SPECIAL EXCESS LEVY DODDRIDGE BOE Entity Rate: Expires: Term (in years): NOTE: PURPOSE 22.95 2019 5 No reduced rate provision AMOUNT Textbooks, supplies Technology equipment Fine arts & performing arts Transportation Vocational programs & equipment Maintain buildings & grounds Salaries Health Program 4-H Program Buses for curricular & extracurricular Support for extracurricular programs 526,167 500,000 45,000 190,000 150,000 1,380,000 1,650,000 100,000 30,000 60,000 180,000 TOTAL Call on File? Sample Ballot on File? Certified Canvass of Votes on File? 4,811,167 Y/N Yes Yes Yes MAR-05-2014 10:56 From:DCBOE To:304 627 2417 3049732210 Upon motion of a \Y-If‘l.r , CCIP.VAt1 , duly seconded by 0)d Eiiian!"> P.2'7 , the following Order was adopted: ORDER After full consideration thereof, The Board of :Education of the County of Doddridge, being of the opinion that the maximum levies for current expenses authorized by Article 8, Chapter 11 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, will not provide sufficient funds for the payment of the general current expenses of schools in Doddridge County, including expenditures for the purposes hereinafter stated, during the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2014, July 1, 2015, July 1, 2016, July 1, 2017 and July I, 2018, and have ascertained that the amounts hereinafter shown in excess of the amounts raised by regular levies will be needed by The Board of Education of the County of Doddridge during each of said five (5) fiscal years and thal an election should he hold to increase such levies, in conformity with the law, it is hereby ordered and declared: (I) The purpose for which such additional funds are needed is the Payment of the general current expenses of The Board of Education of the County of Doddridge, as follows: PURPOSE FOR WHICH ADDITIONAL FUNDS ARE NEEDED To continue to provide _five, adopted textbooks for all AMOUNT FOR EACH PURPOSE Annual Amount Five Year Total $ 526,167 $ 2,630,835 $ 500,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 45,000 $ 225,000 lb maintain and improve tiw transportation system $ 190,000 To continue to provide needed .fiinds jbr vocational $150,000 $ 950,000 „........... . . .... ._ $ 750,000 $1,380,000 $ 6,900,000 $ 1,650,000 $ 8,250,000 children PreK-12, instructional supplies, instructional equipment, school furniture, library books and media materials including repairs. To provide funds for educational technology equipment, liowishings, supplies, services and !ranting to assist with the implementation of the County technology plan TO continue 10 provide funds fitr the .finct arts and petformhtg arts, including band, htstructional music, vocal music, and visual arts programs _______...._ .. programs and equipment replacement, Including repair lb construct, repair, alter, renovate, operate and maintain buildings and grounds, where necessary To provide fir and supplement all Doddrldge County ... . MAR 05 2014 10:56 From:DCBOE - - 3048732210 To:304 627 2417 P.3/7 Board pet:some' salaries and benefits, including a dental and optical plan 7b continue to provide and maintain a school health $ 100,000 $ 500,000 program To continue to provid• funds pi. a 4-H Program, $ 30,000 $ $ 60,000 $ 300,000 $ 18 0,00 1) $900,000 $4,811,167 $ $24,055,835 150,000 including &erg) , Express To provide for curricular. extracufficular and part-time activity bus transportation for students grades PreK-12 To provide support for extracurricular programs, including but not limited 10 athletics and band TOTAL The Board of Education of the County of Doddridge is hereby authorized and empowered to expend, during the term of this levy, the surplus, if any, accruing in excess of the above amounts needed for any of the above stated purposes, plus excess collections due to increased assessed valuations for the enrichment, supplementotion, operation, and improvement of educational services and/or ficilities in the public schools of the County of Doddridge. (2) The approximate amount considered necessary for said purposes in said five (5) fiscal years is the sum of $4,811,167 annually. (3) The total amount necessary to carry out the above purposes, afar making reasonable allowances for uncollected taxes and shrinkage, is $24,055,835 or the sum of $4,811,167 annually. (4) Tito separate and aggregate valuation of each class of taxable property within the Doddridge County School 'District for the assessment year ending June 30, 2013, is as follows: CLASS OF TAXABLE PROPERTY ASSESSED VALUATION Class 1 $ Class H (Less Homestead) $ 122,792,020 Class III $ 479,582,277 Class IV $ AUURECiATE ASSESSED VALUATION $ 612,839,980 6 U 10,465,683 MAR-05-2014 10:56 From:DCBOE 3048732210 To:304 627 2417 P.4/7 (5) The proposed additional rote of levy in cents on each class of property within Doddridge County School District for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2014, July I, 2015, July 1, 2016, July 1, 2017 and July 1, 2018, is as follows: Class 1 22.950 Class II 45.900 Class 111 91.1100 Class IV 91,800 (6) The years to which the additional levy shall apply if authorized by the voters, are the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2014, July 1, 2015, July 1, 2016, July 1, 2017 and July 1, 2018. (7) The question of such additional levies shall be submitted to a vote in the Doddridge County School District, which embraces Doddridge County, West Virginia, at a special election to be held in said County on Saturday, December 7, 2013. (8) If a majority of the voters at the special election to be held on December 7, 2013, approve the proposed additional levies for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2014, July 1, 2015, July 1, 2016, July 1, 2017 and July 1, 2018, the said Board of Education of the County of Doddridge will not issue bonds as provided by Section 16, Article 8, Chapter 11 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended. (9) In the event The .Board of Education of the County of Doddridge shall obtain additional money by grant or otherwise from the State or Federal government, or from any agency of either, or from any other source, for the purposes aforesaid, such additional money may be used either in substitution for, or in addition to, the sums obtained from such additional levies as said The Board of Education of the County of Doddridge may from time to time determine. (10) Notice of said election to authorize such additional levies shall be given by publication of notice thereof at least once a week for two successive weeks within fourteen (14) consecutive days next preceding the election in The Herald Record, a newspaper of general circulation in Doddridgc County. (11) The official ballot to be used in the election herein provided shall be in form as follows: OFFICIAL BALLOT The Board of Education of the County of Doddridge Election to Authorize Additional Levies December 7, 2013 6 MAR-05-2014 10:56 From:DCBOE To:304 627 2417 3048732210 P.5/7 The Board of Education of the County of Doddridgc is hereby authorized and empowered to expend, during the term of this levy, the surplus, if any, accruing in excess of the above amounts needed for any of the above stated purposes, plus excess collections due to increased assessed valuations for the enrichment, supplementation, operation, and improvement of educational services and/or facilities in the public schools of the County of L)oddridgc. In the event The Board of Education of the County of Doddridge shall obtain additional money by grant or otherwise fix.rt the State or Federal government, or From any agency of either, or from any other source, for the purposes aforesaid, such additional money may be used either in substitution for, or in addition to, the sums obtained from such additional levies as said The Board of Education of the County of Doddridgc may From time to time determine. The additional levies shall be on Class 1 property, 22.950; on Class 11 proporfy, 45.94; on Class 111 property, 91.84; and, on Class IV property, 91.800. For the Levies Against the Levies ❑ ❑ INSTRUCTION TO voTF,Rs Those favoring the additional levies, shall mark after 'Tor the Levies"; those against such levies, shall mark after "Against the Levies". THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF TIM COUNTY OF DODDRIDGE, BY( Deti terL. Burnside, Its President ■ ATTEST ra .. Co fman, III, S 6 5508562,1 3048732210 MAR-05-2014 10:56 From:DCBOE To:304 627 2417 OFFICIAL BALLOT The Board of Education of the County of Doddridge Election to Authorize Additional Levies December 7, 2013 Special Election to authorize additional levies for the flseal years beginning July 1, 2014, July 1, 2015, July 1, 2016, July 1, 2017 and July 1, 2018. in the total amount ¶4,811.167 annually for the purpose of paying he general current expenses of The Board of Education of the County of Doddridge. for the following purposes PURPOSE FOR WHICH ADDITIONAL FUNDS ARE NEEDED AMOUNT FOR EACH PURPOSE Annual Amount Five Year Total To Continue to provide free, adopted textbooks for all children ProK-12, Instructional supplies, instructional equipment, school furniture, library books, and media materials including repairs $ 526,167 $ 2.630.835 To provide funds for educational technology equipment, furnishings. supplies. services and training to assist with the implementation of the County technology plan $ 500,000 $ 2.500,000 To continue to provide funds for the fine arts and performing arts, ineluding band, instructional music, vocal music, and visual art programs $ 45,000 $ 225,000 To maintain and improve the transportation system $ 190.000 $ 950,000 To continuo to provide needed funds for vocational programs and equipment replacement. Including repair $ 150,000 $ 750.000 To construct, repair, alter, renovate, operate and maintain buildings and grounds, where necessary $1,380,000 $ 6,900.000 To provide for and supploment all 00ddridge County Board personnel Salaries and benefits, Including a dental and optiCal plan $1,650,000 $ 8.250,000 To continue to provide and maintain a school health program $ 100.000 $ 500,000 To continue to provide funds for a 4-M Program, including Energy Express $ 30,000 $ 150,000 To provide for curricular. extracurricular and transportation for students grades PreK-12 part-lima activity bus $ 60.000 $ 300,000 To provide support for extracurricular programs, including but not limited to athletics and band $ 180,000 5 900,000 $4,811.167 TOTAL 524.055.835 The Board of Education of the County of Doddridge is hereby authorized and empowered to expend, during the tern, Of this levy, the surpius, If any, accruing in excess of the abovo amounts needed (or any of the above Stated purposes, plus oxcess collections due to increased assessed valuations for the enrichment, supplementation, operation, and improvement of educational services and/or facilities in the public schools of the County of Doddridge. In the event The Board of Education of the County of Doddridge shall obtain additional money by giant or otherwise from the State or Federal government, or from any agency of either, or from any other source, for the purposes aforesaid, such additional money may be used either in substitution for, or In addition to, the sums obtalnod from such additional levies as said Tho Board of Education of the County of Doddridge may from time to time determine. The additional levies shall be on Class I property, 22.95¢; on Class II property, 45,900; on Claes III property, 91.80c; and, on Class IV property, 91.800. FOR THE LEVIES AGAINST THE LEVIES 17 INSTRUCTION 7Q.YOTER5 Those favoring the additional levies, shalt mark aner For the Levies"; those against such levies shall mark after mAgaInst the Levies". F.6/7 MAR-05-2014 10:56 From:DC00E 3048732210 To:304 627 2417 OFFICIAL BALLOT The Board of Education of the County of Doddridge Election to Authorize Additional Levies December 7, 2013 Poll Clerks P.7/7 OFFICIAL RESULTS OF THE DODDRIDGE COUNT SPECIAL BOARD OF EDUCATION ELECTION HELD ON DECEMBER 7, 2013 PRECINCT 2 LOCATION Greenwood Fire Department For: 55 Against: 26 Fifty-five Twenty-six 4 Smith Community Building For: 11 Against: 11 Eleven Eleven 6 Evergreen U.M. Church For: 35 Against: 9 Thirty-five Nine 9 Buckeye Community Building For: 24 Against: 10 Twenty-four Ten 10 Big Isaac U.M. Church For: 36 Against: 6 Thirty-six Six 13 McClellan Fire Department (Center Point) For: 34 Against: 10 Thirty-four Ten 14 Cascara U.M. Church For: 24 Against: 10 Twenty-four Ten 17 BANCS Fire Dept. For: 30 Against: 26 Thirty Twenty-six 18 Oxford Grange Hall For: 16 Against: 11 Sixteen Eleven 20 Lions Club Building For: 23 Against: 12 Twenty-three Twelve 22 Smithburg U.M. Church For: 31 Against: 4 Thirty-one Four 24 West Union Grade School For: 59 Against: 11 Fifty-nine Eleven Early Voting For: 126 Against: 27 One Hundred Twenty-six Twenty-seven Totals For: 378 Against: 154 Three Hundred Seventy-eight One Hundred Fifty-four Totals after Canvassing For: 511 Against: 175 Five Hundred Eleven One Hundred Seventy-five We, the Board of Canvassers of Doddridge County, West Virginia, do certify that this is the results of the Board of Education Special Levy Election held on the 7th day of December, 2013. Dated this the 17th day of December, 2013. BO• RD SFC Attest : VASSERS 4 r erk .cte/1.--1 Doddridge County