TAB 4a REGULAR MEETING OF THE STATE BOARD FOR COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGES MEETING MINUTES October 24, 2012 State Board Members Sharon Fairchild (Chair), Spokane Beth Willis (Vice Chair), Lakewood Jim Bricker, Coupeville Erin Mundinger, Omak Shaunta Hyde, Lake Forest Park Elizabeth Chen, Federal Way Anne Fennessy, Seattle Wayne Martin, Richland Larry Brown, Auburn Statutory Authority: Laws of 1967, Chapter 28B.50 Revised Code of Washington State of Washington STATE BOARD FOR COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGES Olympia ACTION INDEX October 24, 2012 Resolution Number ---12-10-42 12-10-43 12-10-44 12-10-45 12-10-46 12-10-47 Description Adoption of Consent Agenda: - Approval of State Board Regular Meeting Minutes for September 12, 2012 - Centralia College Local Expenditure Authority Property Acquisition (402 S. King & 812 CC Blvd.) - Yakima Valley Local Expenditure Authority, Property Acquisition (600 Wine County Road) - Yakima Valley Local Expenditure Authority, Property Acquisition (1111 & 1113 South 12th) - Olympic College Local Expenditure Authority, Traffic Light Overruns - Whatcom CC Local Expenditure Authority, Tenant Improvements Approval of Student Achievement Awards Page in Minutes 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE BOARD FOR COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGES Olympia Regular Meeting Minutes October 24, 2012 Grays Harbor College, Aberdeen State Board Members Present: Sharon Fairchild, Beth Willis, Jim Bricker, Erin Mundinger, Shaunta Hyde, Elizabeth Chen, Wayne Martin, Larry Brown State Board Members Absent: Anne Fennessy CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME Chair Sharon Fairchild called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and welcomed those present. She asked for audience introductions. ADOPTION OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA MOTION: Moved by Beth Willis and seconded by Jim Bricker that the State Board adopt its October 24, 2012, regular meeting agenda as presented. MOTION CARRIED. HOST COLLEGE PRESENTATION Grays Harbor College (GHC) President Ed Brewster presented an overview of Grays Harbor College. He noted that they are one of the oldest colleges in the system. They serve 3,000 square miles that covers Grays Harbor and Pacific counties. He shared enrollment data, student facts, and gave an overview of courses offered at the main and branch campuses. He introduced three students who shared about their journey and experience at the college. He also noted the fun fact that their mascot (Charlie Choker) was awarded one of the top 25 cheesiest school mascots in the nation by Cheetos. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Executive Director Marty Brown reported on the following topics: ctcLink Update 2012-13 Work Agenda Federal Sequestration Tuition Project WSAC Update ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA (Resolutions 12-10-42 through 12-10-46) MOTION: Moved by Erin Mundinger and seconded by Shaunta Hyde that the State Board adopt the consent agenda for its October 24, 2012, regular meeting as follows: a) Approval of September 12, 2012, State Board regular meeting minutes SBCTC Regular Meeting Minutes October 24, 2012 Page 2 b) Resolution 12-10-42: Centralia College Local Expenditure Authority, Property Acquisition at 402 South King & 812 CC Blvd. c) Resolution 12-10-43: Yakima Valley CC Local Expenditure Authority, Property Acquisition at 600 Wine Country Road d) Resolution 12-10-44: Yakima Valley CC Local Expenditure Authority, Property Acquisition at 1111 & 1113 South 12th Street e) Resolution 12-10-45: Olympic College Local Expenditure Authority, Traffic Light Overruns f) Resolution 12-10-46: Whatcom CC Local Expenditure Authority, Tenant Improvements MOTION CARRIED. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT INITIATIVE UPDATE Jan Yoshiwara of the State Board staff introduced panel members Tom Keegan, Ed Brewster, and John Walstrum. They reported that at the State Board Retreat an Advisory Group panel discussed issues it is wrestling with before making a final proposal on a funding model. The current funding model awards colleges for improvement in net point gain. The current principles call for each college to compete against itself. New funds are identified as the best source. However, the past several years the fund source has come from a re-allocation of colleges’ base funds. This has introduced competition. Net point gain has been a readily transparent method for colleges to understand where they are improving. The Advisory Group has deliberated the principles to better fit the reality of base money to create an award pool. They have studied the pros and cons of different methods to calculate performance as well as different ways to create a funding pool. Presidents weighed in on the pros and cons of different methods and principles at their September meeting. Three funding methods are under consideration as a result. The Advisory Group will select method(s) and discuss how to create a funding pool that fits based upon the principles in preparation for their final recommendation to WACTC in November. 2012 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS (RESOLUTION 12-10-47) Jan Yoshiwara of the State Board staff introduced David Prince, the State Board’s Policy Research Director. He reported that in 2007 the Board launched the Student Achievement Initiative. Its purposes are to improve public accountability by more accurately describing what students achieve from enrolling in our colleges each year, and to provide incentives though financial rewards to colleges for increasing the levels of achievement attained by their students. The framework for Student Achievement is that as more students increase their basic skills and college readiness, gain momentum from first year college’s success, and finish college math they will complete in greater numbers. MOTION: Moved by Beth Willis and seconded by Erin Mundinger that the State Board adopt Resolution 12-10-47 approving the distribution of Student Achievement Awards and authorizing the Executive Director to make adjustments, as necessary. MOTION CARRIED. SBCTC Regular Meeting Minutes October 24, 2012 Page 3 EFFICIENCY STUDY UPDATE State Board member Erin Mundinger reported that at the direction of the Steering Committee, the Hill Group consultants in collaboration with eight case study colleges, identified and mapped out common business and service processes performed at each college that held promise for cost savings and benefits if consolidated at the regional or statewide level. With the leadership of the Business Affairs Commission, an information request was sent to each of the colleges asking college staff to provide detailed information on staffing, volume of work, and time on task for each of the processes. Erin introduced panel member Michele Johnson and staff members Jan Yoshiwara and Mike Scroggins who presented the draft recommendations that will go to the presidents at their next meeting. LEGISLATIVE AND COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE Deb Merle of the State Board staff informed the Board that the gubernatorial race and several Senate races are expected to be close. Party control of the executive branch and the Senate hang in the balance. Results of the November 6 elections will be discussed at the December meeting. In September, the Board approved the system’s 2013-15 operating budget request. Board staff then worked with presidents, trustees, and public information officers to develop a one-page summary, which was widely distributed to colleges, legislators, and stakeholders. Staff also prepared a set of talking points that accompanied the summary, for use by the colleges. A comprehensive legislative agenda flyer will be produced again this year in December. The flyer will summarize our operating and capital budget requests and any policy asks that gel between now and then. As part of the statewide communications plan, Laura McDowell presented the SBCTC contract with Douglas Gould and Associates to conduct an online focus group and survey to gauge the public’s perceptions of community and technical colleges. Gould and Associates will identify messages that resonate with public and the Legislature and will make recommendations related to the statewide communications plan. Doug Gould will provide a summary of his findings and a strategic memo, and present his results to the system participants at two workshops in November. STATE BOARD RETIREMENT PLAN UPDATE John Boesenberg of the State Board staff briefed the Board on the basic structure and governance of the State Board retirement plan it sponsors. He noted that at this time, participants have access to 35 TIAA-CREF investment products. He proposed to review the cost and performance of these investment options with the intent of replacing underperforming options with “best-in-class” funds. The replacement products may include mutual or bond funds provided by companies other than TIAA-CREFF. In conjunction with this review, provisions governing the plan and documents supporting the plan will be updated and improved. This initial review was intended to provide background for potential action items scheduled later this year and early 2013. SBCTC Regular Meeting Minutes October 24, 2012 Page 4 CANVAS LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS) DEMONSTRATION Connie Broughton of the State Board staff presented a demonstration of the new learning management system, Canvas. Canvas is the learning management system selected during a statewide process in March 2012. In June 2012 the Board authorized the Executive Director to proceed with contract negotiations and execute a contract for the college system to use Canvas. An impressive live demonstration was shown to the Board. CHAIR’S REPORT Trustees’ Association Report. TACTC Secretary Dick Van Hollebeke reported on the topics of: Achieving the Dream, GISS Conference, ACCT Conference in Boston, Open Course Library, Leadership Dinner, and Building a Workforce Ready Washington. ACCT will be held in Seattle next year, October 2-5, 2013, at the Washington State Convention Center. Parking Lot. Marty noted he would like to hear from folks on the topics marked future. Sharon noted a presentation from the Edmonds WATR center would be nice on a future meeting agenda. ADJOURNMENT/NEXT MEETING There being no further business, the State Board adjourned its regular meeting of October 24, 2012, at 5:18 p.m. The State Board will hold next meeting December 5-6, 2012, at the Pierce College - Fort Steilacoom ______________________________ Sharon Fairchild, Chair ATTEST: ______________________________ Marty Brown, Secretary