West Virginia School Counselor Performance Standards Standard 4: Leadership and Advocacy The professional school counselor assumes a leadership role in advocating for student and program success. Indicator 4A1 Promotes Equity and Access The professional school counselor collaborates with administrators and teachers to promote equal access to programs for all students. Function 4A: STUDENT ADVOCACY The professional school counselor advocates for the success of all students. LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE DISTINGUISHED ACCOMPLISHED EMERGING UNSATISFACTORY The School Counselor: advocates for the success of all students by promoting equity and access to curriculum, programs, services, and resources and uses data to challenge assumptions of academic ability that are based on stereotypes of students’, parents’, and staff members’ cultural, racial, ethnic, or economic background. educates all stakeholders about school and community programs, services, and resources that contribute to student success and leads a structured process to seek stakeholder involvement in order to create new opportunities for students with diverse abilities and needs. works with administration and staff to identify individual student needs, modifications, interventions, programs, and resources and collaborates with others, either within the school or with outside agencies, to maximize equity and ensure student success . The School Counselor: advocates for the success of all students by promoting equity and access to curriculum, programs, services, and resources. educates stakeholders about school and community programs, services, and resources that contribute to student success. works with administration and staff to identify individual student needs, modifications, interventions, programs, and resources that maximize equity and student success. The School Counselor: advocates for the success of some students by promoting equity and access to curriculum, programs, services, and resources. provides limited education to stakeholders about school and community programs, services, and resources that contribute to student success. works in a limited capacity with administration and staff to identify individual student needs, modifications, interventions, programs, and resources that maximize equity and student success. The School Counselor: does not advocate for the success of all students by promoting equity and access to curriculum, programs, services, and resources. does not educate stakeholders about school and community programs, services, and resources that contribute to student success. does not work with administration and staff to identify individual student needs, modifications, interventions, programs, and resources that maximize equity and student success. West Virginia School Counselor Performance Standards Standard 4 Indicator 4A1 Promotes Equity and Access methodically seeks information about student rights and school‐wide and advocates for and champions the creation and updating of policies and practices that support student well being. seeks information about student rights and advocates for policies and practices that support student well being. stays informed of student rights/needs and follows policies and practices that support student well being. does not stay informed of student rights and needs or provide advocacy for policies and practices that support student well being. Glossary: Advocates. refers to the active support of causes, ideas or policies that promote and assist student academic, career, personal/social needs. One form of advocacy is the process of actively identifying under‐represented students and supporting them in their efforts to perform at their highest level of academic achievement. Another form is consulting and attending meetings and supporting the rights/needs of students. Educates. refers to providing trainings, handouts, web‐based information, attending meetings to present relevant information, etc. Stakeholder. any person who assists with or benefits from the school counseling program and may include: students, school staff and leadership, parents, and community members and leaders. 2 Page ‐ VERSION – July 25, 2011 West Virginia School Counselor Performance Standards Standard 4 Indicator 4A2 Function 4A: STUDENT ADVOCACY The professional school counselor advocates for the success of all students. LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE DISTINGUISHED 4A2 Analyzes Practice The professional school counselor promotes, leads, and engages in school‐wide efforts to increase student success and well‐ being. The school counselor The school counselor identifies problems and barriers at identifies barriers to student success at the school and the school, county and state level county level that impedes that impedes student success and student success and well‐being well‐being and collaborates with and discusses concerns with stakeholders to eliminate barriers school and district leaders. and/or solve problems. champions the review process of systematically reviews policies, regulations and practices with policies, regulations and practices administration and makes with all stakeholders and recommendations for changes formulates an action plan that that promote the success and promotes the success and well‐ well‐being of students. being of students.. makes recommendations to in collaboration with all the administration and actively stakeholders, leads efforts to engages in new school‐wide identify, design, develop, and initiatives that contribute to implement new or improve student success and well‐being. current school‐wide initiatives that contribute to student success and well‐being. Glossary: Champions— Leads to efforts to affect positive change. 3 ACCOMPLISHED Page ‐ VERSION – July 25, 2011 EMERGING UNSATISFACTORY The school counselor identifies barriers to student success at the school or county that impedes student success and well‐being sporadically reviews policies, regulations and practices with administration to promote student success and well‐being. engages in new school‐ wide initiatives that contribute to student success and well‐being as directed by administration. The school counselor does not identify barriers to student success at the school and/or county level that impedes student success and well being does not review policies, regulations and practices with administration or make recommendations for changes that promote the success and well‐being of students. does not make recommendations for and/or actively engage in new school‐wide initiatives that contribute to student success and well‐being West Virginia School Counselor Performance Standards Standard 4 Function 4B: FACILITATES TRAINING The professional school counselor facilitates appropriate training for stakeholders and staff related to School Counseling Program mission. Indicator 4B1 Shares Professional Expertise The professional school counselor collaborates with others to involve parents with their children’s education and shares professional expertise to support student success. 4 LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE DISTINGUISHED ACCOMPLISHED EMERGING UNSATISFACTORY The school counselor leads the effort to collaborate with all stakeholders and formulates an action plan to involve parents in their child’s education. designs, develops, and implements an ongoing training program to build the capacity of parents to better engage in their child’s education. designs, develops, and implements a comprehensive ongoing training program for parents and stakeholders on academic, career, and personal/ social development topics relevant to the school counseling program. The school counselor collaborates with stakeholders to involve parents in their child’s education. assumes a leadership role in developing and providing an ongoing training program to build the capacity of parents to better engage in their child’s education. provides ongoing training for parents and stakeholders on academic, career, and personal/ social development topics relevant to the school counseling program. The school counselor collaborates with administration and staff to involve parents in their child’s education. provides a limited training program to build the capacity of parents to better engage in their child’s education. provides limited training for parents and stakeholders on academic, career, and personal/ social development topics relevant to the school counseling program. The school counselor does not collaborate with stakeholders to involve parents in their child’s education. does not provide an ongoing training program to build the capacity of parents to better engage in their child’s education. does not provide training for parents and stakeholders on academic, career, and personal/social development topics relevant to the school counseling program. Page ‐ VERSION – July 25, 2011 West Virginia School Counselor Performance Standards Standard 4 Indicator 4B1 Shares Professional Expertise leads collaborative efforts with a wide variety of community groups (e.g. faith based organizations, 4‐H, Scouts) to design, develop, and implement programs at civic and other community events, making training more accessible to parents. collaborates with several community groups (e.g. faith based organizations, 4‐H, Scouts) to provide training at civic and other community events, making training more accessible to parents. designs materials/resources and uses 21st Century engaging media to attract larger audiences and make information available on an ongoing basis. uses 21st Century engaging media to attract larger audiences and make information available on an ongoing basis. collaborates with a limited number of community groups (e.g. faith based organizations, 4‐H, Scouts) to provide training at civic and other community events, making training more accessible to parents. uses traditional methods of media to make information available on an ongoing basis. does not collaborate with community groups (e.g. faith based organizations, 4‐H, Scouts) to provide training at civic and other community events, making training more accessible to parents. does not use 21st Century engaging media and only seldom uses traditional media to attract audiences and make information available on an ongoing basis. Glossary: Stakeholder. Any person who assists with or benefits from the school counseling program and may include: students, school staff and leadership, parents, and community members and leaders. 21st Century Engaging Media—interactive electronic media, PowerPoint, Websites, Webinars, etc. Traditional methods —lecture, printed handouts and newsletters, worksheets, etc. 5 Page ‐ VERSION – July 25, 2011 West Virginia School Counselor Performance Standards Standard 4 Function 4B: FACILITATES TRAINING The professional school counselor facilitates appropriate training for stakeholders and staff related to School Counseling Program mission. Indicator 4B2 DISTINGUISHED The school counselor Shares with Colleagues systematically shares his/her professional expertise and The professional assumes a leadership role in school counselor developing shared responsibility shares his/her for the school counseling professional expertise program in order to create an inclusive cohort of colleagues to create an inclusive who support the success of all cohort of colleagues students through an enhanced who support the comprehensive program. success of all students through the school counseling program and other school designs, develops, and implements staff development services and and informally shares programs. professional expertise as needed to gain support and understanding of the school counseling program. 6 Page ‐ VERSION – July 25, 2011 LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE ACCOMPLISHED DISTINGUISHED UNSATISFACTORY The school counselor seeks ways to hare his/her professional expertise in order to create an inclusive cohort of colleagues who support the success of all students through the school counseling program and other school services and programs. leads staff development and informally shares professional expertise as needed to gain support and understanding of the school counseling program. The school counselor shares his/her professional expertise, only when asked, in order to create an inclusive cohort of colleagues with the share mission of supporting student success through enhance delivery of academic, career, and personal/ social development standards. participates in staff development and when asked by others, informally shares professional expertise to gain support and understanding of the school counseling program. The school counselor does not share his/her professional expertise in order to create an inclusive cohort of colleagues who support the success of all students through the school counseling program and other school services and programs. does not lead staff development or informally share professional expertise as needed to gain support and understanding of the school counseling program. West Virginia School Counselor Performance Standards Standard 4 seeks input from all stakeholders to fulfill staff professional development needs and builds a comprehensive program related to the school counseling program in order to support student success. seeks input from stakeholders to fulfill staff professional development needs related to the school counseling program in order to support student success. seeks input from staff to fulfill staff professional development needs related to the school counseling program in order to support student success. does not seek input from all stakeholders to fulfill staff professional development needs related to the school counseling program in order to support student success. Glossary: Comprehensive school guidance and counseling program. Consists of a structured program that is an integral part of the total educational program that helps every student acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes in the areas of academic, career and personal/social development that promotes academic achievement and meet developmental needs. Stakeholder. Any person who assists with or benefits from the school counseling program and may include: students, school staff and leadership, parents, and community members and leaders. 7 Page ‐ VERSION – July 25, 2011 West Virginia School Counselor Performance Standards Standard 4 Function 4C:PROGRAM ADVOCACY The professional school counselor advocates for and promotes the comprehensive School Counseling Program LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE Indicator 4C1 Exhibits High Expectations The professional school counselor exhibits high expectations for all students in daily practices and procedures of the school counseling program. DISTINGUISHED ACCOMPLISHED The school counselor seeks input from all stakeholders to identify expectations for all students and collaborates to builds a comprehensive program which addresses daily practices and procedures of the school counseling program. designs and develops a system of evaluation to determine the outcomes of the set expectations and collaborates with stakeholders to revise the expectations as needed. The school counselor seeks input from all stakeholders to identify expectations for all students in daily practices and procedures of the school counseling program. utilizes a system of evaluation to determine the outcomes of the set expectations and revises as needed. EMERGING The school counselor seeks input from staff to identify expectations for all students in daily practices and procedures of the school counseling program. utilizes a system of evaluation to determine the outcomes of the set expectations UNSATISFACTORY The school counselor does not seek input from stakeholders to identify expectations for all students in daily practices and procedures of the school counseling program. does not utilize a system of evaluation to determine the outcomes of the set expectations. 8 Page ‐ VERSION – July 25, 2011 West Virginia School Counselor Performance Standards Standard 4 Indicator 4C2 Function 4C: PROGRAM ADVOCACY The professional school counselor advocates for and promotes the comprehensive School Counseling Program LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE DISTINGUISHED Champions Support The professional school counselor champions support of the school counseling program. 9 The school counselor champions support of the school counseling program by designing, developing, and implementing a communication plan which utilizes 21st century engaging media and includes stakeholders at both the school and community level. systematically seeks opportunities to increase parent/ community/school connections by leading a collaborative effort with stakeholders to plan school and community‐sponsored activities and in order to champion the school counseling program. in collaboration with stakeholders, designs, develops, and implements a variety of programs to create awareness and encouraging parents and community members to participate in the school counseling program activities. Page ‐ VERSION – July 25, 2011 ACCOMPLISHED EMERGING The school counselor The school counselor makes limited attempts to champions support of the champion support of the school counseling by frequently school counseling by communicating with communicating with stakeholders at both the school stakeholders at both the school and community level through and community level through the use of 21st century the use of 21st century engaging media. engaging media. seeks opportunities to increase attends required parent/community/school community/school functions connections by actively and hosts traditional school participating in school and counseling program activities community sponsored that engages the community activities in order to champion (career days, parent nights, the school counseling program. etc.). plans a program and/or activity plans a variety of programs when asked to create and activities for stakeholders awareness and champion to create awareness and support of various school champion support of various counseling programs and school counseling programs activities. and activities. UNSATISFACTORY The school counselor does not champion support of the school counseling by frequently communicating with stakeholders at both the school and community level through the use of 21st century engaging media. does not seek opportunities or participate in school or community‐ sponsored activities in order to champion the school counseling program. does not plan a variety of programs and activities for stakeholders to create awareness and champion support of the school counseling program. West Virginia School Counselor Performance Standards Standard 4 Indicator 4C2 Champions Support consistently communicates with and builds an extensive network of support for the program through school and community fairs and other relevant collaborations with businesses and post‐secondary institutions to enhance school/community relationships. builds a functional network of support of the counseling program through collaborations with school business partners and post‐ secondary institutions to enhance school/community relationships. has a limited network of support of the counseling program through collaborations with school business partners and post‐ secondary institutions to enhance school/community relationships. does not have a functional network of support for the counseling program through collaborations with school business partners and post‐ secondary institutions to enhance school/community relationships. Glossary: Champions— Leads to efforts to affect positive change. 21st Century Engaging Media—interactive electronic media, PowerPoint, Websites, Webinars, etc. Stakeholder. Any person who assists with or benefits from the school counseling program and may include: students, school staff and leadership, parents, and community members and leaders. Variety of programs. such as parent workshops, parent education classes, guest lectures, career presentations and programs, student award and recognition programs, and special community presentations. Extensive Network of Support – other education professionals, civic, community, military personnel, post‐secondary institutions, businesses, faith‐based organizations, and local state and national agencies. 10 Page ‐ VERSION – July 25, 2011 West Virginia School Counselor Performance Standards Standard 4 Indicator 4C3 Function 4C: PROGRAM ADVOCACY The professional school counselor advocates for and promotes the comprehensive School Counseling Program LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE DISTINGUISHED Contributes to Strategic Plan The professional school counselor contributes to the school's strategic planning. The school counselor The school counselor is an active member of the actively seeks ways to provide school's strategic planning team, input in the development of and collaborates and consults in the school's strategic plan and the development of the accesses and reads the strategic plan. school’s strategic plan. as a member of the strategic planning team, collaborates with all stakeholders to assure that the school counseling program is aligned with promotes school counseling program by setting and sharing annual goal(s) that align with relevant components of the school’s strategic plan, in collaboration with administration and advisory council, and meets action plan related to the goal(s). 11 ACCOMPLISHED Page ‐ VERSION – July 25, 2011 actively seeks to collaborate with the strategic planning team to assure that the school counseling program included in and is aligned with the strategic plan goals. sets at least one annual goal that align with relevant components of the school’s strategic plan and meets action plan related to the goal and promotes attainment of goal. EMERGING UNSATISFACTORY The school counselor provides input in the development of the school’s strategic plan per request and knows how to access the school’s strategic plan. collaborates with the strategic planning team per request to assure that the school counseling program is aligned with the strategic plan goals. sets at least one annual goal that align with relevant components of the school’s strategic plan and makes some progress towards meeting goal. The school counselor does not participate in the development of the strategic plan and does not know how to access and has not read the school’s strategic plan. does not collaborate with the strategic planning team to assure that the school counseling program is aligned with the strategic plan goals. does not set or complete annual goals that align with relevant components of the school’s strategic plan.