Basement :U:!'lV-mUirt'ii»*)rt'.!iII "X V. ^ r„ r?_c. OS.; !K"T rT* JMAR 16 19S8 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT THE ELEMENTS OF NEGOTIATION MANAGEMENT J. WP 1956-87 D. Nyhan & Dhanesh K. Samarasan* November, 1987 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 THE ELEMENTS OF NEGOTIATION MANAGEMENT WP Nyhart D. J. & Dhanesh K. Samarasan* November, 1987 1956-87 •The authors respectively. are, Engineering, Sloan School of Professor of Management and Ocean Management and Department of Ocean Engineering, and doctoral candidate. Department of Ocean Engineering, MIT. The work described at the MIT Project in this paper on Modeling The following provided support is for part of a multi-disciplinary effort underway Negotiation Management. for this work and are gratefully acknowledged; School of Engineering, MIT; Project Athena, MIT; National Institute for Dispute Resolution; Program on the Processes of International Negotiation the American Academy of Arts at and Sciences under a grant from the Unisys Corporation. This working paper is do not copy without one in a series of manuscripts in their draft form. Please the permission of the authors. and should be directed to the attention of the authors. Comments are welcome rlARIES CONTENTS I. IL The Opportunity and The Need The Elements of Negotiation 1 Management UL Models and Modeling For Negotiation Management The Simulation IV. of the Problem 6 8 Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty Selecting Norms and Procedures The Computer as a Third-Party Neutral 11 The Model 14 in the Middle 9 12 Collaborative Model-Building Zooming and Bridging 14 Other Issues 16 Understanding the Impacts of Models and Modeling Enhancing S)Tithetical Skills and Qualities 15 17 17 The Relationship 19 A 21 to Integrative Bargaining Broader Definition of Negotiation The Use and Non-Use of Models V. Potential Applications in Substantive Contexts VI. 4 26 29 Dissemination 30 References 32 THE OPPORTUNITY AND THE NEED I. Negotiating, or treating with others in order to reach an agreement, is ubiquitous. Everyone negotiates. Bankers engage in arbitrage over percentage points. Engineers reluctantly up plea-bargain to speed and outside the firm. make design And managers a trial. The verb trade-offs with clients. Attorneys negotiate daily, both inside comes from the Latin "to negotiate" negotiari, meaning "to transact business," underlining the universal character of the process. Governments, public individuals, and just special officials, interest about anyone with any business groups, private to transact, all negotiate regularly. As and resolving disputes differences &: widened favor the idea of negotiation gains Verma, 1983; Reich, 1987], a generation of ideas, needed. This paper describes work being undertaken Modeling put the to skills at the Management to develop these power of the computer directly for Negotiation and tools, means managing of example: Lindblom, 1965; Kochan [see, for new as a and MIT tools Project ideas, skills, the in is on and hands of negotiators and their third-party facilitators. There are many contemporary problems where the concept of management negotiation involve the as elaborated here can play a major role. implementation of engineering large systems, Some and are characterized by technical complexity, a diffusion of decision-making authority, and the recognized need major public issues, share many heated by policy considerations. for a quick settlement. of the Still same Others involve characteristics, and are often others require the efficient and uniform handling of large numbers of similar conflicts or the effective use of the negotiating experiences of others. Unfortunately, not a great deal of been done to alleviate the difficulty of dealing work has with negotiation in a rapidly changing and technologically oriented world. In Even a many negotiations, the interactions meager understanding of arcane and specialist. When technical of the issues knowledge is that is decisions have to be made between parties are complex. contingent on acquiring a depth beyond the reach of all in these cases, parties but the nominate and depend on on which technical experts who require a wide variety of information such information to base their calculations. Often, and harder A to collect. greater part of the decision-making when all have parties to the negotiation to define, must then deal And even with the management of risk and uncertainty. circumstances, hard is in the best of sufficient data and confidence in that data to come to an agreement. Nature does not always cooperate or conform to expectations: agreements that are politically feasible often With the large problems technical reasons. fail for that are today faced almost routinely, the consequences of a negotiation that When when be disastrous. to occur, as technology, or way can and widespread damage occurs or threatens irreparable an arms control agreement when fails in this is undermined by new the construction of a nuclear plant has to be delayed because emergency evacuation plans are unacceptable, further negotiation is generated. Another particular end difficulty when arises conflict prolonged, with no is in sight. Traditionally, violence or the threat of violence has caused the more threatened side to conflict. a feel a desperate longing for an end to the But nowadays, even in purely commercial disputes no protagonist has the time or the resources for an extended stint in the trenches. change already endemic and ever accelerating, settlements more value quickly have stable, if not friendly, relations the courts, the traditional with to the parties. litigants, high cost of litigation, often, the also important to is means And have given movement. Still, maintained when be reached prompt resumption all sides. Unfortunately, as more are granted access. and the sometimes higher cost of waiting around a shot in the there remains a dispute is of of resolution in such cases, are jam-packed and the queues are lengthening litigation, that can With a arm The for to the alternate dispute resolution deep concern that due process be taken out of court to be settled. Such concern underscores the need for a consistent and principled framework for the ordering of negotiations. The problems authority to 'final' whom are only exacerbated when the conflicting parties defer. there is no acknowledged The co-existence of multiple decision-makers tends to slow a negotiation down until it is perceived as being less than efficient. Yet even with this multiplicity of participants and decision-makers, frequently not agreement are effectively between equity at the parties all who will be affected by an negotiating table. The perennial tensions and effectiveness in participation, efficiency in execution, resolution clearly present a difficult problem, but one that in must be addressed nevertheless. In short, these three features - technical complexity, a need for quick and careful disposition, and the absence of unquestioned decision-making authority - are common to new approach toward for a many of today's conflicts, and emphasize the need negotiation. But even in simpler cases, parties seek a quick resolution of their differences, new ideas and where two tools would be welcome. The framework we the management are developing of negotiations. is and with synthesis is a clear vision of supplemented by a how ii) be a systematic guide these ideas and provide to management with new to ideas and be used. The tools can collection of software, the different parts of which share the following primary i) to The investigators intend practitioners in the field of negotiation tools, meant functions: the simulation of the problem through joint model-building; the calculation of risk and uncertainty; selection of decision-making procedures iii) the iv) the optimization of settlements by and norms; and a third party computer. Starting out with these primary functions for the computer, the concept of negotiation management is aimed constructs that relate to negotiation. at the synthesis of various theoretical The investigators have developed out of these constructs a set of working hypotheses about the role of models and modeling in negotiation and conflict management. This paper be a reasoned argument in support of that set of hypotheses; is it is research findings or the analysis of a newly created database. much of the thinking underlying the efforts Modeling for Negotiation experimental intent. underway Management and is a at the first designed to not based on It MIT comprises Project on statement of II. THE ELEMENTS OF NEGOTIATION MANAGEMENT Negotiation management, as described in this paper, has several essential elements: i) the use of computers, modeling, as an integral part of negotiation and other forms of dispute resolution and conflict ii) and communication technology the joint use of management; models and modeling by negotiating parties, by third-party neutrals, and by students of negotiation; iii) the use of models and modeling to serve better the introduction of integrative bargaining or joint problem-solving in negotiation; iv) the combination of a synthetical process based analytical tools v) to develop agreement on the of the agreement viii) a coherent outcome; the use of these tools in different stages of dispute from the construction of vi) and various computer- a consensual database, through reaching critical issues, to and management, settling monitoring implementation subsequent disagreements; the application of these ideas in a variety of substantive contexts; understanding through research the impacts on negotiation of the use of models and modeling, thereby contributing to both theory and practice; and ix) the dissemination of the teaching, knowledge so gained through writing, and the development of teaching materials. The further development of these elements will incorporate current theory and empirical knowledge from several fields. The underlying ideas from dispute resolution include the theoretical concepts of synthetic and integrative thinking, a differences orientation towards negotiation, maximization of joint utility and the through collaborative problem-solving and integrative bargaining. Similarly, from the modeling sciences, the effort draws upon systems dynamics, game theory, optimization, retrospective pattern analysis, Figure 1 and various ideas from summarizes the elements statistical and artificial intelligence. of negotiation management graphic form. The remainder of this paper elaborates on these elements. in Figure 1 - The Elements of Negotiation Managen^ent Project on Modeling for Negotiation Management, MIT S 1957 MODELS AND MODELING FOR III. NEGOTIATION MANAGEMENT Although negotiation is largely is it not a new (Nyhart) led an effort at unfamiliar, the idea of using models in one. In the late 1970's, for example, one of us MIT through which a computer simulation of the technology and economics of deep-ocean mining helped to bring consensus in the negotiations of the Third United Nations Convention on the the Sea [Nyhart, 1984; Straus et ah, Law 1984; Antrim, 1985]. Since then, there of have been several discussions and examples of the use of computer methods in negotiation [Sebenius, 1981; Kraemer, 1985; Nyhart and Goeltner, 1987]. These methods can be divided (ii) and simulation models; (v) into five major categories: (iii) (i) pattern-seeking models; agreement-seeking models; (iv) syntheses of the above. Although this categorization comprehensive or free from overlap, does serve it potential for computer applications management, as laid out in this paper, in this area. is to point teaching models; is not necessarily out the breadth of The concept of negotiation not meant to be a substitute for the use of these and other existing paradigms. Instead, the approach taken is to build on what has gone before. Simultaneously adaptive and developmental, the work Project combines in an integrated package of software as and methods as are necessary for the management and many at the MIT different tools resolution of a wide range of disputes and controversies. The different parts of the software share the following primary functions: i) ii) the simulation of the problem through joint model-building; the calculation of risk and uncertainty; selection of decision-making procedures iii) the iv) the optimization of settlements Each of these components is by and norms; and a third-party computer. described in detail below. There are, in addition, three other functions being explored: the provision of expert advice to a negotiator, the analysis of large numbers of similar problem cases, and the facilitation of the overall process of negotiation. In this paper, however, only the four primary functions are discussed at any great length. In the description of each of these four functions, the roles models and the process of modeling can play facilitators are illustrated. in Section which in aiding negotiators Although these roles are discussed and in greater detail IV below. Figure 2 summarizes them here as a preview. Negotiators and facilitators can use models and modeling to help them: 1 Establish a consensual database as a foundation for agreement; 2 Assess the impact of uncertainty and change in the database; 3 Set a 4 Probe inequalities of power, influence, and access 5 Track the formation of coalitions and 6 Formulate 7 Practice cross-cultural negotiating styles 8 Provide communication links for bargaining and discussion; 9 Communicate common research agenda to collect useful additional data; new to data; clusters; procedures for making collective decisions; and tactics; effectively while protecting secret information; among 10 Discover the areas of potential agreement 11 Suggest settlements that minimize the need for compromise; 12 Evaluate the substantive impact of proposed settlements; 13 Enhance 14 Monitor the implementation of the 15 Reach an amicable solution should disputes initial sub-groups; agreements through Pareto-optimization; final agreement; and arise anew. Figure 2 - Models and Modeling in Negotiation Management: A Summary The Simulation An Problem important part of negotiation management methods to interest. To is the use of computer simulate the relationships between substantive variables of date, the v^^ork has focused dynamics. Speaking now on the application of systems more complex in general terms, the system, the less intuitive will be shown of the the substantive behavior. Forrester and others have its be discovered in a group setting that this failure of intuition can through the process of jointly building a simulation model, and including within it and structure of the group the policy goals example]. The usefulness of group can take an active participation the process is enhanced modeling role in the and surfacing of assumptions deepened understanding of the substantive [see Forrester, 1969, for if the effort [Senge, members of the 1985]. The more that take place, the more realities. In addition, there is a the personal and active involvement of the participants reinforces their ownership of the process. Therefore, a very high premium placed on easy- access simulation in the context of negotiation is sense of management: those with the authority to negotiate most frequently do not have the time to master very complex modeling techniques. is In any case, a transparent technology /interface preferable so that the parties can concentrate on the conceptual issues in controversy, rather than on the intricacies of modeling. As long features of as the stipulation of easy access many tools of systems their interests real is observed, the essential systems can be clearly and effectively modeled with the dynamics in such a way that negotiating parties can identify with the various attributes of the model. Kreutzer, for instance, has used such a modeling process as an eye-opener in the context of arms races [Kreutzer, 1985]. model-building when making decisions No a doubt, there group is is a subtle shift in this process of joint negotiating, as or policy choices. To opposed to a lesser extent, the when same it is shift jointly can be detected between intra- and inter-organizational negotiations. In the language of negotiation, as explained in a later section, the shift relates to the difference between integrative and distributive bargaining. Irrespective of the extent integratively or distributively, to when which negotiators are bargaining negotiations focus on convoluted technical issues, or are complicated by a need relationships between parties, the joint and It And it at least allows the parties to focus on on inter-relationships rather than unrealistic private assumptions. preserve long-term development of a model holds three important advantages [Samarasan, 1987]. the issues to fosters a their positions. It exposes good working relationship By asking what-if questions, by performing comprehensive sensitivity analyses, and by conjuring up relevant scenarios and pursuing them through simulation, negotiators can enhance among negotiators. the considerably the of level substantive questions. We understanding with which they approach are designing a Meta-Modeling - which new process - one will create a negotiating we have environment in called which collaboration through the use of the computer will be not only possible but natural [Samarasan, 1987]. Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty A different substantive issue that often arises in a negotiation degree of certainty with which information many cases, there is is is the held by the various parties. In incomplete information about variables that are deterministic in nature. In other cases, the variables themselves are only probabilistically defined. concession is When the eventual outcome of not immediately obvious, the a particular gain or management of risk and uncertainty becomes an important part of the negotiator's role. To this end, software for decision tree analysis is included as one of the tools available for negotiation management. Since decision tree analysis is well-known, only a brief explanation presented here in the context of negotiation management. A decision tree is is a graphical representation of the various options open to decision-makers, and them by chance. By taking into associated with each option, and the the various outcomes that might befall account the expected rewards and costs multiple probabilities or probability distributions associated with each random variable, the method allows a negotiator to calculate the expected value of each possible combination of options and outcomes [Raker, 1986]. Generally speaking, a tree flows from issues under discussion left to right, in logical or chronological order. representing the Nodes in the tree can be either decision nodes or chance nodes. From decision nodes emanate specific options that are available to the negotiators. From chance nodes, branches emerge that represent specific alternative states of nature not v^ithin the control of the negotiators. Each terminal the combination of all the root to that node. calculated through in the tree The probabilities that are used v^ith a given node node are and marginal probabilities, according The optimal set of decisions is then in the tree. backward induction. Especially useful for those involved in a negotiation ability to corresponds to decisions and events encountered along the path from selected from the set of prior, posterior to the position of that node is the subsequent analyze quickly the sensitivity of the optimal set of decisions to changes in assumptions about probability and expected value. Bargaining positions that are favorable under some assumptions may irrelevanr or even have a negative effect and their constituents positions that might on the satisfaction of the negotiators under other assumptions. Information, seem crucial at first may actually be interests, or be found to be dominated by other information, interests, or positions. Decision tree analysis, therefore, can be used in negotiation management to scope the discussion and to focus on the details that really matter. The use not it new of decision trees may be new to decision analysis. Raiffa, for case study [1982] whether or not how the to negotiation, example, illustrates it is research described in this paper is is A in deciding The premise underlying that the joint use of the and the method by those a special case of its use decision tree that includes explicitly all the a valuable extension, by any single decision-maker. obviously with a detailed method might be used by an attorney to settle litigation out of court. involved in a negotiation but options available to one party in a negotiation will also include those options that are available to that one party in cooperation with the others. Later discussion of the relationship between integrative bargaining and the joint use of models in negotiation management elaborates on this point. 10 Selecting Norms and Procedures The discussion now leaves the substance questions of process. Two of the four with process. The Mechanics (SAM), and is first model, SAM different is Management deal Simulated Agreement one called is model of the negotiation process no single 'negotiation process' clearly for negotiation and group interaction. Insofar as theory deals with the logic of multi-lateral decision making, theoretic simulation of the game equilibrium, to actually implements a library of algorithms that represent ground rules insofar as to for Negotiation a descriptive [Samarasan, 1987]. Since there and turns components of the software being developed by the Project on Modeling explicitly of negotiation dynamics of a negotiation. On SAM a is game game- the other hand, theory has traditionally dealt with a mathematical search for SAM is an outcast to this tradition. As many observers have pointed out, there is great difficulty in predicting analytically and narrowly the outcome of a negotiation [see, for example. Lax surmount the & Sebenius, 1983]. In a sense, both Myerson and Axelrod difficulty elegantly and extract some interesting conclusions by modeling only very simple or highly abstracted interactions [Myerson, 1979; Axelrod, 1984]. But in general, there are simply too many ways in which they can vary. SAM, therefore, does not function outcomes. a When as decision-making authority many and too variables, an analytical predictor of stable is shared among the members of group, whether they be managers distributing assignments, contract administrators negotiating compensation, or Senators seeking consensus, the types of agreements that emerge are defined qualitatively in large part by the ground rules, or these group facilitators norms of fairness, that are in effect [Gulliver, 1979]. norms can be coded can then use to formulate SAM new procedures in SAM Many of algorithms. Negotiators and to investigate different conceptions of fairness, for making collective decisions, and to track the formation and disbanding of coalitions and clusters in the course of a negotiation under different conditions [Samarasan, 1987]. The conditions which can be varied in the simulation include, distribution of influence among among other things, the the parties, the control of the agenda, 11 and the availability of substantive data as well as confidential tactical information. SAM is local dynamics of primarily meant to be used jointly by the parties to understand the given some a and not their negotiation, priori evaluation of The Computer to predict its global outcome utility. as a Third-Party Neutral The fourth component of the software under development for negotiation management, which we have called ONDINE (for "ONeDlmensional NEgotiation"), an unobtrusive computer environment that is allows negotiators to communicate and bargain without the intervention of a human facilitator, and therefore without revealing each other basic to information about their preferences [Goeltner, 1987]. If there only one issue being negotiated, is of this software, computer is appropriate. ONDINE I, the first version deals primarily with the concept of the It as a third party in the process of negotiation. It is designed to support a two-party, single-issue negotiation, and sets up an environment in which the computer functions as a neutral advisor parties towards agreement. The two with the program separately. sides ONDINE to both sides, guiding the communicate with each other and channels the bargaining and the I ordinary communication separately but simultaneously. In addition, where actual bargaining takes place but that the parties can agree Goeltner, 1987]. is stalemated, on beforehand Because of the ONDINE I offers several rules for the allocation of benefits [see unobtrusiveness of the ONDINE environment, the negotiation can proceed in a natural fashion without the distraction of the ONDINE computer computer getting in the way. n, the second version of this software, retains the role of the as a third party in the process but between two parties over more than one is expanded to cover negotiations issue (paradoxically but naturally, its name has not changed much). Once the parties have agreed on the identity and number of issues to be negotiated, they give ONDINE II information about their positions on the issues, but do not divulge to the other side information about their reservation prices or alternatives to agreement. 12 After considering the offers and the reservation prices of both sides, ONDINE informs them II none, the solution is there if any room is have reservation prices either they trivial: for negotiation. If there is that are incompatible, or they have misrepresented their reservation prices, or they have not made In any their most generous ONDINE case, some combination offers, or simply requests II new of the above. information. there If is genuinely no room for compromise on a particular issue, no amount of negotiation will solve the problem. Given this information, the parties are freed to focus their efforts in the dispute rather than If, specified to Using the role. ONDINE has two related qualities that distinguish total of the satisfaction ONDINE utility functions that II it from those not derived by both parties its begins to both sides have two sides each agreement in i.e., is this set in the set: the highest that ever be, according to the specified utility functions; and could improve II calculates, while the negotiate, the set of Pareto-optimal agreements, sum perhaps on the substance of indeed room for negotiation, is in confidence, it fruitful areas, on the bargaining. however, there play a more active more (ii) position except at the expense of the other. (i) it the could neither party If shown these optimal agreements, the parties can compare their negotiated outcome with the ones on the Pareto-optimal frontier, agreement from the optimal be informed that their set. Or, agreement if and perhaps select an improved they so choose, they can simply elect to not on the Pareto frontier, and then is continue their negotiation. There are undoubtedly problems with the use of software. With simulation, understanding, especially simplification. if With decision overlooked or probabilities With SAM, the may be cultural so great that a rationally. And, it finally, manipulate the process the model may not all these pieces of always advance provides either no simplification or overtree may analysis, possible outcomes may be be impossible to estimate meaningfully. and organizational differences between the parties common concept of fairness cannot be achieved with ONDINE, second-guessing and the attempt to may be inevitable. Research designed to provide a better understanding of these problems 13 is outlined below in Section IV. The Model The paragraphs above of the computer marked emphasis on the will reveal a in negotiation Middle in the management. Straus and Bazerman attention to "the battle of the print-out" in models can, and indeed have, been used and even to bully. These motivations to joint use [1985] call which computers and computer persuade, to dissuade, to confuse, for the use of the computer to fail address one of the basic reasons people negotiate rather than fight or bury their it heads in the sand - namely, to achieve a cost-effective solution. Because focuses on joint problem-solving rather than sophisticated argument, management negotiation in the middle. Especially is predicated on the assumption that the model where objective information is required to deal with the scientific or technical complexity of the issues, a joint effort may be to the advantage of is and open modeling all parties. Collaborative Model-Building But the concept of negotiation management includes more than joint modeling. actually instead of using a model that comes pre-built, negotiators If engage in joint model-building, the benefits of using compounded. To use earlier language, the a collaborative effort technical experts good reason is use of ordained models even better [Nyhart and advisers understand all & models are is good, but Dauer, 1984]. Even if the the issues completely, there for the negotiators themselves to jointly conceive, build, is and experiment with simple models of reality so that they can better appreciate the strengths joint and weaknesses of other parties' positions and arguments. model-building effort could precede actual bargaining, or parallel, the it could run in two concurrent processes informing each other [Sebenius, Samarasan, 1987]. 14 A 1981; Zooming and Bridging The need practical to minimize the additional knowledge and that are required for for the use of management in negotiation stipulation of simple price, if at points out again the logic behind the early and easy-access modeling. But simplicity comes at a accurately. the substantive issues in a negotiation cases, are not understood and cannot simultaneously be modeled simply and sufficiently may be computer models and related technologies all. many In skills The natural or perceived hierarchy in a particular substantive area intimidating. In other cases, several separate models might eich describe some of the issues, but cannot be used together exist that to form a comprehensive picture, because of vastly different underlying assumptions or motivations [Samarasan, 1987]. In the language of negotiation amenable to simplification a vertical movement through refers through zooming and bridging. Zooming refers to the hierarchy of complexity, v^hereas bridging horizontal link between hierarchies dealing with parallel a to management, these problems may be complexities in different substantive contexts [Straus, 1986]. The ability to zoom is important because it would allow modelers and model-users specify their requirements in convenient levels of detail. And to the ability to bridge effectively between different substantive models, whether ordained or built by the negotiators, negotiators, and compensating for to make too definitions The abstract their it would allow narrow specializations. A facilitators, each other, thus cautious note: it is possible of these ideas, since they are tied so closely to semantic categories. ability to zoom and and synthesize relationships. useful because their expert advisors to relate issues to much and is As noted in bridge effectively implies the prior ability to order to grasp the structure of complex in Section IV below, these topics are research questions being studied by the Project. 15 among the Zooming and Bridging The need practical to minimize the additional knowledge and that are required for for the use of management in negotiation stipulation of simple price, if computer models and related technologies points out again the logic behind the early and easy-access modeling. But simplicity comes at a at all. In many the substantive issues in a negotiation cases, The natural or perceived hierarchy accurately. are not understood and cannot simultaneously be modeled simply and sufficiently may skills in a particular substantive area be intimidating. In other cases, several separate models might some eich. describe exist that of the issues, but cannot be used together to form a coiiprehensive picture, because of vastly different underlying assumptions or r otivations [Samarasan, 1987]. In the language of negotiation through zooming and bridging. Zooming refers amenable to simplification a vertical movement through refers a to horizontal management, these problems may be to the hierarchy of complexity, whereas bridging between hierarchies dealing with link parallel complexities in different substantive contexts [Straus, 1986]. The ability to zoom is important because it would allow modelers and model-users specify their requirements in convenient levels of detail. And to the ability to bridge effectively between different substantive models, whether ordained or built by the negotiators, negotiators, and compensating to make too definitions The abstract much it would allow narrow specializations. A facilitators, each other, thus cautious note: it is possible of these ideas, since they are tied so closely to semantic categories. ability to zoom and and synthesize relationships. useful because their expert advisors to relate issues to for their and is As noted in bridge effectively implies the prior ability to order to grasp in Section the structure IV below, these topics are research questions being studied by the Project. IS of complex among the Other Issues A few comments on brief the development of the software are in order. Consistent with the objective of providing software that and easily accessed by non-experts, the STELLA''"'^ (a product of is once powerful at High Performance Systems, Inc., Lyme, NH) systems dynamics simulation environment, and DA:TA''"" TreeAge Software, Brookline, 1987; and Raker, 1987]. MA) of ONDINE for a product of Samarasan, were developed largely by the investigators, but the second incorporates a Pareto-optimization routine conceived by Blass and Raiffa [see Goeltner, 1987]. In (a for decision tree analysis [see The two versions by the investigators from paper uses effort described in this SAM was written scratch. addition to the development and application of these primary pieces, the investigate MIT Project on Modeling and possibly put to work for Negotiation in Management will an integrated negotiation support system [see Antrim, 1987] a wide variety of other technologies and generic 'productivity' tools. Included in this last category are such software items as and spreadsheets. Expert systems have also been outliners, idea processors, examined for applicability to negotiation [see Boose, 1984; Loofburrow, 1986]. More work has been done under the rubric of CSCW (Computer-Supported Collaborative Work). This work includes such topics as small group communication [Shimanoff, 1984], the 'decision electronic brainstorming (Colab) [Stefik being examined. et room' [Konsynski, 1987], and ah, 1987]. These areas and others are The rationale and impetus investigators' efforts stem from the simple rule for to this aspect of the avoid reinventing the wheel. With regard to hardware, the Project currently operates on two distinct species of computer. STELLA'^'^, for the Inc., Apple Macintosh''"''' is Digital this personal computer (a ONDINE are designed specially product of Apple Computer, Cupertino, CA). The Macintosh interface described in this paper. and DA:TA™, and SAM is ideal for the purposes takes advantage of MIT's designed for use with a VAXStation W^ X Window system workstation Equipment Corporation, Marlboro, MA). As used by the workstation runs the UNIX"""" operating system 16 (a (a product of investigators, product of AT&T Bell Murray Laboratories, sounds more complicated than and This combination of computer environments Hill, NJ). it really is, and gives the software both power flexibility. UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACT OF MODELS AND MODELING IV. Among Negotiation i) ii) the intellectual goals of the Management on Modeling synthetical skills and understanding for are the following: how models and modeling might enhance qualities in negotiation management; how models and modeling might and application of relate to the integrative bargaining; understanding the potential usefulness of models and modeling in a iv) Project understanding applicabilit)' iii) MIT broadened definition of negotiation; and understanding where and why models and modeling may or may not be used in negotiation. These research topics are elaborated upon Enhancing Synthetical in this section. Skills and Qualities Successful negotiation must be both synthetical and analytical. The value of analysis in negotiation has been pointed out by Lax and Sebenius [1986]. It has also implicitly been taken into account in the concept of negotiation management, by the discussion on the uses of computer models in Section On IE above. the other hand, synthesis, or the combining of elements to form a coherent whole, negotiation. is When largely an unexplicated concept, especially in the context of an adjective is needed, the word "synthetical" 17 is used in this draw paper, to away from innovation, and and coherent attention towards the idea of creative which connotes an the aUernative "synthetic" inferior artificiality. The intellectual challenge in the area of synthesis A discovery. is essentially one of negotiation process that arrives at an outcome by integrating, combining, composing, creating, or unifying must somewhere along the way include a significant synthetical component. Perhaps this component is located in the intuitive skills of an experienced and imaginative facilitator who, having accompanied the parties through the negotiation, can draw the interests, stakes, and issues together into one multi-faceted agreement. Or, possibly, be found it to is among the negotiating parties themselves, in the tension between collaboration and competition as they "create and claim." it could conceivably grace the mind of the rare 'Renaissance' individual can rally data and knowledge from a wide variety Or who of fields or disciplines to fashion a creative and original solution to the problems being negotiated. The answer is It the not obvious. could also turn out to be no more than coincidence that the use of computer is a highly synthetical activity. The computer allows the user to hold, arrange, sort, analyze, combine, and present large quantities of data. But on another in that it concept of negotiation management level, the attempts to integrate a coherent set of ideas and is itself tools, synthetical, each of which can be used flexibly according to the dictates of the substantive context or process problem. And in the enunciation and development of management seeks number of different fields - foundations, negotiation S)Tithetically from a and behavioral game theory, have individually contributed The hope into the 'how' is and to a to eclectically more quantitative fields artificial intelligence better - all intuitive progress of which understanding of human form to reveal a coherent whole. new or Although improved ways of it is not expected that anything in the nature of rigid rules for efficient synthesis will some but that further research in this project will delve deeper and 'why' of synthesis combining elements draw conceptual the art of design, the social sciences, including law, as well as the of decision analysis, interaction. to its may be possible. 18 be found, The Relationship to Integrative Bargaining Integrative bargaining forms a major part of as the dominant paradigm Lewin [1987], it is in negotiation. In the what words is widely recognized and of Lewicki, Weiss, the process: by which parties attempt to explore options to increase the size of the gain without respect to the division of payoffs. The key to this process is openness of communication in order to maximize information about one's own and ... joint the other's needs and persp)ectives, to facihtate discovery of joint gain options. Walton and McKersie, identifying integrative bargaining work [1965], contrasted each party tries to the result that it in their seminal with the process of distributive bargaining, maximize its share of a fixed what one party wins, sum in which of available payoffs, with the others lose. Several scholars have pointed out that the integrative approach offer significant may advantages over the distributive. Lax and Sebenius [1986] note, for example, that: ... integrative bargains agreement probabilities; : (3) (1) lead to speedier settlements; (2) have higher reduce the danger that one or more parties will repudiate the agreement; (4) tend to strengthen the relationship between the parties thus facilitating later agreements, and (5) contribute to organizational effectiveness where subunits ... with distinct needs and values engage in intraorganizational bargaining. If ... parties value different aspects of the settlement differently, and if their thinking style predisposes them towards the visualization of trade-offs and joint gains, then integrative [Fisher and Ury, Beyond bargaining can be used to maximize joint utility 1981]. their usefulness in negotiation, the ideas integrative bargaining appear to be responsive to problems levels. In assessing the captured on several in societal present and future place of the United States in the global order, Reich v^ites [1987]: ... The most complex questions alx)ut our place in a changing world, as they are processed by the conceptual filter of political mythology, are reduced to a blunt and binary choice between toughness and charity toward 'them.' ... This narrow spectrum of choice - assertiveness versus accommodation, discipline versus conciliation - bounds our political debates, limits how problems are defined and solutions weighed, and blinds us to a subtler set of options. ... The common error of both variants is the rigid delineation of 'us' and 'them.' ... The tension between a basic stance of accommodation or one of confrontation excludes 19 ground of negotiations and collaborations and comprehend 'theirs.' ... the middle interests that both assert 'our' Freely interpreted, Reich might have been describing a social orientation towards the bargaining styles associated with distributive situations, which a widened use of integrative bargaining concepts might ameliorate. Especially those in problems characterized by technical social complexity, a need for early and decisive resolution, and a diffused decision- making authority, a focused application of the principles underlying integrative bargaining might be useful. This assertion such problems are viewed as a series of negotiations. agreement requires a a cluster of activities And joint problem-solving, is particularly apt if over time, and therefore as since the problems are so complex, reaching combining of disparate parts and solution - a step which is activities into a whole highly synthetical and integrative. Collaboration, or therefore, may be an effective approach for these problems. In the field of law, a growing emphasis on preventive law [Browm Dauer, 1978; Sciamanda, 1986] with [Nyhart & attempt its & link to alternate dispute resolution Dauer, 1987] provides another conceptual underpinning for the expand integrative bargaining. The structural options to in preventive law of dealing with the prospects of future disputes by "presentiating" and resolving, deferring, or avoiding them (the latter in the sense of making agreements that leave minimal possibility of future disputes) would seem to call forth objectives closely akin to those associated integrative bargaining - the effort to expand the number and nature of possible outcomes while treating issues as jointly, rather with common problems than battled to resolution through to be resolved litigation. These are among the considerations informing the premise that the attempt to increase the integrative quality of negotiations effort. Fortunately, might help To it would appear that the use of is a worthwhile models and modeling in that effort. a certain extent, the joint use of models implies a the tenets of integrative bargaining. commitment As Lax and Sebenius point out to [1983], bargaining for competitive advantage often co-exists with a less explicit bargaining for knowledge. Because knowledge and information are the essential ingredients in the evaluation of utility, irrespective of negotiating 20 between integrative or synthetic negotiation, style, there is a natural link which requires access modeling sciences, to a great deal of which can provide The software created among for knowledge and information, and the that access, or an approximation of it. use in negotiation management provides, other things, the capability to model different styles of negotiation, and different concepts of Using these models, negotiators can fairness. compare the various conceptual frameworks and integrative techniques to their situation. might allow researchers test the applicability of And academic use of this software to further explicate the principles of integrative bargaining. The establishment of consensual databases, from which draw data, and to which parties contribute data, all parties can all the natural starting is point for a collaborative problem-solving process. In the kinds of conflicts under discussion, the collaborative process model-building effort. Even if by each party's expert, there offers As activities, a parallel good reason more for the negotiators themselves to rationally separate good arguments and Broader Definition of Negotiation illustrated in Figure 2 above, it is believed that in at least fifteen models and modeling can potentially management. One way to understand these tentative version of a descriptive assist activities is to framework in negotiation view them as a for negotiation management, around the use of computers, models and modeling. Another way interpret them, given that differences them, by from bad ones. A built greatly aided the technical issues are completely understood is build the models, so they can is is to see the framework and disputes can and do occur to in all of as extending the idea of negotiation far beyond beyond explicit actual bargaining. The recognition that the process of negotiation extends bargaining - beyond the 'actual negotiation' literature. divides it Susskind and Cruikshank [1986] into three set is not unfamiliar in the out a model of the process that main phases: pre-negotiation, negotiation, and 21 post- The negotiation. claim, basic trichotomy and reconfigure - further settlement follows what Straus and Bazerman - create, reflects these ideas. Raiffa's post-settlement- [Raiffa, 1985]. have also recognized the basic difference between and bargaining phases of negotiation. From the the consensus-building standpoint. [1986] normally considered negotiation is [1984] made by Lax and Sebenius Brown and Dauer, legal in their concept of preventive law, recognised these general ideas earlier [1978]. Nyhart and Dauer linked the activities of preventive law and alternate dispute resolution to suggest a spectrum of foreshadow those expressed here activities that At this point, may it analyze them in some be worth returning to the fifteen activities, to detail. In reality, these activities parallel streams, a series of cycles, or simplicity, the activities are presented 1) [1984]. even a converging below in a may form several spiral iteration. For simple and linear Hst: Establish a consensual database as a foundation for agreement Gaining consensual agreement on the basic large problem is facts underlying when an early task, and one which, a achieved, quickly identifies areas of disagreement on the fundamental technical uncertainties, points to areas of disagreement over fact, and which consensus indicates the extent to In doing so, many issues may already achieved. is systematically be removed potential points of subsequent adversary confrontation. of modeling in establishing databases technical databases are models, joint modeling requires held by the parties. At and is as The use fundamental - many vice versa. specificity as to values The process of and assumptions this early stage of the negotiation, it also provides an opportunity for the parties to improve their communication and relational skills vis-^-vis each other. Lax and Sebenius, in referring to "knowledge bargaining" [1983], attest to the importance of this stage of negotiations. 2) Assess the impact of uncertainty and change As explained in the database in the discussion of decision tree analysis in Section HI above, information, interests, or positions that might seem crucial at first blush comparison to may be found after some be dominated by other information, 22 analysis and interests, or positions. decision tree models, for example, can DA:TA''"'^ therefore be used in evaluating the database to scope the discussion and to focus on those it make details that really a significant difference. 3) Set a common Once research agenda to collect useful additional data the initial consensual databases are evaluated, and the significant deficiencies in data identified wi\h the use of models, the parties can use this information to establish a commonly acceptable research agenda on what nev^ data need to be collected. In particular, substantive STELLA''"'^ simulation an instrumental role here: dominated to be fully investigated as if, is models can play may possibilities not need usually the case, there are only limited resources for information-gathering. 4) Probe inequalities of power, influence, and access SAM, Referring nov^ to the prior discussion of parties will not agree a priori Especially SAM if there are might help many in data to it is on what constitutes a fair process. parties to the negotiation, joint use of formulation the of decision-making procedures and norms of fairness that are acceptable 5) likely that to all parties. Track the formation of coalitions and clusters SAM can be used by negotiators to jointly the impacts of unequal distributions of power, As indicated examine influence, approach earlier, and information on the course of the negotiation; the is less abstractly mathematical than similar approaches taken by other modelers [see Myerson, 1979, for example]. Details of the tracking parallel 6) methods and motivations are elaborated in a paper [Samarasan, 1987]. Formulate new procedures for making collective decisions The suggestion here is that negotiators can use the results of the process simulations that simulations that effects of the STELLA™ norms SAM provides and the substantive provides to understand the practical that they hold, and to begin to relate contrast political agreeability and technical effectiveness. understanding of these relationships, 23 it is suggested, may A and better lead to a or willingness desire decision-making 7) institute to a more collective rule. Practice cross-cultural negotiating styles and tactics Other researchers have concentrated an specific example them with its in a training inter-cultural mode, & a negotiator can begin to understand differences is that SAM SAM a different Gercik, 1986]. Using such a negotiating tactics, in communication, and become familiar certain extent, in dealing and style, with them. To a performs the same function. The difference makes no attempt an automated negotiator. to act as Provide communication links for bargaining and discussion Face-to-face communication between the parties more dimension negotiation adds one there are many instances when face-to-face negotiators are geographically far apart, communication it may often be There communication may instance, may it are facilitate also times ONDINE with these issues. Communicate to deal effectively The obvious and while protecting secret critical remote information importance of effective and trusted examples by writers from such diverse in example: Allison, 1971; Kettelle, 1986; Walton & [see, for McKersie, 1965]. the software currently developed for negotiation management, addresses the issue of communication most 24 many fields as international diplomacy, arms control, and industrial relations ONDINE more or encourage channels of communication has been illustrated Of when made without embarrassment. to intended when down admissions and retractions is is the emotional interaction: for allow tempers to cool be a messaging and practical to negotiate remotely through electronic teleconferencing. to to the interaction. Clearly, either expensive or inconvenient. In large groups, or 9) A knowledge base and combines knowledge base about negotiators from a organization or culture [Susskind system effort in this area. the use of an expert system that captures is effective negotiation rules in 8) useful literally and directly. It allows the parties to communicate effectively without revealing their basic negotiating positions. 10) Discover the areas of potential agreement among sub-groups Both ONDINE and SAM areas of potential agreement allow the parties among to discover all sub-groups. They accept from the parties information that allows the models to determine the range of solutions for each issue that However, what the parties is do with acceptable to this all parties. information is not prescribed automatically. 11) Suggest settlements that minimize the need for compromise One norms included of the in SAM's algorithm simple idea that the best settlement least compromising on the part of choose SAM norm, this the least total movement the parties. all of all parties issues. is the the one that requires the computes the settlement on the ideal settling points is library away from The goal here If the parties that results in their respective is not so much to locate that particular settlement, but to illustrate the effect of the norm on other and course the quality norms in the library that of the negotiations. There are SAM can suggest, or the parties can design their own. 12) Evaluate the substantive impact of proposed settlements This is perhaps the most obvious of the roles that a computer model can play in a negotiation. Countless adversarial use of models can be found. examples of the The suggestion here that joint substantive modeling, with DAiTA''"'^ for instance, allows all is and STELLA^*^, parties to see the impacts of proposals, both theirs and others'. There are often times when such information, 13) Enhance If them if shared, can precipitate agreement very quickly. initial agreements through Pareto-optimization the parties reach an agreement, simple techniques can assist in enhancing its value [Raiffa, 1985]. ONDINE uses a Pareto optimization routine to point out to the parties potential agreements where at least one party could do better without any other party doing any worse. Especially 25 when the issues are easily valued a in common currency, this technique can highlight significant joint gains [see Goeltner, 1987]. 14) Monitor the implementation A critical yet often of the final agreement overlooked aspect of negotiation is the monitoring of the implementation of the agreement and of the overall system or set of issues of was the core. In this activity, dynamic picture parties a which the negotiated agreement models can be used provide of the implementation. In the ideal models that were case, substantive to built during the negotiation, either as self-standing ones or as front-ends to more rigorous models, would be used [Samarasan, 1987]. This double duty would help reduce It would also the effective cost of the initial modeling effort. minimize the unacceptability of the monitoring models. 15) Reach an amicable solution should disputes arise anew Inevitably, differences will arise over the subject matter of the negotiation. Some may develop of these differences disputes. Anticipating these developments, parties advance to may agree in use the models that have been validated as bases for objective criteria in disputes in a non- where appropriate, adjudicators could of such models: there in adjudication new resolving the adversarial setting. Or, make use into vigorous [McGovern, is precedent for the use of models Of course, 1986]. in some contexts these early models might have to be updated before they can serve a sensible function. The Use and Non-Use Although the uses of models discussed part, not revolutionary in the new to the in this section, is in this paper are, for the most world of computer science, they are relatively world of negotiation. Therefore, with resistance and rejection. Models of Much of concerned with ways 26 their what to is use can be expected to meet said above, in Section IE and make models and modeling more Enough useful and widely acceptable. now known is or suspected, however, much about perceptions that lead instead to their non-use, so so that an understanding of the obstacles to the increased use of models in negotiation is essential. The kinds extent, be many made by of criticisms met by the observation that the of the types of disputes for and decision the dispute settlement intuition of the lack of settlement) fail to attempt a model consequences, to to fail in an attempt And to is III can, to some not a panacea. But in which the concepts of systems simulation beyond the (or computer most appropriate, tree analysis are is the authors in Section i.e., where the substance of unaided human mind, or where the dispute the of may prove to be has far-reaching more far costly than model. with regard to the role of essentially the chance for an SAM and ONDENE as agents, they offer improved process. Many writers on alternate dispute resolution have urged the caveat that certain kinds of problems are simply not amenable to decisive resolution through negotiation [Lewicki Ozawa & Susskind, 1985; Raiffa, These problems commonly end up either in Litterer, 1985; negotiation.' At least in these cases, management may turn out Some to 1982; Fisher and & Ur>', 1981]. the courts or in 'extended an improved process through negotiation be the best alternative to stalemate. other apparently legitimate bases of resistance have also been anticipated. Lax, for example, has speculated [1987] that the usefulness of Pareto-optimization software will be a expect on initial From than one might lot less significant consideration. the perspective of Negotiation Analysis as elaborated Sebenius [1986], a critical element is the interplay between competition and cooperation in such bargaining. Parties to a negotiation, joint gains at all, are by Lax and if they are creating simultaneously creating these gains and dividing them up amongst themselves - an intertwined expected to advance their self-interests. process. Naturally, parties can be And they distorting the statement of their preferences may do and attempt to do so by utilities when using a Pareto-optimization routine, providing biased information to skew the 'optimal' outcomes towards their true preferences. 27 Lax and Sebenius note that this problem essentially is one form of the Negotiator's Dilemma [Lax and Sebenius, 1986]: An ... by game due result, dilemma abstract version of a similar is currently being investigated theorists studying bargaining with incomplete information. analogous Myerson to to the ones One major (1979), is that in highly simplified situations that are we discuss, fully honest revelation of private information by individual bargainers and Pareto efficiency cannot simultaneously be is a starkly abstracted analogue of the result we describe that tends to result from the tension between cooperative moves to create value and competitive moves to claim it individually. ... achieved. This Lax believes that when using models, negotiators will from negotiating into trying efforts shift their immediate understand the iDlack box' of the to optimization model in order to claim more of the joint gains. Extending this may argument, he argues that negotiators often be unwilling to commit dispensation of their negotiation to an optimization routine whose role agreements that maximize to find Be that as it is may outweigh the objections raised above. that complex negotiations with many issues, and unknowns. The capacity of an optimization model in that case aid the analysis because analysis could flag those situations where - without it. utilities - no solution space It is joint gains. the case of very parties, possibilities, it may, there remain times when the uses of optimizing models may provide advantages One example the exists. And if would be impossible at least a basic according to stated agreement is eventually reached, a Pareto-optimizing model might then be used to enhance the agreement [Raiffa, 1985]. In a sense, the concerns expressed above different issue than the use of be about the degree to may in essence turn on a computer models. The underlying doubts may which the negotiation at hand perceived and treated is according to the principles of integrative or distributive bargaining. Nonetheless, they do point out the importance of understanding the theoretical as well as practical obstacles to the use of computers and information-based modeling. Different reservations about the use of models complex or science-laden negotiations. [1987] interviewed persons the recent negotiation who had may In a recent study in Clements and Sossen one way or another been involved and implementation 28 arise in technically of a monitoring plan in for proposed oil and gas exploration of the Georges Bank area offshore England under the Department of the was anticipated study oil that some essentially At the outset of the study, of the several existing and gas productivity, might have been useful Interior. oil pollution, computer models used and interaction with to the negotiators. In fact, the it to fisheries study concluded that no computer models were used. The reasons given by the interviewees for steering clear of modeling obviously informs the Project. New From among them, Clements and Sossen summarized work of the the following: ... Over the course of the interviews, we discovered three reasons for the non-use of models. First, at the time, models for these sorts of negotiations were underdeveloped. Better models have appeared, however, subsequent to the Lease-Sale 42 debate. Second, there was distrust of the models that were then extant. Scientists and negotiators alike expressed reservations about the adequacy of the input data, the scientific knowledge embodied in the models, and the implicit assumptions. Finally, the perception of the role of the computer at that time limited the willingness of negotiators to employ models. Whether these concerns reflect perceptions of those interviewed that they exist at all. is objective less questions, or important at this the subjective point than the fact Further research will adapt the Clements and Sossens protocol to a general format for inquiry that can be used for investigation in other contexts. V. POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS IN SUBSTANTIVE CONTEXTS Use of the software and processes described here is a major element of negotiation management. Use initially provides an opportunity to test and ultimately evaluates the efficacy of the generic software in a range of substantive contexts. At the time of v^iting, the investigators are creating contexts from situations for use in teaching materials. Joint Venture, focuses on a One case, for example, the Kherov U.S.-U.S.S.R business negotiation. examines the potential exploitation of 29 krill fact Another resources in the context of prospective Antarctic Treaty negotiations. underway include a strategic analysis of the other modeling efforts Still submarine nuclear deterrent in an arms control context, the simulated enforcement of new international garbage disposal rules applying and the management of to offshore waters, disputes arising in shipbuilding. Earlier applied modeling efforts concerned deep ocean mining [Nyhart et al, 1978] The next research phase will and oil spill be to clean-up [Psaraftis, 1985]. work directly with parties in negotiations. Substantive contexts are being sought for this purpose in which the quality and the course of the negotiation are a central part of the problem. It is hoped collaborative that multi-party work using and multi-issue situations can be found the tools at hand. VI. DISSEMINATION At the heart of the MIT Project on Modeling Management modeling is for making the objective of the integrated set of paper available tools described in this Negotiation for models and to negotiating parties and third-party facilitators, for general use and under appropriate distribution arrangements. The methods a systematic way of negotiation management can and should be taught in before conflicts arise, and the software developed at the Project encompasses this purpose. Therefore, another part of the Project preparation, testing, and packaging of teaching materials for use at is the MIT and in law, management, engineering, and public service professional schools. Software and written teaching materials providing instructions will enable students to create their simulated facts. fact scenarios own models and based on the Negotiation exercises, comprising materials for simulating the process of joint model-building will be provided along with appropriate textual material. The intent is to provide a complete set of materials for the use of students, negotiators, and third-party neutrals. 30 Another means of dissemination, the MIT Research Colloquium on Modeling for Negotiation critique current project Management, has been established work and to presentations of the current state of the as a to discuss and hear scholars' and practitioners' art. The Colloquium, which functions research and teaching seminar, serves as a focal point for such interchange and for the development of graduate, undergraduate, and faculty research. One of the goals of the project is educate Ph. to D students in the uses of modeling in negotiation management, in the context of an integrated approach. In this regard, the Colloquium will continue to be an element of that effort. ^it»iHHHHHHHHk*******»*»***** The long term goals of the Management models in materials, Project negotiation, design the negotiation the of creation of computer methods formal of practice possible a negotiation. optimization, software instruction the assessment of the implications and supporting in negotiation of the use of computers and decision-making. The experience gained so far suggests the Modeling for Negotiation in include the development of principled guidelines for the use of management, and in MIT and teaching deeper of negotiation understanding of that crucial. is complex But more generally, the computer so that negotiations are robust. 31 the use of the more will and in The computer makes technical help in efficient, computer issues in organization and and agreements more REFERENCES Allison, Essence of Decision. Boston: Little, Brown, 1971. Negotiation" in Coastal Zone and Continental Shelf Conflict Resolution, Nyhart, ed. Cambridge: MIT Sea Antrim, "Computer Models as an Aid Grant Publication MITSG 85-28, to MIT, 1985. Antrim, "Computer-Assisted Negotiation: A Report on Research Sponsored by the Unisys Corporation," American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1987. Axelrod, The Evolution of Cooperation. Boose, New "A Negotiation Advisor," ETS Services, York: Basic Books, 1984. 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