COUNTY BOARDS OF EDUCATION TOTAL NUMBER OF PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE PERSONNEL EMPLOYED FULL-TIME EQUIVALENCY (FTE) BASIS (EXCLUDING RESA PERSONNEL) 2015-16 YEAR County Barbour Berkeley Boone Braxton Brooke Cabell Calhoun Clay Doddridge Fayette Gilmer Grant Greenbrier Hampshire Hancock Hardy Harrison Jackson Jefferson Kanawha Lewis Lincoln Logan Marion Marshall Mason McDowell Mercer Mineral Mingo Monongalia Monroe Morgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton Pleasants Pocahontas Preston Putnam Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Roane Summers Taylor Tucker Tyler Upshur Wayne Webster Wetzel Wirt Wood Wyoming Total Total Professional Personnel Total Service Personnel Total Personnel 211.50 1,535.60 430.00 181.00 303.00 1,102.70 105.00 166.50 126.00 592.00 84.51 160.50 463.50 294.55 363.00 185.50 978.20 440.00 739.50 2,473.92 231.50 319.00 537.00 700.00 416.70 368.00 310.00 835.50 369.00 385.00 986.00 161.50 217.45 344.50 473.75 106.70 127.00 117.50 382.29 822.50 1,091.30 371.00 134.00 190.00 146.00 201.50 101.00 129.00 339.35 633.50 125.50 281.30 96.00 1,113.50 371.50 117.00 887.50 231.00 106.00 171.50 601.50 61.00 102.50 76.00 314.50 49.00 81.00 309.00 183.50 207.00 112.50 521.00 241.00 453.01 1,306.50 154.50 194.50 326.50 437.50 284.50 230.01 199.50 456.70 219.50 234.50 535.00 96.50 121.25 202.00 256.00 63.00 75.50 75.00 208.00 447.00 594.00 201.00 82.00 113.50 80.50 113.50 59.00 75.00 193.50 389.00 73.50 167.00 55.00 583.00 230.50 328.50 2,423.10 661.00 287.00 474.50 1,704.20 166.00 269.00 202.00 906.50 133.51 241.50 772.50 478.05 570.00 298.00 1,499.20 681.00 1,192.51 3,780.42 386.00 513.50 863.50 1,137.50 701.20 598.01 509.50 1,292.20 588.50 619.50 1,521.00 258.00 338.70 546.50 729.75 169.70 202.50 192.50 590.29 1,269.50 1,685.30 572.00 216.00 303.50 226.50 315.00 160.00 204.00 532.85 1,022.50 199.00 448.30 151.00 1,696.50 602.00 24,471.82 13,958.96 38,430.78 Note: All personnel, including service, are presented on a regular FTE basis with full-time personnel employed beyond 200 days counted as 1.00, as opposed to service personnel being reported on an extended FTE basis for funding purposes where the FTE is determined by dividing each employee's number of days employed by 200 days. OSF 12/29/15 Total Personnel 16 -1- COUNTY BOARDS OF EDUCATION TOTAL NUMBER OF PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE PERSONNEL EMPLOYED FULL-TIME EQUIVALENCY (FTE) BASIS (EXCLUDING RESA PERSONNEL) (ARRANGED IN DESCENDING ORDER) 2015-16 YEAR Ct. County 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Kanawha Berkeley Cabell Wood Raleigh Monongalia Harrison Mercer Putnam Jefferson Marion Wayne Fayette Logan Greenbrier Ohio Marshall Jackson Boone Mingo Wyoming Mason Preston Mineral Randolph Hancock Nicholas Upshur Lincoln McDowell Hampshire Brooke Wetzel Lewis Morgan Barbour Taylor Roane Hardy Braxton Clay Monroe Grant Summers Ritchie Tyler Pleasants Doddridge Webster Pocahontas Pendleton Calhoun Tucker Wirt Gilmer - Total Total Professional Personnel Total Service Personnel Total Personnel 2,473.92 1,535.60 1,102.70 1,113.50 1,091.30 986.00 978.20 835.50 822.50 739.50 700.00 633.50 592.00 537.00 463.50 473.75 416.70 440.00 430.00 385.00 371.50 368.00 382.29 369.00 371.00 363.00 344.50 339.35 319.00 310.00 294.55 303.00 281.30 231.50 217.45 211.50 201.50 190.00 185.50 181.00 166.50 161.50 160.50 146.00 134.00 129.00 127.00 126.00 125.50 117.50 106.70 105.00 101.00 96.00 84.51 1,306.50 887.50 601.50 583.00 594.00 535.00 521.00 456.70 447.00 453.01 437.50 389.00 314.50 326.50 309.00 256.00 284.50 241.00 231.00 234.50 230.50 230.01 208.00 219.50 201.00 207.00 202.00 193.50 194.50 199.50 183.50 171.50 167.00 154.50 121.25 117.00 113.50 113.50 112.50 106.00 102.50 96.50 81.00 80.50 82.00 75.00 75.50 76.00 73.50 75.00 63.00 61.00 59.00 55.00 49.00 3,780.42 2,423.10 1,704.20 1,696.50 1,685.30 1,521.00 1,499.20 1,292.20 1,269.50 1,192.51 1,137.50 1,022.50 906.50 863.50 772.50 729.75 701.20 681.00 661.00 619.50 602.00 598.01 590.29 588.50 572.00 570.00 546.50 532.85 513.50 509.50 478.05 474.50 448.30 386.00 338.70 328.50 315.00 303.50 298.00 287.00 269.00 258.00 241.50 226.50 216.00 204.00 202.50 202.00 199.00 192.50 169.70 166.00 160.00 151.00 133.51 24,471.82 13,958.96 38,430.78 Note: All personnel, including service, are presented on a regular FTE basis with full-time personnel employed beyond 200 days counted as 1.00, as opposed to service personnel being reported on an extended FTE basis for funding purposes where the FTE is determined by dividing each employee's number of days employed by 200 days. OSF 12/29/15 Total Personnel 16 -2-