Career, Technical and  Adult Education Finances Major Issues and/or Changes to CTE & 

Career, Technical and Adult Education
Bridgeport Conference Center Bridgeport, WV July 9, 2012
Major Issues and/or Changes to CTE & Adult Funding
• All CTE, Adult Prep & Adult Supplemental funds must be tracked based upon the federal 16 career clusters
– IMPACT – Change in Program Function Codes • All adult tuition funds collected must be submitted monthly to local CBO
– IMPACT – System must be implemented (if not already done) to track all funds & ascertain that funds are only spent on adult programs 1
Major Issues and/or Changes to CTE & Adult Funding
• All state and federal funds for CTE and adult programs can only be spent on concentrations or courses that are on the WVDE ‐ CTE Approved Curriculum by Facilities List
• IMPACT – System must be implemented (if not already done) to track all funds & ascertain that funds are only spent on adult programs • Most state CTE secondary and adult allocations are based on:
# of contact hours of students in occupational courses; average # of completers;
# of FTE staff;
# of CTSO members; and,
# of contact hours of students in non‐occupational courses
• IMPACT – System must be implemented (if not already done) to make certain that students are accurately enrolled in WVEIS which includes ALL adult prep students & that teachers are appropriately coded Major Issues and/or Changes to CTE & Adult Funding
• Career & Technical Student Organizations (FFA, Skills USA, HOSA, FBLA, PBL, FCCLA, FEA, DECA, & TSA) student members should be developing budgets and approving how their funds are expended • IMPACT – System must be implemented (if not already done) to have copies of student approved budgets & minutes to ascertain that funds are spent based upon students decisions
• Limit on the use of state and federal CTE funds for CTSOs student state and national competitions • IMPACT – CTSOs will need to better plan and raise their own funds to offset cost to participate in state & national competitions
Who’s Responsible for Budgets and Finance? LEA or Multi‐County Directors of CTE & Adult Education
• Submitting CTE secondary & adult budgets to local CBOs for all facilities & programs
• Administering & monitoring state & federal aid & other funds coming to the LEA from the local county, WVDE & other sources • Maintaining LEA or Multi‐County equipment inventories as required
• Assuring that building level principals are closely monitoring the CTE budgets of the school in accordance with the current “Accounting Procedures for the Public Schools in the State of West Virginia.”
Who’s Responsible for Budgets and Finance? School CTE Administrator • Administering & monitoring the budgets of the school in accordance with the current “Accounting Procedures for the Public Schools in the State of West Virginia”
• Working with the Faculty Senate to design & approve the portions of the total school budget over which they have control
• Collaborating with all staff members & committees in developing the school budgets
• Maintaining equipment inventories as required
• Maintaining financial aid programs for adult students, if applicable
Who’s Responsible for Budgets and Finance?
CTE and Adult Instructors • Submitting to School Principal the following:
– Estimated funds needed for:
• annual operational costs of their respective program and/or concentration , i.e., supplies, books, consumable supplies, etc. • equipment replacement and/or repair for their respective program and/or concentration – Purchase Orders per LEA Requirements
– Equipment inventories as required
• Collaborating with craft committee members to submit program modernization grant request
• Assisting respective youth organization in developing budgets & monitoring expenditures • Monitoring budget expenditures
Who’s Responsible for Budgets and Finance? Local Chief Business Officer
Financial reporting Accounting records
Internal control Budgetary control Advance payments Allowable costs
Source documentation
Reports and Codes
• WVDE Project Financial Reports
• Codes
–Fund Codes
–Project Codes –Revenue Source Codes
–Program Function Codes
Program Function Codes
• Changed to align with the federal 16 career clusters
• Applies to both secondary and adult programs
• Codes used by the LEA are dependent upon the WVDE (CTE) Approved Curriculums By Facility & can be found @
What CTE and Adult Funds are available?
• State Funds
– Secondary Block Formula • $2,000,000 is allocated on the # of total occupational contact hours – LEA allocation is based on % of this total ($83.49)
• $695,000 is allocated on the # of CTE Completers – LEA allocation is based on % of this total ($100.91)
– Travel
• $480,000 is allocated on the # of total FTE Staff; # of CTSO membership & Distance Factor – LEA allocation is based on % of these totals – Equipment Replacement
• $750,000 is allocated on the # of total occupational & non‐occupational contact hours – LEA allocation is based on % of this total ($28.72)
• $250,000 is allocated on the 3‐year average # of CTE Completers – LEA allocation is based on % of this total ($41.79)
What CTE and Adult Funds are available?
• State Funds
– Program Modernization
• $956,014 is allocated based on grant applications selected
– Incentive • Grants are awarded if funds are available & are based on LEA Plan requests Incentive
• $115,000 is allocated & awarded to 7 MCCs based on total allocations X indirect cost rate with 5‐year average adjustments considered – Full‐Time Adult Prep
• Will be changing to formula funding based upon FTE contact hours & # of completers 6
What CTE and Adult Funds are available?
• State Funds
– ABE (Adult Basic Education)
• Funds distributed based on 3‐year grant cycle & are adjusted based on performance measures
• Federal Funds – Perkins – Split between Secondary Education (71.23%) & Community & Technical College Council (28.77%) • 30% of secondary funds are allocated based on the % of population ages 5‐17
• 70% of secondary funds are allocated based on the % of population ages 5‐17 in poverty
– ABE (Adult Basic Education)
• Funds distributed based on 3‐year grant cycle & are adjusted based on performance measures