Oe\Nev HD28 .M414 • ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT CONTINUOUS TIME STOPPING GAMES by Chi-fu Huang Lode Li WP 1796-86 July 1986 MASSACHUSETTS TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 INSTITUTE OF CONTINUOUS TIME STOPPING GAMES by Chi-fu Huang Lode Li WP 1796-86 Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 Preliminary Draft and Incomplete. July 1986 CONTINUOUS TIME STOPPING GAMES Chi-fu Huang Lode Li ABSTRACT We prove unique of a Nash equilibrium of a class of continuous time the existence stopping games. Under symmetric a strict equilibrium for monotonicity a condition, there exists a stopping game. Any Nash symmetric equilibrium of a stopping game is subgame perfect. in the analyses is the General Theory of Process. will provide conditions under which there is a The machinery employed In the next version, we unique Nash equilibrium for general stopping games and will give examples of our general theory. LIBRARIES APR 1 6 1937 M, IT. | Prilimary Draft and Inronipletr Continuous Time Stopping Games Chi-fn HtiaiiR and Lodo Li Sloan School of Management MasFachusetts Institutes of T(ThnnloRy July, 1986 Abstract We prove Under a the existence of a Nash equililninm of a class of continuous time stopping games. strict monotonicity condition, there exists a unique symmetric symmetric stopping game. Any Nash erjuilibrium of a stopping game The machinery employed version, we will in the analyses is the (^rnrrnl Throvy of provide conditions imder which there is a unique is eeiuilibrivim for a suhgame Prnre.s.se.s . perfect. hi the next Nash equilibrium general stopping games and will give examples of our general theory. for Table of Contents 1 Iiitrodnrtion 1 2 The fonmilatinn 2 3 Existeiifp of reaction funrHons when 4 Nash 5 Couchiding remarks equilibria 2,"s have a monotone strurtun^ 3 7 10 1. Introduction This jiappr presents the theoretic findings on the rontinnnns time version of the general stopping games. The game theoretic extension of the optimal stopping theory in the discrete time framework was initiated by Dynkin [1969] in analysis of a class of two i)erson zero sum stopping games. The sum stopping games and Mamer modifirations and extensions include C'hapnt [1974] in zero in [198G| two jierson nonzero sum stojjping monotone games. The widespread use management investment in Examples include the entry and science. in research lie is equilibria where each is a consequence of the fact that the industry demand the stopping natural extensive form game. in the is the multiplicity of game. Fine and Li [1986] pointed out that the is nniltiplicity of jump from process can where neither firm lioth firms are viable as duopolists to a i>oint is game tyjx^ of However, one of the major weakness of the discrete time stoj)ping games hi an oligopolistic exit dynamic a single dichotomf)us flecision at each time can be formulated time cfjuilibria corresjiond to the subgame perfect etjuilibria equilibria, (See Fine ancl any stochastic In fact, Fine and Li [1986] also show that for this as a stopping time problem. job search, optimal ti-aiisitinn in influstries. [1985], Reingainini [1982] etc) which each palyer's strategy found in economics, finance, and exit decisions of firms, and develojmient, and the technology Mamer and McCardle Li [1986], game games can or potential use of stopping a point vialiN^ as a duopolists, but viable as a monopolist. This jiroblem might be avoided by assuming that the information evolves continuously, which could be valid only in a continuous time framework. This one of the is reasons that motivate this study. The only work we proposed Our l)y Dynkin sttuly is game are aware of dealing with optimal stopping problems is Chai)ut [1974]. of two He theoretic extension of continuous time analyzcxl a two jjerson zero jiarts. hi this jiart, continuous time stop|>ing game assuming the we of the reaction correspondences of play<'rs Nash game equilibriinn in lattice theoretic fixed j)oint games with a monotone theorem. We also further structures are imposed. Moreover, any A are oi)tional jirocesses. Markov under setting) is is martingale adoj)ted to fairly general conditions. i)ayotf structures follows show that there Nash an A^-person start with a general setting of payc:)ff processi^s ai)proacli (in contrast to the excessive function ajiprfjacli in the existence of a stopj)ing [1969]. composed show the existence sum a uniqu(^ The from Tarskis symmetric equilibrium (-(luilibrium of th(^ stojiping game is a if subgame perfect equilibrium as in the discrete time case. This version is a prelimilary and incomplete draft. the uniqueness of an cfjuilibrium useful examples in when information is The continuation of this reveaiecl continuously. economics, finance, and management science. We work anticijiates will also construct Tho formulation 2. J P) Lit (W, . 1)C F = of /, or a fi/fmfjnii. firl.l To roiitaius 1. roiniilrtr: 2. right -rout iininiia. Wr Wp a roiiiplotr pmhnliility span- also assuiiio Miat Jn .^r •!"' shall (Iciiotc V/g^j Wr i^ w E W iiitrri)rrt oarli F finite state setting, G V< ^. the tliat satisHi-s family of iiiriTHsiiiK suli-pifriiia- tisiia/ ntuilitirtiis: 3R4 trivial in that nhiinfit si^iiia-firlfl ?iii;tll<''^t roiitaiiiiu^: {7,:f tli<' true statr of tho world tlir W ami by <?:ciicrat((l is it to he a coinplctr drsniiitioii of models tho way information ahout time 3?+}, with an r-iiull sets; all tlir - n,>/ 7, ^ {Ti-f ofjuiiiix-fi ^ 9? l>y f } the r-imll sets. all ^oc- state of the world. The filtration nvcalcfl ov(-r time. In a discrete is a filtration ran he tlionRlit of as an event tree. Before we j)roreed. some definitions are in order. A X i)rofess is a mapping A' U X : the prndurt sigma-field generated he ndaptrd. to Hira.siira/>/e if X(t) if V« G is 9?+, the is 3? that is The optiouH} sigmH-Rrh]. 7, (g) denoti-f] nn-asnraMe with and the Borel sisma-fieM of mapping (w.x) 5(10, >-» vY(a;..«) where <)), by 0. is V^ J, G 9?^. A 5R+. U x of as usual 5([n,f]) and Williams A is U X J® is is S(3?+), X i>roress process into 3? [(). f] the sigma-field on resi)ert to is said pro^re.s.sive/y measurable with the Borel sigma-field of 5R+ generated by adai>ted A process ojitional if measurable with respect to 0. Naturally, any adapted jirocess with right-continuo<is paths is processes having right-continuous it T l>y -> measurable with respect to respect to the product sigma-field ((),<]. 3?^. optional. Let It is ^+ al.so known i)atlis; ('Innig cf. that any optifmal process denote the extended jiositive real line. is ada])ted; A Markov cf. tiiiir [1983). is Chung and Williams T is a fiuiction from [1083]. U into 3?+ 8nch that {w G A Markov if time T is all T events KG <t}e7, T{uj) if P{T < sij^niia-field 7t X be an ojitional jirocess. follows from Dellaclierie random ea.sy to I. A st(.].])iii''; tiui<- T is bounded i. 7oc ""fl* *hfi\ variable. This is V/. g3?+. Putting A'(+oo) it 00} = collection of <vents jninr N. T. consists of ^li" Af]{T<t}e7, Let yt G3i+. r{T < K) ^ 3?+ P'lrh that be a Markov time. The A ^ : said to be a st'tjijiinK timr there exists a constant Let 12 = limsup,X(0. and Meyer [1978. Theorem IV 90] that A'( + Oo) is an .-xtended real-valued the convention we will use for any ojitional jirocess to aiijiear. check that the process {X{l): / G ^+ } is ojitiouMl I) tli.Mi f'.jlows from sinnl.ir It is also arguments in Thenrnn and Moyor IV. G4 of Dellarhrrie [1978] that X{uj.T{uj)) is an cxtcnrlrd roal-vahicd random variable measurable with respect to Tj. An optional process X satisfies condition A~ if ^[siip^"(()] < oo, where E\] denotes the expectation with resjiect to P. < E{sx\pX'^{t)] Coming back indexed by i = we consider an to economics, 1,2, . . . , N. The payoff of this z,{uJ,t:T_,(w));t where runs through r_,- that player i (A^ all receives in state employed by players other than — We i. is ^4"*" his strategy if OO. game. Players are described by a family of adapted processes r= 9?+. Markov l)-tuple of w when satisfies conflition A^ i)layer dynnitiir stopping game e It 1,2 A^. times. Interpret 2,(w./;r_i) to be the payoff is T, and T,(u;) = t. if r_, are the strategies assume that payoff processes are optional jirocesses satisfying A~ condition (liven the strategy of his opponents T_,. the objective of jihyer »' is Markov time to find a T,- that solves the following program: snp E{z,{T,:T^i)]. T,eT where A T is the collection of Nnfili eq\ii]ihniim of all Markov A Nash if given a times. the stojiping such that Ti solves (2.1) for alU' = r, game 3. set an S, putting A; = Aj for all Markov times r,- Markov times A^-tujile of ?' (T,; = N) 1,2 N. 2 {T,- > E{z,{T^;T_i)\rs] on the is equilibrium of the stoj)ping ga.me {T,;?' Markov time (2.1) > such that = 1,2, ... .A^} is said to Ix' suJigamr perfect S}. we have E[z,{t,;T.,]\Ts] r,- > S on the set "... A,, for all i = 1,2 A^. Existence of reaction functions In this section we shall show that given the strategy of his oj)j)onents, a jiiayer's best response always exists. Some A definitions are first given. sujiormnrtingHlr X is an optional process such that for all bounded stojijung times T and S with T < S both E{X-{S)] < oo (3.1) aud E\XIS)\Tt\ wlirrr fire satisfirrl, if Iifitli X —X and Remark X~{t) = 3.1. Traflitionally. a ^rwrnlizri] jiatlis is Mcrtcns [19G9. TlK^orrni and riRJit A limits left and arr snprrmartinfjalo £^(A'(.'>)) exists X n])i>ci- Lemma tiinrs. a iiuirtingah an a'la])tr(l jirnross. not nrrcs- of the ])atlis of a snpcrniaitinf^alr all si'mi-rontinuons fiom the if is havo lifrlit. for every pair of stopi)in<.': times .sii/)e;- T < S the expertation following terhniral Lrt {X{t)} < X{T) rrgnlnr Markov times T < S ev<-ry j)air of foi' if a... the and lemmas }>r a < .sii/)er a... A'iT-) are keys to the main (3.3) results in this sertion. irgulnr sujicniiHitingnlr nniJ T nnd S Irt }<r two Mnikov Thru < X{T) E\X{S)\Tt] ProKf is and £^[-Y(.9)] exists 3.1. prorrss sii])iMiiiartin^alc in tlic traditional sonsc K''ii<'rali7.('(l ^iA'(.S')|77-l The s\iiniiii:titiii'^:ilf is sliown that almost vrgnliiv is Any 2) (-T 1) lias supermartingale {X(/)} expertation A nf X{t]. a sn]icrniartinKalc rirfincfl al)ov(' ^[A'(.S-)| Jrl A i);irt aro siiprrinartiiipalrs. rontinnons riglit (3.2) ...... u\nx\-' X(t).()]. the iirRiitivc sarily njititmal. satisfying (3 1) anii with < XIT) Let r(A') > A = {S > T] and A' C A Sni)pose tin- assertion is srt {S not trm- > T) Then there exists A' Markov times - T{u}) = +00 S'(i^) on -; ," if w e th.' set A'. A'. otherwise: = S(uj) — -foo otherwise. if w e A'. Throroni IV. 53 of D<dlaelierie and Meyer [1978] ensures that T' ami S' rf)nstrurtion, almost surely, S' is w-ith as follows: T'{w) Since ,Y ^ Tt snrh that E\X{S)\7t] > X{T) Define two on the 'i..«. > T', S < .*?', and a sujx-r rej^ular supermartinRale, ^|A-(.S-')|/rl T < T' . Ihnce we must have < X(T') 4 ...... /j-' C ar<' 7$'. Markov times. By Ndw taking conditional expectations vvitli rcsjioct to \a-E\X{S')\7t] E Jt and Since A' < E\X[S)\7t\ \a'X[T') < X(T) on n.s. on Ixith nniltijilyinp; l)y 1^- Ia'E[X{T')\7t] ^ \a'X[S) and since \a<X.{S') Jj = sirlrs Rives a..<,. l,vA^(T), we have A\ tlie set a clear contradiction. I Lemma Lef 3.2. From Proof. ho a .sti/)eniia;f;;ipa/e .satisfying^ roiuJifinn we know Hni/^-^ the hyjjothesis, where A(oo) is A^ condition X the hniit; l>e A'(<) exists and Thm X . G 9?+} is T < let .'» he two Markov times. For any constant A^ the process a supermartingale. Using the arguments in the iirevif)us i);).ragraph, conditions A'^ ans satsifies Also, since . E\X'(S)\Tt]<X'(T) lemma c. minimum Then Fatou's If oo, X also satisfies of Appendix Remark 5a A*" A'*" < Z?[A''~(oo)] 4]. I], a snpermartinp^ale. For the general case, is su[>cr regular. is and finite, is Mertens [19C9, Theorem cf. the assertion follows from Dellacherie and Mt^yer [1982. , since {X{f),t understood to A~ we jmt is X'^ X /\c. = a concave function, we know a.s. implies that ^flim Lr— oo X''(S)\Tt] < J liiii r— oo X'iT) «.... Hence E\X(S)\Tt]<X(T) That A is, is a.s. super regular. I The optional process > Y(ujj) W{uj,t) for all Y is said to lie above the (w,t) outside a subset of ojitional ])i(icess n X W. denoted by Y > di^ whose i)rojection on U is of W , if P-measure 7,ero. A regular supermartingale process W The if Y > W and if Y is A>F the niinimnm vrgiihv su])rnn:utiitgnlr for following jnoposition follows directly from Mertens [19G9, 5 (MBS) above an A > IV. Theorem 7] and any other regular su])ermartingale optional Lemma 3.2. rrnpositioii 3.1. Civr,, T^,. y,{t:T^,) rit^lil'nitliniKiiis. j.s tli'ir rxi.^ts rif^ltt MPS VAT,) a inntiiniKH^ = y,{t:Y_,) liiii lyim: Hl«'vr s,(T_,). If z,(l:T^,) Fnitliriinitrc. }',(7'_,) is sii/ir; I't^iilnr ;s ami liIllsuI),_,.^(n ttnd = sup r_,) }',((); £;[r,(r,;r_,i T,eT Pri'nf. Till- Meyer assertion follows from tlm fart that z,(r_,) satisfies rfjiidition first (19G9, Tlionrrm 7). The of Ajipenriix I /I and Mcrtrns of Dellarlierie and (1982], Y(oo) i."* finite a..t. sinre Y Lemma from Tlie rest of the assertions follows that Remark 23 soroiul assertion follows from A~ satisfies 3.2, Mertens (19G9, Theorem Theorem (see again Merten.s [19G9. 7), and the fart 4]). I We shall heneefoith nse the notation The following result Proposition 3.2. F<>r is introduced Proposition 3 in 1 also useful: rvriy M^rknv = y,(.9;r_,) Prnnf See Theorem 22 of Ai)i)endix tiinr I S wr l]^vr ;)/i(josf sr;rr/y e...ssup,ex,r>5^[-.(^;7'_,)|75l. of Dellarherie anrl Meyer (1982). I Now define a Markov time T,{T-i): r,(7'_,) Here is inf{< G 3?+ our main theorem of this sertion ? TheorPtTi 3.1. .S'u/i/iMse mnliniinii^ funu It ¥(() : =- ?(^;T_,)}, shows that under some conditions ther(> always a best resjionse to other players" strategies exists for ])layer Pronf. Using = tlir Irft Lemma , thnt z^T^,) nml .saf/.s/irs is u]>jiri-srini-r<<iitiniii>iis fioin ffinihtinn A^ . Th'ii T,{T 3.2, the assertion follows fr<uii similar ,) is arguments thr iif:lit. (/u;iM-u/)pe/-.sr;jii- thr }>rst ;rs/)onsr to T^,. of Theorem 7.3 of Tliomi)son [1071] I From now on we sliall assmne tjial riMiditions of Theorem 3 1 on the reward jiroresses are satisfied. The following |)roj)ositions give some jjroperties of an optimal leaction Proposition 3.3. Fix innjoiiiig z,(T_,). r_,-. Let n host rcfijinnsr fny jtlnyrr }>r r, nnd i lot Yj{T.i) l)c the MBS Then = Y,{Ti-T^i) r,(r_,) Zi{T,:T_i) < (3.4) n..«.. a.s., r,- (3.5) and E[Y,{T,-T.,)] -y,(n;r_,). Proof. Dy the fart that y,(T_,) that y,(r_,) hes ahove z,(r_,), pnjxu' regular (cf. is Lniiiiia 3.2), that r, is a heat icspoiise, and wo have e[y,(t,: r_,)i < y,(n; r_,) whrio the equality follows from Projiosition = 3.2. E[Y.(r,:T_,)\ It (3.G) > then follows from the fart that Y,{T^,) i?[2,(r,: r_,)) < e[yAt,- r_,)). (3.7) Hrnrc = E[z,iT,:T.,)]. 2,(r_,) aii<l th(- r/,..«. fact that 2,(r_,) satisfies A'^ and Ay,(r,;r_,) This is By = 2,(r,;T_,) „.... (3.4) the definition of r,(r_,). Argnments used we then have r,(r_,) < to prove (3.7) proves (3.G), sinee T, r, is a..<i., an whirh is (3.5). response. oi)tiiiial I Note that (3.5) implies that r,(r_,) that his opponents play the nni<ine is minimum best response for player t, given T_,-. Proposition 3.4. Lot l>c r, an optimal E\z,(r,-T_i)\Ts] j-e.spon.se tn > z,(-'^-T-i) Proof. Proposition 3.2 anci arguments similar to E\z,ir,:T_i)\rs] = T^j a.n<l Irt S 1)r on the set {S Lemma Y,{S-T^,) > < n. Marknv Then r,}. 3.1 imjily that, Zi{S-T.i) tiiiic on the set {r, > S}, «...., whirh was to he proved. I 4. Nash equilibria hi this section jilayers satisfy a when we will monotone 2,'s have a monotone structure show that there exists a structure. 7 Nash ('(piililnium wIkmi the reward processes of Tlir he made a.s^uinptidii will fi)lli>wiiip; Assumption For 4.1. € «' t. an./ 5R, t' scrtinn. tliis tliri'iifilKiiit > I a/jimsf siiiWy. c,(w. . /: - r_,(w)) z,(w, «'; r_,(w)) is noiiiitrrrnsiiig in r_,(u') DrnotiiiK by tlw T'*^' r.ill(-rtif)ii i'(r, By Tli<^or<Mii 3 1. ^ i? Markov of yV-tui)li- of = rA.) a rrartiou fuiichon for we tiiiics. di-finc 4> : T''^' -» T''^' .-v; (r,(T„,))f:,. playis By Tin'ornii 3.1, tlic A' for any two Maikov times r tin- iiia])])iiif^ is wril-drfiiird. ^ is said to hr tu'ninUiur *(.<?) ii„],lirs r' < .<?'. Tlir iiiai>piiiK .«?' = The following j)ioj)opitioii siiows that Proposition 4.1. Prnfif. is ('honso two is <I' S. t = and 4>(r) luonotonc. is <I> > /iioijofone. Maikov of strirtly i)ositive if tiiiirs r measure > S. Let for sonie t. = r' ^(r) and By Assnm])tion .S'' = Snpjjose 4>(.9). we know almost 4.1 tiie set surely. \z,{t':t_,]-z,(S]:t_,)\\,^ <\z,(T',:S_i)-Zi(S'.:S_i)\i^. Taking conditional expectations with respect to 7s' on hotli sides of the above relation gives where we have used the where - <E\z,(T,:S^i) - tiiat inecjuality follows tlie first Proposition fart <E\zi{T\:T_,) 3.2. A G Ts' z,(S',:t_,)\7s']\a z,(S',:S_,)\Js'\\a Delhu (<f from Proposition 3 define rr, = S^ A a.K. T- on a set of stiictly jiositive note tliat It is measure. ElzAry^.T-i)] = W<' claim that n, El.-,(.S;;r„,)l,4 = t'- = we have <[>(r_,) is tised (4.1) the unique and where minimum on the .i..« easily elierked that = E wliere tlic tliird ini(|u:ility follows from Thus E\z,{r',:r.,)\Tsi]^ zAS',:t_,) Now 0, and Meyer [1978. Theorem IV. 5C]). h(-ri<' and whric 4. < + is r,( [e\z,(S',:t.,]1.^ rr, + :\ r,'; is a Ix-st set A Markov (4.1) tim<' and resixinse to r_, rr, To < r, . rr, see this, following is the first r,- we r.,)rj c,(r;;r_,)l..i, |J5;l] E\z,(T::r.,)]. A"^ denotes U \ >1. best resjxmse to r„, This is Thus A a contradiction to the fact that nuist be of measure z.ero I The ^ main theorem of this section: 8 Theorem rrnof. From rroposition Nrveu [1975] implies that (cf. Nash Tlirrc exists a 4.1. $ 4.1 T^ rquijiliriiun <<f hmn a monotoiir maiiiiiiiK is a complete lattice. is the sfn/i/tnip pajjir. It Tarski [1955]) that there exists a fixpoint for ^. T' in itself. Proixisition VI. 1.1 of then follows from Tarski's fixpoint theorem It is easily verified that the fixpoint Nash a is eqnilibrinm. I The following theorem shows that of Markov times T we have n is of measure asRiiniption is Assumption z,(w, — T) t; we have if zj{uj, a symmetric game, that T) except on a subset t; of is, UX for any (A^ — l)-tuple whose projection 3?_|. to symmetric etinilihrinm. provided that the following zero, then there exists a imi<ine satisfied. For 4.2. f. G t' 3?.^ mid t > t' nlnmst suirly. 2,(w. . <; r_,(w)) - 2,(w, /.'; r_,(w)) is strirfly (irrrrnsing in T_,(w). A the definition l)ost > .9 needed. Let a.s.. The and a mapi)ing fmni T' 'P l)r responses to an element of raiTcsjinndrurc. 7- is T By Theorem . The reaction corresi)ondence r' G 'l'(r), S' G is we have *(.9), following jiroposition shows that ^ to 3.1, '^ all the subsets of T' well-defined. is said to he monofojie r' < S' if call 'I' all the rcartion any two Markov times ,i..9. . monotone, whose proof is for We that gives is similar to that of Propo- sition 4.1. Proposition 4.2. ^ rrnnf. is monotono Choose two Markov times if r Assuinptimi 4.2 > S. Let r' = is sntisfirt] ^(r) and .*>' = ^>(.'>). Suppose the set A={r',>S:} is of strictly i)ositive measure for some i. By we know almost Assuinjition 4.1 surely, [^,(r;;r_,)-^,(5;:^_,)]l., <[z,(r:-S_,)-z,{S',:S_,)]l,,. Taking conrlitional exi)ectations with resjjcct to Ts' f'H both sid(~s of the above relation gives E[z,(r',:T_,)-z,{S',:r_,)\rs;]lA <E{z,(r::S_,)-z,(S::S.,)\rs;]lA. where we have used the fact that left-liand-sirle of the relation hand-side is strictly jiositive Here is theorem: is and AG Ts'- ^^ Dellach(-ri(> aufl Meyer [1978, nonnegative almost surely by Proposition is a contradiction to Proposition 3.2. Theorem 3.4. Thus A IV. 5G]. Hence the nnist The right- be of measure Thporem Siippn^^r 4.2. f/j,if thr f^nuir is syiiintrtiji- tlt'Tf rxisfs a iiniiiuf f^yiiunrtrii' N:ish 'ipuljlirinin thnt A^^iiinpti'ni 4 2 nii'l {"V tli>- sliij)])iut^ t^mii'-. f'" ''" if: sntiafjcd Tlirn Proof. Lft F(r) - aiul lot Note f}l^t Dfl'I'lT') for o^rli roiiipoiiriit of 4>(T). fixrd jxiiiit aiifl Lot T' 1'c Sinro r* r^ F'(r) =ii>fl T e D. So FfT) is = Dn*(7') iionciiipty thrrr exists a .syminrtiir a fixrd point of = 4>,(r_,) F ^j{T_j) and T' D F TG T'^'. for all i.j. wlicic 1>,(r) <l<liotcp thr j-tll >—* D iiionntoiic sinrc i^ is. <I> F Tims has a fjuilihriuin ( and tlirrofmc e *(r*). by mouotonirity a.f < T' oni- for F' is a.fl. for all T' ("lioosc . T ^ D with G F'(r) C *(r) So T' T > < T T' n.s. ti.-t. and *(r). Similarly. T < T' « .' implies T ^ Tlicrrfoic, 'I'fT') T* must tlie ])r nniqni- symnictrir Ofpiililiritim. I Fnially, Theorprn we have Any 4.3. iVa.s/i r(jiii]i}<iiuiii nf thr- .sfo/i/u'/ij^ i^ainr /s su/'i^a/de jirrff-t. Proof. Tliis follow? from ar^imrnts similar to Lonima 3.1 and Proposition 3.2. Concluding remarks 5. As wo iiavo mentioned in the introfhirtion. this version demonstrated the existence of a Nasli We are still ecjiiilibriiuii in working on showing the unifjueness of an is ])reliminary and inromjilete. a rlass of ((iiitinuous i'(jnilil)iinni time stojjjjinp: We Rame.s. and on constrnetinR example.s of general interest. ReferpncGs 1 H (Miai.ut, Maikov games. Tr( hnir,-il Report No H.^, r~).i);ut iiirni . >f ( ^ix'rat jcus Research. Stan- fonl University. 1974. 2 K. (^Inuip; and I^ Williams. 1083. An Iiiinuhirtioii to Stnrhnslir Intrt^i-ttion. Birkhanser Doston Inr. 3. C. Dellarherie and P. Meyer. 1978. North-Holland Pii])lishin(T Pin},:i}>ilitir^ CVimi)any. New York. 10 and r<>t<'nti:tl A (.Vnera/ Tijenry of Prorcss, 4. C. Dcllachrrie and P. Mryrr, 1982, North- Holland PublishinR Company, 5. E. 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