#69 02/2010 # 69 30 years of OCEANOGRAPHY WITH ARGOS ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 02/2010 1 02/2010 #69 CONTENTS 30 years of OCEANOGRAPHY WITH ARGOS 4 USERS’ PROGRAMS JCOMM AND ARGOS: 30 YEARS OF CLOSE COOPERATION By Mathieu Belbéoch & Hester Viola 6 USERS’ PROGRAMS SATELLITEDERIVED MOTION ANALYSIS USING ARGOS ICE BUOYS By 8 USERS’ PROGRAMS A SHORT HISTORY OF THE SURFACE VELOCITY PROGRAM DRIFTER (SVP) By Dr. Peter Niiler Cathleen A. Geiger ARGOS forum is published by CLS (www.cls.fr) - ISSN : 1638-315x - Publishing Director: Christophe Vassal - Editorial directors : Marie-Claire Demmou, Anne-Marie Bréonce, Bill Woodward - Editor-in-chief: Hester Ferro <hferro@ cls.fr> - Contributed to this issue: Yann Bernard <ybernard@cls.fr>, Christian Ortega <cortega@cls.fr>, Hidefumi Yatomi <argos@cubic-i.co.jp> - Design: Couleur Citron - Printing: Imprimerie Delort certified ISO 14001. 2 USERS’ PROGRAMS SATELLITEDERIVED MOTION ANALYSIS USING ARGOS ICE BUOYS By Cathleen A. Geiger Figure 1. Geiger straddling a crack in the sea ice. 02/2010 #69 The polar extremes, especially the sea ice (frozen sea water) on polar ocean surfaces, serve as the thermal regulators (air conditioners) of the planet. Argos ice buoys play an important role in monitoring the dynamics, thickness and extent of sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic, that are interconnected to recent changes in the global climate. From an operational perspective, sea ice features such as leads, slip lines, cracks and ridges play a crucial role in navigating polar waters and maintaining offshore structures. These discontinuities are fundamental regulators of heat, mass and momentum transfer at the airsea interface. Hence, there is a relevant need to understand the distribution, orientation, size and duration of these discontinuous regions. Challenging As with many geophysical phenomena, tracking the dynamics of sea ice is very challenging. This is primarily because sea ice is one of the largest fastmoving solids on the surface of the earth with drift rates of around ten kilometers per day occurring across varying spatial (1-100 km) and temporal (hours to months) scales. The spatial coverage of this deforming field spans thousands of kilometers covering roughly 6% of the planet’s surface at any one time. It is also shrouded in darkness half the year and under variable cloud cover much of the rest of the year. High resolution motion tracking system To learn more MORE ON SEDNA, APLIS, AND MOTION TRACKING CAN BE FOUND AT THE FOLLOWING WEBSITES: http://research.iarc.uaf.edu/SEDNA/ http://passporttoknowledge.com/polar-palooza/ pp06aplis01.php http://passporttoknowledge.com/polar-palooza/ pp06aplis02.php http://www.eecis.udel.edu/wiki/vims/ observations to support both scientific research and logistics. The availability of high spatial resolution “allseason, all-weather” synthetic aperture radar (SAR) combined with high temporal resolution in situ buoys provide us with observing systems to evaluate the formation, dynamics and melting of sea ice. Using a cascaded framework, we are able to track sea ice drift at 400m resolution, which is an order of magnitude greater than standard motion products (3~5 km). The use of Argos ice buoys In the recently concluded APLIS’07 Ice Camp under the Sea-ice Experiment: Dynamic Nature of the Arctic (SEDNA) project, we have explored new ways to effectively combine high spatial (50m), low temporal (1-3 day) resolution active microwave imagery and low spatial (point), high temporal (<1 hr) resolution Argos-telemetry GPS buoys. These efforts were aimed at refining satellite motion products down to the scale of field Figure 2. Location of the APLIS’07 camp. We have applied a near-real time sea ice motion tracking system as a decision-making tool for the deployment of autonomous buoys. This system helped us determine the optimal locations for deploying GPS position (for strain-rate) and stress buoys. A total of 12 real-time Argos-telemetry GPS buoys were deployed in two concentrated hexagons around our camp (fig. 1 and 2). The inner 6 buoys were located ~10 km from the camp while the outer 6 buoys were deployed ~70 km away. The presence of the buoys provided a Lagrangian reference to study the non-rigid dynamics while they were taking place. The Lagrangian location of the camp was tracked using continuous recording GPS devices (some connected via Argos). Using sequential images of the camp, we applied our high resolution motion algorithm to identify leads and ridges in close proximity to the camp to aid with local measurement campaigns whenever possible. Figure 3 shows the nested array configuration including the 12 real-time Argos-telemetry buoys and 5 stress buoys, overlaid on Quicklook RadarSat-1 images. The 12 Argos-GPS buoys (6 inner + 6 outer hexagonal arrays) provided us the much needed ground truth for validating motion tracking algorithms and understanding multi-scale deformation processes. 6 7 Figure 4. Group photo of APLIS’07 Ice Participants. #69 02/2010 Actively incorporated satellite-derived diagnostic motion analysis for field deployments The satellite-derived motion tracking system shown in figure 3b is one of the new tools developed for IPY to actively incorporate diagnostic motion analysis for instrument deployment in a sea ice campaign. Successes of the system included preplanning through post-diagnostics applications of this technology to support the deployment of autonomous buoys, manned data collection activities and synthesis of scientific findings. Pending further funding, this new motion tracking system can be used as an active component in a polar observation system. The high resolution estimate of motion from the system provides invaluable information in localizing dynamic features in the sea ice. Remote sensing and telemetry The combination of large land-based support infrastructure and light-weight, high powered portable equipment such as Argos ice buoys makes today’s field work more time and cost effective than ever before. We hope that our motion tracking system will aid in navigation and polar searchand-rescue operations as well as the validation, diagnosis and further development of numerical models, especially those that might help in ice model forecasting and heat flux calculations in climate modeling. Ŷ Cathleen A. Geiger University of Delaware Cathleen A. Geiger is a Research Associate Professor at the University of Delaware, USA. Her research focuses on sea ice motion analysis. Several of her ongoing research projects focus on research and development ideas that both support the discovery elements of science but also advance the development of operational tools necessary to facilitate scientific discovery. Long-term goals include taking advantage use of scales beyond the range of human perception to improve navigation in the polar seas, better prepare humanity for survival in these regions, and assess the interaction and impact of sea ice on our world. The APLIS’07 research described in this article was conducted in close cooperation with: P. Clemente-Colon (NIC), M. Engram (Alaska Satellite Facility), J. Hutchings (UAF), C. Kambhamettu (UD/CIS), J. A. Richter-Menge (CRREL), and M. Thomas (UD/CIS). Figure 3. Sea Ice Experiment: Dynamic Nature of the Arctic (SEDNA) nested array. Information about sea ice position, ice thickness, ice stress, air pressure, air, ice & water temperature were recorded and transmitted via Argos at time intervals from 10 minutes to 2 hours. This array was deployed just prior to the “shocking” sea ice melt back in the summer of 2007. The array recorded many local events which we continue to analyze regarding small to regional-scale processes that coincided with the large-scale ice reduction event in the summer of 2007. Panel (a) provides an overview including the buoy positions overlaid on a RADARSAT ScanSAR B scene (red diamonds are meteorological beacons; green diamonds are GPS drifters; yellow diamond is the ice camp with ice mass balance buoy and two of the five stress sensors). Panel (b) is an enlargement of the outer 70-kilometer-scale array with nested inner 10-kilometer-scale array including GPS buoy drifters (green diamonds). Ice motion vectors are plotted every 6.4 kilometers. Red dots, which appear as red lines, show discontinuities in ice motion field, calculated between two synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images on 5 and 8 April 2007. Green squares are GPS drifters clustered in groups along individual leads. Panel (c) is an enlargement of the central region in panel (b) without ice drift vectors and discontinuities (for clarity) with the inner 10-kilometer-scale buoy array (green circles). Blue dots are stress buoys. The green asterisk in panel (c) shows the 1-kilometer-scale array where detailed ice thickness and ridge studies where made. Panel (d) is oblique photography taken from aircraft on 3 April by Bruce Elder (CRREL) showing ground surveyed lines each 1000 m long except leg 3 which is 730m. True north is shown by the N and black arrow. Light detection and ranging (not shown) and electromagnetic induction (yellow lines) aerial surveys of ice thickness were performed over all scales shown. A submarine-based upward looking sonar survey of the 10-kilometer-scale array was also taken (not shown). Abbreviations: NIC = National Ice Center UAF = University of Alaska Fairbanks UD = University of Delaware CIS = Computer and Information Sciences CRREL = Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory This research was funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grants NSF ARC 0612527, 0612105, 0611991, and 0612402. The U.S. Navy’s Arctic Submarine Laboratory provided access to the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) Ice Station 2007 (APLIS07).