Dewey D28 414 2 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT The Current Transformation of Technology Strategy: The Attempt to Create Multiple Avenues for Innovation Within the Large Corporation John Friar and Mel Horwitch December 20, 1984 1618-84 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 The Current Transformation of Technology Strategy: The Attempt to Create Multiple Avenues for Innovation Within the Large Corporation John Friar and Mel Horwitch December 20, 1984 1618-84 FEB 2 2 1985 RECEfVEO J The Current Trans format ion of Technology Strategy: The Attempt to Create Multiple Avenues for Innovation Within the Large Corporation by John Friar and Mel Horwitch Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of. Management 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02139 U.S.A. Revision of December 19, 1984 Paper presented at The Fourth Annual Society, October 13, Conference of 1984, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. the Strategic Management Introduction I. This paper deals with a major change in the nature of postwar, privatesector technology strategy in the United States. The transition began in the As seen in Figure mid-1970s and is reaching a peak of intensity today. — competitive strategy transformation has three essential components: the the key structure tradeoff between continued competition and new forms of cooperation; — 1, the blending of small, high-technology firm entrepreneurship with large- corporate scale R&D and development; technology — domain and the explicit choice between internal technology development and external technology develop- ment These acquisition. or competitive elements, structure, strategy, and domain, make up the major building blocks of modern technology strategy. The significant change in technology strategy patterns will be documented and analyzed at two levels: changing patterns very three in personal computers, industries: We will examine the relevant industry and firm. different kinds technologjr-intensive of manufacturing technology, and biotechnology. Then we will contrast technology strategy in a number of firms. Before discussing specifically this transition, term the strategy" itself requires some further elaboration and explanation. "technology Technology strategy can meaningfully be distinguished from other overlapping technology- related aspects of business activity. been has practices, portrayed largely including as strategy. depth as part of R&D management it has been subject a separate Technology has and innovation traditionally Technological the process been of from other studied in technological been reviewed as a determinant of organization seen as being a critical international product life cycle. factor in influencing structure; the management considerable innovation; and evolution it has of the Modem technological innovation, further- -2-. more, now recognized as is growing understanding evolution Great durations. "user and needs." people, information feedback emphasis now promoting effectively placed research Important "market of role the highlight to innovation. 2 technological overall obviously innovation a and role of manag^iis, in Moreover, form time pull" key the activites as R&D management, new product development, process even lengthy technology-familiar or accelerating and on continues entrepreneurs, champions, as is is complicated patterns potentially and loops, our of innovation technological that varied participants, made up of diverse parts, process, of realization the is important aspect One complex activity. a such wiiila improvement, part or technology of strategy, they do not usually encompass such key aspects of corporate strategy as management top high-level involvement, planning, strategic and resource allocation. technology and Both be viewed as ability the ambiguous strategy are to create activity. "Strategy" is Definitions of involves the Its probably result This capacity is both a formal and even an but strategy abound, interplay of three radical be can can reproducable way for generating new or a improved products, processes, or services. informal "Technology" concepts. more ambiguous there is sets incremental or term that present dimensions: of nature. technology. than general agreement in and strategy future, internal and external, and explicit and implicit managerial practices. For much of the postwar period the in United States, technology corporate strategy were distinctly separate fields and areas of activity. key ingredients vigorous for functioning technological of different vitality kinds of in industry technological appeared to innovation and . The be the and the active interplay of two distinctly separate forms of private-sector technological innovative innovation. 3 activity Corporate — strategy small-company as and large-scale-corporation described above was usually not part of -3- " a small firm's management repertoire. Instead, strategy, if related it to technology anywhere, belonged to the realm of the large-scale corporation and, -^' hence, its R&D activities. But even in this case, technology usually was not. -'^""considered in truly strategic terms. Increasingly, however, variable J -.Ji: *^< own This right. elevation recent technology of affecting the various diverse elements of modern strategy. the postwar period, -of ''" its to a strategic level means that technology-related concerns are now permeating and f • in technology is becoming recognized as a strategic private-sector during the 1970s, technological -corporate innovation — Moreover, later in the boundary between the two major forms innovative activity — small firm and large began to fade and an active blending of strategy with technology started to emerge. This blurring of the traditional separation of small-firm and large-firm technology development was at least concurrent with and probably variable. *-'i;0 J 0: partly caused by the elevation of technology to a strategic -4- The Current Transition of Modern Technology Strategy: II. An Industry-Level Perspective Personal Computers The personal entrepreneurially computer 1970s, the the true one of clearest the technology-intensive launched macro level the current of industry, for this of illustrates industry, transition of technology strategy. spark examples In an on a last half the from an entrepreneurial industry came small-firm environment that was made up of hobbyists, publicists and proaoters, technological champions, of the major initial firms and Processor Technology, IMSAI, sustainable these start-up computer personal early essential business skills. three personal computer industry. MITS, seen As the in 1, failed in the marketplace and did not create Although businesses. in Table all entrepreneurs. and they firms very were different different in ways kinds often of lacked firms, certain Their fates were also frequently too dependent on some counter-productive personal traits of the founding entrepreneurs. But there was an important "second wave" in the early personal computer industry, beginning with the appearance Apple, Radio and two, large, established Shack-Tandy and Commodore in firms 1977-1978 of one totally new firm, that International. All three personal computer industry at about the same time. three were successful. innovative and champions effective, product at Apple reflected adaptable the top, informal, design, technology a and best service and support, entered firms small-firm behavior: design, entrepreneurial industries. drive, skilled and a an technology rerar.rkably Radio Shack-Tandy had a good and a superb marketing Commodore International had good marketing and production through vertical integration. the For different reasons all of product and spirited organization. excellent distribution system. strong the from other entered and low-cost During this "second wave," small and -5- -A. vital interplay between them as people with this But breaking traditional the down personal in flowed There was co-existence but separateness. firm/large small indicated As computers. dichotomy firm development in the industry occured with the entrance of IBM. '^' captured a huge market share, a percent survey of sample had primary as appears Table in '•^ '-^ <""-1984, and firm to another, from one technology and relevant managerial knowledge transfer of the flow, and technique took place. " But there was a large personal computer firms remained more or less distinct. The firm quickly In June, particularly in the business market. thirty-seven Fortune companies hardware computer personal 500 dramatic a 1, be to IBM found that or PC/XT, PC, 95 PC-compatible machines. Much of IBM's market success in personal computers lies in the novel way The firm went IBM structured itself to enter the personal computer industry. outside Its mainstream R&D processes to establish an Independent Business Unit (IBU) to develop The IBU worked separately from the rest personal computers. of IBM and created a totally different kind of product and product strategy. -' The IBM PC would use off-the-shelf components and an outside operating system, MS-DOS. Also, its operating system architecture would be open so that parties could develop software. ^-r.: own sales in August, ' instead of solely selling :. Its " Moreover, IBM would force, 1983, through sell retail IBM boosted its equity position in Intel, processor supplier, financial investment, its also and America's to about 13.7 IBM appeared technological IBM had both created a percent. to base be by Rather taking than outlets. a through Finally, its key PC micro- just strategic strengthing 8 third making action key U.S. a good .9 to protect innovator. small-firm-like organization within its overall large- corporation structure and had established a number of novel external linkages. More generally, as indicated in Figure 2, the personal computer industry witnessed an increasing number of key strategic linkages that spanned types of -6- innovation, technological percent Olivetti of countries, quickly Olivetti and organizations. and IBM-compatible machine for AT&T to sell, established Silicon Valley. building highly Olivetti. 10 Meanwhile, successful Sanyo, also, computers building was U.S. firm, sell to the machine in the computer firm, in was Kyocer^i, and NEC, Mitsui Mitsui. highly successful quasi-small-firm a U.S. making its flat LCD display for its new, firm small a for an AT&T also 1984. Radio-Shack-Tandy, for lap a then entered a joint venture with Kaypro, ceramics 25 produced and Technologies, Japanese the lap designed beginning in July, Convergent with venture joint a AT&T had bought 12 Finally, Sharp now has Apple Apple will trim lie computer. also market Canon's new laser printer in the United States while Canon will market Apple's Macintosh computer in Japan. Both the Macintosh for the Japanese market. firms are working on softv.are for 13 The Manufacturing Technology Industry The same pattern of an evolving set of complex technology strategies manifested now in the technology manufacturing industry, industry an is that possesses little postwar small-firm entrepreneurial experience. The U.S. machine tool industry played an important and venerable role in U.S. technological nineteenth century, developing and development machine transferring the mid-twentieth by the business and tool industry technology century, the U.S. to During history. served much machine as tool vital the of American much of the link for industry. sector was 14 clearly But in a mature phase and had lost much of the technological vitality and importance as a salient industry that had characterized it in an earlier era. This not very strategy. industry, glamorous during much of or Defined as exciting the from postwar period until about the point "power-driven machines, not of view hand held, of 1980, was technology that are used -7- to cut, ii. • ^ have precent U.S. the of been traditionally employment small, lines, as indicated in Table 2. • ' ~''' '^•- comprising about 0.12 percent of the GNP and small sector of the U.S. economy, '=.-0.10 -^-' form or shape metal," the machine tool industry itself is a relatively in closely 1982. held machine Most U.S. companies with firms tool product narrow The industry is not highly concentrated, with the four largest firms in 1977 accounting for 22 percent of industry shipments. Both sales and, and development "'-" productivity are relatively all investment capital expenses, Research employment are highly cyclical. lesser extent, to a low. 1982, In constant in growth and dollars, R&D and outlays, expenses declined to about the same level that they were in 1975. The global market share of the U.S. machine tool industry decreased percent As can be seen in Table 3, 1968 to 20 percent or less in the 19708. of both growth and productivity, the from 25 U.S. machine 1973-81 period fell way behind U.S. manufacturing as a whole and, of productivity, period, behind durable until perhaps very recently, During manufacturing. goods the U.S. machine tool terms in during industry tool in the in the case postwar the industry generally exhibited a short-term outlook, concerned mostly with annual financial goals. The U.S. machine tool sector, therefore, seemed to resemble the proto- typical "smokestack" or "sunset" industry. Under the impact of effective global competition and the apparent failure to exploit or keep up with various new technologies and complete and U.S. machine have lost significant market absence of possible exception of significant the robotics software, such as new materials, the automation, profitable in manufacturing, tool firms small-firm field. have progressively become Moreover, share. innovation CAD/CAM, there activity, Even in robotics, was with less the the however, much of the technological leadership during the 1970s shifted to Japanese companies. In addition, the relatively large U.S. firms also did significant technological R&D activity or leadership. not generally exhibit In machine tools during -8- the 1970s, there was very little of distinctly small-firm and "second wave" machine tool of personal and stagnated industry interplay between creative and vital innovation large-firm early the the computer vigorous manifested was that Instead, industry. global competitors the in U.S. the took quick advantage of this situation. But such today. a the If gloomy picture of machine definition machine of needs tools tools is revision substantial broadened encompass to manufacturing process technology as a whole rather than just metal-bending or metal-cutting, then restructuring. The development full-scale ultimately industry the of is software, automation factory experiencing clearly now CAD/CAM, robots, major systems, and what had changing dramatically is a been seemingly a stagnant, sunset industry into a technologically vigorous one that possesses some of the technology strategy manifested in new patterns of more stereotypical modern technology-intensive industries. 3, the industry groups," and is is As in Figure seen becoming more complex in terms of proliferating "strategic attracting wide array of new entrants, a ranging from new small-firm-type ventures to established large manufacturing firms like General Electric, Westinghouse, and IBM. "'^"' ^ 18 The current pattern of technology strategy in the manufacturing process technology industry is also one of an increasing blurring of the distinctions between the various types of and innovation technological of establishing linkages between types of innovation and firms. These trends can be seen by focusing on one whole manufacturing American effort to a few to players, process technology develop robotics until and lacked the industry, about support large industrial concerns and the government. recently, practically all strategic group within the of robotics. 1980 crucial was 19 The fragmented, stakeholders, As seen in Figure 4, whole limited such as until very robotics activity in the U.S. was concentrated in a -9- with few companies, Unimation firms, two and Cincinnati Milacron, together Like accounting for a greater than 50-percent U.S. market share through 1982. machine tools, robotics in the U.S. was R&D priority Milacron Cincinnati for except item until and involvement The 1980s. the largely was firms, small few a industrial R&D backwater and, the in manufacturing large of low a enterprises and corporations with strong capabilities in the key technologies and often huge captive markets was practically non-existent until the 1980s. ^ ... ,.. . rate . By 1980, however, of U.S. robotic situation the sales was accelerating important new entrants had appeared. were primarily new not established enterprises Large skills. start-up and ventures. strong firms are and, Instead, fully as significant, as seen in Table 4, represented they and/or represented. that at some point in the early 1980s, , industry began to increase suddenly large technological We technology-based industry on the verge of a probable takeoff. ...,., growth The just manufacturing now change. to The new entrants, with small beginning was now Figure find 5 a shows the rate of growth of the U.S. robotics significantly. In addition, seen in Figure 6, as whole, rich array of linkages is being established through licensing a agreements, joint ventures, international in character. mergers and acquisitions, and many of which are A new complex set of technology-strategy patterns now exists in the U.S. robotics industry, perhaps just in time. J., f , The Biotechnology Industry r..-,- .^ < ..^, The . industry a full biotechnology 20 . It industry is is young and global. still another of type Almost from the start, it has possessed set of complex strategic relationships. All forms of modern technology strategy are represented in this sector, as seen in Figure small firms, linkages such as Genentech, with several large technology-based Biogen, 7. The major U.S. and Cetus, have equity and/or research corporations throughout the world. A number of -10- major large corporations, degree DuPont, in such as Eli Lilly, addition to sizeable linked in diverse ways with other firms. ships are global in nature, as U.S. -Japanese strategic connections. seen Monsanto, internal R&D and even activity, to are a limited actively In fact, these intertwining relationin Figure 8, which illustrates -11- III. The Current Transition Modern of Technology A Strategy; Firm-Level Perspective The companies selected for our firm-level analysis of modern technology strategy were from those U.S. -based Fortune 500 companies spent had that at least $80 million on R&D in 1982, as listed by Business Week (March 21, 1984). It was assumed that companies which had spent this much money on R&D had large R&D organizations extant, with research projects. capabilities the Furthermore, to initiate a complex set of firms would also be able to locate and these acquire technical capabilities that were not presently in-house. The selection criterion for the companies to be studied was purposely biased toward companies that are considered a priori to want of of keep as much to their technology development under direct control because they are capable doing We so. wanted test, to then, even against and are going to continue to use, companies were using, technology strategy approaches and a this a bias, whether greater variety of greater proportion of external techniques for technology development than they had in the past. Roberts acquisition defined (Table entrepreneurial development. 5). 21 Technologies subsidiaries The methods several remaining are for developed results the techniques technology are of in the development considered to or in techniques of R&D internal be and lab the external methods of technology acquisition. Ninety-seven companies met our R&D expenditure criterion and are listed in Table 6. Sixteen companies were selected to give of the direction of our study results. twenty-four industry groupings ( a preliminary indication The ninety-seven companies fell within Business Week's classifications), subset of sixteen fell within seven industry groupings (Table 7), while the -12- Data were gathered by three methods: 1) Comparative analysis of Wall Street Journal index citations. 2) Analysis of Annual Reports and 10-K's 3) Phone interviews based on a common questionnaire Street Journal Wall The citations Index for the sixteen studied firms for the years 1978 and 1983 were scanned for any mention of a company's use of one techniques the of acquisition technology of or The development. years were chosen by taking the most recent year and the year five years previous to it. The results of the Index search are listed in Tables 8a and 8b. has been both an increase in the There general variety of use of approaches and a significant increase in the use of external sources as a group (3 1/3 times as There much). method individual also has been external of of each Companies that have same time, more chosen for study may not have juSt been significant a technology increase the in acquisition. strong in-house research capabilities have been using, the at use of and a greater variety of external sources. To test whether annual anomalies, the two reports and years phone interviews used as a recall aid for the of the techniques. respondents. corroborate to or were asked questions about methods Indepth information was This interviews phone were In the phone interviews, respon- completed for ten of the sixteen companies. dents used The annual reports were scanned for any refute the direction of the findings. mention of a company's use of one were of technology-strategy planning and about trends over the last five to seven years and for the next five to seven years in the use of technology development techniques. The interviews often required two or three respondents from each company and took about an hour to complete. (The questionnaire included as an appendix). on which the phone interviews were based is -13- RespondenCs were asked to allocate the significance of the use of each development technology One hundred corporation by using proportional measures. represented percent A negative direction indicator in Tables 9a and 9b. the the The change in the proportion over the time the entire set of such activities. period was used as within activity acquisition technology or sign, as in the use of the central R&D lab for example, does not mean that the activity decreased on an absolute necessarily decreased ,-- Rather, cut. compared central the of development technology other funding R&D example, importance relative the the to For scale. was not R&D lab acquisition or activities. -' interview results corroborate The that external the importance over sources technology of few years last the the Wall search relative in central the of Index grew development expense the at Street Journal R&D lab. There was also a shift in relative importance internally from the central R&D lab ^^ internal to development. mid-1980s, managers u.,, ventures For press period the releases, signified all or an entrepreneurial to from lasted that reports, annual increase in the subsidiaries late the variety through 1970s planners corporate and for activities of R&D the and R&D used for ^technology development and an increase in the relative importance of external sources to internal ones. •;, .. In interviews, the continue in the future. „. recent the .;<. expansion respondents .. these trends were likely We found different results (Tables 10a and 10b). of both external-oriented types of innovation efforts, paint strategy methods. more whether asked also to The and current period of experimentation, which has been characterized by generally of ^. we relative a near-term future The central R&D significance and it lab approaches of is may may be more and Many stabilizing. consolidation at its of our technology in not generally predicted stabilize variety greater a to present lose any level of -14- Many importance. of other the activities, moreover, may relative lose The broad range of external activities may be used somewhat priority. although three activities may continue to grow in relative importance. activities are formation of joint ventures, the less, These and acquisition of licensing, firms for technology acquisitions and development. In the interviews, organizational planning. hierarchy were respondents of Technology-strategy also planning the defined was as location in the technology-strategy performing people those asked consisting of three activities: 1. Determining what new markets or distribution channels a company can enter with its present technical capabilities 2. Determining the allocation of R&D funding for present major product lines 3. Determining what new technologies to develop or acquire. 4. Determining the methods of technology acquisition or development. All the respondents who would discuss technology strategy planning said that their their firms firms' are methodologies explicitly performing this planning activity somewhere within the organization (Table 11). the ten firms had people at corporate headquarters performing the seven firms had people Technology-strategy on planning general management task. two or appears more to be levels a for performing multi-level and Eight of function and the function. increasingly -15- Conclusion IV . level, industry the discussions from our can been seen As and level, form technology Moreover, involvement headquarters of seems strategy appears to be Several corporations appear to have developing into a true strategic factor. some conceptual the at technology level, firm the analyses and to in technology-strategy be an planning. diverse and approaches for increasingly multi-level activity. Theoretically, developing or there acquiring existed always has These technology. number a approaches of can segmented be Within each development internally or acquisition and development externally. .segment, moreover, centrally of development For internal development a firm can use its own R&D staff that are available. located exists some diversity in the methods there and within A divisions. the firm can firm can venture, license or acquire technology pay or part or all for Externally, of another firm form development, its establish also internal ventures or entrepreneurial units to develop technology. a by for monitoring or a joint accessing technology. Even though these approaches have always existed, have just recently started approaches. techniques, to experiment other than using their own R&D staffs, the use of a number of approaches, our the the last industries. a variety of these of at least three five for years. technology development Along with increasing firms have been more active relatively external approaches of development. analysis seriously with that firms Our data show that firms have increased their relative use of all by three and one-half times over the in it appears These very different trends kinds of are corroborated by technology-intensive -16- There is a general trend in technology strategy toward more cooperation among competitors licensing, technology development, for ventures, joint approaches may indicate less as companies competitive purely a competition may shift away acquisitions and that where tool. from technology and technology. technology per technology As toward of the methods use share to using are firms and less se more becomes other Such areas, common, as such marketing and manufacturing. A factor running counter to such an argument, however, is the prediction that use the external of sources as group a level may Intense off. experimentation of diverse technology strategy methods that stress cooperation may be unstable in the long run because of the lack of direct and full control and because of the ultimate attraction of a fully competitive option for many predict less one would If technology is to be used as a competitive weapon, corporations. growth of cooperation among decreased growth According to rate in the argument, this use several of therefore, methods and with use the may soon peak and some consolidation may internal-oriented firms take external-oriented and a approaches. external-oriented methods of place with a external-oriented directly under corporate management's control. technology sharing in renewed efforts are that on focus more The data tends to support this contention. Technology, in summary, technology-intensive large growth industries. technology-based the in use companies of more extensive cooperation within purely competitive the the tool. use Technology in a But strategy strategic five years. last of external-oriented the and use is multilevel manner. the industry concern in all become a strategic external-oriented acquistion has occurred over the has the of less practiced A period practices We for by of technology the can be most rapid technology have hypothesized methods, of types greater used that the as a external-oriented approaches may be -17- reaching an unstable state. practices may be t limit intense As strategic indicated diversity in as Figure large 9, firms the there internal-oriented appears begin to to :.'6r . be attempt reassert greater proprietary control over their technological resources. .'ir; I to likely. Some consolidation back to a to -18- Table 1 Market Share (By Dollar Sales) of the U.S. Personal Computer Industry Company HITS 1976 1978 1980 1982 -19- Table 2 Size of U.S. Machine Tool Establishments -20- Table 3 Growth of Output and Productivity: Aanual Average Percent Change 1959-1973 1973-1931 4.6 2.3 Manufacturing 4.8 2.5 Durable Goods Manufacturing 2.3 0.1 Machine Tool Industry 2.3 0.1 Manufacturing 3.0 1.7 Durable Goods Manufacturing 2.8 1.7 Machine Tool Industry 1.0 -0.7 Growth of Output Growth of Output Per Hour of all Employees Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. -21- Table 4 Market Share: U -22- Table 5 Technology Development and Acquisition Approaches Internal Developed Originally the Central Lab R&D 1. Technologies Division 2. Venturing, Developed Using Internal Technologies Units, etc. Business Independent Subsidiaries, preneurial 3. Technologies Developed 4. Acquisitions of External Technology-Acquisition Purposes 5. As A Licensee for Another Firm's Technology 6. Joint Ventures to Develop Technology 7. Equity Participation Technology 8. Other Approaches for Technology Development or Acquisition in or Entre- External Source: Through External Contracted Research in Another Firms Firm to for Acquire Primarily Monitor or Adapted from Edward B. Roberts, "New Ventures for Corporate Growth," Harvard Business Review, July-August, 1980. w-- -23- Table 6 Companies That Spent More than |80 Million on R&D in 1982 Abbott Allied Allis-Chalmers Aluminum Company of America Amdahl American Cyanamid American Home Products American Motors AMP Atlantic Richfield ATT Baxter Travenol Boeing Bristol-Meyers Burroughs Caterpillar Celanese Chrysler Control Data Coming Glass Data General Dart & Kraft DEC Deere Dow DuPont Eastman Kodak Eaton Emerson Exxon FMC Ford Motor GE General Dynamics General Foods General Motors Goodyear Gould GTE Gulf Halliburton Harris Hewlett-Packard Honej^ell IBM Ingersoll-Rand Intel International Harvester ITT Source: Business Week, March 21, 1984 J&J Lilly Litton Lockheed Martin Marietta McDonnell-Douglas Merck Mobil Monsanto Motorola National Semiconductor NCR Northrop Pfizer P&G Phillips Petroleum Polaroid PPG Raytheon RCA Rev Ion Rockwell Rohm & Haas Schering-Plough Schlumberger Searle Shell Signal SmithKline Socal Sperry Squibb Standard Oil (Ind.) Syntex Tektronix Texaco Textron 3m TI TRW Union Carbide United Technologies Upjohn U.S. Steel Wang Warner-Lambert Westinghouse Xerox -24- Table 7 Listing of Industry Groups Represented by Companiea That Spent More Than $80 Million on R&D in 1982 Aerospace Automotive: cars, trucks Automotive: parts, equipment Chemicals Conglomerates Drugs Electrical Electronics Food & Beverage Fuel Information Processing: Information Processing: Computers Office Equipment Instruments Leisure Time Industries Machinery: farm & construction Machinery: machine tools, idustrial, mining Metals Mining & Miscellaneous Manufacturing Oil Service & Supply Personal & Home Care Products Semiconductors Steel Telecommunications Tire & Rubber Industries from which companies were studied Source: Business Week, March 21, 1984 in further detail. -25- Table 8a Technology Development Activity of Selected 16 Firms 1978 and 1983 (# of Publicly Reported Major Instances of Technology Strategy Activities) 1978 Approach 1. R&D Lab 2. Internal Venturing 3. Contracted Research 4. Acquisition of Firms 5. - 1983 1 4 1 7 10 18 Licensee 5 9 6. Joint Venture 1 16 7. Equity Participation 8. Other 8 _5 14 21 72 (Market Another's Product) Totals Source: Wall Street Journal Index, 1978 & 1983. : -26- Table 8b Technology-Planning Activity of Selected Firms 1978 and 1983 (# of Publicly Reported Major Instances of Technology Strategy Activities) 12345678 1978 Approach: 12 1983 3 4 5 6 7 6 2 6 18 12 2 1 8 Company A 1 B 1 C 1 3 1 1 11 D E 11 11 F 3 1 G 14 1 2 4 3 5 2 1 H 1 I I J 1 1 11 3 1 K 1 L M Total Source: N 1 P 1111 1 10 5 1 4 Wall Street Journal Index, 1978 & 1983 2 8 1 18 1 9 15 7 14 -27- Table 9a Directional Change in Relative Significance for the Eight Approaches for Ten Companies 1978-1984 Increase Approach 1. R&D Lab 2. Internal Venturing 3. Contracted Research 4. Acquisition of Firms 5. Licensee 6. Joint Venture 7. Equity Participation 8. Other (Market Another's Product) Source: Personal Interviews Decrease -28- Table 9b Directional Change in Relative Significance for the Eight Approaches for Ten Companies 1978-1984 ^Company Approach B C E 1. R&D Lab 2. Internal Venturing 3. Contracted Research 4. Acquisition of Firms + + + + 5. Licensee + 00 + + 6. Joint Venture + + + 7. Equity Participation + 00 + 8. Other + + + + + (Market Another's Product) Source: G H 0000 I J + 1+000+00000 I i F Personal Interviews + increase in relative significance no change in relative significance - decrease in relative significance + + 000 000 + + + 0000 00000 6 -29- Table 10a Directional Change in Relative Significance for the Eight Approaches for Ten Companies 1984-1990 Approach 1. R&D Lab 2. Internal Venturing 3. Contracted Research 4. Acquisition of Firms I. 5. Licensee 6. Joint Venture 7. Equity Participation 8. Other (Market Another's Product) Source: + Personal Interviews increase in relative significance no change in relative significance - decrease in relative significance -30- Table 10b Directional Change in Relative Significance for the Eight Approaches for Ten Companies 1984-1990 ' . -31- Table 11 Location of Technology-Planning Activity Company Location HQ Separate Technical Planning Lab Other F* G H -32- Figure 1 Elements of Modern Technology Strategy COOPERATION f COMPETITIVE STRATEGY COMPETITION LARGE / DEVELOPMENT / / INTERNAL / DOMAIN y EXTERNAL SMALL ENTREP. FIRM INNOVATION -^ f- CORP. R&D & TECH. STRUCTURE Figure 2 A Selected List of Linkages In the Personal Computer Industry, 1983-1984 Europe or Convergent Japan U.S. - Mode II U.S. - Mode I Olivetti f ( ^ (Italy) Technology Sanyo ^ Mitsui Kyocera Radio Shack/ Tandy ^ Sources: Various issues of InfoWorld in 1983-1984. Sharp . -34- Figure 3 Strategic Groups in the Manufacturing Technology IndusCry HIGH Automated Factories Integrated Manuracturing Systems and Cells Degree of Sophistication of Customer Support Required From Supplier Robot Systems } Robots] Specialized Niche Stand-Alone Machine Tools LOW Primarily Mechanical Technology Source: Integrated Mechanical Information Technology National Research Council, The U.S. Machine Tool Industry and the Defense Industrial Base (Washington, D.C. National Academy Press, 1983) : -35- -36- F igure 5 ESTIMATZS OF U.S. R030T POPULATION 1970-1981 5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 ^ \ i \ 1973 1974 \ 1970 1971 1972 h-H 1975 # of Point A B Robots 200 Date 1970 (April) Source 1976 \ 1977 \ 1978 \- 1979 1980 1981 -37- Figure 6 Interfinn Linkages in the U.S. Robotics Industry 1983 LICENSING AGREEMENTS If':: Licenses Licensor Kawasaki Heavy Ind. (Japan) RN Eurobotics (Belgium) Can-Eng. Mfg. (Canada) Murata Machinery (Japan) Unimation Arab Binks (U.K.) Cyclomatic Ind. Didde Graphics Co. DeVilbiss Nordson Admiral Equip. Co. Bendix Thermwood Automat ix General Electric Interred Hitachi (Japan) Graco United Technologies RCA I.B.M. General Electric Nolaug (Norway) Nimak (W. Germany) Oainichi Kiko (Japan) Sankyo Seiki (Japan) DEA (Italy) Volkswagen (W. Germany) Ollivetti (Italy) Hisubishi Electric (Japan) Komatsu (Japan) Jobs Robots (Italy) II ti Westinghouse II II II II Trail fa (Norway) Taskawa (Japan) Lloyd Tool and Mfg. JOINT VENTURES J.V. Unimation GMF Robotics, Inc. Cybotech Int'l. Machine Intell. Int'l. Machine Intell. Graco Robotics MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS Subsidiary Unimation PAR Systems U.S. Robots Copperweld Robotics (formerly Auto-Place) .SOURCE: Parents Condac, Pullman Corp. General Motors, Fanuc Renault, Randsburg Industries Machine Intelligence, Yaskawa Graco Inc., Edon Finishing Parent Westinghouse GCA Square D. Corp. Copperweld Corp. David Schatz, The Strategic Evolution of the Robotics Industry Unpublished Thesis, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, May, 1983, , p. 119. -38- d C • =1 > 41 Q ^~ -a »)—<»( a u 3 c <0 -o 3 V) 3 V) e >5 a _^ >^ u o w o > u _. _0 o 00 ea a <u x: c a u a « hi 4-> (TJ 4-1 3 u 3 en H h4 1T3 a t: c n > •ft 4-1 (0 4J c en 0) a « z h. -39- Figure 8 Relationships Between U.S. and Japanese Dlochemical Companies -nybritech Mics-ibishi Chemical Tak£(^a Chemical Ind, •Genentech-^ Tor ay Ind. Hof f man-LaRoche Daiichl Pharmaceutical International Minerals & Chemicals Shicnogi Pharmaceutical Monsanto Lilly International Minerals & Chemicals onsanto Dow Chemical Bristol-Myers >3-.saka Hayashibara Biochemical Lab. Pharmaceutical Searle 1 LaiTqe Japanese' Company Small Firm (U.S and Japan 3 [ Larqe U.S. Company -40- Flgure 9 Direction of Modem Technology Strategy LIMITS EXTERNAL (COOPERATION) INTERNAL (COMPETITION) [ LARGE CORPORATE RSD & TECH. DEVELOPMENT SMALL ENTREPRENEURIAL FIKM INNOVATION -41- Endnotes 1. Donald G. Marquis, For the process of technological innovation, see: 1969, #7; Success "The Anatomy of Successful Innovations," Innovation Report on Project Sappho (London: and Failure in Industrial Innovation: Centre for the Study of Industrial Innovation, n.d.); R. Rothwell,, Vol. 3 "SAPPHO Updated: Project SAPPHO Phase II," Research Policy (1974); James Utterback, "The Process of Technological Innovation Within For March, 1971, pp. 75-88. the Firm," Academy of Management Journal Woodward, J. see: technology-organization structure discussion, the Oxford University Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice (London: "Operations Pugh and D. Pheysey, Hickson, D. S. D. Press, 1965); Reappraisal," Empirical An Structure: Organizational and Technology Vol. 14 (1969), pp. 378-396; G. G. Administrative Science Quarterly Theoretical As Structure Organization "Technology and Stanfield, Vol. 21 (1976), pp. Categories," Administrative Science Quarterly 489-493. For the role of technology in the international product life The Product Life Louis T. Wells, Jr., "International Trade: cycle, see: The Product Life Cycle and Cycle Approach," in Louis T. Wells, Jr. (ed.). International Trade (Boston: Division of Research, 1972), p. 3-33. , . , , , 2. For necessary interactions with the market and with the user, see: Donald G. Marquis, "The Anatomy of Successful Innovations," Innovation Report on Success and Failure in Industrial Innovation: 1969, #7; Centre for the Study of Industrial Innovation, Project Sappho (London: Project SAPPHO Phase II," n.d.); R. Rothwell,, "SAPPHO Updated: Research Policy Vol. 3 (1974); Eric Von Hippel, "The Dominant Role of Users in the Scientific Instrument Innovation Process," Research Policy champions, for need the about discussions Vol. For 5 (1976). A. Schon, managers, Donald entrepreneurs, and technology-familiar see: Review Business Harvard New Inventions," "Champions for Radical N.Y.: (New York, Technology and Change March-April, Schon, 1963; "Entrepreneurship and Technology," Delacorte, 1967); Edward B. Roberts Research Management July, 1968; Edward B. Roberts, "Generating Effective Corporate Innovation," Technology Review October-November, 1977; Robert Hayes and William Abernathy, Managing Our Way to Economic Decline," Harvard Business Review July-August, 1980. , , ;• , , , , , , 3. For typical strategic planning views emphasizing present-past portfolios, Boston Consulting Group, Perspectives on Experience (Boston, MA: see: The Boston Consulting Group, 1967); R. V. Buzzell, B. T. Gale, and R. G. M. Sultan, "Market Share-Key to Profitability," Harvard Business Review Uses and January-February, 1975; P. Haspeslagh, "Portfolio Planning: the For 1982. January-February, Limits," Harvard Business Review very different use literature, that external-oriented strategy approaches, see: Michael Porter, Competitive Strategy (New York, N.Y. A Management: Strategic Free Press, Edward Freeman, R. 1980); on For an emphasis Pitman, 1984). Stakeholder Approach (Marshfield, MA: the need for strategy to be supported by internal structures, systems and Structure and Strategy Jr., Alfred D. processes, see: Chandler, (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1962) and Jay Galbraith and Daniel A. The Role of Structure and Process Nathanson, Strategy Implementation: For implicit strategy, see: (St. Paul, MN: West Publishing, 1978) . Harvard U. (Cambridge, MA: Chester Barnard, The Functions of Executive Press, paperback edition, 1968); Kenneth R. Andrews, The Concept of , , : , -42- Richard D. Irwin, 1980); Thomas Peters Corporate Strategy (Homewood, IL: Harper and and Robert Waterman, In Search of Excellence (New York, N.Y.: A Stakeholder Row, Inc. 1982); R. Edward Freeman, Strategic Management: Logical Incrementalism Approach J. Brian Quinn, Strategies for Change: and C. K. Prahalad, Horwitch 1980). Mel Irwin, Richard D. (Homewood, IL: Sloan Management Ideal Modes," Three "Managing Technological Innovation Review Winter, 1976. ; — , 4. Robert Hayes and William For the rise of technology strategy, see: Harvard Business Decline," Economic Abernathy, "Managing Our Way to Review July-August, 1980; Alan M. Kantrow, "The Strategy-Technology Christopher July-August, 1980; Connection," Harvard Business Review MIT Freeman, The Economics of Industrial Innovation (Cambridge, MA: Press, 1982), Chapter 8; Boris Petrov, "The Advent of the Technology Portfolio," Journal of Business Strategy Fall, 1982. . , , 5. Mel Horwitch, "The For a comprehensive discussion of this blending, see: Dual Paradigm for Postwar Private-Sector Technology Strategy in the U.S. and the Current Transformation," paper presented at the Mitsubishi Bank Foundation Conference on Business Strategy and Technical Innovations, July 13-15, 1984, Ito City, Japan. 6. Information on the early history of the U.S. personal computer industry Paul Freiberger and Michael Swaine, comes from the following sources: Osborne/McGraw Hill, 1984); Gary N. Fire in the Valley (Berkeley, CA: MIT, Farner, A Competitive Analysis of the Personal Computer Industry Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, unpublished Master's Thesis, May 20, 1982; Deborah F. Schreiber, The Strategic Evolution of the Personal Computer Industry MIT, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, unpublished Master's Thesis, May, 1983. , , 7. "Microcomputer Use Doubles in Past Year in Leading Organizations," Research and Planning, Inc. press release, circa June, 1984. 8. October 3, and the Winner is IBM," Business Week Shuford, "IBM's 76-95; Lawrence J. Curran and Richard S. Estridge," Byte November, 1983, pp. 88-97; Vrian Camenker, "The Making of the IBM PC," Byte November, 1983, pp. 254-256. Computers "Personal 1983, , pp. , . 9. January Intel Link Up to Fend Off Japan," Business Week 1983, pp. 96-97; Wall Street Journal August 17, 1983, p. 10. "IBM and , 10, , 10. June 27, 1984, "AT&T Introduces Personal Computer," New York Times "AT&T's Long-Awaited Micro," InfoWorld July 16, 1984, pp. 46-47. . D5; 11. "A Real Computer On Your Lap?," InfoWorld 12. "Kaypro Lap-Size Portable 1984, p. p. , to Run IBM PC , April 2. 1984, p. 13. Programs," InfoWorld . March 26, 14. 13. InfoWorld 14. For the key role of the machine tool industry in U.S. business history, Machine Tool the in "Technological Change see: Nathan Rosenberg, Industry, 1840-1910," Journal of Economic History Vol. XXIII:4. December , May 14. 1984. . 1963. -43- 15. i. : y. .-,- comprehensive industry analysis of the traditional U.S. machine industry, see: National Research Council, The U.S. Machine Tool Industry and the Defense Industrial Base (Washington, D.C.: National Press, Academy 1983), Chapter 2. For a tool rE 16. Mel Horwitch and Kiyonori Sakikabara, The Changing Relationship in Technology-Related Industries: A Comparision of the United States and Japan MIT Sloan School Working Paper, #1533-84, January 5, 1984. For robotics, see: Strategy-Technology , 17. For a general discussion of strategic groups, see: Michael E. Porter, Competitive Strategy (New York, N.Y.: The Free Press, 1980), Chapter 7. 18. For the restructring and broadening of the machine tool industry, see: National Research Council, The U.S. Machine Tool Industry and the Defense Industrial Base Chapter 2. , -i'. 19. See: Mel Horwitch and Kiyonori Sakikabara, The Changing TechnologyStrategy Relationship . 20. For a comprehensive discussion of the biotechnology industry, see: Mel Horwitch The Changing and Kiyonori Sakikabara, Strategy-Technology Relationship in Technology-Related Industries; A Comparision of the United States and Japan . 21. ^i^:)^-^ Of Edward Review Roberts, "New Ventures for Corporate Growth," Harvard Business July-August, 1980. B. , s -44- Appendix Technology Strategy Survey This survey is part of of technology compete major study on the evolution and current state technology and technology-intensive in participation. feel strategy a free to planning industries. We in large very corporations much would like We have also tried very hard to keep this survey brief. make additional comments, elaborate on points, and that your Please include supplementary material that you think might relate to your answers or to the subject of the overall study. not obviously available you release them. in Of course, all company-specific answers that are the public domain will be kept confidential unless We will also share our findings with you. much for your help. John Friar Mel Horwitch MIT, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management 50 Memorial Drive, E52-556 02139 Cambridge, MA 617-253-6672 Tel: Name Position Company Division, Subsidiary, etc. Address Telephone Today' Date ( ) Thank you very -45- II-l. Could you please try to estimate how much of your company's overall business (in terms of percentage technology-planning relevant sales) of (i.e., in technology-strategy is opinion, your uses or could use technology strategy technology planning). ..^..II-2a-l. is ^,^ of percentage now covered by your sales, of how much of your current business technology-strategy technology-planning or process? rp" - II-2a-2. •-' In terms Also, if it exists at all, where is explicit and/or formal technology i. strategy or technology planning practiced in your corporation? Corporate Headquarters The Group (i.e. Multi-Division) Level or Equivalent s": The Divison Level or Equivalent The Business or Strategic Business Unit (SBU) Level or Equivalent At the Central R&D Laboratory or Equivalent At a Totally Separate Technology-Planning Unit or Equivalent (Please explain briefly if possible). Elsewhere (Please explain briefly if possible). II-2a-3. Also, if it is practical at all, we are interested at in least understanding in a general way how technology strategy or technology planning is practiced in your However, corporation. answering an involved set of questions, describe process? II-2a-4. your technology-strategy or that are used or technology-planning Thank you. inter-departmental units that have Does your firm have integrative, significant so, of could you possibly include some of the "raw" forms or other formal documents that instead technology-strategy or technology-planning what is this unit(s) called, who heads possible), and when was it formed. it (position roles." & name If if -46- III. We also are development continue to approaches very interested technology and evolve. for We technology in how your acquisitions have listed development columns: the the early 1990s. late We would 19708; the like you have below and for technology evolved various and will methods technology and acquisition Beside each method there are that are used by modern corporations. three methods mid-19808 to (the present); and give us your best estimate for the entire range of technology-development and technology- acquisition activities the three periods. practiced at your corporation for each of Assuming that 100 percent represents the entire set of such activities, please estimate and allocate the approximate significance of each activity at your corporation using percentages for each period. -47- Late 1970s vy-' 1. Technologies Developed Originally in the Central R&D Lab. 2. Technologies Developed Using Internal Venturing, Entrepreneurial Subsidiaries, Independent Business Units, etc. 3. Technologies Developed Through External Contracted Research 4. External Acquisitions of Firms for Primarily Technology-Acquisition Purposes 5. As a Licensee for Another Firm's Technology 6. Joint Ventures to Develop Technology 7. Equity Participation in Another Firm to Acquire or Monitor Technology 8. Other Approaches for Technology Development or Acquisition (Please Explain Briefly) e, Total Mid-19803 Early (the present) 1990s Z X 100% 100% 100% . -48- For your most recent fiscal year, could you please list the specific IV-a. technologies joint that ventures, have been equity commercially positions introduced, established, units or specific the and/or outside firms involved under each of the categories below. IV-b. 1. Technologies Developed Originally in the Central R&D Lab. 2. Technologies Developed Using Internal Venturing, Entrepreneurial Subsidiaries, Independent Business Units, etc. 3. Technologies Developed Through External Contracted Research. 4. External Acquisitions of Technology-Acquisition Purposes. 5. As a Licensee for Another Firm's Technology. 6. Joint Ventures to Develop Technology. 7. Equity Participation Technology. 8. Other Approaches for Technology (Please Explain Briefly). in Firm to U.S. Firms . S Primarily for Acquire Development Specifically for your current joint ventures, your partners in the following matrix? Small Firms (under $50 million sales) Non-U Firms Another Firms or or Monitor Acquisition could you please Large Firms (over $50 million in sales) list -49- Specifically for your current equity participation positions, IV-c. you please list the firms in which you have equity interests in the following matrix? Small Firms (under $50 million sales) Large Firms (over $50 mill ion in sales) U.S. Firms Non-U. S. Firms V. General data on your firm that is related to technology. a. In what industries do you compete? b. R&D spending as a percentage of total sales' c. R&D manpower as d. Annual number of patents issuedl a percentage of total manpower? could fiJ 3790 ui5 3 TDflD DOM SIE 633 ^>^^. Du 0120 '88 Lib-26-67