Northwest Commission on College and Universities (NWCCU) Annual Update for WSQA Academic Year 2014, 2015 Due November 6, 2015 College Name: Tacoma Community College Contact Person: Dr. Mecca Salahuddin Contact Phone: 253. 566.5124 Contact email: Accreditation recommendations to the College and year of recommendation The institutions accreditation documentation can be viewed at: c/accreditation Tacoma Community College’s regional accreditation was reaffirmed on July 17, 2014 on the basis of the Spring 2014 Year Seven Mission Fulfillment and Sustainability Evaluation. In reaffirming accreditation, the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) requested TCC address Actions taken by the college to address recommendations Recommendation 1 – In 2015-2016, TCC made significant steps to address Recommendation 1 by approving several additional positions: Social Sciences Faculty - To address program review, low completion rates in 101, and expand and build WRAC curriculum. Written Communications Tenure Track (3)- To address program review, low completion rates in 101, and expand and build WRAC 1 Improvement results Recommendation 1 in an Ad Hoc Report without a visit in Spring 2017 and Recommendation 2 in an Ad Hoc Report in Fall 2015. The Recommendations are as follows: Recommendations 1. The evaluation committee recommends that the College seek strategies to address the workload created by the 15 percent increase in enrollment since 2009, coupled with the reduced staffing that occurred when employees retired or resigned and were not replaced due to the double-digit reduction in state funding since 20072008. The College’s increased emphasis on creating an environment of continuous improvement and a culture of assessment and evidence may generate additional workload. The institution must employ a sufficient number of qualified personnel to maintain its support and operations functions (Standard 2.B.1) 2. The evaluation committee recommends that for each curriculum. Education Transfer Tenure Track To provide full-time faculty in program Physical Science/Engineering - To address the need due to increase in student FTEs in the program Math Tenure Track - To address the need as a high priority in the program review Biology Tenure Track - To address the need as a high priority in the program review lnformation Technology Tenure Track - To address the need as the highest priority in the program review librarian Tenure Track - to support hybrid and online programs and courses, instructional activities, student research and technology, & the development of the literary collections lnternational Admissions Coordinator - Source of funding change only. 50%to come from Operating Budget. Customer Service Coordinator One full time staff to replace three hourly staff in order to provide consistent and efficient service. Program Manager for Access Services - To address the increased ADA needs of our students. Human Resources Consultant lncreased volume of recruitment 2 year of operation, the College undergo an external financial audit and that the results from such audits, including findings and management letter recommendations, be considered, in a timely, appropriate and comprehensive manner by the Board of Trustees (Eligibility Requirement 19 and Standard 2.F.7) and screening due to faculty/staff increases and turnover. Application Developer - To support continued enhancement of the College's visibility on the web and social media. Foundation Operations Coordinator Counselor - increase availability during the summer In addition, TCC leadership is engaging the Board of Trustees in conversations around a target FT/PT faculty ratio with an intent to improve those ratios with additional faculty. Recommendation 2 - In a letter dated March 26, 2015 Interim Accounting Services Director Joann Wiszmann for the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) informed the College Presidents they would be moving to an annual preparation and submission of financial statements. Based on this decision, in May 2014, along with 8 other Washington state community colleges, TCC was scheduled for an audit of our 2013-2014 financial statements during the 2015 winter quarter. Due to staffing issues the State Auditor’s Office (SA0) was unable to conduct the audit. Upcoming Plans to Address Recommendation 2 Since the 2013-2014 financial statement 3 was not audited in winter quarter 2015 and the 2014-2015 financial statements are scheduled to be audited during the 2015-2016 year, the SAO requested that both the 2013-2014 and 2014 -2015 financial statements be audited together. Given the two-year timeframe prescribed in the NWCCU reaffirmation letter to address and resolve Recommendation 2, TCC will provide an update on the results both the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 audits to ensure we remain in compliance with the Commission’s Standards and Eligibility Requirements. 4