Detection of Mesoscale Sea Ice Vortices and Sea Ice Model Validation Mani V. Thomas, Chandra Kambhamettu, Andrew Roberts, Jennifer K. Hutchings, Cathleen A. Geiger Sea Ice Motion Tracking System Abstract From 30 March to April 5, 2007, during the Applied Physics Laboratory Ice Station (APLIS), in the Beaufort Sea, a high spatial resolution (400m) sea ice motion tracking system was used to detect and track a rotational feature with a 60 km radius in the field of sea ice motion relative to APLIS. At the start of the time period, the ice pack motion field contained weak discontinuities, and showed an isotropic rotational motion. Around April 5, synoptic changes led to a change in direction of the rotation relative to APLIS. We ground truth against in-situ GPS buoy drift, finding qualitative agreement of the rotational feature in the buoy motion. A simulation of ice motion in the Beaufort Sea with an ice-ocean model, which displayed coherence between wind and ice drift, shows similar large scale drift patterns to those observed. This model is used to investigate the relationship between ice drift vorticity and wind forcing. Two possible explanations of the rotational features are: That they are either small scale solid body rotation of individual sea ice floes or regional sea ice vorticity. Our results suggest rotation may be locally driven by deformation or regionally driven by wind. The emergent mechanism, at a given time, depends on an interaction between wind stress and boundary conditions. Synoptic Activity During APLIS 2007 Fig. 1: [top] Time series of surface pressure at APLIS07. [middle panels] Strain rate invariants estimated from the buoy triad shown in fig. 2, following Hutchings & Rigor (2008). [bottom] Area of this buoy array. Dashed lines are approximate times of RADARSat overpasses in fig. 5. Fig. 5: Global and local motion time series, derived from four RADARSat ScanSAR B images (as Thomas et al 2008). Upper four panels are time series from 28 March to 7 April 2007 of sea ice motion during APLIS07 from an Eulerian frame of reference. Lower panels cover the same time period but in Lagrangian reference frame relative to the drifting ice camp. Green circles denote GPS buoys and red dots/lines denote discontinuities in the flow field. Motion in East−West direction (u) 4 1 5 A high pressure system developed over APLIS07 on March 30th. A day later a large shear event occurred (fig. 1), opening the lead system in fig. 2, 3 and 5 (panel 3). After April 1 this weather system moves eastward, which led to opening of the leads. On April 5 a low system moves into the region, with northly winds over the camp, leading to a reorganization of leads and aggregate plates between the leads (fig 5 (panel 4)). During March 30 to April 5 a vortex of relative ice motion is apparent around the ice camp. Note in fig. 2 differential buoy drift agrees with SAR Lagrangian velocity estimates, indicating vortex is not an artifact of SAR processing. Fig. 3: MODIS image showing leads that opened on March 31. The discontinuity that formed in our buoy triad is associated with this event r: 0.898, (p < 0.001) Data points: 324 Estimated Motion (cm/s) Fig. 2: Buoy triad, used in fig. shown with yellow lines. See fig. for further explanation. Estimated Motion (cm/s) 3 6 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 GPS Motion (cm/s) 2 3 4 4 Motion in North−South direction (v) r: 0.957, (p < 0.001) Data points: 324 Ground Truth 2 0 −2 −4 −6 −6 −4 −2 0 2 GPS Motion (cm/s) 4 6 Fig. 6: Scatter plots between estimated motion and ground truth. Due to good agreement between SAR estimated motion and buoy drift (Thomas 2008) we have confidence that the motion product in fig. 5 represents synoptic scale ice drift. • Ice motion is organised as rigid plates seperated by linear regions of deformation. • The plate the ice camp is located on experiences anti-clockwise rigid body rotation. • Cyclonic circulation is experienced throughout the entire region plotted after April 4th. Sea Ice Drift Simulation Fig. 4: Motion, relative to ice camp, of buoy triad. Note the rigid behavior preceding the shear event on March 31, suggesting vortex is deformation driven. Acknowledgements Funded by the National Science Foundation. The U.S. Navy’s Arctic Submarine Laboratory provided access to APLIS07. Many thanks to Fred Karig and the APL team who ran APLIS07. The Alaska Satellite Facility and the National Ice Center facilitated near-real-time transfer of RADARSat 1 ScanSAR-B imagery provided by the Canadian Space Agency. Many thanks to Melanie Engram and Pablo Clemente-Colon for their assistance. NASA and ASF provided a full year of SAR covering the entire Beaufort Sea. The International Arctic Buoy Program archives SEDNA buoy data. Nick Hughes (Norsk Polar Institute) provided the MODIS image. Tim Wen (APL) provided surface pressure data. NCEP Reanalysis 2 data provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD, Boulder, Colorado, USA, References Hibler, III, W. D., A. Roberts, P. Heil, A. Proshutinsky, H. Simmons, J. Lovick and J. Hutchings (in prep) Modeling tidal and inertial variability in sea-Ice drift and deformation. Hutchings, J. K. and I. G. Rigor (2008), Mechanisms explaining anomalous ice conditions in the Beaufort Sea during 2006 and 2007. Submitted to J. Geophys. Res. M. V. Thomas (2008), Analysis of Large Magnitude Discontinuous Non-rigid Motion, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Delaware. M. V. Thomas, C. A. Geiger and C. Kambhamettu (2008), High resolution (400 m) motion characterization of sea ice using ERS-1 SAR imagery, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 52(2), 207–223, DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2007.06.006 Fig. 7: [top] The ice-ocean model is a parallel version of the Hibler et al (in prep) ice-tide model. The model has been forced with geostrophic surface winds derived from NCEP2 mean sea level pressure. The resultant wind field has been anti-aliased with a pass band accepting waves greater than 650km, and a transition band extending to 200km. The data has also been low-pass filtered-in-time to remove a resonant ice-ocean boundary layer frequency with the pass band starting at 18.5 hours, and a transition band that includes waves down to 13.5 hours. This filtering ensures that the synoptic response of the model has minimal noise amplifications which can occur in high frequency sea ice models. This filtering also provides good coherence between the model and SEDNA drifters in the synoptic band (see Fig. 8). The top panels are NCEP2 Mean Sea Level Pressure overlaid on mean model ice velocities for the time periods in Figure 5 with the SEDNA buoy array tracks for March 28 to April 15 (box). The lower panel provides the corresponding vorticity of the ice velocity and the wind field used to drive the model. Summary fig. 8: Rotary coherence of the model ice velocity verses a SEDNA-deployed buoy for late March to mid July, 2007. High inner- and low outer-coherence in the synoptic band (-0.25 to 0.25 cycles/day) indicate modeled ice vorticity is useful for interpreting broad pack rotations such as those seen in the final panel of Figure 5, which matches a zone of relatively high anticlockwise vorticity (Figure 8(h)) over the buoy array that preceeded passage of a trough over the SEDNA field area on April 8. • We find agreement between SAR and buoy drift. • Rotation in relative ice drift is bounded by discontinuities in the velocity field. Aggregate plates display rigid motion. • Model results indicate anti-clockwise rotation, March 30 - April 4 is locally driven by deformation. After April 5, cyclonic motion is wind driven. • Coherence between model and buoy drift indicate the model is showing the correct rotational sense. • i.e. whether rotation is confined to local plates or across larger scales depends on the ice interaction, wind stress and boundary conditions. Further work needs to be done to verify if motion within plates is resolved by the motion tracking system.