 3 CCMPOSITE REGRESSION COEFFICIENTS Coefficient - STUDENT SAMPLE -16- TABLE 4 RESULTS OF REGRESSION Coefficien - HYPOTHESIS TEST -17- TABLE 5 COMPOSITE REGRESSION COEFFICIENTS '- MANAGER SAMPLE Coefficient -18- FIGURE 1 DIAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATION OF RESULTS - STUDENT SAMPLE Budget Variance (i.e. performance) Participation 4 Participation <- internal Locus of Control external-* -19- FCJOTNUTES 1. fact, these were robots, and their recommendations were In actual randomly generated from 2. a uniform distribution. . The residuals of this regression were tested for constant variance. Bartlett's test, (x 2 = 18.06) fails to permit rejection of the null hypothesis of homoscedastic error structure. However the direction of the test result did reveal a (statistically insignificant) tendency for error variance to be larger among externals in the high participation This condition and internals in the low participation condition. result is interesting because the notion that incongruence should produce erratic performance is consistent with the expectations for the major hypothesis. 3. This decomposition follows Kmenta's (1971) use of equation peace-time and war-time consumption functions. 4. Equation (x 2 = 1 to specify See Kmenta p. 421. again proved satisfactory statistically. 17.34) 1 Bartlett's test fails to permit rejection of the null hypothesis of constant error variance. -20- REFERENCE5 Baron, R.M. & Ganz, R.L. 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Journal of Personality and APPE NDIX 1 POST-r vpFRH-EN TA L CHECK QUESTIONNAIRE The following set of questions is intended to elicit your opinions Each question is impressions of the business game in general. responded to by circling the number on the scale which corresponds to the It is important that point which you ^vel best indicates your belief. you carefully consider your responses, since they will be taken into consideration in the improvement of the game for future use. end 1. 12 Indicate the extent of which you enjoyed playing the game. 3 4 5 6 Moderate Enjoyment Minimal Enjoyment 7 Great Enjoyment Indicate the extent to which you felt your input to the BUDGET formulation influenced top management in their final determinations on the budget. 2. 12 3 4 5 6 Moderate Influence Great Influence 7 Minimal Influence Indicate the extent to which you felt confident about the decisions for PPvODUCT PRICE which you were required to make during the game. 3. 12 3 Great Confidence 4 5 6 7 Minimal Confidence Moderate Confidence Indicate the extent to which you felt that your recommendations for the BUDGET were reflected in the final determinations of top management. 4. 12 3 Minimal Reflection 5. an 4 5 6 7 Great Reflection Moderate Reflection Indicate the extent to which you felt that your PRICE decisions had on the demand for product. 12 i mpact 3 Great Impact 4 5 6 7 Minimal Impact Moderate Impact Indicate the extent to which you feel that your recommendations for the BUDGET dominated those of the other managers. 6. 12 Minimal Dominance 3 4 Moderate Dominance 5 6 7 Great Dominance -24- APPENDIX 2 SAMPLE OUTPUT FOR ONE PERIOD OF GAME - HIGH PARTICIPATION SUBJECT BUDGET FORMULATION FOR QUARTER 31 PLEASE ENTER YOUR RECOMMENDED SALES BUDGET: 24600 (Y/N) Y IS 24600 CORRECT? OTHER MANAGERS' RECOMMENDATIONS: 28000 #2 27800 3140 #3 #4 THE FINAL DETERMINATION BY TOP MANAGEMENT IS TARGET FOR THE FORTHCOMING QUARTER. 25000. THE PERCENTAGE DEVIATION OF EACH MANAGER'S THIS FINAL DETERMINATION IS AS FOLLOWS: RECOMMENDATION YOUR RECOMMENDATION 0. THIS IS YOUR FROM 02% 12.00% MANAGER #2 MANAGER #3 MANAGER #4 11. 20% 25. 60% OPERATING DECISIONS FOR QUARTER #1 THE MARKETING DEPARTMENT HAS ADVISED THAT ADVERTISING BASED ON A EXPENDITURE FOR THE COMING QUARTER WILL BE $14000. SALES BUDGET OF 25000 UNITS AND AN ADVERTISING EXPENDITURE OF $14000, PLEASE ENTER YOUR DECISION FOR THE QUARTER'S PRICE: 10.00 IS 10.00 CORRECT? (Y/N) Y PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR QUARTER #1 PRICE CHARGED DURING QUARTER ($) ADVERTISING EXPENDITURE ($) SALES BUDGET (UNITS) ACTUAL SALES PLUS UNFILLED ORDERS UNFILLED ORDERS (UNITS) BUDGET VARIANCE (UNITS ) (UNITS).... 10.00 14000 25000 27000 2000 2000 Date Due Up' JANl6'33r ' MAR 05 1985 83 SE 09 % [985 ^AUG2 Oct 1 19 9<> l; OCT ,01986 *W 2 I'ss Lib-26-67 CO., INC. DEC 8 100 CHA {LEST 1983 STREET MASS. no. 1 165- 80 McKersie, Robe/Change and continuity 741433 D*BKS. Q0 1.32379 H028.M414 HD28.M414 .. QD1 TOflO 3 TTc? no. 11 74- fl30 3 TOflO QDl =H5 SOT HD28.M414 no.11B7- 80 John /Executive information PlRK5,, Rockart. 741452 s ,MJa |||||lll 002 0M2 A7M TOflO j TOAD DOM SZ7 3 HD28.M414 no. 74095"8 ,b1-^0 193 / bm 1168- 80 Brownell. Pete/Participation budget in D*BKS 3Q5S 005 001 TOflO 07fl HD28.M414 no-1169- 80 Brownell. Pete/Participation 740975.. budget 005 001 OS? TOflO 3 in .0013305' ..D*BKS... |I^C|-%0 3 TOAD 003 DTI TS3 HD28.M414 no. 11 70- 80 Pete/The effects Brownell. 740974,. P.*BKS HD28.M414 no. 1 personal DQ132369 OD1 T15 bb5 TOflO 3 of 171- 80 Brownell, Pete/The role of accountinq D*BKS 740972 3 HD28.M414 740970. . HD28.M414 - no. 1 in the bu 00132372 001 TT5 71S 173- te TOflO bTT iTc? 72- 80 ..D*BKS.. Pe, 11 3 no. 11 00132371 Pete/Participation TOflO 3 740968 001 TOflO Brownell, .. 80 Vm9 ,h ,Orma " p 01326 001 115 Ifll 80 Brownell. Pete/Leadership behavior, bu 740979 0*.BKS. QQ132629 ; \<*S S>-j