Examination of Bridge Performance through the Extension of Simulation Modeling and Structural Identification to Large Populations of Structures A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty Of Drexel University By David Robert Masceri Jr. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy September 2015 © Copyright MMXV David R. Masceri Jr. All Rights Reserved. ii Dedication For Mom and Dad… iii Acknowledgement s This research was funded by contributions from Drexel University, the National Institute of Standards and Technology Research Innovation Program, The National Cooperative Research Program, the National Science Foundation CAREER Award program, the Federal Highway Administration Long Term Bridge Performance Program, and Pennoni Associates, Inc. I would like to thank my dissertation committee: A.E. Aktan, I. Bartoli, A.W. Lau, and Y. Shifferaw for their comments, criticisms, and advice. My advisor, Frank Moon, was a great mentor throughout my graduate studies at Drexel University and I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to him for giving me this opportunity. I want to thank my good friends John Braley and Nick Romano for their support and assistance with this research, without which this project would not have been completed. I’d also like to thank John DeVitis for his close support in the lab, at work, and in the field and for being my friend and co-conspirator from the very beginnings of this journey. iv Table of C onte nts LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................................. xii LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................................................... xv 1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Guiding Need for Research ......................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Research Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Research Scope .............................................................................................................................. 5 1.4 1.3.1 AAHSTO Design Code and Structural Analysis Model.................................................. 5 1.3.2 Effect of Local and Global Structural Abnormalities on Model Updating Behaviors 7 Summary of Thesis Chapters....................................................................................................... 8 1.4.1 Chapter 2: Literature Review ............................................................................................ 8 1.4.2 Chapter 3: Study Design for the Investigation of Inherent Bias in the AASHTO Single Line-Girder Model ..................................................................................................... 9 1.4.3 Chapter 4: Automated Member Sizing of for Steel Multi-Girder Bridges ................ 9 1.4.4 Chapter 5: Automated Finite Element Model Creation............................................... 9 1.4.5 Chapter 6: Automated Finite Element Model Analysis and Simulation ................. 10 1.4.6 Chapter 7: Investigation of Inherent Bias in the AASHTO Single Line-Girder Model for Steel Multi-Girder Bridges............................................................................... 10 1.4.7 Chapter 8: Finite Element Model Calibration ............................................................. 11 1.4.8 Chapter 9: Case Studies for Rapid Model Calibration Using Unknown and Known Parameters ............................................................................................................................. 11 1.4.9 Chapter 10: Conclusions and Further Work ................................................................. 11 2. LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................................. 12 v 2.1 Visual Inspection and Connection to Safety ........................................................................... 12 2.2 Comparison of Single Liner Girder Model with Finite Element Models .......................... 13 2.3 Previous Usage of FEM Models ............................................................................................... 15 2.4 Population Assessment and Research ...................................................................................... 16 2.4.1 2.5 Evaluation of Bias/Non-uniformity in Design Code .................................................... 17 Support Movement ..................................................................................................................... 18 2.5.1 Vertical Support Movement ............................................................................................... 18 2.5.2 Horizontal (Lateral) and Rotational Support Movements ............................................ 21 3. STUDY DESIGN FOR THE INVESTIGATION OF INHERENT BIAS IN THE AASHTO SINGLE LINE-GIRDER MODEL....................................................................................................... 25 3.1 Summary of SLG Bias Investigation ........................................................................................ 25 3.2 Parametric Study Design ............................................................................................................ 27 3.2.1 Input Parameters of Interest .............................................................................................. 28 3.2.2 Sensitivity Study Results...................................................................................................... 33 3.2.3 Summary................................................................................................................................ 45 3.2.4 Sampling Method Overview .............................................................................................. 47 3.2.5 Notes on Parameters ........................................................................................................... 53 4. AUTOMATED MEMBER SIZING OF FOR STEEL MULTI-GIRDER BRIDGES ................... 55 4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 55 4.2 Historical Development of Bridge Girder Design and Rating Methods............................ 56 4.3 Development of Automated Member-Sizing ......................................................................... 57 4.3.1 Girder Sizing Algorithm to Satisfy Capacity and Prescriptive Requirements ............ 59 4.3.2 Single Line-Girder Dead and Live Load Demand Calculation .................................... 62 4.3.3 Allowable Stress Design Criteria ....................................................................................... 66 4.3.4 Load and Resistance Factor Design .................................................................................. 77 vi 4.4 Evaluation of Automated Member Sizing for the Study of Single Line-Girder Model Bias................................................................................................................................................. 89 4.5 4.4.1 Allowable Stress Design...................................................................................................... 89 4.4.2 Load and Resistance Factor Design .................................................................................. 91 Notes on LRFD Girder Sizing for the Study of Bias and Tolerable Support Settlement94 5. AUTOMATED FINITE ELEMENT MODEL CREATION ............................................................ 98 5.1 Overview....................................................................................................................................... 98 5.2 Model Form ................................................................................................................................. 99 5.3 5.4 5.2.1 Girders ................................................................................................................................. 100 5.2.2 Diaphragms ......................................................................................................................... 100 5.2.3 Deck ..................................................................................................................................... 104 5.2.4 Sidewalk ............................................................................................................................... 104 5.2.5 Barriers................................................................................................................................. 104 5.2.6 Boundary Conditions ........................................................................................................ 105 5.2.7 Non-structural Mass .......................................................................................................... 106 5.2.8 Composite Action .............................................................................................................. 106 Model Creation .......................................................................................................................... 107 5.3.1 Strand7 API ........................................................................................................................ 107 5.3.2 Node Placement Algorithm ............................................................................................. 108 5.3.3 Beam Element Placement................................................................................................. 111 5.3.4 Continuity Element Placement ........................................................................................ 111 5.3.5 Shell Placement Algorithm ............................................................................................... 112 Property Assignment ................................................................................................................ 112 5.4.1 Shell Elements .................................................................................................................... 112 5.4.2 Beam Elements .................................................................................................................. 113 vii 5.4.3 5.5 Composite Action Elements ............................................................................................ 119 Verification of Automated Finite Element Modeling for the Study of Bias in the Single Line-Girder Model .................................................................................................................... 124 5.5.1 Common Modeling Approaches For Multi-Girder Bridges ....................................... 125 5.5.2 Effects of Modeling Choice on Performance of Shell and Element Level Model Types .................................................................................................................................... 128 5.5.3 Comparison of Results Convergence Agreement Between Shell Element and Element-Level Model Types ............................................................................................ 141 5.5.4 Investigation of Automated Analysis and Results Extraction Methods ................... 142 5.5.5 Summary and Conclusions of the Composite Beam Modeling Study ...................... 145 5.5.6 Final Investigation into Model Form Using Benchmark Full-Bridge Models ......... 146 6. AUTOMATED FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION........................................152 6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 152 6.2 Load Application ....................................................................................................................... 153 6.3 6.4 6.2.1 Dead Load........................................................................................................................... 154 6.2.2 Live Load............................................................................................................................. 156 6.2.3 Support Movement ............................................................................................................ 164 Results Extraction ..................................................................................................................... 167 6.3.1 Response Locations of Interest ....................................................................................... 167 6.3.2 Live Load and Dead Load Results Extraction Steps ................................................... 171 Computation of Rating Factors .............................................................................................. 172 6.4.1 Member Response ............................................................................................................. 173 6.4.2 Load Rating Factors .......................................................................................................... 175 6.4.3 Tolerable Support Settlement .......................................................................................... 176 7. INVESTIGATION OF INHERENT BIAS IN THE AASHTO SINGLE LINE-GIRDER viii MODEL FOR STEEL MULTI-GIRDER BRIDGES.......................................................................178 7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 178 7.2 Sample Population Evaluation ................................................................................................ 178 7.3 7.2.1 Results Convergence ......................................................................................................... 183 7.2.2 Linear Regression Analysis ............................................................................................... 192 Population-Based Comparison of Single Line-Girder and Finite Element Model Demands for Simply Supported Structures .......................................................................... 193 7.3.1 Single Line Girder Ratings................................................................................................ 193 7.3.2 Finite Element Rating Controlling Girder – Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness ........... 197 7.3.3 Finite Element Ratings – Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness ............................................ 201 7.3.4 Effect of Diaphragm Stiffness on FE Rating Factors ................................................. 219 7.3.5 Effect of Deck Thickness on FE Rating Factors ......................................................... 237 7.3.6 Bivariate Analysis of Ratio of FE and SLG Rating Factors – Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness and Inclusion of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ................................ 241 7.3.7 Moment Demands – Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness and Inclusion of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ............................................................................................. 249 7.3.8 Bivariate Analysis of Ratio of FE and SLG Moment Demands – Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness and Inclusion of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ........... 254 7.4 Population-Based Investigation of Single Line-Girder Bias for Two-Span Continuous Structures .................................................................................................................................... 266 7.4.1 Single Line Girder Ratings................................................................................................ 266 7.4.2 Finite Element Ratings ...................................................................................................... 270 7.4.3 Tolerable Support Movement .......................................................................................... 278 8. FINITE ELEMENT MODEL CALIBRATION ................................................................................. 292 8.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................... 292 ix 8.2 Single Model Optimization Methods for Updating Parameters ........................................ 294 8.2.1 8.3 Gradient-based Least Squares Minimization ................................................................. 295 Parameter Configuration .......................................................................................................... 302 8.3.1 Unknown Global Parameters........................................................................................... 302 8.3.2 Mass Redistribution ........................................................................................................... 305 8.4 Graphical User Interface for Parameter Estimation............................................................ 308 9. CASE STUDIES FOR RAPID MODEL CALIBRATION USING UNKNOWN AND KNOWN PARAMETERS........................................................................................................................................ 324 9.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................... 324 9.2 Mossy Creek Bridge .................................................................................................................. 325 9.3 FE Model .................................................................................................................................... 327 9.4 Simulation of Experimental Data ........................................................................................... 329 9.5 Case 1: Global Loss of Composite Action ............................................................................ 331 9.6 9.5.1 Initial Model-Experiment Comparison .......................................................................... 331 9.5.2 Mass Redistribution as Model Fitness Check for a Priori Model................................ 338 9.5.3 Parameter Estimation ........................................................................................................ 341 9.5.4 Mass Redistribution as Model Fitness Check for Updated Model ............................ 344 Case 2: Local Loss of Composite Action along Two Girders ........................................... 346 9.6.1 Initial Model-Experiment Comparison .......................................................................... 347 9.6.2 Mass Redistribution as Model Fitness Check for a Priori Model................................ 355 9.6.3 Parameter Estimation ........................................................................................................ 356 9.6.4 Mass Redistribution as Model Fitness Check for Updated Model ............................ 358 10. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK........................................................................................... 360 10.1 Summary of Research Objectives and Scope........................................................................ 360 10.2 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................ 361 x 10.2.1 Objective 1: Development of Automated Design, Modeling, and Simulation Tool 361 10.2.2 Objective 2: Establish the Bias, Trends, and Variability in Performance Due to the LRFD Design Model and Common Design Assumptions ......................................... 364 10.2.3 Objective 3: Examine Resiliency for Extraneous Demands due to Inherent Conservatism in Bridge Design Practice ........................................................................ 371 10.2.4 Objective 4: Development of a Streamlined Parameter Estimation Tool ................ 372 10.3 Future Work ............................................................................................................................... 373 LIST OF REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................. 374 APPENDIX A. SUPPORT SETTLEMENT SENSITIVITY................................................................. 379 A.1 Total Composite Section Stress: Shear Deformation Off – Barrier and Sidewalk Stiffness On ................................................................................................................................ 379 A.2 Total Composite Section Stress: Shear Deformation Off – Barrier and Sidewalk Stiffness Off ............................................................................................................................... 383 A.3 Deck Stress: Shear Deformation Off – Barrier and Sidewalk Stiffness On ................... 387 A.4 Deck Stress: Shear Deformation Off – Barrier and Sidewalk Stiffness Off ................... 392 A.5 Vertical Reaction at the Support: Shear Deformation Off – Barrier and Sidewalk Stiffness On ................................................................................................................................ 396 A.6 Vertical Reaction at the Support: Shear Deformation Off – Barrier and Sidewalk Stiffness Off ............................................................................................................................... 401 APPENDIX B. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL TO THE INVESTIGATION OF BIAS IN THE AASHTO SINGLE LINE-GIRDER MODEL .................................................................................. 406 B.1 Finite Element Rating Controlling Girder ............................................................................ 406 B.1.1 B.2 Service II Limit State Including Out of Plane Bending ............................................... 406 Finite Element Ratings – Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness ................................................... 408 xi B.2.1 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 Service II Limit State Including Out of Plane Bending ............................................... 408 Finite Element Ratings – 10x Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness ............................................ 412 B.3.1 Strength I Limit State ........................................................................................................ 412 B.3.2 Strength I Limit State without Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria......................... 416 B.3.3 Service II Limit State ......................................................................................................... 420 B.3.4 Service II Limit State without Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ......................... 424 Finite Element Ratings – 30x Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness ............................................ 428 B.4.1 Strength I Limit State ........................................................................................................ 428 B.4.2 Strength I Limit State without Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria......................... 432 B.4.3 Service II Limit State ......................................................................................................... 436 B.4.4 Service II Limit State without Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ......................... 440 Bivariate Analysis of Ratio of FE and SLG Rating Factors ............................................... 444 B.5.1 Strength I Limit State ........................................................................................................ 444 B.5.2 Service II Limit State ......................................................................................................... 448 B.5.3 Service II Limit State with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending Moment .......... 451 Bivariate Analysis of Ratio of FE and SLG Moment Demands........................................ 458 B.6.1 Dead Load........................................................................................................................... 458 B.6.2 Superimposed Dead Load Moment Demand ............................................................... 461 B.6.3 Live Load Moment Demand for Interior Girders........................................................ 462 B.6.4 Live Load Moment Demand for Exterior Girders ...................................................... 464 VITA .................................................................................................................................................................. 467 xii List of Tables 1. Input Parameters for Sensitivity Study.................................................................................................. 28 2. Bridge Configuration Parameters .......................................................................................................... 46 3. LRFD Sizing Constraints ........................................................................................................................ 77 4. Design Criteria for Simply Supported Structures................................................................................ 78 5. Additional Steel Girder Sizing Criteria for Continuous-Span Structures ........................................ 80 6. Distribution Factors Calculated with Section Dimensions................................................................ 82 7. Distribution Factors Calculated with the Lever Rule ......................................................................... 82 8. Fatigue Limit State ................................................................................................................................... 83 9. Benchmark Design Structure Comparison........................................................................................... 90 10. Deck and Sidewalk Concrete Material Property Assignment.......................................................... 113 11. Girder Steel Material Property Assignment ....................................................................................... 114 12. Girder Steel Section Property Assignment......................................................................................... 114 13. Diaphragm Steel Material Property Assignment ............................................................................... 115 14. Diaphragm Channel Section Property Assignment .......................................................................... 116 15. Diaphragm Angle Section Property Assignment .............................................................................. 117 16. Barrier Concrete Material Property Assignment ............................................................................... 118 17. Barrier Rectangular Section Property Assignment ............................................................................ 118 18. Composite Action Element Steel Material Property Assignment .................................................. 119 19. Composite Section Property Assignment........................................................................................... 120 20. Sensitivity Study for Use of Moment of Inertia in Beam Elements as Composite Action Links Using Two-Beam Model ....................................................................................................................... 122 xiii 21. Sensitivity Study for Use of Shear Area Adjustment in Beam Elements as Composite Action Links Using Two-Beam Model ............................................................................................................ 123 22. Sensitivity Study for Use of Deck Modulus in Beam Elements as Composite Action Links Using Two-Beam Model ................................................................................................................................... 124 23. Summary of Demands and Reponses Used in Benchmark Study.................................................. 129 24. Benchmark Model Details..................................................................................................................... 129 25. Element Sizes for Discretization Study .............................................................................................. 132 26. Dead Load Stage Parameter Modifications ........................................................................................ 155 27. Live Load Application Types ............................................................................................................... 157 28. Load Rating Lanes .................................................................................................................................. 158 29. Demand and Truck Load Locations ................................................................................................... 160 30. Support Movement Types .................................................................................................................... 165 31. Response Types and Locations of Interest ........................................................................................ 168 32. Support Movement Locations and Resultant Response Locations of Interest............................ 169 33. Load Factor Calculation Steps.............................................................................................................. 173 34. Load and Resistance Factor Rating Limit States ............................................................................... 176 35. Effective Flexibility Ratio for Bridges Suites 1 and 4 ....................................................................... 224 36. Population Statistics for Effect of Effective Flexibility Ratio on Strength I Rating Factor....... 236 37. Population Statistics for Effect of Effective Flexibility Ratio on Service II Rating Factor ....... 236 38. Two-Span Continuous Rating Factor Population Statistics ............................................................ 266 39. Population Statistics for Tolerable Support Settlement ................................................................... 278 40. A Priori Parameter Values ..................................................................................................................... 330 41. Fixed Bearing Degrees of Freedom..................................................................................................... 330 42. Expansion Bearings Degrees of Freedom .......................................................................................... 330 43. A Priori Model-Experiment Comparison for Global Loss of Composite Action ....................... 332 xiv 44. Mass Zone Multipliers at End of Redistribution for Global Loss of Composite Action .......... 340 45. Model-Experiment Comparison after Initial Mass Redistribution for Global Loss of Composite Action ....................................................................................................................................................... 341 46. A Priori and Converged Parameter Values ......................................................................................... 342 47. Model Experiment Comparison .......................................................................................................... 342 48. Model Experiment Comparison of Mass Redistribution Solution after Parameter Estimation for Global Loss of Composite Action....................................................................................................... 345 49. A Priori Model Experiment Comparison for Local Loss of Composite Action .......................... 348 50. Final Mass Redistribution Coefficients for Local Loss of Composite Action ............................. 355 51. Model-Experiment Comparison of Local Loss of Composite Action to Initial Mass Updating356 52. A Priori and Converged Parameter Values for Local Loss of Composite Action ....................... 357 53. Model Experiment Comparison for Local Loss of Composite Action ......................................... 357 54. Model-Experiment Comparison for Local Loss of Composite Action for Mass Zone Updating ................................................................................................................................................................... 359 xv List of Figure s 1. The M28.9 Bridge ..................................................................................................................................... 14 2. Comparison of Predicted FE Model and Measured Deflection ....................................................... 15 3. Schematic of horizontal and rotational deformations due to settlement and rotation of foundations at (a) piers and (b) abutment ............................................................................................ 24 4. Schematic Illustrating the Support Movement Considered for the Preliminary Parametric Study ..................................................................................................................................................................... 28 5. Plan View of Skewed Median Model with Shell Element View On ................................................ 29 6. Plan View of Skewed Median Model with Beam Elements .............................................................. 30 7. Isometric View of Skewed Median Model ........................................................................................... 30 8. Isometric View of Skewed Median Model with Vertical Settlement at the Near Abutment and Contour Shading of Total Fiber Stress in the Beams ......................................................................... 31 9. Plan View of Straight Median Model with Shell Element View On ................................................ 31 10. Plan View of Straight Median Model with Beam Elements Shown................................................. 32 11. Isometric View of Straight Median Model with Beam Elements Shown........................................ 32 12. Isometric View of Straight Median Model with Deflection. Contours Show Deck Shell Stress and Beam Element Total Fiber Stress. ................................................................................................. 33 13. Effect of Girder Spacing on Total Composite Section Stress .......................................................... 34 14. Effect of Span Length on Total Composite Section Stress Normalized by Span Lngth ............. 35 15. Effect of Span Length on Total Composite Section Stress ............................................................... 36 16. Effect of Skew Angle on Total Composite Section Stress ................................................................ 37 17. Effect of Span Length to Beam Depth Ratio on Total Composite Section Stress ....................... 37 18. Effect of Girder Spacing on Deck Stress ............................................................................................. 38 19. Effect of Span Length on Deck Stress Normalized by Span Length .............................................. 39 20. Effect of Span Length on Deck Stress ................................................................................................. 39 xvi 21. Effect of Skew on Deck Stress............................................................................................................... 40 22. Effect of Span length to Beam Depth Ratio on Deck Stress............................................................ 40 23. Effect of Girder Spacing on Vertical Reaction at the Support ......................................................... 41 24. Effect of Span Length on Vertical Reaction at the Support Normalized by Span Length .......... 42 25. Effect of Span Length on Vertical Reaction at the Support ............................................................. 43 26. Effect of Skew Angle on Vertical Reaction at the Support ............................................................... 44 27. Effect of Span Length to Beam Depth Ratio on Vertical Reaction at the Support ...................... 44 28. Basic Study Workflow ............................................................................................................................. 49 29. Detailed Study Workflow ........................................................................................................................ 50 30. Sampling Methodology for Tolerable Support Study......................................................................... 51 31. Latin Square............................................................................................................................................... 52 32. Overall Girder Design Process .............................................................................................................. 58 33. Girder Sizing Algorithm .......................................................................................................................... 60 34. Fixed End Forces ..................................................................................................................................... 64 35. Simply Supported Girder Design Process ............................................................................................ 79 36. Continuous Span Girder Design Process ............................................................................................. 81 37. Influence of Addition of Fatigue I Limit State on Flange Area for Interior Girders for Ten Sample Bridges.......................................................................................................................................... 83 38. Influence of Fatigue Limit State on Interior Girder Strength I Rating Factors for Ten Sample Bridges ........................................................................................................................................................ 84 39. LRFD Section 6.10.6 ............................................................................................................................... 85 40. LRFD Section 6.10.7 ............................................................................................................................... 86 41. LRFD Section 6.10.8 ............................................................................................................................... 87 42. LRFD Appendix A................................................................................................................................... 88 43. FE Model Creation Overview ................................................................................................................ 99 xvii 44. 3D Element Level FE Model ............................................................................................................... 100 45. Channel Section Diaphragms ............................................................................................................... 101 46. Cross-Bracing Diaphragms ................................................................................................................... 101 47. Chevron-Bracing Diaphragms.............................................................................................................. 102 48. Cross-Bracing Diaphragm Connectivity ............................................................................................. 102 49. Skew Bridge with Parallel Diaphragms (applicable to bridges with skew angles less than 20o) 103 50. Straight-Skew Bridge with Normal Contiguous Diaphragms ......................................................... 103 51. Skew Bridge with Normal Non-contiguous Diaphragms ................................................................ 104 52. Illustration of “Alignment” and “Longitudinal” Special Boundary Condition Cases. ................ 106 53. Deck Node Placement ........................................................................................................................... 109 54. Deck Node Placement ........................................................................................................................... 110 55. Overhang Deck Node Placement ........................................................................................................ 110 56. Two-Beam Model with Live Load Combination Applied ............................................................... 121 57. Effect of Composite Action Beam Moment of Inertia on Live Load Moment and Live Load Distribution ............................................................................................................................................. 121 58. 3D Geometric Element-Level Model ................................................................................................. 127 59. Element-level Model Continuity and Boundary Conditions ........................................................... 130 60. Shell Element Model Continuity and Boundary Conditions ........................................................... 131 61. Discretization Levels of Single-Girder Element-level Model ......................................................... 133 62. Discretization Levels of Two-Girder Element-level Model ............................................................ 134 63. Discretization Levels of Single Girder Shell Element Model.......................................................... 135 64. Discretization Levels for Two-Girder Shell Element Model .......................................................... 136 65. Effect of Shear Deformation Calculation on Shear Force Convergence as a Function of Beam Depth to Element Length Ratio Subject to Vertical Abutment Settlement in the Two-Girder Model........................................................................................................................................................ 137 xviii 66. Effect of Shear Deformation Calculation on Moment Convergence as a Function of Beam Depth to Element Length Ratio Subject to Vertical Abutment Settlement in the Two-Girder Model........................................................................................................................................................ 138 67. Effect of Shear Deformation Calculation on Axial Force Convergence as a Function of Beam Depth to Element Length Ratio Subject to Vertical Abutment Settlement in the Two-Girder Model........................................................................................................................................................ 138 68. Effect of Shear Deformation Calculation on Shear Force Convergence as a Function of Beam Depth to Element Length Ratio Subject to Point Load at Mid-Span in the Two-Girder Model ................................................................................................................................................................... 139 69. Effect of Shear Deformation Calculation on Moment Convergence as a Function of Beam Depth to Element Length Ratio Subject to Point Load at Mid-Span in the Two-Girder Model ................................................................................................................................................................... 140 70. Effect of Shear Deformation Calculation on Axial Force Convergence as a Function of Beam Depth to Element Length Ratio Subject to Point Load at Mid-Span ........................................... 140 71. Effect of Element Size on Deck Stress Under a Vertical Settlement in a Two-Girder Shell Element Model ....................................................................................................................................... 142 72. Stress Contour in the Principle XX Direction in a Shell Element Model Due to Point Load at Mid-Span. (a) Deck (b) Beam Web ................................................................................................... 144 73. Computation Time as a Function of Element Discretization Level .............................................. 145 74. Restrained Boundary Degrees of Freedom ........................................................................................ 146 75. Steel W-Shape (I-Beam) ........................................................................................................................ 147 76. Typical Multi-Girder Bridge Cross Section ........................................................................................ 147 77. Percent Change in Response to Support Settlement with Decreasing Mesh Size ....................... 149 78. Percent Change in Response to Dead Load with Decreasing Mesh Size ..................................... 149 79. Percent Change in Response to Point Load with Decreasing Mesh Size ..................................... 150 xix 80. Transverse Lane Positions .................................................................................................................... 158 81. Truck Positions for Simply Supported Bridges ................................................................................. 161 82. Truck positions for Two-span Continuous Bridges ......................................................................... 162 83. Truck Point Loads on FE Model Shell Element Faces.................................................................... 163 84. Lane Point Loads on FE Model Shell Element Vertex Nodes....................................................... 163 85. Simulated Load Combination. Actual Load Combinations are Calculated Using Superimposed Results ...................................................................................................................................................... 164 86. “Clockwise” Transverse Rotation Support Movement .................................................................... 166 87. “Counter-Clockwise” Transverse Rotation Support Movement .................................................... 166 88. Response Locations of Interest for Support Movements Occurring at the Abutment. ............. 170 89. Response Locations of Interest for Support Movements Occurring at the Pier. ........................ 171 90. Composite Section Stress Superposition ............................................................................................ 174 91. Distribution of Sample Space for Continuous Parameters for Bridge Suite 1 ............................. 179 92. Distribution of Sample Space for Continuous Parameters for Bridge Suite 2 ............................. 180 93. Distribution of Sample Space for Continuous Parameters for Bridge Suite 3 ............................. 181 94. Girder Design Time ............................................................................................................................... 182 95. Number of Required Design Iterations to Achieve Solution.......................................................... 182 96. Suite 1, 2, and 3 Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Strength I Rating with Barrier Stiffness Off ...................................................................................... 184 97. Suite 1, 2, and 3 Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Strength I Rating with Barrier Stiffness On ....................................................................................... 185 98. Suite 1, 2, and 3 Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Service II Rating with Barrier Stiffness Off ....................................................................................... 186 99. Suite 1, 2, and 3 Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Service II Rating with Barrier Stiffness On ........................................................................................ 187 xx 100.Quantile-Quantile Plot of Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Strength I Rating with Barrier Stiffness On with Residual Error Bars .............................. 189 101.Quantile-Quantile Plot of Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Strength I Rating with Barrier Stiffness off with Residual Error Bars .............................. 190 102.Quantile-Quantile Plot of Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Service II Rating with Barrier Stiffness On with Residual Error Bars .............................. 191 103.Quantile-Quantile Plot of Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Service II Rating with Barrier Stiffness off with Residual Error Bars ............................... 192 104.Frequency of Single Line-Girder LRFR Strength I Rating.............................................................. 194 105.Frequency of Single Line-Girder LRFR Strength I Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria .................................................................................................................. 195 106.Frequency of Single Line-Girder LRFR Service II Rating............................................................... 196 107.Frequency of Single Line-Girder LRFR Service II Rating............................................................... 197 108.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating Controlling Girder .................................. 198 109.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating Controlling Girder Order from Center Girder ....................................................................................................................................................... 199 110.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating Controlling Girder Order from Center Girder without Inclusion of Out of Plane Moment ......................................................................... 200 111.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating Controlling Girder Order from Center Girder without Inclusion of Out of Plane Moment ......................................................................... 201 112.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating .................................................................... 203 113.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating . 204 114.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Interior Girders ....................................................................................................................................... 205 xxi 115.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Exterior Girders...................................................................................................................................... 206 116.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ................................................................................................................................ 207 117.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria...................................................... 208 118.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Interior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ............................ 209 119.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Exterior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ............................ 210 120.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating ..................................................................... 211 121.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating .. 212 122.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Interior Girders ....................................................................................................................................... 213 123.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Exterior Girders...................................................................................................................................... 214 124.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Finite Element Rating Including Out of Plane Bending .......................................................................................................... 215 125.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ................................................................................................................................ 216 126.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria...................................................... 217 127.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Interior Girder Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ............................ 218 xxii 128.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Exterior Girder Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ............................ 219 129.Simplified Model for Diaphragm Flexibility Contribution .............................................................. 221 130.Ratio of FE to SLG Strength I Rating Factor as a Function of the Ratio of the Minimum Theoretical Distribution Factor to the Maximum Live Load Moment Distribution Factor with Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness .............................................................................................................. 225 131.Ratio of FE to SLG Strength I Rating Factor as a Function of the Ratio of the Minimum Theoretical Distribution Factor to the Maximum Live Load Moment Distribution Factor with 30X Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness ..................................................................................................... 226 132.Percent Change in Effective Flexibility Ratio as a Function of Change in Diaphragm Stiffness227 133.Percent Change in Ratio of FE to SLG Rating Factor as a Function of Diaphragm Stiffness for Bridge #83 ............................................................................................................................................... 228 134.Percent Change in Ratio of FE to SLG Rating Factor as a Function of Diaphragm Stiffness for Bridge #61 ............................................................................................................................................... 229 135.Percent Change in FE to SLG Rating Factor as a Function of Effective Flexibility Ratio for Bridge #83 ............................................................................................................................................... 229 136.Percent Change in FE to SLG Rating Factor Ratio as a Function of Effective Flexibility Ratio for Bridge #61 ........................................................................................................................................ 230 137.Percent Change in Interior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating Factor as a Function of Percent Increase in Effective Flexibility Ratio................................................................................... 232 138.Percent Change in Exterior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating Factor as a Function of Percent Increase in Effective Flexibility Ratio................................................................................... 233 139.Percent Change in Interior Girder Service II Finite Element Rating Factor as a Function of Percent Increase in Effective Flexibility Ratio................................................................................... 234 xxiii 140.Percent Change in Exterior Girder Service II Finite Element Rating Factor as a Function of Percent Increase in Effective Flexibility Ratio................................................................................... 235 141.Ratio of LRFR Strength I FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Length............................ 243 142.Ratio of LRFR Strength I FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Skew Ratio .................... 244 143.Ratio of LRFR Strength I FE Exterior Girder Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Exterior Girder Distribution Factor.................................................................................................................... 245 144.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Length ............................ 246 145.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Skew................................ 247 146.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Skew Ratio ..................... 248 147.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Exterior Girder Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Exterior Girder Distribution Factor.................................................................................................................... 249 148.Frequency of Ratio of Predicted SLG Dead Load Moment Demand to Maximum FE Dead Load Moment Demand ................................................................................................................................... 250 149.Frequency of Ratio of Predicted SLG Superimposed Dead Load Moment Demand to Maximum FE Superimposed Dead Load Moment Demand ............................................................................. 251 150.Frequency of Ratio of Predicted SLG Live Load Moment Demand to Maximum FE Live Load Moment Demand for Interior Girders ............................................................................................... 253 151.Frequency of Ratio of Predicted SLG Live Load Moment Demand to Maximum FE Live Load Moment Demand for Exterior ............................................................................................................. 254 152.Ratio of Maximum FE Dead Load Demand to SLG Dead Load Demand as a Function of Span Length ...................................................................................................................................................... 255 153.Ratio of Maximum FE Dead Load Demand to SLG Dead Load Demand as a Function of Girder Spacing ........................................................................................................................................ 256 154.Ratio of Maximum FE Superimposed Dead Load Demand to SLG Superimposed Dead Load Demand as a Function of Width ......................................................................................................... 257 xxiv 155.Ratio of Maximum FE Superimposed Dead Load Demand to SLG Superimposed Dead Load Demand as a Function of Girder Spacing.......................................................................................... 258 156.Ratio of Maximum FE Superimposed Dead Load Demand to SLG Superimposed Dead Load Demand as a Function of Skew Ratio................................................................................................. 259 157.Ratio of Maximum Interior Girder FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Length ................................................................................................................................ 260 158.Ratio of Maximum Interior Girder FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Skew Ratio ......................................................................................................................... 261 159.Ratio of Maximum Interior Girder FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Interior Live Load Distribution Factor ........................................................................ 262 160.Ratio of Maximum Exterior Girder FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Length ................................................................................................................................ 263 161.Ratio of Maximum Exterior Girder FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Skew Ratio ......................................................................................................................... 264 162.Ratio of Maximum Exterior Girder FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Exterior Girder Live Load Distribution Factor .......................................................... 265 163.Frequency of Single Line-Girder Rating of Positive Moment Region for Strength I Limit State ................................................................................................................................................................... 267 164.Frequency of Single Line-Girder Rating of Negative Moment Region for Strength I Limit State ................................................................................................................................................................... 268 165.Frequency of Single Line-Girder Rating of Positive Moment Region for Service II Limit State269 166.Frequency of Single Line-Girder Rating of Negative Moment Region for Service II Limit State ................................................................................................................................................................... 270 167.Frequency of Finite Element Rating of Positive Moment Region for Strength I Limit State ... 271 168.Frequency of Finite Element Rating of Negative Moment Region for Strength I Limit State . 272 xxv 169.Frequency of Ratio of Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating of Positive Moment Region for Strength I Limit State ........................................................................................................ 273 170.Frequency of Ratio of Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating of Negative Moment Region for Strength I Limit State ........................................................................................................ 274 171.Frequency of Finite Element Rating of Positive Moment Region for Service II Limit State .... 275 172.Frequency of Finite Element Rating of Negative Moment Region for Service II Limit State .. 276 173.Frequency of Ratio of Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating of Positive Moment Region for Service II Limit State ......................................................................................................... 277 174.Frequency of Ratio of Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating of Negative Moment Region for Service II Limit State ......................................................................................................... 278 175.Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Transverse Rotation of Abutment (in Inches) – Bending Response Over Pier ........................................................................................ 280 176.Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Transverse Rotation of Pier (in Inches) – Bending Response at Mid-Span.......................................................................................... 281 177.Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Vertical Translation of Abutment (in Inches) – Bending Response Over Pier ........................................................................................ 282 178.Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Vertical Translation of Pier (in Inches) – Bending Response at Mid-Span.......................................................................................... 283 179.Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Transverse Rotation of Abutment (in Inches) – Shear Response at Pier ................................................................................................... 284 180.Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Transverse Rotation of Pier (in Inches) – Shear Response at Abutment.............................................................................................. 285 181.Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Vertical Translation of Abutment (in Inches) – Shear Response at Pier ................................................................................................... 286 xxvi 182.Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Vertical Translation of Pier (in Inches) – Shear Response at Abutment.............................................................................................. 287 183.Frequency of Service II Tolerable Support Movement Under Transverse Rotation of Abutment (in Inches) – Bending Response at Pier .............................................................................................. 288 184.Frequency of Service II Tolerable Support Movement Under Transverse Rotation of Pier (in Inches) – Bending Response at Mid-Span.......................................................................................... 289 185.Frequency of Service II Tolerable Support Movement Under Vertical Translation of Abutment (in Inches) – Bending Response at Pier .............................................................................................. 290 186.Frequency of Service II Tolerable Support Movement Under Translation of Pier (in Inches) – Bending Response at Mid-Span ........................................................................................................... 291 187.Schematic of Iterative Parameter Identification Process ................................................................. 294 188.MAC Matrix Plot .................................................................................................................................... 299 189.Development of MAC Matrix Plot with Model Updating .............................................................. 301 190.Symmetric Lateral Redistribution of Deck Mass............................................................................... 307 191.Symmetric Longitudinal Redistribution of Deck Mass .................................................................... 307 192.Asymmetric Lateral Redistribution of Deck Mass ............................................................................ 308 193.Parameter Edit GUI Window – Parameter Group Number .......................................................... 309 194.Parameter Edit GUI Window – Parameter a Priori Value ............................................................... 310 195.Parameter Edit GUI Window – Update Logic Box ......................................................................... 310 196.Parameter Edit GUI Window – Starting, Minimum, Maximum Alpha Values and Alpha Scale310 197.Parameter Edit GUI Window – Starting, Minimum, Maximum Parameter Value...................... 311 198.Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window - Deck Stiffness Sensitivity with a Linear Alpha Scale ..... 312 199.Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window - Deck Stiffness Sensitivity with a Linear Alpha Scale ..... 313 200.Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window - Deck Stiffness Sensitivity with a Linear Alpha Scale ..... 314 201.Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window - Deck Stiffness Sensitivity with a Linear Alpha Scale ..... 315 xxvii 202.Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window - Deck Stiffness Sensitivity with a Linear Alpha Scale ..... 316 203.Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window - Deck Stiffness Sensitivity with a Linear Alpha Scale ..... 317 204.Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window – Composite Action Sensitivity with a Logarithmic Alpha Scale .......................................................................................................................................................... 318 205.Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window – Boundary Rotational Spring Sensitivity with a Logarithmic Alpha Scale .............................................................................................................................................. 319 206.Model-Experimental Comparison GUI Window ............................................................................. 322 207.Parameter Estimation GUI Window .................................................................................................. 323 208.Topside of Mossy Creek Bridge ........................................................................................................... 326 209.Underside of Mossy Creek Bridge ....................................................................................................... 327 210.3D FE Model of Mossy Creek Bridge ................................................................................................ 328 211.3D FE Model of Mossy Creek Bridge Shown without Deck Shell Elements.............................. 328 212.Location of “Experimental” Nodes and Girder Numbers.............................................................. 329 213.A Priori MAC Matrix for Global Loss of Composite Action.......................................................... 332 214.A Priori Mode 1....................................................................................................................................... 333 215.“Experimental” Mode 1 ........................................................................................................................ 333 216.A Priori Mode 2....................................................................................................................................... 333 217.“Experimental” Mode 2 ........................................................................................................................ 333 218.A Priori Mode 3....................................................................................................................................... 334 219.“Experimental” Mode 3 ........................................................................................................................ 334 220.A Priori Mode 5....................................................................................................................................... 334 221.“Experimental” Mode 4 ........................................................................................................................ 334 222.A Priori Mode 10..................................................................................................................................... 335 223.“Experimental” Mode 5 ........................................................................................................................ 335 224.A Priori Mode 6....................................................................................................................................... 335 xxviii 225.“Experimental” Mode 6 ........................................................................................................................ 335 226.A Priori Mode 4....................................................................................................................................... 336 227.“Experimental” Mode 7 ........................................................................................................................ 336 228.A Priori Mode 8....................................................................................................................................... 336 229.“Experimental” Mode 8 ........................................................................................................................ 336 230.A Priori Mode 11..................................................................................................................................... 337 231.“Experimental” Mode 9 ........................................................................................................................ 337 232.A Priori Mode 7....................................................................................................................................... 337 233.“Experimental” Mode 10 ...................................................................................................................... 337 234.5 Lateral Mass Zones ............................................................................................................................. 338 235.5 Longitudinal Mass Zones................................................................................................................... 338 236.3x3 Grid Mass Zones ............................................................................................................................ 339 237.MAC Matrix Plot at 5 Iterations .......................................................................................................... 343 238.MAC Matrix Plot at Parameter Convergence (10 Iterations).......................................................... 343 239.Final MAC Matrix Plot for Mass Redistribution Convergence with 5 Lateral Zones for Global Loss of Composite Action .................................................................................................................... 345 240.Final MAC Matrix Plot Mass Redistribution Convergence with 3x3 Grid Zones for Global Loss of Composite Action ............................................................................................................................. 346 241.Isometric View of 3D FE Model of Mossy Creek Bridge Indicating Two Girders with Total Loss of Composite Action ............................................................................................................................. 347 242.A Priori Mac Matrix Plot for Local Loss of Composite Action ...................................................... 348 243.A Priori Mode 1....................................................................................................................................... 349 244.“Experimental” Mode 1 ........................................................................................................................ 349 245.A Priori Mode 2....................................................................................................................................... 349 246.“Experimental” Mode 2 ........................................................................................................................ 349 xxix 247.A Priori Mode 3....................................................................................................................................... 350 248.“Experimental” Mode 3 ........................................................................................................................ 350 249.A Priori Mode 5....................................................................................................................................... 350 250.“Experimental” Mode 4 ........................................................................................................................ 350 251.A Priori Mode 6....................................................................................................................................... 351 252.“Experimental” Mode 5 ........................................................................................................................ 351 253.A Priori Mode 4....................................................................................................................................... 351 254.“Experimental” Mode 6 ........................................................................................................................ 351 255.A Priori Mode 11..................................................................................................................................... 352 256.“Experimental” Mode 7 ........................................................................................................................ 352 257.A Priori Mode 10..................................................................................................................................... 352 258.“Experimental” Mode 8 ........................................................................................................................ 352 259.A Priori Mode 7....................................................................................................................................... 353 260.“Experimental” Mode 9 ........................................................................................................................ 353 261.A Priori Mode 9....................................................................................................................................... 353 262.“Experimental” Mode 10 ...................................................................................................................... 353 263.Example of Software GUI for Model-Experimental Comparison with Local Loss of Composite Action ....................................................................................................................................................... 354 264.MAC Matrix Plot at Parameter Convergence for Local Loss of Composite Action .................. 358 265.MAC Matrix Plot at Mass Redistribution Convergence with 5 Lateral Zones for Local Loss of Composite Action .................................................................................................................................. 359 266.Effect of Deck Strength on Total Composite Section Stress ......................................................... 379 267.Effect of Deck Thickness on Total Composite Section Stress....................................................... 380 268.Effect of Girder Spacing on Total Composite Section Stress ........................................................ 380 269.Effect of Span Length on Total Composite Section Stress ............................................................. 381 xxx 270.Effect of Span Length Normalized by Length on Total Composite Section Stress ................... 381 271.Effect of Skew Angle on Total Composite Section Stress .............................................................. 382 272.Effect of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio on Total Composite Section Stress.................... 382 273.Effect of Deck Strength on Total Composite Section Stress ......................................................... 383 274.Effect of Deck Thickness on Total Composite Section Stress....................................................... 384 275.Effect of Girder Spacing on Total Composite Section Stress ........................................................ 384 276.Effect of Span Length Normalized by Length on Total Composite Section Stress ................... 385 277.Effect of Span Length on Total Composite Section Stress ............................................................. 385 278.Effect of Skew Angle on Total Composite Section Stress .............................................................. 386 279.Effect of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio on Total Composite Section Stress.................... 386 280.Effect of Deck Strength on Deck Stress ............................................................................................ 387 281.Effect of Deck Thickness on Deck Stress ......................................................................................... 388 282.Effect of Girder Spacing on Deck Stress ........................................................................................... 388 283.Effect of Span Length on Deck Stress ............................................................................................... 389 284.Effect of Span Length on Deck Stress ............................................................................................... 390 285.Effect of Skew Angle on Deck Stress ................................................................................................. 390 286.Effect of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio on Deck Stress ...................................................... 391 287.Effect of Deck Strength on Deck Stress ............................................................................................ 392 288.Effect of Deck Thickness on Deck Stress ......................................................................................... 393 289.Effect of Girder Spacing on Deck Stress ........................................................................................... 393 290.Effect of Span Length on Deck Stress ............................................................................................... 394 291.Effect of Span Length Normalized by Length on Deck Stress ...................................................... 395 292.Effect of Deck Strength on Vertical Support Reaction ................................................................... 396 293.Effect of Deck Thickness on Vertical Support Reaction ................................................................ 397 294.Effect of Girder Spacing on Vertical Support Reaction .................................................................. 397 xxxi 295.Effect of Span Length on Vertical Support Reaction ...................................................................... 398 296.Effect of Span Length Normalized by Length on Vertical Support Reaction ............................. 399 297.Effect of Skew Angle on Vertical Support Reaction ........................................................................ 399 298.Effect of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio on Vertical Support Reaction ............................. 400 299.Effect of Deck Strength on Vertical Support Reaction ................................................................... 401 300.Effect of Deck Thickness on Vertical Support Reaction ................................................................ 402 301.Effect of Girder Spacing on Vertical Support Reaction .................................................................. 402 302.Effect of Span Length on Vertical Support Reaction ...................................................................... 403 303.Effect of Span Length Normalized by Length on Vertical Support Reaction ............................. 404 304.Effect of Skew Angle on Vertical Support Reaction ........................................................................ 404 305.Effect of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio on Vertical Support Reaction ............................. 405 306.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating Controlling Girder with Inclusion of Out of Plane Moment .................................................................................................................................... 406 307.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating Controlling Girder Order from Center Girder with Inclusion of Out of Plane Moment ............................................................................... 407 308.Frequency of FE LRFR Service II Rating Including Out of Plane Bending................................ 408 309.Frequency of Ratio of Service II FE Rating Factor to SLG Rating Factor Including Out of Plane Bending .................................................................................................................................................... 409 310.Frequency of Ratio of Service II FE Rating Factor to SLG Rating Factor Including Out of Plane Bending for Interior Girders ................................................................................................................ 410 311.Frequency of Ratio of Service II FE Rating Factor to SLG Rating Factor for Exterior Girders Including Out of Plane Bending .......................................................................................................... 411 312.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ................................................................................................................................ 412 xxxii 313.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria...................................................... 413 314.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Interior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ............................ 414 315.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Exterior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ............................ 415 316.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating .................................................................... 416 317.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating . 417 318.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Interior Girders ....................................................................................................................................... 418 319.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Exterior Girders...................................................................................................................................... 419 320.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating ..................................................................... 420 321.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating .. 421 322.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Interior Girders ....................................................................................................................................... 422 323.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Exterior Girders...................................................................................................................................... 423 324.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating ..................................................................... 424 325.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating .. 425 326.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Interior Girders ....................................................................................................................................... 426 327.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Exterior Girders...................................................................................................................................... 427 xxxiii 328.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ................................................................................................................................ 428 329.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria...................................................... 429 330.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Interior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ............................ 430 331.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Exterior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria ............................ 431 332.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating .................................................................... 432 333.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating . 433 334.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Interior Girders ....................................................................................................................................... 434 335.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Exterior Girders...................................................................................................................................... 435 336.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating ..................................................................... 436 337.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating .. 437 338.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Interior Girders ....................................................................................................................................... 438 339.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Exterior Girders...................................................................................................................................... 439 340.Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating ..................................................................... 440 341.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating .. 441 342.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Interior Girders ....................................................................................................................................... 442 xxxiv 343.Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating for Exterior Girders...................................................................................................................................... 443 344.Ratio of LRFR Strength I FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Width ............................. 444 345.Ratio of LRFR Strength I FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Girder Spacing ............. 445 346.Ratio of LRFR Strength I FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio ............................................................................................................................................. 446 347.Ratio of LRFR Strength I FE Interior Girder Rating to SLG Interior Girder Rating as a Function of Interior Girder Distribution Factor ................................................................................................ 447 348.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Width .............................. 448 349.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Girder Spacing .............. 449 350.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio ............................................................................................................................................. 449 351.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Interior Girder Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Interior Girder Distribution Factor.................................................................................................................... 450 352.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Length ........................................................................................................................ 451 353.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Width .......................................................................................................................... 451 354.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Skew ............................................................................................................................ 452 355.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Girder Spacing .......................................................................................................... 453 356.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio...................................................................... 454 xxxv 357.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio...................................................................... 455 358.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Interior Girder Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Interior Girder Distribution Factor ............................................ 456 359.Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Exterior Girder Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Exterior Girder Distribution Factor........................................... 457 360.Ratio of Maximum FE Dead Load Demand to SLG Dead Load Demand as a Function of Width458 361.Ratio of Maximum FE Dead Load Demand to SLG Dead Load Demand as a Function of the Ratio of Span Length to Girder Depth............................................................................................... 459 362.Ratio of Maximum FE Dead Load Demand to SLG Dead Load Demand as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio ............................................................................................................. 459 363.Ratio of Maximum FE Dead Load Demand to SLG Dead Load Demand as a Function of Skew Ratio.......................................................................................................................................................... 460 364.Ratio of Maximum FE Superimposed Dead Load Demand to SLG Superimposed Dead Load Demand as a Function of Skew ........................................................................................................... 461 365.Ratio of Maximum FE Superimposed Dead Load Demand to SLG Superimposed Dead Load Demand as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio ..................................................... 461 366.Ratio of Maximum FE Superimposed Dead Load Demand to SLG Superimposed Dead Load Demand as a Function of Skew Ratio................................................................................................. 462 367.Ratio of Maximum FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Width ................................................................................................................................................................... 462 368.Ratio of Maximum FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Girder Spacing ..................................................................................................................................................... 463 369.Ratio of Maximum FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio ............................................................................................................. 463 xxxvi 370.Ratio of Maximum FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Width ................................................................................................................................................................... 464 371.Ratio of Maximum FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Skew ................................................................................................................................................................... 465 372.Ratio of Maximum FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Girder Spacing ..................................................................................................................................................... 465 373.Ratio of Maximum FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio ............................................................................................................. 466 1 Abstract Examination of Bridge Performance through the Extension of Simulation Modeling and Structural Identification to Large Populations of Structures David R. Masceri Jr. The long-term strength and serviceability of common multi-girder bridges in the United States has been the subject of considerable inquiry in the modern era, in part due to the limited resources allocated to the preservation of large populations of bridges throughout the U.S. that are approaching the end of their originally envisioned design lives. While, the conservatism that has served the civil engineering profession well for over two centuries is still appropriate for new design, in the case of aging infrastructures it has proven ill-equipped with a resulting track record of “crying wolf.” Current methods of population-scale evaluation are primarily qualitative and thus struggle to effectively support proper prioritization for preservation or replacement of the large numbers of bridges built during the infrastructure expansions of the 20th Century. The disparity between what is predicted through current methods of evaluation and what has been shown by refined quantitative testing indicates that concerns over safety are largely unfounded and hence provides little evidence for the need to drastically modify current design methodologies; therefore research in this area must concentrate on strategies for understanding this safety bias and the factors that influence its behavior on a quantifiable level so it may be used as factional information by infrastructure stakeholders. The overarching aim of the research reported herein is to establish a framework whereby realistic simulations and structural identification may be brought to bear on furthering the understanding of performance of large populations of bridges. The completed objectives outlined in this dissertation include: (1) Develop and validate an automated steel girder design/modeling tool 2 capable of developing realistic estimates of the structural characteristics/responses for broad populations of bridges. (2) Using the tool developed in (1), establish the extent to which common design assumptions can result in deterministic trends of structural characteristics within populations of bridges. (3) Using the tool developed in (1), examine how the current practice of bridge design (inclusive of the conservatism introduced through common assumptions) may produce bridges that are capable of meeting demands that were not explicitly considered during member sizing. (4) Develop and validate a streamlined parameter identification tool capable of reliably improving the representative nature of simulation models through the use of field measurements. Key conclusions from this research include: (1) Design decisions such as diaphragm type and girder spacing that are made based on arbitrary criteria can have significant influence over the actual properties and reserve capacity of highway bridges. (2) Bias implicit in conventional design processes provides reserve capacity that is critical to accommodating limit states not explicitly considered during design. (3) When incorporating field measurements within structural assessment, it is crucial to perform model updating. The non-uniqueness associated with this inverse problem can be reduced through the updating and interpretation of both global and spatially varying deterministic parameters. 1 1. Introduction 1.1 Guiding Need for Research The long-term strength and serviceability of common multi-girder bridges in the United States has been the subject of considerable inquiry in the modern era. This interest has arisen, in part, due to the limited resources allocated to maintain and preserve the large populations of bridges throughout the U.S. that are approaching the end of their originally envisioned design lives. Although it is hard to argue that funding in this area is sufficient, there exists a potentially larger challenge associated with transforming the bridge engineering profession from one focused on new design to one equipped to address the full life-cycle management of bridges. The reality is that the conservatism that has served the profession well for over two centuries is no longer good enough for this task. The complex challenges posed by aging infrastructures with their engineering, economic and political dimensions cannot be met by antiquated approaches developed for a different problem and a different time. While conservatism is appropriate for new design, in the case of aging infrastructures this approach has proven ill-equipped and has resulted in a track record of “crying wolf”. Bridge owners faced with budget shortfalls and asked to make difficult trade-offs have been given a list of over 70,000 “structurally deficient” bridges with little guidance or basis for prioritization. Even when performance problems are well defined and characterized, the conservatism that pervades the profession does not permit accurate and reliable diagnosis of root causes and thus struggles to develop effective intervention strategies. Current methods of population-scale evaluation are primarily qualitative and thus struggle to effectively support proper prioritization for preservation or replacement of the large numbers of bridges built during the infrastructure expansions of the 20th Century. The disparity between 2 what is predicted through current methods of evaluation and what has been shown by refined quantitative testing indicates that concerns over safety are largely unfounded. The uncertainty inherent in this relationship also provides little evidence for the need to drastically modify current design methodologies. Further research into new means of large-scale infrastructure evaluation and management can ameliorate much of the lack of knowledge about the current system. The majority of bridges are subjected only to qualitative investigation such as visual inspection, and the quantitative analysis of these bridges that follows inspection is frequently based upon that subjective foundation. Visual inspection methods, however, require relatively little time and cost. The great number of bridges in this country as well as limited budgets mandate cheap, regular review. Compounding the problem are the simplifying assumptions made by designers during analysis: the methods that enable the efficient and uniform design of large numbers of bridges may mask many structural phenomena. A small number of bridges are investigated with more refined methods, however sophisticated bridge analysis is costly and time-consuming. Furthermore, in-depth analysis of bridges is myopic: the results from these tests are not used to supplement overall bridge population management. The problem may be divided into two distinct but interdependent parts that exist on different scales: this first part of the problem is long term, low stochasticity, and underlies the second, which can be frequently short term and random. A metaphor may be the comparison of ocean currents and local turbulence. A snapshot of a bridge’s performance in time may not help anyone discern the causes or outcomes of that state, because local turbulence and global currents are overlapping. The relative dominance of turbulence or current over the current state may be unknown as well. In the search for ocean currents it is important to examine simplifying assumptions, rules or thumb, or other codified heuristics that have implicitly influenced the design of large numbers of 3 bridges. Perhaps the most obvious such source is the simplified structural analysis model (commonly referred to as the single-line-girder model) that has been employed to drive bridge designs since the 1930s. This simplified model encompasses a set of implicit assumptions made by designers and design code that ultimately govern the structural characteristics of bridges that may, in turn, influence (in both positive and negative ways) numerous performances through the service life of the structure. On the other end of the spectrum, local turbulence within a bridge population is developed due to circumstances that are unique to specific structures and thus appear random when examined in the context of broad populations. An example of this type of influence would be poor construction quality and/or fabrication errors that may be outliers, but may govern the performance of certain bridges. The measurement methods found in the state of practice are coarse enough that measuring the state vector is impossible. Refined investigations can describe the state vector however prediction of future states is unlikely because it cannot discern what is current and what is turbulence. There is no context for the refined analysis to relate the present state to what may have brought it there or where it may take it next. Previous research of existing structures has either looked at the current from a far, coarse perspective, or it has looked closely, but has been unable to decouple current and turbulence. Given the random nature of local turbulence, it is difficult to study as it would require detailed field studies of large populations of bridges. This is currently being undertaken by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through the Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) Program. In contrast however, understanding the potential ocean currents that exist within the U.S. bridge population is much easier to study due to its more deterministic nature. Achieving an understanding of these influences is necessary to properly interpret the results from the LTBP 4 Program and ultimately to gain a sound understanding of bridge performance and its multifaceted causes. 1.2 Research Objectives The overarching aim of the research reported herein is to establish a framework whereby realistic simulations and structural identification may be brought to bear on furthering the understanding of performance of large populations of bridges. More specifically, the following research objectives were defined and adopted to guide this research effort: 1. Develop and validate an automated design/modeling tool capable of developing realistic estimates of the structural characteristics/responses for broad populations of bridges. This tool should be capable of (a) sizing members as per the current AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications for different bridge configurations, (b) constructing 3D FE models of common bridge types as per best practices approaches, (c) simulating a wide range of demands (including dead load, superimposed dead load, live load, etc.) as per current design practice, and (d) automating the response extraction process for the various considered demands. 2. Using the tool developed in (1), establish the extent to which common design assumptions can result in deterministic trends of structural characteristics within populations of bridges. The specific design assumptions selected for this study include (a) the use of distribution factors to estimate the transverse distribution of live load and (b) the equal distribution of superimposed dead load across all girders. 5 3. Using the tool developed in (1), examine how the current practice of bridge design (inclusive of the conservatism introduced through common assumptions) may produce bridges that are capable of meeting demands that were not explicitly considered during member sizing. The demand selected for this study was differential vertical and rotational support movement within continuous bridges. 4. Develop and validate a streamlined parameter identification tool capable of reliably improving the representative nature of simulation models through the use of field measurements. To permit the reliable implementation to populations of bridges, this tool must provide the user with the ability to quickly and effectively identify and diagnose error sources that may compromise the model updating process and distort the representative nature of the model. 1.3 Research Scope 1.3.1 AAHSTO Design Code and Structural Analysis Model The AASHTO structural design codes focuses heavily on the distinct and opposing definitions of global loads and local capacities. Global demands rely on system-level force magnitudes, spatial distribution of responses, probabilities of load combinations and resultant load factors, while local capacities are concerned with individual members, material stress limits, and member proportioning criteria for stability or ductility concerns. To permit comparison for the various limit states it is necessary to reconcile these two scales, that is, to estimate the member- and/or material-level responses (e.g. moments and stresses) caused by the global demands (e.g. truck weight and configuration) prescribed by the code. This translation from global to local demands is a primary goal of structural analysis. Although the specific manner in which this translation is 6 carried out can profoundly impact design, the AASHTO specifications are far less prescriptive with structural analysis than global demands and local responses. The modeling approach included in the bridge design specifications explicitly permits the simulation of common bridge types using a single beam known as the single line-girder (SLG) model. To enable this simplification the specifications provide distribution factor equations which allow the designer to estimate the percentage of the global demands that should be used in the analysis and member-sizing of each individual girder. The initial distribution factor equations relied solely on girder spacing to predict load sharing while further evolution of the design method led to the current distribution factor expressions that consider effects such as span length and skew. The general approach to relying on simple expressions to account for the load sharing, however, has remained consistent for over nearly a century. While much work has gone into tuning load and resistance factors to provide both a uniform and specified structural reliability, all such work has implicitly assumed that the structural analysis that remains critical to reconciling the scales of demands and capacities within the design process is accurate for a broad range of bridge types and configurations. The guiding hypothesis for the research described in this thesis is that such an assumption is incorrect, and that the SLG model introduces biases within the bridge population. Further, by documenting and quantifying these biases this research will (1) help bridge owners to better understand their bridge inventories and allocate resources to preservation and renewal activities, and (2) provide a quantitative basis for improving design approaches that ensure a level of uniform safety factor for robustness and resilience against demands not foreseen in the design phase. 7 1.3.2 Effect of Local and Global Structural Abnormalities on Model Updating Behaviors Model-experiment correlation is used to improve the predictive ability of finite element bridge models. A common misconception is that any calibrated model developed through structural identification (StID) is more accurate than its a priori precursor and practitioners of StID find the validity of a calibrated model inherent while ignoring concerns about the validity of the calibration process itself. Many of the concerns about updated models and the validity of StID has been addressed by further development of advanced parameter estimation algorithms The trend towards complexity has many unintended consequences. Advanced algorithms that use global optimization searches and Bayesian probability seem to produce more objective results by removing the engineer from the parameter estimation process, yet they may instead front load the subjective choice in the creation of the updating methodology. Furthermore, better results are assumed due to the existence of complexity itself, meanwhile the underlying phenomena that lead to results are masked. An additional byproduct of this is that, due to time commitments, engineers are overly reliant on their results lest they must repeat the process. Simple deterministic model updating schemes are easy to implement and have a low time cost. Many users of these methods do not have sufficient understanding of the requirements for their successful use or their limitations such as non-unique solutions for a given parameter set, local minimums as solutions, and choosing proper parameter step sizes and starting values. Their transparent behavior also has the benefit of keeping the engineer “in the loop.” This oversight allows an engineer to use heuristics in judging the value of parameter updating results; in fact, parameter updating behaviors may be used themselves as indicators of structural phenomena. 8 The goal of this study is to revisit these more fundamental model calibration methods and study their behavior in response to unknown characteristics or defects commonly encountered in bridges. In order to investigate how uncertainty affects deterministic, gradient-based parameter estimation algorithms, a series of case control studies will be performed using 3D geometric element-based FE models. In the first stage of the study, FE models with distorted parameters will be substituted for an in situ structure and analytical results will be used to simulate dynamic testing data – specifically, natural frequencies and mode shapes. These distorted parameters will simulate the presence of unknown global or local characteristics such as the stiffness of the concrete bridge deck or the loss of composite action along a single girder. The response of unknown global parameters and spatially varying known parameters during an iterative model updating process will be investigated. 1.4 Summary of Thesis Chapters 1.4.1 Chapter 2: Literature Review Presented in this chapter is an overview of current bridge performance evaluation methods including the use of visual inspection and structural identification. Common analysis models for the prediction of live and dead load demands are compared as well as an investigation into previous usage of model forms for the prediction of population-wide performance. Experimental and meta-data studies on bridge population performance are also present. Following is a presentation of known research on the bias and variability of historic and current design codes and load models. Also presented is an overview of the literature on tolerable support settlement. 9 1.4.2 Chapter 3: Study Design for the Investigation of Inherent Bias in the AASHTO Single Line-Girder Model This chapter summarizes the investigation of single line-girder model bias and the design of a parametric study for this research. Presented is the selection of input parameters, the sensitivity of performance indices of interest – AASHTO LRFR rating factors and tolerable support displacements - to input parameters, an overview of sampling methods used for the study, and various errata related to the modifications of other products of this research in the preparation for the parametric study. 1.4.3 Chapter 4: Automated Member Sizing of for Steel Multi-Girder Bridges This chapter discusses the historical development of bridge girder design and rating methods beyond what is presented in the literature review. The development of an automated girder sizing algorithm is presented; this includes an overview of the algorithm in order to satisfy capacity and prescriptive design requirements, the method for calculation of single line-girder demands, and design criteria used to size steel girders according to AASHTO Allowable Stress Design and Load and Resistance Factor Design methods. Also presented is the validation of the automated member sizing process. Additional notes on design heuristics, design algorithm modifications, and other criteria specific to the study of single line-girder model bias and variability are included at the end of the chapter. 1.4.4 Chapter 5: Automated Finite Element Model Creation Detailed in this chapter is an overview of the method for the production of three-dimensional finite element models in a guided or automated fashion. Included is a discussion of general model form, element type, continuity conditions, and boundary conditions. The method for 10 accessing the application programming interface of a finite element solver with common scripting languages is discussed along with and the model creation algorithm for the placement of nodes, elements, and property assignment. Also discussed is a verification of use of automatically created finite element models for mass simulation of bridges and their use in research on the bias of the AASHTO single line-girder design model. 1.4.5 Chapter 6: Automated Finite Element Model Analysis and Simulation This chapter presents methods for the automated analysis and load rating of finite element models developed using software described in the preceding chapters. Load application, results extraction, and the computation of AAHSTO Load and Resistance Factor Rating Factors and resultant tolerable support movements are detailed for simply supported and two-span continuous steel multi-girder bridges 1.4.6 Chapter 7: Investigation of Inherent Bias in the AASHTO Single LineGirder Model for Steel Multi-Girder Bridges Presented in this chapter are the preliminary findings of research into the effect of bias and variability in the AASHTO single line-girder structural analysis model. First discussed are the qualifications for sample population convergence and acceptance. Following is a presentation of the variability and bias of the single line-girder model for simply supported structures; this section contains a discussion of the population single line-girder ratings, finite element model ratings, controlling girders, effects of diaphragm stiffness on load rating, and the ratio of finite element ratings and dead and live load moment demands to those predicted with the single linegirder model. An overview of results from the investigation into rating and tolerable support movement of two-span continuous structures is found at the end of the chapter. 11 1.4.7 Chapter 8: Finite Element Model Calibration A discussion of the software tools developed to assist in rapid model parameter estimation for structures with dynamic experimental data is contained within this chapter. First presented are details for the specific optimization algorithm used for parameter estimation as well as the method for interfacing finite element models developed as part of this research with the parameter estimation tool. Discussed at the end of the chapter is the graphical user interface developed for rapid structural identification, including software tools for parameter editing, parameter sensitivity studies, model/experimental data comparison, and parameter estimation. 1.4.8 Chapter 9: Case Studies for Rapid Model Calibration Using Unknown and Known Parameters The findings from two case studies on parameter estimation on a simply supported steel multigirder bridge are discussed. A single structure is modified to simulated global or local damage and used to develop simulated experimental data. Globally distributed parameter estimation for unknown parameters is used to update the model as well as locally varying mass distribution. The response of global parameters to simulated structural anomalies as well as mass redistribution to determine model fitness and anomalous experimental behavior are presented. 1.4.9 Chapter 10: Conclusions and Further Work This chapter presents conclusions from this thesis as well as recommendations for future work. 12 2. Literature Review Presented in this chapter is an overview of current bridge performance evaluation methods including the use of visual inspection and structural identification. Common analysis models for the prediction of live and dead load demands are compared as well as an investigation into previous usage of model forms for the prediction of population-wide performance. Experimental and meta-data studies on bridge population performance are also present. Following is a presentation of known research on the bias and variability of historic and current design codes and load models. Also presented is an overview of the literature on tolerable support settlement. 2.1 Visual Inspection and Connection to Safety Currently, the routine evaluation method for existing highway bridges consists primarily of visual inspection coupled with structural analysis of the simplified line-girder model. Following the collapse in 1967 of the Silver Bridge over the Ohio, the federal government mandated regular inspection of all public road bridges, as well as the maintenance of an inventory of these bridges. The National Bridge Inventory (NBI) database contains geometry and condition information of each bridge, and has been the primary source of management data for decades. Inspections are mandated once every two years for most bridges, and annually for a subset of bridges that includes fracture critical structures, among others. Section loss, scour, concrete spall, and bearing alignment, among other visually identifiable defects, are recorded and then used to influence rating calculations and maintenance recommendations. Evaluation in most cases is still performed using the line-girder model. Bridge rating may also be performed utilizing a finite element model, however this is not required in most cases. An a priori FEM model or “tuned” FEM model may be used, depending on engineering judgment. The pertinent issue with visual inspection is that there is a lack of correlation between structural safety and appearance. While it is certain that deteriorated members, section loss, and deck cracking contribute to lower load carrying ability in bridges, the magnitude of performance loss 13 is unknown. This is partly due to the uncertainty via bias in structural design; while some bridges with large safety margins may still reside well above operating strength levels despite considerable deterioration, others may be significantly affected. Studies have indicated that the results from traditional visual inspection techniques are subjective and unreliable. The Federal Highway Administration demonstrated that only 68% of the Condition Ratings will vary within one rating point of the average, and 95% will vary within two points. (Moore et al. 2001) Other studies have attempted to utilize finer-resolution visual inspection records, such as PONTIS, for performance evaluation with limited results; the conclusion from one such study marked that “most often some conservative assumptions will be necessary” and that “visual inspection data will never be a substitute for…NDE inspection.” (Estes and Frangopol 2003) 2.2 Comparison of Single Liner Girder Model with Finite Element Models Current practice in bridge design is heavily dependent upon single line girder (SLG) models, where bridges are analyzed as an “equivalent” single girder through making assumptions related to transverse distribution of forces based on various parameters (such as span length girder spacing, etc.). While SLG models have proved conservative for design related to live load and dead load actions, comparisons to field tests show such models significantly underestimate stiffness and thus would be nonconservative for certain support movement-induced actions. To illustrate the disparity, consider the MP28.9 Bridge (Figure 3.1) that the PI recently load-tested. This multi-girder steel bridge was composed of six plate girders with spans of 145 ft. and a 44o skew. 14 Figure 2.1. The M28.9 Bridge Figure 2.1 shows a comparison between the simulated deflections of the bridge using 3D element-level FE model (see Chapter 5) for the details of this modeling approach) and the deflections measured during a load test. Specifically, this plot shows the mid-span deflection of each girder (i.e. the displacements across a transverse section of the bridge at mid-span) due to a single 65 kip tri-axle truck located over the edge girder at mid-span. As shown by this figure, the FE model captures the transverse deformed shape quite well, and generally over-predicts the measured displacements by 10% to 20%. Through a detailed model calibration these differences were traced primarily to the barrier stiffness and the stiffness of the asphalt overlay (the temperature at the time of test was below 40o F), which were not included in the model shown in the comparison. 15 Figure 2.2. Comparison of Predicted FE Model and Measured Deflection An analysis was also carried out using a single-line girder model, and produced displacement predictions over two times larger than the displacements actually measured (110% to 150% error). For this particular bridge, the single-line girder model had stiffness consistent with a deflection limitation of L/2100, while the 3D FE model had a stiffness consistent with an L/5000 deflection limitation. This significant under-prediction of stiffness by the single-line girder modeling approach is not uncommon and in most cases it is conservative (Hevener 2003, Eom and Nowak 2001). For example, in the case of live load demands, the decreased stiffness of the single-line girder model adds an implicit level of conservatism during the design phase. 2.3 Previous Usage of FEM Models The uniformity of design codes have also been studied in comparison with results from in situ testing; this performance difference has frequently been further compared to the predicted performance of both a priori and calibrated FEM models. Load testing has also demonstrated that girder distribution factors are consistently lower than those predicted by the AASHTO code. Analysis has shown that LRFD and AASHTO Standard distribution factors are conservative compared to FEM models. (Hevener 2003) In some cases, the AASHTO codes have predicted load distributions 50 to 80% greater than those predicted by FEM analysis, and that FEM analysis 16 predictions are consistently closer to actual bridge performance than the AASHTO codes. (Eom and Nowak 2001) Catbas et al. demonstrated the variability of bridge rating when comparing line-girder analysis with a priori and calibrated FEM models. (Catbas et al. 2001) FEM models have been used in parametric studies to determine the variability or reliability of line-girder bridge designs. In one such study, LRFD and ASD design standards were used to design a small number of bridges using the line girder method, 3D FEM models were created for these designs and the performance of these designs under simulated truck load were compared. (Baber and Simons 2007) Hevener developed FEM models for bridges tested in separate studies and found reasonable agreement between measured and simulated deflection. The same study demonstrated a procedure for creating a parametric study using FEM models based on hypothetical line-girder designs, simulating truck loads on these FEM models, and developing a live-load distribution factor equation for line-girder design and analysis. (Hevener 2003) 2.4 Population Assessment and Research Population performance has also been investigated using a mixture of visual inspection, nondestructive evaluation, and structural identification of a sample set of bridges. A sample set of bridges were used in a prior study to inform the predictive analysis of a population of bridges in Pennsylvania. This study used the similarities in design, construction, and material of concrete T-beam to extrapolate structural identification information from a set of tested bridges to the larger state-wide population. (Catbas et al. 2001) The Long Term Bridge Performance Program managed by the Federal Highway Administration is currently seeking to further the knowledge of overall bridge performance using a targeted sample set, however that project’s focus has been primarily on material degradation and maintenance, environmental, and rehabilitative effects. (Friedland et al. 2007) 17 2.4.1 Evaluation of Bias/Non-uniformity in Design Code The uniformity of the AASHTO design codes has been studied previously using various state and federal bridge databases along with the traditional line-girder model analysis method. The National Cooperative Highway Research Program’s Report 700 compared LFR and LRFR rating factors for 1,500 separate bridges using the AASHTOWare VIRTIS software and Wyoming DOT BRASS Girder software. VIRTIS, unlike the NBI, includes element-level data; however this study still utilized only the line-girder method to compute rating factors. Tabsh and Nowak have shown that the “reliability of bridges designed according to AASHTO Specifications (AASHTO 1998) vary depending on span and type of material.” (Tabsh and Nowak 1991) Tabsh has shown that “beam designs based on the current AASHTO’s LFD and LRFD methods result in nonuniform safety for different span lengths, section sizes, and beam spacing” by utilizing Monte Carlo methods to simulate variable loading requirements as well as material properties of composite steel beams. (Tabsh 1996) He has further shown that distribution factors are conservative for bridges with large girder spacing. (Tabsh 1996) The AASHTO ASD standard has been shown to be conservative for short span lengths with smaller girder spacing and longer spans with large girder spacing. The AASHTO LRFD standard is also conservative, however this has shown, in contrast to the study by Tabsh, to be constant despite changes in span length or girder spacing. (Eom and Nowak 2001) NCHRP project 20-07/task 122 study of a small sample of bridges reported that LRFR average about 7% higher than LFR for design-load inventory ratings (FHWA 2005). Bridge foundations and geotechnical features should be designed so that their deformations or differential movements will not cause structural damage to the bridge or any of its auxiliary features. Uneven displacements of bridge abutments and pier supports can deteriorate the quality of the ride, public safety, aesthetics, and structural integrity of a bridge. These types of movements often lead to expensive maintenance and repairs. Therefore, geotechnical limit states with consideration of bridge structures are related to foundation deformations. Foundation 18 deformations within the service limit states can be categorized into vertical, horizontal, and rotational movements. The following sections provide background information and design criteria regarding these limit states as well as issues related to construction sequencing. 2.5 Support Movement 2.5.1 Vertical Support Movement Depending on the type of superstructure, the connection between the superstructure and substructure, and the span lengths and widths, the magnitudes of differential settlement that can cause damage to the bridge can vary significantly. In a continuous span bridge, differential settlements induce bending moments and shear in the superstructure and can potentially cause structural damage. They can also cause damage to a simple span bridge, although to a lesser extent. With simple span bridges the major concern is with ride quality and aesthetics. Without continuity over the supports, the change in slope of the riding surface near the supports may be more severe than those in a continuous span. It has been found in a number of studies (Grant et al., 1974 and Skempton and MacDonald, 1956) that the extent of damage of structures caused by differential settlement is roughly proportional to the angular distortion. The angular distortion is the normalized measure of differential settlement, including the distance over which the settlement occurs. For bridge structures, the two points to evaluate the differential settlement are commonly the distance between adjacent supports. Currently, the only definitive guidance related to the effect of foundation deformations on bridge structures is based on a report by the FHWA (1985). From an evaluation of 314 bridges nationwide, FHWA (1985) arrived at the following conclusions: 19 The results of this study have shown that, depending on type of spans, length and stiffness of spans, and the type of construction material, many highway bridges can tolerate significant magnitudes of total and differential vertical settlement without becoming seriously overstressed, sustaining serious structural damage, or suffering impaired riding quality. In particular, it was found that a longitudinal angular distortion (differential settlement/span length) of 0.004 would most likely be tolerable for continuous bridges of both steel and concrete, while a value of angular distortion of 0.008 would be a more suitable limit for simply supported bridges. Another study (NCHRP 1983) states: In summary, it is very clear that the tolerable settlement criteria currently used by most transportation agencies are extremely conservative and are needlessly restricting the use of spread footings for bridge foundations on many soils. Angular distortions of 1/250 of the span length and differential vertical movements of 2 to 4 inches (50 to 100 mm), depending on span length, appear to be acceptable, assuming that approach slabs or other provisions are made to minimize the effects of any differential movements between abutments and approach embankments. Finally, horizontal movements in excess of 2 in. (50 mm) appear likely to cause structural distress. The potential for horizontal movements of abutments and piers should be considered more carefully than is done in current practice. Based on the above studies, AASHTO LRFD C10.5.5.2 indicates that angular distortions between adjacent foundations greater than 0.008 rad. in simple spans and 0.004 rad. in continuous spans should not be permitted in settlement criteria. This same article states that “other angular distortion limits may be appropriate after consideration of cost of mitigation through larger foundations, realignment or surcharge, rideability, aesthetics, and safety.” In a survey performed for SHRP 2 (2011) regarding the allowable movement of new structures, it was found that a majority of agencies are not following the guidance on tolerable movement provided in the AASTHO LRFD Specification. Agencies differed in their criteria for tolerable 20 movement, with some on a case-by-case bases while others had general quantitative requirements. An example of the use of more stringent criteria can be found in the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s (PennDOT) Structures Design Manual (2012), which states: The allowable settlement for shallow footings supporting bridge structures shall be based on the angular distortion (δ'/l) between adjacent support units (i.e., between piers or piers and abutments) where δ' and l are the differential settlement and span between adjacent units, respectively. In addition, the maximum net settlement of a footing shall not exceed 1 inch. The dimensionless ratio δ'/l shall be limited to 0.0025 and 0.0015 for simple and continuous span bridges, respectively. Another example of the use of more stringent criteria is from Chapter 10 of the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Bridge Design Guidelines (ADOT 2009), which states the following: The bridge designer should limit the total settlement of a foundation per 100 ft. span to 0.5 in. Linear interpolation should be used for other span lengths. Higher total settlement limits may be used when the superstructure is adequately designed for such settlements. The designer shall also check other factors such as rideability and aesthetics. Any total settlement that is higher than 2.5 in, per 100 ft. span, must be approved by the ADOT Bridge Group. From a structural perspective, bridges can handle more movement that traditionally allowed. There are no technical reasons for agencies to set such arbitrary limitations to the criteria found in AASHTO LRFD C10.5.5.2. There are practical limits to limiting deformation based on other structures associated with a bridge, e.g., utilities, approach slabs, wing walls, drainage grades, etc. It is understood that the differential movement limitations provided in AASHTO LRFD should be considered in conjunction with the movement tolerances of all bridge facilities. Comprehensive guidance in design, however, is currently lacking. 21 2.5.2 Horizontal (Lateral) and Rotational Support Movements According to Moulton et al. (1985) both the frequency and magnitude of vertical movements are often substantially greater than horizontal movements, but horizontal movements tend to be more damaging to bridge superstructures. Herein the word “horizontal” is considered synonymous with “lateral” (i.e. in the out-of-plane direction of substructures; longitudinal to the superstructure). Tolerance of the superstructure to horizontal movement depends greatly on the bridge seat or joint widths, bearing type(s), structure type, and load distribution effects. In the ideal case, such deformations are accommodated by movement systems and thus do not deform or result in forces within the superstructure. As a result, the tolerances built into the movement systems define the degree to which they may isolate the superstructure from lateral and rotational support movements. If exceeding the isolation capability of movement systems is defined as intolerable, then simple, rigid-body geometric models are sufficient to compute the associated limits (since the stiffness characteristics of the superstructure are not engaged). Moulton et al. (1985) found that horizontal movements less than 1 in. were almost always reported as being tolerable, while horizontal movements greater than 2 in. were quite likely to be considered to be intolerable. Based on this observation, Moulton et al. (1985) recommended that horizontal movements be limited to 1.5 in. The data presented by Moulton et al. (1985) show that horizontal movements tended to be more damaging when they are accompanied by vertical movements than when they were not. This is likely because when horizontal movements are combined with vertical movements, they tend to create rotational demands which have different implications for various superstructure elements, e.g., simple shear deformations in elastomeric bearing pads, rotational considerations for pot bearings, cracking within tall (slender) substructure elements, etc. For foundations, regardless of whether they are shallow (e.g., spread footings) or deep (e.g., driven piles or drilled shafts), horizontal and rotational deformations can occur because of either 22 lateral loads or lateral squeeze of the foundation soil. The following two sections provide of details related to these two mechanisms. Horizontal and Rotational Deformations Due to Lateral Loads Assuming that adequate drainage features are in-place and functioning satisfactorily, the primary source of lateral loads at abutments is earth fill and any surcharges behind the abutment. If appropriate drainage is not provided, then additional lateral loads can occur due to the build-up of hydrostatic pressures and frost action. Assuming that the abutment walls are free to displace laterally and the foundation soils are competent, the minimum movement that can be anticipated for design is the movement required to mobilize the active earth pressure. Such lateral movements can occur by sliding at the base of the spread footing, rotation of pile/shaft caps, and/or by rotation of the abutment stem wall. In any case, the primary concern is the horizontal movement and rotation at the superstructure level. Generally granular fills are used at abutment locations. For these types of materials, the typical horizontal movements that can be anticipated are in the range of 0.001 to 0.004 times the height of the abutment wall. Thus, for example, if the abutment is 20-ft tall, horizontal movements in the range of ¼ in. to 1 in. may be anticipated. In a general construction sequence, the earth fill behind the abutment is substantially complete prior to placement of the superstructure. In this case, the horizontal movement at the superstructure level is virtually complete and should not be of concern assuming that the vertical joint between the end of the superstructure and the abutment back-wall was designed properly to accommodate the movement. However, the lateral movements caused by lateral loads due to surcharges, such as live loads and thermal effects, experienced by the abutment after the placement of the superstructure should be considered in the design of the bridge structure. 23 At pier locations, the primary source of lateral loading is from thermal effects, braking forces and forces due to unequal spans if any exist on either side of the pier. Assuming that the pier substructure has sufficient structural resistance, these lateral loads are primarily resisted by sliding resistance at the base of the spread footing or the structural resistance at the connection of the cap with the underlying deep foundations. Where the foundation soils are weak in shear strength (e.g., fine-grained clayey soils) the interface shear strength may be small which increases the potential for sliding. Once the interface shear strength is overcome by the horizontal forces, large sliding movements can occur. Horizontal and Rotational Deformations Due to Lateral Squeeze In addition to lateral forces, lateral squeeze is often a source of horizontal and rotational substructure movements (Samtani and Nowatzki, 2006; Samtani et al. 2010). Figure 2.3 shows schematics of such movements at pier and abutment locations. The lateral squeeze phenomenon is due to an unbalanced load at the surface of the relatively soft soil with the depth of significant influence (DOSI) of the foundation subsurface stresses. The lateral squeeze behavior may be: (a) short-term undrained deformation that results in horizontal deformation from a local bearing resistance type of failure, or (b) long-term drained, creep-type deformation. Creep refers to the slow deformation of soils under sustained loads. In addition to rigid-body deformation of the substructures, the flexibility of the substructures themselves can act to amplify the resulting support movements experienced by the superstructure. 24 Fill Figure 2.3. Schematic of horizontal and rotational deformations due to settlement and rotation of foundations at (a) piers and (b) abutment 25 3. Study Design for t he Investigation of Inherent Bias i n the AASHTO Single Li ne-Girder Model This chapter summarizes the investigation of single line-girder model bias and the design of a parametric study for this research. Presented is the selection of input parameters, the sensitivity of performance indices of interest – AASHTO LRFR rating factors and tolerable support displacements - to input parameters, an overview of sampling methods used for the study, and various errata related to the modifications of other products of this research in the preparation for the parametric study. 3.1 Summary of SLG Bias Investigation As noted in Chapter 2, research suggests that the demands found in in situ multi-girder bridges are usually less than that predicted by the single line girder model and that this difference between the predicted and experimentally determined loads is highly variable. Also noted is previous research that has shown a priori 3D geometric finite element models of bridges to predict demands closer to those found in actual structures than predictions based on the SLG model. This study utilizes the ability of the RAMPS software, described in Chapters 4, 5, and 6, to rapidly design, and then construct and analyze FE models of large numbers of steel multigirder bridges to investigate the bias introduced by the SLG model (compared to an element-level FE model that explicitly simulates transverse stiffness mechanisms). Rating factors were examined in order to better understand the magnitude and variability of the inherent conservatism imposed by the SLG model. In addition, to illustrate the value of this conservatism in accommodating demands that were not explicitly considered during design, this research examined the level of support movement – which is not considered in current design approaches – that may be tolerated because of the SLG model bias. A group of common geometric constraints, continuity conditions, and bearing conditions were identified as being the most impactful on global structural performance for simply supported and 26 two-span continuous steel multi-girder bridges. After these final set of parameters (and their ranges) were identified, it was necessary to sample them to develop a representative “bridge suite” (or sample of bridges) to allow identify the impact of these factors on rating factor and tolerable support movement. This representative bridge suite was used to simulate in situ global structural responses to dead load, live load, and support movement. Steel girders were sized using the AASHTO LRFD code and the SLG demand model for the given inputs: 1. Length 2. Width 3. Skew 4. Girder Spacing 5. Span length to girder depth ratio FE models were created using the design and then analyzed for dead load, live load, and support movement demands with the following continuity and boundary conditions: 1. Concrete barrier stiffness on and pinned bearings 2. Concrete barrier stiffness off and pinned bearings The responses of these bridges to dead and live load as well as support movement were compared to those predicted using the AASHTO LRFD and SLG models and studied to identify sources of bias and variability. 27 3.2 Parametric Study Design In order to properly plan for the multivariate study of bias, a smaller, single degree-of-freedom study was performed using the current bridge design, model development, and analysis software. Specifically, a set of bridge parameters were varied for a benchmark structure that consisted of a two-span continuous bridge. For each set of parameters, appropriate girder sizes were selected using the AASHTO specifications and an element-level FE model was created for each design (consistent with the modeling approach described in Chapter 5). These FE models were then used in two phases following phases: Phase I examines the bias – or “extra” conservatism” – inherent in the use of the SLG model in LRFD design; Phase II examines how such extra conservatism is important in the accommodation of demands not explicitly considered or foreseen in design – i.e. support movement. Response values (such as various stresses and reaction forces) were extracted from the simulation results and compared to the bridge parameters to identify levels of sensitivity. The goal of this portion of the study was to determine whether the performance indices of interest were sensitive to the chosen parameters and to verify that the parameter ranges of interest were adequate for the larger parametric study. In order to simplify this process, only one type of demand input was studied: a 1 in. vertical settlement applied to one abutment of the two-span continuous benchmark structure (Figure 3.1). Three responses to this input were studied, namely, longitudinal stresses in the girders (termed total fiber stress), tensile stresses in the deck, and the reactions at the supports. Given the benchmark structure selected (2-span continuous bridge), the maximum value for each of the three responses will be located over the interior support. Therefore, each of these responses were extracted above the interior support at three locations: at the exterior (or fascia) girder, at the 1st interior girder, and at the center interior girder. 28 Figure 3.1. Schematic Illustrating the Support Movement Considered for the Preliminary Parametric Study 3.2.1 Input Parameters of Interest The study carried out under this task varied a series of parameters over a specific range one at a time while all other parameters were held constant at their “median” value. Table 3.1 provides the parameters included in this study, their ranges, and their median values. Table 3.1. Input Parameters for Sensitivity Study Constant Parameters Varied Parameters Parameter Values Median Value Span Length 40 ft to 160 ft 100 ft Bridge Width 36 ft. to 90 ft. 60 ft Girder Spacing 5 to 12 ft Skew Angle 0o to 60o 7.5 ft 0o and 20o degree skews were both used as median values. Span to Depth Ratio Stiffness of non-structural components (barriers and sidewalks) “Primary” Bridge Types Design Method Superstructure Continuity Shear deformation of members Overhang Material Properties (elastic modulus of concrete) Deck Thickness Sidewalk Dimensions Barrier Dimensions L/20, L/22, L/25, L/28, L/30 Assumed fully active or ignored L/25 N/A Not Varied Not Varied Not Varied Not varied Dependent on other parameter Steel Allowable Stress Design 2-span continuous Off Not Varied 4000 ksi Not Varied Not Varied Not Varied 8 inches 10 in high x 48 in wide 27 in high x 12 in wide ½ of girder spacing 29 A few parameters, such as bridge type, design methodology, and superstructure continuity were not varied as they were either (1) deemed to be essential to the larger multi degree-of-freedom study and therefore sensitivity studies were unnecessary, or (2) not currently feasible due to the present state of development of the design and model building software. In addition, the Allowable Stress Design method was employed as the incorporation of the LRFD approach was not developed at that stage of the research. Additional parameters that were held constant include the overhang dimension of the deck and the barrier and sidewalk dimensions. The overhang for each structure was kept to one half of the girder spacing. The sidewalks were modeled as 10 in. high by 48 in. wide while the barriers were modeled as 27 in. high by 12 in. wide. These values may be modified in later studies. Overhangs, sidewalks, and barriers dimensions were chosen as a generic average that would provide approximate loading effects to the exterior girders under dead load as well as stiffness (when required) during dead, live, and settlement loading. To provide a more comprehensive study, two median values of skew were employed. Specifically, the median values of skew were taken as both zero degrees and 20 degrees, which results in two “parallel” single degree-offreedom studies. Figures Figure 3.2 though Figure 3.9 show the two “median” models. Figure 3.2. Plan View of Skewed Median Model with Shell Element View On 30 Figure 3.3. Plan View of Skewed Median Model with Beam Elements Figure 3.4. Isometric View of Skewed Median Model 31 Figure 3.5. Isometric View of Skewed Median Model with Vertical Settlement at the Near Abutment and Contour Shading of Total Fiber Stress in the Beams Figure 3.6. Plan View of Straight Median Model with Shell Element View On 32 Figure 3.7. Plan View of Straight Median Model with Beam Elements Shown Figure 3.8. Isometric View of Straight Median Model with Beam Elements Shown 33 Figure 3.9. Isometric View of Straight Median Model with Deflection. Contours Show Deck Shell Stress and Beam Element Total Fiber Stress. 3.2.2 Sensitivity Study Results Included in this chapter is a subset of the results obtained from the single degree-of-freedom sensitivity studies, which were selected to illustrate the key findings. The figures below show both 0o and 20o skew bridges on the same graph. All graphs shown below are for FE models with non-structural element stiffness turned on and shear deformation of all beam elements ignored. The complete set of results from this study can be found in Appendix A. Total Composite Section Stress Total composite section stress was calculated for the exterior, 1st interior, and centerline girder over the central pier of a number of 2-span continuous bridges. Figure 3.10 through Figure 3.14 detail the relationship between a subset of the parameters of interest and the total stress in the composite section. This stress was taken at the extreme bottom fiber of a two-node beam element directly over the center support. The other parameters not shown did not exhibit a strong or 34 unexpected relationship with total composite section stress; these results are included in Appendix A. Figure 3.10 illustrates the relationship between girder spacing and total composite section stress over the center pier due to a 1 inch settlement at an exterior abutment. Stresses for most girders follow a slightly quadratic trend, however the exterior girder from the 0° skew bridge and 2nd girder from the 20° skew bridge diverge from the apparent trend. Although the cause of this apparent anomalous behavior is still in question, based on the interpretation conducted thus far, it appears to be due to the fact that girder spacing, bridge width, and overhang are all coupled parameters. Regardless, the influence of these parameters appears quite small compared with span length and skew angle (See Figure 3.12 and Figure 3.13). Figure 3.10. Effect of Girder Spacing on Total Composite Section Stress 35 Figure 3.11 and Figure 3.12 show the influence of span length on total fiber stress both normalized by span length and non-normalized, respectively. As apparent from these figures, the relationship between girder stress and span length is nonlinear. In addition, span length has the largest influence over girder stress due to support settlement, with stress varying over 800% for the 160 ft. to 40 ft. bridge spans examined. Figure 3.11. Effect of Span Length on Total Composite Section Stress Normalized by Span Length 36 Figure 3.12. Effect of Span Length on Total Composite Section Stress Figure 3.13 shows the influence of skew on girder stress due to a support settlement, and indicates that the exterior girder stresses are quite sensitive to skew angle, while the interior girder stresses are not. Further, the influence of girder depth to span ratio is shown in Figure 3.14. Based on this figure it appears the relationship between girder depth to span ratio and stress is linear in nature. 37 Figure 3.13. Effect of Skew Angle on Total Composite Section Stress Figure 3.14. Effect of Span Length to Beam Depth Ratio on Total Composite Section Stress 38 Deck Stress The influence of a number of parameters on the deck stress directly above the exterior, 1st interior, and centerline girder over the central pier of the benchmark structure was examined. Figure 3.15 through Figure 3.19 detail the relationship between a subset of the parameters of interest and the stress in the topmost fiber of the deck at the centerline of each girder. A complete set of results can be found in Appendix A. The deck stresses shown in these plots were calculated using the procedure outlined in Chapter 6 of this thesis. As apparent from these figures, the same trends observed for girder stresses were also observed in the case of deck stresses. Figure 3.15. Effect of Girder Spacing on Deck Stress 39 Figure 3.16. Effect of Span Length on Deck Stress Normalized by Span Length Figure 3.17. Effect of Span Length on Deck Stress 40 Figure 3.18. Effect of Skew on Deck Stress Figure 3.19. Effect of Span length to Beam Depth Ratio on Deck Stress 41 Vertical Reaction at the Support The influence of various parameters on the vertical reaction of the supports at the exterior, 1st interior, and centerline girders over the central pier of the benchmark structure was examined. Figure 3.20 and Figure 3.24 show the relationship between a subset of the parameters of interest and these boundary reactions. A full set of results can be found in Appendix A. As apparent from these plots, similar trends observed for both total fiber stress in the girders and deck stresses were also observed in the case of boundary reactions. Some notable exceptions include more consistent trends related to girder spacing, opposite trends between exterior and interior reactions relative to skew, and a nonlinear relationship with girder depth to span length ratio. Figure 3.20. 1. Effect of Girder Spacing on Vertical Reaction at the Support 42 Figure 3.21. Effect of Span Length on Vertical Reaction at the Support Normalized by Span Length 43 Figure 3.22. Effect of Span Length on Vertical Reaction at the Support 44 Figure 3.23. Effect of Skew Angle on Vertical Reaction at the Support Figure 3.24. Effect of Span Length to Beam Depth Ratio on Vertical Reaction at the Support 45 3.2.3 Summary The goals of this task were (1) to determine whether the performance indices of interest were sensitive to the chosen parameters and (2) to verify that the parameter ranges of interest were adequate for the bias study. To satisfy these objectives a series of single degree of freedom parametric studies were carried out on a set of two-span continuous, steel multi-girder benchmark bridges. Based on the results of this study, the following conclusions were drawn. 1. The parameters that exert the most significant influence on the responses due to support movements are Span Length, Skew Angle, and Girder Depth-to-Span Ratio. While Span Length and Skew Angle had nonlinear influences over all responses examined, Girder Depth to Span showed a linear influence over stresses and slightly nonlinear influence over support reactions. 2. Parameters such as Girder Spacing, Bridge Width, and Barrier/Sidewalk Participation have significantly less influence on the responses induced by vertical support settlement. 3. While several parameters showed relatively small influence over responses to support movement, such parameters have been shown (through past studies by the investigators) to have influence over both live and dead load demand calculations. As such, in order to reliably identify live load rating factor bias and tolerable support movements for the limit states outlined in this this chapter, such parameters must be included in the larger study. 4. Live load and dead are sensitive to the parameters selected for this study, and as these parameters are also integral to calculations of AASHTO LRFR rating factors, these parameters are appropriate for use in the bias study. 46 5. The results of this initial study indicated that the initially proposed parameters and bounds are appropriate for the bias study. Table 3.2 provides a summary of these parameters. Table 3.2. Bridge Configuration Parameters Parameter “Primary” Bridge Types Discrete Superstructure Continuity Superstructure-toSubstructure Continuity Girder Spacing Stiffness of non-structural components (barriers and sidewalks) Steel Multi-Girder Simple, 2-span Continuous Fixed-expansion bearings and integral abutments (settlement only) Allows the investigation of the influence of different support restraints 5 ft. to 12 ft. These nominal girder spacings will be adjusted (rounded) based on bridge width to define the number of girders Assumed fully active or ignored Since these items increase the superstructure stiffness, ignoring them is not necessarily conservative in the case of support movements 20 ft. to 160 ft. Bridge Width 36 ft. to 72 ft. Span to Depth Ratio Material Properties (elastic modulus of concrete) Notes This bridge type was selected as it represents the most likely bridges to be designed/ constructed in the future These levels of superstructure continuity allow for the investigation of both positive- and negative- dominant bending designs Span Length Skew Angle Continuous Bounds, Limits 0o to 60o L/20 to L/30 3,500 ksi to 8,000 ksi Typical span-length bounds for multi-girder bridges Approximately 2 to 4 lanes Larger skew angles will require using advanced analysis methods These represent typical bounds on girder depth and also govern the relationship between girder strength and stiffness Elastic modulus of concrete has significant influence on superstructure and deck stiffness and has a high variability (compared with steel) 47 Stiffness of non-structural components (barriers and sidewalks) Span Length 20 ft. to 160 ft. Bridge Width 36 ft. to 72 ft. Continuous Skew Angle 3.2.4 Assumed fully active or ignored 0o to 60o Span to Depth Ratio L/20 to L/30 Material Properties (elastic modulus of concrete) 3,500 ksi to 8,000 ksi Since these items increase the superstructure stiffness, ignoring them is not necessarily conservative in the case of support movements Typical span-length bounds for multi-girder bridges Approximately 2 to 4 lanes Larger skew angles will require using advanced analysis methods These represent typical bounds on girder depth and also govern the relationship between girder strength and stiffness Elastic modulus of concrete has significant influence on superstructure and deck stiffness and has a high variability (compared with steel) Sampling Method Overview The parametric study was designed using commonly accepted design of experiments sampling methods. A combination of sampling methods were utilized to sample from a multivariate parameter space. parameters. A set of independent random samples were created from the sampled Following sampling, the input parameters were used to define global bridge geometry and girder configurations for each independent random sample set. These parameter sets were used for both simply supported and continuous bridges, with the only difference being that the two-span continuous bridges essentially has a “copy” of the simply supported span attached to it. These geometries were used to develop girder designs and then build FE models using the girder designs. The FE models were analyzed and results extracted. The results were compared for agreement between the two sample sets. If the results showed disagreement the 48 parameters were sampled again and that set of results were compared to the combination of the first two samples. This process was repeated until the results showed convergence. Figure 3.25 presents a workflow diagram of the study, including the main phases of “Preliminary Activities,” “Data Generation,” and “Data Analysis.” This flow chart is a representation of the key action items within the research plan. Preliminary Activities and Data Generation are discussed in this chapter. Data Analysis will be discussed in Chapter 7 along with the results from the main study of bias. Details regarding the general functionality of the software for design, model creation, and analysis may be found in Chapters 4, 5, and 6. In order to carry out the planned parametric study, it was necessary to sample the parameters of interest to develop a representative sample of bridges to fully examine the impact of total and differential support movements. The goal of the sample procedure is to effectively and efficiently cover the parameter space, and to satisfy this objective a hybrid sampling method that utilizes a statistical sampling approach known as Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) for a set of continuous parameters, and a Design of Experiments (DoE) approach for different set of discrete parameters. As shown in Figure 3.25 through Figure 3.27, the proposed sampling methodology for rating factor analysis and tolerable support settlement analysis uncouples the discrete parameters from the continuous parameters to allow for finer sampling of the later, as the discrete parameters assume such a small number of values that a full-factorial approach (i.e. every possible combination of these parameters) is feasible. Due to the large number of values that continuous parameters may assume, such a simple sampling approach cannot efficiently cover their space. In these cases, random sampling approaches are generally used. For the task at hand, the LHS sampling approach was used. This process was done for both simply-supported and 2-span continuous structures. For the study of load rating only one discrete parameter – the stiffness of barriers – was used while for support settlement, a second discrete parameter, boundary condition fixity, was added. This second parameter either frees or restricts the rotation about all three principle degrees of freedom to simulate the bearing fixity of either pinned/expansion 49 bearings or integral abutments, respectively. In the case of tolerable support settlement, the total number of discrete parameter combinations is 22, or 4. 50 Figure 3.25. Basic Study Workflow 51 Figure 3.26. Detailed Study Workflow 52 LHS Sampling of DOE Sampling of Continuous Parameters Discrete Parameters Divide Continuous Generate a Parameters into n full-factorial sample intervals (i.e. all possible combinations of Draw a random sample discrete parameters) from each interval for each parameter 2 Support Types Randomly combine x 2 Barriers/Sidewalk samples from each 4 Samples of Discrete parameter to generate n Parameters sets of continuous parameters Pair each sample of continuous parameters with each sample of discrete parameters Total number of samples within Bridge Suite = 4*n Figure 3.27. Sampling Methodology for Tolerable Support Study DoE Sampling Factorial experiments, or DoE sampling, are methods by which parameters from with discrete values are sampled by forming experimental units of possible combinations of each parameter. Full factorial experiments create an experimental unit for each possible combination; fractional 53 factorial designs sample from a subset of combinations in order to produce the maximum amount of information. Latin Hypercube Sampling Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) is a random sampling method for generating a sample of possible combinations of parameter values. Latin hypercube sampling works on the principle of the Latin square, where each sample position is in a unique row and column (Figure 3.28). The Latin hypercube works in this same manner but within any multidimensional space. Parameters do not have to be discrete, but may be broken up into bins. A modification of the Latin hypercube is orthogonal sampling. Orthogonal sampling usually divides up each parameter into bins based on probability, so that each bin has the same probability density. Figure 3.28. Latin Square Although conventional Monte Carlo (MC) sampling is also possible for the random sampling process, the LHS method generally covers a multi-dimensional continuous parameter space with 54 fewer samples. This increased efficiency is primarily due to the stratification of the parameter space that does not permit the clustering of samples that MC approaches are susceptible to (Smith and Saitta, 2008). LHS divides each parameter distribution into n number of bins with equal probability density. For this study each parameter was assumed to have a uniform probability distribution, therefore all bins were of equal size. Parameters are randomly sampled from a combination of bins as well as a random point within each bin, and each bin is sampled from only once. A Matlab function was written to develop the preliminary sample space used for the load rating and support settlement studies. This function uses LHS to sample five continuous parameters: span length, skew, exterior-to-exterior girder width, girder spacing, and span-todepth ratio. Each of the parameters is given a range of values to sample based on predetermined upper and lower bounds. Sample Set Convergence As with any sampling approach, it is critical that a criteria and strategy be defined to ensure that the sample is representative of the population from which it is drawn. To allow for this convergence check, it is anticipated that the original sampling runs will generate 100 samples from the continuous parameters, which will produce either a simply supported or two-span bridge configuration. If the two independent samples produce results that are significantly different, then each population will be increased in increments of 100 until convergence is realized. 3.2.5 Notes on Parameters Girder Spacing and Width Combining the random sample of both width and girder spacing one value must be “corrected” as the number of girders must be an integer value. Given its relative insensitivity, it was decided 55 to adjust the exterior-to-exterior girder width to the closest multiple of the girder spacing. Specifically, the exterior-to-exterior width value obtained using LHS is adjusted by first dividing this value by the girder spacing and rounding to the nearest whole number. This number gives the total number of girder spaces, which is then multiplied by the actual girder spacing to obtain the adjusted exterior-to-exterior girder width. 56 4. Automated Me mbe r Sizing of for Steel Multi-Girder Bridges This chapter discusses the historical development of bridge girder design and rating methods beyond what is presented in the literature review. The development of an automated girder sizing algorithm is presented; this includes an overview of the algorithm in order to satisfy capacity and prescriptive design requirements, the method for calculation of single line-girder demands, and design criteria used to size steel girders according to AASHTO Allowable Stress Design and Load and Resistance Factor Design methods. Also presented is the validation of the automated member sizing process. Additional notes on design heuristics, design algorithm modifications, and other criteria specific to the study of single line-girder model bias and variability are included at the end of the chapter. 4.1 Introduction Automated girder design for American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Allowable Stress Design (ASD) and Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) is performed according to the AASHTO Standard Specifications (AASHTO 2002) and the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (AASHTO 2014), respectively. The girder design process aims to replicate the industry practice of using the AASHTO code along with a single line-girder analysis model to appropriately size girders for composite steel multi-girder bridges. A set of girder sizing algorithms were developed in the Matlab programming environment to find a steel section that can meet the design criteria for simply-supported and two-span continuous bridges. The ASD algorithm identifies both a rolled American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC, Date) wide-flange rolled section (W-Shape) or welded plate-girder section that satisfies the AASHTO requirements for live and dead load for simply-supported structures. The LRFD algorithm identifies an appropriate welded plate-girder section that satisfies the AASHTO requirements for live and dead load for simply-supported and two-span continuous structures. 57 4.2 Historical Development of Bridge Girder Design and Rating Methods The majority of steel multi-girder bridges in the United States have been designed using the coded specifications set forth by the AASHTO in the Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges and the LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. There are three design codes historically used in bridge design: Allowable Stress Design (ASD), Load Factor Design (LFD), and Load Factor Resistance Design (LRFD). ASD design, developed in the early 1930’s, was the first nationally utilized bridge design code in the United States (ref). It was revised extensively up until the 1940’s, and from then on was largely consistent in both its specifications as well as effects on design. LFD was introduced in the 1970’s; however it retained many of the same specifications and loading mechanisms of the ASD specifications. LRFD was not introduced until 1994, though many states did not adopt this design code until the 21st century. As of October 2007, the LRFD design specifications were used throughout the U.S. as the sole criteria for new bridge design (FHWA 2006). These design codes were developed to ensure a minimum level of safety (and in some cases serviceability) for all structures designed according to their specifications. The LRFD AASTHO bridge design specifications are assumed to produce uniform safety and performance across all designs, regardless of structure type. The demand and capacity model utilized by AASHTO – known as a “line-girder” model – simplifies the complex geometry of a bridge by analyzing it as a single beam. The design method outlined in the Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges – which contains provisions for ASD and LFD – and the LRFD Bridge Design Specifications provide a level of conservatism that makes this simplification possible. ASD provides a safety factor for strength-based performance by allowing only a fraction of the total yield stress of steel to be reached for regular loading. LFD provides a safety factor for various performance states through load factor coefficients while LRFD adds to the LFD model with modifications to the total demand and resistance of a structure based on probabilistic models. “The notional highway loading HL-93 for LRFD and LRFR was developed to provide a more 58 uniform safety factor for structures over various lengths, be more inclusive of AASHTO and State legal loads, and to include legacy exclusion trucks” (FHWA 2005). The NCHRP project 2007/task of a small sample of bridges reported that LRFR ratings average about 7% higher than LFR ratings for design-load inventory and that LRFD provides a less conservative design than ASD (FHWA 2005). 4.3 Development of Automated Member-Sizing The goal of the automated member sizing tool developed as part of this research is to emulate the traditional single line-girder sizing process through a combination of the AASHTO code, AISC manuals, design heuristics, and design algorithms developed in Matlab. The process is outlined in Figure 4.1. The first stage of the design process requires input of material properties and structure geometry. The second stage requires the selection of diaphragm type, configuration, and section dimensions. This process may be handled automatically by the software. The third stage includes the girder sizing process. Part of this third stage requires the input of design code, design load, girder spacing, number of girders, overhang, and span length-to-girder depth ratio. In the case of continuous spans, the software permits the user to opt for the inclusion of a negative moment region cover-plate. The software also permits distinct interior and exterior girder sections or constraining them to the same section. The girder sizing algorithm outputs section sizes and computes section properties. 59 Figure 4.1. Overall Girder Design Process 60 4.3.1 Girder Sizing Algorithm to Satisfy Capacity and Prescriptive Requirements Member sizing is based on the single-line girder (SLG) method of structural analysis as defined by the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Figure 4.2. Girder Sizing Algorithm the flow of the algorithm. The software is capable of building single span models with a rolled or plate girder section, as well as continuous models of two or more spans with a plate girder section. Rolled sections are used for single spans when the section meets all AASHTO LRFD Specifications. If a rolled section does not satisfy all requirements for the single span bridge, or if the bridge is multiple-span continuous, the software builds the model with a plate girder section. The plate girder section is a doubly symmetric I-shape section. The optimization algorithm is given a set total girder height – the height of the web plus both flange thicknesses – and returns the steel section with the smallest area that may still satisfy all AASHTO ASD or LRFD demand and section proportion requirements. 61 Figure 4.2. Girder Sizing Algorithm 62 Plate girder sections are sized using a built-in optimization algorithm in Matlab called fmincon. The fmincon algorithm is a nonlinear solver that seeks to find the scalar minimum of a function using a set of user-supplied constraints such that: 𝑐𝑐(𝑥𝑥) ≤ 0 ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐(𝑥𝑥) = 0 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 𝑓𝑓(𝑥𝑥) 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠ℎ 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝐴𝐴 ∙ 𝑥𝑥 ≤ 𝑏𝑏 𝑥𝑥 ⎨ ⎪ ⎪𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 ∙ 𝑥𝑥 = 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 ⎩ 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 ≤ 𝑥𝑥 ≤ 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 4.1 Only c(x) and lb and ub are used as constraints for girder size optimization. x is a vector of the design variables solved for using fmincon, and is made up of the values of flange thickness, flange width, and web thickness. The x vector also includes cover-plate thickness for continuous span structures when that design option is selected. Web height is the difference between the total girder depth and twice the flange thickness. C is a function that contains all pertinent ASD or LRFD design criteria (see Section 4.3.4). fmincon uses the same “Trust Region Reflective” algorithm that is fully described in Chapter 8. The scalar, or “objective” function, within the member-sizing algorithm is the area of the steel section. In the same manner that a typical designer may attempt to find the most economical section that still passes all constraints set by AASHTO LRFD Specifications, the fmincon algorithm attempts to find the combination of variables—plate girder dimensions—that pass all constraints while minimizing the area (which is taken as a surrogate for economy). Using fmincon and the proper sizing constraints, the steel girder cross-sections can be sized such that it is the least conservative section possible that still passes all the requirements of the AAHSTO LRFD Specifications. That is, the section is sized right on the margin of capacity and demands (considering all of the applicable limit states). 63 4.3.2 Single Line-Girder Dead and Live Load Demand Calculation For dead load demands, member actions of the single-line girder are obtained by first applying a unit distributed load and then calculating the resulting member actions (moments and shears). Using the principle of superposition, the dead load demand is obtained by scaling those actions by the actual distributed dead load calculated for the structure. For live load, single-lane member actions are obtained by stepping point loads (representing the axle loads of the design trucks) across the entire length of the bridge together with distributed lane loads (when applicable) as per the AASHTO LRFD Specifications. Single-lane member actions (moments and shears) are then calculated for each combination and scaled by the dynamic impact factor. All of the singlelane member actions are combined based on the applicable load combinations and the resulting envelopes are scaled using the applicable distribution factors Single Line-Girder Finite Element Approximation Method Single line-girder responses are developed using numerical finite element approximation methods. A beam element is divided into foot-long sections and a global stiffness matrix is developed by the superposition of each individual beam elements stiffness matrix into a single matrix. Each node in the analysis beam has two degrees of freedom, vertical translation and rotation. The 4x4 beam element stiffness matrix utilized ignores shear deformation is provides in Equation 4.2. 12 6𝐿𝐿 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 6𝐿𝐿 4𝐿𝐿2 𝑘𝑘 = 3 � 𝐿𝐿 −12 −6𝐿𝐿 6𝐿𝐿 2𝐿𝐿2 Or in the general form (Equation 4.3): −12 6𝐿𝐿 −6𝐿𝐿 2𝐿𝐿2 � 12 −6𝐿𝐿 −6𝐿𝐿 4𝐿𝐿2 4.2 64 𝑘𝑘11 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 𝑘𝑘 𝑘𝑘𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 = 3 � 21 𝐿𝐿 𝑘𝑘31 𝑘𝑘41 𝑘𝑘12 𝑘𝑘22 𝑘𝑘32 𝑘𝑘42 𝑘𝑘13 𝑘𝑘23 𝑘𝑘33 𝑘𝑘43 𝑘𝑘14 𝑘𝑘24 � 𝑘𝑘34 𝑘𝑘44 4.3 The global element stiffness matrix, K, can be formed by superimposing the beam element stiffness matrices in the following manner (Equation 4.4): (1) ⎡𝑘𝑘11 ⎢ (1) ⎢𝑘𝑘21 ⎢ (1) 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 ⎢𝑘𝑘31 𝐾𝐾 = 3 ⎢ 𝐿𝐿 ⎢ (1) 𝑘𝑘 ⎢ 41 ⎢ ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎣ 0 (1) 𝑘𝑘12 (1) 𝑘𝑘22 (1) (1) (1) 𝑘𝑘13 (1) 𝑘𝑘23 (1) 𝑘𝑘14 (2) 𝑘𝑘32 𝑘𝑘33 + 𝑘𝑘11 0 𝑘𝑘31 (1) 𝑘𝑘42 0 (1) 𝑘𝑘43 + (2) 𝑘𝑘21 (2) (2) 𝑘𝑘41 (1) 𝑘𝑘24 (1) 0 (2) 𝑘𝑘34 + 𝑘𝑘12 (1) 𝑘𝑘44 + (2) 𝑘𝑘22 (2) 𝑘𝑘32 (2) 𝑘𝑘42 0 (2) 𝑘𝑘13 (2) 𝑘𝑘23 (2) 𝑘𝑘33 (2) 𝑘𝑘43 0 ⎤ ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⎥ (2) 𝑘𝑘14 ⎥ ⎥ (2) ⎥ 𝑘𝑘24 ⎥ (2) ⎥ 𝑘𝑘34 ⎥ ⎥ (2) 𝑘𝑘44 ⎦ 4.4 The global stiffness matrix is assembled then the rows and columns corresponding to the fixed degrees of freedom (DOFs) are removed. The external force vector is then assembled. Truck loads and concentrated point loads (in the case of ASD) are applied only at each node and therefore may be inserted directly into the global force vector; if they were applied between nodes on each beam element the resultant fixed end forces would need to first be solved for. Lane loads and dead load are considered distributed loads and are accounted for in the force vector by first calculating the fixed end moments and shears as in Figure 4.3). With a beam discretization level of one foot sections treating distributed loads as resultant point loads as every 65 node would produce minimal error, however the software was developed to maximize utility for different mesh sizes. Figure 4.3. Fixed End Forces The global displacement vector is solved for each global load condition by: 𝐷𝐷 = 𝐾𝐾 −1 𝐹𝐹 4.5 Where D is the global displacement vector, K is the global stiffness matrix, the F is the global force vector. These displacements are then used to determine the internal nodal force vector, f, for each local beam element n using the following: 𝑓𝑓𝑛𝑛 = 𝑘𝑘𝑛𝑛 𝑑𝑑𝑛𝑛 With the local force vector 4.6 66 𝑓𝑓𝑛𝑛 = 𝑀𝑀𝑖𝑖 ⎧ 𝑉𝑉 ⎫ 𝑖𝑖 ⎨𝑀𝑀𝑗𝑗 ⎬ ⎩ 𝑉𝑉𝑗𝑗 ⎭𝑛𝑛 4.7 And the local displacement vector 𝜃𝜃𝑖𝑖 𝑣𝑣𝑖𝑖 𝑑𝑑𝑛𝑛 = �𝜃𝜃 � 𝑗𝑗 𝑣𝑣𝑗𝑗 𝑛𝑛 4.8 Where Mi is nodal moment at the i end and Vj is the nodal shear force at the j end. The local force vectors are superimposed by summing the i and j force quantities from each n+1 and n beam element, respectively. Load Application Dead load is calculated using the FE SLG approximation with a unit dead load. This unit dead load may be multiplied by the changing dead load of steel as beam dimensions are iteratively updated by the girder sizing algorithm. Live load application follows the requirements outlined in the AASHTO design codes. Truck loads are placed at each node along the beam starting with the front axle of a truck at the first node along the beam and ending with the rear axle of a truck at the last node along the beam. Single and dual trucks are used. The distance between the rear axle of the leading truck and the front axle of the following truck is set at 50 ft. for simply-supported spans or in the case of continuous spans set at the minimum of 50 ft. or 0.8 times the length minus 28 ft. (0.8L – 28 ft.), 67 where L is span length. The second spacing option places the center axle of each truck in the dual truck configuration approximately 0.6L away from the center piers. Impact factors are applied to truck and point loads when inserted into the force vector. Lane loads are applied at each span independently. The displacements and forces from each individually loaded span are combined to produce the greatest moment and shear. H-10, H-15, HS-15, H-20, HS-25 truck loads are varied using three rear axle spacing of 14 ft., 22 ft., and 28 ft.. The alternate military load places two 25 kip axles 4 ft. apart. Point loads are applied in combination with lane loads when applicable. HL-93 is varied using three rear axle spacing of 14 ft., 22 ft., and 28 ft.. The design tandem places two 25 kip axle loads 4 ft. apart. 4.3.3 Allowable Stress Design Criteria The following tables outlines the ASD criteria used for girder design. Also in this section are outlines of rolled girder and welded plate girder sizing algorithms. Distribution Factors Distribution factors determine the portion of a wheel line that is taken up by a single girder and simplifies the transverse load distribution phenomena (Equation 1.9): 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 = 𝑆𝑆 5.5 4.9 Where S is the girder spacing in feet. The total live load on each girder is the portion of a design truck that is specified using these distribution factors (AASHTO Standard Specification Section 3.23). 68 Effective Deck Width Effective width of the composite section is determined for both short- and long- term composite action. The deck width for each girder is taken as the minimum of the following: • The span length divided by 4 • The girder spacing • The deck thickness multiplied by 12 The effective width of concrete is determined using the ratio of the moduli of elasticity of steel (E = 29000 ksi) to those of normal weight concrete (145 pcf) with varying design strength as follows: f’c = Ultimate compressive strength of concrete n= Ratio of modulus of elasticity of steel to that of concrete. The value of n is given for the following: f’c = 2,000 – 2,300 n= 11 2,400 – 2,800 10 2,900 – 3,500 9 3,600 - 4,500 8 4,600 – 5,900 7 6,000 or more 6 The effects of creep are accounted for in the long-term composite action where dead loads act on the composite section. In the case of this study, these are assumed to result from sidewalk and barrier dead load. The stresses due to these loads are computed with both n- and the n- value 69 multiplied by 3, whichever produces greater stresses (AASHTO Standard Specification Section 10.38). Steel Strength Unless explicitly reported, the steel strength is determined by the year of construction, as indicated by the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation guide (AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation Section 6B.5.2.1) for cases when steel grade is unknown. For structures built before 1963, it is specified that steel strength should be assumed to be equal to 33 ksi. For structures built 1963 and after, steel grade should be assumed to be equal to 36 ksi. Concrete Strength For unknown concrete types, the AASHTO Allowable Stress Rating guide specifies that concrete strength for structures built before 1959 should be assumed to be 2500 psi. All other structures should be assumed to have 3000 psi concrete (AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation Section 6B.5.2.4). Design Truck May be any of the standard AASHTO design truck loads for ASD. Both H and HS trucks with 10, 15, 20, and 25 designations are available. Alternate military loading (otherwise known as a “design tandem” is also used in the design process and compared to standard truck loads by default. HL-93 trucks are listed in the NBI records, however the use of this design load implies an LRFD-based design, and therefore structures with this design load were not studied in this research. 70 Number of Design Lanes The number of design lanes is an integer value equal to the number of whole 12 ft. design lanes that can fit in the clear roadway width between non-mountable curbs. The 10 in. sidewalk height implies a non-mountable curb. This is determined according to AASHTO Standard Specification Section 3.6. Live Load Reduction Factor The reduction in live load intensity is derived from a lower probability of all design lanes being loaded simultaneously and may be determined by the following, where the following percentages are the maximum load (AASHTO Standard Specification Section 3.12). One or two lanes: 100 percent Three lanes: 90 percent Four or more lanes: 75 percent Live Load Impact Factor The live load impact factor is determined by the length of the structure using the following: 𝐼𝐼 = 50 (𝐿𝐿 + 125) Where I has a maximum value of 30 percent. This value is added to unity and multiplied by live load (known as live load plus impact, or LL + I) (AASHTO Standard Specification Section 3.8). 71 Rolled Girder Design The following lists the steps the design algorithm takes to choose the best girder size. 1. Rolled section is chosen from list Rolled sections are designed according to the moment of inertia method, as specified in AASHTO Standard Specification Section 10.38. The list of rolled wide flange sections is chosen from the AISC Steel Construction Manual. All Wide-Flange sections were used in this study. Future studies will only include Wide-Flange sections that are appropriate for use as beams. 2. Check beam and composite section depth criteria Minimum depth criteria for beams and composite sections are based on the Standard Specifications: • Beam depth is preferably not be less than L/30 for composite sections and L/25 for non-composite sections • Composite section depth is preferably not less than L/25 For the design algorithm for composite sections, the total beam depth must be greater than or equal to L/30 and the depth of the section plus the deck thickness must be greater than or equal to L/25. For non-composite sections, the total beam depth must be greater than or equal to L/30. The parametric determinism for beam depth to span length ratio is not used in the case of rolled section (AASHTO Standard Specification Section 10.5). 3. Get associated diaphragm section Load and aspect ratio requirements for diaphragms are determined in accordance with AASHTO Standard Specifications Section 10.20 and 10.21. All cross bracing is designed 72 to withstand a lateral wind force of 50 pounds per square foot on the exterior face of the girders. The code also notes that no cross-bracing angle member shall be less than 3 x 2 ½ inches, however this requirement was omitted from the presented study and will be added in future work. The requirement for member slenderness ratio, KL/r, for a secondary member given as a maximum of 140. This requirement is used in any diaphragms designed with angle sections (AASHTO Standard Specification Section 10.5). Diaphragm configuration is determined according to beam depth. The diaphragm configuration determines whether the transverse bracing elements are constructed out of a single channel section or of multiple angle sections. The software allows the specification of whether the angles are in one of two common configurations: “Cross” (‘X’) or “Chevron” (‘K’) bracing types. For this study, only “Cross” configurations are used when the diaphragms are built of angle sections. A channel section is selected when the total beam depth is less than or equal to 30 inches. This is derived from the Standard Specifications requirement that the depth of the beam section used as a diaphragm shall not be less than 1/3 of the girder depth, and preferably not less than ½ the girder depth. The maximum channel section depth in the ASIC Steel Construction Manual is listed as 15 inches as thus leads to using a channel section as a diaphragm only when beam sections are less than 30 inches deep. For beams greater than 30 inches deep, angles section in the “Cross” configuration are used (AASHTO Standard Specification Section 10.38). 4. Deflection due to live load plus impact factor is calculated Loading due to live and dead loads is determined based on Sections 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7. 73 Live load plus impact factor is determined according to the ASD standard specifications and is explained in the previous section on parameter configuration. The maximum allowable deflection for a structure is given in the standard specifications as L/800 (AASHTO Standard Specification Section 3 and 10.6). 5. Moment and shear stresses due to dead load, superimposed dead load, and live load are determined Moment and shear stresses are calculated according to mechanics of materials approaches. Live load stresses are modified by an impact factor, distribution factors, and a live load reduction factor (also known as multi-presence factor) as indicated in the Standard Specifications. Dead load is that load consisting of all steel and the concrete deck and is assumed to be carried only by the steel stringers. Superimposed dead load is that consisting of the sidewalks and barriers and is carried by the long-term composite section (if the design of the bridge is composite). This loading is assumed to be carried equally across all members. Live load is carried by the short-term composite section (if applicable) and consists of three loading scenarios: A. AASHTO ASD truck load multiplied by the distribution factors and impact factors. B. AASHTO ASD lane load multiplied by the distribution factors and impact factors. C. AASHTO ASD truck load and lane loads in the following equation: 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 × 𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 × # 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 × 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 74 Where: LL = live load Im = Impact factor + 1 The maximum stressed produced from any of the loading scenarios is used for design (AASHTO Standard Specification Section 3.23). Allowable stresses are determined according to Standard Specifications Table 10.32.1A: The allowable stress in any member that is unsupported or partially supported is given as 0.55Fy, where Fy is the strength of steel. 6. Beam is deemed a candidate or rejected The current beam is deemed a candidate if stresses are less than the allowable limit. 7. Current beam section candidate is compared to last candidate, and more efficient section is kept Beam efficiency is determined by area. The lightest section that may meet the allowable stress requirements under loading is chosen. 8. Iterate Procedure repeats until all rolled sections are examined and selects the most efficient candidate. Future developments in the software will likely streamline this process by only considering likely sections that meet some basic criteria. 75 8. Final demands and responses computed For the most efficient section identified, the live load deflections, diaphragm requirements, and section forces and stresses are calculated. 1. Welded Plate Girder Design Choose initial plate girder dimensions Initial plate girder dimensions are chosen following two rules: (1) The depth of the beam web is chosen by the depth to span ratio initialization parameter given to the program. This value is rounded to the nearest inch in order to better replicate fabrication realities. (2) The initial value for the flange width is chosen to be 25% of the web depth. The initial flange thickness is chosen to be 5% of the web depth. The initial web thickness is chosen to be 1.25% of the web depth. The flange width, flange thickness, and web thickness values are rounded to the nearest ½, ¼, and 1/8 inch, respectively. In addition, flange width, flange thickness, and web thickness are given minimum values of 6, 1, and ¼ inch, respectively; and maximum values of the girder spacing divided by 3, 10, and 20, respectively. These lower and upper bounds are rarely reached by the design algorithm, however, and don’t accurately reflect the final values achieved. These bounds were chosen in order to give the algorithm enough “room” to determine the response space while still giving tight enough bounds for computational efficiency. 2. Check beam and composite section depth criteria Depth criteria are calculated as noted in the above section describing rolled section design excepting that the web depth is chosen in the manner described above. 3. Check plate dimension proportion criteria 76 Plate dimension proportion criteria are checked in accordance with Standard Specification Section 10.34: • The compression flange width shall preferably not be less than 0.2 times the web depth. The design algorithm makes this a requirement. • The compression flange thickness shall preferably be no less than 1.5 the web thickness. This is made a requirement in the design algorithm. • 4. The width to thickness ratio of the flanges shall not exceed 24. Deflection due to live load is calculated Deflection due to live load is calculated in the manner described for rolled sections. 5. Get associated diaphragm section Diaphragm criteria are calculated as noted in the above section describing rolled section design. 6. Moment and shear stresses due to dead load, superimposed dead load, and live load are determined Live load deflection, diaphragm, moment and shear stress criteria are calculated as noted in the above section describing rolled section design. 7. Compression flange check Compression flange dimension proportion is checked against calculated compressive bending stress and proportion requirements (AASHTO Standard Specification Section 10.34). 77 8. Web plate thickness calculation The required web plate thickness for beams without longitudinal stiffeners is calculated considering bending stresses and assuming no longitudinal stiffeners (AASHTO Standard Specification Section 10.34). 9. Transverse stiffener requirement due to average unit-shearing stress is calculated in the gross section of the web plate is calculated Web plate gross section for beams without transverse stiffeners is checked according to AASHTO Standard Specification Section 10.34. 10. If section is a composite design, neutral axis location is checked Neutral axis location is checked according to Section 10.38. While not a requirement, Standard Specifications notes that it is preferable to locate the neutral axis of composite sections within the steel and not in the concrete (AASHTO Standard Specification Section 10.38). 11. Moment and shear criteria due to ASD Service Loads I and IA are calculated Moment and shear criteria due to service loads are calculated according to Section 3.22 for the Service Load method (AASHTO Standard Specification Section 3.22). 12. Optimization algorithm adjusts plate dimensions according to calculations 2 through 11 Algorithm is run using the Matlab function fmincon, which is a nonlinear minimization algorithm with constraints. The function to be minimized is the area of the beam, or weight. 13. Iterate operations 2 through 12 until optimal design is achieved 78 13. Final deflection, diaphragm requirements, and section forces and stresses are calculated for chosen section 4.3.4 Load and Resistance Factor Design The following tables outlines the LRFD criteria used for welded plate girder design as well as the girder sizing algorithm. The design process includes specifications for Strength I and Service II limit states as well as considerations for infinite fatigue life. LRFD Sizing Constraints The sizing constraints imposed by the LRFD Specifications are provided in Table 4.1. Table 4.1. LRFD Sizing Constraints Sizing Constraints AASHTO LRFD Section Ductility Flange Proportioning Limits Web Proportioning Limits Strength I Flexure 6.10.6 for Positive & 6.10.8 for Negative Service II Flexure 6.10.4 Shear 6.10.9 Fatigue I 79 Simply Supported Structure Design Design criteria for simply supported structures is found in Table 4.2. The design process is outlined in Figure 4.4. Fatigue life is also used in the design process and is discussed fully in Section Table 4.2. Design Criteria for Simply Supported Structures 5) Depth Criteria ( 5) Service Limit (6.10.4) a) 𝐿𝐿 ∗ 0.033 ≤ 𝐷𝐷𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 a) For Compact: b) 𝐿𝐿 ∗ 0.040 ≤ 𝐷𝐷𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 6) Ductility ( a) 𝐷𝐷𝑝𝑝 ≤ 0.42 ∗ 𝐷𝐷𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 7) Web Thickness (6.7.3) a) 𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 ≥ 0.3125" 8) Section Proportions (6.10.2) a) b) c) 𝐷𝐷𝑤𝑤 𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 𝑏𝑏𝑓𝑓 2𝑡𝑡𝑓𝑓 ≤ 150 ≤ 12 𝑏𝑏𝑓𝑓 ≥ 𝐷𝐷𝑤𝑤 6 d) 𝑡𝑡𝑓𝑓 ≥ 1.1 ∗ 𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 0.1 ≤ 𝐼𝐼𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦 ≤ 10 𝐼𝐼𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦 i. 𝑓𝑓𝑐𝑐, 𝑡𝑡 ≤ 0.95 ∗ 𝐹𝐹𝑦𝑦 b) For Non-Compact: i. Does not control. (C6. 6) Strength Limit (6.10.6) a) For Compact: i. ii. iii. 2𝐷𝐷𝑐𝑐 𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 ≤ 3.76� 𝑀𝑀𝑢𝑢 ≤ 𝑀𝑀𝑛𝑛 𝐸𝐸 𝐹𝐹𝑦𝑦 𝑉𝑉𝑢𝑢 ≤ 𝑉𝑉𝑛𝑛 b) For Non-compact: i. ii. iii. 2𝐷𝐷𝑐𝑐 𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 ≥ 3.76� 𝑓𝑓𝑐𝑐, 𝑡𝑡 ≤ 𝐹𝐹𝑛𝑛 𝑉𝑉𝑢𝑢 ≤ 𝑉𝑉𝑛𝑛 𝐸𝐸 𝐹𝐹𝑦𝑦 80 Figure 4.4. Simply Supported Girder Design Process Continuous Structure Design While the process is similar between simple and multiple-span continuous bridges, one key consideration with continuous bridges is the negative moment region over the pier(s). In the negative moment region, the cross-section is considered non-composite with the deck. As this region generally governs the design for multiple-span continuous bridges, the automated member sizing software is capable of including cover plates to reinforce this region or to design a plate girder that remains constant throughout all spans. Sizing with constant cross-section girder introduces built-in conservatism in the positive moment region for multiple-span continuous models due to the increased material needed in the negative moment region in order to satisfy the AASHTO LRFD Specifications. For this reason, the least conservative path was chosen, to 81 size the cross section with a cover plate in the negative moment region, allowing both the positive moment region and negative moment region cross-sections to be sized without any arbitrary, additional conservatism. Fatigue life specifications, however, tend to add capacity in the positive moment region of continuous structures. Due to the symmetric geometry of the girders sized in this research, this tends to add excess capacity to negative moment regions. The refined software allows a cover plate to be included over the negative moment region if needed. The associated requirements for a cross-section in the negative moment region are presented in Table 4.3. The FE approximation of moment demands accommodate beams with changing cross-sections using an iterative process. The approach takes the basic design algorithm and “wraps” it in another layer of iteration. The process begins by approximating moment demands assuming a negative moment region with an EI twice that of the positive moment region. The software chooses the appropriate girder dimensions using the regular algorithm then reruns the FE single line-girder demand approximation using the updated EI values for the two steel sections. The updated moment demand envelope is compared to that of the previous iteration at the same points of interest. If there is less than 5% difference in moment at all points of interest, the latest girder dimensions will be accepted.. If there is a greater than 5% difference, the algorithm will rerun the FE approximation for moment demand and restart the girder sizing process. The flow chart below shows the girder design and moment demand calculation synthesis. Table 4.3. Additional Steel Girder Sizing Criteria for Continuous-Span Structures 9) Service Limit (6.10.4) a) 𝑓𝑓𝑐𝑐, 𝑡𝑡 ≤ 0.95 ∗ 𝐹𝐹𝑦𝑦 b) 𝑓𝑓𝑐𝑐 ≤ 𝐹𝐹𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 10) Strength Limit (6.10.8) a) 2𝐷𝐷𝑐𝑐 𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 ≤ 3.76� b) 𝑓𝑓𝑐𝑐 ≤ 𝐹𝐹𝑛𝑛 c) 𝑓𝑓𝑡𝑡 ≤ 𝐹𝐹𝑦𝑦 𝐸𝐸 𝐹𝐹𝑦𝑦 82 Figure 4.5. Continuous Span Girder Design Process Distribution Factors Distribution factors are referenced in Figure 4.8 through Figure 4.11 and are calculated using the expressions shown in Table 4.4 and Table 4.5. The maximum distribution factor is used for 83 design. Distribution factors are updated for each iteration of the algorithm and adjusted according to new section sizes. Table 4.4. Distribution Factors Calculated with Section Dimensions One Design Lane Loaded Two Design Lanes Loaded 0.1 𝐾𝐾𝑔𝑔 𝑆𝑆 0.4 𝑆𝑆 0.3 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷1 = 0.06 + � � � � � � 14 𝐿𝐿 12 𝐿𝐿 𝑡𝑡𝑠𝑠3 0.1 𝐾𝐾𝑔𝑔 𝑆𝑆 0.6 𝑆𝑆 0.2 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷2 = 0.075 + � � � � � � 9.5 𝐿𝐿 12 𝐿𝐿 𝑡𝑡𝑠𝑠3 Table 4.5. Distribution Factors Calculated with the Lever Rule One Design Lane Loaded Two Design Lanes Loaded 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷1 = 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷2 = 𝑒𝑒 ∗ 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 Fatigue Limit State Design Criteria While this limit state is not directly related to the Strength I and Service II limit states used for rating of structures it needs to be considered during the design of notional bridges as it can have an impact on member sizes (especially in the positive moment region). The fatigue limit state limits the difference in live load stress that a member can see due to vehicular loads. The aim of the limit state is to reduce the stress at certain fatigue prone details. The design algorithm chooses the diaphragm connection detail as the detail in question. Fatigue limit states are applicable to girder sections undergoing net tension, i.e. the bottom flange in the positive moment region of a beam and the top flange in the negative moment region of a beam. The fatigue limit state used for the design process is the infinite fatigue life limit state (Table 4.6). The result of this limit state is an increase in average flange area in the positive moment region, and, in turn, the reduction of the size of (or even the need for) cover-plates in the negative moment region. As noted previously, the flanges on all beams are sized equally, therefore increasing the 84 tension flange thickness in the positive moment region due to fatigue will increase the tension flange thickness in the negative moment region. For some structures, Fatigue I is the controlling limit state and additional capacity is introduced for Strength and Service Limit States. Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7 illustrate the change in flange area and Strength I rating factors due to the inclusion of Fatigue Limit State I for two-span continuous structures for a sample of ten bridges. Table 4.6. Fatigue Limit State Fatigue Limit (6.6.1) For Load-Induced Fatigue: 𝛾𝛾(∆𝑓𝑓) ≤ (∆𝐹𝐹) 𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 Where γ is the fatigue load factor and ∆𝑓𝑓 is the net change in tensile stress and (∆𝐹𝐹) 𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 the fatigue resistance of the member. Figure 4.6. Influence of Addition of Fatigue I Limit State on Flange Area for Interior Girders for Ten Sample Bridges 85 Figure 4.7. Influence of Fatigue Limit State on Interior Girder Strength I Rating Factors for Ten Sample Bridges Diaphragm Sizing The sizing criteria for diaphragms are the same as those utilized in ASD design and are detailed in Section of this chapter. LRFD Design Code Algorithm Flow Chart The following flow charts depict the step-by-step process taken by the software and reference the software sub-functions (Figure 4.8 through Figure 4.11). These are provided in a similar fashion to the flow charts provided in AASHTO Appendix C6 and cover the design paths for the LRFD design code Sections 6.10.6, 6.10.7., 6.10.8., and A. 86 Figure 4.8. LRFD Section 6.10.6 87 Figure 4.9. LRFD Section 6.10.7 88 Figure 4.10. LRFD Section 6.10.8 89 Figure 4.11. LRFD Appendix A 90 4.4 Evaluation of Automated Member Sizing for the Study of Single Line-Girder Model Bias To ensure the relevancy of the overall study, it is imperative that the designs produced in this task are representative of the ones produced by designers following the AASHTO LRFD Specifications and common conventions based on heuristics (e.g. sizing increments for webs, flanges, etc.). Given the size of the sample needed to investigate all of the potentially influential parameters identified, automation of the member sizing processes was required. The ASD method was first developed in code in order to assess the ability of a software algorithm to properly size a girder based on the AASHTO code. The success of this process led to the development of an algorithm to design girders based on the LRFD method. 4.4.1 Allowable Stress Design The algorithm described above was first used to size girders for three New Jersey bridges that have been previously studied by Drexel University in order to evaluate the accuracy of the member sizing approach. The availability of design drawings enables the comparison of the properties of the actual sections with those produced by the software. For this study, composite design and an L/25 beam depth was assumed. The girder spacing was not varied, but instead the actual girder spacing of each structure was used. By deterministically choosing the girder spacing, a large source of uncertainty was eliminated and this permits the differences between the automated and actual member sizes to be evaluated. The shortest bridge, Pennsauken Creek, was designed with a rolled section while the two longer bridges, MP 28.9 and US202/23, were designed with welded plate girder sections. 91 Table 4.7. Benchmark Design Structure Comparison Pennsauken Creek 22 38 31 5761 7450 (29) 10.7x104 428 477 (11) 3,880 3,810 (2) 2,900 3,100 (7) 1.5x104 2.0x104 (31) 20.7x105 31.3x104 (51) 15.9x104 20.0x104 (26) 646 659 (2) 4,800 4,520 (6) 3,440 3,620 (5) Actual 106 128 66 Automated (% diff) 71 (33) 116 (9) 91 (38) 17.4x104 (63) US202/NJ23 Automated (% diff) 22 (-) 41 (8) 33 (6) Actual Flange Area (in2) Total Area (in2) Girder Depth (in) Girder Moment of Inertia (in4) Girder Section Modulus (in3) Composite Moment of Inertia (in4) Composite Section Modulus (in3) NJ TPK (MP28.9) Actual 101 123 65 9.4x104 Automated (% diff) 88 (13) 112 (9) 72 (11) 11.1x104 (18) Examining Table 4.7 the following observations can be made that illustrate both the nature and accuracy of automated member sizing. • Automating the member sizing process will generally produce very similar results for the governing limit state, but may vary for other limit states. For the examples shown, the governing limit state was related to strength and thus the composite section moduli had relatively low discrepancies (less than 10%). Conversely, the discrepancies in moments of inertia were relatively large, since the deflection criteria did not govern the design. • The somewhat arbitrary selection of girder span-to-depth ratio has significant influence over the relative levels of strength (section moduli) and stiffness (moment of inertia). For these designs a span-to-depth ratio of L/25 was assumed when the actual ratios for the NJTPK and US202 bridges were closer to L/35 (which is unusually shallow) and L/30, respectively. The result of assuming a deeper girder was that the automated design approach produced lighter (less total area) and stiffer girders (but with the same section moduli). 92 • In addition to girder depth, incremental sizing rules are also somewhat arbitrary and influence the balance between conservatism and efficiency. For example, if flange dimensions/girder widths were treated as continuous variables, a truly “optimum” and unique solution to the design problem is possible. In reality however, plate sizes/thicknesses are typically defined in increments and thus minimum dimensions are rounded up resulting in additional strength/stiffness. These arbitrary sizing rules (and the additional strength and stiffness they produce) vary with regard to region, owner, and even time period, and thus is not something an automated software can recreate accurately. 4.4.2 Load and Resistance Factor Design Development and validation of automated member-sizing based on AASHTO LRFD Specifications for steel simply-supported and multi-girder bridges was begun after the initial investigation into automated ASD method showed that an algorithm could size girders appropriately to both satisfy the AASHTO code requirements as well as result in member dimensions that were consistent with what is found in actual structures. The critical path in the development of the LRFD algorithm development was the production of accurate “designs” that produce representative results. The approach for the automated member sizing is intended to parallel current practice to the fullest possible extent while neglecting conservative practices that are not codified or explicitly required by the AASHTO LRFD Specifications. Member sizing is based on replication of the process of single-line girder method of structural analysis and constraints defined in the AASHTO LRFD Specifications. In an effort to validate the member-sizing software, researchers from the University of Delaware acted as independent partners to provide a “peer review” of the model design philosophy and assumptions utilized in the development of the software. A “one-to-one” approach was used in 93 this validation effort. Several designs were conducted by hand, and key parameters of these designs were compared to the members sized using the software. A design spreadsheet based on the single line-girder design method was developed using Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheet requires cross section dimensions, load cases, and bridge orientation information as inputs, and calculates all relevant section properties as well as the flexural and shear strength of the girder following the AASHTO LRFD Specifications. Flexural strength checks include: local buckling resistance, lateral torsional buckling resistance, and tension flange yielding resistance for both composite (positive moment region) and noncomposite sections (negative moment region). The shear strength calculations only include the resistance of an unstiffened web. This was done in an attempt to parallel the model design approach of the automated modeling software, which does not include transverse or longitudinal shear stiffeners. In addition to the strength checks, all proportional limits were checked. To size the girders using the spreadsheet, calculated moment and shear capacities were checked against the factored load cases to determine the most efficient girder cross section. In this case, efficiency is determined by minimizing the cross sectional area. Several design examples were manually generated utilizing the design spreadsheet in order to compare results and validate the automated design approach. “One-to-One” Validation Checks: • Flange Area • Web Area • Girder Depth • Girder Moment of Inertia • Girder Section Modulus • Girder Capacity (Lateral Torsional, Local Buckling Resistance Calculations) 94 • Composite Moment of Inertia • Composite Section Modulus • Composite Section Capacity (Plastic Neutral Axis and Plastic Moment Calculations) • Single Line Dead Load Computations • Single Line Live Load Computations The “one-to-one” validation approach was very effective, but in order to validate all parts of the possible design paths a line by line analysis was also performed. This analysis was used to ensure that there were no typos and all appropriate equations were being calculated properly. Using Microsoft Excel, the research personnel from the University of Delaware developed a design spreadsheet based on the single line girder design method. The spreadsheet requires cross section dimensions, load cases, and bridge orientation information as inputs, and calculates all relevant section properties as well as the flexural and shear strength of the girder following the AASHTO LRFD Specifications. Flexural strength checks include: local buckling resistance, lateral torsional buckling resistance, and tension flange yielding resistance for both composite (positive moment region) and non-composite sections (negative moment region). The shear strength calculations only include the resistance of an unstiffened web. This was done in an attempt to parallel the approach of the automated modeling software, which does not include transverse or longitudinal shear stiffeners. In addition to the strength criteria, all proportional limits were checked. To size the girders using the spreadsheet, calculated moment and shear capacities were checked against the factored load cases to determine the most efficient girder cross section. In this case, efficiency is determined by minimizing the cross sectional area. Several design examples were manually generated utilizing the design spreadsheet in order to compare results and validate the automated member sizing approach. 95 To further validate the process, the flow of the software was compared to the flow charts provided in AASHTO LRFD Specs Section C.6. It was apparent that the automated membersizing software calculates and evaluates all necessary constraints, with a work flow similar to that represented in the flow charts provided by AASHTO. 4.5 Notes on LRFD Girder Sizing for the Study of Bias and Tolerable Support Settlement For this research a number of design choices were made to simplify the girder sizing process and promote uniformity of bias study results. Rolled sections were not used for this study to prevent the influence of rounding sections. Continuous structures were designed with a coverplate however there was no restriction on the minimum thickness of the coverplate sections over the negative moment region. Interior and exterior girder were designed separately and used for their respective location to reduce any inherent conservatism in designing a girder that would satisfy the unique demands requirements of both interior and exterior girders. In depth discussion follows. Rounding Plate Dimensions Plate girder sections are dimensioned using a non-linear least-squares minimization algorithm built-in to Matlab called fmincon that adjusts a set of dimensional parameters in order to minimize a scalar objective function. In the same manner that a typical designer may attempt to find the most economical section that still passes all constraints set by the AASHTO LRFD Specifications, the fmincon algorithm attempts to find the combination of variables—plate girder dimensions—that pass all constraints while minimizing the area (minimizing the objective function). The dimensional parameters in this case are flange width, flange thickness, web thickness, and for multiple span continuous bridges, the thickness of the cover plate in the 96 negative moment region. By utilizing a minimization algorithm with the proper sizing constraints, the steel member cross-section can be sized such that it is the least conservative section possible that still passes all AAHSTO LRFD Specifications: the section is sized right on the margin of capacity and demands. More simply stated, the steel cross-section sized by the algorithm has no excess capacity for the controlling demand. Strength I, Service II, Shear, and Fatigue limit states for steel were used for the design of the girders. If Strength I was the controlling demand – the demand that the algorithmic sizing process attributed zero excess capacity to, the Strength I Inventory/Operating ratings for all members dimensioned using this process would be found to be 1.0 and 1.3, respectively. By using a section with no excess capacity, the results of the population study for total and differential support movements will provide the most conservative estimate of allowable settlement. Rounding girder plate sizes provides additional conservativism that, while common in practice due to the steel fabrication process, was not explicitly required by the AASHTO LRFD Specifications. Continuous Span Bridges The automated member sizing software is capable of including cover plates to reinforce the negative moment region or designing a plate girder that remains constant throughout all spans. A negative moment region cover-plate may be included in continuous designs as a result of a number of factors that contribute to this region controlling designs: first, concrete bridge decks are considered to contribute negligible capacity in the negative moment region as the concrete is in tension; second, the resistance of steel reinforcing bars that would exist in a bridge design are neglected for the entire design process for this project; third, the AASHTO truck load combinations provided in LRFD result in large negative moments over interior supports. It was concluded that with a constant cross-section girder (no coverplates) there would be built-in conservatism in the positive moment region for multiple-span continuous models due to the 97 increased material needed in the negative moment region in order to satisfy the AASHTO LRFD Specifications. Consequently the design process was changed to design all continuous span bridges with negative moment region cover-plates. A related issue that arose due to the decision to move to non-uniform cross-sections for continuous bridges is that the determination of the demand for the continuous single-line girder models implicitly assumed a constant cross-section. That is, when the girder section over the pier is stiffened with a cover plate the increased stiffness will act to attract more moment, and this additional moment is currently not being considered in the design of the negative moment region. The design of continuous bridges was modified to include an iterative process to ensure that the elastic distribution of forces is consistent with the selected member sizes. The influence of this phenomenon (and the current errors it produces) is discussed further in this chapter. Exterior and Interior Girders The differing design requirements for interior and exterior girders were also investigated in the initial stages of this research. The original strategy employed when designing bridges using the ASD code was to size a member capable of satisfying both interior and exterior girder requirements; however this approach resulted in excess capacity in whichever girder had the lesser load demands. For example, take the case of an exterior girder that may have a lower live load distribution factor than an interior girder of the same structure while having the same capacity; the interior girder would have a resulting line-girder load rating of exactly 1.0 while the exterior girder would rate at 1.35. The design methodology was subsequently changed to size exterior and interior girders independently and resulted in both exterior and interior girders rating at 1.0. 98 Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria The overall effect of fatigue life in girder design will be studied as part of this research. Although the main body of research will concentrate on those populations that have been designed with infinite fatigue life considerations, as sub-population will be designed and analyzed to determine whether the inclusion of fatigue alters the relationships between the independent design input parameters and FE ratings and the ratio of FE ratings to SLG ratings. Fatigue considerations dramatically increase the ratio of longitudinal stiffness of composite girder section to the transverse structural stiffness due to deck and diaphragms. The ratio of longitudinal global stiffness to transverse global stiffness increases when fatigue limit states are included in design, however this relationship has not been quantified and will be considered as part of this research. Rationally Sized Diaphragms The AASHTO LRFD design code specifications for diaphragm sizing result in minimal diaphragm sizing that does not agree with the stiffness of elements found in the field. The design requirements for both LRFD and ASD design are detailed in Section of this chapter. The effect of the choice to design diaphragms for this minimum constraint and to not include rationally-sized diaphragms to avoid the effects on conservatism will be studied by re-rating two bridges suites with diaphragms with 10 times and 30 times the stiffness and comparing these ratings to the original bridge suite ratings. This increase will be studied for bridges with diaphragm configurations using chevron or cross-bracing. Channel sections are limited in diaphragm sizing due to the lower limit on diaphragm depth. These sections used in the bridge suites for FE ratings are already close to the rationally sized diaphragms found in practice and their stiffness will not be increased. Both bridges designed with and without infinite fatigue life considerations will be investigated for this effect. 99 5. Automated Finite Element Model Creation Detailed in this chapter is an overview of the method for the production of three-dimensional finite element models in a guided or automated fashion. Included is a discussion of general model form, element type, continuity conditions, and boundary conditions. The method for accessing the application programming interface of a finite element solver with common scripting languages is discussed along with and the model creation algorithm for the placement of nodes, elements, and property assignment. Also discussed is a verification of use of automatically created finite element models for mass simulation of bridges and their use in research on the bias of the AASHTO single linegirder design model. 5.1 Overview This feature in the software provides assistance to the user in the semi-automatic creation of finite element (FE) models of multi-girder bridges. Given the somewhat regular details of structural design and symmetric geometries of common highway bridges, features such as roadway geometry, girder type and spacing, cross-bracing configuration, and bearing type may be entered by the user to create a 3D geometric element-level FE model in a matter of minutes. Normally, model creation involves a process over hours and involves the element-by-element creation and manipulation by a human user via a graphical user interface (GUI). The software system developed as part of this research automates the placement of nodes, elements, links, and boundary conditions, as well as the application of section dimensions, properties, and material. The software, written in the Matlab scripting language, may be run either through a GUI developed through this study or through a scripted command set. The GUI interface allows the creation of a single FE model while the scripting interface is may be used for the creation of sets of models that can be utilized in parametric population studies. Both methods for model creation interface with the finite element software package, Strand7 (Strand7 2014), for FE model creation through the application programming interface (API). 100 5.2 Model Form The modeling process begins with the initialization of the Maltab-Strand7 API link. Next, a global grid based on user-specified mesh parameters is defined. This global grid is used as the basis for the creation of model nodes in the 3D space. Elements are created by connecting nodes with two-node beam elements for girders, diaphragms, concrete traffic and safety barriers, and girder-deck composite action links; three- and four-node shell elements are created for deck and sidewalk; rigid links are created to enforce planar girder sections, link girder elements to composite action elements and diaphragm elements, and link girder elements to boundary nodes. Continuity and boundary conditions are set by applying fixity, translational stiffness, and rotational stiffness to boundary nodes. Element properties are then defined using section property and material property assignment. Figure 5.1 illustrates the model creation process and Figure 5.2 illustrates the model form. Figure 5.1. FE Model Creation Overview 101 Beam Shell Rigid Link Beam Figure 5.2. 3D Element Level FE Model 5.2.1 Girders Girders are two-node beam elements that may either be a standard AISC wide flange section (Wshape) or a doubly-symmetric I-shape with defined web height and thickness, and flange width and thickness. In addition, the model may use separate girder section properties for exterior and interior girders. Models of continuous span bridges may have different girder properties in the positive and negative moment regions. Rigid links are used to enforce compatibility between the top and bottom surfaces of the girder flanges. Rigid links connect the girder centroid to the top and bottom flange nodes. These nodes in turn are connect to the deck through another set of adjustable stiffness links or are used as boundary nodes. 5.2.2 Diaphragms Diaphragms are two-node beam elements that may either be a standard AISC channel section (Cshape) or angle section (L-shape) in the case of cross-brace- or chevron-type diaphragms. 102 Diaphragm Type The diaphragm type determines both the section type and in the case of angle-sections the connection configuration. Diaphragms may be a channel section (Figure 5.3), a cross-braced angle section (Figure 5.4), or a chevron-braced angle section (Figure 5.5). Channel sections are connected directly to girder centroid nodes. Cross- and chevron-bracing are connected to girders by the top and bottom flange girder nodes. These nodes connect to the girder beam element by a rigid continuity link between the top and bottom flange nodes and the girder centroid node (Figure 5.6). Figure 5.3. Channel Section Diaphragms Figure 5.4. Cross-Bracing Diaphragms 103 Figure 5.5. Chevron-Bracing Diaphragms Figure 5.6. Cross-Bracing Diaphragm Connectivity Diaphragm Direction The diaphragm direction determines whether the bracing elements are oriented parallel to the skew angle (if any) or normal to the bridge girders. In the case of a structure with no skew, this option does not have any effect, as the bracing elements are oriented both parallel to the skew (which is equal to zero) and normal to the girders (Figure 5.7). The AASHTO specifications indicate that on any structure with a support skew angle greater than 20 degrees, the diaphragms shall be normal to the girders (AASHTO Standard Specifications 104 Sec. 10.20). The software allows for normal diaphragms that are located in contiguous rows across all girder bays (Figure 5.8), or in staggered rows, where the diaphragms in each bay are located at the same distance from the abutments (Figure 5.9). Figure 5.7. Skew Bridge with Parallel Diaphragms (applicable to bridges with skew angles less than 20o) Figure 5.8. Straight-Skew Bridge with Normal Contiguous Diaphragms 105 Figure 5.9. Skew Bridge with Normal Non-contiguous Diaphragms 5.2.3 Deck Deck elements are three- and four- node shell elements. Deck elements are assigned a bending and membrane thickness. Both of these values are equal to the deck thickness. Deck nodes are located at the “center” of the shell element’s thickness. 5.2.4 Sidewalk Sidewalk elements are three- and four- node shell elements. Sidewalk elements are assigned a bending and membrane thickness. Both of these values are equal to the sidewalk height. Sidewalk nodes are located at the “center” of the shell element’s thickness. 5.2.5 Barriers Barriers are rectangular two-node beam elements. Barrier centroids are offset left or right by half the barrier width towards the interior of the structure. 106 5.2.6 Boundary Conditions Boundary stiffness is adjusted using a combination of translational and rotational springs in pound per inch or pound-inches, respectively. Two boundary condition sets may be applied to the model, “Type I” and “Type II.” Any number of abutments or piers may be given either the “Type I” or “Type II” classification. This classification is applied to the entire support row, i.e. the boundary nodes at each girder at an individual pier or abutment. The six global degrees of freedom (DOF), corresponding to translation or rotation about the longitudinal (along the girders), transverse (perpendicular to the girders), and vertical directions, may be assigned a free, fixed, or finite stiffness case. A finite stiffness case results in a translational or rotational springs applied at all nodes for that boundary classification (see Figure 5.10). Any DOF for the two classifications may be “linked”; for example, the longitudinal translational stiffness spring for both “Type I” and “Type II” boundaries may be updated together using the same alpha coefficient. Two special fixity cases may be applied that enable the user to have different boundary conditions for nodes on the same support row (Figure 5.10). The first, “Alignment Bearing,” fixes the support node at the center girder of the first boundary row, or abutment, in the transverse direction for translation. The center girder node takes on all other fixity and stiffness parameter for the designated row classification except for the transverse case. In the case of an even number of girders, one of the two center girder nodes is used. The figure illustrates the translation transverse fixity applied to the 2nd girder of a four girder structure. The vertical fixity remains in place and transverse translational fixity is added to the Type II bearing classification. The second condition, “Longitudinal Fixity,” fixes the longitudinal translation of the exterior girder support nodes only and, like the “Alignment” case, is applied only to the first abutment of the structure. The exterior nodes take on whichever fixity or stiffness was designated for its row classification excepting the longitudinal transverse fixity. Note in the figure how the “Longitudinal” fixity case adds translational fixity to the exterior girders for only the first Type II classified bearing row 107 (Figure 5.10). Note that the illustrated case is not the same case used for the study of bias presented later in this thesis. Figure 5.10. Illustration of “Alignment” and “Longitudinal” Special Boundary Condition Cases. 5.2.7 Non-structural Mass Non-structural mass is applied to the deck nodes between the inside edges of the sidewalks. Deck overlays are assigned a certain thickness. This thickness is translated to a certain poundage per node based on the number of deck nodes in the model. 5.2.8 Composite Action Composite action is enforced by connecting two-node beam elements between the deck nodes and the girder top flange nodes. These beam elements have adjustable stiffness that may be used to modulate the degree of composite action. See Section 5.4.3 for an investigation into the effects 108 of using the moment of inertia and shear area of a beam element to simulate variable composite action and a comparison with using deck concrete modulus. 5.3 5.3.1 Model Creation Strand7 API FE models are created by controlling Strand7 via the API with Matlab. The Strand7 API consists of a dynamic link library (DLL) file as well as a number of header files and include files. (Strand7 2014) Strand7 is packaged with a Matlab-specific API library that contains function calls for almost every functionality in Strand7. The DLL files include functions that are used to read FE model data, modify or create FE model element data, launch FE model solvers, and read FE model result data. The header files allow external programs to communicate with the Strand7 DLL file and contain definitions for constants and function calls used by each supported language. All functions used in the API are accessed using the Windows function stdcall. The header files used with Matlab is St7APICall.h. The constants files used with Matlab is St7APIConst.m. Use of the Matlab-Strand7 API requires that API calls be made using the built-in Matlab function calllib. Function names and their arguments are both passed into calllib on the right hand side while error handling and function-specific outputs are passed on the left hand side with the following format for the example Strand7 API function St7GetNodeXYZ: XYZ = zeros(3, 1); [iErr, XYZ] = calllib(‘St7API’, ‘St7GetNodeXYZ’, uID, NodeNum, XYZ); 109 5.3.2 Node Placement Algorithm Node Element Metadata Nodes are placed using a Strand7 API call that requires the node location coordinates and node index. Node information for a given FE model is stored in a Matlab structure: Node. The Node structure contains a list of information about each node’s index, type, and which elements are connected to it. The Node structure also contains an MxNx6 3D array that represents the relative placement of each node in space. The M dimension corresponds to the longitudinal space – or ‘X’ direction in the model’s Cartesian coordinate system, the N dimension corresponds to the transverse space ( ‘Y’ direction), and third dimension of the array corresponds to vertical space (‘Z’ direction). The six vertical levels of the model correspond, from top to bottom, to barrier nodes, sidewalk nodes, deck nodes, girder top flange nodes, girder centroid and diaphragm nodes, and girder bottom flange and boundary nodes. Deck and Sidewalk Nodes Deck nodes are placed at zero on the Z axis. The placement of deck nodes guides the placement of the nodes for all other levels in the node array. Nodes are placed according to the specified minimum and average mesh size option specified by the user. The “near” and “far” deck edge nodes are placed first and then nodes are placed longitudinally between by dividing the length by the average mesh size. If any node is to be placed closer to the deck edge nodes than the minimum mesh size, it is not placed (Figure 5.12-A) Deck nodes are placed transversely based on the girder spacing and specified average and minimum mesh sizes. In the case of multiple spans, each span is created separately. The Node structure is indexed to each span by Node(i) where i is the ith span. Overlapping nodes at the near and far ends of adjacent spans in the structure are removed from the Node structure and replaced with the correct node numbers and other metadata. 110 Deck nodes between the centerlines of the exterior girders are placed according to the skew and diaphragm configuration of the model. Straight bridges, bridges with skews less than or equal to 20°, and bridges with skews over 20° that have the “staggered” diaphragm configuration (See Section 0) are all built with deck nodes that are placed parallel with the skew direction (Figure 5.11). Deck nodes for bridges with skews over 20° with the “contiguous” diaphragm configuration and unequal skews at the ends are placed normal to the girder lines (Figure 5.12-B). Overhang nodes are always placed parallel to the skew (Figure 5.13). Figure 5.11. Deck Node Placement 111 B A B . Figure 5.12. Deck Node Placement Figure 5.13. Overhang Deck Node Placement Sidewalk nodes are placed directly above the deck nodes. Deck nodal meshes that do not allow for exact placement of sidewalk nodes round the placement of the sidewalk edge nodes to the X and Y coordinates of the nearest deck node. 112 Other Element Nodes Girder nodes are placed transversely at the centerline of the girder under deck nodes. Nodes are placed vertically at the centroid of the girders, at the top surface of the top flange, and at the bottom surface of the bottom flange. Extra diaphragm nodes are placed halfway between the girder lines at the same vertical level as the girder centroid nodes for cross-bracing. Extra diaphragm nodes are placed halfway between the girder lines at the same vertical level as the girder bottom flange nodes for chevron-bracing. Channel section diaphragm elements connect directly to girder centroid nodes. Barrier nodes are placed at mid-height for the barriers above the right and left edge sidewalk nodes. 5.3.3 Beam Element Placement Girder elements are placed between the girder centroid nodes. Girder centroid node rows in the node array are identified and girder elements are iteratively placed between them. Diaphragm elements are placed between either girder centroid nodes in the case of channel section or from nodes placed halfway between girder centroid to the top and bottom flange nodes. Barrier elements are placed between the barrier nodes. 5.3.4 Continuity Element Placement Rigid links are placed at every girder centroid node between the centroid node and the top and bottom flange nodes. Girder-to-deck connection elements are placed between the top girder flange node and the deck node directly above it. 113 5.3.5 Shell Placement Algorithm Deck shell elements are placed by iteratively searching through the deck node dimension of the node array starting with node [1, 1, 3]; the algorithm searches the local space where the current node is in array index [i, j, 3] with {i = 1, j = 1} and looks at indices [i+1, j, 3], [i+1, j+1, 3], and [i, j+1, 3]. Deck shell elements are placed according to which bins in the array contain node index numbers and may be either three- or four- sided shell elements. The algorithm then moves to the [i+1, j, 3] node and repeats the same process where {i = i+1}. After completing an entire row in the array the algorithm moves to {i = 1, j = j+1} and repeats the process. Sidewalk shell elements are placed in the same manner beginning with node [1, 1, 2]. 5.4 5.4.1 Property Assignment Shell Elements Deck and Sidewalks Deck and sidewalk shell elements are assigned the material properties given in Table 5.1. 114 Table 5.1. Deck and Sidewalk Concrete Material Property Assignment 5.4.2 Material Property Value Modulus Variable Poisson’s Ratio 0.2 Density 0.0868 lb/in3 Viscous Damping 0 Damping Ratio 0 Thermal Expansion 5.556x10-6 /F Beam Elements All beam elements using rolled sections are based on standard AISC steel sections. This includes girders using wide-flange sections and diaphragms using either angle sections or channel sections. Dimensions are taken from the AISC Steel Construction Manual Shapes Database V14.1 and are used in accordance with the AISC Naming Conventions for Structural Steel Products for Use in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). (AISC 2015) (AISC 2001) Girders Rolled girders are AISC W-shapes and assigned material properties given in Table 5.2 and section properties in Table 5.3. Built-up, or welded girders, are doubly symmetric I-shape sections that are assigned total depth, web thickness, flange thickness, and flange width. For both types of sections section properties are calculated with the exception of Area for rolled sections. For sections with cover-plates, the flange thickness (tf), includes the thickness of the flange and coverplate. Steel girders with shear deflection turned “off” have shear area set to an arbitrarily high value. 115 Table 5.2. Girder Steel Material Property Assignment Material Property Value Modulus 2.9x107 psi Poisson’s Ratio 0.25 Density 0.2836 lb/in3 Viscous Damping 0 Damping Ratio 0 Thermal Expansion 6.5x10-6 /F Table 5.3. Girder Steel Section Property Assignment Section Property Equation Section Area From ASIC Manual or Calculated I11 I22 J 3 2𝑡𝑡𝑓𝑓 𝑏𝑏𝑓𝑓3 − �𝑑𝑑 − 2𝑡𝑡𝑓𝑓 � (𝑏𝑏𝑓𝑓 − 𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 ) − 𝐴𝐴𝑥𝑥̅ 2 3 2 𝑏𝑏𝑓𝑓 𝑑𝑑3 + �𝑑𝑑 − 2𝑡𝑡𝑓𝑓 �𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 12 3 𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 �𝑑𝑑 − 2𝑡𝑡𝑓𝑓 � + 2𝑏𝑏𝑓𝑓 𝑡𝑡𝑓𝑓3 3 −𝐴𝐴 4 Shear L1 𝑑𝑑 2 Shear L2 Shear A1 Shear A2 𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 or 1x106 5 𝑏𝑏 𝑡𝑡 3 𝑓𝑓 𝑓𝑓 or 1x106 116 Diaphragms Diaphragms are either AISC C-shapes or L-shapes and assigned a steel material property with Table 5.4 and section properties with Table 5.5 and Table 5.6. Table 5.4. Diaphragm Steel Material Property Assignment Material Property Value Modulus 2.9x107 psi Poisson’s Ratio 0.25 Density 0.2836 lb/in3 Viscous Damping 0 Damping Ratio 0 Thermal Expansion 6.5x10-6 /F 117 Table 5.5. Diaphragm Channel Section Property Assignment Section Property Equation Section Area From ASIC Manual I11 I22 J Shear L1 Shear L2 Shear A1 Shear A2 3 2𝑡𝑡𝑓𝑓 𝑏𝑏𝑓𝑓3 − �𝑑𝑑 − 2𝑡𝑡𝑓𝑓 � (𝑏𝑏𝑓𝑓 − 𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 ) − 𝐴𝐴𝑥𝑥̅ 2 3 2 𝑏𝑏𝑓𝑓 𝑑𝑑3 + �𝑑𝑑 − 2𝑡𝑡𝑓𝑓 �𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 12 3 𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 �𝑑𝑑 − 2𝑡𝑡𝑓𝑓 � + 2𝑏𝑏𝑓𝑓 𝑡𝑡𝑓𝑓3 3 −𝐴𝐴 4 𝑑𝑑 2 𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 5 𝑏𝑏 𝑡𝑡 3 𝑓𝑓 𝑓𝑓 118 Table 5.6. Diaphragm Angle Section Property Assignment Section Property Equation Section Area From ASIC Manual I11 I22 J Shear L1 Shear L2 Shear A1 Shear A2 1 (𝑡𝑡(𝐵𝐵 − 𝑥𝑥̅ )3 + 𝑑𝑑𝑥𝑥̅ 3 ) − (𝑑𝑑 − 𝑡𝑡)(𝑥𝑥̅ − 𝑡𝑡)3 ) 3 1 (𝑡𝑡(𝑑𝑑 − 𝑦𝑦�)3 + 𝐵𝐵𝑦𝑦� 3 ) − (𝐵𝐵 − 𝑡𝑡)(𝑦𝑦� − 𝑡𝑡)3 ) 3 3 𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝑤𝑤 + (𝑑𝑑 − 𝑡𝑡)𝑡𝑡𝑓𝑓3 3 𝑡𝑡 2 𝑡𝑡 2 2 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 3 2 𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵 3 Barriers Barriers are given the material properties found in Table 5.7 and section properties in Table 5.8. 119 Table 5.7. Barrier Concrete Material Property Assignment Material Property Value Modulus Variable Poisson’s Ratio 0.2 Density 0.0868 lb/in3 Viscous Damping 0 Damping Ratio 0 Thermal Expansion 5.556x10-6 /F Table 5.8. Barrier Rectangular Section Property Assignment Section Property Equation Section Area 𝑏𝑏ℎ I11 I22 J Shear L1 Shear L2 Shear A1 Shear A2 𝑏𝑏ℎ^3 12 ℎ𝑏𝑏^3 12 3 𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 3 −𝐴𝐴 4 𝑑𝑑 2 𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡𝑤𝑤 5 𝑏𝑏 𝑡𝑡 3 𝑓𝑓 𝑓𝑓 120 5.4.3 Composite Action Elements Composite action elements are two-node beam elements with steel material properties (Table 5.9) and section properties set to an arbitrarily high value except for moment of inertia about the global transverse axis (Table 5.10). I22 is set to either an arbitrarily high value to enforce complete composite action or set to a lower value, determined with sensitivity analysis, to modulate the degree of composite action. Table 5.9. Composite Action Element Steel Material Property Assignment Material Property Value Modulus 2.9x107 psi Poisson’s Ratio 0.25 Density 0.2836 lb/in3 Viscous Damping 0 Damping Ratio 0 Thermal Expansion 6.5x10-6 /F 121 Table 5.10. Composite Section Property Assignment Section Property Section Area I11 I22 J Shear L1 Shear L2 Shear A1 Shear A2 Equation 1𝑥𝑥107 1𝑥𝑥107 𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉 1𝑥𝑥107 1𝑥𝑥107 1𝑥𝑥107 1𝑥𝑥107 1𝑥𝑥107 A two beam model was constructed to investigate the effect of using a beam element for composite action. The beam element was given the properties shown in Table 5.10. The moment of inertia about the transverse axis, I22, was adjusted on a logarithmic scale to determine the sensitivity and stability of the model to a AASHTO LRFD live load truck and lane combination (Figure 5.15 and Table 5.11) as well as the sensitivity of live load distribution. Adjusting the moment of inertia proved effective in changing the live load in both beam under the load path (Beam 1) as well as the adjacent beam. The same study was carried out for a single point load of 80 kips over mid-span of the right beam (Beam 1) and showed a similar effect and stability. 122 Figure 5.14. Two-Beam Model with Live Load Combination Applied Live Load Moment [kip-fit] -14000.00 -12000.00 -10000.00 -8000.00 Beam 1 -6000.00 Beam 2 -4000.00 -2000.00 0.00 0.00001 0.01 10 10000 10000000 Moment of Inertia [in4] Figure 5.15. Effect of Composite Action Beam Moment of Inertia on Live Load Moment and Live Load Distribution 123 Table 5.11. Sensitivity Study for Use of Moment of Inertia in Beam Elements as Composite Action Links Using Two-Beam Model Live Load Moment Absolute [kip-ft] I22 [in4] % Total Beam 1 Beam 2 Sum Beam 1 Beam 2 0.0001 -11430 -6397 -17827 64.12 35.88 0.001 -11076 -6108 -17184 64.46 35.54 0.01 -8930 -4452 -13381 66.73 33.27 0.1 -6026 -2450 -8476 71.09 28.91 1 -5186 -1987 -7174 72.30 27.70 10000000 -5062 -1920 -6983 72.50 27.50 Shear area was also studied for the same effects. Moment of inertia (I22) was set to 1x107 in4 shear area was adjusted on the same logarithmic scale (Table 5.12). strong agreement with the effects of using moment of inertia. Adjusting shear area showed 124 Table 5.12. Sensitivity Study for Use of Shear Area Adjustment in Beam Elements as Composite Action Links Using Two-Beam Model Live Load Moment Absolute [kip-ft] SA [in2] % Total Beam 1 Beam 2 Sum Beam 1 Beam 2 0.0001 -11430 -6377 -17807 64.12 35.77 0.001 -11129 -6131 -17260 64.76 35.68 0.01 -9923 -4633 -14555 74.15 34.62 0.1 -6180 -2523 -8703 72.91 29.76 1 -5230 -1993 -7223 72.91 27.78 10000000 -5047 -1919 -6966 72.28 27.48 Also investigated was the effect of adjusting both moment of inertia and shear area together. This resulted in no change in live load moment at the lower and upper bounds of the sensitive range and negligible changes in live load moment in the middle of the sensitive range. Deck modulus was also studied for its efficacy as a surrogate for composite action. Adjusting the deck modulus resulted in similar live load moment variation in the beams (Table 5.13). The effect on distribution of load between the beams was significantly more sensitive than when adjusting moment of inertia or shear area when deck modulus was at the lower bounds. 125 Table 5.13. Sensitivity Study for Use of Deck Modulus in Beam Elements as Composite Action Links Using Two-Beam Model Live Load Moment Absolute [kip-ft] % Total E [100 psi x 10x] Beam 1 Beam 2 Sum Beam 1 Beam 2 1 -17277 -2155 -19432 88.91 11.09 2 -17136 -2250 -19386 88.39 11.61 3 -16578 -2417 -18995 87.27 12.73 4 -13616 -2472 -16088 84.63 15.37 5 -7252 -1906 -9158 79.19 20.81 6 -3931 -2144 -6075 64.71 35.29 5.5 Verification of Automated Finite Element Modeling for the Study of Bias in the Single Line-Girder Model Multi-girder bridges have been commonly modeled using 2D grillage, 3D element-level models, shell element models, and solid element models. An archetypical multi-girder bridge was used to assess the trade-offs of various modeling approaches and select an appropriate model type. Specifically, this study examined various model forms, element types, boundary and continuity conditions, mesh size, results extraction approaches, etc. The objectives were to determine appropriate (in terms of both accuracy and efficiency) FE modeling approaches for multi-girder bridges. In order to investigate the efficacy of element-level and shell-element multi-girder bridge FE models, two benchmark structures were examined. First, a single 2-span continuous composite beam was modeled using both of the aforementioned methods. Second a multi-girder 126 system composed of two continuous beams with a contiguous deck as well as cross-bracing elements was studied to examine the modeling of transverse elements 5.5.1 Common Modeling Approaches For Multi-Girder Bridges The behavior of common multi-girder bridges is frequently simulated using a wide range modeling techniques. The following sections provide a brief overview of commonly used modeling approaches to provide context to the investigation at hand. Single Line Girder Method of Analysis This method is the most basic and commonly used approach for the design and performance evaluation of common bridge types within the U.S. This approach approximates structural phenomena through various equations to estimate the equivalent demands a single girder within the structural system will experience. As mentioned previously, this approach has been shown to under-estimate stiffness, but is generally conservative for the computation of dead and live load actions. 2D Grid Method of Analysis The 2D grid method borrows assumptions from the classical “plane grid” analysis method, and is sometimes referred to as a grillage model. The girders and diaphragms are modeled as beam elements having three degrees of freedom (DOF) per node – specifically, two rotational and one translational DOF, with no depth information being explicitly represented. The two rotational degrees of freedom capture each girders’ major axis bending and torsional response. The single translational degree of freedom captures the vertical displacements of the girder. With this method, all of the girders, diaphragms, and bearings are located at the same theoretical elevation 127 in the model. Such models only permit the computation of vertical displacements and rotations within the plane of the bridge model. 2D Frame Method of Analysis Similar to the 2D grid model, the 2D frame method of analysis ignores depth information. However, in this approach, the beam elements are equipped with six degrees of freedom at each node, three translational and three rotational. According to White et al. (2012), if there is no coupling between the degrees of freedom for the conventional 2D-grid and the three additional degrees of freedom, 2D-frame models actually do not provide any additional information beyond the ordinary 2D-grid solutions. That is, all of the displacements at the three additional nodal degrees of freedom will be zero, assuming gravity acts normal to the plane of the structure (i.e. the bridge does not have a significantly longitudinal slope). Element-Level Method of Analysis This type of model employs both one-dimensional (frame/beam elements) and two-dimensional elements (plate or shell elements) to model girders/diaphragms and the deck, respectively. Beam elements have either 2 or 3 nodes with 6 DOFs each. Plate/shell elements may have 3 (in the case of triangular elements), 4(in the case of rectangular elements), or up to 9 (in the case of 9-node rectangular shells) nodes with up to 6 DOFs each. In an effort to remain consistent with the three dimensional geometry of the structure, various link elements (to connect girders to the deck and diaphragm elements to the girders) and constraints (to simulate boundaries) are also employed. This model resolution is commonly termed “element-level” and is the most common class of 3D FE models employed for constructed systems (ASCE, 2013). The figure below shows a schematic illustrating how 3D geometry of the bridge is simulated using various elements and links. In an element level model a girder is discretized into 1D beam elements and the cross-sections are 128 applied through the definition of geometric constants (e.g. area, moment of inertia, etc.) to the finite elements. Beam Shell Rigid Link Beam Figure 5.16. 3D Geometric Element-Level Model Shell Element Method of Analysis The most significant distinction between element-level and shell element models of multi-girder bridges is that the beams in shell element models are discretized vertically, laterally, and longitudinally using shell elements. Conclusions An element-level FE model can reasonably simulate most bridge responses, it is not without its shortcomings, specifically: (1) an inability to effectively simulate warping deformation of girders (associated with torsion), and (2) an inability to simulate localized stresses (i.e. stress concentrations) associated with geometric discontinuities. While these shortcomings may be critical in the case of modeling specific construction sequences for complex bridges (White et al. 2012) and advanced fatigue/fracture assessment, they are not relevant for the global limits states to be investigated in this study. Modeling girders with shell elements, on the other hand, allows 129 for the accurate simulation of warping of the girders due to torsion. Computation time, model construction, and result extraction activities however, are more time consuming and more difficult than with element level models. While the element-level model resolution can reasonably simulate many actual bridge responses, it is not without its shortcomings. Specifically, the shortcomings include (1) an inability to effectively simulate the warping deformation (associated with torsion), and (2) an inability to simulate localized stresses (i.e. stress concentrations) associated with geometric discontinuities. While these shortcomings may be critical in the case of modeling specific construction sequences for complex bridges (White et al. 2012) and advanced fatigue/fracture assessment, they are not relevant for While an element-level FE model can reasonably simulate most bridge responses, it is not without its shortcomings, specifically: (1) an inability to effectively simulate warping deformation of girders (associated with torsion), and (2) an inability to simulate localized stresses (i.e. stress concentrations) associated with geometric discontinuities. While these shortcomings may be critical in the case of modeling specific construction sequences for complex bridges (White et al. 2012) and advanced fatigue/fracture assessment, they are not relevant for the global limits states to be investigated in this study. 5.5.2 Effects of Modeling Choice on Performance of Shell and Element Level Model Types A composite multi-girder modeling study was undertaken to investigate effect of modeling decisions on responses of interest. For the two modeling approaches examined, the following aspects were studied for response convergence and/or consistency with the behavior mechanisms being simulated: 1. Boundary conditions 130 2. Continuity Conditions 3. Model discretization 4. Results extraction methods 5. Beam-element shear deformation and response 6. Computational efficiency To examine these modeling aspects, the girder and deck responses for the two benchmark structures under dead load and support settlement were examined as described in Table 5.14. Table 5.15 provides the details of the benchmark structures. Table 5.14. Summary of Demands and Reponses Used in Benchmark Study Demand: Dead Load Demand: Support Settlement Deflection Total composite section (total fiber) stress Vertical reaction at the support Deck stress due to tension Member actions (shear, axial, moment) Table 5.15. Benchmark Model Details Type Element-level Element-level Shell Element Shell Element Number of Girders 1 2 1 2 Deck Thickness 8 in. 8 in. 8 in. 8 in. Total Deck Width 96 in. 96 in. 96 in. 96 in Span Length 960 in. 960 in. 960 in. 960 in. Girder Depth 21 in. 21 in. 21 in. 21 in. The models used in the investigation were made up of 2-node beam elements with 6 DOFs at each node, 3-node triangular shell elements with 6 DOFs at each node, and 4-node rectangular 131 shell elements with 6 DOFs at each node. The following sections provide results related to each of the modeling aspects examined within this study. Effects of Boundary and Continuity Conditions Boundary conditions for the element-level model were enforced by restricting all degrees of freedom except for rotation about the Z axis on each “pin” boundary, and all degrees of freedom except rotation about Z axis and translation in the X (longitudinal) axis on each “roller” boundary. Instead of placing the boundary restriction at the beam centroid, boundary nodes were placed at the bottom fiber of the beam section and rigid link elements were used to connect the beam element node to the boundary node. This boundary offset more closely mimics that of a real structure. Figure 5.17. Element-level Model Continuity and Boundary Conditions Girder/cross-bracing continuity was enforced for the two-girder models by the same rigid link construction. At each boundary as well as intermediate cross-bracing points, rigid links were 132 connected to nodes located at the top and bottom of the girder cross-section. Deck/girder continuity was connecting rigid links between the nodes located half at the top surface of the beam flange to the nodes of the deck shell elements located directly above. Boundary and continuity construction for a sample two-girder element-level model is shown in Figure 5.17 . Boundary conditions on the shell element model were enforced by restricting all degrees of freedom except for rotation about the Z axis on each “pin” boundary, and all degrees of freedom except rotation about Z axis and translation in the X axis on each “roller” boundary. Because shell element models are susceptible to local distortion due to point loads, rigid links were placed along the edge of each exterior shell element at each girder end, essentially rendering the crosssection at each boundary vertically rigid. Girder/cross-bracing continuity was enforced for the two-girder models by the same rigid link construction: at each boundary as well as intermediate cross-bracing points, rigid links were connected between each node in the girder cross-section. Deck/girder continuity was enforced by connecting rigid links between each node of the top flange shells and each node of the deck shells located directly above. Boundary and continuity construction for a sample two-girder shell element model may be seen in Figure 5.18. Figure 5.18. Shell Element Model Continuity and Boundary Conditions 133 Effects of Model Discretization Model discretization, or element size, was studied for both element-level and shell-element models to determine response convergence. Five levels of discretization were studied for the element-level models and three levels of discretization were studied for the shell-element models. Beam element sizes were given to the model building software as a target length. In the case of irregular geometry, skews, etc., the software will shorten or lengthen an element according to maximum and minimum element size criteria. No shell elements had an aspect ratio greater than 2:1, with most shell elements having an aspect ratio around 1:1. Table 5.16 provides the element sizes examined for both element-level and shell element models; the average element size is given as a length as well as the ratio of the beam depth to the element size. Figure 5.19, Figure 5.20, Figure 5.21, and Figure 5.22 show schematics of each model included within this study for both modeling approaches and both benchmark structures. Table 5.16. Element Sizes for Discretization Study Element-Level [in] 2.5” 5” 10” 20” 40” Element-Level [ratio] 8 4 2 1 0.5 Shell Element [in] 2.5” 5” 10” - Shell Element [ratio] 8 4 2 Early in the discretization study it was evident that shear deformation of the beam elements within the element-level models was producing divergent results in many load cases. Due to this, the discretization study was modified to include the effects of shear deformation on mesh size convergence. The following sections provide representative results from these studies. 134 Figure 5.19. Discretization Levels of Single-Girder Element-level Model 135 Figure 5.20. Discretization Levels of Two-Girder Element-level Model 136 Figure 5.21. Discretization Levels of Single Girder Shell Element Model 137 Figure 5.22. Discretization Levels for Two-Girder Shell Element Model Effect of Shear Deformation Calculation Element-level models are susceptible to mesh dependency due to the shear deformation of the beam elements. Discretization levels strongly influence the degree of composite action, and responses such as deformation under dead load as well as moment in the beam, axial force in the beam, and shear in the beam due to support settlement vary with mesh size. In order to assess the degree to which shear deformation causes divergence issues, a study was performed to compare the aforementioned responses when shear deformation in the beam elements was “turned” ON or OFF. In order to do this, the shear area of the beam element cross section was replaced with an artificially higher number (in the case of this study, 1x109 in2 was used). Beam elements were discretized to the sizes listed in the previous section. For plotting purposes, the element size to beam depth ratio is used instead of the absolute value. This provides a more 138 widely applicable metric for all future studies. It is the intention of this study to determine the relative element size that will provide a converged solution while also allowing for computational efficiency. Figure 5.23, Figure 5.24, Figure 5.25 illustrates the shear force, moment, and axial force in the girder versus relative element size in response to vertical settlement at one abutment, and indicates that that if shear deformation of the beam elements is considered, the results do not converge. In contrast, when shear deformation of the beam elements is ignored, convergence was observed at a beam depth to element length ratio of approximately four. In addition, when shear deformation of the beam elements is ignored, the shear force computed for the girders represents the majority of the shear force on the composite cross-section, which is consistent with the mechanics of materials solutions. The results presented here are derived the two-girder element-level models. The single girder model results were almost identical to these and are not shown. 3.000 Shear Force [k] 2.500 Shear Deformation OFF 2.000 1.500 Shear Deformation ON 1.000 0.500 0.000 0 5 10 15 Beam Depth/Element Length Figure 5.23. Effect of Shear Deformation Calculation on Shear Force Convergence as a Function of Beam Depth to Element Length Ratio Subject to Vertical Abutment Settlement in the Two-Girder Model 139 -430.000 Moment [k-in] -435.000 -440.000 Shear Deformation ON -445.000 -450.000 Shear Deformation OFF -455.000 -460.000 -465.000 -470.000 0 5 10 Beam Depth/Element Size 15 Figure 5.24. Effect of Shear Deformation Calculation on Moment Convergence as a Function of Beam Depth to Element Length Ratio Subject to Vertical Abutment Settlement in the Two-Girder Model -60.000 Axial Force [k] -60.500 -61.000 Shear Deformation ON -61.500 -62.000 Shear Deformation OFF -62.500 -63.000 -63.500 -64.000 0 5 10 15 Beam Depth/Element Length Figure 5.25. Effect of Shear Deformation Calculation on Axial Force Convergence as a Function of Beam Depth to Element Length Ratio Subject to Vertical Abutment Settlement in the Two-Girder Model 140 Figure 5.26, Figure 5.27, Figure 5.28 illustrates the shear force, moment, and axial force in the girder versus relative element size in response to a point load at mid-span in the center of the deck elements between the two girders. 10.000 9.000 Shear Force [k] 8.000 Shear Deformation OFF 7.000 6.000 5.000 Shear Deformation ON 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0.000 0 5 10 15 Beam Depth/Element Length Figure 5.26. Effect of Shear Deformation Calculation on Shear Force Convergence as a Function of Beam Depth to Element Length Ratio Subject to Point Load at Mid-Span in the Two-Girder Model 141 510.000 500.000 Moment [k-in] 490.000 Shear Deformation ON 480.000 470.000 Shear Deformation OFF 460.000 450.000 440.000 430.000 420.000 0 5 10 15 Beam Depth/Element Length Figure 5.27. Effect of Shear Deformation Calculation on Moment Convergence as a Function of Beam Depth to Element Length Ratio Subject to Point Load at Mid-Span in the Two-Girder Model 62.00 61.50 Shear Deformation OFF Axial Force [k] 61.00 60.50 Shear Deformation ON 60.00 59.50 59.00 0 5 10 15 Beam Depth/Element Length Figure 5.28. Effect of Shear Deformation Calculation on Axial Force Convergence as a Function of Beam Depth to Element Length Ratio Subject to Point Load at Mid-Span 142 5.5.3 Comparison of Results Convergence Agreement Between Shell Element and Element-Level Model Types This portion of the study examined the convergence of various responses for both element-level and shell element models and agreement between model types. Figure 5.29 shows convergence plots of deck stress for the element-level and shell element models. This figure illustrate three key points: (1) In the element-level model, with shear deformation ignored, deck stress converges at an element ratio of approximately four; (2) Ignoring shear deformation results in convergence at a coarser mesh size; and (3) There is good agreement (under 5%) between the element-level and shell element model. This agreement is slightly better when shear deformation of the beam elements is ignored. Effect of Mean Element Length on Deck Stress Under Vertical Settlement in Two-Girder Beam Element Model The other responses listed in Table 5.14 were also examined for both the element-level and shell element models, and the results were consistent with the trends shown in this section. Specifically, results convergence occurred around an element ratio of four, and ignoring shear deformation within the element-level model produced more consistent results with the shell element model. The results illustrating this can be found in Figure 5.29. 143 80.00 Maximum with Shear Def. Off 79.00 Maximum with Shear Def. ON Stress [psi] 78.00 Shell Element Maximum 77.00 Mean with Shear Def. Off 76.00 Mean with Shear Def. ON 75.00 74.00 Shell Element Mean 0 2 4 6 8 Beam Depth/Element Length Figure 5.29. Effect of Element Size on Deck Stress Under a Vertical Settlement in a TwoGirder Shell Element Model 5.5.4 Investigation of Automated Analysis and Results Extraction Methods In order to ensure reliable analysis for large groups of FE models, the requirements of extracting static load and displacement results in a repeatable and automated fashion through the API were investigated for element level and shell element models. Analysis times using different model types and discretization levels were also compared. Element-Level Model Results from the element-level models were extracted at the nodes above the center support. Stress results for the beam elements were computed using the calculated moment and the geometric constants that describe the cross-section. Shear in the beams were extracted in two ways: (1) It was taken as the shear within the beam element; (2) It was assumed to be equal to the 144 reaction at the support. The first method of extracting shear proved to be dependent on the mesh size, and thus was deemed unreliable. The second method was conservative (in that it assumed the total shear force on the cross-section was resisted by the girder alone) and this approach converged at the element aspect ratio of four. Deck stress over the center support was also computed based on the beam element response as opposed to directly extracted from the model. This was done to avoid the anomalous stress concentrations observed in the shell elements where the rigid links connect them to the beam elements. By assuming strain compatibility for the composite section, the nominal stresses in the deck were computed by calculating the strain diagram for the beam and extrapolating this to the top of the deck (and the transforming this to stress using the elastic modulus of concrete). Shell Element Model The shell element model investigation required that the normal and shear forces from each element were extracted and then summed to obtain various member actions (moment, axial, shear). Because each girder is made up of individual shell elements, there is no direct way to extract member actions. This is in contrast to the element level model, where member actions are solved for directly. Local stress concentrations are also an issue with shell elements. For example, Figure 5.30 shows examples of how localized loading (either through a support reaction, point load, or rigid link connection) causes local distortion and stress concentrations. Such responses are strongly meshdependent and are not realistic, since in the actual bridge structure such point loadings do not exist. As a result, when extracting results from shell elements, the analyst has to be careful to capture nominal responses and not those associated with these localized effects. This may be done by following Saint-Venant’s Principle, i.e., extracting results at a sufficient distance from the concentrated force. 145 (a) (b) Figure 5.30. Stress Contour in the Principle XX Direction in a Shell Element Model Due to Point Load at Mid-Span. (a) Deck (b) Beam Web Computational Efficiency A study was conducted in order to compare the computing time for element-level and shell element models. As shown in Figure 5.31, the shell elements were found to be much more computationally expensive (e.g. requiring 800% more time for modeling with an element ratio of four). While the absolute times for these models may appear small, this factor is critical when large sensitivity studies are carried out. 146 100.000 Double Girder Element-Level Time [sec] 10.000 Double Girder Shell-Element Single Girder Element-Level 1.000 Single Girder Shell-Element 0.100 0 2 4 6 8 Beam Depth/Element Length Figure 5.31. Computation Time as a Function of Element Discretization Level 5.5.5 Summary and Conclusions of the Composite Beam Modeling Study Based on the results of this modeling study, it is concluded that the element-level modeling approach (where the shear deformation of the beam elements is ignored) is the most appropriate for simulation of multi-girder bridges. In comparing the element-level modeling approach to the shell element modelling approach, the following observations were made: 1. The different approaches provided consistent results (approximately 5% difference) for the demands and responses examined 2. Both modeling approaches converged at element ratios of approximately four (when the shear deformation of the beam elements was ignored) 3. The element-level model allowed for easier and more consistent results extraction approaches 147 4. The element-level modeling approach required less 15% of the computational time required by the equivalent shell element modelling approach 5.5.6 Final Investigation into Model Form Using Benchmark Full-Bridge Models To extend the element-level model selected through the study in the previous section to complete bridge systems, an additional mesh sensitivity study is required. This study was carried out on a two-span continuous benchmark multi-girder bridge with 100 ft. spans. Since a 1:1 aspect ratio for shell elements was desired, a girder spacing of 10 ft. (which is a factor of the span length) was selected. The skew was set to zero to eliminate variably sized deck elements and to avoid nonrectangular elements. Boundary conditions were defined so as to provide the least restraint possible. This was achieved by restraining all supports in the vertical direction, restraining the exterior girders in the longitudinal direction at one abutment, and restraining the central girder in the transverse direction at that same abutment. In this manner local self-equilibrating forces were avoided. Figure 5.32. Restrained Boundary Degrees of Freedom 148 Shear deformation was turned off by drastically increasing the shear area of the girders. As shown in the previously presented benchmark study, shear cannot be accurately modeled with beam elements and this change will have little effect on moment and axial forces. Shear forces will be determined directly from the support reactions. The bridge was designed with five 45 in. deep beams of 36 ksi steel. As used with the single and dual-girder composite models, an 8 in. deep concrete deck was connected to the girders through the use of rigid links to enforce composite action. Diaphragms were placed every 20 ft. Girders and barriers were modeled as beam elements with the dimensions shown in Figure 5.31. The deck and sidewalk were modeled as shell elements. Figure 5.33. Steel W-Shape (I-Beam) Figure 5.34. Typical Multi-Girder Bridge Cross Section 149 Six levels of discretization were investigated, including 60 in., 30 in., 15 in., 12 in., 10 in., and 6 in. A separate model was created for each, with all other geometry and properties remaining constant. These models were analyzed under three loading cases: dead load, a point load, and a settlement. The dead load was based upon the material densities and geometry. A single point load of 32 kips was applied over the center girder 40 feet from the abutment. The vertical settlement was applied to each girder at the abutment and was set to one inch. Linear static analysis was performed on each of these models under the three loading scenarios using Strand7 FE software. Moment and axial forces, as well as reactions were recorded for comparison. These results were located in the exterior and central girders over the center pier for dead load and settlement member actions. Under the point load, member actions of the center girder were recorded at the location of the applied point force. The reactions for the load scenarios were taken at the abutments. Results of this study revealed that a girder spacing to mesh size ratio of ten (corresponding to a 12 in. discretization) provides convergence, with any further refinement not significantly effecting the results. Figure 5.35, Figure 5.36, and Figure 5.37 illustrate this convergence by providing a sample of the results obtained. As can be seen from these figures, the percentage differences quickly fall below one percent, thus indicating that little is gained from the increased discretization. As a result of this study it is concluded that a girder spacing to mesh size ratio of ten is more than sufficient to provide convergence of straight bridge. 150 1.8% 1.6% Moment Ext Percent Change 1.4% Moment Int 1.2% Axial Ext 1.0% Axial Int 0.8% Reaction Ext 0.6% Reaction Int 0.4% 0.2% 0.0% 0 5 10 15 Girder Spacing/Mesh Size 20 25 Figure 5.35. Percent Change in Response to Support Settlement with Decreasing Mesh Size 8% Percent Change 7% 6% Moment Ext 5% Moment Int Axial Ext 4% Axial Int Reaction Ext 3% Reaction Int 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 Girder Spacing/Mesh Size 20 25 Figure 5.36. Percent Change in Response to Dead Load with Decreasing Mesh Size 151 5.0% 4.5% 4.0% Percent Change 3.5% 3.0% Moment 2.5% Axial 2.0% Reaction 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0 5 10 15 20 25 Girder Spacing/Mesh Size Figure 5.37. Percent Change in Response to Point Load with Decreasing Mesh Size Conclusions Through a comparison of both single and two-girder element level and shell element model systems, it was determined that the element-level model was the best choice for the large parametric study. This conclusion was based on (1) the good agreement (approximately 5% difference) between the element-level model and the more refined shell element model, (2) the more straightforward manner in which results may be extracted from the element-level model, and (3) the drastically reduced computational time associated with the element-level model. In addition, to the selection of the general model approach, the multi-girder modeling studies also provided insight into various implementation strategies for the element-level model. In particular, the following modeling strategies are recommended for the large parametric study: 152 • Shear deformation of the beam elements within the element-level models should be ignored to ensure proper convergence of results. • Boundary conditions that provide minimum restraint (such as those detailed in earlier in this chapter) should be used to minimize extraneous inputs associated with local, selfequilibrating forces. • Support reactions should be used to conservatively estimate the shear force in the girders, as the computed shear force in the beam elements is mesh dependent. • Deck stresses should be approximated by extrapolating the strain in the girders to the top of the deck to avoid local stress concentrations exist in the vicinity of rigid links. • Analysis methods and results extraction that eliminates concerns over shear deformation sensitivity are to be preferred. Using web girder area and vertical support reaction to estimate shear forces in steel girders is preferred. Deck stresses due to tension should be approximated from total composite section stress using interpolation and plane sections assumptions. 153 6. Automated Finite Element A nalysis and Simulation This chapter presents methods for the automated analysis and load rating of finite element models developed using software described in the preceding chapters. Load application, results extraction, and the computation of AAHSTO Load and Resistance Factor Rating Factors and resultant tolerable support movements are detailed for simply supported and two-span continuous steel multi-girder bridges. 6.1 Introduction AASHTO LRFD load rating is achieved using a semi-automated load application, response extraction, and rating computation tool developed using Matlab and the Strand7 Application Programming Interface (API). A 3D geometric element level FE model is used as analysis model to calculate demands on structural members. The capacity of each member is derived from the AASHTO LRFR code and is the same capacity used in this research in LRFD girder design (Chapter 4). This chapter presents the methods by which FE models are utilized for dead load, live load, and support movement simulation. It also presents the methods for extracting member responses, processing results, and computing AASHTO live load rating. The FE rating software analyzes the FE model for applied dead and live loads by selectively turning “on” or “off” the mass and stiffness of various elements and applying point loads to targeted areas on the model. The loads are analyzed using the linear static solver in Strand7. The responses at critical locations are extracted from the FE model and combined as per the AASHTO MBE to develop rating factors for each applicable limit state. 154 6.2 Load Application The load rating software applies forces and adjusts parameter stiffness values to simulate dead and live load conditions. Deck concrete, girder steel, and diaphragm dead load is simulated by turning off the deck shell element stiffness and barrier and sidewalk stiffness and mass. Superimposed dead load is simulated by turning off deck concrete, girder steel and diaphragm steel mass and by turning on barrier and sidewalk concrete mass while keeping barrier and sidewalk stiffness off. Dead load due to additional components such as a deck overlay is then simulated by turning the mass off and stiffness on all structural elements and barriers and sidewalks. Live load is simulated by applying vertical point loads to deck shell element. Truck point loads are placed on deck shell elements. Lane loads are simulated by placing point loads over a lane patch. Member and node responses are extracted from the model. The following outline lists the steps required for load application. 1. Optional new parameters assigned 2. Dead Load 2.1. Load Application 2.1.1. Due to self-weight at time of deck pour Deck weight Girder weight Diaphragm weight Deck stiffness turned off 2.1.2. Due to self-weight after deck has cured Sidewalk weight Barrier weight Sidewalk stiffness turned off Barrier stiffness turned off 2.1.3. Due to self-weight of additional components 155 Wearing Surface as point masses 3. Live Load 3.1. Load Application 3.1.1. Truck Loads (each individually) 12’ lanes Wheel point loads two feet from lane boundary Three transverse lane positions Positioned longitudinally for maximum effect 3.1.2. Lane Loads Point loads at each node within 10’ wide load path Sum to AASHTO specified load 6.2.1 Dead Load The given model is first analyzed under the dead load case. Three separate dead load cases are analyzed separately as shown in Table 6.1. The first is due to the self-weight of all the components existing at the time the deck is poured including the weight of the deck. For this analysis the stiffness of the deck is not considered because the deck concrete would not yet have cured. The second case includes the self-weight of only those components that come after the deck, specifically the sidewalks and barriers. Again, the stiffness of these components is not considered, as the bridge experiences this load before the concrete of these components has cured. The final dead load case is only analyzed when there are additional components that are later added to the bridge, such as a wearing surface, that could be supported in part by the sidewalks and barriers. If a wearing surface is to be included in the rating, the additional mass is modeled as point masses on the deck nodes. The magnitude of these point masses corresponds to the mass of the pavement occupying the tributary area surrounding the node. 156 Table 6.1. Dead Load Stage Parameter Modifications Stage Parameter Modifications Deck Girder 1 Dead Load Diaphragm Barriers and Sidewalks Deck Girder 2 Superimposed Dead Load Diaphragm Barriers and Sidewalks Deck 3 Additional Components Dead Load Girder Diaphragm Barriers and Sidewalks Stiffness Off Weight On Stiffness On Weight On Stiffness On Weight On Stiffness Off Weight Off Stiffness On Weight Off Stiffness On Weight Off Stiffness On Weight Off Stiffness Off Weight On Stiffness On Weight Off Stiffness On Weight Off Stiffness On Weight Off Stiffness On Weight Off 157 6.2.2 Live Load Definition of Truck and Lane Loads The model is analyzed for live load by positioning truck and lane loads in individual lanes and . Both of these load types are positioned in lanes. Only loading corresponding to a single truck or single lane load is analyzed at a time. In this way the results can be investigated under all possible load combinations (through superposition) to identify the “worst case” loading scenario. The truck loads consist of six point loads corresponding to each tire group and with magnitudes defined by AASHTO as shown in Table 6.2. The lane loads are defined by AASHTO and are modeled as point loads distributed to the deck nodes such that the sum of the point loads equals the total load prescribed by AASHTO’s specified uniform load. 158 Table 6.2. Live Load Application Types Live Load Type Details 1. HL-93 Design Truck 2. Wheel loads as point loads on shell element surface 3. Placed transversely within lanes to maximize loading for Truck Load interior and exterior girders 4. Placed to longitudinally maximize to moments and shear 1. 640 lb/ft distributed over a 10’ width Lane Load 2. Point loads on deck nodes 3. Placed in center of lane Transverse Load Positioning The number of lanes is determined by the road width such that the maximum number of complete 12’ wide lanes is assigned. If the number of 12’ lanes that fit onto the deck is less than two, the software tries to fit two lanes with widths between 10’ and 12’. If the deck cannot fit two 10’ lanes, one 12’ lane is used (See Table 6.3). Lanes are apportioned to the model and are placed 159 in three positions: centered, shifted to the extreme right, and shifted to the extreme left (Figure 6.1). Table 6.3. Load Rating Lanes Deck Width Number of Lanes Lane Width > 24’ Width/12’ (rounded down to nearest whole number) 12’ 20’ <= w <= 24’ 2 w/2 < 20’ 1 12’ The truck loads are positioned in the center of the lanes, as well as shifted to either side to within two feet of the edge of the lane as per the AASHTO MBE (Figure 6.1). Lane loads are positioned in a 10’ load path at the center of the lane. Figure 6.1. Transverse Lane Positions 160 Longitudinal Truck and Load Placement The magnitude and spatial distribution of truck and lane loads are defined by the AASHTO LRFD Specifications. Truck loads consist of six point loads corresponding to each tire group. Per the AASHTO LRFD Specifications, trucks are placed to maximize moments and shear as shown in Figure 6.2 and Figure 6.3. Trucks are placed only facing one direction. This produces the greatest responses in all transversely symmetric (symmetric about the centerline) bridges. Dual trucks are run facing in opposite direction to result in the largest negative moment over the pier in two-span continuous structures. Table 6.4 details the longitudinal placement of each truck along the span. 161 Table 6.4. Demand and Truck Load Locations Demand Truck Location Continuity Type Affected Skew Types Affected Abutment Shear Rear Axle Over Abutment Simply Supported and Two-Span Continuous Non-skewed Abutment Shear Closest Rear Wheel Over Abutment Simply Supported and Two-Span Continuous Skewed Pier Shear Rear Axle Over Pier Two-Span Continuous Non-Skewed Pier Shear Centerline of Truck and Rear Axle Over Pier Line Two-Span Continuous Skewed Positive Bending Centroid of Truck at 0.5 L Simply Supported Skewed and Non-skewed Positive Bending Centroid of Truck at 0.4 L or 0.6 L Two-Span Continuous Skewed and Non-skewed Negative Bending Centroid of Truck Over Pier Two-Span Continuous Skewed and Non-skewed Negative Bending Centroid of Dual Trucks Over Pier Two-Span Continuous Skewed and Non-skewed The lane loads are modeled as point loads distributed to the deck nodes such that the sum of the point loads equals the total load prescribed by AASHTO’s specified uniform load. Each load case (corresponding to a single truck or single lane load) is analyzed individually. The results are then combined to investigate all possible live load combinations in order to capture the “worst case” loading scenario. Figure 6.1 through Figure 6.3 depict truck and lane load positioning for simply supported as well as two-span continuous bridges. Figure 6.4 through Figure 6.6 illustrate the point load positioning on the FE model deck shell elements. 162 Figure 6.2. Truck Positions for Simply Supported Bridges 163 Figure 6.3. Truck positions for Two-span Continuous Bridges 164 Figure 6.4. Truck Point Loads on FE Model Shell Element Faces Figure 6.5. Lane Point Loads on FE Model Shell Element Vertex Nodes 165 Figure 6.6. Simulated Load Combination. Actual Load Combinations are Calculated Using Superimposed Results 6.2.3 Support Movement Two types of support movement have been coded in the software for static load analysis. The two support movement types are summarized in Table 6.5. 166 Table 6.5. Support Movement Types Bridge Configuration Support Movement Considered Simple Spans – For support movements that induce forces. Transverse Rotation – about an axis longitudinal to the bridge. Representation Vertical Translation Continuous Spans – For all support movements Transverse Rotation – about an axis longitudinal to the bridge Super-structure tolerance to longitudinal translation and longitudinal rotation of supports is closely related to the Service I limit state. The two types of support movement considered are vertical translation and transverse rotation about the longitudinal axis. Two-span continuous bridges are subject to responses from vertical translation and transverse rotation occurring at the abutment and at the pier. Both abutments are analyzed for settlement. This is due to the nature of the live load rating software. Truck loads are run in one direction only. For non-skewed bridges the support settlement may be run on either end of the bridge to obtain the greatest superposition of forces from live load and settlement. Skewed bridges, however, are non-symmetric about the longitudinal axis and therefore must be analyzed for tolerable support settlement by moving both abutments. For this same reason, simply supported bridges are analyzed with transverse rotation at both abutments. 167 Vertical translation of a support was simulated in the model by applying a unit translation in the vertical downward direction to each bearing node at the support location of interest. For transverse rotation, the first bearing node is held stationary. A vertical translation is then applied to subsequent nodes in increments until a maximum unit vertical translation is applied at the last node. Two cases were analyzed for transverse rotation. The first analyzed rotation in the clockwise direction by holding the left most bearing node stationary and settling the right side of the support (Figure 6.7). The second analyzed rotation in the counterclockwise direction by holding the right most bearing node stationary and settling the left side of the support (Figure 6.8). 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 Figure 6.7. “Clockwise” Transverse Rotation Support Movement 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 Figure 6.8. “Counter-Clockwise” Transverse Rotation Support Movement 168 6.3 6.3.1 Results Extraction Response Locations of Interest Response locations of interest refer to the likely points of critical response along a member. The responses for beam element forces are recorded along the entire member however certain “zones” or locations of interest for specific types of responses are analyzed as a filtering step. Load rating and settlement response locations, while intrinsically linked due to tolerable support movements including rating factors, will have different locations for interest. The critical response in a member due to some support movements may be located in a location other than that of the limiting rating factor. These locations of interest are a range of values for length along the entire structure. For example, the negative moment region of interest for two-span continuous bridges is approximately 20% of the span length on either side of the pier. The maximum negative moment due to dead and live load effects is located directly over the pier, and most support settlements will also result in maximum forces over the pier. It is unknown, however, if the superposition of different live load and settlement forces for a highly skewed bridge or a bridge with certain diaphragm configurations will result in the location for all critical limit states to be directly over the pier. This filtering step prevents local spikes in responses due to the model form from polluting rating or tolerable support results. It also condenses large amounts of data into smaller memory requirements for large population studies. 169 Table 6.6. Response Types and Locations of Interest Response Type Response Location Continuity Type Affected Load Rating Shear Rating Abutment Simply Supported and Two-Span Continuous Load Rating Positive Moment Rating Mid-span Simply Supported Load Rating Shear Rating Pier Two-Span Continuous Load Rating Negative Moment Rating Centerline of Truck and Rear Axle Over Pier Line Two-Span Continuous Tolerable Settlement Shear Abutment Simply Supported and Two-Span Continuous Tolerable Settlement Shear Pier Two-Span Continuous Tolerable Settlement Positive Moment Mid-span Two-Span Continuous Tolerable Settlement Negative Moment Pier Two-Span Continuous For simple span bridges, only a single boundary condition (pinned-free) is considered. A transverse rotation of a single abutment about the longitudinal axis of the bridge induces shear in the beams and negative moment in beams. The negative moment in the beams counteracts any dead and live load forces. For this reason only shear over the abutments is considered for tolerable settlement analysis. Live loads ratings for positive moment are analyzed at the midspan region for positive moment while shear rating are analyzed at the supports. 170 For two-span continuous bridges, the settlement response locations of interest are dependent on the location of the support movement (i.e. movement of the abutment, movement of the pier) and location of truck loads. Live load rating response locations are located over the pier for negative moment and shear while positive moment is located in a mid-span region. The limiting rating factor for all two-span bridges in located in the negative moment region however the rating for positive moment is investigated due to its requirement for the settlement study. The schematic representations of a two-span continuous bridge in the Figure 6.9 and Figure 6.10 depict the locations of interest for the two support movement types examined this quarter. Table 6.7. Support Movement Locations and Resultant Response Locations of Interest Bridge Configuration Support Movement Considered Support Movement Location Response Location Response Type Simple Spans – For support movements that induce forces. Transverse Rotation – about an axis longitudinal to the bridge. Abutment Abutment Shear Abutment Pier Shear and Moment Mid-span Moment Abutment Shear Pier Shear and Moment Mid-span Moment Abutment Shear Vertical Translation Continuous Spans – For all support movements Transverse Rotation – about an axis longitudinal to the bridge Pier Abutment Pier 171 Movement of the abutment induces a negative moment in the structure for each support movement type. This serves to decrease the positive moment in regions between the supports caused by dead load and live load, while increasing the negative moment in the region over the interior pier. Further, the abutments experience an uplift reaction force, reducing shear demand in those locations, while the reaction at the pier increases shear in that location. Given these observations, the response location of interest for all settlement types occurring at the abutment is the region over the pier, as shown in Figure 6.9. Figure 6.9. Response Locations of Interest for Support Movements Occurring at the Abutment. Downward movement of the pier induces a positive moment in the structure for each support movement type. This serves to decrease the negative moment over the support caused by dead load and live load, while increasing the positive moment in all other regions. Bending responses are considered in the regions where the structure experiences maximum dead load and live load demand as shown in Figure 6.10. The pier experiences an uplift reaction force from the 172 downward support movement, reducing the shear demand over the pier; however, the reactions at the abutments increase due to support movement at the pier. Shear responses are considered at both abutments for all support movements occurring at the pier. Figure 6.10. Response Locations of Interest for Support Movements Occurring at the Pier. 6.3.2 Live Load and Dead Load Results Extraction Steps The live loads are also analyzed by a linear static solver. The results are recorded at the same points of interest described previously for dead load. These results, along with the dead load results are post processed to appropriately combine different loads and to apply various factors including load combination factors, multi-presence factors, and impact factors. Results are then filtered to return the maximum response for each girder and at each point of interest. The following outline details the analysis steps and what is extracted from the FE model. 173 1.1. Dead Load Analysis 1.1.1. Linear static solver 1.1.2. Results pulled over entire length of all beam elements Bending moment (in & out of plane) Axial Force 1.1.3. Results from support nodes Vertical Reaction 1.2. Live Load Analysis 1.2.1. Linear Static Solver 1.2.2. Results recorded along entire beam Bending moment (in & out of plane) Axial Force 1.2.3. Results recorded from support nodes Vertical Reaction 6.4 Computation of Rating Factors Load rating is performed by taking all analysis results and manipulating them to sum all possible truck and lane load combinations for all lanes, lane positions, and spans. Load combination and multi-presence factors are applied along with impact factors. The composite bending moment and composite total fiber stress is calculated using composite section properties and FE model demands. Rating factors for each beam along the entire span length are then computed using the calculated capacity and demands. The minimum load rating for each limit state is recorded and the location of the minimum rating factor is recorded. Table 6.8 shows the steps for load rating calculation. 174 Table 6.8. Load Factor Calculation Steps 1. Rating Factor Computation 1.1. Analyses Results Manipulated 1.1.1. Lane and truck load results are summed in all possible combinations 1.1.2. Factors applied Load Combination Multi-presence Impact 1.1.3. Composite moment calculated from bending moment and axial force 1.1.4. Stresses computed from internal forces using appropriate section moduli 1.1.5. Maximum responses recorded for each girder at every POI 1.2. Girder capacity determined 1.3. Rating factors computed 1.3.1. Steel (Inventory & Operating) Strength I – moment for compact sections; stress for noncompact Service II – stress 1.4. Minimum Rating Factor Located and Recorded 6.4.1 Member Response The composite moment is calculated by summing the bending moment in the beam element with the product of the axial force in the beam element and the sum of half the depth of the beam section property and half the depth of the deck (Equation 6.1). This assumes a linear and fully 175 composite planar composite section for both beam element and deck shell element. The superposition of the axial forces and bending moment is shown in Figure 6.11. 𝑀𝑀𝐶𝐶 = 𝑀𝑀 + 𝐹𝐹𝐴𝐴 𝑑𝑑𝐺𝐺 + 𝑡𝑡𝐷𝐷 2 6.1 Figure 6.11. Composite Section Stress Superposition Section total fiber stress is computed using the major axis and minor axis bending moments divided by their corresponding section moduli and axial force divided by the total area of steel obtained from the FE beam element (Equation 6.2). 𝜎𝜎𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 = 𝑀𝑀1 𝑀𝑀2 𝐹𝐹𝐴𝐴 + + 𝑆𝑆1 𝑆𝑆2 𝐴𝐴 6.2 176 Shear is calculated by using the conservative assumption that the entirety of shear stress in the composite section is carried by the girder web (Equation 6.3). The vertical reaction from each support node is extracted and used as a substitute for shear force. This assumption is further made conservative by the fact that in a FE model the reaction over the pier of a two-span continuous structure is equal to difference of the shear forces in the two adjacent beam elements. Because shear is a difficult quantity to measure at a nodal point in adjoining beam elements, the entirety of the vertical reaction is used. If the shear force in one of the adjacent beams were to be zero, the shear force in the second adjacent beam would be equal to the entirety of the reaction force. 𝜎𝜎𝑆𝑆 = 6.4.2 𝑅𝑅 𝐴𝐴𝑤𝑤 6.3 Load Rating Factors Rating factors are calculated using the AASHTO live load rating factor equation (Equation 6.4). The capacity used in calculating the load rating is dependent on the demand quantity used. When stresses are used as demands, the capacity is the yield strength of the steel. When composite moments are used as demands, the capacity is the nominal moment capacity of the composite section. 177 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 = 𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙 − 𝛾𝛾𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 𝛾𝛾𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 6.4 The limit states investigated by the load rating include Strength I and Service II. The quantities used in the load rating calculation for Strength I limit state are bending moments if the section is deemed compact by AASHTO standard. If the section is deemed non-compact, stresses are instead used. For calculation of the Service II load rating, stresses are always employed. The load ratings are computed for both limit states shown in Table 6.9 and for every point of interest on each girder using the listed load and resistance factors for Inventory and Operating rating. The minimum ratings for both limit states are located and reported as the overall bridge load ratings. Table 6.9. Load and Resistance Factor Rating Limit States γDL γLL (Inv) γLL (Op) Compact: Comp. Moment Non-compact: Stress 𝝓𝝓 1.00 1.25 1.75 1.35 Stress 0.95 1.00 1.30 1.0 Limit State Responses Strength I Service II 6.4.3 Tolerable Support Settlement Tolerable support movements (φs) are calculated for Strength I, Service II Limit States for bending and Strength I for shear using dead load (DL), live load (LL) and support movement demands. 178 The tolerable support movements for these three limit states are calculated using the Equations 6.5 through 6.7 below. For Strength I and Service II, the composite moment demands were obtained from the moment and axial forces within the beam elements of the FE model. Reactions for DL, LL and support movement are conservatively used in the calculation of tolerable support movement for shear. Tolerable Settlement Factor for the Strength I limit state (Equation 6.5): 𝜑𝜑𝑠𝑠_𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆1 = 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 − 1.25 ∗ 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 − 1.75 ∗ 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀 6.5 Tolerable Settlement Factor for the Service II limit state (Equation 6.6): 𝜑𝜑𝑠𝑠_𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆2 = 0.95 ∗ 𝐹𝐹𝑦𝑦 − 1.0 ∗ 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 − 1.3 ∗ 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀 6.6 Tolerable Settlement Factor for the Service A limit state (Equation 6.7): 𝜑𝜑𝑠𝑠_𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆1𝑉𝑉 = 𝑉𝑉𝑛𝑛 − 1.25 ∗ 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 − 1.75 ∗ 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑡𝑡 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀 6.7 178 7. Investigation of Inherent Bias in the AASHTO Single LineGirder Model for Steel Multi-Girder Bridges Presented in this chapter are the preliminary findings of research into the effect of bias and variability in the AASHTO single line-girder structural analysis model. First discussed are the qualifications for sample population convergence and acceptance. Following is a presentation of the variability and bias of the single line-girder model for simply supported structures; this section contains a discussion of the population single line-girder ratings, finite element model ratings, controlling girders, effects of diaphragm stiffness on load rating, and the ratio of finite element ratings and dead and live load moment demands to those predicted with the single line-girder model. An overview of results from the investigation into rating and tolerable support movement of two-span continuous structures is found at the end of the chapter. 7.1 Introduction Bridge design constraints - length, width, skew, girder spacing, and span length to girder depth ratio - were sampled to create a suite of likely geometries for common steel simply-supported multi-girder bridges. These parameters were then used to generate likely girder designs based on the LRFD single line-girder design methodology using automated girder design software developed as part of this research. Finite element models were constructed using automated software. These models were analyzed for dead load and live load, and AASHTO live load rating factors based on finite element analysis were developed in order to study the inherent bias between finite-element based live load ratings and single line-girder ratings. This chapter presents the findings of this research. 7.2 Sample Population Evaluation Figure 7.1 through Figure 7.3 show the sample space distribution for the continuous parameters for bridge Suites 1, 2, and 3. Suites 1 and 2 did not pass initial results convergence tests, therefore 179 a third suite was created. Suites 1 and 2 were combined and passed convergence tests when compared with the third suite. The mean girder design time per bridges was 11.5 seconds with a standard deviation of 12.57 (Figure 7.4). The mean number of iterations needed to design a girder was 2.45 with a standard deviation of 1.82 (Figure 7.5). Figure 7.1. Distribution of Sample Space for Continuous Parameters for Bridge Suite 1 180 Figure 7.2. Distribution of Sample Space for Continuous Parameters for Bridge Suite 2 181 Figure 7.3. Distribution of Sample Space for Continuous Parameters for Bridge Suite 3 182 Figure 7.4. Girder Design Time Figure 7.5. Number of Required Design Iterations to Achieve Solution 183 7.2.1 Results Convergence Results convergence was studied by comparing the cumulative density of the ratios of finite element rating factors to single line-girder rating factors for both Strength I and Service II LRFR rating limit states. The empirical cumulative density function (ECDF) for the ratios for each limit state were developed using the Matlab function ecdf. The ECDFs were first compared using a two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test with the Matlab function kstest2. The KS test returns the test decision for the null hypothesis that the data in two given vectors are from the same continuous distribution and returns the test decision 1 if the test rejects the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level (Chakravarti 1967). The twosample KS test is a nonparametric hypothesis test that evaluates the difference between the ECDFs of two distributions. The test statistic is (Equation 7.1): 𝐷𝐷∗ = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 ��𝐹𝐹�1 (𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 ) − 𝐹𝐹�2 (𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 )�� 1≤𝑖𝑖≤𝑁𝑁 7.1 Where 𝐹𝐹�1 (𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 ) and 𝐹𝐹�2 (𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 ) are the empirical distribution functions at each ordered data point xi of the first and second sample, respectively, and N is the total number of data points to be compared. Suites 1 and 2 were compared using the two-sample KS test and failed when comparing the FE to SLG rating factor ratios for the Service II limit state both with and without the inclusion of barrier stiffness for a total of four two-sample KS tests. 100 additional sets of bridge design parameters were sampled, and girders were sized for each sample. These 100 bridges, composing Suite 3, were then analyzed for live and dead load. An ECDF for the FE to SLG rating factors for Strength I and Service II limit states was then developed for Suite 3. This ECDF was compared to the 184 combined ECDF for Suites 1 and 2 and passed the two-sample KS test for both limit states. Figure 7.6through Figure 7.9 show the ECDFs for the combined Suites 1 and 2 and Suite 3. Figure 7.6. Suite 1, 2, and 3 Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Strength I Rating with Barrier Stiffness Off 185 Figure 7.7. Suite 1, 2, and 3 Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Strength I Rating with Barrier Stiffness On 186 Figure 7.8. Suite 1, 2, and 3 Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Service II Rating with Barrier Stiffness Off 187 Figure 7.9. Suite 1, 2, and 3 Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Service II Rating with Barrier Stiffness On The ECDFs for all three suites were compared using a quantile-quantile (q-q) plot. The q-q plot shows the distribution of two independent samples against each other; if the samples have close to the same distribution the plot will be linear. The adjusted R-squared value for residuals the qq plotted points when compared to the function f(x) = x were calculated. The error residuals were plotted underneath each q-q plot. The adjusted R-squared value is unity minus the ratio of the sum of squares of the error (SSE) (Equation 7.2) to the total sum of squares (SST) (Equation 7.3). 188 𝑛𝑛 2 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 = � 𝑤𝑤𝑖𝑖 (𝑦𝑦𝑖𝑖 − 𝑦𝑦�) 𝚤𝚤 7.2 𝑖𝑖=1 The SSE measures the total deviation of the response variable of the fit to the response variable of the data. 𝑛𝑛 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 = � 𝑤𝑤𝑖𝑖 (𝑦𝑦𝑖𝑖 − 𝑦𝑦�)2 7.3 𝑖𝑖=1 The SSR measures the total deviation of the response variables of the data to the mean of the data. The adjusted R-squared value (Equation 7.4) is the square of the correlation between the response values and the predicted response values. 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴. 𝑅𝑅𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 = 1 − 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆(𝑛𝑛 − 1) 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆(𝑣𝑣) 7.4 Where v = n – m, n is the number of response value data points and m is the number of coefficients fitted. When n >> m the adjusted r-squared value is approximately equal to the rsquared value. The adjusted R-squared values is on a scale from 0 – 1, with 1 indicating a better fit. If the r-squared value is less than 0 it indicates that the fit is worse than using a horizontal line. The RMSE value is the square root of the mean square error, which itself is the ratio of the SSE to v. RMSE is on scale from 0 – 1 with 1 indicating the worst fit. All four q-q plots had an adjusted R-squared valued greater than 0.85 with a 95% confidence interval with the largest disagreement between populations found at the upper tail of the distributions (Figure 7.10 through Figure 7.13). 189 Figure 7.10. Quantile-Quantile Plot of Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Strength I Rating with Barrier Stiffness On with Residual Error Bars 190 Figure 7.11. Quantile-Quantile Plot of Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Strength I Rating with Barrier Stiffness off with Residual Error Bars 191 Figure 7.12. Quantile-Quantile Plot of Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Service II Rating with Barrier Stiffness On with Residual Error Bars 192 Figure 7.13. Quantile-Quantile Plot of Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Ratio of FE to SLG LRFR Service II Rating with Barrier Stiffness off with Residual Error Bars 7.2.2 Linear Regression Analysis Rating factor bias and dead and live load moment demands for the sample bridge populations were observed for linear and polynomial trends using bivariate analysis. Rating factor bias and demands were investigated as a function of the independently sampled parameters: length, width, skew, girder spacing, and span length to girder depth ratio. Rating factor and demands were also studied for trends as a function of two dependent parameters: skew ratio and SLG distribution factors. Regression analysis, a commonly used method for curve fitting, allows for the estimation of the relationship between variables using an iterative approach that seeks to minimize some function, usually the sum of the squares of the residuals. One limit to this method is that it assumes the 193 predictors are linearly independent, however many of the configuration parameters that will be used for this portion of the study are interrelated. Linear or polynomic trends were fitted to each bivariate plot. The Matlab function fit was used to fit a polynomial up to the 3rd order (Matlab 2015). The fit function uses a regression analysis to minimize the least-squares error of each fitted polynomial. The option ‘Robust’ was used with the function to ignore outliers in the fitting process. Polynomials with coefficients that had 95% confidence intervals that spanned from negative to positive – implying non-zero probability that the coefficient could be zero or negligible – were not accepted. The accepted polynomials were compared using the RMSE as well as the adjusted R-squared value. A higher-order polynomial could only be chosen over a lower order polynomial if both the adjusted R-squared value as well as the RMSE were better than that calculated for the lower-order polynomial. 7.3 Population-Based Comparison of Single Line-Girder and Finite Element Model Demands for Simply Supported Structures 7.3.1 Single Line Girder Ratings Single line-girder (SLG) ratings were developed as part of the simulation of the AASHTO LRFD SLG design process. Figure 7.14 and Figure 7.16 show frequency plots for the SLG rating for interior and exterior girders. Horizontal whisker plots detailing the mean and standard deviation for each distribution are shown. Vertical lines mark the median value for each distribution. Plots marked with an asterisk indicate samples outside the bounds of the plot that were placed in the next lowest bin that lied within the plot bounds. Strength I limit state exhibits a slightly right-skewed distribution with a mean rating factor of 2.64 for interior girders and 2.99 for exterior girders with standard deviations of 0.61 and 0.68. Service II limit state exhibits a slightly right-skewed distribution with a mean rating factor of 2.69 for interior girders and 3.37 for exterior girders with standard deviations of 0.76 and 0.88. The inclusion of infinite fatigue life 194 in the design criteria raises the minimum controlling rating for any design above 1.5. Neglecting fatigue life criteria in design results in Strength I limit state rating factors of 1.32/1.26 with standard deviation 0.08/0.11; Service II SLG ratings have mean 1.00 with standard deviation 0. Neglecting fatigue life in design allows the optimization algorithm to find plate girder dimensions that exactly satisfy Service II criteria. Strength I Limit State Figure 7.14. Frequency of Single Line-Girder LRFR Strength I Rating 195 Strength I Limit State without Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria Figure 7.15. Frequency of Single Line-Girder LRFR Strength I Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 196 Service II Limit State Figure 7.16. Frequency of Single Line-Girder LRFR Service II Rating 197 Service II Limit State without Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria Figure 7.17. Frequency of Single Line-Girder LRFR Service II Rating 7.3.2 Finite Element Rating Controlling Girder – Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness Figure 7.18 through Figure 7.21 show frequency plots for the controlling girder from finite element (FE) ratings. Exterior girders control the majority of time for the Strength I limit states. Including barrier stiffness contributions in the Strength I rating factor results in almost all bridges having an exterior girder for controlling rating. Interior girders control in the majority of bridges 198 when barrier stiffness is not included for Service II rating factors. Inclusion of barrier stiffness contributions leads to exterior girders controlling in the majority of bridges for Service II ratings. Strength I Limit State Figure 7.18. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating Controlling Girder 199 Figure 7.19. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating Controlling Girder Order from Center Girder 200 Service II Limit State Figure 7.20. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating Controlling Girder Order from Center Girder without Inclusion of Out of Plane Moment 201 Figure 7.21. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating Controlling Girder Order from Center Girder without Inclusion of Out of Plane Moment 7.3.3 Finite Element Ratings – Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness Figure 7.22 and Figure 7.30 show frequency plots for the minimum FE rating for each bridge for LRFR Strength I and Service II limit states. Figure 7.23 and Figure 7.31 show frequency plots for the ratio of the minimum FE rating to the minimum SLG rating for each bridge for LRFR Strength I and Service II limit states. Figure 7.24 and Figure 7.32 show frequency plots for the ratio of the minimum FE rating to the minimum SLG rating for the interior girder of each bridge for LRFR Strength I and Service II limit states. Figure 7.25 and Figure 7.33 and show frequency plots for the ratio of the minimum FE rating to the minimum SLG rating for the exterior girder of each 202 bridge for LRFR Strength I and Service II limit states. Figure 7.34 shows the ratio for the Service II limit state to when out of plane bending is also included in stress demand analysis. Horizontal whisker plots detailing the mean and standard deviation for each distribution are shown. Vertical lines mark the median value for each distribution. Appendix B contains the FE to SLG rating ratio plots for Service II limit state when out of plane bending is included. Strength I Limit State The distribution of FE Strength I ratings factors is a normal distribution with a mean of 2.89 and 3.20 for barrier stiffness “off” and “on,” respectively. Inclusion of barrier stiffness contributions increases standard deviation from 0.53 to 0.71. The ratios of Strength I FE rating factor to SLG rating factor are normally distributed with means of 1.12 and 1.24 with standard deviation of 0.09 and 0.15. Interior girders exhibit a normal distribution of mean 1.24/1.30 and standard deviation 0.10/0.15 while exterior exhibit a normal distribution with mean 0.99/1.16 and standard deviation 0.11/0.22. 203 Figure 7.22. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating 204 Figure 7.23. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating 205 Figure 7.24. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Interior Girders 206 Figure 7.25. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Exterior Girders 207 Strength I Limit State without Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria Figure 7.26. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 208 Figure 7.27. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 209 Figure 7.28. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Interior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 210 Figure 7.29. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Exterior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria Service II Limit State The distribution of FE Service II ratings factors is slightly skewed left with a mean of 3.21 and 3.27 for barrier stiffness “off” and “on,” respectively. Inclusion of barrier stiffness contributions increases standard deviation from 0.82 to 0.99. The ratios of Service II FE rating factor to SLG rating factor are slightly skewed left with means of 1.21 and 1.30 with standard deviation of 0.08 and 0.13. Interior girders exhibit a normal distribution of mean 1.23/1.30 and standard deviation 0.10/0.13 while exterior girders exhibit both normal and slightly skewed left distributions with mean 1.04/1.26 and standard deviation 0.11/0.25. The frequency of the ratio of the FE ratings 211 when out of plane bending is not included (for normal Service II ratings) to when it is included shows no ratio less than unity (Figure 7.34). When barrier stiffness is not considered the distribution shows a large number of structures with no change (a high frequency at unity) and then a strongly right-skewed distribution. The total distribution has a mean of 1.05 and standard deviation of 0.06. Inclusion of barrier stiffness results in a strongly right-skewed distribution with no frequency spike at unity and a mean of 1.13 and standard deviation of 0.07. Figure 7.30. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating 212 Figure 7.31. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating 213 Figure 7.32. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Interior Girders 214 Figure 7.33. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Exterior Girders 215 Figure 7.34. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Finite Element Rating Including Out of Plane Bending Service II Limit State without Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria The distribution of FE Service II ratings factors is slightly skewed left with a mean of 1.30 and 1.47 for barrier stiffness “off” and “on,” respectively. Inclusion of barrier stiffness contributions increases standard deviation from 0.35 to 0.43. The ratios of Service II FE rating factor to SLG rating factor are slightly skewed left with means of 1.27 and 1.43 with standard deviation of 0.28 and 0.36. Interior girders exhibit a normal distribution of mean 1.25/1.38 and standard deviation 0.16/0.25 while exterior girders exhibit both normal and slightly skewed left distributions with mean 1.29/1.64 and standard deviation 0.30/0.46. 216 Figure 7.35. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 217 Figure 7.36. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 218 Figure 7.37. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Interior Girder Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 219 Figure 7.38. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Exterior Girder Service II Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 7.3.4 Effect of Diaphragm Stiffness on FE Rating Factors The effect of diaphragm stiffness on FE rating factors was studied for two populations of bridges created with the population modeling software. Diaphragms in the software are selected based solely on the slenderness ratio criteria outlined in the AASHTO design codes and the demands of lateral wind loads on the structure as discussed in Chapter 4. The effect of using only the minimum diaphragm size on FE rating factors was investigated in this research by analyzing the change in live load rating factors in a population of bridges after increasing the Young’s modulus 220 of the diaphragms. Placement of diaphragms along the length of the girder was also included in this study. This study was performed for bridges with a chevron or cross-bracing diaphragm configuration. Bridges with channel section diaphragms are designed using separate criteria and therefore were not good candidates for this study. Channel section diaphragms are chosen using the ratio of girder web depth to channel depth and bridges with this diaphragm type have shown greater mean FE to SLG rating factor ratios than those with other diaphragm configurations. 14% of the bridges in Suite I were designed using a channel section diaphragm. For bridges designed with fatigue life criteria, the mean FE to SLG rating factor ratio for bridges with channel section diaphragms is 1.20 and 1.29 for Strength I and Service II limit states, respectively, with standard deviations of 0.06 and 0.08. For bridges with angle section diaphragms designed to the minimum criteria given in the AASHTO LRFD code, the ratio has mean 1.11 and 1.19 for Strength I and Service II limit states, with standard deviations of 0.09 and 0.06. For bridges designed without fatigue life criteria, the mean FE to SLG rating factor ratio for bridges with channel section diaphragms is 1.29 and 1.32 for Strength I and Service II limit states, respectively, with standard deviations of 0.06 and 0.08. For bridges with angle section diaphragms designed to the minimum criteria given in the AASHTO LRFD code, the ratio has mean 1.13 and 1.26 for Strength I and Service II limit states, with standard deviations of 0.23 and 0.30. Normalizing Diaphragm Stiffness Contribution In order to study the effect of diaphragms on the ability of a structure to distribute dead and live loads, the increase in lateral stiffness of the diaphragms was normalized for each bridge by comparing the flexibility of the composite girder section to the flexibly of the diaphragm though 221 a simplified model. This conceptual model resulted in the creation of an effective flexibility ratio that quantifies the ratio of the longitudinal flexibility of a girder to the combined transverse and longitudinal flexibility of connected diaphragms and adjacent girders. The simplified model consists of three simply supported girders connected at mid-span with a single diaphragm section with a unit point load at the center girder at mid-span. Figure 7.39. Simplified Model for Diaphragm Flexibility Contribution The flexibility contribution of the center girder is assumed to be (Equation 6.2): 𝑓𝑓𝐺𝐺 = 𝐿𝐿3 48𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 7.5 With L as the span length and EI the flexural stiffness of the short term composite section. The flexibility of the connecting diaphragms and adjacent girders is assumed to be (Equation 7.6) 222 3 1 √𝑠𝑠 2 + 𝑑𝑑2 𝑓𝑓𝐷𝐷 = �𝑓𝑓𝐺𝐺 + � 2 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝑑𝑑 2 7.6 Where s is the girder spacing and d is the girder depth and AE the axial stiffness of the diaphragm angle section for cross-bracing configurations. S is taken as half the girder spacing for chevron bracing configurations. For structures with skew angle less than 20° the girder spacing is equal to the distance on center between girders multiplied by sin(θskew). It is also assumed that only a single diagonal of the diaphragm truss is takes the entire transverse load. The effective flexibility ratio of the center girder to the adjacent diaphragm/girder construction is (Equation 7.7): 𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 = 𝑓𝑓𝐺𝐺 𝑓𝑓𝐷𝐷 7.7 This term is modified for each structure by according to the distance of the nearest diaphragm row to mid-span (Equation 7.8): 𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 = 𝑓𝑓𝐺𝐺 𝑙𝑙𝐷𝐷 𝑓𝑓𝐷𝐷 7.8 223 Where lD is (Equation 7.9): 𝑙𝑙𝐷𝐷 = 1 − 𝑆𝑆𝐷𝐷 𝐿𝐿/2 And SD is the distance from mid-span to the nearest diaphragm row. 7.9 For bridges with diaphragms at mid-span lD equals zero. Case Study for Effective Flexibility Ratio Before investigating the effect of the effective flexibility ratio, feff, on a population of bridges, two structures were selected from Suite I for in-depth investigation. Two structures with skews less than 5° were chosen. The two structures were chosen for having a live load distribution factor that was either similar to or different from the theoretical minimum distribution factor. The theoretical minimum distribution factor is the number of lanes (the number of whole 12’ lanes that can fit in the clear distance between barriers) multiplied by the LRFR live load multipresence factor divided by the number of girders (Equation 7.10): 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 = 𝑓𝑓𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 𝑁𝑁𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 𝑁𝑁𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 7.10 These two structures were chosen to uncouple to the effect of the flexibility ratio from the distribution factor equations. No discernable trend was uncovered when comparing the ratio of 224 the theoretical minimum distribution factor to the ratio of FE to SLG live load rating for individual structures (Figure 7.40); however increasing the nominal diaphragm stiffness by 30X did appear to increase interior girder FE ratings and decrease exterior girder ratings on average (Figure 7.41). Table 7.1 details the effective flexibility ratio statistics for all populations. Table 7.1. Effective Flexibility Ratio for Bridges Suites 1 and 4 Bridge Suite feff Fatigue Diaphragm Design Stiffness Interior Girder Exterior Girder 1 Y 4 N 1 10 30 1 10 30 μ 1.422 1.654 1.675 1.536 1.687 1.701 σ 0.343 0.397 0.404 0.307 0.333 0.337 μ 0.711 0.827 0.838 0.768 0.844 0.850 σ 0.171 0.199 0.202 0.154 0.167 0.169 225 Figure 7.40. Ratio of FE to SLG Strength I Rating Factor as a Function of the Ratio of the Minimum Theoretical Distribution Factor to the Maximum Live Load Moment Distribution Factor with Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness 226 Figure 7.41. Ratio of FE to SLG Strength I Rating Factor as a Function of the Ratio of the Minimum Theoretical Distribution Factor to the Maximum Live Load Moment Distribution Factor with 30X Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness The first structure, Bridge #83, was chosen because of it had a DFmin maximum interior girder DF to ratio of 0.50, indicating that the minimum possible live load distribution of an interior girder is one half of a standard AASHTO HL-93 or design tandem truck. Bridge #61 had a DFmin to DF ratio of 0.75, indicating that the minimum possible live load distribution of an interior girder is 0.75 design trucks. First, the effect of diaphragm stiffness on the effective flexibility ratio was quantified by adjusting the diaphragm E for both models from 2.9x107 psi to 2.9x109 (Figure 7.42). Effective flexibility asymptotically increases with increasing diaphragm stiffness for both interior and exterior girders. Flexibility ratio approaches a limit at about 9.0 x 108 psi, or 30x diaphragm stiffness. The change in diaphragm stiffness was also compared to the change in limiting rating 227 factor for interior and exterior girders (Figure 7.43 and Figure 7.44). Both bridges saw an asymptotic increase in FE rating factor with increasing diaphragm stiffness. Exterior girders asymptotically decreased with increasing diaphragm stiffness for Bridge #83 and increased for Bridge #61. The change in rating factor was then compared to the change in effective flexibility ratio (Figure 7.45 and Figure 7.46). FE ratings factors increased or decreased in the same direction as seen with increasing diaphragm stiffness. Each structure exhibits low sensitivity to the flexibility ratio at the lower ranges of flexibility, then rapidly increasing FE rating factors until the effective flexibility reaches an upper limit. Note that diaphragm angle sections listed in the AISC database range in area from 0.48 in2 to 16.7 in2. This corresponds to an approximate 30x increase from the lower to upper limit of angle area. Because of this limit, and the fact that the effective flexibility ratio reaches an approximate upper limit at 30x 2.9 x 107, the population study will be limited to diaphragm stiffness of 30x nominal. % Change in Effective Flexibility 80 70 60 Bridge #61 Interior Girder Bridge #61 Exterior Girder Bridge #83 Interior Girder Bridge #83 Exterior Girder 50 40 30 20 10 0 29,000,000 2,029,000,000 4,029,000,000 Diaphragm E [psi] Figure 7.42. Percent Change in Effective Flexibility Ratio as a Function of Change in Diaphragm Stiffness 228 % Change in Ratio of FE to SLG Rating Factor 35 30 25 20 15 Strength I Interior 10 Strength I Exterior 5 Service II Interior 0 Service II Exterior -5 -10 -15 2.90E+07 1.03E+09 2.03E+09 3.03E+09 Diaphragm E [psi] Figure 7.43. Percent Change in Ratio of FE to SLG Rating Factor as a Function of Diaphragm Stiffness for Bridge #83 229 18 % Change in Ratio of FE to SLG Rating Factor 16 14 Strength I Interior 12 10 Strength I Exterior 8 Service II Interior 6 Service II Exterior 4 2 0 2.90E+07 1.03E+09 2.03E+09 3.03E+09 Diaphragm E [psi] Figure 7.44. Percent Change in Ratio of FE to SLG Rating Factor as a Function of Diaphragm Stiffness for Bridge #61 % Change in Ratio of FE to SLG Rating Factor 35 30 25 20 Strength I Interior 15 10 Strength I Exterior 5 Service II Interior 0 Service II Exterior -5 -10 -15 0 20 40 60 80 % Change In Effective Flexiblitity Figure 7.45. Percent Change in FE to SLG Rating Factor as a Function of Effective Flexibility Ratio for Bridge #83 % Change in Ratio of FE to SLG Rating Factor 230 18 16 14 12 Strength I Interior Strength I Exterior Service II Interior Service II Exterior 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 % Change in Effective Flexibility Figure 7.46. Percent Change in FE to SLG Rating Factor Ratio as a Function of Effective Flexibility Ratio for Bridge #61 Effect of Effective Flexibility Ratio on FE Rating The effect of effective flexibility ratio on a two populations of bridges was studied by increasing diaphragm stiffness for each bridge in the population by 10 and 30 times and analyzing the resulting structures for FE rating factors. Suite 1 from this research was used along with a second suite of bridges using the same input parameters that were then designed without the fatigue limit state. During the design of this second suite, 97 passing designs solutions were found by the design algorithm. The total number of data points from the two bridge suites with 10x and 30x diaphragm stiffness brings this study to 394 data points. Figure 7.47 shows the % increase in interior girder Strength I FE rating factor for each bridge as a function of % increase in effective flexibility ratio. All girders exhibited an increase in rating factor that showed similar behavior to the two structures analyzed in the previous section. The same pattern is shown for the Service II limit state in Figure 7.49. Likewise, rating factor for exterior girders both increased and 231 decreased with increasing effective flexibility ratio for both limit states (Figure 7.48 and Figure 7.50). Table 7.2 and Table 7.3 display the population statistics for both bridge suites with nominal (design stiffness), 10x, and 30x diaphragm stiffness. The tables indicate whether fatigue design was used in the population. The tables note the mean and standard deviation SLG and FE ratings, the mean and standard deviation FE to SLG rating ratios, the percentage of bridges in each population with a FE to SLG ratio less than unity, and the mean plus two times standard deviation of the FE to SLG rating ratios. Bridges design without fatigue criteria exhibited higher mean flexibility ratios at each level of diaphragm stiffness when compared to the fatigue design population. Interior girders exhibited a larger mean FE to SLG ratio for both fatigue and nonfatigue designed structures. Increasing the flexibility ratio of structures resulted in a mean population increase in FE to SLG rating ratio. Exterior girders saw large numbers of structures with FE to SLG rating ratios less than one for the Strength I limit state, especially with the fatigue designed structures. Exterior girders did not see the population FE to SLG ratio mean increase with increasing flexibility ratio. 232 Figure 7.47. Percent Change in Interior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating Factor as a Function of Percent Increase in Effective Flexibility Ratio 233 Figure 7.48. Percent Change in Exterior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating Factor as a Function of Percent Increase in Effective Flexibility Ratio 234 Figure 7.49. Percent Change in Interior Girder Service II Finite Element Rating Factor as a Function of Percent Increase in Effective Flexibility Ratio 235 Figure 7.50. Percent Change in Exterior Girder Service II Finite Element Rating Factor as a Function of Percent Increase in Effective Flexibility Ratio Fatigue Design Y N Fatigue Design Y N Bridge Suite 1 4 Bridge Suite 1 4 1.32 2.64 FE Absolute Rating Factors Strength I μ σ 2.89 0.56 0.61 2.93 0.60 2.95 0.65 1.57 0.42 0.08 1.62 0.55 1.65 0.61 SLG Rating Factors Strength I μ σ μ 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.15 1.19 1.21 σ 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.23 0.32 0.37 All % < 1 μ+2σ 5 1.31 7 1.35 5 1.35 16 1.61 13 1.84 12 1.94 FE to SLG Rating Factor Ratio Strength I Int μ σ % < 1 μ+2σ 1.23 0.10 3 1.42 1.33 0.10 1 1.52 1.36 0.11 1 1.58 1.23 0.18 3 1.59 1.32 0.23 3 1.78 1.35 0.27 1 1.89 μ 0.99 0.98 0.98 1.11 1.13 1.14 1 10 30 1 10 30 Diaphragm Stiffness 1.00 2.69 FE Absolute Rating Factors Service II μ σ 3.21 0.86 0.76 3.34 0.82 3.37 0.87 1.36 0.46 0.00 1.41 0.58 1.44 0.63 SLG Rating Factors Service II μ σ μ 1.21 1.26 1.27 1.27 1.32 1.35 σ 0.07 0.10 0.10 0.28 0.44 0.51 All % < 1 μ+2σ 0 1.35 0 1.46 0 1.47 0 1.83 1 2.21 0 2.36 FE to SLG Rating Factor Ratio Service II Int μ σ % < 1 μ+2σ 1.22 0.09 3 1.40 1.32 0.10 1 1.53 1.36 0.12 0 1.59 1.26 0.16 3 1.58 1.36 0.28 2 1.92 1.40 0.34 1 2.08 μ 1.03 1.01 1.02 1.28 1.25 1.25 Table 7.3. Population Statistics for Effect of Effective Flexibility Ratio on Service II Rating Factor 1 10 30 1 10 30 Diaphragm Stiffness Table 7.2. Population Statistics for Effect of Effective Flexibility Ratio on Strength I Rating Factor σ 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.30 0.40 0.45 Ext % < 1 μ+2σ 42 1.25 52 1.24 48 1.24 8 1.89 8 2.05 7 2.15 Ext σ % < 1 μ+2σ 0.11 61 1.20 0.11 64 1.20 0.11 66 1.21 0.25 24 1.61 0.33 21 1.78 0.37 20 1.88 236 237 7.3.5 Effect of Deck Thickness on FE Rating Factors A set of bridges were designed with a 7.5” deck using the same sample set used for the creation of bridge suite 1. The FE to SLG rating factor ratios were compared to the population created with a 9” deck from the input parameters of bridge suite 1. These bridges were designed without the inclusion of infinite fatigue life criteria as well as the nominal diaphragm stiffness required by the LRFD design code in order to minimize the contribution of any other factors to design conservatism. The mean FE Strength I limit state rating for interior girders was 1.91 with a standard deviation of 0.73 while the mean exterior girder rating was 1.55 with a standard deviation of 0.57 (Figure 7.51). The mean FE Service II limit state rating for interior girders was 1.63 with a standard deviation of 0.81 while the mean exterior girder rating was 1.44 with a standard deviation of 0.66 (Figure 7.52). The ratio of FE to SLG rating factor for the Strength I limit state has means of 1.33 and 1.15 for interior and exterior girders, respectively, with standard deviations of 0.26 and 0.37 (Figure 7.53). The mean ratios found for the Service II limit state were found to be 1.37 and 1.27 for interior and exterior girders while the standard deviations were 0.29 and 0.45 (Figure 7.54). These values may be compared to those used in the suite of bridges with a 9” deck: The FE Strength I rating factor had a mean of 2.05 and 1.97 for interior and exterior girders with a standard deviation of 0.64 and 0.62. The Service II rating factors had a mean of 1.89 and 1.60 with standard deviations of 0.76 and 0.71. The ratio of FE to SLG rating factor had a mean of 1.23 and 1.12 for interior and exterior girders with standard deviations of 0.18 and 0.25 for the Strength I rating factor. The mean rating ratio for the Service II rating factor was 1.29 and 1.25 with standard deviations of 0.16 and 0.30. 238 This comparison shows that when designing a bridge with a 7.5” deck instead of a 9” deck – or decreasing deck thickness in the design phase - interior girders exhibit a mean increase in FE rating with decreasing standard deviation while exterior girders show an increase in mean rating with an increase in standard deviation. The mean conservatism of the single line-girder model (illustrated through the ratio of FE to SLG rating factor) decreases with decreasing deck thickness although the variance of this conservatism also decreases. Note that, when compared to Figure 7.51 239 Figure 7.52 240 Figure 7.53 241 Figure 7.54 7.3.6 Bivariate Analysis of Ratio of FE and SLG Rating Factors – Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness and Inclusion of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria Bivariate scatter plots for the ratio of the minimum FE rating to the minimum SLG rating for each bridge for LRFR Strength I and Service II limit states as a function of the input design parameters are shown in Figure 7.55 through Figure 7.61. Included in these plots are also those that detail the relationship of the FE to SLG ratio with the skew ratio. The influence of distribution factors is also shown. 242 Bivariate plots present the ratio of FE to SLG rating as a function of each independent parameter. Each plot presents the findings for when Barrier stiffness is “on” or “off” during live load. Error bars showing the residual from the fit line to the dependent variables of the data points are shown where a fit was appropriate. Error bars show the residual in rating factor ratio normalized by the SLG rating, i.e. a fit line predicting a FE to SLG rating ratio of two while the data shows a rating ratio of unity would result in a residual of negative unity divided by the SLG rating for that data point. If a strong trend was not detected between the bias of the SLG model and the design parameter, the plot is shown in Appendix B. Strength I Limit State The relation between the Strength I FE to SLG rating factor shows a cubic relationship to length. The conservatism of the SLG model diminishes with span length (Figure 7.55). Skew ratio exhibits no effect for skew ratios under 0.5, while skew ratios over 0.5 show what may be a linear or quadratic trend with increasing skew ratios resulting in increasing conservatism of the SLG model (Figure 7.56). Note that the lowest skew ratios over 0.5 result in FE to SLG rating ratios less than unity. The FE to SLG rating ratios increase linearly with increasing exterior girder distribution factors (Figure 7.57). 243 Figure 7.55. Ratio of LRFR Strength I FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Length 244 Figure 7.56. Ratio of LRFR Strength I FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Skew Ratio 245 Figure 7.57. Ratio of LRFR Strength I FE Exterior Girder Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Exterior Girder Distribution Factor Service II Limit State Service II limit state plots are shown for Service II without the inclusion of out of plane moment. Plots with the inclusion of out of plane moment are found in the Appendix. The ratio of FE to SLG rating factors decreased along a quadratic with increasing length (Figure 7.58). Likewise skew exhibited a linear decreasing effect on the ratio of FE to SLG ratings, with an increase in variance with increasing skew (Figure 7.59). Skew ratio exhibited a similar effect as seen with Strength I rating factors, with the lowest FE to SLG ratios occurring between skew ratios of 0.5 and 0.75 (Figure 7.60). The bias of the SLG model for exterior girders increased linearly with exterior girder distribution factor (Figure 7.61). 246 Figure 7.58. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Length 247 Figure 7.59. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Skew 248 Figure 7.60. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Skew Ratio 249 Figure 7.61. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Exterior Girder Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Exterior Girder Distribution Factor 7.3.7 Moment Demands – Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness and Inclusion of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria The moment demands predicted using the single line-girder model were compared to the maximum moment demands calculated with the finite element models for interior and exterior girders. Dead load, superimposed dead load, and live load moment demands were investigated. Dead Load The distribution of the ratio of FE to SLG dead load moment demand is normally distributed with a mean of 1.06 and 0.86 for interior and exterior girders, respectively, with standard 250 deviations of 0.06 and 0.08 (Figure 7.62). It is likely that interior girder demands are higher and exterior girder demands are lower than that predicted by SLG due to the actual tributary widths for girder being larger than those calculated using the SLG model. The SLG model apportions dead load to each girder equally, regardless of the disparity between girder spacing and overhang width. Figure 7.62. Frequency of Ratio of Predicted SLG Dead Load Moment Demand to Maximum FE Dead Load Moment Demand 251 Superimposed Dead Load The distribution of the ratio of maximum FE to SLG superimposed (barrier mass) dead load moment demand is skewed right with a mean of 1.21 and standard deviation of 0.38 for interior girders and normally distributed for exterior girders with a mean of 2.20 and standard deviation of 0.54 (Figure 7.63). The high ratio for exterior girders is a result of the localization of the barrier dead load over the exterior girders Figure 7.63. Frequency of Ratio of Predicted SLG Superimposed Dead Load Moment Demand to Maximum FE Superimposed Dead Load Moment Demand 252 Live Load The distribution of the ratio of FE to SLG live load moment demands for interior girders is leftskewed a mean of 0.82 and 0.78 for barrier stiffness “off” and “on,” respectively (Figure 7.64). Inclusion of barrier stiffness contributions results in a change of standard deviation from 0.06 to 0.07. The distribution of the ratio of FE to SLG live load moment demands for exterior girders is normally distributed with a mean of 1.03 and 0.90 for barrier stiffness “off” and “on,” respectively (Figure 7.65). Inclusion of barrier stiffness contributions results in an increase in standard deviation from 0.10 to 0.14. Interior girder live load demands less than one indicate that the live load distribution factors are conservative for interior girders. A total of three outlier structures exhibit a ratio greater than 1. A mean of close to unity for exterior girder indicates that the live load distribution factors for exterior girders may be non-conservative for some bridge configurations, with some exterior girders seeing up to 30% more live load moment demand than predicted with the SLG model. 253 Figure 7.64. Frequency of Ratio of Predicted SLG Live Load Moment Demand to Maximum FE Live Load Moment Demand for Interior Girders 254 Figure 7.65. Frequency of Ratio of Predicted SLG Live Load Moment Demand to Maximum FE Live Load Moment Demand for Exterior 7.3.8 Bivariate Analysis of Ratio of FE and SLG Moment Demands – Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness and Inclusion of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria Bivariate scatter plots for the ratio of dead load, superimposed dead load, and live load moment demands as a function of the input design parameters are shown in Figure 7.66 through Figure 7.76. Bivariate plots present the ratio of the maximum moment demand from FE analysis to the maximum predicted SLG moment demand as a function of the five independent parameters (Length, Width, Skew, Girder Spacing, and Span Length/Girder Depth) and three dependent 255 parameters (Skew Ratio, Interior Girder Distribution Factor, and Exterior Girder Distribution Factor). Each plot presents the findings for exterior and interior girders as well as when barrier stiffness is “on” or “off” during live load. Error bars showing the residual from the fit line to the dependent variables of the data points are shown where a fit was appropriate. Error bars show the residual of the ratio between FE and SLG demands. If a strong trend was not detected between the bias of the SLG model and the design parameter, the plot is shown in Appendix B. Dead Load Moment Demand Exterior girder dead load demand conservatism decreases linearly with span length while interior girder dead load conservatism did not show a trend (Figure 7.66). Interior girder dead load conservatism exhibits a quadratic increase with increasing girder spacing (Figure 7.67). Figure 7.66. Ratio of Maximum FE Dead Load Demand to SLG Dead Load Demand as a Function of Span Length 256 Figure 7.67. Ratio of Maximum FE Dead Load Demand to SLG Dead Load Demand as a Function of Girder Spacing Superimposed Dead Load Moment Demand The ratio of maximum FE to maximum SLG superimposed dead load demand exhibits an increasing linear trend with increasing width for exterior girders (Figure 7.68). The superimposed dead load ratio decreases on a quadratic girder spacing for interior girders (Figure 7.69). The ratio of FE to SLG demands increase linearly with skew ratio for exterior girders (Figure 7.70). 257 Figure 7.68. Ratio of Maximum FE Superimposed Dead Load Demand to SLG Superimposed Dead Load Demand as a Function of Width 258 Figure 7.69. Ratio of Maximum FE Superimposed Dead Load Demand to SLG Superimposed Dead Load Demand as a Function of Girder Spacing 259 Figure 7.70. Ratio of Maximum FE Superimposed Dead Load Demand to SLG Superimposed Dead Load Demand as a Function of Skew Ratio Live Load Moment Demand for Interior Girders The ratio maximum live load FE demand to maximum SLG demand increases along a quadratic trend with span length for both barrier stiffness types (Figure 7.71). The demand ratio linearly decreases with increasing skew ratio (Figure 7.72), as well as interior girder distribution factor (Figure 7.73). 260 Figure 7.71. Ratio of Maximum Interior Girder FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Length 261 Figure 7.72. Ratio of Maximum Interior Girder FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Skew Ratio 262 Figure 7.73. Ratio of Maximum Interior Girder FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Interior Live Load Distribution Factor Live Load Moment Demand for Exterior Girders The ratio maximum live load FE demand to maximum SLG demand increases along a quadratic trend with span length for both barrier stiffness types (Figure 7.74). The demand ratio peaks at skew ratios about 0.5 and then decreases with greater skew ratios (Figure 7.75). The demand ratio linearly increases with increasing distribution factor (Figure 7.76). 263 Figure 7.74. Ratio of Maximum Exterior Girder FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Length 264 Figure 7.75. Ratio of Maximum Exterior Girder FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Skew Ratio 265 Figure 7.76. Ratio of Maximum Exterior Girder FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Exterior Girder Live Load Distribution Factor 266 7.4 Population-Based Investigation of Single Line-Girder Bias for Two-Span Continuous Structures Horizontal whisker plots detailing the mean and standard deviation for each distribution are shown. Vertical lines mark the median value for each distribution. Plots marked with an asterisk indicate samples outside the bounds of the plot that were placed in the next lowest bin that lied within the plot bounds. All analysis for two-span continuous was performed with barrier stiffness contribution turned “off.” Population statistics are located in Table 7.4. Table 7.4. Two-Span Continuous Rating Factor Population Statistics SLG Neg Strength I Pos Neg Service II Pos 7.4.1 Rating Factor FE μ σ FE/SLG μ σ μ σ Ext Int Ext Int 1.27 1.31 3.30 3.64 0.39 0.42 0.68 0.66 1.95 1.90 3.80 4.06 0.52 0.62 0.69 0.80 1.55 1.45 1.16 1.11 0.16 0.11 0.06 0.06 Ext Int Ext Int 1.77 1.83 3.68 3.91 0.50 0.54 0.78 0.81 2.74 2.68 4.28 4.28 0.65 0.80 0.88 1.01 1.57 1.48 1.17 1.09 0.23 0.24 0.09 0.07 Single Line Girder Ratings Figure 7.77 through Figure 7.80 show frequency plots for the SLG rating for interior and exterior girders. 267 Strength I Limit State Figure 7.77. Frequency of Single Line-Girder Rating of Positive Moment Region for Strength I Limit State 268 Figure 7.78. Frequency of Single Line-Girder Rating of Negative Moment Region for Strength I Limit State 269 Service II Limit State Figure 7.79. Frequency of Single Line-Girder Rating of Positive Moment Region for Service II Limit State 270 Figure 7.80. Frequency of Single Line-Girder Rating of Negative Moment Region for Service II Limit State 7.4.2 Finite Element Ratings Figure 7.81 through Figure 7.88 present frequency plots for positive and negative moment region FE ratings and FE to SLG rating factor ratios for LRFR Strength I and Service II limit states. 271 Strength I Limit State Figure 7.81. Frequency of Finite Element Rating of Positive Moment Region for Strength I Limit State 272 Figure 7.82. Frequency of Finite Element Rating of Negative Moment Region for Strength I Limit State 273 Figure 7.83. Frequency of Ratio of Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating of Positive Moment Region for Strength I Limit State 274 Figure 7.84. Frequency of Ratio of Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating of Negative Moment Region for Strength I Limit State 275 Service II Limit State Figure 7.85. Frequency of Finite Element Rating of Positive Moment Region for Service II Limit State 276 Figure 7.86. Frequency of Finite Element Rating of Negative Moment Region for Service II Limit State 277 Figure 7.87. Frequency of Ratio of Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating of Positive Moment Region for Service II Limit State 278 Figure 7.88. Frequency of Ratio of Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating of Negative Moment Region for Service II Limit State 7.4.3 Tolerable Support Movement Frequency of tolerable support movement for shear and bending moment demands for the Strength I and Service II limit state are presented in Figure 7.89 through Figure 7.100. Table 7.5. Population Statistics for Tolerable Support Settlement 279 Settlement Location Type Abutment Pier Abutment Strength I Pier Abutment Pier Abutment Pier Abutment Service II Pier Abutment Pier R T R T R T Response Location Type Tolerable Settlement [in] μ σ min Pier M 7.64 4.81 1.39 Mid-span M 28.29 10.37 11.87 Pier M 8.32 5.87 1.07 Mid-span M 28.42 10.67 11.68 Pier V 19.36 11.31 4.94 Abutment V 28.22 21.42 3.86 Pier V 32.75 14.78 9.44 Abutment V 44.01 27.13 7.04 Pier M 11.52 4.75 3.74 Mid-span M 24.77 9.05 8.78 Pier M 12.72 6.02 3.16 Mid-Span M 25.22 9.67 7.84 280 Strength I Limit State Figure 7.89. Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Transverse Rotation of Abutment (in Inches) – Bending Response Over Pier 281 Figure 7.90. Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Transverse Rotation of Pier (in Inches) – Bending Response at Mid-Span 282 Figure 7.91. Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Vertical Translation of Abutment (in Inches) – Bending Response Over Pier 283 Figure 7.92. Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Vertical Translation of Pier (in Inches) – Bending Response at Mid-Span 284 Figure 7.93. Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Transverse Rotation of Abutment (in Inches) – Shear Response at Pier 285 Figure 7.94. Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Transverse Rotation of Pier (in Inches) – Shear Response at Abutment 286 Figure 7.95. Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Vertical Translation of Abutment (in Inches) – Shear Response at Pier 287 Figure 7.96. Frequency of Strength I Tolerable Support Movement Under Vertical Translation of Pier (in Inches) – Shear Response at Abutment 288 Service II Limit State Figure 7.97. Frequency of Service II Tolerable Support Movement Under Transverse Rotation of Abutment (in Inches) – Bending Response at Pier 289 Figure 7.98. Frequency of Service II Tolerable Support Movement Under Transverse Rotation of Pier (in Inches) – Bending Response at Mid-Span 290 Figure 7.99. Frequency of Service II Tolerable Support Movement Under Vertical Translation of Abutment (in Inches) – Bending Response at Pier 291 Figure 7.100. Frequency of Service II Tolerable Support Movement Under Translation of Pier (in Inches) – Bending Response at Mid-Span 292 8. Finite Element Model Calibration A discussion of the software tools developed to assist in rapid model parameter estimation for structures with dynamic experimental data is contained within this chapter. First presented are details for the specific optimization algorithm used for parameter estimation as well as the method for interfacing finite element models developed as part of this research with the parameter estimation tool. Discussed at the end of the chapter is the graphical user interface developed for rapid structural identification, including software tools for parameter editing, parameter sensitivity studies, model/experimental data comparison, and parameter estimation. 8.1 Overview Model fitting implemented through parameter estimation allows for the gap between bridge and FEM model to be narrowed. A model’s predictive ability can be enhanced by model-experiment correlation: obtaining structural response measurements from the structure of interest and then updating a set of parameters – boundary conditions, continuity conditions, and material properties – in order to bring the model into closer agreement with the behavior of the physical structure. A model with parameters that are assumed before any empirical evidence is known is termed an a priori model. The a priori model is then updated using empirical knowledge – or experimental data – so that it may more closely match the behavior of the experimental subject. This process, known as structural identification, has historically been used to develop a single parameter set and model for a given structure; however this approach has been steadily replaced by multiple model methods and Bayesian parameter estimation (Dubbs 2012). Both of these approaches provide a distribution of likely models, parameters, and analytical outputs for a model updated to more closely resemble a given experimental input. In general, two types of data are used for model updating of typical highway bridge structures: strains and displacements obtained through truck load tests or modal parameters (frequencies and mode shapes) obtained through ambient monitoring or forced vibration testing. Once the 293 data are obtained, an error function (or objective function) is defined to compare the measured responses to those computed from the simulation model. The goal of the process is to minimize this error function, which is done through perturbing a set of select parameters. This research effort focused on the use of modal parameters for updating purposes for two reasons. First, these properties carry information related to global load-carrying mechanisms (e.g. boundary/ continuity conditions) and global stiffnesses (transverse, longitudinal, etc.), which are well-suited to update models for capacity predictions. Second, due to the nature of these properties, they may be obtained in a rapid manner, which results in lower costs and minimal traffic disruptions, and thus is compatible with widespread implementation. The software developed for this project utilizes a single model, deterministic updating approach using the API link between Strand7 and Matlab. All FE models built with the software may be updated for any number of parameters. These parameters are correlated to experimental data using a gradient-based minimization algorithm that utilizes a trial and error approach to find the slope and curvature of an n-dimensional parameter space to find local minima. This chapter details this single model updating process, the algorithm used by the software, the method by which the software uses the updating algorithm to adjust parameters, and the graphical user interface (GUI) developed to allow the updating process to be applied to any model created with the software in an efficient manner. Two methods of parameter estimation, or model updating are discussed: global identification of unknown parameters and local – or regionally varying – redistribution of a known parameter, namely, mass. 294 8.2 Single Model Optimization Methods for Updating Parameters In this research the model correlation is achieved by deterministic updating. In deterministic updating, each parameter is assumed to have a single value, and the purpose of updating is to solve for this value that minimizes the objective (or error) function using an iterative process. Given for the potential for gradient-based optimization approaches to get stuck in local minima, the starting point of the parameter values can influence the updating results. To guard against this possibility, it is common to perform the updating multiple times from different starting points. In the case of RAMPS, the nonlinear gradient-based minimization with constraints algorithm, lsqnonlin, is used to adjust parameters. For each calibration run, the frequencies and mode shapes (the deformed shapes of the structure while vibrating at certain frequencies) of the FE model are compared to those from the experiment and the differences are minimized in an iterative process as shown in Figure 8.1. The details of this process are described in the following sections. Figure 8.1. Schematic of Iterative Parameter Identification Process 295 8.2.1 Gradient-based Least Squares Minimization Lsqnonlin Lsqnonlin stands for “Least-squares non-linear” and is a built-in gradient-based objective function minimization algorithm in Matlab (Matlab 2015). The Matlab function finds a vector x that is a local minimizer to the function that is a sum of the squares of the differences between the simulated and experimentally observed responses. It solves nonlinear least-squares curve fitting problems of the following form (Equation 8.1): 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 ‖𝑓𝑓(𝑥𝑥)‖22 = (𝑓𝑓1 (𝑥𝑥)2 + 𝑓𝑓2 (𝑥𝑥)2 + ⋯ 𝑓𝑓𝑛𝑛 (𝑥𝑥)2 ) 𝑥𝑥 𝑥𝑥 8.1 Where: ‖𝑓𝑓(𝑥𝑥)‖22 is the squareroot sum of the squares of the function 𝑓𝑓𝑛𝑛 (𝑥𝑥), and 𝑓𝑓𝑛𝑛 (𝑥𝑥) is the nth error normal for the objective value function at for the vector of parameter x The function takes an x0 vector as the starting point for each parameter (Matlab 2015). The function takes the upper and lower bounds for each parameter as a vector of bounds, lb and ub, respectively, so that the solution is always in the range lb <= x <= ub (Matlab 2015). The function utilizes either the Trust Region Reflective or the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to iteratively find the best solution for x that resides within the given bounds (Matlab 2015). 296 The Trust Region Reflective algorithm is what is known as a “Large-Scale” algorithm. This means it uses linear algebra that does not operate on full matrices and instead uses sparse matrices for computations whenever possible (Matlab 2015). The Trust Region Reflective algorithm iteratively takes a point x in n-space (the vector of the error normal), and seeks to “improve” that location within that space by finding a new x that results in a lower objective function value (Matlab 2015). The “trust region” feature in this minimization algorithm approximates the behavior of the response space in the local region around the current x, known as N, with a simplified function q (Matlab 2015). The local region N is defined by both slope and curvature (Matlab 2015). This is determined by varying each parameter in the vector x while holding all other values constant. The algorithm uses this local region to estimate the simplified function q, which is then used to propose a trial step s that results in a lower value of q and, hopefully, f (Matlab 2015). This new point (x + s) is accepted if the f(x+s) < f(x) (Matlab 2015). If f(x+s) >= f(x), the current point x remains unchanged, the space N is shrunk, and a new q is estimated. This process repeats until the algorithm tolerances are satisfied or no better solution may be found (Matlab 2015). The algorithm may be given three tolerances, TolX, TolFun, and MinDiffX, where: • XTol is the relative tolerance of the parameter values to be adjusted • TolFun is the relative tolerance of the function f(x) • MinDiffX is the minimum change in x permitted to the algorithm, These values may be set to any number, however the default value for each in Matlab is 1x10-6 (Matlab 2015). 297 Objective Function The objective function is a vector describing a comparison between simulation and experimentally measured responses. In this research it is composed of the natural frequencies and model shapes derived from experimental dynamic testing and those obtained from FE model analysis. Minimization of the objective function results brings the simulated modal parameters into better agreement with those experimentally measured from the structure. The objective function consists of a vector of the error normal of two model-experiment comparisons: the Modal Assurance Criterion value – based on the difference between the experimental and analytical mode shapes, and error fraction of the experimental and analytical natural frequencies as seen in Equations 8.2 and 8.3, respectively (Pastor, 2012). 𝑁𝑁 �[(1 − 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀)] 8.2 𝑖𝑖=𝑖𝑖 𝑁𝑁 𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑖𝑖 − 𝑓𝑓𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑖𝑖 � �� �� 𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑖𝑖 8.3 𝑖𝑖=𝑖𝑖 The MAC value error normal is unity minus the MAC value for a given model-experiment pair. The frequency error fraction is the difference between paired frequencies divided by the experimental frequency of each pair. 298 Natural frequencies are matched using a basic algorithm (discussed in the following section) in order for the parameter estimation software to iteratively calculate the objective function in response to changes in the parameter vector x. These natural frequency pairs are used to calculate the error for both frequency fractional difference and the MAC value. The MAC value, shown in Equation 8.4, is used as the criterion by which frequency pairs are assigned, and is calculated as the normalized scalar product of two sets of modal vectors, {𝛷𝛷𝐴𝐴 } and {𝛷𝛷𝐸𝐸 }. Computing the MAC value of a modal vector with itself will always result in a MAC value of unity. The MAC value of a set of modal vectors that are orthogonal to each other will result in a MAC value of zero (Pastor, 2012). The resulting scalars are arranged into the MAC matrix: MAC(r, q) = 2 �{𝛷𝛷𝐴𝐴 }𝑇𝑇 𝑟𝑟 {𝛷𝛷𝐸𝐸 }𝑞𝑞 � 8.4 𝑇𝑇 �{𝛷𝛷𝐴𝐴 }𝑇𝑇 𝑟𝑟 {𝛷𝛷𝐴𝐴 }𝑟𝑟 ��{𝛷𝛷𝐸𝐸 }𝑞𝑞 {𝛷𝛷𝐸𝐸 }𝑞𝑞 � Where: n = Number of matching mode pairs. In the case of this research, this is the number of experimentally determined mode shapes. 𝛷𝛷𝐸𝐸 = The modal displacement vector from the experimental modal analysis. = The modal displacement vector from the analytical modal analysis. r = The index of the analytical mode q = The index of the experimental mode 𝛷𝛷𝐴𝐴 As stated previously, a MAC value of zero indicates no correlation between mode shapes whereas a value close to unity indicates a high correlation. As a result, high MAC values are used to pair frequencies. Figure 8.2 shows a color MAC plot comparing two sets of modal matrices. These modal matrices may consist of any number of modal vectors and each numbered 299 row or column is referenced to a mode shape/natural frequency. The first set (e.g. experimentally determined), indicated on the Y axis, consists of 8 mode shapes, while the second set (e.g. simulated) consists of 12 mode shapes. Each square in the grid relates to the MAC value for a given modal pair. Note how the number of mode shapes on each axis of the MAC plot are not equal, since in general the user must include far more analytical modes due to the presence of local and/or numerical modes. The colorbar to the right of the plot shows the scale for the MAC. Figure 8.2. MAC Matrix Plot Mode Pairing Algorithm The algorithm used to pair frequencies and mode shapes for the objective function has the following structure: A. 1. To ensure a common spatial grid, analytical (FE model) nodes (points of interest) are paired with experimental nodes using a nearest-neighbor approach. Priority in the case of equally distant nodes is given to the first analytical node paired. This is never the case in 300 this software as the node density (approximately 1 ft.) is much higher than any sensor density practical for a global structural experiment. B. 1. Obtain natural frequency and mode shape results from the FE model. The number of natural frequencies and associate mode shapes may be set to any number less than or equal to the analytical degrees of freedom. For practical purposes this is general set to 3 to 4 times the number of experimentally determined frequencies and mode shapes to account for the presence of local and/or numerical modes. B. 2. Compute the MAC value between each analytical mode shape and each experimental mode shape (using all paired nodes). B. 3. Iteratively pair each experimental mode shape with an analytical mode shape: Pair the ith experimental mode with the analytical mode shape with the highest experimentalanalytical MAC. Remove that analytical mode shape from the available list of pairing modes. Pair the ith+1 experimental mode shape using the MAC matrix with the best remaining analytical mode shape. Iterate until all experimental modes have been paired with an analytical mode. B. 4. B. 5. Compute the frequency fraction errors for each mode pair. Form the objective function vector using the paired frequency fraction errors and 1-MAC values for paired experimental frequencies. C. 1. Iterate B.1. through B.5 until the minimization algorithm converges. Figure 8.3 shows the evolution of the MAC values of a model-experiment pair through multiple iterations of the parameter estimation algorithm. The MAC values should improve to unity as the algorithm seeks to minimize the differences between the frequencies and mode shapes. 301 Using Frequencies without Associate Mode Shapes for Updating Not every experimental test will produce reliable mode shapes due to test constraints and the inability to properly integrate individual forced vibration tests. In these cases, the mode shapes may be sufficient for pairing analytical and experimental natural frequencies, but may not be reliable enough to include directly within the objective function. To address this case, the software allows for just the frequency errors to be included in the objective function. In no cases may a mode shape be used in the objective function without its associated frequency error formal. See DeVitis (2015) for a detailed explanation of closely spaced modes and their usefulness for mode parameter estimation. Figure 8.3. Development of MAC Matrix Plot with Model Updating 302 8.3 Parameter Configuration The following section provides the salient details associated with the two normalized updating approaches adopted for parameters as well as the standard parameters included within the updating software developed. 8.3.1 Unknown Global Parameters Alpha Coefficients To help normalize the updated parameters, alpha coefficients, which are multiplied by the parameter values, are adjusted in the updating software as opposed to directly updating the parameter values. These coefficients are used to normalize the parameter values to the same order of magnitude and scale. Any parameter sharing the same lower and upper alpha bounds may be updated using the same alpha or may be updated individually. Alpha coefficients may be updated using a linear or log scale. The updating algorithm, lsqnonlin, does not differentiate between the updating scales therefore this process was coded as part of the parameter application and assignment code in Matlab (see Chapter 5). Log scale parameters are beneficial for parameters with a sensitive range over several orders of magnitude. For example, composite action is modeled using beam elements connected between a node located at the top flange of the beam element’s extruded section and the centerline of the deck shell elements. Link elements connect the top flange node to the actual beam element as explained in Chapter 5. These elements serve to enforce composite action and typically have a sensitive range of Moment of Inertia between 0.001 and 10000 in, which spans many orders of magnitude. Equation 8.5 illustrates the application of the log scale alpha value, where 𝑥𝑥∝𝑖𝑖 is the 303 resultant parameter value, ∝𝑖𝑖 is the current alpha coefficient, and x0 is the starting parameter value. 𝑥𝑥∝𝑖𝑖 = 𝑥𝑥0 × 10∝𝑖𝑖 8.5 A linearly scaled alpha parameter would likely neglect the lower area of the sensitive range or move too slowly within the upper area of the sensitive range. Linearly scaled parameters are appropriate for parameters with a sensitive range over the same order of magnitude, such as deck stiffness, which may range from 1000 to 8000 f’c. Equation 8.6 illustrates the application of the alpha coefficient. 𝑥𝑥∝𝑖𝑖 = ∝𝑖𝑖 𝑥𝑥 8.6 Material and Section Properties Each stiffness parameter updated by the software must take the form of a material property, element section property assigned in the case of an element, or a translational or rotational stiffness in the case of a boundary condition. The material property may be modified by adjusting the Young’s Modulus, E, of the material. The section property may be modified by 304 either adjusting the Moments of Inertia or cross sectional area within the software. The following list details the stiffness parameters that are by default adjustable using the software and their associated parameters: 7. Deck: The deck stiffness is adjusted using the modulus of concrete in pounds per square inch (psi). 8. Girders: The girder stiffness is adjusted by the Moment of Inertia, Ix, about the major bending axis (the transverse global axis of the structure using the right hand rule). Interior and exterior girders may be adjusted individually or together. Positive and negative moment regions of the girder may be adjusted individually or together. Updating exterior and interior girders as well as positive and negative moment regions of the girders results in a total of four girder stiffness parameters that can be updated simultaneously. 9. Diaphragms: Diaphragms are adjusted using the Young’s Modulus of steel in pounds per square inch. This allows for the axial, shear, and bending stiffness of the diaphragm elements – cross bracing, chevron, or channel section girder, to be modified simultaneously. 10. Sidewalks: Sidewalks are adjusted using the Young’s Modulus of concrete in pounds per square inch (psi). Sidewalks on both sides of the structure are updated together with the same parameter value. 11. Barriers: Barriers are adjusted using the Young’s Modulus of concrete in pounds per square inch (psi). Barriers on both sides of the structure are updated together with the same parameter value. 12. Boundary Conditions: This is discussed in Chapter 5, Section 1.2.6 – “Boundary Conditions.” 305 8.3.2 Mass Redistribution Mass is redistributed over the deck nodes of the FE models in order to minimize the natural frequency and mode shape error normal between model and experiment as previously described in this chapter. Updating with mass redistribution utilizes the inverse relationship between mass and stiffness in the basic equation of natural frequency (Equation 8.8), where fn is first natural frequency in hertz, in order to substitute mass, m, for stiffness, k, as the adjusted parameter in the minimization problem. 𝑓𝑓𝑛𝑛 = 1 𝑘𝑘 � 2𝜋𝜋 𝑚𝑚 8.7 As the mass, m, of the deck is considered a known quantity in the FE models used by the software presented in this research, it may be used as a substitute for stiffness, k. The ability to divide the deck into an unlimited number of “zones” allows the redistribution of mass, and consequently, vertical stiffness, to any areas of the structure, as seen in Figure 8.4 and Figure 8.5. The total mass of the deck may be held to a constant while the division of mass among “zones” is adjusted with the Matlab algorithm, fmincon (Matlab 2015). The software developed in this research allows for the total mass of all zones to range between a set of bounds if the user selects that option. In order to redistribute mass between zones, the mass of the deck shell elements is set to zero and an equivalent non-structural mass is added to the deck shell element nodes. This non-structural mass may be included in the natural frequency analysis solver in Strand7 (Strand7 2015). The nonstructural masses on each node are adjusted using linear alpha coefficients as mentioned earlier in this chapter. 306 In the case of a FE model exhibiting higher frequencies in the transversely dominated modes or high transverse stiffness, such as first torsion, the mass would redistribute away from the transverse center of the model (Figure 8.4). Greater mass at the lateral edges of the model results in lower frequencies for those modes with greater mass participation (or amplitude) from the outside of the structure. Likewise, in a FE model exhibiting lower longitudinally dominated natural frequencies than those shown in experimental data (i.e. lower stiffness in the model than implied via dynamic testing), the mass would be increased about the longitudinal center of the model (Figure 8.5). Greater mass concentrated at mid-span counteracts the global stiffness in model and results in lower natural frequencies. In both of the above cases, mass redistributes symmetrically according to global stiffness errors in the model and is influenced primarily by the frequency errors in either longitudinal or transversely domination modes. Mass redistribution may also take place asymmetrically where the error may derive equally from both mode shape and frequency. In Figure 8.6 mass is redistributed to the right side of the FE model, indicating that there is a local stiffness deficit on that side of the model when compared to experimental data. As in the previous examples, frequencies pertaining to primarily transverse mode shapes will be affected, however the relative amplitudes of the mode shapes along the right side of the structure will also be greater than those on the left side for both longitudinally and transversely dominated modes. 307 Figure 8.4. Symmetric Lateral Redistribution of Deck Mass Figure 8.5. Symmetric Longitudinal Redistribution of Deck Mass 308 Figure 8.6. Asymmetric Lateral Redistribution of Deck Mass 8.4 Graphical User Interface for Parameter Estimation This software module provides users with the ability to perform simplified model-experiment correlation of various uncertain parameters. RAMPS utilizes the bridge dynamic properties determined through experimental testing for the model calibration process. FE model parameters are adjusted so that the frequencies and mode shapes of the model are more closely aligned to those from the experiment. The model calibration software graphical user interface consists of a number of interconnected modules which are used simultaneously to assist the user in the model experiment correlation. The model updating process follows a basic workflow: 1. Import experimental results 2. Choose experimental results to use for updating 3. Choose internal parameters for updating 4. Perform internal parameter sensitivity study 5. Choose external parameter for updating (e.g. BCs) 309 6. Perform external parameter sensitivity study 7. Update internal and external parameters Parameter Editing The parameter editing GUI window allows the user to edit parameter values as well as the starting, minimum, and maximum alpha and parameter values. Parameters may be grouped together to use the same alpha value. The alpha scale may be selected as a linear or logarithmic scale. Figure 8.7 through Figure 8.11 shows the parameter GUI window and highlights different parts of the edit table. Figure 8.7. Parameter Edit GUI Window – Parameter Group Number 310 Figure 8.8. Parameter Edit GUI Window – Parameter a Priori Value Figure 8.9. Parameter Edit GUI Window – Update Logic Box Figure 8.10. Parameter Edit GUI Window – Starting, Minimum, Maximum Alpha Values and Alpha Scale 311 Figure 8.11. Parameter Edit GUI Window – Starting, Minimum, Maximum Parameter Value Sensitivity Studies Sensitivity studies may be performed to determine the sensitive range of the each internal or external parameter value (Figure 8.12 through Figure 8.19). This tool allows the sensitivity of frequency and mode shapes to changes in a single parameter value as well as live load rating factor to be determined. The parameter of interest is selected in a drop down box and the upper and lower bounds may be edited as well as the parameter step (Figure 8.12). Upper and lower bounds may also be selected by clicking within the frequency sensitivity window (Figure 8.14). The frequencies to be plotted for sensitivity can be selected using the list box shown in Figure 8.13. Sensitivity analysis may be performed using both linear and logarithmic alpha scales, as shown in Figure 8.12 and Figure 8.18, respectively. 312 Figure 8.12. Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window - Deck Stiffness Sensitivity with a Linear Alpha Scale 313 Figure 8.13. Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window - Deck Stiffness Sensitivity with a Linear Alpha Scale Figure 8.14 indicates the frequency sensitivity window. Each frequency (Y-axis) is plotted over the parameter range. Each mode shape is tracked over the range of parameter value and frequency values by matching the first mode shape from the parameter range to each subsequent parameter values mode shapes. For example, the first parameter value is applied to the model and a number of natural frequencies are solved for. The next parameter value is then applied to the model and those natural frequencies and mode shapes are obtained. The frequencies from this second parameter value are matched to those from the first parameter value by the MAC value of their associated mode shapes. A MAC matrix is plotted for a single selected frequency for all parameter values (Figure 8.15). This matrix indicates the change in mode shape for a single mode over the range of parameter values for a single parameter. As indicated in Figure 8.15 there is little difference in mode shape from parameter value to parameter value for the deck as the majority of the matrix plot is near a value of unity. Figure 8.18 shows a slightly more 314 sensitive mode shape for composite action. The “dog-bone” shape and MAC matrix values below 0.95 indicate that there is a slight change in mode shape between the bounds for composite action. Figure 8.14. Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window - Deck Stiffness Sensitivity with a Linear Alpha Scale 315 Figure 8.15. Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window - Deck Stiffness Sensitivity with a Linear Alpha Scale Load rating sensitivity may be investigated from the same GUI window. The upper and lower bounds are set in the same manner as with natural frequency sensitivity. The sensitivity for AASHTO live load truck ratings for both ASR and LRFR design codes may be used (Figure 8.17). LRFR sensitivity analysis results in plots for both Strength I and Service II limit states for flexure. ASR sensitivity analysis gives only the ASR rating factor for flexure. In each case the rating factor for both interior and exterior girders is displayed (Figure 8.17). Rating factor sensitivity may include the effects of transverse and longitudinal stiffeners on girder web plates. LRFR ratings may also include the moment gradient factor, Cb. The number of crawl steps and lane divisions may also be adjusted. 316 Figure 8.16. Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window - Deck Stiffness Sensitivity with a Linear Alpha Scale 317 Figure 8.17. Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window - Deck Stiffness Sensitivity with a Linear Alpha Scale 318 Figure 8.18. Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window – Composite Action Sensitivity with a Logarithmic Alpha Scale 319 Figure 8.19. Parameter Sensitivity GUI Window – Boundary Rotational Spring Sensitivity with a Logarithmic Alpha Scale Experimental Data Comparison The experimental data comparison GUI window allows the user to compare the natural frequency and mode shape content between experimental data and an FE model (Figure 8.20). This tool displays the mode shapes, natural frequencies, MAC matrices, and COMAC plots for both model and experiment. A) Experimental Mode Shape. The experimental mode shape is plotted with circles to denote the experimental node location (usually an accelerometer) as well as an interpolated mode shape surface. The surface is calculated using a fourth-order approximation function within the griddata function in Matlab (Mathworks 2015) using the edge nodes of an associated FE model as 320 boundaries (noted as black dots in the figure) and scaled using a user-supplied coefficient. B) Analytical Mode Shape. This mode shape surface is first developed using a Delaunay triangulation of the FE model deck node mesh then plotted using the trimesh function (Mathworks 2015). It is scaled using a user-supplied coefficient. The experimental mode shape using only the experimental nodes is overlayed. C) Experimental MAC Matrix. The module displays an Experimental- Experimental MAC matrix plot. This plot indicates how unique each experimental mode shape is from all other experimental mode shapes. Note the high correlation of mode shapes for experimental modes 8, 9, and 10 (see Figure X), which may indicate spatial aliasing or other issues during the experimental test. D) Experimental-Analytical MAC Matrix. This module displays an Experimental-Analytical MAC matrix plot. This plot indicates the degree of similarity between individual experimental and analytical mode shapes. The gray bars at the bottom of the matrix plot show that these modes have been not selected for use in the parameter estimation objective function (see E below). E) Objective Function Experimental Frequency Selection Table. This module lists all experimental and analytical frequencies. The first list of logic boxes allows a user to use an experimental frequency in the objective function. The second list of logic boxes sets whether the associated mode shape for a given frequency is to be used to only pair experimental and analytical frequencies or to be used for pairing and in the objective function. Unselecting the frequency 321 will automatically unselect the associate mode shape. This frequency line will be greyed out from experimental-analytical MAC matrix plot. F) Frequency Pairing and MAC Value Table. This module lists all experimental frequencies that are paired with analytical frequencies and lists the MAC values for each paired mode as well as the percent difference in the frequencies. G) Experimental COMAC Plot. This module plots the COMAC (COordinate Modal Assurance Criterion) for the experimental data. The COMAC is a Degree of Freedom-wise calculation, shown in Equation 8.8, which illustrates the relative agreement over a given set of mode pairs (Allemang 2003). This plot shows spatially where a set of mode shapes provides greater or less information. This plot only uses experimental modes that were selected to be used in the objective function. 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑝𝑝 = G) � 𝑛𝑛 𝑖𝑖=1 � 𝑛𝑛 2 �𝜓𝜓𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝜙𝜙𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 � 𝑖𝑖=1 ∗ 𝜓𝜓𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝜓𝜓𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 � 𝐿𝐿 𝑖𝑖=1 𝜙𝜙𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝜙𝜙𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 ∗ 8.8 Analytical COMAC Plot. This module plots the COMAC (COordinate Modal Assurance Criterion) for the analytical data (Allemang 2003). This plot is updated by using only the analytical mode shapes that have been paired with experimental modes. B A H G C D E F 322 Figure 8.20. Model-Experimental Comparison GUI Window 323 Parameter Estimation The parameter estimation GUI window displays the parameter alpha values (A), frequency (B) and MAC (C) residuals, and total objective function value (D). The horizontal slider bars below each alpha value window allows the user to select the alpha group value to display. The parameter alpha value table E displays the current alpha value, starting alpha value, percent change in alpha value, average alpha value for all iterations and the current percent change in alpha value from the starting alpha value to current value for each parameter group. The user can specify the number of analytical modes to solve for during the iterative FE model updating process, frequency weighting scheme, and updating algorithm tolerances. The “Re-Pair Modes” options box allows the user to repair the experimental mode shapes with new analytical modes after every function iteration. Unchecking this box will only pair modes at the first iteration. A A B C A E D Figure 8.21. Parameter Estimation GUI Window 324 9. Case Studies for Rapid Model Calibration Usi ng U nknown and Known Parameters The findings from two case studies on parameter estimation on a simply supported steel multi-girder bridge are discussed. A single structure is modified to simulated global or local damage and used to develop simulated experimental data. Globally distributed parameter estimation for unknown parameters is used to update the model as well as locally varying mass distribution. The response of global parameters to simulated structural anomalies as well as mass redistribution to determine model fitness and anomalous experimental behavior are presented. 9.1 Overview In this chapter findings are presented from a series of case studies on the effects of local and global structural abnormalities on model updating behavior, specifically local mass redistribution. Two cases of change in structural characteristics are examined in this chapter: 1) global loss of composite action of all girders in a simply supported steel multi-girder bridge and 2) local loss of composite action along two adjacent girders in a simply support steel multi-girder bridge. The case study experimental data was developed by simulating the change in composite action in a FE model and extracting frequencies and mode shapes from a grid of nodes. The same model, with the composite action set to the “normal” value, was then used as the base for mass redistribution. Also considered is the use of mass updating to assess the model accuracy for an actual structure. A FE model was created using the automated modeling tool presented in Chapter 5 in this thesis. Unknown parameters were updated using a gradient-based optimization algorithm also presented in Chapter 8 in this thesis. Mass was redistributed in the updated model to assess model fitness. The work in this chapter is based upon the initial findings of Pan (2007) where a known parameter, the Young’s modulus of steel, was updated deterministically to assess the fitness of a 325 FE model when compared to natural frequency analysis data. In that study, unknown model parameters were first updated in order to bring the natural frequency analysis data of a FE model in closer alignment with experimental results. The parameter values that resulted in the lowest – or best – objective function value were chosen as resulting in the most representative model. Next, the E of steel of the updated model was then adjusted globally over a set range of values and the objective functions related to each value of E was compared. The study found that the E of steel that resulted in the lowest objective function value was ~1.15 times the known E of steel, indicating that the model was lacking stiffness globally. This led investigators to refine the FE model and re-update the unknown parameters. The best set of parameter values were again used with the FE model while the E of steel was adjusted; the E of steel that resulted in the lowest objective function value was ~1.00, indicating that the current model form and parameter set was appropriate and no further changes were needed. This research utilizes the mass of the FE model deck nodes in place of the E of steel as the known parameter and adds a layer of complication to the process by dividing the deck into a set of mass “zones” that the total mass of the deck may be divided among. Mass may be used in place of stiffness for updating a model with natural frequency analysis data as mass and stiffness have an inverse effect on frequencies and mode shapes. 9.2 Mossy Creek Bridge Mossy Interchange Bridge is located in Mossy, West Virginia, just off the West Virginia Turnpike (I-77). It is a 3-span, simply supported steel stringer bridge with a cast-in-place composite concrete deck. The center span is approximately 52 feet long with 2 rows of internal diaphragms oriented perpendicular to the girders. The out-to-out width is 35 feet. The superstructure is composed of five girders spaced at 8’-1” and has zero skew. The center span girders are rolled 326 sections. The interior girders are W36X170 and the exterior girders are W36X150. The southern end of the center span rests on steel rocker bearings, while the northern end rests on pinned bearings. These bearings are supported by reinforced concrete hammerhead piers. Figure 9.1 and Figure 9.2 show the structure. Figure 9.1. Topside of Mossy Creek Bridge 327 Figure 9.2. Underside of Mossy Creek Bridge 9.3 FE Model An element-level FE model of the bridge was created using the semi-automated model creation software described in this thesis (Figure 9.3 and Figure 9.4). 328 Figure 9.3. 3D FE Model of Mossy Creek Bridge Figure 9.4. 3D FE Model of Mossy Creek Bridge Shown without Deck Shell Elements 329 9.4 Simulation of Experimental Data Experimental results were extracted for the nine deck nodes shown in Figure 9.5. Nodes were located along every girder line at 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 times the length of the structure. In order to develop the experimental modes, the FE model was analyzed using the natural frequency analysis solver in Strand7 with the a priori parameter values shown in Table 9.1. Boundary conditions were set according to with corresponding girder numbers shown in Figure 9.5 and in Table 9.2 and Table 9.3. Figure 9.5. Location of “Experimental” Nodes and Girder Numbers 330 Table 9.1. A Priori Parameter Values Parameters Name Type Value Deck Stiffness f'c [psi] 4000 Girder Stiffness E [psi] 2.9x107 Barrier Stiffness f'c [psi] 2500 Diaphragm Stiffness E [psi] 2.9x107 Composite Moment of Inertia (Fully Composite) I [in4] 1.0x107 Composite Moment of Inertia (Loss of Composite Action) I [in4] 1.0x10-3 Table 9.2. Fixed Bearing Degrees of Freedom Girder Fixed Bearings Degree of Freedom ux uy uz rx ry rz 1 fixed free fixed fixed free fixed 2 fixed free fixed fixed free fixed 3 fixed free fixed fixed free fixed 4 fixed free fixed fixed free fixed 5 fixed free fixed fixed free fixed 6 fixed free fixed fixed free fixed Table 9.3. Expansion Bearings Degrees of Freedom Girder Expansion Bearings Degree of Freedom ux uy uz rx ry rz 1 free free fixed fixed free fixed 2 free free fixed fixed free fixed 3 free free fixed fixed free fixed 4 free free fixed fixed free fixed 5 free free fixed fixed free fixed 6 free free fixed fixed free fixed 331 9.5 Case 1: Global Loss of Composite Action The first case studied was the complete loss of composite action along every girder in the structure. Loss of composite action was simulated by setting the moment of inertia about the transverse axis of every composite action link to 0.003 in4, which is the lower bound of the sensitive natural frequency range for the a priori FE model. The first ten natural frequencies and mode shapes were used for model updating in all following discussions. MAC matrix plots show the comparison of the eleventh and twelfth modes for completeness. 9.5.1 Initial Model-Experiment Comparison Comparing the initial a priori model to the experimental data indicates greater stiffness in the model for all modes (Table 9.4). The MAC matrix plot is shown in Figure 9.6 and shows no clear diagonalization past mode 3. The modal order of the “experimental” model results in the mispairing of a priori mode 5 with “experimental” mode 4 instead of that mode being paired with “experimental” mode 5. Visually all other mode shapes are in good agreement, however the MAC values for mode shapes 4 through 7 are less than 0.53 (Figure 9.7 through Figure 9.20). The modal order of a priori modes 8 through 10 is also incorrect. The MAC values do not indicate either a primarily longitudinally or laterally dominated source of error. Frequency errors are all positive, indicating a general global lack of stiffness. The total objective function for the modelexperiment comparison is 2.36. 332 Table 9.4. A Priori Model-Experiment Comparison for Global Loss of Composite Action Exp Freq A Priori Model Ana Freq % Diff Mode # MAC 1 5.08 10.93 115.14 1 0.968 2 7.76 12.74 64.13 2 0.998 3 11.21 16.63 48.33 3 0.905 4 15.48 26.21 69.34 5 0.175 5 19.96 30.39 52.23 10 0.426 6 22.34 36.24 62.17 6 0.527 7 23.55 39.39 67.29 4 0.338 8 28.09 39.58 40.94 8 0.842 9 33.16 40.92 23.42 11 0.970 10 35.59 43.96 23.52 7 0.920 OBJ 2.36 Figure 9.6. A Priori MAC Matrix for Global Loss of Composite Action 333 Figure 9.7. A Priori Mode 1 Figure 9.8. “Experimental” Mode 1 Figure 9.9. A Priori Mode 2 Figure 9.10. “Experimental” Mode 2 334 Figure 9.11. A Priori Mode 3 Figure 9.13. A Priori Mode 5 Figure 9.12. “Experimental” Mode 3 Figure 9.14. “Experimental” Mode 4 335 Figure 9.16. “Experimental” Mode 5 Figure 9.15. A Priori Mode 10 Figure 9.17. A Priori Mode 6 Figure 9.18. “Experimental” Mode 6 336 Figure 9.19. A Priori Mode 4 Figure 9.21. A Priori Mode 8 Figure 9.20. “Experimental” Mode 7 Figure 9.22. “Experimental” Mode 8 337 Figure 9.23. A Priori Mode 11 Figure 9.25. A Priori Mode 7 Figure 9.24. “Experimental” Mode 9 Figure 9.26. “Experimental” Mode 10 338 9.5.2 Mass Redistribution as Model Fitness Check for a Priori Model Mass was redistributed among deck zones in three different configurations on the a priori before updating unknown parameters in the model: five lateral zones (Figure 9.27), five longitudinal zones (Figure 9.28), and a 3x3 grid (Figure 9.29). Figure 9.27. 5 Lateral Mass Zones Figure 9.28. 5 Longitudinal Mass Zones 339 Figure 9.29. 3x3 Grid Mass Zones Table 9.5 shows the final mass multipliers, or alpha coefficients, for each zone at the end of mass redistribution. Using five lateral mass zones results in a change of mass between -7% and +6%. Contrast this with the greater change in mass seen when using five longitudinal mass zones, where the zone nearest the fixed support has a greater than 99% decrease in mass and the zone nearest the expansion bearing has a 93% decrease in mass. Further, the middle three show a %15 to 161% increase in mass. Clearly the errors in the longitudinal stiffness components of the model have a greater effect on model error than the transverse components. Further, the decrease in mass in the longitudinal center of the model indicates that the longitudinal stiffness of the model is higher than that of the experimental subject. In the case of the 3x3 grid, mass is primarily redistributed to zones four, five, and six, indicating to greater longitudinal stiffness in the model, further pointing to less longitudinal stiffness in the experimental than a priori FE model. The objective function of the a priori model drops from 2.36 to 2.35, 1.89, and 2.00 for the five lateral, five longitudinal, and 3x3 grid mass zones, respectively. The greatest reduction in objective function resulting from mass redistribution among five longitudinal zones points to the main source of model error deriving from a difference in longitudinal stiffness. 340 Table 9.5. Mass Zone Multipliers at End of Redistribution for Global Loss of Composite Action Mass Zone Prior to Parameter Est. 5 lat. 5 long. 3x3 grid 1 0.973 0.006 0.016 2 1.054 1.160 0.016 3 0.929 1.154 0.016 4 1.061 2.610 2.408 5 0.984 0.070 1.484 6 2.471 7 0.980 8 0.643 9 0.965 341 Table 9.6. Model-Experiment Comparison after Initial Mass Redistribution for Global Loss of Composite Action Exp Freq Ana Freq 5 Lateral Mass Zones Mode % Diff # MAC 5 Longitudinal Mass Zones Ana % Mode Freq Diff # MAC Ana Freq 3x3 Grid Zones Mode % Diff # MAC 1 5.08 10.93 115.08 1 0.968 9.36 84.12 1 0.959 8.41 65.54 1 0.977 2 7.76 12.75 64.25 2 0.998 10.99 41.54 2 0.996 12.48 60.73 2 0.997 3 11.21 16.74 49.28 3 0.905 14.51 29.41 3 0.882 17.47 55.82 3 0.939 4 15.48 25.94 67.55 5 0.177 22.68 46.54 5 0.203 25.07 61.93 5 0.258 5 19.96 30.39 52.24 10 0.432 28.64 43.45 10 0.200 28.39 42.19 10 0.571 6 22.34 36.07 61.43 4 0.528 33.47 49.79 6 0.572 33.15 48.36 4 0.530 7 23.55 39.53 67.90 6 0.331 33.72 43.21 4 0.693 37.65 59.89 8 0.394 8 28.09 39.82 41.77 8 0.926 36.39 29.57 9 0.859 41.75 48.65 9 0.896 9 33.16 40.92 23.43 11 0.960 37.01 11.63 11 0.841 42.46 28.07 11 0.882 10 35.59 43.95 23.49 7 0.958 41.61 16.93 7 0.891 43.10 21.12 6 0.898 OBJ 9.5.3 2.35 1.89 2.00 Parameter Estimation Four parameters were updated in the model using the software described in Chapter 8. Updating was performed with a single set of parameter starting values and was stopped once the algorithm determined no sensitivity in the objective function above 0.001 or parameter values above 0.001α. Composite action was the only parameter to exhibit greater than an order of magnitude change in value (Table 9.7). Figure 9.30 and Figure 9.32 show the MAC matrix plot for the model-experiment comparison at the fifth iteration and final (tenth) iteration of parameter estimation, respectively. Table 9.7 shows frequency errors less than +/- 1.04% and MAC values greater than 0.991 for the final updated model with an objective of 0.02. The MAC matrix plot at the fifth iteration shows the beginning of convergence of mode pairing and diagonalization and the final MAC matrix plot shows complete diagonalization. Comparing the final model to the “experimental” model indicates that the model updating process was able to find an adequate 342 solution to the minimization problem by updating global parameters, specifically global composite action. Table 9.7. A Priori and Converged Parameter Values Lower Bound Upper Bound Start End %Δ Barrier Stiffness [f'c] 1000 8000 2500 3297 31.88 Composite Action [in4] 0.001 22000 22000 0.0021 -100.00 Deck Stiffness [f'c] 1000 8000 4000 3491 -12.73 Diaphragm Stiffness [psi] 1000 2.90E+07 2.90E+07 2.59E+07 -10.66 Table 9.8. Model Experiment Comparison Exp. Mode Exp Freq A Priori Model Ana Freq % Diff Updated Model Mode # MAC Ana Freq % Diff Mode # MAC 1 5.08 10.93 115.14 1 0.968 5.10 0.34 1 1.000 2 7.76 12.74 64.13 2 0.998 7.77 0.13 2 1.000 3 11.21 16.63 48.33 3 0.905 11.28 0.57 3 0.997 4 15.48 26.21 69.34 5 0.175 15.55 0.44 4 0.992 5 19.96 30.39 52.23 10 0.426 19.76 -1.03 5 0.999 6 22.34 36.24 62.17 4 0.527 22.20 -0.63 6 1.000 7 23.55 39.39 67.29 6 0.338 23.39 -0.67 7 1.000 8 28.09 39.58 40.94 8 0.842 28.07 -0.08 8 1.000 9 33.16 40.92 23.42 11 0.970 33.22 0.20 9 0.999 10 35.59 43.96 23.52 7 0.920 35.73 0.40 10 1.000 OBJ 2.36 0.02 343 Figure 9.30. MAC Matrix Plot at 5 Iterations Figure 9.31. MAC Matrix Plot at Parameter Convergence (10 Iterations) 344 9.5.4 Mass Redistribution as Model Fitness Check for Updated Model After updating unknown global parameters, the fitness of the final updated model was checked by again using the mass redistribution algorithm. Like the initial model error check, mass was redistributed using three schemes: five lateral zones, five longitudinal zones, and a 3x3 grid. Table 9.9 shows the results of mass redistribution for five lateral and 3x3 grid mass zones while Figure 9.32 and Figure 9.33 show the final MAC matrix plots. The response surface space was insufficiently sensitive to the use of five longitudinal zones and the algorithm was unable to proceed past the initial iteration. Comparison of natural frequency data indicates that the model exhibited behavior less like that shown in the "Experimental" data with mass redistribution; in other words, globally distributed parameters were sufficient for model calibration and no further refinement would be needed to use the model to investigate global or system-level structural characteristics. 345 Table 9.9. Model Experiment Comparison of Mass Redistribution Solution after Parameter Estimation for Global Loss of Composite Action Exp Mode Exp Freq 5 Lateral Mass Zones Ana Freq % Diff Mode # 3x3 Grid Zones MAC Ana Freq % Diff Mode # MAC 1 5.08 5.13 0.88 1 1.000 5.14 1.18 1 1.000 2 7.76 7.72 -0.48 2 1.000 7.75 -0.11 2 0.999 3 11.21 11.11 -0.94 3 0.999 11.26 0.40 3 0.999 4 15.48 15.41 -0.45 4 0.993 15.67 1.22 4 0.987 5 19.96 19.96 -0.04 5 0.999 20.45 2.44 5 0.996 6 22.34 22.39 0.22 6 0.995 23.06 3.22 6 0.990 7 23.55 23.51 -0.14 7 0.993 23.99 1.88 7 0.990 8 28.09 27.70 -1.39 8 0.998 28.19 0.35 8 0.993 9 33.16 33.02 -0.40 9 0.996 34.31 3.47 9 0.986 10 35.59 35.90 0.87 10 0.998 37.02 4.04 10 0.992 OBJ 0.03 0.08 Figure 9.32. Final MAC Matrix Plot for Mass Redistribution Convergence with 5 Lateral Zones for Global Loss of Composite Action 346 Figure 9.33. Final MAC Matrix Plot Mass Redistribution Convergence with 3x3 Grid Zones for Global Loss of Composite Action 9.6 Case 2: Local Loss of Composite Action along Two Girders Next, the use of mass redistribution to diagnose model errors related to unknown local structural characteristics was investigated. Like the previous case, complete loss of composite action was used as the structural abnormality, however in this instance only girders 1 and 2 had a loss of composite action while girder 3, 4, and 5 were held to completely composite (Figure 9.34). 347 Figure 9.34. Isometric View of 3D FE Model of Mossy Creek Bridge Indicating Two Girders with Total Loss of Composite Action 9.6.1 Initial Model-Experiment Comparison Table 9.10 shows the model-experiment comparison with the a priori model and Figure 9.35 shows the corresponding MAC matrix plot. Frequency errors are up to 75% and MAC values range from 0.921 to 0.919. Modes are paired correctly up to “experimental” mode 8; however comparing the mode shapes visually shows that the a priori model form is unable to properly describe the local variation in degree of composite action. 348 Table 9.10. A Priori Model Experiment Comparison for Local Loss of Composite Action Exp Freq A Priori Model Ana Freq % Diff Mode # MAC 1 6.26 10.93 74.67 1 0.637 2 8.62 12.74 47.74 2 0.683 3 15.15 16.63 9.80 3 0.919 4 21.16 26.21 23.86 5 0.384 5 23.62 30.39 28.67 6 0.360 6 24.36 36.24 48.73 4 0.921 7 30.94 39.39 27.30 11 0.291 8 35.75 39.58 10.74 10 0.295 9 37.23 40.92 9.92 7 0.845 10 38.47 43.96 14.26 9 0.406 OBJ 1.92 Figure 9.35. A Priori Mac Matrix Plot for Local Loss of Composite Action 349 Figure 9.36. A Priori Mode 1 Figure 9.38. A Priori Mode 2 Figure 9.37. “Experimental” Mode 1 Figure 9.39. “Experimental” Mode 2 350 Figure 9.40. A Priori Mode 3 Figure 9.41. “Experimental” Mode 3 Figure 9.42. A Priori Mode 5 Figure 9.43. “Experimental” Mode 4 351 Figure 9.44. A Priori Mode 6 Figure 9.46. A Priori Mode 4 Figure 9.45. “Experimental” Mode 5 Figure 9.47. “Experimental” Mode 6 352 Figure 9.48. A Priori Mode 11 Figure 9.50. A Priori Mode 10 Figure 9.49. “Experimental” Mode 7 Figure 9.51. “Experimental” Mode 8 353 Figure 9.52. A Priori Mode 7 Figure 9.53. “Experimental” Mode 9 Figure 9.55. “Experimental” Mode 10 Figure 9.54. A Priori Mode 9 Figure 9.56. Example of Software GUI for Model-Experimental Comparison with Local Loss of Composite Action 354 355 9.6.2 Mass Redistribution as Model Fitness Check for a Priori Model Mass was redistributed in the model in the same manner as before as a fitness check for the a priori model. Using both five lateral zones and a 3x3 grid result in concentration of mass over the two girders with a complete loss of composite action (Table 9.11). The algorithm was unable to find a better solution when using five longitudinal zones and did not progress past the first iteration. The objective function of the a priori model drops from 1.92 to 1.42 and 1.40 for the five lateral and 3x3 grid mass zones, respectively. These results indicate that the primary source of model error is due to a discrepancy in the transverse stiffness, specifically lower stiffness in the “experimental” model than in the a priori model on the side of model near lateral zone one. Table 9.11. Final Mass Redistribution Coefficients for Local Loss of Composite Action Prior to Parameter Est. 5 lat 3x3 grid 1 1.606 1.667 2 1.270 0.863 3 1.074 0.376 4 0.710 1.788 5 0.340 0.890 6 0.561 7 1.543 8 0.975 9 0.336 356 Table 9.12. Model-Experiment Comparison of Local Loss of Composite Action to Initial Mass Updating Exp Freq 5 Lateral Mass Zones Ana Freq % Diff Mode # MAC Ana Freq % Diff Mode # MAC 1 6.26 10.36 65.52 1 0.910 10.31 64.68 1 0.939 2 8.62 13.45 55.99 2 0.961 13.60 57.70 2 0.971 3 15.15 17.26 13.93 3 0.865 17.03 12.42 3 0.930 4 21.16 26.46 25.02 5 0.649 26.60 25.71 5 0.751 5 23.62 29.12 23.31 6 0.464 29.52 24.99 6 0.449 6 24.36 34.76 42.68 4 0.932 35.40 45.31 4 0.923 7 30.94 39.85 28.78 8 0.557 40.57 31.12 7 0.674 8 35.75 40.44 13.13 9 0.665 41.54 16.22 9 0.641 9 37.23 41.57 11.66 7 0.938 42.43 13.98 8 0.883 10 38.47 44.16 14.79 10 0.776 45.07 17.16 10 0.756 OBJ 9.6.3 Grid of 9 Zones 1.42 1.40 Parameter Estimation Four parameters were updated in the model in the same manner as seen in the previous case study. Again, composite action was the only parameter to exhibit an order of magnitude change in value (Table 9.7), however both deck and barrier stiffness was reduced by 60-75 percent. The model-experiment comparison (Table 9.14 and Figure 9.57) shows that the primary reduction in objective function comes from reduction in frequency errors. The a priori model has higher frequencies for all modes while the updated model has frequency errors of approximately -15% to +16%. MAC values increased slightly with greater increases seen in the “experimental” modes that had MAC values less than 0.500. A lower objective function and better frequency agreement by a reduction in stiffness of the global components indicates that the “experimental” model has lower stiffness – either global or local - than the a priori model. The objective function decrease, 357 however, comes primarily from the reduction in frequency error, indicating that a local source of error may still be present. Table 9.13. A Priori and Converged Parameter Values for Local Loss of Composite Action Lower Bound Upper Bound Start End %Δ Barrier Stiffness [f'c] 1000 8000 2500 1000 -60.00 Composite Action [in4] 0.001 22000 22000 3.058 -99.86 Deck Stiffness [f'c] 1000 8000 4000 1025 -74.38 Diaphragm Stiffness [psi] 1000 2.90E+07 2.90E+07 2.84E+07 -2.07 Table 9.14. Model Experiment Comparison for Local Loss of Composite Action Exp Freq A Priori Model Updated Model Ana Freq % Diff Mode # MAC Ana Freq % Diff Mode # MAC 1 6.26 10.93 74.67 1 0.637 7.34 17.20 1 0.685 2 8.62 12.74 47.74 2 0.683 9.79 13.53 2 0.690 3 15.15 16.63 9.80 3 0.919 14.16 -6.49 3 0.935 4 21.16 26.21 23.86 5 0.384 21.95 3.74 5 0.541 5 23.62 30.39 28.67 6 0.360 23.40 -0.91 6 0.461 6 24.36 36.24 48.73 4 0.921 28.61 17.42 4 0.926 7 30.94 39.39 27.30 11 0.291 30.16 -2.52 8 0.573 8 35.75 39.58 10.74 10 0.295 30.86 -13.67 7 0.459 9 37.23 40.92 9.92 7 0.845 31.91 -14.28 9 0.988 10 38.47 43.96 14.26 9 0.406 35.26 -8.34 11 0.614 OBJ 1.92 1.21 358 Figure 9.57. MAC Matrix Plot at Parameter Convergence for Local Loss of Composite Action 9.6.4 Mass Redistribution as Model Fitness Check for Updated Model Mass was redistributed in the updated model using the three zone types as noted previously, however the algorithm was able to progress beyond the first iteration with five lateral zones only (Table 9.15). Redistributing mass in the updated model reduced the objective function from 1.21 to 0.62, or 46%. Frequency errors did not change, however MAC values were improved (Table 9.15 and Figure 9.58), with the lowest MAC value equal to 0.650 and five MAC vales over 0.900. These results indicate that global parameter estimation is inadequate for characterizing the experimental data. More refined methods, such as local unknown parameter estimation would be appropriate for FE model simulation. In the case of an actual structure, in situ investigation of the region of the structure near girders 1 and 2 would provide greater understanding of the local variance in structural characteristics. 359 Table 9.15. Model-Experiment Comparison for Local Loss of Composite Action for Mass Zone Updating Exp Freq 5 Lateral Mass Zones Ana Freq % Diff Mode # MAC 1 6.26 7.15 14.21 1 0.906 2 8.62 9.78 13.47 2 0.967 3 15.15 14.86 -1.89 3 0.980 4 21.16 22.08 4.32 5 0.837 5 23.62 22.78 -3.55 6 0.650 6 24.36 28.02 15.02 4 0.931 7 30.94 29.88 -3.45 8 0.829 8 35.75 32.47 -9.16 10 0.837 9 37.23 33.57 -9.84 9 0.961 10 38.47 35.04 -8.93 11 0.736 OBJ 0.62 Figure 9.58. MAC Matrix Plot at Mass Redistribution Convergence with 5 Lateral Zones for Local Loss of Composite Action 360 10. Conclusions and F uture Work 10.1 Summary of Research Objectives and Scope The overarching aim of the research reported herein is to establish a framework whereby realistic simulations and structural identification may be brought to bear on furthering the understanding of performance of large populations of bridges. More specifically, the following research objectives were defined and adopted to guide this research effort: 1. Develop and validate an automated design/modeling tool capable of developing realistic estimates of the structural characteristics/responses for broad populations of bridges. This tool should be capable of (a) sizing members as per the current AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications for different bridge configurations, (b) constructing 3D FE models of common bridge types as per best practices approaches, (c) simulating a wide range of demands (including dead load, superimposed dead load, live load, etc.) as per current design practice, and (d) automating the response extraction process for the various considered demands. 2. Using the tool developed in (1), establish inherent bias and variability in the LRFD analysis model and the extent to which common design assumptions can result in deterministic trends of structural characteristics within populations of bridges. The specific design assumptions selected for this study include (a) the use of distribution factors to estimate the transverse distribution of live load and (b) the equal distribution of superimposed dead load across all girders. 361 3. Using the tool developed in (1), examine how the current practice of bridge design (inclusive of the conservatism introduced through common assumptions) may produce bridges that are capable of meeting demands that were not explicitly considered during member sizing. The demand selected for this study was differential vertical and rotational support movement within continuous bridges. 4. Develop and validate a streamlined parameter identification tool capable of reliably improving the representative nature of simulation models through the use of field measurements. To permit the reliable implementation to populations of bridges, this tool must provide the user with the ability to quickly and effectively identify and diagnose error sources that may compromise the model updating process and distort the representative nature of the model. 10.2 Conclusions The following conclusions are drawn from the work presented herein, and are organized based on the five primary objectives outlined at the beginning of this research. 10.2.1 Objective 1: Development of Automated Design, Modeling, and Simulation Tool Development of Automated Design A tool was developed as part of this research that replicates the SLG girder design process as per AASHTO ASD and LRFD limit states. The options that may be selected by the user include: the ability to define arbitrary rounding rules for cross-sectional dimension or to instead select 362 member properties with zero additional margin; design continuous-span structures with doublysymmetric cover plate sections in the negative moment region; and to design interior and exterior girders separately or so that a single section can meet both interior and exterior design criteria. • Design software was validated by an independent team at the University of Delaware. This validation included a line by line check of all calculations used in computing SLG demands, section capacity, and section proportion limits. This validation also included a comparison with redundant designs. • Existing constrained non-linear optimization solvers are suitable for the task of replicating the linear and iterative girder design process, especially for sizing the individual components of welded/fabricated plate girders as per AASHTO LRFD limit states. • Girder designs for simply-supported steel multi-girder bridges required a mean time of 11.5 seconds. The distribution of design times is strongly skewed left. The maximum design time was approximately 50 seconds. The number of iterations, or trials, needed to find a solution for girder designs had a mean of 2.45. This distribution was also strongly left-skewed and had a maximum of nine iterations. Development of Automated Modeling and Simulation Automated creation of 3D element-level FE models, simulation of demands, and extraction of results is possible through the use of common scripting or programming languages and application programming interfaces provided by the developers of many FE solvers. A software tool was developed for the Matlab programming environment that utilizes the Strand7 (a commercially available FE solver) API to create FE models for simulations. Options in the software for model construction include: Live load demand simulation models can be maximized 363 by shifting lanes upon the clear deck area between curbs as well as shifting truck positions within lanes to “crowd” truck loads over girders of interest; Simulation of types of dead load and superimposed dead load can be achieved by the selective inclusion of various features and members or by modifying section and material properties; diaphragm section type and orientation – including contiguous or staggered diaphragm rows for highly skewed-structures may be configured; combinations of asymmetric boundary conditions may be used to ensure accurate simulation of load phenomena. A series of strategies for automating the results extraction process of the automated modeling tool were also identified in order to avoid anomalies with results repeatability across populations and general reliability in the absence of direct human user oversight. • Through a comparison of both single and two-girder element level and shell element model systems, it was determined that the element-level model was the best choice for the automated modeling tool for the simulation of multi-girder bridges. This conclusion was based on (1) the good agreement (approximately 5% difference) between the element-level model and the more refined shell element model, (2) the more straightforward manner in which results may be extracted from the element-level model, and (3) the drastically reduced computational time associated with the element-level model. 364 • To automate the results extraction the following strategies should be employed: (a) Shear deformation of the beam elements within the element-level models should be ignored to ensure proper convergence of results; (b) Boundary conditions that provide minimum restraint should be used to minimize extraneous inputs associated with local, self-equilibrating forces; (c) Support reactions should be used to conservatively estimate the shear force in the girders, as the computed shear force in the beam elements is mesh dependent; (d) Deck stresses should be approximated by extrapolating the strain in the girders to the top of the deck to avoid local stress concentrations exist in the vicinity of rigid links. 10.2.2 Objective 2: Establish the Bias, Trends, and Variability in Performance Due to the LRFD Design Model and Common Design Assumptions • Sampling and Study Design Latin Hypercube Sampling allows for efficient sampling of parameter space. For the five parameters examined within certain bounds the results converged by 200 samples. Individual sample sets showed similar variance and shape of distribution. The comparing the ECDF of the FE to SLG rating ratios of a third suite of 100 bridges to the ECDF of FE to SLG ratio of the combination of two sample sets of 100 each showed convergence by passing the KolmogorovSmirnov test. 365 • Rating Factor of Simply Supported Steel Multi-girder Bridges without Diaphragms and with the Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria For these bridges the SLG ratings for interior girders/exterior girders had a mean of 2.64/2.99 for the Strength I limit state and 2.67/3.37 for the Service II limit state with standard deviations of 0.61/0.68 and 0.76/0.88, respectively. • The cause of the above phenomena is that fatigue criteria for simply supported structures are the limiting factor when fatigue is considered in design in all cases and the associated limiting fatigue moments are considerably larger than actual moment demands. • The exterior girder controls for Strength I FE ratings in approximately 55% of bridges, while the 1st interior girder is controlling for 5%, and other interior girders control for 40%. • The exterior girder controls for Service II FE ratings in approximately 35% of bridges, while the 1st interior girder controls for 5%, and other interior girders control for 65%. • The ratio of controlling girder FE to SLG ratings is 1.12/1.21 for Strength I/Service II limit states with standard deviations of 0.08/0.08. Rating factor ratios for interior girders have mean 1.24/1.23 and standard deviation 0.10/0.10, for Strength I/Service II. deviation 0.10/0.11. Exterior girders have mean 0.99/1.04 with standard This reflects the appropriateness of the SLG model for design of steel multi-girder bridges. 366 • High skew ratios result in high conservatism in load rating for SLG designs. Skew ratios under 0.5 show no discernable effect. SLG designs for bridges with skew ratios between 0.5 and 0.75 may be less conservative than other designs. • The remainder of partial lanes (the width of the roadway surface less the total width of all lanes) has no discernable effect on the ratio of FE to SLF rating ratio. • Rating Factor of Simply Supported Steel Multi-girder Bridges without Diaphragms and without the Consideration of Fatigue Neglecting fatigue life criteria in design results in Strength I limit state SLG rating factors of 1.32/1.30 with standard deviation 0.08/0.11; Service II SLG ratings have mean 1.00 with standard deviation 0. Neglecting fatigue life in design allows the optimization algorithm to find plate girder dimensions that exactly satisfy Service II criteria. The ratio of controlling girder FE to SLG ratings is 1.26/1.27 for Strength I/Service II limit states with standard deviations of 0.23/0.28. Rating factor ratios for interior girders have mean 1.23/1.25 and standard deviation 0.18/0.16, for Strength I/Service II. Exterior girders have mean 1.12/1.29 with standard deviation 0.25/0.30. The Service II limit state was the controlling limit state for most designs and may be the cause of the additional conservatism illustrated by higher FE to SLG rating factor ratios. • When designing without fatigue life Service II limit state criteria is the controlling limit state in the large majority of cases; it is reasonable to assume that in those cases when Service II was not the controlling limit that the optimization algorithm was stuck in a local minimum for designs. The use of doubly symmetric sections adds unneeded area to sections when designing for fatigue. 367 • Effect of Diaphragms on Transverse Load Sharing The nominal angle section sizes used in cross- and chevron-braced diaphragms that are required to satisfy exterior girder transverse wind load demands and minimum slenderness ratio requirements are significantly smaller than the actual sections chosen by contractors to meet construction stability requirements. The use of stiffer diaphragm sections has a strong effect on the FE to SLG rating factor ratio of simply supported structures. • Diaphragm stiffness contribution can be normalized among a population of bridges with varying girder sections by using the ratio of effective flexibilities of the longitudinal and transverse load paths. • The effect of increasing diaphragm stiffness on bridges that were designed without infinite fatigue life criteria is greater in magnitude than the effect on bridges designed with fatigue life criteria. • Interior girder rating factors increase with increasing diaphragm stiffness. The majority of structures see a decrease in exterior girder rating factor, while some structures see an increase in exterior girder rating factor. • The effective flexibility ratio of interior girders for bridges designed with consideration of IFL increases from a mean of 1.42 for nominal diaphragm stiffness to 1.68 for 30x diaphragm stiffness. The mean ratio for exterior girders increases from 0.71 to 0.84. When IFL criteria is not used in design the flexibility ratio increases from 1.54 to 1.70 for interior girders and from 0.77 to 0.85 for exterior girders. 368 • Distribution Factors Exterior girder distribution factors become more conservative as they increase for both Strength I and Service II limit states. Service II rating factors become more conservative with decreasing span length. SLG design conservatism variance increases with increasing skew for the Service II limit state. • The difference between the calculated SLG live load distribution factors and the theoretical minimum distribution factor has no effect on the ratio of FE to SLG rating factors. • Demand Ratios The ratio of FE to SLG dead load moment demand has a mean of 1.06 and 0.86 for interior and exterior girders, respectively, with standard deviations of 0.06 and 0.08. Superimposed dead load demand ratios have mean 1.21/2.20 with standard deviation 0.38/0.54. Live load demand ratio means are 0.82/1.03 with standard deviation 0.06/0.10. • Dead load moment demands are under predicted by the SLG model for interior girders while they are over-predicted for exterior girders. Dead load prediction becomes less conservative for shorter bridges. Dead load demand is slightly less conservative for interior girders with higher girder spacing. 369 • Superimposed dead load demands are non-conservative for all exterior girders. The ratio of predicted to actual superimposed dead load demands increases with increasing bridge width for both exterior and interior girders, however about one third of bridges showed maximum interior girder superimposed dead load demands that were less than predicted by the SLG model. Neglecting superimposed dead load during design when using the SLG model results in significantly higher superimposed dead load demands on the exterior and 1st interior girders and significantly lower superimposed dead load demands on other interior girders. Superimposed dead load demands are more likely to be under predicted for interior girders with smaller girder spacing. • Live load demand predictions with the SLG model are less conservative for longer bridges. Demand predictions may be non-conservative for exterior girders on some longer structures. Live load demand predictions with the SLG model are less conservative for bridges with a higher skew ratio. The ratio of SLG to FE live load demands may be greater or less than unity depending on distribution factor. The ratio of predicted live load moment demand to FE live load demands decreases with increasing distribution factor for interior girders. • Inclusion of barrier stiffness always results in higher FE rating factors, due the mean decrease in FE to SLG live load moment demand. Mean FE to SLG live load demand is 0.82 without barrier stiffness and 0.78 with barrier stiffness contributions for interior girders. For exterior girders the mean demand ratio drops from 1.03 to 0.90. Standard deviations increase from 0.06 to 0.07 and from 0.10 to 0.14 for interior and exterior girders, respectively. 370 • Rating Factor of Two-span Continuous Steel Multi-girder Bridges without Diaphragms and with the Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria The mean of negative moment region Strength I limit state SLG rating factors for interior/exterior girders was 1.31/1.27 with standard deviation 0.42/0.39; Service II SLG ratings have mean 1.83/1.77 with standard deviation 0.54/0.60. Both Strength I rating factors exhibited the same pattern as found with Service II rating factors in simply supported bridges designed without fatigue criteria: the large majority of ratings were exactly 1.00 with small tail of outliers. Rating factor ratios for interior girders have mean 1.45/1.48 and standard deviation 0.11/0.24, for Strength I/Service II. Exterior girders have mean 1.55/1.57 with standard deviation 0.16/0.23. • Positive moment region rating factors were similar to those found with simply supported structures designed with infinite fatigue life criteria. • Due to higher moment demands in the negative moment region, the flange thickness required to satisfy strength and stiffness criteria in the negative moment region due to dead and live load demands was sufficient in most cases to satisfy fatigue criteria, therefore no extra capacity was added. • Demands were first estimated with the assumption of continuous cross-sections over the entire length of the girders and then iteratively alternating between updating SLG demands based on the optimized section and re-optimizing the section until de. 371 • The AASHTO LRFD design code and SLG model result in live load distribution factors that are less conservative for both simply supported structures and twospan continuous structures for positive moment demands than they are for negative moment demands. 10.2.3 Objective 3: Examine Resiliency for Extraneous Demands due to Inherent Conservatism in Bridge Design Practice A population of two-span continuous multi-girder bridges were examined for tolerable support movement due to vertical translation and transverse rotation of abutments and piers. • The following minimum tolerable settlements were calculated for the Strength I limit state for moment demands: (a) The minimum tolerable settlement for positive moment demand at mid-span with vertical translation of the center pier was 11.68 in. (b) Minimum tolerable settlement of the abutment was 1.07 in. with the controlling negative demand location at the center pier. (c) Rotation of the pier has a minimum tolerable settlement of 11.87 in. with controlling response at mid-span. (d) Rotation of the abutment has a minimum tolerable settlement of 1.39 in. with the controlling location over the center pier. • The following minimum tolerable settlements were calculated for the Strength I limit state for shear demands: (a) The minimum tolerable settlement for shear at mid-span due to vertical translation of the center pier was 7.04 in. (b) Minimum tolerable settlement of the abutment was 9.44 in. with the controlling demand location at the center pier. (c) Rotation of the pier has a minimum tolerable settlement of 3.86 in. with controlling response at mid-span. (d) Rotation of the abutment has a minimum tolerable settlement of 3.74 in. with the controlling location over the center pier. 372 • The following minimum tolerable settlements were calculated for the Service II limit state for moment demands: (a) The minimum tolerable settlement for positive moment at mid-span due to vertical translation of the center pier was 7.84 in. (b) Minimum tolerable settlement of the abutment was 3.16 in. with the controlling negative moment demand location at the center pier. (c) Rotation of the pier has a minimum tolerable settlement of 8.78 in. with controlling response at mid-span. (d) Rotation of the abutment has a minimum tolerable settlement of 3.74 in. with the controlling location over the center pier. 10.2.4 Objective 4: Development of a Streamlined Parameter Estimation Tool FE models were used to develop controlled and simulated “experimental” data to investigate the response of deterministic updating of global unknown parameters and local known parameters to changes in structural characteristics. Nonstructural mass elements were redistributed among deck zones in various configurations to determine the source of error. Global structural characteristics, such as total loss of composite action were investigated as well as the regional loss of composite action along two girders. The following conclusions may be drawn from these two case studies: • Use of deterministic updating of known parameters by local mass redistribution is a suitable method for the investigation of error screening models that were updated for global unknown parameters • Use of this method may also be used to pinpoint local anomalous behaviors that may indicate global parameter estimation or a chosen model form is inappropriate for sufficient investigation into bridge performance evaluation 373 10.3 Future Work The following are suggestions for future work based on the research presented herein: 1. Determine the extent to which the evolution of the AASHTO deign codes effect load ratings of existing structures developed under previous design codes. 2. Use existing infrastructure databases to influence the developed probability densities of bias and variability of the SLG design code. Determine whether structures at the tails of the population distribution exist in practice. 3. Use the software tools developed as part of this research to investigate the dynamic properties of the existing infrastructure population. Investigate the effects of future developments to the design code on the dynamic characteristics of structures. 4. Utilize the tools developed as part of this research to develop maintenance prioritization schemes to assist infrastructure stakeholders in targeting structures that are most susceptible to unforeseen environmental inputs. Investigate methods that can use the information learned from this research in targeting the neediest structures in light of limited infrastructure budgets. 5. Use the software developed as part of this research in concert with modern geographic information system technology to better understand the resilience of roadway networks to catastrophic events. 6. Further investigate the use of mass redistribution techniques for model error checking. 374 List of References 1. 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Effect of Girder Spacing on Total Composite Section Stress 381 Figure A.4. Effect of Span Length on Total Composite Section Stress Figure A.5. Effect of Span Length Normalized by Length on Total Composite Section Stress 382 Figure A.6. Effect of Skew Angle on Total Composite Section Stress Figure A.7. Effect of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio on Total Composite Section Stress 383 A.2 Total Composite Section Stress: Shear Deformation Off – Barrier and Sidewalk Stiffness Off Figure A.8. Effect of Deck Strength on Total Composite Section Stress 384 Figure A.9. Effect of Deck Thickness on Total Composite Section Stress Figure A.10. Effect of Girder Spacing on Total Composite Section Stress 385 Figure A.11. Effect of Span Length Normalized by Length on Total Composite Section Stress Figure A.12. Effect of Span Length on Total Composite Section Stress 386 Figure A.13. Effect of Skew Angle on Total Composite Section Stress Figure A.14. Effect of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio on Total Composite Section Stress 387 A.3 Deck Stress: Shear Deformation Off – Barrier and Sidewalk Stiffness On Figure A.15. Effect of Deck Strength on Deck Stress 388 Figure A.16. Effect of Deck Thickness on Deck Stress Figure A.17. Effect of Girder Spacing on Deck Stress 389 Figure A.18. Effect of Span Length on Deck Stress 390 Figure A.19. Effect of Span Length on Deck Stress Figure A.20. Effect of Skew Angle on Deck Stress 391 Figure A.21. Effect of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio on Deck Stress 392 A.4 Deck Stress: Shear Deformation Off – Barrier and Sidewalk Stiffness Off Figure A.22. Effect of Deck Strength on Deck Stress 393 Figure A.23. Effect of Deck Thickness on Deck Stress Figure A.24. Effect of Girder Spacing on Deck Stress 394 Figure A.25. Effect of Span Length on Deck Stress 395 Figure A.26. Effect of Span Length Normalized by Length on Deck Stress 396 A.5 Vertical Reaction at the Support: Shear Deformation Off – Barrier and Sidewalk Stiffness On Figure A.27. Effect of Deck Strength on Vertical Support Reaction 397 Figure A.28. Effect of Deck Thickness on Vertical Support Reaction Figure A.29. Effect of Girder Spacing on Vertical Support Reaction 398 Figure A.30. Effect of Span Length on Vertical Support Reaction 399 Figure A.31. Effect of Span Length Normalized by Length on Vertical Support Reaction Figure A.32. Effect of Skew Angle on Vertical Support Reaction 400 Figure A.33. Effect of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio on Vertical Support Reaction 401 A.6 Vertical Reaction at the Support: Shear Deformation Off – Barrier and Sidewalk Stiffness Off Figure A.34. Effect of Deck Strength on Vertical Support Reaction 402 Figure A.35. Effect of Deck Thickness on Vertical Support Reaction Figure A.36. Effect of Girder Spacing on Vertical Support Reaction 403 Figure A.37. Effect of Span Length on Vertical Support Reaction 404 Figure A.38. Effect of Span Length Normalized by Length on Vertical Support Reaction Figure A.39. Effect of Skew Angle on Vertical Support Reaction 405 Figure A.40. Effect of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio on Vertical Support Reaction 406 Appendix B. Supplemental Material to the Invest igation of Bias in the AASHTO Si ngle Li ne-Girder Model B.1 Finite Element Rating Controlling Girder B.1.1 Service II Limit State Including Out of Plane Bending Figure B.41. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating Controlling Girder with Inclusion of Out of Plane Moment 407 Figure B.42. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating Controlling Girder Order from Center Girder with Inclusion of Out of Plane Moment 408 B.2 Finite Element Ratings – Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness B.2.1 Service II Limit State Including Out of Plane Bending Figure B.43. Frequency of FE LRFR Service II Rating Including Out of Plane Bending 409 Figure B.44. Frequency of Ratio of Service II FE Rating Factor to SLG Rating Factor Including Out of Plane Bending 410 Figure B.45. Frequency of Ratio of Service II FE Rating Factor to SLG Rating Factor Including Out of Plane Bending for Interior Girders 411 Figure B.46. Frequency of Ratio of Service II FE Rating Factor to SLG Rating Factor for Exterior Girders Including Out of Plane Bending 412 B.3 Finite Element Ratings – 10x Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness B.3.1 Strength I Limit State Figure B.47. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 413 Figure B.48. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 414 Figure B.49. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Interior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 415 Figure B.50. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Exterior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 416 B.3.2 Strength I Limit State without Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria Figure B.51. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating 417 Figure B.52. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating 418 Figure B.53. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Interior Girders 419 Figure B.54. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Exterior Girders 420 B.3.3 Service II Limit State Figure B.55. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating 421 Figure B.56. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating 422 Figure B.57. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Interior Girders 423 Figure B.58. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Exterior Girders 424 B.3.4 Service II Limit State without Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria Figure B.59. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating 425 Figure B.60. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating 426 Figure B.61. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Interior Girders 427 Figure B.62. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Exterior Girders 428 B.4 Finite Element Ratings – 30x Nominal Diaphragm Stiffness B.4.1 Strength I Limit State Figure B.63. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 429 Figure B.64. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 430 Figure B.65. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Interior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 431 Figure B.66. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Exterior Girder Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single Line-Girder Rating without Consideration of Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria 432 B.4.2 Strength I Limit State without Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria Figure B.67. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Strength I Rating 433 Figure B.68. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating 434 Figure B.69. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Interior Girders 435 Figure B.70. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Strength I Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Exterior Girders 436 B.4.3 Service II Limit State Figure B.71. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating 437 Figure B.72. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating 438 Figure B.73. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Interior Girders 439 Figure B.74. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Exterior Girders 440 B.4.4 Service II Limit State without Infinite Fatigue Life Design Criteria Figure B.75. Frequency of Finite Element LRFR Service II Rating 441 Figure B.76. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating 442 Figure B.77. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Interior Girders 443 Figure B.78. Frequency of Ratio of LRFR Service II Finite Element Rating to Single LineGirder Rating for Exterior Girders 444 B.5 Bivariate Analysis of Ratio of FE and SLG Rating Factors B.5.1 Strength I Limit State Figure B.79. Ratio of LRFR Strength I FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Width 445 Figure B.80. Ratio of LRFR Strength I FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Girder Spacing 446 Figure B.81. Ratio of LRFR Strength I FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio 447 Figure B.82. Ratio of LRFR Strength I FE Interior Girder Rating to SLG Interior Girder Rating as a Function of Interior Girder Distribution Factor 448 B.5.2 Service II Limit State Figure B.83. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Width 449 Figure B.84. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Girder Spacing Figure B.85. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio 450 Figure B.86. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Interior Girder Rating to SLG Rating as a Function of Interior Girder Distribution Factor 451 B.5.3 Service II Limit State with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending Moment Figure B.87. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Length Figure B.88. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Width 452 Figure B.89. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Skew 453 Figure B.90. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Girder Spacing 454 Figure B.91. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio 455 Figure B.92. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio 456 Figure B.93. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Interior Girder Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Interior Girder Distribution Factor 457 Figure B.94. Ratio of LRFR Service II FE Exterior Girder Rating with the Inclusion of Out of Plane Bending to SLG Rating as a Function of Exterior Girder Distribution Factor 458 B.6 Bivariate Analysis of Ratio of FE and SLG Moment Demands B.6.1 Dead Load Figure B.95. Ratio of Maximum FE Dead Load Demand to SLG Dead Load Demand as a Function of Width 459 Figure B.96. Ratio of Maximum FE Dead Load Demand to SLG Dead Load Demand as a Function of the Ratio of Span Length to Girder Depth Figure B.97. Ratio of Maximum FE Dead Load Demand to SLG Dead Load Demand as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio 460 Figure B.98. Ratio of Maximum FE Dead Load Demand to SLG Dead Load Demand as a Function of Skew Ratio 461 B.6.2 Superimposed Dead Load Moment Demand Figure B.99. Ratio of Maximum FE Superimposed Dead Load Demand to SLG Superimposed Dead Load Demand as a Function of Skew Figure B.100. Ratio of Maximum FE Superimposed Dead Load Demand to SLG Superimposed Dead Load Demand as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio 462 Figure B.101. Ratio of Maximum FE Superimposed Dead Load Demand to SLG Superimposed Dead Load Demand as a Function of Skew Ratio B.6.3 Live Load Moment Demand for Interior Girders Figure B.102. Ratio of Maximum FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Width 463 Figure B.103. Ratio of Maximum FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Girder Spacing Figure B.104. Ratio of Maximum FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio 464 B.6.4 Live Load Moment Demand for Exterior Girders Figure B.105. Ratio of Maximum FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Width 465 Figure B.106. Ratio of Maximum FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Skew Figure B.107. Ratio of Maximum FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Girder Spacing 466 Figure B.108. Ratio of Maximum FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio 467 Vita David Robert Masceri Jr. was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on May 3rd, 1982. He attended the Rochester Institute in Technology and graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in Illustration Photography and a Minor in Philosophy in 2004. He attended Drexel University and graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s of Science in Structural Engineering 2011. While at Drexel University he received the distinction of placement on the Dean’s List in all four years of undergraduate study and was admitted to Chi Epsilon, the Civil Engineering Honor Society, in 2011. David began his dissertation in 2011 and taught the undergraduate structural analysis laboratory at Drexel (CIVE 301) in both Winter 2012 and Winter 2013. During graduate study he published the following: Overview and Preliminary Validation of a Self-Contained Rapid Modal Testing System for Highway Bridges; Preliminary Validation of a Rapid Modal Testing Prototype for Population –Based Condition Assessment of Highway Bridges; Rapid structural identification methods for highway bridges: towards a greater understanding of large populations; Integration of Isolated Sources of Bridge Data Using Population Modeling; and Rapid Bridge Modal Analysis for Global Structural Assessment. He received his PhD in Structural Engineering from Drexel University in 2015. 469 Figure B.108. Ratio of Maximum FE Live Load Demand to SLG Live Load Demand as a Function of Span Length to Girder Depth Ratio 470 Vita David Robert Masceri Jr. was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on May 3rd, 1982. He attended the Rochester Institute in Technology and graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in Illustration Photography and a Minor in Philosophy in 2004. He attended Drexel University and graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s of Science in Structural Engineering 2011. While at Drexel University he received the distinction of placement on the Dean’s List in all four years of undergraduate study and was admitted to Chi Epsilon, the Civil Engineering Honor Society, in 2011. David began his dissertation in 2011 and taught the undergraduate structural analysis laboratory at Drexel (CIVE 301) in both Winter 2012 and Winter 2013. During graduate study he published the following: Overview and Preliminary Validation of a Self-Contained Rapid Modal Testing System for Highway Bridges; Preliminary Validation of a Rapid Modal Testing Prototype for Population –Based Condition Assessment of Highway Bridges; Rapid structural identification methods for highway bridges: towards a greater understanding of large populations; Integration of Isolated Sources of Bridge Data Using Population Modeling; and Rapid Bridge Modal Analysis for Global Structural Assessment. He received his PhD in Structural Engineering from Drexel University in 2015.