W.I.T. LIBRARIES - DEWEY DEWEV HD28 ,M414 ^3 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT DYNAMIC GENERAL EQUILffiRIUM MODELS WITH IMPERFECTLY COMPETITIVE PRODUCT MARKETS Rotemberg Massachusetts Institute of Technology Julio J. Michael Woodford University of Chicago WP#3623-93-EFA October 1993 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 DYNAMIC GENERAL EQUILffiRIUM MODELS WITH IMPERFECTLY COMPETITIVE PRODUCT MARKETS Rotemberg Massachusetts Institute of Technology Julio J. Michael Woodford University of Chicago WP#3623-93-EFA October 1993 ^ M.I.T. OCT LIBRARIES 2 5 1993 RECEIVED Dynamic General Equilibrium Models with Imperfectly Competitive Product Markets Julio J. * Michael Woodford Rotemberg Massachusetts Institute of Technology October University of Chicago 13, 1993 Abstract This paper discusses the consequences of introducing imperfectly competitive product markets into an otherwise standard neoclassical growth model. competition for the We pay particular attention to the consequences of imperfect explanation of fluctuations in aggregate economic activity. Market structures considered include monopolistic competition, the "customer mjirket" model of Phelps and Winter, and the implicit collusion model of Rotemberg and Saloner. Empirical evidence relevant to the numerical calibration of im- perfectly competitive models is reviewed. The paper then analyzes the effects of imperfect competition upon the economy's response to several kinds of real shocks, including technology shocks, shocks to the level of gov- ernment purchases, and shocks that change individual producers' degree of market power. It also discusses the role of imperfect competition in allowing for fluctuations due solely to self-fulfilling expectations. • We wish to thank David Backus, Roland Benabou and participants at the Frontiers of Business Cycle Research for comments, and Martin Uribe for research iissistcince and the NSF for research support. Stephcinie Schmitt-Grohe In this paper we discuss the consequences of introducing imperfectly competitive product markets otherwise standard neoclassical growth models. We in are particularly interested in the effects of imperfect competition on the way the economy responds at business cycle frequencies to various shocks. The literature on equilibrium modeling of aggregate fluctuations has mainly assumed perfectly competitive that represents an obvious starting point for analysis, we argue firms. While that there are important reasons for allowing competition to be imperfect. One reason technologies. is ' that imperfect competition makes equilibrium possible in the presence of increasing returns This increased modeling fluctuations, on increasing returns necessary is if in particular for is the specification of technology flexibility in may be of great importance in understanding cyclical variations in productivity. Empirical evidence discussed in section 3 below. We argue below that not only one wishes to assume increasing returns, but that conversely if is imperfect competition market power is important one virtually required to postulate increasing returns, in order to account for the absence of significant pure profits in economies like that of the U.S. Increasing returns may also make possible new sources of aggregate fluctuations - in particular, fluctuations due solely to self-fulfilling expectations. Allowing for market power (and hence prices higher than marginal cost) and increasing returns may have important consequences for the interpretation of business cycles, although we do not argue for a particular theory of the cycle in this paper. In the real business cycle literature, technology shocks have usually been assigned a dominsint role as the source of fluctuations. But the existence of market power and increasing returns implies that the Solow residual, interpreted the in RBC literature as a measure of exogenous technology shocks, contains an endogenous component. As Hall (1988, 1990) has emphasized endogenous component may be unrelated to true changes complete dynamic model that increases result in a positive in when they a fraction of the increase in output which technology. For example, government purchases Solow residual, as well as an increase firms are perfectly competitive in in in the in fact output and hours. Thus, ' of Baxter and King (1990). increasing returns are importeint. We if one assumes that random technical progress eff"ect upon production possibilities. if the increasing returns are external, rather than internal to the beUeve, however, that there is much more reeison to believe that internal Increasing returns are compatible with competitive firms model a generated by increased government purchases, or other types of shocks that raise equilibrium output other than through an firm, as in the in presence of imperfect competition are not, one can be led to attribute to is we show below this Various empirical puzzles regeirding the behavior of Solow residuals suggest that this endogeneity important, as we discuss Section in 4. Imperfect competition also changes the predicted effects of technology shocks by Hornstein (1993), the ability of increases reduced Hence further in section 5 below. shocks in productivity to will if imperfect competition have to be assigned a major role The hypothesis stimulate increased employment is important, it seems the gap between price and marginal cost. the level of labor input that firms Thus changes of employment. demand We increased. is structure - in the We show markup is also consistent with variations over show that an increase The at a given real wage. in this effect gap results in a reduction upon labor demand is thus upon labor of price over marginal cost are potentially an important determinant that fluctuations in these markups, of a size that of the source of for discuss this Imperfect competition is not implausibly large given ^ data on the U.S. economy, can generate employment variations of the size observed. One view greatly likely that other types of similar to an adverse technology shock, while there need not be so large an offsetting wealth effect supply. is does introduce new potential sources of employment fluctuations as well as implies not only that price generally differs from marginal cost, but in it We As shown the explanation of business cycle variations in employment. in providing a channel through which the importance of other shocks in occur. of imperfect competition does not in itself point one towards ciny particular alternative However, source of shocks. time when they the case of even rather moderate degrees of market power and increasing returns. in may be markup fluctuations is that they result from exogenous changes in market example, in the context of the model of monopolistic competition developed in Sections 1-2 below, variations in the degree of substitutability between the differentiated goods. Under this view, imperfect in competition introduces a new source of shocks. But it is also possible for markups response to aggregate shocks with no direct relation to market structure. markup we will We variation become an additional channel through which such shocks show, this chzinnel may be it is In that case, the effects of Ccin affect aggregate activity. As particularly important in understanding cyclical variations in discuss several theories of endogenous veiriation in theories in which to vary endogenously possible for the markup to fall markups when in there Section is 7, employment. giving peirticular attention to an increase in aggregate demand. We it is worth pointing out that the assumption that producers have marl<et power product markets is an essential element in models of nominal price rigidity. Such price rigidity enhances the role of monetary policy shodcs as a source of aggregate fluctuations. For examples of completely specified dynamic model, see Hairauil ^In addition to the channels discussed below, in their and Portier (1992) and Yun (1993). then illustrate the potential importance of allowing for endogenous theories affect the response of equilibrium Finally, the employment to changes in all. In of "sunspot" variables. This equilibrium Among these equilibria there expectations. The may is exist "sunspot" equilibria in necessarily independent of this paper is to exist several which fluctuations result quantitative plausibility of this possibility has been analyzed by Benhabib and Farmer (1992), Gali (1992), and Farmer and aim in the But the introduction of imperfect competition implies that rational expectations self-fulfilling shifts in further these government purchases. no longer correspond to the solution of a planning problem, and indeed there can distinct equilibria. A how standard real business cycle models, there exists a unique equilibrium (which corresponds to the solution to a planning problem). from variation by showing assumption of imperfect competition can lead to equilibrium aggregate fluctuations absence of any shocks at equilibria markup Guo (1993). show how existing empirical studies using data at various levels of aggregation can be used to obtain estimates of the departures from perfect competition and from constant returns. While our survey of this literature is far from complete, we show how existing evidence bears upon the calibration of certain of the key parajiieters of imperfectly competitive models. Finally, the is easy. It is paper shows that incorporating imperfect competition into equilibrium business cycle theory true that, because the resulting allocation not Pareto optimjJ, is the equilibrium by considering the solution to a planning problem. computation of dynamic general equiUbrium models, that make use of it is not possible to compute However, familiar methods ein for the Euler equation characterization of equilibrium (as discussed in detail in the next chapter) can also be applied when markets are not perfectly competitive. Our paper proceeds as follows. In section 1, we which firms are monopolistic competitors and there show that, under quite general conditions, firms mcirkup over marginal cost. We returns. In section 2 we embed and discuss the way in 3 provides a brief first is will develop a basic imperfectly competitive model, no intertemporal aspect to their pricing problem. in We choose to charge a price which represents a constant cdso discuss the connections between imperfect competition and increasing model of firm behavior a complete dynamic general equilibrium model, this in which the resulting model generalizes a standard real business cycle model. Section overview on the microeconomic evidence on the importance of imperfect competition. then discuss the numerical solution of the response to shocks. In section 4, We numerical results are presented for shocks to the level of government purchases while section 5 concentrates on technology shocks. These sections illustrate the importance of taking account of imperfect competition. They also show how a comparison of the U.S. data and the model's responses can be used to obtEiin estimates of the quantitative importance of Section 6 shows that for some parameter values (involving a the departures from imperfect competition. sufficiently large degree of imperfect competition and increasing returns), the equilibrium response to shocks becomes indeterminate. This opens up a new potential source of aggregate fluctuations, namely, fluctuations due solely to to self-fulfilling may expectations, that occur even in the absence of any stochastic disturbances economic "fundamentals". Sections 7 and 8 then discuss models with markup power (here modeled of exogenous variations in the degree of market substitutability of diflferentiated products) in a variations. In section as model of the kind treated 7, we consider the consequences due to exogenous changes in sections 4 and 5. We in the show that shocks of this kind can produce an overall pattern of co- movement of aggregate variables that captures several features of observed aggregate fluctuations, in employment. We estimate the size of and that they are markup in particular able to produce large movements fluctuations that would be required to account for observed business cycle variations in employment in the U.S., and compare this with independent calculations of the degree of cyclical variation in markups in the U.S. economy. In section endogenous variations detail, the used the in our eff"ects in markups occur in response to other kinds of shocks. we discuss models We in which develop two models in "customer markets" model of Phelps and Winter (1970), and the model of oligopolistic collusion own previous work. In this section we eJso illustrate the predictions of these of changes in the level of government purchases. shocks other than technology shocks to produce variations model of Gali (1992), In the context of this at 8, in two models regarding Here we particularly emphasize the in labor demand. We ability of also briefly discuss the which the equilibrium markup depends on the composition of aggregate demand. model we discuss the possibility of aggregate fluctuations in the absence of any shock all. 1 We The Behavior of Monopolistically Competitive Firms suppose that there exists a continuum of potentially producible differentiated goods indexed by the positive real line. At any point in time, only the subset whose index runs from zero to /( is actually produced. These goods are bought by consumers, the government and both as materials that are used in firms. The latter buy the goods difTerentiated current production and in the form of investment goods that increase the capital stock available for future production. To simplify the model, and to standard perfectly competitive model, we assume that all make it comparable to the of these ultimate demeinders are interested in a single "composite good". In other words, the utility of consumers, the productivity of materials inputs, the addition to the capital of firms depends only An purchased. upon the number of units of the composite good that are agent whose purchases of individual differentiated goods are described by a vector Bt obtains Q, units of the composite good, where Qt is given by Q, We assume that the aggregator = f,iB,) (1.1) an increasing, concave, symmetric and homogeneous degree one /( is By asymmetric function we mean function of the measure Bt- that its value is unchanged quantities purchased of any of the individual goods, so that the value Q, depends only quantities purchased of individual goods, and not is the same for all of the differentiated it; and upon the identities of the purposes mentioned above; we allow, however, if one exchanges the upon the distribution of goods purchased. The aggregator for variation over time, as the set of goods being produced changes. The producer of eeich of the differentiated goods sets a price for the collection of these prices describes a price vector P( conformable with the vector of goods purchases. Consider an agent (be The agent it a consumer, government or firm) wishing to buy G» units of the composite good. will distribute its purchases over the vjtfious differentiated goods so as to minimize the total cost < P(,B( to Gt times a homogeneous degree zero vector-valued function of the price vector: > of obtaining Gt- Because /< homogeneous of degree one, is Bt Hence for a given vector of prices F(, allows us to aggregate the all demands of all Furthermore, because /< depend only upon the price is p{ for the demand equal G,A,(P,) ). This i must types to obtain = QtAtiPt) composite good for all purposes. symmetric, the component AJ(P() indicating purchases of goods charged is agents will choose sczJar multiples of the same vector A(P, Bt where Qt denotes total demand = this cost- minimizing for that good and the 6 overall distribution of prices charged. We will We be concerned here only with symmetric equilibria. possible exception of firm in j) charge a price of P( at the form Dt(p\/pt)/U, where Dt of goods produced at date t will thus consider situations where while firm j charges p\. In this a decreasing function, the seime for is all :', degree zero. (The normdization by /( and denotes the number It A simply for convenience.) The demand for firm is firms (with the case A\{Pt) can be written Dt depends only on the ratio of the two prices because t. all homogeneous of is i's product is then given by u By Pt we mean that each firm monopolistic competition charged by other firms, and chooses indicated by (1.2). We ^ its D((l) = 1 for all <. continuum We own i takes as given aggregate price, p\, taking into /( in each period that ft{M) uniform measure). case, the furthermore assume that Dt similarly independent oft. The latter is Then assume that goods for cire each t, + pD'{p) common is It 1, for all is a vector and that the value D[{1) < —1 is than one. Finally, we it is positive. This implies the existence of a downward sloping The elasticity of result of these assumptions demand. It is is that, worth stressing that we have obtained this result without having to make global assumptions on preferences, as Stiglitz (1977). is symmetric, one must have elasticity of substitution is greater symmetric equilibrium, firms face a time-invariant and M goods, remains the same as additional all marginal revenue curve for each producer of a differentiated good. in Dixit sales Dt- where i, its a monotonically decreasing function of the relative price p over the entire range of relative prices for which at a = on the price assumption means that the degree of substitutability between different added, and the D{p) effect of p\ demand curve since /( differentiable at differentiated goods, evaluated in the case of equal purchases of differentiated demand Q, and account the are therefore interested in the properties of the Let us assume as a normalization of of ones (or, in the Pt is done for instance ^ an obvious one, given that we eventually wish to assume the existence of a continuum of goods an intervzd [0, /i] on the real line. In the continuum limit, the price charged for an individual good obviously has no effect upon any agent's intertemporal allocation of total expenditure, and so has no effect upon the equilibrium processes {pt.Qi}. Even in the case of a finite number of goods, we can define equilibrium in this way, just as one can define VValrasian equilibrium for an economy with a finite number of traders. However, the equilibrium concept only becomes compelling as a formal representation of the outcome of competition in the limit of an infinite number of traders. For rigorous development of this equilibrium concept for the finite case, see Benassy (1991, sec. 6.4) and references cited therein. It has become common in the Uterature in macroeconomics and international trade to assume a continuum of differentiated goods, especieilly when, as here, one wishes to treat the number of goods as an endogenous variable. •'This equilibrium concept is in each period, identified with *In their model ft{Bt) elasticity of substitution is equeil to It~ equal to 1/(7. '-' '"' [52 li C"!)'""] This means that Dt(p) that the condition of decreasing marginal revenue is is < a < where equal p~ ' satisfied for all p. 1. They thus assume a globally constant so that DJ(1) = -\/a for all t. We also observe However, a globally constant elasticity of substitution , We now economy with imperfectly competitive specification that to When turn to a discussion of the technology with which firms produce output. is standard in firms, it considering an no longer meikes sense to assume the kind of technology the real business cycle literature. First of all, it is common in that literature assume a production function using only capital and labor inputs, ignoring produced materials. In the case of perfectly competitive firms, this involves no loss of generality, as the output measure that one concerned with is total value added (the total is product net of the value of materials inputs), and this can indeed be expressed as a function of capital and labor inputs. Suppose that the production function for good i is given by = G{Ki,z,Hi,Mi) q\ where z, is an index of labor augmenting technical progress at capital services, //J the hours employed, equilibrium, the price of materials In is the (1.3) while t, ^j denotes the output, and A// the materials inputs of firm same in as the price for output, so that value an equilibrium with perfect competition, this F{Ki,z,Hi) i period added t. is A'J the level of In a symmetric given by q\ — A/,'. will necessarily equal = m^[G(Ki,ztHi,Mi) - M'] (1.4) This follows from profit maximization by price-taking firms. Thus there exists a pseudo-production function for value added with only capital and labor inputs as its arguments. Furthermore, by the envelope theorem, the derivatives of F must be equated to their prices (deflated by the price of output) in equilibrium. with respect to equilibrium conditions if its two arguments one simply treats F equcil the as the true production function. being done in the reed business cycle literature (as in other But with imperfect competition, choose its (1.4) is margined products of those two factors, that no longer common growth A correct. Thus one obtains This is implicitly correct what is models). monopolistically competitive firm will materials inputs so as to maximize ^G{I<i,ztHi,Mi)-Mi (1.5) Pt given the relation (1.2) between its sales and its price. Because p\ is not independent of the quantity sold, materials inputs are not chosen as in (1.4), even though in a symmetric equilibrium p\ of this kind ceise of is nowhere essential to our conclusions, which depend only on the assumption that the is independent of scale. uniform prices = pt- elasticity of If (1.3) is a demand in the smooth in neoclassical production function, the first-order condition for choice of materials inputs implies that a symmetric equilibrium, GM{Ki,ztHiMi) = so that the use of materials inputs depends solve this equation for economy's true production in to which Suppose that inefficient point inside will it is This complication can be avoided if equilibrium). on (1.3) takes the = In this case firm i will follows, insofar as it seems realistic to materials are relatively small; but With imperfect competition, for this reason even in in added as a degree of market in the be strictly inside mm its production far as ^ materials inputs ViKi,z,Hi) M/i - SAf SM in i the value of gross output (in a symmetric M/ = sm?! of market power, and there exists a production function for value added that We for value given preferences over consumption and always choose materials inputs of market power, namely V{K],ZtHl). still form corresponds to the share of materials costs 1 it changes will we can depend upon the degree of market power. 1 < 5m < economy course, would not represent the one assumes a fixed-coefficient technology as q, Here in the case of the presence of imperfect competition the and the degree are concerned. fact that this function would also change (and not simply at an possibilities frontier leisure), it Of and so obtain an expression But apart from the possibilities, + D'{l)-']-' upon the degree of mzirket power. as a function of (A'J, 2t//^J), A/,' function of those two inputs alone. power. In general, [l will in fact is regardless of the degree independent of the degree assume a production function of this form in assume that opportunities to substitute capitsJ or labor inputs so doing we neglect effects that may materials inputs matter also for another reason and they continue to matter With imperfect competition, materials inputs affect the size of the wedge between the marginal product of labor and the wage. cost, this wedge is for actually be of importance. the case of a fixed-coefficients production function. given degree of market power what (i.e., a given slope Z?'(l)), and hence a given greater the larger the share of materials. markup For a of price over marginal Hence taking account of materials inputs is important when we wish to calibrate our model on the basis of evidence about typical degrees of market power. 'For further development of this point, see Basu (1992). To see this, note that in the case of the fixed-coefficients production function, capital are chosen to and labor inputs maximize %\-WtHi-rtKi-SMqi Pt where Wt represents the wage deflated by the price of the composite good and same way, again given deflated in the (Because the present paper (1.2). is rt the rental price of capital concerned solely with imperfectly competitive product markets, we assume that firms are price-takers in factor markets.) equilibrium, the first order conditions for factor [1 [1 We assume + + D'{1)-' D'{1)-' SM]ztV2{Kt, ztHi) so that a symmetric equilibrium of this kind the moment.) is 1 + is has an We now librium. (We SM]r, (1.6a) - SM]wt (1.66) eJso defer discussion of second order conditions The wedge between marginal products and a monotonic function of (1 sm > [1 - ^ £>'(!) possible. 1-SM + This = [1 that SM < for symmetric demands take the forms - SMmKlz,H\) = - In a eff"ect — sm)D'{1), higher factor prices is observed to be D'{1)- when the latter is a smaller negative quantity. Hence equivalent to making each firm's degree of meirket power higher. consider the relation between price and marginal cost in a monopolistically competitive equi- In period (, each firm's margined cost of production (using the composite good as numeraire) IS Comparing this with (1.6b), we observe that each firm's markup (ratio of price to marginal cost) 7 Note thai in this = [1-H£''(1)"']-'>1 simple model, the markup is a constant, regardless of any changes that will equal (1.7) may occur in equilibrium output due to technology shocks or for other reasons. This conclusion depends crucially on the homogeneity of the aggregator function / as well as upon the assumption of monopolistically competitive 10 behavior on the part of firms. Without homogeneity, each firm's But abandoning homogeneity itself. makes the aggregation of jJso cated. For this reason, our entire analysis from monopolistic competition If sm > 0, closely related. is The former can be thought do consider departures /. markups. in markup 7, although the two are of as the ratio between the price of value added (the difference between the price of output and the cost of materials) and price to marginal cost 7 because firms We larger than the individueil firm's is /i output demands more compli- endogenous variations in level of different buyers' conducted with a homogeneous which result in section 8 the inefficiency wedge markup can depend on the mark up marginal cost. This its is larger than the ratio of their materials inputs as well. For a given value of s,^/, // is a monotonically increasing function of 7, given by ,= i\:il-h This relation is is important when we consider below the (1.8) effects of variations in market power. (Recall that a parameter of the production technology, rather than an endogenous variable.) It is also important for understanding the relation between different measures of the degree of market power found literature, as We now we discuss further in We in the empirical in section 3. discuss the relationship between the inefficiency degree of returns to scale. s,m mentioned earlier that imperfect wedge introduced by market power and the competition makes equilibrium possible even the case of an increasing returns technology, so that we have more flexibility in the specification of V. In fact, once we have assumed market power, assuming increasing returns not only possible but also more {V homogeneous In the case of a constant returns production function reasonable. is of degree one), Euler's theorem together with (1.6a)-(1.6b) implies that q\ Hence ^i > I - Mi = + fi{r,Ki w,Hi) implies pure profits (the value of output exceeds the sum (1.9) of materials costs, capital costs, and labor costs). Yet studies of U.S. industry generally find evidence of httle discuss this further in section 3.) Hence we must conclude that there do not if market power is if any pure profits on average. (We significant (as evidence discussed below suggests), exist constant returns. Let us use as a measure of returns to scale in the production of value added the quantity , ^ V,{Kl,ZtHi)Ki + VM<lztHl)z,Ht 11 Here increasing, decreasing or constant returns correspond to Note that this a purely local measure that is homogeneous of some degree, then that this the is ry' is may t]\ greater than, less than, or equal to one. differentiated goods being produced remains fixed; run returns to scale in a growing economy with growth in the the production of value added rather than of gross output. A in the factors employed while has no implication regarding the long it number well as in the total quantity of fcictors employed. Finally, note that this in of types of goods being produced as is a measure of increasing returns rtKi = in standard (local) measure of increasing returns the production of gross output would instead be the ratio of average to marginal cost for firm Pt is a constant and corresponds to that degree of homogeneity. Note also a measure of the short run returns to scale associated with changes number of V vary over time as production varies; in the case that i, i.e., + w,Hi + Ml - sm) + SM - Sm) + SM r;|/i-'(l /i-l(l Note that if s^ > 0, the measure t}\ will be larger than though the two coincide when there are no pj, ^ intermediate inputs. Abandoning the assumption of short run constant returns {rj = 1), we find instead of (1.9) the more general result r,\{qi Hence zero pure Thus profits - Mi) = ti{r,K\ on average are consistent with /i > + wtHi) 1 if the average returns to scale are increasing returns (in the sense just explained) are required. Note that »? > 1 also r] = fx means p > > 1, 1. so that there are also increasing returns in the production of gross output, of a magnitude p\ The intuition is simple. = [fi-^(l-SM) + With increasing own average ^One reason if its own marginal we emphasize the measure a production function for vaiue added, and so specifying ri price exceeds marginal cost. It there are also external returns to scale the firm will costs exceed ihat if is important that these be internal to the firm, rather than due to externalities of the kind postulated by Baxter and King (1990). Even its =7 returns, average cost exceeds marginal cost so that price can be equal to average cost and profits be zero even incre2ising returns SM]~^ rather than t) positive profits unless cost. is that most studies in the real business cycle literature simply assume these authors calibrate the degree of increasing returns they are in fact here when make p. 12 . The existence of increasing returns of this size economic principles, profits. This is furthermore not merely fortuitous, but follows from Chamberlin (1933) pointed out. as any period If in consistent with profit-maximization, assuming that the is fi, then there are non-zero pure number of differentiated goods being ^ t]\ produced, and the identities of their producers, cainnot change. (Negative short-run profits are possible is assumed that it paid in advance.) not possible to simply shut is But demand for each good /, depends upon the number of goods sold — D'(l) remains the same after that produces an additional product earns the existing products. ail their optimal at zero cost, perhaps because fixed costs have been does not make sense that such a situation should persist. it assumed that the aggregator of down The reason is same that his optimal markup does not change either. changes. I, 7, With in return to the level zero, due to adjustment in the A it markup is is the same rccisonable to number assumption, an entrepreneur as that of profits in the assume that of produced goods — mm all existing firms and production of existing profits should correspondingly in the long run, profits /, simple specification for the production function (1.3) that maJces this possible 9( we have on the new product as the profits earned on profits Hence sustained positive some producers. Hence Recall that such a way that the elasticity this goods give entrepreneurs a reason to introduce new goods. Sustained negative eventually \eaA to exit of if it is F{Ki,ztHt)-^ A/'i 1 - SAf Sm (111; . where is F is assumed to be homogeneous degree one, and a production function in which marginal cost the existence of the fixed costs; cycle literature in a way that it is 4" > independent of scale, but average cost generalizes the specification that again using Euler's theorem, where long run if Y,' in V,' is standard in the is ' This decreasing due to equilibrium business In the case of production given by denotes value added in industry i in period each industry tends toward a particular value, namely be brought about by having the right number of differentiated goods ' is new parameter. involves the introduction of only one function specification (1.11), the index of increasing returns in the indicates the presence of fixed costs. 7, 4>/(/j i. Profits — 1). become zero This in turn can relative to the aggregate quantity of Alternative specifications are possible. In particular, one can assume that the fixed costs take the form of some fixed of labor, or capital. The current specification assumes that both labor and capital can be used as fixed costs and that amount the proportions in which they are employed for this purpose depend on factor 13 prices. capital and labor inputs used in production; specifically, we require that in the long run (1.12) where and Ht denote aggregate quantities of capital and labor inputs respectively. This condition requires A'l that the steady state number of effective labor inputs of differentiated goods grows at the and aggregate output. same rate as the capital stock, the quantity * Let us now collect our equations describing aggregates in a symmetric equilibrium. added is determined by aggregate factor inputs through the relation y, (This is Aggregate value = F(A-,,z, //,)-*/. of course the output concept for which (1.13) we have aggregate data.) Aggregate factor demands are related to factor prices through the relations Fi(K,,z,H,) ZtF2{I<„z,H,) where the inefficiency wedge fi is = = (1.14a) tirt (1.146) fiWt determined by (1.7)-(1.8). Because our interest in this paper is the short in run effects of shocks, we will treat both of the processes {z(} cuid {/(} as exogenous, even though we recognize that in the long run macroeconomic conditions literature may affect both techniced progress reasons stressed in the on endogenous growth) and the number of differentiated products that are produced sketched above). Our (for reasons specification of these exogenous processes, however, will be such as to imply that our equilibria will involve only transitory deviations from a scale of operations at which (1.12) holds. These equations jointly describe the production side of our model. Note that $ = (for in the case that /j = 1 and these are the equilibrium conditions of a standard real business cycle model. Hence our specification nests a standard competitive model as a limiting catse. ^ In this formulation, the output of each fimi stays constant in the steiuly state, the entire growth in output is accounled for by growth in firms. An alternative formulation that preserves a constant steady state markup and degree of increasing returns is to assume as we did in Rotemberg and Woodford (1992) that (j( = . rrun \ L Mn F[h",,z,H',)-i, 1 - »M , 'M . has the same steady state growth rate as zi and hence the same growth rate as A'l and Qi. hi this case, an equilibrium with a constemt steady slate markup has no growth in the number of firms. The entire growth in output is rellected in growth in each firm's output. One could probably also construct intermediate models with constant steady stale markups where the number of firms as well aa output per firm grow over time. and that il>i 14 A Complete Dynamic Equilibrium Model with Monopolistic Competition 2 The economy also contains a large number of identical infinite-lived households. At time the representative t, household seeks to maximize oo E,\j20'N, + rU(Ct + r,ht+r)} T where Et takes expectations at time of members per household period the t, and number h, in period t, /? t, C( denotes a constant positive discount factor, denotes per capita consumption by the denotes per capita hours worked by of households at one, we can use Nt aggregate consumption, and so on. argument, and decresising in its We members make assumptions about assume, as usueJ, that u demand clciss is members of the household in t. = By normalizing NtC, lo denote a concave function, increasing of utility functions directly, it is in its first further specialized below.) turns out to be more convenient functions for consumption and leisure. These Frisch functions depend on the marginal utility of wealth Aj which A, Assuming that households can denotes the number also to represent the totzd population, Ct second zirgument. (The the Frisch A^( of the household in period Rather than make assumptions about the par2imeters of u to (2.1) = = demand given by is Ui(c,,/»,) (2.2) freely sell their labor services for the real wage w,, they must satisfy tiie first order condition — — Wt — U2iCt,ht) "2(Ct,/»() (ii.i) 7 A, ui(c,,/i, where the second equality follows from the definition (2.3), we can solve for One advantage C( and /i, of using the Frisch expectations) on current choices tiie as functions of Aj is demand Combining (2.2). and ly, (2.2) with the second equality of which gives the Frisch demand curves c, = c{wt,X,) (2.4a) ht = h{ivt,Xt) (2.46) functions is that the effects of captured by the marginal condition for market clearing in the labor market utility of all future variables (and their wealth A(. In terms of these functions, is Ht=Nth{w,,Xt) 15 {2.b) while that for the product market is y, = Ntc(wuXt) + [Kt+i - (1 - S)Kt] where G( represents government purchases of produced goods, and < the capital stock, satisfying 6 < + Gt (2.6) 6 is the constant rate of depreciation of Equation (2.6) with Yi representing value added 1. is the standard GNP accounting identity, except that we do not count value added by the government sector as part of either Gt or y'l at / This equation says that one unit of the composite good at . + It 1. t can be used to obtciin one unit of capital follows that the purchase price of capital, just like that of materials, equal to one. is We assume that households, like firms, have access to a complete set of frictionless securities markets. As a result, tiie expected returns to capital must satisfy the asset-pricing equation Substituting (1.14a), we obtain l A = ^£;,|(^)[£il£l±i:ii±i^f±il + (l_6)]} rational expectations equilibrium that satisfy (1.13), (1.14b) and (2.5) the response of this Plosser, model - is a set of stochastic processes (2.7), to changes in Zj for the (2.7) endogenous variables given the exogenous processes {Gt,zt,Nt,It}- ^ {Yt, A'l, //, We analyze and government purchases using essentially the method of King, and Rebelo (1988a). This involves restricting our attention to the case of small stationary ations of the endogenous variables around a steady state growth path. Let us first exogenous variables, the equilibrium requires that variables such as {Yt,Wt, in for ...} transformed (detrended) variables can exist As in their growth in the exhibit trend growth as well. if the equilibrium conditions terms of these transformed variables do not involve any of the trending exogenous variables opposed to fluctu- consider the conditions under which stationary solutions to these equations are possible. Given the existence of trend growth However, a stationary solution , (;( or A^i as rates). King, Plosser and Rebelo (1988a), this requires only that there exists a homogeneous of degree zero in (w,X'^), and c(w,X) is <r homogeneous of degree one > in such that h{w, A) is (iv,X~^). Given these 'The variables I'l, Ht,uji, ,\t must be measurable with respect to information available at time (, while Ai must be measuiable with respect to information available at time t— I. Information available at time ( consists of the realizations at time t or eailier of the variables Gt,Zt,Ni, It- In section 6, we allow the information set to also contain "sunspot" variables. 16 w,, A, j conditions, there exists an equilibrium in which the detrended endogenous state variables V - ^' ^* v - w - ZtNt Wi - — At , = ^' Nt Zt-iN, A,(z<) Zt are stationary, given stationary processes for the exogenous ^t /=. random It J and a constant population growth rate so that -jf^ = variables ^t z y'^ in all periods. The equilibrium conditions in terms of the stationary variables become y: = F{{yl)-'Kt,Ht)-^i, F^r^^Htj Ht c(u;„ A,) 1 = (^) =,iwt (2.10) = H{wt,\t) + [i^Kt+i - /?^.{(7.%x)-^ (2.9) - (2.11) G, = ^^((^'V')"!^^'-^^'^'^^) + (1 6){'(tr'K,] + [ (2.12) V". (1 - S)] (2.13) } These equilibrium conditions involve only the detrended state variables, and so admit a stationary solution terms of those variables. in '° Like King, Plosser and Rebelo, we furthermore seek to characterize such a stationary equilibrium only the case of small fluctuations of the detrended state variables around their steady state values, in constant values that they take in a deterministic equilibrium growth path in the case that 7,* , constant. This steady state can be found by solving the 5 equations (2.9)-(2.13) for the five H , w, A and K. Since these solutions vary continuously with (1.12) holds and profits are zero. Given a steady state, At this solution, /<I> equals (/i /, — we ccin l)Y /, j.e.,tiie and G\ are unknowns V', then find a value for / for which . we approximate a stationary equilibrium involving small fluctuations around it by the solution to a log-linear approximation to the equilibrium conditions. This linearization uses derivatives '"Note that equilibrium conditions in terms of stationary variables multiple steady state equilibria. 17 ceir be obtained with this technique even if the model has evaluated at the steady-state values of the state variables. the notation Vi for log(y(/V'), Wt for log{wt/w), log-linear ^' In writing the log-linear equations, and so on, where the Y,w denote steady state values. The approximation to the Frisch consumption demand and labor supply functions where the coefficients represent the we use (2.4) can be written Ct = (Cmm + (cx>^t (2.14a) Ht = (2.146) CHwrbt + fHX>^t elasticities of the Frisch specification of preferences affects our equilibrium conditions and so we calibrate the model by specifying numerical values Thus the only way demands. is in the values in which the implied for these elasticities, for these elasticities directly. Our homogeneity assumptions furthermore imply that (Hw -<^eHX = (cw - fftcx = ^ The fCu = (2.Sa) 1 (2.86) i^^ (2.8c) three restrictions (2.8a), (2.86) and (2.8c) imply that there are only . To (ex, iffw, iffx, and a. former is preserve comparability with earlier studies we calibrate a and chw- The the inverse of the intertemporal elasticity of consumption growth holding hours worked constant while the latter The two independent parameters among is the intertemporal elasticity of labor supply. log-linearized equilibrium conditions can then be written as y, = fiSKKt + ttSHHt - nsKl't ^^{kt-Yt-Hi) = Ht sc[ecww, + -ayt "The method is the same as ecx'Xt] -f- + s/[Tf £,{a,+ i - = CHwW, + - 1)A (2.15) w, (2.16) (2.17) (^)(^< " t/)] + sgG, (f±-^) -^(^,+i /^,+i + Y.+:)} = = V, (2.18) (2.19) and Rebelo. This can be made rigorous, and justified £is an application of shown in Woodford (1986). It should be understood that when we refer to small values, we have in mind stationary random variables with a sufficiently small bounded in King, Plosser a generalized implicit function theorem, as fluctuations around the steady state (/^ (HX>^t + (J-^)k.+i - A, -^ - support. 18 This system may functions of A', be further simplified as follows. and A(. We can solve (2.15), (2.16) and (2.17) for H,, Yt and iut as Substitution of these solutions into (2.18) and (2.19) gives a system of two difference equations of the form We assume that the exogenous variables {y{ ,Gt, shown for matrix A It) are subject to stationary fluctuations. example by Blanchard and Kahn (1980), (2.20) has a unique stationary solution is non-singular, and the matrix A~^B has one eigenvalue with modulus modulus greater than one. Woodford (1986) shows that this also the case in is equilibrium conditions have a locally unique stationary solution. Moreover, shocks whose support is state. For the calibrated we find that there In section 6, is indeed exactly one stable eigenvalue. where there is The We thus focus We is the willi when perturbed by exogenous next section, and for only one stable eigenvalue, there with which we are concerned. log-linear in the if than one and one sufficiently small, this solution involves only small fluctuations parameter values discussed and only which the original nonlinear all much we discuss alternative parameter values that lead both eigenvalues In the case less if Thus, as around the steady sufficiently nearby values, of our analysis on this case. to be smaller than one. a unique equilibrium response to the shocks can approximate this unique response by calculating the solution to llie system (2.20) using the formulae of Blanchard and Kahn (1980) or Hansen and Sargent (1980). resulting solution is a linear function of the exogenous variables. This means that we can decompose fluctuations in the state variables into the contributions from each of the shocks that affect our exogenous vciriables. It also means that the cuialysis of the effect of Jiny one shock would not be affected by the inclusion of additional exogenous shocks. The coefficients in the log-linear equation presented in Table 1. Column system (2.15)-(2.19) have been written 2 of the table gives the formulas which, values of the detrended state variables, allow us to in when evaluated terms of parameters at the steady state compute the value of these parameters. Witii the exception of population growth and the parameters related to the lack of perfect competition, the values we have assigned follow those presented is King, Plosser and Rebelo (1988a). Note that, in the case wjiere equal to one the model we have presented reduces to the standard real business cycle model. some of in in the evidence relating to values for the average inefficiency the next section. The same evidence is wedge fi (for now taken survey to be a conslniit) equally relevant for calibration of the steady state 19 We // markup in the case of the variable-markup models discussed later. Evidence on the Size of Markups and Increasing Returns 3 Evidence on the size of markups and increasing returns comes from literature that attempts to with returns to scale in this literature, regulated industries. which The summarized is Panzar (1989) has concerned in Those found 1.4. specification. Christensen for electric power generation seem to be somewhat sensitive substantial returns to scale when taking cost. By contrast, Chappell i.e.,, analysis. many electric utilities. These studies seek to measure the degree is perfectly consistent with large gaps between short run average costs and short run marginal costs. This would happen in particular minimizes costs. Firms would rationally make such capacity choices an additional location or introducing an additional vjiriety raises Chamberlinian model of monopolistic competition. This fixed cost per plant so that lowest average cost all at a scale the rate at which average costs decline as one goes from a small plant to a larger one. However, constant returns in this sense there are several plants, to the exact and Wilder (1986) found much more into account the multiplicity of outputs of These findings are of only limited relevance to our of long run returns to scale, itself in (1.10) rj and Greene (1976) found that only half the 1970 plants were operating where marginal cost was below average size that a returns to scale found in the telecommunications industry tend to be substantial, with most studies finding returns to scale, which correspond to a value of of the order of is measure the degree of increasing returns from engineering studies of the average Most of costs of different plants. several distinct sources. First, there of which have the is if, if plant size exceeds the for instance, producing at a firm's sales for any given price, as in the in essence what occurs in our model. We have a would be obtained by having a single plant. In equilibrium same average cost and, nonetheless, marginal cost is below average cost. Second, there is a literature which attempts to measure the elasticity of demand facing individual prod- ucts produced by particular firms. This literature it is never profit maximizing to set the demand for the product. There are marketing literature. ticity is just under 2. is relevant because, as is markup 7 lower than one over one many estimates of the elasticity of Tellis (1988) surveys this literature, clear from the derivation of (17), plus the inverse of the elasticity of demand for particular and reports that the median measured This suggests that the markup 7 of these individual firms would equal 2 20 products if in price the ela.s- they behaved monopolistic competitors. like the marketing literature elcisticities in of demand demand probably for demand tiieir elasticity of is our symmetric model where correct, the would correspond to the the marketing literature the If is differ across elasticity of products and the probably atypically low. This probably demand is less price sensitive. that exceeds is elasticity of markup and One these two parameters that demand. The aim of Her estimates of 7 and of notable feature of these estimates we imposed through our zero Hall (1988, 1990) proposes a variant of this using instrumental variables. The share rather than estimated, so that only tiiis is fi large estimates of /i for many price in some approach to is that he is and itself. Thus the relation , which, essentially, equation (2.15) known (from measured and endogenous U.S. manufacturing sectors; it is between appears to be validated. is factor need be estimated; instruments are used that are believed -ff 16 1.4 for that her industry estimates of the ratio markup coefficients are treated as that one reason that Hall's estimates of the is 1.2 variation in /< is estimated payments) a prion to ignored. Hall obtains over 2 for six out of seven one-digit sectors. and related estimates at the end of the next section. Here we wish simply to note discuss this approach as Morrison in range between 77 profit condition approach be orthogonal to exogenous technological progress estimating Before closing this section, are zero, so that /i it is /i "markup ratio" cire larger than those obtained by authors such rather thcin 7. worth discussing the basis on which we state that must equal times that years private value added. '^ economy probably has a of the degree of increjising returns. Morrison of average to marginal cost closely resemble her estimates of the 18% the in tliat an example of this approach. She estimates a flexible functional form cost function, using data on out of her 18 industries. economy of those products studied a literature which tries to obtain econometric estimates of marginal cost and, gross industry output and materials inputs. We demand 2. combine them with econometric estimates of the 1990) in because the marketing literature focuses on Thus, the typical product obtain simultaneous, independent estimates of the ( estimated faced by the typical firm. In practice, elasticity of is elasticity branded consumer products which are more differentiated than unbranded products so Finally, there cases, demand demand tj. '- Total tangible assets minus durables in US. profits in the 1987 were equal to 2.25 Since private investment (again excluding durables) equaled about of private value added and the yearly growth rate For a more complete discussion along similar lines, is about 3%, it follows that the yearly depreciation with independent estimation of the degree of increaising reiums, see (1990). 21 Hfill of this capital stock must be about 5% one must subtract the growth rate from the ratio of (to obtain this investment to capital which equals 8%). The share of payments going to capital has been 25% on average. These payments can be decomposed into the product of the capital output ratio and the sum of the rate of depreciation and an implied rate of return on capital. Thus, this 6% about per annum. It is the fact that this rate of return securities that leads us to say that there are some pure profits, the payments no impUed rate of return to capital has been close to the rate of return is economy. profits in the If on stock market owners of capital also received would exceed the product of the stock market rate of return to capitalists and the actual capital stock. Yet another way of making the same point is to note that, on average Tobin's one (Summers (1981)). This again says that the present value of payments to the owners of capital q is discounted at the required rate of return on equity shares equals the cost of replacing the capital stock. In the ne.xt effects of two sections we study the effects of having a constant markup different from one for tiie shocks to government purchases and of technological shocks. Responses to Government Purchases 4 The first exercise we consider is a change postulate a stochastic process for Gt- model depends also on in government purchcises Gt- To perform The reason we must do so their expectation of future is this exercise we must that the behavior of the agents government purchases of goods. We in tiie assume that Gt is given by Gt we assume constant growth In the present section assume that the number of firms 1 and For this case 4> is we /, /( equal to one. the profits of the existing firms. rate as ZtNt (so that /( of z< and Nt] hence (4.1) (4.1) specifies an exogenous is i^f , we does not respond to the shock. In the perfectly competitive case where equal to zero this involves no just set \P^\<1 For the purposes of analyzing the response of the economy to the shock stochastic process for Gt- equals = p^G,.i+uf We loss of generahty since the number of firms In the case of imperfect competition, changes in nonetheless Eissume that constant). is /( // indeterminate. Gt do change continues to grow exogenously at the same Abstracting from variations in the rate of entry is reasonable as an approximation because entry decisions involve relatively long lead times. In a model with constant markups, a change in G increases output 22 only through an increase in the suppl> of hours at a given real wage. This wedge n, a relationship is apparent from (1.14b). This equation firms to hire labor at a given real Barro (1981) why labor supply raise the wealthy. less marginal employment We and capital are is fixed, the willingness of emphasized by resisons that they tend to increase real interest rates. Both of these wealth A( and thus raise Ht for any given Wt- Thus the real wage p"^ because changes This is '^ We in uf for the case where p*^ assume that the share of materials a conservative choice since value added in manufacturing crucial in the imperfectly competitive case. (which, using (1.8) with sm We report results for both . We 1 and 2 report the percent response in hours, was suggested by the earlier discussion, real effects, for given values of the and equal to is equals Sf,i only about half of the value equal to one and for fi model but equal to markup to 1.17). This is is 1.4. fairly values are listed in output and the wage to a one percent change 11.7% of GNP the multiplier imperfect competition. equals 1.4 than when it On = /x for it 1.4. increases by We 0.05% when government purchases is less ft and the wage Output and hours wages decline. But, there model's other parameters. case of perfect competition while bi is output, in total The other parameter see in the figures that the qualitative response of hours, output equals one as in our imperfectly competitive case where The falls they are taken from King, Plosser and Rebelo (1988a). Figures uf fi markup 7 equal equal to 0.5 corresponds to a low relative to those that have been estimated in the literature. 1; efi"ects government purchases are persistent but also have large of gross output in manufacturing. This parameter plays no role in our perfectly competitive Table depends on latter that the increase in government purchases makes first is simulations of the model's response to changes in chose this value of half. The change. will The second utility of capital. Since technology wage does not change. However, there axe two components which are mean reverting. one a given constant inefficiency rises. We compute .9. for between the wage and the marginal product of labor where the employment, the state of technology and households is, is a change is the rise in in the same 1.4. // both cases and, as magnitude of these see that output rises by about = wiien the in 0.04% in the Because government purchases equal than one half in both cases but the other hand, the percent response in hours and real wages is it is larger with smaller when /i equals one. difference in the responsiveness of hours and output does cast some doubt on the accuracy of the our analysis of military purchases we found these to follow & very persistent but stationary AR(2) process. For simplicity literature we consider a persistent AR(1) here. and comparability with previous 23 common view according to which the presence of imperfect competition, in effect of government purchases on economic demand spillovers" on consumption demand government purchases in activity. ^^ idea is argued to is It is activity through a "multiplier" process of the magnifies the short run reflect the presence of "aggregate that the increase in output induced by the rise raises the profits of the imperfectly competitive firms income makes consumers purchase more. for The . This itself argued that these Kahn-Keynes effects type. It is and the resulting increase in amplify the response of economic true that, in our model, a larger given values of the other parameters, magnifies the response of output. But this is solely due to the ^/. fact that imperfectly competitive firms set the wage below the marginal product of labor so that a one percent increase in hours raises output by fis}{ percent rather than by sh percent. '^ On the other hand, a larger H reduces the response of hours. The reason for this is easily seen. Hours become less responsive when fi is increased because the (negative) wealth effect of an increase in government purchcises become smaller. For given prices (wages and interest supply depends upon the present value of after tax income net of wages. rales), labor increase in the G amount increases the present discounted value of taxes (and hence reduces after-tax income) by e.xactly of the increase in G. value of income. If zero But, potentially, chzinges G in they lead equilibrium hours and output to amount by which the is In either case, an have an additional of hours exceeds the real wage of hours equals the real (i.e., if on the present income net of wages increases by the rise, wage increase in output exceeds the increase in the when the marginal product effect wage but it is bill. To positive first if order, this amount the marginal product firms have market power). Thus, in the case of perfect competition, a one dollar increase in G lowers the present value of income by one dollar, while in the case of imperfect competition by less it lowers In a sense the it "demand than one dollar. spillover" literature is correct in arguing that the increased profits in the case of imperfect competition give an additional boost to household income. supposing that the stimulative effect of effects of government purchases government purchases on household income. Where this argument errs is in result from a positive, rather than a negative It also errs in supposing that the direct determinant Mankiw (1988), StarU (1989) and Silvestre (1993). understand from (2.15) the basis of Startz's (1989) argiunent that this is just a short run effecl. A pennanent increase in G would permanently increase profits, requiring an eventual increase in the number of firms /. In a coniparison ol steady state equilibria (in whidi / is assumed to adjust so as to keep profits equal to zero), the percentage increase in oulpul '*See, e.g. '^One Ccin also equals only 5/y limes the percentage increase in the labor input. 24 of equilibrium employment is the effect of household income on consumption demand, rather than the efTect of income on labor supply. Another implication of Figure 1 worthy of note concerns the labor productivity. Since output increases it is obvious that measured productivity behavior of the Solow residual, which business cycle literature, is is effect of more and hours increase more rises (falls less) in government purchases on measured less, in the case of /i greater than one. used as a mezisure of exogenous productivity growth especially noteworthy. Recall that the Solow residual the real in given by is Ay, - shAH, - SKAKt where AY] represents the change in the difFerentiation of (1.13) using (1.14) and keeping , 7, The numerator is of (4.3) thus logarithm of / ^'( (4.2) and analogously for By A//, and AA',. contrast. constant establishes that AV, - fisnAHt - hskAK, _ — must be invariant The the case of imperfect competition. \^oj But (to first order) to changes in Gt- this implies that greater than one and Ht rises for any reason other than a technological shift (so that 7,* is if /; unchanged) the expression in (4.2) will rise. In other words, an increase in hours induced by an increase in government purchases or any other non-technology shock raises the standard Solow residud. The reason that, with is imperfect competition, an increase in the labor input must necessarily raise the value of output by more than it raises labor costs (since firms make profits on the marginal units). This results in an increase in measured productivity. This shows that ignoring imperfect competition when it is incorrect measures of total factor productivity. If one wants to formula (4.3) which depends on The fact that the fi in addition to Solow residual (4.2) some observed anomalies concerning Solow in is actually present is dangerous. measure true changes in 2, leads to It one must use the depending on observable magnitudes. not a correct measure of true technical progress residuals. For may explain example, a number of authors have observed that, postwar U.S. data, Solow residuals are correlated with various measures of government purchases (Hall (1988), Baxter and King (1991), Burnside, Eichenbaum and Rebelo (1993)). One might argue that this simply indicates that government purchases are not exogenous with respect to technology shocks. might be true of some components of government purchases, especially spending by 25 local This governments thai But are forced to have balanced budgets. it is of national defense-related goods, that have hard to defend the "reverse causation" thesis moved posed by communist regimes. Yet this component is positively correlated with Solow residuals as Hall (1988) this observation insofar it predicts that hours response to an exogenous increase in government purchases and, as a result, the Solow in residual should increase as well if /i > '® 1. Imperfect competition might similarly explain the observations of Hall (1988) that changes prices (that, again, should be Solow residuals, ^'^ ability of is world oil exogenous with respect to the state of U.S. productivity) are correlated with ^^ imperfect competition to explain these anomalies provides not only an argument that imperfect competition Indeed, this in and the findings of Evans (1990) that various measures of monetary policy shocks forecast future Solow residuals. The case changed perception of the threat mziinly in response to and Baxter and King (1991) show. Our model can explain should increase in the is important but may also be the basis for a quantitative estimate of the basis for Hall's (1988) estimates of observes a variable Vt, /i. The parameter ft is known to be orthogonal to the importance. can be estimated using such as military purchases or changes in the world with output and hours changes and its oil price, change in that is (4.3) if one both correlated technology 7/ . Then v, should be orthogonal to the right hand side of (4.3). In particular Cov(i;,, Hall's proposal moment is to estimate condition (4.4) actually zero if /i is /i Ay, - fiSnAH, - (iskAK,) = (4.4) so as to minimize (under an appropriate metric) the extent to which the fails to hold. In the case where Vt is a single variable, the expression in (4.4) is replaced by the instrumental variable estimate L,vtAY, Hall's estimates indicate estimates of the wedge of over 1.8 for fi all seven 1-digit industries he considers. Subsequent work by Domowitz, Hubbard and Petersen (1988), uses gross industry output so that it estimates '^Alternative possible explanations of the anomaly that do not depend on imperfect competition are proposed by Baxter and King (1991) and Bumside, Eichenbaum and Rebelo (1993). "For a complete dynamic equilibrium model of the effects of oil prices which is constructed along the lines of this paper, see Rotemberg and Woodford (1993). '^Explicit development of this last idea would require, of course, a model where monetary policy shocks affect economic activity, a topic we do not take up here. Imperfect competition in product markets does not in itself imply any real effect of monetary policy. On the other hand, as we mentioned in footnote 2, imperfect competition is often a crucial element of models In which monetary non-neutrality results from price rigidity. 26 the markup Their estimates of 7 range between 7. sets of estimates and 1.4 1.7 for 17 do not contradict each other because, as long as the materials share s^ smaller than 7 as can be seen from (1.66). For example, and a materials share of .5 (which Ls those estimated by both Domowitz, is positive, fi is equal to 2.3 (a typical value for Hall's industries) /i also typical for those industries) imply = 7 Hubbard and Petersen (1988) and Morrison 1.4 which is in the range of (1990). Responses to Technology Shocks 5 In this section, economy we show that the level of the to changes in technology. average mcirkup matters when compute the how much productivity. firms, as size of the we do not wish productivity is a As we showed steady state. We On comes to the response of the The (4.3). number of reason is consume depend upon firms. It is not enough to simply that, once again, household's decisions their expectations of the future state of are also unable, in this case, to ignore the issue of variation in the rate of entry of In fact, in this section, shock. technology shocks using labor to supply and output to We it Before we can compute the economy's response, we must postulate a stochastic process for the level of technology itself and for the of out of their 19 industries. These two to we assume that technology shocks have a purely transient follow King, Plosser random walk, in (1.12), the so that 7,^ number the other hand, on productivity. effect and Rebelo (1988b) and Plosser (1989) in an independently distributed random variable. is new assuming that '^ of firms must grow with z for profits to remain equal to zero in the we do not believe the number of firms adjusts very rapidly to a technology thus wish to concentrate on short run effects of technology shocks by assuming that entry plays only a small role in these short term dynamics. To do this, we let /( follow cin error-correction process of the form log/, where itself / = Klog(/2, AT,) and k are positive constants with k stationary as we assumed in Section 2. < I. By entry in response to a technology shock, even + (!-«) log /,_i (5.1) This process implies that with a stationary {7/}, {/(} letting when k be small we ensure that there it is permanent. We is little is immediate conjecture that our results hinge '^\Ve made this assumption because the results we obtained for the case where Zi is stationeiry were unsatisfactory. We showbelow that there are exist two different methods of computing the variance of output implied by the model as a response lo technology shocks. While the methods are difTerent, they ought to give the same answer for the volatilities of output and hoiii-s. The two methods do so when we assume that 2 is a random walk but we lead to very different theoretical variances for output and hours when we eissumed that 2 is stationary. For more on the sensitivity of theoretical variemces of output as one varies the stochastic process for the technology shocks, see Eichenbaum (1991). 27 mainly on the fact that the response of entry with a small k (5.1). In particulcir, is slow and not on the precise specification of a small k preserves comparability between our results and those obtained by Hornstein (1993) for a model without permanent technology shocks in which the effects of technology shocks on entry are ignored Differencing (5.1), we obtain A/, = + /c(-r/+T'^) (l-'c)A/,_i which implies that oo = J]K(l-/c)^7f_; A/, ; (5.2) = where A/( denotes A/, minus the unconditional mean of that stationary variable while, -fi minus its mean. now , This implies that the change Ay, - ^iSHAH^ - fiSKAK, — = in the number the case of imperfect competition. This in productivity assumption such as and substituting (5.1) (5.2), is if is fl for the U.S. is The - l)AIt 5.3) because entry of firms increases fixed costs and thus requires is is to be produced with the necessary in order to measure technology shocks. = in the lag fi(I) same inputs. Thus an Removing means from AY, - tisnAHt - fiSKAKt (5.3) (5.4) operator whose coefficients depend on p and k. This polynomial has circle; in particular, it equals 1 when economy using quarterly data from 1947:1 hours while assuming that the change series (fx we obtain a polynomizd no roots inside the unit + of firms enters the corrected Solow residual (analogous to (4.3)), a given quantity of output 7/ where Q{L) denotes yields ft an increase -/,' ^° Differentiation of (113) in as before, fi is one. Using (5.4), until 1989:4 in capital is constcint. ^^ The we construct a series for on private output and private sector construction of our output and hours discussed in Rotemberg and Woodford (1992). first part of Table 2 presents the measured vfiriance of 7f for various values of p. measured variance of technology falls as we increase the markup. The reason is It shows that the that typical U.S. business ^°Note thai with this notation, if a variable A' is stationary, then AA' is the first difference of A'. ^'This is not strictly correct but, because investment is such a small fraction of capital, it does not induce a laige bias into our calculation. 28 cycles involve procyclical movements in output, hours and the standard Solow residual. than one, one expects the Solow residual to move procyclically even explained in the previous section. Thus a model with /i in the If ^ is greater absence of technology shocks as some greater than one can explain fraction of the variation in the Solow residual leaving smaller unexplained variations in total factor productivity. We computed the model's responses to shocks in f' using the King, Plosser and Rebelo (1988a) param- eters listed in Table that K is equal to 0.02 so as to The model's We a share of materials of one half and, again, values p equal to 1, make reason is and 1.4, We assumed sure that immediate entry hcid a relatively trivial effect on the results. prediction for the effect on output and hours of a see that, for a given increase in 1 r, shock to 7,* is presented Figure in 3. higher under imperfect competition. The an increase in the effective units of labor that firms hire. the response of output that, an increase in z represents, in effect, 1% is Because firms with market power set the marginal product of labor higher than the wage, an increase in the effective labor input raises output more under imperfect competition. This can be seen directly from equation (2.15) which shows that the change in output for given hours and capital input times 7^. This By a higher /i, change worked is smaller hours are nearly insensitive to changes in technologiccd opportunities is when the markup work and for future leisure. ambiguous this reduces labor supply. wealth effect section, is larger. The On is is well and the wage and net effect depends who Hornstein (1993) technology shocks. There are two to changes in z. We discusses in this leads workers to If /i is made still effect, as in the slightly larger previous than 1.4, a increases. fluctuations are smaller with imperfect competition, it fixed in the short on whether the intertemporal substitution or the Imperfect competition increases the size of the wealth employment is the other hand, an increase in z also makes people wealthier and so reduces the extent to which labor supply increases. result, that That the response of hours known. Because capital positive technology shock actually reduces equilibrium hours, though output This higher. Indeed, for our chosen in technological possibilities. run, an increase in z raises temporarily the marginal product of labor substitute current equal to ^isn raises the response of output. /i contrast, the response of hours value of to a why is is is also obtained by terms of the variances of output and hours that can be explained by next turn to the consequences of imperfect competition for this type of exercise. diflferent They both ways of computing the variance of output and hours that can be attributable rely on the impulse response functions which axe plotted 29 in Figure 3. Let the impulse response functions be written as ^yt = T.^Yrt-i 1 (5.5) = A^, =^^fTf.., (5.6) i=0 Then one estimate of the implied variance of the change in output is f;(e)'Var(7/) (5.7) «=o where Var(7,') is the variance of the technology shock reported in Table 2. The variance of the change in hours can be computed analogously. An alternative computation of the variances of output and hours relies on the historical time series the technology shock that can be for computed using (5.4). As in we can compute the Plosser (1989), values of output and hours that these time series for technology shocks predict. If 7f gives the (de-meaned) historical series for technology shocks, the predicted series for (de-meeined) changes in output and iiours are. respectively 00 ^Yt « We oo = T^^'it-i = (5.8) i=0 can then compute the sample variance of the series {Ay,} and {A.^i}. Column 2 of the second and third part Table 2 give the empirical variances of output while column 3 gives their theoretical variances report the variances /i ^Ht = 5^^."7f_. computed using (5.7) computed using the sample variances of because they are nearly identical. equal to one, the predicted variance of output is predicted variance of hours is is ^^ more substantial eflFect (5.8). We do not For the standard case where somewhat smaller than the actucJ variance while the quite a bit smeiller than the actual variance. Increases in variances though they have a and hours growth on the variance of hours /i lower both predicted for the reasons that we gave above. We also present in Table 2 a statistic that provides a further test of the empirical plausibility of the model's predictions regarding the effects of technology shocks. As we said This statistic relates to the orthogonality footnote 19 above, this is not true when technology shocks are assumed to induce only transitory changes that zi followed an autoregressive process we obtained much smaller theoretical variances for output changes when using the method of Kydland and Prcscott (1982) than when we asked about the vaiiabjiity of output generated by the model in response to the entire time series of Solow residuals. This was true even when we made the autoregressive coefficient equal .o .99. in technology. in When we assumed 30 of the predicted We movements output and hours on the one hcind, and the prediction errors on in other. have mentioned above that a correct measure of technical progress should be independent of the other shocks that affect the economy. In the previous section we showed that if some of the other shocks can an orthogonality condition that can be used to test the validity of method of measuring technology shocks. But even when the other shocks cannot be directly measured, be directly measured, this gives the tlie rise to the independence principle can be used as the basis for a specification test of a technology shocks. For coefficients ^^ if model of the effects of the technology shocks are correctly measured and the theoretical impulse response and ^^ are correct, then the prediction errors AV — AV" AH — AH and should be expressible as distributed lags of the other exogenous shocks. ^^ It follows that Cov{Ay',,(Ay, - Ay,)} = o (5.9) Cov{AH„iAHt-AH,)}=0 Testing the validity of these moment (5.10) conditions provides a specification test which does not require knowledge of the other types of shocks. To provide a convenient measure of the extent to which the moment conditions (5.9) and (5.10) are violated Var(Ay,) we decompose the variance of actueil changes in output eis follows = Var(Ay,) + Var(Ay - AY,) + 2Cov{Ay,, (Ay, - Ay,)} so that ^ Var(Ay,) . Var(Ay, Var(Ay,) - Ay,) y Var(Ay,) where Y '^ Thus w^ measures the extent to which the technology shocks and the variance The size of the departure of such as Var(Ay,)/Var(Ay, ) it w^ from as a _ 2Cov{Ay«,(Ay, -Ay,)} ~ Var(Ay,) sum of the variance of output that the model attributes to attributes to other sources zero thus gives one fails to equal the total variance of output. some idea how seriously one can take a statistic measure of the degree to which observed variations be explained by technology shocks. Here we rely on the validity of tlie log-linear approximation introduced 31 in section 2. in output growth caa The of fifth column of Table 2 gives values of w^ and of the analogously defined u)^ for difTerent values For the model to be correct, both w's ought to be zero fi. restrictions that can be used to estimate fi. Such an estimate is moment Hence, these provide additional then based entirely upon the way in which one parameter value as opposed to another improves the model's ability to produce empirically plausible predictions regarding the part of aggregate fluctuations that are due to aggregate technology shocks. As we can see, raising Thus, the results of 1.6. competition. What is /i from to 1.4 lowers 1 this estimation both w's which reach a minimum for between fi 1.4 and procedure also yield relatively important departures from perfect perhaps even more interesting is that the resulting estimate of ^ implies that technology shocks lead to practically no fluctuations in hours worked. Thus, essentially, the entire movement in hours worked must be due to some other type of shock. Fluctuations 6 The Due to Self-Fulfilling Expectations introduction of imperfect competition and increasing returns also makes possible an entirely new source of equilibrium fluctuations in economic activity. activity fluctuates in response to In particular, equilibria random events that do not it is (1992)). be possible They in many in response to the event in question. is in else's now Guesnerie and Woodford For there, must maximize the expected utihty of the representative household, sections 1-2. ^*The indetermjnacy "'^ as above, the first welfare theorem no longer holds, and as such a simple way that equilibrium must be unique. Indeed, Benhabib and Farmer (1992) show first e.g., such a unique allocation with this property. one cannot show liere in everyone are not, however, possible in the case of the standard neoclassical growth model. Once we introduce imperfect competition, result if in Equilibria of this kind are kinds of intertemporal equilibrium models (see, the equilibrium allocation of resources and there people's expectations of the future path correct to expect a different future path for the economy, expectations and actions change to in This need not be because individual agents' expectations are incorrect - instead, a "sunspot equilibrium" known which economic exist in involve any change in underlying fundamentals ("sunspots"). These fluctuations are caused simply by changes of the economy. may in the case of a Recall that in section 2 model with monopohstic competition we observe of rational expectations equilibrium, discussed in the c:>ntext of a model of this kind by and the Hammour 32 that, for our calibrated possibility of it a need not be, as like tiiat described parameter values, the endogenous equilibrium Huctuations, were (1988). For other examples of stationary sunspot equiUbiia matrix A~^B A (where cind B are the matrices in (2.20)) has one real eigenvalue with absolute value less than one, and another with absolute value greater than one; this allows us to compute a locally unique stationary solution to (2.20). This need not be true, however, for Farmer show that one (which for if /i and are sufficiently large, rj some parameter values Eire A~^B all parameter values, and Benhabib and instead has two eigenvalues with modulus less than a complex pair). In this case, there exists a large multiplicity of stationary rational expectations equilibria, including equilibria in which output fluctuates in response to "sunspot" events. Consider, for simplicity, the case in whicli there are no stochastic variations in any of exogenous liie "fundamentals" {tt ,Gt,It}- Then (2.20) becomes simply A stationary solution is given by the bivariate stochastic process -U.-sfi; ).("-) where {u(} only at date {ut}). is < a mean-zero white noise "sunspot" variable, and the realization of Uj+i becomes known + Thus the 1. ^^ In fact, all stationary solutions multiplicity of equilibria does not must be of mean this form (for some sunspot variable that theory lacks testable implications about the character of aggregate fluctuations. In the absence of exogenous shocks and to the extent that the log-linear approximation is accurate, Thus the model does not all of the stationary equilibria are simply scedar multiples of a single equilibrium. predict the amplitude of the fluctuations, but one is able to obtain definite numerical predictions about the relative variability of output, hours, investment, real wages and so on, as well as definite predictions about the serial correlation and cross correlation of are added, the set of stationary equilibria is a set of finite all these series. ^^ Even when other shocks dimension (linear combinations of a small number of possible types of fluctuations), so that relatively strong restrictions are plsiced on the data. Farmer and Guo (1993) show that in the case of a model of standard fashion, except for the large values assumed for in /i this kind that and t], is "calibrated" in in aggregate Hammour (1991), and the predicted fluctuations models with imperfectly competitive product markets and increasing returns, see Woodford (1991), a relatively Gali (1991). ^^This solution to the log-linearized equilibrium conditions (2.20) approximates a solution to the exact equilibriiun conditions, See Woodford (1986) for details. in the case that the amplitude of "sunspot" fluctuations eire sufficiently small. ^^ Early illustrations of this were given in Woodford (1988, 1991). 33 quantities, in tlie absence of any exogenous shocks, exhibit relative variabilities and co-movements similar de-trended U.S. data. They argue that in this respect the model's predictions are not to those observed in clearly less consistent with the facts RBC model, with perfect competition, The standard model, of course, also seeks to explain the than are those of a standard constant returns, and exogenous technology shocks. amplitude of aggregate fluctuations, given that measured Solcw residuals can be taken to indicate the of the exogenous technology shocks, while the Guo model. ampUtude of fluctuations remains unexplained The Farmer-Guo model, however, can residuals with other aggregate variables; for the in principle is of market model predicts variation in measured Solow residuals power and increasing returns assumed by Farmer cind Guo in (/i 4. However, it = 1.72, the stationary sunspot equilibria exist only must be outside the unit if it = 1.61) sections :j circle in the case of perfect be a point at which /i and ij still the case of other consequences of imperfect competition The reason is that, as generate somt procyclical productivity even variations in productivity. On altogether. -* For circle. Since one of tliem competition (because of the /i and r? first welfare theorem), toward one, there must exceed one but one eigenvalue has a modulus greater than one. quantitative reasonableness of their assumptions about of productivity variations. it eliminates both eigenvalues are inside the unit and since the eigenvalues vary continuously as one varies the parameters /i and and if r} is therefore a criticcJ issue, more so than Hall, /i and in any depzirtures from perfect competition the departures are not big enough to explain the other hand. Farmer and The increjising returns, such as Hall's interpretation shown by Indeed, in the case of Farmer and Guo's calibration, that they assume. in r? should be noted that in their model, assuming somewhat lower values does not simply reduce the magnitude of the equilibrium response to the sunspot events; will in section 4. -^ not completely outside the range of values suggested by the empirical evidence discussed and the Farmer- explain the co-movement of measured Soiow response to "sunspot" events that cause variations in output, for the reasons discussed The degree in size Guo r) all tiie require that the departures be significant. c2innot be made much smaller than the values Further research on the magnitude of these parameters thus seems crucial to establish observed co-movement of measured Solow residuals with output could be consistent witli a model due to self-fulfilling expectations was first illustrated in Woodford (1991). The notion that the possible ampUtude of the sunspot equilibria is unaffected by the parameter values is to some extern an artifact of the log-linear approximation used here. In the case of the log-line&r equilibrium conditions (2.20), if any sunspoi solution exists, solutions exist with fluctuations of arbitrary eunplitude. in the case of the exact equilibrium conditions instead, it is possible that the set of possible stationary sunspot equilibria includes only fluctuations over a certain range of amplitudes, the bounds on which collapse to zero eis the critical parameter values are approached at which local sunspot equilibria cease to be possible. However, the general point derived from analysis of the log-linear system, that stationary sunspot equilibria cease to be possibb while some amount of n\arket power and increasing returns still exist, remains valid. ^'The in which possibility that the all fluctuations are 34 the empirical validity of their model. Models with Exogenously Varying Markups 7 Up is to this point constant. One we have considered a model benefit of considering models with imperfect competition contains models where markups vary over those with constant markups. In the ne.xt section, is markup To show we take up models may variations this, we first that this class of models also in play an important role consider the markup of endogenous Suppose that there are exogenous variations each firm's eflTect t, elcisticity = [i + of exogenous changes in of demand D'{\), resulting from Giving in (7.1) well. This variation in the markup implies the ratio of the marginal product of labor to the wage. In particular, (1.14b) becomes z,F2(;^,, .-,//,) Thus varying markups imply labor demand a given real wage. In this respect changes = /i,u;, shifts, i.e. .changes in in In terms of the detrended variables this (7.2) the amount of markups axe similar to changes labor that firms will hire at in the productivity variability of markups also cheinges equation (2.13) l=/3(Tn-^g.{(^)[ t \ ^1 / which becomes fit These are the only equilibrium conditions affected by the a, + r-±i) -^^(//,+i 35 +(1-^)11 J J variability of the ^^iI<,-yf~H,) = , (2.10') ^''^^'"'^'^^'^"^'^'^ L -ajt + eJx, + - parameter becomes F,r^,H,]=fitW, The this elasticity a i/£>;(i)]-' Equation (1.8) then implies that the value added markup varies as 2(. generating equation (1.7) becomes 7i a variation in variation. variations in the degree of substitutability of the various differentiated goods. subscript markup time. This leads to specifications that are considerably richer than In particular, fluctuations in equilibrium employment. markups. which, as in the perfectly competitive model, the in - markup. Their (2.13') linearization yields w,+fit A',+1 + 7,%i) - (f^)/*.} - (2.16') (219') where To /j). /j, solve the current model, difference equations which To compute how particular, markup from the logarithmic deviation of the is now we substitute (2.15), (2.16') also involve the stationary the system responds to markup steady state value (which we shall denote by and (2.17) into (2.18) and random shocks, fit. we postulate a stochastic process for (7.3) mean of /j is 1.4. We ^^ For the markup, we assume as before experiment with a variety of values of p" output, hours, consumption and investment to a unit shock to u^ same responses when p^ equals 0.9. when p** Figure 4 reports the response of . equals while Figure b reports the Figure 6 reports the response of real wages for both values of instantaneous responses of all three variables do not depend to any significant extent on the higher value of p'' makes the responses of output, hours and wages more Figure 6 shows that real wages decline markups lower labor demand. What shocks, real wages One In /i(. =/>"/},_! +1/," use the same parameter values as in previous simulations. that the variable two (2.19') to obtain we assume that /i, We its move is when markups rise. important about this is This that is it p'' . p'' . The Not surprisingly, persistent. to be expected since increases in shows that, in response to markup procyclically. notable feature of figures 4 and 5 is that, in the immediate aftermath of the shock, consumption moves less than output while investment moves more. Thus, our model with markup shocks makes consumption less variable than output whereas investment is is more variable. This higher relative variability of investment a robust feature of business cycles which the model reproduces. dimension is The due to the relative unwillingness of consumers with concave success of the model along this utility functions to substitute their consumption intertemporally coupled with the small sensitivity of the marginal product of capital run changes in to short investment. These also account for the relative variability of consumption and investment in standard real business cycle models. We equals in also observe that the short run 0, a unit increase in i/'' impact on hours of a markup shock exceeds that on output. lowers hours by 1.38 while output falls When p'' only by 1.13. This rather large change hours must be contrasted with the negligible effect of a unit technology shock that we displayed above. ^^Hence, as earlier, the matrix A~^ B has exactly one eigenvalue with a modulus less than one, and so the equilibrium response to the markup variations is determinate, just as in the case of the responses to variations in government purchases and to technology shocks. 36 The reason that hours fall so dramatically that, in the latter case, wealth The reason is effect of increases in importance of wealth fiSH < 1- We effects As a work opposite directions. In peirticular, an increase is n have only very small wealth by the variance of the changes is due to the value of /xs// . if in However, fi is in hours and in output /i for a variety of values of The reason markup shocks is that, as Icirger we saw in We normalize raise p^. earlier, the variance of predicted variance of We variability booms than H possibly be the hours is in can be reconciled with is why hours 1.33%. This number is fact tiie fluctuations are larger than the vciriability of hours. in recessions veiry, and thus of how much markup of Important markup variations, with markups were found by Bils (1987) and Rotemberg and Woodford Using a somewhat different specification of technology, Rotemberg and Woodford (1991) find the assumption of an average see coexist with technology shocks. Since the latter affect mainly the variance the observed variation in hours can be attributed to them. lower we fi. markup shocks cannot This discussion raises the question of whether average markups actually much in // the variance of hours changes exceeds the variance of output, a combination of the two types of shocks can potentially explain both (1991). smaller than the ciiange greater than one, the variance of output actually exceeds for smaller values of smaller than the variance of output. However, a being is so that the variances do not grow spuriously as only shocks impinging on the economy. and why output small fisn were bigger than one. of output changes. If parameter values of this type axe entertained, significant The For our choice of parameters holding z constant, the change in output that for large values of p, which imply that fiSn as effects. exactly offset by the losses to consumers. Table 3 we display these variances as ratios of the vctfiance of the log changes model as long is fi. result, (2.15) implies that, the variance of hours. z rises probably accounts also for the similarity of the responses to temporary and This conclusion would be reversed In in to lead households to substitute leisure for consumption. fi is have also computed the variance of the log changes p*'. even though they hardly change when contrast, increases in difference in the response of output cuid hours in hours. and effects persistent changes in The By rises, fi that, to first order, the increase in firm's profits Thus, the main more and substitution wealth which discourages work. in z raises when of 1.6 implies that the variance of quarterly changes in tlial markups equals not directly comparable to the variance in markups in our theoretical model because of differences in specification and because the actual stochastic process for 37 markups is not (7.3). Nonetheless, worth noting that the numbers of Table 3 suggest that such a large variability it is in markups implies that output and hours should vary even more than they actually do. Models of Endogenous Markups 8 In the last section hours worked. we showed markup that The problem with variations of a plausible the analysis of that section is magnitude can explain the fluctuation that exogenous changes in markups do not appear to be particularly plausible. Models of imperfect competition would be more attractive changes could, themselves, be explained by changes are changes in aggregate present. ^° Changes in demand, aggregate i.e. .changes demand in other variables. many particular interest and changes in fit tliis regard in the expected future in the productivity of the existing capita! stock), "consumer sentiment". In this section to opposed to changes markup of the variables traditionally held responsible for business fluctuations, including changes in current government purchases, changes profitability of current investment (as in if away from the future and towards the in desired purcheises include Of in we briefly describe three models of endogenous markup determination and These models can be separated business cycle facts. only on the size of aggregate demand in two types. at different points in time but The first their ability has markups depend makes the markup independent of the composition of demand. In this category are the models of markup determination discussed by Rotemberg and Woodford (1991). The second type of model makes markups depend on the composition of demand but not on the level of aggregate demand itself. In the latter category fall the models of Bils (1989) and Gali (1991). We first consider two models of the and Winter (1970) which is Rotemberg and Woodford (1992). first type. The first is a customer market model based on Phelps similar to Phelps (1992), the second is an implicit collusion model based on "'From a macroeconomic perspective another potentially important determinant of average markups, and hence of aggregate is the level of inflation. Benabou (1992) shows both that many search models imply a connection between inflation and markups, and that markups in the retail sector constructed zilong the lines of Rotemberg and Woodford (1991) aie in faci activity, negatively correlated with the rate of inflation. 38 The Customer Market Model 8.1 The customer market model we consider profits with respect to their from the sells earlier more to model based on Phelps and Winter (1970). As before, firms maximize is own markup taking in that demand has a dynamic existing customers, but also expands its markup charged by the future sales for any given future price. It pattern. its A other firms as given. all firm that lowers its It differs current price not only customer base. Having a larger customer base raises would be attractive to obtain such a specification of demand from underlying aggregator functions for consumers such as (1.1) which would depend on previous purchases. Unfortunately, from firm ;' we are unable to do so and capture the basic idea by simply writing the quantity at time q\ Uls t, <}\ The all variable m\ other firms. cost is is = T-'^i-)"i\, the fraction of average The demanded ratio of markups ^'<0, demand Qt/It in (8.1) »/'(l) (S.l) l. that goes to firm i if it charges the same price represents the relative price of firm independent of the scale of operation and the same for straightforward generalization of (1.2). = all t's good, since marginal firms (as in section The market share m' depends on a-s 1). Thus (8.1) is a past pricing behavior according to the rule m\+i=9(^)m\ g'<0, so that a temporary reduction in relative price raises firm (8.2) are t's g(l) = (8.2) I market share permanently. Equations intended to capture the idea that customers have switching costs, in (8.1) and a manner analogous to the models of Gottfries (1986), Klemperer (1987), Farrell and Shapiro (1988) and Beggs and Klemperer (1992). A reduction in price attracts these switching costs. i.e., the of One are then reluctant to change firms for fear of having to pay obvious implication of (8.1) and (8.2) response of eventual demand. new customers who demand to a permanent increase In our case, a firm that charges a higher price customers, though this is not essential for our analysis. Ignoring fixed costs, firm t's profits at t are given by 7r /, 39 V/i, / is that the long run elasticity of in price, than is its demand, larger than the short run elasticity competitors eventually loses all its Using (1.8) and an analogous condition for individual markups Y as well as the fact that equals (1 — s;\/)Q, these profits also equal ^f^(^)mi (8.3) Thus, the firm's expected present discounted value of profits from period where our earlier analysis implies that P^ ofT in period + t The quantity j. assigned a market share in 1 — q -^ is represents the probability that a firm is independent of the firm might cease to exist with this probability. Firm all periods. all firms charge the in A', its market share. Equation past pricing behavior. price, is profits An in (8.5) is increase in Yt equations of section 7, means that /x, profits unimportant. The result (8.7) replaces the For example equal to Xt/It where t^t+j (8.6) > It+j expected in the future by is all the e.xisting firms. is X/Y from future customers are high so that each firm lowers relatively reasons, be each has a an equal share m' equal to and g'{l) are both negative, the derivative of /i with respect to means that market share same profits equation (8.5) can be transformed so that ip' random chooses n] to maximize (8.4), taking as given the ^ It Note that Xt can be interpreted as the aggregate Because its will, for = ItEtTc^^-^(f^^±^^)^ fr{ (8.6), i So the expectation term Xt Using is and {Yt/It}- Therefore At a symmetric equilibrium where one, and g equals one in onward the pricing kernel for valuing contingent securities that pay the next period that stochastic processes {fit}, {^t} t its is negative. An increase price in order to increase stem mostly from current sales so that increasing that firms raise their price. exogenous stochastic process however, continue to hold. 40 (7.3) that we employed in section 7. The otiiei The 8.2 The model Model Implicit Collusion in this section is a simplified presentation of Rotemberg and Woodford (1992) which is itself based on Rotemberg and Saloner (1986). In this model, there are two levels of aggregation needed to go from individual products to aggregate output. total First, there is an aggregator function like (1.1) that gives output as a function of the output of a measure of industries. The output of each industry is itself given by a homogeneous of degree one aggregator function which depends on the output of n constituent firms. The goods produced by each of the n firms that constitute a particular industry are very good substitutes and, to prevent what would seem the inevitable in each industry collude implicitly. Collusion fall in price until price is close to marginal cost, the firms implicit in the sense that there is is no enforceable cartel contract, there exists only an implicit agreement that firms that deviate from the collusive understanding will be punished. The firms in each industry, even demand, and the level of when acting in concert, take We marginal cost as given. other industries' prices, the level of aggregate symmetric equilibria and the will consider of deviating from this equilibrium by either a single firm or by an industry as a whole. the demand firms in its for firm t in industry j at t when its price corresponds to industry charge a price which corresponds to which corresponds to ^(. and /i^ all cin inefficiency We wedge of profitability thus consider n'/ , all other firms in other industries charge a price Given the homogeneity of demand, we can write the demand faced by firm i in industry j as qY = D'(^d\9L Using the same substitution that led to D'il,l) (8.3), profits for this firm = l/n. (8.8) equcJ ^ = t!tLlir(^,i^^. If each firm existed for only one period, the markups and low benefit of profits. all other firms as given. If it The would maximize with respect to resulting Bertrand equilibrium the firms in an industry charge from undercutting the industry's (8.9) price. be sustained as a subgame perfect equilibrium (8.9) its own markup would have more than the Bertrand relatively low prices price, individual firms Higher prices, with their attendant higher if deviators are punished after a deviation. repeatedly and have an infinite horizon, there are many 41 treating equilibria of this type and these profits, If would can only firms interact differ in the price that is charged in equilibrium. We assume That is, that firms succeed in implementing that symmetric equilibrium that their implicit each firm in industry Abreu (1986), is jointly best for them. agreement maximizes the present discounted value of expected equilibrium j, taking as given the stochastic processes for this requires that the punishment for {/ii}, possibility of exit, the voluntary participation of the firm that is being As shown by {A(} cind {Vi//,}. any deviation be as severe as possible. profits for Because of the punished precludes earning an it expected present value lower than zero after a deviation. This leads us to assume that a deviator earns a present discounted value of zero after his deviation. Sufficient conditions for this punishment to be feasible and subgame perfect are given Because the punishment to maximize is in Rotemberg and Woodford (1992). independent of the size of the deviation, expected present value of profits after a deviation equals zero, firms max tt^ is the value of ttJ-' when firm i 5r|-' < Trf + q can be given a avoid punishment can reenter. is Assuming there are no deviations. Then, in industry j will in the present is the not deviate as long as its industry. We consider always binding. Thus, firms are indifferent and the future different interpretation. if The loss of quantity now mean (1 — A. Since A' is what firms a) remains the probability that (1 — q) is the probability renegotiated and a firm that has deviated in the past and has exited to ^* At a symmetric equilibrium, equals Xt/nlt. / (8.10) that sales will be independent of the history of prices. This can that the collusive arrangement if charges the Scime price as the other firms in between the additional profits from deviating deviate give up, price at A"/ the case where the incentive compatibility constraint (8.10) who its by analogy to (8.5), the expected present discounted value of the profits (8.9). Let A'/ denote, that each firm in industry j can expect to earn in subsequent periods where a deviating firm sets all industries have the same markup, so that each firm sells Qt/nl, and A/ (8.10) holds with equality, (8.9) implies that 4+4 nit nit (8-in where p represents the relative price chosen by the deviating firm. Equation (8.11) can be solved for p,, yielding once again =M^,/y,) /i, In this case, in A'/V however, the derivative of n with respect to raises the size of the punishment (the foregone current sales (as represented by Yt). It markup with equal to ^ — respect to X/Y We . is The positive. profits represented model theoretical show reason by is that an increase A'() relative to the size of also implies an upper bound on the Rotemberg and Woodford (1992) that in elsisticity of upper bound this is 1. The two models we have presented both make effect of X/Y (1991). Here we are interested effect of aggregate demand. 8.3 XjY thus allows the firms in each oligopolistic industry to charge higher markups without fearing deviations. The the (8.12) differs, markup depend on Xt/Yt. Because the they are empirically distinguishable and this The Response in seeing of the what Model this is pursued in Rotemberg and Woodford dependence of the markup on Exogenous Changes to the sign of the in X/Y implies about the Government Pur- chases To compute the responses of the model to exogenous changes in aggregate and (8.12) around fl fit their steady states. For this purpose we assume that Xt give the steady state level of expected profitability represent the logarithmic deviations of Xt and these values, and assuming a constant Xt = Et{Xt^, - A, number of linearized model now /i( as functions of A(,A',, to solve for A'j, and /j(. given by and of the markup respectively. from firms /<, is We while then their respective steady state values. let In X and Xt and terms of equations (8.6) and (8.12) become approximately (813) (8.14) consists of (2.15), (2.16'), (2.17), (2.18), (2.19'), (8.13) /( j^ = i^iXt-Yt) are interested in the effect of temporary changes in of firms stays constant so that is to linearize (8.6) + {LZA) (^/i.+i + y.+i) + (l77)^^.+i} fit The demand we have government spending, we zero in these equations. We shall and (8.14). Since we assume that the number can solve (2.16') and (2.17) for H, and I'v, Substitution into (2.15) gives y,, and substitution into (8.14) then allows ns both again as functions of the same three state variables. 43 We can then eliminate these four state variables from the remaining three equilibrium conditions, obtaining a system of difference equations of the form (2.20) except that has three endogenous variables {A,A',/i} instead of only {A, A'}. it Assuming once again that the stochastic process p'^ with to 0.9 because this is with the average inefficiency wedge 1 In the second, -1. 0.39 because it is The response .39 We and it case, first it of output and hours intermediate answer. bound of 0.4 which applies for our average in the case where The reason military purchases also raises which by is it and hours equals model the fall in have set q equal Finally, , demand much X/Y cis unambiguously An We chose falls. in the ccise case of Figure This lowers rise. Thus in the wage. where the mcirkup markups which in the case of e^ 1 equal yields an increase in military purchases requires thai for labor at Jiny given real lowers we have markup. most pronounced is The constant markup -1. easy to understand. Y X/Y (7.2) lowers the labor input do not rise as collusion We displayed in Figure 7 while Figure 8 displays the response of real is individuals postpone their consumption so that interest rates rise, set equal to 1.4. computed has the sign implied by the implicit collusion model and equals 0.39. just below the upper pronounced are . in (4.1) has the sign suggested by the customer market model and see in figure 7 that the response of output least ^ u^ These responses consistent with (8.10) holding as an equality with about ten firms. looked at two values of i^. In the wages. government purchases takes the form given equal to 0.9, we can compute the economy's response to the shock using the parameters of Table equals for The demand raises the in customer market model markups constant. is Since the increase A'. result By is that output and the contrast, in the implicit for labor. This accentuates the increase in output. The 8 difference between the models' implications where we plot the responses of the real wage wt accentuates the reduction in real wages that reason is that, as we saw, the reduction contrast, in the implicit collusion This occurs because the the markup fall in in for the to changes in i/^ we displayed X/Y is in lowers the model with (^ equal to X/Y demeuid for labor The conclusion from rises in real this exercise demand in Figure that the customer market model for labor at wage actually so pronounced that the increased demand any given real rises, albeit for labor wage. The By only slightly. from the fall in Rotemberg and Woodford (1992) we obtained that the implicit collusion 44 even more apparent Figure 2 for the constemt markup case. wages by assuming a smaller is We see .39 the real actually exceeds the increase in labor supply. In much more pronounced . is elasticity of labor supply model can generate chw procyclical movemeius in real wages response to changes in generating these responses government purchases of goods. in Because the key ingredient the increase in interest rates that leads to a is X/Y fall in would be observed to other shocks that increase aggregate demand such as increases , in similar responses in firms desire to invest because of changing perceptions of future profitability. In Rotemberg and Woodford (1992) we considered the actual response of real wages purchases. We showed in military purchases. wages have tended to that, indeed, real That paper its defense purchases of produced goods. It In military personnel at the shows that, even of the sort implied by the implicit collusion model We type of model. follow actual oil showed that price increases this same time after this as it increases its national taken into account, reductions is in are needed to explain the reaction of real wages. Rotemberg and Woodford (1993) we demonstrated that increases this United States following increases rise in the also considers alternative explanations for the finding such as the fact that the government raises the size of markups to changes in military tend to raise markups in oil prices in consistent both with the large size of output reductions that is and with the failure of the value added deflated real wage to rise on these occasions. A Model 8.4 In this subsection with Composition Effects we describe an example of a model (that of Gali (1991)) the composition of aggregate in which markups are affected by demand. In Gadi's model both households and firms purchase the of differentiated goods, but (unlike our assumption in section 1) their aggregator functions In particular, the elasticity of substitution prices for all goods, is different for the between /( entire range are different. different goods, again evaluated at the case of two types of purchasers. In all other respects, the model uniform is one of static monopolistic competition like that described in sections 1-2. Profit demand maximization by price-setting firms now implies a markup that depends on the share that consists of demand by 6t of aggregate firms so that -In 7, where D', and £)(, = 7(^.)= \\ + [e,D'j{\) + {\-e,)D'^{\)) indicate the elasticities of demeuid of firms and households respectively. This reduces to (1.7) in the case that Dj = D), = D. D'A\) < D'h[\) < — 1, one finds that 7 In the case is argued by Gali to be of greatest a monotonically decreasing function of 45 0, . interest, that Because the iii which inefficiency wedge remains the same function of fit function of i/i is = —+ M, I, = SM + {l- -p: the share of investment spending in value added, t*t where fi{sj) is fit is also a monotonicaliy decreasing = SMJsit we obtain (8.15) fi{sit) a monotonicaliy decrecising function. Gali's model with (8.15) added In this (1.8)), Finally, identifying 6. Of where by 7( as before (given in is then essentially the model of section place of the exogenous marivup process. model, shocks that affect the composition of aggregate demand affect equilibrium markups. Tiiis demand may introduces a channel through which some kinds of increases in aggregate expansionary effects (for example an increase not a model where increases in aggregate in investment due to a change demand same aggregator will increase constant The demand predictions of such a model depend critically upon the similar to that of is For example, if the government less expansionary than in the can occur in equilibrium in for the levels of demand of different purchasers. aggregate output and hours. (Thus the association is that, for some demand. The reason is is countercyclical). choices of the parameters, aggregate fluctuations the absence of exogenous shocks. increase current investment for elasticities of Rotemberg and Woodford (1991)) shows a strong negative association with the Another consequence of Gali's model He shows that low expected future markups that the low expected markups raise the expected labor and thereby increases the expected marginal product of capital for any given capital stock. In addition, the its it show that the average markup (measured using not simply a reflection of the fact that the average mzu'kup and But, markup model. method demand increase. markups. This would imply that government purchases are even investment share, even when one controls is tax incentives). as households (an issue not discussed in Gali) an increcise in government purchase.? Gali provides no direct evidence on this although he does a in iiave additional as such have an expansionary effect through a change in desired markups. It depends entirely on the category of uses the 7 reduction user cost. in expected markups lowers the wedge between the marginal product of capital This means that low expected future markups raise current investment which, reduces current markups. For some parameter values this effect 46 is so strong as to make in turn, the expectation of low markups self-fulfilling. Gali demonstrates this possibility, and analyzes the cheiracter of the fluctuations that can exist due to self-fulfilling expectations, using techniques like those discussed in section Conclusions 9 In this paper we have shown that imperfect competition matters; responds to a great variety of shocks. if 6. It is it eifTects the way in which the economy thus not possible to ignore departures from perfect competition one wants quantitatively accurate assessments of the importance of various disturbances. imperfect competition matters so of labor and the real wage. Because so many It much that it affects the relationship between the marginal product thus affects the relationship between output, the labor input and the wage. of the puzzles in macroeconomics, including Okun's law and the Dunlop-Tarshis observation relate to these three variables, imperfect We is competition is central to the concerns of business cycle analysis. have also shown that incorporation of imperfectly competitive product markets into standard dynamic models of aggregate fluctuations is relatively simple. The models that we have presented can numerically using standard techniques. At most, a small increase in the state space also The reason is still be analyzed required. 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O -1995