DEWEY HD28 .M414 Mo. 3»??- 9o ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Collusion in Hierarchical Agency Fred Kofman and Jacques Lawarree Working Paper # 31 88-90-EFA MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 OCT 23 1990 Collusion in Hierarchical Agency Fred Kofman and Jacques Lawarree Working Paper § 31 88-90-EFA Collusion in Hierarchical Fred Agency Kofman and Jacques Lawarree* May 1988 Revised March 1990 Working Paper * # 3188-9O-EFA Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Department of Economics, University of Washington Richard Gilbert and Jean Tirole for benefited from Katz, Mathew at Seattle. many We thank Patrick Bolton, helpful discussions and Drew Fudenberg, comments. We have also comments and suggestions by Mathias Dewatripont, Ben Hermalin, Michael Rabin, Pierre Rdgibeau and Toshi Shibano. ' Abstract: We study a model where shareholders can use auditors' reports to contract with a privately informed manager but the manager can Such auditors good information and are useful if they have In the optimal contract under collusion, production does not reach bribe he is its bribe the auditors to manipulate their reports. the liability of the manager even with unbounded punishments and costless high. auditing, optimal level. Raising the punishment for the manager raises the willing to offer the auditor raising the cost of preventing collusion. grows without bound and is part of the punishment is non-transferable maximum When liability deterrence will not be optimal To model cross-checking mechanisms, manager) from external (costly but might specify random external the optimal contract Finally, we is we distinguish internal (costless but never collude) audits. auditors. We may collude with the prove that the optimal contract We consider a self-interested external auditor and find that unchanged present a model where allowing collusion is the optimal strategy for the principal. Collusion in Hierarchical Agency Introduction In recent years agency theory has begun to study the design of multi-person organizations by a principal agents who is interested in achieving who posess private performance from self-interested, strategic information. For instance, the board of directors of a firm must design incentive schemes for the managers and other employees. These employess things about themselves, their environment or their actions which are unobservable know to third parties. The research in this area has by and large ignored the possibility of collusion of various Economic models sorts of people within the agency. in general, rarely consider coalitions with side-contracting power in the design of incentive schemes. Problems of sidepayments, however, have been extensively recorded by sociologists and other behavioral scientists; furthermore, would still even if no evidence of collusion had been found its mere possibility constrain the set of feasible contracts. A major exception to this kind of research is Tirole [1986], who has identified and studied efficiency losses that can result supervisor-agent hierarchy. from collusion with side-payments He notes that coalitions with (implicit) likely to form in long-term relationships in a principal- side-contracts are more through a reputation-like mechanism. These relationships are a mitigated blessing: repetition enhances productivity as well as opportunities for collusion. interactions may be efficiency losses. Although job-rotation and other impediments of prolonged effective for disrupting coalitions, they may also be dear in terms of In this paper, we consider a different Our source of information. suggestion relationship with the first) additional supervisor is way of preventing is to collusion; creating an alternative introduce a second supervisor (in a horizontal whose purpose is to discourage deviant coalitions. This involved in a short-term contract with the hierarchy and thus less prone to organizational-culture pressure; he is also less efficient because he lacks specific experience and knowledge of the job. An illustration of this phenomenon Internal auditors provide is the coexistence of internal and external auditing. management and shareholders with valuable information concerning not only the financial situation of the firm but also other aspects outside the accounting area. Indeed, internal auditors are usually involved in evaluating the efficiency of the firm's operating division. Labels such as "operational audits," "management audits," or "performance audits" are used to describe this kind of audit 1 . Because they "live in the firm," internal auditors possess high quality information and, since they also provide non-auditing services (e.g. tax assistance), the opportunity cost of their auditing function is low. External auditors, in contrast, have poorer information about the firm and are Although their use can still be justified on "informational grounds," our intuition additional information they provide does not account for the extent of their the real world. 1 more is costly. that the employment In addition, most external operational audits are conducted on a in random While financial audits are limited to evaluating the fairness of financial statements, operational audits involve any activities for which operational effectiveness can be evaluated (see, for instance, Arens and Loebbecke [19881). Although the accounting literature links financial audits to adverse selection and operational audits to moral we study a model with both hidden information and hidden action which is However, it is possible to interpret our model in terms of a financial audit as well. hazard, more easily exposited in terras of an operational audit. basis 2 If one wants to argue that external auditors are hired only for their information, this . randomness seems hard to rationalize. In this paper explained by we its present a role in model in which we show likely to suffer pressures to give problem is more by the management, hence they are more favorable performance treatment or, in the case of a "window-dress" the financial statements in favor of the managers. This of significant concern to regulatory agencies and the accounting profession 3 External auditors are usually hired by the shareholders (or the audit committee of the of Directors), and arc therefore more independent from the manager4 The optimal auditing policy involves a trade-off information at low cost but subject to poor information at performance. First between management Board . internal auditors with pressures, . good and external auditors with high cost but with unbiased reports. In our model, the internal auditor is still can be better enhancing the independence of internal auditors (See Antle [1984]). Internal auditors are usually hired (and fired) financial audit, to that external auditing we prove and the manager can that, useful for the principal. when his falsify information is evidence about the manager's very Then we introduce an reliable, the internal auditor external auditor who reports 2 Regarding external financial audits, most firms are legally required by the SEC to perform them annually. One implication of this paper is that this annual requirement might not be optimal. 3 See the various reports of the Moss Committee (U.S. Congress [1976]), the Metcalf Committee (U.S. Congress [1977a], [1977b]), the Dingell Committee (U.S. Congress [1985]), the Securities and Exchange Commission accounting series releases (SEC ASR 165 [1974], ASR 247 [1978], ASR 250 [1978], ...) and the Cohen Comission's Report on Auditors' Responsibilities [1978]. An extensive discussion of this problem can be found in Mangold Nancy R. [1988] 4 A reputation of independence being an essential asset for an external audit firm, some of these firms have also created organizations (with voluntary membership) to improve the quality of auditing practice. For instance, the "SEC Practice Section" of the AICPA imposes stringent auditing standards on its members (partner rotation, concurrent partner review, proscription of certain services, mandatory peer review, etc.) truthfully. auditor but For simplicity, is manager and we assume that he has the same information as the internal more costly 5 Therefore without the the internal auditor, the external auditor's services on the values of the parameters of the problem, may not be hired in the optimal auditing implemented it possibility of collusion . at all, may be optimal they are performed for the principal to Another contribution of this paper we have no value. Depending find that the external auditor scheme with on a random between the may or collusion. If external audits are basis. Last, we present a model where allow collusion. is to show that, under collusion, even when unbounded punishments for the agent are available, the optimal contract will not specify efficient production (inefficiencies in production are maintained at every level of punishment). In addition to their deterrent effect, higher punishments induce higher bribes which are difficult to prevent. more This creates a situation analogous to one where using the internal auditor costs the principal a fixed proportion of the punishment he imposes on the agent Literature Review Principal-agent theory has paid considerable attention to the incentive problems arising in two-layer hierarchies, i.e., one principal and one agent (Baron-Myerson [1982], Maskin- Riley [1984], Laffont-Tirole [1986]). With few exceptions, the standard model has been extended naively to incorporate a third layer, usually a supervisor, as a "third arm" for the principal (Baron- Besanko [1984]). This description of the supervisor ignores the possible conflict of interest problem arises between him and the principal. If their objectives a new incentive and the self-interested supervisor must be adequately motivated to act on behalf of the principal. 5 differ, Demski and Sappington [1987] studied the case of a supervisor Assuming that the external auditor has worse information than the internal would be more realistic but it would complicate the presentation of the results without adding to their understanding. subject to moral hazard in a consumer- regulator- firm hierarchy. But, in their model, they do not consider the possibility of coalition-formation. Baiman, Evans and Noel [1987] studied the gain of transferring the adverse selection but, again, no collusion The principal can is allowed also increase his utility [1983] formalized [ is of the agent's . utility Stiglitz [1983]). The is highly dependent on the agent's preferences; a function can is make competition harmful. similar to the one of the tournament literature. A a situation in which an agent's payment depends only on his output or rank relative to other competitors compatible alternative sources of information. Hart works harder when competition increases 6 However, The economic intuition of these models tournament model. by using 1988] showed that this result slight alteration the agent to the auditor idea in a model where product market competition can alleviate the this incentive problem: the agent Scharfstein in their problem from But if agents literature all (Green-Stockey [1983], Lazear-Rosen [1981], Nalcbuff- of the schemes discussed in these papers are not incentive can collude. on implementation has studied the problem of preventing unwanted (collusive) equilibria. When the direct resort to non-revelation or indirect revelation game has multiple mechanisms. This has been done mechanism equilibria in three one needs to ways: (1) Take which the unwanted the revelation mechanism and construct an equilibria are knocked out by giving agents additional ("nuisance") strategies (Maskin [1977], Ma, Moore and Tumbull [1988]). that his desirable equilibrium strategy indirect (2) Change in the payoffs to one of the agents so becomes a dominant strategy Sappington [1984] and Demski, Sappington and Spiller [1988].) (3) 6 (Demski and Add stages to the Contestability theory (Baumol, Panzar and Willig [1982]) claims that the threat of competition by itself can make a natural monopoly efficient. On the effects of potential competition see also Gilbert [1989]. mechanism, and impose the requirement that off-the-equilibrium-path strategies (threats) must be credible (Moore and Repullo [1988]). Ma, Moore and Tumbull [1988] study work in a correlated environment. which a principal the case in They point out hires two agents that the standard technique to of making each agent's reward dependent on the other's performance has unsatisfactory features. Namely, the agents the principal. (indirect) strictly prefer to play equilibrium strategies other than those desired To knock-out these undesired but incentive-compatible equilibria their mechanism uses one agent to police the other. one of Demski and Sappington [1984] incentives to the "police" agent strategy, by Ma, Moore and Tumbull in that by making offer him a Their technique differs from the while Demski and Sappington give the right the principal's desired choice a set dominant of additional output levels from which to choose. While Demski and Sappington strengthen the principal's constraint set -and thus reduce his profits- Ma, Moore and Tumbull use the standard constraints and the costless technique of adding strategies which will never be played in equilibrium. Moore and Repullo [1988] consider situations where agents state of the world while the designer is Revelation Principle has almost no cutting are completely informed completely ignorant of power and they set it. of the In these cases, the up a stage mechanism which has a unique (the desired one) sub-game perfect equilibrium. The issue they do not consider is that although their coalition-proof in the sense of Bemheim, Peleg against coalitions when side-payments game set up by the and Whinston [1987] it is unique and need not be stable are allowed. In other words, if side contracts are feasible the agents might deviate together equilibrium of the Bayes-Nash equilibrium even though the outcome they play was not an principal's contract. Grossman-Hart [1986] and Williamson [1985] discuss the difference between internal and external auditing in their studies of integration and the limits of firms. Grossman-Hart argue that "integration in itself does not make any new Any audits which an employer can have done of her variable observable to both parties. subsidiary are also feasible when the replies that interfirm auditing cannot be company." Williamson subsidiary is a separate presumed to be as effective as intrafirm auditing: "[i]f a stronger mutual interest in organizational integrity can be would exist between independent trading units receive greater cooperation ownership boundary is presumed among members of an integrated organization than is [...] [...] than can be presumed then internal auditors can expect to when auditing across an autonomous attempted'' Williamson, however, recognizes that internal auditing subject to corruption and points out how important is the question we address in this paper "are the flaws of internal auditing remediable?" Baiman, Evans and Nagarajan [1989] also study a model of auditing with collusion. Their approach is quite different the realization of a from ours. The manager does not take any random output to the principal. who observes output perfectly. The manager and not model the incentives for collusion; a he transfers principal can use a costly auditor the auditor can collude but the authors move by enforcing collusive arrangements are feasible. internal The effort; do "nature" determines whether self- Finally, they do not distinguish between and external auditors. The Model We study a three-layer hierarchy consisting of a principal, principal owns the vertical structure; the information about its an auditor and a manager. The manager runs a productive unit with private efficiency; the auditor collects information for the principal. Following Tirole (1986] required to supervise the we assume that the principal lacks either the time or the knowledge manager and required to run the vertical structure. that the auditor lacks either the time or the resources Tirole relies on a third among risk axiom which rules out the possibility several auditors. This allows the auditor of dividing the auditing job and the manager of being discovered. The point of this paper is to collude without any to explore the consequences of introducing a second auditor together with a system of rewards and punishments to prevent deviant coalitions. The first auditor hired anyway; an — internal we assume — performs several other tasks inside the firm and has that the opportunity cost audit, the internal obtains information about the privately manager. "Living in the firm", the internal second auditor — — serves only external of him auditing is likely to to is zero. known to be By conducting productivity of the collude with the manager. The perform his audit; we assume that he is "collusion-free" (he always reports truthfully), that his services are costly and that his information is perfectly correlated with the internal's information. Players Four people interact in this agency relationship: the principal, the external auditor and the manager. All are The manager assumed exerts effort e which, together to be internal auditor, the risk neutral. with a productivity parameter 6, determines output x x=6 + We assume function. e that the cost for the is an increasing, convex For simplicity we take g(e) = c2/2 7 manager of exerting effor g(e) ' We have obtained (available the same qualitative conclusions in an earlier version of this paper upon request) considering a more general specification of g(e). The output belongs to the principal manager maximizes his who compensates the manager with a transfer t. The payoff Manager's payoff = t - g(e) Since the manager signs the contract after learning the realization of 6, he must receive his (We assume expected reservation utility in any state of the world. principal to The that is optimal for the employ the manager even when the lowest 6 occurs.) internal auditor observes a signal s imperfectly correlated with 6. He receives a wage w from the principal, and his objective is to maximize his expected monetary income. The same signal external receives the s about and reports it truthfully to the principal. His services are provided at a cost z. The principal receives the residual profits of the vertical structure when is called for) it the other members of the and pays (or punishes hierarchy. His objective is to maximize expected profits E(;r) = E(x - 1 - w - z + punishments) Uncertainty and information structure We assume that 8 can take only two values, with probability suppose The (1 - q). that the output internal 6i < 82 . 8i obtains with probability While 8 and e are private information of the manager, we x (- 8 + will e) is publicly observable (and verifiable). and the external obtain an identical signal signal can be si or S2 q and 6 2 which occur with the conditional s imperfectly correlated with 8 probabilities described in Table The 1: 10 si r S2 11 Note that we rule out the possibility of blackmail by the internal. If he gets a signal favorable to the manager, he can not threaten the manager with revelation of a less favorable signal since he needs his help to falsify evidence. In that sense, information neither completely "soft" nor "hard". convey information productivity but is By this we mean to the principal in a credible verifiable when it is that the internal's report can not way when it announces a bad of state announces high productivity. In Tirole's model the supervisor can only hide information (reporting he observed "nothing") but not forge evidence. An auditor's report is usually a point estimate of the cost of the firm or a acceptance/rejection of the firm's financial report, therefore "nothing" a realistic alternative for his report. (See Shibano lead to a posterior distribution that is ( 1 988]). It may be that is not some observations These uninformative identical to the prior. observations are formally equivalent to observing "nothing," so that our information structure is not inconsistent with Tirole's. We will only study collusion between the manager and the auditor since they constitute the single nexus with ability to manipulate the information received by the rest of the vertical structure. To avoid the distracting problem of bargaining, we will assume Pareto efficient outcome for party at least further the its members, and that the division of payoffs guarantees each what they would get without collusion. For the assume that the that the coalition chooses a last part of the paper outcome of the negotiation between the manager and we will the auditor is Nash bargaining solution. Strategy spaces The principal designs the contract manager t(x) and uses the and offers it to the manager and internal with probability y(x). the auditors. He pays the For each 6 the contract determines 12 when 8 an optimal level of effort (ei and e 2 ) yielding Xi pays the internal w(x,s') and uses the external the internal's report and If an auditor's it may be Si, s 2 or at cost when 6 = 82 9 probability d(x,s>). was not He ). s' is used. announced signal differs from the manager's (implicit) report, the principal from the one of the internal, the principal P™ . If the external reports a signal different can impose a penalty on the internal of up to P1 feature of limited liability enables us to solve the many of obtain —with z if the internal can impose a penalty on the manager of up to The — = 9i and x 2 the features model with risk-neutral players . and of a model with risk-averse players and unbounded punishments (see Sappington [1983] and Baron-Besanko [1984]). The manager chooses effort of a side-payment He e. More t(s>). However the manager has an why signal obtains). This is can collude with the internal to manipulate explicitly, t(«) should receives the signal s and reports it in exchange be written as a function of s' given interest in colluding only t(«) is written as s' when s' = a function of s» s' s 2 (the high-productivity only. Finally, the external truthfully (se * s.) All players must be awarded their reservation utility level to sign the contract Timing (1) Nature chooses the state of productivity (0) and the signal for the auditors according to Table (s) 2. (2) The manager learns (3) The 8. (He doesn't observe s yet.) principal offers a contract specifying the transfer for the manager (t(x,s',s e )) as a e function of output and the auditors' reports, the transfer for the internal (w(x,s',s )) as a function of output, his report and the external's report, the (fixed) transfer for the 9 Ifx x2 . £ {x h x 2 }, the agent gets punished, so we can restrict attention to outputs X|, 13 external (z), the probabilities d(x,s')) all these functions will probability of a punishment low type for the and external audits contract is signed. (y(x) P'). and At the be depend on the parameters of the problem: the (q), the manager (P™ and the cost of the external The internal and the punishments for the manager and the internal (P"3 and optimum (4) of conducting informativeness of the signal ), the maximum punishment (r), the maximum for the internal (P**) (z). The manager chooses his effort (e). Output (x) is realized and observed by all parties. (5) The internal is sent and the (6) (8) observed by the manager internal can sign a side-contract specifying a transfer dependent internal's report ("Ks*)). The internal The is auditors. The manager and the on the (7) with probability y(x). The signal (s) reports s'. Side-transfers are realized. principal asks for the external's report with probability d(x,s'). reports s e -s. (9) Transfers are realized. si e, 6: qr The external 14 internal ignores the real state of productivity 6 is irrelevant since the punishment can only depend on observed variables. Note that we do not define the transfer as being net of punishments. collusion, the manager gets the transfer corresponding to the announced by the external minus the punishment and the When state convicted of of productivity internal gets the transfer corresponding to his report minus the punishment. This simplifies the presentation of the results without further consequences 10 . A remark must be made about the side-contract between the internal and the manager. Since this contract is usually illegal, mechanism ' ' to the validity making must be self-enforceable. We assume that there exists some the side contract self-enforceable. Finally, of the contracts are not renegotiation-proof. and proposals it we will an objection can be raised characterize since the resulting equilibrium strategies We will consider the renegotiation problem in our conclusions for further research- Preview of the Results As a benchmark, we derive necessary condition for enough to make him the first best contract its feasibility. and show In the first best that symmetric information scheme sign the contract and the marginal cost the manager is is a paid just of compensating the manager 10 With a limited liability interpretation, we should model the maximum punishment as a function of the transfer received by the manager. In our two- type model, however, the punishment is only applied to the low type. Therefore, level of maximum punishment. 1 it is correct to consider a unique For example, the firm could pay the auditor with "half dollar his audit report. Once bills" before he submits the report specified in the side-contract has been filed, the firm has no interest to keep the other halves of the dollar bills. Making a deposit on an account with 2 signatures (auditor and manager) would be a similar device. Reputation could be another alternative to make the side-contract enforceable. 15 for increasing his effort is manager's equated to the marginal benefit for the principal of increasing the effort. When the principal cannot observe the manager's effort the because the manager's incentive compatibility constraint first is best contract is not feasible not satisfied: if the principal A standard pays the manager a fixed amount, the high productivity manager will shirk. result in contract theory is that the second best scheme will induce an inefficient level of from the low type as a means of achieving incentive compatibility with the effort a small reduction in the relaxation low type's effort involves a second-order loss in profits while the of the incentive compatibility constraint generates a first-order gain (see Baron- Myerson [1982] and Maskin-Riley [1984]). best level of effort Finally, the (this result is known low type does not get any On the other hand, the high type exerts the in the literature as we introduce a faithful and costless auditor. correlated with the state to the relation "no inefficiency of the world and reports it He is slack). to the principal. principal reduces the informational rent of the high type. In the been reduced to zero and the effort of the low type punishment, the Next we let first is We show that according maximum liability of the best (third region) is first region, the second region, the adjusted towards the sufficiently accurate the faithful auditor be costly. new regions appear. is I.) receives a signal imperfectly between the accuracy of the auditor's signal and the information of the auditor at the top"). (See proposition manager, the effect of the auditor can be separated in three regions. In the if the first rent (his individual rationality constraint is binding) while the high type does (his individual rationality constraint Next least cost; rent has first best. Finally with respect to the available reached. (See proposition 2.) Compared to the scheme with free auditing, In the first one, the principal does not use the auditor because he expensive relative to his information and the maximum punishment available. one, the principal controls the probability of sending the auditor. is two too In the second We show that it is best to 16 decrease the probability of audit while the effort of the low type best can still be reached, but only at the limit (See proposition Next we allow the manager best i.e., r < is and the auditor The reason punishment capacity, that The first grows without bound. model that, at is manager chose We show that the (jointly) observe the signal. (as long as the auditor's information some (expected) i.e., to sign a side-contract after the and the auditor never reached in this 1). the punishment suboptimal. 3.) his level of effort and both he first when is still want to use point, the principal does not maximum deterrence not optimal. is not perfect; is The all his intuition is high punishments induce high bribes which are costly to deter. (See proposition 4.) The next step is to introduce a second auditor. To model achievement of coalition incentive compatibility, reports truthfully but the external is is costly. regions depending on the values of r external audit enough we best is of r and P™ called to audit on a random basis (the probability third region, assuming the internal to to is r and P™ When r = 1 of are high and P™ is achieved. (See proposition 5.) be so far) and completely be so far) types. In this case, parameter space, the principal will find it This non-screening mechanism produces a We let the internal truthful (as we have been self-interested (as we have been drawn from a distribution which has assuming the external main are such that the internal auditor is extend the model to consider auditors of different "types." auditor be randomly auditor always contract specifies four for the optimal coalition-free contract to use only the internal. first new inexpensive and can be bribed, The optimal between zero and one.) In the is strictly high enough the Finally, is is that this and P™. For low values of r and P™ no auditor used. In the second region, the values always used, but the external we assume While the inside auditor expensive but cannot be bribed. the trade-offs involved in the we claim that for some range of the optimal to allow collusion (See proposition 6) more realistic account of empirical observations: some people do not collude and do not get caught, some people do not collude and get 17 punished by mistake, some people collude and do not get caught, some people collude and get punished. 12 First Best Allocation Consider the case principal I3 . in which output and effort exerted by the manager are observable by the Auditors have no role and a contract which specifies the manager's transfer as a function of effort and the state of productivity maximizes the {81 + The optimal minus the cost of inducing the manager to take profit The principal's problem Max q is feasible. e, is to - 1,} + choose (1 - level of effort that effort. ej, e^, ti, t2 to q) {6 2 + e 2 - 2} subject to: ti* (MIRl) t2 (MIR2) The * 7 solution of the above problem has C\ - e 2 e™ 1 and tx t2 = t re 1/2. In the optimal contract under symmetric information, the principal pays the agent just enough to make him agent's effort to is its sign the contract; i.e., eV2 - 1/2 and equates the marginal cost of the marginal value product Also note that the transfer received by the agent independent of the state of productivity; t(xi) Kx^ - 1/2. 12 For future research and preliminary speculate about a mode where two auditors of unknown type are available to the principal. Only with a second auditor collusion may be uncovered and punished. 1 And therefore, the state of productivity can be inferred with certainty. 18 Graphically, and find we can represent the agent's indifference curves in the product-transfer space the solution where the slope of these curves is 1. t 4 Figure 1 . First Best Scheme No Auditor From now on, we will assume that the principal can neither observe the state of nature nor the manager's effort. Thus, the contract can only specify transfers as a function output (x). If the principal tried to apply the first best of the scheme described above, the manager would always produce x i Under these circumstances, the problem (which we ei, C2, ti,andt2to Max q {8i + ei - 1! } subject to (MIR1) (MIR2) -! h* + (1 - q) {8 2 + e2 - 2) label BO) for the principal is to choose 19 2 (MIC1) 2 2 ' 2 2 l (MIC2) 2 2 where A9 = 62-61. The manager's individual compensated for the cost of his effort in each are that the (MIR) rationality constraints manager signs the contract state state that he must be at least of the world. Our implicit assumptions after learning 6 and that his reservation utility is normalized to be zero. The manager's incentive compatibility constraints (MIC) appear because the principal can not differentiate between states of nature one and two, therefore some incentives must be provided to the manager if he is to exert the effort desired by the principal. As usual, only MIR1 and MIC2 post that the other are binding at the two constraints are optimization program. satisfied at the optimum. It can indeed be verified ex optimum when they are ignored in the 20 Graphically, the solution is: x Figure Proposition 1 2. l x l Optimal Contract with (BO Scheme): In the absence of auditors, the optimal contract between the manager specifies: principal and the ei- l- —3-A8< ^-A9< 1 1 q C2-1 tl -4-i.(!isW±(^l q q 2 2 i+ 1 Proof: (e, ei 2 * • A6) Ae^ 2 1 j i 2 No Auditor 2 2 The proof is standard and, therefore, omitted. 21 When the principal because it cannot observe the manager's effort the MIC does not satisfy the 's scheme shirk. is not feasible pays the manager a fixed A standard result in contract theory will induce an inefficient level of effort from the low type Q\ means of achieving incentive compatibility with the least cost: a small reduction in type effort involves a second-order loss in profits while the relaxation of the incentive as a 1 the second best best contract constraint. If the principal amount, a highly productive manager will always is that first compatibility constraint generates a first-order gain (see Baron-Myerson [1982] and Maskin-Riley [ 1984]). effort (this result is On the other hand, the high type 62 exerts the first best level of known in the literature as "no inefficiency at the top"). Finally, the type does not obtain any rent (his individual rationality constraint type does (his individual rationality constraint One Free The is low binding) while the high is slack.) Faithful Auditor principal can now use an auditor who observes a signal s (imperfectly) correlated with the true state of productivity 8, and reports reservation salary to zero and assume it that his truthfully (s - s). We normalize the auditor's wage can be conditioned contractually on the manager's output and his report. If the principal receives a report indicating that the s^Xi-ej manager shirked (i- 1,2) he can impose a penalty on the manager of P"1 bounded above by P111 [1984] have shown that the principle of hence, we will consider from 14 For the general result of [1987]. now on that maximum maximum P™ - P" *. 1 deterrence It is . Baron and Besanko holds in this model also easy to check that there M , is deterrence in the presence of mistakes see Bolton 22 no need to use the auditor when the high output x2 will not exceed his reservation value The problem faced by Maxq {6, + e, the principal - tj + (1 - r) is realized and that the auditor's salary of zero. now 15 P»J + is to (1 - choose c\, ci, t\ q) {8 2 + e 2 - and t2 to 2} subject to: (MIR1) V ; 2 ' 4 (MIR2) (MIC1) 2 2 2 2 15 Notice that he risk neutrality his expected transfer. l 2 of the agent allows us to state MIR1 as a lower bound for 23 Graphically, the solution is: Figure 3. Optimal Contract with a Free Faithful Auditor 24 Proposition The optimal contract with a 2: regions according to the values of AG 2r - (Bl) IfPm < the scheme (BO) (B2) If AG 2r - r free faithful auditor can be divided in three and P™. i-*, a - q , (MIR2) is slack and the difference with 1 is that t2 1 = h 30 - (2r - AG ( - 1) P™ (the rent is reduced) < pm < 2 - q 2q 1 AG - 1 2r - 1 — ~ AG . , (MIR2) L binds and the differences with the scheme (Bl) are that e, = 2r - 1 pm + AG t2 - AG (the effort is adjusted) 2 11 = 1 (the rent is zero) AG (FB) IfF11 * 1 - AG 2r - 1 the first best is achieved. Proof: The proof is standard and, therefore, omitted. The mechanism can be described sequentially as follows: the principal observes the output produced by the manager and gives him the corresponding transfer. If output is no further action. If output is low auditor reports a 'high' signal the In the first region, with the principal requires the report manager is is high, there of the auditor. If the punished with P™. low accuracy and small punishments, only informational rents are decreased while effort levels for each type of manager remain unchanged. This is 25 analogous made to the Baron-Besanko's separation result which stated that the output decision independently of the auditing decision (although the auditing decision is not is made independently of the output decision). In other words, the effort exerted by each type of manager in the optimal contract As contract without auditing. punishment increases, the rent with auditing is the same one he exerted in the optimal the accuracy of the auditor's signal or the of the high type manager decreases but the effort maximum of the low type manager is not adjusted. In the second region, the rent of the high type has been reduced to zero because the information of the auditor is sufficiently accurate relative to the available individual rationality constraint of the high type is now binding. The principal reduce the inefficiency imposed on the low type's effort and compatibility. If the information improves or the punishment distortion disappears and the first best is reached. this result is that infinite is Another (more punishments can support the arbitrarily close to non-informative (r 5 1/2 in punishment The our case). still can therefore achieve incentive increased even more, the intuitive) first best consequence of with a signal that is 26 1/2 1 r Figure 4. Regions of the Optimal Contract with a Free Faithful Auditor The following graphs are effort and the high type's useful to see the rent: change in the principal's profits, the low type's 27 l 2 - «<«2? 1 1 oT'CP" Figure ) jf (P m ) and Rent in the Optimal Contract with a Free Faithful Auditor 5. Profits, Efibrt 28 One Costly Faithful Auditor Normalizing the auditor's reservation wage to zero was not without loss of generality. new come effects when into play the auditor is costly. First, the principal might decide not to audit at all because the auditor is too expensive. punishment is high enough, the effort of the low type z. Second, if the maximum available will be optimal to reduce the probability of auditing before restored to is Suppose the auditor costs it Two The its first best level. principal's problem is to choose ej, ti, X\, ti, and y (the probability of auditing) to Maxq {8, + e, - 1, +Y [(1 - r) Pm - z]} + (1 - v Y r q) {82 + c2 - 2) subject to: s 5- + vYU ( 1 t, (M1R1) ' 2 (M1R2) r) ; Pm * 2 b2 (MIC) - 2 —2 ^ (e,-A6) — — 2 e? - til - 2 - Pm Define: x(r,z), the minimum having information (1 value of r -q)(2r- 1) P m such that it is profitable to use an auditor costing z and 29 value of co(r,z), the P™ at which the benefit of adjusting reducing the probability of sending the auditor (yz), 2P m2 which (2r-l) 2 + P m A8(2r- 1) (A8 is 2) + - effort is equal to the benefit implicitly given of by 2zA6 2 implies: A8'(2-A6) +V(2-A6) 2 16 - u(r,z) 4(2r-l) Notice that w <q Proposition 3: The optimal contract can be divided in four regions according to the values P^andz. ofr, (BO) If (2r If(2r- - 1) —'-^- P™ s z, the auditor is not used (y = 0) and scheme BO is applied 1)—^-pnjsz, the auditor is uscd.(y>0) AG IfP™* (Bl) is 2r - -it'*-- 1 ; y 1, (MIR2) is slack and scheme Bl applied. (B2) If -^2r 1 scheme B2 (E3) If is 1 - ** < pm s I y - 1, (MIR2) binds and applied. 1^ > io(r,z); y = z = 1 >m Pm (2r - l) I m P (2r - l) A6 [(2 - A6) " 2 ei co(r,z); 2q I A9 (2r - l) 2 - 2 z A9 < 1 and 30 This we (FB) When P™ - call the scheme E3 (where E refers to "external"). the first best is approximated arbitrarily closely. °°, .m Tiff!' " » ! 1 !',! 1 ', ! !', i ! ! ! !',! I ! ' ! ES^ mZvWmmgmm^ ^s^ ' :-xx-:-:<-:x-:x::-:-::o:x::-:::v: 1/2 Figure 6. Regios of the Optimal contract with a Costly Faithful Auditor We can observe again how change with n the principal's profits, low type's effort and audit probability 31 TT J FB TT -1 -1 /^rris 1/2 * e ,_m (P ) « (P (P ) « (P ) ^(P™) ) uTW s iA ,FB ,BC K 1/2 6 k " 1/2 Figure (P ) « (P ) w~ l (P m Profit, Low Type's Effort and Audit Probability Optimal Contract with a Costly Faithful Auditor 7. ) in the 32 Compared scheme of proposition to the 2, two new regions appear. First, in region BO the principal does not use the auditor because he is too expensive relative to his information and the maximum punishment available. If the cost of the auditor increases, the region BO increases as well. If the principal does use the auditor, the optimal in proposition 2. In region Bl , scheme is the principal extracts rent very similar of the high to the one presented type. If the maximum punishment and the informativeness of the auditor become sufficiently high, informational rent of the high type can be extracted adjusted towards the proposition 2, type it is first However, and this is the effort of the low type can be second major difference with optimal to decrease the probability of audit (y) while the effort of the low suboptimal. is still best level. and the all the The first best is only reached grows without bound. The trade-off driving at the limit this result has, on when the punishment the one hand, the possible of the low type and, on the other hand, the increase in profits due to adjusting the effort possible increase in profits due to decreasing the probability of a costly audit. Consider, for instance, the case in which the Bl when P 111 , is increasing, the principal can and extracting more decrease rent The reason v. is rent extraction, the cost use the auditor at So if y any r, becomes first that in order to punishment increases. In region choose between decreasing the probability y Lemma make the 3. 1 proves that never optimal to reduction of v profitable compared to the of auditing would have to be so large that less than one, P™ for it has to be in region B2. Indeed, which y < 1 it would not be optimal lemma 3.2 shows to that for even though the effort level of the low type is best This means that at some point the principal becomes indifferent (at the E3 starts. margin) between decreasing v and adjusting the effort. This The it is all. there exists a below the from the high type. maximum line separating B2 and E3 is called to(r,z). Along co(r,z) is where and the region in region E3, the marginal 33 of decreasing the probability of auditing equates the marginal profit profit of restoring the effort. At this point, makes it is useful to highlight two facts: (1) P™ via the profit function concave in The convexity of the adjustment becomes less and less profitable while approaching best, the benefit auditing is of adjusting effort is zero.) (2) The profit To manager's incentives to see this, notice that tell the truth. So it is its in region maximum punishment which first (an affects the of punishment increases, the expected punishment can be kept constant by decreasing the probability of audit proportional effort optimal level (at the the expected punishment if the level B2 from lowering the probability of a concave (increasing) function of the available inverted hyperbola). Hence, effort adjustment. effort function at an inversely rate. Therefore, above line co(r,z) the probability of auditing (i.e., in region E3) the principal will simultaneously decrease and increase the effort for the low type so marginal profit of those two actions. Finally, if the punishment bound, the optimal contract goes to the fist is that he equates the allowed to grow without best level of effort with an arbitrarily low probability of audit Notice that the punishment capacity will be fully exercised in the optimal contract; strongly optimal to use all). The decision of the principal adjust effort and One maximum when deterrence (of course, whenever the auditor is when to use this to reduce the probability punishment is to extract rents, used at when to of auditing. Free Unfaithful Auditor Next we allow the manager and the auditor to collude signing a side-contract manager chose his It is it is level of effort and both him and the auditor readily checked that the only case for collusion is when (jointly) after the observed the signal. the productivity of the manager 34 is low and the signal of the auditor is high. If the manager has high productivity (and produces high output) the principal does not use the report of the auditor. If the manager has low productivity and the auditor receives a low signal there transfer since the auditor According to the audit the signal is right or world he knows signal obtains. shirks. He is punishment that technology wrong is his effort And, since the optimal contract is P™ the manager is would not above is if a up knows it true state of the high productivity incentive compatible, the willing to pay the auditor game, whether At the moment of the and regardless of the only punished by mistake and everybody I6 . manager never To avoid the to P™. Thus, in the presence of report payoff-relevant information and the no longer sustainable. The auditor would be between releasing or not information leading to the punishment of the manager, but the manager is rise to ready to "buy the auditor's silence". a new constraint, the coalition incentive compatibility (CIC) constraint To induce truth-telling when must pay him at least as the auditor has evidence to punish the manager, the principal much as the manager auditor must be rewarded with at least the punished the timing of the even with truthful reporting he will be punished allocation described in section This gives we have specified and irrelevant for studying the coalition. a covert contract, the auditor indifferent for a side- cannot forge evidence by himself. manager has already chosen negotiation, the no reason is if the auditor Also, as stated above, would pay him to change his report; amount by which the i.e., the manager would be revealed his incriminating information. we assume that is Pareto efficient that the manager and the auditor choose a side-contract rational with respect to the no side-contract theory. For a similar result see Green and Porter and individually outcome. 16 This is [1984]. a standard result from game 35 The problem for the principal Maxq{6i+e, subject to: - 1[ now + y(l - is to choose e i e2, rHP™- w)} + , (1 - 1 1 , t2 q) {e 2 and w to: + e2-t 2 } 36 2 q A6 + q A8 2 a - 2 A6 2 2q(2r-l) as the value of P m at which MIR2 becomes binding and A6 (4r p _ A9 - 2q(2r-l) as the value of P 111 at 2) - 2 which the benefit of adjusting effort is equal to the cost of increasing the expected punishment (yP™). Proposition 4: The optimal contract can be divided in five regions according to the values of randPm (BO) If r > (Bl) (B2) If r ^ -z i , ^ , - the auditor is not used (y the auditor is used (v Ifl>r>= i If 1 > r > and - If (FB) If r 1 > r> 1 q F 11 * > a(r), scheme Bl is applied. and a(r) s pm < p( r) scheme B2 y^— and P(r) < P™ scheme B3 applied. and q (5(r) < P™ the first is best is attained. Definition of scheme B3: KrJ^-BW is 0). tA— i - (B3) and scheme BO 0) q . Proof: see appendix w= pm . eB3 (r)=l .^iLll) is applied. applied. 37 1/(2-q) Figure 8. Optimal Contract with a Free Unfaithful Auditor 38 We can plot the evolution of the principal's profits and the probability of an audit in the 1 case where 2-q <r< 1: 77 TT^ a 1/2 Figure If the signal It is time is 9. Probability of Audit and Profit too noisy — i.e., r is ,m 3 when the Auditor small (r s (1/2-q)) the auditor not optimal to use the auditor even though his reservation it is manager costly to induce truthful revelation. for mistaken punishments. The cost To understand why is is Used not used (region BO). wage is zero because this comes from compensating the critical value of r the depends on 39 q, remember that our optimal mechanism is collusion free and incentive compatible. Therefore, the principal has to pay the auditor's reward mistake (which happens with probability (which happens with probability q). To 1-r) after the is, the incentive scheme similar to the one in proposition If the auditor's signal (r> is the better the information good enough with manager and the contract obtains in regions is restored). is 1 ) even if the intuition for this result is that increasing the effects: first, it lower cost but, at the same time, when the fulfillment p\r), the colluding with the of the low type effort however lower because 1 -r) to prevent collusion. is that the first best is liability the never grows without bound. manager's expected punishment has two allows the principal to achieve incentive compatibility from the manager at a auditor. Indeed, making maximum low productivity A new separation result and B2 (where the Another major difference with the scheme of proposition 2, The him from w to the auditor with probability q( reached for an imperfect signal (r < the higher the When the auditor not is used, respect to the probability of rent is extracted) makes a 1 to proposition 2, the profits are pay a reward principal has to must be. similar to the one of proposition 2. Bl (where the Compared of an auditor, rewards the auditor to discourage l/(2-q)), the principal the auditor low productivity type obtained justify the use proportion of low type is w only when it increases the cost of getting truthful revelation from the P"11 is high, the potential bribe to the auditor will be high as well, of the CIC constraint expensive. At some point, determined by second effect outweighs the first line and the principal does not want to increase the expected punishment anymore while production is bounded away from the first best. A major difference with the scheme E3 in proposition 3 is that the effort is never adjusted in region B3. The reasoning is as follows. In this model, the product yP m must be kept constant in order to induce incentive compatibility. Recall that the cost of the auditor for the principal is yP m (weighted by 1-r). Suppose principal finds profitable to decrease y instead that at some point when P™ of adjusting the effort. Once increases, the y and P™ have 40 been adjusted, the product (yP™) yP™ not to increase Compared with the before, the same as before (by has to be the case that scheme E3 in proposition 3, the it proposition 3 (the cost if the zero. not optimal. In this model, However this indifferent profitable do so now. P™ in proposition maximum 4 but not in result it is its first - Alternatively is why P™ could be maximum best level, expected comes from the fart that the auditor's reservation was costly, it it is by multiplied would be optimal in proposition replaced by 0(r) 4 the B3 scheme < P™ and y best is with is earning unbounded punishments even though depend crucially on the right to audit, or to is fact that we do P" - P 111 1 would be always equal puzzling features appear in this model: the auditor results wage y, the to decrease deterrence above the line P(r). In our model, the principal Two not attainable with In not optimal to use them. between decreasing y or not increasing P™. What really matters here product yP01 This fact we can also claim that maximum deterrence is not probability of sending the auditor. If the auditor These not profitable to Each time P111 appears in our maximization problem, Y and always use was maximum punishment available increases. So, even though production does not reach is it major difference comes from the other words, even if higher punishments are available optimal either. if manager, the effort of the low productivity type and the profit of the principal are kept constant even is MIC). So is z). the punishment for the deterrence is still of the auditor varies proportionately with that the cost Then it is still all some * rent the is and y < to is 1. 1 and the first players are risk neutral. not allow the principal to "sell" the impose on the auditor negative transfers when he reports that the manager complied. Either possibility would take us back to the case of a faithful auditor (see footnote 17). The following graph such that it all is an illustration of the profit-loss caused by collusion regions are crossed when r goes from 1/2 to 1. i.e., when P " 1 is 41 ^(Ae-^W,Ae- A-f ». ttcfb) n(BO) 1/2 l i/(2-q) <x" (p _1 m ) B m (P ) 1 Figure 10. Profits as a function of r Self-interested Internal, Truthful External Usefulness of a second auditor Suppose that 2 signals are available informative (n > r2 > and have the same cost Suppose the principal gets the 1/2). manager shirked and should be punished. n 2-a. *=* ) (A8 A y-) is the 20 but the first first one a(r) more signal saying that the If the second signal confirms the P m where is and first, the cross. P(r) Afl9 (A8 - —j- ) is the minimum P ra necessary to achieve the first best when r = 1 20 If the cost and informativeness are different, the principal should consider the informativeness per dollar. 42 principal first, he "more certain" is is 'less he shirked is that the manager shirked. If the second would certain" but he still punish the manager because the probability that higher than the probability that he did not. The upshot of the argument signal is altered by is that in no state of the world the decision prior Therefore, the second signal it. is correlated. If the two second one of them even if they are not signals are equally informative, the least costly will be used, if they are equally costly, the most informative will be chosen is to the worthless. If two signals (auditors) are available, the optimal contract will only consider This result signal contradicts the a very particular feature of our model. will later enable us to highlight the specific role police.' Since the external 21 We do not think pay it is realistic, of the external auditor adds no value for the principal the only reason for the principal to . when but it as 'policing the the internal does not collude for his services is to audit the internal. Optimal Contract Suppose now at a cost z > the that the principal 0. The two has the additional opportunity of hiring an external auditor auditors get the manager (6) according to table same signal imperfectly correlated with the type of 1 We are interested in the tradeoff involved in the achievement of incentive compatibility: the more expensive, the internal auditor requires a payment of external auditor is P manager's bribe, and they both impose an extra burden on the individual 111 to refuse the truthful, but rationality constraint of the manager in the low state of productivity (the manager could be punished by mistake). 21 Contrast this with Tirole's [1986] model where there is a chance of the auditor (supervisor) getting no signal at all. In that case, a second signal would be valuable. 43 A new parameter which comes into play auditor, P'*, this bound has the same is the limited-liability interpretation Let y be the probability of sending the internal sending the external when now to choose Max q {8, + e, - 1, +y U-q){8 2 [(1 23 - when ei r) , e2 (Pm , - when tj , w) t2, - the internal w, r output y, d and 6 z] + (1 - is of is for the internal P™ .— low, d the probability of low productivity the internal reported a probability of sending the external principal is maximum punishment not sent. signal and The problem <p the for the cp to: y) [<p((l - r) P™ - z)]} + + e 2 -t 2 } subject to: •».4 +p,(l <Mnu) 2 (MIR2) b '-* if+ « (| -' JI 2 .|, .(^?)l. r p. lY+rt! - y,i tl w-pm ^-sd^+p*) (cic) Definitions: Let a and (3 be the same as in proposition 4. Let 22 Since fraud is punished more harshly by the courts than breach of contract one could argue that P'* > P 1"*. This will increase the value of the external auditor for the principal. (See below.) 23 The principle of maximum deterrence holds for P 1 . 44 A r 1 be the 2r - 1 maximum 1 ni - value of P™ as a function of r, P' and z such that if r £ if r a . optimal it is lt ^ optimal not to use any auditor. Let 1 v be the 2-P 1-r maximum value of P™ as a function of r, P' and z such that y to use the internal alone. Proposition 5: The optimal contract can be divided of the informativeness of the auditors' signal (P111 ), the auditor maximum punishment (z). [1] (BO) [2] If Two of these probability 1, the maximum for the internal auditor (P') punishment for the manager and the cost of the external regions have three subregions each. Ifr<min{ j- r)*HPm ,P',z) s r, in four regions according to the values r ; Tr 1 (P m ,P i ,z) } no auditor is used. See Prop. I. s p-l(P™,pi,z) the two auditors are used, the internal with the external with probability d < region are analogous to the ones of Prop. 3 1. The where incentive schemes applied in this the cost of the auditor would be dz instead of z. [3] [4] Ifr&max{=— z-q (FB) If r = 1 and ; p-l(Pm ,P i ,z) p(r) < P"1 the } only the internal first is best is achieved. used. See Prop. 4. 45 Proof: Sec appendix. 1/(2-q) 1/2 Figure 11. Regions in the Optimal Contract with Notice that ^>0 dz ; *1<0 ^->0 0pi dz d? 1 1 Two Auditors r 46 .m T T7 r 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1/2 1/(2-q) Figure 12. Regions and Subregions in the Optimal Contract with We find that it is optimal not to use the auditors that "too noisy" has a different internal. If auditing is to when meaning now than Two Auditors their signal is too noisy, but notice in the case without external be used, the principal must decide whether to use the or both the internal and the external. In the previous model (proposition 4) with L/(2-q). This time, however, of an external auditor. This we r 1 and costly internal alone we compared have an extra condition due to the possible presence is reflected by the comparison of r with nKP^P^z). In other words, the principal compares the accuracy of the auditor's signal with a function that increasing in the internal maximum punishment to the manager, the and decreasing in the wage of the external. by looking at two extreme auditing is cases: z always useful (recall r = > r Some intuition on (the external is free) 1/2). maximum punishment and P 1 = The case where z = is rj'K*) °°. is to the can be obtained In these situations, obvious. When P 1 is 47 unbounded, the principal may use induce truthful revelation from the the costly external with a very small probability and manager and still the internal auditor. If the principal uses the internal alone, the incentive scheme is one of identical to the proposition 4. If the principal uses the two auditors internal auditor is truthful but costs we are in a situation similar to the one where the dz (the probability of sending the external auditor times his reservation wage). Indeed, the internal will report truthfully, even though he is not paid anything. The reason the principal will set the probability of sending the external (d) is that sufficiently high to discourage him from colluding with the manager when threatened with punishment F*. The optimal incentive scheme has the three familiar subregions (El, E2 and E3). The intuition is identical to the the appendix) that it is one of proposition 3. We also show (lemma 3 never optimal to send the external alone. If he be used as a "second opinion" required with probability less than the external auditor result is used it must be on a random depends crucially on the fact that the internal On the Opt imality of Allowing Collusion So far, we have shown the auditor and the that the principal finds it basis. 1 is 24 . used at all, he will In other words, if However, we notice that this is free. in his interest to prevent collusion manager whenever the auditor in is hired. In the optimal contract, between nobody colludes. To explore the more plausible case where some deviant behavior persists assume that self-enforcing collusive 24 6 always is less than 1 in equilibrium 25 , arrangements are more easily achieved (whenever P' > in some states 0). 25 Without changing the model one could claim that the Revelation Principle is just a solution technique that facilitates the characterization of the optimal contract but does 48 of the world For example, take the case where there are two types of that in others. and non-collusive. auditors: collusive positive expected value The collusive auditors and the non-collusive will never take bribes. Then, introducing a binary random variable we could say that with probability c the state of the world supporting collusion obtains and with probability Suppose for example manager of the firm (1 -c) side-contracts are not feasible26 . with probability c the auditor has pre-contractual that — will accept bribes with make side-contracts between them ties that these ties are "per se" illegal. Then, the court will not enforce "type" report of the auditor are unenforceable, the induce the auditor to reveal his type; i.e., the owner cannot owner cannot when with the — and self-enforcing any contract that of a report of this variable. Baiman-Evans-Nagarajan say that ties is that contingent contracts based on a write a contract which will write screening contracts. Although we concur with them on the point that a screening contract is not feasible we don't agree with their argument 27 . Even though a report of type clause contingent may be non-contractible upon, the court could enforce any on the outcome of a publicly observed variable which the principal and the auditor can agree to determine. For example, the principal (although nobody colluding type and may know when the this) that when and the auditor the auditor wears a red auditor wears a blue tie he is "truth-telling he is of the a non colluder. As long as the not claim the uniqueness of the characterized optimal contract. mechanism may be a tie may agree tie In fact, the described map" of a very complex mechanism where bribes, punishments and rewards happen in equilibrium. 26 Baiman, Evans and Nagarajan claim that since this approach implies that whether or not an individual will collude is not an inherent characteristic of that individual, collusion cannot be avoided by using a screening contract. We will state our disagreement with this approach later. 27 We thank Eric Maskin for suggesting this line of thought. 49 worn by the auditor contingent on What its is So what color. fails in this observable by third parties, the court will enforce a contract is it that fails if setup to separate types is not the contractibility on type? the single-crossing, screening or Spence- no feature of the auditors which enables the principal Mirrlees condition. There discriminate between them by means of providing different incentives. If he simply asked is for type reports promising a high colluder; if he promised a reward for the colluder, every auditor would claim to be a punishment for the colluder, every auditor would claim to be a non colluder. The problem of the two types of auditor as modeled here same utility function to is that they have the although different strategy spaces, and different strategy spaces are not enough to screen by means of a menu of contractual arrangements. There are two models that are interesting to study depending on whether an honest external auditor is available to explore the first, check the report of the internal auditor. (In take bribes with probability who is we will honest with probability ( 1 -c) and In order to illustrate our model, c. Internal auditors are usually manager. paper leaving the second as a topic for further research.) (1) In the the principal decides to hire an auditor internal. this we will first only model who would label this auditor the employees of the firm hired and Therefore, there might be likely to suffer pressures from fired by the management to window-dress the statements of the firm. In our model, with probability (1-c) an internal auditor never takes a bribe and always reports honestly. (2) second auditor (the police of the police). That auditor is The second model assumed to introduces a be always honest but expensive. For some parameter values, it will be the case that in either contract will not specify a complete avoidance of collusion. of these models the optimal The intuition is that if there is large probability of non-collusion situations, the principal will prefer to let the a few out layer 50 cases get away with collusion instead of paying every type of auditor the reward that would deter the few colluding ones. In the model without the external there be discovered. Everybody would would be know the bribing. In the some that in bribe the auditor but, since the principal has collusion in equilibrium but cases the enough probability previous management) but not often enough ties to collusion will again occur. to deter the "soft" types The difference by to he cannot stop Indeed, the external of auditor (the ones without to deter the "tough" types. Thus, now sometimes it will be is that external auditor will find that the signal reported audit, this is not the case. will be sent with would never manager would be able no way of verifying the model with an honest external, it discovered: the the internal auditor is not correct there will be not only collusion in equilibrium, but collusion that is Then discovered (and punished) observed in the real world. When the principal deters collusion nobody shirks or colludes and when an auditor receives a signal implying that the manager shirked, everybody knows punishment has to allowed. Since punishments are only applied principal to allow collusion we because will explore the the loss examine collusive agents collusive agents. it is Still, bad for the principal when collusion by mistake it may be will prevent the application soundness of this intuition actually good is for the of these punishments. In and show that it of control that collusion brings about. Another claim compared with is that was mistaken. be applied to the manager or the contract would not be incentive compatible. This suggests that not everything this section it must be we will might produce a higher payoff for the principal than non- 51 Can Before we Collusion Enhance Welfare? study the convenience or not of allowing collusion Klitgaard notes that many scholars have argued that fighting corruption that corruption may be can play a useful is not zero. economic, political or managerial benefits. arguments that may make corruption He distinguishes not just three categories of reminder and the manager's reminder. We will describe the first and our present concerns. The economist's reminder. Corrupt payments introduce a mechanism similar to the market goods and services are allocated by queue, politics, random selection, or "merit," corruption Corruption It is This socially beneficial: the economist's reminder, the third since they are the relevant ones for When role. so costly as not to be worthwhile, but that corruption itself may create system. examine the book Controlling Corruption. statement goes beyond saying that the optimal level of corruption political scientist's will We will base our considerations on Robert possibility that collusion is welfare-enhancing. Klitgaard's insightful we may instead allocate goods according may thereby put goods and services most and who can use them most efficiently. in the In to willingness hands of people some and ability to pay. who value them the sense, then, after the corrupt act those goods and services are more "efficiently" allocated in the economics sense. The manager's reminder. Corruption may have uses within an organization. bureaucratic rules are constraining, the organization employees' corrupt circumvention of the may sometimes benefit by the rules. These reminders, claims Klitgaard, have some common features. First, they refer to the benefits from specific corrupt acts, not from systematic corruption pervading decisions. Second, the putative benefits transgresses a wrong or inefficient If depend upon the assumption many or most that the corruption economic policy or gets around imperfections in 52 organizational rules. In short, if the prevailing system is bad, then corruption may be good. Klitgaard quotes political scientist Samuel Huntington: "In terms of economic growth, the only thing worse than a society with a rigid, overcentralized, dishonest bureaucracy with a rigid, overcentralized, The upshot of this is one honest bureaucracy." discussion is that mechanism when there are some corruption can only be helpful as a second-best inefficiencies impossible to remove. In the realm of optimal contract theory, where the principal designs mechanisms only subject to information asymmetries collusion will never enhance welfare. Results The important decision he is the principal faces to hire an auditor at all is if whenever he decides better off allowing or deterring collusion between the manager and the auditor. If he decides to deter collusion, he will have to pay the auditor a reward at least as large as the punishment imposed on the manager. If he allows collusion he will not pay any reward, but a collusive auditor will never report that the collusive auditor never reports a non-compliance manager should be punished. why would the principal If the find his services useful? The auditor is (2) useful for the principal on two accounts ( 1 ) Not auditors are collusive all and depending on the bargaining power of auditor and manager (we assume the Nash Bargaining Solution) the manager will still suffer a loss when the auditor receives a high- productivity signal after low-productivity production obtained. have to pay the auditor a bribe equal to half the punishment; Namely, i.e., On the other hand, recall that the principal manager will P"V2. The principal does not get this money, but the deterrence effect of the punishment will manager. the must compensate still the operate on the manager for the 53 expected mistaken punishment (the agent always complies so punishments occur only by mistake.) So the principal may be better ofTby letting the manager and a collusive auditor play cooperatively. Our result is that the lower the proportion of colluders, the higher the punishment and the worse the auditor's information, allowing collusion becomes more profitable for the principal. When the probability of having a colluding auditor is low the principal will be reluctant to promise a high reward to the auditor in order to prevent collusion. This is so because with high probability collusion will not happen anyway since the auditor When the punishment is high most non-maximum expected To see why a loss of Y^^O. to the manager. becomes high enough, half of it can be enough collusion low-type and the signal manager to sign expected mistakes. principal to achieve the of the auditor's signal (recall deterrence result in proposition 4). a low correlation between the auditor's signal and the true state of the world makes allowing the inflict profitable second-best contract given the informativeness the honest. our assumption about the Nash bargaining solution becomes very important. Even the collusive auditor will Therefore, if the punishment is is more profitable for the principal recall that the contract the principal everybody his expected payment back. If the auditor neutral, the always colludes the punishment imposed on the manager, therefore loosing advanced payment to the manager. But in this case, with colludes taking only half of the punishment and this make a lower advanced payment beneficial effect is that the screening of types. is risk by rewarding the auditor for an principal can only achieve coalition incentive compatibility principal has to manager is needs to compensate him in advance for these If the auditor never colluded, since to the the high the manager will be punished by mistake. In order to get would simply get amount equal when to the is some all his probability, the auditor common knowledge. So, the manager. The counter-face of this punishment threat becomes less effective to support the 54 To we solve this problem, considering now a will derive a modification of the scheme andassuming that the principal does not offer any free unfaithful auditor We will compare the reward and, thus, scheme with the profits of proposition 4 to study the optimality does not deter collusion No Collusion We will now allow in proposition 2 but profits of of allowing this modified collusion. Deterrence bv Assumption for a probability c< that the auditor is unfaithful, that the principal 1 does not offer any reward to the auditor and, thus, does not deter collusion, and the Nash Bargaining solution for the coalition between the unfaithful auditor and the manager. The problem for the principal Max q {0! + e! is - 1, now to choose +y (1 - c) (1 - t\, e2, t\, r) P 111 } + (1 t2, - v to q) {6 2 + e2 - 2} subject to: (MIR1) ti*| (MTR2) t2 -^ + Y (l-r)Pm( *|- (2-c) Notice that this is the same problem solution to this problem is as in proposition 2 replacing P™ by P™ -y- . The given by Define: = PM U- C) as the 2-c-2q(l-c) (2-q)(2-c)-2q(l-c) minimum value of r such that him being a colluder is c. it is profitable to use an auditor when the probability of 55 Notice that ^ >0 and that when c = 0, as the vahie of P^at which A6 ll " (2-c)(2r-l) as the value of P™ at 1 , 5 = l/(2-q). MIR2 becomes binding. 2A9 a/a^ P(A)= c = when £ = 1/2; A9(l-r) *(2r-l)(2-c) 2 which the benefit of adjusting effort is equal to the cost of increasing the expected punishment (y P™). Lemma 6.1: The optimal contract when of r, P"1 and in four regions according to the values IBO] If 1 < If r > r > 5(c), the the principal never deters collusion can be divided ^(c), the auditor is not auditor used (y > is used IfP^sctfAhv- 1,(MIR2) [B2(A)] If [B3(A)] Ifp™> P(A) scheme B3(A) [FB] If r <Pm s ft (A) , y = , 1 and P m > = 0) and scheme BO is applied. and scheme B1(A) is applied. 0). [B1(A)] a(A) (y c 1 , is slack (MIR2) binds and scheme B2(A) is applied. (5(A) then the first best Definition of Schemes: Scheme B1(A) is identical to scheme Bl. Scheme B2(A) is identical to scheme B2, except fore t; is achieved. is applied. 56 e ,B2(A ) = 4e + P(2-c)(2r.l) > 2A6 2 Scheme B3(A) P(A) Y(rP m ); = pm YU,r B3(A) C e, . j . ABO^r) 2r- 1 Proof: See appendix Remember that we assume here that since the principal does not deter collusion, he only has two options: he can either not use the auditor's report and give a second best incentive scheme (BO) or ask latter contract knowing for the auditor's report may be optimal because the agent has to bribe him to avoid the punishment. who that this report may be biased. This slacks and gets caught The amount of the by the auditor bribe might deter the agent from slacking. The line £ determines which incentive schemes the principal chooses: r ^ on q and c. does not use the auditor's report (BO scheme). If collusion will occur. Notice that £ depends will only occur when the agent is of type (mistaken) signal received by the auditor 0, i.e., all auditors are faithful is 1 (this the 1, i.e., all < £, the principal £, the auditor's report is It used and depends on q because collusion happens with probability q) and the one of type and never collude, £ = always uses the auditor report. If c = if r 1/2. 2. It also depends on c. If c = This means that the principal auditors accept bribes, Notice that in this case the region where the auditor's report is used is the same as in proposition 4. In proposition 4, line l/(2-q) where it became more was the level of informativeness of the auditor's signal r profitable for the principal to punish the agent (by mistake!) than to not use the auditor's report. Recall that l/(2-q) is independent of the punishment level. So 57 if instead of imposing a loss of P™ on manager the (as it happened in proposition 4) the pm principal imposes a loss ofV- (as in lemma 1 when c 1) the condition for using the auditor remains invariant. When the 5 < £ r 1 the auditor's report applied depending on the value of Bl is high, the rent of the high type scheme B2(A) non-maximum of the low type does not use is restoring the effort. relaxation of the extracted. When contract of and P™ are sufficiently if r The its first best level becomes too high and P m are even higher, however the MIR1 P 111 large that is. The The one developed constraint outweighs principal P™ imposes on the its benefit through the lemma 6.1. was derived assuming is Unknown Type that the principal would never not necessarily true. If we abandon can obtain our main proposition. Define: 2-c-2q(l-c) as the as the The in proposition 4. MIC constraint. optimal to deter collusion. This assumption * effort relative to the potential extra profit gained intuition is similar to the P™ through principal can use deterrence result obtains with scheme B3(A). Optimal Collusion Deterrence with a Free Auditor of The r punishment capacity he has because the burden constraint of the agent cost of increasing and low P™, the standard scheme of the low type. Finally, kept fixed below all the is r manager has been extracted and the to restore the effort another expected by and P™. For low applied and the rent of the high type all MIR1 r used and three different incentive schemes are is (2-q)(2-c)-2q(l-c) minimum value of r such that probability of him being a colluder is c. it is profitable to use an auditor when the find it, we 58 g £ 2q(l-c) + c q(2-3c) + 2c as the a minimum more value of r such that it is profitable to deter collusion. (See the appendix for precise definition of £.) P(D) = p" in proposition 4. Proposition 6: The optimal contract with a free auditor of unknown type can be divided in four regions according to the values of the informativeness of the auditor's signal maximum punishment manager P™ and for the Two of these regions have c. [1] If r< £(c), [2] If ^(c) < r no auditor If r >T , is used and a scheme BO < "£ collusion , collusion is is is If r - 1 and applied. in this region Lemma 6.1. deterred. P™ a 0(D) Proof: See appendix. collusive auditor allowed The incentive schemes applied The incentive schemes applied ones of proposition 4. [4] of having a the three sub-regions each. are the ones defined in [3] the probability r, , the first best is achieved. in this region are the 59 Figure 13. Regions of the Optimal Contract with a Free Auditor of Unknown When the informativeness find it of the signal optimal to not use the auditor. is sufficiently Even though bad (i.e., r the auditor Type below §) the principal will is free, by submitting the agent to an audit he places him under the risk of being punished by mistake. participation or individual rationality constraint the principal needs to To satisfy the pay the agent the 60 expected value of this mistaken punishment. This would not influence the contract in the event that the principal got the punishment back from the manager since both are risk neutral. However, in proposition 4 if the principal deters (where we say that if r collusion the punishment will go to the auditor as was less than 1/2-q the auditor would not be used) or if the principal does not deter collusion there will be a transfer to the auditor since the when agent will have to pay him 7^/2 as a bribe. Hence, there are many mistakes (r is low) no auditor will be used. Given the probability of a colluding auditor, the principal will be better off collusion in the diagonally striped region of the deter collusion he will have to pay compliance and with probability 1-c all above graph- If the principal decides to the auditors the reward this by allowing when they report a non- reward was not needed; on the other hand, if he does not deter collusion some auditors will be bribed, reducing the deterrence effect of the punishment. The indifference locus of this tradeoff is reflected in Depending on will the scheme chosen, be the ones derived the subregions in proposition 4 and — lemma line~£. as depicted in the following graph 6. 1 61 P(A) o<D) :! p;Hii!iJiii " ,:i! '- !li -'" !, 1i{iji; B1(D) 1/2 $ '" $ Figure 14. Regions and Subregions of the Optimal Contract with a Free Auditor of Unknown Type This proposition "merges" the results of proposition 4 and no auditor is used identical to the is the same as the one derived in one given for £ in lemma 6.1. If § < lemma lemma r s 6.1. 6.1. The The region where definition of £ ~£, collusion is is allowed and the 62 scheme of lemma 6.1 is applied. collusion applying the facts (1) (Expected) non-maximum >~£, the principal finds more profitable to deter 4. should be noticed: both schemes don't use is r scheme of proposition Two important best If deterrence always obtains maximum deterrence. when the auditor is used. Indeed Therefore, in presence of collusion, the first never reached whether the principal deters collusion or not (2) If the punishment grows, obtains because the effort collusion is when deterred (e B3 ( D >). always becomes optimal to allow collusion. This it collusion The is allowed (eB3 ( A auditor). ) higher than the effort principal can afford to restore the effort allowing collusion because the cost of increasing would expect deterred collusion he is 1 ' to loose P 111 the expected punishment he will collect scaled ^(l-Oy If he allowed collusion, his expected cost payment required by the low-type manager is down by c/2. (1 - when more when If the principal (the expected reward to the would be the difference between to sign the contract (see (2-c)/2 in ( 1 - r) result c) y P™ when an the MIR1) and honest auditor convicts the manager. Finally, each region has the 3 familiar subregions and expected punishment The graphs presented 6, = l/2,8 2 is where rent is extracted, effort is restored kept constant. in figures 13 =l,q=l/2,c= and 14 are an illustration of the optimal contract when 1/2. The following graphs show how the regions of the optimal contract change with c. 63 FB C -0 C -0 Figure 15. Regions of the Optimal Contract with a Free Auditor of Unknown Type when c -» 64 FB c 1 C 1 6. 1 Regions of the Optimal Contract with a Free Auditor of Unknown Type when When - 1/2-q 1/2 Figure - c -* the proportion of collusive auditors goes 1 down (c-*0), the contract resembles the standard second best contract with a faithful auditor.(see proposition 2). At the limit, if c=0, no collusion ever occurs and the optimal contract always uses the free honest auditor (see figure 15). At the other limit, if c= and the optimal contract is 1 , identical to the the principal always has to worry about collusion one of proposition 4 (see figure 16). Conclusions and Directions for Further Research We have analyzed the role of auditing in a simplified hierarchy (principal-auditor-manager) in which the auditor and the manager can collude; we have distinguished between internal 65 (costless, self-interested) technology which is and external (costly, truthful) auditors and developed an audit imperfect and allows forging of evidence under collusion. We have shown that the internal auditor alone may be useful collude with the manager. The possibility to the principal is if he can of collusion imposes an additional cost on the use it. We always hired on a random basis because his role of the auditor but under certain parameter configurations the principal prefers have also found even that the external auditor is to bear mainly to police the internal auditor. We have also shown that expected maximum presence of collusion. his effort but also The intuition is that makes collusion more deterrence is not necessarily optimal in the increasing the punishment for the manager raises profitable: the bribe tends to be higher and thus harder to deter. Finally, we have presented a model where the principal has to decide whether to allow or deter collusion. Deterring collusion is costly for the principal because he has to reward his auditor for not accepting a potential bribe from the manager. If the principal believes that his auditor is and therefore honest with a sufficiently high probability, he will not try to deter collusion let the collusive auditor and the manager collude. Even an auditor is useful because the manager knows that shirking in such a case, hiring may cost him and gets a the punishment signal of shirking. if the auditor is honest and the bribe In this analysis we have assumed that the bargaining power of the manager and was identical and, thus, the if the auditor Nash bargaining is collusive the auditor solution obtained within the coalition formed by these two agents. More generally, we could model the bargaining power of the manager and the auditor by a variable p € [0,1] and a transfer (bribe) of setup, by p= just means that the manager has all the bargaining matching the principal's offered reward, p = 1 W+(P m-W)p. power and can means In this bribe the auditor that the auditor has all the 66 bargaining power and will extract a punishment that the payment from manager would sufier We have also assumed that the principal the manager equal to the potential if the auditor reported his signal to the principal. only offers a reward when his purpose collusion. This need not be optimal since the bargaining process within the coalition. reward offered by the principal In a future version we is to deter will alter the plan to investigate this issue. One objection to the contracts characterized in strategies are not renegotiation-proof. and the manager may prefer penalty). The incentive to original contract tell the principal Once a low to renegotiate principal does not audit and the our paper is that output has been revealed, the principal and reach a Pareto-superior allocation manager gives the To avoid (e.g., the principal one half of the expected would be renegotiated and the truth in the first place. the resulting equilibrium this would alter the the renegotiation issue, commitment power over the probability of audit. manager's we have given Although we plan to characterize the optimal renegotiation-proof contract in a future extension of this paper, for the moment we will accept this simolifying assumption. An alternative to the ad-hoc power of commitment with which we endow the principal is to invoke a reputation argument: in an infinite supergame where the principal and the manager could only sign one-period contracts the original contract would be renegotiation-proof. Introducing reputation to make endogenous assumptions about auditors opens the issue of dynamics. two-period model in the principal and the We are exploring the consequences of considering a which the "faithfulness" of the external and the "self-interest" of the external are a consequence of the utility-maximizing behavior. Another alternative for the a is to solve the renegotiation-proof contract relying two types of manager. game where a principal It is who a well known result on mixed of the crime-deterrence strategies literature that cannot commit to a (possibly contingent) investigation 67 strategy by a costly enforcer polices an agent who may or may not comply with provisions of a contract or law does not have a pure-strategy equilibrium. If the agent complies with probability one, the enforcer should not be used. If the enforcer the agent should not comply. If the enforcer is the is not used, used with probability one, the agent should comply. If the agent complies the enforcer should not be used. Our model can be extended in a variety of directions. If we consider a costly self-interested internal auditor, for example, the probability any more. If all is auditors behave of sending the external alone need not be zero strategically the interesting question arises as to whether it possible to police the police without falling in an infinite regress. Another interesting direction correlated. would be to allow the auditors' information to be imperfectly A new trade-off would appear, his individual rationality constraint the internal could be punished by mistake and would gain importance (he won't work unless he is compensated for the possible mistakes of the external). There is an important reason to study this extension. In our model, we assume that the external auditor never colludes. But even if he could collude, the optimal contract not be altered since the external auditor has exactly the auditor. To prevent the external from colluding same information we need only to as the internal add a new coalition incentive compatibility constraint promising a reward for truthful revelation. model of Demski and Sappington, whatever that reward is As in the the principal never has to pay because the external can only confirm the internal's report 28 28 The implicit assumption here would it . is that any side contract that the external could sign with the agent or the internal is non-enforceable. 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Proof: In region Bl, the slope of the profit function with respect to extracted from the high type (with = ^Tn dp at* TT at^ ~ln m ap The 1 is " " q) (1 slope of the profit function with respect to extracted) dn is 1 dn 1 atf m aP a* Decreasing y below -% (2r - 1) P™ when y is reduced (and no rent 1 q M P would only be (1 - q) > z = m profitable if (2r - 1) *» z > ^-2 29 To achieve incentive compatibility, y P" must equal a constant 1 k= tf° - g(e?0) ^ r But at the limit dy _ ap m l * is 29 m dP q 1 ) rent is 1 .i ,i y P™ when more pm f ' where y= 1 , i pm L_ ^.._ (pm) ^pm k = F" and then 2 k, - (2r - l) P m 74 But when this condition is true profitable not to use the auditor at it is Lemma 3.2: If the cost of the auditor is sufficiently low there exists a punishment For z this P™ such that occurs before the s-^3 (2r - 1) minimum punishment Proof: In lemma 1 P™ for best level of effort first there exists which ei we have shown for the principal to use the probability y of sending the auditor 1 is On the first that this besL (The profit function other hand, the slope of sending the auditor is of the adjusted < that y can only happen (q 1, is in region P™ when less than where P^fb is the first B2. effort is adjusted is positive best and smoothly becomes increasing and concave in P™) profit function with respect to is is at all, in the optimal contract. punishments below the level necessary to achieve the zero at the him reached. Formally, P m < P^fb such In B2, the slope of the profit function with respect to for (See definition of n k below.) one and all. zVP™ which is positive , P™ when fo all P™. the probability n Proof of Proposition 3 (continued) The Lagrangjan L»q{6 1 for this problem is: + e 1 -t 1 + Y[(l-r)Pn»-z]} + + X2 C {t 2 - -f} + X3 C {t 2 - (1 - q) {9 2 + e 2 4-t,}+ ( £i-L - with the additional constraints: £0 Osysl e,sOe 2 &0 ti*0 t2 X,sO X 2 &0 Xj^O X4 ^0 - }i- + ^ 2 } +Xj e ,2 {t, - -j-- y(l YrP^}+X4{l-Y} - r)Pn>} 75 The Kuhn-Tucker conditions J*age ae for = q - A e + A 3 x 1 = (1 v" maximization (e, are: - AG) - q) e, v> 2 + Xj M/ - (X, "3' ^2 < 2 age e ' 2 " ae 2 JjL , _ q + dt Jfj- < 2 aje_ = e, ; ^ - x < 3 = -(l - q) + X, + X, < ; f* tl ; (l) 76 u By t?\ eq. (3) j/<\ q Ml P and (5), Xi •> X3 = In region B2, ci = ' = Xi-q pm(2 r _az_ P m (2r- —— + A8 . i) .-=- rrr A0 * equating the above two expressions AG •6 find y = find (AG - 2) J - 16 z 4 (2r - 1) we use the AG IR1 and IC constraints: - AG) P (2 P 2 Since at (See proposition 2) = 0)(r,z) To we - AG) + (2 1) zA8 m P (2r-1) d-1 Byeq.(l) m (2r- l) + z ' Pm (2r- 1) to, y = 1 and m m2 in region - 2 z AG (2r - 1) 2 (2r - l) E3 :p- < => y < 1 in region E3. + + n Proof of proposition 4 The Lagrangian L=q {8, + e! problem for this - 1, +y (1 - r) is: (Pm - w)} + (1 - q) {0 2 Mt,-^-Y(l-r)Pro}+X 2 {t 2 (Cl Q)2 ' 2 +Y r P"1 } + X 4 {w - e2 - 2} X }+X3{t2 Pm} + X 5 { 1 - y} C - "2"- t,) + 77 with the additional constraints: 2 e,2 e2 Osysl ^1^0 given that y and ti^O because *0 P™ always appear for maximization. results X2 The tj^O w^O X32O X42O together, alternative choice we assume — we to fix v that the reservation The Kuhn-Tucker conditions fix = *0 P™ at P™* and 1 and wage of the for maximization are: X5 let use v as the argument P"1 vary — does not internal auditor is zero. alter the 78 If y = 0, the auditor is not used. Therefore the optimal scheme is BO and we can let w = P™ w.l.o.g. In BO, Xj = Suppose y 1 ** and X3 = li then, since the relevant pm = q - 1 , equation (7) then becomes schemes Bl, B2 and the line a(r) are the in proposition 2 FOC are identical. Also, by the coalition incentive compatibility constraint w- < Suppose y < (i.e., 1 we are in region B3). Using equations (1) X, = X 3 + q which imply since y we < 1 to (4), (3) q-X, C!+X 3 (e!-Ae) = (6) same as , that X3 = X5 0. (1) q(1 ei) ^Q By the coalition incentive compatibility constraint, P" = 1 w and using find -PmX, (l-r) + PmrX 3 = which implies that A9 V Note m 1 " (1 - 2r- 1 that c\ in region B3 _ r) is independent of P™ and equal to c\ in region A9 (4r - A 6 2 2) (2r - 1) This defines the line P(r), the border between regions B2 and B3. B2 when 79 It is a(r) easy to check that < when p(r) function -4r2 + (4 (5(r) is (4 1 2 r - and j i that - Cj 1. - cj increasing if if that (3(r) is increasing in the interval 1 + A6 I J 2 ' < when + 2A8)r-(A6 + 1)<0 This means f L r = P(r) 2A6)r-(A6+l)>0 + and decreasing -4r2 + < = i The cc(r) and decreasing when r exceeds the upper bound of the interval. Therefore, depending on the value of A8 satisfying the no shut (1+A8V2 could be less rise to the 30 The l/( 2 -q), than between l/(2-q)and 1 , down condition^, or greater than 1. This gives following 3 graphs: maximum A0 decreasing at most for no shut down when r = l/(2-2q). is q/(l-q). Therefore the function P(r) starts 80 .m Mr) oc(r) 1 2 - q r 2 Figure A 1. a. First Possible Shape of P(r) .m MO «(r) 2 - q Figure A 1 .b. Second Possible Shape of P(r) 1 r 81 Figure Note 2 Third Possible Shape of P(r) graphs imply a rate of increase in the effort function different that such and B3. Indeed, a A I.e. it is easy to check that 2 e? 2 a = ef and 3 < 2 a(r) a(r)' Proof of Proposition 5 The Lagrangian for this L-q 1, {B, + e, - +y (l-q){e 2 + problem [(1 e 2 -t 2 - r) is: (P™ }+X - w) e 1 {t 1 - - r6 z] + (1 - y) ^--(l-r)Pm I [Y «P ((1 - r) P" - z)]} + cP (l.Y)]} + + in region B2 82 e X2{t 2 X4 - 4}+Mt P {w + 6 - (1 5) - ^'-^ e 2 - -f 2 + rP"[Y + <P(l-Y)]} + -t,- P™} + X 5 { 1 - y) + X6 { 1 - 5} + X 7 { 1 - <p} with the additional constraints: e^O e2 ^0 ti^O 6 *0 cp £0 w^O Xi^0X 2 ^0 X3 ^0 X^O *0 X 6 *0 X7 *0 Y *0 X5 where y is t2 ^0 the probability of sending the internal auditor probability of sending the external auditor productivity and cp = q - |f = f*- %- (1 \ low ., for maximization are: + X 3 (,, - A9) - q) - (X + X,) 2 = -q + the internal auditor reported the the probability of sending the external alone. The Kuhn-Tucker conditions g- when when output is low, 6 \ c - A, S < < e , 2 , = -CI - q) + X + A < 2 3 &--qft-r)*-\*0 t, ., ; 2 gj- = (1) = (2) |f = f^ (3) M- , t i w 2 = ^-0 (4) (5) 83 = q {[(1 - || - X (1 1 * H 2g- = -q ||- = q - r) m (1 - w) - r6z] - [9((l - 9) P m + A3 P m r) P m r(l - 9) - - z)]} \ = r z m < (6) 5 + X - *) (1 + X3 P (P r) r 1 + P (P 4 [(1 - r) - (1 tJ) P m m - X ) - X < - z] - X 1 ? 6 ; 6 < - (1 ; r) ^ (1 = - 9^=0 (7) <5) P m (8) Plus the constraints and their complementary slackness conditions For proving the proposition Lemma 5.1: If the outsider the outsider is 8= pm + Proof: If the outsider 1 >6 =» <8 =» X6 = is the following three lemmas: sent after the insider, the conditional probability — pi sent after the insider, 8> 0. Suppose by the complementary slackness condition 9J Then,A4=^ pm-^->0 + pi X4 ^> that by the complementary slackness condition 38. = o d6 is we will use implies that 8 = y pm . w — by' the CIC pm + pi constraint. 1 >6> 0. of sending 84 Next, we If 6 = 1 , will show X4 = that because but then, from (7), Lemma 5.2: The X6 = 6 1 leads to a contradiction. w + P* > -q rz y < (from 0. CIC constraint), Contradiction since X6 a n 0. reward for the internal auditor (w) can only be or P™. Proof: Substituting our above result for 6 in the objective function, the principal's involves the following maximization: Max m (1 - r) (P m - w) - r 0<w<P whose (p solution can be always found at a corner. pm + Ifr<— pm + -2 pi pi +z m 1-2^ + P ) 1 z problem 85 (Notice that this result depends crucially on the fart that the internal is free.) Proof of proposition 5 (continued): We must consider 2 alternative ways by which the principal could achieve incentive compatibility: (P111) or (ii) (i) paying the internal auditor a reward no lower than the enough (with sending an external with probability (6) high maximum respect to bribe P and 111 pi) to deter collusion. pnj As we have proved r lemmas in 5. 1 8 and 5.2 the optimal r optimal to use a "mix" of the two methods; w is either If (i) i.e., _ is ^y r pra + pi and it is never strictly w and 6 strictly positive. This implies that or P™. w = P™ then 6 = 0. Then, equation (6) implies that 1 2 - q P < pm (ii) If w - 0, then 8 - pm pi— + Pm * 2r-1 The condition < min r * for not ^ Then, equation (6) implies that » - P* - nfr.P'.ri using any auditor -A— 2 . q L_ • - q) (P m the principal hires only the internal auditor, y = w = P™ 3 Recall that when the internal without loss of generality. = tT 1 3-1 2 and 1 then, ' (1 When is is costless we can 1 + P 1 ) 31,6 = adjust ^, p\z) (this implies that P™ setting X6 = 0) y always equal to one 86 From equation (5), Substituting in (7), And At this takes this point = Tl(r) X4 = q r ( 1 - r) pm + pi pm + pi + z * -. . = p" l (Pm ) us back to the schemes Bl we can show r that n, q 2r - 1 1 - q , B2 and B3 derived in proposition 4. and p cross when z - r _i P = 1 - z - l P = p(r) r 1 which occurs % at r 2-q m P 1 FB /(2-q) Figure A2. Regions for the use of internal and external auditors pm When = the principal hires both the internal and ?m > max { n(r),p(r)} and the external auditors, y - 1,6 pm + pi ,w 87 We find a situation analogous to the one described in proposition 3. The only difference is that the cost of auditing is now bz instead of z. Recall that the line a(r) gives the locus of pairs (r.P™) such that the high productivity type of agent between n,(r) Bl derived by a reduction to(r) ae . If P™ is a straightforward extension of the scheme in y is equivalent to the increase in benefits via effort restortion of the (see proposition 3). 2 - AG + / Therefore (2 - AG) go is implicitly defined 2 - 16 z = in proposition 3, the regions be below and P1 gives the locus of pairs (r,P m) such that the decrease in auditing 4 As is extracted from in proposition 3. low productivity type m P that a(r) is independent of z and a(r) the scheme applied (El) Recall that the line costs and all rent is n(r). p by m P^P 1 (2r - 1) El and E2 may not exist Indeed, line a(r) and co(r) could 88 pm 1 \ \ X X \ f * f * / X \ \ \ X y / • / / x x \ \ x ' • • • • XXXXXX** xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx *********** xxxxxxxxxxx *********** xxxxxxxxxxx ************** xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ************** xxxxxxxxxxxxxx *************** xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ft************ xxxxxxxxxxxxx / ' Figure A3. Regions Proof of The Lagrangian L= q {6, + e, + X,{t ^ 1 Lemma for this - 1! E 1 and E2 Do Not 6.1. problem + y (1-c) - (1 is: r) F™} + (1 - q) {6 2 + e2 - 2) -Y-Y(l-r)Pm (^L-)} +X 2 {t 2 -^-} C 3 {t 2 (ei 4--t^ M 2 -f 2 )2 +Y rP"(^)}^X4{l-Y} with the additional constraints: d^O e 2 *0 y * Xi = Exist ^0 t|^0 t2 X 2 s=0 X3 * The Kuhn-Tucker conditions for X4 * maximization are: 89 age = q - X de. + X e 3 - A9) (e Pae < 1 = (1) 1 age - q) - (A + X ) e 2 3 2 (1 ae. aie = -q + X - X at. age 3 < age q (1 - c) as (1 r) (3) at. i ' - c^ (2 + X (2) 1^- = < - = ^ 2 -(1 - q) + X + X < 2 3 at. age e ; d£ t ; 2 jn 4 p " - X t (1 = (4) dt - (2 - c) 2 r) <m .m = r (5) 3 Plus the constraints and their complementary slackness conditions If no auditor is used, y 1 - q. 0; therefore - c - 2q (1 (2 - q) (2 - c) - 2q < Note that when c words, when c - becomes Also, c r £ we obtain X\ - 1 and \3 = - (1 this condition boils it always optimal is c) down to use to r * 1/2 which an auditor. never true. In other is When c = 1 , the condition — 2-q when y the effort When y = c) ~ 0, bo = 1 _ i.e., to (4) Plugging those values in (5) yields 2 r and using (1) X*= 1 using ( 1 ) to (4) we find that i__q. Ae is and constant with respect to MIR2 is not binding, we r and P™. are in region B and using 1 ( 1 ) to (4), 90 e Bi = 1 . i^_i and the informational If r or P 171 ^ rents are extracted from the high type. MIR2, are high enough to bind 2 (e« - A9) = l + r P m (2 - cl l by MIC. Therefore, using MIR1 we can e B2 = AG 2 1 Equating ex p , ei f2 - c) AG B1 and e] B2 gives us the line a, separating the = (2 c^ 2 j I (2r - 1) obtain, two regions Bl and B2: 91 Proof of Proposition 6 For proof we will use the this results lemma derived in 6. 1 contracts are precisely the possible choices of the principal unknown type: he can allow alternative we (lemma main when r s 2 q < ^ So . - . dominates the scheme BO. Remark: At this point, space where it 2 ) is For each and be comparing these profits we regions. The value of in the region 6 These two facing a free auditor of Derivation of §: The optimal contract of proposition 4 uses the scheme when 4. or deter (proposition 4) collusion. 1) will derive the profits for the principal will characterize the four and proposition = £ of r lemma 1. was found between I and ~ 2 We call the line we have also 1; to auditor) be always smaller than the incentive - BO (no scheme of lemma 1 q of lemma § 1 . proved the existence of a region of the paramenter optimal for the principal to allow collusion. Namely, whenever r € (J , regardless of the value of P"1 allowing collusion dominates both other schemes , (no auditor and deterring collusion.) Derivation ofT[i: First note that the border between regions Bl and collusion i.e., is below than cc(D) s cc(A) since deterring between regions Bl and B2 when allowing collusion; -c ^— a(A) and c € (0,1). the border a(D) = We can then compare the 2 — profits of schemes B1(A) and B1(D) below a(D) and find the border^ which equates B1(A) and B1(D). When i collusion (using scheme B 1(A)) and when scheme B 1(D)). When r > =—— B2 when and Pm < a(D), r >!; i it will r <~^i it will be optimal be optimal to allow to deter collusion (using 92 ,m IT which implies n / IT ^- (A) - 17(D) = ] + 2q - (1 r) } that , ^ when - tt(D) > (A) [q (3r - 2) - 2r + 1 {c 2q (1 - < r q c) - 3c) (2 + c + 2c and viceversa. For r "1 1 and P™ = a(D), scheme "allowing" is we saw MA) that clearly better since If 7r(D). a(D) < P™ < a(A) and So the border am = ^ (A) I e 2 - B3(A) 1 , (5(A) > 2 - 2^7 > we 1 . , X l (3(A), the makes and is restoring deterring relatively Also _c 2 - note that e B3 < A > > e i A6 (1 A6 (4r - A6 2 (2r - l) . - \ more r) scheme B3(A) _ is optimal. _ " A8 MD) (l - r) e 2r - 1 2r - 1 c 2) ^^>\ Therefore, below (3(A) and above (3(D) and for above all the rent (3(D). Indeed, A6 > ^2~ 2r^~T _A9_ 2 c l uses the whole punishment P™. we note that when r = Finally, since = it -~£ the between "allowing collusion" and "deterring collusion" (£) has to head north-east. Indeed, increasing r profitable because r continues to extract rent at the same constant rate scheme has already extracted as before while the "deterring" effort at a decreasing rate. it = r >T the scheme B3(D) B 3(D) l is optimal. And - -. 8. - Date Due :\ Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES DUPL 3 TOflO OObTTlZb b