Regular Meeting – May 8, 2007 MINUTES The School Board of St. Lucie County held a regular meeting in the School Board Room on May 8, 2007 at approximately 6:00 p.m. PRESENT: MS. CAROL A. HILSON, Vice Chairman Member Residing in District No. 2 MRS. KATHRYN HENSLEY Member Residing in District No. 4 MR. TROY INGERSOLL Member Residing in District No. 5 DR. JUDI MILLER Member Residing in District No. 1 ABSENT: DR. JOHN CARVELLI, Chairman Member Residing in District No. 3 ALSO PRESENT: MR. MICHAEL J. LANNON, Superintendent MR. DANIEL B. HARRELL, Attorney PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Chairman Carol Hilson called the meeting to order. Lawnwood Elementary students then came forward to lead the Pledge of Allegiance and sing several musical selections. MINUTES Action: The superintendent recommended the Board approve minutes for April 5, 2007, April 10, 2007 and April 24, 2007as presented (Hensley/Ingersoll/ Carried 4-0). SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS 1. ML American Cancer Society “Circle of Hope” Fundraiser Awards Frances K. Sweet student Cody Denig, a young and courageous survivor who created the “Circle of Hope” idea/effort, assisted Ms. Meredith Jones, American Cancer Society volunteer, in presenting Certificates of Appreciation to every school in the district. Students across the district had raised tremendous amounts of money for the Society and Ms. Jones thanked Mr. Lannon and the Board for their support and all of the students for their fundraising efforts on behalf of the American Cancer Society. 2. ML Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Presentation Mr. Rick Heroux and Ms. Lisa Taylor from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation presented Mr. Lannon with a Certificate of Appreciation. Mr. Lannon had served as the Foundation’s Honorary Chairman during its fundraising campaign. Over $30,000 been raised with more contributions still coming in. 3. ML American Heart Association Jump Rope/Hoops for Heart Recognition Ms. Michelle Cooper, a representative with the American Heart Association who conducted Jump Rope and Hoops for Heart events at several elementary and middle schools, honored the top five elementary school event coordinators and the top two middle event coordinators for their hard work and support of the AHA. Coordinators from Morningside Elementary, Rivers Edge Elementary, Oak Hammock K-8, Village Green Elementary, Mariposa Elementary, Southern Oaks Middle School, and Dan McCarty Middle School came forward to be recognized for their outstanding and caring work. 4. ML St. Lucie County Health Department/Fire District Water Safety Awards ok 28:28 Ms. Arlease Hall from the St. Lucie County Health Department and Ms. Puddin Race from the St. Lucie County Fire District presented a donation to the Board on behalf of all schools to say thank you for the partnership and student participation in the water safety/drowning prevention program sponsored by the St. Lucie County Health Department and Fire District. Each school media center was given two books on water safety and a stuffed kangaroo “Roo” to promote student learning and drowning prevention. 5. JK St. Lucie County School District Teacher of Excellence Utilizing Technology 2007 Grant Winners Mrs. Mary Holmgren, Executive Director of the St. Lucie County Education Foundation, had the honor of presenting laptop computers donated by Dell to the following teachers for their excellence in utilizing technology in the classroom: Pamela Garrity from Bayshore Elementary, Karen Thompson from Forest Grove Middle School, Mary Jean Malizia from Port St. Lucie High School, and Teacher of the Year Anna LaDeans Phillips. This award was given in honor of elementary, middle and high school teachers who were utilizing technology to both enhance the curriculum in an innovative manner and to motivate engaged student learning in the classroom. 6. SR Florida Atlantic University/St. Lucie County Chamber Scholarship Recognition Vice Chairman Hilson, Superintendent Lannon, Mrs. Olivia Watkins from Human Resources, FAU Vice President Gerri McPherson, and School Board Member Kathryn Hensley who represented the SLC Chamber of Commerce, were very pleased and proud to present plaques to the first graduates in the county who had earned their degrees through the FAU/SLC Chamber Scholarship Program. Ms. Angie Moorer and Ms. Tywannia Moorer were honored and recognized for their great achievement. It was an historical and happy occasion for everyone concerned. Both graduates received degrees as teachers for exceptional student education. Superintendent Lannon and Mrs. Hensley talked briefly about the “A Promise is a Promise” program. St. Lucie County School District graduates receive a guaranteed contract and a promise of employment once they become highly qualified teachers. Mrs. Hensley, who helped start the scholarship program through the Chamber over a year ago, maintained that the scholarship opportunities needed to be expanded. 7. BS 8th Annual Florida Youth Leadership Forum Delegates Mrs. Barbara Slaga, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services and Exceptional Student Education, assisted by Ms. Lesa Kitzmiller, Program Specialist for Transition Services, announced and asked the Board to recognize the district’s delegates to the 8th Annual Florida Youth Leadership Forum for high school students with disabilities. The student representatives were Henry Sanchez, Stuart Schneider, Summer Hovaldt, and Robert Noren. SCHEDULED SPEAKER (5 minute limit) 8. John/Carol Moler Mr. John Moler addressed the Board about the new temporary Winterlakes K-8 school site which was located in his neighborhood. Mr. Moler had given the Board a petition that contained107 signatures of concerned citizens and neighbors in the north Torino area where the site was currently being built. Mr. Moler explained that residents in that area had understood the Winterlakes area was zoned as OSR—a park, however the zoning was changed. With the current location of a temporary school in that same area (possibly for 3-5 years), Mr. Moler and others hoped and were asking that the zoning be returned to OSR when the temporary school was no longer necessary. The major concern pointed out by Mr. Moler had to do with the inadequate roads that were already congested. Pollution from bus fumes would also be a problem. Another area of negative impact had to do with a proposed bridge across (“rabbit run”) the Sanctuary Apartments area which would compound the traffic problem. Mr. Moler stated he had met with Port St. Lucie City Manager Don Cooper and Councilwoman Michelle Berger and had asked for options pertaining to other sites that were suitable in the red zone. Mr. Moler was told there were four suitable sites for consideration. In meeting with Mr. Marty Sanders, Executive Director of Growth Management/Land Acquisitions/Intergovernmental Relations, Mr. Moler was told the first priority site was one on west Blanton and west Torino Parkway. Mr. Cooper and Ms. Berger did confirm that that site was negotiable (infrastructure was in place and it was accessible from two secondary roads). Mr. Moler told the Board that his community was willing to endure the temporary school with the understanding that it was a temporary situation, which is what everyone had been led to believe. Due to the negative impact to the community and with the inherent problems with the Winterlakes school site, Mr. Moler stated a permanent school in a better location with better access and infrastructure was the only answer to this situation. It was understood that the district was in an emergency situation due to rapid growth and a need for student stations. The message Mr. Moler carried to the Board from his community was, “No bridge, no permanent school.” According to the school district and Michelle Berger, the bridge money could fund between one half to two thirds of the cost of the property at Blanton and West Torino Parkway. Vice Chairman Hilson thanked Mr. Moler for his input from the community and stated the Board was aware that Mr. Sanders was working diligently with the group. Board members were listening and were aware of the issues. Mr. Marty Sanders was asked to update the Board. Mr. Sanders started by saying the School District had been looking for school sites in the old General Development Corporation (GDC) area of Port St. Lucie for a long time. The re-districting (for student assignment purposes) that the district underwent last year moved the Torino area and the Parkway area that was originally in old zone one into the new red zone. This increased the need for school sites in Port St. Lucie because students were no longer attending schools north of Midway Road. There were about 4,000 homes still to be built in the Torino Parkway area. The typical student generation rate would be about 1,600 students for that area. Last fall, the City and the District looked at the anticipated enrollment numbers for 2007 and discussed what facilities could be brought on line. The Winterlakes site was about the only one that could be obtained in a short period of time. Infrastructure was available and the site could be permitted. Other sites that were looked at, including Blanton and West Torino, were not available to the district at the time. The only site that met the timeframe for a 2007 opening was Winterlakes. Based on that information, the district moved forward and requested a five year lease from the City of Port St. Lucie. The City gave the district a three year lease with the option of a two year renewal. The lease was presented to the School Board for consideration and discussion. There was some concern mentioned about the magnitude of expenditures for a site that could only be used for up to five years. However, in recognizing the need for student stations due to the number of incoming students and due to class-size reduction requirements, the Board took action to move forward with the temporary school. Letters were sent out to notify the neighborhood and a meeting was held with residents in March 2007. Most of the concerns brought up at that time were about finding another route to the temporary site that did not go through the neighborhood. Some options were looked at, e.g., extend “rabbit run”, a roadway just south of the Dellwood neighborhood. That appeared to be a viable alternative. Mr. Sanders continued by stating that new options had opened up to the district that were not available last fall and they should now be explored further. The Blanton site was a good option that should be looked at, however, residents were against the building of an access road. In any event, the access road could not be completed by the start of school. Mr. Sanders advised the Board that he would continue to explore other opportunities with the City of Port St. Lucie regarding other school sites. Superintendent Lannon thanked Mr. Moler for his comments and indicated he had asked Mr. Sanders to open up new avenues of conversation with the City of Port St. Lucie, the findings of which would be brought back to the School Board. Following the scheduled speaker’s comments and discussion, Vice Chairman Hilson did advise everyone that Chairman Carvelli’s absence was due to a medical situation, a non-emergency, that had come up and consequently, he was unable to participate in the meeting this evening. STAFF REPORTS 9. OR Curriculum Report - School Improvement Plan Presentation – Mariposa Elementary The Board received a written and verbal school improvement plan presentation from Mr. Craig Logue, principal at Mariposa Elementary School. School improvement plans are presented during each regular business meeting as determined by the superintendent and staff. As each report is verbally summarized, the written information that each school provides includes the previous year’s data on student demographics, Stanford achievement results, FCAT subgroup data/student proficiency, adequate yearly progress, and strategies germane to each school’s student population for the coming year in reading, mathematics, writing, and science. Details of the data presented can be found in the supplemental minutes packet and/or at each school. Board members and the superintendent give each report their undivided attention. Follow-up comments and/or questions are not unusual. Board members and Superintendent Lannon do express great appreciation to each school’s team for their support of students and efforts in preparing the plan. - Curriculum Advancements and Professional Development Dr. Owen Roberts, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching/Learning & Accountability/Assessment, stated he was pleased to be able to bring an update to the Board concerning the fine work that was being done at the district office. One and a half years ago, Dr. Roberts said the Board had made a decision to invest In a management system for curriculum (FOCUS), one that would bring quality support to schools to ensure that quality instruction and education was taking place for boys and girls. Dr. Roberts introduced Mrs. Mary Krause, Executive Director of Teaching, Learning, and Title I, and Mrs. Debbie Iseman, Executive Director of Professional Development, who reported on future goals and plans for the coming school year in the areas of curriculum advancement and professional development. Mrs. Krause, assisted by Ms. Jeanne Moniz and Ms. Teri Barenborg from the curriculum department, and Ms. Chris Yahn, project manager for the Riverdeep project, updated the Board on the FOCUS plan. Mrs. Krause explained that it began as a skeleton plan that was put together to help support new teachers coming into the district and those coming in from out of state. The FOCUS lesson plans were aligned with the district’s scope and sequence and the Sunshine State Standards. A teacher only had to click on a lesson, click on a benchmark and they would have what they needed to start teaching lessons. The system provided best practices from very highly qualified teachers and allowed for easier management of updated benchmarks/Sunshine State Standards. Dr. Miller questioned and Mrs. Krause answered how and when FOCUS was used; the number and variety of activities and demonstrations used in lessons; efforts to update the system; how to capture and apply best practices; how to identify that a teacher has a best practice or skill and what was that process; plans for getting the system into the hands of more teachers, and the proposed marketing plan. Mr. Ingersoll said he really appreciated the forthright, clear, and concise presentation. He and other board members could see the vision and anticipated growth of this system with the district’s technology plan. Mr. Ingersoll asked how many teachers were trained and using the system now and how many hits did the website get during a week. Ms. Hilson stressed the importance of marketing the system and introducing it to incoming teachers right away. Many new teachers are overwhelmed and this system would make the difference. . Mr. Ingersoll suggested that staff continue to keep the training groups small. Ms. Iseman reported on professional development opportunities for teachers, administrators over the 2007 summer and also provided an agenda for the K-5 Academies that were being offered on August 1314, 2007. Mr. Lannon summarized that the district’s 20 point plan that was released to the public on May 2, 2007 was designed to support the kind of work that had just been discussed by the curriculum and professional development staff. All the hard work and creativity took a lot of research and refining by a dedicated staff. 10. ML Superintendent’s Report TCERDA UPDATE Mr. Richard A. Kennedy, Jr., Executive Director of the TC Education, Research, and Development Authority, gave a brief update on the Treasure Coast Research Park. The new undertaking by St. Lucie County, along with three area universities and the School Board, was an ambitious process designed to contribute to the economic development for the Treasure Coast. The 1,600 acre research park is home to the University of Florida’s 90,000 – SF IFAS research center, the USDA’s 170,000 – SF horticultural research lab, the St. Lucie County Cooperative Extension Service and the School Board’s Agri-Science Education Program. The Authority was in the process of gaining federal and state funding with which to build a 10,000 – SF office center and business incubator along with development of a master plan that would begin the process of further park development. REVIEW Superintendent Lannon reviewed the following matters with board members: -On-going work being done on high school science labs across the district, -Twenty point funding plan to address needs of underperforming students, -Potential licensing of a non-commercial education radio station in St. Lucie County, -Request for hurricane pet shelter at Westgate Middle School. ORGANIZATONAL CHART AND JOB DESCRIPTIONS (for review only at this time) Superintendent Lannon gave board members a new proposed organizational chart for the 2007-08 leadership team and six job descriptions for their review. After explaining his rationale for changes to the chart, Mr. Lannon indicated he would bring all items back for Board consideration at the May 22, 2007 regular workshop. CTA REPORT CTA/CU President Vanessa Tillman thanked the Board for committing to the employees’ compensation package (see consent agenda #14). Ms. Tillman commended the Board for putting employees first. See other comments from Ms. Tillman below: -The recruitment trip to Texas/New Mexico was very successful, a “plus plus”, -Infusion of African American studies as presented by Dr. P. Coggins was a move in the right direction, -Professional development’s summer training calendar was an excellent collaborative effort—people would have an opportunity to hear each other and build relationships early on in the school year, -Professional development opportunities were needed for professional support personnel, -Review non-renewed contracts; were employees given a second chance, -Determine if employees could have had the skills if they had received the necessary support. Ms. Hilson told Ms. Tillman that board members had just returned from Master Board training in Tampa where other districts could not believe how successful the collaborative bargaining model was in St. Lucie County. This was due to the leadership of Ms. Tillman, Mr. Lannon and the negotiation teams. Everyone was working together to do the best thing for the children. CWA REPORT No report. CONSENT AGENDA Action: The superintendent recommended the Board approve consent agenda items #11 through #22 and #24 through #33(item #23 was pulled for separate vote) (Hensley/ Ingersoll/Carried 4-0). Discussion: prior to stating the question, Dr. Miller asked that item #23 be pulled from the consent agenda for separate vote. It was pointed out that there was no funding going to Big Brothers/Big Sisters through the School Board. The agreement pertained to the sharing of data (attendance, academic performance, teacher feedback, etc.). Dr. Miller recused herself from voting on item #23. See Form 8B Memorandum of Voting, Conflict for County, Municipal and Other Local Public Officers on file in the Minutes Book. SEPARATE VOTE ON ITEM #23 – Big Brothers/Big Sisters of St. Lucie County Interagency Agreement Action: The superintendent recommended the Board approve separate item #23 as presented (Hensley/Ingersoll/ Carried 3-0, Dr. Miller abstained). 11. SR Personnel Agenda & Leaves – Professional Support Re-appointments 12. SR Agreement with Florida Atlantic University for MERIT India Teacher (MIT) Program 13. SR CTA/CU Contract Waiver for Morningside Elementary 14. SR Letters of Understanding Regarding Compensation for CTA, CU, and CWA 15. SR Job Descriptions for Classroom Audio Visual Systems Foreman, Classroom Audio Visual Specialist 16. TB Payroll and Accounts Payable Check Run Schedules for 2007-08 17. TB Budget Amendment #6 18. TB Budget Amendment #7 19. TB Budget Amendment #8 20. KW Transportation Svcs. Agmts. with Camp Can Do, Christ Family Fellowship, Indian River Community College, and Chabad Jewish Center 21. KW New School Bus Purchases for 2007-08 22. CT Memorandum of Understanding and Addendum with Dr. Patrick Coggins of P. C. Coggins & Associates 23. ML Big Brothers Big Sisters of St. Lucie County Interagency Agreement 24. KS SUCCEED Florida Career Paths Grant/Manufacturing Academy 25. KS SUCCEED Florida Career Paths Grant/Construction Academy 26. DI Summer Leadership Retreat (Schlechty Center) 27. BS Professional Services Agreement with Douglas K. Sands, P.A. for Hearing Officer Services 28. BS Amendment to Professional Services Agreement for Frank Krukauskas for Behavior Analyst Services 29. MK 2007 Summer Voluntary Pre-K Education Contract with Early Learning Coalition of St. Lucie County 30. MK 2007-08 SY & Summer 2008 Vol. Pre-K Education Contract with Early Learning Coalition of St. Lucie County 31. MS Interlocal Agreement for Contribution – Dan McCarty Middle School Track Parking Lot 32. DH Access and Exclusive Utility Easement at Morningside Elementary School 33. DH FP&L Easement at Fort Pierce Westwood High School OTHER BUSINESS 34. GY Re-naming of Manatee Elementary School After a lengthy discussion and upon receiving comments from the school principal on the rationale behind the nomination, the following recommendation was made. Action: The superintendent recommended the Board re-name Manatee Elementary School as Manatee Academy K-8 (Miller/Ingersoll/ Carried 3-1, Ingersoll against). 35. GY Naming of New K-8 School Temporarily Located at Winterlakes Site/Copper Creek Permanent Site Action: The superintendent recommended the Board Name the new K-8 school temporarily located at the Winterlakes site Allapattah Flats K-8 (Miller/Hensley/Carried 4-0). 36. BS Stipulated Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law & Final Orders #1045 through #1081 Action: The superintendent recommended the Board approve Stipulated Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law & Final Orders #1045 through #1081 as presented (Hensley/ Miller/Carried 4-0). GROWTH MGMT./LAND ACQUISITIONS/INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS REPORT Mr. Marty Sanders, Executive Director of Growth Management/Land Acquisitions/Intergovernmental Relations, began his report by assuring the Board that new developments were going to be handled differently so that the Winterlakes situation would not happen again. There would be no question where schools would be located in the future. Mr. Sanders shared information on two developments of regional impact—The Providences (I-95 and Midway Road) and Capron Lakes (north of Indrio Road west of I-95). Both of these developments have designated school sites but in order to be able to accept those sites either the text for the comprehensive plan would have to be changed or they would have to get a comp plan amendment to move the urban service boundary. Both developers have elected to look at a text amendment which should be brought to the P & Z meeting of May 17th. Mr. Sanders indicated he would work with the County to “tighten up” the text amendments as required. Mrs. Hensley announced that next Wednesday night there was going to be a special P & Z meeting regarding Chapter 6. There was a great deal of angst in the community over Chapter 6 so Mrs. Hensley asked Mr. Sanders to look into the matter and provide feedback on how it may impact the district. BUDGET/FINANCE REPORT Mr. Tim Bargeron, Assistant Superintendent and CFO of Business Services, informed the Board that RFPs pertaining to hurricane preparedness had been issued. Twelve responses were received last year and again this year by vendors who were looking to renew their terms from the prior year. On another matter, Mr. Bargeron reported that the ongoing review of procedures for gastric bypass by a steering committee had been resolved this date. A collaborative release was sent out after the meeting recommending that the procedure not be added to the district’s covered procedures at this time. Numerous meetings were held and several industry experts from both sides had been brought into the discussion. Instead, the steering committee was recommending the adoption of a very broad wellness plan at no additional cost to employees. Gastric bypass would not be covered even with the wellness management program, however, at risk individuals would be identified and provided with a pre-gastric bypass weight program. Board members appreciated receiving the information and asked to see copies of the data that the steering committee had reviewed. Mr. Bargeron indicated all employees would be advised of this decision. FACILITIES REPORT Mr. Alan Gilbert, Executive Director of Facilities and Maintenance, presented a pictorial report that illustrated progress to date on all facilities projects currently underway. ATTORNEY’S REPORT No report. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS’ REPORTS Mrs. Hensley told board members there was a concern in the community that legislative cuts in funding may impact the school resource officer program in our schools. Citizens were ready and willing to help push for an increase in the sheriff’s budget if need be so that schools remain safe. Mrs. Hensley felt there was a level of commitment in the community to help keep the program in place. Mrs. Hensley announced that the Children’s Services Council office would be closed on May 11 th and May 14th. Staff would be moving into their new facility. 37. JC Workshop Meetings Feedback & Discussion Board members and Mr. Lannon talked about the pros and cons of the new regular workshop setting and format. A summary of comments and ideas is listed below. It was suggested by Dr. Miller that board members look at the workshop list to identify topics they wish to move forward with and be prepared to discuss what ways they want to “workshop” those topics at the next board meeting. Comments/ideas discussed by board members during the meeting regarding workshops: -Need less presentation, more interaction and valuable discussion, -Need a new table setup; don’t like sitting with backs to audience, -Need to get information ahead of time (it takes pressure off staff/presentations), -Need good dialogue with participation/input from principals, -Prefer ability to talk back and forth, -Need to correct microphone problems, -Need a more casual setting, Need to give staff real benefit/direction, -Look at list of workshop topics at next meeting to identify ones that need to be moved forward. UNSCHEDULED SPEAKERS There were four unscheduled speakers who addressed the Board on the same subject—abstinence only curriculum vs. comprehensive sex education curriculum. Mr. Larry Pendley, Mrs. Pauline Pablick, Mr. James Toma, and Mr. Brian Longworth all expressed the same opinion. They were against replacing the abstinence only curriculum with a comprehensive sex education curriculum. The district’s method of teaching the current abstinence only curriculum was also brought into question. ADJOURNMENT After conducting all business scheduled to come before the Board, Vice Chairman Hilson adjourned the regular May 8, 2007 meeting at approximately 10:38 p.m.