2014 LEGISLATIVE SESSION REPORT Detailed summary of impacts to Washington’s community and technical college system BETTER JOBS, BRIGHTER FUTURES, A STRONGER WASHINGTON. Table of Contents Letter from the Executive Director 3 Budget Summary 4 2014 Legislation 5 System Involvement 8 Session Feedback 13 Ongoing Legislative Reports 15 This report, which includes active links to legislation and other information, is available electronically at the SBCTC Government Relations web page: http://sbctc.edu/college/gv_index.aspx. If you have questions regarding the content of this report, please contact Alison Grazzini Smith, SBCTC Legislative Director, at 360704-4394 or agsmith@sbctc.edu. Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 2 of 18 A Letter from the Executive Director April 2014 This year’s legislative session adjourned on time, March 13, with lawmakers passing a supplemental operating budget and numerous policy bills. New state laws make improvements to the K-12 system, extend state financial aid eligibility to undocumented students, and create a pathway to implement the federal Affordable Care Act. Although lawmakers failed to reach agreement on a transportation plan and supplemental capital budget, a number of higher education and workforce bills were passed. From paraeducator development and in-state tuition for veterans, to academic credit for prior learning and statewide educational attainment goals, lawmakers continue to recognize the important role community and technical colleges play in preparing students for a competitive global economy. The continued success and strength of community and technical colleges is a direct result of our system’s dedication and commitment to ensuring all students are successful regardless of where they begin their higher education journeys. Thank you for your passion and commitment to providing excellence to all Washingtonians. Sincerely, Marty Brown Executive Director Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 3 of 18 Budget Summary The final supplemental operating budget (ESSB 6002), represents a 1.8 percent decrease in the CTC system biennial budget. The final FY 2015 appropriation of $623.4 million represents a 2.2 percent decrease when compared to $637.5 million in the FY 2014 appropriation. These reductions are driven primarily by funding changes in pass-through budget items (e.g. payments for state central services like the Attorney General). Below is the overall impact on this year’s supplemental budget to the CTC system: Enrollments The legislative enrollment target was increased to a total of 139,927 FTEs. The increase is equal to the 1,000 additional aerospace FTEs provided in November 2014, less the 310 FTEs impacted by the transfer of the University Center management role from Everett Community College to Washington State University (WSU). The Legislature did not transfer funding for the University Center. A fiscal arrangement is needed to provide WSU access to funding associated with the center. Tuition and Audit Tuition levels were frozen at the current level for FY 2015. The State Auditor is required to hire a third-party financial auditor to examine the local accounts colleges and universities use to track and expend tuition and local fees. All four-year institutions of higher education and two community and/or technical colleges (one with a baccalaureate program and one without) are required to comply with this audit. Results are due to the Legislature by January 2015. Policy Items • Year Up: $350,000 was appropriated for a pilot program with the CTC system to increase skills and professional experience of underrepresented youth through an employer-supported internship model. • MESA: $410,000 was appropriated for the Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement Program to extend the current pilot at six colleges where federal funds are currently expiring: Columbia Basin, Edmonds, Highline, Olympic, Seattle Central, and Yakima Valley. • Paraeducator development (SSB 6129): $168,000 was appropriated to fund SSB 6129 to create articulated pathways for paraeducators (see 2014 Legislation). Financial Aid • College Bound Scholarship Program: $12.3 million • Opportunity Scholarship Program: $25.5 million • State Need Grant Funding: No change. Budget assumes the $5 million increase contained in the Real Hope Act, SB 6523 (see also 2014 Legislation). LEAN Reduction A statewide reduction of $40 million impacts all state agencies. The CTC share is estimated to be $3.1 million assuming the reduction is prorated by share of General Fund state appropriations. Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 4 of 18 2014 Legislation SBCTC staff monitored approximately 300 pieces of legislation during the 2014 session. This included analyzing proposed bills, providing testimony in legislative committees, and collaborating with legislative staff on possible amendments to protect the CTC system. Table 1 below lists final bills passed that include new legislative requirements for the CTC system. This information will also serve as a resource in tracking the internal bill implementation process throughout the year. Table 1: 2014 Bills for CTC Implementation Bill SHB 2105 (Hawkins) Description Requires state agencies to make regular meeting agendas available online no later than 24 hours in advance of the published start time of the meeting. EHB 2108 Requires a review of alternate (Ross) pathways for hearing aid fitters and dispensers. Also renames hearing instrument fitters and dispensers as hearing aid specialists. HB 2398 Allows community and (Walkinshaw) technical colleges to offer honorary bachelor of applied science degrees. 2SHB 2457 Requires insurance coverage (Hansen) for vessels over 65 feet and more than 40 years old. Creates a variety of tax exemptions and fees to incentivize compliance and cover the cost of disposal of derelict commercial vessels. ESHB 2626 Puts the WA Student (Seaquist) Achievement Council’s (WSAC) Ten-Year Roadmap goals in statute: • By 2023, 100 percent of adults will have a high school degree; and • By 2023, 70 percent of adults will have a college credential. SBCTC Staff Lead Julie Walter Position SBCTC Tasks Neutral Communicate new requirements system-wide. Neutral Collaborate with Department of Health and colleges on alternative pathways. Communicate information system-wide. Jim Crabbe December 1, 2014 (Legislature) Edward Esparza N/A Neutral Communicate new requirements to BAC, BAR, and PAC. Joann Wiszmann N/A Favor Participate in regular WSAC workgroup meetings and make recommendations for strategies to reach statewide attainment goals. Jan Yoshiwara N/A Favor Report Due N/A Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 5 of 18 Bill Description Position SBCTC Tasks SB 5318 (Bailey) Expands the definition of veteran residency to include veterans who are not state residents to participate fully in the Post-9/11 GI Bill. Favor ESB 5964 (Fain) Requires all board members, elected officials and public records officers to be trained on public meeting laws or public records laws. The Attorney General’s office may design the training program. Requires higher education institutions to adopt a policy to award academic credit for military training courses or programs before December 31, 2015. Neutral Improves educational outcomes for homeless youth by strengthening the ability of school districts to identify homeless students, establishing data reporting requirements, and distributing best practices and information regarding services and support for homeless students. Requires the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) to convene a workgroup to design programspecific minimum employment standards for paraeducators, professional development and education opportunities that support the standards, a paraeducator career ladder, and an articulated pathway for teacher preparation and certification. Neutral Coordinate with WSAC to issue updated residency definition to registrars and veteran offices and centers. Communicate requirements to colleges, State Board members, and staff; track completion of training. Coordinate with registrars regarding the veteran college credit policies. Coordinate with registrars and Instruction Commission about the list of possible credit awards. May require coordination with school districts in identifying homeless students enrolled in CTC alternative high school programs. SSB 5969 (O’Ban) SSB 6074 (Frockt) SSB 6129 (Hill) Favor Favor Participate on the workgroup and convene college representatives to: • Revise curriculum to include new employment standards; • Embed cultural competence content; and SBCTC Staff Lead Scott Copeland Report Due N/A John Boesenberg N/A Scott Copeland N/A Scott Copeland January 10, 2015, and every odd-numbered year (Governor, Legislature) Kathy Goebel January 2015 and January 2016 (Legislature) Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 6 of 18 Bill Description ESSB 6265 (Frockt) SB 6358 (KohlWelles) ESSB 6436 (Frockt) ESSB 6517 (Roach) SB 6523 (Bailey) E2SSB 6552 (Rolfes) Requires colleges that offer an apprenticeship or certificate program for paraeducators to provide candidates the opportunity to earn transferrable course credits within the program. Requires state and local agencies that are inadvertently given patient medical information to destroy or return it to the entity that provided it within five business days. Requires colleges to provide financial aid application due dates and information on whether or not aid will be awarded on a rolling basis to admitted students at the time of acceptance. Creates a workgroup to make recommendations to ensure the College Bound Scholarship program is viable, productive, and effective. Exempts state employee driver’s license and I.D card numbers from public disclosure. Allows undocumented students to be eligible for state financial aid, such as the State Need Grant. Requires the State Board of Education to adopt rules implementing 24 credits for high school graduation for the graduating class of 2019, per the approved college and career ready framework. Position SBCTC Tasks SBCTC Staff Lead Report Due • Neutral Provide transfer credit and align to teacher preparation baccalaureate programs. Communicate requirements to colleges. John Boesenberg N/A N/A Favor Coordinate with registrars to include financial aid awarding policies in college acceptance letters. Scott Copeland Neutral Requires one SBCTC representative selected by the State Board. Communicate requirements to college employers. Scott Copeland Neutral Favor Neutral Coordinate with WSAC and CTC system student aid directors and registrars on student aid eligibility and residency determinations. May be included in OSPI-led task force establishing math/science equivalencies for high school career and technical education courses. December 31, 2014 (Governor, Legislature) John Boesenberg N/A Scott Copeland N/A Bill Moore N/A ### Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 7 of 18 System Involvement CTC system representatives are key to the success of the community and technical college system during session. Table 2 below details legislative testimony during the 2014 session. This information serves as a foundation to advance CTC priorities in future sessions. Table 2: 2014 CTC System Involvement Date Committee January 13 House Appropriations January 14 House Higher Education January 15 Senate Ways & Means January 16 House Health Care & Wellness Senate Higher Education January 17 House Higher Education January 20 Senate Early Learning & K12 Education House Capital Budget January 21 Topic SBCTC staff HB 2185 – making 2014 supplemental operating appropriations. Demographic changes in higher education. SB 6002 – making 2014 supplemental operating appropriations. HB 2108 – concerning hearing instrument fitter/dispensers. CTC system representative Nick Lutes, Operating Budget Director David Prince, Policy Research Director Jan Yoshiwara, Education Services Deputy Executive Director Nick Lutes, Operating Budget Director Marty Brown, Executive Director Veterans: transitions to the workforce. Marie Bruin, Workforce Education Policy Associate SCR 8409 – approving the WTECB’s high skills high wages plan. Alison Grazzini Smith, Legislative Director SB 5969 – awarding academic credit for military training. Plans for expansion to meet higher education attainment goals. Scott Copeland, Student Services Policy Associate Marty Brown, Executive Director SB 6129 – concerning paraeducator development. Tina Bloomer, Policy Research Associate HB 2224 – concerning the 2013-15 supplemental capital budget. Wayne Doty, Capital Budget Director Marty Cavalluzzi, President, Pierce Puyallup Tim Stokes, President, South Puget Sound Chris Bailey, President, Lower Columbia David Mitchell, President, Olympic Jim Walton, President, Centralia Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 8 of 18 Date Committee January 21 House Higher Education January 22 House Appropriations Subcommittee on Education House Higher Education January 23 January 24 Senate Higher Education House Business & Financial Services House Higher Education Topic SBCTC staff Higher education performance and results: SBCTC Student Achievement Initiative results and incentive funding. Spending update on additional institutional funding as appropriated in the 2013-15 operating budget. David Prince, Policy Research Director HB 2285 – requiring a review of institution of higher education policies related to dual credit coursework. Scott Copeland, Student Services Policy Associate HB 2396 – addressing barriers for students to participate in the Running Start program. Overview of the SBCTC Student Achievement Initiative. HB 2512 – concerning cosmetology, hair design, barbering, esthetics, and manicuring. Scott Copeland, Student Services Policy Associate HB 2383 – integrating career and college readiness standards into K12 and higher education policies and practices. Bill Moore, Core to College Alignment Director HB 2398 – honorary applied baccalaureate degrees. Jan Yoshiwara, Education Services Deputy Executive Director Kathy Goebel, Economic Development Policy Associate David Prince, Policy Research Director January 27 House Education HB 2365 – concerning paraeducator development. January 28 House Higher Education HB 2443 – requiring earnings and employment data for completers of higher education degrees, apprenticeships, and certificates awarded by institutions of higher education. HB 2486 – inmate postsecondary education. Nick Lutes, Operating Budget Director David Prince, Policy Research Director Alison Grazzini Smith, Legislative Director Tiffany Merkel, Workforce Education Program Administrator Jacquie Armstrong, Basic Skills Policy Associate CTC system representative Rich Cummins, President, Columbia Basin David Mitchell, President, Olympic Tina Evans, cosmetology instructor, Everett Sylvia Garcia, cosmetology & esthetic instructor, Spokane Paul Bell, student, Bellevue Stu Halsan, Trustee, Centralia Jim Walton, President, Centralia Kevin Miller, former inmate, Coyote Ridge Corrections Center Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 9 of 18 Date Committee January 28 Senate Higher Education Overview of precollege courses and related initiatives. January 29 January 30 House Higher Education Senate Higher Education HB 2546 – making modifications to outdated higher education statutes. Overview of cost of attendance and financial aid options at a research university, regional university, community college, and private university. Alison Grazzini Smith, Legislative Director Scott Copeland, Student Services Policy Associate SB 6358 – requiring institutions of higher education to provide certain financial aid information to enrolled and prospective students. CTC construction costs and capital projects. SB 6344 – inmate postsecondary education. Scott Copeland, Student Services Policy Associate SHB 2486 – inmate postsecondary education. Campus safety and security. Marty Brown, Executive Director February 6 February 7 February 12 February 19 February 20 Senate Ways & Means Senate Human Services & Corrections House Appropriations House Higher Education Topic SBCTC staff Wayne Doty, Capital Budget Director Marty Brown, Executive Director CTC system representative Michelle Andreas, Vice President of Instruction, South Puget Sound Marisa Geier, Director of Financial Aid, Lower Columbia Lisa Matye Edwards, Vice President of Student Success, Lower Columbia Ed Brewster, President, Grays Harbor Bill Overby, Director of Security Services, Skagit Valley Student debt: the CTC student perspective. Brian McQuay, student, Pierce Puyallup Mental health on campus. Deb Casey, Vice President of Student Affairs & Human Resources, Green River Cyndi Rapier, Director of Housing & Safety Response, International Programs, Green River House Education SSB 6129 – concerning paraeducator development. Senate Early Learning & K12 Education House Labor & Workforce Development SHB 2365 – concerning paraeducator development. Aerospace training student loan program. Kathy Goebel, Economic Development Policy Associate Kathy Goebel, Economic Development Policy Associate Larry Cluphf, Executive Director, Washington Aerospace Training & Education Center (WATR) Jean Hernandez, President, Edmonds Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 10 of 18 Date Committee February 20 Senate Higher Education February 21 House Higher Education February 25 Topic SBCTC staff HB 2285 – requiring a review of higher education policies related to dual credit coursework. SSB 5969 – awarding academic credit for military training. Scott Copeland, Student Services Policy Associate Adult Basic Education State Plan. Jon Kerr, Adult Basic Education Director House Higher Education Higher education transitions: Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) Community College Program (MCCP). Senate Health Care Senate Higher Education EHB 2108 – concerning hearing instrument fitter/dispensers. HB 2398 – honorary applied baccalaureate degrees. Senate Human Services & Corrections 2SHB 2486 – inmate postsecondary education. CTC system representative Scott Copeland, Student Services Policy Associate Jan Yoshiwara, Education Services Deputy Executive Director Marty Brown, Executive Director Michelle Andreas, Vice President of Instruction, South Puget Sound Randy Bailey, student, Lower Columbia Laura DiZazzo, Dean of Basic & Transitional Studies, Seattle Central Taleah Mitchell, student, Seattle Central Mary Soltman, Dean of Humanities & Communication Division, South Puget Sound Michal Ann Watts, Adult Education instructor, Lower Columbia Chera Amlag, MESA Director, Highline Kalani Plunkett, MCCP electrical engineering student, Highline Lydia Smith, MCCP nursing student, Highline Jeff Wagnitz, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Highline Ron Langrell, President, Bates Stephanie Delaney, Dean of Extended Learning, Seattle Central Gina McConnell, Former inmate student Pamela Transue, President, Tacoma Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 11 of 18 Date Committee February 25 Senate Trade & Economic Development Senate Ways & Means February 26 House Appropriations House Higher Education February 27 February 28 March 5 House Appropriations Subcommittee on Education House Capital Budget Senate Commerce & Labor House Higher Education Topic SBCTC staff Pacific North West Economic Region. ESSB 6002 – making 2014 supplemental operating appropriations. HB 2185 – making 2014 supplemental operating appropriations. Innovation in pre-college education. Marty Brown, Executive Director SSB 5969 – awarding academic credit for military training. Scott Copeland, Student Services Policy Associate SHB 2224 – concerning the 2013-15 supplemental capital budget. HB 1348 – modifying collective bargaining law related to providing additional compensation for academic employees at community & technical colleges. Interim planning. Wayne Doty, Capital Budget Director CTC system representative Shana Peschek, Construction Center of Excellence Director Marty Brown, Executive Director Jan Yoshiwara, Education Services Deputy Executive Director David Lippman, math faculty member, Pierce Bob Mohrbacher, Vice President of Instruction & Student Services, Big Bend Lawrence Morales, math faculty member, Seattle Central Wendy Rockhill, Dean for Science & Mathematics, Seattle Central Chris Willett, math faculty member, Pierce Jim Walton, President, Centralia Dan Altmayer, TACTC President & Trustee, Highline Alison Grazzini Smith, Legislative Director ### Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 12 of 18 Session Feedback The SBCTC Government Relations office is committed to improving the internal legislative process to ensure long-term success. Session feedback was gathered through an anonymous system-wide survey. Table 3 below contains the results from the 46 individuals who participated in the survey, open from April 1 to April 19, 2014. Table 3: 2014 Session Feedback Survey Results Q. 1 How well did the overall system legislative process work this session? Q. 2. Were the weekly internal system meetings helpful (e.g. Legislative Strategy, Joint Legislative call, WACTC conference call, etc.)? Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 13 of 18 Q. 3. Did you feel informed of legislative activity (e.g. via Legislative News, SBCTC email updates, etc.)? Q. 4. Did you have the necessary resources for session (e.g. Bill Watch List, Hearing Schedule, testimony preparation, legislative contact information, etc.)? Q. 5. Please share additional ideas about how the internal system's legislative process can be improved. Responses have been summarized and organized by theme: • Communication: ensure internal system is informed of changing legislative process throughout session. • Strategy: increase internal system strategy for legislative efforts (e.g. testimony, bill positions, etc.) • Advocacy: spend interim building legislative support prior to the 2015 session. Source: Survey Monkey, 2014 ### Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 14 of 18 Ongoing Legislative Reports Under statutory requirement, the community and technical college system is required to report information to the Legislature and/or Governor in various ways throughout the year. These reports may require effort by SBCTC, colleges, or other CTC system stakeholders. Table 4 below provides a list of CTC-required legislative reports from bills passed during prior legislative sessions. Table 4: Ongoing CTC Legislative Reports Bill 2ESHB 1087 (2011) 2SHB 1163 (2011) ESHB 1247 (2013) 2SHB 1566 (2013) 2SHB 1642 (2013) HB 1736 (2013) Description SBCTC must report personnel data. SBCTC must report to the governor as well as fiscal and appropriate legislative committees on the Job Skills program. OSPI and the OEO must report about the progress of a school bullying and harassment prevention workgroup. Modifies the Job Skills Program by exempting small businesses from providing a dollar-fordollar training match. Educational outcomes of youth in out-of home care. Academic acceleration for high school students. SBCTC is required to report student data to ERDC. Higher education operating efficiencies. SBCTC will be part of an OFM-led committee to review reporting requirements to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Lead Agency, Participants SBCTC SBCTC Staff Lead John Boesenberg Report Due June 30, 2013 and annually (Legislature) Anna Nikolaeva January 1 and annually (Legislature) Edward Esparza December 1, 2013 and 2015 (Legislature) SBCTC and DOR Anna Nikolaeva SBCTC, WSAC, OSPI, and DSHS Scott Copeland January 1, 2014 and annually (Legislature, Governor) January 2015 (Legislature) SBCTC, OSPI, and ERDC Scott Copeland OSPI and OEO with SBCTC and colleges OFM, SBCTC, DES, Commerce, DOT, and other higher education institutions Wayne Doty January 1, 2014 and annually (Legislature) December 1, 2014 (Legislature) Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 15 of 18 Bill Description E2SHB 1795 (2011) WSAC must convene an ongoing prior learning workgroup to help increase awards of credit for prior learning and to improve the process. E2SHB 1808 (2011) ESSHB 1872 (2013) 2SHB 2119 (2009) WSAC must report progress to increase awards of academic credit for prior learning. Colleges must recognize at least one year of credit that may be earned through qualifying scores on proficiency exams or demonstrated competencies. Colleges must provide a list of qualifying courses to WSAC and SBCTC in a form that OSPI is able to distribute to school districts. Establishes a comprehensive initiative to increase learning opportunities and improve STEMrelated educational outcomes. SBCTC is responsible for providing data to ERDC regarding STEM enrollments, based on definitions developed by the group. OSPI must report about participation in dual credit programs. Lead Agency, Participants WSAC, COP, SBCTC, faculty, career schools, business and labor SBCTC Staff Lead Bill Moore Colleges, SBCTC, WSAC, and OSPI Scott Copeland June 1, 2013 and each oddnumbered year (Legislature) OFM, SBCTC, and WSAC Jan Yoshiwara January 10, 2014 and annually (Legislature) OSPI, COP, SBCTC, WTECB, and WSAC Scott Copeland September 1, 2013 and annually (Legislature) Report Due December 31, 2013 and annually (Legislature) Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 16 of 18 Bill Description 3ESHB 2127 (2012) OSPI must report about Running Start course loads. 2SHB 2156 (2012) 3SHB 2585 (2012) SHB 2684 (2010) SHB 3103 (2004) 3ESSB 5034 (2013) SBCTC must report about expanding STEM enrollments. SBCTC to facilitate coordination of aerospace training programs including annual program evaluations, goals for completion, job placement results, and recommendations related to manufacturing and training. Lead Agency, Participants OSPI, ERDC, SBCTC, and WSAC SBCTC Staff Lead Scott Copeland, Nick Lutes Nick Lutes SBCTC Kendra Hodgson Report Due January 2012 and annually (Legislature) June 30, 2012 and annually (Legislature) Ongoing The Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board (WTECB) must report on programs identified for review by the committee. WTECB, ERDC, and SBCTC September 1, 2013 and annually (Legislature) WTECB is required to analyze results of the training programs. WTECB Colleges must report about savings due to efficiency permitted in this bill. SBCTC must report about Opportunity Centers. State colleges and universities September 1, 2016 and every four years. (Legislature) January 1, 2017 (Legislature) SBCTC and Opportunity Centers Kelli Johnston WSAC, WTECB and SBCTC must assess workforce training and job openings statewide. Provide a status report on the Job Skills Program. WSAC, WTECB and SBCTC Tina Bloomer SBCTC Joann Wiszmann Anna Nikolaeva December 1, 2013 and annually (Legislature) December 1, 2013 and every two years (Legislature) January 1, 2014, and 2015 (Governor, Legislature) Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 17 of 18 Bill Description SB 5180 (2013) Establishes a task force to improve higher education access for students with disabilities. Establishes statewide indicators of educational health that include baseline values and initial goals. SB 5491 (2013) SB 5751 (2013) Requires a fee inventory that includes the fee purpose, current and previous amount over the past five years, and statutory authority to OFM. Lead Agency, Participants SBCTC and three college representatives SBCTC Staff Lead Scott Copeland SBE, OSPI, WTECB, and WSAC Jan Yoshiwara SBCTC, colleges, and state agencies Nick Lutes Report Due December 1, 2013 and annually until January 1, 2016 (Legislature) December 31, 2013 and December 1 each even-numbered year (Legislature) January 1, 2014 and every two years (Legislature) ### Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges | 2014 Legislative Session Report Page 18 of 18