SPECIAL EXCESS LEVY Greenbrier BOE Entity Rate: 11.475 2019 Expires: 5 Term (in years): NOTE: No reduce rate provision PURPOSE AMOUNT School Safety and Security 250,000 Instructional Materials and Technology 750,000 Arts/Music 250,000 650,000 1,950,000 1,657,218 100,000 150,000 Supplies Salaries/Benefits Capital Improvement/Utilities Transportation for Pre-K students Extended Year and Extracurricular Programs TOTAL 5,757,218 Y/N Call on File? Sample Ballot on File? Certified Canvass of Votes on File? Yes Yes Yes 12/03/2013 13:11 PAGE 02/02 GCBOE 3046476490 ORDER AND NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION FOR AN ADDITIONAL LEVY BALLOT GREENBRIER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION LEVY TO THE VOTERS OF GREENBRIER COUNTY By action of the Greenbrier County Board of Education, at a special meeting held on 28th of June, 2013 as provided by law, the following order was made and entered of record, to wit: The Greenbrier County Board of Education being of the opinion that the maximum levies for current expenses authorized by Article 8, Chapter 11, of the Code of West Virginia, as amended, will not provide sufficient funds for the payment of current expenses of the Greenbrier County Board of Education, including expenditures for the purpose or purposes hereinafter set forth, and that an election should be held to Increase such levies under the provisions of Section 16, Article 8, chapter 11 of the Code, as amended, it Is hereby ordered: The purposes for which additional funds are needed annually is: A. B. C D. E. F. G. H. School Safety and Security including but not limited to security services, equipment, and related support services for students Approximately $ 250,000.00 Provide assistance with the purchase of instructional materials, technology and resources Approximately $ 750,000.00 Continuation of Arts and Music Programs available to all students Approximately $ 250,000.00 School allotments and supplies, including lab supplies Approximately $ 650,000.00 Provide for the employment of necessary personnel outside the school aid formula to meet the needs of students and maintain employee benefits Approximately $ 1,950,000.00 Capital Improvements including repair and maintenance of buildings and utilities Approximately $ 1,657,218.00 Additional costs Incurred In providing transportation for PreK students Approximately $ 100,000.00 Provide funds to facilitate extended year and extracurricular programs Approximately $150,000.00 In an event that sufficient state, federal, or other special funds become available to provide monies for any of the above purposes, levy monies specified for these purposes may be used for the general operation of the school system. The total approximate amount necessary to carry out the above purposes, after making reasonable allowances for uncollected taxes and shrinkage is $ 5,757.218 annually. The total approximate amount for said purposes during the term of the levy is $ 28,786,090. The separetae and aggregate assed valuation of each class of taxable property within Greenbrier County is Class l Class II Class III Class IV Total $ 0 727,393,530 721,006,931 228,213,738 1,676,614,199 That the additional levy on each $ 100.00 valuation shall be: Class I Property Class II Property Class ill Property Class IV Property 11.475 Cents 22.95 Cents 45.9 Cents 45.9 Cents That the proposed years to which the additional levy shall apply are the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2014, July 1, 2015, July 1, 2016, July 1, 2017, July 1, 2018 The Board of Education will not issue bonds upon approval of the proposed increased levy. That the question of such additional levy shall be submitted to a vote at a special election to be held on Sth, October, 2013. PAGE 02/02 GCBOE 3046476490 11/26/2013 15:20 MINUTES OF THE GREENBRIER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING — JUNE 28, 2013 — 9:00 A.M. HELD AT BOARD OF EDUCATION OFFICE CALL TO ORDER Board President Kathy King called to order this special meeting of the Greenbrier County Board of Education for approving financial items, the excess levy call for FYI5-19. and other items. ATTENDANCE Board members present were Kathy King, Stephen Baldwin, Kay Smith, Bob Toothman, and Jeanie Wyatt. Staff present was Sallie Dalton, Doug Clemons, and David McClure. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Approval was requested from Chief School Business Official David McClure of the final payment of invoices for FY13 as follows: Payment of Invoices; Budget Supplement Requests $9,066,870.03; and Transfer Requests S107,356.52. A MOTION WAS MADE BY JEANIE WYATT AND SECONDED BY BOB TOOTHMAN TO APPROVE THE ABOVE-REFERENCED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED WITH ALL IN FAVOR. EXCESS LEVY CALL FOR FY15-19 Approval was requested from Chief School Business Official David McClure of the Excess Levy Call for FY15-19 as presented. A MOTION WAS MADE BY JEANIE WYATT AND SECONDED BY STEPHEN BALDWIN TO APPROVE THE EXCESS LEVY CALL FOR FY15-19 AS REQUESTED. MOTION CARRIED WITH ALL IN FAVOR. PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS Approval was requested from Associate Superintendent/Human Resources Director Doug Clemons of the Personnel Recommendation as presented. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAY SMITH AND SECONDED BY BOB TOOTHMAN TO APPROVE THE PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED WITH ALL IN FAVOR. EXECUTIVE SESSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY JEANIE WYATT AND SECONDED BY KAY SMITH TO CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PERSONNEL ISSUES, MOTION CARRIED WITH ALL IN FAVOR. No decisions were made in Executive Session. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEPHEN BALDWIN AND SECONDED BY JEANIE WYATT TO COME OUT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ALL IN FAVOR. ADJOURNMENT A MOTION WAS MADE BY BO8 TOOTHMAN AND SECONDED BY KAY SMITH TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED WITH ALL IN FAVOR. 1141( Sallie E. Dalton, Secretary ( • 41mr. Kath ' ,sident 3C — Mountain Messenger — September 14, 2013 — The Weekend Paper For The Greenbrier Valley Legal Notice LEVY BALLOT GREENBRIER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TO AUTHORIZE CONTINUATION OF ADDITIONAL LEVY NOW IN EFFECT October 5, 2013 By action of the Greenbrier County Board of Education, it is ordered that an election be held to authorize continuation of additional levies for the years beginning July 1, 2014, July 1, 2015, July 1, 2016, July 1, 2017, July 1, 2018, and for the purpose of providing annually as approved by the Greenbrier County Board of Education: A. School Safety and Security including but not limited to security services, Approximately $ 250,000.00 equipment, and related support services for students B. Provide assistance with the purchase of instructional materials, technology Approximately $ 750,000.00 and resources Approximately $ 250,000.00 C. Continuation of Arts and Music Programs available to all students Approximately $ 650,000.00 D. School allotments and supplies, including lab supplies E. Provide for the employment of necessary personnel outside the school aid formula to meet the needs of students and maintain employee benefits Approximately $ 1,950,000.00 F. Capital improvements including repair and maintenance of buildings and utilities Approximately $1,657,218.00 G. Additional costs incurred in providing transportation for PreK students Approximately $100,000.00 H. Provide funds to facilitate extended year and extracurricular programs Approximately $150,000.00 The total approximate amount necessary to carry cut the above purposes, after making reasonable allowances for uncollected taxes and shrinkage is $ 5,757,218 annually or a total approximate amount for the five-year period of $ 28,786,090. To an order of the Greenbrier County Board of Education entered on the 28th of. June, 2013. In an event that sufficient state, federal, or other special funds b6come available to provide monies for any of the above purposes, levy monies specified for these purposes may be used for the general operation of the school system. The Board of Education is hereby authorized and empowered to expend at the end of each fiscal year, during the term of this levy, the surplus, if any, occurring in excess of the amount needed for any of the above stated purposes for the enrichment, supplementation, and advancement of all educational programs in Greenbrier County, and other purposes pertinent to the operation of the schools of the said county according to the orders of the Greenbrier County Board of Education entered this 28th day of June, 2013. That the additional levy on each $100.00 valuation shall be: Class I Property 11.475 Cents Class II Property 22.95 Cents Class III Property 45.9 Cents Class IV Property 45.9 Cents The Board of Education will not issue bonds upon approval of the proposedtincreased levy. Instruction To Voters: FOR THE LEVIES AGAINST THE LEVIES Those favoring the additional levies, place an "X" in the square before "FOR THE LEVIES." Those against the levies, place an "X" in the square before "AGAINST THE LEVIES." The Board of Education of the County of Greenbrier, State of West Virginia OFFICIAL LEVY BALLOT GREENBRIER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TO AUTHORIZE CONTINUATION OF ADDITIONAL LEVY NOW IN EFFECT October 5, 2013 By action of the Greenbrier County Board of Education, it is ordered that an election be held to authoriZe continuation of additional levies for the years beginning July 1, 2014, July 1, 2015, July 1, 2016, July 1, 2017, July 1, 2018, and for the purpose of providing annually as approved by the Greenbrier County Board of Education: A. School Safety and SecuritY , including but not limited to security services, equipment, and Approximately $250,000.00 related support services for students B. Provide assistance with the purchase of instructional materials, technology and ' Approximately $750,000.00 resources.. C. Continuation of Arts and Music Programs available to all students ....... . Approximately $250,000.00 Approximately $650,000.00 D. School allotments and supplies, including lab supplies E. Provide for the employment of necessary personnel outside ttie'scnciol aid formula to meet the needs of students and maintain employee benefits. ................ Approximately $1,950,000.00 F. Capital improvements including repair and maintenance of buildings and utilities Approximately $1,657,218.00 G. Additional costs incurred in providing transportation for„PreK students Approximately $100,000.00 H. Provide funds to facilitate extended year and extracurricular programs Approximately $150,000.00 The total approximate amount necessary to carry out the above purposes, after making reasonable allowances for uncollected taxes and shrinkage is $5,757,218 annually or a total approximate amount for the five-year period of $28,786,090. To an order of the Greenbrier County Board of Education entered on the 28th of June, 2013. In an event that sufficient state, federal, or other special funds become available to provide monies for any of the above purposes, levy monies specified for these purposes'may be used for the general operation of the school system. „,. The Board of Education is hereby:authorized and empowered to expend at the end of each fiscal year, during the term of this levy, the surplus, if any, occurring in excess of the amount needed for any of the above stated purposes for the enrichment, supplementation, and advancement of all educational programs in Greenbrier County, and other purposes pertinent to the operation of the schools of the said county according to the orders of the Greenbrier County Board of Education entered this 28th day of June, 2013. That the additional levy on each $100.00 valuation shall be: Class I Property Class II Property Class III Property Class IV Property 11.475 Cents 22.95 Cents 45.9 Cents 45.9 Cents The Board of Education will not issue bonds upon approval of the proposed increased levy. FOR THE LEVIES AGAINST THE LEVIES INSTRUCTION TO VOTERS: Those favoring the additional levies, place an "X" in the square before "FOR THE LEVIES". Those against the levies, place an "X" in the square before "AGAINST THE LEVIES". 'GREENBRIER BOE, WV SPECIAL LEVY 100513: (English Version) Ballot Style #1 OFFICIAL LEVY BALLOT -CONTINUATION OF ADDITIONAL LEVY October 5, 2013 West Virginia Greenbrier County OFFICIAL LEVY BALLOT SPECIAL ELECTION TO AUTHORIZE CONTINUATION OF ADDITIONAL LEVY NOW IN EFFECT GREENBRIER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION October 5, 2013 By action of the Greenbrier County Board of Education, it is ordered that an election be held to uthorize c additional levies for the years beginning July 1, 2014, July 1, 2015, July 1, 2016, July, i , 2017, jig - -1 2018 purpose of providing annually as approved by the Greenbrier County Board of Educ A. School Safety and Security including but not limited to security services and related support services for students tinuation of d for the ulpment, roximately$ 250,000.00 B. Provide assistance with the purchase of instructional materials, te es Approximately $ 750,000.00 I. Continuation of Arts and Music Programs available t Approximately $ 250,000.00 J. School allotments arid supplies, including lab , applies Approximately $ 650,000.00 C. Provide for the employment of necessary p meet the needs of students and m •ntain emp outside the school aid formula to benef s Approximately $ 1,950,000.00 D. Capital improvements inclu it and ance of buildings and utilities Approximately $ 1,657,218.00 E. Additional costs incu transportation for PreK students Approximately $ 100,000.00 F. Provide fun acilitat cl year and extracurricular programs Approximately 150,000.00 The tot•roxima uncollected $ 28,786,09 o an order oun ra cessary to carry out the above purposes, after making reasonable allowances for e is $ 5,757,218 annually or a total approximate amount for the five-year period of e Greenbrier County Board of Education entered on the 28th of June, 2013. Contest Continued on Next Page age: ■ GREE1 1BRIER BOE, WV SPECIAL LEVY 100513: (English Version) Ballot Style #1 OFFICIAL LEVY BALLOT - CONTINUATION OF ADDITIONAL LEVY October 5, 2013 West Virginia Greenbrier County BOE ADDITIONAL LEVIES ELECTION Contest Continued... In an event that sufficient state, federal, or other special funds become available to provid above purposes, levy monies specified for these purposes may be used for the general oper ny of th onies n of the s rs of system. ear, ring the term of each The Board of Education is hereby authorized and empowered to expend at the e es for the of this levy, the surplus, if any, occurring in excess of the amount needed for any of t ove sta t enrichment, supplementation, and advancement of all educational programs in Greenbri ounty, and other purposes nbr ounty Board of pertinent to the operation of the schools of the said county according to the s of the Education entered this 28th day of June, 2013. e That the additional levy on each $100 Class I Property 11.475 Cents Class II Property 22.95 Cents Class III Property 45.9 Cents Class IV Property 45.9 Cents The Board of Education will not issue bonds up Instruction To Voters: Those favoring the additional levies, select "FOR a FOR THE LEVIES AGAINST THE LEVIES age . pproval of•ed increased levy. IES". Those against the levies, select "AGAINST THE LEVIES". CERTIFIED RETURNS OF SPECIAL ELECTION BOARD OF EDUCATION OF ADDITIONAL LEVIES OCTOBER 5, 2013 The Board of Canvassers of the County of Greenbrier, State of West Virginia, having carefully and impartially examined the returns of the Special Election held in said County, on the 5 th day of October 2013, do hereby certify that in said County or District, at said election on the official ballot for the Board of Education special additional levies: FOR THE LEVY received (1,647) One Thousand Six Hundred Forty Seven AGAINST THE LEVY received (1,221) One Thousand Two Hundred Twenty One In witness whereof, we, the said board of Canvassers have hereunto signed our names is 16th day of October 2013. zoie ,i V g.644- Clerk's Signature