Regular Workshop Meeting – APRIL 22, 2008
The School Board of St. Lucie County held a regular workshop meeting in the School Board on
April 22, 2008 at approximately 5:00 p.m.
Member Residing in District
DR. JUDI MILLER, Vice Chairman
Member Residing in District
Member Residing in District
Member Residing in District
Member Residing in District
No. 2
No. 1
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
MR. MICHAEL J. LANNON, Superintendent
Chairman Hilson called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Special Presentation (Change to Order of Agenda)
As part of Board Member Troy Ingersoll’s follow-up report (see item #17), he had asked Mr. Larry
Pelton, President of the Economic Development Council (EDC), to make a presentation to the
Board on economic development along the Research Coast (St. Lucie, Indian River, and Martin
Counties). Due to time constraints, Mr. Pelton asked that he be allowed to make his report at the
beginning of the meeting to which Chairman Hilson acquiesced.
Mr. Pelton began by explaining that EDC’s focus was to build a cluster around life sciences in the
region. This cluster included Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies, Vaccine and Gene
Therapy Institute – Florida, the Mann Research Center, Smithsonian Institute, U. S. Dept. of
Agriculture, Florida Atlantic University, and the University of Florida. He shared a comprehensive
overview of the research coast perspective that touched on key areas, i.e., quality of life issues,
housing, education, environment, recreation, access to technologies, supplier networks,
capital/human resources, and infrastructure. Mr. Pelton stated that the region was in a knowledge
based economy and the partnership between education (the K-20 system) and the council
(developers of a sustainable economy) was critical. World class research required world class
education—it was the most critical element for success. Other critical elements included patience
(a multi-generational key element), a plan for economic success, the facilitation of investment, an
understanding of cluster industries, and a common agenda.
Board members were enthusiastic about the research dynamics, partnerships, and community
commitments that were coming together to interface with education. It was brought out that
schools and research institutes needed to work together so that science and math curriculums
were planned with an understanding of the future research needs in the area.
It was suggested that a plan be developed to discuss how education (curriculum/teaching) could
support new industry coming into the area. However, it was clarified that the Indian River
Research & Education Coalition was already in place with just such a focus--meeting minutes could
be requested/provided for board members if necessary.
Emergency Item #1 Added to Agenda
Mr. Lannon informed the Board that there was one emergency item for the Board’s consideration.
The St. Lucie West K-8 Future Business Leaders of America trip request to Orlando for this
coming weekend had just been received. The superintendent asked that the Board declare this
matter an emergency item.
Action: There was a motion to declare the St. Lucie West K-8 Future
Business Leaders of America trip request as an emergency item
(Hensley/Ingersoll/Carried 5-0).
Action: The superintendent recommended the Board approve the St. Lucie K-8
Future Business Leaders of America trip to Orlando, FL, as presented
(Miller/Ingersoll/Carried 5-0).
Action: The superintendent recommended the Board approve consent agenda
items #1 through #15 as presented (Carvelli/Hensley/Carried 5-0).
1. SR Personnel Agenda & Leaves
2. TB Payment of Bills 03/31/08
3. TB Monthly Financial Report 03/31/08
4. TB SLCSD Audit Report for Fiscal Year 2006-07
5. TB Internal Accounts Audit Report School Year 2006-07
6. TB Payroll and Accounts Payable Check Run Schedules for 2008-09
7. TB Quarterly Investment Report 03/31/08
8. TB ITB 08-31 Lightning Protection Equipment
9. TO Authorization to Adopt New Technology Plan for 2008/09 – 2010/11
10. KW Transportation Svcs. Agmts. - Boys & Girls Club, Chabad Jewish Ctr., Indian River Community College
11. OR Amendment to St. Lucie County’s Children’s Environmental Learning Center Interlocal Agreement
12. OR Amendment to St. Lucie County’s Smithsonian Institution Interlocal Agreement
13. AC international Science & Engineering Fair Trip to Atlanta, GA – May 10-16, 2008
14. MS Safe Routes to School – School Board/City of Port St. Lucie Grant Applications
15. DH First Amendment to Joint Site Agreement – Relocation of Fort Pierce Central High School
Superintendent Lannon reported on the following topics.
Following Board review, Mr. Lannon indicated that the
the draft health curriculum video would be
finalized and brought back on May 13, 2008 for Board approval.
One caveat—slides needed to be added at beginning and end of
the video to include abstinence statement. It was noted that the
public could view the video on the district’s website or at the
district office. A total of 1,500 teachers had already been trained
in the process with 500 more teachers yet to go.
Relative to Mr. Ingersoll’s previous statement at the April 8, 2008
meeting about employee residency requirements, Mr. Lannon provided
some legal information about the bargaining aspect and the legal
challenges of a residency requirement. Mr. Lannon suggested that
the Board could agenda the matter for discussion at a future meeting
and, if approved, send the information to the Policy Review Committee
for further dissolution.
Mr. Lannon updated the Board on administrative efforts to investigate the
technical/economic possibilities of televising board meetings per Board
direction on February 26, 2008. He estimated the cost to be about
$112,000 plus. Mr. Lannon stated that In any other year, this added
function might seem a “relative bargain”, however, in this year of
$10-$12 million dollar budget cuts and adjustments, that
amount could roughly pay for two teachers, or 1-1/2 SRO units, or
25,000 gallons of fuel at $4/gallon. Mr. Lannon resolved to
continue to refine all aspects on this matter. A board member
asked that this item be added to the Board’s workshop schedule
for future discussion (possibly the June 24, 2008 workshop).
16. MS School Concurrency – Review of Local Government Public Schools Facilities Element
Mr. Marty Sanders, Executive Director of Growth Management, Land Acquisition and Intergovernmental Relations, introduced the Board’s consultant on school concurrency, Mr. Gene Boles,
AICP, Director of the Center for Building Better Communities, Department of Urban & Regional
Planning, University of Florida, who gave a brief presentation on the plan for school concurrency
in accordance with the statutory requirements. A short discussion period followed. The plan had
been approved by Planning and Zoning Boards for St. Lucie County, the City of Fort Pierce, and the
City of Port St. Lucie. No action was required at this time. A public hearing on rulemaking was
scheduled for May 13, 2008. See the supplemental minutes packet for all materials in support of
school concurrency that were provided for the Board’s information.
17. TI Schlechty Leadership Conference Follow-up Report
Mr. Ingersoll had attended a Key Leaders Conference at the Schlechty Center for Leadership in
School Reform in March 2008. He presented a follow-up report during which he talked about
roles in a bureaucracy, externally imposed mandates, roles in a learning organization, common
direction, and results that matter. Mr. Ingersoll said he learned that people have different ways of
learning and he understood the need and importance of becoming engaged in order to achieve
profound learning. It had been pointed out during his training that test results do matter because
that’s the way that school systems are judged. However, Mr. Ingersoll said school systems needed
to be more than that. He said he agreed that the district needed to be more about tests--tests
were important, but at the same time, the district needed to make sure that every child at every
level gets a good quality education. Students needed to be educated for the future, not just to be
scientists but to be technicians in all areas. As Mr. Pelton had already pointed out in his
presentation at the beginning of the meeting, the research/bio cluster was already here in St.
Lucie County.
18. MS Start Times for 2008-09 (Postponed)
Chairman Hilson explained that a previous Board discussion about tentative bell changes had
caused a great deal of uncertainty in the community. People did not understand why this action
was being proposed. Due to the state’s financial crisis, she maintained that the district’s budget
process should to be very transparent. With that in mind, Ms. Hilson suggested the Board
schedule a public forum to discuss the district’s entire financial picture at an appropriate time.
The public needs to know what the budget implications are in all areas, e.g., transportation/bell
changes. Ms. Hilson suggested Budget Committee members, who are leaders in the community,
along with union officials, help get the information out. Budget Committee members could also
help present the information during the forum followed by a question and answer period. Board
members agreed with Chairman Hilson’s suggestion and discussed an appropriate date. It was
important that the forum not be scheduled before staff received real numbers (final appropriation
figures were anticipated around April 25, 2008). On the other hand, it was brought out that the
current state budget was still “their best guess”.
19. KM Quarterly Review/Report on Academic Business Plan
Dr. Kathy McGinn, Assistant Superintendent for Strategic Planning and Central Services, had
provided board members with the third quarter Academic Business Plan (ABP) report for their
review. A brief question and answer period ensued as board members looked at all four goals.
One board member suggested that staff build the annual indicators, set objectives, and tie them
into the ABP for next year. There was discussion about the potential changes to high school
grading at the state level to include proposed measures such as the graduation rate, student
enrollment in AP, AICE, IB and Dual Enrollment, end of course exam results, FCAT scores, and
work force indicators.
Dr. McGinn clarified that the degree of progress made in 2007-08 on each of the objectives in the
current plan would be included in next year’s ABP. Results from the 2008 FCAT, AYP progress
and current performance data for other key indicators would also be used to determine areas of
focus for the 2008-09 plan.
Mr. Lannon provided an update on the Budget Committee members’ effort to gain support and
funding for the “Be There” project.
Under Goal 3, Strategy 7, and as community leaders, Chairman Hilson stated she had requested
that each board member provide a current picture/bio for the website. Under Goal 4 Expected
Results #3, Dr. Miller suggested a change in the language which Dr. McGinn addressed. For the
next school year, Dr. Carvelli suggested that goals, expected outcomes, and types of monitoring
devices be clarified and tied together. Ms. Hilson stated she was very pleased about the progress
made with Skyward, Inc. and CELT.
On a final note, Dr. McGinn informed the Board that the Key Indicators were now available on the
district’s webpage.
Dr. Miller suggested that the new DRAFT health curriculum video be placed on the district’s web
site. Superintendent Lannon agreed to carry through with that request.
Dr. Carvelli mentioned an upcoming benefit golf tournament was scheduled for April 26, 2008 at
The Saints of Port St. Lucie Golf Course. This was a worthwhile event organized to help raise
money for three children who had lost their parents.
Mrs. Hensley noted that this year’s annual Ag tour had been very successful and was well
attended. The tour was a little different in that it showcased many unique agricultural programs
and highlighted students’ skills in culinary arts.
Mrs. Hensley talked about the consortium meeting that had been recently held in conjunction with
the Florida School Boards Association (FSBA). Consortium members met with legislators and
basically asked them to not put anything more on the local level to be accomplished—no more
mandates. Members did take a stand on several issues. There was good participation and
everyone came away with the idea that, “We all understand that we all understand”.
Dr. Miller spoke about the wonderful Circle of Hope activities that took place last week at various
schools and paid tribute to student Cody Denig who started the project last year.
Chairman Hilson had attended an excellent program at Manatee Academy K-8. It was a free
program about internet safety which she encouraged every school to see. The video that students
watched had real kids talking about real issues.
On another topic, Ms. Hilson mentioned that a subcommittee (Wellness Committee) of the
district’s School Health Advisory Committee had put together first aid kits to be given to every
school and clinic. The Wellness Committee had 25 members that brought a richness to discussion
on health issues for children and how get parents more involved.
On a final note, Mrs. Hensley informed board members that the Transportation Planning
Organization (TPO) had received a signed contract for its new Executive Director.
No report.
Mrs. Teri Pinney, Assistant Principal at Fort Pierce Westwood High School who had resigned within
the last few days, read a letter to the Board that outlined the reasons for her recent resignation.
Ms. Marjorie Harrell addressed the Board and talked about her observations regarding the current
situation/atmosphere at Fort Pierce Westwood High School and its’ first year principal, Dr. Keith
Ms. Willow Sanders, staff member with Care Net Pregnancy Services, asked the Board to consider
an alternative sex education program, e.g., a “Care Net” abstinence education program, for
students who opt out of the district’s newly adopted health education curriculum.
After conducting all business scheduled to come before the Board, Chairman Hilson adjourned the
April 22, 2008 regular workshop meeting at approximately 7:47 p.m.