We believe: Every child can learn, and each child can learn more than he or she is now learning. We believe: The School District and its employees have mutual obligations for support and development toward continuous improvement. We believe: A healthy public school system is key to the maintenance of a healthy democracy. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY Regular Meeting –May 11, 2010 MINUTES PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Ingersoll called the meeting to order. Treasure Coast High School Air Force JROTC presented the Colors. The unit was honored and recognized for receiving the 2009-10 Air Force Junior ROTC Distinguished Unit Award for performance above and beyond normal expectations and for outstanding service to their school and community. Morningside Elementary students joined in leading the Pledge of Allegiance and then presented a musical selection. MINUTES April 13 and 27, 2010 Action: There was a motion to approve the Minutes for April 13 and 27, 2010 as presented (Hensley/ Carvelli/Carried 5-0). SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS 1. ML St. Lucie County Education Foundation 20/20 Campaign Kickoff/Resolution St. Lucie County Education Foundation Executive Director Mary Holmgren, President Pam Houghten, and Past President Elizabeth Mallonee talked about the Foundation's 20 year anniversary and a proposed "20/20" fundraising campaign relative to employee payroll deductions. Mrs. Houghten read a proclamation that described "a year long celebration [that supported] 100 percent participation by School Board employees of the 20/20 Campaign". Action: The Superintendent recommended the Board approve the 20/20 Campaign Proclamation as presented (Miller/Carvelli/ Carried 5-0). 2. ML St. Lucie County Education Foundation Teachers of Excellence Utilizing Technology Ms. Holmgren introduced Mr. Glenn Rustay, Principal of Northport K-8 School, who chaired the committee that selected the following 2010 St. Lucie County School District Teacher of Excellence Utilizing Technology Grant winners: Fran Pitts from Fairlawn Elementary, Dawn Skoglund from St. Lucie West K-8, and Natascha Hunsader from Weatherbee Elementary. A laptop computer donated by Bell Corporation was also awarded to Teresa Sullivan, District Teacher of the Year. 3. ML Circle of Hope Stand Up to Cancer Presentation Student Cody Denig, a cancer survivor who started the "Circle of Hope" annual event to stand up to cancer several years ago, thanked everyone for helping him in his mission to fight cancer. This year, 23 schools raised a total of $7,160.20, all of which went to cancer research. The top three fundraisers were Palm Point Educational Research K-8 School, Treasure Coast High School, and Manatee Academy K-8. 4. SW Outstanding Principal and Assistant Principal Awards Mrs. Sandra Wolfe, Deputy Superintendent, presented a check and a plaque from the Florida Department of Education to the outstanding principal and assistant principal for 2009-2010 in St. We believe: The core business of the St. Lucie County School District is creating challenging, engaging, and satisfying work for every student, every day. We believe: Quality schools are the responsibility of the entire community. We believe: The School District must promise continuous improvement in student achievement and in the success of each individual. Lucie County, namely, Ms. Pam Frederick and Ms. Jonetha Maness, respectively. This was a great honor and achievement for both administrators. 5. SH Regional Winner of FLDOE Parent Involvement Award – Forest Grove Middle "Reality Store" On behalf of the Board, Mrs. Susan Helms-Smith, RSVP Coordinator, recognized Mr. Charles Cuomo, principal, and Ms. Darlene Karson, teacher, for their collaborative efforts to implement and organize an award winning event which promoted parent and community involvement called "Reality Store" at Forest Grove Middle School . 6. ML Recognitions: Nat'l Ocean Science Bowl Team, Academic Challenge A-Team, Skills USA and HOSA Superintendent Lannon recognized the following groups of high school students for their outstanding accomplishments: 1) National Ocean Science Bowl Team; 2) Commissioner's Academic Challenge Competition Team, and 3) SkillsUSA and HOSA winners. Fort Pierce Westwood High's MOA Teams A and B were outstanding representatives of MOA in many ways during the National Ocean Science Bowl Team competition. Team A went all the way to the finals head to head with MAST Academy in Miami-Dade (their best magnet high school established in 1990) and finished a very close second. The outstanding six-member team that represented St. Lucie County high schools in the recent State Academic Challenge competition, a tournament for Florida's academically talented high school students, placed third in Division II competition. This is special, exemplary work and everyone— students, coaches, teachers, and all who worked behind the scenes were thanked for a job well done. Students who proudly represented St. Lucie County School District in the State Championships of SKILLS USA and HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America), collectively earned 11 gold medals, 9 silver medals, and 5 bronze medals. Gold medalists were invited to compete at the National conference in Kansas City, MO in June. Two students were elected as state officers. HOSA students earned 3 gold medals, 3 silver medals, the Creative Problem-solving award, Medical Math award, Dental Spelling Award, and the President's Volunteer Service award. In addition, the Florida HOSA Advisor of the Year was Samantha Pullins from Fort Pierce Central High. These students, likewise, were invited to compete at the HOSA National Leadership Conference in Orlando this June. CTA REPORT CTA/CU President Vanessa Tillman applauded the community's combined effort to stop SB6 and stated what impacts one, impact everyone. She also reminded the Board that every year, during reappointment time, administrators need to be open, honest and fair. If someone isn't performing, they have to have the real hard conversations and can call upon the union to help in problem solving, if necessary. She mentioned phase two of Race To The Top RTTT and said she looked forward to opening up a dialogue—there were no promises but the conversation could begin. CWA REPORT No report CONSENT AGENDA Action: 7. SR 8. SR 9. SR 10. SR The Superintendent recommended the Board approve consent agenda items #7 through#20 as presented (Hensley/Hilson/ Carried 5-0). Personnel Agenda & Leaves CTA/CU Contract Waiver for Lawnwood Elementary – Article IV. A. and IV. E. CTA/CU Contract Waiver for St. Lucie Elementary – Article IV. A. Letter of Understanding with CTA – Early Release Days – One Year Waiver for 2010-11 11. SR Vandal Watch Agreement with Jason Cannon 12. SR Vandal Watch Agreement with Vincent Piazza 13. TB Budget Amendment #11 - Food Service #2 14. TB Declaration of Surplus Property – Equipment, Portables 15. TB Waiver of 50% Facility Use Fee – Summer Program for Boys & Girls Clubs 16. TB Waiver of 50% Facility Use Fee – Summer Prog.for Multi-Cultural Resource Center Children & Families 17. KM Family Nutrition Program Grant Letter of Support for In-Kind Resources 18. CT Authorization to Advertise Public Hearing -Policies # 3.43 Bullying and Harassment, #5.71Equity Grievance Procedure for Students, #6.542Family and Medical Leave, #9.90School Concurrency Application and Review Fees, Code of Student Conduct 19. BS Purchase Agreement with E2020, Inc. for Instructional Software 20. DH Resolution Approving/Authorizing Execution of Implementing Agreement for Conveyance of Real Property from St. Lucie County OTHER BUSINESS 21. BS Stipulated Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law & Penalty, & Final Orders # 120 - #129 Action: The Superintendent recommended the Board approve Stipulated Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law & Penalty, and Final Orders #120 through #129 (Miller/Hilson/ Carried 5-0). SUPERINTENDENT AND STAFF REPORTS ON SELECTED TOPICS 22. ML Possible Briefing on Budgetary and Legislative Implications Mr. Tim Bargeron, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services/CFO, handed out a written report containing budget planning graphs for 2010-11. Revenue issues affecting this year's financial outlook included the property tax increase to 96% from 95% (a loss of $1.2 million using 2010-11 FEFP), a decrease of $34.04 in WFTE revenue (a loss of $1.4 million), the end of the one time 2009-10 clearchannel lease revenue resource (a loss of $3 million), and a $1.5 million capital fund revenue decrease that would affect the district's ability to transfer funds into the general fund. Some of the larger expense issues for 2010-11 involved class size reduction (requiring 232 additional teachers @ $13.9 million increase), Florida retirement system contribution increase from 9.85% to 10.90% ($1.6 million increase), anticipated health insurance increase in Board-paid premiums ($3.1 million increase), and an increase in textbook expense due to loss of prior year flexibility ($2.5 million). Mr. Bargeron discussed budget strategies, i.e., applying the June 30, 2010 reserve balance to the 201011 shortfall, continuing hiring and spending freezes, increasing the capital transfer amount, and modifying high school to a seven credit, hybrid block schedule, continuing with .25 levy "critical needs" millage, and continuing categorical flexibility for reading categorical. Mr. Bargeron recommended the following topics be scheduled for a future Board workshop: 1) districtto-district funding inequities; school district's staffing by division, and misrepresentation of lottery funds for "education". Superintendent Lannon then asked for direction from the Board on a variety of issues; he asked for Board consensus to - Move forward with the 0.25 mill levy for the 2010-11 school year due to inadequate funding from the state (possible $3.8 million increase to the district), - Place the 0.25 mill levy on the ballot in November 2010 to assure a level stream of funding in school year 20-11-12 and beyond as authorized by the Florida Legislature, and - Provide approval for the * the revised school start times * transportation adjustments required to conduct the revised start times, and * the proposed high school "hybrid" block scheduling plan (see concept for training in agreed language with CTA). As Mr. Lannon had indicated to the Board previously, the revised school start times accommodated the modified block high school schedule; provided a common single period planning time at each high school before the student day; minimized the transportation financial impact to the district, and moved more students out of the predawn and post dusk hours walking to school or their bus stop. It was expected that these efforts would save approximately $4-$6 million dollars. There was Board consensus to move forward with the revised school start times, transportation adjustments as required, proposed high school block scheduling plan, and the intent to levy 0.25 mills for 2010-11 during budget adoption process/ballot language draft resolution. Action: The Superintendent recommended the Board move forward with the 2010-11 intent to levy 0.25 mills during the budget adoption process and the establishment of various declarations required in July and that the matter be placed on the SLCSB May 25, 2010 regular workshop agenda for vote; in addition, the Superintendent recommended the Board approve moving forward with the continuance of the 0.25 millage levy to be placed on the ballot in November 2010 for two years; move forward with consensus approval for school start times, transportation adjustments, and proposed hybrid block schedules for high schools (Miller/Hilson/ Carried 5-0). Mr. Lannon made one last comment regarding the Race To The Top (RTTT) phase 2 application. Once further clarification was received from the Department of Education and the offices of Andy Ford, he hoped to have something for the Board's consideration prior to the deadline of May 25, 2010. ATTORNEY’S REPORT No report. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS’ REPORTS Mrs. Hensley invited everyone to the XE3 reception on May 21, 2010 and to Saturday's go-kart races. This event was created for middle school students who were asked to develop alternative energy sources for their projects. Mrs. Hensley mentioned the Amtrak event was very well attended and very impressive. She hoped Fort Pierce would have a train stop within the next few years. Mrs. Hensley talked about the Children's Project which was started by David Lawrence to encourage people to change conversation about children in Florida. Speaking engagements were scheduled to kick off the project in Palm Beach County within the week. Dr. Miller thanked all principals who had participated in the shadowing day experience. Feedback was very positive—those who participated were impressed with what they saw. Dr. Carvelli thanked Dr. Miller for putting together the shadowing day activity—it was a real learning experience for community members. He also mentioned that golf students had just finished up a five week tournament sponsored by PGA and work was underway to raise funding for the program next year. Mr. Ingersoll reminded board members that Village Green Environmental Studies School had scheduled an environmental day on May 15, 2010, from 11:00 am. – 2 p.m. Mr. Ingersoll thanked Dr. McGinn and Mr. Lannon for their assistance during the ministerial coalition meeting. Another meeting was scheduled for May 21, 2010 to look at making curriculum all inclusive. UNSCHEDULED SPEAKERS There were no unscheduled speakers. ADJOURNMENT After conducting all business scheduled to come before the Board, Chairman Ingersoll adjourned the May 11, 2010 regular meeting at approximately 8:33 p.m.