iMM HD28 .M414 no, ?^3l 9o Mi FEB 13 199^ ^^^mm^ ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Determination of Optimal Vertices from Feasible Solutions in Unimodular Linear Shinji Programming Mizuno, Romesh Saigal and James B. Orlin Working Paper No. 3231-90-MSA December, 1990 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Determination of Optimal Vertices from Feasible Solutions in Unimodular Linear Shinji Programming Mizuno, Romesh Saigal and James B. Orlin Working Paper No. 3231-90-MSA W.I.T. December, 1990 uBwras Determination of Optimal Vertices from Feasible Solutions in Unimodular Linear Programming Shinji MIZUNO Department of Prediction and Control The 4-6-7 Institute of Statistical Mathematics Minami-Azabu Minato-ku, Tokyo 106 Japan Romesh SAIGAL Department of Industrial The Ann and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Arbor, Michigan 48109-2117, ORLIN James B. USA * Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA August 1989, revised November 1990 Abstract In this paper modular, we consider a sind the other linear programming problem with the underlying matrix uni- data integer. Given arbitrary near optimum feasible solutions to the primal and the dual problems, we obtain conditions under which statements can be made about the value of certain variables in optimal vertices. Such results have applications to the prob- lem of determining the stopping scaling method and Key words: criterion in interior point the path following methods for linear methods like the primal-dual affine programming. Linear Programming, duality theorem, unimodular, totally unimodular, interior point methods, Abbreviated title: *This author's research is Feasible solutions partially supported by and optimal vertices NSF grant DDM-8921835 and Airforce Grant AFOSR-88-0088 1 We Introduction consider the following linear programming problem: Minimize c^x, subject to Aa; a; where 0), A and an unimodular matrix is (i.e., > 6, 0, A the determinant of each Basis matrix of c are integers. For such linear programs, 6, = is it known that well all is —1, or 1, extreme vertices are integers. In this paper we consider the problem of determining optimal solutions of from information derived from a given pair of primal and dual near optimum example of such a result the strong duality theorem which asserts that is value of the given primal solution is this linear program feasible solutions. An the objective function if equal to the objective function value of the given dual solution, then we can declare the pair to be optimal for the respective problems. Here we investigate the problem of determining optimal vertices of the two problems given that the difference objective function values ( i.e., the duality gap ) is greater than zero. unimodular systems, under the hypothesis that the duality gap we obtain a result ( program is is ) is that unique, then the if the duality gap optimum These results have applications in is less the For the special case of small ( not necessarily zero results that assert the integrality of variables in optimal solutions. Corollary 3 in An example ), of such than 1/2, and the optimum solution of the vertex can be obtained by a simple rounding routine. determining stopping rules in interior study of these methods was initiated by the seminal work of Karmarkar point methods. Our [2]. The results are particularly applicable to the methods which work in both the primal and the dual feasible regions. These include the methods of Kojima, Mizuno and Yoshise and Ye [14]. These results can also be used in the primal objective function value objective function integers) when the it is is available; and, to the dual Monteiro and Adler [9], Saigal [10], methods where a lower bound on the methods where an upper bound on the available. In case the data of the linear program is integral ( i.e., A, 6, c are can be shown that an optimum solution of the linear program can be readily identified duality gap becomes smaller than 2~^'^', where L to code all the integer for the [3], is the size of the binary string needed data of the linear program. Compare this to tiie result just quoted above unimodular systems, which include the transportation and assignment problems. such systems, first such results were obtained by Mizuno and Masuzawa 1 [8] in the For context of the transportation problem, Masuzawa, Mizuno and Mori problem, and Saiga! [11] in show how the context of the minimum cost flow the context of the assignment problem. After presenting the notation and assumptions results that in [6] section in to identify an optimal solution in 2, section 3 we prove our main from the duality gap; and, in section 4, we present the concluding remarks. 2 We Notation and Definitions consider the following primal and dual linear programming problems. (P) (D) Minimize c^x, subject to a; Maximize b y, subject to (y, z) G Gx = {x Ax = : e Fy^ = b,x > 0}. {{y, z) A^ y + : z = c, 2 > 0}. Throughout the paper, we impose the following assumptions on (P) and (D). Assumption 1 The vectors b and c are integral and the matrix Assumption 2 The From Assumption tion 2 feasible regions 1, all Gx and Fyz are linear unimodular. is nonempty. Gx and Fyz the vertices of the polyhedral sets and the duality theorem of A are integral. programming, the problems (P) and (D) have optimal solutions and their optimal values are the same, say v' . Let Sx and Sy^ denote the optimal solution sets of (P) and (D), respectively: We We Jx = Sx = {xeGx-. Syz = {{y,z)GFyz:b'^y=v'}. define the orthogonal projective sets of v'}, Fy^ and Sy^ onto the space of Fz = {z:{y,z)eFyz}, Sz = {z:{y,z)eSyz}- also define Gxix°) From Assump- = {xGGx: L.c°J < X, < [j;°] for each j} z: for each x° G G^ and F,(z°) E F^, where for each z^ [xj = {zeF,: and [x] <z,< [z^j for each [2°] j} denote the largest integer smaller than or equal to x and the smallest integer larger than or equal to x, respectively. The Main Results 3 Suppose common optimum denotes their ex' — between [x'] is some primal x' denotes v' , Theorem objective function value. (the measure of non-optimality of x' In particular, one part of the . some dual feasible solution, z' denotes theorem asserts that — an optimal integer solution x'(j) such that Xj(j) to establish that in the case the optimal solution is if — fx'] . [x' J is less These unique, and and v* 2 developes a relationship and the distance of ), x' feasible solution, x'. from ex' — v" than [x'J and then there results are used in Corollary 3 ex' — v* < 1/2, rounding x' to the nearest integer gives the optimal solution. Except the case that the optimal solution in guarantee that there is X* with the property that ij Theorem 6 gives = Assume • • • , It 0. to the dual 1, Theorem a solution x* obtained by rounding each x' can be simultaneously rounded. In particular. region unique. and Corollary 2 componant of x' 3 do not to the nearest However, Theorem 4 gives conditions under which some componants of a feasible solution integer. have Xj is bounds on a primal satisfy Zj = 0. is x'j feasible solution We now that feasible solutions x° Gx{x^) m) the closest intger to bounds on a dual also gives must is Theorem z'j 4 states that there for all j satisfying | x* is an optimal solution — ""' x'j \< — ' Z^ . under which an optimal solution x* must feasible solution x' under which an optimal solution prove these theorems. G Gx and {y^,z^) G Fyz are available. Since the feasible a bounded polyhedral convex set and x^ G Gj:(^x^), there exit vertices u' of Gi:(x°) such that [i = m i=l m «=i A, where m vertex u' < is 1 + dim(Gx(a;'')); >0 for f= l,2,---,m. dim(5) denotes the dimension of the integral (see, for example, Schrijver [12]), so set S. By Assumption 1, each for t not. = We 1, 2, • • • , m and j = 1, 2, • • • , Some n. u"s of the vertices divide the vertices into two index sets Iq and are optimal, but the others are (possibly /q /^v = <?!> or /yv = <P) and rewrite the relation above as follows: ^ a;0= ^ A.«'4- x:a.+^ A, > A.m', (1) '&Jn >6/o for i = A. i, € /o U In, where /o = {i : Ij.^ — \^i : «' e VL ^ SX Sj:, Similarly, there exist optimal vertices iw' i«' € G Jn) i^z(2'')\'S3 (i Kruskal [1]) 1,2,- i = 1, 2, € 5^ fl • -.m}, • • , m}. Fj(z°) (i € Jo) and nonoptimal established is in Theorem 1, vertices Hoffman and such that ^ ^ = ix,w^ /i,+ Hi 1 - (integrality of these vertices z° Theorem , i Let x^ > 6 Gx and (y°,z°) G x^ and z^ are expressed as (1) and for + Y. Yl i M. (2) M."''' = 1- E Jo U Jn- i^yz, airf /e< f' be the (2), respectively. optimal value of (PJ. Suppose that Then we have ieJN Proof: We easily see that Jx° -V* = where the last inequality follows Y ^.c^«' from c^u' = + Y ^.c^«' v' for each i - ^* G lo and c^u' > v* + 1 for each i G /yv- same way, we In the from the follows first also have the second inequaUty of the theorem. The third inequahty two inequalities and = + (u'-6^y°). (c^x°-i;') D The above theorem can be used Theorem (a) If is x'j = X* J 2 Let x° G Gx, and integral and c x v' lower bound on the optimal value v* of (P). he a < then there exists an optimal solution x* G 1 — v' < x^ (cj If c x° — v' < [xj] Suppose that If Xj is integral — |_XjJ — Xj a;° is then u' then there exists an optimal solution x*{j) u' = cJ^O x — „i t; < 1 expressed as = x^ for each then Iq / i.e., 4>, U i. Iq = then 4> Theorem Jx^ -V* >Y,^' = ^ [xj] for each x* £, = 5^ such that x*{j) = 1 implies 1- there exists an optimal solution u' Thus (b) x° cannot be integral. rx°i X* that x^(j) (1). x° Under the condition of If that G Sx such then there exists an optimal solution x''{j) G -v' > if S^ such J x^ Hence, solution. x^. (h) If c Proof: let v' — some information about an optimal to obtain = [x'jj + 1. S^, we have u'j ^ [xjl for each i G lo, u'j = [x°J for each i € Iq- or equivalently {i G lo) such that Then we see '&In 16/0 Hence we have In the As a < [x°J + (c^x° - t)') < L.oj + (c^x° - O- 1) (b). same way, we can prove (c). special case of the above theorem, we get the following useful result. Corollary 3 Let x° e Gx and (y°,2°) G Fy^. x*(j) Theorem (by G Si such If {x°)'^ z° < 1/2, for each j, there exists an that ' -'(J) = L^?J ^/ -^^ - L-^?J [xfl «/ x] - < 1/2, [xOj > 1/2. € S-,;, (3) In case the problem (P) has a unique optimal solution x* we can compute each coordinate of the optimal solution by (3). Proof: If x^ is integral. the case where Xj is Theorem not integral. - rx°l Since 6 y° x°- - |_x^J is > a lower bound of 1/2, Theorem Theorem If x^ x° t;*, > — [x°J 1/2 > < 1/2, = [xjj for an x* ^ Sx- So we only consider we have (x°)^z° = c^x° - 6^y°. by Theorem 2(c), there exists x* G 5^ such that i^ = [x^J . If we have Xj Hence, by 2(a) implies that x* — [XjJ > 1/2 2(b), there exists x' 2 gives information >[x)z=cx— by. G S^ such that ij = \xj]. about an element of an optimal solution. The next theorem shows a relation between a feasible solution and coordinates of an optimal solution. Theorem 4 Let x° G Gx, and let v* be the optimal value of (P). If cF x^ — w* < 1, there exists an optimal solution x' G 5^ such that r Ol [xJ for each I - J. • j ^ Ij f e • : x^^ - I Ol L^°J <^ l-(C^X<'-t>') ,l^^S.)' (4) < [xO] for each j e \j : \x^] - x" < ^ ^l^,^^^ ^^' Proof: the Suppose that number is a; expressed as of optimal vertices where we may assume without than or equal to less is (1), #/o < By Theorem is an index i' = A, 1 - Yl (1), we dim(Sj): dim(S^). > A. 1 - {Jx" - v'). G Iq such that l From generaUty that we have 1, ^ Hence there + l + 1 loss of + dim(S^) see Hence we obtain ' Since the vertex u' CoroUary ^' is G^ and .0.0 . ^Vi < system has - - ^ (1 ' < L^;J — w' (y°, a°) € Fy^. + dim(S^))(l In the same way and each solution for each j £ z, = as UJ Theorem for each ^''- f^^y"! K= j : x'-^ 4, J (6) < {c^x° ^ - V*) ... ,„ + dim(Sx) (7) . l there exists a (y*, r*) G (5) ,, 0, 1- J < for each optimal value) and an optimal solution of (P): is u > b, ("= w*; <Ae dim(S,)) , I Proof: = ' + a solution = // [c^x^J -{c'x^-v*)){\-{v*-h'rf )) ~:\ lj::;.: w^r:.. (l ^' 0|. satisfies (4). Au = Uj + dim(5.) .o_, l - l-(c^xO-t;-)^' A.-, integral, x" 5 Lei x° £ ihe following ^° < „.'_U0, G Syj such that - b^rj i+d.m(5.) + dim(5,) jv' : ., - [^^J < " ^^^ From and the (5) definition of K we , see that ' From and (4) Since z* € l diiTi(Sj) x* G S^ and (y*, z*) £ Sy^ such that (8), there exist G^ and + x* (9) holds, is I* = for each z' = for each j ^ = by*, from which Now we show some coordinates of and (D) are vertices of (P) Theorem that follows that u* it K (10) is (7), an optimal solution of (P). all = then (7) and (10) imply u*^ z* 0, or n the optimal vertices can be fixed when feasible available. € G^ and (y 6 Let x (9) the solution of the system (6) and (7). Let u* be any solution of the system (6) and c^u' E K, j , z ) 6 Fyz, owrf let v' and v" be a lower bound and upper bound of the optimal value v' of (P), respectively. — (a) If z'j > (b) If x'j > c^x^ — v" b y°, then v', then x'j = zj=0 for any optimal vertex x' £ S^- for any optimal vertex (y', z*) G Sy^. Proof: Let x* G Sx be any optimal vertex of (P), then we see x'jz] Uz]>v" -b^y°, < x*^^° = x'^ic - we have ^i Since x^ is In the 4 integral, we obtain same way, we < A^y'') = v'- ^ < b^y"" < v" - b'^y°. 1- (a). also have (b). Concluding Remarks In this paper we obtained results under the assumption that the linear program (P) standard from. In the case the problem is given in inequality from, we can derive of section 3 with the added assumption that the matrix be totally unimodular. 8 all is in the the results Similar results can also be derived for other forms of the problem, i.e., problems with upper and lower bounds on variables, etc. These results have implications methods. This programming problems via interior point be a topic of a subsequent paper. will Acknowledgement: co-editor, for solving integer The authors would and an anonymous thank Professor Masakazu Kojima, the like to referee for their helpful comments. References [1] A. J. Hoffman and Kuhn and B. Kruskal, "Integral A. VV. Tucker, ed. Press, Princeton, [2] J. New N. Karmarkar, "A , Boundary Points of Convex Polyhedra," in: H. W. Linear Inequalities and Related Systems (Princeton University Jersey, 1956) 223-246. New Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Linear Programming," Combinatorica 4 (1984) 373-395. [3] M. Kojima, Mizuno and A. Yoshise, "A Primal-Dual S. Programming," in; Interior Point Algorithm for Linear N. Megiddo, ed.. Progress in Mathematical, Interior Point and Related Methods (Springer- Verlag, New York, 1988) 29-47. [4] M. Kojima, for Linear Sciences, [5] S. Mizuno and A. 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