^0.058 At DIFFERENTIAL EFFECTS ON POST-SCHOOL TRAINING ON EARLY CAREER TRAINING by Lisa M. WP# 3358-91 -BPS Lynch November 1991 DifTerential EfTects of Post-School Training on Early Career Mobility by Lisa MIT M. Lynch and NBER November 1991 *I would like to thank participants of seminars at MIT, Boston College, the U.S. Department of Labor, the World Congress of the Econometric Society in Barcelona, Spain, and Uppsala University, Uppsala Sweden. This project was funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics under grant number E-9-J-9-0049. Opinions stated in this paper do not necessarily represent the official position or policy of the Department of Labor. Author's Address: Professor Lisa M. Lynch IRI Associate Professor of Industrial Relations E52-563, MIT Sloan School of Management 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02139 1 While the number of studies on the incidence of private-sector training and on wages and productivity has been increasing (recent Barron (1991), Hoffman virtually et. (1979), lillard no impact studies include Altonji and Spletzer Brown Duncan and (1988), Bartel (1989), Bishop (1991), al. its (1989), and Tan (1986), Lynch (1992), and Mincer(1988)) there has been analysis of the impact of private-sector training young workers. Yet firms that make investments about the turnover of their trainees. on the mobility patterns of in workers' training are very concerned At the same time there are other forms of private- sector training such as training programs provided by proprietary institutions off-the-job that individuals can use to lack of analysis move out of dead end jobs and into a higher paying career track. The on training and mobility has been due primarily to the lack of detailed information on the timing and source of private-sector training and employment spells the United States. in Surveys of employers' training practices are useful for examining the impact of training on wages and productivity but they are less useful for examining the patterns of job changes of workers and the role of training in these changes. Longitudinal surveys of individuals that follow workers over time and across employers, are much more useful for examining this type of issue. This paper focuses on the role of different types of training on the probability of leaving an employer. In Lynch (1992) the impact of private-sector training on the determinants of wages and wage growth of young workers was examined and the following conclusions were reached. be highly firm specific Company provided First, formal company provided training, or ON-JT, appears to in the U.S. and, therefore, not portable training raises wages in the current from employer to employer. job but has no effect on the wages earned in subsequent employment. Second, formal training received from proprietary institutions, or OFF-JT, has but it little effect 'for-profit' on the wages earned on the current job does raise the expected wage in subsequent employment. Finally, there are important differences by race, gender and education level in the probability of receiving different types of formal training and the impact this training has on wages and wage growth. These findings have several implications implication is that if company provided of leaving an employer should decline training. An additional implication programs they are more training allows a training if is is primarily firm specific then the probability a young worker has experienced that if workers participate likely to leave the current young worker to employer. the factors that influence the probability of profit' on-the-job in off-the-job training In this case, off-the-job company provided new this paper examines entrants leaving their training, apprenticeships first in detail job including the and training from 'for- proprietary institutions. There are a variety of explanations of why young workers change status so often in the early years of their careers stable some change career paths and find a 'better match'. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey Youth cohort, NLSY, differential effects of on mobility. One for the impact of training employment. and then seem their to 'settle For example, young workers are more hkely to employment down' into more be laid off in a downturn than older more experienced workers. There are other explanations of the higher turnover rates of young workers, however, that have little to do with the state of Such theoretical explanations include job search, job matching and on-the-job search theory, as detailed by Lippman and McCall demand. training. Job who earn (1976), predicts that workers more relative to their alternative learning wage are less likely to quit model (1979a, 1979b, 1984) both workers and firms On 'learn' about the unobserved in this the one hand, 'better' workers remain with employers longer leading to On negative duration dependence in the probability of leaving a job. 'bad' In the Jovanovic There are two main predictions on turnover characteristics of each other over time. framework. a job. matches are revealed the turnover probability of on-the-job training within the human capital will rise the other hand, as over time. Finally, the process model as described by Mincer (1974) implies that as workers acquire firm-specific training, their productivity and, consequently wages, will rise. Therefore, the probability of leaving an employer will since the wage will rise relative to the alternative likely to lay off those workers in whom fall with training and tenure wage. In addition, employers they have invested in specific All of these theories are not mutually exclusive and clearly will be less skills. some combination of all of these factors influences the probability of a young worker remaining with an employer. Consequently, it theories. Rather, is it not the purpose of this paper to distinguish between these different would be more useful if precise data on employment spells and training could be found in order to establish the links between different types of training and turnover behavior. There have been role of training, relatively demand and few empirical studies that have attempted to examine the other factors in predicting the probability of leaving an employer. Recent exceptions include Gritz (1988) and Mincer (1988). Gritz used data from the early years of the between NLSY and found that private sector training (not distinguishing different sources of training) increased the amount of time in total employment for females but decreased the amount of time males were employed. Gritz's study used data from the very early years of the NLSY when most of the observed training spells occurred before the detailed employment history in the survey begins. Mincer used data on training and mobility from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, PSID. The training variable comes from the answer yours how While to the following question in the 1976 long does it new person take the average this is potentially a to and 1978 interviews: "On a job become very broad measure of training training has actually occurred for the specific respondent. PSID data to observe when and qualified?" does not measure it It is how much also not possible with the the training occurred during an employee's tenure with the firm. Using data from the NLSY possible to examine in it is possible in the past the role of training, the general state of characteristics in determining turnover. sector training for fully trained like young workers In particular, I United States in the more detail than has been demand, and other personal examine the incidence of privatein the early years after they completed school; the timing of employer provided training versus training received have off-the- job from proprietary institutions over a worker's tenure on the job; and the impact of different types of private sector training on the probability of leaving an employer. Empirical Framework For the analysis presented NLSY is in this paper a subsample of the NLSY is used. The a survey of 12,686 males and females (who were 14 to 21 years of age at the end of 1978) and contains detailed data on education, jobs, military service, training programs marital status, health and attitudes of young workers. interviewed every year since 1979 on all The respondents have been aspects of their labor market experience. The The data on response rate in 1985 was over 95 percent of the original cohort. training (other than governmental training or schooling) received are comprehensive data available on private sector training. the most Respondents were asked about what types of training they had received over the survey year (up to 3 longest) some of types of spells not just the and the dates of training periods by source. Potential sources of training included business college, nurses programs, apprenticeships, vocational and technical institutes, barber or beauty schools, correspondence courses and training company programs are independent from training received program which is All of the types of training. in a formal regular schooling However, the questions ask about included in the schooling variables. only those spells of training that lasted at least 4 weeks (they did not have to be This suggests that the spells NLSY measure of training than informal on-the-job training. training was dropped from the this restriction affect the NLSY is survey. capture formal training weeks or more of therefore possible to see the impact of It is on the measurement of the incidence of of off-the-job training or apprenticeships. likely to In 1988 this restriction of 4 measurement of the incidence of company who were 25 more full time). training. training The restriction only and not the reported incidence For a sample of non college graduates years old, 3.8 percent had four weeks or seems more of company in 1988 training while 10,2 percent had company training of any length. The following percentages of females(males) had 4 weeks or more of on-the-job training versus 7.1%(12.9%). Therefore, 4 week restriction underestimated. in the following analysis OJT of any length - 1.4%(5.9%) versus which uses data from 1979-1987 when the apphed, the number of company provided training spells with be However, from the point of view of firms, the turnover probabihties of those trainees in the longer spells of training The is a major concern. training data are separated into three categories ~ company training (ON-JT), apprenticeships (APPT), and training obtained outside the firm (OFF-JT). training obtained OFF-JT includes from business courses, barber or beauty school, nurses programs, vocational and technical institutes and correspondence courses. Each of these three types of training are allowed to have different effects on the probability of leaving an employer. For the empirical work subsample in the NLSY I from the have excluded the 1280 respondents in the military analysis. I have also deleted any respondent completed school before the 1979 interview year. The young workers who have left -- those who their first four years in the labor had to have obtained a job not include anyone market in the first who completed reduced. In addition, (1979-1983). Therefore, this sample I this a pooled sample of made up after leaving school. of 5 waves of school They are then followed year after 'permanently' exiting school. to model the decision was a period entry into the labor market given the high in for In addition, the respondents school before 1979 the sample size do not attempt Obviously is 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982 and 1983. left in is has school and not returned to school for at least four years ('permanently' out of school). leavers sample final who is Since I do substantially to leave school over the period which many young people may have delayed I include dummy variables work would benefit from a complete unemployment for year of entry in the following analysis but future rate. modeling of the schooling / employment / training decisions taken by young workers. The first empirical work estimates the determinants of the turnover job after leaving school permanently for this probability for the sample. Characteristics of this sample are presented in Table their first 1. As can be seen employer during the employment (including those first still in this table, almost three quarters of the sample The average duration of four years after school. employed after four years) left was about a year and a half. Almost seventeen percent of the sample experienced some form of formal training during their first job but the distribution of this job training by source varied substantially by demographic group. College graduates were much more likely to of ON-JT while in some form of OFF-JT. of OFF-JT but those with just a high school diploma were Women there was little were more than It is some of this some form to have received ON-JT important to note that some of the demographic group are extremely small and interpreting men have participated likely to difference in the probability of receiving (not controlling for other factors). training by likely more have received some form needs to be kept by gender cell sizes for mind when in the following results. Table 2 presents more detailed information on the relationship between tenure on the job with the first employer and the various types of over 80 percent of the sample have market. Those who left their any formal ON-J-T (only 1.3 more (8.1%). The pattern a quarter of those this who is left their first employer %) training. who were much stayed with their a bit different with participation in left their first first panel shows that employer by the fourth year relatively early than those The in the labor less likely to first have had employer 3 years of OFF-J-T programs. Almost job between 2-3 years received OFF-J-T. However, percentage drops dramatically for those with 3 or more years on the job to only 11.7 percent. The second panel is perhaps even more interesting. This panel shows, conditional 8 on having participated in one of the types of private during the tenure with the employer. that it is a (Weiss and 'test' programs as a way to Workers who imply that However, on the job fail we is when that training spell begin discussed in Lynch (1992) one view of training (1990)). is In other words, firms use formal training avail themselves of private information the test leave the firms and those who known only by the workers. This would pass do not leave. should observe ON-J-T occurring early in a workers's tenure with the firm. in this second panel we see that 60 percent of ON-J-T spells began after one year at the firm. firms(workers) Wang As training, make a match, and if This seems to be more consistent with a job matching story where a determination within the yes, the firm measure of training used in this first 6-12 months on whether or not there then invests in more costly formal ON-J-T. paper only captures spells that last 4 weeks Since the it may be possible that shorter formal or informal training spells are used early in the career with an employer as an indication of match quality and longer training examined the timing of on-the-job training their employer for more than 3 years. trainees, (note the sample after the first year on the size is spells follow later. for those individuals For this I who had remained also with subsample, as for the larger group of becoming quite small) the majority began their training job. Contrary to the timing of ON-J-T spells almost 60 percent of spells of OFF-J-T began within the first year with an employer. This to obtain training that they need may be due to for their current job, or employees going outside the firm employees deciding that there is not a job match and seeking a training program that will allow them to leave their current employer and get a better job. While off-the-job training may be funded by either the individual worker or the firm, there of those who participate in is evidence in the OFF-JT pay 1988 survey that the majority for the training themselves. most apprenticeships begin very early surprisingly, NLSY in the Finally and not tenure with an employer. A convenient method for analyzing the determinants of the probability of leaving an employer is estimating the hazard rate or failure rate as it is called in renewal theory. The hazard rate or turnover probability can be expressed as follows: where g(t)dt is g(t)dt/(l employment. In this employed G(t)) at time t, and t is t and h(t;z) = ho(t)e t + dt, is characteristics including training. The Cox model censoring and in the sense that is nonparametric G(t) is used: zB an arbitrary and unspecified base-line hazard function and z it 1 - the duration of the current spell of paper the following Cox proportional hazards model (2) ho(t) is - the probability of leaving an employer between time the probability of being where = h(t) (1) is it is a vector of convenient for dealing with right involves an unspecified base-line hazard instead of making further distributional assumptions such as those required for the Weibull or Log-logistic hazard. However, whether or not there is is this means that it will not be possible to measure negative or positive duration dependence in employment, but this not a key focus of this paper. 10 Another possible empirical approach probability of leaving an employer over strategy is that the choice of the interval to estimate a logit or probit is some is interval. somewhat model of the The problem with arbitrary. this estimation In addition, to incorporate time varying regressors such as training into this approach. 0-1 it is not easy However, the hazard framework can easily allow for time varying factors or covariates such as training. The hazard including time varying covariates h(t;z(t)) (3) where z(t) is a vector of all fixed of variables - modified as follows: = ho(t)e^W« and time varying covariates. Oakes (1984) the components of the vector categories is treatments z(t) that As discussed in Cox and can be divided into the following three with vary time; intrinsic properties of individuals/jobs that are time invariant; and exogenous time varying variables. Obviously the different types of private sector training are the 'treatment' variables of interest. Examples of time invariant personal and job characteristics include gender, race, education, occupation, industry, union status, location of the job in an urban area, and whether or not the respondent purpose of is Time disabled. this study include the local varying 'exogenous' variables for the unemployment rate, marital status and the number of children. Empirical Results The results obtained from estimating the Cox proportional hazard with time varying covariates are presented in Tables 3 and 4. The time 11 varying covariates are indicted by an The time asterisk. equation seemed that 1, invariant intrinsic characteristics of the individuals/jobs in Table 3, to influence the probabiHty of leaving disabled, union status, race, and school level. an employer included being Disabled respondents were more likely to leave their employer while being employed in a job covered by a collective agreement or being a college graduate significantly lowered the probability of leaving the Blacks were more likely to have shorter durations on their hispanics. gender. There was no Therefore, it significant effect first employer. first job than whites and on the length of time with the employer by first appears that employer concerns of investing in female employees because they have a higher probability of leaving an employer are not upheld by There were significant differences in expected length of Those with a high school degree or less were more this data. employment by school attainment. likely to leave their employer, whereas those with a college degree were less likely to leave. Of the time varying 'exogenous' covariates the local unemployment rate was significant implying that those leave their employer. who The hurdle lived in high for youths in high getting a job rather than keeping one. significant effect With regards JT were much of likely to less likely to leave their OFF-JT more seemed job. Finally, those to workers have no who were young people who had some formal ON- employer while those who participated in some form ON-JT is more likely to leave. is of children to be their first employer. to the training variables, those OFF-JT were more specific while remain with first we^^e less likely to unemployment areas seems The number on the expected duration of the married were more unemployment areas 'general'. This seems to suggest that These findings are consistent with the 12 firm results on tr ainin g and wages found in Lynch (1992). In equation 2 the hazard The is re-estimated including industry and occupation dummies. inclusion of industry and occupation does not change the coefficients or significance of with the exception of college which becomes insignificant. Those the variables in equation 1 young workers employed in construction, wholesale and and professional services were much more manufacturing. to remain with The retail, and business, likely to leave their repair, personal employers than those in only significant occupation was managers with managers more likely their first employer. In equation 3 of Table 3 an additional variable is added which is the difference between the log of the current wage (which varies with time) and a log predicted wage. The predicted wage is obtained by the formula in Table from a log wage equation for the starting wage 1 which uses the estimated coefficients for this sample. Those individuals who were being paid less than their predicted alternative wage were more likely to leave their employer as shown from equations 1 in both equations 3 and 4 of Table Now examined. Again, is how of the previous findings re-estimated for various demographic groups the results change dramatically depending it is important to remember that some of the care must be taken in interpreting the results in Table to see None and 2 are altered very much. In Table 4 the proportional hazard of interest. 3. 4. the results from the previous table change upon which sub-group cell sizes Nevertheless, when is are very small so it is the sample interesting is divided into demographic categories of interest. For example, males, females, and blacks who were high school dropouts had a shorter expected duration on the 13 first job after they left school. However, being a male or black high school graduate had no effect on the duration of employment, while being a female high school graduate lowered the duration of employment. Male and black employment, while there was no remaining with their The first college graduates had longer expected durations of effect of a college degree on the probability of females employer. differences by race and gender are even starker For women, having additional children regressors and the effect of training. lowered the expected duration of their additional children. first job relative to those At the same time, there was no duration of male or black employment. for ON-JT and OFF-JT were males and blacks. However, first job for females while When the sample emerge. For example, those effect of children ON-JT significantly did not have on the expected effect of marital status for blacks. insignificant determinants of the duration of OFF-JT is women who varying Being married lowered the probability of leaving an employer for males and females but there was no Finally, when one examine time employment increased the length of time in employment in the increased their turnover probability. divided by educational attainment other interesting results who were high school graduates or had some post high school education and were covered by a collective agreement, were less likely to leave their employer. For the sample as a whole there was no difference in the probability of leaving an employer between males and females. However, when the sample was divided by educational level, males were less Hkely to leave their employer than females than a high school degree or if they had some if they had a college degree, but they were more if they had less likely to leave post high school education. In addition, being black raised the probability 14 of leaving an employer only if the young worker had a high school degree. Race was not a significant factor for any of the other educational groups. The number of children seemed to affect the duration of employer only for high school graduates, while marital status was employment with the first significant only for college graduates and high school dropouts. In addition, the unemployment rate was only significant for high school graduates. Finally, ON-JT appeared respondent had a high school degree or less, while to lower the turnover probability OFF-JT seemed Given the small for those with a high school degree. drawing conclusions on variables that are insignificant, cell sizes if the to raise this probability one must be cautious in but the different effects of variables of interest by race and gender are quite striking. Conclusions This paper has focused on the link between training and the probability of leaving an employer. A high percentage of ON-J-T spells begin after young workers have remained with their employer for at least one year. This seems to be consistent with a job matching story where firms(workers) make a determination within the or not there is a match, and if yes, the firm contrast to the pattern associated with begin within the first first 6-12 months on whether then invests in more costly formal ON-J-T. In ON-J-T spells, almost 60 percent year with an employer. This may be due to of spells of OFF-J-T employees going outside the firm to obtain training that they need for their current job, or employees deciding that there is not a job match and seeking a training program that will allow them to leave their ciurent employer and get a better job. There are significant differences in the patterns of job mobility 15 by race and gender. Overall there is no difference However, when the sample is divided by race, gender, and educational attainment there are important differences between males and females. little a significant men to and positive Among effect are have shorter more spells their first job, but there more in the U.S. general. among likely to leave their Evidence presented workers on the probability of women high school dropouts and college graduates school graduates. In contrast, men For example, children appear have to on the probability of males leaving an employer. At the same time, they have affect employer. an employer by gender. in the probability of leaving The in those are more than no gender difference among high post high school education Lynch (1992) indicated that on-the-job training training are likely employer. results presented in would be consistent with firm women who have had some appeared to be quite firm Those with on-the-job is not remaining with their more specific specific training. young whereas off-the-job training appeared Tables 3 and 4 seem to reinforce likely to for remain longer with Although women their this conclusion. employer which are less likely to receive on-the-job training the finding of on-the-job training lowering the probability of leaving an employer was particularly strong for women. This may be because women realize that many employers are reluctant to invest in their training so that when they do receive company training they are training are more training being more likely to remain with that employer. Those who obtain off-the-job likely to leave their more general. educational attainment we employer and Again, when this would be consistent with the sample is off-the-job divided by race, gender and see that the off-the-job training variables are only significant in the equation for females. 16 Overall it appears that blacks are more true for those blacks who likely to leave their employer but received just a high school diploma. There does not this is seem only to be any significant difference in the results for hispanics relative to whites. Finally, there does seem to be some evidence that blacks who receive some on-the-job training have longer expected job durations in their While this first job. paper has attempted to shed new young workers and the consequences of this on issues that of the first light on the skill formation process of their patterns of mobility there are still many remain unresolved. This paper has modeled the determinants of the duration job after school, not subsequent employment. As the should examine how some NLSY age future research of the gender, race, and educational differences change over time. 17 REFERENCES Joseph G. and Spletzer, James R. 1991. "Worker Characteristics, Job Characteristics, and the Receipt of On-the-Job Training", Industrial and Labor Relations Review October, 45, pp. 58-79. Altonji, . Barron, John M., Black, Dan A., and Loewenstein, Mark A. 1987. "Employer Size: The Wages and Wage Implications for Search, Training, Capital Investment, Starting Growth", Journal of Labor Economic January, 5, pp. 76-89. . Aim. 1989. Bartel, Productivity: "Formal Employee Training Programs and Their Impact on Labor Evidence from a Human Resource Survey", NBER working paper 3026. 'The Impact of Previous Skill Development on Current Productivity, Training Requirements and Turnover", mimeo, Cornell University. Bishop, John 1991. Brown, James N. 1989. 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Weiss, A- and 19 TABLE Variable: 1 - SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS (N = 2522) TABLE 2 - CHARACTERISTICS OF PRIYATE-SECTOR TRAINING Completed Tenure by % with Training by type Completed Tenure % of sample 1-26 weeks 33% 27 -52 weeks 20% 1.5% 11.8% 0.9% 2 years 19% 2.6% 15.6% 2.4% 2-3years 7% 6.6% 23.6% 0.5% 3-4years 21% 8.1% 11.7% 0.8% 1 - ON-JT 1.3% Conditional on having training in Year During 1st 2nd 3rd 1st year 2nd year - - - ON-JT OFF-JT 39.8% 57.2% 25.6% 3rd year 18.8% 4th year 15.8% OFF-JT 0.7% 10.6% 1st job APT APT • when did it begin? TABLE Variable 3 - DETERMINANTS OF THE PROBABILITY OF LEAVING EMPLOYER TABLE 4 - DETERMINANTS OF THE PROBABILITY OF LEAVING EMPLOYER BY DEMOGRAPHIC GROUP Males Variable Urban -.06 (-0.94) # Children* Disabled -.08 Females Blacks -.03 -.01 (-0.37) (-0.11) .20 .09 (-0.71) (2.83) (0.89) -.14 .41 .53 (-0.67) (3.01) (2.40) Married* -.36 (-2.84) (-1.66) (-0.27) Union -.15 -.44 -.47 (-1.73) (-4.40) (-3.67) Black .10 (1.30) Hispanic .03 (0.35) -.13 -.05 .10 (1.17) .02 (0.26) Male .05 (0.44) Less than H.S. High School .39 .93 .55 (3.48) (7.72) (3.14) .08 .31 .19 (0.81) College -.53 (3.74) (1.52) -.04 -.54 (-3.79) (-0.32) (-2.40) Medium Urate* -.18 -.16 -.15 (-2.27) (-2.02) (-1.28) High Urate* -.23 -.10 -.34 (-2.66) (-1.17) (-2.35) ON-JT* -.27 -.36 -.66 (-1.19) (-1.70) (-1.43) OFF-JT* Apprentice* .03 .19 (0.27) (2.09) -.03 (-0.13) Log Wage Diff* Log Likelihood Number of Obs. .08 (0.57) .61 -.27 (1.21) (-0.65) -.55 -.79 -.62 (-6.18) (-8.44) (-4.56) -6337.3 -6879.4 -2546.9 1208 1314 535 24 TABLE 4 DETERMINANTS OF THE PROBABILITY OF LEAVING EMPLOYER BY DEMOGRAPHIC GROUP (continued) Variable < H.S. H.S. Post H.S. Urban -.26 -.03 -.03 (-2.01) (-0.54) (-0.24) # Children* .06 (0.40) .12 (1.61) College .08 (0.50) .11 -.03 (0.88) (-0.13) Disabled -.28 Married* -.53 (-2.81) (-0.52) (-1.08) (-3.22) Union -.19 -.20 -.46 -.32 (-1.12) (-2.47) (-2.70) (-0.92) Black Hispanic Male Medium Urate* High Urate* ON-JT* OFF-JT* Apprentice* Log Wage Diff* Log Likelihood Number of Obs. ^238 .40 -.25 (-0.77) (2.80) -.04 -.16 .68 (1.90) -.55 (-1.55) .18 -.07 (1.33) (-0.33) .02 .15 (0.12) (2.03) .20 .01 -.08 (1.45) (0.15) (-0.54) .10 (0.37) -.38 .005 .22 -.32 (-3.03) (0.08) (1.93) (-2.26) -.15 -.18 -.15 -.12 (-0.97) (-2.38) (-1.05) (-0.74) -.19 -.19 -.18 -.08 (-1.10) (-2.34) (-1.18) (-0.48) -1.19 -.35 -.26 -.12 (-1.65) (-1.34) (-0.83) (-0.48) -.13 .11 .21 .03 (-0.52) (1.41) (1.22) (0.08) .58 -.20 .43 (0.43) (-0.68) (0.83) -.34 -.76 -.84 -.67 (-2.30) (-8.30) (-4.84) (-4.00) -1625.1 -7450.2 -1921.5 -1288.9 363 1363 439 357 .22 25 ^Jl9 (1.12) Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 917 7630